Soviet fashion model.

Biography of Regina Zbarskaya

Regina Zbarskaya(before marriage - Kolesnikova) born September 27, 1935. There are several versions regarding birth and parents Regina. According to one version, Regina was born in Leningrad, and her mother was a circus gymnast, and her father was an aerialist from Yugoslavia. While performing regular tricks under the circus big top, her parents crashed, and Regina sent to Orphanage. Another version says that Regina was born in Vologda, her mother worked as a simple servant, and her father Nikolai Dementievich Kolesnikov- retired officer.

In 1953, when Regina At the age of 17, she moved to Moscow, where she entered VGIK, Faculty of Economics. In free time from study Regina attended “social” parties. One day, at another such party Regina noticed Vera Aralova. So the girl got into model business. Participation in shows Aralova brought Regina fame all over the world, and the French magazine “Paris Match” called Kolesnikov"the most beautiful weapon of the Kremlin."

In the early 1960s Regina married a Moscow artist Lev Zbarsky- son of a famous scientist Boris Zbarsky. a lion became only love Regina. When a girl got pregnant, Zbarsky didn't want a child, and Regina I had to have an abortion. Trying to somehow cope with the feeling of guilt, the girl became addicted to antidepressants, and soon after that Zbarsky left her for Marianna Vertinskaya.

After the shock, tranquilizers no longer helped Regina, and she ended up in a psychiatric hospital with severe depression. Returning from the hospital, the model again appeared on the podium. Soon she began an affair with a Yugoslav journalist who used the girl to achieve his goals: he published a book on German entitled “One Hundred Nights with Regina Zbarskaya”, in which he described in detail all the details of their intimate life. After the book came out Regina tried to commit suicide, but was saved several times.

In November 1987, at the age of 52, Regina Zbarskaya still manages to commit suicide. One version says that Zbarskaya died at home after taking a large dose of sleeping pills. Another version says that she was found in the apartment with a telephone receiver in her hands. Colleagues from the House of Models did not come to the fashion model’s funeral, and her body was cremated. The burial place still remains unknown.

Regina Zbarskaya She realized early on that beauty and youth could provide her with a decent future. But she did not take into account one thing: youth is a temporary phenomenon, and beauty does not guarantee happiness. The famous Soviet fashion model died in a psychiatric hospital when she was only 52 years old. Who would have thought that fairy tale life Will the prima of the Soviet podiums end so tragically?


September 27, 1935 in the family of an officer Nikolai Kolesnikov a daughter was born. Her father chose for her the name Regina, unusual for that time, which in some way predetermined future fate girls, because translated from Latin it means “queen”. Of course, at that time she was far from reigning on Soviet catwalks, but already in her youth the future model stood out among her peers.

After the end of the war, the family settled in Vologda. Having received the certificate, the girl set off to conquer Moscow. Seventeen-year-old Regina chose the Faculty of Economics of VGIKA, although in fact she dreamed of acting in films. But the chances of entering the acting department without preparation were practically zero, and the provincial girl really wanted to “get hooked” in the capital. But the good student, athlete and smart Regina got into the Faculty of Economics without much difficulty.

Regina Zbarskaya. Photo: RIA Novosti

Already in her second year of study, Kolesnikova began to skip classes more and more often, which caused constant dissatisfaction with the teachers. However, even with such attendance, she managed to pass all exams and study well.

Exactly at student years Regina realized that youth and external appearance are a ticket to a bright future. The girl was a frequent guest of bohemian parties where directors, artists and diplomats gathered. At the same time, Regina was not just another beautiful girl— she knew how to carry on a conversation, spoke two languages, and had good manners.

After graduating from university, Kolesnikova stormed the Mosfilm film stages. But the directors were in no hurry to make tempting offers. Regina did not give up and one day at one of her parties “ European appearance" noted the artist and fashion designer Vera Aralova. She invited the girl to work at the All-Union House of Models on Kuznetsky Most.

Dubious profession

IN Soviet time The profession of “model” was not considered prestigious and was paid accordingly. Moreover, the girls were not even called models, they were “clothing demonstrators.” The majority thought so, but not Kolesnikov. Regina sincerely enjoyed her new life, because the catwalk turned a simple girl into a real celebrity in the fashion world. Her finest hour struck in 1961 in Paris during a show of Soviet fashion models.

However, when she returned to the Union, she was immediately given to understand: if you want to travel abroad freely, you will have to “work hard” for the good of the Motherland. During foreign visits, the models actively communicated with very famous politicians, artists, businessmen and representatives of the elite. Most of them were greedy for attractive interlocutors and, under their influence, could positively influence the image of the Soviet Union in the West. But these are just guesses. It is still not known for certain what information the queen of the Soviet catwalk obtained and disseminated. But it is known that she was the only model who, contrary to existing strict instructions, was allowed to go to the city on her business during trips abroad. Her colleagues never even dreamed of such “liberties.”

RIA News

There were a lot of rumors around the Fashion House on Kuznetsky Most. His workers were often compared to women lung behavior, because they stood out too much against the background of the gray, faceless mass Soviet people. For this reason, many deliberately hid their profession. However, Regina was not one of them and knew her worth.

Kolesnikova, like any other girl, wanted to get married successfully. Of course, with her data you can find perfect couple it wasn't difficult. In 1960, a real king appeared in the life of the catwalk queen - the artist Lev Zbarsky. It was under his last name that Regina was recognized all over the world.

Family or career?

The new husband was a real playboy. He enjoyed unprecedented success with women, but Regina managed to pacify her husband for some time. For 7 years, the Zbarsky couple was one of the most beautiful couples Moscow elite. Thanks to my husband and fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev the fashion model met a huge amount famous foreign guests who were visiting at that time Soviet Union. Among them were Yves Montand And Pierre Cardin.

In 1967, Regina had to make a very important choice in her life. At 32 she became pregnant. This news took her by surprise: Zbarskaya had a long trip planned to Montreal. Between a child and a career, unfortunately, she chose the latter. It’s hard to say what prompted her to have an abortion. However, if you believe the rumors, Leo did not want children, or rather, he did not want them from Regina. The artist left his wife first for an actress Marianna Vertinskaya, and then to Lyudmila Maksakova who bore him a son.

In 1972, the man emigrated to Israel, then to the USA. After breaking up with her husband, the catwalk queen left the Model House. News of pregnancy new passion She had a very difficult time with Zbarsky, but did not lose hope of restoring the family. However, when Regina realized that Lev was leaving the country, she opened her veins and ended up in a psychiatric hospital.

After treatment, Zbarskaya tried to return to her profession. Despite age and excess weight she had such an opportunity, because then not only young beauties, but also older models showed clothes. However, the return was short-lived - looking at her photographs for the magazine and the fresh, young faces of the new models, Regina realized that her time was irrevocably gone.

Bad reputation

In 1973, the black streak in the life of the ex-model gave way to a white one. At least Regina hoped so. Zbarskaya met a Yugoslav journalist. A passionate but short romance began between them. When the young man returned to his homeland, he published a sensational book, “One Hundred Nights with Regina Zbarskaya.” The publication contained the woman’s confessions about her denunciations against her colleagues, candid photos And intimate details life of a catwalk queen. Of course, this “work” never appeared on the shelves of Soviet stores.

Regina Zbarskaya and Vyacheslav Zaitsev. Photo: RIA Novosti

What was it - another vile betrayal of a loved one or a deliberate provocation of a loud political scandal by Zbarskaya herself? Considering Regina’s unstable mental health, it is possible that she knew about the upcoming publication. But the new “popularity” did not allow her to live in peace. She opened her veins a second time and ended up in a hospital bed again.

In 1982, Vyacheslav Zaitsev wanted to invite Regina to work in his Fashion House on Prospekt Mira. But there was no point in thinking about returning to the podium. In 1984 she last time starred for a fashion magazine - needless to say, it was a completely different Zbarskaya. The faded look could not be brightened up by makeup and skillfully set lighting.

On November 15, 1987, Regina decided to commit suicide for the third time. While in the hospital, the woman took a handful of pills and fell asleep forever. Her death was reported by the Voice of America radio station, but in the USSR the departure of one of the most famous fashion models The 60s went unnoticed. Many people who were once close to her still do not know where the grave of the legendary Regina Zbarskaya is located. Could anyone have imagined such a sad ending to such a bright life? Hardly. Apparently it’s not for nothing that people say “don’t be born beautiful.”

Regina Zbarskaya - legendary Soviet fashion model, tragic fate which is full of mysteries that continue to excite fashion historians to this day.
Perhaps politics and fashion have never been so closely intertwined as they were in the life of an incredibly beautiful and charming woman. Unfortunately, this explosive mixture played a cruel joke on her, eerie depth which has yet to be assessed.

The first beauty of the catwalks on Kuznetsky, Regina Zbarskaya, is one of those personalities whose biography begins from the end.
In October 1987, the Voice of America reported the death of the famous Soviet fashion model. In Moscow then no one knew exactly what happened to Regina Zbarskaya. At the same time, there were two versions of death - drug poisoning and opening of veins, but both of them spoke of suicide.

The body of the former fashion model was found without signs of life in the Moscow ward psychiatric hospital No. 1, now known as “Kashchenko”, of which 51-year-old Zbarskaya was a patient at that time.
According to the medical examiner's conclusion, death was caused by food poisoning which led to cardiac arrest. On Zbarskaya’s lap at the time of her death there was a thick blue notebook - a diary that she kept for many years.
For unknown reasons, the investigative protocols do not reflect the contents of even the latest records that could reveal the secret of her death. Subsequently, the diary of Regina Zbarskaya will become one of the main historical documents telling about dark side Soviet fashion and its behind the scenes.

At the end of the 50s, the bright model Regina Kolesnikova appeared at the Fashion House on Kuznetsky Most. The artist Vera Aralova brought her there, who noticed a girl with “European beauty” among other students on the street. At that time, Regina was studying at the Faculty of Economics of VGIK. She stood out not only in appearance, but also in her refined manners.
At the House of Models, she immediately became fashion model No. 1, although the outline of her legs was far from ideal. Moreover, she knew how to play up their curvature in such a way that it gave her a special charm, which subsequently deprived many Soviet girls with similar problems of their complexes.

Start modeling career Regina Zbarskaya coincided with the flight of man into space and the beginning of competition with the United States in all areas, including light industry and fashion. The fashion house on Kuznetsky became an outdoor show, and the show of the 1961 collection of Moscow fashion designer Vera Aralova in Paris created a real sensation.
The public first saw high boots with zippers on the tops on the feet of Soviet beauties, among whom was Zbarskaya. But all this was more like window dressing, and at home, for possessing a Western fashion magazine, you could get a sentence under Article 242 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (for distributing pornography). This publication was included in the list of prohibited imports into the territory of the USSR.

The only source of fashion trends at that time was the Leningrad magazine “Fashion,” which showcased the work of designers from Kuznetsky Most. However, already in 1967, the first international fashion festival took place in Moscow, which brought together leading Western couturiers. A special issue of the fashion magazine was dedicated to this event, with the charming brunette Regina Zbarskaya on the cover.
On the spread she appeared in a magnificent “Russia” dress, created based on Russian icon painting. The issue of the magazine spread all over the world, and Zbarskaya’s face became business card THE USSR. The great Fellini, seeing the Russian model in a red dress, said that we have our own Sophia Loren, after which Regina will often be compared with the Italian actress. She was admired by Pierre Cardin, Yves Montand and even Fidel Castro.

The peak of Zbarskaya’s career will turn into the beginning of the sad pages of her biography. Soon she will become the wife of the young and promising painter Lev Zbarsky, a descendant of Boris Zbarsky, who embalmed Lenin's body. This union will bring the fashion model even greater fame and high position in society, but also attention from state security agencies.
Some representatives of the capital's bohemians, while in friendly relations with Lev Zbarsky, collaborate with the KGB. Gradually, Regina is drawn into special operations to collect information about the moods of certain Western figures visiting the capital. She spoke fluently in two languages, except Russian, and could carry on intellectual conversations, after which she was obliged to provide a detailed written report about them.

One of the objects of observation was Yves Montand, with whom Regina had many episodes. This is how the Zbarskaya model turned out to be secret weapon, protecting the state interests of the USSR and a hostage to her own beauty.
Regina Zbarskaya was an elite model and often went on business trips abroad. She and her colleagues were secretly supervised by “people in civilian clothes.” Meanwhile, the relationship with her husband did not work out - he did not want children together and often gave reasons for jealousy.

Soon their marriage will fall apart, and Lev Zbarsky, unexpectedly for everyone, immigrates from the USSR. This gives Lubyanka a reason to conduct a series of unpleasant conversations with ex-wife defector and take her under close control.
The time was ambiguous. This will not be the last time the Soviet podium star will face betrayal. The hero of her next love story will be a young Yugoslav journalist who uses Regina to achieve his own fame.

Soon, under his authorship, a book was published in German, “One Hundred Nights with Regina Zbarskaya,” which vividly describes explicit erotic scenes, as well as all the ins and outs about connections with members of the Central Committee and anti-Soviet propaganda.
After a visit to the Lubyanka, Zbarskaya is so scared and broken that she tries to take her own life, but then they will have time to save her. In the future, attacks of persecutory mania and depression appear more and more often.

A mental hospital, neuroleptics, and depression will change a lot, but she will still be destined to return to the podium. At one time, she will be invited to work by an old acquaintance, Vyacheslav Zaitsev. However, her psyche is broken and soon Zbarskaya again finds herself in a ward for the mentally ill.
They examine her and decide to isolate her, because... considered dangerous to society. Until the end of her days, Regina Zbarskaya will be in the clinic under observation. The circumstances of her death remain mysterious, and her burial place remains unknown...

Regina Zbarskaya is a legendary Soviet fashion model, whose tragic fate is full of mysteries that continue to excite fashion historians to this day. And the point is not even that, perhaps, politics and fashion have never been so closely intertwined as they happened in the life of this incredibly beautiful and charming woman. Regina Zbarskaya became one of those stars who, when falling, left not only a bright, but also a tragic mark. Like, for example, the first supermodel to die of AIDS, or the actress stalked and killed by a crazy fan. But Zbarskaya’s life is in its own way unique story, the eerie depth of which has yet to be appreciated.

Poisoning or suicide?

The first beauty of the catwalks on Kuznetsky, Regina Zbarskaya, is one of those personalities whose biography begins from the end. In October 1987, the Voice of America reported the death of the famous Soviet fashion model. In Moscow then no one knew exactly what happened to Regina Zbarskaya. At the same time, there were two versions of death - drug poisoning and opening of veins, but both of them spoke of suicide.

The body of the former fashion model was found without signs of life in the ward of Moscow psychiatric hospital No. 1, now known as “Kashchenko,” where 51-year-old Zbarskaya was a patient at that time. According to the medical examiner's conclusion, death was caused by food poisoning, which led to cardiac arrest. On Zbarskaya’s lap at the time of her death there was a thick blue notebook - a diary that she kept for many years. For unknown reasons, the investigative protocols do not reflect the contents of even the latest records that could reveal the secret of her death.

Subsequently, the diary of Regina Zbarskaya will become one of the main historical documents telling about the dark side of Soviet fashion and its behind the scenes.

Dark biography

It’s strange, but practically nothing is known reliably about Regina’s childhood. The first precisely established fact of her life is that 17-year-old Regina came to conquer the capital in 1953; she chose the economics department of VGIK. According to one version, Regina Zbarskaya ( maiden name Kolesnikova) was born in Leningrad. Her mother was a circus performer, and her father was an aerialist from Yugoslavia. Both loving parents allegedly fell to their death under the dome - and the girl Regina was sent to an orphanage.

Acquaintances of the Soviet fashion trendsetter felt how she tried to hide her simplicity behind a mask of aristocracy, the same girl with a long braid and chubby cheeks who once came to Moscow. The elegant lady, who freely communicated with Cardin and Dior in French, was afraid that she would be “exposed”, thrown off Olympus - and tried to reshape herself, denying herself close friends, which is why few people talk about her life without bias. However, everyone unanimously argued that Kolesnikova’s legs were unacceptably crooked for a model.

European beauty

At the end of the 50s, the bright model Regina Kolesnikova appeared at the Fashion House on Kuznetsky Most. The artist Vera Aralova brought her there, who noticed a girl with “European beauty” among other students on the street. At that time, Regina was studying at the Faculty of Economics of VGIK. She stood out not only in appearance, but also in her refined manners. At the House of Models, she immediately became fashion model No. 1, although the outline of her legs was far from ideal. Moreover, she knew how to play up their curvature in such a way that it gave her a special charm, which subsequently deprived many Soviet girls with similar problems of their complexes.

The beginning of Regina Zbarskaya's modeling career coincided with man's flight into space and the beginning of competition with the United States in all areas, including light industry and fashion. The fashion house on Kuznetsky became an outdoor show, and the show of the 1961 collection of Moscow fashion designer Vera Aralova in Paris created a real sensation. The public first saw high boots with zippers on the tops on the feet of Soviet beauties, among whom was Zbarskaya. But all this was more like window dressing, and at home, for possessing a Western fashion magazine, you could get a sentence under Article 242 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (for distributing pornography). This publication was included in the list of prohibited imports into the territory of the USSR.

The only source of fashion trends at that time was the Leningrad magazine “Fashion,” which showcased the work of designers from Kuznetsky Most. However, already in 1967, the first international fashion festival took place in Moscow, which brought together leading Western couturiers. A special issue of the fashion magazine was dedicated to this event, with the charming brunette Regina Zbarskaya on the cover. On the spread she appeared in a magnificent “Russia” dress, created based on Russian icon painting. The issue of the magazine spread all over the world, and Zbarskaya’s face became the calling card of the USSR for a long time.

Couturier Vyacheslav Zaitsev cut the model's hair like a pageboy - and created the image of an Italian midday beauty, which was not hindered by her pale face, almond-shaped eyes, in which pain was visible, or the absence of a smile on her face.

The great Fellini, seeing the Russian model in a red dress, said that we have our own Sophia Loren, after which Regina will often be compared with the Italian actress. She was admired by Pierre Cardin, Yves Montand and even Fidel Castro.

Unsuccessful marriage

By participating in Aralova’s shows, Kolesnikova told the whole world that the USSR also has fashion. The magazine "Paris Match" called it "the most beautiful weapon of the Kremlin." And although the fashion model was officially listed as a 5th category worker with a salary of 76 rubles. per month, she absolutely loved traveling abroad and communicating with VIP guests.

The peak of Zbarskaya’s career will turn into the beginning of the sad pages of her biography. Soon she will become the wife of the young and promising painter Lev Zbarsky, a descendant of Boris Zbarsky, who embalmed Lenin's body. This union will bring the fashion model even greater fame and a high position in society, but also attention from state security agencies.

The beauty, who looked down on her other colleagues in the shop, met famous artist and partygoer Lev Zbarsky - and became his wife. Dreaming of a son as smart as dad and a daughter as beautiful as her mother, Regina faced opposition from her husband, who saw her as his muse, and not as a woman washing diapers. And Zbarskaya decided to have an abortion, after which she tried to suppress her feelings of guilt with antidepressants.

Beauty and politics

Some representatives of the capital's bohemians, being on friendly terms with Lev Zbarsky, collaborate with the KGB. Gradually, Regina is drawn into special operations to collect information about the moods of certain Western figures visiting the capital. She spoke fluently in two languages, except Russian, and could carry on intellectual conversations, after which she was obliged to provide a detailed written report about them. One of the objects of observation was Yves Montand, with whom Regina had many episodes. So model Zbarskaya turned out to be a secret weapon protecting the state interests of the USSR and a hostage to her own beauty.

Regina Zbarskaya was an elite model and often went on business trips abroad. She and her colleagues were secretly supervised by “people in civilian clothes.” Meanwhile, the relationship with her husband did not work out - he did not want children together and often gave reasons for jealousy. Soon their marriage will fall apart - Lev Zbarsky left his wife for Lyudmila Maksakova, leaving his ex-wife an apartment. And Regina was simply trampled when she found out that in new family Lev had a child, which the artist never allowed her to have.

However, Zbarsky abandoned Maksakov too - and emigrated abroad. This gives the Lubyanka a reason to conduct a series of unpleasant conversations with the defector’s ex-wife and take her under close control. But the condition of the legend of the Soviet catwalk did not improve, and for the first time she ended up in a psychiatric hospital.

One hundred nights with Regina Zbarskaya

Having coped with severe depression, Zbarskaya, with the help of the deputy director of the House of Models, Elena Stepanovna Vorobey, returned to the podium.

The hero of her next love story will be a young Yugoslav journalist who uses Regina to achieve his own fame. Soon, under his authorship, a book was published in German, “One Hundred Nights with Regina Zbarskaya,” which vividly describes explicit erotic scenes, as well as all the ins and outs about connections with members of the Central Committee and anti-Soviet propaganda. The book also talked about her denunciations of other fashion models. Whether it’s true or not is still a big question...

Broken psyche

Failures in her career, failures on the personal front - all this influenced the former prima’s isolation and her decision to convert to Orthodoxy. Due to antidepressants, she could no longer parade as before, and a baseless mania of guilt drained her from day to day. This time she was unable to return to the stage, and for some time the extinct star worked as a simple cleaner in a fashion house.

After another visit to the Lubyanka, Zbarskaya is so scared and broken that she tries to take her own life, but then they will have time to save her. In the future, attacks of persecutory mania and depression appear more and more often.

Last chance

A mental hospital, neuroleptics, and depression will change a lot, but she will still be destined to return to the podium. At one time, she will be invited to work by an old acquaintance, Vyacheslav Zaitsev. However, her psyche is broken and soon Zbarskaya again finds herself in a ward for the mentally ill. They examine her and decide to isolate her, because... considered dangerous to society. Until the end of her days, Regina Zbarskaya will be in the clinic under observation.


On her third attempt, Regina committed suicide by poisoning herself with sleeping pills in November 1987, at the age of 51. According to one version, Regina died at home, and not in the hospital - she was allegedly found dead in her apartment with a telephone receiver in her hands. Colleagues from the House of Models did not come to the funeral; Zbarskaya’s body was burned in the crematorium.

The circumstances of her death remain mysterious, and her burial place remains unknown.

...The last one to come out was a brunette in a bright scarlet dress. "Gorgeous! Queen!" - Regina Zbarskaya received a standing ovation.

14:02 9.10.2015

Then, in 1967, Western journalists again called it “the most beautiful weapon of the Kremlin.” Federico Fellini, admiring the beauty of the Soviet fashion model, exclaimed: “Why do you need Sophia Loren? You have your own!” Everyone immediately forgot about her shortcoming - her legs were unacceptably crooked for a model...

In the 60s, she was the prima of Soviet catwalks. Regina Zbarskaya has always - absolutely always - been included in the delegations going to Western shows. She chatted fluently in English and French. Could support any table talk. It’s amazing - how did the all-powerful KGB release it?

This is where the questions begin. Why did her friends whisper that Regina was an agent? Why her official biography falls apart like a hastily tacked patchwork? What happened in that unofficial life of Regina?

Where is the prima fashion model buried, since she died not in the century before last, but only 25 years ago? And finally, did Regina’s famously scandalous diary exist, where she revealed all her secrets?

There are more than enough blank spots and questions!

Western girl

She appeared suddenly. On a very ordinary day, Soviet fashion designer Vera Aralova brought a girl with expressive dark eyes. Colleagues from Kuznetsky Most, where the All-Union House of Models was located, looked at the brunette with a critical glance and shrugged their shoulders: they say, what did Aralova see in her? “Yes, this is a Western girl!” - Vera retorted.

And she turned out to be right. A few years later, in 1961, all of Paris will be at the feet of these two women! Artist-fashion designer Aralova will conquer the world with her high boots with a long zipper (what you and I are wearing now is the unpatented idea of ​​our compatriot. Western couturiers were delighted with this innovation - and borrowed it without reference to Aralova. - Author's note. ).

And for the first time in the fashion capital, a fashion model will be called “the most beautiful weapon of the Kremlin.”

Regina immediately became a star. Even then, her biography was actively made up - perhaps by Regina herself. It was rumored that she was born in Leningrad, into a family circus performers. But drama happened: the parents crashed while working on a difficult number. The girl ended up in a provincial orphanage and, becoming an adult, came to conquer Moscow. Beautiful, of course. But everything - from first to last word- legend. In fact, Regina Kolesnikova was born in Vologda.

My father was a military man, my mother was an accountant. But my daughter dreamed of the stage. I was afraid to apply for acting, but I easily got into the economics department of VGIK.

The girl persistently broke into any semi-bohemian parties where artists, unrecognized poets, and golden youth gathered. At one of these parties, Vera Aralova saw her.

By the time of her fame - 25 years old - Regina had already managed to be married. But there is almost no information about the first wife... What was his name, what he did, why they separated - a complete mystery. Regina waved it off: they say, the person was not in her circle, that’s why they parted ways.

The fashion models didn't like her. Nicknamed for arrogance Snow Queen. By the way, now you are also unlikely to find sculpted girlfriends among top models! Back then it was a blessing to go abroad. After all, in the Soviet Union the clothing situation was not just bad - very bad! And there, “over the hill,” you could buy wonderful nylon stockings, at least look at leather shoes, and copy dress styles from the display case. So the girls fought for a place in the sun, and only Zbarskaya was sent everywhere. Why love her?

Regina really always kept herself to herself. She always remembered that she was the first, the chosen one. Naturally, only someone who would be a match for her could be next to her. And such a man very soon appeared nearby.

As Mata Hari

Even his name was fashionable and unusual. Felix-Lev Zbarsky. Son of the scientist Boris Zbarsky, who embalmed Lenin's body. But father and son - in terms of life guidelines - turned out to have little in common.

All fashionable Moscow knew Leo. And although he was a brilliant illustrator, everyone considered him a rake. Brilliant guy! Dandy! With excellent taste and a tough sense of humor. It was impossible to call him handsome: a sharp, textured face, the kind that once you see, you won’t forget. He dressed with chic and slight aristocratic negligence - jeans, corduroy and leather jackets(at the same time, the rest of the citizens wore simple goods from Moskvashveya). Only the most stylish girls capital Cities.

Someone brought Regina to his workshop. Lev worked during the day, and in the evenings his apartment turned into a bohemian salon. They immediately liked each other and soon got married.

It was a beautiful couple! He is a fashionable artist who wastes money (Lev was guided by the motto: “Spend easily - and then you can earn a lot”). She shines on the catwalks, often travels abroad... And it seems that even then this family was closely interested in organs.

In the 60s, Yves Montand visited Moscow several times. In order not to lose face, Iva and his wife Simone were immediately introduced into the fashionable Moscow circle of artists, painters, and writers. The Frenchman was then running around with his book “A Head Full of Sun,” and the artist Zbarsky began to illustrate it. They say that the artist and painter with their wives often hung out in the most pretentious restaurants in the capital: the guest was treated only to the finest.

In 1987, after Regina’s death, the fashion model’s diary was allegedly found. She blamed her husband for many of her troubles. They say that he was on the hook of the KGB: he specially invited dissidents and dissidents to come to him so that he could report later. And he, as a proven person, was brought to Montana.

Allegedly, in this diary, Regina tearfully complained that legal spouse put her in bed with a Frenchman! And she, like Mata Hari, extracted secret information from the foreigner. It seems true, but what could Yves Montand say in bed? De Gaulle's plans - he didn't know them! Secrets of military ministers - but the artist, even a famous one, did not have access to such information. The question remains open: who and why started the rumor that Zbarskaya was a spy, the Soviet Mata Hari?

What is true is that Regina’s relationship with her husband was indeed far from ideal. Relatives assured that the breakdown occurred after the abortion. She wanted children, but he didn't. Regina was pregnant and didn't know what to do. And at that moment she was offered a fat contract. Zbarskaya chose the podium. But this did not save either love or career.

A black cat ran between the spouses. And this “cat’s” name was Marianna Vertinskaya. The problem was that Felix the Lion was constantly infatuated with someone! Regina suffered greatly from jealousy, but she could not do anything. As soon as the romance with Marianna died out, Lev fell in love again - the young actress Lyudmila Maksakova became his muse.

He just left, leaving his wife the apartment. She was very worried and, it seems, even then began to take strong sedatives. But, thank God, they still needed her! No one could carry himself so proudly, so victoriously! True, young shoots were growing up - impudent, fresh, open. And Regina could not help but understand that very soon this hot blood would simply push her out of the podium.

And although she was in demand, the oppressive feeling of loneliness did not leave her...

Bottom line. And two biographies

A few years ago, another person suddenly started talking about Regina - illegal intelligence officer Vitaly Shlykov. It turned out that he took a place next to Regina when Zbarsky left her.

They were just lovers. Although Vitaly Vasilyevich assured that he would marry her (as an honest person). He confirmed that some KGB officer tried to blackmail Regina, but she managed to get out of it.

It was Shlykov who told how, almost before his eyes, famous fashion model I tried to commit suicide for the first time. He went out for an hour and a half on his secret business. And at that time she opened her veins. The colonel assured that he immediately called an ambulance and called Lev Zbarsky.

Regina was first taken to the Sklifosovsky Institute, then to the psychiatric clinic named after. Kashchenko, like all failed suicides.

This was the beginning of her end.

She spent several months in a hospital. The illegal intelligence officer disappeared from her life - they were waiting for him distant countries and dangerous adventures. (By the way, the same Shlykov voiced the diagnosis made at the clinic - schizophrenia.) She was left alone again. The husband appeared and quietly asked for a divorce. And a few months later, Regina found out that Lev and Lyudochka Maksakova had a son. The news stunned her: she suddenly remembered how she got rid of her child several years ago... And again fell into depression. No, she didn’t go to the hospital, she just drank pills by the handful.

This time I saved her new love. To a Yugoslav journalist. This novel is another White spot in the biography of a fashion model. Nobody remembers the guy's name. No one saw him, but everyone claims that he was!

According to the official version of Zbarskaya’s biography, after leaving the Union, this mythical journalist wrote the book “100 Nights with Regina” and published it in Germany. Allegedly, Regina told her lover about her affairs with the Kremlin elders. And supposedly in the book there were many photographs of the beautiful Zbarskaya in the nude style. Curiously, no one has held this bestseller in their hands! Was there a book or not? However, a scandal broke out. And the KGB brought down its wrath on Regina. It seems that the story with this novel is another trap, that the state security service was simply waiting for the right moment to destroy Zbarskaya. How did she interfere?

No one knows what they asked Regina in the secret offices and what she answered... At the same time, she emigrated from the USSR ex-husband A lion. And this fact could also become a reason for a summons to the Lubyanka!

As a result, after interrogations, Zbarskaya again ended up in the clinic. They say she was “treated” with electric shock and some strong drugs. People still remembered her and asked, where did the leading model go?

In the late 70s, she suddenly appeared on Kuznetsky. Aged, lost its charm. “Is this the same Regina who was called the “beautiful weapon?” - the young fashion models giggled. This was a completely different Regina.

She was not allowed on the podium. Regina lost her light gait: due to strong medications, she staggered, looked at her feet, and at times muttered something. All her manias manifested themselves... She came to the holy of holies of Soviet fashion and, sprinkling ashes on her head, asked everyone for forgiveness. Then she fell into a twilight state: all the rich haute couture toilets that had once been given to her, she took all the jewelry to the landfill.

One of our mutual friends called Slava Zaitsev. He found Regina and didn’t recognize his prima! In front of him sat an aged woman who was smoking non-stop. She asked Slava for a job - he only found her a job as a cleaner. No, Regina couldn’t wash the floors where she once shone!

Over the past few years, she has alternated between falling into madness and being in a more or less adequate state. Perhaps, if not for this mental illness, Zbarskaya could have become age model. Yes, she wouldn’t travel abroad, but she would lead a comfortable life. Everything turned out much more tragic.

...There are several versions of her death. According to the official, Regina Zbarskaya died in psychiatric clinic October 15, 1987. A blue notebook was found in her hands, where Regina wrote down her secrets. But there’s something wrong with this diary too! Because the stories allegedly recorded by Zbarskaya are very different from the real facts told by eyewitnesses!

There is another, unofficial version. In October 1987, Regina Zbarskaya was found by a neighbor. The door to the apartment was unlocked, the former fashion model lay motionless with a telephone receiver in her hand. The neighbor, flipping through her notebook, found Slava Zaitsev’s number circled with a red felt-tip pen (Regina actually called him often). And she informed the fashion designer about the death of the prima. Whether she committed suicide by taking a lethal dose of sleeping pills, or whether they helped her leave is unknown.

Where and when the queen of the catwalks was buried is also a mystery.

There are too many secrets in her biography. It’s as if someone’s imperious hand simply rewrote the fate of the first Soviet model. Facts, names, photographs, entire periods of her life were erased like an eraser! An unknown diary with twisted facts of her biography came from somewhere. And the book “100 Nights with Regina”, which no one has read.

There was a whole galaxy of them, the first Soviet models: Mila Romanovskaya, Ella Sharova, Augustina Shadova, Galya Milovskaya. But for some reason both articles and documentaries They only film about one. About a real prima - Regina Zbarskaya.

Tatiana Postolnikova