The custom of placing a candle in front of an icon is very ancient. Everyone knows that this should definitely be done, but not everyone knows about the reasons why this ritual is performed. One of the first divine commands to Moses from the Lord was to build a lamp with seven lamps. And after this, services were often held by candlelight. But the meaning of this is much deeper than just illuminating the place where services were held, although during the period of persecution of Christians, when they had to hold their meetings secretly, the light of a candle really became a guide.

You need to light candles in the temple. After all the flickering light of YOUR candle burning in front of the face of the Savior is your personal communion with God – yours mysterious life soul naked before the Lord God...

A candle has several spiritual meanings: it is a voluntary sacrifice to God and His temple, a testimony of faith, a person’s involvement in the Divine light and the flame of his love for the one at whose face the believer places a candle.

When you buy a candle in a temple, it becomes your voluntary offering, a symbol of your faith and love.Thanks to the purchase of a candle, we do not put money in the priest’s pocket, but give it to the needs of the temple - repairs, payment for heating, electricity, etc. By buying candles, we help the existence of the temple of God on earth. And this is already a sacred matter.

Church lamps

Church candles are usually placed in candlesticks on a high stem, which are placed around the church near the holy icons.

Church lamps are different. Candlesticks of all types, in addition to practical purposes, symbolize that spiritual height, thanks to which the light of faith shines on everyone in the house, on the whole world.

Chandelier(multi-candlesticks, translated from Greek), descending into central part temple, with its many lights mean the Heavenly Church itself as a collection, a constellation of people sanctified by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, these lamps descend from above into that part of the temple where there is a meeting of the earthly Church, called to spiritually strive upward, to its heavenly brothers.

The Heavenly Church illuminates the earthly Church with its light, drives away the darkness from it - this is the meaning of the hanging chandeliers.

What does a church candle mean?

A church candle is a symbol of prayerful burning before the Lord, His Most Pure Mother, before the holy saints of God,a sign of voluntary sacrifice to God and His temple and a symbol of man’s involvement in the divine light.

The 15th century liturgist, Blessed Simeon, Archbishop of Thessalonica, explains this way: symbolic meaning candles: “pure wax means the purity and innocence of the people bringing it. The softness and pliability of the wax shows our readiness to obey God, and the burning of a candle symbolizes the deification of man, his transformation into a new creature and purification by the fire of Divine love.”

A burning candle is a visible sign that expresses ardent love and goodwill towards the one to whom the candle is placed. This is actually a sacrifice, a spiritual act, your personal prayerful connection with God. And if there is no this love and favor, then the candles have no meaning, the sacrifice is in vain. Therefore, you cannot light a candle formally, with a cold heart. External action must be accompanied by prayer - at least the simplest one, in your own words. You don't want close person he poked something in your face and ran on in a hurry. So it is before God. You have ten minutes, buy a candle, light it, place it in front of the icon and spend the remaining five minutes with God, with the Blessed Virgin Mary or with the saint to whom you are praying. Talk to the Lord, complain, cry to Him. He will accept any prayer, the main thing is that it is sincere, from a pure heart.

What does the candle placed in front of the icon symbolize?

Light in Orthodox church- this is an image of heavenly, Divine light. In particular, it signifies Christ as the Light of the world, Light from Light, true Light, which enlightens every person coming into the world.

The candle fire symbolizes eternity, a prayerful appeal to God, to Mother of God, to the saints. Fire always rushes upward, no matter how the candle is tilted, so does a person, no matter how life circumstances He must turn all his thoughts and feelings to God.

On what occasions are candles lit in church?

Candles are lit for health and peace. “For the repose” are usually placed in the church on a special funeral table- eve – in front of which or on which the Crucifix is ​​placed. This is the only place in the temple where candles are lit for the repose.

It is advisable, if you light a candle for the departed, to say a prayer to yourself “Remember, Lord, Your departed servant (name) and forgive his sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant him the Kingdom of Heaven.”

You can light one candle for everyone you remember, or you can light it for each one separately.

The deceased for whom you pray must be baptized, inveterate according to the canons of the Church and, accordingly, not suicides or other people for whom you cannot pray in church (Satanists, active heretics, fighters against God, etc.). If a person was Orthodox, albeit of little faith, one can and should pray for such a person. This rule, in addition to, of course, suicides, also applies to the living.

Candles for health are lit in any place of the temple, except for the eve, and are placed for various reasons: in gratitude for something, to help with difficult decision, before a serious trip, a risky business, and so on.

When praying for ourselves or for the health and well-being of our loved ones, after lighting a candle, we must definitely invoke the name of the saint or saint in front of whose icons we place candles.
For example: “Most Holy Theotokos, save us!” or “Reverend Father Sergius, pray to God for me and for the servants of God (name)”

You cannot light a candle for the remission of sins. Candle - this is a symbol, in itself it does not absolve from sins . Sins are forgiven only at Confession after a sincere, detailed confession of all of them in the presence of a priest and the reading of a prayer of permission to him.

How to properly place candles in a temple?

Ideally, it is advisable to come to the temple in advance - before the service, in order to have time to buy candles, light them, give notes to the altar, and then calmly stand at the service, prayerfully delving into it, without distracting either yourself or others. Not good disturb the decorum of the temple, passing candles during a service or squeezing into a candlestick, distracting those praying. Those who are late for the service should light candles after it ends.

Approaching the candlestick, you should cross yourself twice and bow to the shrine (usually with a bow from the waist).Candles are lit from one another , burning, and place it in the candlestick’s nest. The candle should stand straight without falling. You should not use matches or lighters in the temple. , if there are already burning candles in the candlesticks. You should not light a candle from a lamp so as not to drip wax into the oil or accidentally extinguish the lamp.

If there is nowhere to put the candle, you can put it on a candlestick. Those who put two candles in one cell or remove someone else's candle to put their own do it wrong.

To renounce earthly things, look for a while at the flickering flame of a candle, calm down, forget about worldly things and read the prayer mentally or in a whisper . The main thing is prayer. Read from the heart, it will reach the Lord and be properly accepted by Him.

Before without haste to leave, sign yourself with the sign of the cross and bow.

It may happen like this: the candle you just lit was extinguished by a church minister for some reason. Do not be indignant not only in word, but also in spirit. Your sacrifice has already been accepted by the All-Seeing and All-Knowing Lord.

In the temple one must observe established order, and not do as you want.

Who should light candles and how many?

The question often arises: which icons and which saints should we light candles for? There are no mandatory rules about where and how many candles to place. Their purchase is a voluntary sacrifice to God. First of all, it is good to light a candle for the “holiday” (central analogue) or a revered temple icon, then - for the relics of a saint (if they are in the temple), and only then - for health (for any icon) or for repose (on the eve - square or rectangular table with a Crucifix). They often light candles for their patron saints.

Candles for health are usually lit for the Savior, the Mother of God, and saints to whom the Lord gave the grace to heal illnesses. They also often pray for the health of the sick and light candles in front of the icon of the great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

If the required icon is not in the temple, then you can put a candle in front of any image of the Lord, Holy Mother of God or in front of the icon of All Saints and say a prayer. You can pray in your own words, as long as they are sincere.

Anyone who wants to receive anything from the Lord or from the saints must not only pray them, but also to build your life according to the commandments . Through the Gospel, God appeals to everyone with a request to be kind, loving, humble, etc., but people often do not want to listen to this, but themselves ask Him to help them in business.

For prayers to be successful, You must pray with words coming from the heart, with faith and hope for God’s help. And it should be remembered that not everything that a person asks from the Lord is useful for him. The Lord is not a machine that fulfills all desires, you just have to press the right button, that everything He sends is aimed at the benefit and salvation of the soul, although sometimes people think this is unfair.

Remember: the candle you light in the temple is your personal worship.

Temple Life-Giving Trinity on Vorobyovy Gory

It is known that the effects of color are reflected on the subconscious of people, causing a certain energetic vibration that can help or hinder, dissipate or concentrate, and even create attachment to any element. Well, the lit candle itself helps bring this vibration to life. Be that as it may, the list of candle colors serves as some kind of incentive to implement or Starting point, and then it’s up to you to decide which color of the candle is closest and suits you.

When buying candles, we don’t even think about what they contain, but even witches select candles by color for their rituals.
So, the color and meaning of candles...
White candles- a symbol of life, vitality and clarity, they are also a new source of energy or its surge. These candles are universal, so they are often used in meditation, to protect the hearth and defeat dark forces. White candles can be lit on any day of the week, but are more often associated with Monday.
Red candles symbolize action, power and courage, strength and determination. It is recommended to use them during the period when you are faced with a really very important life goal, another characteristic of these candles is their use in love magic, in view of the fact that red is the color of passion. You need to light red candles on Tuesday.
Orange- a symbol of growth, high self-esteem, confidence and abundance, for those who want to assert themselves while under constant pressure, these candles are suitable like no other. Their day is Sunday.
Yellow candles correspond to the business and monetary sphere, will help in overcoming crises of a creative and life nature, good luck in travel and study. Their Mercury day is Wednesday.
Greens most often used for rituals to increase wealth, income, attract good luck in business, as well as health and recovery. They should be lit on Venus day – Friday.
Turquoise candles, or as they are also called candles of the goddess Hathor, are suitable for love rituals, as well as for people eager to gain peace of mind and balance, relieve stress, relax... Their day is Thursday and Friday.
Blue will help you gain calm, patience and tolerance, as well as balance and understanding. They are lit on Thursday.
Blue candles are a symbol of success, organization, self-improvement and spirituality. THEIR Jupiter day is Thursday.
Purple candles for those who want to connect with another dimension and dive into the subconscious. These candles are perfect for meditation and working with past life. The best day for them is Thursday.
Pink candles - the color itself speaks for itself - it is femininity and softness, they will help you find romantic atmosphere, will heal mental wounds, especially if it concerns betrayal and unsuccessful love relationship, will reconcile after quarrels, and will contribute to the recovery of children. Pink candles are lit on Thursday and/or Friday.
Gray candles - the color of Mercury and Saturn are used to neutralize the negative, for easy compromise and self-protection. They should heal on Saturday and (or) Wednesday.
Black used when breaking up relationships, to expel negativity and overcome grief. You should be careful with these candles so as not to fall into the grip of depression, and if it is already present, they can be replaced with dark blue or purple ones. Black candles are lit on Saturdays.
Silver candles or candles are for magic and are lit on Mondays.
Gold candles will help increase finances, personal security, confidence and charm. Light on Sunday.
Brown, as Mother Earth Candles also call them, release from excess energy, prevent danger, and also represent a kind of neutrality. It's Saturday for these candles.
Well, what color of candles you prefer is up to you to decide, and if something goes wrong, don’t blame the ZwonKa admins

Church candles, as the name suggests, are strictly ritual in nature. They are intended for use during church or home prayer. But not everyone knows that they are different.

Church wax candles

As a rule, everything church candles made from natural wax (although there are exceptions when paraffin or stearin is mixed with wax). They have a smooth structure, a pleasant honey smell, and a yellow or yellow-brownish color.

These candles are used in church every day throughout the year. They are different sizes: from small and thin to tall and very voluminous. These are the ones that can be bought at any time in a temple or church shop and placed on a candlestick during the liturgy.

They are cast mainly in monasteries or in enterprising families of believers. It is impossible to call this a large production, but there are many such small “enterprises” in Russia, + the monasteries themselves take care of the needs of the church by having candle workshops in their services.

What are red church candles for?

Red church candles can be seen at Easter. It is then that they appear in temples, decorating the Great Holiday. They can be used for all 40 Easter days- before the celebration of Easter, which occurs on the eve of the celebration of the Ascension of the Lord. After which they somehow quickly disappear from the shelves - until next spring.

Jerusalem candles: meaning and colors

Jerusalem candles are special. They differ from all the others in that they represent a kind of torch. It contains 33 candles (usually white), symbolizing the earthly years of the life of Jesus Christ. These candles are lit at the Holy Saturday service from the Holy Fire.

The miracle of the Holy Fire still amazes the hearts of many believers and seekers. The amazing bluish fire that descends in Jerusalem once a year has amazing properties - it does not burn for the first 15 minutes! You can literally wash your face with it!

Torches scorched by the Holy Fire, consisting of 33 candles tightly adjacent to each other, are taken home by thousands of people from Jerusalem. They are kept as a shrine and given to their loved ones.

Over the course of several recent years Representatives of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation annually bring a lamp, lit from the Holy Fire, to Moscow - to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. And from there, lamps with miraculous Fire are distributed throughout Russia, to dioceses. Residents of many big cities now have the opportunity to Easter week receive a piece of this Miracle - a candle lit from the Holy Fire.

It is worth noting that such individual candles received in Russian Orthodox churches also have great grace, for they are lit from a lamp with the Holy Fire, but they are not considered Jerusalem. Jerusalem candles, as mentioned above, are sold and given as a whole torch of 33 candles and are brought from Jerusalem in this form.

How to use candles from Jerusalem at home and how to store them?

If you have become the proud owner of Jerusalem candles, you are probably wondering how you can use them at home? Orthodox Christians often light a home lamp from them (the old flame of the lamp is extinguished). Or they pray by their light on Easter Week. Remember them in difficult moments life, in illness.

Remember that the grace of a great miracle is preserved in the Jerusalem candles. Candles should be stored as a shrine, preferably in your home sacred corner. It is recommended to extinguish them by hand rather than blowing them out.

Wedding candles, and what to do with wedding candles after the wedding

As can be seen from the name itself, wedding candles intended for the church Sacrament of Wedding. Therefore, the set always includes two candles. They come in both wax and paraffin (or mixed), but they are always quite long and voluminous. Sometimes wedding candles are practically devoid of decor, but most often they contain all kinds of decorations, twisted curves, and shiny coatings.

At the Wedding, the future spouses light the wedding candles and the entire Sacrament stands with them. And this amazing grace is transferred to the candles. Therefore, they should be kept for the rest of their lives at home, near icons or in a sacred corner at home. They are usually lit on the wedding anniversary, when both spouses can thank God in joint prayer for the Love and family happiness sent down to them. You can also light candles and pray by their light when one of the spouses (and later children) is sick.

People have many superstitions associated with wedding candles, but Orthodox people should not listen to them. We must remember the main thing: wedding candles were witnesses to the great Sacrament of Wedding, and that have a good day when your family started.

Sretensky candles

The candles got their name in honor of the twentieth church holiday– The Presentation of the Lord, which is celebrated on February 15. On this day after Divine Liturgy A special service takes place in the church - the rite of blessing the candles. They shine whole bunches of them, both for their own temple needs and for parishioners. On this day, anyone can buy the number of candles they need and put them on the common table for candles, and take them home after the service.

For those who do not know about the Sretensky candles, the rite of consecration becomes a revelation. And many subsequently strive to get there. Candles consecrated for the Presentation are kept at home, like other shrines - reverently. They are lit during home prayer in difficult moments of life, during the illness of one of the family members.

Black church candles

Black candles - nuns, although they have the shape of candles and are sometimes called incense candles, have nothing in common with the latter.

They are made from church coal and incense, and they are intended for incense.

Usually, for home incense, church charcoal, incense and a special device are used separately, where all this is lit. The nuns simplify the procedure, since they already have both of these ingredients in their composition, and they just need to be lit and walk around their home with prayer.

Their history goes back to the first centuries, when incense candles were invented and began to be produced in ancient Christian monasteries. Subsequently, for their black color and initial monastic production, they were nicknamed nuns.

Funeral candle

Special funeral candles does not exist. More precisely, we can say that any candle that you bought and will place in front of the icon of health or repose automatically becomes a funeral candle. When in your prayer you ask the Lord to remember you, your loved ones (by name), to help you or your relatives and name names, you are remembering.

Many church and home prayers (both for health and for repose) begin with the words: “Lord remember” (see. morning rule for Christians in Orthodox prayer book). The little book where Orthodox Christians write the names of their living and deceased loved ones for remembrance is called “Memorial Book”.

Likewise, any candle can become a funeral candle. It will depend only on your desire - to light a candle with a memorial prayer in the temple.


Today my grandmother died, she came home, put a candle near the photo and lit it, and it began to crackle, what does this mean?

It is difficult to imagine any Orthodox church without burning candles. And we are all so accustomed to this that we practically don’t think about what a burning candle symbolizes.

The symbolism of a candle is diverse. She brings gifts of nature to the temple. This is a bee that collects pollen from flowers, turning it into fragrant honey, from which no less fragrant wax is born, and candles are already poured from the wax.

That is why we can say that through a candle the light of the sun is brought into the temple, on which the flower blooms, the breath of the earth, which nourishes the flower and the industriousness of the bee. The candle also brings into the temple the labor of a person, whose hands transform pollen, honey, and wax into a candle. In ancient times, only wax was used to make candles. And not by chance! It is this substance that is extremely rich in subtle symbolic shades.

This is how the famous church writer of the 15th century, Blessed Simeon of Thessaloniki, describes him:

Wax as the purest substance signifies our purity and sincerity of sacrifice.

Wax as a substance on which objects can be imprinted signifies the seal or sign of the Cross, which is placed on us in baptism and confirmation.

Wax as a soft and flexible substance signifies our obedience and willingness to repent of our sinful life.

The wax collected from fragrant flowers signifies the grace of the Holy Spirit.

The wax, composed of many colors, signifies the sacrifice that Christians make to God.

Wax as a substance that is burned means our burning, for God, as it were, cleanses our nature with divine fire.

And finally, wax, which combines fire and light, means connection and strength mutual love and peace among Christians.

IN church history the use of wax and candles began very early. There is a lot of evidence of this.

Blessed Jerome speaks of the lighting of candles in the temple as a pious custom, widely known in the fourth century.

In the sixth century, candles were even mentioned in state laws. In the code of Emperor Justinian there was an instruction according to which no one could begin to build a monastery or church until he could prove that he was able to allocate enough money for wax, candles, oil, worship, for the preservation of the temple, for food and clothing his servants.

The Seventh Ecumenical Council (787) directly defines the veneration of the cross and icons by kissing, worshiping, smoking incense and lighting candles and refers to the antiquity of this custom.

In popular piety, wax from a church candle was even considered a medicinal remedy for treating people and domestic animals.

As we can see, a small candle has many meanings. It also contains symbolism of light associated with prayer.

When we light a candle in front of an icon, it is good to pray to God that He will enlighten us with His law, soften and warm our hearts with love for Him. And when we look at the flame of a candle, which always flows upward, we can think about our prayer, so that we can also reverently turn it to God.

We place a candle in front of the image as our gift to God, as our prayer for the living and the dead. The candle burns and illuminates the image with light, making it visible to the person praying.

The flame of a candle reminds us that the flame of faith in the human soul should burn and glow in the same way.

The candle melts in front of the image. Melts gradually and patiently. So our pride must melt before the face of God - humbly and submissively. So our life gradually burns out until it reaches the last moment.

And in conclusion, I would like to quote the words of St. Simeon the New Theologian about the meaning of the candle in the temple:

“Many lit candles mean bright thoughts that should shine in you like candles, so that there is not a single dark thought in the house of your soul, but so that all are fiery and shine with the light of the Holy Spirit, and you do not lack any one of the luminous thoughts of reasoning."

(Reverend Simeon New Theologian. Words. Word 41.)

There are always many questions associated with the symbolism of candles, with the traditions of using candles in various rituals. We identified the most interesting and frequently asked questions and for clarification we turned to the priest, Priest Sergius But, rector of the Church of St. Apostle and Evangelist Luke.

Why do we light candles during prayer?

Lighting candles during prayer is an ancient traditional action religious rite Orthodox Christians. Certainly, Orthodox Church, firstly, is the guardian of grace, and not of external rituals, but ritual occupies its rather important place in the Church. It happened that I was giving communion to an elderly teacher at home. Before laying out the necessary accessories, I placed a beautiful air card with a fringed edge on the table. Then on it - the Gospel in the setting, silver cross, an icon, a gilded monstrance, a church-looking candlestick... I lit a candle, and the teacher suddenly burst into tears and said: “I am unworthy of such beauty!”

Look, we have not yet begun to pray, but the woman’s heart has already come to tenderness.

Without placing the ritual itself and the lighting of candles and lamps, in particular, at the forefront of religion, the Church nevertheless carefully preserves the ritual, because it cannot neglect, as can be seen from the above example, the well-known psychological possibility of the influence of the external on the internal. Whether we like it or not, this or that ritual gives rise to certain associations, and tunes the soul accordingly: sublimely or the opposite. One type of church candle can evoke in the soul of an Orthodox person the deepest thoughts about life and death, about sin and repentance, about sorrow and joy. A church candle speaks a lot, a lot to both the feelings and the mind of the believer.

So, a church candle is an element of tradition, part of a religious ritual. However, according to tradition, when lighting candles in church and at home, a believer must be aware of the spiritual meaning of this action. An unconscious ritual becomes empty, containing neither sacrifice to God nor benefit to the soul.

A candle is a symbol, a candle is an image, a candle is a sign. Perhaps there is no other Christian symbol that would have such ambiguity and depth. Of course, the candle does not compete with the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed - these are dogmas and doctrines, and does not compete with the shortest symbol of faith - the Cross, but it was made for Orthodox Christian albeit small, but also a symbol of our faith. If someone lights a candle during prayer in church or at home, it means that he outwardly expressed his faith in God, hope and trust in Him.

At different moments of the temple service, the light of candles symbolizes spiritual joy and triumph, enlightenment with the light of Christ's faith, in particular, Christ Himself as the Sun of Truth and Truth; as the Light of the world, the Light from the Light, the true Light, which enlightens every person coming into the world.

The light in an Orthodox church is an image of Heavenly, Divine light. Candles and lamps in front of the icons of saints are a sign that the Glory of God shone in their souls, the Light of God was reflected. As Saint Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem (VII century), writes: “Lamps and candles are an image of eternal Light, and also mean the light with which the righteous shine.”

St. righteous John Kronstadtsky says that the fire of burning candles and lamps, like a censer with burning coals and fragrant incense, serve for us as an image of spiritual fire - the Holy Spirit, who descended in tongues of fire on the apostles, burning away our sinful filth, enlightening our minds and hearts, igniting our souls our flame of love for God and each other; the fire in front of the holy icons reminds us of the fiery love of the saints for God, because of which they hated the world and all its delights, all untruths. So in the temple everything is instructive and there is nothing idle or unnecessary.

A candle is also a symbol of a person: the external form is the body, the wick for burning is the soul, fire is the spirit, the highest component of the soul.

Since a candle is bought in a temple, it is a sign of a person’s voluntary sacrifice to God and His temple; an expression of a person’s readiness to obey God (the softness and pliability of wax): his desire for deification, transformation into a new creature (burning a candle). A candle is also, as has already been said, evidence of faith, participation in the Divine Light. The candle expresses both the warmth and flame of a person’s love for the Lord, the Mother of God, angels, and saints. Without this love and favor, the candles themselves and the ceremony of lighting candles have no meaning.

Without listing all the meanings of a church candle, we can summarize that we light candles during prayer in order to express our faith, hope, love for the Lord and the saints, in order to offer God a sacrifice of prayer, repentance, gratitude...

Who and how many candles should be lit when coming to church?

Firstly, we pray to Christ, we trust in the Chief of Life and Salvation, which means we light candles in front of the image of the Savior. Further down the hierarchy: Mother of God, Angels, saints.

The acceptance and love of many saints by some believers, based on personal spiritual experience and the experience of the Church about their intercession, moves them to pray to one or another saint, accordingly lighting candles in front of their icons. Here the number can be very different. If there is a shortage of funds, you can limit yourself to one candle or pray without a personally placed candle - if only you had faith, the Lord will accept this sacrifice. No need to get hung up on the number of candles. The main thing to remember is that prayer is a manifestation of the memory of God, and memory is a manifestation of love.

Do candle size and price matter?

IN spiritual sense What matters is our faith and love, which is not measured by the size and price of a candle. But we are members of the earthly church. And in terrestrial conditions, of course, there is also the parish economy. Candle bigger size or the price matters in the sense that the greater material sacrifice is for the temple. And a donation to a temple is greater than, say, a donation to a medical institution or Orphanage, for the Church is an institution of care for preparing the soul for eternity. Thus, by donating to the temple, we help the Church fulfill its mission.

Why are candles for the dead and the living placed in different places?

According to tradition, we place candles for the deceased on the eve table, and for health - on any other candlestick. But prayer cannot be limited to place and space. At home, the same candle burns on the same candlestick, and we say prayers for both the living and the dead. In addition, we must remember that with God everyone is alive. We remember souls in prayers. And if someone (a minister or a layman), having active participation and love, without malicious intent, read, for example, a note about health during funeral prayers, then there is nothing to worry about, and this prayer will be accepted by God.

For health or for peace - in the end we pray for the salvation of the soul.

How to light candles correctly? Can I use a lighter?

As for the technical side...

  • If there are already candles burning on the candlestick, then we light ours from the neighboring one.
  • It is not customary to light a lamp from a lamp, not because it is impossible, but so as not to pollute the oil with drops of wax.
  • If there are no lights nearby, use matches.

A lighter is probably acceptable in other situations. If there is nothing else or there is wind in the cemetery... After all, a lighter is a flint, a means of ignition. The whole point here is again in associations... The Church, even with the small details of the ritual, is called upon to testify to another world. Matches are somewhat preferable here, as they are a more ancient and universal remedy.

How to put out a candle correctly?

IN different temples There are various devices to extinguish candles. But blowing out a candle or cinder block, or extinguishing the flame in some other way, are technical details that do not belong to the realm of moral and religious matters. The main thing is to do this with the memory of God, with a prayer, for example, “Lord, may the light of faith in my heart not fade away!”

There should be no negligence, but rather reverence. Moreover we're talking about not about theatrical showing off. Simple accuracy when performing rituals is a manifestation of faith in God, and focusing on external moments, for example, waiting for your candle to burn out to the end, is a manifestation of ritual belief, that is, false and vain faith. Alas, the magical perception of the cult is not uncommon even among regular parishioners.

Should you buy candles only in the temple or can you buy them anywhere else?

If we are talking about a church candle, then it is logical that it is bought in the church. The church candle, in addition to the meanings already mentioned, is a symbol of our union with the Mother Church.

If we bought candles outside the church, then with whom are they a symbol of union? And are we donating to the temple? You never know what kind of candles there are: household, souvenir, and other religious rituals. In addition, you need to remember that church candles are always blessed, for which there is a special prayer. For this reason, the cinders are not thrown away, but are stored for melting down.

It’s another matter when some parishes have church shops far from their churches. We must admit that it is permissible to buy candles in these shops and this will also be a donation to one or another temple.

Is it possible to give donations to someone going to church to light a candle for me?

Depending on what motive drives you. If you are too lazy to go to church, then this is a false sacrifice. If a person is sick and, having such jealousy, donates to the temple, then why not? It would be nice, of course, to pray at home.

Are there any special rules for lighting candles?

If within the framework of a service, then you need to know that the degree of illumination in the temple by day and at various moments of the service is not constant. Further... In all instructions about behavior in the temple, it is prescribed to light candles before the start of the service, so as not to distract the worshipers or disturb decorum. Life practice shows that this rule is not observed for various reasons.

It should also be noted that each parish, monastery, and individual church has its own characteristics, they must be taken into account, and most importantly, remember the words of the Apostle Paul: “Only everything should be decent and orderly.” (1 Cor. 14:40) .

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Order church candles from SERGEY MAUSER

Church candles from Sergei Mauser

For many years, candles have performed a decorative function, turning an ordinary interior into a mysterious, romantic one. And fire is also mystical sign, one of the five magical elements. It is a symbol of passion and supernatural power.

There are people for whom candles are not just a decorative element, but an artifact, without which meditation, spiritual practices and certain rituals are indispensable. Wax products help improve your emotional state and fulfill your deepest desires. We invite you to talk about candle magic and the meaning of candle colors in magic!

What is candle magic?

Magicians and esotericists call this one of the most primitive magical arts. This type, by the way, is usually classified as natural magic. It is built on small rituals and on the use minimum quantity artifacts.

Every person at least once in his life performed the simplest rituals related to this type of witchcraft. For example, I blew out the candles on my birthday cake. Yes, yes, this is candle magic! After all, at the same time, a person makes a wish, sends it to the Universe, asking for support. And the final result is influenced, of course, by faith in the actions performed and Higher power.

Why do many magicians choose candle magic for themselves? Of course, first of all, this happens because fire element has always been associated among people with superhuman power, transformation, purification and fulfillment of the most cherished desires. Fire fascinates and attracts; it is the embodiment of that divine spark, which, according to esotericists, is present in every person! In addition, it is fire that allows a person to become close to something supernatural, beyond the control of reason, beyond the limits of the material world. That is why fires used to burn on the altars of pagan gods, and that is why today in Christian churches candles are burning.

The advantage of using magic candles is the simplicity and convenience of this method of changing reality. In addition, this type of witchcraft is incredibly effective: it allows you to solve problems in almost all areas of life. Of course, the flame of a candle is much smaller than the flame ritual bonfire, however, there is also a significant advantage - in addition to the pure energy of fire, candles have a “body” that the sorcerer can also use in the process of witchcraft. You can apply various magic words and symbols, add oils and herbs, enhancing the effect of the ritual.

Rules for using candles

There are a number of certain rules that magicians strictly observe. We'll tell you about the most important ones!

For each ritual it is necessary to take new candles, sorcerers warn. Those that have already been lit (even for a short time) already store information that can ruin the entire magic ritual. Some rituals involve lighting and extinguishing one candle several times. Please note - under no circumstances should you change candles or light them outside of the ritual!

We must also remember that candle magic is, first of all, real creativity! Therefore, the use of combinations of two or more colors is allowed here! Of course, the color descriptions below can be called basic and widespread, but no one prohibits using candles in accordance with your attitude. Another important detail - candles self made imbued with the energy of the person who created them. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to blind magical artifact yourself, be sure to do it! You will be able to receive an energy charge of incredible strength.

After any, it is important to properly dispose of candles. Experienced sorcerers advise carefully collecting the cinders (it is advisable not to touch them with bare hands) and throw it away from you.

Candle color

The color of this magical attribute can be compared to a key that opens a certain area of ​​the human subconscious. What color should the candles be for the ritual? It all depends on what it is aimed at! We bring to your attention a selection of characteristics of certain shades!


Red candles are simply irreplaceable when it comes to love magic. After all, red is the color of passion and expression, love and energy. They will help not only attract new relationships into your life, but also return lost feelings and strengthen sexual attraction. Important point- you need to light two identical candles at once - this symbolizes reciprocity between partners.

Red candles also help to achieve success in business - for this you just need to light them before some important event and just look at the flames. Magicians assure that the color red attracts good luck, improves financial side life.

They should also be used in case of fatigue or before exhausting work. You need to get comfortable in a chair opposite the candle, let your thoughts go free and look at the fire. Even a short rest will restore great amount energy, will allow you to perform complex work.

Another area of ​​application is the presence of outside interference. Esotericists recommend lighting scarlet candles throughout the house in cases when fatigue sets in, everything literally falls out of hand, and light bulbs burn out in rooms. It is believed that the flame will drive out all evil forces.


White is the color of sincerity, insight, purification and wisdom. The magic of color allows it to be used in rituals aimed at healing diseases and searching for the truth. In addition, white candles help childless women finally feel. They also help correct the effect of wax of other shades.

Speaking about the meaning of the color of candles, we cannot help but say that white is an excellent assistant for people of various professions, especially teachers! It helps you achieve all your goals. White candles are useful when needed new source energy or its awakening.


This color It is considered synonymous with optimism and joy. Therefore, it is recommended to light yellow candles when there are guests in the house. In addition, they are often used to improve relations between spouses. The fact is that bright wax carries harmony, mutual understanding and respect!

The color of the sun is also associated with a person’s intellectual potential. That’s why they light such candles before passing exams or interviews. You can use yellow candles just like that: lit in the house, they will bring financial well-being, comfort, tranquility and friendly atmosphere.


Candle of blue color can awaken in a person a sense of mercy towards others. She wakes up and own feeling guilt. Such attributes are good for various spiritual practices and meditations: they help improve health, awaken energy, attract prophetic dreams. Another property of them is that they are able to give answers to complex life questions. In addition, blue candles are the strongest weapons, often used in the fight against evil forces. Wax of this color has a large energy charge, but magicians often do not recommend using it - this can lead a person to depression and disorder.


Speaking about the meaning of the color of candles, one cannot fail to mention the magical attributes of black; it accumulates magical energy, and therefore has a number of the most different characteristics, capable of influencing not only a person’s consciousness, but also the events occurring in his life.

Black candles perfectly help in the fight against obstacles and difficult circumstances. They get rid of negative energy and speed up recovery from illnesses. It is strictly forbidden to treat wax of this color lightly! You should not use them in rituals aimed at desires that you are not completely sure of. When should such candles be lit? Magicians speak - in moments of reflection on complex issues, when justice is needed or when life is complicated by various obstacles. It is also important that black color affects the process of meditation, making it deeper.


What is the color green associated with? Of course, with fertility, abundance, material wealth, summer greenery. That’s why esotericists recommend lighting such candles when you urgently need to attract finances into your life, improve the health of your household, and increase your level. In addition, green candles help in the implementation of creative ideas and ideas. Unlike blue ones, green attributes can be used daily: they will help you get inspired.

Speaking about the magic of color, we cannot fail to mention that different shades of green help in solving different problems. For example, when a person burns dark green candles, greed and envy leave his heart. Emerald candles are a symbol of love, important achievements and bright emotions. Therefore, it is worth lighting them at a time when you need to strengthen the union and dilute bland life little joys.


Orange color- a symbol of the sun and summer, power and entrepreneurship. He is able to give a person strength, enthusiasm and luck. In addition, it strengthens both friendly and business ties, gives recognition and success. It is worth lighting candles of this color in situations where you need to quickly adapt to some situations and adapt to reality. In addition, orange is the best helper for women who want to lose weight and transform themselves.


Speaking about the meaning of the color of candles, it is worth mentioning pink candles. All shades of this color attract romance and sensuality into life, pointing to the path that will lead to spiritual harmony and balance. Women who are too callous should light such candles: they will help them become more tender and softer.

Another useful property this color is the programming of energy for reconciliation. That’s why you need to use them after quarrels. They will also help you find compromises in any situation. By the way, it is best to use pink wax products with the scent of roses - they will enhance the magical effect of rituals.


Typically, such candles are used together with others in a variety of rituals. Their main purpose is to accelerate the result, strengthen the ritual.


Purple wax products will help you reveal hidden capabilities and talents, expand the boundaries of consciousness, and make wise decisions. Magicians use them to create the necessary mood during predictions of the future or various fortune-telling. These candles are used to protect against magical influences and cleanse from negative influences.

Golden and silver

Sorcerers recommend using golden candles for women. It is generally accepted that they will help to acquire happiness and wealth, determination and the spirit of victory. Silver attributes are necessary if you need to get rid of negative impact, improve well-being and gain vitality.

Blue and turquoise

Who should use wax candles? blue color? People who lack patience and inspiration. Their influence is particularly gentle, so they can gently resolve spiritual torment. Often such candles are used during spiritualistic séances.

You can light blue candles, look at the fire and think about your loved one - this can program him to be faithful and incredible affection.

Turquoise attributes play the role of a kind of talisman that can cleanse the soul and push for change.


These tones are absolutely neutral, and therefore suitable for people who need to understand their own thoughts and feelings. The meaning of the color of candles allows them to be used for meditation and practices aimed at reflection and relaxation. Esotericists recommend lighting them at the end of a busy day.


Brown candles help you gain confidence. They prevent danger and release excess energy. Another action is balancing the connection with the outside world.

In which areas should candles be lit?

After you have decided on the color of the candle, you need to choose a place in the house where you will light them. Multi-colored candles located in the southwest will help improve relationships with a loved one, resolve conflict situations with kids.

If you have a great desire to succeed in professional activity To gain popularity, magicians advise taking red, blue and purple candles and lighting them in the south of the house.

It's no secret that Qi energy is the source of all life on our planet. If you feel that it has stagnated and needs to be dispersed, it is recommended to light it at least two to three times a week magic candles in the most inaccessible places of the home, for example, in corners.

Candles that a person lights in the northeast of an apartment or room will help strengthen the influence of the energy of the Earth element (and therefore bring stability, self-confidence into one’s life, and preserve family happiness). This should be done at least twice a week.

You can also eliminate the chill that has appeared in a relationship with the help of candles. It is best to take red wax products. They should be burned in the bedroom, choosing the southwest side for this. Esotericists warn that you should not do this too often, otherwise both you and your partner will simply get tired of the excessive manifestation of feelings.

White lights can be used in absolutely all zones and all rooms. They will allow you to create an indescribable atmosphere of cleanliness and freshness in your home, and will rid your home of negative energy, accumulated for a long time.