This man managed to become the youngest chef in the history of the Hilton hotel chain. His dishes combine Latin American culinary traditions, French delicacy and Asian performance techniques. In our article, we will present best recipes by Hector Jimenez Bravo with photo and step by step description. The chef's dishes have different level difficulties, but thanks detailed instructions it will be easy to make them yourself.

Recipes from Hector Jimenez Bravo: salads for every day

Among the recipes of Hector Jimenez Bravo, there are a lot of salads, both complex and simpler. We offer to prepare two completely different salads, but tasty and healthy in their own way, like all the dishes of the author.

  • Pear and Spinach Salad is made with just three simple ingredients. But cheeses, nuts, and dried fruits can be added to the dressing. From this taste and the nutritional value dishes will only win. Apples and pears (2 each) are cut into thin slices, laid out in a bowl and mixed with spinach. From olive oil (1/4 cup), Dijon mustard and honey (1 tablespoon each), a sauce is prepared with a whisk (like mayonnaise). After 2 minutes, it is added lemon juice and rosemary (1 tablespoon each). Salad is poured with dressing and sprinkled walnuts and goat cheese.
  • The salad is made from finely chopped white cabbage, carrots (3 pieces), green apples (2 pieces) and parsley. The dish is dressed with homemade mayonnaise. To prepare it with an immersion blender, you need to beat 1 raw egg and a teaspoon of sugar, salt and dry mustard. In the process of whipping, vegetable oil (200 ml) and juice of 1 lemon are poured in a thin stream. Salt and pepper can be added to taste.

Simple and delicious salads perfect for the daily menu.

Recipe for pancakes with onions and cilantro

In the piggy bank of Hector Jimenez Bravo recipes, you can find not only traditional, but also fortified pancakes, for example, with green onion and cilantro. No less original are green pancakes with spinach, which the author prepared especially for Angelina Jolie at a time when the actress was vacationing in the Maldives.

Step by step cooking pancakes with onion and cilantro:

  • crushed green onion(100 g) is well frayed with a fork until the juice is released.
  • The cilantro is finely chopped with a sharp knife.
  • Salt (1 teaspoon) is added to the sifted flour (200 g) and water (100 ml) is poured.
  • The dough is thick and elastic. It must be kneaded well on the table and sprinkled with olive oil.
  • A small piece (4-5 cm in diameter) is plucked off from the dough and rolled out on the table with a rolling pin.
  • Each pancake is pan fried.

Hector Jimenez Bravo revealed the recipe for pancakes with spinach at one of the master classes dedicated to Maslenitsa. The chef adds spinach puree to the traditional pancake dough made from eggs (2 pcs.), milk (350 ml) and flour (200 g). To prepare it, 100 g of pure green leaves of the plant are crushed in a blender with 100 ml of vegetable oil. The resulting puree is added to the dough, mixed, and then poured into the center of the pan, oiled (1/2 cup each). Spinach pancakes Hector serves with chicken fillet and greens stuffing.

potatoes and mushrooms

One of Hector Jimenez Bravo's favorite dishes is dumplings, despite the fact that this is far from being a Colombian dish. The chef has his own secrets of making dumplings. For example, Hector never adds eggs to the dough, because, according to the author, this ingredient makes the dumplings hard. To make the dough fluffy, it is recommended to add not milk, but kefir, to it when kneading. These are the top tips that Hector Jimenez Bravo gives. Recipes for toppings for dumplings from a famous chef involve the use of potatoes, meat or mushrooms, as well as all the ingredients together.

Step by step cooking dumplings:

  • 115 ml of kefir is poured into the sifted flour (340 g), a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of vegetable oil are added. Soft dough is kneaded.
  • The filling is prepared from boiled and chilled potatoes, boiled chicken breast and mushrooms. The amount of ingredients is adjusted to your taste. In total, you will need about 400 g of filling.
  • The dough is rolled out into a thin layer. With the help of a glass, circles are cut out, the filling is laid out in the center, after which the edges are pinched.
  • Dumplings are boiled in boiling salted water for no more than 5 minutes.

Hector's recipe

The chef prepares the pasta for the dish in a very special way. simple recipe. In a deep bowl, he mixes flour (250 g), a pinch of salt and 3 yolks. Gradually, milk (100 ml) is poured into this mixture, and a tablespoon of olive oil is added. The dough is collected in a ball, sprinkled with flour and left on the table for 3 hours.

After the specified time, the dough is rolled into a thin layer, cut and dried. The resulting pasta is boiled in salted water for no more than 3 minutes. At this time, cream (500 ml) is whipped with eggs (4 pcs.). On the olive oil fried onion, garlic and bacon (200 g). Then cream with eggs is poured into the pan, salt and pepper are added to taste. Lastly, boiled pasta is transferred to the sauce.

Meat dishes from Hector Jimenez Bravo: steak recipes

The basis of all chef's dishes is meat, fresh fish and seafood. But it is beef steaks that Hector Jimenez Bravo prefers. The chef's recipe book contains many interesting options. Below we present only two ways to cook beef and veal steak.

  • Steak "New York" beef with Mediterranean salsa. First of all, the striploin steak (180 g) is marinated in a mixture of salt, pepper, vegetable oil and rosemary for 20 minutes, and then grilled until tender. At this time salsa is being prepared. To do this, onions and garlic are fried in vegetable oil, and after 5 minutes olives (50 g), capers (30 g) and a tablespoon of mustard are added. After another 3 minutes, tomato, herbs, salt, pepper and butter. The steak is served on the same plate with Mediterranean salsa.
  • with creamy apple cream, leek sauce and First of all, the meat is fried in a mixture of olive and butter. For the cream, onion and garlic are sautéed in vegetable oil, after 3 minutes a plum and an apple are added. The ingredients are poured with white wine (100 ml) and stewed under the lid for 15 minutes, after which they are crushed into puree. The sauce is made from leeks fried in butter, stewed in cream and chicken broth(50 ml each). Ready sauce is filtered through a sieve. When serving, the steak is laid out on mashed potatoes, poured over with sauce and decorated with dor blue.

Festive turkey with champagne

Hector Jimenez Bravo has been preparing a dish according to this recipe for 15 years, especially for Thanksgiving Day, as well as for the New Year. According to the author, the secret of tender meat lies in in large numbers parsley, which is used in cooking. Hector Jimenez Bravo reveals recipes for a festive turkey and sauce for it for everyone.

At the very beginning of cooking, a turkey weighing about 7 kg is rubbed with a mixture of salt (2 teaspoons), pepper and melted butter (1/4 cup). After that, the bird is transferred to a baking sheet and sent to the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 165 °. At this time, champagne (2 cups), beef broth (1 cup), 2 finely chopped onions, a glass of parsley, thyme and marjoram (1/2 teaspoon each) are combined in a deep bowl. The resulting gravy turkey is watered every 10 minutes for 3.5 hours, which the bird will bake in the oven.

Apricot stuffed pork recipe

This dish is perfect for New Year's table. It is easy to prepare, and the taste is refined and delicate. Hector Jimenez Bravo in pork recipes suggests using fruits and dried fruits as one of the ingredients, which make the taste of meat spicy and more interesting.

An incision is made in the pork tenderloin (350 g), which allows you to open the meat like a book about 1.5 cm thick. Finely chopped dried apricots (1/4 cup), grated Gruyère or Swiss cheese (1/3 cup) are laid out in the center of the meat piece, a pinch of thyme, a clove of garlic, salt and ground black pepper to taste. Then the pork is wrapped in a roll, tied in a circle with threads and fixed with toothpicks. The meat is laid out on a baking sheet, smeared with melted butter on top and sent to the oven for 35 minutes at a temperature of 190 °.

Light desserts from Hector

In addition to the main dishes, the famous chef prepares a variety of desserts. Their soft texture nice light taste and exquisite design are calling card Hector Jimenez Bravo. Dessert recipes from the chef are presented below.

  • To prepare "Dessert Pavlova", the oven is preheated to 150 °. egg whites(4 pcs.) Whip with powdered sugar (250 g) to high peaks. Without stopping whisking, starch is added to the fluffy mass (1 tbsp. Spoon). On the last minute wine vinegar and lemon juice (1/2 teaspoon each), as well as vanillin and ground coffee (1 teaspoon each) are introduced into the protein mass. The protein dough is laid out on parchment along a predetermined contour, a recess is formed inside. Dessert is baked for 1 hour, but left in the oven until completely cooled. The filling is fresh strawberries mixed with blackberry jam and whipped cream.
  • Tart with creme brulee and caramelized figs is prepared in portions in small molds (as for muffins or baskets). To prepare the dough, 4 yolks are beaten with powdered sugar (175 g), then butter (160 g), sifted flour (220 g), baking powder, a pinch of salt are added. The dough is kneaded by hand and immediately laid out in forms. Baskets are baked at 165 ° for 20 minutes. For cream, 4 yolks are beaten with a mixer, then powdered sugar and cornstarch are added (1/4 cup each). Without stopping beating, pour in hot milk (300 ml). After that, the mixture is sent to the fire and boiled to a thick consistency. The cooled cream is laid out in baskets and decorated with caramelized figs.

Step by step cooking "Tiramisu"

The famous chef has his own secrets for preparing one of the most popular Italian desserts. The recipe for "Tiramisu" from Hector Jimenez Bravo is as follows:

  • Eggs (6 pcs.) Are beaten with sugar (3 tablespoons) and mascarpone (500 g) into a homogeneous mass. In the process of whipping, espresso coffee, sweet wine and rum (2 tablespoons each) are added to the cream.
  • 100 ml of rum, sweet wine and coffee are poured into a separate bowl.
  • Biscuit cookies (500 g) are dipped in the prepared impregnation and laid out in a rectangular shape. A layer of cream is distributed on top, then again cookies and again cream.
  • Top "Tiramisu" is decorated with cocoa and grated chocolate.

The celebrity chef's lover runs his culinary academy in Kyiv. And it looks like this couple is perfectly able to combine work and love! Hector and Anna frankly told "Rest!" about feelings, mentality difference and plans for the future.

"Between us" chemistry "

Hector, what charmed you with Anya?
Hector: I was captivated by Anya's smile, her eyes, and ... her height. I've always liked tall women (smiles). And I am fascinated by its simplicity and lightness. She knows how to be happy simple things and enjoy every moment. It doesn't matter where I invite her - to a chic restaurant or to an ordinary cafe - she is always happy. There is “chemistry” between us, she always feels what mood I am in, and knows how to find an approach to me. How can you not fall in love with this beautiful woman that makes me happy?!
Anya: I know his habits, look, gestures… We met at work almost 5 years ago. I know when he is very angry and is about to explode - then it is better to shut up. The team at the Academy is not always ready for this. At these moments I say: "Hush, everything is fine, we will solve everything." (Smiling.)

When inviting Anya to work at the Academy, did you already know her? Were not afraid that love affair at work hurt the business?
Hector: When I invited her to work, I didn’t think at all how it would affect the business. (laughs). I liked her for a long time. I just wanted to see her every day and know that she was there. Although now I understand that I did not risk at all in terms of business, - Anya is a true professional!

Anya, did you know that Hector likes you?
Anya: Not! At that moment, I quit my previous job and flew away to take a break from everything. And Hector wrote to me that he had a business proposal for me. Upon arrival in Ukraine, we met, I went through a standard interview. We discussed business issues with him, he showed me the Academy project. I didn't even know what his intentions were. Although, I confess, when we first met, we had strong sympathy to each other, but we quickly paid it off, because both he and I had then serious relationship. And only after some time of work at the "Academy" I found out for what reason he actually called me ...

By the way, how exactly did this happen?
Anya: Once Hector invited me to a business dinner. We were sitting at a table, I was writing down something in a notebook, asking Hector questions and suddenly realized that he did not hear me - he was just looking and smiling in fascination! That evening we no longer talked at work - we talked about life, about feelings. Although Hector still did not immediately split - his courtship was very accurate. And then I suddenly realized that we were already together outside of work. And we are so good! This is how love was born.

Have you ever had a temperamental phase in your relationship? You are representatives different countries you have a different mentality...
Hector: I think Anya had to adapt more to me and my lifestyle. I have lived in many countries of the world and easily get used to something new. But at the same time, Anya lived for a long time in North America so she can think more broadly. We got used to inner world each other. Anya is Ukrainian, and Ukrainian women have a very strong character(smiles). I am Hispanic, I also have a strong character. So sometimes we just explode (laughs). But after a few minutes we calm down.
Anya: Ukrainian and Latin American men have different temperaments. The second one is more powerful. They are the owners of everything. But they show it very subtly. Our men are sharper, categorical.

Who among you is more jealous?
Hector: Hmm... I'm watching my woman (laughs). For example, when we are on the beach, men pay attention to Anya - still, she has such beautiful figure! I notice all these eyes in her direction and ... I am very proud, showing with all my appearance that “she is mine, so envy everyone!” And Anya looks into my eyes and behaves as if there is no one in the world but me. And I'm even happier for it! She belongs to me and I belong to her.
Anya: At the beginning of our relationship, I was very jealous. Hector is a public person, and he has many admirers. They even found me on social networks, recognized my personal contacts and began to write to me, saying, “who are you, yes, we will tell you ...” But now everyone has calmed down. And Hector and I are confident in each other.

Hector is 43, Anya is 24. Do you feel the difference in age?
Hector: No. Working abroad helped Anya to acquire a mature mindset. Yes, she sometimes behaves like a little girl - in a store or in a cafe she has such a childish delight! And I fall in love with her even more!
Anya: Hector sometimes says that my favorite phrase is "I want to dance!". And he also likes to joke, saying: “Here, Anya, you will live to my age and then you will understand ...” (Laughs.) Yes, Hector is wiser and more experienced. He is a very good adviser. And maybe that's the only difference in age.

Does your past relationship experience help or hinder you in love?
Anya: Our views here are different. For me, communicating with an ex is somehow unacceptable, no matter how good or bad you broke up with him. I can understand when people communicate because they have common child or business. But just like that, no. If my ex congratulates me on some holiday, I will write: “Thank you!” - but no more. It's normal for Hector. Him a good relationship With ex-wife.
Hector: I find it wrong to enter into a new relationship with some kind of ghosts of the past. I was married, divorced. And it took me time to prepare myself for new love. But for me, communication with my ex-wife is normal. It's hard to imagine how after a few years life together you can just not talk to the person. Yes, something did not work out, but if this relationship was mature, then it is quite logical that they can develop into friendship. I am confident in myself and in Anna. I think it's wrong to go to bed thinking about whether my girlfriend talked to her ex today or not. In relationships, you need to enjoy, and not look for a problem.

“I now have two mothers”

You recently returned from Colombia, where you introduced Anya to Hector's family...
Anya: Yes, and I realized who Hector is so emotional (laughs). They all talk like that in their family. Once I saw from afar how Hector and his brother were shouting at each other, and my mother was watching and smiling. I thought to separate them, but it turned out that this is their way of communicating (laughs).

Hector, how did your mother take Anya?
Hector: They talked a lot on Skype. But we met in person for the first time. Of course, Anya was a little worried when she met my family. But we Latin Americans love everyone.
Did your mom approve of your choice?
Hector: Mom is happy! She and Anya spent a lot of time together. One day the three of us were walking through the supermarket. I walked away for a minute, and when I returned, I see - they are laughing. It turns out that my mother told Anya a joke in Spanish, and she understood it!
Anya: Hector's mom world woman. From the day I arrived, I felt like her daughter. And it was sincere, and not because I am the chosen one of her son. She is my second big love, after mom. Now I have two of them!

Anya, how did your mother take Hector?

Anya: Even before meeting him, she was his big fan, because Hector was a judge on the MasterChef show. Mom took Hector with open mind. She is very happy for me and says: “Every single day I see how happy you are as a woman. Lucky you!"

In Hector's homeland, you celebrated his birthday... How did it go?
Hector: When I opened my eyes in the morning, the first thing I saw was Anya's face. She knows that I love leather accessories, so she gave me the bracelet that I now wear. By the way, my mother, who was usually the first to say “Happy Birthday!” to me, was even a little jealous that this time she was the second (laughs).

What else did you do in Colombia?
Anya: Fully immersed in the culture of the country! We were joined by Hector's colleagues in "Everything will be kind": they have known Hector's mother for a long time, she was in their studio. The film crew captured my acquaintance with the Bravo family and the country of Colombia.
Hector: We got into unusual situations found extreme products. You can see all the details in the project “Everything will be kind” on the STB TV channel, where we will also prepare Colombian dishes using Ukrainian ingredients!

How will you celebrate Valentine's Day?
Hector: I'm preparing Anya a special surprise. Of course, there will be underwear. By the way, this is a great gift for me too, because I'm the only one who will see it. (laughs). Everything we eat on this day will be cooked by me. I am also planning a vacation in April, and on Valentine's Day she will receive tickets. It will be a celebration that starts on Valentine's Day and ends sometime in May.
Anya: We try to be romantic. We spend a lot of time at work, but Sunday is for ourselves.

Which one of you cooks more at home?
Anya: Hector. But I also try to surprise him with something. In such cases, I close the door to the kitchen and do not let him in. He is nervous, rushing around the house, wants to come in, and I told him: "Don't even think about it." I can redo the recipe ten times to make the dish perfect.

What exactly are you preparing?
Anya: He loves Ukrainian cuisine: borscht, dumplings with cracklings. After a trip to his homeland, I was inspired by Colombian cuisine. Hector loves empanadas, their national stuffed pies.

You have rings on your fingers - are you engaged?
Hector: I think it's important to know that I'm happy and in love. I have my own secret, and everyone will know about it when the time comes.

Anya, is the official marriage important to you?
Anya: I used to think like this: by the age of 25 you need to get a stamp in your passport. Now I'm more relaxed about it. And when they say that children should be born in marriage, I answer that, first of all, they should be born in love. Wet printing doesn't have to mean everything, though... with a stamp, it's interesting too.

In which country do you feel most comfortable living? Where would you like to start a family?
Hector: Home is where love is. It doesn't matter if it's where you were born, what country you are a citizen of, or where you work. I can say that when I last time returning from Boryspil to Kyiv, I felt at home.
Anya: And Hector instead of " good morning can say “glory to Ukraine!”.

Hector Jimenez-Bravo's favorite girl is Anya. In an interview with STB, the judge of the MasterChef project told how they met and hinted that his intentions were more than serious.

By the way, a diamond ring on ring finger Ani speaks for itself. We can only congratulate the lovers and wish them a cloudless life together!

Hector Jimenez-Bravo kindly shared photos from his personal archive

Hector, not so long ago you admitted that in Ukraine you are kept not only by work, but also by your beloved woman. Introduce us to your other half!

Hector: I can tell you exactly - I'm in love! (laughs). I have such a busy schedule that it is very difficult to start a relationship. I need a girl who will treat such a rhythm of life with patience and understanding. He will support me in everything and at the same time give deep and calm relationships. This is all I found in Anna. For me, she is the perfect woman.

Anna runs your culinary academy. Do you have an office romance?

Ector: It was my strategy to always have her by my side (laughs). When I offered her the job, we were just friends. I was sure this position was perfect for her. As you can see, my hunter strategy worked! Common work allows us to spend more time together, to get to know each other.

I have always seen next to me an accomplished woman who is developing, and not absorbed only by my life. It is important for me that Anya has interesting activity she might even get more success, than me.

Tell me how you met. Was it love at first sight?

Anya: We met five years ago when we worked on a project for one of the five-star hotels in Kyiv. Hector was just developing the concepts of restaurants and kitchens in the hotel. Even during the acquaintance, sparks flew between us, and there was a special visual contact. Then my heart was occupied and his, too, so I just forced myself to restrain myself and not succumb to feelings. For four years we saw each other and communicated mainly at work. But that first evening I remembered many times ...

And who was the initiator of communication, you or Hector?

Anya: Somehow mutually. A few years later, when I became free, we became close. I thought Hector just invited me to work, but it turned out that it was his cunning plan (laughs).

What attracted you to Ector?

Anya: I remember how we met eyes. At that time I was in a relationship, and this attraction was very frightening. I liked his demeanor, how he communicates, how he treats me.

Anya, tell us a little about yourself. What do you live, what are you interested in?

Anya: I lived for a long time in the USA, studied English language. After school, I spent very little time in Ukraine. She later returned and started working in the hotel business. I love to travel, read, I'm interested in cooking, but not only because the work obliges. I try very hard to cook well (laughs).

Do you cook for Hector at home?

Anya: We cook for each other. During our trip, I cooked dinner for Hector - baked fish with tortellini. We also love. It is very similar to our dumplings, especially in shape. Inside chicken, beef, or cheese filling.

Hector: Anya likes everything I cook from Colombian cuisine. We once tried Bandeja Paisa in a restaurant - my favorite Colombian dish, she liked it so much that I decided to cook it at home. And what do you think - she ate everything and left me nothing (laughs). She also cooked borscht for me, and I felt like the most happy man in the world. By the way, it was a very tasty borscht!

Have you already introduced each other to your parents?

Ector: We have already met and communicate with Anya's mother. I sent our photos to my mother, we talked on Skype. When I first posted our picture together online, my sister wrote so clearly, in capital letters, “VERY BEAUTIFUL! I APPROVE IT.”

Four years ago, when we met at a party, Anya asked me to take a photo with me for her mother, she is a fan of the MasterChef program. And then I thought: "Your mother is my fan, and I am yours."

Anya: Yes, my mother loves Hector's programs very much (laughs).

Hector, how do you see the development of your relationship with Anya?

Héctor: It's very important to me that we're enjoying every second of it right now. We both know that we have a very bright future, and do not ask ourselves questions: “What will happen next?”. Now we are working very hard so that in the future we will have a lot of rest.

I can't help but ask, Hector, are you ready to create a family, have children?

Ector: I know you wanted to ask that (laughs). I will answer you this way - I cannot imagine myself without a full-fledged family.

You recently returned from a trip to Europe. Tell us how you spent your vacation.

Ector: I planned the route myself, without telling Anya the details. We started from Amsterdam, then rented a car and drove to the north of France. Looked at all the most Beautiful places- Mont-Saint-Michel, the whole region of Brittany, Normandy. We visited small boulangeries, went on an excursion to the French Chateau. Maybe they were looking for a special place for a special event (laughs). last point was Paris!

Anya: We walked a lot, even the air smells of love there. Were on Montmartre, which is called the "balcony of Paris", they filmed the film "Amelie".

Hector: Remember when we went to a wine tasting and got so carried away talking that we didn't notice we were alone? They “tasted” so much that when they left they didn’t even understand where we were. We started walking around the Eiffel Tower and were sure we were heading home (laughs).

Colombian-born Canadian chef, businessman, television personality. Judge of the MasterChef Ukraine project, teacher of culinary arts, founder of the consulting company Bravo Restaurant Group. Winner of the prestigious culinary award "The World Master Chef".

Entered the Culinary Academy of Bogota, after which in 1992 he began working in the best five-star hotels in Colombia. Among them are "Metrotel Royal Park", "Relais Chateaux", "Hoteles Royal". In 1995-1999 he taught at the National Culinary Academy of Medellin.

At the age of 27, he was invited to become the chef of one of the most luxurious hotels in the United States - the Hilton Boston Back Bay in Boston. He became the youngest Hilton chef in North America since the hotel chain's existence. After one of the private dinners at the Hilton, organized for a group of hoteliers from Canada, he was called to work in Ottawa. Hector was offered a contract to open a five-star hotel complex Brookstreet Hotel and Resort. Soon he opened the Foundation restaurant in the Canadian capital.

The restaurants he leads have repeatedly been included in the Top 10 Best Restaurants in Canada. After working in Canada for six years, Jimenez-Bravo received the citizenship of this country.

In 2006, he became the head chef of the Radisson SAS Royal Hotel in St. Petersburg. His work earned the Radisson Hotel the "Best Hotel Restaurant Award" from TimeOut magazine. After his arrival in St. Petersburg, he surprised the city with the discovery of the "Nuevo Latino" concept, which was very new for the city. In 2006, St. Petersburg hosted the G8 Summit, in which Jimenez-Bravo had difficult task serving the heads of the world's leading states.

After Russia in 2007, Jimenez-Bravo returned to Canada, where he headed the kitchens of the Delta Fredericton Hotel. In 2008, he left for the Maldives to manage the kitchens of some of the most famous hotels in Asia. There he led the team of chefs at the W Retreat & SPA and Sheraton Full Moon Resort. He traveled to Singapore and Hong Kong, studying the culture of Chinese and Malay cuisine, and was also given the task of opening the W Hong-Kong and St. Regis Singapore hotels.

The following year, he received an offer from the international hotel chain InterContinental Hotel Group to open restaurants in the five-star InterContinental Kiev hotel in Ukraine, for which he developed and implemented the concepts of all restaurants. In addition to the hotel, Hector Jimenez-Bravo develops concepts for other restaurants of the owner company. At the end of 2010, he developed the concept of restaurants and kitchen technology of Fermont hotels, as well as other prestigious hotels in Kyiv.

Since September 2011, she has been participating in a number of culinary projects on Ukrainian television.

The biography of Hector Jimenez Bravo began in Colombia on January 14, 1972.
boy since childhood showed great interest in cooking, and he was interested not only in the procedure of heat treatment of food, but also in its aesthetic side.
Passion for aesthetics and the beauty of things led young Hector to art school. The knowledge gained at this stage
will greatly help the future culinary artist in the profession.

First professional education Jimenez Bravo received at the National Culinary School, after which he almost immediately gets a place chef in one of the largest restaurants belonging to the popular series of hotels in the USA - "Hilton".
One evening, while working at a private banquet, Jimenez Bravo receives a proposal for cooperation and, having signed a long-term contract, moves to Canada.
In this country, a new, rather long round begins, in the biography of Hector Jimenez Bravo. During the six years of his stay in Canada, the culinary specialist managed to work in the most prestigious restaurants in the country, take part and win in several culinary "fights". Then, tired of northern climate Colombian, goes to more warm countries- Singapore, Maldives and Hong Kong.
The "Russian" period in the life of Hector Jimenez Bravo begins only in 2005, when the culinary specialist moves to St. Petersburg and becomes the chef of the Neva restaurant "Barbazan".
The result of four years of residence in Russia was new project, which appeared in 2009 - "InterContinental Kiev", the financing of which was taken over by the "InterContinental Hotel Group"
In the early autumn of last year, Jimenez Bravo tried himself in a completely new role - as a TV presenter. The STB channel became a platform for work, which included a new entertaining culinary show - MasterChef - in its broadcast schedule.
Today, at the age of forty, Jimenez Bravo is not only a successful TV presenter and the favorite chef of many celebrities, but also the owner of huge amount diplomas, honorary titles and certificates of education received. Per long years Jimenez Bravo managed to get not only a diploma from a prestigious Boston University, but also a master's title.
AT recent times, in addition to television, Bravo began to fascinate business and he came to grips with the realization of his old dream - the opening of a personal chain of restaurants around the world. The immediate plans of this talented chef, businessman and showman include the opening of a private culinary academy.
"I love the extreme that Ukraine has brought into my life" - Hector Jimenez Bravo
Today, a world-famous culinary specialist, a judge of the MasterChef project and the host of the MasterChef post-show, Hector Jimenez Bravo, answered questions from STB channel viewers during an online chat on the channel's website.
Hector, what is your impression of the participants of the show? Who, if not a secret, has earned the title of your pet?
I got the impression that the participants really want to learn how to cook. Cooking is in their hearts. They are all my favorite members. Everyone who loves to cook like me. Sometimes the members get a little nervous when they complete our tasks, but I always feel that they try to do everything themselves. in the best way and show your best side.
Hello Hector, who do you think will win the show? Who do you see as the winner?
Each task that the participants perform surprises us, because sometimes after the task we feel that someone is stronger, but it turns out that other participants perform better in another task. Personally, I will be sure who will be the winner only in the final. As you can see, those who do well in the beginning may end up with a loser's black apron, because each task deals with a different aspect of the culinary arts. Some cook better vegetables, but worse meat. And vice versa. Who will be the winner, we will find out only at the end.
Hector, tell me, are you married?
No I'm not married. But I would like to.
Which restaurant would you like to be invited to for dinner?
I always like to try something new. Therefore, whatever the place, for example, in the middle of the forest, in the center of New York or near Kyiv, the main thing is that it be new to me. I don't like going to restaurants where the menu doesn't change for years.
Hector, is it permissible to work in the kitchen with your head uncovered?
In professional cooking, this is wrong. Amateurs take part in MasterChef. They are not professionals. They are simple people who like to cook at home. So one of the reasons they don't have their heads covered is because they are amateurs and don't cook to the standards of a professional kitchen.
You know many different cuisines of the world. What do you think about Ukrainian cuisine? Do you like our food?
I really like Ukrainian cuisine, because it has a lot of flavors. And because I like living in Ukraine. If we talk about world cuisine, then I like Thai cuisine, Malaysian, Colombian and definitely French cuisine.
Hector, express your opinion about Tatyana Strebkova. It will be very interesting to know.
To be honest, Tanya Strebkova is not as blonde as everyone thinks about her. She surprised us many times. And she especially surprised me when she cooked some dishes. Believe it or not, she was very calm in every task, she was one of the few who did not panic. She always seemed to have everything under control. And I think that her cooking skills based largely on the simplicity of the dishes, taste characteristics which are just amazing.
Hector, what is your favorite dish?
I have many favorite foods. But the one I love the most is this dish I created when I lived in Hong Kong. Slow-cooked lamb, torn into pieces and drizzled with Merlot wine. And on top I decorated it sea ​​scallops and chopped foie gras. I made this dish on my way to Meryl Streep's. And since then, it has become a favorite for me too.
Hector, how many languages ​​do you know? Do you study Russian or Ukrainian?
I speak english, french, spanish. Well, of course I practice speaking Russian and Ukrainian. It's one of my main goals right now to speak these languages ​​clearly so I can quickly find mutual language. I already speak a little Russian.
Hector! You are undoubtedly an unsurpassed personality with a magical positive energy!
But I wonder what it is - the breakfast of the Queen of England?

Believe me, this is a very difficult breakfast to prepare. It should have the freshest buns fresh out of the oven, including English muffins, 100% fresh buttered croissants, apricot danish, fresh brioch, blueberry jam. And I just said this about baking. Of course there must be tea. Every week, Queen Elizabeth II receives fresh tea leaves from Sri Lanka, which are specially selected for her. She loves freshly squeezed orange juice mixed with 10% grapefruit juice, fresh honey, which is specially brought from the south of France (from a beekeeper who only serves Buckingham Palace). Every day they also bring a special selection of cheeses. Queen eggs are eaten only once a week. As you can see, this is a very complex process. Breakfast must be ready at exactly 7:15 am.

Ever since I came here in 2006 (then I lived in St. Petersburg) I fell in love with Ukraine. I want to share my passion for cooking with all of you.
Thank you!