Eternal? In the context of modern realities, these questions sound very rhetorical.

Meanwhile, love is the brightest and strongest feeling.

And now we will tell you the most famous love stories that will prove this to you.

1. Romeo and Juliet

The most popular couple in the whole world, which has become synonymous with the word “love”. "Romeo and Juliet", a tragedy from the pen of William Shakespeare, about two teenagers from warring families who fall in love with each other. For the sake of their feelings, they decided to sacrifice their own lives, which finally reconciled the warring families.

Mark Antony and Cleopatra fell in love at first sight. Since they were quite influential people, Egypt only benefited from their romance, but the Romans, on the contrary, were afraid of the growing influence of the Egyptians. Despite everything, Cleopatra and Mark Antony entered into. One day, while fighting against the Romans, Mark was informed of Cleopatra's false death. Unable to find the strength to live on, he committed suicide. Upon learning of the death of her lover, Cleopatra also committed suicide.

Sir Lancelot fell in love with Queen Guinevere, wife of King Arthur. Their passion flared up very slowly, but one day they were caught by surprise in the queen's bedroom. The escape attempt failed, or rather, only Lancelot escaped. The queen was sentenced to death for treason. However, Lancelot saved her from certain death. At the same time, the Knights of the Round Table split into two groups, weakening the influence of King Arthur. The lovers had to part – Lancelot ended his days as a hermit, and Guinevere became a nun.

The story of the unhappy love of Tristan and Isolde also took place during the reign of King Arthur. Isolde, daughter of the King of Ireland, became engaged to King Mark of Cornwall. Tristan, King Mark's nephew, was to accompany Isolde to Cornwall. However, young people fall in love with each other. But, despite this, the royal wedding still took place, although the intrigue with Tristan continues after. The deceived king eventually discovers his wife's affair, but forgives her, exiling Tristan from Cornwall.

In Brittany, Tristan met Isolde, who was very similar to his beloved. He married her, although the marriage could not be called happy. One day he became very ill and sent for his beloved, in the hope of healing. He agreed with the captain of the ship that if Isolde arrived, he would raise white sails, if not, then black ones. However, Tristan's wife deceived him, saying that the ship's sails were black. Tristan died of grief without waiting for his beloved, and soon she died of a broken heart.

Helen of Troy is one of the most beautiful women world literature. She married the king of Sparta, Menelaus. However, she was kidnapped by Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy, and taken to Troy. For the sake of the liberation of Helen, a huge army headed by the brother of Menelaus headed to Troy. Troy was destroyed, and the beautiful Elena returned to Sparta, to her happy family life with Menelaus.

The love story of Orpheus and Eurydice – ancient greek myth about the desperate and courageous love of a man for a nymph. They lived in love and harmony until Aristaeus began to pursue Eurydice, greek god land and Agriculture. Fleeing from his pursuit, Eurydice fell into a snake's nest, where she was fatally stung. Orpheus, distraught with grief, sang sad songs that moved both the gods and the nymphs to pity. They advised him to go down to the kingdom of the dead, where his music moved Hades and Persephone to pity. They agreed to return Eurydice to earth, but set a condition - Orpheus should not turn around and look at her. But he was unable to fulfill this condition, and she disappeared again, forever.

Napoleon married Josephine for convenience when he was 26 years old. She was older than him and much richer. However, after some time, the couple fell in love with each other, although they indulged in infidelity. They stayed together due to mutual respect, but separated due to Josephine's infertility.

Sacrifice in relationships is not for everyone. 20 years passed after the separation and before the new reunion. for long years. Soon after the wedding, Odysseus went to war. Despite the dwindling hopes for the return of her husband, Penelope refused her suitors exactly 108 times, just as Odysseus resisted the charms of the sorceress who promised him eternal youth. After 20 years, Odysseus returned to his wife and son and the family was finally reunited.

Francesca, being married to terrible person Gianciotto Malatesta, fell in love with his brother, Paolo. However, soon the deceived husband found out about everything and killed both of them.

10. Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell is about the love and hate between Scarlett and Rhett Butler. They quarreled, then made up, only to quarrel again. Scarlett can't decide who she really needs. Having chosen Rhett, they again do not agree in character and finally break up.

Orphan Jane gets a job as a governess in the house of the rich man Edward Rochester, love breaks out between them and they decide to get married. But on the wedding day, the bride finds out that her groom is already married. Jane escapes and returns only after Rochester's house is destroyed by fire, where his wife died and he himself became blind. Jane remains by her lover's side, and their love lasts until the end of their lives.

Romantic and tragic story about unattainable love, written by Nizami Ganja. Leyli and Kays fall in love while still schoolchildren. However, they are soon forbidden to communicate, and Qais goes to live in the desert, where he becomes known as Majnun - a madman. There he meets a Bedouin who promised him to return his beloved.

However, the lovers still cannot be together because of Leili's father. Soon she becomes the wife of another man. However, after the death of her husband, Leili still meets with Majnun, although they could not be together. After death they were buried together.

The story of a monk and a nun who, despite everything, fell in love with each other and conceived a child, after which they secretly got married. But Fultbert, Heloise's uncle, hides his niece in the monastery and orders Abelard to be castrated. Having gone through troubles and adversity, they continued to love each other until the end of their lives.

Pyramus and Thisbe had been friends since childhood, but their parents were against the wedding. One day, they decided to meet at dawn near a mulberry tree. Thisbe arrived first and noticed a lion who had come to drink from a spring located near a tree. The predator's mouth was bloody, and Thisbe began to run away from him. On the way, she lost a scarf, which the lion liked. Pyramus, who came to the tree, decided that the lion had killed his beloved and pierced himself with his own sword. Coming out of hiding, Thisbe saw the dead Pyramus and killed herself with his sword.

Darcy is a typical representative of the aristocracy, and Elizabeth is one of the five daughters of a gentleman with very modest incomes. Jane Austen's novel describes the whole story of the birth of love between two representatives of different social classes, who cannot be together, nor can they love someone else.

Salim, the son of the Mongol emperor Akbar, fell in love with the courtesan Anarkali. But his father resisted their love in every possible way, trying to alienate the lovers from each other. However, Salim did not accept his father’s decision and declared war on him. Salim was defeated and sentenced to death. Anarkali decides to help her lover by giving up her love to save Salim. She was buried alive in brick wall in front of Salim.

Pocahontas, an Indian princess, daughter of Powhatan, chief of the Powhatan tribe, first saw Europeans in 1607. She turned her attention to John Smith, who was captured and tortured by her fellow tribesmen. Pocahontas saved him from death, and he soon became a member of the tribe. Smith and Pocahontas became friends, and the princess visited Jamestown, giving him letters from her father.

However, on one of her next visits she was told that Smith was dead. After some time, Pocahontas is captured by Sir Samuel Argall, hoping to use her as an intermediary in the release of English prisoners. While in captivity, the princess becomes a Christian and takes the name Rebecca. A year later, she marries John Ralph, and one day dates John Smith, 8 years later. This is their last meeting.

Back in 1612, teenage girl Arjumand Banu became the wife of 15-year-old Shah Jahan, ruler of the Mughal Empire. After a while, she took the name Mumtaz Mahal and bore her husband 14 children, becoming his beloved wife. She died in 1629, and the emperor ordered the erection of a monument to his beloved wife. It took 20 years of work, 1,000 elephants and 20,000 workers, and the result was the Taj Mahal monument. After a while, Shah Jahan overthrew him own son, and, while imprisoned in the Red Fort in Agra, he looked at the monument of his beloved, where he was subsequently buried.

The young scientist Marie Sklodowska spent countless hours in the library, where she met Pierre Curie, the director of one of the laboratories in which she worked. Pierre courted her for a long time and made repeated attempts to propose marriage. In 1895 they got married, and in 1898 with common effort radium and polonium were discovered. In 1903 they received Nobel Prize, and a year later Pierre died. Marie decided to continue their common cause, and in 1911 she received another Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Marie died in 1934 from leukemia.

Victoria was a cheerful and cheerful girl. Having ascended the throne in 1837, she married Prince Albert three years later. The couple had 9 children, they loved each other dearly.

After Albert's death in 1861, Victoria did not appear in public for three years. Her solitude caused criticism and bewilderment. Gradually she returned to public life, although she never stopped mourning for her husband, until her own death in 1901. Her reign was the longest in history English history, during which Britain became a world power on which “the sun never sets.”

Love is the most extraordinary feeling in the world. Throughout human history, it has inspired poets, writers and singers, and sometimes love has even served as a reason for crimes and wars between entire countries. Our selection today includes ten of the most famous couples, whose love story led to tragic consequences. Some of them are reliably existing historical characters, others we know about mostly from legends and myths.


According to legend, Paris was a Trojan prince, and Helen was the wife of Menelaus, the ruler of Sparta. Not finding mutual understanding with her husband, to whom she was forcibly married, Elena fled from Sparta along with the handsome Paris. However, in the midst of preparations for the wedding, Menelaus arrived with his troops at the walls of Troy, and a war began in which many Trojans died, including Paris. Elena had to return back to Sparta.

According to Greek myology, Orpheus was a talented singer, and Eurydice was his wife, who was once bitten by a snake and died. After this, Orpheus, unable to live without his beloved, descended into the mythical kingdom of Hades. He so charmed the inhabitants of the Underworld that Hades agreed to let Eurydice go, but on the condition that Orpheus should not look back until they left the realm of the dead. But Orpheus could not stand it and turned around to see if Eurydice was following him, and she was taken back - to the kingdom of Hades.

The love story between the Roman general Mark Antony and the Egyptian queen Cleopatra is widely known for its dramatic ending. Both lovers committed suicide after their troops were defeated in battle against Caesar's army.

Characters of a medieval legend who fall in love with each other, despite the fact that Tristan's uncle, Mark, is supposed to marry Isolde. Nevertheless, Isolde was married to Mark, and Tristan was married to the daughter of the King of Britain, Isolde Belorukaya. The story ended with Tristan being wounded by a poisoned weapon, and Isolde, who did not have time to say goodbye to him, soon died of grief. In the ranking of free audiobooks “Romance Novels,” the novel Tristan and Isolde is one of the most popular.

According to legend, Guinevere, the wife of King Arthur, was madly in love with Lancelot, one of the knights of the Round Table. When Arthur learned of this, the bitter rivalry between him and Lancelot destroyed the unity of the knights. In the end, Arthur was killed, and Guinevere went to a monastery out of grief.

The most famous love story, written by the famous Shakespeare, tells the story of the relationship between young lovers from two warring Italian families. How the story ended is probably known to everyone - Romeo poisoned himself, thinking that Juliet had died, and she, finding him dead, killed herself with a dagger.

Shah Jahan and his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal were for a long time happy together until Mumtaz Mahal died giving birth to their 14th child. Devastated by grief, Shah Jahan could not come to his senses for a long time, but found some consolation in the construction of a luxurious mausoleum in memory of his wife. This mausoleum still stands today and is known as the Taj Mahal.

The relationship between Napoleon and his wife Josephine, according to eyewitness accounts, was very stormy, and eventually led to divorce. However, when Napoleon died, last words The emperor was addressed specifically to Josephine, his first wife. The love between the young king and the widow, who is 12 years older than him, caused outrage and protest both from the public and from Alexander’s mother. However, he did not listen to anyone’s advice and insisted on getting married. It all ended with the royal couple being killed by a group of military officers dissatisfied with their rule.

American robbers who organized a gang responsible for several armed robberies and murders. Despite their criminal activities, according to eyewitnesses, Bonnie and Clyde loved each other deeply and were inseparable. The gangster love story ended very badly - the police shot at their car from an ambush, as a result of which both died on the spot.

Some love stories are immortal, they are an example for all lovers, they are passed on from generation to generation, thanks to them, faith in love is strengthened.
Unfortunately, when carefully studying the great love affairs that have occurred in our history, it turns out that many of them were tragic. At the same time, they show how strong feeling is love. Surely each of us wants to experience similar emotions, but only with a happier ending.

We invite you to take a look at our selected collection of famous romance novels in history and literature. We hope you enjoy it.

This is apparently the most famous couple in love in the whole world. Their story has become synonymous with love. The romance of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is very tragic: two teenagers from warring families fell in love at first sight with each other, got married and risked literally everything for the sake of their love. The willingness to give one's own life for a loved one is a sign true love. The untimely death of two young Romeo and Juliet ultimately brought their feuding families together.

The true love story of Mark Antony and Cleopatra is one of the most intriguing and quite famous. Romance between these two historical figures was subsequently dramatized by W. Shakespeare and is still staged in theater productions all over the world. Thanks to the relationship of these two lovers, Egypt began to prosper. However, the love affair between Antony and Cleopatra had a tragic ending.

Story tragic love King Arthur's wives Guinevere and Lancelot are one of the most famous. At first, Guinevere was cold towards Lancelot, but one day she could not resist and fell in love with him with all her soul. One of the lovers' secret meetings turned into a trap, from which only Lancelot managed to escape, and Guinevere was sentenced to be burned. But the brave knight Lancelot did not abandon his beloved, he managed to pull her out of the fire.

Many stories and manuscripts are devoted to the tragic love story of Isolde and Tristan, which occurred during the reign of King Arthur. The meeting of the lovers took place completely by chance, when the king’s nephew Tristan, to whom Isolde was engaged, came to Ireland to pick her up. During the trip, they fell in love with each other very much for the rest of their lives.

This couple in love became famous throughout the world thanks to Homer's Iliad, which tells the story of the Trojan War. Helen of Troy is considered one of the most beautiful women in literature. According to legend, it was because of her that the Trojan War occurred. The son of the king of Troy, Paris, stole Helen from the Spartan king Menelaus, who responded to such a daring act by burning Troy to the ground. But Elena was returned to her legal husband in Sparta.

Having married for convenience at the age of 26, Napoleon Bonaparte truly fell in love with Josephine, who was much older than him. Despite the significant age difference, a burning passion flared up between them. The marriage of these two lovers did not survive due to the fact that Josephine could not get pregnant, but Napoleon thought about his beloved until his death, even repeating her name in his dying delirium.

"Gone with the Wind" by Margarett Mitchell, which describes the history of the turbulent love relationship Rhett Butler and Scarlett Ohara, is an immortal literary work. All generations read it voraciously. How many girls wanted to be just like the explosive and cheerful coquette Scarlett, but even more would dream of finding a man like Rhett Butler, a handsome brunette capable of experiencing real passionate feelings towards the woman he loves.

IN known history Charlotte Bronte's two lonely heroes are saved from loneliness by communication with each other. Gradually, great feelings arise between the poor orphan governess Jane and the rich, rude Edward. On the day of the lovers' wedding, it turns out that Edward is already married, so Jane Eyre left the Rochester mansion, and one day after the fire she will return here to live the rest of her life with her beloved.

Elizabeth and Darcy came from different walks of life. Elizabeth is one of the 5 daughters of a not at all rich gentleman, and Darcy was a typical aristocrat. In her novel, Jane Austen perfectly described the story of the birth of stormy love between representatives of different social classes. It is difficult for Elizabeth and Darcy to be together, and simply impossible to be apart.

The stormy love affair between John Smith and Pocahontas broke out during hostilities between conquerors and ethnic tribes. They first saw each other in 1607, when John Smith was captured and subjected to terrible torture by her fellow tribesmen. Pocahontas managed to save the life of John, who later became a member of the tribe.

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Who were they, the famous lovers? Heroes of the bright literary works, or real people? Now it doesn’t matter at all! For they strive to be like them, their names are taken as pseudonyms, and, following their example, they perform genuine actions. Ten immortal stories about love - only on the eve of the most romantic holiday in the world!


This couple with light hand William Shakespeare, has simply become synonymous with the word “love”. Even though they real story incredibly tragic. Two loving teenagers managed to find the strength to oppose their feelings to the world, society, and mortally hostile relatives. Little Verona became the backdrop for an epoch-making event. In its very center, in the fertile soil of two young hearts, a small seed of love at first sight was thrown. Soon it sprouted and turned into a beautiful flower of passionate feeling. And for the sake of such incredible love I just had to die! The only regrettable thing is that death in this case was not a pathetic promise, but a tragic reality. However, the love and death of young Romeo and Juliet was able to melt the hearts of warring relatives and reconcile them. Perhaps it is precisely thanks to such an incredibly tragic ending that Shakespeare’s plot leaves a deep mark on the hearts and souls of many generations!


The intriguing love story of Antony and Cleopatra is still heard today. They fell in love at first sight, and became victims of tragic circumstances. Their relationship created a powerful foundation for Egypt's statehood and economy. And it was this fact that became the cause of unrest in the great and powerful power called Rome. Despite all the threats and prohibitions, Cleopatra and Mark Antony got married. Their wedding was the beginning great war between Rome and Egypt. In the midst of one of the great battles, Antony was brought false news that Cleopatra had died. The glorious warrior, accustomed to always defeating even the most powerful enemy, could not survive the news of the death of his beloved. Heartbroken, he fell on his own sword. When Cleopatra learned of the death of Mark Antony, she also committed suicide. Truly, great love requires very great sacrifices.


This time a tragic love story took place in good old England, between one of the bravest knights Round Table King Arthur by Sir Lancelot and the king's wife, Queen Guinevere. It so happened that the marriage of Arthur and Guinevere was only a mutually beneficial contract for their families. But you can’t tell your heart! And it was her heart that once brought the noble knight, Sir Lancelot, to her window. At first he called her his Lady of the Heart and dedicated his victories in knightly tournaments and real battles to her. Guinevere accepted all romantic attentions, but nevertheless, tried to keep Lancelot at a distance. But soon her heart could not resist and a deep feeling flared up in it. Lancelot and Guinevere began to meet secretly. One of these dates became a trap for them. Lancelot managed to escape, and Guinevere was sentenced to be burned at the stake for adultery. However, Lancelot did not leave his beloved. He saved her, pulled her right out of the “paws” of the fire. The further history of the lovers is not known for certain. But they say that Guinevere became a nun in one of the remote monasteries of England, and Lancelot wandered around the world for the rest of his life.


Another, no less tragic story about great love with English roots. Middle Ages. England. The reign of King Arthur. Isolde was the daughter of the ruler of Ireland, and she was soon to be married to King Mark of Cornwall. King Mark sent his nephew Tristan to Ireland to accompany Isolde to Cornwall. But it so happened that during the trip the young people fell in love with each other. Although, following a duty of honor, she did marry Mark. Soon the king learned about the feelings of his nephew and wife. A scandal broke out. Pulling himself together, Mark forgave Isolde and drove Tristan out of Cornwall forever.


Homer's Iliad made these two lovers famous throughout the world. However, many scientists consider the existence of Helen the Beautiful to be more of a fiction, a beautiful ancient Greek legend, than a real fact. Nevertheless, the story of great love, which became the beginning of the Trojan War, continues to inspire romantics, writers and directors to create new magnificent masterpieces of art.

Helen was the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus. Paris is the son of the Trojan king Priam. A young man once saw Elena, a woman unearthly beauty, fell in love. Burned by feeling from within, he kidnapped the Spartan queen and brought her home to Troy. Menelaus did not forgive such humiliation and betrayal, gathered a huge army and destroyed Troy to the ground. Helen was returned to Sparta. Menelaus, who sincerely loved her, forgave the traitor. The fate of Paris is not known for certain.


Odysseus and Penelope are an example of rare sacrifice in the name of love and the ability to wait. Immediately after the wedding, Odysseus was forced to leave his young wife and go to war. Penelope waited for his return for twenty long years. During this time, she rejected the proposals of 108 men who sought to replace her husband. Odysseus also remained faithful and chaste along the way. One day he met a beautiful witch who offered him eternal youth in exchange for his love for her. Refusing such an offer, Odysseus underwent many trials and wanderings. But after 20 years, he finally returned home to Penelope and his son.


“Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell is one of the few truly immortal literary works about love. All generations read it. At the same time, girls strive to be like the explosive and passionate Scarlett. The girls are looking for their Butlers among the crowds of fans. They are looking for it because the love of the main characters was great, stormy, passionate. She was born in the midst of the Civil War and was like a daily civil war, which brought so much pain, loss, suffering and disappointment to both of them.


The son of the Mughal Emperor Akbar, Salim, fell in love with the beautiful courtesan Anarkali. But the emperor could not forgive his heir for his love for a fallen woman; he considered it a disgrace for himself and for the state. Between father and son began real war. Salim was defeated in a battle with the powerful army of the emperor and was sentenced to death. On the day of the execution, Anarkali appeared in the square, threw herself at the emperor’s feet and said that she was ready to die if only Salim would live. Akbar accepted such a sacrifice. In front of her beloved's eyes, the girl was walled up alive in a brick wall.


This love story is famous legend from American history. Pocahontas was the daughter of an Indian chief of the Algonquin Indian tribe. In May 1607, the girl saw the British for the first time. And among them is John Smith, who seemed very attractive to her. However, Pocahontes and Smith met in the midst of a war between ethnic tribes and conquerors. The Indians surrendered the British prisoners terrible torture. Pocahontas saved John, and a romance began between them. Because of her love, the girl converted to Christianity. She was baptized with the name Rebecca.


A love story of crowned heads. Victoria was a lively, cheerful girl, in love with painting and the world. She ascended to the English throne in 1837, after the death of her uncle, King William IV. In 1840 she married her cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. At first, Victoria's choice was not approved by the people. But then Albert earned the deep trust and respect of people with his honesty, hard work and devotion to his family. Albert and Victoria had nine children. The Queen listened to her husband's opinion in all matters of state. When Albert died (1861), Victoria observed strict mourning and did not appear in public for three years. Three years later, having returned to perform government duties, she continued to mourn for her beloved husband. She didn’t take off black for 40 years, until her death. Dikmi: All the famous lovers of the world were different. Just as different were their ways of life, meetings, happiness and tragedy. But we have a lot to learn from them. Learn loyalty, devotion, courage and sacrifice. However, our time also raises its heroes. And who knows, maybe in 100 years, we will be describing your Love on the pages of publications! And we will admire actions for the glory of her name and devotion in her honor! And let the wise thoughts of famous connoisseurs of true feelings inspire you to great deeds!

On July 8th we celebrate the Day of Remembrance of Peter and Fevronia, which is the Russian version of Valentine's Day. On this day we decided to remember the 7 most striking love stories and couples in love in the Russian tradition.

As one great Englishman assured, lovers promise more than they can deliver, but do not even do what is possible. This statement is challenged by numerous examples, some of which, however, are not entirely real, but this does not make them any less indicative.

Ivan and Vasilisa

For obvious reasons, love between these fairy-tale heroes did not arise immediately, because, as we know, Vasilisa the Wise skillfully disguised herself as a frog. However, Ivan, acting on the principle “the boy said, the boy did,” as he promised, married an amphibian, for which he was rewarded: she sewed a shirt for Tsar Vasily better than anyone else, and baked the most delicious loaf, and at the reception “the frog in box" appeared spectacularly. And how she danced in front of the king... well, you remember, to the right there is a lake, to the left there are swans. If Ivan had not burned her frog skin, the story would have ended very quickly, and we would not have known what the Tsarevich was capable of for the sake of such a woman. Negotiating with Baba Yaga and killing Koshchei the Immortal means you can’t shoot with a bow anywhere. However, as expected, good triumphed, and the main characters lived not only long, but also happily ever after.

Peter and Fevronia of Murom

The legend of these lovers is especially often remembered in Lately July 8th, when Russia celebrates Family Day. They met when Peter was overcome by leprosy, and Fevronia, the daughter of a simple beekeeper, was able to heal him. At the same time, the prince saw his deliverance from the misfortune in a dream, and when Fevronia appeared before him in person, he completely lost his mind, fell in love with her, as they say, at first sight and, without thinking twice, got married. Following the classic canons of the genre, those around him were not delighted with his choice. Of course, a commoner and straight into a princess! The boyars tried to persuade the prince to change his decision, and when he refused, they drove the lovers away. True, all residents of Murom had to answer for the action of the boyars. Fearing the wrath of God, the couple was returned to the city. Peter and Fevronia carried their love and loyalty throughout their lives. They died on the same day. At the same time, despite their will to be buried in one coffin, they tried to bury them three times in different ones, but each time the bodies ended up together.

Evgeniy and Tatiana

This story is more about a temporary mismatch of feelings, and perhaps about circumstances that sometimes prevent one from reciprocating love. Let's remember. Tatyana writes a letter to Onegin, where she confesses her feelings. Such a bold act of a young lady of that time remains practically unnoticed by the “London dandy”, or better yet, noticed, but inadequately appreciated. Evgeniy “sees the light” too late: Tatyana is already married, and she cannot even think about any love for another man other than her husband. She's not Anna Karenina, after all! There can be only one conclusion: everything must be done on time. Falling in love is not enough, sometimes you have to look true love, no matter how trivial it may sound, admit your feelings and be able to maintain them throughout your life.

Ivan and Anastasia

Ivan the Terrible was married 8 times during his life, but he lived only with his first wife for 10 years, the rest died every 3-5 years. First wife and, it seems, only love Ivan the Great became Anastasia Romanovna, who was chosen by the Tsar from huge amount contenders for his hand and... treasury. The queen was a real beauty: petite, with regular facial features and long dark hair. luxurious hair. In this marriage, Grozny had 6 children, but only two survived, and one of the princes was drowned by an unlucky nanny. The queen died before she was 30 years old. At the funeral, Grozny sobbed and, according to an eyewitness, “could barely stand on his feet.” Throughout his subsequent life, he remembered Anastasia with love and regret. By the way, the tsar believed that the queen did not die a natural death, but was poisoned by the boyars and princes, who believed that she had too much strong influence on the king. There was undoubtedly an influence, but it consisted of instructing Ivan the Terrible to do good deeds.

Boris and Veronica

One of the most touching stories love is told in the only Soviet film that won the main prize at Cannes - “The Cranes Are Flying.” A story about a huge and all-conquering love, preserved somewhere in the depths of the heart, which a person is capable of carrying, despite all the mistakes he has made and the trials that have befallen him. Boris and Veronica love each other, dream of a wedding, but their plans are disrupted by the war. Boris goes to the front, and Veronica... However, if you don’t know this story, it’s worth watching. It is capable of evoking a sea of ​​contradictory emotions and will certainly touch the most delicate strings of the soul of every person, because in it there is a place for love, separation, betrayal, the bitterness of loss, but most importantly - hope.

Vladimir and Sophia

The Krukovsky sisters, one of whom later became the outstanding mathematician Sofia Kovalevskaya, passionately wanted to study at the gymnasium. The only problem was that unmarried girls were denied access to knowledge. The resourceful young ladies decided to urgently find the suitors and enter into a fictitious marriage. The first candidate for "grooms" for older sister Anna was chosen as a man of progressive views, book publisher Vladimir Kovalevsky. On one of the romantic dates, he told the “bride” that he wasn’t even against getting married, but only with... Sophia. They played a wedding. Then the newlyweds left for Germany, where they lived not only in separate rooms, but in different cities. But after a few years, the fictitious marriage turned into a very real one - baby Sonya, or Fufa (that was her name in the family circle), was born into the family. Kovalevskaya was passionately jealous of her husband. She was constantly tormented by the thought that science stood between her and the person to whom her heart should belong undividedly. As a result, the “Princess of Science” preferred mathematics, and the couple separated. Kovalevskaya's husband committed suicide. The official version is financial troubles.

Sergei and Ekaterina

Ekaterina Trubetskaya was the first of the Decembrist wives to follow her husband to Siberia. The princess did not take advantage of the right granted by Nicholas I to divorce her husband, who became a state criminal. At the age of 23, she decided to share the fate of her beloved. When a carriage breaks down in Krasnoyarsk and the guide falls ill, she transfers to a tarantass and continues the journey alone. The Irkutsk governor demands the repeated renunciation of all rights, privileges and titles, reminds of the promised restrictions on movement, correspondence, renunciation of property and relatives, including children. It is frightening that all children born in Siberia will be classified as state peasants. The princess signs the papers in the same way as in Moscow - without reading. The governor uses the last argument, which, in his opinion, is capable of leaving the princess: that she will have to continue her further path together with the criminals. The princess agrees to this too. She does not stop for the night, does not have lunch, snacking on a piece of bread and drinking a glass of tea. And so, day after day, for several months, through a blizzard, in severe frosts, she rushes in her wagon towards her beloved. When, through a crack in the prison fence, she sees her husband in shackles, in a dirty sheepskin coat, ragged and dirty, she faints. Perhaps her first thought when she regained consciousness was the conviction that now nothing could separate them.