There are many legends surrounding secret societies. Some are sure that these organizations rule the world, others - that they are dangerous because they possess occult knowledge... But no one really understands what they do... One way or another, some of the medieval secret orders still exist. Today we will talk about the most famous of them.


The first Masonic lodge appeared in London in 1717, although rumors about this organization had circulated before. The goal of the society is the transfer and research of esoteric knowledge accumulated by humanity. Contrary to popular misconceptions, this is not a sect at all and not political organization. Masons have a complex internal hierarchy, their own system of rituals and secret signs by which they recognize each other.


This is an occult society founded at the beginning of the 15th century by Christian Rosenkreutz. They used magical practices to transform consciousness. Some researchers believe, by the way, that it was from the Rosicrucians that all other secret societies came, including the Masons.


The Order of the Bavarian Illuminati was founded in 1776 in Ingolstadt by philosopher, theologian and law professor Adam Weishaupt. Initially, Weishaupt planned to build his organization on the basis of Masonic traditions, but later decided to go his own way, although the order for a long time was associated with Freemasonry. There is a version that the Illuminati still secretly controls the world and it is they who should be blamed for various cataclysms, political and economic crises. Meanwhile, there is no evidence that the Illuminati exists in our time.


The founders of the Templar Order were nine knights who vowed to protect pilgrims in the Holy Land at the beginning of the 12th century. Later, the order began to grow, it had followers in many European countries. The Templars were a very strong and powerful organization that had real power, wealth and influence. There is even a legend that they owned such Christian relics as the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail and the Blood of Christ. But after they were persecuted and mass executed in the 14th century, the order lost its influence... Although perhaps this is just an illusion. In any case, rumors about the Templars still pop up in different parts of the world.

Skull and Bones

This secret society was founded by William Russell in 1832 at Yale University. Initially it was called the Eulogia Club. The organization is quite influential in our time. Among the members of Skull and Bones are heads of state, major industrial magnates, and heads of intelligence services. Society meetings are held twice a week. Although the organization borrowed many rituals from the Freemasons, some experts argue that it is just a harmless student fraternity...

Bohemian Club

This is a private men's arts club located in San Francisco. Every year in July, its members gather in Monte Rio, California, to an estate on the territory of the Bohemian Grove with red trees... The first such “race” took place back in 1899.

According to some reports, the club has 1,500 members, including presidents, government officials, bankers, industrialists, famous artists and musicians... To join the club, they say, you need to wait at least 15 years. It is believed that all these people come here on vacation, but there are known cases when commercial deals were concluded in the Bohemian Grove and important agreements were signed... There are also rumors that Masonic, Satanist and other occult rituals are held there, since there are many representatives of the Bohemian Club various secret societies.

And precisely because the collection of secret information is a very important activity, in many countries of the world secret agencies play a very important role. Failures in covert missions can lead to dire consequences (the 9/11 attack is one such example), while successful missions help the country avoid many tragedies.

We present to your attention the ten best, in our opinion, secret world agencies of our time. Please note that these are current agencies (sorry KGB fans).

Number 10 – KSRS (Canada)

The Canadian Secret Intelligence Service (CSRS) was formed in 1984 from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Like the CIA and MI6, the CRS was formed as a civilian agency with no ties to the military or police. Canadian secret agents worked both inside and outside the country.

They tried to monitor and prevent threats to Canada's security. KRSC came under criticism after the 1985 shooting down of Air India Flight 182 carrying 280 Canadian citizens. KSRS officials said several strategic errors resulted in the loss of black box data. To date, no one has been held accountable for this incident.

What to be proud of: From 1988 to 1994, CRPF agent Grant Bristow was infiltrated into the Canadian movement white supremacy and became chief of security for the Heritage Front, the most prominent white supremacist organization in Canada. Bristow's activities led to several arrests and prevented several "acts of retaliation." His cover was blown in 1994 by a Toronto journalist.

Number 9 – ACPA (Australia)

The Australian Secret Intelligence Agency (ASRA) was formed in 1952. His responsibilities included collecting classified information, counterintelligence, and especially countering other intelligence services in the world.

Most recently, the Australian government published a contested claim that allows ASRA to cooperate with other organizations (like the CIA) in various paramilitary operations, but does not require ASRA agents to personally participate in them.

ACPA has been criticized on several occasions, including one incident in 1994 when it was accused of keeping the personal files of thousands of Australian citizens secret.

What you can be "proud of": In 1983, during a training operation at the Sheraton Hotel (Melbourne), an ordinary low-profile agency attracted unwanted public attention. What began as a test of the organization's readiness to rescue a foreign secret service agent turned into a "total release."
The agents participating in the training put pressure on hotel employees and guests, and used physical strength to the hotel manager, thereby fulfilling “his mission.”

Number 8 – PIA (India)

Agency foreign intelligence India's Research and Analysis Unit (IAF) was formed in 1968 as a result of a major lack of intelligence required during the wars with Pakistan and China.

Unlike most Western agencies, the PIA was formed as one of the divisions of the Indian federal cabinet and does not bear any responsibility to the Indian Parliament. Much of the PIA's attention lately has been focused on India's neighbor Pakistan.

During the Kargil War in Kashmir in 1999, the PIA established links between Pakistani intelligence and terrorist groups and also infiltrated almost all paramilitary forces in the Kashmir valley.

Something to be proud of: PIA played a significant role in the formation of Bangladesh in 1971. The agency helped raise a wave of irritation with the ruling regime among the population of Bangladesh (then this country was part of Pakistan and was called East Pakistan), which led to the formation of the guerrilla army of Bangladesh.
The FIA ​​undercover infiltrated East Pakistan and carried out a number of secret operations, which helped defeat the Pakistani army.

Number 7 – MOSSAD (Israel)

Israel's extremely active intelligence agency (MOSSAD) is involved in intelligence gathering, counter-terrorism and various covert operations.

The director of the agency answers directly to the head of state - the prime minister. MOSSAD is a civilian service and its members do not have any military ranks, although most have served in the Israeli military (this is mandatory).
The most famous unit of MOSSAD is the Special Operations Division or Metsada. Metsada is responsible for several assassinations, military operations, sabotage and psychological warfare.

What to be proud of: In 1960, Mossad agents learned that Adolf Eichmann, a famous Nazi criminal, lived in Argentina under the name Ricardo Klement. He was kidnapped from the country by a group of Mossad agents and transported to Israel, where he was convicted and executed.

Number 6 – FSRC (Germany)

Predecessor agency Federal service Intelligence and Counterintelligence (FSRK) of Germany was formed before World War II and was intended to monitor the Soviet Union.
Currently, the agency is a kind of “early warning system” for the German government about the emergence of potential threats to the country’s security (tapping of telephone conversations and electronic surveillance of the international communications service).

The annual budget of the FSRC is very large and exceeds 430 million euros. FSRC has been embroiled in several recent internal scandals involving wiretapping and surveillance of journalists, and they have also used reporters as spies.

Something to be proud of: During the Iraq War in 2003, the German government refused to provide US President George W. Bush with military units to participate in the coalition. At the same time, two FSRC agents distinguished themselves by handing over copies of the Baghdad defense plans that were developed by Saddam Hussein a month before the invasion.

Number 5 – MSR (Pakistan)

Poor coordination between the Army, Navy and Air Force during the Indo-Pakistan War in 1947 led to the formation of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) a year later. Since then, the agency's influence has steadily grown, thanks to the influence of Pakistani leaders.

Since 9/11, MSI has worked extensively with the CIA to prevent terrorist attacks by both Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, as well as Pakistan's homegrown terrorists. The MSR is a deceptively active and powerful agency, known for its style of waging "stealth" wars.

Something to be proud of: In 1980, the MSI foiled an attempted plot against the President of Pakistan, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, during a national parade.

The conspirators, who included high-ranking military commanders, planned to carry out a bloody coup in the country and replace the existing rule with an extremist Islamic government. The MSI arrested the alleged plotters and their supporters before the planned coup began.

Number 4 – GDVB (France)

The General Directorate of External Security (GDVB) was formed relatively recently, in 1982, to replace the external counterintelligence service SDECE. The Directorate is responsible for collecting classified information and carrying out preventive measures to detect and find the activities of agents from other countries of the world directed against the interests of France.

Although the agency is low profile, this did not stop them from bombing the GREENPEACE fleet, which protested against France's nuclear tests. Thanks to the activity law enforcement New Zealand's conspiracy was exposed. Two GDVB agents were arrested and found guilty of the death of a journalist who drowned in that incident.

What you can be proud of: The GDVB Agency quickly demonstrated what it is worth. In the 80s, a group of Soviet spies was exposed, collecting information about technical developments of Western countries for the USSR. This is still the largest group of secret industrial espionage agents ever uncovered in Europe or the United States.

Number 3 – GRU (Russia)

When we think of Russian intelligence, we usually think of the KGB. However, the KGB was dissolved by Boris Yeltsin in 1995, while the even older Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) continued to operate despite the fall of the USSR. The GRU was formed in 1918 by Vladimir Lenin, and dealt with all matters of military intelligence.

Since that time, the GRU has taken part in many significant anti-national uprisings in Eastern Europe. If you believe the words former agent, the GRU has created a number of secret weapons depots in the United States that are available to Russian special agents.

What you can be proud of: The activities of the GRU are not very noticeable. But it is believed that it was involved in the assassination attempt on former Chechen President Zelimkhan Yandarbiev, who lived in Qatar until 2004 and was accused of collaborating with al-Qaeda. The assassination attempt took place in the Qatari capital, Doha, with a direct bomb hitting the car in which the president was sitting.

Number 2 – MI6 (UK)

The Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6, was formed just before World War I to monitor the activities of the Imperial German government. Over the years, MI6 has been involved in every significant conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Even before the terrorist attacks of September 11, MI6 actively collaborated with its American counterparts and shared classified intelligence, as well as taking an active part in covert operations. MI6, with the assistance of the CIA, took part in the overthrow of several ruling regimes around the world, the most famous of which were the revolutions in the Congo in 1961 and Iran in 1953.

Something to be proud of: 007 stories aside, MI6's most successful recent operation was the hostage rescue in Lebanon in the 1980s. In particular, thanks to MI6 agents, a serious internal conflict arose within Lebanese parliamentary groups, which made it no longer possible to hold the hostages.

Number 1 – CIA (USA)

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was founded in 1947. The agency's activities include the following three main functions:
1) Obtaining and analyzing information about foreigners,
2) Propaganda and public relations,
3) Secret operations related to the security of the president.

During times cold war The CIA was given greater freedom of action because American government believed that such freedom was necessary for successful opposition to the KGB.
As a result, the CIA was involved in many successful operations and failed attempts to eliminate unnecessary leaders of countries. The most famous among them were operations in Chile and Congo (successful), as well as in Cuba (unsuccessfully).

What to be proud of: Bay of Pigs Invasion may be the most significant, but BLUEBIRD (the James Bourne films starring Matt Damon) is more shocking. From 1951 to 1953, the CIA conducted experiments related to human mind control, which involved research into the process of creating a new human personality (or several) and replacing memories. For this purpose, electrodes were placed in a person's brain, which made it possible to control his behavior using remote transmitters, and electric shock treatment was used to erase his memory.

Shh...quiet. It's a secret

As you already understand, intelligence is not only an exact science. Dress up in it with successful operations, failures happen. Intelligence gathering and covert operations are extremely risky, requiring a lot of luck in addition to sound calculation (often everything is based on guesswork).

And failures, such as the unsuccessful attempts to eliminate Fidel Castro in the 60s, only confirm the fact that operations do not always go as smoothly as in the James Bond films.

Considering the pace of Russia's revival, this list will soon be modified;).

Over the centuries-old history of the world, there have been many different mysterious organizations: from ridiculous to militant. Each such community in its own way represents a story of human stupidity and error.

Mikhail Vinogradov about the world behind the scenes

In 2012, world news agencies reported the decryption of a mysterious document, originally designated as the Codex Copiale. There is no provenance, as well as information about the current owner of the manuscript. According to some reports, the 105-page manuscript, bound in green and gold glazet, was discovered in the archives of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR back in the 1970s.

A group of scientists from different countries managed to crack the code and read mysterious book. It turned out that written in German The 18th century code contains the initiation ritual of a German secret (similar to the Masonic) society, which was called Oculisten("Eye Opener").

Members of the secret society were ophthalmological surgeons from the Lower Saxon city of Wolfenbüttel, who imagined themselves as healers and guardians of all medical knowledge about the structure of the eye and vision. It is known that they were engaged in the treatment of cataracts. But no one except the initiates had any idea what was happening behind the scenes of this secret society, where the newcomer was taught to “see” by plucking hair from his eyebrows. After it was possible to decipher other pages of the manuscript, it turned out that Oculisten had another mission - to monitor the Freemasons.

The documents of this secret society included the completely secret rituals of free masons, up to the highest degrees of Freemasonry. Now they are quite well known, but at that time such information could only be obtained through espionage. It is possible that the Oculisten were either spies or a splinter group of Freemasonry created to protect their core rituals, if roman catholic church decides to deal with them in the same way as she did with .

It is not clear why the secret society of Irish-born miners in the coal mines of Pennsylvania in Liverpool, England and Canada was called "Molly Maguires"(Molly Maguires). According to employees at Lehigh University, this was the name of an Irish Catholic woman who refused to leave her home when the Protestant English kicked her out. The first mention of this organization is found on the pages of The Liverpool Mercury newspaper dated May 10, 1853.

In the anthracite fields of Pennsylvania, members of the secretive Molly Maguires replaced the absent unions, opposing low wages and shortening the working day from the stock market crash of 1873 until 1878, when the society was dissolved after arrests and executions. Working conditions in the mines, with a complete lack of safety measures, were appalling. Deaths and serious injuries occurred hundreds of times a year.

Irish miners underground organization The American coal trusts used the proven tactics of intimidation and violence that they had followed in their fight against Irish landlords during the so-called Land Wars (or Cogadh na Talún in Irish) from the 1870s to the 1890s. years. However, modern historians do not have a unanimous opinion about the Molly Maguires’ commitment to bloody acts.

Members of the Molly Maguires organization were accused of murder, arson, kidnapping and other criminal offenses. Members of the society were brought to trial on the basis of the testimony of a private detective from the Pinkerton agency, Irishman James McParlan, also known as James McKenna.

But "the Molly Maguires themselves left virtually no evidence of their existence, let alone their goals and motivations." Even before the investigation began, based on his personal observations, McParlan believed that the Molly Maguires, under the pressure of their activity, adopted the new name “The Ancient Order of Hibernians.” After the investigation began, he estimated that there were about 450 members of this organization in one of the districts.

It is difficult to accurately answer the question of why there are so many perverts among the British establishment. Perhaps the closed nature of establishments for boys played a role here. Although there were plenty of similar institutions among French and Spanish Catholics, as well as among the Orthodox brethren in Greek monasteries.

May 25, 1895 English celebrity was escorted to a London prison following his conviction for sodomy. IN Victorian era Articles that sent people to jail for homosexuality were especially popular.

Unfortunately, the talented Wilde met with the illegitimate son of an English officer and a Spanish baroness, who later became the writer and poet George Cecil Ives. In 1892, Ives tried to attract the attention of a celebrity to the problems of homosexuals, but he, to his great disappointment, did not express the slightest interest in the fate of persecuted gays.

In 1897, Ives created the secret Order of Chaeronea - OrderHehronei. In order to stop the oppression of the gay community, this alleged admirer of antiquity named his brainchild in honor of the Battle of Chaeronea that took place in August 338 BC, when the Sacred Band of Thebes, allegedly consisting of friends-lovers. The mistake was a misinterpretation of a Greek word meaning “close or intimate friend,” although it is possible that some warriors used their comrades as sexual partners.

Examining the corpses of the dead, Philip began to cry and said: “Let those who suspect them of being the perpetrators or accomplices of anything shameful die an evil death.”

Centuries later, a tiny group of Oxford scribes translating ancient Greek texts found nothing more valuable in them than the popularization - alas, sometimes literally - of same-sex relationships. Based on their own perversions, the degenerates of the century before last raised the defense of homosexuality and other sexual perversions to their crap standards.

The brains of these figures were as bad as their morals. You had to be a genius to entrust the task of public (!) defense of the “honor and dignity” of fagots to the corrupt members of the underground society!

In 1912, first the English-speaking and then the world community learned partial details of the activities of the secret Leopard People Society operating in West Africa. The existence of such a cult is so secret in the countries of the Dark Continent, where hundreds of people die every year from the claws and teeth of predators, it is difficult to determine whether an onlooker-tourist or an aborigine was torn to pieces by a beast, or whether he died at the hands of killers imitating a leopard attack.

In the 1950s, a significant portion of the Yoruba people practiced Islam or Christianity, but they still have strong ancient beliefs. Among the most authoritative secret societies in Africa, the ones most often named are Egungun, Oro and Ogboni. In addition to the secret societies of leopards and crocodiles, there is also a secret baboon society.

Little is known about the motives of the members of these societies. For example, whether they are engaged or not. Often, white colonialists invented stories about supposedly savage and barbaric tribes to justify their illegal and blasphemous acts in Western-conquered countries.

Can an elite group of powerful players control the world, do they really control the masses through their hidden actions? Secret societies have existed around us for centuries. Rumors about their activities have been spreading for the same amount of time. We bring to your attention the top 10 most mysterious and powerful organizations. Let us add that one of them brings an unprecedented danger to the world.

No. 10. "Hellfire Club"

Founded in the 18th century, the Hellfire Club boasted some of England's most famous socialites among its members. At first glance, it was just an elite social club. However, for closed doors The “Hellfire Club” involved pagan rituals and sacrifices and orgies. The most famous member of the Club was Benjamin Franklin, a scientist and a major figure in the struggle for American independence.

Evidence of the existence of a completely different Benjamin Franklin was recently found under his house in London. On February 11, 1998, workers working on the restoration of the house made a terrible discovery. A human femur was found. Further excavations resulted in the bodies of four adults and six children.

Forensic testing showed that all of the remains dated back to when Franklin owned the house. The bones showed signs of deliberate dismemberment, and holes had been drilled in one of the skulls. These are victims of a secret society. Cult leader Aleister Crowley is rumored to have managed to skillfully preserve the Hellfire lifestyle into the 20th century.

No. 9. "Majestic 12"

Majestic 12 is such a secret organization that no person or government has ever been in possession of records that would confirm its existence. It was founded by a secret order signed by American President Harry Truman.

In it, he is said to have approved the creation of a carefully selected group of America's best scientists. Majestic 12 took debris from downed UFOs and upgraded them for use on Earth. The result was an unprecedented era of technological progress. In 1961, Kennedy took the presidency. Some are convinced that Eisenhower warned the president about the mystery of the Majestic 12 and the threatening growth of its influence.

They say Kennedy sent several top-secret notes to CIA Director Alan Dulles asking him to disclose any information related to extraterrestrial life. But Dulles also refused to cooperate. In 1963, Kennedy allegedly approached Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to unite against the Majestic 12, which was growing in power. And just 10 days after reaching an agreement, John Kennedy was killed.

No. 8. "Knights of the Golden Ring"

The Knights of the Golden Circle were a legendary group of Confederate army officers who, after defeat, vowed to see the American South rise again.

April 6, 1865. American Civil War was coming to its bloody conclusion. The Confederacy was in full retreat, and the southern capital of Richmond, Virginia, could fall at any moment. General Robert E. Lee transmits an urgent evacuation message to President Jefferson Davis.

They say that the Knights of the Golden Ring were given a train with gold bars, the fate of which is still unknown. By the time Davis was captured, the gold had already strangely disappeared.

Many experts believe that the fortune was given to the Knights of the Golden Circle, who buried it and patiently awaited the day when they would rise again against the North. Its members were rumored to include Lincoln's assassin John Booth and the famous outlaw Jesse James. Until they find gold, existence and further fate The "Knights of the Golden Ring" will remain a mystery.

No. 7. Opus Dei

This Catholic organization, founded in 1928, claims that usual life- this is the path to bliss given by God. But in practice, Opus Dei is far from ordinary. She practiced a strange, cruel ritual known as mortification. During it, members of the society violently beat themselves, thereby demonstrating bloody atonement for sins.

June 18, 1982. Blackfriars Bridge, London. Roberto Calvi, known as "God's Banker", was found dead - hanging from the base of a bridge. Calvi was the head of one of the largest banks in Italy, which had close ties to the Vatican and the Opus Dei organization. His death was called suicide. And immediately after 2 months, the Calvi bank collapsed, owing more than a billion dollars.

Perhaps members of Opus Dei forced the bank into bankruptcy to demonstrate their strength to anyone who might stand in their way? Has this society really been quietly expanding its power and is willing to go to any lengths to achieve its goals?

No. 6. Bohemian Club

This club originates from San Francisco. In 1892, it was created as a secret artistic association that held a festival every summer in the Bohemian Grove. But within a few years, the guest list was filled with American presidents, company directors and executive members of the Ivy League. It was then that the festival began to be called the “hidden summit of the West.” According to rumors, extremely strange rituals were carried out under serious security.

One of them was the Love Cremation ceremony, which was performed in front of a 12-meter carved figure of an owl. During the ritual, hooded men swam in boats to the foot of the owl, spectators held torches, and ominous music blared from speakers. At the end of the ceremony, the effigy was placed on the altar and set on fire. The real meaning of this amazing and slightly creepy ritual remains unknown.

No. 5. "Skull and Bones"

The infamous Yale fraternity. Skull and Bones was founded in 1832. As before, so now its members included the richest and most powerful people in America - from bankers and millionaires, congressmen and senators, to presidents like George W. Bush and his son George W. Bush. The brotherhood meets in the tomb, a crypt-like room rumored to have a massive pentagram carved into one of its stone walls.

According to The New York Times, inside the tomb members of Skull and Bones may keep the real bones of the famous Apache warrior Geronimo. Also, according to rumors, the brotherhood possesses the skull of Pancho Villa, a famous Mexican general who participated in the war against the United States and lost.

This strange environment most influenced Henry Stimson, Secretary of War under Presidents Roosevelt and Truman. Stimson looked at the United States through the prism of the bloody years of World War II. He was actually the architect of the Manhattan Project, which created the world's first atomic bombs, later dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

No. 4. Bilderberg Club

This incredibly influential society of politicians, financiers and industrialists meets annually at the five-star Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands. Its members included King Juan Carlos of Spain, US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The club's first meeting took place in May 1954. Its goal was clear - to increase the political and economic influence of America and Europe around the world. The Bilderberg group claims that it works only for the benefit of the entire planet. But if there is no reason to fear it, then why do its members still gather behind tightly closed doors?

Conspiracy theorists are convinced that with the help of organizations such as NATO, the World trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund, the Bilderberg Group are doing everything they can to change the world order so that all political and economic power is in the hands of the West.

No. 3. Templars

Many experts believe that the Templars restored the Ark in Jerusalem and took it to Europe. Others believe they have found the Holy Grail. Elite warriors of this knightly order, founded in the Middle Ages, stood on the protection of Christian pilgrims who traveled to Jerusalem. During the Crusades they killed thousands of innocent Muslims.

As a result, they opposed the power of the Vatican, which accused them of heresy. Papal troops hunted down and killed the Templars in the early 14th century. Today, their descendants are members of the Order of the Garter, led by none other than Prince Charles, heir to the British throne.

No. 2. Masons

Freemasons come from the Masons' Guild, which existed in the Middle Ages. Before the 1700s, the Freemasons already had a powerful influence on the governments of Europe and America. The famous painting of George Washington dressed in Masonic attire illustrates the influence of the Freemasons during the American Revolution.

It is believed that out of the 39 people who signed the American Constitution, 13 were Freemasons. Fourteen American presidents Also were members of this society, in particular Theodore Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Gerald Ford. Experts have discovered many hidden structures in Washington, D.C., confirming the influence of Freemasonry on the founding fathers of modern democracy.

There are supposedly many senior Masons among NASA members. Some experts believe that the names, landing sites and projects of the Apollo program are echoes of Masonic rituals and symbols. Conspiracy theorists claim that even world-famous astronaut Buzz “Aldrin” took a Masonic flag with him during the first moon landing. There are so many of their own people in the most influential positions in the world - is anything capable of stopping the Masons from joining forces to gain power over the planet?

No. 1. Illuminati

The most dangerous secret society of all time. This is a group whose scheme for world domination is unparalleled. In 1774, the Illuminati society was founded by the German philosopher Adam Weishaupt, who called for a free society with equal rights. But all this was just a smoke screen.

In fact, this dark society had the goal of destroying all governments and religions. And they planned to achieve this by forcing the masses to divide into opposing political, social and economic camps. Similar to those that are now dividing the world. Subsequently, the Illuminati would provoke clashes between these groups, which would weaken them.

The Illuminati used the "divide and conquer" method to incite French Revolution. Once the enemy camps lose power, the Illuminati will intervene and quietly seize power. No one knows how the Illuminati society was disbanded, but traces of their influence can be seen in countless conflicts over the past 200 years.

Many believe their final target was the United States of America. The seeds of discontent were sown to cause a terrible social and economic collapse. The one dollar bill features occult symbolism associated with the Illuminati. And the inscription translated from Latin means: “Our business is Success - the New World Order.” Today, the all-seeing eye is considered a symbol of “the subordination of the many to the will of the few.”

“Putin was a liberal, but the security forces replaced him”

How secret societies operate in Russia. Interview

Half a century ago, the 35th President of the United States, John Kennedy, was assassinated. His death still remains one of the main mysteries of humanity. He believed in a conspiracy against America and against himself and did not hide his faith, for which, apparently, he paid. All these years, the official interpretation says that Kennedy was killed by an insane loner - Lee Harvey Oswald, processed in the USSR. However, over the years, the assertion that Kennedy fell at the hands of the secret services, behind which stand the mysterious “masters of the world,” is becoming more and more powerful.

As the Assange and Snowden revelations show, secret power does exist. Numerous stories in Russian politics, such as the “Serdyukov case” or the “Navalny case,” also indicate that decisions are made somewhere in closed offices. Conspiracy theories about the structure of the world are in the minds of not only the “broad interested masses.” It seems that Vladimir Putin believes that the State Department is in charge of any protest sentiments in the country. Opposition leaders believe in a conspiracy by a group of “security officials” from the FSB, “patriots” believe that Soviet Union was destroyed under the dictation of Western economic advisers, the liberals - into a fascist underground, which is about to stage a rebellion and come to power.

Half a century after the landmark murder that shocked the whole world, we talk about secret societies with Pavel Sviridov, futurologist, astrologer, president of the Foundation for Temporal Research, Analysis and Forecast. So what mysterious palaces do they lead to? invisible threads authorities?

"The task of controlling the world's population has become easier"

Pavel Vladimirovich, in his last speech, Kennedy stated: “The very concept of secrecy contradicts the free and open society. We are, by nature and history, a people opposed to secret societies, secret orders and closed meetings.” In your opinion, has anything changed in world politics since the Kennedy assassination? Or are those same secret societies and secret organizations still strong and influential?

Kennedy was assassinated for trying to destroy the corporate solidarity of the secret power. He was going to make public information that would fall into the category of not just secret, but top secret. He was going to say that there are groups that place themselves above national boundaries and are going to use states to their advantage. The secret power did not forgive this not only to John Kennedy himself, but also to his entire clan. Over these half a century, the name Kennedy was not heard anywhere in power circles.

- Who exactly didn’t forgive?

Those same secret organizations that he was talking about. There is official and secret power. The official one is for the sake of image; it is both a democracy with separation of powers and a dictatorship. But both of these types of regimes are just facades. There is a secret power that really rules. Since the task now is to globalize society and create a single organism called “Earth,” the struggle over who will stand at the top of this pyramid has intensified within the secret societies themselves. Therefore, control over people's minds has become even stronger, punishments have become even more severe, and these groups themselves have become more echeloned.

Pavel Sviridov

That is, secret organizations are not state intelligence services? That is, the secret groups themselves are integrated into the structures of the state and, in fact, use it?

In conditions when globalization occurs and the boundaries of national states are blurred, we must talk about certain transnational communities that carry out one or another task set from above. The system of such organizations is always pyramidal and hierarchical. One of the main principles of these societies is that only a narrow circle owns information; only the task descends below, but not the information itself. That is, none of the members of such societies knows the completeness of the information, and does not even know the final customer of the task. He just has to carry out the task unquestioningly. The very possession of information implies its limitation. Otherwise, the very meaning of secrecy disappears and the organization becomes public and vulnerable.

- If you outline the field schematically secret organizations, what do they represent from an ideological point of view?

Once upon a time, almost all ideologies had secret societies. Communists, leftists, liberals, all sorts of rebels and revolutionaries. But today characteristic feature Such societies have become the absence of ideology. I repeat, the performer does not know who the final customer of the action is. His task is only to execute. Today, secret societies are more likely information and corporate structures, which are characterized by the presence of teams and a feedback system. This is a kind of central and peripheral nervous system. Today, such organizations act more likely not out of ideological guidelines, but according to circumstances: when they got hot, they pulled their hand back. The combination of different secret societies leads to the fact that the process becomes complex, flexible and structurally dispersed. As a result, it is almost impossible to fight such organizations - they do not have a permanent decision-making center. The center can be formed anywhere in the network; the most important thing is to know the access codes and passwords. Thus, we are faced with a very sophisticated structure that combines the broadest horizontal connections (social networks, communities, etc.) and a rigid vertical system of management, targeting, coordination and financing. It is very difficult to fight such communities, but it is possible... if you have the same.

“The main thing is not to be mistaken that you are anonymous on the Internet”

But Assange and Snowden seem to have shown that modern technologies make it possible to organize the leakage of information and its publication, and thereby deprive secret organizations of confidentiality. Is not it?

Karl Marx also said that technology is changing the world. Of course, such a small thing as the Iphone or Ipad changed the world. Yes, it allowed the world to become more crowded, a kind of “big village” in which information spreads instantly. But this is the danger of increasing manipulation of people’s consciousness. The level of information noise has increased significantly; now so much information is being produced that it is becoming very difficult to find what you need. This is also a tactic of secret societies. There is, as you know, the theory of controlled chaos. Outwardly, it seems that this is just a pile of information. But chaos itself is subject to certain laws.

And in general, the very information revolution that you are talking about united the world only at first glance. It also served to a large extent to divide people. Each of us, possessing one or another gadget, gradually begins to create our own illusory universe, a matrix. When we enter social networks, we determine our preferences, then we make thematic queries in search engines, but we must understand that all this does not happen anonymously, all this is tracked, analyzed and systematized. And then social networks and search engines begin to “pull” news and information to our account that they believe may be of interest to us. On the one hand, this is convenient, but in the end everyone gets only what they want to see. We see only that part of the matrix that is interesting to us. Accordingly, among all this information noise there must be a supersystem, it is also sometimes called Internet-2 or Internet-3, which, on the one hand, localizes information flows, and on the other, analyzes and systematizes them. And thus a mosaic of interests and preferences of members of the information society is created.

The main thing: do not be mistaken that when you are on the Internet, you are anonymous. Even systems for hiding your IP address, such as Tor, are only an illusion. She's been under control for a long time. Moreover, there is now a whole trend towards creating supposedly anonymous proxy servers. But in fact, they are created so that the user believes in anonymity, but in fact ends up on the hook of certain intelligence services. The Internet is a field where there is no anonymity. So for representatives of secret societies, the task of controlling the world's population became easier.

They are also capable of distorting information, as in the famous film “The Tail Wags the Dog,” when a war with Albania was invented to distract voters’ attention. We know that in Qatar, scenes of cities were created against the backdrop of which supposedly popular protests took place as part of the “Arab Spring.” There are suspicions that the war in Syria is also largely staged, and footage of the battles is rapidly spreading around the world via television and the Internet. As you rightly noted, as a result of the information revolution, information leaks sometimes occur, but they only show small fragments of the truth. Everything else still remains in the shadows.

“Power does not lie with officials, but with groups”

Then, by what signs in the public space can one understand that these groups are operating, for example, in Russia?

Sometimes these groups operate openly. If you remember, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin and some other leading Russian politicians were awarded the Order of Malta. We must understand that those Masonic societies, which are most often associated with secret organizations, today are, rather, of a decorative and historical nature, and influence on the authorities has long ceased to be theirs. It is difficult to say where decisions are made. But there really are signs.

When I worked in the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I remember that when preparing the next reform in the ministry, a thick folder of documents was created, which contained proposals from different departments for optimizing the structure, staffing table and so on. But the next day, the heads of departments received completely different documents, which reflected a completely different reorganization of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On the basis of what and who came up with all this and changed it, none of the department heads and employees found out. But somewhere overnight everything was rewritten and presented as a reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Where did this happen, in which offices? This is just one special example. There are recollections of our economists who worked in the government in the 90s, who claim that they sometimes received texts of decrees in English by fax. And they did not always have time to translate them into Russian in the proper quality. Translated hastily, they were even published in print, and only then the necessary corrections were made to them.

All this suggests that there are pressure groups that act on certain commands from the outside. They are not united; each of them is trying to implement one or another strategy on the territory of our country. And sometimes we see laws adopted at first glance that seem strange. You can often hear the exclamation: “Where is the logic, who wrote these laws, who voted for them!” But I always say: if there is no external logic, then look for the hidden one. There are hidden motives and meanings that led to the creation of this document. And don’t call those who write and pass these laws fools. There are no fools there. These are smart and sophisticated people. As Andrei Makarevich sang: “Oh, what a shame it is sometimes that the owner is not visible: the thread goes up and into the darkness.”

And yet, analyzing political processes, can you outline the field of secret organizations in our country from the point of view of their interests? For example, Vladimir Putin himself accuses the opposition of being behind it by the State Department, whose task is the collapse of Russia with all the ensuing consequences. The opposition accuses Putin of coming to power thanks to staged terrorist attacks, and now the country is ruled by an oligarchy of his friends and acquaintances from sports, service in the KGB and the Ozero cooperative. Is this a simplified picture of secret power in Russia? Or is it quite adequate?

Putin himself belongs to the group of young reformers, who all, one way or another, were trained in Western countries. He was the vice-rector of Leningrad State University and was responsible for selecting and preparing students for internships abroad. You can see for yourself that many of the young reformers are still active in Russian politics, with the exception of some who have already died.

But there is also a group of “siloviki” around Putin who do not belong to the young reformers, but call themselves patriots and statesmen. They have their own views on the development of the country and their own corporate interests. And Putin himself, as a hired manager, maneuvers between these groups. And many decisions come from these groups.

By the way, please note that relations between the president and the prime minister have recently become strained in public. It would seem that the president is endowed with enormous powers. With one stroke of the pen, he can remove the obstinate head of government from office. But no, as it turns out, it can’t. What does this mean? That power is not with officials. This is my hypothesis.

In addition to the young reformers and the “siloviki”, there is an Islamic lobby that is associated with the countries Arab world. There are those forces that would like to see Russia as a raw material appendage of China. They also act in positions of power. Imagine five fingers. They are different in shape, but they all belong to the same hairy hand.

“It is possible that the security forces decided to quietly replace a person associated with the young reformers with someone who owes them nothing.”

- What is her overall goal and task?

They are all united by the goal of preventing the formation of the national identity of the people who inhabit this country. Let's say that First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov comes to Tatarstan and meets with all national communities except Russians. And at the same time he declares that every resident of the republic must be able to speak the Tatar language, regardless of ethnicity. Is this not a hidden call for the isolation of Tatarstan from Russia? What consequences does this lead to? Russians began to convert to Islam en masse in order to stay in this republic. Let me remind you that everything started the same way in Chechnya.

If we do not develop a national consciousness, we will continue to be a captured territory, a country that lost in the third world war. If there is a crystallization of the collective unconscious of our people, what can be called the Russian egregor, then there will be a revolution in the power pyramid, a revolution and a redistribution of national wealth. This is, of course, completely unprofitable for the “Hand”.

But you are saying the same thing as Putin and his security forces: certain forces from outside want the collapse of Russia and control over its resources. Only they call revolution an instrument of collapse, and you, on the contrary, call it a way to revive and preserve Russia. So who is Putin: an agent of some forces from outside or a patriot-statist? Are you with him or against him? There's something I don't understand...

In turn, I must say that I also don’t quite understand what you mean by the word “Putin.” Are you talking about those media characters who are similar to the original Putin? Or are you talking about a certain vertical of power, the system of government that has been built in Russia over the past ten years? We must understand that Putin 12 years ago was one person, Putin today is another. If not physically, although I admit this, then in ideological views this is certainly a different person. You understand that Putin’s rise to power was lobbied by a circle of young reformers. His rhetoric and actions then were radically different from what he says now. Then he actively sold off national wealth, abandoned military bases abroad, sank the Mir station, gave the Tarabarov Islands to China, and part of the shelf to Norway, created seven federal districts, the prototype of future states in the place of Russia... And this is where they intervene in the game “ security forces." They understand that the country is being taken away from their control. What to do? Coup? Well, you can’t strangle him with a scarf, like Paul I did in his time. The system of doubles has existed for a long time, it has long been tested in world politics and has been used many times. Moreover, we had a laboratory for the production of such doubles. They made a double of Luis Corvalan and someone else there. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that in the minds of a group of “siloviks” the idea arose, unnoticed by external eyes, to remove a person who is bound by obligations with the young reformers, and replace him with someone who owes them nothing. You can see the results for yourself.

- Then what is the fight against the “swamp” opposition, Navalny, the State Department...

Play. We need an external enemy. Why don’t they say anything about our eastern neighbor, who is slowly occupying our territory in the Far East? On the part of the State Department, it means there is a threat, but on the part of China, it means there are only friendly intentions? Don’t you remember the plot when Obama, with the voice recorder accidentally turned on, tells Medvedev to “tell his friend Volodya” that everything will be fine when he is re-elected. This suggests that there have been agreements between them for a long time. And Navalny and Bolotnaya are only for domestic consumption. Believing this is like being under the influence of a drug.

“The viability horizon of the system is 5-6 years”

In general, who can really resist secret societies? If we know that any open confrontation for the “hero” will end badly: in best case scenario prison, at worst - Kennedy's fate.

They are opposed by the logic of history. They really wanted to become immortal, to rule endlessly, from here, by the way, we can observe all sorts of rejuvenation technologies that they use from time to time. But time and the logic of history cannot be outwitted. Society, one way or another, is still developing. Yes, the Internet allowed them to control people, but at the same time, the Internet allows them to build horizontal connections; people’s consciousness develops faster thanks to information. This is a two-way process. Sooner or later it will become impossible to manipulate consciousness as before.

Some extraordinary disasters always occur, and during such events the fabric of the dope instantly breaks, and people’s consciousness begins to awaken, society begins to organize itself. And then the system realizes that it is powerless. Remember the “crying Bolshevik” Nikolai Ryzhkov during the earthquake in Spitak? Do you think he cried out of pity? He cried from the realization that everything: the Soviet system had collapsed. He was opposed by the objective logic of history - the resource for maintaining this anti-human, imitation-based system had ended.

Today in our country the same thing is happening real life, but an imitation, when it makes no difference what they say on TV screens. We must judge not by words, but by deeds. Don't you notice the growing disintegration of the country; corruption, which is the basis of this system; weakening of the economy and its dependence on hydrocarbon production? On the one hand, there are calls to preserve integrity, on the other, steps that lay the foundation for the collapse of the country. On the one hand, there are calls to develop the economy, on the other, the fate of a raw materials appendage and a third world country. Imitation!

"The figure we call 'Putin' will be the sacrificial lamb after the failure of the Olympics"

- You are an analyst, futurologist, astrologer. When will the changes start?

I already said once that the demarcation line will be the Olympics in Sochi. After its failure, a sacrificial lamb will be needed. Who among us boasted of manual control of the country and the fact that he worked “like a slave on a galley”? He called himself a milk mushroom - well, climb into the back. This concerns the fate of the figure we call “Putin”. As for the system as a whole, its viability resource is limited by a horizon of 5-6 years.

In general, the chronology of the development of Russia is set out in my book “The Myth of the Age of Aquarius” ( I wouldn’t like to repeat myself, but very briefly, these are the stages. I take 1881 as my starting point, the assassination of Tsar Alexander II, the ideas of a socialist revolution appeared. 36 years pass - that same socialist revolution takes place.

By 1953, the system of socialism was created one way or another, a thaw began, the principles of which were realized 36 years later. In 1989, new slogans were announced: market, democracy, openness, freedom of speech, and so on. And 36 years later, in 2025, these ideas will finally be implemented. A democratic, free, market state will be created. But during the revolution of 2025, new slogans will appear, the main one being the creation of a national state, which will be built over the next 36 years.

Excuse me, but you yourself just said that the world is moving along the path of globalization and the blurring of the boundaries of nation states. Russia as nation state– is this your wish, a reflection of your ideological principles, or is this the objective course of history?

- Technologically and informationally, the world is becoming unified, that’s true. But at the same time, in socio-political life, the greatest successes have been achieved by those countries that have retained the national character of their economy. Let's take Japan for example, South Korea, Germany. Moreover, these states became national in the presence of US troops. They suppressed the local mafia, corruption, and built a clear business model. I think that the process of reviving national identity does not contradict the technological unification of the world. The second is just a background. Yes, planet Earth is a single organism. But this does not mean that local cultural and ethnic diversity is abolished, that states cease to protect their own interests and the interests of their population. A person has two hemispheres. One is responsible for rational thinking, the other is responsible for figurative and emotional thinking. But they are in the same head, and one another is not mutually exclusive. But those forces that advocate the disappearance of such diversity would like a mess of atomized units to appear instead of a community: such a mess would be easier to manage.


Pavel Sviridov graduated from the Red Banner Military Institute, the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, postgraduate studies, Carnegie Melon University under the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, courses at the Computer Training Center “Specialist” at MSTU. Bauman, corresponding member of the Academy of Cosmonautics named after. K. E. Tsiolkovsky. Worked on business trips abroad to China, the USA and Germany.

President of the Foundation for Temporal Research, Analysis and Forecast. Author astrological programs“VegaSviri” families: Standard, Professional, Expert, Horary, Matrix as well as Neuro Hit!, eSybill, Futulizer, Vega Mobile.

Author of the monographs “The Role of Tradition and National Psychology in the Chinese Language”, “Singapore - a Fifty-Year Leap”, “Sultanate of Brunei”, as well as “The Myth of the Age of Aquarius” and numerous publications in the media on historical and astrological topics.

Currently, he is a consultant to a number of government and commercial structures, and also works with private individuals.