MOSCOW, January 10 - RIA Novosti, Sergey Lyutykh. The victims of the former Angarsk policeman and serial killer Mikhail Popkov, known by his nicknames “Angara maniac” and “cleaner”, could have been 81 people. This became known from an investigator at a meeting in the Irkutsk Regional Court, where the issue of extending Popkov’s detention in a pre-trial detention center was being decided. If this information is confirmed, the ex-policeman from Angarsk, who hunted people from 1994 to 2000, will become the bloodiest maniac in the history of Russia and the USSR.

Bloody count

Twenty-two murders and two counts of causing grievous bodily harm have already been proven and included in the guilty verdict dated January 14, 2015, according to which Popkov was sentenced to life imprisonment. At the same time, a RIA Novosti source in law enforcement agencies in the region reported that the defendant announced the murder of more than a dozen more people.

Source: Irkutsk maniac confessed to more than 10 more murdersCurrently, the investigation is checking him for involvement in similar crimes, said senior assistant to the head of the department Karina Golovacheva. She noted that investigators have been working with Mikhail Popkov for about two months.

The investigation treated the ex-policeman’s words with skepticism, because exposed maniacs tend to attribute unnecessary things to themselves for the sake of notoriety. And for those sentenced to life imprisonment, participation in investigative actions and trials becomes the only available entertainment.

However, the information received from Popkov began to be confirmed during the inspection. The result of the work of investigators, operatives and forensic experts two years later was materials on 47 episodes of murder, charges for which were brought against the ex-policeman.

Senior assistant to the head of the ICR department for Irkutsk region Karina Golovacheva told RIA Novosti that the verification of data on the deaths of 12 more people continues, since in total he spoke about 59 victims (in addition to the 22 indicated in the court verdict).

Thus, we're talking about about the lives of 81 people tragically interrupted by a serial killer in uniform. Even without taking into account the 12 episodes that have not yet been identified by the investigation, the “Angara maniac” can be called the bloodiest maniac in the history of Russia and the USSR. For comparison, Andrei Chikatilo has 53 proven murders, and the “Bitsa maniac” Alexander Pichushkin has 49.

Policeman and gravedigger

Popkov, as typical of a classic serial killer, led a double life. The mother, wife and daughter did not believe the investigators for a long time; they brought parcels and notes with words of support to the pre-trial detention center. But after information about the arrest of the Angarsk maniac hit the media, the relatives had to urgently change their place of residence and hide, fearing revenge from the city residents.

The “Angara maniac” served in the police for just over ten years. It was this period of his life that he devoted to “hunting” people. He worked in the police department on duty, from where he left at night under various pretexts. He got behind the wheel of his car (sometimes while wearing uniform) and drove around the city. Colleagues probably thought that Mikhail was thus earning extra money as a driver. After all, these were the 90s, when many people’s salaries were not even enough for food.

According to a source in law enforcement agencies, Popkov was a very mediocre policeman and did not become famous for any achievements in his service. He worked every other day, mechanically fulfilling the required duties of the duty officer. The killer was much more active in free time and among his friends he was known as an excellent hiker, skier and cook.

No one was surprised that in Popkov’s trunk there were constantly dozens of different tools, including saws and chisels, which he used as murder weapons. After all, he was also a jack of all trades.

In addition, the maniac was constantly involved in physical education and even received the title of candidate master of sports in biathlon.

After leaving the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Popkov got a job as a security guard. It is known that the maniac’s father worked in a cemetery and his son helped him dig graves from the age of eight.


All of the maniac's victims are women. They themselves got into his car. Then Popkov met the passengers and offered to relax together. After drinking alcohol together, he would persuade his victims to have sex or rape them, and then kill them. Thus, Popkov, in his own opinion, was engaged in cleansing the city of libertines and for this reason he calls himself a “cleaner.”

© RIA Novosti/Aurora. Peter Romanov

© RIA Novosti/Aurora. Peter Romanov

Popkov experimented, using a variety of tools as weapons, and gradually increased the cruelty with which he took away human lives. He killed his first victim in 1994 with a blow to the head with a bottle. And in the summer of 2000 Popkov, he dealt with two women at once, taking them to a deep forest. One of the victims received 18 blows to the head with a screwdriver, and the other received 70 various wounds.

Long investigation

The search for the “Angara maniac” lasted almost two decades. Popkov was detained only in June 2012. Two clues led detectives to the killer: from the tires of his Niva and DNA samples. All owners of cars of this brand in the Irkutsk region who had the same blood type and Rh factor as the maniac were checked - more than 30 thousand people. Moreover, the operatives took DNA samples secretly from them.

As part of the investigation, 3.5 thousand genetic examinations were carried out. A long-term search for a maniac led detectives to Alexei Kutenkov, who attacked 12 children, as well as the man who killed a woman in 2010 and the leader of a criminal group involved in robberies and thefts, nicknamed Bison.

Popkov was detained in a train compartment on the way to Vladivostok. Special forces soldiers took part in the operation. However, the maniac did not resist, and soon even began to cooperate with the investigation.

Known by the nicknames “Angara maniac” and “cleaner”, 81 people could become. This became known from an investigator at a meeting in the Irkutsk Regional Court, where the issue of extending Popkov’s detention in a pre-trial detention center was being decided. If this information is confirmed, the ex-policeman from Angarsk, who hunted people from 1994 to 2000, will become the bloodiest maniac in the history of Russia and the USSR.

New Chikatilo

Twenty-two murders and two counts of causing grievous bodily harm have already been proven and included in the guilty verdict dated January 14, 2015, according to which Popkov was sentenced to life imprisonment. At the same time, a RIA Novosti source in law enforcement agencies in the region reported that the defendant announced the murder of more than a dozen more people.

The investigation treated the ex-policeman’s words with skepticism, because exposed maniacs tend to attribute unnecessary things to themselves for the sake of notoriety. And for those sentenced to life, participation in investigative actions and trials becomes the only entertainment available.

However, the information received from Popkov began to be confirmed during the inspection. The result of the work of investigators, operatives and forensic experts, two years later, was materials on 47 episodes of murder, charges for which were brought against the ex-policeman.

Senior assistant to the head of the ICR department for the Irkutsk region, Karina Golovacheva, told RIA Novosti that verification of data on the deaths of another 12 people continues, since in total he spoke about 59 victims (in addition to the 22 indicated in the court verdict).

Thus, we are talking about the lives of 81 people, tragically interrupted by a serial killer in uniform. Even without taking into account the 12 episodes that have not yet been identified by the investigation, the “Angara maniac” can be called the bloodiest maniac in the history of Russia and the USSR. For comparison, Andrei Chikatilo has 53 proven murders, and the “Bitsa maniac” Alexander Pichushkin has 49.

Policeman and gravedigger

Popkov, as typical of a classic serial killer, led a double life. The mother, wife and daughter did not believe the investigators for a long time; they brought parcels and notes with words of support to the pre-trial detention center. But after information about the arrest of the Angarsk maniac hit the media, the relatives had to urgently change their place of residence and hide, fearing revenge from the city residents.

The “Angara maniac” served in the police for just over ten years. It was this period of his life that he devoted to “hunting” people. He worked in the police department on duty, from where he left at night under various pretexts. He got behind the wheel of his car (sometimes while wearing uniform) and drove around the city. Colleagues probably thought that Mikhail was thus earning extra money as a driver. After all, these were the 90s, when many people’s salaries were not even enough for food.

According to a source in law enforcement agencies, Popkov was a very mediocre policeman and did not become famous for any achievements in his service. He worked every other day, mechanically fulfilling the required duties of the duty officer. The killer was much more active in his free time and was known among his friends as an excellent hiker, skier and cook.

No one was surprised that in Popkov’s trunk there were constantly dozens of different tools, including saws and chisels, which he used as murder weapons. After all, he was also a jack of all trades.

In addition, the maniac was constantly involved in physical education and even received the title of candidate master of sports in biathlon.

After leaving the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Popkov got a job as a security guard. It is known that the maniac’s father worked in a cemetery and his son helped him dig graves from the age of eight.


All of the maniac's victims are women. They themselves got into his car. Then Popkov met the passengers and offered to relax together. After drinking alcohol together, he would persuade his victims to have sex or rape them, and then kill them. Thus, Popkov, in his own opinion, was engaged in cleansing the city of libertines and for this reason he calls himself a “cleaner.”

No statute of limitations\: catch up and overtake Chikatilo

Popkov experimented, using a variety of tools as weapons, and gradually increased the cruelty with which he took human lives. He killed his first victim in 1994 with a blow to the head with a bottle. And in the summer of 2000 Popkov, he dealt with two women at once, taking them to a deep forest. One of the victims received 18 blows to the head with a screwdriver, and the other received 70 various wounds.

Long investigation

The search for the “Angarsk maniac” lasted almost two decades. Popkov was detained only in June 2012. Two clues led detectives to the killer: from the tires of his Niva and DNA samples. All owners of cars of this brand in the Irkutsk region who had the same blood type and Rh factor as the maniac were checked - more than 30 thousand people. Moreover, the operatives took DNA samples secretly from them.

As part of the investigation, as many as 3.5 thousand genetic examinations were carried out. A long-term search for a maniac led detectives to Alexei Kutenkov, who attacked 12 children, as well as the man who killed a woman in 2010 and the leader of a criminal group involved in robberies and thefts, nicknamed Bison.

Popkov was detained in a train compartment on the way to Vladivostok. Special forces soldiers took part in the operation. However, the maniac did not resist, and soon even began to cooperate with the investigation.

IN Lately information appears in the media every now and then about murders committed former employees law enforcement. What is this frightening trend and why does the honor of the uniform sometimes interfere with solving obvious crimes?

Angarsk maniac Mikhail Popkov

Mikhail Popkov, a police officer in the city of Angarsk, Irkutsk region (he worked in the police until 1998), began counting his brutal murders in 1994. As a rule, Popkov offered women a ride in a car, took them out of town, where he killed and then raped them. Popkov had a variety of murder weapons: an axe, a knife, a screwdriver, an awl. Sometimes he used several tools at once, leaving numerous wounds, in other cases he strangled, and cut out the heart of one of the victims. All but one of the victims were intoxicated at the time of death. Popkov himself later said that in this way he cleared the city of unworthy and dissolute women.

Sometimes Popkov used a company car for attacks, offering the next victim a “lift home.” Popkov’s only surviving victim, Evgenia Protasova, told investigators after the attack that the maniac showed her his police ID. The girl miraculously survived after mushroom pickers found her in the forest.

He showed me his ID, I didn’t get into the car, he showed it to me, I believed and got into the car, he smiled, I believed, I literally needed a three-minute ride home. He took me away, beat me severely, I ran away from him, but he was playing sports, I could not escape, he beat me severely and thought that he had killed me, but they saved me.

Surprisingly, the investigative and operational group in Angarsk was formed only in 1998, when the killer already had 24 victims. Locals They suspect that for the time being it was convenient for their police to attribute the “hangings” to an uncaught maniac. Moreover, Popkov himself often went with his colleagues to crime scenes and helped keep records.

After a year and a half of the group’s work, the investigation made no progress, and in 2000 a new one was created. It included Nikolai Kitaev, a talented investigator who wrote a dissertation on unconventional methods of exposing murderers, a kind of local Sherlock Holmes, and his colleagues called him an investigator from God.

He examined 15 operational search cases that related to unsolved murders of women in the Angarsk region, and concluded that the investigative measures were carried out poorly. After this, Kitaev offered to give him the appropriate powers and promised that then he would catch the criminal in 6 months. As journalists who investigated the trail of the Angarsk maniac wrote, after Kitaev’s report, silence reigned in the office. After some time, Merzlyakov said: “Everything that was said here should not go beyond the boundaries of this office. Otherwise, Moscow will kick us all out.” Soon after this, in March 2001, Kitaev was fired from the authorities due to the dissolution of regional transport structures. Many believe that if Kitaev had been given the appropriate powers, the rapist would have been caught much earlier.

Kitaev told reporters how his colleagues did not take into account the testimony of Popkov’s very surviving victim. At first, Ekaterina Protasova was completely refused to initiate a criminal case, as Kitaev noted, on far-fetched grounds. The case was opened only six months later. After Protasova said that a policeman had attacked her, she was brought to the station, and the girl even identified Popkov. However, he found an alibi - it was provided by the man's partner. The similarity between the policeman and the maniac was explained by the fact that Svetlana was in a state of passion. The case was sent to the archives.

In the same year, Sergeant Popkov resigned - immediately after he was promoted to the rank of officer. Colleagues were surprised, but no one seemed to admit the obvious. This is despite the fact that the days when the crimes occurred never coincided with Popkov’s duty. Thus, the investigation dragged on for another 11 years. Since 2000, a group of investigators in the capital began to work on the theory that the killer was wearing a police uniform. However, the criminal was identified only in 2012 using DNA and car traces that he left at the crime scene. By this time, there had been no new victims for a long time: the killer knew about the progress of the investigation, and when the capital’s law enforcement officers began to look for the criminal using DNA, he hid. Former police officer Mikhail Popkov was arrested on June 23, 2012, when he was trying to drive a newly purchased car from Vladivostok. He surrendered without resistance, although he initially confessed to only three murders. Also, Popkov never admitted that he raped his victims. Two years have passed since the sentencing of ex-policeman Mikhail Popkov. He was sentenced to life for 22 murders of women and two attempts committed from 1992 to 2000. But after Popkov confessed to 59 more murders. If Popkov's involvement in these murders is proven, then in total he killed 81 women.

Popkov's relatives - his wife, daughter and sister - did not believe that their dear person - Serial killer. Mikhail's wife Elena Popkova described her husband as kind, faithful and loving person. In addition, the woman was perplexed: how could her husband come home without traces of blood on his clothes? The woman claims that she never noticed anything strange either in Mikhail’s behavior or in his appearance.

If he were released now, I wouldn’t say anything, we would continue to live. I love him, I support him, he hasn’t done anything bad to me for so many years. I'm really in favor stone wall.

Daughter Ekaterina, who is now about 30 years old, also came to the show. She, too, did not believe until recently that her father could have committed all these murders.

After the identity of the criminal was finally revealed, Mikhail Popkov’s acquaintances began to discuss this news on Angarsk forums. Many are shocked, because half the city knew Popkov personally. Some believe that Popkov had an accomplice, others believe that Popkov was physically unable to commit so many crimes and admits to the murders intentionally. Some are also outraged by the fact that investigators did not consider Popkov's wife an accomplice: according to commentators, almost all the victims were wearing gold and silver jewelry, which no one began to look for, and perhaps Elena hid them.

Why is Popkov’s wife not recognized as an accomplice? Or was it not she who washed the blood from her husband’s police uniform? Or wasn't she the one who wore the victims' gold jewelry? Or was it not she who didn’t ask unnecessary questions to her gentle husband?.. How many other Angarsk policemen have such devoted wives?

Mishanya is not a fool. Fuck him in the zone. In the pre-trial detention center, he will sit out until he stops and confess to more murders. He is a former cop and knows how to delay his arrival at the zone.

Knew him personally. He was always cheerful, joked, and was interested in cars. His nickname was Misha Subaru. When I found out that he was the murderer, my first desire was to go wash the hand I shook hands with him.

Pedophile Yuri Tiunov

In January of this year, a 12-year-old girl, Nastya Dyakova, was kidnapped in Orenburg. This was done by a 29-year-old Perm loader, who previously worked for a year in the Krasnokamsk traffic police, Yuri Tiunov. At about 15:00 Nastya was near a residential building on Rodimtseva Street, where she was abducted by an attacker. A man pushed a girl into a Lada Granta car white and taken away in an unknown direction.

From the trunk of the car, Nastya was able to call her mother and ask for help. The Interception plan was announced in the city, but it did not produce results. More than 160 volunteers joined the search for the schoolgirl. After analyzing recordings from surveillance cameras, investigators compiled a description vehicle kidnapper. As a result, one of the groups of volunteers discovered a similar car around 21:00 in the area of ​​the city dump on a country road. Volunteers passed information about the suspicious car to law enforcement officers, who arrived at the scene and detained the driver of the car, who turned out to be Yuri Tiunov. A kidnapped girl was found alive and unharmed in his car. As it turned out later, Tiunov drugged her with an unknown liquid, apparently so that the child would stop resisting. Tiunov himself was also under the influence of alcohol and drugs at the time of his arrest.

Tiunov later confessed to other crimes. It turned out that in 2011 he raped two boys skiing in the forest, and two years later he killed 7-year-old first-grader Kirill Usoltsev, who had been searched for for more than three years without success. This became clear after the genotypes of the detained kidnapper and the maniac who committed crimes in Perm region, coincided. The remains of Kirill's body were found on summer cottage the killer's parents.

Tiunov's acquaintances could not believe that Yuri could do such a thing, although they admit that he has recently, apparently, become addicted to drugs:

We studied together to become electricians at a technical school. He seemed to be a good kid, he played sambo, football, and volleyball. His family is very ordinary. He lived with his mother and older sister. Yura was late child, his mother was just over forty when he was born. The woman was shaking over her son, doing everything for him. He was an average student at the technical school. There weren’t enough stars in the sky, but he was a leader in any company. But after studying, I wilted a little. I remember I still couldn’t get a job. The guys said that that’s when he started borrowing small amounts from his friends. I didn’t repay the debts to anyone. I think something happened to him at that time.

There are many drug addicts and hucksters in our city, which is why we are famous throughout the country. Tiunov and I studied in the same class. I often saw Yura in the yard. I ran into him in the store. He hasn't looked well lately. Once I said hello to him, he looked at me so strangely and asked in surprise: “Who are you?” That's when I suspected something was wrong. Well, later our mutual friends said that Yurka was addicted to drugs.

We worked together. He was listed in warehouses and was engaged in assembling goods. He didn’t seem to be a mean guy, but he often came in smothered. He got irritated over little things and lashed out at his employees. However, things didn’t go beyond words. He didn’t raise his hand to anyone.

Ritual killer Arsen Bayrambekov

The ritual murders became known after a mass grave was discovered at the Verkhnyaya Pyshma cemetery near Yekaterinburg: human bodies, burnt and covered with tape. After identification, it turned out that the dead were homeless people who lived in the same cemetery. However, the operatives might not have been able to get on the trail of the 39-year-old former policeman if not for chance.

A little history: Arsen was born in Makhachkala, went in for sports, and in 1999 got a job in the patrol service at the city police department. Afterwards he was sent on a business trip to Dagestan, and in 2000 he resigned from the authorities and became a coach of the Thai Boxing Federation. Investigators believe that Bayrambekov committed the first murder for the sake of making money: in 2003, a businessman involved in trucking ordered a former policeman to kill a competitor. Bayrambekov borrowed a Kalashnikov assault rifle from a friend and waylaid the victim near the entrance to the shopping pavilion. I received 1.5 thousand dollars for this. Bayrambekov committed the next murder seven years later. As the investigation established, he was hired by another entrepreneur who sold food at vegetable base No. 4 in Yekaterinburg. The businessman promised 500 thousand rubles for the elimination of a competitor.

That same year, the former policeman became interested in the occult. The former policeman worshiped, as he admitted, pagan gods. During prayers and rituals, they allegedly convinced him of the need for sacrifices.

Slavic pagan gods do not need worship and prayers. There are peculiar commodity-money relations here: a person can ask God for certain benefits for himself and give something to God for this. When turning to God, it is necessary to give what is required - an offering. The more complex the request, the more required. When communicating, the gods themselves say what they need as a requirement. The light gods need to offer food as a sacrifice, the dark gods need a more powerful sacrifice in energy terms. You can offer a blood sacrifice, raw meat or strong alcohol to the dark gods.

Bayrambekov built something like an altar out of stones and brought “sacrifices” there. First - in the form of killed animals: goats, cats, chickens. Afterwards, Arsen met a like-minded woman (her name is now being hidden by the investigation), and together they decided to find the so-called sixth victim. In the ideology that Bayrambekov shared, killing a person is considered the sixth victim - the highest measure. The first sacrifice, for example, is bread.

Thus, the attackers killed a 20-year-old young man from a dysfunctional family, whom the occultists met by chance on the street. Offering him a drink, the couple put the guy in the car and drove him into the forest. Already in the forest, Bayrambekov, athletic and physically strong, tied the victim hand and foot, and stuffed a gag into his mouth. Then he took the guy to an improvised altar - a circle made of stones. He cut the guy's throat in cold blood and, after reading prayers, took off the clothes from the corpse. Then he lowered the body into a pre-dug hole nearby.

The next victim was a drunk 36-year-old man lying on the side of the road. Bayrambekov and his accomplice loaded the drunken man into a car and drove him into the forest. He lost his life without regaining consciousness. The fourth was an ordinary worker voting on the road. Bayrambekov offered his fellow traveler a drink, and he agreed. They killed the unfortunate man according to the same scheme. The occult fan chose a no less mystical place for his rituals - Ganina’s pit, where the remains of Emperor Nicholas II and his family were buried.

Law enforcement became interested in missing people. During the operational activities, detectives heard about a woman who told her friends that she had witnessed the murder. This witness turned out to be Bayrambekov’s friend. She was detained and pointed to an accomplice. The former policeman was arrested on August 1, 2015. Already on August 3, he confessed to everything, but in his testimony he often mentioned Slavic gods who supposedly come to him and ask him to kill. The examination showed that Bayrambekov is completely sane. Bayrambekov’s case will be considered by the Verkhnepyshminsky City Court of the Sverdlovsk Region.

  • The serial killer from Angarsk - former policeman Mikhail Popkov - killed not only women. It became known that among his victims was police captain Yevgeny Shkurikhin. In 1999, Popkov gave a lift to his colleague. A conflict broke out between the men. Mikhail took his opponent to the forest, where he inflicted several knife wounds on him, from which Shkurikhin died.
  • An entire team is involved in the investigation of the murders of the Angarsk maniac, which was allocated a separate two-story building in the center of Angarsk. There are already more than 300 volumes in the criminal case.
  • In psychiatry, the diagnosis “homicidomania” is known: literally, a passion for murder. In mentally ill patients, homicidomania is usually not a symptom. mental disorder, but develops on the basis of corresponding other personality qualities. For this reason, many patients with homicidomania are recognized as sane by forensic psychiatrists and the court in relation to the murders or attempted murders they are accused of.
  • Violence - main reason deaths of people aged 15 to 45 years. More than 1.6 million people die every year on earth from violent causes. Thus, every minute in the world a person dies as a result of an attack.

The “Angara maniac” may go down in history as the bloodiest killer not only in Russia, but also in the world. And he fought, as he himself says, for the purity of morals among women.

Medialeaks told the story of a man who took the blame for almost six dozen murders. Last year, Popkov was found guilty of 22 murders of women, and then spoke about another 37 cases of massacres (59 victims in total). All these episodes took place from 1994 to 2007.

The Popkov family moved to Angarsk from Norilsk in 1967. Mikhail’s father dug graves in the cemetery, and the boy helped him from the age of eight.

Popkov said that he ended up working in the police by accident. He received secondary technical education, served in the army, got married and worked at a factory nitrogen fertilizers. In 1987, on the way home, he met a classmate who worked in the police, was tempted by easier working conditions and got a job there.

Popkov was 22 years old at the time and had just given birth to a daughter. Later he ended up in the duty station of Angarsk, where he worked for a total of six years.

The essence of the work was to receive requests from citizens, direct and take operatives to the scene of the incident, without interfering with their work. Popkov has proven himself well, his former colleagues say.

He soon rose from assistant operational duty officer to shift duty officer. Later, having become a suspect in a murder case, he received positive characterization from the authorities.

The first murder of which he was found guilty was committed in 1994, six years after he began working in the duty department.

The victim was a young woman who told Popkov that she didn’t really want to return to her husband after a party with friends. He bought her alcohol, and later her charred skull and bone fragments were found in the forest.

At first it was established that Popkov was involved in 29 episodes. Almost all the victims were young adult women under 30 years of average height who were intoxicated.

Mikhail stopped next to them in his car and offered them a ride; many knew him and that he worked in the police. Popkov offered his victims a drink, had heart-to-heart conversations, and could even buy them alcohol, although he explained during the investigation that he was “cleansing” the city of riotous women.

The killer took his victims to the forest and raped them (only one victim, who turned out to be sober, escaped this fate), and then killed different ways: shovel, knife, hammer, rope, with bare hands. He could cover them with snow, earth or leaves, or he could simply throw them by the side of the road.

One of the victims had his heart cut out. Some sources claim that he did not touch women who refused to drink under the pretext that their husband or loved one was waiting for them at home and even respected them.

Two girls managed to survive. One of them, Evgenia Protasova, woke up in the forest in the summer of 1999 with a broken head.

The girl was 18 years old, she had a fight with a guy and was left alone on the road at night. Popkov offered to give her a ride and showed her his police ID, after which he raped her and tried to kill her, she told the media.

But he drove past my house, took me out of town and beat me badly. I woke up in the hospital: I had a coma and partial amnesia. Later, at a confrontation, I identified him,” the victim said.

Another survivor, whose name is unknown, with a severe traumatic brain injury, came to her senses already in the morgue, where she was taken after hours spent in the forest in winter.

She later identified the man who tried to kill her, but the girl’s testimony was attributed to a state of passion. Colleagues did not even suspect Mikhail, who had a good reputation.

There are several explanations for why Popkov began committing murders. In 1992, he suspected his wife of cheating.

Elena said that he found two used condoms in the trash can, but “RG” describes this episode more colorfully. According to journalists, he came home from his shift earlier than usual and saw a seven-year-old daughter dressed inappropriately for the weather in the courtyard of the house, who said that her mother was “at home with her uncle” at that moment. Popkov found his wife at home alone, albeit in a very understaffed state, and the “uncle” managed to escape from the second floor.

The deceived husband found out that it was his wife’s colleague, and a little later he stuffed his face. Later, the wife admitted that after this incident, Mikhail forced her to quit her job, although she did not directly admit the betrayal.

In an interview with KP, Popkov himself said that this was an “impetus” for him.

I only had reasons to suspect her. I’m not looking for an excuse for myself, but this became an impetus for my future. If I had caught the betrayal, I might have acted completely differently. Each person experiences it in his own way: some felt everything easily and forgot, others felt it painfully,” said Popkov.

He says that he never stopped loving his wife and was very afraid of killing her: when he woke up, the first thing he did was run to her room to make sure that everything was fine, and even gave up alcohol. A neighbor described their family as ideal.

This was an exemplary family. It was nice to look at them: well-groomed, sporty, a tall man, wife and daughter are beauties. When he went to work, his wife saw him off, standing by the window. He always waved to her. And they always walked holding hands,”

the neighbor noted.

Investigators explained Popkov's craving for murder differently: in the case materials, Baikal-info reports, there is an expert opinion that Popkov suffers from homicidomania with sadistic elements, that is, in ordinary language, an attraction to killing people.

Popkov had an acute intolerance to alcohol and the people who drank it. Almost all of his victims were drunk; he himself openly said that he wanted to punish women who got drunk, abandoning their family and children.

For example, a girl decided to go for a walk with a group of people. Proper development what is the situation after the banquet? Either she stays overnight with friends, or they call her a taxi, or they escort her home. There are no more options. Isn't it logical? Logical. But not for all women... They left their husbands and children at home and walked as if in last time. There are no sinless people, yes. But you can’t hurt your loved ones,”

Popkov expressed his opinion.

An alcohol-related episode also led to his dismissal from the police: in 1999, Popkov severely beat a man who was taken to the duty station while intoxicated. According to investigators, by that time the term of his long-service pension had come, and, in addition, because of this episode, relations with his colleagues became strained, so Mikhail decided to quit and started moving cars.

But the murders did not stop: after the verdict, he began to confess to episodes committed up to 2007. Popkov was detained in 2012, 10 years after the local press published an identikit of the killer, almost perfectly matching his appearance.

After the verdict, Mikhail said that while working in the police, he twice went out to investigate his own crimes, but was always confident in himself, since he left no traces.

And what? What could I do there if I came along with the operatives? Get rid of evidence in front of their eyes? Although I will repeat once again: they were not there. The tracks should not be confused. You just shouldn’t leave them,”

Popkov said.

He was only mistaken when a trace from his car was found near one of the bodies. However, Popkov could not even imagine that a criminal in the 21st century could be identified using DNA analysis.

I couldn't have foreseen the DNA testing. Born in the wrong century. This is what they are like now modern technologies, methods, but did not exist before. If we had not reached this level of development of genetic testing, then... I would not be sitting in front of you,” -

Popkov said.

In 2000, investigator Nikolai Kitaev noticed that many unsolved investigations into the murders of girls in the region were being conducted poorly, and asked his superiors for the appropriate powers to catch the criminal. But the management was afraid of the wrath of higher authorities and fired Kitaev.

When Popkov was swabbed for DNA analysis and he realized that he would soon be detained, he did not even try to hide. Later, the man explained that he would have been put on the wanted list anyway, but he didn’t want to live in the taiga.

The media reported that immediately after his arrest, the man tried to hang himself in a pre-trial detention center (although the Federal Penitentiary Service denies this), and then asked the investigators not to use his real name and surname, and tried to hide his face from journalists. He explained this by saying that ill-wishers might begin to take revenge on his family.

During the announcement of the life sentence in January 2015, Popkov, according to journalists’ descriptions, behaved confidently and even defiantly, and considered the sentence too harsh. He stated that he began to cooperate with the investigation only because he was counting on a mitigation of the punishment and hoped that some of the crimes would not be imputed to him due to the statute of limitations.

He explained his motives.

I cleared the city of women of easy virtue. A woman should be at home, with her family, and not walk around the city at night and get into a car with unknown men. I had a dislike for such people, so I killed them,”

admitted Popkov.

At first the family did not turn away from the former policeman; his wife and daughter even came to Channel One to talk show air protect him. Elena Popkova initially believed in her husband’s innocence.

If he were released now, I wouldn’t say anything, we would continue to live. I love him, I support him, he hasn’t done anything bad to me for so many years. I’m really like behind a stone wall,”

Elena spoke.

In the photo: Elena Popkova, wife of the “Angarsk maniac”

Antonina, Mikhail's mother, also doubted her son's guilt. Daughter Ekaterina, who is now about 30 years old, also came to the show. She, too, did not believe until recently that her father could have committed all these murders.

In the photo: Ekaterina Popokova, daughter of the “Angarsk maniac”

However, some time after the verdict, relations between the spouses went wrong. According to journalists, both his wife and daughter left Angarsk, Elena had new family in another region.

In the photo: "Angara maniac" Mikhail Popkov

Popkov told KP that he would like to change his life, starting with early childhood that he repented and should not have assessed the behavior of other people and punished them.

I don’t even have a goal right now. The most important thing for a person is that he can bring benefit. What value do I have? No... Maybe a writer will come to me and want to co-author a book with me, so that others will be embarrassed? I don’t know... Now in the pre-trial detention center I read a lot. The Bible, for example. I tried it, but didn’t get it,” -

Now the investigation has been entrusted to a special investigator important matters Evgeniy Karchevsky, who is responsible for the high-profile case of the “Irkutsk hammermen” - two guys who committed six murders from December 2010 to April 2011, gathering a group of fans around them on social networks.

For the investigation of this case, Karchevsky received the title “Best Investigator of the Irkutsk Region”, the keys to the Niva from the hands of the governor and became a kind of star of the region. The investigation is being carried out by a whole team, which has been allocated a separate two-story building in the center of Angarsk.

Already, the criminal case contains more than 300 volumes, charges have been brought for 47 murders. Popkov, in terms of the number of murders of which he is accused, is close to Chikatilo, who was found guilty of the deaths of 53 people.

For 20 long years, Siberian and Moscow detectives were looking for the most bloody maniac Russia. Angarsk resident Mikhail Popkov, also known by his nickname Misha Guinplaine, led a double life throughout this time. For everyone, he was an exemplary police officer and a decent family man, but it later turned out that this man killed more than 80 girls. Popkov committed his first murder in 1992, he was arrested only in 2012, and the investigation into his case is still ongoing.

Popkov worked in the police and often, together with task forces, went to the places where the bodies of the victims were found. Everything happened according to approximately the same scenario: a maniac drove up to a lonely drunk girl in a car and offered her a ride. He then took the victim into the forest, raped and killed. He acted according to this scheme for 15 long years.

Initially, Popkov destroyed the bodies of the murdered girls, but then left them and only got rid of the murder weapons. He liked to undress the bodies in a special way and leave scars on the faces of the victims. The criminal could even go out in search of victims in uniform and in an official car; he calmed the girls’ vigilance with his official ID.

In 1999, one of Popkov's victims survived, but was left without memory. She only told the investigators that the maniac’s name was Mikhail and he worked for the police; this was confirmed by a uniform button found at the site of one of the murders. That same year, Popkov resigned from service and went to work at a private security company.

To catch Popkov, police tested the saliva of more than 3,500 suspects, including former police officers, and compared it with the killer’s material. Having passed the test, Popkov realized that his detention was only a matter of time. He did not hide, destroyed all the evidence, burned his old clothes and uniform, and waited for them to come for him. The maniac was detained in 2012, when he was already driving cars from Vladivostok. He was handcuffed on the train while he was traveling for new car.

Now Popkov is actively cooperating with the investigation, giving sincere confessions and telling everything in the smallest detail. According to one version, the criminal cooperates with the investigation only in order to stay longer in a pre-trial detention center, where conditions are milder than in a maximum security colony. He calls himself a “cleaner” and says that he rid the city of girls of indecent behavior, which he was allegedly prompted to do by his wife’s infidelity. Investigators have proven 22 murders committed by Popkov, and they are ready to send another 47 cases to court. 12 murders remain unproven, which, according to investigators, also lie on the conscience of the Angarsk maniac.