Latest of permanent teeth third molars appear, they cut at the age of 10–35 years and cause acute pain, inflammation of the gums, and swelling of the soft tissues. Quite often, “figure eights” grow in the wrong direction, do not fully erupt, have a complex root structure, and cause malocclusion. During eruption, the tooth germ makes its way through the dense bone tissue of the jaw, which leads to discomfort.

But in the United States during the same period there was no such disgust, and in New York the brothers Clarence and Edward Scott from Philadelphia improved the roll toilet paper. A hotel in Boston, the Tremont House, made it a priority to have toilet tanks and bathrooms in all rooms first. And around the same time, the city of Philadelphia boasted that it had the best water supply. There was no talk of what might remember the fate of the article in question, but it was said that it was intended for use in the smallest rooms of the house, which also euphemistically referred to water.

Rinsing helps relieve pain as wisdom teeth grow. oral cavity antiseptics, painkillers or folk remedies. Anesthetics can be used only when it is not possible to visit a doctor. In other cases, it is necessary to urgently consult a dentist to avoid the development of severe complications.

It was accompanied by the advertising claim or slogan "soft as old linen." However, the product will be introduced after many trips. It was not easy to reach the public with an adequate message. Handkerchief Curious how this was possible since the last thing a handkerchief was used for was to blow up the nose. In fact, its first use was to wipe sweat from the forehead and face, which is why the Romans called this clothing light, plural, because she always needed more than one.

It was also used in ancient times as first-hand bandages, and even as a briefcase to tentatively store valuable items. Eusebio de Caesarea's account in his ecclesiastical history is that one of the Greeks used as much a handkerchief as a napkin. And the Spanish-Latin Quintiliano speaks of the sududar of the chest, a handkerchief that can be used to hide the face or protect it from the sun, as Nero did in circus shows. The handkerchief had symbolic value at parties and shows.

Causes of pain when teething “eights”

The last tooth may take 1–2 months to erupt, but its full formation takes another 3–4 years. During this time, roots are formed. The most painful period is the phase of active growth of the crown; with the physiological location of the rudiment, the discomfort is minimal, and with the pathological location of the molar, the appearance of the molar is accompanied by severe pain, inflammation and hyperthermia.

Thus was born the custom, today such as bullfighting, of pointing handkerchiefs into the wind to express pleasure. He also served social sign, which characterized upper classes. The vulgar had no handkerchief, and was content to let part of his toga flutter in the wind. The Romans didn't blow their noses with handkerchiefs; making noises in public, as well as any other bodily noises, was considered bad taste by this sophisticated society that became Roman. It was mainly used by the so-called "ladies of the night", women of cheerful life, of whom the romantic city overflowed.

Baby teeth in children are cut through unformed bone tissues, constant units grow in place of fallen temporary ones, so their appearance causes less discomfort. The last “eights” begin to grow when the jaw structure is quite dense and the rudiment has to make its way through.

Another common reason acute pain– incorrect position of the crown (dystopia), complete or partial retention, inflammation of the hood over the molar.

It was said about this custom: “such a good match is the waiter who collected up to twenty handkerchiefs in the afternoon.” Several holiday poems from the beginning of this century refer to this manner. Its inventor, Denis Papin, one of the pioneers of steam power, presented his amazing system for this exciting and stunt route. Previously, and for three years now, the French physicist has been extolling the virtues of his express bank. He said that the oldest and hardest beef can be turned, cooked in a pot, into tender and tasty meat like the most chosen beef.

The impacted unit may not appear above the surface of the gum at all, but remains hidden in bone tissue or under the mucosa. At the same time, the “eight” pushes neighboring teeth, causing the development of caries, damage to the roots, and periodontal inflammation. Dystopic and impacted crowns are subject to surgical removal; in some cases, surgery is performed to remove the problematic unit from the jaw bones.

Papin called his car a “steam boiler.” It was a cast iron container equipped with a safety valve and a tight lid, which increased the internal pressure, raising the boiling point to 120 degrees Celsius, so that the time needed to cook food was reduced. 25%. Everyone agreed that night that Mr. Papin's pot not only shortened the cooking time, but the food had lost none of its flavor or nutritional power. Papin published a booklet with instructions that we are familiar with today when we purchase a new device.

Main symptoms of teething

With a normal crown position, the growth of third molars does not cause severe pain. There is slight redness and swelling of the gums at the end of the dentition. When pressed, an unpleasant feeling of tingling and swelling occurs. A slight increase in body temperature up to 37.5° is allowed. After some time, a crown appears above the surface of the soft tissues.

In this little book he gave instructions on how to operate the appliance and how long it took to cook various products; It also included a cookbook with dishes that could be prepared using its "steam pot", from cooked lamb to the most delicate desserts, puddings and even punches, including stewed beans, rabbits or eels. The English architect Christopher Wren, who was present at the unusual dinner, praised the invention and confirmed what Papin said about its advantages and benefits.

Often the tooth has an incorrect location; the rudiment grows towards the second molar, towards the throat, cheek or tongue. In this case, neighboring units, the head, and the gums and face may become severely swollen and become painful. The tissues become inflamed and acquire a bright red tint. A person’s temperature rises, the thermometer readings can reach 38.5°, it’s worrying headache, discomfort when opening the mouth and swallowing food.

The main symptoms of the appearance of third molars:

But nothing could stop that first pressure plate from collapsing. The great public hated the "scientific food" as it was called so complex, and at the moment of truth no one was willing to experiment with his stomach. Moreover, among some of those who purchased the new product, it was the case that their meals ended with a stamp on the ceiling or on the kitchen wall for failing the valve, still not improving; Occasional accidents occurred, which naturally caused concern among the population. Dad's potty has gone into oblivion.

Appert used the pot as a giant saucepan where he cooked a large number of food, and then closed tightly to take it to the front and serve as a ranch for the troops. But although the system was good as a means of preserving food for a long time, it had nothing in common with the ideas of Denis Papin. They started to improve various models that appeared were experimental. The reasonably sized pedestals made of aluminum from this new ware are direct precedents for the current express bank.

  • swelling, redness, hardening of the gums at the end of the dentition;
  • increase in body temperature from 37 to 38.5°;
  • pain in the gums when pressed;
  • slight swelling of the cheek;
  • discomfort when talking and chewing food.

Due to the features anatomical structure jaws wisdom teeth may not have enough space in the row. In such cases, the emerging crown is partially covered by a fragment of gum, food accumulates under the hood, bacteria actively multiply, causing acute inflammation and suppuration - pericoronitis. The pathology is characterized by intense, aching pain, hyperthermia, unpleasant smell from mouth. When pressing on the swollen gums, necrotic masses are released.

Finally, the peat bog finally won. Shirt Among clothing, one of the oldest pieces still in use is the shirt. Among his items, along with linen shirts, were also numerous white loincloths and shorts. The Egyptian shirt was a piece cut into a rectangular shape, folded and sewn at the sides with a single narrow opening through which the head passed, and narrow sleeves, long and others short. The shirt was a common garment in the Mediterranean world. It was used by the Greeks, who called it Camison, and by the Romans, who called it subucula because it was attached to the skin under clothing.

Ways to relieve pain

Many people are interested in the question of how to relieve pain when wisdom teeth are cutting? When the first symptoms of figure eight growth appear, you should consult a dentist. The doctor will conduct an examination, take an x-ray and determine whether the germ is located correctly and whether surgical removal is required. Self-medication can lead to the development of inflammation, suppuration of soft tissues, the formation of abscesses and even sepsis, which is life-threatening.

The Castilian word comes from the Arabic kamis, which comes from the Greek kamison. However, this custom disappeared in the Middle Ages, when it was common to sleep in skins. Among the clothes the maid had, the shirt was the most valuable. The shirt was also the greatest offering that could be made to the Virgin Mary, a pious custom that was maintained for many centuries. The shirt was not only a religious offering, but also a civic offering. The shirt was a particularly ritual garment.

In fact, in the Middle Ages he would not wear a new shirt without first passing the relic of a saint, believing that whoever wore it would be free from common illnesses and accidents. Moreover, it became an object of fetishism from very early times. And according to the rules of the Andante Caballeria, a knight who had been armed as such the day before was required to wear a white linen shirt, never used by anyone, as a symbol of inner purity and good reputation. A silk shirt did not work for this ceremony.

In cases unbearable pain When it is not possible to visit a doctor, for example, at night, you can take a painkiller and rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions. Do not apply a hot heating pad, this will increase the swelling, inflammatory process. For acute discomfort, cold compresses with ice are recommended. The cubes are wrapped in cotton cloth and applied to the cheek for 2-3 minutes; the procedure can be repeated several times. This method will help temporarily relieve pain and reduce swelling.

Ladies complied with the polite requests of their gentlemen with a replica of their shirts, which they wore as currency. It is likely that the ribbons that carry the tunnels in their layers have a similar origin. Neither yesterday nor today a shirt is a garment that would be sufficient for itself, but always required the help and assistance of other garments to complete it. Bed As you know, geography determines human life, which is not the same in a colder climate than a temperate one. Everything that man does and develops is marked by this ecological circumstance.


Rinsing the mouth with antiseptics alleviates the condition by destroying pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation. For pain relief, Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt are used. The drugs are diluted in a glass with warm boiled water, the solution is taken into the mouth and held for 1 minute on the side of the cutting “eight”.

In northern places ancient man opened ditches in the ground, which he then filled with still hot ash, which provided warmth. There he slept: it was his bed, with the skin over his body. And the Germanic peoples lay on some kind of improvised bedding inside a box filled with dry moss, leaves or hay. In general, ancient civilizations differentiated between various types bed. Sleep, eat or watch the dead. Funerary beds abounded in the Egyptian world, and archeology has shown us its wooden frames decorated with criss-crossed leather strips.

Wisdom teeth are growing, how to relieve acute pain with pills? Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help reduce discomfort:

  • Nimesil.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Diclofenac.
  • Ketanov.

The tablets have a pronounced analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The effect of the drugs lasts 6–8 hours. It is contraindicated to take NSAIDs when peptic ulcer stomach, duodenum, during pregnancy and people suffering from hypertension.

However, the bed is for daily use was very high, so access required the help of a chair and even a ladder. They were richly decorated furniture, decorated with images alluding to the mythological motifs typical of the culture. They were covered with mosquito netting, which freed the sleeper from annoying mosquitoes and other insects. We have to say that this is the bed that is most similar to the current one. Our bed is not much different from the model of the bed found among the belongings of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

You can quickly relieve pain with dental drops. This drug is made on the basis of mint oil, camphor and valerian root. The solution cools the inflamed area, dulls the feeling of pain, and soothes irritated nerve endings. To reduce discomfort, apply a cotton swab moistened with drops to the inflamed area.

And perhaps there is no more conservative furniture. Jewish people also used the bed. In the book of the prophet Amos there are references to the rich of Jerusalem or Samaria lying peacefully on their beds, drinking wine and following the voluptuous evolutions of dancers. Homer, as far as the Greeks are concerned, says that among his people there was a distinction between an ordinary bed for night use, and this was used for sending the deceased before burial. The rich had a fixed bed located in the cabin of the house. They were made of beech or maple wood, with turned legs and all the furniture enriched with inlays of gold, silver or ivory.

When teeth begin to cut, gum ointments help relieve pain. Kamistad gel gives a good anesthetic effect; it contains chamomile extract, Lidocaine, cinnamon oil, and antiseptics. The drug is applied to the previously dried mucous membrane up to 5-6 times a day.

Dental solution Maraslavin, when treated locally, can relieve pain, inflammation, swelling, reduce allergic tissue irritation, and accelerate the healing of damage. Medicine Made on a plant basis, it has a small number of contraindications. Maraslavin should not be applied to the gums during purulent inflammation, the drug increases the formation of exudate.

It is worth noting the famous bed of Ulysses in his Ithaca palace, made on a giant olive trunk that goes into the ground. He had the bed of the hero of the Odyssey of very rich ornaments, belts of ox-hide, dyed purple, and strewn all over, inlaid with gold and ivory; On his bed frame, some kind of weave of rope held a mattress of bird feathers. The Greek of few economic resources was satisfied with a wooden frame like a box on which a straw pallet was thrown; This box did not have a fixed location in the house, but sometimes it was deposited in a hollow excavated in a wide load wall.

Traditional medicine recipes

Wisdom tooth growing, how to relieve it severe pain at home? You can prepare the decoction yourself medicinal herbs, which have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and decongestant effects. For pain syndrome, you need to brew sage, chamomile, valerian root, peppermint or oak bark.

In the Persian Empire before the Christian era, the bed was an object of special attention. The rich had several slaves, whose function was to take care of them, make them, decorate them with rich goose feather pillows, clean their canopies, cover them with fine silks and tapestries as sheets and blankets, and clean them daily. They were rich beds, decorated with precious metal details, and made from rich woods such as ebony or cherry. And in royal palace Susa, the frame of the beds, was silver, if not solid gold.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of dry herb, pour 0.4 ml of boiling water, cover the dish with a lid and leave for 2 hours. Rinse your mouth with the strained, warm solution every 3 hours. Folk remedy destroys bacterial flora, thereby reducing inflammation, pain, redness and swelling.
  • For rinsing at home, use baking soda and salt. These components also have antiseptic properties. Warm in a glass boiled water Stir ½ teaspoon of soda and salt, take the medicine into your mouth and hold it on the side of the cutting tooth for 1-2 minutes, then spit it out. The procedure is repeated 5-6 times during the day.
  • Plantain juice is used to relieve acute pain. The fresh leaf is washed, crushed, the juice is squeezed out, a cotton swab is blotted and the gums are wiped. This remedy quickly reduces discomfort and does not allow tissues to become inflamed and fester.

Use folk recipes It is possible only in emergency cases and for a short time. If the condition does not improve, the pain and swelling intensify, you need to urgently visit the dentist and have the tooth pulled out or undergo treatment.

Possible complications

Various complications and deterioration general well-being develop due to an abnormal arrangement of tooth germs, lack of space in the dentition, failure to comply with hygiene rules, and untimely visits to the dentist.

TO negative consequences applies:

  • pericoronitis - inflammation of the hood over the crown of the wisdom tooth;
  • destruction of adjacent molars;
  • periodontitis – inflammation of the root membrane;
  • carious lesions of “eights”;
  • inflammation of the tonsils, cervical, submandibular lymph nodes;
  • malocclusion, crowded teeth;
  • abscess - purulent inflammation of tissue;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • phlegmon - diffuse, necrotic inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue;
  • sepsis is blood poisoning.

To prevent the development of complications, you need to visit the dentist regularly (once every six months), observe the rules of oral hygiene, and seek medical help if pain occurs.

Doctors today consider four teeth out of thirty-two in our jaw to be unnecessary for humans from an evolutionary point of view. They appear already in adulthood, at 17–25 years of age, and when they erupt, they cause a lot of trouble for many.

This is due to the fact that for our smaller jaw the eighth outer teeth have already become redundant, because people’s food has become different, softer. Because of this, some people no longer have wisdom teeth at all.

It happens that the gums come out already damaged, with caries. But even completely healthy eights give an unpleasant sensation when they start to cut out of the gums, and this can last for weeks. Therefore, if a wisdom tooth is cutting, it wouldn’t hurt for everyone to know how to relieve pain.

Medicines for “wise” teeth

The advice to go to the dentist will not be superfluous, even if you are absolutely sure that your teeth are aching due to the eruption of the figure eight. Firstly, sometimes it will be enough for the dentist to remove a little gum in the place where the wisdom tooth is supposed to appear, and the pain will significantly decrease and the process will speed up. Secondly, too often these teeth are problematic - they get sick, grow in the wrong direction, or even hide in the gums, not wanting to come out. An extra doctor's examination certainly won't hurt.

If for some reason a visit is not possible, you can recommend several medications to alleviate the condition:

  1. Analgin, gauze or cotton swabs with anesthetics on the aching gum will help relieve pain;
  2. Anesthetic gels can relieve swelling and soothe pain;
  3. Ibuprofen, nimesulide, paracetamol help reduce inflammation and temperature;
  4. Antiseptic solutions also help.

It usually takes a long time for a wisdom tooth to come out; constantly taking analgesics is not particularly useful. And here folk remedies can be especially useful.

Fortunately, there is plenty of effective advice from healers on how to relieve pain with herbs during teething:

  1. The simplest and most effective remedy- soda, which also has disinfecting properties. Several times a day you can rinse your gums with a solution of 200 ml of water, a teaspoon of soda, the same amount of salt plus 2-3 drops of iodine.
  2. Chamomile or calendula rinse is prepared as follows: pour half a glass of boiling water into a container with a teaspoon of dry herbs. Let it brew for 45 minutes. Strain. Rinse warm 4 times a day.
  3. It looks like they are making a sage tincture, they just take 2 tablespoons of the herb in half a liter of boiling water and wait an hour before straining. And you can rinse more often.
  4. Oak bark has proven itself to be excellent: it relieves pain, removes swelling and inflammation. Preparing a “rinse” is a little more complicated: 6 tablespoons of bark are poured into 400 ml of water in a saucepan and brought slowly to a boil. As soon as it boils, you need to add 4 more tablespoons of the crushed plant, let it simmer for a couple more minutes, remove, and let cool. Strain and rinse frequently.
  5. Propolis tincture, which is sold in pharmacies, is also very effective: it removes infection, inflammation, and swelling. To rinse, dissolve eight to ten drops of the product in a glass of water.
