Anti-ship cruise missile

P-1000 "Vulcan" / 3M70 developed by NPO Mashinostroeniya (Reutov) according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 17, 1979. The missile system is a further development of the P-500 complex with the preservation of launch equipment and a noticeable increase in range due to the use of a new launch engine, increasing the volume of fuel for the sustainer stage, reduction in booking weight and other improvements.

The first test launch of the P-1000 missile from the SM-49 ground stand in Nenoksa was carried out on December 3, 1982. Tests from a Project 675MKV submarine began on December 22, 1983. Joint tests of the P-1000 complex and the Project 675MKV submarine began in 1985. As a result of flight design and joint tests, 18 missile launches were carried out, of which 11 launches were considered successful. In December 1985, an Act on the completion of joint tests was signed with a recommendation for the adoption of the P-1000 Vulcan complex.

The Vulcan complex was put into service on December 18, 1987. The P-1000 missile was produced from 1985 to 1992.

The P-1000 Vulcan missiles were adopted by Project 675MKV submarines (MKVulkan) and Project 1164 missile cruisers.

Rocket 3M70 of the P-1000 "Vulcan" complex
(photo by Dmitry Stogniy,

The Western name of the missile is SS-N-12 mod.2 SANDBOX.

Carriers of the P-1000 "Vulcan" missile system in the Russian Navy

  • Atomic submarines With cruise missiles(SSGN) of the 675MKV project - the re-equipment of 5 SSGNs of the project (K-1, K-22, K-34, K-35 and K-10) under the 675MKV project was carried out by the Zvezdochka shipyard. The re-equipment of the K-1 SSGN began on December 15, 1981 and was completed in 1983. The modernization of the K-10 SSGN has not been completed; a total of 4 SSGNs have been converted. Launchers of the P-500 complex were replaced with SSGNs launch complex"Vulcan" (8 pieces per submarine). Surface launched launchers. For target designation based on satellite data, the Kasatka system was used. SSGNs were withdrawn from the Navy from July 1992 to July 1994 (all 4 units).
  • Missile cruisers of Project 1164: the missile cruiser "Varyag" (entered service on October 16, 1989 under the name "Chervona Ukraine") was initially armed with the P-1000 complex. Just as likely by 2006 this year missile system The missile cruiser "Moskva" was re-equipped. It was also planned to install the complex on the unfinished missile cruiser "Ukraine" (formerly "Admiral Lobov", located at the Shipyard in Nikolaev). Project 1164 ships are equipped with 16 non-rechargeable launchers.

Rocket design

The design of the rocket continues the line of rockets developed by NPO Mashinostroyenia, which originate from the P-5 rocket and is close to the previous modification - the P-500 Basalt rocket.

The rocket is equipped with two versions of the launch-boost stage - a new large one with increased power and operating time, or the old one from the P-500 complex rocket.

- launch-acceleration stage - solid propellant rocket engine with controlled nozzles, more powerful than that of P-500 missiles;
- sustainer - short-life turbojet engine KR-17V, similar to the rocket engine of the P-500 complex. Developed by OKB-300 GKAT.

Performance characteristics of the P-1000 "Vulcan" missile

Length- 11.7 m Case diameter- 0.88 m Wingspan– 2.6 m Starting weight- 9300 kg Weight without starting motor- 5070 kg Range- 550-700 km (depending on the flight profile, some sources indicate a range of 1000 km) Flight speed:- 2 M (at low altitude) - 2.5 M (at high altitude) Flight altitude- 15-20 m (minimum)

Model of the 3M70 rocket of the Vulcan complex with an increased SRS, MAKS-2009 air show(

Combat equipment

The missile can carry two types of warheads: - high-explosive-cumulative - according to calculations, to destroy an aircraft carrier it is required to be hit by 3 missiles with such warheads; - nuclear power 350 kt.

Launch of the P-1000 "Vulcan" missile from missile cruiser"Varyag" project 1164

Control system and guidance

The control system is inertial with correction based on data from the radar homing head (GOS). Developer - Central Research Institute "Granit", chief designer control systems A.V. Chizhov. Target selection is probably automatic. The rocket uses an A21 autopilot with a B9 on-board computer made on a new element base, which, coupled with a new launch engine, made it possible to increase the range. The noise immunity of the seeker radar has been significantly improved by improving the on-board computer.


P-1000 "Vulcan" / 3M70- basic version of the missile system and rocket.

"New Defense Order. Strategies"

Vulcan: Volcano formation in earth's crust or the crust of another planet. Vulcan (mythology) god in ancient Roman mythology. Vulcan (South Park series) episode of the TV series "South Park". P 1000 Vulcan anti-ship missile.… … Wikipedia

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Center. a volcano formed as a result of repeated outpourings of liquid lava. The characteristic shape is in the form of a very flat shield, the slopes of which dip in the upper part 7-8°, in the lower part 3-6°. At its top there are craters that look like wide... ... Geological encyclopedia

This term has other meanings, see Vulcan (meanings). An example of a mechanism leading to the formation of a stratovolcano ... Wikipedia

The “Country” parameter is not filled in. Mendeleev Volcano ... Wikipedia


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Voting results for new United Launch Alliance rocket was chosen name Vulcan. Competitors included Eagle, Liberty, Zeus and GalaxyOne, with over a million votes received in total. As ULA itself states, Vulcan is a new generation launch system that is designed to make launching satellites cheaper and more accessible. This will be achieved, among other things, by catching some of the missiles by helicopters.

United Launch Alliance is a joint venture between Lockheed Martin and Boeing. ULA uses expensive Russian engines to launch its vehicles into space, making the current Atlas rocket unable to compete with SpaceX's Falcon 9. The brainchild of Elon Musk has been delivering cargo to the International space station and regularly reduces startup costs.

On April 13, at a presentation in Colorado, ULA CEO Tory Bruno spoke about the future of the enterprise. Plans were announced for the next 20 years, until 2035. It included replacing the Atlas and Delta rockets, replacing them with all-American engines and an optimistic plan to reuse them. Bruno confidently stated that new system launch will be the most productive and cost-effective, so it will fundamentally change the way the United States uses space.

Vulcan's first launch is scheduled for 2019. It will be carried out either using two Blue Origin BE-4 engines at liquefied gas, or with a pair of more traditional kerosene Aerojet Rocketdyne AR-1. They will choose what to fly next year. Thus, there will be a refusal to buy from Russia. The creation process is quite expensive, so the rocket will be developed in several stages. We are talking about billions: specific numbers are not mentioned, but historically it is known that the development of a new rocket engine costs $1 billion, and the start of work on new rocket- about 2 billion. First, the first stage with an American engine will be developed.

Plan to reuse part of the first stage, ULA

Reusing rocket parts is an important part of Vulcan. The heaviest thing in a rocket is not always the most expensive. ULA believes that reuse does not involve a soft landing of the entire first stage. Instead, it is proposed to return only a small but expensive part of the stage; this is simpler and cheaper.


The technology is called Sensible, Modular, Autonomous Return Technology (SMART). The propulsion and steering engines will be caught in the air; this is the most expensive part of the first stage. ULA's plan is for the bottom of the rocket to detach after the first stage completes its operation. Then, using an inflatable thermal shield, it reenters the atmosphere. The parachutes will open, the helicopter will catch the engine block and land with it.

For comparison, SpaceX is forced to leave some fuel in the Falcon 9 first stage tanks in order to perform three subsequent burns for speed reduction, reentry braking and soft landing to the platform. This is reflected in the overall performance: this small remaining fuel could be used to launch the payload. But by the first flight of Vulcan in 2019, SpaceX will probably have already mastered the landing of the first stages of the Falcon 9. By the way, .

Like the Delta and Atlas, the Vulcan will be modular with different head fairing sizes or optional launch boosters to allow for increased performance as needed. This modularity distinguishes ULA from other players: SpaceX has a regular Falcon 9 and a planned heavy version, Arianespace can only offer Vega and Soyuz, and there are no gradations. “Vulcan” will be available in 12 variants from medium to heavy class.

Four meter version, ULA

The missile will be available with nose fairings with a diameter of either four or five meters. The first option can accommodate up to four solid fuel boosters, the second - up to six. In the latter case, the rocket will become an analogue of the heavy modification Delta 4.

Five meter version, ULA

The first step is to create the first stage. The second step of development will be the creation of a new second stage called the Advanced Cryogenic Evolved Stage. It will be powerful enough to replace the heavy version of Delta 4. The stage will have from one to four engines from Aerojet Rocketdyne, XCOR or Blue Origin - again, they have not yet chosen. The first launch of the second stage is scheduled for 2023. Before this, the already existing Centaurus will serve as the second stage of the Vulcan.


With 10-20 launches per year, the cost of the most basic version of the Vulcan rocket will be about $100 million (the existing Atlas 5 costs $164 million). But it is important to ensure at least 10 launches per year, otherwise the cost will increase. Between 2018 and 2022, the Air Force and the US National Space Agency will make about five launches per year instead of the usual ten. It is planned to fill the resulting “hole” with civilian launches, including for NASA. In the next few months, it will be determined from which launch sites Vulcan will launch: either Cape Canaveral in Florida or Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.


Having not found the answer in official sources, let’s turn to unofficial (open, of course).What the P-500 "Basalt" is is more or less clear - it is a missile system with a heavy supersonic anti-shipmissile 4K80 (URAV Navy index) for operational-tactical purposes, the development of which began on 02/28/1963 (more50 years ago!) and ended with adoption on 08/11/1975. These two dates should already be enough tounderstand that the Basalt anti-ship missile system cannot currently be used in its original form. However, first things first.

Anti-ship missile 3M70 (almost) P-1000 Vulcan anti-ship missile (photo from

In short, the P-1000 Vulcan anti-ship missile system is a highly improved Basalt. Its development began shortly after the creation of the P-500 (05/15/1978) in connection with constant growth range of attack carrier-based aircraft of the US Navy. Here and further, the first authoritative source on the topic will be used: a series of articles by V. Asanin “Missiles of the Domestic Fleet”, published in the journal “Technology and Armament” (in this case, in No. 6 for 2007). Quote (numbering and comments in brackets are mine - A.Sh.):

"The designers of NPO Mashinostroyenia have identified the possibilitydoubling (that's where the P-1000 comes from! ) missile range of the "Basalt" complex with minimal modifications to the sustainer stage due to 1)applications of titanium alloys , 2) somereduced security (bookings)warhead , but mainly 3) byreplacing the starter unit with ... start-acceleration stage . Previously used launch units... gave the rocket speed sufficient to stay in the air due to lifting force and... control of aerodynamic rudders. The subsequent climb to altitude and acceleration to high supersonic speed were carried out due to the operation of the turbojet engine in maximum thrust mode (with high fuel consumption)... After reaching the specified altitude-speed flight mode, the thrust of the turbojet engine decreased...

Reutov designers transferred the task of acceleration and climb to solid fuel engines of the start-acceleration stage. After its separation, the turbojet engine operated mainly in reduced thrust mode, gradually consuming fuel... When placing the rocket with the wing folded in (the same thing ) the container between its walls and the sides of the fuselage remained gaps sufficient to accommodatelarger solid fuel engines compared to the old starters" (end of quote).

As a result of all these improvements, which resultedspasmodic increasing the combat potential of the new SCRC, the 4K80 missile, which received the 3M70 index, was supposed to acquire this (or approximately this) appearance (photo by A. Karpenko, taken at IMDS-2009):

As you can see, the rocket of the Vulcan complexstrikingly differs from its predecessor, which is not surprising - doubling the range by increasing the power and operating time of solid-fuel boosters would inevitably entail a significant increase in their weight and size characteristics. For comparison (in addition to the photograph at the beginning of the entry), below is a photograph and a side view of the 4K80 missile of the Bazalt anti-ship missile system (from an article by V. Asanin in the magazine "Technology and Armament" No. 6, 2007, p. 41).

It should be noted that in addition to the modernization of the hardware, the intellectual potential of the new complex was significantly improved (brought to the level of Granit or even surpassed). It's about the elements artificial intelligence, introduced into the algorithm for group flight of anti-ship missiles on the cruising sector, target search and target distribution between missiles of the same salvo. Unfortunately, this undoubtedly fascinating topic is beyond the scope of the issue at hand. One has only (to confirm what was said at the beginning of the paragraph) to cite the words of the general designer of NPO Mashinostroyenia (1984-2004) G. Efremov from the issue of “Strike Force” dedicated to “Atlanta” (07.26.2009): “...We again modernized the missile weapons. Characteristics of the “mental capabilities”... of the missiles have been improved...".

To complete the picture, you should turn to another authoritative source - Yu. Apalkov's reference book "Ships of the USSR Navy" 2003.(in this case - to thatII"Strike ships", part 1, p. 54): "Missile cruisers of the "Slava" type, pr. 1164... Armament... P-500 ("Basalt"), P-1000 ("Vulcan") 2 *. .. [Note] 2 * On the RKR "Varyag", "Admiral of the Fleet Lobov"... The anti-ship missile system "Basalt" on the RKR "Moscow" and "Marshal Ustinov" was modernized during mid-repair. In particular, itanti-ship missiles of the Vulcan complex could already be used, but equipped with 4K80 anti-ship missile launchers ( the operation of the launch stages of the anti-ship missile system of the Vulcan complex could lead to the destruction of the launcher )". This is confirmed by information from the site " Rocketry"that the bodies of the SM-248 launchers of the Bazalt anti-ship missile system, used on the RKR pr. 1164, are made of fiberglass (link).

If the Varyag had received the fully equipped Vulkan complex at birth, its launchers (made of steel or B95) would probably have been at least slightly different from those on the Moskva and Ustinov, but in the available photographs noticeable differences are not visible (on the left - "Moscow", photo by A. Brichevsky from; on the right - "Varyag", photo by V. Yakubov from and Pic.Tiexue.Net from from cbvtbpzknf )

And, most importantly, in the photographs of the loading of anti-ship missiles onto the Varyag (of which there are quite a lot on the Internet), those very small-sized ones are clearly visibleboosters, as on the 4K80 rocket of the Basalt complex (photo from from...808, taken at one of the rocket and technical bases of the Pacific Fleet no later than April 2011):

The above facts allow us to draw the following conclusions:

1. CurrentlyThe P-500 "Basalt" anti-ship missile system as such cannot be used in the Russian Navy , because it was adoptedalmosthalf a century ago and morally obsolete (as well as the element base used in its control system, which can be attributedTo stone age aircraft electronics).

2. The "Basalt" complex was modernized and put into service on 10/13/1987, but under the name "Vulcan", which means thatRKR pr. 1164 are armed with "Vulcan" and only "Vulcan" .

3. GRKR "Varyag" received "Vulkan" during construction (entered service on December 25, 1989), "Moskva" ("Slava", in service from December 30, 1982) - during a ten-year average repair from 1991-2000. (most likely not in Nikolaev, but in Sevastopol in the period 08.1999-11.2000 - ), "Marshal Ustinov" (09/15/1986) - during a three-year repair at the Northern Shipyard in 1994-1997.

4. For unknown reasons (economic, political, technical or of a production nature) The Vulcan anti-ship missile system was installed on the cruisers of the 1164th projectin truncated form - without replacing the SM-248 fiberglass launchers with new ones made of heat-resistant alloys, allowing the use of 3M70 missiles with launch-boost solid propellant rocket engines of a new design (as an option, the Varyag has heat-resistant launchers, but anti-ship missiles with powerful launchers are not yet in production).

5. For the reason stated in paragraph 4, RKR "Moscow", "Varyag" and "Marshal Ustinov"are armed with the Vulcan anti-ship missile system with 3M70 missiles equipped with launch boosters from the 4K80 anti-ship missile system of the decommissioned Basalt complex . For this reason, the range of the Vulcan anti-ship missile system today is either the same as that of the Basalt (550 km), or (according to some sources) 150 km moreby reducing the mass of the rocket.

Optimistic conclusion

There is hope that in 2015, having come out of repair with modernization, the Marshal Ustinov RKR will become the first ship of Project 1164, armed with a full-fledged Vulcan complex with a range of1000 km . In this case, by modernizing the Moskva and Varyag (which, it seems, is already planned) and completing the Liana ICRC system, the Russian Navy will receiveradical means of counteracting the US Navy's AUG.