The formation of the grammatical structure of speech in a child is the most important condition for his full speech and general mental development, since language and speech perform a leading function in the development of thinking and verbal communication in the planning and organization of the child’s activities, self-organization of behavior, and in the formation social connections. K. D. Ushinsky emphasized the need from the very early years form the right habit colloquial speech.

Mastery of the native language, as a means and method of communication and cognition, is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood. It is preschool childhood that is especially sensitive to the acquisition of speech: if a certain level of mastery of the native language is not achieved by 5-6 years, then this path, as a rule, cannot be successfully completed at later ages. age stages. In the period before school age It is very important for a child to pay attention to the correct formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

The formation of the grammatical structure of speech is carried out only on the basis of a certain level of cognitive development of the child. When forming the grammatical structure of speech, the child must learn complex system grammatical patterns based on analysis of the speech of others, highlighting general rules grammar on a practical level, generalizing these rules and consolidating them in your own speech.

The development of the morphological and syntactic systems of language in a child occurs in close interaction. The emergence of new word forms contributes to the complexity of the sentence structure, and vice versa, the use of a certain sentence structure in oral speech At the same time, it reinforces the grammatical forms of words. Mastering the grammatical structure of speech is a long-term process that lasts throughout preschool childhood and is completed by 5-6 years.

At the moment, the school places high demands on the speech development of future students due to the increasing complexity of the program material. A child entering school must have the skills of inflection and word formation, see the connection of words in sentences, distribute sentences in secondary and homogeneous members sentences, work with deformed sentences, independently find errors and eliminate them, etc. Consequently, the task of educators to form grammatical categories for students becomes especially significant.

Work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech in preschoolers contains the following sections:

1. Word change:

Genitive: " Who has a notebook? What’s missing?”;

dative: “Give to whom?”;

accusative: “Drawing what? Feeding whom?”;

instrumental case: “What does the boy draw with? Who is mom proud of?”;

prepositional: “Who am I talking about? What am I reading about?”

2. Word formation:

Formation of diminutive forms of nouns;

Formation of nouns from nouns;

Formation of adjectives from nouns;

Formation of prefixed verbs;

Formation of verbs from nouns and onomatopoeias;

Formation of complex words.

3. Agreement:

Nouns with pronouns;

Nouns with adjectives;

Nouns with numerals;

Past tense verbs with pronouns.

4. Formation of a phrase:

Simple uncommon sentences;

Common offers (extension of a sentence by introducing definitions, adverbs, homogeneous members of the sentence);

Sentences using prepositions (prepositional-case constructions);

Complex sentences (with conjunctions “a”, “and”, “but”, “yes”);

Complex sentences (with conjunctions “because”, “because”, “so that”, “in order to”, “then that”, etc.).

Work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech must be carried out in the system. It is best to carry out pedagogical influence using objective actions, games, work and other types of children's activities mediated by words in communication with adults and children. This allows you to create an emotionally positive mood in the child, which in turn leads to greater efficiency in work. The sources and factors for the development of a child’s language and its grammatical structure are diverse, and pedagogical methods and techniques are correspondingly diverse.

Since the child’s leading activity is play, it should be used as one of the main techniques in this section of the work. Thanks to the game, its dynamism, emotionality and interest of children, it is possible to practice repeating the necessary grammatical categories many times. Thus, grammatical categories can be practiced using different kinds games:

  • desktop-printed;
  • didactic;
  • outdoor games;
  • plot - role-playing;
  • computer games.

Exist printed board games, contributing to the formation of grammatical categories:

"One is many" (slide No. 6) – fixing the plural form of nouns;

“What without what?” (slide No. 7) – developing the skill of forming genitive nouns;

“Tell me which one, which one, which one?” (slide No. 8) – developing word formation skills (relative adjectives: apple juice - apple);

"Fun account" (slide No. 9) – strengthening the ability to coordinate numerals with nouns;

"Call me kindly" (slide No. 10) – developing the skill of forming diminutive nouns.

Using one printed board game, you can practice several tasks on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Let's consider the well-known printed board game "Lotto" (slide number 12).

Using the material of this game you can practice:

Agreement of nouns with pronouns, adjectives, and numerals: Whose squirrel? Whose mole? What squirrel?

Case forms of nouns.

Who has a bushy tail? Who long ears? (R.p.)

Who was the squirrel? Who was the bear? (T.p.)

Who will we give the nuts to? Who should we give honey to? (D.p.)

About whom shall we say: redhead? About whom shall we say prickly? (P.p.);

Formation of diminutive nouns squirrel-squirrel, hare-bunny.

- formation of adjectives from nouns: Whose paws does the squirrel have? - squirrels, whose tail does the bear have? – bearish, whose ears does the lion have? - lions.

The next type of game is verbaldidactic games. These are the most famous and widely used games, for example: “Greedy”, “Who Needs What”, “Magic Points”, “One-Many”, “Boasters”, “What is a lot?” etc. In fact, almost every printed board game can be used as a verbal didactic game.

We offer another type of games - outdoor games. Outdoor games free children from tedious unnatural immobility during classes, help diversify activities, develop gross and fine motor skills, and normalize the emotional-volitional sphere. And, of course, they encourage children to communicate. This can be used when working on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech. Outdoor games are diverse: games with objects, round dances, games for coordination of movements and speech, games with rules, plot, plotless, competitive games, attraction games.

Ball games:

“Catch and throw, and name the colors” (agreement of nouns with adjectives).

Progress of the game. The teacher, throwing the ball to the child, names an adjective denoting color, and the child, returning the ball, names a noun that matches this adjective.

red – poppy, fire, flag;

orange – orange, ball;

yellow – chicken, dandelion.

"Whose head?" (education possessive adjectives from nouns).

Progress of the game. The teacher, throwing the ball to one of the children, says: "At the cow's

head...", and the child, throwing the ball back to the teacher, finishes: "... cow."

the cat has a cat's head;

the hare has a hare's head;

the horse has a horse's head;

the bear has a bear's head;

The dog has a dog's head.

“Who was who?”

Of course we haven't forgotten

Who were we yesterday?

Progress of the game. The teacher, throwing the ball to one of the teachers, names an object or animal, and the child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, answers the question of who (what) the previously named object was:

chicken - egg;

horse - a foal;

cow - oak - acorn;

fish - eggs.

“Who will be who?” (fixing case endings)

egg - chicken, snake, crocodile, turtle;

boy - a man;

caterpillar - butterfly;

tadpole - frog.

I would really like to note and role-playing games, so loved by our children. There are a great variety of role-playing games. These are “Family”, “Post Office”, “Hospital”, “Barbershop” and many others. During role-playing games, you can also practice all grammatical categories.

Thus, the use of gaming techniques contributes to a deeper and more conscious acquisition by children of the grammatical aspect of speech. In games, children approach tasks more meaningfully, are more interested in game actions, and more easily identify linguistic patterns and introduce them into their speech.


1. Arushanova A.G. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2008.

2. Vorobyova T. A., Krupenchuk O. I. Ball and speech. – St. Petersburg. Delta, 2001.

3. Gromova O.E. Innovations - in speech therapy practice. - M.: Linka-press, 2008.

4. Karpova E.V. Didactic games

during the initial period of training. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 1997.

5. Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. Formation of correct conversational speech in preschoolers. – St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 2004.

6. Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. Formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment - St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 2001.

7. Lopatina L.V., Serebryakova N.V. Overcoming speech disorders in preschoolers. – St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 2001.

8. Nishcheva N.V. Game. Eight games for the development of preschoolers. – St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2007.

9. Podrezova T.I. Material for classes on speech development. - M.: Iris-press, 2007.

10. Uvarova T.B. Visual and game tools in speech therapy work with preschoolers. – M.: TC Sfera, 2009.

11. Ushakova O. S., Strunina E. M. Methods of developing children’s speech preschool age. – M.: Vlados, 2003.

12. Shashkina G.R., Zernova L.P., Zimina I.L. Speech therapy work with preschoolers. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2003.

13. Shmakov S. A. Games are jokes, games are minutes. – M.: New school, 1993.

Topic: The concept of the grammatical structure of speech. Typical syntactic and morphological errors in children and their causes.

The term “grammar” is used in linguistics in two meanings. Firstly, it denotes the grammatical structure of the language, and secondly, the science, a set of rules about changing words and their combination in a sentence. The method of speech development involves children mastering the grammatical structure of the language.

The grammatical structure of a language is a system of units and rules for their functioning in the field of morphology, word formation and syntax.

Morphology studies the grammatical properties of a word and its form, as well as grammatical meanings within a word.

Word formation studies the formation of a word on the basis of another cognate word with which it is motivated.

Syntax studies phrases and sentences, compatibility and word order.

Grammar, according to K.D. Ushinsky, is the logic of language. It helps to put thoughts into a material shell, makes speech organized and understandable for others.

Formation of grammatical structure of speech – the most important condition improving the thinking of preschoolers, since it is grammatical forms native language are the “material basis of thinking.” Grammatical structure is a mirror of a child’s intellectual development.

A well-formed grammatical structure of speech is an indispensable condition for the successful and timely development of monologue speech, one of the leading types of speech activity. Any type of monologue requires mastery of logical connection techniques of all types of simple and complex sentences.

The development of the grammatical structure of speech is the key to successful general speech training, ensuring practical mastery of the phonetic, morphological and lexical levels of the language system.

But, despite all its importance, the problem of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech became the subject of study only in the 50s. XX century after the publication of the fundamental work of Alexander Nikolaevich Gvozdev “Formation of the grammatical structure of the language of the Russian child.” The work describes in detail the grammatical categories, elements and structures in the child’s speech at each age stage.

A.N. Gvozdev revealed the following pattern. In the assimilation of grammatical structure, a certain sequence is observed: first, all the most typical, ordinary, all productive forms in the field of word formation and inflection are assimilated ( case endings nouns, forms of changing verbs by person, tense).

Everything unique, exceptional, that violates the norms of this system is often repressed in the child’s speech. Gradually, by imitating the speech of others, the patterns are adopted in their entirety. Single words that stand alone are acquired already at school age.

A.N. Gvozdev outlined the main periods in the formation grammatical structure of the Russian language.

The first period is the period of sentences consisting of amorphous root words that are used in one unchanged form in all cases when they are used (from 1 year 3 months to 1 year 10 months).

The second period is the period of mastering the grammatical structure of a sentence, associated with the formation of grammatical categories and their external expression (from 1 year 10 months to 3 years).

The third period is the period of assimilation of the morphological system of the Russian language, characterized by the assimilation of types of declensions and conjugations (from 3 to 7 years). During this period, all individual, stand-alone forms become increasingly stronger. The system of endings is learned earlier, and the system of alternations in stems is learned later.

F.A. Sokhin, N.P. Serebrennikova, M.I. Popova, A.V. Zakharova, A.G. also studied the grammatical structure of preschoolers’ speech. Arushanova. She identifies several directions in this work.

First direction associated with correcting (preventing) inaccuracies and errors typical of children (verb conjugation, plural and family affiliation nouns, prepositional control, etc.).

Second direction– identification of essential links in the mechanism of children’s mastery of grammatical structure, development of understanding of grammatical forms, formation of grammatical generalizations, their abstraction and transfer to new areas of reality.

Third direction is associated with the identification of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the mechanism of grammatical structuring in the field of syntax and word formation.

Typical morphological errors in children's speech

  1. Incorrect endings for nouns:
a) genitive case, plural. number:

At the fox's little foxes so small.

It's winter outside, that's it snowy.

There are five nesting dolls on the table.

Vova told us scary things.

Mom cooked delicious porridge.

  1. Write an annotation for Sat. S.N. Tseytlin “Language and the Child” (linguistics of children’s speech). –M., 2000.
Topic: Objectives and content of work on the formation of the grammatical aspect of speech in preschool children

The objectives of this section can be considered in three directions:

1. Help children practically master the morphological system of their native language (variation by gender, number, person, tense).

2. Help children master the syntactic side: teach the correct agreement of words in a sentence, constructing different types of sentences and combining them in a coherent text.

3. Provide knowledge about some norms for the formation of word forms - word formation.

The scope of grammatical generalization skills can be represented as follows.

In morphology

The morphological structure of preschool children's speech includes almost all grammatical forms. The most great place occupied by nouns and verbs.

Nouns denote objects, things, people, animals, abstract properties. They have the grammatical categories of gender, number, case and animate-inanimate.

It is necessary to train children in the correct use of case forms (especially in the use of the genitive plural form: draining oranges, pencils).

In a sentence, the noun is one of the most important components; it agrees with adjectives in gender, number and case, and coordinates with the verb. Children should be shown a variety of ways to agree nouns with adjectives and verbs.

Verb denotes the action or state of an object. Verbs differ in appearance (perfect and imperfect), change in person, number, tense, gender and mood.

Children must correctly use verbs in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd person singular and plural forms ( I want, you want, you want, we want, they want).

Preschoolers must correctly use the category of gender, correlating the action and object of the feminine, masculine or neuter gender with verbs of the past tense ( the girl said; the boy was reading; the sun was shining).

The explanatory mood of the verb is expressed in the form of present, past and future tenses ( he plays, played, will play). Children are led to form the imperative mood of a verb (an action to which someone encourages someone : go, run, let's go, let's run, let him run, let's go) and to education subjunctive mood(possible or expected action: I would play and read).

Adjective denotes the attribute of an object and expresses this meaning in the grammatical categories of gender, number and case.

Children are introduced to the agreement of noun and adjective in gender, number, case, complete and short adjectives (cheerful, cheerful, cheerful), with degrees of comparison of adjectives ( kind - kinder, quiet - quieter).

In the learning process, children master the ability to use other parts of speech: pronouns, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions.

In word formation

Children are led to the formation of one word on the basis of another cognate word with which it is motivated, i.e. from which it is derived in meaning and form. Words are formed using affixes (endings, prefixes, suffixes).

The methods of word formation in the Russian language are diverse: suffixal ( teach - teacher), prefix ( write – rewrite), mixed ( table, run away).

Children can, starting from the original word, select a word-forming nest ( snow – snowflake, snowy, snowman, Snow Maiden, snowdrop).

Mastery different ways word formation helps preschoolers correctly use the names of baby animals ( bunny, fox), tableware items ( sugar bowl, butter dish), driving directions ( went, went - left).

In syntax

Children are taught ways to combine words into phrases and sentences of different types - simple and complex. Depending on the purpose of the message, sentences are divided into narrative, interrogative and incentive. A special emotional coloring, expressed by a special intonation, can make any sentence exclamatory.

It is necessary to teach children the ability to think about word combinations, then correctly link words into sentences.

When teaching children how to construct sentences, special attention should be paid to exercises on using the correct word order, preventing incorrect word agreement. It is important to ensure that children do not repeat the same type of construction.

It is important to develop in children elementary representation about sentence structure and correct use vocabulary in sentences of different types. To do this, children must master different ways of combining words in a sentence, master some semantic and grammatical connections between words, be able to formulate a sentence intonationally.

1. Name the objectives of the work on the formation of the grammatical aspect of speech in preschool children.

3. What word-formation skills should preschoolers master?

Pedagogical tasks

Determine the objectives of the didactic game and the age of children with whom it can be played:


The teacher says a two-word sentence: “The girl is drawing.” Participants in the game take turns adding one word at a time, spreading the sentence: “The girl draws the sun,” “The girl draws the sun with a pencil,” “The girl draws the sun with a yellow pencil.”

“What is made of what?”

Material: various items in the box.

The child takes an object out of the box and says, following the example of the teacher: “This is a scarf made of wool, it is wool; this is a spoon made of wood - a wooden spoon, etc.”


The child must ask the driver to carry out a specific task. For example, clap your hands, sit on a chair, etc. The driver fulfills the request only if it is expressed correctly.

“Who has whom?”

The teacher shows the children pictures of animals and their babies and asks them to arrange the pictures in pairs (parent - child), accompanying the actions with the words: “This is a cow, she has a calf.”

"Magic bag"

Children take out an object, a toy, from the bag, name it and answer the question which one (which one? which one? which one)? For example: a bunny is white, fluffy, long-eared; the apple is round, red, sweet; The doll is small, rubber, beautiful.

"Answer the questions"

Why do birds fly south in the fall?

When can you cross the street?

What is a vacuum cleaner for?

Why did Misha go to the library?

Assignments to expand and deepen knowledge on the topic

a) grammar exercises are carried out on the lesson material;

b) a grammar exercise can be part of a lesson, but not related to its program content;

3. Classes in other sections of the program (development of elementary mathematical representations, acquaintance with nature, drawing, appliqué, modeling, physical education and music classes).

When planning lessons, it is important to correctly determine the program content, select verbal material, think over methods and techniques for teaching correct grammatical forms (didactic game, special exercise, sample, explanation, comparison, etc.).

Formation of grammatical skills in the practice of verbal communication.

Everyday life makes it possible to discreetly, in a natural setting, to train children in using the necessary grammatical forms, to record typical mistakes, give an example of correct speech. While getting ready for a walk, organizing duty in the dining room, while washing, etc., the teacher, unnoticed by the children, exercises them in the use of verbs and nouns in different forms, in agreement of nouns with adjectives and numerals, etc.

Correcting grammatical errors.

The error correction technique has been sufficiently developed by O.I. Solovyova and A.M. Borodich. Its main provisions can be formulated as follows.

* Error correction helps children become accustomed to being aware of language norms, i.e. distinguish how to speak correctly.

* An uncorrected grammatical error is an unnecessary reinforcement of incorrect conditional connections both for the child who speaks and for those children who hear him.

*Do not repeat after your child irregular shape, but invite him to think about how to say it correctly, give him a sample of correct speech and invite him to repeat it.

* The error should be corrected tactfully, kindly and not at the moment of the child’s elevated emotional state. Correction delayed in time is acceptable.

* With kids younger age Correcting grammatical errors consists mainly in the fact that the teacher, correcting the error, formulates the phrase or phrase differently. For example, a child said: “ We put a plate and a lot of spoons and cups on the table», - « That's right, you put a lot of cups", the teacher confirms.

*Older children should be taught to hear mistakes and correct them themselves.

* An example of the correct speech of one of the children is used as a sample.

* When correcting children's mistakes, you should not be too intrusive; you must take into account the situation, be an attentive and sensitive interlocutor. For example,

The child is upset about something, he complains to the teacher, wants help and advice from him, but makes a speech error;

The child plays, he is excited, he says something and makes mistakes;

At such moments, you should not correct the child. It is important to note the error so that you can correct it later at the appropriate time.

Questions to update basic knowledge

1. Why is taking care of improving your speech the professional responsibility of every teacher?

2. What requirements should be made for the speech of adults?

3. How to organize the process educational activities Are the problems of developing grammatically correct speech in preschoolers being solved?

4. What kind of work on using the necessary grammatical forms can be carried out in everyday communication with children?

5. How should grammatical errors encountered in children’s speech be corrected?

Pedagogical tasks.

1. What grammatical skills did the children's teacher practice in the following situation:

The attendants help set the table for dinner.

What utensils are needed for lunch?

How many guys are sitting at this table? (Six). So, how many plates should I put? (Six plates). Shallow or deep? (Six shallow and six deep). How many spoons should you put in? (Six spoons). How many cups will you put in? (Six cups).

The child entered the group in the morning and happily told the teacher: “I’m wearing a new coat today! Do you want to watch it? The coat has pockets fur collar. It's warm and beautiful." The teacher, looking at the child, answers him: “Who says that: in the coat, at the coat, do you want it? Only dunno. You are a stranger." The child sadly walked away from the teacher.

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255 -> Program of spiritual and moral education and socialization of students at the level of basic general education, secondary school No. 14

Grammar is the science of the structure of language, its laws. As a structure of language, grammar is a “system of systems” that combines word formation, morphology, and syntax. These systems can be called subsystems of the grammatical structure of a language or its different levels. Morphology studies the grammatical properties of a word and its form, grammatical meanings within a word; syntax - phrases and sentences, compatibility and word order; word formation – the formation of a word on the basis of another cognate word (or other words) by which it is motivated, i.e. is derived from it in meaning and form using special means inherent in language.

Grammar helps to put our thoughts into a material shell, makes our speech organized and understandable to others.

Grammatical structure is a product of long historical development. Grammar defines the type of language as its most stable part. Changing it quickly would interfere with understanding the Russian language. Many grammar rules are passed down from generation to generation and are sometimes difficult to explain.

Grammar is the result of the abstracting, abstract work of the cerebral cortex, but it is a reflection of reality and is based on specific facts.

Grammatical abstraction, according to the characterization of A. A. Reformatsky, is qualitatively different from lexical: “Grammar primarily expresses relations not as specific relations of any specific words, but as relations of lexemes, i.e. grammatical relations, devoid of any specifics" (Reformatsky A. A. Introduction to linguistics. - M., 1967. 154)

The connection between grammar and reality, in his opinion, is carried out through vocabulary, since grammar is devoid of any specificity.

Every grammatical phenomenon always has two sides: internal, grammatical meaning, what is expressed, and external, grammatical way of expression, what is expressed.

It is necessary to distinguish between grammatical and lexical meanings. Lexical meaning words give ideas about some element of reality, its properties, characteristics, state. Grammatical meaning either expresses the relationships that exist between words, or indicates the speaker’s subjective attitude towards the named objects and phenomena.

Each grammatical form, each morphological element (prefix, suffix, ending) has a specific meaning. So, in the forms doll and dolls, the ending a speaks of singular and feminine gender, the ending ы is about the plural. The ending shows gender, number, case.

A child’s mastery of the grammatical structure of a language has great importance, since only morphologically and syntactically formalized speech can be understood by the interlocutor and can serve as a means of communication with adults and peers.

The assimilation of the grammatical norms of a language contributes to the fact that the child’s speech begins to perform, along with the function of communication, the function of a message when he masters the monologue form of coherent speech. Syntax plays a special role in the formation and expression of thought, i.e. in the development of coherent speech.

Mastery of grammar correct speech influences the child's thinking. He begins to think more logically, consistently, generalize, distract from the specific, and correctly express his thoughts. It is not for nothing that K. D. Ushinsky, formulating the third goal in teaching the Russian language, called grammar the logic of language. Speaking about its study, he wrote: “grammar, taught logically, begins to develop a person’s self-awareness, i.e. precisely that ability due to which a person is a person among animals" (Ushinsky K.D. On the study of grammar in connection with the general tasks of teaching language // Selected pedagogical works. - M., 1954. - Vol. 2. - P. 693.)

Mastering grammatical structure has a huge impact on general development child, ensuring his transition to language learning at school.

In kindergarten, the task is not to study the laws of grammar, become familiar with its categories and terminology. Children learn the rules and laws of language through the practice of live speech.

In preschool age, a child needs to develop the habit of speaking grammatically correctly. K. D. Ushinsky emphasized the need to form the habit of correct conversational speech from a very early age.

The basis for mastering the grammatical structure is the knowledge of the relationships and connections of the surrounding reality, which are expressed in grammatical forms. Speech small child from a grammatical point of view, it is amorphous (formless). The morphological and syntactic amorphism of speech indicates his unfamiliarity with the relationships and connections that exist in life. A child’s knowledge of the world around him helps to discover connections between objects and phenomena. Cognized connections are grammatically formalized and reflected in speech. This happens due to the mastery of the native language, its vocabulary and grammatical structure. The establishment of various connections and understanding of the logical relationship between observed phenomena is reflected in a noticeable change in the structure of children's speech: an increase in the number of prepositions and adverbs, and the use of complex sentences. In general - in improving the structure of children's speech, in mastering word formation, morphology and syntactic structures.

The child learns connections between objects and phenomena primarily through objective activities. The formation of a grammatical structure is successful provided that the subject activity is properly organized, children’s everyday communication with peers and adults, special speech classes and exercises aimed at mastering and consolidating difficult grammatical forms.

The first ones appear grammatical relations between words: agreement of the nominative case with the verb, develop different types subordination to the verb (predicate). Many sentences are constructed ungrammatically. A word change appears.

Further morphological division of words. The use of some endings in place of others within the same syntactic meaning: “loskom” (spoon), “vilkom” (fork), “siput” (sleep). Suffixes -ok, -chik, etc.

Complex sentences appear. Functional words are learned, but the gender category remains unlearned. By the age of three, the main features of the grammatical structure of the native language have been mastered. The further pace of its formation is slowing down.

Discrimination of unambiguous morphological elements by types of declination and conjugation, for example: -ov, -ev, -ey - zero inflection. Own word forms, word creation (“ezhinyata” - hedgehogs, “waterfall” - water flows strongly).

All particular grammatical forms, details of the morphological expression of grammatical categories (correct alternation of stress, use of gender, rare figures of speech, numerals) begin to be assimilated.

Learning parts of speech


Names of persons, objects (22 words)


The following cases begin to be used in a differentiated manner: accusative with the ending -у, nominative plural with the ending -ы, -i, sometimes prepositional with the ending -e, diminutive suffixes.

The dative and instrumental cases are learned. The “dominant” case endings in singular are learned. including: -у, -e, -a, -om, less often -oh. In plural number with the ending -ы (phonetically -i).

The “dominant” plural case endings have been mastered. numbers: -ov, -ami, -ah. The influence of the ending -ov on words of other declensions: “lampov” begins. Other case endings begin to be adopted: -а (horns), -я (chairs). Magnification suffixes, accessories.

The influence of the ending -ov on words of other declensions continues. Sometimes the fixed stress during inflection, errors in the use of alternation and stress are preserved. When changing words, the base is preserved: “peni” (stumps), “levy” (lions).

Finally masters all types of declension. There are violations of the agreement of the numeral with the noun in indirect cases.

Somewhat later than the nouns, the names of actions appear: “di”, “bukh” (5 words)

Non-conjugated forms of the word in the 2nd person singular. imperative numbers: “di”, “give”.

The first grammatical forms of 18 verbs: imperative mood 2nd person plural numbers, infinitive, present and past tense of the 3rd person singular. numbers (endings -et, -i, -a). Prefixes are often omitted. The first reflexive verbs.

Numbers in the indicative mood and changes in persons are learned (except for the 2nd person plural). Present and past tense are differentiated. In the past tense gender is confused.

All forms are accepted reflexive verbs and most prefixes, in place of some prefixes others are used: “painted” (painted), “darkened”; unification of consoles.

The alternation in the basics is often disrupted: “I will clean” (I will clean). Particles do not fall. Neologisms using prefixes: “wet” (wet), “crumpled” (crumpled into a lump).

The alternation in verb stems is disrupted when new forms are created. After 5 years – independent formation of verbs from other parts of speech.


Appear from two years of age without agreement with nouns, more often in nominative case units masculine and feminine numbers.

23 adjectives. Agreement with nouns is broken. They are used mainly after plural nouns. numbers are in the nominative case only.

From the age of three, the agreement of adjectives with nouns in indirect cases is established. Short participles appear.

There is a violation of agreement in the neuter gender. Assimilated comparative degrees adjectives.

The agreement of adjectives with other parts of speech in all indirect cases is learned.

Pronouns, adverbs

Here, where (“de”), yet, well (“laso”), don’t, etc. Most personal pronominal forms are used correctly from the moment of their appearance. Sometimes personal pronouns are mixed (he speaks about himself in the 3rd person).

Personal pronouns have been learned. Adverbs: more, less, shorter, sooner.

There is a confusion of gender in the pronouns: “maya papa” (my dad), he, she (about an apple, a pig).

Comparative degrees of adverbs are learned.

One gerund is used: “sitting”.

Function words

There are no prepositions or conjunctions. Particles: “ka”, “yes”, “that”, “not”.

Prepositions appear: in, on, at, with. Conjunctions: and, then, and, because, then, when.

Correct use of simple prepositions and many conjunctions: so that, if, because, etc.

Prepositions: by, before, instead of, after. Conjunctions: what, where, how much, so much. The particle “would” is in the conditional mood.

Prepositions are used in a wide variety of meanings.

Syllable structure

Often one syllable in a word is reproduced (stressed) or two identical syllables: “ga-ga”, “tu-tu”.

Two-syllable words are reproduced. In three-syllable words, one of the syllables is often omitted: “mako” (milk).

In three-syllable words, the preliminary syllable is still omitted: “kusu” (bite); the number of syllables in four-syllable words can be maintained.

In polysyllabic words, the pre-stressed syllable is often omitted, sometimes the prefixes are omitted: “tsipila” (hooked), “linulis” (looked back).

Rarely violated, mainly in unfamiliar words.

Mastering the sound side of the language

Stressed vowels: [a], [o], [u], [i]; consonants: [m], [n], [b]; [k], [d]; [t’], [l’], [s’], [x], [p], [th].

Often the initial sound or final consonant is omitted from a word.

By the age of two, solid [p], [t], [d].

Solid [s], [l], then [s], [v], [p], [z]. Mixing articulatory similar sounds: [h], [sh], [zh], [sch]; hard [ts].

The sound structure has been learned ( upper limit norms).

Consonant cluster

Appear in the middle of some words: [lk], [sk], [pk], [tsuk].

Most consonant clusters are replaced by a single sound.

Still not learned, although some groups of consonants are pronounced correctly.

The assimilation of groups of consonants ends.

Individual observations of a child on the phenomena of language

After three years, assessing someone else’s and your own pronunciation. Questions about the meaning of words.

From 4 years 6 months, an attempt to explain words based on their meaning (children's etymology). From the age of five, thinking about the gender of nouns, observing synonyms.

Children's first words are polysemantic and can denote both an object and a sign, an action with an object. Words are complemented by expressive gestures, facial expressions, i.e. Paralinguistic means are widely used to clarify the meaning of words.

Gradually, in addition to subject1 correlation, words also acquire conceptual2 correlation. The path from a specific subject correlation passes to the formation of a generalized conceptual correlation between a word and an object, i.e. The leading features of the subject are determined further, but by the end of preschool age the contextual meaning of words and their figurative meaning are developed.

1 To indicate the subject correlation of words, the term “denotation” is used.

2 To indicate the conceptual correlation of words, the term “significat” is used.

Thus, we can distinguish the following main components of the meaning of the word:

– Denotative component, i.e. reflection in the meaning of a word of the characteristics of the object (denotation);

– Conceptual, or lexical-semantic component, reflecting the formation of concepts, connections of words in language system, i.e. significat;

– Connotative component that determines the child’s emotional attitude to the meaning of the word;

– Contextual component, conditioned various types situations, contexts. (A.A. Leontyev, N.G. Komlev, N.Ya. Ufimtseva, etc.)

In the process of developing the meaning of a word, mainly in children from 2 to 2.5 years old, phenomena of “overgeneralization” are observed. The child identifies a feature of an object familiar to him and extends its name to another object that has the same feature. So, the word “kitty” can be a cat, a fur collar, a fur hat, or even a whole fur coat. But this is a phenomenon in children's speech if speech development fits into regulatory deadlines, doesn't stay long. As the active vocabulary grows, overgeneralization decreases quite quickly.

In the process of child development, the word changes its semantic structure, is enriched by a system of connections and becomes a generalization of more high type. At the same time, the meaning of the word develops in two aspects: semantic and systemic. The semantic development of the meaning of a word lies in the fact that in the process of child development, the relationship of the word to the object, the system of categories in which the given object is included, changes. The systematic development of the meaning of a word is due to the fact that the system of mental processes that stands behind the word changes. For a small child, the leading role in the systemic meaning of a word is played by the affective meaning, for a child of preschool and primary school age - visual experience, memory, which reproduces a certain situation. For an adult, the leading role is played by the system of logical connections, the inclusion of words in the hierarchy of concepts. The meaning of a word thus develops from concrete to abstract, generalized. “Words are not isolated units, but are connected to each other by various semantic connections, forming a complex system of semantic fields” (A.R. Luria).

As the child develops, vocabulary is not only enriched, but also systematized. Words seem to be grouped into a semantic field. A semantic field is a functional formation, a grouping of words based on common semantic features. Words are not only combined, but also distributed within semantic field. The core and periphery are formed. The core consists of the most frequent words with pronounced semantic features, and the periphery consists of low-frequency words.

Young children combine words mainly on the basis of a thematic principle (“sleigh - slide”, “kettle - table”).

A.I. Lavrentyeva, studying the features of the lexical-semantic system in children from 1 year 4 months to 4 years, identifies four stages in the development of the systemic organization of the children's vocabulary.

At the first stage, the child’s vocabulary is an unsystematic set of lexemes.

At the second stage, a system of words relating to one situation is formed, their groups are formed - situational fields.

At the third stage, the child realizes the similarity of certain elements of the situation and combines lexemes into thematic groups. This causes the development of lexical antonymy (“big – small”, “good – bad”). These contrasts at this stage replace all variants of qualitative-evaluative adjectives.

At the fourth stage, these substitutions are overcome, as well as the emergence of synonymy.

According to a number of authors, the organization of lexical systematicity and semantic fields is associated with the development logical operations classifications, seriations, which are intensively formed at 6–8 years. In the process of child development, words are grouped and combined into semantic fields.

Grammar, according to K.D. Ushinsky is the logic of language. It helps to put thoughts into a material shell, makes speech organized and understandable for others. The formation of the grammatical structure of speech is the most important condition for improving the thinking of preschoolers. Grammatical structure is a mirror of a child’s intellectual development.


This is a system of interaction of words with each other in phrases and sentences.
The grammatical structure of speech includes
Morphological level of speech development and Syntactic level
(techniques of inflection (writing sentences,
and word formation) combination of words in a sentence)

What causes grammatical errors in preschoolers?:
- general psychophysiological patterns of child development (development of attention, memory, thinking, state of nervous processes);
- difficulties in mastering the grammatical structure of the language (morphology, syntax, word formation) and the level of its assimilation;
- stock of knowledge about the world around us and the volume of the vocabulary, as well as the state of the speech apparatus and level of development phonemic awareness speeches;
- unfavorable influence of the surrounding speech environment (primarily incorrect speech of parents and educators)
- pedagogical neglect, insufficient attention to children's speech.

In the process of formation and development of the grammatical structure of speech in children, it is necessary to carry out the following work:

In ml. group (3-4 years old) learn to agree words in gender, number, case; use nouns with prepositions IN, ON, UNDER, FOR; use nouns in the singular form. and many more numbers representing animals and their young (cat-kitten-kittens); use the plural form. number of nouns in gender. case (butterflies, nesting dolls); make sentences with homogeneous members (Misha put a bunny, a doll and a bear in the car).
IN middle group(4-5 years) continue to teach children to correctly coordinate words in a sentence; improve the ability to correctly use prepositions in speech; form plural form number of nouns denoting young animals; use these nouns. in eminent And genitive cases(little foxes, little hares); teach to use command forms. verb moods (want, run, lie); use the simplest types of complex sentences in speech.
IN senior group(5-6 years old) continue to improve children’s skills to coordinate nouns in sentences. with numerals (two apples, five apples); noun with adj.; form plural number of nouns denoting young animals (calves, kittens). During this period, it is necessary to develop the ability to use indeclinable nouns. (coat, coffee, cinema); teach to form (by model) the same root. words(cat-cat, kitten); introduce children to different ways of forming words using prefixes and suffixes (city-suburb, sugar-sugar bowl, teach-teacher); continue to teach children to form simple and complex sentences(following the example).

In preparation. gr. (6-7 years old) with children to consolidate the ability to coordinate nouns. with numbers , noun with adj., pronoun. with noun and adj.; form nouns with suffixes, verbs with prefixes; form comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives (for example, from the adjective “high”: ABOVE, MORE HIGH, HIGHEST, THE HIGHEST, ABOVE ALL); children’s ability to form words with the same root has been perfected; use complex sentences of different types in speech.

Let us dwell in more detail on one of the aspects of speech development - this is children’s mastery of word formation and word inflection.
Word formation Inflection
(formation from the same root. (change of words according to various.
new words, acquiring grammatical categories:
new meaning) genders, numbers, cases,
at times)

An important means for the formation and development of the above-mentioned grammatical skills in preschoolers are didactic games and game exercises with grammatical content.

Let's look at the main types didactic games:
- games with objects;
- printed board games;
- word games
I would like to present to your attention some game exercises and tasks that are appropriate and interesting to do with children and which I use in my work.

1. An interesting, multifunctional game on the topic: “Pets” “Piglet’s Journey” (formation and use of the names of baby animals, formation of nouns on the topic “Pets” with the use of mind-caressing suff., coordination of numbers with nouns. , the formation of forms of a noun will give birth to a singular case) I have in my hand a toy pig Piglet flying on balloon, he flies over a lawn with domestic animals and their cubs. - Who does Piglet see from the height of his flight? - we ask the children. Not a cow, but a cow, not a horse, but a horse, a sheep, etc. And with whom do they walk around the yard… a cow with a calf, a horse with a foal….. etc. - Let Piglet count how many chickens does the hen have in total?.. etc.

2. No less exciting D. game “Our Street” (formation of verbs with prefixes, understanding and use of prepositional constructions, enrichment of vocabulary on the topic “Transport”). This game can be used in your work on lexical topic"Transport". On the table we see a model of a street, garage, houses, traffic lights, signs, etc. Children take turns performing playful actions with the car and commenting on them. (The car left the garage, ON the roadway, reached the traffic light, etc.) It is also possible for the teacher to arrange the transport on the model and ask questions: Where is the bus? (ON the road), where did the car go? (To the garage), where did the truck leave from? (FROM home), etc.

3. It is quite interesting to use various dramatizations of fairy tales in your work. As an example, I would like to cite the logo fairy tale “Big and Small” where children have glove toys of wild animals. Together with the teacher, the children act out the following scene. One day a bunny galloped into the clearing. And he began to brag to other animals: “I’m not a hare, but a hare.” I don’t have eyes, but eyes, not a tail, but ... (tail), not teeth, but ... (teeth), etc. A wolf ran out into the clearing and said: “You’re a little hare, what kind of hare are you?” You are a bunny, what a mustache you have... (antennae), etc. In this way, we practice the formation and use of nouns with children in a fun and relaxed way. using the suffixes ISH, IR

In my work, I also widely use a variety of board and printed games.
1. For example, game exercise“Correct the mistake.” For the exercise we need subject pictures and a card with an arrow. Children are asked to correct the teacher’s mistake and correct the sentence structure itself. For example: “the hare ate the carrot.” Or “a girl is reading a book.”
2. I also recommend using the “Play” series of games when working on the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. Author: Natalya Valentinovna Nishcheva.
3. And another series of speech games. Authors: S.M. Melnikova, N.V. Bikina. Which I also recommend using in our work.
ALL of these games are presented at our exhibition.
4. Currently, you can select the most exciting and multifunctional from a huge assortment of board and printed games. Some of them can also be viewed at our exhibition.


1. B winter time year, during a walk it’s quite entertaining to play “Verbal Snowballs” with your children. The course of the game is as follows: children stand in a circle, each with a snowball in their hand. The driver comes into the center of the circle and recites a short poem:
“Chokey-okie, chokey-chok,
I'm a snowman now
Throw snowballs at me
And say a word.
Who will be the last to call
He boldly stands in a circle towards me.
Children take turns throwing snowballs and saying related words to the word SNOWMAN.
I suggest we play a little of this game, but instead of snowballs, we will have a ball.
The task is to find as many related words as possible to the word “SNOWMAN”.
2. I would like to introduce to your attention another game called “Field of Miracles”. The game is intended for children of preparatory age. The task here is more difficult. The child must name the picture that appears on the “Field of Miracles” and connect it with the word (which will be read by the teacher or the reading child himself) For example: book (picture), loves (word) = book lover, etc.
I suggest you play...

Let's summarize our topic:
The harmonious speech development of each child can be ensured only with an INTEGRATIVE APPROACH to mental and speech education and with the right combination various forms work.

1. Boykova S.V. “The content of work on the development of vocabulary and grammatical structure in preschoolers.” Speech therapist in kindergarten. - 2005, No. 5.6 p. 76-82
2. Bystrova G.A., Sizova E.A., Shuiskaya T.A. “Speech therapy games and tasks” St. Petersburg, KARO - 2000
3. Goncharova V.A. “Word formation disorders in preschoolers with FFN and OHP.” Speech therapist in kindergarten. - 2005 No. 1, p. 9-15
4. Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. “Formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure in preschoolers with OHP” St. Petersburg, Soyuz Publishing House, 2001.
5. Tkachenko T.A. “If a preschooler speaks poorly” St. Petersburg, 1997
6. Filicheva T.B. “Features of the formation of preschool children.” RIC "Alpha", 2000

Collection of reports of the 14th All-Russian Internet Pedagogical Council

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