New modern technologies fill our lives amazing inventions and gadgets. Every day we use household appliances that were previously considered nothing more than science fiction. The Internet, smartphones, cars filled with sensors and autopilot are things and phenomena that are familiar to us and brighten up our lives. It turns out that the military industry is driving the technological progress of human evolution. For example, the microwave oven was first available to the military, and then the civilians planets. Satellites, computers and much more have entered our lives. A military exoskeleton will soon become available to us.

What are we talking about?

After reading the last paragraph, many were surprised or even scared by the word “exoskeleton”. Don’t panic, let’s figure it out and decide what kind of “beast” this is and why it is needed.

The exoskeleton is the latest unique development of scientists in such a field of science as biomechanics. The technology is made in the form external system frames, which is designed to enhance the muscular strength of a person or an android robot. This term was taken from biology. It refers to the superficial skeleton of invertebrate organisms. In the future, such technology will eliminate physical limitations in human life, as well as in the use of mechanisms. Military technology and its needs have once again exceeded all expectations. They say that in 5-6 years the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will have special-purpose equipment.

You have already understood and guessed that the development of exoskeletons is the area of ​​interest of the Ministry of Defense. After all, such a development will increase the capabilities and physical abilities of a soldier. In the future, they want to use these technologies on spacecraft, as well as in machines for diving to extreme depths for research.

How did it all begin?

The military exoskeleton has become commonplace in fantasy world. We have seen such devices in video games, movies and cartoons, but these “suits” have only recently been developed. The very first one was introduced to the world by American military technologies in the 60s of the twentieth century. But it was so heavy and immobile that the possibility of its actual use had to be ruled out. General Electric and United States Military closed the project without achieving positive results. Samples that have been successfully used have appeared recently. The exoskeleton has proven itself positively Russian production. Other countries are also developing costumes: the USA, Israel, Japan. What powers do you think are competing with each other in this development? The honor of bearing the name “military exoskeleton” has so far been awarded to the developments of the USA and the Russian Federation!

"Exosuit" today

An exoskeleton is found in various games: “Stalker”, “Warface”, “Starcraft”, “Crisis” and others. But in reality, these suits are just being developed. In our country, this new product is being developed by the Mechanics Research Institute of Moscow State University under the ExoAtlet logo. In America, two vehicles are being developed in parallel: the lightweight infantry “Hulk” from the Locked Martin company and the multi-purpose heavy “XOS-2” from the manufacturer Raytheon.

A large amount of information about developments is closed. But human biomechanics in our country wants to release the device for the open market. A skeleton for medical purposes will appear soon.

Medical exoskeleton

Russian-made systems are planned to be used in medicine. This will empower people who are chained to wheelchair. Human biomechanics is trying to introduce such devices into the rehabilitation process. They will perform several functions simultaneously:

  • wheelchair substitute;
  • a simulator for people with musculoskeletal diseases;
  • a means of social and emotional rehabilitation.

The owner of such technology will be able to move independently and even get rid of the problem of looking “from the bottom up.”

Emergency rescue version of the suit

The military exoskeleton was designed to solve several problems:

  • carrying loads that are very heavy for humans over long distances;
  • demining the area;
  • participation in anti-terrorist operations;
  • liquidation of consequences man-made disasters and natural disasters;
  • analysis of collapses and rubble;
  • extinguishing fires when the supply of air in the rescuer’s breathing apparatus is limited, etc.

What is a modern superhero costume?

The Russian-made exoskeleton is made in the form of a frame located behind the owner’s back. There are also two supports for the arm and leg on one side of the body. The device has no limbs that act as a hand. Domestic development differs from its overseas counterpart. Our device is passive in nature. It is not equipped with servos, that is, the movement is carried out due to the muscle power of the owner of the device.

But the international community believes that our development is much more promising from the American point of view mass application. “ExoAtlet” allows a fighter to carry a load weighing about one hundred kilograms. The whole point is that the weight on the frame is correctly distributed. Such a solution reduces the cost of producing exoskeletons by tens of times, which makes it possible to equip a larger number of fighters.

Overseas equivalent

Built into the American development a large number of electronics and batteries. In addition to the high cost, there is another problem in Western designs - autonomy. Engineers ensured that the system operates for 72 hours. But soon the question arises of charging or replacing the power supply unit (battery), because in field conditions This is very problematic and sometimes impossible!

Critics saw another problem with the American HULK. What should a soldier do if the structure is discharged and there is no way to restore the energy resource? The designers claim that this situation is not a problem at all. These military robots can be easily folded, turning them into a kind of backpack. But such a robot weighs about 25 kg. So what should the defender do: abandon the expensive development or carry another 25 kg of excess weight, not counting those 100 kg of luggage?

HULC maintainability

In field conditions, the reliability and repairability of this equipment also raises a large number of questions. For military equipment, these parameters are very important. For example, it would be effective weapon, if it resists adverse factors, and the soldier can repair it with improvised means during operation. It is unknown how the unprotected electronics of the American counterpart will behave in frost or dust conditions. In order to disable a fighter with such a “thing,” it is enough to shoot a firearm at a structural, power or hydraulic element. As a result, the supersuit will turn into heavy ballast. It is not possible to repair such a thing in the field due to its increased technological complexity.

Russian exoskeleton

IN domestic version no problem with power supply. Our “ExoAtlet” is limited only by the physical capabilities of the fighter. The device does not remove physical activity from a warrior, but allows you to carry up to 100 kg of equipment and weapons. Our development does not carry a burden; it helps a person perform this function. Military developments are unique. Engineers have ensured that ExoAtlet weighs only 12 kg. This is one of its advantages. After all, in battle conditions, every gram counts. We must understand that excess weight slows down the fighter's activity. This negatively affects the warrior's effectiveness. And the ease of such a design is an obvious plus.

The military use of ExoAtlet is also due to the fact that hydraulics and electronics are absent. The device is a simple and lightweight metal structure. After all, the simpler the equipment, the less negative factors affect it, be it breakdown or severe climatic conditions. Repairs will also be much easier. Our developers have created a skeleton in which there is practically nothing to be damaged. And it is much easier to restore mechanics in battle than electronics. Due to these factors domestic development much more reliable than Western analogues.

Simply put, simple and cost-effective military robots will soon appear in our country's defense. Meanwhile, Western design engineers continue to scratch their heads. They have a long way to go to refine and improve their brainchild. Recently, HULC participated in army tests, but, unfortunately, the results were disappointing. Therefore, the military youth of the United States will not soon see an exosuit on their shoulders.

The history of the creation of "ExoAtlet"

  • 2011 - MSU scientists won the tender of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to develop the skeleton. In subsequent years, the team creates passive and active devices. The passive one was not afraid of fire, weighed 12 kg and tolerated weights up to 100 kg. Active allowed the fighter to lift weight up to 200 kg.
  • 2013 - a team of scientists separated to develop ExoAtleta for medical purposes. Their motto was that real people would walk around in exoskeletons.

  • 2014 - Moscow State University Research Institute receives the main prize from Startup Village. The team became a resident of Skolkovo, and also entered the top five finalists of the Generation S competition and competed at the Sochi Olympics in robotics. Next was the presentation of the development in Singapore and negotiations with the country's chief rehabilitator.
  • 2015 - first sales. Arhangelsk region purchased 6 suits for research and testing. In the same year, the first trip to the Middle East took place. At the X Venture Fair in Kazan, the team took first place in the high technology category.
  • 2016 - ExoAtlet crosses the Atlantic and conquers the American and Asian markets. Skeleton developers associate this year with a shot from a signal pistol. Sales of devices are starting in Russia, and serious clinical studies are also beginning.

"ExoAtlet" at home

Our “Athlete” is designed in such a way that it completely reproduces the gait of the owner. But this does not mean that the process will be carried out without the participation of the owner. This movement can be compared to riding a bicycle. A person will have to get used to the controls. With such equipment, you need to relearn how to maintain balance and take the first steps one after another. This process takes from several hours to several days. The procedure for learning to control the exoskeleton takes place in the clinic, where the device is adjusted to the personal parameters of the owner:

  • pelvis width;
  • back height;
  • length and proportion of legs.

Naturally, everything takes place under the supervision of a doctor, who conducts a complete check of the body before each workout. Next, the patient has the right to conduct training and rehabilitation at home, but again under supervision. The robot records telemetric data and transmits it to the monitoring center.

If the spinal cord was injured relatively recently, then there is a chance to avoid disability. But this “golden hour” does not last long. The sooner the patient gets back on his feet and takes the first step with the help of ExoAthlete, the greater his chances of restoring motor functions and returning to ordinary life. But it is important to remember that the rehabilitation process is different for everyone and depends on the vital resources of the injured person.

In case of total loss motor functions"ExoAtlet" will become a partial replacement for a wheelchair. It should be understood that you will not be able to spend days in a suit, as this is a means of rehabilitation. Daily training in a suit will replace three physiotherapists at once, and will also fundamentally change the quality of life of paralyzed patients. The exoskeleton will help people start walking. Walking will lead to significantly improved ventilation of the lungs, arterial pressure will return to normal, joint mobility will increase, urinary tract infections will go away, nutrition will be restored internal organs and muscles, and intestinal function will also improve. All this is a physiological effect.

The emotional and psychological aspects in the life of a disabled person are no less important. When using ExoAtlet, paralyzed people noticed that their mood and attitude towards the world around them improved. Their lives began to be filled with colors, positive impressions and emotions. They gain new strength. Now they are able to communicate on an equal basis with the people around them. Fire and interest in life appear in the eyes of ExoAtlet pilots. They say that behind them is not electronics and a battery, but a pair of technologically advanced wings.

Japanese HAL

In the Land of the Rising Sun, human biomechanics does not stand still. Scientists at a Japanese experimental laboratory have developed a hybrid assistive limb. Today on the island it is used by people with disabilities. The development and improvement of this suit took place at the University of Tsukubina over 20 years! Today, the Japanese are actively introducing HAL technology in medicine. Cyberdyne (the owner of the rights to the exoskeleton) has leased more than three hundred copies. Back in 2013, the invention received a certificate for safety in use. This fact paved the way for the device to the world market and also confirmed its reliability.

The owner of the HAL-5 modification can lift and move things and objects exceeding five times the maximum load in weight. natural conditions. This turn in the world of technology and robots greatly simplifies the work of rescuers and liquidators of various consequences. But this modification has not yet been implemented.


We've seen fantastic developments in cinema before. We’ve seen an exoskeleton in games (“Stalker”), but we couldn’t even think that such technologies would soon become available to an ordinary person. In 2017, active tests are being carried out in the field of controlling the suit with the power of thought. Our scientists are now obliged to teach operating system instantly read the operator's thoughts. The problems of battery autonomy are gradually being resolved, as the Russian Ministry of Defense plans to begin purchasing such devices at the beginning of 2020. We can only wait for our bright heads at the Research Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University.

Today in Russia there is no market for similar products. We have yet to create it. The question remains open as to whether engineers and designers will bring their brainchild to perfection. The domestic ExoAtlet team will have to decide great amount complex issues: synchronization of pulse reading and equipment response, increasing battery capacity, reducing its weight, and much more. This trend is gaining momentum in the world and becoming more and more popular. Competitors are also growing, conducting a huge number of tests. Experts have already estimated the European exoskeleton market at one and a half billion euros. Let's wish Russian developers good luck, creative success and further breakthroughs and discoveries in their difficult creative path!

έξω - external and σκελετος - skeleton) - a device designed to increase human strength due to the external frame.

The exoskeleton follows human biomechanics to proportionally increase the effort during movement. According to open press reports, actual working samples have currently been created in Japan and the USA. The exoskeleton can be integrated into a space suit.


The first exoskeleton was jointly developed by General Electric and the United States military in the 60s, and was called Hardiman. He could lift 110 kg with a lifting force of 4.5 kg. However, it was impractical due to its significant mass of 680 kg. The project was not successful. Any attempt to use a full exoskeleton resulted in intense uncontrolled movement, resulting in it never being tested with a person inside. Further studies focused on one arm. Although it was supposed to lift 340 kg, its weight was three-quarters of a ton, which was twice its lifting capacity. Without getting all the components together to work practical use Hardiman's project was limited.

Development directions

The main direction of development is military application exoskeletons. The goal is to create armor that combines firepower and tank armor, human mobility and speed, and greatly increasing the strength of the one who uses the exoskeleton.

Another possible area of ​​application for exoskeletons is helping injured people and people with disabilities, elderly people who, due to their age, have problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Modifications of exoskeletons, as well as individual models of them, can provide significant assistance to rescuers when clearing the rubble of collapsed buildings. In this case, the exoskeleton can protect the rescuer from falling debris.

Nowadays, a big obstacle to starting the construction of full-fledged exoskeletons is the lack of suitable energy sources that could allow the machine to operate autonomously for a long time.

In popular culture

  • In the game "C&C: Red alert 3" all 3 sides have exoskeletons. For the USSR it is a suit of a Tesla PC operator, for the Alliance it is a suit of Cryo (Chrono) - Legionnaire, and for the Empire it is a suit of battle angels. In previous parts of the series, exoskeletons are also often used quite widely.
  • The concept of armor with an exoskeleton was first outlined in the novel Tom Swift and His Jet marine ( English), published in 1954.
  • In I. A. Efremov’s novel “The Andromeda Nebula” (1957), stellar expeditions used electromechanical “jumping skeletons” worn over spacesuits to move in conditions of increased gravity.
  • The heroes of Robert Heinlein's novel Starship Troopers (1959) use armored combat suits with integrated exoskeletons that allow them to run and jump to great heights using built-in rocket engines equipped with a variety of weapons and other equipment.
  • In Stanislaw Lem's novel Fiasco (1987), pilot Angus Parvis is searching for a missing group of people, which includes one of Lem's regular heroes, pilot Pirx. To search, Parvis uses a giant humanoid exoskeleton (“big walker”) - the Diglator.
  • In the Warhammer 40,000 universe, exoskeletons (or rather, power armor theoretically equivalent to them) are used by the battle brothers of the Space Marines, as well as the Sisters of Battle. And the troops of the Tau Empire use whole line exoskeletons. Reconnaissance XV15, XV25, with camouflage fields, shock XV8 "Crisis", equipped with jet engines and wide range weapons, fire support exoskeletons XV88 "Broadside" (in fact, due to the size (3 meters in height) and the presence of a cockpit, the XV8 "Crisis" and XV88 "Broadside" cannot be considered exoskeletons, although they have a similar name to the XV15 and XV25 "combat suit" "(battlesuit)), equipped with powerful weapons and the experimental XV22 command exoskeleton.
  • In the StarCraft universe, Terran foot soldiers (as well as Protoss warriors) wear exoskeletons.
  • In the universe of games in the Fallout series, you can also use “power armor”; a miniature nuclear reactor is used to power this armor. It increases the character's defense class and his strength.
  • The games "Operation Silent Storm" and "Operation Silent Storm: Sentinels" are based on alternative history World War II, where the list of actually existing weapons of those years included combat exoskeletons“Panzerkleins” (distorted German. small tanks), capable of carrying various weapons ( aircraft cannon ShKAS, anti-tank rifle, etc.).
  • In the animated series Echo Platoon, the main type of military equipment is echo planes, which are essentially exoskeletons.
  • The exoskeleton idea is used in computer game"S.T.A.L.K.E.R." ", its prequel "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky" and the sequel "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat". The external frame allows you to carry more things, additional armor provides additional protection from physical damage, but due to the heaviness and bulkiness of the structure, fast running becomes impossible. However, with appropriate improvement, running becomes possible.
  • The Marvel comics hero "Iron Man" creates a series of exoskeletons based on the miniature reactor he invented. These exoskeletons are capable of flight and are equipped with a variety of weapons and devices.
  • In the film "Throw of Cobra" (eng. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra) the main characters use exoskeletons (identical to those presented in the game "Crysis").
  • In the film "District No. 9" main character, escaping persecution, uses an alien exoskeleton, although such equipment, by the nature of its interaction with the operator, can be equated rather to a lightweight mind-controlled tank.
  • In the game "Crysis" and its sequel, the special squad is dressed in exoskeletons (with a slightly different principle of operation: there are mechanical amplifiers, but instead of conventional body armor, nano-technological armor is used). They have increased strength, the ability to become invisible, as well as a number of stimulating additives that can increase a person’s strength and speed several times. Using the functionality of an exoskeleton suit is a key element of game mechanics in the computer game “Crysis”.
  • In the game "Section 8", soldiers (regardless of playing as a Sector 8 fighter or a rebel) are dressed in exoskeletons. They have increased strength, increased speed, the ability to fly up to several meters and the ability to use any equipment (tanks, guns, robots).
  • In the computer game "Chaser", there is a mission that is completely carried out in an exoskeleton. In the game, this is a rather bulky and slow design, which is compensated by the fact that it carries powerful weapons - a machine gun and a grenade launcher. Apart from conducting military operations, the exoskeleton is not intended for anything else - both “arms” are actually mounts for guns. It is noteworthy that the action takes place on Mars.
  • In the universe of the game "Halo" main character Master Chief (John-117) was wearing the Mjolnir exoskeleton, which was also a spacesuit.
  • In the Bet on Soldier game series, the exoskeleton was one of the main combat units.
  • In Metal Gear Solid, the exoskeleton is used by Gray Fox.
  • In the films “The Matrix. Reloaded" and "The Matrix. Revolution" people use exoskeletons APU (Armored Personnel Units) to protect Zeon.
  • In the movie Avatar, exoskeletons are also used for military purposes.
  • In the movie Aliens, Lieutenant Ellen Ripley uses an exoskeleton loader in the final battle against the Alien mother.
  • In the game "Alien vs. Predator" the Earth's troops use the "Alice" combat exoskeleton.
  • In the online game Total Influence, mercenaries use exoskeletons Tank Armor and FEA (Female Exo Armor).
  • In the game Killzone 3, one of the missions is completed using an exoskeleton that has built-in weapons and a jet pack.
  • In the game Vanquish, the main character wears an exoskeleton equipped with a jet accelerator and a time dilation system.
  • In the movie “Spy Kids. All the Time in the World" the main character uses "hammer hands" and "stomp hands" used to increase physical strength.
  • In the books of the "Ancient" series by Sergei Tarmashev, the Commonwealth uses space exoskeletons as a fighter. (100 Titan exoskeletons are on board the Immutable class ships).
  • In the computer game F.E.A.R. 3, in some chapters there is the opportunity to use an armored robot, which is an exoskeleton.
  • In the computer game Chrome, all soldiers are equipped with an exoskeleton.
  • In the computer game Red Faction: Armageddon, the main character can control the L.E.O. exoskeleton, equipped with a heavy machine gun and rocket launcher and capable of striking with his left “hand”.
  • In the computer game Mass Effect 3, Atlas combat robots are used, which are an exoskeleton, and Captain Shepard’s armor is partly an exoskeleton (the ability to build in an adrenaline module, a strength-increasing module, etc.)
  • In the computer games Parkan and Parkan 2, exoskeletons are used in combat suits.

see also



  • [email protected]: Americans are ready to put infantry exoskeletons on the conveyor belt
  • Wearable Power Assist Suit
  • Ireland On-line: Wheelchair-bound Japanese man looks to robot suit (English)
  • Building the Real Iron Man
  • Pentagon to Develop Super-Suits
  • - Exoskeleton (English)
  • LIFESUIT Robotic Exoskeleton


  • "From a scientific point of view. Make me superman" Naked Science. Make me Superhuman ) is a popular science film produced by National Geographic in 2010.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

έξω - external and σκελετος - skeleton) - a device designed to increase human strength due to the external frame.

The exoskeleton follows human biomechanics to proportionally increase the effort during movement. According to open press reports, actual working samples have currently been created in Japan and the USA. The exoskeleton can be integrated into a space suit.


The first exoskeleton was jointly developed by General Electric and the United States military in the 60s, and was called Hardiman. He could lift 110 kg with a lifting force of 4.5 kg. However, it was impractical due to its significant mass of 680 kg. The project was not successful. Any attempt to use a full exoskeleton resulted in intense uncontrolled movement, resulting in it never being tested with a person inside. Further studies focused on one arm. Although it was supposed to lift 340 kg, its weight was three-quarters of a ton, which was twice its lifting capacity. Without getting all the components together to work, the practical application of the Hardiman project was limited.

Development directions

The main direction of development is the military use of exoskeletons. The goal is to create armor that combines the firepower and armor of a tank, the mobility and speed of a person, and significantly increases the strength of the one who uses the exoskeleton.

Another possible area of ​​application for exoskeletons is helping injured people and people with disabilities, elderly people who, due to their age, have problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Modifications of exoskeletons, as well as individual models of them, can provide significant assistance to rescuers when clearing the rubble of collapsed buildings. In this case, the exoskeleton can protect the rescuer from falling debris.

Nowadays, a big obstacle to starting the construction of full-fledged exoskeletons is the lack of suitable energy sources that could allow the machine to operate autonomously for a long time.

In popular culture

  • In the game "C&C: Red alert 3" all 3 sides have exoskeletons. For the USSR it is a suit of a Tesla PC operator, for the Alliance it is a suit of Cryo (Chrono) - Legionnaire, and for the Empire it is a suit of battle angels. In previous parts of the series, exoskeletons are also often used quite widely.
  • The concept of armor with an exoskeleton was first outlined in the novel Tom Swift and His Jet marine ( English), published in 1954.
  • In I. A. Efremov’s novel “The Andromeda Nebula” (1957), stellar expeditions used electromechanical “jumping skeletons” worn over spacesuits to move in conditions of increased gravity.
  • The heroes of Robert Heinlein's novel Starship Troopers (1959) use armored combat suits with integrated exoskeletons that allow them to run and jump to great heights using built-in rocket engines, equipped with a variety of weapons and other equipment.
  • In Stanislaw Lem's novel Fiasco (1987), pilot Angus Parvis is searching for a missing group of people, which includes one of Lem's regular heroes, pilot Pirx. To search, Parvis uses a giant humanoid exoskeleton (“big walker”) - the Diglator.
  • In the Warhammer 40,000 universe, exoskeletons (or rather, power armor theoretically equivalent to them) are used by the battle brothers of the Space Marines, as well as the Sisters of Battle. And the troops of the Tau Empire use a range of exoskeletons. Reconnaissance XV15, XV25, with camouflage fields, strike XV8 “Crisis”, equipped with jet engines and a wide range of weapons, fire support exoskeletons XV88 “Broadside” (in fact, due to the size (3 meters in height) and the presence of the XV8 “Crisis" cabin and XV88 "Broadside" cannot be considered exoskeletons, although they have the same name as the "battlesuit" of the XV15 and XV25), equipped with powerful weapons and the experimental XV22 command exoskeleton.
  • In the StarCraft universe, Terran foot soldiers (as well as Protoss warriors) wear exoskeletons.
  • In the universe of games in the Fallout series, you can also use “power armor”; a miniature nuclear reactor is used to power this armor. It increases the character's defense class and his strength.
  • The games “Operation Silent Storm” and “Operation Silent Storm: Sentinels” are based on an alternative history of the Second World War, where the combat exoskeletons “Panzerklein” (distorted in German) are included in the range of actually existing weapons of those years. small tanks), capable of carrying various weapons (ShKAS aircraft gun, anti-tank gun, etc.).
  • In the animated series Echo Platoon, the main type of military equipment is echo planes, which are essentially exoskeletons.
  • The idea of ​​an exoskeleton is used in the computer game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ", its prequel "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky" and the sequel "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat". The external frame allows you to carry more things, additional armor provides additional protection from physical damage, but due to the heaviness and bulkiness of the structure, fast running becomes impossible. However, with appropriate improvement, running becomes possible.
  • The Marvel comics hero "Iron Man" creates a series of exoskeletons based on the miniature reactor he invented. These exoskeletons are capable of flight and are equipped with a variety of weapons and devices.
  • In the film "Throw of Cobra" (eng. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra) the main characters use exoskeletons (identical to those presented in the game "Crysis").
  • In the film “District No. 9,” the main character, escaping persecution, uses an alien exoskeleton, although such equipment, in terms of the nature of its interaction with the operator, can be equated rather to a lightweight mind-controlled tank.
  • In the game "Crysis" and its sequel, the special squad is dressed in exoskeletons (with a slightly different principle of operation: there are mechanical amplifiers, but instead of conventional body armor, nano-technological armor is used). They have increased strength, the ability to become invisible, as well as a number of stimulating additives that can increase a person’s strength and speed several times. Using the functionality of an exoskeleton suit is a key element of game mechanics in the computer game “Crysis”.
  • In the game "Section 8", soldiers (regardless of playing as a Sector 8 fighter or a rebel) are dressed in exoskeletons. They have increased strength, increased speed, the ability to fly up to several meters and the ability to use any equipment (tanks, guns, robots).
  • In the computer game "Chaser", there is a mission that is completely carried out in an exoskeleton. In the game, this is a rather bulky and slow design, which is compensated by the fact that it carries powerful weapons - a machine gun and a grenade launcher. Apart from conducting military operations, the exoskeleton is not intended for anything else - both “arms” are actually mounts for guns. It is noteworthy that the action takes place on Mars.
  • In the universe of the game "Halo", the main character Master Chief (John-117) was dressed in the Mjolnir exoskeleton, which was also a spacesuit.
  • In the Bet on Soldier game series, the exoskeleton was one of the main combat units.
  • In Metal Gear Solid, the exoskeleton is used by Gray Fox.
  • In the films “The Matrix. Reloaded" and "The Matrix. Revolution" people use exoskeletons APU (Armored Personnel Units) to protect Zeon.
  • In the movie Avatar, exoskeletons are also used for military purposes.
  • In the movie Aliens, Lieutenant Ellen Ripley uses an exoskeleton loader in the final battle against the Alien mother.
  • In the game "Alien vs. Predator" the Earth's troops use the "Alice" combat exoskeleton.
  • In the online game Total Influence, mercenaries use exoskeletons Tank Armor and FEA (Female Exo Armor).
  • In the game Killzone 3, one of the missions is completed using an exoskeleton that has built-in weapons and a jet pack.
  • In the game Vanquish, the main character wears an exoskeleton equipped with a jet accelerator and a time dilation system.
  • In the movie “Spy Kids. All the Time in the World" the main character uses "hammer hands" and "stomp hands" used to increase physical strength.
  • In the books of the "Ancient" series by Sergei Tarmashev, the Commonwealth uses space exoskeletons as a fighter. (100 Titan exoskeletons are on board the Immutable class ships).
  • In the computer game F.E.A.R. 3, in some chapters there is the opportunity to use an armored robot, which is an exoskeleton.
  • In the computer game Chrome, all soldiers are equipped with an exoskeleton.
  • In the computer game Red Faction: Armageddon, the main character can control the exoskeleton L.E.O., equipped with a heavy machine gun and a rocket launcher and capable of striking with his left “hand”.
  • In the computer game Mass Effect 3, Atlas combat robots are used, which are an exoskeleton, and Captain Shepard’s armor is partly an exoskeleton (the ability to build in an adrenaline module, a strength-increasing module, etc.)
  • In the computer games Parkan and Parkan 2, exoskeletons are used in combat suits.

see also



  • [email protected]: Americans are ready to put infantry exoskeletons on the conveyor belt
  • Wearable Power Assist Suit
  • Ireland On-line: Wheelchair-bound Japanese man looks to robot suit (English)
  • Building the Real Iron Man
  • Pentagon to Develop Super-Suits
  • - Exoskeleton (English)
  • LIFESUIT Robotic Exoskeleton


  • "From a scientific point of view. Make me superman" Naked Science. Make me Superhuman ) is a popular science film produced by National Geographic in 2010.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Exoskeletons are robotic suits, ranging from prosthetics to full enclosed spacesuits, that allow humans to perform actions that are either difficult or impossible. Exoskeletons vary in size, from lightweight manipulators to giant machines (mechs). Russian engineer Nikolai Yagn is considered the inventor of the first exoskeleton. In modern times, exoskeletons are gaining momentum, thanks to the rapid development of science and technology: they give people superhuman strength, the ability to walk - people with disabilities, move faster and even fly. Ideally, we need the exoskeleton of “Iron Man” from the film of the same name. In reality, a work suit will do for lifting hundreds of kilograms without any extra effort.

Already this year, the Russian armed forces will begin to receive the first serial exoskeleton EO-01.02 produced by GB Engineering. The system will simplify tasks associated with forced marches over long distances and carrying heavy loads, effectively relieving the load from the spine. The new product has already been tested by the troops and, in particular, was used in Syria. According to general director product development company Sergei Smaglyuk, one officer in an exoskeleton carried a 35-kilogram control panel for the “-6” robotic demining complex for nine hours and was almost not tired.

Over time, words acquire a new primary meaning, and the one that appeared first gradually fades into the background. An exoskeleton is, first of all, external type skeleton in some invertebrate animals. However, now in people’s heads this word evokes an image not of a crab, but of a character from some science fiction film.

The first analogue of the exoskeleton as a mechanism was proposed by the Russian inventor Nicholas Yagin (in the document he is referred to as “a subject Russian Empire Nicholas Yagn") back in 1890. At least, it was then that he received the corresponding patent for an “apparatus for facilitating walking.” The device made it possible to run faster, jump higher and get less tired. Yagin’s “exoskeleton” had no active amplifiers, and gas was used to increase thrust. By the way, its modern analogue can be called the so-called “jumpers”.

About 70 years later, the first exoskeleton in its current sense appeared. The design was developed with common effort General Electric and the US military. The Hardiman model was not elegant appearance: It was a massive and heavy mechanism, capable of lifting enormous weight. Technical difficulties did not allow the development of the project, which was closed even before testing with human participation: individual components worked, but in the form of an assembled exoskeleton it posed a threat to the tester.

The idea of ​​​​creating such devices continued to excite the minds of scientists and engineers, but for a long time They couldn’t produce anything worthwhile or practical. Until recently, the most interesting specimens could only be seen in science fiction films. They are included in the first part of our top exoskeletons and exosuits.

Fantastic, and nothing more

1. Caterpillar P-5000 Power Loader from the 1986 film Aliens. It was intended to be a four-limbed machine, but after the release of Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, James Cameron thought it looked too much like a walking AT-AT. The result was a bipedal exoskeleton that became the prototype for the AMP (Mitsubishi MK-6 Amplified Mobility Platform) from 2009's Avatar.

Mitsubishi MK-6 Amplified Mobility Platform

The P-5000 is such a hard worker, capable of increasing a person’s strength thousands of times and lifting a load of up to four tons. A hydrogen battery was used as a power source, there were three motors to drive the elevator and lower limbs. Even today, such a mechanism, invented decades ago, if it appeared, would become a great assistant people in enterprises. And its design, like its capabilities, does not look so fantastic.

By the way, in addition to the P-5000, in “Aliens” (in the entire franchise) there is another example of an exoskeleton - these are, in fact, the xenomorphs themselves at some stages of their lives.

2. Armored Personnel Unit (APU) from the cult trilogy "The Matrix". The devices are first seen in the film “The Matrix Reloaded”, and they can be seen in action in “Revolution”: both films were released in 2003 in the spring and autumn, respectively. According to the history of the fictional world, a total of 120 thousand of these monsters were released, of which just over three hundred remained in an active state.

Unlike the P-5000, APUs were combat units with two 30 mm rapid-fire machine guns - one on each upper limb. TO weaknesses mechanisms include the lack of a protected cockpit and the need to reload the guns manually with the participation of people. In the first case, the decision was dictated by the desire of the designers to show the characters of the film, and not hide them behind glass and metal. Although the mechanisms themselves were not particularly strong, since they had to be highly maneuverable. They found themselves in our top thanks to the spectacular footage of their participation during the Battle of Zion (Zion).

3. Costume series Mark, which is being developed by Tony Stark's company Stark Industries, ranked 16th among the 25 largest fictional corporations in the world. By the way, the first place in this ranking belongs to CHOAM from the Dune universe, 20th place goes to Cyberdyne Systems Corp., sad famous for creating terminators.

Choosing a single Iron Man model among dozens seems like a thankless task, so for the overall fertility of Stark Industries and diversity, we’ll give this place to the Marks. Particularly popular, however, are those that appeared in the film franchise: the red and gold suit is familiar and familiar to almost everyone. The multifunctional device not only significantly enhances a person’s capabilities, but also allows him to fly.

It uses a nuclear reactor and repulsors as a power source, which are also found in " Star Wars" This is the most fantastic exoskeleton presented in our rating. The technologies used in it are far from being implemented in reality, and one cannot expect the appearance of analogues in the foreseeable future.

4. Unlike Stark Industries' Mark suits, exoskeleton of Matt Damon's character named Max from the science-fiction film “Elysium: Heaven Not on Earth” is probably a contender for the creation of a “real-life” model. True, there are some nuances: it connects directly to the wearer’s body (including the brain), turning a person into a kind of cyborg. Otherwise, this is an excellent example of how technology can be used to save people from illnesses and make them stronger and faster.

According to experts, Max's suit operates on approximately the same principles as existing models and prototypes. Of course, it is lighter, has more degrees of freedom, and in its case there is no problem with the power supply. The main obstacle is creating an efficient and secure human-computer interface when the two become one. Someday this will become a reality.

5. Combat Jacket from the sci-fi action movie "Edge of Tomorrow" starring Tom Cruise. The exoskeleton does not have any “trade” name and is one of the modifications of standard ammunition for future soldiers. Both very real “barrels” - FN SCAR-H (Mk 17) with an FN EGLM (Mk 13) grenade launcher - and non-existent ones (shoulder-mounted autocannon and 16-round rocket launcher) are used as combat equipment.

If we're being picky, in a real battle, Major William Cage's suit will not be as effective as we would like. It can only be used in a fight with a lightly armed enemy: there is no armor and the first stray bullet will be the last. However, not all armies participating in combat operations today use body armor or other personal protective equipment for their soldiers.

The Combat Jacket exoskeleton is an example of what may be available to some armies in the very near future. By the way, the models worn by Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt are assembled from many elements and are not complete props. According to the fashion designer who assembled the exosuits for filming, each of them consists of 350-400 parts.

Without looking into the future

The following are five samples of existing exoskeletons that are being tested or used by the military, civil organizations or medical institutions. Some design features These devices are borrowed from science fiction literature and cinema: it is no secret that many of the gadgets that currently exist in the past were nothing more than images in the heads of inventors, writers and dreamers.

1. We give first place to the exoskeleton, the need for which is really obvious. System ReWalk It is already in its sixth version and is a commercial product. Its price may seem unattainable for many: one copy will cost approximately $85 thousand. Initially, two models of the device were released: one was used by medical institutions for research and therapy under the supervision of doctors, the second was intended for personal use.

The ReWalk exoskeleton helps patients who, for one reason or another, are unable to move independently. The system consists of a “backpack” weighing 2.3 kg, which houses the battery and Windows computer, and “legs” weighing a total of 21 kg. The battery capacity is enough for three hours of continuous walking, and it takes about eight hours to charge.

The device, which is custom-made, operates in three modes: it supports a person while walking, sitting and standing. Some users complain about the excessive weight of the system and its high cost (in the US, insurance does not cover the cost of purchasing an exoskeleton).

An analogue of ReWalk is the project Indego, which is not yet available to buyers and is used in research purposes and medical institutions. Its sales may begin in 2015. There are other projects focused on the rehabilitation of people with musculoskeletal disorders.

2. Exoskeleton Rex can be classified as “Obvious - incredible”. It not only gives strength to muscles that cannot contract, but is also controlled through thoughts. The first completely paralyzed person to be placed on a ventilator was 21-year-old Rob Camm, who was involved in a car accident in 2013. Former athlete didn't give up and continued to lead active life(according to your capabilities). As a result, he managed to take several almost independent steps.

To set the exoskeleton in motion, a special helmet with 79 electrodes is used, which takes readings of brain activity and transforms them into commands for the machine. It is obvious that the first steps are given to Rob with great difficulty, but the opportunity given to the young man delights him.

A total of 17 such mechanisms were produced. They are only available in medical institutions.

3. Human Universal Load Carrier (HULC) is being developed by Ekso Bionics (which also produces systems for medical use). The device is aimed at the military and in the future will allow a person to carry a load weighing about 90 kg at speeds of up to 16 km/h (this is slightly below average running performance) over a distance of approximately 20 km. When lifting and carrying heavy objects, the exoskeleton takes on the entire load, otherwise there would be a danger of injury to the operator.