24.06.2016 09:21

Transit of Jupiter in the 4th house

Here Jupiter becomes the benefactor of family and household affairs. During this period, you can improve your living conditions and successfully resolve issues of family well-being. In 12 years this is the most favorable time for buying a house, cottage, apartment.

Since this transit indicates the expansion of the family, the birth of a child or the arrival of a daughter’s husband or a son’s wife into the family is possible. This is also a good time to study your ancestry. And even look for family treasures.

In the negative, Jupiter can cause family problems, difficulties with buying a house, or unexpected large expenses for apartment renovation.

Transit of Jupiter in the 5th house

During such a period, Jupiter promotes fame and glory. For creative people this is finest hour, when you can fully demonstrate all your talents and abilities, demonstrate your achievements and creations to the world.

Jupiter here becomes the harbinger of good luck and someone may win the lottery or take a big prize in a drawing. It is possible to meet a famous person and find a patron in him.

Since the need for love intensifies at this time, the number of romantic acquaintances may increase, and new hobbies appear. A person can come great love, a whirlwind romance.

The conception or birth of a child very often occurs during this transit. This period is very good for matters related to children. It is possible to adopt a child or conduct a charity event in orphanages.

In the negative, Jupiter may bring scandals associated with the name of the owner of the horoscope, and details of his personal life may become public knowledge. There may be losses from extravagance, craving for games and entertainment. Troubles associated with children are possible.

Transit of Jupiter in the 6th house

This is the best time to change your job to a better paying one or with good conditions labor, salary increase or reward for good work. Although this same transit may indicate an increase in the amount of work, combining several positions.

Being in this house, Jupiter helps to repay debts or the owner of the horoscope has the opportunity to pay off debts.

During this period, your health improves.

With the negative influence of Jupiter, a person may feel that he puts a lot of effort into his work and receives little for it. And a job change or promotion offer may not bring the expected joy.

Transit of Jupiter through the 7th house

Here Jupiter promotes and favors relationships. This is the time for networking, making acquaintances the right people. A person is noticed, they sympathize with him, and authoritative people appear in his environment. good time for any cooperation.

A marriage concluded during this period can become very happy.

In the negative, Jupiter can bring abuse of trust, there is a chance of becoming dependent on other people. A marriage that at first glance looked promising may later reveal its dark sides. With inharmonious aspects, there is a possibility of litigation.

Transit of Jupiter through the 8th house

The Benefactor's journey through this house inclines a person towards changes and crises, which can later bring benefits. Even if at first these changes look very difficult and do not promise anything good. A prize for patience and endurance is guaranteed.

A profitable investment of capital, large cash receipts, return of a large debt, and significant material support from a partner are possible.

Interest in psychology and magic is increasing.

In the negative, Jupiter can bring various trials: loss of a large amount of money, clashes with the tax service, payment of fines, severance of relations with partners. With Jupiter with inharmonious aspects, you should not take out loans or borrow money, since it will be very difficult to pay them back later.

Transit of Jupiter in the 9th house

During this transit, it is very good to improve your education, write a dissertation, go on a scientific expedition, become a consultant, or start teaching. Travel is successful, especially to ashrams, monasteries, and holy places. At this time, connections with foreign countries appear. Relatives from afar can come to visit, or a person can go to distant relatives himself.

Often such a transit indicates emigration. And if the move takes place during this transit, then adaptation to new conditions occurs much easier.

The right time to resolve issues in the courts.

In the negative, Jupiter creates difficulties in the areas described above: loss of authority, problems with obtaining a visa, mistakes due to overestimation of one’s capabilities, excessive faith, troubles while abroad.

Transit of Jupiter in the 10th house

Here Jupiter creates favorable conditions for complete success in all endeavors. But success is possible only if a person knows exactly what he wants. If in the 1st house Jupiter gives the opportunity to achieve success thanks to innate abilities, in the 5th house - thanks to talent, then in the 10th house success is guaranteed only as a result of work, perseverance and focus. If during such a transit a person waits by the sea for weather, then his possibilities will remain only possibilities.

In the negative, Jupiter increases difficulties in achieving goals, obstacles in the pursuit of heights.

Transit of Jupiter in the 11th house

The time of changes favorable for the owner of the horoscope begins. Being in this house, Jupiter contributes to the emergence of like-minded people, good friends, helps to bring ideas to life, and find sponsors.

When you're in the red, you can't count on friends. A person may have poor understanding of the situation and rely on the wrong people, support the ideas of radicalism, or participate in revolutionary actions.

Transit of Jupiter in the 12th house

Jupiter can behave differently in this house. If Jupiter is strong, then it gives a person the opportunity to relax, rest in silence and solitude, engage in his inner world and subconscious, join the study of secret sciences, and engage in meditation. May appear hidden talents, intuition opens, a craving for spiritual improvement appears. A person begins to look at many things differently. There is a desire to help the needy and weak.

For spiritually oriented people, this transit may coincide with a trip to holy places and renunciation of secular life. Emigration is possible. For older people, such a transit may mark retirement.

In the negative, Jupiter can contribute to a drop in vitality, fatigue, disappointment, loss of self-confidence, dissatisfaction with oneself and the environment, and the search for secret enemies. There is a possibility of becoming dependent, possible exacerbation of diseases and even imprisonment. Any privacy (including hospital bed or voluntary solitude in an apartment) indicates the need to pay attention to your inner world, hear the voice of your soul, reconsider your relationship with society, analyze the concepts of success in life, elevation, authority, expanding the boundaries of your world and your spiritual views and aspirations.

What will happen next?

The next opportunity to feel the influence of Jupiter in one or another area of ​​life will be only after 12 years, since it is during this time that Jupiter makes full turn around the Sun. Therefore, use the opportunities provided by the Great Benefactor and expand only with benefit!

Even those who are just beginning to get acquainted with astrology are looking forward to when transiting Jupiter will pass through important points in the birth chart. It just so happens that Jupiter is considered the planet of happiness and good luck. The ancients called him the Great Benefactor. What Jupiter transits will actually bring into your life you will learn from this article.

The main principle of Jupiter

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and is therefore closely associated with fertility and abundance. Main principle Jupiter - expansion, increase and expansion. In the natal chart, the house in which Jupiter is located– This is an area of ​​enormous opportunity, growth and expansion.

By its nature, Jupiter is not harmful, this planet does not limit like Saturn, does not create conflicts and disagreements like Mars. And therefore, many astrologers have the illusion that Jupiter has no flaws and does not cause any harm. But this is a big misconception.

What else can Jupiter increase?

Jupiter can increase not only your wallet or give you new opportunities and prospects in your career. But it can also multiply your problems.

At a low level, Jupiter gives squandering, exaggeration, failure to take advantage of opportunities, laziness and arrogance. Low Jupiter easily makes grandiose promises and tries to avoid any responsibility.

To appreciate the scale of the problems that Jupiter can bring, read the myths about Jupiter and his love affairs with nymphs. Many nymphs then had to turn into either a plant or a tree.

When transiting Jupiter moves through the Houses

In this article, we will look at how transit Jupiter manifests itself when passing through the Houses of the natal chart.

Remember that in the House in which Jupiter is located, the principle of expansion, increase and growth works. At a low level, Jupiter will give squandering and false hopes.

Transiting Jupiter in the 1st House

A very significant and tangible transit, during which a person begins to “enlarge” and grow in every sense of the word. If during this period you go out into the world, lead an active social life, and teach, then Jupiter will significantly expand your capabilities and increase the weight of your authority.

If at this time you do not lead a social life, Jupiter will increase your weight in the literal sense of the word: a wild appetite and, as a result, excess weight.

The task is to expand your Self

Transiting Jupiter in the 2nd House

This transit is often awaited like manna from heaven, because passing through the 2nd House of Money and Property, Jupiter significantly increases your wallet and provides many opportunities and prospects for expanding your income. Especially if you want to make money through the spheres of Jupiter: teaching, organizing something, tourism, everything related to foreigners, leadership positions.

At a low level, transiting Jupiter in the 2nd House will give huge expenses and useless expenses.

The goal is to expand your financial capabilities

Transit Jupiter in the III House

This transit usually brings many new promising acquaintances and connections. Success in learning, arrival of new and important information. Often during this period a person experiences great amount a wide variety of information. On a negative level there is a lot of information fuss.

The task is to expand your information horizons

Transit Jupiter in the 4th House

This transit is often accompanied by the acquisition of a new home, the purchase of an apartment or real estate. Improving living conditions. Also often during this period there is an addition to the family. If there are additional instructions in the natal chart - moving abroad.

At a low level, it can give a period when the native “plays” with the family, and is not obligatory in relation to close people. Reluctance to do household chores.

The task is to expand your home, family

Transiting Jupiter in the V House

Often this transit literally forces the native to go to weddings, holidays, and various events. A period of holidays, hobbies and excitement begins in life. A good period for pregnancy. This transit is especially good for seriously engaging in some kind of creativity or hobby.

At a low level, this transit brings many problems. Laziness, complete reluctance to work, engage in daily duties. A person lives in a mode of continuous rest.

The task is to expand your creative capabilities, create something

Transiting Jupiter in the VI House

Prospects for hired work appear; for a business manager, this transit is often accompanied by an increase in staff. Also, this transit can give a lot of responsibilities and daily affairs, if the native copes with them, then Jupiter will take him to a new level.

At a low level it causes illness and health problems. But serious and dangerous problems usually doesn't bring it.

The goal is to expand the scope of work, reach a new level in everyday life

Transiting Jupiter in the 7th House

Here Jupiter gives a lot of connections, communication and communication. For family life this transit can play out in two ways. If a couple is ready to reach a new level of relationship, then Jupiter will bring a lot of new and interesting things. If the couple clings to stability, then Jupiter may come into life family man in the form of connections on the side, a new love interest.

At a low level, Jupiter will sharply increase the number of your open enemies and ill-wishers during this period. There will be many conflict situations, ranging from competition to litigation.

The goal is to expand your social circle

Transiting Jupiter in the VIII House

Huge financial opportunities are emerging. A good period to look for a sponsor, any investment of money. Often this transit gives a deep immersion into the world of magic, an intensive study of psychoanalysis.

At a low level, Jupiter begins to increase dangerous and crisis situations in your life.

The task is to move to a new level of life through risk and danger

Transit Jupiter in the IX House

Often accompanied by numerous trips abroad, active study of everything foreign, spiritual and lofty. During this transit, a person begins to experience a strong hunger for information; he wants to understand everything in this life and preferably right now.

At a low level, there is a separation from reality; the native is too deeply immersed in issues of worldview and outlook on life.

The goal is to expand your worldview

Transit Jupiter in the X House

This transit provides enormous opportunities for career growth. Great business opportunities, especially in the areas of Jupiter. Reaching a new social level, honors, awards, recognition of merit.

At a low level it gives false perspectives, a quick rise and a quick fall, an irresponsible approach to life.

The task is to reach a new social level

Transit Jupiter in the XI House

The number of friends increases sharply, many like-minded people appear around you. Active participation in collective activities. A good period for going out into the world and social realization.

At a low level, collective ideas and friends begin to actively take over your life, and you begin to lose yourself, forgetting about your needs.

The goal is to expand your circle of friends or become popular

Transit Jupiter in the XII House

Difficult transit. On high level allows you to immerse yourself, study your unconscious, discover new facets of your personality. Moving abroad. Charity on a large scale. A period of very powerful and active internal growth.

At a low level, secret enemies and ill-wishers begin to appear in your life, who seemingly wish you all the best, but in reality cause harm.

The task is to expand everything unknown in your life (unconscious, immersion in unknown cultures)

What will happen in 12 years?

Use Jupiter transits wisely and expand profitably. You will have the next such opportunity only in 12 years, since Jupiter makes a full revolution around the Sun during this time.

Well, if you want to use Jupiter transits 100%, and also plunge into an atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and simply get a new fashionable profession in which you can make good money, go to our school!

Studying astrology has taught me that there is a time for everything. There is time to love, work or travel, have children or build a house. If you start a business at the wrong time, it will not bring positive results, and a lot of effort and nerves will be spent.

Usually in this case, many obstacles and difficulties arise; you try to achieve what you want, but it slips right out of your hands. And there are other periods: when you do almost nothing, but get results that are not commensurate with your minimal efforts. This is the law of time: all living beings stand in line to fulfill their desires.

The most important thing is to understand in time that now is not the time to fulfill your desire. And wait for the right moment when life gives you a hint: “Act! Right now!".

Usually, regarding small but important matters, the wait can take from several hours to several days. In such cases, I make 1–2 attempts to resolve the issue, and if there is no green light, I wait. I wait as if I were at a crossroads, looking at the traffic lights counting down the time until the start. Calmly and without an internal demand to let me through the intersection right now!

Usually, with this approach, everything is settled successfully: the person dials your number himself or talks about your question somewhere in the environment. This is a signal that a temporary gate has now opened, into which you can enter with your desire.

Sometimes I see how much people want to quickly settle more global and complex things: find a life partner, start a family, grow a business, and so on. The most interesting thing is that all these people achieve their goals. But each in its own time.

Some people torment themselves and strain the entire surrounding reality with their determination to get what they have planned here and now: from this particular person, in this particular month, etc. And often their hopes are dashed.

But if the desire is stable, then God gives them what they dreamed of. They create businesses, families and give birth to the children they want - just not with those with whom they previously thought they needed to be.

Transits of Jupiter through the houses of the horoscope: interpretation

Astrological transits of Jupiter to houses from the Moon set the time frame for certain life events. They are usually determined by the transits of Jupiter (Guru) through the houses of a person’s lunar chart.

The moon and its position are taken as the beginning of the horoscope, and the houses are counted from its degree in the sign.

Transit of Jupiter in the 1st house brings more change in life. Change of job, place of residence, life partner.

Transit of Jupiter in the 2nd house gives acquisitions, success in all matters, happiness in personal relationships. During this period, it is easy to meet your future spouse, since the 2nd house is also the house of the family.

Transit of Jupiter in the 3rd house brings dangers and difficulties, can cause relocation and travel. Jupiter tells us about large-scale events, because he is a heavy guru. Astronomers recognize Jupiter as one of the largest planets solar system. Therefore, trips and relocations will be global: to another country, for example, as happened in my life.

Transit of Jupiter in the 4th house often becomes a harbinger of a wedding, and for those who are already married, it can indicate an impending divorce. In any case, this is a change in matrimonial status, for some it is joyful, but for others it is not. Large expenses and danger to the health of relatives are additional satellites of Jupiter’s transit through the 4th Lunar House.

Transit of Jupiter in the 5th house horoscope is a very favorable period that activates the positive karma of our past lives, often this period ends with the onset of pregnancy or the birth of a child. This is a period for advancement in all directions, success.

It’s good to lay the maximum foundation for growth at such moments and not waste a lot of time in pleasure. Why astrology is good: when you know that you only have a few months to make a big breakthrough, you use them effectively!

Transit of Jupiter in the 6th house may cause health problems. But it can set a person up to serve others, give humility and thereby contribute to spiritual growth.

Transit of Jupiter through the 7th house can lead to a change of job, apartment, spending on your health and unforeseen problems. Also, the transit of Jupiter through the 7th house gives more money, awards, honorary titles. Moreover, a person becomes more hardworking and begins to make more efforts in all areas.

Transit of Jupiter through the 7th house gives success in cooperation with other people, partnership. But since illnesses and troubles are born precisely in those areas where we spend a lot of energy (overloading this area), the transit of the Guru through the 7th house often becomes a period of illness of spouses and children.

Transit of Jupiter through the 8th house often gives birth to a child, travel, unexpected opportunities and twists of fate. And it can become a period for scandals, loss of reputation and even freedom. A dangerous period when it is better to moderate your desires and be quieter than water - below the grass. The transit of Jupiter through the 8th house gives a tendency to travel and periods of loneliness, changes in home life or acquisition of an inheritance.

Transit of Jupiter in the 9th house The lunar chart gives growth in all areas of life. It can become a period of travel, acquisitions, and career success. Jupiter's transit through the 9th house will provide an opportunity to become a parent and become more visible. The desire for self-knowledge and spirituality increases.

Transit of Jupiter in the 10th house may take away the positive results of the previous period. This is a period of reflection, loss of funds and difficulties. Drastic changes at work, experience of dealing with ill-wishers or one’s own shortcomings.

Transit of Jupiter in the 11th house gives a period of fulfilling hopes, opening your own business, acquiring new connections. Our long-time desires are coming true. A person receives awards and honors for his efforts. The transit of Jupiter in the 11th house indicates the possibility of marriage of the native's adult children. A dangerous period for the native's mother.

Transit of Jupiter in the 12th house from the Moon just like 8, it can be a good moment for having children, traveling, visiting distant countries. The 12th house symbolizes the karma that we inherited from our clan and ancestors, and during this period chronic diseases that run through our clan may become more active. If the karma of the kind is good, the period will bring good results.

The transit of Jupiter through the 12th house can become a time for parting with outdated relationships, work or other events.

Of course, when interpreting each period, it is taken into account which house in the horoscope is ruled by Jupiter in your chart. Because everyone works off their good and bad karma on a strictly individual basis.

Study yourself, astrology and the world around you!

Transit is a very important aspect of Jyotish, which is mainly used to determine the timing of events. The Grahas which are placed in the Rashi chart and involved in various auspicious and inauspicious yogas give their results by moving through different signs during their transit movement. Usually the transit is considered from the Moon, and in my opinion, this happens because it is convenient, since moon sign It's very easy to find out by your birthday. And it is used for various purposes in India even now. The transit from the lagna is also important, which is unique for people who were born on the same day and have the same chandra lagna. A comprehensive analysis of transit from both lagna and chandra lagna gives more accurate results.

In addition to evaluating the transits from Chandra Lagna and Lagna, one must also evaluate the various yogas that are formed during the transits; states (avasthi) of graha in transit; any obstacles (vedhas); ashtakavarga; transit of grahas, controlling dasas and antardashas, ​​etc. In addition to this, transits of grahas across nakshatras are intricately interpreted in different ways. classical literature, as for example in the Sarvatobhadra chakra in Phaladipika.

However, the first step in understanding the transit is to study the results from the Moon. As his understanding matures, the astrologer must expand his horizons and bring many other factors into the transit assessment to make it more complete and accurate.

The following is the esoteric significance of the transit of the Guru through various bhavas from the Moon. I hope that after I talk about the transits of each graha, I will move on to explain the principles of transit through the lagna, transit yogas, transit through the natal grahas and bhavadhipati, yoga grahas in transit with natal grahas, as well as combining transits with the analysis of dashas .

Esoteric meaning of transits

The Guru gives good results by transiting through the bhavas of which he is a karaka, i.e. on the 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th houses. It also gives good results during its transit in the 7th house.

It is important to understand the esoteric meaning of transits, as they can tell about what is happening in a person's life. As long as he understands where he is being carried, and what the directions of this current are, and as long as he does not resist them, such a person will overcome negative periods and cherish the positive ones.

Gochara Guru according to Janma Rashi

  1. Jupiter transiting the Moon brings about many changes in life. This is usually a difficult period.
  2. From a positive perspective, this is a time for spiritual seeking, introspection and coping. large quantity negative karma of the past. During this period, materialism, which is represented by Rahu and rajo grahas by Mercury and Venus, leaves the native as his attention becomes focused on spiritual activities.
  3. A person plunges deep into himself, into a kind of trance and loses touch with the outside world. Such a period is akin to a person who goes to a spiritual teacher, away from worldly affairs, and thus loses touch with the real world.
  4. Jupiter also gives strict instructions and regulations and the native must adhere to the righteous path.
  5. This is a good time for spiritual activities, learning, etc.

Gochara Guru in the 2nd house from Janma Rashi

  1. Jupiter transiting the 2nd house from the Moon will reward him with interest as the native comes out into the world purified.
  2. The native receives the blessings of the guru and provider (Lord Vishnu) for success in various endeavors.
  3. Obstacles cease and the native gains support in all spheres of life.
  4. This is a financially favorable time during which the native acquires various luxuries and amenities.
  5. However, the native needs to be careful not to misuse it, otherwise the punishment in the subsequent transit may be severe.
  6. This is generally a favorable time to concentrate on the justifiable use of wealth, i.e. spend it on good causes, make deposits, and also focus on family values.
  7. The native will also be supported by family and community (kutumba).

Gochara Guru in the 3rd house from Janma Rashi

  1. Jupiter transiting in the 3rd house from Moon is the worst of all transits as the native cannot rest even for a moment. The position of Jupiter in the 3rd house is known as marana karaka avastha.
  2. During this transit there are too many changes in life which put a lot of pressure on the native and lead to stress.
  3. The 3rd house is full of activity, courage, valor, etc., which is indicated by Mars. Jupiter is completely opposite to Mars and cannot stand his methods of work. For this reason, Jupiter becomes depleted in the sign where Mars (10th house of the natural zodiac) is exalted.
  4. The native lacks mental stability and wanders around like a headless chicken, doing several things at the same time and not completing anything.
  5. He has a strong feeling of dissatisfaction and a feeling that something is missing in life; something that the native is feverishly searching for.
  6. This good period in order to try to study books containing various knowledge that can help calm the mind and bring peace.

Gochara Guru in the 4th house from Janma Rashi

  1. Jupiter's transit in the 4th from the Moon is a time of gaining stability after a period of ascending in the 3rd house.
  2. This is also a period of transition, as all the good things will really start to happen during the transit of the 5th house. The current transit can be taken as the first step towards the transit of the 5th.
  3. During the period of transit through the 4th house, the native must move to live far from home and family, and also perform some austerities.
  4. The native is in a meditative trance and tries to find the true meaning of life, its purpose and the purpose of everything that happens around.
  5. This is a slowdown period. A person likes solitude and is not interested in worldly affairs. There is a feeling of depression and loss of interest.
  6. The native hangs around idle and without a goal, or tries to find one.
  7. This may be a period of serious spiritual search and attempts to discover the true meaning of life.
  8. It can cause a change of residence, and this does not need to be resisted.
  9. During such periods, it is best to relax, do yoga, meditation, etc.

Phaladipika 26.18: During the transit of Jupiter in Janma Rashi, a person thinks about leaving his homeland, incurring large expenses or losing wealth, experiencing hostility with relatives. According to the 2nd house, he thinks of gaining wealth, family happiness, good results and profits due to speech. In the 3rd house, he thinks about loss of position, separation from relatives, obstacles in enterprises, illness, etc. In the 4th house, he thinks about sadness because of relatives, about his own humiliation, and danger from four-legged animals.

Gochara Guru in the 5th house from Janma Rashi

  1. After a period of spiritual quest, Jupiter transiting the 5th house brings peace to the native.
  2. Now he receives blessings from his teachers for material happiness and comfort. After a period of severe suffering (!), the native receives what he expected to receive.
  3. He gains wisdom, knowledge, strength, position and power, and many of his long-held desires come true.
  4. Now he is happy. This is a time of rest, after which a period of instability will begin. The native becomes very optimistic, full of energy and ready for new challenges in life.
  5. He finds meaning and purpose in life and switches to investing in his own future. Now the native needs to concentrate on new beginnings and start planning for his own future.

Gochara Guru according to the 6th from Janma Rashi

  1. Jupiter transiting the 6th house from the Moon causes despondency and lack of interest.
  2. Even if a person is surrounded by comforts and luxuries in life, he will not be able to enjoy them and will understand that he has again entered a period of lack of purpose!
  3. You have already seen that the Guru does not allow you to enjoy anything for a long time. This makes one content with what was achieved during a good period. On the other hand, it makes you think about the insignificance of material comfort and pushes you to think that there is something else beyond the material world.
  4. The 6th house is the house of enemies and its karaka is Saturn. Therefore, the native also faces a lot of difficulties from enemies as well as situations that are not in his favor.
  5. Many wishes are not fulfilled, and this causes depression and despondency during this period.
  6. During this period, it is best to serve people without expecting anything in return; then the problems will begin to resolve themselves.

Gochara Guru in the 7th house from Janma Rashi

  1. Jupiter's transit in the 7th house from the Moon is like the light at the end of the tunnel that appears after a grueling period of despondency and frustration.
  2. The 7th house represents the desires of our heart and is shown by Venus. This indicates a period of happiness and the fulfillment of long-standing desires.
  3. The native gains stability in family life, social interaction improves and the native emerges from his cocoon (solitude).
  4. Good events may take place in the family such as marriage, birth of children, etc. and the native may undertake fruitful journeys for better living conditions.
  5. People whose Jupiter transits the 7th house will be praised and there will be a high chance of getting better social position.
  6. This is a good period to start socializing with the outside world and building your connections. This will lead to support in the next Guru transit through the 8th house, where the person will undergo another intense period of purification.

Gochara Guru in the 8th house from Janma Rashi

  1. The 8th house has both positive and negative indicators. On the one hand, it governs health, longevity, hidden wealth, occult knowledge and exploration. On the other hand, it rules debts, obstacles, disasters and birth defects. His karaka is Saturn, which is inauspicious for Jupiter (Jupiter becomes debilitated in the sign of Saturn). The 8th house is also unfavorable for the Moon, because The Moon falls into Chandrashtama here and becomes depleted in the 8th house of Naisargika Kundali, Scorpio.
  2. Jupiter transiting in the 8th house from the Moon is inauspicious. The native suffers from exhaustion due to overwork, suffers due to unnecessary travel - this is another reason for exhaustion and fatigue.
  3. If in addition to this Jupiter is afflicted in transit, then the native suffers due to many obstacles, calamities, health problems, loss of loved ones and relatives and also due to severe suffering.
  4. There may be large losses of wealth, late fees, penalties, losses in investments and speculation, etc.
  5. This is a good time to invest your time in the practice of yoga, pranayama, regular physical activity etc.

Phaladipika 26.19: During transit in the 5th house, the native thinks about having children, happiness through children, meeting gentlemen, royal favor. In the 6th house he thinks about problems from enemies and cousins, health problems and illnesses. In the 7th house about travel caused by good events, happiness associated with a wife, the birth of children, etc. According to the 8th house, the exhaustion caused by fruitless travel, problems during travel, many inauspicious results and failures, loss of money, many dangers and pain.

Gochara Guru in the 9th house from Janma Rashi

  1. The 9th house is dharma or the path of righteousness. The karaka of the 9th house is Jupiter itself, and the 9th is the best place for the transit of the Guru among all bhavas.
  2. This bhava shows everything that is respectable and requires worship. It is a temple and a place of prayer.
  3. The transit of Jupiter through this bhava from the position of the Moon gives a person everything he deserves for full cycle 12 years old. Everything that has been stalled for a long time is being resolved. One receives divine blessings (which promise success, good health, promotion, wealth, etc.) more than ever before.
  4. During such a period, it is best to visit temples or religious places, this way the blessings will be released.

Gochara Guru in the 10th house from Janma Rashi

  1. When Jupiter transits the 10th house from the Moon, it becomes the overseer. The Guru's standards are extraordinarily high, and it is practically impossible to fulfill them in a way that meets his expectations.
  2. What happens now that you can't live up to the strict teacher's expectations? Like a strict teacher, Jupiter will systematically fail you in the life exam. It's like you can't get out of the never-ending cycle of errors.
  3. It can cause loss of position and favor, loss of job (or place of employment) and make the native seek recognition and satisfaction from work.
  4. The native is forced to go to work or gets an assignment that is far below his abilities! This makes a person hate his boss, because... they (bosses) become too tough and demanding. He also hates circumstances because they bind him hand and foot (less strength and power).
  5. Freedom at work is suppressed because... the native craves freedom and interferes less in work matters! He keeps saying, “Don’t interfere, I know my business.” But who's listening?
  6. It's check time. Do not give up! This is a good period to invest in activities that may not bring quick profits, but are favorable in long term. The native may also be looking ahead to change his assignment, team or place of work and be less critical of his superiors!
  7. One day, when Jupiter enters the 11th, the test will end and recognition will come. So, the hour calls to be persistent, but remain humble!

Gochara Guru in the 11th house from Janma Rashi

  1. Jupiter transiting the 11th house is the time to take off! To get what you have been striving for for a long time, i.e. recognition and reward for all the hard work done.
  2. The person now begins to relax and get into the mood of enjoying the rewards received!
  3. Everything good that he missed or lost in the last transit will return.
  4. Fatigue will give way good health, and the increase in profits that he has been waiting for a long time will happen now.
  5. He will be promoted, given new roles and responsibilities for all those skills and talents expressed on the job, and the perseverance shown in the face of life's difficulties, will be rewarded.
  6. This transit is the next in benevolence after the transit through the 9th house. The person gains reputation, position, power, wealth, and all material happiness and success!

Gochara Guru in the 12th house from Janma Rashi

  1. As we know, Jupiter does not give good results, because he does not want us to have our heads in the clouds, but wants us to be in contact with earthly realities.
  2. Having achieved all the success that Jupiter’s transit through the 11th house promises, a person says: “I’ve had enough!” He begins to realize the insignificance of success in the material world, as something begins to bother him from within.
  3. There will be a feeling of inner emptiness, and the native will have difficulty trying to find the answer to the question about the true meaning of life!
  4. It is very difficult to satisfy the heart with any material things, since they do not quench the thirst for knowledge about oneself.
  5. A person tends to visit very remote places, make pilgrimages, live in solitude, etc., devote his time to philosophy, issues related to life after death, and also prepare himself for the last way, i.e. to life itself after death.
  6. Suffering can be very strong, and activity in search of the true meaning of life will be limitless. Only after Jupiter transits the moon sign will a person begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  7. The native is not interested in anything and moves in various directions in search of a goal.
  8. But never lose hope! This is the best time to introspect everything you have done in the last 12 years! Attend spiritual lectures as they will give you more peace and tranquility in your heart.

Sources: Jay Jacobs, "Career Cycles and Compensation." Grant Lewey "Astrology for Millions."

Chances of freedom, expansion and waste

Jupiter rushes through the Zodiac at the rate of one sign per year and, accordingly, there remains a year in each solar and, on average, in each natal house. Its passage through the house may be made up of two or even three time periods if the retrograde movement causes it to re-cross one or both cusps. The total time allotted to each house for expansion in its sphere remains unchanged, but sometimes the affairs of several houses are done at once, and sometimes, on the contrary, one house requires the inclusion of another. Typically, Jupiter makes aspects to all natal planets every year, and some aspects are made exact three times. The normal time for an aspect to be in the orb is about three weeks, but if it occurs during the stationary phase of movement (slowdown when changing retrograde to direct movement or vice versa), it can persist for four months!

Jupiter is the "Great (but overrated) Benefactor", the zodiac Goodwin of the Emerald City, who has never given anything to anyone that he did not already have. The transit of Jupiter brings with it an opportunity. Opportunity is knocking on the door. For some time. And that's all Jupiter does. He does not open the door, but then comes in after you and takes you to milk rivers with jelly banks. However, during transits, it provides each house with a chance to increase the level of manifestation and each planet with a favorable opportunity to expand its expression.

Your potential increases when you become convinced that you must do something to (best) realize the chances Jupiter offers. If the wind blows, the ship sails, even when everyone on it is asleep; but if you want to sail somewhere, you need to raise and set the sails. You won't get what's on offer if you don't answer a knock on the door - answer an ad, return a phone call, send a letter in the mail - in general, don't use your sails to sail the way you're supposed to. Like Goodwin, Jupiter makes people see their capabilities - making sure they have all the resources they need or can get them (with less effort or more benefit than they thought). Jupiter brings honest optimism, clearer vision and fuller understanding. He bestows freedom “for”, inner freedom and freedom from. If a person takes a chance and bets on himself, Jupiter rewards him enough, beyond that and more than: good, and even better, and simply incredibly good!

Transiting Jupiter in the houses of radix

Entering the 1st house , Jupiter brings with it an increase in confidence, self-expression, enthusiasm and carefree cheerfulness. Usually during this period people give themselves more than usual permission to be themselves and do as they please. They come to the center of the stage and show off their best qualities, however, together with some others. If complacency does not go through the roof, people will expect a more positive response than usual and a more favorable response. Feedback. They receive support from others, especially in types of work where enthusiasm is rewarded. If they are capable of a bit of good manners during this period, it is time to apply for a new job or promotion.

Transit of Jupiter through the 2nd house marks the time when the client's ship can drop anchor... provided it has been set sail. Otherwise, one of your best chances of getting rich will go down the drain. During this transit, there are several great opportunities to gain new sources of income. It is possible that you can use all of them and, moreover, extract maximum benefit from most of them, however, usually people should be prudent and not try to catch all the birds with one stone, but make their own choice. It is quite right to say “No!” to Jupiter, since he often offers dizzying prospects that turn out to be mirages or temptations that distract from something else with more real potential. It is recommended to apply for what you actually need, since there is no time for a second attempt. You can look for a salary increase, transfer to another job, promotion, or opening your own business. This is a time when there can be more money, but it can also become better - from a better source, money for exactly what a person wants to earn, no matter what criteria he is guided by.

Movement of Jupiter in the 3rd house - the best time to expand education and communication skills. For many, this directly or indirectly leads to improved job prospects and increased earning potential. This period is very favorable for starting professional activities related to teaching, trading, traveling, and in our technocratic era - also with telecommunications or telemarketing, information networks and advertising services.

Transit through the 4th house favorable for a change of residence, which can give us the best choice work or just better neighbors.

Transit of Jupiter through the 5th house - it's so fun that clients don't really care about financial problems. A job in the entertainment industry may come up. Increased release of creative energy can be used in work. But you should not expect that all this will happen on its own, without conscious intentions and active focus.

Transit of Jupiter through the 6th house carries an increase in the amount of work to be done along with an increase in the ability to do it. As Confucius said, “Whoever wants to improve his work must first sharpen his tools.” There is no better time for both than when Jupiter is in the 6th house. Some improvement occurs spontaneously, but people who are willing to learn or find a good instructor will make the most of this transit. They may get a great job, more suitable employees, a better work environment, or they may be able to create these preferred conditions in their previous job. During periods of these transits, you can refuse offers that are not very satisfactory and look for the best.

Together with the transit of Jupiter through VII At home, our lives include more supportive marriage or business partners and better,1 in all aspects, relationships. Regarding work, this is the best time to take on a partner in your business or join someone as a partner. This is also a good period to buy out your partner’s share or leave him and start your own individual business (especially if Jupiter then returns to the VI house).

Transit of Jupiter through the 8th house for most people most time is expressed in an increase in sexuality - energy, activity, variety, successful opportunities and pleasure. It also promotes a better understanding of sexuality, tolerance of the preferences of others and liberation from inhibitions. Most people are simply enjoying this time (and perhaps transforming increased energy in productivity), although there are some professions that directly benefit from it. Several times in life, these transits can manifest themselves “to the maximum”: in receiving an inheritance, insurance, or winning trial, which will give the client funds for his business. More often they are accompanied by a more moderate influx of some capital from outside into a personal enterprise (from loans, subsidies, shares, etc.).

Transition of Jupiter to the IX house promotes visiting educational institutions, weekend seminars, libraries, bookstores where one can acquire the knowledge necessary to carry out professional tasks and take advantage of the favorable work opportunities that will arise when Jupiter enters the X house.

Many people travel during this period (and this can be useful for their career); begin to lecture, teach, conduct seminars or trainings (which prepares the conditions for growth or independence in the future).

Jupiter in the X house is the best chance to get promotions, recognition, awards and distinctions. This transit can bring genuine recognition and approval; can make a person the center of attention and give (a certain amount of) fame. It evokes the so-called people's love, which ensures that politicians are elected, and ordinary people- promotion to better and better paid positions.

However, this Jupiterian advancement does not necessarily add anything - it may not increase either income or productivity. It provides one-time awards and bonuses rather than a stable increase in earnings. The transit of Jupiter through the X house is a great moment for entering the sphere in which a person really wants to be, for applying for a position that he strives to occupy; in order to dare to start an independent business. Some people use this transit to screw over their boss, family, and society: they quit their jobs and enjoy freedom from professional duties and responsibilities. Ask them if they see any way to enjoy freedom without giving up productivity. He exists.

Jupiter in the 11th house - this is the time for the expansion of aspirations, the time when dreams come true. Often what a person wanted to realize or for which he strived for success comes true. He gets access to some new associations, to new connections. This can initiate new business ventures, contacts and contracts. It is also possible to improve relationships with colleagues and within work groups.

Transit of Jupiter through the 12th house , with the accompanying expansion of “otherworldly” spiritual interests and the development of psychosensory abilities, may seem in no way connected with material success (or even the opposite of it). However, life shows that the most intuitive workers are the most successful. Guessing pays dividends, the right sensations lead to the right place, additional sensitivity helps effective action(anywhere: in the church, at the control panel, in the office, in the auto repair shop and on the assembly line). During these transits, even troubles are not as bad as they might seem: the person is “providentially protected” from disasters. In everything bad we can find good, no matter how much we are deprived, it has its own reward, and every disadvantage has its advantages.

Aspects of Jupiter

Jupiter - Sun . These transits mark periods personal growth, developing confidence and positive hopes. In a single fusion, confidence, energy, creativity and luck complement each other and enrich life. During this period it may be planned important meetings, making suggestions and requests. You either take the chance or you miss it; even when a lucky card comes your way, it won't help you if you're playing incorrectly.

Compound. New horizons are opening up before you. Popularity, luck and friends boost your self-confidence. You have many chances to achieve prosperity, provided that you do not use the opening prospects for the very tempting aimless waste of life. Motives and main goals are important. If you are not afraid of work and know that this is the only path to success, then the expansion of your field of vision during this transit will prove to be a real blessing for you, and your ability to achieve material gain will increase. But if you are impractical, believe that the world is obliged to provide you with a livelihood, love an easy life and luxury, are prone to wastefulness and are arrogant about income from work, then this will be just a calm and pleasant time for you, when you will dream of many things, but you won't achieve anything. Opportunities surround you. You just need to not miss them, but this “only” is very important here. Good may fall from heaven at your feet, but you must grab hold of it. Keep your eyes wide open. There is a danger that you will feel good and relax, and when you wake up, you will find that you missed the best chances of your life.

Opposition. New contacts and ways of expressing yourself, new work, new energies and ambitions test your mind and health. But you're overwhelmed life force and optimism, and you can endure a lot if you take care of your health and do not indulge your weaknesses. Partners or work colleagues bring good luck. Probably without much effort on your part, earn money that can go away just as easily as it came. Avoid overspending. You are able to indulge in wastefulness almost unnoticed by yourself. Self-indulgence, which seems harmless at first glance, progresses until it ceases to be innocent. Soulful relationships with others. Make sure that they are also sound and not built on the quicksand of temperament and sensationalism. Be prepared to seize the opportunity and stay clear-headed so you don't miss out on your chances to succeed.

Upper square. Success in social work and fame tend to go to your head. You could become careless in financial matters, damaging your creditworthiness and setting the stage for future regrets. Restraint and acquaintance with influential people promise to bring profit. You benefit from patronage if you are willing to use it as a stepping stone to honest effort and work. Avoid excessive ego ambition and significant power; be content to stay in the background. Seize opportunities not to enhance your prestige or achieve fame, but to lay a foundation for them to build on in the future. Avoid excesses and take care of your health. There is a danger of physical illness due to self-indulgence or overwork at work. An automatic increase in salary is possible, but you will achieve little by asking for a salary increase. Rest assured that you will get no more or less than what you deserve, and ego interference is more likely to lead to disappointment rather than favor from management.

Bottom square. Good luck accompanies new beginnings. Long-term plans for business, family life, etc. are coming together successfully. Your home is an excellent base of operations, and with additional favorable signs, this will be a good time to purchase a permanent home. You will have to control extravagance in your personal life, but the money will likely be spent wisely - on necessary properties and real estate. Host guests and build self-esteem by surrounding yourself with things and people that make you feel relaxed and comfortable; the ego thus stimulated flourishes and helps you move forward. Seek satisfaction in personal pleasure rather than public recognition.

Jupiter - Moon . During transiting Jupiter aspects to natal Moon fame and public opinion favorable and will bring satisfaction to the client. These aspects open the heart, warm and soften it (pink light, peace and love...) If the Moon or the sign of Cancer is associated with the 2nd, 6th or 10th house, events in these houses will be joyful.

Compound. You feel new self-confidence and are able to solve internal problems that have been bothering you. Little changes in outside world, but your attitude towards it changes. You may not be able to control what is happening to you, but you are gaining new power over own worldview and as a result, you become the master of the situation yourself. Good health promotes inspiration and general feeling well-being. Here by yours positive features are self-confidence and independence. They help you feel important. Look into your soul; outline your goals and desires; determine what you want from the world, but be sure that it is not something specific, but your position in relation to it. May be accompanied by a genuine transformation of the spirit as a result of a sudden insight into your inner essence and thereby mark the moment when you switch from false virtues to true ones and begin a new, brighter and happy life based on the highest values.

Upper and lower squares or opposition. Periods of physical and mental stress, usually resulting in fatigue and the need to rest. Desires wear you out and you need a break. Good time for vacation. If you have the opportunity to relax (and you definitely should), then you can enjoy life. Avoid extremes in financial matters and emotions. Eat right. Food and strong drinks are very tempting and can cause problems in the future if not taken care of.

Jupiter - Mercury . These aspects increase the willingness to communicate and the ability to communicate effectively, with graceful virtuosity and achievement of the desired result. However, these aspects, great for interviews, presentations, phone calls, correspondence and written reports or proposals, can manifest themselves destructively if a person, instead of clearly defining the context and bringing clarity, falls into the Jupiterian traps of ostentatious erudition, pompous ranting, superficial cleverness, brilliant common places, empty talkativeness, endless walking in circles, hackneyed maxims - of which the last few lines are a deliberately eloquent example(!). Aspects of transiting Jupiter to natal Mercury also serve as a signal of good news - about a person or for him, or addressed to him.

Compound. Your views are strengthened, but this does not confirm their validity. Now you are stubborn and headstrong. Your understanding of what you saw and heard is extremely clear to you, but it can be either correct or incorrect. You don't listen to anyone. Depending on what you tell yourself and what you convince yourself of, this period can be good or bad for you. Once you make a decision, you stubbornly stick to it. If the path you choose is smart, you will go far. If he is unreasonable or panders to your baser desires, you will also go far, but only in the wrong direction. This transit requires you to use common sense; then you gain by refusing to change and sticking to a wise course; Thanks to directness and constancy, you achieve popularity and changes for the better, as well as the favor of influential people who value such qualities. If this transit occurs before a person develops mature judgment, then it is difficult to say where the path you choose will lead, up or down. In any case, this transit provides life experiences from which, sooner or later, you will learn a number of important and sobering lessons. Usually implies financial gain or at least prosperity.

Jupiter - Venus . These aspects bring love, money, generosity, joy. It’s truly joyful to give a gift to a person who is completely and deeply indifferent to you. However, financial arrogance can result in an empty wallet after the transit. During these periods, you are appreciated, so they are the best time to talk about raising your salary. A dollar saved is a dollar earned, so deals abound: if something is planned to be purchased in the future, then its equivalent goes on sale, so “showing off” does not prevent a person from being thrifty.

Compound. A not very noticeable influence that somewhat strengthens goodwill and promotes success in social activities and in business. Sometimes accompanied by engagement or marriage, but the influence is not strong enough to ensure them with certainty. You are confident in your emotional reactions, which do not necessarily lead you down a constructive path. Self-will in love, the cause of which is not so much intense passion as the direction of your mental activity. Far-reaching aspirations, ranging from self-indulgence and achieving a high position in society to idealism. You take yourself seriously, but try not to pay too much attention to the little things. Financial profit; danger of wastefulness; heavy expenses.

Jupiter - Mars . Aspects to Mars have an energizing effect and impart a positive enthusiasm of the kind that is very attractive to others. This is a great time to sell any product, service, idea, but especially to use personal relationships. This is the time to ACT to make money; activity and expression are what you need.

Compound. Provides additional favorable opportunities, strengthens self-confidence and promotes success in business, popularity and the ability to earn money, but threatens arrogance and personal extremes. A pronounced tendency to spend energy unproductively, to roughly deal with obstacles and to realize favorable opportunities. You are little inclined to compromise with reality and waste time searching for the ideal job, marriage partner, friend, etc., missing out on golden opportunities because they do not exactly match what you think or demand. Self-will causes problems and leads to losses. You are driven by self-esteem. A period of rapid advancement and ambitious ego. There are good chances of success if you know how to act quickly - and when you need, on the contrary, force yourself to “slow down.” You will not be able to reap the benefits of this transit if you indulge your desires.

Jupiter - Jupiter . Major aspects bring with them chances of triumph or victory; minor or average aspects contribute to a simply good situation. It’s enough just to show up to win, but the Grand Prix is ​​saved for those who leave important events for this period and bet on a positive outcome. With a major aspect, money can literally fall from the sky, especially if it affects the 2nd house (and/or V, VIII, X).

Compound. The twelve-year cycle and period when important plans and ideas are revised. May involve major new steps such as marriage, business partnerships, independent or joint ventures of long-term significance. Pay special attention to this transit at ages twenty-four and thirty-six—it marks the end of one lifestyle and the beginning of another. Opportunities accumulate and you respond to them. You are quite happy with the current situation. Self-control is required, since the presence of a desired chance does not guarantee its implementation. Opportunities are knocking on the door, but you need to open it and focus on them, because the benefits that come without much effort will just as easily disappear if you don’t grab them. Take a look at the upcoming transit of Saturn. He will tell you the way to implement the favorable opportunities of Jupiter.

Opposition. Observed six years before the preceding transit, it marks a turning point in your career when what was started in the conjunction takes on a new turn and plans are accordingly revised. May represent a certain peak of achievement that you eventually reach as a reward for persisting in your chosen path. Changes in the pace and direction of movement can only be made after sober reflection, because what is happening now has more significance than you currently realize. In itself, this influence seems quite harmless, but in fact it characterizes a period that will determine the course of your life for many years to come.
Top or bottom squares. These transits occur halfway between Jupiter's conjunction and opposition to your natal location, and mark subtle changes in your attitude toward work and life plans. Opportunities are likely to increase, but more often than not you are simply too busy with what you are doing and, as a result, somewhat inattentive to money. During these periods financial position usually does not change for about three years, so you need to plan your budget for the future based on the current situation.

Jupiter - Saturn . These aspects pose a dilemma and force you to make difficult choices. Choosing material well-being at the expense of spiritual values ​​is not welcome, but “happy bankruptcy” is also not an option. Most people in this situation choose to overextend themselves and, driven by increased practicality or ambition, or believing that in this way they will ultimately buy their happiness, they grab career opportunities.

Compound. A sobering influence that allows you to enhance your well-being and raise your standard of living according to your lifestyle and income level. Opportunity will appear only if you are able to discern it in your daily activities. Not a very good time for change. Under normal circumstances, this time will pass more or less unnoticed, but slowly and quietly your authority and power in your field of activity will increase. During periods of unemployment or depression, transit provides a way out of impasse, providing a chance to start over, which you should not reject because it is “uninteresting” or “not worthy” of your attention.

Jupiter - Uranus . Aspects to Uranus bring sudden, unexpected luck, which falls like a bolt from the blue with intense aspects and like a rainbow against a background of complete blueness with harmonious ones. Wow! You have won a prize! Often this is unexpected money. Forgotten hopes turn into feasible dreams, and under the influence of transiting Jupiter to Uranus aspects, they actually come true if the person is able to drop his dance routine and sway with Prince Serendip.

Compound. Develops the ego and provides a favorable opportunity for self-expression in a unique, most characteristic way for you. This essentially creative period is accompanied by some increase in temperament; but at this time you are able to overcome all obstacles that prevent you from freely expressing your dominant attraction. Strong self-confidence becomes noble. Travel is expected - not only real, but also those when your imagination takes you to new areas of consciousness and philosophy. An unexpected profit, such as a gift, an inheritance, or an undeserved increase in income is possible. wages, as well as wastefulness due to self-confidence. Ingenuity flourishes, and you should try to introduce your original ideas to others.

Jupiter - Neptune . These aspects add experiential depth to the spiritual experience. Reinforced intuition can help estimates, but the gain for the soul is greater than for income, unless one of these planets (or the sign of Pisces) is in (or on the cusp of) the 10th, 6th, or 2nd house.

Compound. Deep self-confidence encourages you to trust your feelings and hunches. Most often they do not lie, but there is no reason to go to extremes. The best manifestation of such influence will be active creative activity. Embody your ideals, find a way to express what you take for granted in a way that is attractive to the world. In your determination to “be yourself,” remember that there are several “I”s hidden within you; choose the one that will best serve your intentions. Banish the demons from the unconscious while turning to it for support of your highest goals and idealistic dreams. This may be a period of self-pity, spiritual debauchery and self-indulgence, or a time of noble quest for genuine foresight that you have never possessed before.

Jupiter - Pluto . Major aspects to Pluto have the ability to initiate major, beneficial changes and lead to important breakthroughs. If the aspect is tense, the beneficial effect may be hidden (by confrontation or demands), but time and correct installation will discover him. For a caterpillar to become a butterfly, it must be in a cocoon. Minor aspects encourage the client to enter a room full of friendly strangers. He is brash and adventurous, and is brave enough to complete his task as long as he doesn't lose his head. Intense sexual activity almost certainly leads to lack of sleep, nervous exhaustion and reckless commitments.

Conjunction, upper and lower squares or opposition. A meeting, and perhaps a clash, of the principles of mentoring and transformation. Jupiter can give you unreasonable optimism. You are now closer to creating miracles—or at least trying to create them—than ever before. You are closer to understanding the meaning of death. Beware of seeking death and do not try to overly control your destiny. This is the time to let events unfold as usual, standing a little to the side. Jupiter suggests favorable opportunities, and during the transit you will have many chances to succeed. A great period for learning. You will have the ability to concentrate deeply. Use it to look into the remote corners of your soul. You will seek knowledge beyond traditional education and be introduced to books and people that will change your perspective forever.


Interpretation of transits is not useful both for predicting the course of events and for better understanding them. Astrologers can stun and amaze clients with the most accurate descriptions of the inner world of their thoughts, moods and experiences, as well as external interactions, circumstances, and aspirations. They can also intrigue their clients by pointing out future opportunities, challenges and dangers. They can be most helpful to their clients by discussing with them how to make the best use of current or upcoming transits.

The client always strives for success and satisfaction, no matter how he defines and evaluates them. He wants not only to survive, but also to thrive, even in those moments when he is ready to give up everything. Many will come to you in times of crisis, on the verge of disaster, at the entrance to depression. Remember that human resources are surprisingly inexhaustible and extremely flexible. People have no problems that they cannot solve, provided they are willing to do what is necessary to implement the solutions available to them. Plus, they can bounce back from anything if they have the time, attention, and the right intention.

Some - a few - will turn to you, being at the beginning of a new path open to them, wanting to receive, figuratively speaking, a manual for using their vehicle, a map of the area, as well as a personal index best views and stopping places (works and professional careers) on their road. Real astrology can give you all this.
People come to an astrologer for wisdom and advice, for guidance on time and means. We should know as much about life as we do about astrology. Be open to learning what works in life and share it with your clients. Perhaps this is communication and inclusion in communities, requests and promises, discussions of conditions and acceptance, responsibility and ingenuity, self-expression and courage, response and education, vitality and integrity, openness and amazement, independence and help. These are effective ways to use the energies of each of the planets and in the conditions of all transits. When working with transits, remember that the outer planets are more important than the inner ones; that they determine long-term life directions; that their transit aspects extend over longer periods and usually act from more influential this period houses. Planets transiting through natal or solar houses act in these houses even when they are not forming aspects. One transit is needed to initiate the process. Every transit occurs in the “living space” created by previous transits (and decisions made during them), and sets the context for subsequent transits.

Transits act not only at the moment when they form an exact aspect, but also within the two-degree orb, both with converging aspects and with divergent ones. At any moment, several transit aspects are simultaneously within the orb. Any one of them and all of them can act separately, without being combined with others. But any aspect, any position can be combined with several others, giving rise to complex circumstances.

The most accurate interpretations and forecasts are those based on many transits. Transits can influence each other, but they never completely block each other. Transits with opposite effects will be experienced as life contradictions. Usually, the more transit aspects are within the orb, the more restless and exciting life is.

The most visual way to understand the combination of planetary influences, the ebb and flow of the actions of simultaneous and successive transits, is to depict them graphically. A picture is worth a thousand words, and a “map” is always clearer than a description of “routes.”

I believe that the greatest benefit and optimal results in work (and in life) are achieved if you actively move in the transit flow. Don't just go with the flow - go with the flow. Don't just sit on a horse - ride a horse, in the same direction in which life is moving. Use the reins of reason and intuition, knowledge and desire, intention and action, to keep you on course for the interesting and satisfying life you enjoy living.

15 chernya 2009