Only those respectable citizens who have the appropriate permits can afford to store hunting weapons at home. Citizens always have the opportunity to purchase such permits when they contact the police department in their place of residence.

For these purposes, potential hunters will have to bypass the relevant medical commissions, during which it is possible to reliably attest to the level of sanity of people, as well as whether to grant them a permit for firearms for personal use, because the storage and use of weapons is a very serious thing. It is known that any hunting rifle can be purchased at specialized retail outlets only if you have the appropriate permits. Subsequently, the purchase is registered at the police department closest to the place of residence.

Today there is a huge range of different modifications firearms can be confusing for new hunters. However, storing and carrying weapons is something that beginners will have a chance to become familiar with and thoroughly study. For example, there are types of weapons that are purchased without the appropriate permits, and also do not require additional registration in the law enforcement system.

These types of weapons can be correlated with:

  • Pneumatic revolvers;
  • Special designs similar to weapons;
  • Rifles and pistols with muzzle energy not exceeding 3 J;
  • Revolvers of no more than 6 mm caliber, as well as with corresponding cartridges;
  • Other signal pistols.

Despite the fact that all of the above models, as a rule, are purchased at retail outlets that have the appropriate specialization, such models must be stored taking into account the same principles as “full-fledged” hunting rifles.

Next, it is advisable to consider information about prohibitions that would serve as a warning to people. It is not recommended to store at home not only hunting weapon, but also any other firearm that at one time was transferred or gifted to someone.

Any weapon must be subject to appropriate registration, and its owner must also be indicated. If a firearm is suddenly found in someone’s home that does not belong to anyone living there, and even with missing registration in the police department, this could result in serious consequences for its owner. It may come to the point of bringing the case to court, for example, for possession and carrying of weapons, which may entail criminal liability.

Storing and carrying weapons at home

Storage of firearms must correspond to the registration of its owner, or actual residence. The selection of a place to store any weapon should be treated with the utmost care. For these purposes, you will have to use metal safes or boxes that have reliable latches or locks.

The rules for storing hunting or any other weapons at home allow the use of wooden devices previously covered with metal sheets. Safes or cabinets must be locked exclusively by their owners. Free access or even use by other people is strictly prohibited.

Weapon storage requirements: placement

In strict accordance with Russian legislation, By Order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 288, dated April 12, 1999, owners - legal entities are required to store weapons with all auxiliary items, observing the following conditions:

  • Ammo must be stored separately from firearms. Hunting rifle cartridges must be stored separately from pyrotechnic compositions, as well as ammunition containing tear and irritant substances. A separate approach should be taken to storing types and copies of cartridges that misfire when firing;
  • Additional products with decoration, especially if they are made from precious metals or have more precious stones, should be stored in an individual room;
  • Accordingly, gunpowder is stored in its own cell separately from other ammunition.

Even if the owner of the weapon himself is not familiar with the rules and features of storing hunting or small arms, he can only start placing everything in separate packages and boxes, and then put it all in the safe.

Firearms storage: a little about the premises

Storing hunting rifles on walls decorated with carpets, as in the old days, is not possible these days. When an avid hunter has a whole collection of weapons at his disposal, therefore, he will have to start equipping a room for storing weapons.

It is known that every collector or hunter wants to show off his arsenal and naturally demonstrate it, but how to do this, without breaking the law, how to comply with the conditions for storing weapons? For these purposes, it is possible to equip a so-called exhibition room. Such premises must have properly functioning fire and security alarms.

Sometimes, due to planning or other reasons, it is simply impossible to install the above equipment. In such cases, collection owners will have to worry about placing metal boxes near the walls. In this case, it will be necessary to ensure that storage areas are securely fastened. This is done with steel bolts, certain sizes. So, the diameter must be no less than 16 mm and the number of at least two units.

Approaches with this degree of fastening of boxes to the walls are necessary to ensure personal safety, for example to prevent tip-overs that can occur when opening doors. However, to simplify everything related to the weapons storage room, you can use special built-in cabinets, which are actually designed for storing firearms. These cabinets have additional locks, which means you don’t have to weld them yourself again or order the services of a welder, which would happen when using a simple metal box.

In addition, the premises with chemical and chemical equipment must be equipped with high-quality doors, and windows must be metal bars. In this case, it does not matter how many floors the apartment is located, even if it is a “high-rise building”.

Procedure for storing weapons in a safe

From all of the above, it becomes clear that weapons are stored in metal boxes or safes. However, the actual rules for storing hunting rifles in safes very precisely indicate the order of storage, placement, as well as the choice of the products themselves.

Thus, safes must be equipped with working combination locks, the codes of which are known only to weapon owners. The metal boxes themselves should also have strong locks.

In addition, safes or boxes should be kept out of the reach of other family members living together. Based on the rules, neither parents, nor spouses, and especially children should not have accurate information about the location of the safe. However, as well as information about the codes on the locks or the location of the keys to them.

Selecting safes is also an extremely important and responsible matter. Based on the mechanisms for opening and closing locks, they are divided into certain types.

They are:

  • Mechanical. those. traditional safes with combination locks. They operate by establishing their own codes and then entering them when opening or closing is necessary;
  • Key ones. Well-known, ordinary ones. You should know that the owner of the weapon is responsible for finding the keys, which means they should be exclusively his;
  • Electronic. With the latest developments, the action of which is based on the identification of “biometrics”. Owners have their fingerprints or retinal prints recorded. When they need to open the doors, they simply “expose their body parts.” Such devices are extremely reliable. They are recommended for use in cases where someone has rare or expensive weapon models at their disposal;
  • Combined. With different mechanisms (key and electronic). They are considered the most reliable.

When selecting safes, you should pay special attention to the thickness of the walls, which, based on the Order, should not be less than 2 mm. The presented characteristics are usually indicated in the descriptions of safe models. As a rule, this is done during inspection by law enforcement agencies represented by specially trained inspectors.

More details about the characteristics of safes

When choosing safes, it is advisable to concentrate on such characteristics as good capacity, fire resistance and burglary resistance. Experts do not recommend purchasing budget Chinese models. Such products have short-lived locks, and doors made of unknown cheap metal can become loose after a short period of service, which can reduce the level of burglary resistance. It's still in best case scenario, or they may simply fall away.

Moreover, when choosing budget products that have electronic or combined locking mechanisms, you should be prepared for periodic or even systematic malfunctions. As a result, experts recommend purchasing the highest quality models. However, if there is not enough money for such “branded” samples, then it is better to order a safe manufacturing service, it will be more useful.

Fire resistance or burglary resistance of a safe, which is more important?

One of important characteristics Safes for storing weapons is their fire resistance. Careless storage of small arms or gunpowder in a safe will certainly lead to serious consequences. As for gunpowder, it can simply explode.

To prevent such unfortunate consequences, it is advisable to choose models that have an additional fire-resistant coating. This is usually stated in the descriptions of safe models by the manufacturer itself, which must be confirmed in the relevant quality certificates. However, from the manufacturers themselves you can hear about such safes with a hint of regret. And all because with such models it is impossible to guarantee reliable protection against hacking at the proper level. How alternative option you can use the so-called “hybrid”, but you will have to spend a lot on it.

Internal "stuffing" of safes

When choosing a safe, you should also familiarize yourself with its internal structure. In particular, there should be compartments in which weapons and ammunition can be stored separately. The compartments must be equipped with latches or clips to ensure secure fastenings. As a result, the weapon must be in a fixed, stationary position.

It is also advisable to familiarize yourself with the material from which the clamps and fasteners are made. They can be made of plastic, wood or steel. A kind of bottom should be formed at the bottom of the safe. It needs to be covered with wood, felt or plastic. In the result, a recess is made to place a rifle butt in it.

The internal parts of the safe doors are equipped with additional pockets and hooks for placing auxiliary equipment in or on them. Such equipment includes all the necessary accessories for caring for weapons.

How to position the safe correctly

It has already been mentioned that safes should be visually inaccessible to everyone living in the apartment or household of the gun owner. When choosing a secluded place, it is advisable to take into account the existing rules. So.

A safe or metal box for weapons should be placed:

  • No closer than one and a half meters from the front door;
  • No closer than half a meter to the window.

These are the basic requirements for placing safes on premises. However, since weapons are stored together with ammunition, you will have to install safes away from the heating system at a distance of at least one meter. For convenient use and in accordance with the rules, safe doors should not have obstacles when opening them, including in the form of pieces of furniture.

Safes must certainly be hidden from human eyes using camouflage measures. They are mostly placed in linen closets. Current models of safes can be used in the corners of cabinets, where the safes themselves are attached to the wall behind furniture sets.

When such disguise cannot be organized, it does not hurt to use the bathroom for this purpose. In it, the safe can be placed under the sink and disguised as a cabinet with household chemicals. It should be borne in mind that everyone living in the apartment should not even suspect the true purpose of the cabinet.

You can use safes built into the walls, which you can then disguise using paintings or photographs.

An approximate procedure for purchasing and registering hunting rifles for a novice hunter might look like this:

First, the future amateur hunter contacts the police department and notifies the authorities of his intentions to buy a weapon. There he receives the appropriate forms and undergoes a medical examination at his place of residence. The following doctors are required: narcologist and psychiatrist.

Then again the corresponding permit is issued at the Department of Internal Affairs with payment of the state fee according to the type of form. With permission, the newcomer goes to a specialized outlet, having provided permission there, makes a purchase. And again he goes to the police department to register the weapon.

On conducting inspections of the storage of firearms

You should know that from the moment you become the owner of a weapon, the police can check it at any time, even in his absence. They usually check everything that has already been stated here. So, in the absence of a hunter, they will check the level of awareness of the storage of weapons of all people living in the apartment.

Based on the results of the inspection, liability for illegal possession of weapons or the same storage of bladed weapons may or may not occur. What if family members show the safe to the police and open it? What if the child brings a spare key to the safe? Therefore, before buying a weapon, you should weigh everything carefully and think: “Is it worth it?”

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below the article. We or our visitors will be happy to answer them

Storage of weapons and ammunition by citizens Russian Federation in places of temporary stay must be carried out in compliance with conditions that exclude access to weapons by unauthorized persons.

Article 22. Storage of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them, states that the storage of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them is permitted to legal entities and citizens who have received permission from the internal affairs bodies to store or store and carry weapons.

Civilian and service weapons must be stored in conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and prevent access to them by unauthorized persons.

Requirements for the storage conditions of various types of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. (see Storage of weapons and ammunition PP N814 07/21/98)

Art.54. Storage of weapons and ammunition is permitted to legal entities and individuals who have received permission from the internal affairs bodies to store or store and carry weapons.

Art.59. Weapons and ammunition belonging to citizens of the Russian Federation must be stored at their place of residence in compliance with conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and exclude access to them by unauthorized persons, in locked boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron. Internal affairs bodies at the place of residence of the owners have the right to check the storage conditions of weapons registered by them.

The weapon is registered at the place of permanent registration of the owner. And it must be stored at the place of residence of the owner.

Accordingly, if the owner does not live at the place of registration, a contradiction arises. Hence, you have to live with the weapon, where it is registered.

This statement also complies with the requirements of the passport regime and the Constitution of the Russian Federation. When changing residence, a citizen of the Russian Federation is required to register within no more than 7 days from the date of arrival at the new place of residence.

Previously, without any problems, we received two certificates, one for registration and one for registration, but now you need to go to the passport office and make a temporary registration for 5 years at the place of stay (residence) and storage of weapons.

A permanent registration remains in the passport, but a “piece of paper” is issued for a temporary one. With it we get the necessary certificate at the local police officer. And then all this must be submitted to the licensing and permitting department (LRO). Now permission is not given without temporary registration.

Remember that if you stay more than 90 days in one place without registration, you will be fined, and this is already a problem for obtaining a weapons permit. A citizen is required to register at his place of residence (Article 6 of the Federal Law on freedom of movement and choice of place of residence). Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for the imposition administrative fine in the amount of three thousand to five thousand rubles.

Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for administrative liability for violation of the norms of the Law of the Russian Federation of June 25, 1993 No. 5242-1 “On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented), as well as norms , established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 13, 1997 No. 232 “On the main document identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1997 No. 828 “On approval of the Regulations on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a sample form and description of a citizen’s passport Russian Federation" (with amendments and additions), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 No. 713 "On approval of the Rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation and the List of officials responsible for registration."

The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is the main document identifying the citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1997 N 828, all citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 14 and living on the territory of the Russian Federation are required to have a passport (see: Administrative Regulations of the Federal migration service by providing public services on the issuance, replacement and execution of the state function of registering passports of citizens of the Russian Federation, identifying citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation (regulations of March 5, 2010). The above-mentioned Law of the Russian Federation (Article 3) establishes that in order to ensure necessary conditions In order for a citizen of the Russian Federation to exercise his rights and freedoms, as well as to fulfill his duties to other citizens, the state and society, registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and place of residence is introduced.

The content of the concepts “place of stay” and “place of residence” is defined in the Law of the Russian Federation of June 25, 1993 No. 5242-1. It is with these concepts that the legislator’s establishment of liability for living or staying without a citizen’s identity document (passport) seems to be associated. The combination in the disposition of Part 1 of this article of the provisions on the absence of an identity document and registration at the place of stay or place of residence instructs the official who makes the decision to initiate a case on this offense to establish, in the event that a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have a citizen’s identity card (passport), ) his registration at the place of stay or residence. It should be taken into account that registration documents in accordance with Art. 6 of this Law must be submitted to the registration authorities no later than 7 days from the day the citizen arrives at his new place of residence. As for the three-day period for registration at the place of stay established by the mentioned Law, then according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2004 N 825, the specified registration period begins after the expiration of the 90-day period of stay of a citizen of the Russian Federation, during which such registration is not required. You should also keep in mind the notification nature of registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (see: Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of February 2, 1998 No. 4-P // SZ RF 1998 No. 6 Art. 783), which, however, does not negate the obligation itself registration. In accordance with clause 9 of the Rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 N 713 (as amended and supplemented as of November 11, 2010 ), citizens have the right to notify the registration authority about the duration and place of their stay by mail or electronically using public information and telecommunication networks. Registration authorities, within 3 days from the date of receipt of documents, the list of which is determined by these Rules, register citizens at the place of stay in residential premises that are not their place of residence, and issue them an appropriate certificate. At the request of the citizen, this document can be sent by mail. The owner (tenant) is sent a notification of registration of the person who submitted the application within 3 days. The procedure for registering citizens at their place of residence is determined by paragraph. clauses 16 - 18 of the Rules. Now it is also possible to submit an application in the established form for registration at the place of residence and copies necessary documents in electronic form through a single portal. Registration bodies in cities, towns, rural populated areas, closed military camps, as well as in settlements located in the border zone, or closed administrative-territorial entities in which there are territorial bodies of the federal body executive power authorized to carry out functions of control and supervision in the field of migration are these bodies, in other settlements - bodies local government. It should be taken into account that control over compliance by citizens of the Russian Federation and officials with the rules of registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation is assigned to federal body executive power, authorized to carry out functions of control and supervision in the field of migration, its territorial bodies and internal affairs bodies. Administrative liability for this offense occurs when a citizen resides or stays on an invalid citizen’s identity card (passport) in the event of making marks on it that are not provided for by the Regulations “On the Passport of a Citizen of the Russian Federation”, or when the passport expires after 30 days from the date the citizen reaches 25 years old or 45 years old. The objective side under Part 2 of this article is characterized by the admission by the person responsible for compliance with the registration rules, or by a citizen, in the premises occupied by him or in the premises owned by him by right of ownership of citizens of the Russian Federation, violating the established normative rules. legal acts order.

Here is an example from practice:

In 2008, one enterprising comrade, a weapons collector, filed a lawsuit with Supreme Court RF, demanding that clause 162 of the Instructions be declared invalid, because its provisions contradict clause 59 of the Rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, the collector demanded the abolition of “additional requirements for the storage of collectible weapons, believing that “very complex technical specifications storage of weapons." He emphasized that the wording of the instructions “place of stay” can also be applied to hotels, where the owner of the weapon will not be able to comply with the storage conditions that apply to places of stay, and this can, in turn, become a reason for the cancellation of the weapons permit. Consequently, this paragraph of the instructions violates the rights of citizens to use weapons. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation partially satisfied the collector’s claim, decided to exclude the phrase “and in places of stay” from the instructions, and also excluded “special” requirements for storing weapons for weapons collectors. Since the Civil Procedure Code prohibits issuing regulations In place of those canceled by the courts, no new changes should be made to the Instructions. This is where a new legal conflict arose. On the one hand, this decision is fair in relation to, for example, hunters who do not need to take a gun safe along with their tent. On the other hand, it turns out that those who store weapons where they are permanently registered must comply special requirements: acquire safes, metal cabinets and high-strength boxes and host a local police officer with checks. And those who live, for example, in a rented apartment, and not at their place of registration, are now spared from these ceremonies. The Ministry of Internal Affairs drew the attention of this conflict and, despite the fact that the Supreme Court decided to exclude the phrase “and in places of stay” from the instructions, new edition item 162, it is present.

item 162. Citizens of the Russian Federation must store their weapons and ammunition at their place of residence (at their place of stay) in locked safes or metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron in compliance with conditions that ensure the safety of weapons and ammunition and their safety storage and preventing access to them by unauthorized persons. (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 504 of June 7, 2008).

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions:

According to the Law, the owner of a weapon must (has the right):

  1. Store their weapons and ammunition at their place of residence in locked safes or metal cabinets (applies to any civilian weapon, including gas and traumatic weapons).
  2. It is not necessary to have locked safes or metal cabinets at the place of stay, not only for citizens who are hunting, but also for citizens living in a rented apartment.
  3. Weapons can also be stored in boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron.
  4. Nail (screw) a safe, metal cabinet, etc. not required not only for collectors, but for ALL owners of civilian weapons.
  5. The requirement of Art. 165 Instructions regarding the separate storage of weapons and ammunition apply ONLY legal entities(private security establishments, shops), not individuals.
  6. Safes, metal cabinets, etc. can be locked with ANY locks (internal, padlocks), their number is not specified, and the degree of their secrecy is also not regulated.
  7. The thickness of a safe or metal cabinet, regulated by Article 166 of the Instructions, applies to legal entities, therefore, it does not matter for individuals.
  8. No one has the right to require the owner of a weapon to install a metal front door with additional locks and a box, as well as equip the room where the weapons are stored with a security and fire alarm.

You can follow the Legal requirements, prove that you are right, and thereby either delay obtaining a weapons license for an indefinite period of time, or make an enemy in the person of the inspector (precinct inspector). Understand that the local police officer, like you yourself, is interested in keeping your weapon and his recommendations may not be so burdensome. Listen to his advice, they may help you.

What are the rules for storing weapons at home (hunting, traumatic)?

Foreigners may keep official or civilian weapons, purchased within the Russian Federation, within 10 days. At the same time, they must have licensing documents for weapons.

Prohibition on storage

Citizens are not allowed to keep weapons found or transferred to them if they are not its owners. Weapons received from other persons or found must be transferred to the nearest police department.

Storage conditions for hunting and traumatic weapons

Hunting and traumatic weapon should be left in a place where the safety of storage and safety of things is fully ensured. Conditions should be created that will reliably limit access to weapons by unauthorized persons.

Storage of traumatic and hunting weapons is carried out in a locked safe or metal cabinet. Storage in boxes made of high-strength metal or wood covered with iron is also allowed.

Weapons that are owned by citizens should be stored at the place of residence or in places of temporary stay of its owner. However, for such storage to be legal, it is necessary to ensure that the weapon is not accessible to unauthorized persons.

Members of sports organizations can store own weapon at the location of training sessions and competitions, if this sports facility is equipped with the necessary protection devices.

Weapon placement requirements

Order No. 288 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated April 12, 1999 approved a list of requirements for the placement of weapons and ammunition and the conditions for their storage.

According to this act, citizens must comply with the separate storage regime for the following objects:

  1. Cartridges. You should sort out cartridges with pyrotechnic compositions that contain tear and irritant substances, and cartridges that misfire. All of them are placed in separate packages.
  2. Weapons.
  3. Artistically designed weapons that contain precious metals and stones.
  4. Gunpowder.

Weapon storage room equipment

If a person has a collection of weapons, then a fire and security alarm must be installed in the storage room. If according to technical reasons it is impossible to install an alarm system, then weapons storage facilities are attached to the walls of the room using at least 2 steel bolts. The thread diameter of the bolts must be at least 16 mm.

Fastening gun cabinet against the wall prevents it from tipping over, as tall safes often fall over after the door is opened. The instability of such safes is due to big difference in the ratio of the base and height of the weapon storage. When opening the cabinet door, this difference increases, so securing the safe becomes a necessary necessity.

For ease of installation gun safes Some manufacturers offer wall-mounted cabinets. Such storage facilities are best suited for installation in cottage premises and some city apartments.

On doorway it is necessary to install additional locks and boxes. The windows and doors of a room intended for storing weapons should be secured by installing reliable metal bars.

Safe design

Weapons and ammunition are stored at the place of residence or place of stay of the citizen. A lock should be installed on metal boxes and safes where weapons will be placed. It is not permitted to place weapons in open safes that cannot restrict free access to the devices by unauthorized persons.

Safe locks are:

  1. Mechanical (open and close after entering a certain code combination of numbers).
  2. Key ones.
  3. Electronic ones, which can be opened after identifying biometric data, for example, fingerprints or a retinal pattern of the owner of a weapons storage facility. Some electronic locks can also be opened using proximity keys or magnetic keys.
  4. Combined, including 2 or 3 locks of different types.

The wall thickness of the safe must be at least 2 mm.

Safe characteristics

The main requirements for high-quality safes are good capacity, fire resistance and burglary resistance.

To store weapons, you can purchase a ready-made safe or make one (both independently and to order).

Many Chinese-made safes have low quality locks, which often leads to their breakdown. In addition, such cabinets are easy to break into.

That is why, to ensure the safety of weapons, citizens should purchase more expensive and high-quality Italian, German and Israeli weapons storage facilities that can last for many years without failure.

Fire resistance

The gun owner should also ensure that the metal gun storage box is fire resistant to ensure that the gun remains undamaged in the event of a fire. To do this, the owner needs to select durable cabinets coated with fire-resistant compounds.

However, safes for storing weapons with high degree flame protection, as a rule, performs poorly as protection against burglary. That's why gun owners who are concerned about theft should consider hybrid safes. Such vaults effectively protect the device placed in them from both direct hacking and fire.

Although hybrid safes are the most expensive, they provide the most reliable protection for weapons, ensuring their safety and inaccessibility.

Safe interior

The weapon storage must be equipped with all the necessary elements: the safe must have compartments for ammunition, and also have devices that ensure the weapon is held in a stationary position.

Fixation elements can be made of wood, plastic or steel. At the bottom of the gun cabinet there should be a stock made of wood, felt or plastic. The butt of the weapon will be placed in the recess of such a bed.

The interior of the safe should optimally adapt the internal space of the storage to the needs of the weapon owner, so it can be equipped with removable trays, vertical partitions, as well as a variety of shelves, the height of which can be adjusted depending on the type of weapon stored.

On inside Safe doors, as a rule, install additional pockets and hooks on which it is convenient to store devices designed to care for weapons.

Features of placing safes indoors

Safes, cabinets and drawers where weapons will be located must be located:

  • at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the front door,
  • at a distance of at least 0.5 m from window openings.

You should also ensure that the boxes with cartridges are no closer than 1 m from the heating devices.

At the same time, the placement of safes and cabinets should not interfere with the opening of doors in the room where weapons are stored.

How to hide a safe

For example, a safe where a weapon is hidden can be placed inside a wardrobe, if such a wardrobe is located against the wall (the owner of the weapon can easily mount the safe on the wall through the wall of the wardrobe). Outside, such storage can be hung with items of clothing. With this method of disguise, it will be difficult for an outsider to determine the location of the safe.

A very unconventional place to place a safe is the kitchen or bathroom. Storage for weapons can easily be disguised, for example, as a cabinet for bathroom accessories.

A safe built into the wall can be hidden from view by placing a TV, painting, photograph or other interior element in front of it.

Monitoring compliance with established storage conditions

Monitoring compliance with the conditions for storing weapons at home is carried out by authorized police officers who can check the safety of the weapon and its inaccessibility to unauthorized persons and even to citizens living with the owner of the weapon.

None of the relatives of the gun owner who keeps it at home should know where the key to the gun safe is. To check that a weapon is not accessible to family members of its owner, some police officers may resort to small tricks.

Eg, officials come to the house where the weapon is stored when its legal owner is not at home, and ask one of the family members to present the weapon to check the license plates. In this way, the employee provokes the relative to violate the rules on the inaccessibility of weapons. If a relative opens a safe and shows a weapon to a police officer, it will be confiscated due to a violation of storage rules, and the owner of the weapon will be held administratively liable.

Thus, persons who own weapons must strictly adhere to the rules for storing them and keep them completely out of reach of unauthorized persons.

07.02.2019 13:56:00

Storage rules traumatic pistol Every person who decides to purchase self-defense means that fall under should know at home. The main source of information on this issue is the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

Storage rules for a traumatic pistol are regulated Decree of July 21, 1998 No. 814 regarding measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition, specifically paragraph 59 states the following.

"59. Weapons and ammunition belonging to citizens of the Russian Federation must be stored at their place of residence in compliance with conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and exclude access to them by unauthorized persons, in locked boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron. Internal affairs bodies at the place of residence of the owners have the right to check the storage conditions of weapons registered by them.”

This means that the requirements for storing traumatic weapons are the same as the requirements for storing firearms. And you need to purchase a metal box with a lock, which, if necessary, you will have to provide to local internal affairs authorities to check storage conditions.

Basic rules for storing traumatic weapons

  • Safe or metal box;
  • Lock.

It should be remembered that the safes for traumatic pistols presented above provide a 100% guarantee that the local police officer will be satisfied with the storage conditions of your weapon. The safe also protects the pistol from unauthorized access to the weapon. In accordance with them, you can use a variety of options, which guarantees one hundred percent safety of weapons and ammunition, as well as their inaccessibility to unauthorized persons.

When transporting traumatic weapons, there are rules that talk about transporting weapons in a holster and with the safety on, in this case internal authorities will not hold you to administrative responsibility, but you must also remember that you must have documents proving your identity and a license allowing you to own and possession of a traumatic pistol. Below are two options for a safe for the home, and an iron box for safely transporting weapons in a car.

Requirements for a safe for traumatic weapons

The requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs describe in a complex way what kind of safe you need for a traumatic pistol. On the one hand, it may even become wooden box, upholstered in metal, and on the other hand, they require special treatment to access and fire safety.

  • The thickness of the walls of the safe must be at least 1 mm.
  • The safe must have a reliable lock of any of three types: key, mechanical, electronic - combination. The main condition is that the contents of the safe should not be accessible to unauthorized persons or children.

New requirements for safes for storing traumatic pistols suggest that since 2018, checks have become more stringent. Now you can't be careless with weapons. If you violate established standards, you may face administrative liability.

Correct installation of a safe for traumatic weapons

There are also rules for installing a safe for traumatic weapons. They provide for the possibility of opening by unauthorized persons, so they put forward simple requirements.

  • Closed room;
  • Fastening with bolts with a diameter of at least 6 mm;
  • Reliable lock.

The most suitable place for a traumatic injury is a completely closed room with a metal door on the ground floor. Law enforcement will not find any violations from the owner.

The 2018 Russian requirements for a safe for traumatic weapons are described vaguely. Manufacturers have to play it safe so that owners of self-defense equipment do not face fines and community service.

Video, How to obtain a permit for traumatic weapons 2018?

    In Russia, the term “traumatic weapon” is used to refer to several categories of non-lethal weapons:

  • civilian self-defense weapon(pistol, revolver, shooting device):
  • civilian firearms barrelless weapons - PB-4 OSA, PB-2 "Aegis", MR-461 "Guard", "Cordon", MMRT-2 "Gadfly", MMRT-3 "Hornet-2", "Shaman", VPO-501 " Leader"
  • gas pistols and revolvers with the ability to fire rubber bullet cartridges (certified before July 1, 2011): Safegom, Reck Chief Special mod.60, Reck mod. Cobra, Kimar mod.85 Auto, Mauser HSc mod.90T, IZH-78-9T (and its modifications), IZH-79-9T "Makarych" (and its modifications), Iceberg GR-2071, Walther P22T, Walther P50T, Walther PP, Walther P99T, MP-341 “Hauda”, Tanfoglio INNA, T4 “Terminator”, Steel, Stalker, MP-355, TKB-0216T “Agent”, PM-T (released before 07/01/2011), etc.
  • limited-kill firearm(the category was introduced in 2011, some models that were already produced and on sale by 2011, as well as models developed after the law came into force were certified): WASP R, MP-78-9T (and its modifications) , MP-79-9T "Makarych" (and its modifications), MP-353, all "Groza" pistols and revolvers, Streamer 1014 pistol (and its modifications), "Jorge", Shark, Lom - 13, Grand Power T10, Grand Power T12, Ratnik 410, PM-T (released before 07/01/2011)
  • service firearm weapons of limited destruction with cartridges of traumatic effect (MR-471, PST "Kapral", RS, Jorge S, Jorge-1S)

Every hunter must know and follow the rules for storing hunting weapons and ammunition. This is not just the letter of the law, such laws are written in the blood of those who suffered due to the careless attitude to safety rules by some hunters. Only its owner should have access to weapons; it is unacceptable to store weapons in places easily accessible to children; moreover, if stored in this way, they can become easy prey for criminals.

Law on weapons of the Russian Federation: Article 22

The hunter must store weapons, cartridges and other ammunition at his place of residence, in compliance with established by law rules ensuring their proper safety and security, access by unauthorized persons must be completely excluded. For these purposes, it is advisable to use a reliable locked metal cabinet or safe, extreme case A wooden box lined with iron will do. Owners rifled weapons must equip storage areas technical means security alarm.

Law on weapons of the Republic of Belarus: Article 24

At home, weapons should be stored unassembled; ammunition should be stored separately from guns in safes and metal cabinets with secure locks. Loaded cartridges, cans of gunpowder and capsules are stored away from batteries, stoves and other heating devices. Different kinds gunpowder is placed separately: smokeless separately from smoky. It is advisable not to store gunpowder in the same place as other ammunition, although this is not prohibited by law.

Choosing a reliable gun safe (cabinet)

When choosing a gun safe to install in your home, you need to consider a number of different parameters: rifled or smoothbore weapons will be stored in the safe (cabinet), the volume of the arsenal, the intended mounting to the wall or floor, whether ammunition will be stored in it, and other important aspects.

Even the simplest metal box with a lock prevents easy access to weapons by children and unauthorized persons. Storing weapons in a safe allows the hunter to feel peace of mind for his arsenal and for the health of his loved ones; no one can use it without your knowledge. Owners of rifled weapons should especially worry about the safety of their arsenal, since this is a very tasty prey for attackers and a simple metal box will not stop them.

In this case, it is necessary to use a reliable metal safe from a trusted manufacturer; in addition, it is attached to the wall and floor (if possible). Although such products have a fairly large mass, they can be taken out of the house along with weapons, and subsequently opened with the help of fortune and autogen. In addition, large metal cabinets and safes can pose a danger in themselves; will you be able to dodge a falling safe in time, and will your children? If there are children in the house, it is imperative to secure cabinets and safes! A securely secured safe will not pose a threat to your family, and in most cases, attackers will not be able to cope with it and will not take it with them after an illegal visit.

The legal requirements for such products are quite lenient, but despite this, in your interests and in the interests of the safety of your loved ones, you should not save money and install a tin box with a zip lock at home. Storing your gun in a secure safe is advisable, and manufacturers suggest whole line products with fairly solid “armor” and a bolt locking system.

Construction of safes for storing hunting rifles

On this moment The choice of gun safes is very large, they differ in design and size, and may have: different quantity shelves and vertical partitions, several compartments with separate locks, lockable secret trays of a wide variety of designs. The inner surface of a thick safe door is also used in many designs; hooks and various pockets can be installed on it. Depending on the product class, inner surface can be finished various materials: velvet, carpet, leather, etc.

It is also customary to finish the outer surface of safes with various materials that enhance the aesthetic qualities of these products. Often used for finishing valuable species wood or veneer, additionally decorated with carvings of hunting motifs.

Characteristic groups of gun safes and metal cabinets

- the simplest products. They are made of one and a half millimeter steel and can have handles for carrying. Burglar resistance is extremely low, as is fire resistance. The locks on such metal cabinets are key locks with a rotating flat bolt; popularly, such locks are usually called “postal” locks. Some models are equipped with combination locks, which does not give them increased burglary resistance, but allows owners not to carry keys with them.

Increased strength. The reliability of these cabinets is somewhat higher, they are equipped with the best quality locks, but this will not save you from intruders.

Made from durable 3 mm steel, the door thickness can be 5-6 mm. Most high-quality models of this group are equipped with an additional vertical bolt system, which significantly increases burglary resistance. The locks used are key lever type locks; reliable imported models are often installed. There are a number of designs with electronic locks, and sometimes there are models with code mechanisms.

- quite rare, expensive models with high fire resistance and reliable locking systems.

A hunting weapon left unattended can cause tragedy for your loved ones, or lead to theft and subsequent crimes involving its use. Do not neglect the rules of the Law on the storage of weapons, cartridges and other ammunition; in the end, this can save you from many troubles.