Gas discharge lamps are often used for indoor lighting various types. They have become widely used due to their increased service life and reliability. In addition, their luminous efficiency far exceeds that of conventional incandescent lamps.

Disposal fluorescent lamps requires use special equipment for removal and processing and compliance with all safety regulations due to the mercury they contain. If the seal of the bulb of such a lamp is broken, toxic fumes will poison all living things around.

Removal and disposal of fluorescent lamps: rules and features

To safely destroy such luminaires, it is necessary to comply with all prescribed environmental regulations.

Before transportation, they are tightly placed in sealed containers and covered with a lid. Fluorescent lamps are removed on specially equipped trucks covered with tarpaulin or other protective material. In addition, identification markings are applied to the vehicles and they are equipped with flashing lights. The speed of transport should not exceed 60 km/h both in the city and outside it.

The price for the removal of fluorescent lamps remains quite low, especially in comparison with the cost of eliminating damage in the event of their seal being broken or improperly destroyed. Safe transportation is an important stage in the processing of toxic raw materials.

The cost of recycling fluorescent lamps also allows companies and individuals to turn to waste removal and disposal services. Recycling of lamps is carried out in several ways.

  • Mechanical. The destruction process itself consists of crushing waste in special sealed devices. Thus, the lamps in a safe way are broken, foreign materials are removed from them - phosphor, aluminum, glass. Then they are all sorted into different containers and sent for further processing as recyclable materials or destroyed in a harmless way;
  • Thermal. The price of such recycling of fluorescent lamps is slightly higher, however, in this case, mercury vapor is condensed in a special container, which allows this metal to be reused in production.

Transportation and processing of such lamps must be carried out by qualified specialists with the obligatory division of lamps into types.

Inexpensive recycling of fluorescent lamps in Moscow from the EKOUMVELT company

Our company offers services for the transportation and processing of hazardous waste in the shortest possible time. We provide everything Required documents on compliance of processing with environmental norms and standards.

Our main advantage is the fast and environmentally friendly disposal of fluorescent lamps in Moscow and the Moscow region, the price of which is affordable for a wide range of customers. We carry out work in full accordance with sanitary standards and we have all the necessary equipment for the high-quality destruction of toxic waste. Our environmental specialists will answer all questions regarding both the process itself and its legal registration. To find out the price for recycling fluorescent lamps per piece, just call us. We are working to do the world cleaner, and our common future healthy and prosperous. We are waiting for you!

Disposal of fluorescent lamps is an important process for protection environment. But, unfortunately, not every person knows how to recycle fluorescent lamps and where to recycle them. And enterprises often treat this issue negligently. About the need proper disposal“dangerous” lighting devices will be discussed.

It is known that daylight lighting devices contain a certain amount of mercury. Therefore, they are also called mercury, or mercury-containing. The presence of toxic metal in the device dictates special rules for the handling and disposal of fluorescent lamps.

Proper disposal mercury lamps necessary for the following reasons:

  1. Waste containing mercury is waste of hazard class 1. The content of this metal in different types of mercury lighting devices varies from 1 mg to 70 mg of mercury. It is easy to guess that throwing lamps into landfills and landfills in quantities of many thousands or even millions will lead to global pollution soils, groundwater, to poisoning of living organisms.
  2. Mercury-containing waste, as noted earlier, belongs to class 1, and this is the most toxic waste hazard class of the entire classification. When mercury enters the human body, it negatively affects all organs. If this dangerous metal penetrates excessively inside a person, death can occur.
  3. Mercury from used devices can form equally toxic compounds (for example, methylmercury cation), which also pose a threat to all living organisms.
  4. It is also prohibited to store mercury lamps at home or at an enterprise, because... the casing of such devices is easily damaged, and mercury vapor enters the environment and the human body.

Important! For these main reasons, we can conclude that you cannot simply throw lighting fixtures containing mercury into the trash or landfill. Disposal of fluorescent lamps in accordance with all safety regulations is necessary to protect the environment and public health.

Recycling companies. Service cost

Where can I dispose of used mercury-containing fluorescent lamps? The question is relevant for both ordinary residents and business owners.

Almost all major cities In our country, there are companies for recycling waste fluorescent lamps. Such companies are licensed to carry out recycling different types household waste, including dangerous ones. Firms, as a rule, carry out removal, collection, recycling and disposal of light bulbs. Fluorescent lamps are recycled.

How much does the service cost? The cost of recycling light bulbs varies depending on the type. So, for example, in one of the Moscow companies, these devices are disposed of at the following prices:

  • straight fluorescent lamp – 16 RUR/piece;
  • DRL – 20 rub./piece;
  • solarium lamp – 35 RUR/piece;
  • mercury lamps, broken - 400 rub./kg.

Enterprises with such companies can enter into an agreement for the disposal of used light bulbs. Such a disposal agreement is usually concluded for a year; the price for annual service varies depending on each specific company and the locality in which this company operates. Before selecting a performing company and concluding an agreement with it, the customer enterprise draws up and puts forward a technical specification for the disposal of mercury-containing lamps, which specifies the subject of the agreement, work requirements, pricing procedures, conditions, etc.

One of the largest enterprises"Ecotrom".

An application must be sent to the lighting recycling company to dispose of used devices from a particular enterprise. Then company representatives (after receiving payment for the service) remove the devices, after which they are sent for neutralization and recycling.

The problem is that the vast majority of lighting recycling companies and collection points are located only in large Russian cities. For this reason, people living in small populated areas, it is often not possible to properly dispose of lighting fixture with mercury. To solve this problem, mobile recycling units (so-called “ecomobiles” - cars with special equipment) of lamps and other mercury-containing waste are used. However, today this problem still remains to be relevant.

Recycling process, necessary equipment

There are 4 main methods used in the world to dispose of lighting fixtures containing mercury:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Mechanical-chemical. The first two methods are most often used in Australia. At elevated temperature toxic metal is exposed to cement dust. The process continues for 12 hours. As a result, an insoluble sediment is formed, which does not pose a threat to the environment and is therefore simply disposed of.
  3. Thermal.
  4. Thermal vacuum with cryocondensation.

In Russia, the most common method is thermal vacuum exposure. The procedure for disposing of lamps filled with mercury vapor using this method is as follows. First, recyclable lighting fixtures are collected and stored. A special sealed container is used in which the lamps are stored until immediate destruction. When the devices are placed in the oven, they are removed from their packaging. Next, the furnace is heated to 400 o C, at this temperature the mercury transforms into gaseous state, the resulting gas is removed through the hood.

The fourth method is less popular in Russia. Its essence is that mercury-containing lamps are broken with a knife in a chamber designed for this purpose. Then the air is pumped out and the temperature is raised to 450 o C. The resulting gaseous mercury is collected in a “trap”, in which it is cooled with liquid nitrogen.

The process uses special recycling equipment. Some Russian companies They also offer plants for recycling mercury lighting fixtures. For example, vibro-pneumatic installations "Ekotrom-2".

This short video was made about what the installation for recycling mercury lighting devices looks like and what the principle of its operation is.

Government Decree on the recycling of fluorescent lamps

This Resolution was adopted on September 3, 2010. It states that disposal of mercury-containing lamps can only be carried out by licensed organizations.

The document also contains information on what to do in the event of an incident. mercury pollution(if the integrity of the body of the mercury lighting device is damaged). In such emergency situations individuals, budgetary organizations, commercial organizations it is necessary to evacuate people and call the appropriate services to eliminate the consequences. If a single device breaks, then the company’s employees can carry out demercurization themselves - the process of removing mercury (mercury is an element for which the astronomical symbol of the planet Mercury is used). In this case, a special demercurization kit is required, and there must also be instructions for the disposal of mercury-containing lamps.

Important! Almost all companies and enterprises in Russia must draw up a waste passport for fluorescent lamps and keep a log of generated mercury-containing waste (sample below).

Used fluorescent lighting devices are waste, the characteristics of which (waste density, hazard class, composition, regulatory calculations) can be studied in the Directory of Industrial and Consumer Waste.

About the disposal of bactericidal lamps

The bactericidal (ultraviolet) lamp also contains mercury vapor. Therefore, the elimination of bactericidal lamps in health care facilities and in any other organizations is carried out with the help of specialized companies. At the same time, first, devices are accumulated in organizations, they are stored in a special sealed container, and only then the entire accumulated number of devices is transferred for recycling. When disposing of bactericidal lighting devices, the same methods are used as when recycling other mercury-containing light bulbs.

How to recycle tanning lamps

Since these tanning bed products also contain mercury, they must be disposed of properly. To do this, you need to contact a specialized company or service center for solarium maintenance. Details of the liquidation procedure can be found in Government Decree No. 681 (which was already mentioned earlier).

Should incandescent light bulbs be recycled?

How to recycle incandescent lamps, is there any need to do this at all? in a special way? Previously widespread incandescent lamps are rapidly losing their positions. Such devices use tungsten filament and inert gases. This type of lighting device has low efficiency. However, it also has a significant advantage compared to devices containing mercury, namely, incandescent lamps do not pose a threat to the environment and do not require special disposal technology. Although the processing of this kind of waste makes it possible to obtain recyclable materials for various industries.

How and where to dispose of halogen lighting fixtures

Incandescent lamps include halogen lighting fixtures that contain gas mixture which include halogens. Such used devices are not hazardous to human health or the environment. Therefore, recycling of halogen lamps usually occurs in a simple way- through garbage bins. Also, containers for leftover materials can be used to dispose of used lighting fixtures. However, such glass bulbs are not thrown into containers intended for bottle glass, because the structure of their material is different from the structure of glass bottles.

Disposal of energy-saving lamps should be carried out by specialists who will neutralize the devices without negative consequences for the environment and human health. It is important that every person understands the importance of this process, especially if this person is the owner of an enterprise where such waste is generated in huge quantities.

The daylighting design perfectly combines good qualities operation and relatively inexpensive cost. Today, the demand for such light sources is only increasing. One of the disadvantages is the unfavorable composition of the fluorescent lamp, due to the violation of the integrity of which, immediate disposal of fluorescent lamps will be required.

The fluorescent light bulb must be handed over to the relevant authorities upon expiration of its service life. In this article we will look at exciting questions regarding energy-saving lamps.

Fluorescent lamps are found in everyday life, industrial and office settings. Some time ago, such devices were used only in conditions unsuitable for habitation, due to their bulkiness. Over time, the design has changed, and is now made even in the size of ordinary incandescent lamps.

Today, the daylighting device has a built-in trigger mechanism and is equipped with a conventional base. Now light bulbs can be wall and ceiling, and can also be used as night lights.

By external signs fluorescent lamps can differ significantly, depending on the manufacturer and the purpose of the device, in general the principle of operation remains the same.

Important! Violation of the integrity of fluorescent lamps entails the release of toxic mercury vapors.

Why are energy-saving lamps harmful to the environment?

  • environmental pollution: soil and atmosphere;
  • release of dangerous mercury vapor;
  • harm to any species of plants;
  • poisoning of the human body.

If you regularly throw away mercury lamps, it will accumulate in the soil. a large number of methylmercury. This substance can penetrate the body of animals, fish and birds. Contact of these animals with humans is quite dangerous.

How to recycle energy-saving lamps: disposal technology

All methods of destroying harmful mercury vapors from faulty lamps begin with their transportation to a special enterprise. Afterwards, a special disposal method is selected. There are several options that accomplish this task.

Outdated way

The technique of this operation consists of washing the glass and other shells of fluorescent lamps with water. After which the resulting solution is redirected to workshops for further processing. Once the harmful chemicals are separated, they are used to create new materials.

Modern way

Thanks to improvements in technology, it has become possible to separate all the components of a day llama. All glass from lamps is crushed together with the phosphor located on the shell. Then, with a stream of air under high pressure, all the harmful composition is blown away from the crushed composition. Afterwards, the phosphor is sent to boiling containers, and subsequently the mercury is cooled and reused for other purposes.

You cannot recycle fluorescent lamps yourself, so you need to know where to take them energy-saving lamps for processing. In large cities there are special items collection of mercury lamps, if such an organization does not exist, it is customary in populated areas to install special bins for products to be disposed of.

What to do if there is nowhere to return toxic energy-saving lamps?

  1. Try to sort your garbage correctly. Be sure to set aside materials that can be stored for a long time. It can be plastic bags, plastic bottles and, of course, fluorescent lamps.
  2. You can agree with your neighbors to throw fluorescent lamps into separate bins, or you can install them yourself. Utility services find where to identify toxic products.
  3. Any management facility must accept fluorescent lamps. Contact your home maintenance service if no other options are available.

Important! If a mercury-type lamp breaks at home, be sure to ventilate the room and treat the floors with disinfecting chemicals.

Disposal of fluorescent lamps is mandatory, since this type light sources contain substances harmful to living organisms. Throwing them in the trash is strictly prohibited because prolonged exposure to mercury can, in the worst case, lead to death. Before purchasing, you need to check with friends or the seller where to take such lamps.

Today, in different cities there are organizations that provide services for the collection and disposal of gas-discharge light sources in accordance with OKPD 90.02.140149 (All-Russian classifier of products by type economic activity). An agreement with such companies is drawn up on the basis of KOSGU (Classification of Operations of the General Government Sector).

More about applications

Fluorescent lamps can be used at objects for various purposes: in schools, hospitals, private houses, apartments, educational institutions(schools, universities). This type of lighting device is used when organizing lighting systems shopping centers, banks. Another area of ​​application is production areas.

Lamps of this type are called “,” which means that their most effective use is in large rooms where there is not enough natural light.

As the design improved, compact versions that were more convenient to use appeared. They are simply screwed in instead of incandescent lamps, since in both cases the same type of base is used: E14 or E27. Both linear (with pin holders) and compact models of light sources pass through OKPD using the same code, since the composition of the bulb in both cases is identical. You need to find out where to take fluorescent lighting fixtures before purchasing them, so that in case of a breakdown you do not store a dangerous product at home.

How does a gas discharge lamp work?

The basis of the design: a flask with gaseous contents, electrodes, a base (one or two depending on the design). For normal operation of such lighting devices, a ballast (electromagnetic or electronic type) is also required. The operating principle of these light sources is based on the phenomenon of luminescence.

When submitting electric current An arc discharge is formed between the electrodes. Thanks to special composition gaseous filling of the flask (inert gas, mercury vapor) when an electric current passes through this medium, ultraviolet radiation appears.

Various types and shapes

But UV itself is invisible to the eye. In order for the lamp to emit light, the phenomenon of luminescence is used during operation, for which the inner walls of the bulb are coated with a phosphor. This substance is capable of absorbing ultraviolet radiation and producing visible light. By changing the composition of this substance, you can get a lamp special purpose, for example, for plant growth.

Operation and care

At the end of the service life of fluorescent lamps, specialized organizations like Mercury LLC dispose of them. Such services are provided on the basis of KOGSU and OKPD. Even before purchasing, you need to clarify where to hand over such light sources at the end of their service life or in case of damage to the bulb.

  • When transporting, you should use sufficiently strong packaging, preferably made of plastic;
  • gas-discharge light sources of this type do not tolerate frequent switching on/off, so it is better not to switch off low-voltage versions at all or use lamps with a soft start;
  • to ensure the quality of the product, you can mark the beginning of its service life, then in the future you will not have to deal with the products of unscrupulous manufacturers;
  • the light of fluorescent lamps is characterized by softness, which means that the lampshade should be quite transparent so as not to artificially reduce the efficiency of the light source;
  • We must not forget that gas-discharge lamps are prone to heating, so open lamps should be used.

In addition, it is necessary to select a light source based on the color temperature of the radiation.

For example, models whose value of this parameter lies in the range from 2,500 to 3,500 K provide “warm” light. But versions with a color temperature of more than 6,000 K provide “cold” light.

Where and to whom should I donate lamps?

If a lighting device with mercury vapor breaks at home, and this happened in a single order (only one lamp), then the product must be returned at the place of residence in management company. This does not require drawing up an agreement on the basis of OKPD and KOGSU, since the service is provided free of charge. You no longer need to worry about where the light sources will go later.

Management companies provide containers for collecting gas-discharge light bulbs; after some time, non-working products are sent for recycling.

Specialized companies that are approached to sell non-working light sources mainly work directly only with legal entities. For example, in St. Petersburg, Mercury LLC is engaged in recycling.

For calculation total cost An agreement is drawn up on the basis of OKPD and KOGSU. The price for acceptance and disposal of one unit may vary, which is determined by the shape and size of the light bulb (from 12 to 30 rubles/piece). The user should inquire in advance about where to go in their city.

Thus, recycling luminescent sources light is the responsibility of each user. It is enough for a private individual to know where to take the non-working product; its acceptance is free of charge. In this case, the agreement on the basis of KOGSU and OKPD is not abandoned.

Legal entities should use the services of a specialized company in their city (Mercury LLC in St. Petersburg). In this case, the provision of services is confirmed by a contract in accordance with OKPD. Disposal of hazardous waste, which is included in the “other” group, is carried out according to OKPD code 90.02.140149.

Moscow has become one of the most environmentally friendly regions of Russia. And Muscovites can help her maintain this status. How to sort garbage yourself and where to take it hazardous waste, read and watch on the Moscow 24 portal.

Recycling in Butovo

The fashion for separate waste collection has come to Russia quite recently: multi-colored waste bins are just beginning to appear on the streets. different types garbage. In the regions, not everyone knows and understands how it works and why it is important to sort it.

In Moscow, more attention is paid to this issue. This is also why the capital was in 7th place in the environmental rating of the country’s regions in the summer of 2017. It was published by the All-Russian public organization"Green Patrol".

For example, residents of the Northern and Southern Butovo districts united and created the “Our Butovo” community. Its active participants organize actions to separate collection garbage and hold meetings with famous environmental activists. In addition, neighbors help each other in everyday matters, inform each other about lost or found things, and simply share local news.

Where to take hazardous waste

If you care about the planet, you've probably experienced that collection points various waste not so easy to find.

In 2015, Moscow authorities launched a map with the location of places where you can donate light bulbs, batteries, plastic and waste paper.

Light bulbs

Fluorescent lamps contain toxic chemicals. IKEA, for example, offers recycling services for light bulbs purchased in stores. You can also bring light bulbs to one of the Globus supermarkets or to the Kuskovo eco-school, an interactive environmental education center that deals with ecology and environmental protection issues.

LED bulbs are safe and can be recycled just like incandescent bulbs - pay attention to the packaging.

Photo: TASS/DPA/Julian Stratenschulte

Technology and electronics

Is your computer or landline phone broken? There is no need to take them to a landfill: these wastes contain hazardous substances- mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium, not to mention such valuable metals as gold, silver and platinum.

It is better to find an electronics recycling organization and even receive a symbolic monetary reward for this.

For more information on what to do with old or broken equipment, see the Moscow 24 portal.


The collection of unnecessary glass containers is carried out by the Ecoline company. Throughout Moscow you can find containers or offices of the organization. Glass bottles You can also bring it to one of the collection points for activists - in the areas of Strogino, Ramenki, Nagorny, Brateevo and Tushino.