Moscow, October 23. Artificial insemination in one of the Moscow clinics almost cost the singer Victoria Makarska life, but only in Israel she managed to get pregnant and give birth to her first child at 39 years old, and her second child at 42 years old. To do this, she and her husband had to overcome 13 long years of treatment and prayer. In an interview with MIR 24, the artist shared her fears and joys of late motherhood.

In the early 2000s, the music video for the song “Hug” broke all records on the country’s charts. A 28-year-old girl from Belarusian Vitebsk, Victoria Morozova, immediately became famous. The country's leading music channel sponsored the recording of a video for the next song, “Someone.” She was predicted to have the future of Alla Pugacheva. But everything changed after the announcement of the casting for the musical “Metro”. The voice did not fail Victoria here either. She went to the casting and was accepted into the musical. My heart did not fail me either. Victoria fell in love with the aspiring singer and musical actor Anton Makarsky. Soon Anton was again invited to the new musical “Notre Dame de Paris”. There he received the role of Captain Phoebus. This is how the whole country recognized and remembered him.

After three years of working in musicals, Victoria lost her voice. She couldn't sing for 5 years. Since then, Victoria Morozova has disappeared from the music charts. Victoria Makarskaya appeared - the wife of the popular actor Anton Makarsky, and part-time his producer. Victoria has a new goal. No longer musical - she really wanted to become a mother. But it turned out to be more difficult than becoming a popular singer. Victoria Makarskaya could not get pregnant for 13 years. Artificial insemination in one of the best clinics in the capital almost cost her life. The Makarskas went to Israel to treat their body and soul. And there a miracle happened. At 38, Victoria became pregnant and gave birth to her first child. Daughter Maria Makarskaya made both parents happy. Anton literally did not let go of the girl. And in May of this year, Victoria and Anton Makarsky had a second child - son Ivan.

- How did you manage to get pregnant after 13 years?

Our children are begged for. I always talk about this and happily share it with everyone, because my first pregnancy did not occur until I was thirty-eight and a half years old. And this gives incredible hope and faith in miracles to so many mothers.

Couldn't the doctors help? In one of your interviews, you said: “We spent a lot of money and turned to leading specialists in Russia in reproductive medicine.” This is true?

We were examined and told: “You are completely healthy.” As a result, we went to Israel, and there we again received a verdict of “absolutely healthy.” The two IVFs that we tried to do in Moscow were not just unsuccessful, they almost cost me my life. I had hyperstimulation syndrome, which is very rare in women. One case in a million. And this incident happened specifically to me. Therefore, if I had decided to try IVF again, I would no longer exist. My body could not tolerate hormonal stimulation. Women don't even realize how dangerous this procedure is. Since this is very serious business, no doctor will tell you how dangerous it is.

In your first interviews after the birth of your daughter Masha, you said: “Anton, after he gave birth, still doesn’t give her to anyone. In Israel they jokingly call him “Jewish mam.” But to be honest, I have to literally win Masha away from dad just to even hold her in my arms and talk to her.”

Yes, Anton is a crazy father. He loves Masha as much as he loves me. Previously, he constantly ran around with Masha and came running to me with the words “Masha smells like you.” And Anton’s mother told him: “I beg you, Vika won’t have milk, give her the child.”

- Weren’t you scared by such a reverent attitude towards your child?

No, on the contrary, it makes me happy. We already have little love in our lives. We all strive for some heights, not realizing that the most important thing is love. You can surround yourself with love in your family and be absolutely happy man without achieving any success from the point of view of society. As a rule, people whom society and the media consider successful are, for the most part, wildly unhappy people. Without love, without children, without family.

- How old are you now?

42. A week after I turned 42, I gave birth to my second child, my son Vanya.

- Wasn’t it scary?

No, it's absolutely not scary.

Here is an excerpt from another interview of yours: “My husband and I are raising children alone – without a nanny – this is true. It’s difficult for an artistic family; it would be nice to have a nanny... But late children are desired, begged for, so a nanny is out of the question.” How do you cope then?

It's not hard for me. It would be harder for me if there was some stranger in the house. Everything works out very quickly for me. Of course, we ask grandma to help, but we don’t force it.

- Is it your mother who helps or Anton’s mother?

Since we now live in Israel, Anton’s mother helps.

In one of your interviews, you say: “Only with the advent of Masha and Vanya did I understand that the perfect and main happiness for a woman is to be close to her children. And the breadwinner should be a man. Antosha - he’s a real man for me, for the sake of his family he can work for years without days off and around the clock.” I can only envy you...

A man for the most part becomes the way we see him. If we tell him - you are my best, caring, loving, you are the breadwinner, thank you for my happy life, then after such words even the most callous man will correct himself over time and want to match the enthusiastic look at him. And when, after marriage, we immediately begin to press him with the words: “Oh, you bastard, where is the money,” he will not earn money. A man needs your admiring glance.

-Have you put your career on the back burner?

I would have ended my career a long time ago, but she doesn’t leave me alone.

However, every woman dreams of independence, of having her own wallet and not begging a man for money.

For me, Anton doesn’t even understand what the current exchange rate is, what his fee is, because I handle all the contracts.

- So, you still work?

Well, of course. Even if I don’t go on stage, all the directorial, production and legal work on all contracts of the Makarsky family is still entirely my responsibility.

- Why do you have so few concerts in Russia?

I was in maternity leave. As soon as I found out that I was pregnant, I immediately left for Israel.

- Isn’t Masha jealous of her brother?

No, she's not jealous. I didn't deprive her of attention for a second. When she asks: “Mommy, can I help you?” I never say no. Even if I’m in a hurry or very busy, I say: “Of course, daughter, you can.” And when she asks to play with her, I never refuse her. And Masha says to me: “Mom, you are my fairy.”

How can you respond to the gossip of people who say: “Who is Victoria Makarskaya? Anton's wife? What did she sing?”

Let someone try to be Anton Makarsky's wife. This is quite hard daily work.

Besides, I don’t know what’s happening in show business now, because we haven’t had a TV for 7 years. I abstracted myself from Russian show business. I don't even know which artists are popular now. Therefore, I cannot imagine what they might say about me. Everyone, from Mikhail Turetsky to Alla Pugacheva, knows perfectly well how I sing. At first I took care of my husband. Then I took care of children. And when they grow up a little, I’ll start studying music.

- There are still ambitions...

This is not ambition. I just really love music.

You once said: “Our peculiarity is that Anton considers me his property. I understand that this is from Great love. But at the same time, he has high demands on himself. And if he begins to devour himself, then this also applies to me. It’s difficult to call our relationship sweet and serene.” What are the reasons for the excessive demands placed on you?

These are requirements for absolutely everything. My husband never praises me at all.

- One famous actress said that male actors are not men, but self-centered and narcissistic.

My Anton is not like that. This is a person who sees only flaws in himself. This is a person who does not know how to admire himself and who does not like anything about himself. We've been together for 16 years. And only 10 years later he allowed me to wash his socks and underwear. Before that, he did everything himself.

In one of your interviews, you said that your first quarrel with Anton occurred because he was dancing with all the young ladies at a party. And now what is the situation with this?

It wasn't even a fight. I just looked at him and realized that he was a terrible womanizer and that this man would never be near me. And she left. He abandoned all his young ladies with whom he danced and followed me from this party. And then he had to prove for a very long time that he was not a womanizer. He's just very kind to women and knows how to dance well. Over time, I realized that it didn't mean anything.

- How then do you live with such a ladies' man?

And I'm not jealous of him. At the same time, I love him very much. I simply have no shadow of a doubt that he is faithful to me. I just know that he can’t live without me.

- How do you generally feel about adultery?

If I found out that Anton cheated on me, I would tell everyone: “You won’t wait.”

You said: “I’ve been dissatisfied with my figure all my life. It’s just a pity that Anton is skeptical. He's a lover of women curvaceous, and does not accept diets at all. If I’m losing weight, he says: “Stop it immediately! When you’re thin, it’s cold for me to sleep!”

When I gave birth to children, my figure changed a lot. And I really enjoyed it. Until I was 30, I starved myself of diets. It seemed to me that it was beautiful when there were only bones. I came from Belarus and weighed 73 kilograms. They immediately explained to me that I was an ugly fat cow. The next year I weighed 53 kilograms at my tall. And only with the birth of children did I take on the shape in which I was always supposed to be, after which I completely stopped having complexes about my figure.

- Recently news appeared on the Internet that the Makarskys are going to move to Russia. Why?

We're already moving. I came to Israel for a week. As a result, this week stretched over three and a half years.

- Isn’t it scary that healthcare here is completely different?

Since the 13th century, according to all world economic and political forecasts, Russia should no longer exist. Russia lives by prayer. While Russia prays, it lives. I am not at all afraid to go to a country that prays.

Anton said: “I counted everything! My wife has good genetics; her great-grandmother gave birth to her fifth child at the age of 45. Vika is only 42 years old. God willing, she will have time to give birth to another boy and another girl.” Is he joking like that?

I think that I will be able to give birth more, if God willing, because it seems to me that my reproductive age will last at least until 50 years, judging by my genetics.

Victoria Makarskaya (Victoria Morozova)

Victoria Makarskaya (née Morozova). Born on May 22, 1973 in Vitebsk (Belarus). Russian singer.

Since her father was regularly transferred from place to place, Victoria also moved around the country a lot.

For a long time the family lived in military garrisons in the Baltic states. Her childhood years passed there, and there she took her first steps in music.

Later the family again ended up in Belarus. From the age of 15, Vika sang in the State Pop Orchestra of Belarus, with which she won many international competitions.

After school, she graduated from the directing department of GITIS (RATI), course of academician I. G. Sharoev.

She has won the rock category of the television competition “Stars of the 21st Century” and was also a laureate of the Variety Artists Award. Leonid Utesov.

She took part in the musical project “His Majesty the Fairy Tale” at the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, in which she played the main role.

She recorded solo compositions and videos that were aired on TV.

Victoria Morozova - Someone

She became widely known after the release of the acclaimed musical “Metro”. In parallel with the musical, she performed solo.

In 2002, the singer lost her voice. This happened after a performance in Kharkov. Then Vika lost consciousness right during the concert, doctors diagnosed her with pneumonia - as it turned out, she had been performing with pneumonia for several weeks. She also tore her ligaments in her role in the musical “Metro,” where she constantly had to take high notes. As a result, I lost my voice.

Therefore, since 2002, Victoria Morozova stopped performing as a singer and began producing her husband, Anton Makarsky. Gradually she faded into her husband's shadow.

In 2006, she played a small role in the film “Who Comes on a Winter Evening...”.

In 2008, after a six-year break, at the invitation of the Moscow International House, Victoria returned to the stage with the “Live Concert” project, which she did together with Anton Makarsky. Since then they have been touring together.

The repertoire consists of melodies written especially for the Makarskys by Sergei Trofimov, Irina Dubtsova, Igor Kornelyuk, Maxim Dunaevsky, Murat Nasyrov, and those that have already become legends - “Hug” and the aria “BELLE” from the musical “Notre Dame de Paris”. They perform lyrical songs and romances: “About You”, “Birds”, “Old Maple”, “In the Upper Room” and others.

In 2010, their joint disc “Live Concert” was released.

In 2010, Victoria took part in the filming as a vocalist documentary film“Sung in the USSR. Island of bad luck".

Victoria Makarskaya. Wife. Love story

Victoria Makarskaya's height: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Victoria Makarskaya:

Married. The husband is an actor and singer. Victoria and Anton met in 1999 at the casting of the musical “Metro”. In 2000, they got married, and got married three years after the wedding, and on the same day they flew to France to film the TV show “Fort Boyard.”

On September 9, 2012, Victoria Morozova gave birth to a daughter in one of the obstetric clinics in Jerusalem. The girl was named Maria. On May 31, 2015, the couple had a son, Ivan.

Victoria said about her marriage with Anton: “Every day it’s as if we’re just in our first week together, we feel like that - this is already serious work. We also had periods of serious problems in the family. We sat down with Anton and talked for a very long time So I know that family happiness is a lot of work!”

Victoria Morozova

Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:

singer and actress

57 kg

170 cm

Biography of Victoria Morozova (Makarska)

The girl spent her childhood in secret military garrisons in the Baltic states. The parents dreamed of making their daughter a celebrity, albeit a local one. They saw Victoria working in a Belarusian orchestra. By the way, the future star has been performing there since she was fifteen.

Cruel Moscow

Victoria was assigned to the capital Musical Theatre. But as soon as the girl arrived in Moscow, she simply ended up at the Belorussky railway station. In desperation, the provincial woman tried to get a job at the Bolshoi Theater, but the personnel department was closed. The fate of the young artist was decided by chance. An Englishman approached her and offered to work as a soloist in his band.

Vika and Anton

However, there are many blank spots in the biography of Victoria Morozova. The artist is reluctant to talk about herself in interviews. Lately she pays no attention solo career, and the career of her husband – the star of the most popular musical “Notre Dame de Paris” by Anton Makarsky. And to almost all meetings with representatives of funds mass media the couple comes together.

But Anton and Victoria talk about their love story and their meeting with enthusiasm. Makarsky recalls how he participated in auditions for the musical “Metro.” During the casting, an unknown woman came into the audience, but beautiful girl in a short T-shirt, a miniskirt and shoes with a huge platform. Moreover, this young lady was very similar to Anton Makarsky’s grandmother. The artist claims that he fell in love with Victoria literally at first sight.

Parents dreamed of raising Vika to become a celebrity

At that time, Victoria Morozova had already had enough famous singer and graduated from the directing department of GITIS. The artist’s video was constantly played on TV - these were two videos for the songs “Hug” and “Someone”, and singer Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. just took her into his music project"His Majesty's Fairy Tale".

By the way, by this time Victoria Morozova had managed to work in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. There she worked for 88 performances in a row. At the same time, the girl flew under the dome and almost crashed.

However, during the first meeting, Victoria did not pay attention to her future husband.

“I started working at Metro, and at that time there was a very difficult period in my life, and, of course, I didn’t notice anyone around me at all. Anton, on the contrary, immediately drew attention to me, probably because I came “on huge platforms and with a bare stomach,” recalls Victoria.

Victoria Morozova on video

She was able to take a closer look at the young man only at a party that took place after the end of the casting. The young man, according to Victoria, was inimitable and charming. The result of the meeting was solitude in Morozova’s house on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. The young man stayed overnight.

And in the morning Anton Makarsky proposed his hand and heart to Victoria. The picture looked quite solemn. Anton addressed Vika with the following speech: “I have no right to make you proposals. I clearly understand where you are and where I am. Now I only have two T-shirts and jeans, and my possessions include a guitar and a razor. But if you become my wife, then you will have everything.” Despite everything, Victoria agreed.

Victoria was amazed by Anton with his sensitivity. Morozova told Makarsky about the crazy love of Marc Chagall and Bella. He was so moved that he even cried. “At that moment I realized that I had been looking for this kind of romance all my life. And at that moment, I probably fell in love with him,” says Vika.

Not a couple

By the way, everyone around was just talking about the fact that Makarsky and Morozova were not a couple. Vika's friends openly mocked Anton. But the only one who singled out young man and supported the lover, it was Boris Krasnov. He once even said to the singer: “Vika, is your boyfriend that handsome, muscular Jew over there? He is very talented! He's great!

A year later, Victoria and Anton got married. But they had a real wedding only three years later. This happened just when Makarsky was offered the fateful role of Phoebus in the musical “Notre Dame de Paris”, which made the man a celebrity. However, after this, Victoria Morozova’s career began to decline.

Almost no one believed in this couple

Victoria says that on stage she doesn’t just sing, she plays her songs like little stories. The girl chooses the works she likes, works on them and creates a face loving woman, which is capable of joy, sadness and suffering. At the same time, the artist is sure that it is necessary to produce only positive music so that people leave the concert with a huge charge of positive energy.

The girl says that the reason for leaving the stage is the loss of her voice. The artist toured a lot. She went on stage even with a high temperature. And once, at a solo concert in Kharkov, she lost consciousness. However, this happened several months before meeting Anton. The girl was then called “ ambulance“and it turned out that I had pneumonia for a month now. The singer's health worsened after the musical "Metro". There Victoria needed to hit very high notes. Sometimes the girl could not utter a word, but she sang.

Since 2002, Victoria Morozova became Anton Makarsky’s assistant, his right hand, and completely devoted herself to producing it.

For quite a long time, Vika managed all the affairs herself. But one day the management of the Moscow International House of Music insisted on a joint concert of the spouses. The Makarskys approached the preparations responsibly; many organizational and creative issues had to be resolved. Victoria assured her husband that she probably wouldn’t be able to return to the stage, since they didn’t have a producer or PR director. However, the performance was destined to take place, and it took a completely unique and original form. Since then, the couple have gone on tour exclusively together. They have seven musicians in their group different ages– from 19 to 42 years old. And everyone is united by the desire to make high-quality music and sing it only “live”.

The couple Vika and Anton are role models

Now the couple is thinking not only about their career, but also about procreation. Anton and Victoria have been wanting children for a long time. The singer hopes that happy time motherhood is about to come, and during pregnancy the girl will be able to record her best songs.

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August 26, 2015, 11:04 pm

I wanted to make a post about a couple that I really liked, it seems that their story was not discussed here, so I hope someone will find it interesting. I want to talk about Morozova and Makarsky until the moment when they, in a rather ambiguous and public way, came to faith. I want to warn you in advance that I liked both of them, especially him)

“How Metro was born, that’s how the novel was born, there was no such thing as gossip, well, it’s kind of clear that Makarsky is with Morozova. Morozova is with Makarsky. That is, there’s nothing even to discuss. It’s like a conductor in a pit, a drummer playing on drums, Morozov and Makarsky, that is, it was not discussed. Why? It was clear to everyone that it was not possible to pick off one or the other and drag them into some other hands, because it was already destined to be so. They could not get unstuck from each other friend, they were constantly hugging and kissing. We are doing a dance warm-up, and our warm-ups were like this: half standing, and half in a porter, that is, lying down. And, God forbid, if lying down they ended up next to each other, and the teacher I turned away for a second, then they kissed, then they hugged, then they were doing almost, I don’t know, right here at the rehearsal. Therefore, our director, Janusz Yuzyfovich, at first as a joke, but then he was very angry with them and all the time said: “Ich go home, ich go home!” Rabbits!" - Evelina Bledans.

These programs tell in more detail about how eyewitnesses perceived these relationships:

I watched a lot of interviews and in all of them Anton says something like this “I immediately singled her out from everyone. She doesn’t look like anyone at all. But I must honestly admit that in the first minute I noticed the legs on high platforms and in mini -a skirt, and a very beautiful belly in a short top. And only then I saw her eyes...” But printed text is printed text, if anyone has time, watch the video file below. He talks about meeting her SO that I envy her) And a reasonable question arises, WHAT IS SO ABOUT HER? Anton at the very beginning.

As for Vika, I personally think that she somewhat overestimates herself, since until now, in almost all of their joint video interviews (which I watched), she reminds Anton that the oligarchs promised her mountains of gold, invited her to marry, offered houses, cars, yes and of the Metro actors, many “attached” to her, but she chose him unknown and poor, even if everything was so, it’s ridiculous to remind about this at every opportunity years later. But I want to note that overall I like it or liked it.

One of Wiki’s examples of coquetry is the program “While Everyone Is Home” for 2007. By the way, I highly recommend comparing it with the entry “While Everyone Is Home” for 2014. It’s like two different couples.

Well, the story about “two grilled chickens,” which probably everyone who has watched or read at least one interview with Makarsky knows. It feels like this grilled chicken is in Anton’s nightmares.

“I remember one day, when we were walking from the Operetta Theater for the first time to the house on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, where we lived at that time, Vika said: let’s buy grilled chicken. I thought: “Wow, requests! Grilled chicken! Yes, I’m on I’ll live with this chicken myself for a week and feed my entire dorm!” But, of course, he said: “Of course, go ahead, no question!” I scraped out of all my pockets everything I had there for a month in advance, and suddenly she said: “Let’s buy two, otherwise guests will come." This was a terrible blow for me! I said: “Vika, what two chickens, I have no money!" And she: “I have it!” And thus, without wanting it, in Once again punched me in the gut. I had a terrible complex then!”

About money

Anton: The biggest problems were due to the fact that I was a poor actor, and Vika was a popular singer with, as it seemed to me, big claims. In the first year, I left her three times precisely because I could not provide financially he couldn’t live off his beloved woman either. Well, I’m used to a moneyless, easy life; even 200 dollars was enough for me. And suddenly, next to me is a woman for whom these 200 dollars are nothing! Go to a restaurant a couple of times.

Victoria: They came up to me: “I’ll buy you a house in Switzerland, why the hell should you work?” Some suffering millionaire always came to my concert with a huge bouquet of roses: “Come and visit me! I’ll do whatever you want for you.” No, why? I didn't like them as men. Almost all rich men are unattractive. Anton left me three times. He fell into despair: “I don’t have a penny of money, and there’s such a woman next to me! He didn’t eat at home, because the groceries were bought with my money, he basically ate oatmeal... He didn’t go anywhere with me. It was a very difficult period of my life, I could not quit my job and thereby reassure Anton, because I had a team that had to be fed. And I was forbidden to cook. He always said, “I’ll find something to eat.” He always spent everything on me. His first decent fee was $350 from Alla Pugacheva. "Christmas Meetings" took place at the Metro, and she personally paid all the lead singers of the musical. Anton immediately went and bought me a mink hat with earflaps.

About jealousy

Victoria: In front of Anton, coming closer than a meter to another man is very dangerous (smiles). His grandmother is a purebred Georgian. Jealous is scary! My great-grandmother taught me: “Vika, don’t be jealous of your husband and don’t follow him. If you want to be happy, let him be jealous of you. It’s the husband who has to think and worry about where you are, who you’re with.” It was as if she foresaw what my Anton would turn out to be like

Anton:Vika knows: will change - I'll stab you

Anton: I am not a jealous person, but a very fair one. But if I find out anything, I’ll kill him (laughs).

About the environment:

Vika: Everyone around me kept repeating to his face: “By what right are you next to her? Who are you?" I had to break off relationships with many. I really regret that I haven’t communicated with my teacher since then. I owe her a lot. But listening to nasty things about Anton was beyond my strength. That's why we went to get married in church - so that God would protect us.

Anton: Everyone around Vika said why you need a provincial actor who is poor and unemployed... I had a lot of complexes because of this. I must pay tribute to my wife - at that time she broke off relations with many friends because they did not accept me. Only a few from Vika’s circle were for our union. The fact is that Victoria was already a fairly famous singer. Therefore, her friends dissuaded her: “Why do you need this poor actor, he has neither a stake nor a yard. You need a person who can financially provide for you and support you.” I had a complex. The last straw was an incident at some New Year's party. Seeing us, the famous satirist Lion Izmailov spread his arms and turned to Vika: “So this is what you have, Morozov!” I don’t remember how I jumped out into the street... When, four years after the date of our meeting and three years after the wedding, we were signing at the registry office, Vika took one look from me to declare that she wanted to take the surname Makarskaya.

About love:

Victoria: - Anton seduced me on the very first day, after the party. This had never happened to me before: they always courted me for a long time, it took me time to fall in love... The next morning they told me that he is the biggest Casanova and the girls are standing in line behind him. In general, he is a male. This was a big blow for me. She immediately told him: “I won’t be your chick. What happened between us this night doesn’t mean anything.” He didn’t answer and asked to walk me home. And he pounced right from the doorway! Just some kind of sexual maniac! (Smiles).In our feelings with Anton, of course, there was love, desire, and passion. Invincible passion. We couldn’t live without each other; after a second we began to feel bored in body and soul. Recently our director Janusz Yuzefovich recalled: “You are like rabbits! Kissed non-stop! You play them at rehearsals in different ends scenes, just gape, they - hop! - already together, kissing. IN ballet class you’ll move to opposite corners, turn away for a minute, and look - Anton has already crawled up to Vika on his belly, they’re kissing again.” And when there are no words, everything is fine with us, love is carrots. That is, to avoid quarrels, we don’t need to talk. As soon as we opened our mouths, the struggle of opposites began. Those people who are attractive to me, he does not like at all. On the second day he proposed to me:

While I have nothing but jeans and a T-shirt, I understand that I have no right to ask you to marry. But I promise you will have everything.

What exactly? - I flirted, I was wildly interested in what “everything” meant to a Penza guy who had just come from the army.

Dresses, a fur coat and a house - this is what Makarsky imagined then could attract a woman.

Anton: At first I was just really into beautiful woman... Vika claims that on the second day I proposed to her. But before her, I had never confessed my love to anyone. And then suddenly these words came out against my will: “I love you.” I was even a little scared. Vika looked at me in surprise and replied: “I love you too.”

Victoria: Antosha always says that he loves me much more than I love him. But who can measure love?

P.S. I won’t be offended by criticism, I know that the post was not written very correctly and this couple set many people on edge, but still..))


Updated 27/08/15 08:38:

Anton: The main thing for me is that this blonde feels good, that's the main objective life. Therefore, let Vikochka do what she wants, I will fit in everywhere. The same thing happened with the renovation of this apartment: I still can’t look at the color of the bedroom walls without trembling! (Laughs.)

V.M.: I approached Anton and asked: “Can I paint our bedroom bright green?” - knowing that it is him that my husband hates. He said: “No way! Anything but green!” - "Fine". And in one picture I saw an orange bedroom, and composer Laura Quint said in an interview: “Peach color has a good effect on relationships.”

A.M.: When I saw this bedroom, I just sighed heavily and cursed quietly. What could be said? Seeing how I grimaced, Vika exclaimed: “Don’t you like it?” - “Vikochka, the main thing is that you are happy!” (Laughs.)

Victoria: A woman should never, no matter what the scandal, leave home. A man can slam the door and leave, but a woman should always wait at home, says Victoria.

Anton: Because when she is about to leave, especially if there is a quarrel at night, the man will not let her go anywhere alone, and then a fight is inevitable, and a fight from the woman, because the man will only restrain her, gently press her against the wall and say: you are not going anywhere “You’ll go, believe me,” Anton agreed.

Updated 27/08/15 08:47:

Victoria: Every time Anton told me: “I don’t want to ruin your life. I'm not your match", I, literally, on my knees with tears, using all feminine tricks and methods, I managed to drag him home back and not let him go again. And I advise all women who want to save their marriage and family to do this, understanding that men can really have complexes, especially on financial grounds.

Victoria Makarskaya - successful actress, loving wife and a caring mother. Do you want to know how she built her career and personal life? All necessary information you will find about her person in the article.

Victoria Makarskaya: biography

Our heroine was born on May 22, 1973 in Vitebsk. Her maiden name- Morozova. In what family was Victoria Makarskaya raised? Parents had nothing to do with cinema and stage. My father was a military man.

Victoria spent her childhood in secret Baltic garrisons. Therefore, her circle of contacts was limited. WITH early years the girl demonstrated her creative abilities. The baby organized home concerts.

At the age of 15, Vika became a soloist with the Belarusian orchestra. The parents were proud of their daughter's achievements. And she dreamed of continuing musical career in the Russian capital.


At the end high school Victoria Makarskaya, as planned, went to Moscow. The girl took a taxi and went to the Bolshoi Theater. That's where she wanted to work. But that day, the office in which the personnel department was located was closed. Vika had to return to the Belorussky station. She sat on the bench and cried quietly. And then he approached her unknown man. He turned out to be English. In broken Russian, this gentleman invited Makarskaya to become the lead singer of his group. Oddly enough, the blonde immediately believed him. And for good reason. Thanks to this producer, she became a professional singer.

New Horizons

Victoria Makarskaya was not going to stop there. The girl understood that without higher education there's no way around it. Vika began to intensively prepare for admission to GITIS. Her choice fell on the directing department. Our heroine successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in a course with one of the best specialists.

Love story

Victoria Makarskaya (see photo above) pushed her personal life into the background. She spent almost all her time promoting her singing career and studying at GITIS.

In 1999, the creators of the musical “Metro” offered her cooperation. At that time, the girl was in her last year of directing. She needed practice. And Vika agreed to take on the project.

While auditioning for the musical “Metro,” the blonde met the young actor Anton Makarsky. The young people liked each other at first sight. The guy began to beautifully look after Vika. He gave her huge bouquets and cute trinkets. The lovers walked through the city at night and made plans for the future. Soon they began to live together.

Envious people

Victoria Makarskaya, whose biography we are considering today, was popular with the opposite sex. But you can’t call her a flighty person. In interviews with printed publications, the singer has repeatedly said that Anton is her first true love.

Victoria's friends did not approve of her choice. Some did not take the guy seriously, while others openly mocked him. The only one from Vika’s circle who supported Anton was director Boris Krasnov. He saw in Makarsky natural talent and enormous creative potential.

A year after they met, the lovers underwent a wedding ceremony. It was their mutual desire. They swore to God eternal fidelity to each other. The couple had their real wedding only 3 years later. Colleagues of Vika and Anton, as well as their relatives, were present at the celebration. It was decided not to invite envious people and deceitful friends.


In 2002, our heroine had problems with her voice. She had to leave the stage. But she quickly found herself new job. Vika became the producer of her own husband. Anton was only glad of this.

Victoria Makarskaya: children

What married couple necessary for complete happiness? Of course, children. Anton and Vika Makarsky had problems with this serious problems. They consisted of legally married 13 years old. The singer and actor dreamed of children. The couple was regularly examined by the best Moscow specialists. Vika and Anton traveled to holy places. They made donations and made one wish for two - for an imminent addition to the family. This is how year after year passed. And one day God heard their prayers. A real miracle happened.

At the beginning of 2012, it became known about Victoria's pregnancy. Fans of the famous couple literally jumped to the ceiling with happiness. Anton and Vika never ceased to thank the Lord for such a wonderful gift. Although the word “miracle” would be more appropriate here. Indeed, not every woman manages to get pregnant for the first time at 38 years old.

To save his wife from dirty gossip and prying eyes, Anton Makarsky took his wife to Israel. The couple already had their own property in this country. Throughout her pregnancy, Vika lived in comfortable conditions. She visited the beach, which is a 10-minute walk from their apartment. Future parents turned to one of the best perinatal centers.

On September 9, 2012, Vika and Anton’s first child was born. The girl weighed exactly 3 kg. As for height, it is not customary to measure it in Israel. The new parents couldn't stop looking at their long-awaited child. The girl was named with a beautiful Russian name - Maria.

Anton Makarsky canceled filming and tours in Russia in order to spend more time with his wife and daughter. He bathed and swaddled the baby himself. Vika looked at him and realized that it was difficult to imagine a better father for a child.

Soon the young parents returned to Moscow. Anton earned money for the family. And Vika devoted herself to caring for the baby and the house.

In November 2014, at a concert in honor of his 39th birthday, the actor announced the imminent addition to their family. Victoria carried their second child under her heart.

Anton again took his wife to Israel and enrolled him in the same clinic. An ultrasound scan was performed within the time period specified by the specialists. The Makarskys learned that they were having a boy.

On May 31, 2015, Vika gave birth to a son, whose weight was 3 kg 400. The boy was named Ivan. During childbirth, Anton was next to his wife. He was the first to take the baby in his arms. Now Victoria and Anton have double happiness - a sweet son and a sweet daughter.


Now you know how the career and personal life of our heroine turned out. Victoria Makarskaya - beautiful and Strong woman. She went through many trials and tribulations, for which she received a huge gift from fate - the joy of motherhood.