Shura - an outstanding singer who attracted the attention of the whole country with his performances and appearance, nontrivial actions and rumors about her alternative orientation. Shura did not tired shocking the audience than he gave both the love of one part of it and the disapproval and mockery of the other.

Childhood and youth

Future singer Alexander Vladimirovich Medvedev, a better known under the pseudonym Shura, was born on May 20, 1975 in Novosibirsk. The boy grew up with Mom Svetlana, the younger brother Mikhail and his grandmother of Mikhailovna, who, according to Artist, was Gypsy blood.

The boy was always sure that his brother loved more, and eventually found a lot of confirmations. For example, the musician told that at the age of 9, he got into an orphanage, from where the grandmother had been taken from him. And about the fact that his father is not really native to him, and stepfather, the young man found out, only receiving a passport, where the mother asked him to record a completely different patronymic.

As it turned out, his native father Vladimir Shapkin lived near the house of Medvedev, but did not show initiatives in order to meet and chat with his son. Svetlana began to meet with 20-year-old Vladimir, just returned from the army when she was only 17 years old. The girl became pregnant, but the young man did not consider it necessary to marry her, and on the contrary, he moved away. After a time, Nikolai Dudchenko became his spouse, from which the second son was born. But this family did not exist long.

Having become popular, Shura always tried to mainly support his mother, even if due to conflicts I had to transfer money not directly, but through my brother or daughter-in-law.

Shura has no musical education. And study at school ended for him already in the 7th grade. The boy was expelled with a certificate of incomplete secondary education.

He began his career singer early, at 13th. The first scene of Sasha was the Novosibirsk restaurant "Rus", where his grandmother worked. An unusual artist immediately nicknamed a yellow suitcase. Apparently, it was associated with a shocking view of the guy: he went out to perform in a black jacket with fringe, lacquered shoes on the high platform and a black coat to the spots.

According to the artist himself, the grandmother instracted him for extravagance. Vera Mikhailovna worked as a cook and the art had a very indirect attitude: she sang in front of a mirror romances, having to take into unthinkable outfits. Grandmother also taught the grandson macrame and embroidery. At one time, in addition to the music, Shura in his native Novosibirsk led courses of needlework, who visited women of all ages. This lesson pushed the future artist to get the profession of the Florist designer.

Shura graduated from the design courses in Riga and immediately arrived in Moscow with an ambitious intention to conquer the capital.


Capital debut Shura took place in the "Manhattan-Express" club. The stack on the shock was correct, and the singer woke up famous. Another important event for a young singer took place in the same club. There Alexander met with a stylist and fashion designer Alisher. Since then, Alisher sews Sasha scenic costumes, advises during shopping trips.

The peak of the fame of the pop singer falls at the end of the 90s. A rapid growth of popularity of the artist acquired thanks to the rapid manner of execution and appearance: Shura was without teeth and did not hurry to insert them. According to the artist, in childhood they knocked him the younger brother Mikhail during a fight.

The most famous Schura songs are "the summer rain" loose "and" Creating Good ". The popularity of songs was so great that clips immediately appeared on them. Hits of the shock artist became objects of numerous parodies. But for many Songs of the Shuras of those years are associated with the period of mature, because they are relevant today.

The first two Albums of Shura recorded in collaboration with composer Pavel Yesenin, who also acted as a backbone. In 1997, the first album called "Shura" appeared in the discography of the musician. And in 1998, as a continuation was released album "Shura-2".

Shura - "Create Good"

Medvedev has many musical awards. For the songs "You do not believe tears" and "Creation of Good", the singer received the "Golden Gramophone". In the "Song of the Year" Shura sang "You do not believe tears" and "smooth summer rains". Awards received songs "Artist", "Winter Winter" and "Sky for us."

The style brought by Shura on the Russian stage, critics gave the name "Eurodens".

After takeoff, the showman suddenly disappeared. The creative biography of Shura was interrupted for a long time. As it turned out, he was seriously sick. Evil languages \u200b\u200bspoke about drug addiction and alcoholism of the singer. The drug addiction Medvedev confirmed, calling it the main cause of the disease - cancer. But the terrible disease Alexander managed to win, although it took a lot of time: cancer was discovered in a launched form.

Treatment began in the Moscow Military Hospital. Shura suffered a complex operation, but it was only the first stage on the way to healing. The further chemotherapy was to be, which was carried out simultaneously with the treatment of narcotic dependence.

Shura about healing from cancer

Mama from Novosibirsk even flew to the singer to help arrange him in the clinic. Friends supported the artist, helped him in a word and affair: for treatment and rehabilitation it took a big amount of money. The course of treatment Shura continued in one of the Swiss medical centers.

The disease retreated, thanks to the support of the closer circle of Shura recovered, shares and cancer, and thrust for narcotic substances. But a new problem arose: the musician was recovered in every sense of this word, the exhausted body responded to the treatment in an unexpected way - extra kilograms appeared. With a height of 175 cm, the weight of the artist reached 140 kg.

However, the guy managed to overcome this barrier. Several liposuction courses helped get rid of fat deposits. The renewed singer appeared again on television screens and began to tour. Podatage was dubbed, but the story about terrible illness and wonderful healing became a business card returned to the artist's scene, causing a new splash of interest in his person.

Returning to the scene in the late 2000s in an updated image, Shura became a guest of a popular show. Boris Moiseev became his rival on the "Music Ring".

Music Ring NTV - Shura VS Boris Moiseev

In 2007, the artist appeared in the program "You - Superstar!" on NTV. The new image allowed the artist to get to the final, where Shura lost the first place to Singer Aziz. The number that made an impression in the public was the song "Pray for Parents." This hit Shura sang in a duet with Soso Pavliashvili. By this time, the artist had a full-fledged smile, which cost the singer of 8 million rubles.

Shura and Soso Pavliashvili - "Pray for Parents"

In 2015, Shura celebrated the 20th anniversary of creative activity. In the same year, the singer appeared in the popular show of the output "one in one!" On the TV channel "Russia-1". A year later, the artist began a large tour "New Life. A new image ", in which he presented the songs of" Penguins "," Our Summer. "

Personal life

Around the singer always walked many rumors about his orientation. Papered image and provocative statements of the musician for a long time supported the interest of the press to this topic. Also in the media sometimes flashed about the novels of Shura with a soloist of the group "Guests from the future" Eva Malna and with the singer Larisa Chernikova, but the artist himself called them "duck".

In the end, despite the initial statements about homosexuality, which Shura eventually called the part of his own image, in May 2010, the singer presented the bride to Lisa. The couple met at the Opera Club, where Lisa worked as a promoter.

In the 35th birthday, the singer, appearing in the metropolitan club "Paradise" with his chosen, announced a relationship with Lisa and presented the beloved "Mercedes". Friends and colleagues of the artist warmly took a girl in their company. Judging by the joint photo, beloved possess similar features of the face. In 2014, Lisa starred in the clip of the beloved "Heart beats".

In 2011, information appeared in the media that two children grow up in Kislovodsk. The artist himself categorically refuted this information, which the supposed former beloved singer shared with the press. To find out the truth, the singer went to the studio of the program "Let them say". Seeing children, many were surprised how they were like an artist. But the DNA test determined that Shura spoke the truth.

According to the artist, the personal life of Shura was consciously and is hidden for a long time from a curious eye, and the relationship with the beloved Lisa lasted for a long time. Shura continues to hide the romantic relationship from the press. Now the public is not known for any details from the personal life of the singer and his civil wife. In 2017, rumors appeared that Shura plans to acquire heirs.

On another part of his personal life, the musician tells a little more eagerly. Shura does not hide that he has a protracted conflict with his mother. In 2013, the case even reached the court. Mother and brother tried to write out the musician from the apartment, in which the artist prescribed her grandmother. Shura did not go to the opponent and entered into litigation. A well-known musician is not needed "odnushka" in Novosibirsk, these actions, he explains two reasons.

First, he considers such an act of relatives with betrayal, because no one even tried to negotiate with the musician in a good way, on the contrary, the mother cut all the contacts. Secondly, a man is worried about the mother. According to him, she had a new cavalier, who was suspiciously interested in the material state of his chosen. Shura suspects a man in unreliable intentions and does not want to end up with his mother staying on the street. The singer was supported by colleagues, stating that, despite the unpleasant situation, the musician would never harm relatives.

In 2016, shortly before his birthday, the singer tried to make a mother. No one opened the music to the musician, so he began to wait for a woman on a bench at the entrance, but when Mom Shura still went out to the street, he went past his son, as if he did not recognize him. The singer shared this story with the TV viewers on the show "Let them say" in honor of his birthday. But judging by the "instagram" of the singer, soon relatives managed to reconcile.

Shura now

2018 began to artist hardly. Shura has recently experienced problems with a hip joint, so he decided on a replacement operation. For this, the singer went to Kurgan in the Russian scientific center "Restorative traumatology and orthopedics" named after academician A. Ilizarova. The planned operation was successful, and as a sign of gratitude after the rehabilitation period, a solo concert for the residents of Kurgan was organized.

Shura on the project "Secret by Million"

In May, with the participation of Alexander Medvedev, the TV host "Secret of Million" with TV presenter Leroy Kudryavtsevaya was published on the NTV television. On the transfer, the artist frankly told about the problems that remained far in the past, and the desire to become a father. For the sake of this dream, the artist passed the necessary tests before transferring the necessary tests, and on the air TV show he met a surrogate mother, which is ready to make an artist even twin. For the sake of future heirs, Shura plans to purchase a country house.

In July, the singer was the guest of the popular evening show Andrei Malakhov "Hello, Andrei!", The release of which was devoted to the stars of the 90s.

Shura on the project "Hi, Andrei!"

Do not forget the Shura and the creation of new hits. In 2017, the artist presented fans a new single "Girlfriend". In the summer of 2018, the artist announced on his own profile in "Instagram" the release of the song "An important thing" than caused a storm of positive emotions from his subscribers. Also in the summer, a solo concert of Shura was held in the heads of Green Concert.

Recently, Shura faced a problem, because of which actually became a homeless. Even in the early 2000s, the artist bought an apartment in Moscow for 45 million rubles, which was subsequently rewritten on another person under the action of drugs. Now the apartment has new owners who demanded from the artist to move from the meters occupied. At first, Shura was in the depressed mood, but then decided to fight for real estate. Several court hearings have already been held.

Shura is called the most rapid singer of modernity. This favorite of women and children is enveloped by foggy rumors, gossip and riddles. On some of them he decided to shed light

Sasha, no one is no longer a secret that you had big problems with drugs. Now with this finally finished?
- Yes. Three years I really sat on drugs. It was a very difficult period. Somehow managed to work, but I had to eat drugs.

- What does it mean "accounted"? Forcibly fed, or what?
- Yes, all the parties is so! Do you think you, what are they saints? Russian show business just stuffed with drugs. I also madly wanted to try. To keep just no strength. Let's say so, the mind did not have enough. Thank God, all this ended. I passed a rehabilitation course in a good clinic. It is good that I survived it that no one seduce with it now. There are no more drugs in my life. Now I am a lively, healthy person. I work normally again.

- It seems to you my mother hardly helped?
"Yes, she came from Novosibirsk, arranged me in the clinic, lived there with me." Treatment, by the way, it was not expensive, although they prescribed the mass of everything. The course costs about two thousand dollars.

"Why did you get so recovered?"
"Because after treatment, a brutal appetite woke up. There is no longer the shoulder cheeks and blurred glance, you see.

- If it's not a secret, how much did you hurt money for drugs?
- Everything was spent ... Therefore, for a long time I had no apartment or a car. Everything went on friends, restaurants, drugs. I gone, probably thousands of fifteen dollars, or even more. But during treatment, there was no one of his colleagues with me. I was silent about my illness. It was not terribly looking at me, so I behaved very apart.

- Sasha, and who is now the closest person for you?

- Of course, Mom. Now she lives with me in Moscow. For me, she and girlfriend. Mom helps me a lot - both in clothes, and in the repertoire. I'm glad to this, because before we were not friends and talked little. Only when Mom realized that her son was not doing such a nonsense, we had a good relationship. And so she gave me complete freedom, but we were not friends.

- Many say that you have a progressive form of stellar disease. What do you think about this?
- Star disease I had just when I was sitting on drugs. She passed unnoticed for me. And for others, probably, too, as I sat at home without getting out.

- Scandals with the organizers, breaking the speeches, the shocking - is it in the past or does it still happen?
- At one time it was fashionable to behave defiantly. Scandals were needed, I had to go it. There was such a Shura before. Now I am another. More relaxed, more professional and cultural. Now I come to all concerts on time, even earlier, what everyone is surprised.

- At one time he walked the story about how you hit your own director with a suitcase on the head. It's true?
- I'll tell you how it was. I arrive from Switzerland to Sheremetyevo-2. On this day, I owe an important concert in Berezovsky in Moscow. I go to my director and ask: "Tell me, please, snowing where there will be a concert?" "This information will cost you money," my director answered me. Naturally, she got a suitcase on the head. On that and parted. It was just one blow, but serious and correct. So in my place would be any. But there was no beatings.

- Snowball is the girl who sheltered you in his communal when you had no place to live?
- Yes she. I did not forget everything that is good that she once did for me. But then it was another snowing, which then changed very much, loved light money. She, like many, spoiled a show business.

- How are you now with a personal life?
- Wonderful. I love, and love me. Everything is fine. In this regard, I do not suffer.

- Is it true that you had a novel with the current spouse Natasha Queen Tarzan?
- That's precisely because he is now the Queen, I would not want to answer this question. I will only say one thing: I love beautiful people and it doesn't matter to me what sex they are.

- It was said that during the period of narcotic dependence, you, like a singer, went on no. This is true?
- Drugs that I used, fortunately, did not affect ligaments. Although there is, of course, the mass of such that the voice is being sickly. I saved the ability to work. After I tied out with this poison, I even had an increased vocal range. Not Mariah Carey. Of course, but somewhere close. I can sing Fallete, I can bass. I can sing with an opera voice. How many octave me I take, I can not say, because I do not know Solfeggio badly.

Alexander Medvedev, he was a shura, born in Novosibirsk on May 20, 1975. Real nugget. Music has not been studied anywhere. His universities were held at the local restaurant, where he sang from 13 years. At the end of the design courses in Riga came to Moscow and began to speak, the first time "mowing" under a foreign star. The personal life of the singer is covered with darkness. From the moment this character appears on the Russian pop scene, they talked a lot about him. And far from the most pleasant things. Having lost his abilities, people who had to deal with him, in one voice, claimed: "It's incredibly difficult to communicate with this person."

They said that on the set of her first clip "Cold Moon" he brought a group to white crown. He was dissatisfied with all: scenario, his incarnation, director, actors, weather ... An indignation was expressed rapidly: shouted, he shouted his feet. In the St. Petersburg club "Candyman" (the clip was filmed in the northern capital) found two transvestites, their ledges on the site, demanded to remove and pay them $ 200.

In fact, communicate with a young star is not so scary, although it's really not easy. In life, appearance, although very extraordinary, does not inspire fear for the health of others. Even the lack of teeth rushes not immediately. By the way, questions about the teeth are withdrawing Sasha from equilibrium - so it is better not to ask them.

In a conversation, the young man in moderation is kindly, to the measure of bolders, in Measure is brewing. He speaks pleasure about himself. It is quite satisfied with his real, in its brilliant future no doubt. In general, he obviously not threatens to die from modesty - in any case, in the near future.

A grandmother was brought to the hard artistic path of Shura - she herself worked as a cook of the 6th category and had a very indirect attitude to the art: having to go into unthinkable outfits, sang in front of a romance mirror. One time, when the cheerful granny put on a skirt, frightened by bottle corks, and appeared in this form before Shura, he was frightened and hid in the bathroom. Ships around, Babushkin Love for extravagant toilets was inherited Shura.

The first Moscow performance of Shura took place in the "Manhattan-Express" club. It is there that the young talent and met with a stylist and fashion designer by Alisher, with which since then and works. Alisher sews Sasha scenic costumes, advises during shopping hiking. Now Shura is gradually moving away from the former "extravagant-operatic" image and experiences more elegant clothing. It no longer carries shoes on a mad platform, preferring to her stylish, insanely expensive shoes of well-known firms. But the young star claims that at any time it can change and dress up in something completely crazy. "I can't arrive for a long time in the same image, immediately becomes bored," he says.

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basic information
Birth name

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Full name

Alexander Vladimirovich Medvedev

Date of Birth
Date of death

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Place of death

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Years of activity

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Singing voice

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The peak of its popularity falls at the end of the 1990s. Acquired a fame due to the rapid manner of performance and memorable appearance - the peculiarity of the artist for some time was the absence of anterior teeth. Some songs (for example, "smooth rain", "Cool Good", "Cold Moon" and "You do not believe in tears") became objects of numerous parodies.

Personal life

Despite the initial data on the homosexuality of the singer, which he called part of his image, in May 2010, Shura presented his bride to Lisa.

After the recession of the popularity of Shura became drug-dependent, fell ill with cancer. Course has passed chemotherapy, taking drugs from drug addiction.

Awards and Prize

Albums, singles

The first two albums are recorded in collaboration with Composer Pavel Yesenin, who also acted as a backbone.

  • - "Shura"
  • - "Shura-2"
  • - "Tale" (1 version of Exclusive Single)
  • - Official collection + 2 songs: "Fairy Tale" (2 version "Sky for us"); "Cepenty edge"
  • - "Thank you second breathing"
  • - "NEWS"
  • - "Forbidden Love" (feat. Irina Peremnaya) (Original + Remix Single's)
  • - "New day"
  • - "Heart beats" (single)
  • - "Prayer" (Single) (Feat. Svetlana Surganova)
  • - "Laughter and Tears" (Single)
  • - "Dreams" (single)
  • - "Our summer" (single)
  • - "Heart beating"
  • - "Penguins" (single)

Video clips

  • - "Cold Moon"
  • - "You do not believe in tears" (concert)
  • - "Severe Summer Rain"
  • - "Create good"
  • - "Make a step" (unneanged)
  • - "Hello"
  • - "Forbidden Love" Feat. Irina Berezhnaya
  • - "Balloons"
  • - "Heart beating"
  • - Prayer Feat. Surganova and Orchestra (Concert + Backstage)
  • - "Laughter and tears"
  • - "Penguins"

Popular songs

  • Cheerful summer rains
  • Don Don Don.
  • Are You Ready.
  • Cold Moon
  • Eternity
  • Winter winter
  • You do not believe in tears
  • Lauga-Pights
  • Day outside the window
  • Story
  • Cherished land
  • Create good
  • And just the autumn came
  • Artist
  • Make a step
  • Tell me, please, Allo
  • Old artist
  • By cheeks
  • Peace and good (Cleans Good 2)
  • Or or
  • New day
  • Balloons
  • Heart beats
  • Laughter and tears
  • Our summer
  • Penguins

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Excerpt that characterizes Shura (singer)

- What do you think, who lives in this strange world? .. - For some reason, Stella asked the whisper.
- Want - let's see? "Suddenly, for himself, I suggested."
I did not understand where my whole fatigue was released, and why I suddenly completely forgot myself a minute ago promise not to interfere with any, even the most incredible incidents until tomorrow, or at least, until at least a bit of rest. But, of course, this was again worked by my insatiable curiosity, which I never learned yet to be packed, even when this necessity appeared ...
Therefore, trying how much my exhausted heart allowed, "disconnect" and not think about our failed, sad and heavy day, I immediately looked at the "new and unknown", anticipating some unusual and exciting adventure ...
We smoothly "slowed down" right at the very entrance to a stunning "ice" world, how suddenly a man appeared because of the sparks of the blue tree ... It was a very unusual girl - high and slim, and very beautiful, she would seem completely young , almost that if it were not for the eyes ... They shone calm, light sadness, and were deep, like a well with the purest spring water ... and in these wondrous eyes, such wisdom was buried, which we were with a stella for a long time was not given to comprehend ... no surprising of our appearance at all, the stranger smiled warmly and asked quietly:
- What are you small?
- We just took place nearby and wanted to see your beauty. Sorry, if we disturbed ... - Slightly confused, I mumbled.
- Well, what are you! Come inward, there will surely be more interesting ... - having waved his hand into depths, the stranger smiled again.
MiG slipped past it inside the "palace", is not able to keep the vouchy curiosity, and already pre-anticipating something very, very "interesting."
Inside it turned out so stunning that with Stella literally froze in a stupor, opening the mouths, like an aggreed one-day chicks, are not able to pronounce a word ...
No, what is called, "Paul" in the palace was not ... Everything is there, Parished in sparkling silver air, creating the impression of sparkling infinity. Some fantastic "seats", similar to the sparkling tight clouds, having swamped smoothly, hanging in the air, then sealing, then almost disappearing, as if attracting attention and inviting them to sit down ... Silver "Ice" flowers, Bright and shimmer, decorated everything around, hitting the variety of shapes and patterns of the finest, almost that jewelry petals. And somewhere very high in the "ceiling", blindly in the blue light, hung an incredible beauty of the huge ice "icicles", which turned this fabulous "cave" into the fantastic "Ice World", which seemed to have no end ...
- Let's go, my guests, grandfather will be extremely glad to you! - Smoothly gliding by us, the girl said the warmth.
And here I finally realized why she seemed unusual to us - as the stranger moved, he pulled out the sparkling "tail" of some special blue matter, which shone and rushed around her fragile figurines, scattered behind It is silver pollen ...
We did not have time to surprise this, as I immediately saw a very high, gray elder, proudly squeezed on a strange, very beautiful chair, as if emphasizing her significance for misunderstanding. He was completely calmly watched our approach, no wonder and not expressing any emotions, except for a warm, friendly smile.
White, silver overflowing, the flourishing clothes of the elder merged with the same, completely white, long hair, making it look like a good spirit. And only the eyes, the same mysterious, as well as our beautiful stranger, shocked the impossible patience, wisdom and depth, forcing us to get along with the infinity that begins in them ...
- Heads will be, the guest! - Laskovo said the old man. - What led you to us?
- And you hello, grandfather! - Stella joyfully greeted.
And here for the first time in all the time of our already pretty long acquaintance I was surprised to hear that she finally appealed to someone, turned to "you" ...
Stella had a very funny manner to deal with all on "you", how would it be emphasizing that all the people were met, be it an adult or a little more baby, are her good old friends, and that for each of them she has "Naraspy" The soul is open ... that of course, instantly and fully revealed to her even the most closed and the most lonely people, and only very smooth souls did not find the path to her.
- Why do you have so cold here? - Immediately, as a habit, questions fell. - I mean, why do you have such a "ice" everywhere?
The girl looked at Stella surprised.
"I never thought about it ..." she said thoughtfully. - Probably because we have enough warmth to all our remaining life? We burned on Earth, you see ...
- How - burned?!. - stared at her Stella. - Did you really burn? .. - Well, yes. Just there I was a witch - I had done a lot ... like my whole family. Here is the grandfather - he is a Venne, and Mom, she was the most strong Vidnight at that time. This means that I saw what others could not see. She saw the future just as we see the present. And the past too ... and in general, she could have known a lot - no one knew so much. And ordinary people apparently nicked - they did not love too much "knowledgeable" ... Although, when they needed help, they turned to us. And we helped ... And then the same to whom we helped, betrayed us ...
The witch girl was watched by the darkened eyes somewhere in the distance, for a moment without seeing and not hearing anything around, leaving for someone her famous distant world. Then, shy, shouted with fragile shoulders, as if he remembered something very scary, and continued quietly:
- So many centuries passed, and I still feel everything like a flame devour me ... Therefore, probably and "cold" here, as you say, honey, - already referring to Stella, finished the girl.
"But you can't be a witch! .." Stella said confidently. - Witches are old and terrible, and very bad. So in our fairy tales it is written that my grandmother I read. And you are good! And so beautiful! ..
"Well, tales of fairy tales Maintain ..." Girl-witch smiled sadly. - They are all people and comprise them ... And what they show us with old and terrible - then someone is so more convenient, probably ... it's easier to explain inexplicable, and it is easier to call dislike ... You will also cause more sympathy if they are burn young and beautiful than old and terrible, though?

Singer Shura. Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Medvedev.

Alexander Medvedev, known under the pseudonym Shura, the figure is colorful. An unthinkable outfits, platform shoes and the absence of front teeth attract the public no less than vocal data. By the way, there is no musical education at the singer. The nuggets held their universities in restaurants where he sang from thirteen years. Artistry Alexander inherited from her grandmother, which was Gypsy blood and surprisingly performed romances. Listful family album, Shura spoke about how to get rid of addiction to drugs, defeated cancer and fascinated Patrics of Kaas.

1. I'm thirteen years old. In Moscow, I travel - I'm going to Riga for design courses. We can say that Moscow I fell in love with the first candy. When I was five years old, I was presented with a box of chocolate candies with the image of the Kremlin. I carried it to the courtyard, treated the guys. Then cut off the lid with the picture and hung over his bed. I said that I would definitely live in this city. And the dream was fulfilled.

2. Central Park of the city of Novosibirsk, where my childhood and youth passed. Very happy time. From the thirteen years I sang in restaurants, earned money and drove the guys from my class to have fun in the park. We walked, rode the carousels, ate kebabs. I never regretted money on entertainment, on my relatives, friends.

3. This is me at the cottage at my good friend Natasha. I really like this place near Moscow. We often rest here, fry kebabs, do ear. Well, yes, I love to think about. These lamb are outdoor ceramic sculptures. Have you thought they are alive? Ha ha ha.

4. I am with my grandmother faith Mikhailovna - the closest and loved by me by man. She always supported me, gave me her blessing, and money for all my undertakings. Grandma Gypsy blood and sang gorgeous romances. She still had a skirt, stitched from forty flaps, on the edge of the corks from bottles. When the grandmother went, the skirt thundered like a tambourine.

5. Shooting some TV program. I was a TV host. In total, I had twelve different female images. As for Ksyushi Sobchak, we are fine in Ladim. For a birthday, she often orders a concert with my participation. I respect her, I love and say: "If I ever get married, then only such as Sobchak."

6. I am in the club "Metelitsa", leading its program. This is my last discoloration blond: I've already become a little to fall out. I was diagnosed with oncology. What happened I perceived as a pattern. I dreamed of prophetic dreams, which, they say, be bored, if you do not quit drugs. But it was difficult to stop. The disease became an incentive to tie, leave the surroundings that sucking me from me for drugs, and completely change my life.

7. My twenty-second birthday. We celebrate it at the Metelitsa Club. With me girls, my good girlfriends. They sang in some kind of youth group. Now I can't remember the name, she quickly sued. I love my birthday. Always idle it, noisy, fun and insanely expensive. Although I have more and more years.

8. I am in the image of Baba-Yagi, I sing a song from the cartoon "Flying ship", with me backing vocals "Buranovsky grandmothers". That day I had to go to the dentist, and I was removed the top teeth. The director exclaimed: "Look at the shur: how he responsively was preparing for the role!". Merry was the number.