32 year old Sergey Lazarev continues to be one of the eligible bachelors Russian show business. After high-profile romance with TV presenter Leroy Kudryavtseva the singer completely closed his personal life from outsiders and threw himself into work. The artist is about to premiere a new show, The Best, in the capital's Crocus City Hall on November 12. The day before important event Lazarev cannot be caught - the singer disappears days and nights at rehearsals. SUPER took the star away from important matters to ask him about how he copes with the crisis hitting show business, how he feels about the prospect of going to Eurovision and why he hides his other half from the public?

Sergey, does it make sense to invest in a new show during a crisis? How much did you spend on it?

Yes, it's incredibly difficult. During the preparation of the show, due to the crisis, all prices soared. It was a complete surprise for me - the budget doubled! Those who are involved in productions or technical history, raised prices. Everything I earned for Lately, I put into this show. In fact, after everything, I will only have money left for housing. Everyone turns to their heads and says that I’m an idiot. If I count the expenses for the show, I could buy a nice three-room apartment in the center of Moscow. But I'm used to doing everything efficiently. Although it is clear that all this will not pay off even with a full house.

Then what is the point of all this spending?

This is my foundation for the future. For the next three years I will be on tour with this program. This is an investment, like in any business. The money will begin to return only in a year or two, in best case scenario we will break even. But I was always a little crazy, for me commerce came second. It was always important to jump above one's head and create a big, colorful product.

Tell me honestly, did you start a side business - a confectionery for dogs "Poodle Strudel" in order not to be left without a penny after the new show?

This occurred to me when Daisy, my dog, came into my family. I took her from a shelter, she is an ordinary mongrel. I love her madly and spoil her. Once I wanted to please her with something other than seeds, I went online and wanted to order a cake. In Europe and America there are similar products for dogs, but it turns out that we don’t have such a thing. That's how the idea came about. The business has gone quite successfully, we have already opened in St. Petersburg, and we plan to expand to other million-plus cities. Now we are close to breaking even, and next year, I think, we will be in profit.

Everyone turns to their heads and says that I’m an idiot. If I count the expenses for the show, I could buy a nice three-room apartment in the center of Moscow.

It seems to me that I have become wiser, wiser and matured. As for colleagues, we are all in the same harness, so why have enemies?! I realized that such actions do not paint me as a person. Previously, I could say that I was annoyed by one of the performers, for example, from chanson, but now I realized that for some this music is real, These are opinions, and people’s opinions must be taken into account. Have you made peace with Dima Bilan after the sensational scandal on Instagram, where you called on everyone to vote for yourself at the Muz-TV awards?

This is generally unique story, because I still didn’t fully understand whether it was a joke or banter on his part? I never thought that my colleagues nominated in the same nominations might be offended by me for urging my fans to vote for me. It seems to me that there was even some kind of conspiracy among them. Maybe they wanted to put me in my place?! But first of all, I know my place. I perceive myself and my popularity very adequately, I have no illusions. As for Dima Bilan, it is generally accepted that we are competitors. I have said more than once that I treat Dima with respect and have heard respectful comments in my direction from him many times. If Dima has an unsuccessful song, this does not mean that Lazarev is on horseback, and vice versa.

It seems to me that I have become wiser, wiser and matured. As for colleagues, we are all in the same harness, so why have enemies?!

Why do many still associate Sergei Lazarev with the image of a “regular boy in a white shirt” singing sweet songs?

This is a stereotype; it took a long time to create. I have been making music for a very long time and have been on the screen for a long time - since I was 14 years old in “Fidgets”. Then there was the group Smash. Naturally, this was etched into people’s consciousness and is still ongoing. I don’t see anything wrong with the fact that I have the image of a well-mannered, decent and purposeful artist.

If we compare you with yours former partner by Smash!? Vlad Topalov, it’s clear how differently your destinies turned out. You are on top of the charts, at the top of the charts, while Vlad has slipped somewhere down into the category of the “second tier”. Are you talking now?

It’s difficult for me to comment on Vlad’s life; we haven’t seen or talked to him for a long time. Although I follow him on Instagram, I recently found out that he got married.


There was no way, alas, we lost any contact. I thought, if he didn’t tell me about it, he probably didn’t want to. As for his career... It was probably difficult for Vlad to switch from a duet to solo work. Now our areas of communication have completely changed, we don’t overlap at all. I have no negativity towards Vlad, moreover, I have great relationship with his father, mother. We call each other and congratulate each other on the holidays.

This year, a tragedy happened in your family - your older brother Pavel passed away. What helped you get through grief?

It’s been six months since Pasha passed away, but I still don’t have the feeling that he’s gone... Mom is still worried, but I can’t understand. I don’t erase my brother’s phone number, I don’t delete his Instagram or Facebook, and I periodically go to his page. He is sorely missed. After all, we just established communication, but his life took off. Everything got better with my personal life, with my work, and with my daughter. What helped me pull myself together? I think that I became the only breadwinner in the family. Our mother does not have a husband or man in the house, I am the only one left with her. I couldn't let myself go. All this time, I entertained my mother in every possible way, bought trips so that she and my niece Alina, Pasha’s daughter, could somehow change the location. Mom took up repairs to distract herself. Of course, this doesn't help much, because heartache difficult to survive.

Have you ever thought about family, about children? Are you taking any steps towards this?

I would say I even make body movements for this.

Why are you hiding your personal life? After your affair with Lera Kudryavtseva, you completely closed off.

I've made enough of my personal life public. I realized that this was a mistake and a lesson that I realized. When you show your personal life, it affects it itself. Envy and conversations arise. As for the relationship with Lera Kudryavtseva, then, of course, this publicity played a cruel joke.

I don’t erase my brother’s phone number, I don’t delete his Instagram or Facebook, and I periodically go to his page. He is sorely missed...

Was this really the main reason for your separation?

I think the reason is that we are just tired of each other. We had a mixture of personal and work, we appeared everywhere together, held concerts and did not separate outside of work - everyone discussed us and commented on us. And when you let people into your life, there will definitely be those who trample there and say a lot of nasty things. Now I want to have a part of life in which you can close yourself off - this is your personal life. I don't want anymore public novels.

Tell me then, are you not alone now?

How do you feel about stories when colleagues in show business, even being single, have children?

I think that any birth of life is wonderful. Technology doesn’t stand still, and if it allows people who don’t have a partner to do this, that’s great and should be used.

Have you given up on the idea of ​​going to Eurovision forever? You had attempts, you participated in the selections...

Once in 2008. And I’m still being bullied by this attempt. It is clear that I will be on the list of contenders for a long time and everyone will write that Lazarev is going to Eurovision. But, in my opinion, young people should prove themselves.

Who do you think is worthy?

They say that Nyusha could go. She speaks good English and is very popular now. You can send the MBand group, Yegor Creed... But first of all you need to look for a worthy song.

I'm not single, but I'm not in a permanent relationship. There are temporary ones, but I’m arranging them for now.

Have you received an offer yet? There is an opinion that it is time for Russia to win this competition for the second time...

If there is an offer to go to Eurovision this year, I will consider it. But honestly, I take this competition very calmly; I didn’t notice that any of the winners recent years lucky to "shoot". Perhaps only the singer Loreen from Sweden managed to become a big European star: people hear about her, she releases albums and singles. Others remain just the winners of some year, and you can’t remember who was there. Where is the same Alexander Rybak now, who was predicted to have a great career?

And Conchita Wurst?

She is a one-time phenomenon. I liked her song, but I didn’t see any other hits or further promotion. I know that Conchita is a certain figure in the fashion industry, she is invited by fashion houses, and perhaps that’s all.

Who manages your image? Do you have a personal stylist?

No. IN Everyday life I dress myself. When it comes to concert costumes or going to an event, there are certain stylists and designers - I have been faithful to them for ten years.

What are your favorite clothing brands?

From the democratic All saints to Gucci, which suits me and I like. I can also have cheap T-shirts - I don’t disdain simple things. There are simple sneakers that I can buy for 30 dollars. I'm a fan of shoes, I have them great amount. I'm crazy about two things: shoes and smells.

Favorite scent?

There are about seventy of them. Perhaps the most beloved are Hermes and Dior.

Where do you usually go shopping?

Due to the new exchange rate, it is now difficult to buy anything profitable in Europe. Shopping is best done in America. I don’t fly to Milan on purpose. In general, I don’t like this business. I love it when they bring me everything at photo shoots, and I buy what I like.

In what restaurants and cafes in Moscow can you be found?

Doctor Zhivago is a good restaurant, but you can’t get there. For me, places where, for example, you can have breakfast even at four in the morning are valuable - since I often have early arrivals and departures from tours. There is such a place in Moscow - “Kukareku”. I also really love Starbucks and Coffeemania, you can often see me there. Every day I start by stopping at a cafe and grabbing a cup of coffee.

If there is an offer to go to Eurovision this year, I will consider it.

In what places do you prefer to carry out personal care procedures - haircut, manicure?

I do manicures and pedicures myself, I have tweezers - I can do it easily. I also do the styling myself, since I don’t usually like what stylists do. He cuts my hair very much for a long time the same master. As for fitness, this is World Class, three to four times a week. I am delighted to see on Instagram my colleagues who manage to visit local gyms while on tour, but I haven’t been able to do that yet.

Sergey Lazarev was born in 1983 in Moscow. He was not in the family only child, he also has an older brother Pasha. The family of Sergei Lazarev, after his father left, consisted of three people. The mother raised two children on her own. In early childhood, Sergei achieved good results in artistic gymnastics. Having reached the age of 9, he realized that he did not like sports as much as creativity. Then Lazarev began studying in the theater. The young man performed both in dance performances and on the theater stage. Thanks to the Fidget ensemble, which Sergei joined three years later, he often performs on various programs and shows.

The school from which Sergei Lazarev graduated created a museum dedicated to the singer.

While studying at the Moscow Art Theater, he works in a theater troupe and plays a role in many theatrical productions. Critics note high level acting Sergei Lazarev, for which he was awarded more than once.

In 2000, Sergey Lazarev and Vlad Topalov created their own group. The idea came from Topalov’s relatives when the young people were still part of the “Fidgets” group. A new group"Smash" began its journey with famous song"Belle" on French. The group's song aroused great popularity and sympathy among music lovers. The very next year, Smash signed a contract with a recording studio. Two years later, the duo became the winner of the “New Wave” song competition in Jurmala. Next, Sergey and Vlad record their own songs and lyrics, and shoot a video clip. The group's first album, Smash, which was released in 2003, quickly gained popularity, and the duo occupied the top of the charts for a long time.

Then two more albums followed, which were also very successful, but Sergei Lazarev decided to leave the group for a solo career.

The singer began his independent career in London recording studios. There were a lot of hits that in the future will bring Sergei not only impressive fees, but also very great popularity.

The biography and personal life of Sergei Lazarev becomes available to the press. The tall and handsome brunette excited the hearts of many fans of his work. But he got a girlfriend only at the peak of his creativity.

Lazarev recorded both compositions on English language, and in Russian. All of them were incredibly successful and sold well. In 2006, Sergey Lazarev was awarded the title of Best Singer according to the MTV Russia Music Awards.

A year later, the performer again releases an album in which there are English-language songs, one Russian-language song and several remixes.

Lazarev also released his next album in England, having previously adjusted his knowledge of the language. Sergei's subsequent albums were successful and well received by the public. There are also several works paired with other performers - Ani Lorak, Timati and others.

In 2012-2013, the singer recorded a new album and created an updated concert program.

For his birthday (32 years old), Lazarev is releasing a collection of his most popular songs and remixes.

Last year, Sergei Lazarev went to conquer the Eurovision song contest. There he was confidently in the lead in audience votes, but did not take first place due to the jury's ratings. New system voting was introduced just the day before, and before that the winner of the competition was the one who gets the most points from viewers from the participating countries. As a result, Sergei found himself on the third stage.

In addition, Serey Lazarev took part in the filming of various television shows, hosted several programs, and did voice-over work for cartoons. The singer also managed to take part in the “Dancing on Ice” competition, where he took second place together with Anastasia Grebenkina.

As for the singer’s personal life, to everyone’s surprise, Sergei, at 33 years old, had only one serious relationship. The singer started an affair with famous TV presenter Leroy Kudryavtseva, who is 12 years older than him. She is a beautiful, popular, independent and independent lady. At first, the couple hid their relationship. Even when working together, they didn’t show that they were in love. But soon they stopped hiding it. After four years of relationship, Lera Kudryavtseva and Sergey Lazarev broke up.

Who is the wife of Sergei Lazarev: photo

Most fans of Sergei Lazarev's work have no idea that he may have a wife. After breaking off relations with TV presenter Kudryavtseva, he was credited with an affair with Ukrainian singer Santa Dimopoulas. But the rumors were not confirmed.

Who does Sergey Lazarev live with?

Two years ago, Lazarev mentioned to the press that he had a lover, but he did not want to reveal her name, since she a famous person in show business circles. So far, the press has not been able to find out who Sergei Lazarev’s wife is and whether she even exists.

Sergey Lazarev and his son

Popular singer Sergei Lazarev was seen accompanied by little boy, some claim that this is his son. There is no exact confirmation of this, but even his friends admit the possibility that it was Sergei Lazarev and his son, whom he can hide from prying eyes for obvious reasons. Today we can only guess whether the singer has a child and who his mother is.

Having burst onto the national stage with the ballad “Belle,” which he performed as part of the duet “Smash!!,” Sergey Lazarev instantly became an idol for millions.

15 years have passed since then, but the singer’s army of loyal fans has not diminished at all. The more popular the artist, the more interested the audience is in what happens to him off stage. Sergei Lazarev was no exception, whose personal life has continued to be the subject of heated discussions in the Internet.

Childhood and youth of Sergei Lazarev. Family and first steps on stage

The future singer was born in Moscow. When Sergei was still very young, his parents, Valentina Viktorovna and Vyacheslav Yurievich, divorced. The decision was made by Sergei’s mother, realizing that the marriage was coming apart at the seams. The woman was not afraid to be left alone with two children (Sergei’s brother Pavel is five years older than him). Vyacheslav took revenge on his wife: when leaving, the man took all the accumulated money, leaving the family without funds. In response to the ex-wife’s attempt to appeal to his conscience, the man replied that he had left the apartment and the wall.

Valentina Viktorovna managed to create her own business, so the family did not particularly need anything, despite the fact that the father did not communicate with the children. Sergei had his first meeting with his father for the first time in many years when he had already become famous. However it became ordeal for a young man - the man was not interested ex-family, but bragged to Sergei about his little son.

In early childhood, the future artist was involved in gymnastics, but at the age of 9, sports faded into the background, and Sergei was fascinated by music and theater. Together with his older brother, he studied in the Loktev ensemble for two years, while simultaneously attending the studio at the Boris Pokrovsky Theater. Successful start in musical career Lazarev became children's ensemble"Fidgets", where he came at the age of 12.

It was in “Fidgets” that Lazarev met Vlad Topalov, with whom he created the group “Smash!!!” in 2001. The group was extremely popular, but lasted only 3 years. The reason for the collapse of the successful project still remains unknown.

Sergey Lazarev on the theater stage

After graduating from school, Sergei Lazarev decides to connect his life with the theater. Having submitted documents to several acting departments, he easily entered the Shchukin School and the Moscow Art Theater School, where he decided to stop. Already in his second year, Sergei received a role in the play “Romeo and Juliet,” which was staged on the stage of the Theater. Pushkin.

At the peak of popularity “Smash!!” Lazarev defends thesis, playing in the play “A Few Days in the Life of Alyosha Karamazov.”

For the play “Borrow a Tenor” Sergei Lazarev received two awards, “The Seagull” and “Crystal Turandot”.

Today Lazarev can be seen in leading role in the performance of the Theater. Pushkin's "The Marriage of Figaro".

Lera Kudryavtseva and Sergey Lazarev: life in front of the camera

Since 2008, Sergei begins dating TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, who was older than the singer for 12 years. Before this, the artist had not been seen in any permanent relationship: he came to different events in the company of different girls.

For the first time they started talking about the romance between Lazarev and Kudryavtseva at the “New Wave” in Jurmala. The organizers chose Lera and Sergei as hosts of the competition. And if Kudryavtseva already had considerable experience in conducting programs, then for Lazarev this was the first experience. During collaboration the couple spent a lot of time together, and soon close communication grew into something more. However, the couple immediately refuted the guesses of colleagues and journalists, saying that between them there was only friendship and work.

Despite only “friendly” relations, Kudryavtseva and Lazarev appeared together too often, so that Lera and Sergei’s romance soon began to be talked about as a fait accompli.

The relationship developed rapidly, and the lovers were in no hurry to move in together. The stars each lived in their own apartment, calling each other daily and coming to visit. When asked about the wedding, both referred to their workload.

The lovers remained in sight all the time. Together they hosted the most popular music competitions and ceremonies, and participated in television projects. Over the four years that Kudryavtseva and Lazarev were together, they were considered the most stylish couple in domestic show business.

In July 2011, it became known that Lera, who was 2 months pregnant, had a miscarriage. Sergei was next to his beloved and supported her in every possible way. In those days, for the first time, the artist lashed out at his fans who were interested in Lera’s health. Lazarev wrote on his social network page:

It amazes me how quickly negative news travels!!! And to the question: “What do you feel now!?” Everyone wants to give a p*****! Thank you all for your support!!! You can feel it. But let's not discuss this. This is not the situation! Topic closed. Lera is better.

The common grief brought the couple even closer together for some time. Lera planned to undergo a six-month course of treatment, after which she hoped to become pregnant again. However, already in the fall, a crack appeared in the relationship. Gradually, Sergei and Lera began to move away from each other. They spent less and less time with each other, and only appeared together at official events.

Soon the couple officially announced their separation. The reason turned out to be cooled feelings. Lera admitted that she dreamed of a full-fledged family, and Sergei devoted too much time to his career. Soon Lera began a relationship with hockey player Igor Makarov, which very quickly ended in a luxurious wedding.

Surprisingly, Kudryavtseva and Lazarev remained good friends, and after some time they began to work together again as presenters.

Sergey Lazarev and his unconventional story...

Before Sergei Lazarev began an affair with Lera Kudryavtseva, there were constantly rumors on the Internet about gay singer Indeed, it’s strange - before Lera, not a single girl of the artist was known. They said he was having an affair with the daughter of some businessman, but the lovers were so diligently “ciphered” that even nosy paparazzi could neither find out the name of their beloved, nor even take any photo of the couple.

The affair with Leroy somewhat muted the topic of the popular singer’s orientation, but many did not believe in the feelings that the couple demonstrated in front of the cameras.

When Lera lost her child, information appeared in the media that the presenter’s mother said: her daughter was not pregnant with Lazarev’s child. At the same time, the woman called failed son-in-law"blue".

Otar Kushanashvili added fuel to the fire, saying that Kudryavtseva and Lazarev were united only by shopping and friendship. And the caustic Ksenia Sobchak announced to the whole country that Sergei Lazarev is gay.

For a long time, Lazarev was credited with an affair with his director Mikhail Dvoretsky, with whom the singer had known since the days of the group “Smash!!”. The butler helped the artist start a successful solo career, participated in the promotion and promotion of Lazarev.

It was according to his idea, as they say, that the “romance” between Kudryavtseva and Lazareva was invented. At the same time, in many photographs, Dvoretsky was invariably present in the frame, never leaving his charge:

As for the personal life of Sergei Lazarev today, journalists managed to collect a real dossier. Comparing photographs from the singer’s blog with photographs of his friend Dmitry Kuznetsov, reporters made a sensational conclusion: the young people have not separated for almost three years, and constantly go on vacation together.

Photos taken in the same place appear simultaneously on the pages of Sergei and Dmitry, so it is not difficult for journalists to compare them.

However, the personal life of Sergei Lazarev, which interests viewers so much, is his private matter. Regardless of who the singer shares his bed with, despite the fact that he does not have a wife or children, the artist has undeniable talent and magical charisma, which only increases the army of loyal fans of Sergei Lazarev.

Sergey Lazarev is a popular pop performer, TV presenter, native Muscovite, born on April 1, 1983.


The singer’s childhood can be called happy, even despite the fact that his parents divorced early. Loving mother gave all of herself to him and her older brother. She did everything to ensure that the boys did not need anything and could develop fully and comprehensively.

Sergei in childhood

At first, Sergei dreamed of Olympic medals. WITH early childhood he did gymnastics and showed very good results. Sports training helped him a lot later when he had to withstand a tough touring schedule.

However, already in primary school The boy was found to have a wonderful voice and excellent acting abilities. At first he sang in the school choir, then together with his brother he joined children's group named after Loktev. And at the age of 11, after passing a tough competitive selection, he ended up in the children's pop group "Fidgets".

The ensemble “Fidgets” was an interesting innovative project organized at the Ostankino television studio, from which many pop stars subsequently emerged. The team brought together the most talented children, with whom the best vocal teachers and choreographers worked. The children often toured and traveled almost the entire Soviet Union.

Often the children were invited to appear in the super popular children's television magazine “Yeralash”. This way they also had the opportunity to learn how to operate cameras properly. All this helped Sergei a lot when he started his professional career. And the fact that his life would be connected with music became clear even in adolescence.

The beginning of the way

Actually, it was in the ensemble “Fidgets” that the project was born, which became the debut in Lazarev’s professional singing career. There he met and became friends with Vlad Topalov, who asked him to help prepare a creative surprise for his father’s birthday. The guys split their voices into two and superbly performed an aria from the famous musical “Notre Dame de Paris”.

Topalov Sr. was delighted with what he saw and invited the boys to shoot a video, which became their creative debut. Already on the second day after its release, the video took first place on most charts and stayed there for several months. Thus the duet SMASH was born.

With the same song, the guys took to the stage of the country’s main music festival, “New Wave,” which was then held in Jurmala. There they consolidated their success by receiving the Grand Prix. Afterwards, an active touring life began.

In 2003, the group recorded a full-length album, which almost immediately went gold. And a year later he releases another one, but, alas, the last one. Lazarev stated that he wants to continue his creative path on one's own.

Solo career

After leaving the group, Lazarev leaves for London, where he begins to work on a solo English-language repertoire. In preparing the album, he is helped by the famous and very experienced producer Brian Rowling, who made stars out of Britney Spears, Celine Dion and other young performers. The presentation of the album of 8 tracks took place in 2005.

Then Lazarev returns to Moscow again, where he continues to actively perform, but as a solo performer. However, from time to time he comes to London to record new songs and improve his English. During my creative career Lazarev recorded four full-length solo albums, which brought him great popularity.

In 2016, based on the results of audience voting, Lazarev was selected as Russia's representative at Eurovision. He brought there the composition “You are the only one” with a very complex technical show. But according to the results of the general voting, he took only third place. Although he managed to win the Audience Award.

In addition to his singing career, Sergei plays in the theater, tries to act in films and regularly takes part in various television shows. He was even able to win Circus with the Stars. Since 2008, he has been a permanent host of the “Song of the Year” program. He hosts several music programs on various TV channels.

Personal life

Sergei’s personal life has always been so turbulent that it was not even discussed in too much detail by journalists. They simply did not have time to follow his next passions, which did not linger in the singer’s life for more than a few months. This is not surprising - having become popular early, Sergei had many thousands of fans, each of whom would be happy to accompany him at social parties.

But in 2008, she began to appear more and more often next to the young singer, with whom he has an almost 10-year age difference. However, tied up in romantic setting On the New Wave, the novel did not progress at all. Moreover, rumors spread about preparations for the wedding.

In 2011, the wedding did take place and it was impromptu. The singer’s friends reminded the singer of his public promise to marry Lera, brought rings and quickly organized the wedding. But this did not save the relationship, and a year later they finally separated, and then legally divorced.

With Lera Kudryavtseva

Currently, Sergei's heart is not free. But he no longer discloses the name of his chosen one, which indicates the seriousness of his intentions. They live in civil marriage, and at the beginning of 2016 Sergei let slip that he had become a happy father.

32-year-old singer Sergei Lazarev is considered one of the most successful young performers in Russia. Sergei took his place not only in the world of music, but also tried himself in the acting field.

Childhood, biography of Sergei Lazarev

Sergei Lazarev was born on April 1, 1983 in Moscow. Little Seryozha has been involved in gymnastics since childhood. However, the boy's soul gravitated towards music. The Lazarev family fell apart and Sergei’s mother raised her on her own. Due to a large number of sports injuries, Serezha was forced to leave gymnastics and continue his studies in song ensembles. Perhaps if it weren't for a large number of injuries, Sergei Lazarev would be known not as a singer, but as an artistic gymnast.

Sergey Lazarev in childhood:

In 1995, Lazarev was taken into the children's ensemble "Fidgets". There he met Yulia Volkova (future singer, member of the Tatu group), and for the first time took part in serious dance performances. Thanks to “Fidgets,” the young performer starred in the famous film magazine “Jumble.”

Duet Smash!!

In 1999, Sergei entered the Moscow Art Theater, where he studied for four years. While still a student, the singer, together with his friend from “Fidget” Vlad Topalov, created a musical duet. In the early 2000s, the Smash duo was practically the only male duet. The duet began with friends recording a song as a gift to Vlad's father. The song turned out to be so successful that Vlad and Sergey decided to create a group.

Sergey Lazarev and Vlad Topalov:

Sergei Lazarev played in the theater, sang in a duet and achieved success in everything. The group's first album, Smash, went gold. And the first video stayed at the top of the music chart for six months. Unfortunately, the second album was the last for the group. Soon the friends quarreled and the group broke up.

Solo career of Sergei Lazarev

In 2005, Lazarev’s career began as a solo artist. The singer recorded his album in collaboration with a world-class producer who had previously worked with such stars as Celine Dion, Britney Spears and others. Despite all the forecasts, the singer managed to win his place on the stage as a solo performer.

After the breakup of Smash gossips it was rumored that it was Vlad Topalov who was the main one in the duet, his father gave money for recording albums and filming videos. However, despite any money, Lazarev became a star, while almost everyone forgot about Topalov.

Sergey took part in various shows on federal TV channels. So, Lazarev took second place in the show “Stars on Ice”, before which he successfully participated in “Circus with the Stars”. In both shows, Sergei showed great ability to work.

Despite the enormous amount of work, Lazarev finds time to regularly go to the gym, take care of his health, and study English.

The performer makes a large number of his songs in English. Sergei himself admits that he looks up to the Western stage.

Personal life of Sergei Lazarev

Lazarev shows an active civic position. In an interview for one of the Ukrainian channels, he admitted that he was not happy with the fact that Crimea had become Russian. The singer also regularly advocates for gay rights. Perhaps thanks to this, Lazarev has a large number of “non-traditional” fans in his fan club.

Sergei Lazarev dated the TV presenter for four years Leroy Kudryavtseva.

After the breakup, the girl very quickly married a hockey player. Many journalists wrote that the romance between Kudryavtseva and Lazarev was nothing more than PR, but the young people did not pay attention to this and lived together for 4 long years. Now Sergey and Lera continue to work together, host concerts and corporate events.

In the Moscow gymnasium where Lazarev studied, a museum of the singer was created.

UPD: Sergey Lazarev represents Russia at song competition Eurovision 2016!!!

UPD: In December 2016, it became known that Sergei Lazarev has a son, Nikita, who is already 2.5 years old. Sergei Lazarev confirmed this information to journalists, but refused to tell them about the details of his personal life.