Today it is becoming increasingly important own business in food production, since this industry allows you to make good profits. Unfortunately, at present, many entrepreneurs do not pay any attention to the production of milk powder.

But this is sad and stupid! In most regions of our country there are no local producers left at all. Meanwhile, the food industry’s needs for this raw material are great, and sometimes it has to be imported from abroad.

Where is it used

Oddly enough, but powdered milk is used much more often than ordinary people remember. For example, it is used for the production expensive varieties natural cosmetics, for the production of reconstituted milk and some fermented milk products. This is especially true for the regions of the Far North, where it is impossible to keep cows (for obvious reasons).

Of course wide application it finds in confectionery industry, in canning and in the production of animal feed. In a word, the production of milk powder is justified, if only because the sales market is huge, and its saturation is negligible.

This is especially true for those regions where dairy farming is poorly developed for some reason.

Raw materials used

The advantage of the freeze-dried milk production business is that it does not require large investments. As a raw material, it is permissible to use the cheapest milk with low fat content and a maximum content of somatic cells. The requirements of GOSTs and equivalent federal laws (which do not yet exist) are quite mild.

Development prospects

When establishing the production of powdered milk, you can fully count on it further development. You have every chance of establishing a full-fledged plant producing all types of dairy products. Considering the cost of it in last years, you are unlikely to complain about low profits.

If you are not afraid of strict SES requirements and constant inspections, we recommend paying attention to the production of dry milk formulas for baby food.

In addition, the same equipment can be used to produce egg powder, bases for soups and broths, and perform extraction.

Thus, you get a multifunctional complex that can generate huge profits. By the way, how much does powdered milk cost?

Even in international markets, the demand for milk powder is huge: for example, a ton of this product in the USA and Canada can earn up to 4 thousand dollars, in Australia it can be sold at about the same price, and Europe buys it for 3-3.5 thousand. Please note - these are only low-fat varieties!

If we talk about products with standard fat content (about 25%), then a batch of such milk will cost 5 thousand per ton. In our country, a ton of products with the same fat content will cost approximately seven thousand rubles. Despite this, even in our country, the production of milk powder is quite a profitable business, the profitability of which is 30-40%.

Requirements for workshops

The premises in which these food products will be produced must meet sanitary requirements. A plumbing system, sewerage and heating, as well as electrical wiring rated at 380 volts, are required.

It is imperative to equip the workshop with a system forced ventilation, floor and walls should be tiled with ceramic tiles. For this purpose, you can use plastic or other materials that can be easily washed and disinfected. The same requirements apply to warehouses, with the exception of heating, which is optional in this case.

Necessary equipment

To produce freeze-dried milk, only one installation is required. This is a special drying chamber, the design of which includes several components, a pump, the sublimation chamber itself, which runs on gas or electricity, a bunker for finished products. Powdered milk is fed to a special sifting unit, after which it goes to a packaging machine. Recuperators, conveyors and fans, fat content meters, etc. will also be required.

Direct production technology

The technology for producing milk powder itself includes several stages: acceptance of raw materials and their purification from mechanical impurities, normalization of fat content, pasteurization and cooling. After this, in the sublimation chamber it is first thickened, then brought to a homogeneous consistency, after which it is finally dried.

Let's look at all stages of the process in a little more detail.

Detailed description of production

First, the milk is heated to a temperature of 35-40 degrees Celsius. After that, it goes to the purifier, where it is driven through a system of filters that removes small lint, wool and other debris that passed through the filters on the farm.

Often, milk powder producers in Russia are faced with a high content of somatic cells. This is due to the fact that it is not so rare for cows with mastitis to be milked into the general flow. So in our case there are no extra filters!

The milk is heated so that products with different organoleptic characteristics are mixed as evenly as possible. Immediately after this, it is sent to a normalizer, where it is separated into a product with the required fat content and cream.

After this comes the turn of pasteurization, the conditions of which can vary greatly depending on its type: if the milk is heated to 65 degrees for half an hour, then we're talking about about the long-term variety; when it heats up to 95 degrees within a minute - about short, and at 98 degrees and a couple of seconds of heating - about instantaneous.

This process serves to destroy harmful microflora. The milk is then cooled, filtered again, and then goes into a sublimation chamber, where it is evaporated until 40% of the dry matter remains in the mixture.

Then the resulting composition is homogenized, that is, brought to a uniform consistency. And only after this, the production of skimmed milk powder enters the final stage, when it is subjected to final drying. Subsequently, the finished product is packaged in branded packaging.

Equipment and its cost

Today on the market there are many offers for selling the equipment you need. Moreover, for approximately 55-60 million rubles you can become the owner of a monoblock complex, which can easily produce not only powdered milk, but also the entire line of dairy products, even cheeses.

A separate sublimation installation will cost around 10 million rubles. The price depends on the power, manufacturer, and other factors. It will be necessary to purchase additional cooling and heating units, pasteurization machines and fat content analyzers, filtration systems and tanks.

What to buy: a ready-made plant or each component separately?

If you see what equipment for the production of powdered milk needs to be purchased separately, you will probably decide that purchasing a plant (monoblock) is more justified. In principle, this is how it is. Firstly, it will be much easier to set up. Secondly, having the opportunity to produce such a wide range of products, you will in any case find your niche in the market.

Simply put, high-quality and fresh dairy products will be sold with pleasure retail chains. Another thing is that finding a suitable site for such a large-scale production can be difficult.

Alternative approaches

Despite the extremely high profitability of selling milk powder in regions with poor development Agriculture, an entrepreneur may just be faced with a situation where there are simply no raw materials for production.

In this case, the only optimal solution It may be possible to organize your own small dairy farm for at least 500 heads of livestock. Of course, all this makes setting up your business ten times more expensive, but in the future you can receive excellent dividends.

In addition, we once again draw your attention to the fact that whenever possible you should not focus only on powdered milk: the more varieties of this product you produce, the more protected you are from market risks.

In this case, the business will become much more stable. In a word, summing up all of the above, I would like to recommend building a plant for the production of milk powder in those regions where there are no problems with raw materials. In this case, it will be necessary to establish good logistics to supply products to those areas where there is a shortage.

Powdered milk production.

Crystallization plants
Spray dryers

Line for the recovery of milk powder. Production of cottage cheese and cottage cheese.

Production of milk powder.

Soluble powder obtained as a result of technological processing of pasteurized cow's milk, is widely known among consumers as milk powder. It is used as a drink, for the production of which the dry powder is diluted boiled water. The finished product has the same beneficial properties, like fresh pasteurized milk, and is used mainly for cooking culinary dishes, is a component of baby food. The technological feature of dry powder production allows the product to be stored for a long time, which is the main thing distinctive feature milk powder compared to a traditional dairy product.

In order to open your own business for processing pasteurized milk into dry soluble powder, you will not need large investments, and the cost raw material base quite low, since it is more advisable to use inexpensive low-fat milk. Experienced producers do not recommend using milk powder as a raw material. a good product. In addition, the quality finished product must comply with the norms and requirements of GOST and other regulatory documentation, and they are quite moderate, and one might even say loyal.

Powdered milk production technology.

The process of producing milk powder includes several stages, each of which involves the use of appropriate industrial equipment:
1. Normalization. In the finished product, the mass fraction of fat should not exceed 26.1%. To achieve this result, special preparation measures should be carried out.
2. Pasteurization process - fresh milk is processed at a temperature of 80-850 C.
3. Pre-thickening procedure. Thanks to this evaporation, the content of dry components reaches 48-50%. Through pre-thickening, the quality of the finished product is significantly improved and operating costs are reduced.
4. The drying process is carried out in special drying chambers. The technology of the process is quite simple: milk prepared in advance and air heated to a certain temperature are moved into the drying chamber using a pump. Milk sprayed in this way is dried, then removed from the chamber and supplied for packaging.
5. Obtaining skimmed milk powder. The manufacturing process is greatly simplified, since the product is not normalized and homogenized, and evaporation is carried out until the dry components in the product are within 30-34%. Reception, cleaning and pasteurization procedures are similar to similar operations in other dairy industries. The basic technological operations for the production of milk powder are considered to be preliminary thickening of the product and its drying.

During the manufacturing process of any dry dairy product, free water is removed in two stages: by thickening and drying the pre-thickened product.

The condensed mixture is subject to drying to final moisture content, the level of which is determined by the form of connection of the constituent components of the dry matter with water. It should be noted that the final moisture content of milk powder should be up to 15% of the mass fraction of protein. It is on this value that the procedure for normalizing the mass fraction of moisture in a dry product is based, upon reaching which drying can be completed.

The main equipment for drying milk was roller dryers, operating on the principle of conductive drying of the product. The process technology involved feeding milk concentrate to a roller dryer, at the exit of which the product had a moisture content of only 3%. The milk obtained using this technology has special consumer properties.

The moment the condensed milk comes into contact with the hot drum, the caramelization process starts (this explains the presence of a weak caramel flavor in condensed milk made using roller dryers). Powdered milk produced by roller drying has a high fat content, which makes it an excellent and almost indispensable component in the production of chocolate. This will reduce the consumption of cocoa butter, which is not at all cheap.

The only drawback of this method of producing milk powder is the low productivity, which is determined by the productivity of the roller unit (on average reaches 1000 kg/h). The dried milk is cooled and sifted.

Premises for the production of milk powder.

The areas allocated for the production of milk powder must fully comply with current construction and sanitary standards and requirements. The presence of sewer and water supply systems, various heating equipment, an electrical supply system and other basic life support systems is a prerequisite when determining the location for the production of milk powder.

Besides production workshops should be equipped with ventilation hoods, and the surface of the walls and floors should be lined with plastic, ceramic tiles and other coatings, the surface of which can be easily cleaned if necessary. The same requirements (except for drainage and heating systems) are traditionally applied to warehouse-type premises.

This type of equipment allows you to concentrate milk and whey in it. Design feature The device is equipped with special tubular devices, which are responsible for separating condensate and fractions from each other.

Traditionally, vacuum evaporation units are equipped with special blocks for greater product concentration and parts that speed up the cooling process. This is an important point, since it allows you to get an already cooled product at the output. This type of installation is quite easy to operate, since it has an accessible, consolidated control panel. Mandatory equipment for producing milk powder also includes crystallization devices.

Crystallization plants
The main purpose of crystallization plants is, naturally, the crystallization of dairy products with their further supply for drying. The design feature of the equipment requires operation in an environment of inert gases. A plate is attached to the surface of the crystallizer walls, which is then inflated and, as a result, forms a kind of shirt.
Thanks to it, forced circulation of water is carried out - the most important stage of crystallization. The unit body is made of high-strength stainless steel, and the equipment itself is equipped with recirculation pumps dairy product and water cooling and special pneumatic valves.

Spray dryers
Spray dryers are used at the final stage of milk powder production. Using this equipment, the product is deprived of residual moisture, which the best way affects its shelf life. The result of the process is the production of granular, free-flowing and soluble powder.

The technology of the drying process is very simple: through a special pump, the product is supplied to spray nozzles. The final stage of manufacturing is carried out in a separate room called the fluid bottom chamber, where hot and cold air flows are mixed together. Thanks to the complete automation of the manufacturing process, the manufacturer guarantees 100% quality of the finished product.

The situation on the milk powder production market.

The largest consumers of powdered milk are the enterprises of transnational companies Unilever, Mars Inc, Nestlé, Kraft Foods Inc, PepsiCo, Danone. Some of them have ready business for processing dry milk products.

Domestic producers are unable to satisfy the growing demand for milk powder, so consumers can purchase imported products that are successfully presented on the Russian market. By the way, in 2011 the volume of imports reached 1.934 million tons.

With regard to skimmed milk powder, the situation on the Russian market is ambiguous and unstable due to uncontrolled imports from near and far abroad countries. For example, in 2010, the volume of SOM imports from Europe increased 5 times compared to the previous year. In 2010, there was a sharp jump in imports - supplies of SOM increased from 88 thousand to 125 thousand tons. From time to time, the government makes decisions to restrict the import of imported dairy products. At the same time, the cost of finished dairy products produced in Europe, Oceania and Belarus is significantly lower than in Russia, which is an undeniable advantage of foreign companies for more profitable trading on Russian territory. This situation encourages domestic producers to reduce prices for finished goods, forces you to revise your business plan and find new markets.

Production of milk powder in Russia.

According to the AMICO company, in 2011 the production volume of powdered milk reached 131.9 thousand tons, which is 22.6% more than last year. The largest share of production comes from Privolzhsky federal district, occupying 42% of the structure of milk powder production in physical terms. This is followed by the Central Federal District, which has a share of 25%, and finally, the Siberian Federal District - 19%.

It should be noted that manufacturers give preference to a dry granular product with a fat mass fraction of 1.5% (production volume is 60.9 thousand tons, which is more than 42% of the total volume) and a dry granular product with a fat mass fraction of 20% (approximately 31 % or 40.9 thousand tons).

The Russian market for skimmed milk powder is unstable. So during 2008-2009 the volume of consumption was 153 thousand tons, and in 2010 it increased to 172 thousand tons. Today, domestic producers are able to provide less than ½ of the total consumption of COM.

SOM - skimmed milk powder
TsSM - whole milk powder

Prospects for business development in powdered milk.

The production of milk powder on the Russian market is quite stable and is gradually increasing its volumes. Research over the past 5 years shows an increase in demand for milk powder by 1.4%. According to expert forecasts, in 2012-2016, an increase in the consumed product is expected, and by the end of 2016, the volume of consumption will be 311.4 thousand tons.

In addition, producers can profitably turn their mini-business into a full-fledged dairy plant, focused on producing the entire range of dairy products: acidophilus, yoghurts, skim milk, Varenets, kefir, cream, curdled milk, condensed milk, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, butter, buttermilk, sour cream, whey, baked milk, cheese and other products.

Line for the recovery of milk powder. Production of cottage cheese and cottage cheese.

As for the area of ​​use, in practice milk powder is used much more often than it might seem at first glance. For example, in cosmetology for the production of natural cosmetics, in the food industry for the restoration of milk in those regions where it is impossible to provide the population with fresh milk, in the confectionery industry, in canning, as well as to improve the nutrition of various animals. Therefore, milk powder producers are not familiar with the problem of lack of markets for finished products.

Today the volume of milk powder is Russian markets is 200 thousand tons, taking into account the volumes imported from the Republic of Belarus. More than 70% goes for further processing by dairy enterprises to produce yogurt, ice cream, milk drinks, curd products, for the production of infant formula, as well as for the creation confectionery.

For many centuries, people have consumed fresh milk, The dairy industry was actively developing, and the volume of milk produced increased. There was a need to stock milk for a long time and to be able to transport it over long distances.

Powdered milk was first mentioned by Ivan Erich in “Proceedings of Volny Economic Society", dated 1792. He wrote that the residents eastern regions By freezing milk, they obtained “reserves of milky lumps.”

In 1802, the headquarters physician Osip Krichevsky was the first to obtain a product that is currently known as powdered milk. Commercial production of milk powder first took place in 1832, launched by the Russian chemist M. Dirchov. And in 1885, Grimwade T.S. was issued a patent for the production of this product.

Canning by drying is widely used in the dairy industry:

  • dry whole and skim milk;
  • buttermilk;
  • whey;
  • mixtures of whole milk with skim milk, buttermilk or cream, with or without additives.

The range of dry dairy products is quite extensive:

  • whole milk powder 20% and 25% fat content;
  • dry cream;
  • dry skimmed milk;
  • dry whey;
  • dry milk products of increased solubility;
  • dry multicomponent mixtures (dry mixes for ice cream, pudding).

These products are produced by spray drying.

Powdered milk is used:

  • in the confectionery industry;
  • at bakery enterprises;
  • in dairies for the production of condensed milk, processed cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese;
  • for the production of spreads;
  • in the meat industry;
  • in the production of alcohol;
  • in the production of semi-finished products;
  • in the production of animal feed.

Powdered milk divided into two types:

  • whole milk powder with m.d.z. not less than 20%-Whole milk is used as raw material;
  • dry low fat milk (COM) with m.d.j. no more than 1.5% - skimmed milk (skimmed milk) is used for its production.

The flowability of dry dairy products depends on the force of friction and adhesion of the particles to each other. The high mass fraction of dry substances ensures high transportability and storage of dry dairy products. The mass fraction of moisture in milk powder depends on the type of product and ranges from 1.5 to 7%. The shape of the particles and, as a consequence, their solubility depends on the drying method and technology.

Single particles have a cavity and are penetrated by a network of cracks and capillaries, some of which communicate with internal cavities. It is assumed that due to the high mass fraction of milk protein in milk powder, its micelles in the particle are in contact with each other and also form a spatial framework.

Lactose in the particle may be in a crystalline state. In this case, lactose crystals can be located both on the surface and inside the particles. Crystallized lactose has a direct effect on particle porosity.

Milk fat, which has a shape close to spherical, is generally evenly distributed in particles, located both on the surface and inside, including on the surface of cavities and capillary walls. Conventionally, fat is divided into three main groups: superficially free fat, fat contained in internal areas cavities and protected fat, which is not extracted by a fat solvent in the absence of mechanical impact on the particles of dry milk. The mass fraction of free surface fat ranges from 0.5 to 20.0%.

Theoretical basis of drying

Drying is the process of removing moisture. In the production of all types of dry dairy products, the process of removing free moisture is carried out in two stages - condensation and drying of the condensed product. Thickening by evaporation is carried out to such a value of the total mass fraction of dry substances at which the mass fraction of CCFC in water does not exceed 18-20% and the product does not lose fluidity.

The condensed mixtures are dried to the final moisture content, which is determined depending on the forms of connection between water and components dry matter dry matter. The final moisture content of a dry milk product, which is bound water, is no more than 15% of the mass fraction of protein in it. This is the basis for the standardization of the mass fraction of moisture in dry dairy products, upon reaching which the drying process ends.

Whole milk contains bound moisture along with free moisture. Bound water is inaccessible to microorganisms, is not a solvent, does not participate in microbiological and biochemical processes, and does not freeze at 0°C. It is firmly connected with the components of milk. Its removal is accompanied by irreversible changes in the dry matter of the processed raw milk. Based on the above, bound water should be left in dry milk products.

When drying in a stream of hot air or by contact, do not allow the dry powder to overheat, dry out or burn.

Whole milk powder

All technological operations for producing milk powder can be divided into two groups:

  • processing of raw materials before drying;
  • drying and all subsequent operations.

Technological operations of the first group are common for the production of canned milk:

  • acceptance, quality assessment, sorting, cleaning, cooling and reserve;
  • normalization of milk composition, heat treatment, thickening;
  • homogenization of condensed milk.

The second group of operations is:

  • drying, cooling of dry product;
  • packaging, packing, storage.

When producing milk powder, milk normalized for fat and dry matter is pasteurized at a temperature of at least 90°C. To thicken normalized milk, multi-effect vacuum evaporation units are used, operating on the principle of falling film or circulation plants. Technical specifications Condensation is maintained within the limits specified in the operating instructions for the vacuum evaporation units used.

The need to homogenize condensed milk is due to the fact that during mechanical, heat treatment and thickening, the fat fraction of milk is destabilized (release of free fat), which contributes to fat oxidation and spoilage of the product during storage. Therefore, to increase stability and reduce free fat content, milk is homogenized. Homogenization is carried out at a temperature of 50–60°C and a pressure of 10–15 MPa for a one-stage homogenizer; for a two-stage homogenizer at a pressure of 11.5–12.5 MPa at the first stage and 2.5–3.0 MPa at the second stage. After homogenization, the condensed milk enters an intermediate container and then is dried.

In whole milk powder, the mass fraction of fat is 20–25% and moisture no more than 4–7%. Based on the composition of powdered milk, we can conclude that it is not absolutely dry, it contains so-called irremovable moisture. As the product dries, the moisture remaining in the product is retained more and more firmly in it due to increased adhesive forces and increased resistance to water movement. Therefore, the product can only be dried to an equilibrium moisture content corresponding to relative humidity and temperature of the drying agent.

Depending on the method of moisture removal used different ways drying: film (contact), spray (air) And sublimation.

Drying units are prepared before feeding the condensed product. To do this, the spray dryer chamber is heated for 15-20 minutes and sprayed hot water for 5-7 minutes. Contact dryers are heated by passing hot water.

The drying mode is controlled by the main indicator - the temperature of the hot air entering the dryer and leaving it.

Film method

With the film method drying is carried out in roller dryers. Condensed milk is applied by spray or a thin layer onto rotating rollers, the surface of which is heated by steam to a temperature of 105–130°C. As a result of contact of the dried product with the hot surface of the rollers, the milk is dried in the form of a thin film. This film is removed with special knives and goes to the mill elevator for grinding. The drying process on roller dryers should not exceed 2s, since heat heating surface causes significant changes in the dried milk. As a result of contact with a heated surface, a significant part of the fat is not protected by the shell. In this regard and due to the low solubility of the finished product, the film method is used in the production of skimmed milk powder and whey.

Freeze drying

By freeze drying moisture removal occurs from frozen products with a dry matter content of up to 40%. The freeze drying process is carried out at a frozen product temperature of 25°C and a residual pressure in the sublimator of 0.0133–0.133 kPa. Products obtained by freeze-drying are easily restored and retain their taste, chemical composition and structure. Dry fermented milk products, starter cultures, and ice cream mixtures are produced by freeze-drying.

Spray drying

With the spray method drying is carried out as a result of contact of the sprayed condensed product with hot air. Condensed milk is sprayed into the drying chamber using disc and nozzle sprayers. In disk sprayers, condensed milk is sprayed under the action of the centrifugal force of a rotating disk, from the nozzle of which the milk comes out at a speed of 150–160 m/s and is crushed into tiny droplets due to air resistance. Condensed milk is supplied to the nozzle sprayers under high pressure(up to 24.5 MPa).

When drying with spray dryers, condensed milk is sprayed into the top of the dryer, where hot air is supplied. Hot air, mixing with the smallest drops of milk, gives them part of the heat, under the influence of which the moisture evaporates and the milk particles quickly dry. The high rate of drying (evaporation) is due to the large contact surface of fine milk with hot air. With the rapid evaporation of moisture, the air is cooled to 75–95°C, so the thermal effect on the product is insignificant and its solubility is high. The dried milk in powder form settles to the bottom of the drying tower.

Spray dryers, depending on the movement of air and milk particles, are divided into three types: direct-flow, in which the movement of air and milk is parallel; countercurrent, in which the movement of milk and air particles is opposite; mixed - with mixed movement of air and milk particles.

The most rational and progressive are high-performance direct-flow spray dryers, in which the degree of solubility of milk powder reaches 96–98%.

The prepared milk is purified using a centrifugal milk purifier, then normalized and pasteurized under the conditions described above. After pasteurization, the milk is supplied for condensation to a three-stage vacuum evaporation unit operating on the falling film principle. Milk condensed to a dry matter mass fraction of 43–52% is homogenized and sent to an intermediate container equipped with a stirrer and a heating jacket. From the intermediate container, condensed milk is pumped into the drying chamber. Moreover, it must have a temperature of at least 40°C.

In accordance with technical characteristics Spray dryers must adhere to the following drying modes:

  • the temperature of the air entering the direct-flow type drying unit should be 165–180°C, and at the exit from the drying tower - 65–85°C;
  • for drying installations with mixed movement of air and product, the temperature of the air entering the drying tower should be 140–170°C, and at the exit from the tower - 65–80°C.

At the exit from the drying tower, whole milk powder is sifted on a shaking sieve and sent for cooling.

Instant milk

This is a dry powder consisting of agglomerated particles, with a taste and smell characteristic of pasteurized milk; with a mass fraction of fat - no less than 25 and 15%, moisture - no more than 4%, soybean-phosphatide additives - no more than 0.5%.

Features of the production of instant milk are two-stage drying, recycling fine particles, involved in the formation of agglomerates, and the introduction of soybean-phosphatide additives. When producing instant milk, the first drying stage produces regular milk powder, which is then moistened. When a dry product is moistened, milk particles enlarge, i.e., agglomerate, and lactose transitions from an amorphous to a crystalline state. At the second stage, the moistened product is dried to standard moisture. Due to agglomeration, milk particles dried at the second stage acquire a porous structure. When milk with a porous structure is dissolved, water penetrates into the particle and promotes its dissolution. Rapid penetration of water is also achieved by increasing wettability through the addition of soybean-phosphatide additives.

Scheme technological line The production of instant milk is similar to the production of powdered milk from receipt to drying, but includes the following additional stages: agglomeration of powdered milk particles, return of the cyclone fraction, drying, preparation of soybean-phosphatide additives and their addition to the powdered milk. Drying of condensed milk is carried out until the mass fraction of moisture in the milk powder at the exit from the tower is (3.75±2.25)%. The resulting milk powder is fed into the agglomeration chamber, where it is additionally moistened with buttermilk or skim milk to a moisture content of 7–9% and agglomerated in a fluidized bed. In this case, the cyclone fraction is returned to the sintering chamber for re-wetting and agglomeration. The wet powder from the sintering chamber is sent to the first section of the instantizer, where the product is dried in a fluidized bed to a mass fraction of moisture (4.25±0.25)% at an air temperature of (105±15)°C.

Soy Phosphatide Supplement Blend with melted butter, prepared according to the recipe, is melted at a temperature of (65±5)°C and mixed. The mixture is then fed into the nozzles and sent to the milk powder. After adding the additives, the product is dried to standard moisture in the second section of the instantizer at an air temperature of (75±5)°C. Then the finished product is cooled to 25 °C in the third section of the instantizer.

Cooling of milk powder can be carried out either by air in a pneumatic transport system or in a fluidized state of the product. The cooled dry product is transported from the intermediate storage bin for packaging.

Dry milk products are packaged in sealed consumer and transport containers. Consumer packaging includes metal cans with a solid or removable lid and a net weight of 250, 500 and 1000 g; combined cans with a removable lid, having a net weight of 250, 400 and 500 g with an internal hermetically sealed bag made of aluminum foil, paper and other materials; glued packs with cellophane inserts with a net weight of 250 g. Instant milk powder is packaged under normal conditions or in a nitrogen environment with preliminary vacuuming. Unimpregnated four- and five-layer paper bags are used as transport containers; cardboard stuffing drums; plywood-stamped barrels with polyethylene liner bags with a net weight of 20–30 kg.

Powdered whole milk in consumer containers (except for glued packs with cellophane inserts) and transport containers with polyethylene inserts is stored at a temperature of 0 to 10 ° C and a relative air humidity of no more than 85% for no more than 8 months from the date of production. Powdered milk in glued packs with cellophane liners and stamped plywood barrels with cellophane and parchment liners is stored at a temperature of 0 to 20 ° C and a relative air humidity of no more than 75% for no more than 3 months from the date of production. Instant milk powder of 15 and 25% fat content is stored at a temperature of 1 to 10°C, relative humidity no more than 85% and no more than 6 months from the date of production.

To expand the range of dry dairy products, products with reduced and increased content fat, dry fermented milk products and ice cream mixtures.

Dry fermented milk products produced from normalized condensed milk, fermented with pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria, by drying in spray drying units. The production of dry fermented milk products is similar to the production of whole milk powder with the introduction of an additional operation - fermentation of condensed milk.

Dry mixes for ice cream is obtained by spray-drying pasteurized mixtures prepared from whole, skim milk, cream, sugar, stabilizer and fillers, or by mixing dry milk base with powdered sugar. Features of the production of dry ice cream mixtures include additional operations for preparing the components and composing the mixture.

Continuing the topic of business ideas related to food production, one cannot fail to mention the area of ​​milk powder production, which has been neglected by many entrepreneurs. It is difficult to explain what caused the lack of interest in this type of business - it would seem that the costs of organizing production are needed within reasonable limits, the technology is simple and has been proven for years, there is a demand for the products, there is even some shortage, and the number of milk powder producers is decreasing every year. However, there are many inexplicable paradoxes in our country.

Just two or three decades ago, Russia was one of the leading producers of milk powder in Europe: the amount of products produced not only fully satisfied domestic demand, but also made it possible to export it abroad, by the way, at very high prices. favorable prices. I wonder what could have happened in our country that the production of milk powder decreased by almost 4(!) times? Although, for enterprising businessmen this circumstance could not come in handy.

Where is milk powder used?

Let's see where milk powder is used:

  • As main component of baby food .
  • IN cooking – in the production of bakery and confectionery products, and meat products in which milk powder is used as a binding element.
  • For animal nutrition any age.
  • IN manufacturing of sports nutrition .
  • In many cosmetics for hair and skin.
  • At production of “allied” dairy products – yoghurts, fermented milk products (ryazhenka, kefirs, yogurt), sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, condensed milk, and other products that we use almost every day.

The number of areas for using milk powder is wide enough to avoid problems with product sales. And this is when the demand market for the product is only 54% full! Many Russian manufacturers spend considerable sums on delivering the product from other regions of the country.

So before you start a business, carefully study the competition issues in the place where you live. Actually, all this should be reflected in the business plan. You can find out how to compose it. If you cannot cope with this task yourself, order a business plan to be written by professionals. This can be done by clicking here.

Business development prospects

The undoubted advantage of the dry product is its long shelf life compared to natural milk. Moreover, the shelf life of skim milk powder is several times higher than the shelf life of whole milk powder - up to 8 months. This time is increased using the technology of vacuum packaging of powdered milk or with the help of inert gases. The finished product must comply with GOST standards, and production is under the control of sanitary and epidemiological services.

By the way, the equipment used for preparing milk powder can be successfully used for other purposes:

  • Obtaining egg powder.
  • To dry blood and separate it into its constituent components.
  • Preparation of dry broths, starch, various extracts , etc.

So, as we can see, the production of milk powder is an extremely profitable business, with which, in order to “stay out of business,” you need to make special efforts. Well, if you manage to enter the international market with your product, consider that you have “caught luck by the tail.” Let us explain: in Russia the cost of one ton of edible milk powder is approximately 120 thousand rubles; in Europe, a ton of milk powder of the same quality sells for up to 3 thousand dollars. Moreover, the production of milk powder in Europe also lacks capacity.

Even with the current instability of exchange rates, profits can be up to 50% minus transport and tax costs. The prospects, of course, are bright, but in order to win the trust of the European consumer, you must first make a “name” for yourself in your homeland.

How to get “dry” from “wet”?

Briefly, the milk powder production technology is as follows:

  • Stage one - preparation and cleaning , which includes heating the raw material - ordinary cow's milk to a temperature of 4º C to facilitate the process of bringing the milk to the desired parameters (fat content, density, etc.), and filtering through special filters in order to get rid of foreign impurities.
  • Stage two – normalization . This is obtaining the desired fat content of the product by separating it into cream and skim milk in a special separator.
  • Stage three - pasteurization (disinfection). There are three types of pasteurization: long (heating to 65º for 40 minutes), short (up to 90º for 1 minute), and instant (up to 98º in a few seconds).
  • Stage four – cooling, which occurs in a special storage tank, from where the milk is sent to the next stage of processing.
  • Stage five - thickening . Cooled milk is condensed in a special evaporation unit under vacuum conditions to a dry matter content of 40-45%.
  • Stage six – homogenization. In this process, the mass is made homogeneous in content.
  • Stage seven – drying the product by spraying in a special drying chamber.
  • The final stage – sifting and packaging.

Equipment of the premises and production line

Currently, many manufacturers offer domestic milk powder production lines that are much cheaper than imported ones. However, let's start with the premises. The area depends on the volume of products produced, and therefore on the power of the equipment. For example, the smallest industrial line with a production capacity of up to 300 kg of finished products per day will occupy a room of up to 30 square meters. meters. A line with a production capacity of up to 5 tons of milk powder per day will require a large high (up to 15 meters in height) building with total area not less than 110 sq. meters.

The cost of the line itself will cost from several million to several tens of millions of rubles (depending on power). I also need to say a few words about the staff. Technologists food production, working outside their specialty, are now, as they say, “a dime a dozen.” But we would recommend that you open vacancies for young graduates of specialized educational institutions. Still, knowledge acquired several months ago differs from knowledge acquired several decades ago.

Sources of raw materials

Farms, former collective farms, state farms, livestock breeding complexes - it will not be difficult to find channels for obtaining raw materials - cow's milk. Although, with proper business organization, the milk powder production workshop should be located in close proximity to the sources of supply. Take this fact into account when planning your business.

Sales channels

Finding sales channels for finished products is even easier: place ads wherever possible - in the media, on the Internet in specialized forums, etc., and buyers themselves will find you. Remember that it is better to work with regular customers. Treasure business relations! Good luck in your endeavors!

And here is what the production of milk powder on an industrial scale looks like

The main area of ​​application of whole and skim milk powder is the production of various bakery products, meat products, as a binding additive in minced sausages and frankfurters, as well as in the manufacture of confectionery products. In addition, milk powder with a solids content of at least 96% is used to produce reconstituted milk.

Powdered milk production

Currently the main and most widely used High Quality is the spray method. Also, instant milk powder is made from a mixture of skim and whole milk using the following method: the dry mixture is moistened with steam until granules form, and then dried again. Due to the high and stable demand for these products, despite high level energy consumption, the production of milk powder is a more than profitable and promising business.

The production technology includes several stages for implementation, which use the appropriate equipment:

  • Normalization – this procedure is necessary to ensure that the mass fraction of fat in the finished product does not exceed 21.6% percent, for which appropriate preparation of raw materials is carried out;
  • Pasteurization involves heat treatment of milk at temperatures from +80 0 C to +850 0 C.
  • Preliminary condensation or evaporation of milk is necessary to bring the dry matter content in milk to the level of 48–50%, which significantly improves the quality of the finished product and reduces operating costs.

The milk powder production line has drying chambers for drying milk; raw materials are supplied to the drying chamber by a special pump using hot air. After that, the atomized milk is removed from the drying chamber and supplied to packaging.

Skimmed milk

Dry skim milk is produced using a more simplified technology, since the procedure for evaporating the raw materials is carried out to a dry matter content of 30–34%, which eliminates the need for normalization and homogenization of the raw materials. In addition, the procedures for acceptance, cleaning and pasteurization of skim raw materials are identical to those used in other dairy industries.


To perform this procedure, which is one of the main ones in the production technology of milk powder, the milk powder production line is equipped with special vacuum evaporation units. The most effective of which are multi-stage milk evaporation units that perform the procedure of removing moisture by heating the raw material under vacuum conditions.

For example, the Wiegand milk powder production line operates according to this principle, the productivity of which ranges from 2000 to 8000 kg of evaporated moisture per hour. Milk powder production line of the Indian company SSP Pvt. Ltd. is distinguished by innovative technical solutions and high productivity, since the evaporation procedure of raw materials is carried out using a low-temperature vacuum method, which in turn can significantly reduce energy costs. However, such a line for the production of powdered milk, which has thermal compressors in its design, is much more complicated than conventional vacuum analogues.

Drying pre-condensed milk

This operation is performed using methods such as vortex and direct flow. In the case of the first, drying of the sprayed product is carried out in a vortex flow of hot air, which is used in units with horizontal drying. The only drawback of this equipment is the need for a complex procedure for cleaning the air and mixture.

Powdered milk production line, video review: