An aquarium with fish is very beautiful. Many people want to place a decoration in their home that not only pleases the eye, but also calms them down. nervous system. At the same time, I want to see not just ordinary-looking flocks swimming there, but something interesting and beautiful. One of the fish that is easy to keep, but at the same time beautiful and interesting, is the angelfish.

General form

Angelfish, the reproduction of which interests many aquarists, are representatives of the cichlid family. Their homeland is central part South America. The fish acquired their leaf shape from the fact that they lived in heavily overgrown reservoirs, in which it is difficult to move with a different body shape. In an aquarium, angelfish grow up to 15 centimeters. At ideal conditions content may be about 26 centimeters.

At proper care These fish live about 10 years. However, there have been cases where angelfish died at the age of 20 years. Such longevity is one of the reasons to choose this particular fish as pet. And, of course, the lifespan of an aquarium inhabitant in most cases depends on the owner, on how well and correctly he will care for his pets.


Long life of angelfish, reproduction, excellent health depend on many factors. For example, it is very important to support high temperature water - 24-28 degrees. The fish will survive a drop to 18 degrees, but will not feel too comfortable. The height of the aquarium must be at least 50 centimeters, and its volume must be at least a hundred liters. A smaller container is quite acceptable, but then you should not expect the fish to grow large. Water pH is 6.5-7.4. It is also important to choose the right plants for the aquarium in which angelfish live. Reproduction occurs mostly with the help of plant leaves, so they are extremely important. Underwater leaves and twigs must be placed quite densely, while leaving free spaces.

Aquarium equipment

Since it is important for these fish to maintain a high temperature, it is necessary to equip the aquarium with a heater. When choosing, pay attention to the temperature range to which this device can heat water.

In addition, it is necessary to install a compressor, a filter, and a thermometer in order to be able to monitor the temperature. If the aquarium is in the shade, it is necessary to install lighting. It is worth remembering that angelfish are quite shy fish, so you should turn on the lighting carefully or not turn it on at all. It is advisable to cover the top of the aquarium (or purchase a container with a lid), since the fish can jump out of the water.


Reproduction of angelfish in an aquarium implies, among other things, the need to feed them properly. However, these fish are not too picky about food. They eat live food well: tubifex, bloodworms and other types of this food. At the same time, they calmly switch to dry food. However, you need to keep in mind that the shape of the body does not allow the angelfish to lift food from the bottom. Therefore, it is best to purchase types of food that will float on the surface and sink very slowly. For proper development For angelfish, the reproduction of which depends on its physical condition, it is important not to overfeed it. They are usually fed twice a day. Keep in mind that these creatures do not understand when they are full. They may eat much more food than they really need. In this case, the fish will become obese and lose their ability to reproduce. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to give them a “fasting day” once a week. This means that they do not need to be fed at all that day.

Pair formation

For those who are interested in breeding angelfish at home, it is very important to determine the sex of the existing individuals. However, this is quite difficult to do with angelfish. More precisely, before the onset of puberty it is completely impossible. The main difference between adults is the dorsal fin. In males it is more elongated. In addition, the number of transverse stripes on it should not be less than 7 for males, and no more than 6 for females.

But even experienced aquarists find it difficult to correctly determine the sex of an angelfish. For this reason, it is recommended to purchase either individuals that have already given birth to offspring, or to take an already formed pair. If this is not possible, you need to take a dozen fry with wide and long fins. Among such a flock there will definitely be representatives of both sexes. These fish will form pairs themselves, giving the owner the opportunity to decide for himself which of them to use for reproduction.

It is not recommended to break up existing couples, as this is a strong stress, after which the fish may never enter into a “relationship” again. It’s easy to recognize a couple - they stick together, the male drives the female into corners, and swim everywhere after each other.


It is very important to know that it is necessary to equip a special aquarium for angelfish spawning. Reproduction in community aquarium for these fish it is almost impossible.

It is advisable to feed a couple of breeders with live food for the rest of their lives. IN as a last resort- frozen. Fish fed dry food are often not capable of reproduction; big size, have a pale color.

With proper care, angelfish are able to lay eggs every 14 days. But for this you need to remove the laid eggs.

To stimulate spawning, the water temperature is increased by 2 degrees, and up to 10 percent of the water is changed several times a week. It is advisable to add boiled water with reduced hardness. Aquarium angelfish, the reproduction of which we are interested in, prefer to lay eggs on plants, so the container should contain large leaves, pieces of plastic, and tiles.

Spawning itself most often lasts from 40 to 90 minutes. The female lays eggs on the cleaned surface of the leaf, after which the male fertilizes her. The process is repeated several times; a total of 700-800 eggs can be laid in one clutch.

Incubator equipment

Angelfish, which reproduce almost without human intervention, need help caring for the fry. The fact is that they are able to take care of their offspring independently for only a few days. After this, their parental instinct simply falls asleep. After spawning, they care for the eggs, clean them of dirt, and protect them from fish. Sometimes they continue care until the fry are able to feed themselves. Unfortunately, this happens quite rarely. Often the parents eat their own eggs just a few hours after spawning. This is why it is best to transfer the eggs to a separate incubator.

It is a small aquarium, 50% filled with water from the one in which the parents are kept. The remaining volume is distilled water. The incubator must be equipped with a heater that will warm the water to 30 degrees. An air sprayer is also required. The caviar must be placed in the finished container so that the flow from the sprayer washes it, but air does not enter.

To exclude fungal infection, you need to add methylene blue or special drugs. Duckweed will be useful as a biofilter. In addition, ciliates will breed in these thickets, which are excellent food for fry.

Caring for fry

The shells of the eggs rupture after a couple of days, turning into ropes on which the larvae hang. After 4 days, you can already see the heads and yolk sacs from which the larvae receive food. They move constantly, trying to free themselves.

After a week or two, the fry gain freedom. Now they need feeding. To do this, it is necessary to prepare in advance live food for the fry: daphnia, ciliates, and artemia. Babies need to be fed 5-6 times a day. In addition, you need to place a filter in the incubator, covered with a nylon stocking for safety. The density of fry should be about 2 pieces. per liter of water. If there are more of them, then you need to put them in another aquarium. Before one feeding, change a third of the water, removing the remaining food beforehand.

After 30-45 days, small angelfish acquire a characteristic shape, after which they need to be seated with a density of 4-5 liters of water per fry. Fish of this age are fed small bloodworms, live food, and chopped tubifex. Very soon you can move the fry to a regular aquarium for this species.


Angelfish, the care and reproduction of which is not very simple, have several species. The most common of them are: black, gold, white, blue, voile, koi, marbled and red.

All these species differ only in appearance, but maintenance, care, and breeding remain the same for all.

It is a generally accepted statement about the benefits of an aquarium in the home: observing the calm and smooth movements of fish in the water has a beneficial effect on a person’s psychological state and has calming properties. Everyone is suitable for the role of “therapists” aquarium fish, angelfish are no exception in this regard. As a rule, only by contemplation water world it doesn't end there. Sooner or later the desire arises to try to hatch the fry. Reproduction of angelfish is an incredibly interesting process that will interest many.

General information

The keeping of this species of fish in captivity began in 1911. And the first successful experience in breeding offspring took place in Hamburg already in 1914. Then success accompanied the aquarist I. Kvankar. A similar result was achieved a year later by US specialist W.L. Pollin. How angelfish reproduce was known only in Europe: the conditions necessary for spawning for a long time remained classified.

In Russia a long period time could not achieve a positive outcome in the reproduction of angelfish. At home, fry were obtained only in 1928. Success was accompanied by a number of funny accidents: aquarist A. Smirnov did not turn off the water heater before leaving home, as a result of which the water temperature in the aquarium reached 32 degrees. This provoked the beginning of spawning in sexually mature individuals of the described cichlid species.

In cases where angelfish spawn in a community aquarium, it will be very difficult to preserve the offspring without transplanting eggs.

Nowadays, breeding angelfish at home is not particularly difficult. Fish often spawn on their own, without creating special external circumstances, directly in a common aquarium.

As a rule, there are several separate stages of artificial propagation, each of which is very important:

  • identification of pairs;
  • preparation for spawning;
  • angelfish spawning;
  • raising fry.

Definition of pairs

To obtain high-quality and healthy offspring, producers must also have these same characteristics. Sexual demorphism in angelfish is weakly expressed, which means that there are no obvious differences between individuals of different sexes. It is especially difficult to distinguish between a female and a male in albino species, as well as fish of golden and marbled colors. This is not difficult to do with standard forms.

Differences between male and female angelfish.

Experts point to a number of signs by which differentiation can be made when these aquarium fish reach the age of sexual maturity:

  • females are smaller in size, their body has a somewhat “chopped” build; single front fins; blunt-shaped sexual organ - ovipositor;
  • males are distinguished by a larger, rounded body, have a fatty bump on the forehead, forked fins in front, and a pointed genital organ.

You can breed angelfish when they reach sexual maturity, when they become capable of procreation - at the age of one year.

The most effective way is to observe the behavior of sexually mature fish. In this species of cichlids, natural pairing occurs. Being monogamous by nature, they choose a partner from several options. The angelfish that have formed into a union try to stay close to each other, the male individual shows signs of attention and cares for the female.

To carry out breeding work to develop new color forms or consolidate characteristics of interest it is possible to create a breeding tandem artificially. To do this, you need to choose the most prominent representatives and place them in a separate spawning aquarium, where they will eventually begin to reproduce.

After identifying the producers and forming a pair, the transition to the next stage of angelfish breeding occurs.

Preparing for spawning

Breeding individuals need to be provided with maximum comfortable conditions, feed exclusively with high-quality nutritious food, mainly live or frozen. Since these fish are especially sensitive to temperature conditions, compliance with it is of paramount importance when it comes to the reproduction of angelfish. The temperature in the aquarium must be maintained at 27 degrees.

When using store-bought mixtures, be sure to include live food in the angelfish’s diet.

When choosing a particular type of food for fish that you plan to breed, you need to keep in mind the specific adverse effects of using common and affordable dry food. In case of their constant use adult angelfish are smaller than standard in size, not so intensely colored and lose the ability to reproduce - they are sterile.

Individuals of the opposite sex preparing for spawning should definitely be kept in the same container. In the absence of females, the male does not form viable milk (reproductive products).

If all the above requirements are met, measures can be taken to stimulate spawning. To do this, you need to significantly increase the water temperature - by 4-5 degrees (the maximum permissible value is 32 degrees); carry out regular replacement of a small part of the water - approximately 10% of the total volume - 4 times a week; reduce its hardness by adding boiled or distilled water.

Fish prefer to lay eggs on hard surfaces, so the aquarium should contain large-leaved vegetation or a special pre-mix (plate, cone, bar), which can be made of plastic, wood, baked clay and other materials. In the absence of one, fish can lay eggs on the wall of the aquarium. Then the future livestock will not be able to be moved to the incubator.

Often, ceramic cones or ordinary flower pots are used to set up a spawning area for angelfish.

It is interesting to note that the generally accepted opinion is that it is necessary to use soft water for spawning and rearing angelfish. However, practice contradicts this belief. There is a lot of evidence of successful experience in breeding the offspring of these fish in hard water.

The best option would be if you can separate each breeding pair into a separate container.

After selecting a surface for laying eggs, the family begins to fiercely guard the adjacent territory, and the pregnant female’s abdomen becomes rounded. These behavioral features and appearance directly indicate readiness for spawning.

Spawning process

In most cases, this type of cichlid begins to lay eggs (give birth) in the afternoon, towards evening. The whole process takes a very short period of time and lasts a little less than an hour and a half.

The female, pressing almost closely to the surface, spawns in even rows. The male at this moment repeats the trajectory of the partner’s movement and fertilizes the tightly attached future offspring.

Provided that the eggs are immediately collected and transferred to a separate container, angelfish are capable of spawning every two weeks. In other words, a female’s pregnancy lasts on average no more than 14 days.

Angelfish can easily lay eggs in a common aquarium; if possible, move them to a separate container.

If the spawning pair nevertheless laid eggs in a common aquarium, then it is recommended to remove them and place them in small aquarium. This must be done in order to preserve the masonry from encroachment by other inhabitants of the artificial reservoir; there is no guarantee that the spawning parents will awaken the necessary instincts and be able to properly protect the clutch. In addition, if the larvae, and then the fry, appear in the general aquarium, then preserving them will be almost impossible.

To avoid infection of future fry with fungal diseases, appropriate preparations are added to the water, for example, methylene blue (until the water acquires a clear blue tint) or Sera mycopur (a drop per liter).

It is important to keep in mind that caviar needs a constant flow of oxygen, so it is placed at a distance of approximately 2 cm from the aerator so that air bubbles do not fall on it.

To successfully complete the procedure for moving eggs from a community aquarium, you must comply with next rule: the substrate with eggs should not touch the air even for a split second. Therefore, a glass, cup or container is used, which is immersed in the general aquarium. A surface with caviar is placed there and only then transferred to a pre-prepared vessel.

The question of how many eggs a female lays at a time cannot be answered unambiguously. This indicator is very individual and depends on many external and internal factors. It is generally accepted that the average quantity is 750-900 pieces.

Development of eggs and fry

Clean the clutch by removing unfertilized (white) eggs.

In the period before the larvae hatch, whitened unfertilized eggs must be removed from the incubator, otherwise their presence will cause negative consequence for the entire masonry. If the parents take care of the nest, they carry out this process independently. Otherwise, the procedure must be performed carefully, using a needle or thin tweezers.

On the 2-3rd day, larvae are born, which either fall to the bottom of the container or remain attached to a hard surface using a cord from the egg shell.

On the 4th day, you can already see the head and a small yolk sac in the larvae, through which feeding occurs.

Day 5 is marked by strong elongation of the body, formation of a tail and a significant decrease in the size of the nutritional sac.

Only on the 6th day do the larvae turn into fry. By this time, internal food reserves have been exhausted, the cord breaks, and the fry begin to swim freely.

Depending on the type of angelfish, the entire process of transformation of larvae into fry may vary in duration, sometimes reaching 12 days.

It should be remembered that waste and food debris are removed daily in the incubator to avoid increased ammonia levels and the death of offspring.

Stages of development of angelfish fry from eggs to fully formed fish.

From about 6 days - from the moment of transition to the fry stage - small angelfish need to start feeding. Live dust, Artemia nauplii and similar microorganisms are used as food. The frequency of feeding is 5-6 times a day. As the fry grow, variety is added to their diet (daphnia, ciliates, and others).

Upon reaching the age of one month, the angelfish is gradually transferred to food for adult fish, offering chopped tubifex and small bloodworms as food.

An important condition for maintaining the maximum number of specimens is compliance with certain requirements for the population density of the aquarium. Per 100 liters of water maximum amount monthly/one and a half month old fry is 20 units; in terms of one fish - 4-5 liters.

Reproduction of angelfish at home is amazing interesting process. The mystery of the emergence of new life will leave few people indifferent. The pleasure of observing the metamorphoses occurring with transparent eggs will be a strong impression for the observer and will cause a strong desire to repeat it again. Someone, perhaps these powerful emotions will push towards serious breeding work to develop new and unknown forms of angelfish.

Sklaria are very well adapted for breeding in captivity, that is, in aquariums. You don't need anything supernatural for this. It is enough to monitor the cleanliness and temperature of the water in your home pond and provide the fish with live food. If these conditions are met, your pets will begin to breed within six months. Very often the first attempts do not lead to anything good. There are a number of nuances that occur when breeding angelfish.

Nuances of breeding

For all their charm, sklaria are very bad parents. At certain times, they begin to eat their young. That is why it is recommended to use a separate aquarium for breeding them, in order to avoid problems. It is appropriate to breed them only if there is no other possibility.

Reproduction of angelfish

Like many species of fish, angelfish reproduce using eggs. When the female realizes that the moment of spawning is close, she begins to look for a place suitable for this process. In an aquarium, this can be the surface of leaves and stones, or the surface itself. Some aquarists place oblong thin green plastic or plexiglass on the fish, resembling natural plants. The chosen place is thoroughly cleaned of plaque and debris. Only when the work is completed does the female proceed directly to the process of throwing eggs.

Laying eggs on a cleared surface occurs with maximum responsibility. The dad swims behind the mother and fertilizes each egg laid. Actually, this is where their parental instincts end. There are no guarantees that they will protect the offspring, much less eat them at the embryonic stage. This is why it is necessary to move the eggs to another aquarium. If this is not done, then there are no guarantees of preservation of the offspring.

The eggs should be moved very carefully so as not to damage them. Much depends on the surface on which it was deposited. If it is algae, then it is best to cut off the leaf; if it is a stone or an artificial object, then simply carefully move it to another aquarium. If the outcome is favorable, after 2-3 days you will see the first movements in the eggs.

But you should know that angelfish fry are very sensitive to microorganisms, and therefore, to avoid the death of all offspring, antibacterial agents, such as blue, should be added to the water.

Angelfish are “winged leaves”, this is how the name of the genus Pterophyllum (Pterophyllum) is literally translated from Latin language, are good example caring for the offspring. Reproduction of angelfish in a community aquarium occurs quite often, but in order to obtain full-fledged juveniles in sufficient quantities, aquarists often take care of the subsequent development of eggs. And the article will contain several examples with detailed description how it happens breeding angelfish at home.

Subtleties of breeding fish of the genus Pterophyllum

Much loved by aquarists, they begin to reproduce when they reach the age of ten to twelve months.

According to experts and the results of observations by amateur aquarists, angelfish are monogamous: once a pair of fish is formed, they do not separate (only the death of one of the partners breaks the pair).

Male and female angelfish: differences

The question of how to distinguish a female from a male angelfish is always important. These differences appear only after the fish reach puberty, that is, closer to the age of one year. It is usually not difficult for aquarists to acquire the skill of distinguishing angelfish by gender:

  • Like all cichlids, the male's forehead is steeper and has a small fatty bump; the female's forehead has a barely noticeable concavity.
  • The pelvic fin of the male has a noticeable bifurcation in its lower part; in females this fin is even.
  • Typically, adult males are larger than females of their age.
  • The shape of the genital papilla (the outgrowth for the excretion of reproductive products, located behind the anus in front of the anal fin) is different: in males it is narrow and sharp, in females it is thick and bluntly “cut off”.

Look at the photo on how to distinguish a female from a male angelfish.

The described differences are noticeable during the spawning period and persist after it.

Sometimes aquarists, paying attention to the behavior of angelfish, notice the formation of pairs that swim together. The male swims after the female and drives her into the corner of the aquarium. By comparing the appearance of two fish, you can determine the gender of the angelfish.

Preparing for spawning

Spawning angelfish requires certain preparation and knowledge. An important point is fattening of producers before spawning: it is recommended to feed them with juveniles of small aquarium fish ok (platecilia, swordtails, and others). Such recommendations are found in manuals (for example, in the encyclopedia “Animals in the House”, 1994).

Angelfish spawn in an aquarium (if they are not kept together with other fish species) or in a special hygienic spawning tank. The substrate is placed here (a large oval “sheet” of plexiglass Green colour or a thin piece of stainless steel. This substrate is installed obliquely (angle 45 degrees) 15-20 centimeters from the surface of the water).

Spawning process

After placing the producers in a prepared spawning tank and stimulating spawning, you can observe the entire process of how angelfish reproduce. Angelfish spawning is stimulated by a gradual increase in the water temperature in the spawning area to 28 - 30 degrees. At the same time, they reduce the acidity and hardness of water.

The female prepares a “leaf” for laying eggs, clearing it of debris. Angelfish eggs are laid by the female in rows of about 1000 pieces, and the male immediately fertilizes them. Parents carefully monitor the development of eggs and remove dead eggs. It happens that for some unknown reason they do not do this. Then the angelfish eggs on the “leaf” are carefully transferred to another incubator with similar conditions. The “leaf” is immersed obliquely in water to a depth of about 8 centimeters.

Further care of eggs and fry by the aquarist

Sometimes breeding angelfish at home requires additional actions on the part of the aquarist:

  • After moving the substrate with eggs into the additional spawning tank, it is necessary to install several sprayers around (usually 3-4).
  • Trypaflavin is added to the water (0.06 g per 10 liters of water) to prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms in aquarium water.

Angelfish eggs are incubated for two days, and the larvae hatch. Using long threads, the larvae remain glued to the leaf, hang for about another week and then begin to actively swim and feed on their own. For the first three days they are fed rotifers or “live dust”, then Artemia nauplii are added. The fry grow quickly. After a month, you can lower the water temperature to 25 degrees. Soon, young angelfish are transferred to a common aquarium, where they continue their development until maturity.

Variety of angelfish breeding experiences

Breeding angelfish at home does not always work the first time. Many aquarists have gone through setbacks and mistakes before they were able to raise fry to adulthood. beautiful fish. By carefully studying the experience of others, you can understand what consistent actions need to be taken in order for scalar breeding to be successful. There are different ways.

The experience of the first aquarist

In the first experiment, breeding angelfish in a community aquarium is not practiced. An aquarium with a volume of 150 liters is prepared in advance: there are no decorations, inside there are only a heater, filter sponges and two small pieces of PVC pipe (2 inches). The water temperature is maintained close to 27 degrees, neutral pH (7) and hardness – 2.

The first stage of preparation for spawning

“Minor” angelfish in the amount of six individuals are transplanted into the aquarium prepared in this way. At this time, bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, flakes, crushed beef heart and white worms (only occasionally).

Having reached sexual maturity, the fish begin to search for a mate. At this time, you need to be very careful and observe the behavior of the angelfish. The resulting pairs are clearly visible: they stay close, “be nice” to each other, and drive other fish away from the chosen territory. Such a couple must be placed in a smaller aquarium (about 80 liters with the parameters indicated above) so that they remain alone.

The second stage of preparation for spawning

In this spawning area you will watch how angelfish reproduce. Since the angelfish will directly spawn here, it is necessary to place a suitable substrate for attachment of the laid eggs. These can be pieces of PVC pipes or clay pots.

To stimulate the maturation of reproductive products, it is recommended:

  • slowly increase the water in the spawning tank to 28 degrees;
  • increase the food rations of producers.

After approximately one week (possibly after 5 days), it is already possible to identify the female by her enlarged belly. A few more days will pass, and the future parents will develop genital papillae. Now you can clearly see how to distinguish a female from a male angelfish. The structural features of the papillae of males and females were discussed above.

Observations of egg laying

The aquarist needs to carefully observe how angelfish reproduce, but nothing more: as soon as the process of laying eggs begins, it is not recommended to climb into the aquarium and disturb the fish.

It is necessary to remember which of the fish laid eggs. It is also important to ensure that the male fertilizes her. In two days you will find out if your couple is fertile. Sometimes the eggs turn white and die. This means that fertilization has not occurred. Successful spawning of a pair may not happen on the first try.

Natural egg incubation

Breeding angelfish using the described technology is recommended by natural incubation of eggs. The parents do not move away after spawning. They care for the eggs, making fanning movements with their fins, ensuring the constant presence of fresh water near the eggs. When the larvae hatch from the eggs, the parents help them free themselves from the egg shell.

After the larvae hatch from the eggs, the courtship process continues. About 10 days will pass, and the fry will swim freely around the aquarium. At this time, it is recommended to start feeding them brine shrimp and microworms.

Let the parents stay with their babies for a few more days and then transfer them to another aquarium. From this point on, adult angelfish are ready for the next breeding cycle. When using the above technology, female angelfish will become pregnant regularly at intervals of 10-20 days.

Remember two important points:

  • The death of fry occurs even in exceptional favorable conditions(waste approximately 20 percent).
  • It is not recommended to frequently create conditions for spawning of adult angelfish. Give them a “vacation” between spawnings.

Experience of a second aquarist

You can find a lot of different information about how angelfish reproduce, because there is no uniform method for breeding these wonderful fish. Let's get acquainted with the experience of another aquarist who practices breeding angelfish in a community aquarium. After considering and analyzing different methods, you will choose the one that is most convenient for you.

How does spawning occur in a community aquarium?

In one aquarium live black and striped angelfish (seven individuals in total), sacbranch catfish and coffee mastacembel. Water – 23-26 degrees, acidity and hardness have never been measured. They grow very well under these conditions. aquatic plants and all the fish are healthy.

Once a week, angelfish randomly form pairs (not necessarily both black or both striped). How to distinguish a female from a male angelfish becomes clear after the formation of a pair.

Before spawning, the pair prepares a place for laying eggs: the surface of the selected substrate is cleared of debris. This territory is protected from encroachment by other fish: everyone who approaches this place is driven away.

Spawning occurs like this: the female presses her abdomen tightly against the surface of a sheet or glass. She begins to move upward and leaves an even row of transparent eggs behind her. The male swims next, fertilizing the eggs. This process can take about two hours.

For a pair of angelfish in a common aquarium, this is a very difficult period, because you have to make sure that your neighbors in the aquarium do not feast on their eggs, constantly driving them away. They can “hit” the sacbranch catfish right on the head, letting it know to move away from the laying site.

Mastacembel seems to be “afraid” to approach close to the clutch, but will not miss the opportunity to pick up a fallen egg. When spawning is completed, the parents do not leave their clutch and look after it very responsibly: fanning it with their fins and removing unfertilized (whitened) eggs.

It is not possible to produce offspring in a community aquarium: neighbors end up eating some of the eggs, larvae or fry. And if the lights in the aquarium suddenly go out, then even the parents themselves can enjoy their own caviar.

  • transfer the substrate with the laid eggs to another aquarium and create conditions for hatching of the larvae (make weak aeration and add methylene blue;
  • The formed pair of angelfish should be immediately placed in a spawning tank, where the parents, after spawning and fertilization, themselves take care of the eggs, and then the fry.

It is a generally accepted statement about the benefits of an aquarium in the home: observing the calm and smooth movements of fish in the water has a beneficial effect on a person’s psychological state and has calming properties. All aquarium fish are suitable for the role of “therapists”; angelfish are no exception in this regard. As a rule, the matter does not end only with contemplation of the water world. Sooner or later the desire arises to try to hatch the fry. Reproduction of angelfish is an incredibly interesting process that will interest many.

General information

The keeping of this species of fish in captivity began in 1911. And the first successful experience in breeding offspring took place in Hamburg already in 1914. Then success accompanied the aquarist I. Kvankar. A similar result was achieved a year later by US specialist W.L. Pollin. How angelfish reproduce was known only in Europe: the conditions necessary for spawning remained secret for a long time.

In Russia, for a long period of time, they could not achieve a positive outcome in the reproduction of angelfish. At home, fry were obtained only in 1928. Success was accompanied by a number of funny accidents: aquarist A. Smirnov did not turn off the water heater before leaving home, as a result of which the water temperature in the aquarium reached 32 degrees. This provoked the beginning of spawning in sexually mature individuals of the described cichlid species.

In cases where angelfish spawn in a community aquarium, it will be very difficult to preserve the offspring without transplanting eggs.

Nowadays, breeding angelfish at home is not particularly difficult. Fish often spawn on their own, without creating special external circumstances, directly in a common aquarium.

As a rule, there are several separate stages of artificial propagation, each of which is very important:

  • identification of pairs;
  • preparation for spawning;
  • angelfish spawning;
  • raising fry.

Definition of pairs

To obtain high-quality and healthy offspring, producers must also have these same characteristics. Sexual demorphism in angelfish is weakly expressed, which means that there are no obvious differences between individuals of different sexes. It is especially difficult to distinguish between a female and a male in albino species, as well as fish of golden and marbled colors. This is not difficult to do with standard forms.

Differences between male and female angelfish.

Experts point to a number of signs by which differentiation can be made when these aquarium fish reach the age of sexual maturity:

  • females are smaller in size, their body has a somewhat “chopped” build; single front fins; blunt-shaped sexual organ - ovipositor;
  • males are distinguished by a larger, rounded body, have a fatty bump on the forehead, forked fins in front, and a pointed genital organ.

You can breed angelfish when they reach sexual maturity, when they become capable of procreation - at the age of one year.

The most effective way is to observe the behavior of sexually mature fish. In this species of cichlids, natural pairing occurs. Being monogamous by nature, they choose a partner from several options. The angelfish that have formed into a union try to stay close to each other, the male individual shows signs of attention and cares for the female.

To carry out breeding work to develop new color forms or consolidate characteristics of interest it is possible to create a breeding tandem artificially. To do this, you need to select the most prominent representatives and plant them in a separate spawning aquarium, where they will begin to reproduce over time.

After identifying the producers and forming a pair, the transition to the next stage of angelfish breeding occurs.

Preparing for spawning

Breeding animals need to be provided with the most comfortable conditions throughout their lives and fed exclusively with high-quality nutritious food, mainly live or frozen. Since these fish are especially sensitive to temperature conditions, compliance with it is of paramount importance when it comes to the reproduction of angelfish. The temperature in the aquarium must be maintained at 27 degrees.

When using store-bought mixtures, be sure to include live food in the angelfish’s diet.

When choosing a particular type of food for fish that you plan to breed, you need to keep in mind the specific adverse effects of using common and affordable dry food. If they are used constantly, adult angelfish are smaller in size, less intensely colored, and lose the ability to reproduce—they are sterile.

Individuals of the opposite sex preparing for spawning should definitely be kept in the same container. In the absence of females, the male does not form viable milk (reproductive products).

If all the above requirements are met, measures can be taken to stimulate spawning. To do this, you need to significantly increase the water temperature - by 4-5 degrees (the maximum permissible value is 32 degrees); carry out regular replacement of a small part of the water - approximately 10% of the total volume - 4 times a week; reduce its hardness by adding boiled or distilled water.

Fish prefer to lay eggs on hard surfaces, so the aquarium should contain large-leaved vegetation or a special pre-mix (plate, cone, bar), which can be made of plastic, wood, baked clay and other materials. In the absence of one, fish can lay eggs on the wall of the aquarium. Then the future livestock will not be able to be moved to the incubator.

Often, ceramic cones or ordinary flower pots are used to set up a spawning area for angelfish.

It is interesting to note that the generally accepted opinion is that it is necessary to use soft water for spawning and rearing angelfish. However, practice contradicts this belief. There is a lot of evidence of successful experience in breeding the offspring of these fish in hard water.

The best option would be if you can separate each breeding pair into a separate container.

After selecting a surface for laying eggs, the family begins to fiercely guard the adjacent territory, and the pregnant female’s abdomen becomes rounded. These behavioral and appearance features directly indicate readiness for spawning.

Spawning process

In most cases, this type of cichlid begins to lay eggs (give birth) in the afternoon, towards evening. The whole process takes a very short period of time and lasts a little less than an hour and a half.

The female, pressing almost closely to the surface, spawns in even rows. The male at this moment repeats the trajectory of the partner’s movement and fertilizes the tightly attached future offspring.

Provided that the eggs are immediately collected and transferred to a separate container, angelfish are capable of spawning every two weeks. In other words, a female’s pregnancy lasts on average no more than 14 days.

Angelfish can easily lay eggs in a common aquarium; if possible, move them to a separate container.

If the spawning pair nevertheless laid eggs in a common aquarium, then it is recommended to remove them and place them in a small aquarium. This must be done in order to preserve the masonry from encroachment by other inhabitants of the artificial reservoir; there is no guarantee that the spawning parents will awaken the necessary instincts and be able to properly protect the clutch. In addition, if the larvae, and then the fry, appear in the general aquarium, then preserving them will be almost impossible.

To avoid infection of future fry with fungal diseases, appropriate preparations are added to the water, for example, methylene blue (until the water acquires a clear blue tint) or Sera mycopur (a drop per liter).

It is important to keep in mind that caviar needs a constant flow of oxygen, so it is placed at a distance of approximately 2 cm from the aerator so that air bubbles do not fall on it.

To successfully complete the procedure for moving eggs from a community aquarium, the following rule must be observed: the substrate with eggs should not touch the air even for a split second. Therefore, a glass, cup or container is used, which is immersed in the general aquarium. A surface with caviar is placed there and only then transferred to a pre-prepared vessel.

The question of how many eggs a female lays at a time cannot be answered unambiguously. This indicator is very individual and depends on many external and internal factors. It is generally accepted that the average quantity is 750-900 pieces.

Development of eggs and fry

Clean the clutch by removing unfertilized (white) eggs.

In the period before the larvae hatch, whitened unfertilized eggs must be removed from the incubator, otherwise their presence will cause negative consequences for the entire clutch. If the parents take care of the nest, they carry out this process independently. Otherwise, the procedure must be performed carefully, using a needle or thin tweezers.

On the 2-3rd day, larvae are born, which either fall to the bottom of the container or remain attached to a hard surface using a cord from the egg shell.

On the 4th day, you can already see the head and a small yolk sac in the larvae, through which feeding occurs.

Day 5 is marked by strong elongation of the body, formation of a tail and a significant decrease in the size of the nutritional sac.

Only on the 6th day do the larvae turn into fry. By this time, internal food reserves have been exhausted, the cord breaks, and the fry begin to swim freely.

Depending on the type of angelfish, the entire process of transformation of larvae into fry may vary in duration, sometimes reaching 12 days.

It should be remembered that waste and food debris are removed daily in the incubator to avoid increased ammonia levels and the death of offspring.

Stages of development of angelfish fry from eggs to fully formed fish.

From about 6 days - from the moment of transition to the fry stage - small angelfish need to start feeding. Live dust, Artemia nauplii and similar microorganisms are used as food. The frequency of feeding is 5-6 times a day. As the fry grow, variety is added to their diet (daphnia, ciliates, and others).

Upon reaching the age of one month, the angelfish is gradually transferred to food for adult fish, offering chopped tubifex and small bloodworms as food.

An important condition for maintaining the maximum number of specimens is compliance with certain requirements for the population density of the aquarium. Per 100 liters of water, the maximum number of one-month/one-and-a-half-month-old fry is 20 units; in terms of one fish - 4-5 liters.

Reproduction of angelfish at home is a surprisingly interesting process. The mystery of the emergence of new life will leave few people indifferent. The pleasure of observing the metamorphoses occurring with transparent eggs will be a strong impression for the observer and will cause a strong desire to repeat it again. For some, perhaps these strong emotions will push them towards serious breeding work to develop new and unknown forms of angelfish.

Video on the topic: “Reproduction of angelfish”

An aquarium with fish is very beautiful. Many people want to place a decoration in their home that not only pleases the eye, but also calms the nervous system. At the same time, I want to see not just ordinary-looking flocks swimming there, but something interesting and beautiful. One of the fish that is easy to keep, but at the same time beautiful and interesting, is the angelfish.

General form

Angelfish, the reproduction of which interests many aquarists, are representatives of the cichlid family. Their homeland is the central part South America. The fish acquired their leaf shape from the fact that they lived in heavily overgrown reservoirs, in which it is difficult to move with a different body shape. In an aquarium, angelfish grow up to 15 centimeters. Under ideal conditions, it can be about 26 centimeters.

With proper care, these fish live for about 10 years. However, there have been cases where angelfish died at the age of 20 years. This longevity is one of the reasons to choose this particular fish as a pet. And, of course, the lifespan of an aquarium inhabitant in most cases depends on the owner, on how well and correctly he will care for his pets.


The long life of an angelfish, reproduction, and excellent health depend on many factors. For example, it is very important to maintain a high water temperature - 24-28 degrees. The fish will survive a drop to 18 degrees, but will not feel too comfortable. The height of the aquarium must be at least 50 centimeters, and its volume must be at least a hundred liters. A smaller container is quite acceptable, but then you should not expect the fish to grow large. Water pH is 6.5-7.4. It is also important to choose the right plants for the aquarium in which angelfish live. Reproduction occurs mostly with the help of plant leaves, so they are extremely important. Underwater leaves and twigs must be placed quite densely, while leaving free spaces.

Aquarium equipment

Since it is important for these fish to maintain a high temperature, it is necessary to equip the aquarium with a heater. When choosing, pay attention to the temperature range to which this device can heat water.

In addition, it is necessary to install a compressor, a filter, and a thermometer in order to be able to monitor the temperature. If the aquarium is in the shade, it is necessary to install lighting. It is worth remembering that angelfish are quite shy fish, so you should turn on the lighting carefully or not turn it on at all. It is advisable to cover the top of the aquarium (or purchase a container with a lid), since the fish can jump out of the water.


Reproduction of angelfish in an aquarium implies, among other things, the need to feed them properly. However, these fish are not too picky about food. They eat live food well: tubifex, bloodworms and other types of this food. At the same time, they calmly switch to dry food. However, you need to keep in mind that the shape of the body does not allow the angelfish to lift food from the bottom. Therefore, it is best to purchase types of food that will float on the surface and sink very slowly. For the proper development of the angelfish, the reproduction of which depends on its physical condition, it is important not to overfeed it. They are usually fed twice a day. Keep in mind that these creatures do not understand when they are full. They may eat much more food than they really need. In this case, the fish will become obese and lose their ability to reproduce. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to give them a “fasting day” once a week. This means that they do not need to be fed at all that day.

Pair formation

For those who are interested in breeding angelfish at home, it is very important to determine the sex of the existing individuals. However, this is quite difficult to do with angelfish. More precisely, before the onset of puberty it is completely impossible. The main difference between adults is the dorsal fin. In males it is more elongated. In addition, the number of transverse stripes on it should not be less than 7 for males, and no more than 6 for females.

But even experienced aquarists find it difficult to correctly determine the sex of an angelfish. For this reason, it is recommended to purchase either individuals that have already given birth to offspring, or to take an already formed pair. If this is not possible, you need to take a dozen fry with wide and long fins. Among such a flock there will definitely be representatives of both sexes. These fish will form pairs themselves, giving the owner the opportunity to decide for himself which of them to use for reproduction.

It is not recommended to break up existing couples, as this is a strong stress, after which the fish may never enter into a “relationship” again. It’s easy to recognize a couple - they stick together, the male drives the female into corners, and swim everywhere after each other.


It is very important to know that it is necessary to equip a special aquarium for angelfish spawning. Reproduction in a community aquarium is almost impossible for these fish.

It is advisable to feed a couple of breeders with live food for the rest of their lives. As a last resort - frozen. Fish fed dry food are often not capable of reproduction, are not large enough, and have a pale color.

With proper care, angelfish are able to lay eggs every 14 days. But for this you need to remove the laid eggs.

To stimulate spawning, the water temperature is increased by 2 degrees, and up to 10 percent of the water is changed several times a week. It is advisable to add boiled water with reduced hardness. Aquarium angelfish, the reproduction of which we are interested in, prefer to lay eggs on plants, so the container should contain large leaves, pieces of plastic, and tiles.

Spawning itself most often lasts from 40 to 90 minutes. The female lays eggs on the cleaned surface of the leaf, after which the male fertilizes her. The process is repeated several times; a total of 700-800 eggs can be laid in one clutch.

Incubator equipment

Angelfish, which reproduce almost without human intervention, need help caring for the fry. The fact is that they are able to take care of their offspring independently for only a few days. After this, their parental instinct simply falls asleep. After spawning, they care for the eggs, clean them of dirt, and protect them from fish. Sometimes they continue care until the fry are able to feed themselves. Unfortunately, this happens quite rarely. Often the parents eat their own eggs just a few hours after spawning. This is why it is best to transfer the eggs to a separate incubator.

It is a small aquarium, 50% filled with water from the one in which the parents are kept. The remaining volume is distilled water. The incubator must be equipped with a heater that will warm the water to 30 degrees. An air sprayer is also required. The caviar must be placed in the finished container so that the flow from the sprayer washes it, but air does not enter.

To exclude fungal infection, you need to add methylene blue or special preparations to the water. Duckweed will be useful as a biofilter. In addition, ciliates will breed in these thickets, which are excellent food for fry.

Caring for fry

The shells of the eggs rupture after a couple of days, turning into ropes on which the larvae hang. After 4 days, you can already see the heads and yolk sacs from which the larvae receive food. They move constantly, trying to free themselves.

After a week or two, the fry gain freedom. Now they need feeding. To do this, it is necessary to prepare in advance live food for the fry: daphnia, ciliates, and artemia. Babies need to be fed 5-6 times a day. In addition, you need to place a filter in the incubator, covered with a nylon stocking for safety. The density of fry should be about 2 pieces. per liter of water. If there are more of them, then you need to put them in another aquarium. Before one feeding, change a third of the water, removing the remaining food beforehand.

After 30-45 days, small angelfish acquire a characteristic shape, after which they need to be seated with a density of 4-5 liters of water per fry. Fish of this age are fed small bloodworms, live food, and chopped tubifex. Very soon you can move the fry to a regular aquarium for this species.


Angelfish, the care and reproduction of which is not very simple, have several species. The most common of them are: black, gold, white, blue, voile, koi, marbled and red.

All these species differ only in appearance, but maintenance, care, and breeding remain the same for all.

Angelfish are perhaps the most recognizable among aquarium fish. The characteristic body shape, reminiscent of a crescent, elegant coloring and relative unpretentiousness ensures their popularity among aquarists different levels- from beginners to seasoned professionals. And almost any owner of these wonderful fish sooner or later has a desire to get offspring from them and raise them. The article will discuss the reproduction of angelfish at home.

Sex determination in angelfish and pair formation

Sexual dimorphism in angelfish is not pronounced, i.e. males and females are almost the same in appearance. It is impossible to determine gender before the onset of puberty, and even then it is quite difficult. Aquarists joke about this: “If it swam, it means a male, if it swam, it means a female.” However, in adult angelfish it is possible to determine the sex in most cases, although this can usually only be done by those who know the anatomy of fish well. Let's try to figure out what signs are used to determine gender fish of this genus:

  1. In mature males, there is a fatty hump on the forehead;
  2. Males have a more convex pectoral carina;
  3. If you look at the fish from the front, then the lower part of its body resembles a wedge, and in the male this wedge is sharp, and in the female it is blunt;
  4. The diagnostic sign is the genital papilla (in females it is called the ovipositor) - a growth with an opening located between the anus and the anal fin, through which reproductive products come out. In females it is larger and thicker, while in males it is correspondingly thinner, sharper and directed backwards. These differences are especially clearly visible during spawning, as well as before and immediately after it;
  5. The distance from the genital papilla to the anal fin is much shorter in males than in females. In fact, in males the fin keel grows directly from the genital papilla, and since in striped angelfish the papilla is usually located at the base of the central stripe, we can say that in males the anal fin starts from the base of the central stripe, and in females - behind it;

Male angelfish differ from females in having a more elongated, long dorsal fin. In its rear part there are dark transverse stripes interspersed with gaps. The number of these stripes in females is no more than 6, and in males there are no less than 7.

However, sometimes it is impossible to reliably determine the gender of fish based on these characteristics, especially in artificially bred forms with marbled, golden, albino coloring. In such cases, they try to determine the sex of the fish by their behavior when they form pairs and begin spawning in a common aquarium. But this does not always work: in some cases, in the absence of males, females play their role in mating games and spawning, and same-sex couples even lay eggs (which, naturally, remain unfertilized).

Here we can advise the following: if you want to purchase an adult breeder fish, choose an individual with characteristic features and behavior, or fish that have already given birth. It’s even better if it’s an established couple right away. If you are going to raise breeders yourself, purchase 8-10 fry with wide and long fins, among them there will definitely be individuals of both sexes, and in the future they will split into pairs themselves, and you can decide which of them to use for further breeding.

Angelfish prefer to form pairs on their own, choosing a partner from several individuals of the opposite sex. But the aquarist may well choose a pair of an existing young specimen. When a male and female angelfish of similar age and size find themselves alone in an aquarium, as a rule, they begin to “build love.” It is not recommended to separate ready-made couples and select other partners - this is extremely stressful for fish, and they do not always form new unions. It is easy to identify a formed pair: the fish stay together, swim in single file, and the male begins to drive the female into the corners of the aquarium.

Raising spawners and preparing for spawning

Fish that are planned for further breeding must be kept in optimal conditions. For angelfish, the water temperature is of particular importance, which should not be lower than 27°C. The second most important factor is the quality of food; future producers must eat live food (bloodworms, tubifex, daphnia, etc.) or frozen food throughout their lives. Angelfish raised exclusively on dry food are usually smaller in size, their coloration is paler, and they are often incapable of reproduction.

IN good conditions Angelfish can spawn every two weeks, provided the eggs are removed immediately.

Before spawning, males and females must be kept together, since the preparation of males for spawning and the maturation of their reproductive products takes place only in the presence of females.

Spawning is stimulated by increasing the water temperature by 2°C, frequent changes (3-4 times a week, 10%), it is better to add distilled or boiled water to reduce its hardness in the aquarium. The aquarium should contain large-leaved plants; you can also place a piece of plastic or ceramic tile there on which the angelfish can spawn. Typically, fish of this genus are not placed in a separate spawning tank, allowing them to spawn in a general aquarium.

A pair ready for reproduction can be recognized by the female’s rounded abdomen and changed behavior - future parents begin to zealously guard their territory and clean the surface on which they will spawn.


As a rule, spawning occurs in the evening and lasts from 40 minutes to one and a half hours. The female lays eggs on a previously cleaned surface, usually in even rows, the male swims up behind her and fertilizes these eggs, and so on several times, in turn. Total eggs are 700–800.

Incubator equipment and egg development

Angelfish, like other cichlids, care for their offspring, but their parental instinct is not so strong, and this care usually lasts only 2-3 days. Having spawned, the producers begin to protect the eggs from other fish in the aquarium, fan the eggs with their pectorals and dorsal fins, pick up the eggs that have fallen from the substrate and eat the white ones. In some cases, they take care of their offspring until they begin to feed on their own. I must say that this care is very useful for the fry. But, unfortunately, such exemplary behavior is rather an exception to the rule, and usually producers simply eat the eggs a few hours after spawning or after dark. So if you don't want to risk finding out how caring parents are your angelfish, it is better to transfer the eggs to a separate aquarium 2-3 hours after spawning.

An incubator for caviar is prepared as follows: a small aquarium with a capacity of 5–10 liters is half filled with water from the aquarium where the breeders are kept. The second half is added with distilled water. A heater set to a temperature of 30°C and an air sprayer are placed in the incubator, and after an hour, the substrate with eggs is lowered into it so that the eggs are washed by the current from the sprayer, but air bubbles do not fall on it.

To prevent fungal infection of eggs, add methylene blue to the water until intense blue color or Sera mycopur at the rate of 1 drop per liter. It is useful to place small plants in the incubator, such as duckweed or riccia, they will act as a biofilter, preventing the level of nitrogen compounds in the aquarium from jumping when the fry begin to grow quickly. In addition, ciliates and rotifers will multiply in the thickets, which will then become food for the fry. Lighting should be around the clock. Even if there are no plants in the incubator, you should leave the night light on at night.

The next day, the whitened eggs are removed.

Development of fry and care for them

After two days, the shells of the eggs rupture and turn into sticky ropes on which the larvae hang, moving with the help of a tail similar to a flagellum. On about the fourth day, the larvae can distinguish their heads and yolk sacs, from the reserves of which they feed. The larva constantly moves, trying to free itself from the cord that attaches it.

After 7–12 days, the cords break off and the fry begin to swim. By this time, the yolk sac is almost empty, and it is time to start feeding the fry. It is impossible to fully feed them with egg yolk and dry food, so live food is prepared in advance: ciliates and daphnia are bred, and on the 5th day after spawning, they begin to incubate artemia. The fry are fed 5–6 times a day. Now you need to place a small filter in the aquarium, and to prevent the fry from being drawn in, the lower part of it is covered, for example, with a nylon stocking. If there are a lot of fry, some will need to be removed from the aquarium; their density should now be no more than two per liter of water, otherwise the level of ammonia and nitrites may rise sharply. Water changes are carried out once a day by a third, before feeding, after removing the remaining food from the bottom with a siphon.

In about a month or a month and a half, the fry will acquire the shape characteristic of an angelfish, after which they will again need to be seated in a container at the rate of 4–5 liters of water per fry. At this age, they are fed with chopped tubifex, small bloodworms, they can begin gradually accustoming them to live food, and after a short time they can be placed in a common “adult” aquarium.

As you can see, breeding angelfish is a troublesome, painstaking, but very interesting task. Even if everything doesn’t work out the first time, there will be a chance to try again, because a couple healthy fish in good conditions it spawns often. And sooner or later, the persistent aquarist will be able to boast of a flock of bright young angelfish, which he raised from eggs. Now all that remains is for them to find new house, thereby increasing the number of lovers of these amazing fish.

Getting offspring is always a crucial and exciting moment in keeping aquarium fish. Many questions arise related to the placement of the female or parental pair (leave it in general conditions, transplant it to an isolated housing, how to distinguish a female angelfish from a male), preparing individuals for the start of spawning (feeding, temperature conditions, plants or entanglement). Raising fry also has its own nuances. Now about everything in more detail.

Pairing: natural and artificial

The key to the success of the venture is the health of the producers and how to correctly distinguish a female from a male angelfish. Selecting the father and mother of a fish replenishment carries with it some difficulties. Before sexual maturity, it is almost impossible to determine the difference between an individual and one sex, due to the weak expression of dimorphism (not everyone can distinguish the sex). A pair is created once for the entire duration of its existence.

Natural way

Regular observation of the habits of adult individuals will give certain results in selection. If there are several fish in the aquarium, it is possible to notice isolated pairs sticking close to each other. The male strives to win the full attention of the female and court her. This is where gender differences lie.

Artificial pair formation

With the development of selection characteristics (breeding new colors, types of fins, consolidation of successful variations obtained), a female angelfish with the required pronounced characteristics is selected and moved to a separate container. Next, the choice falls on the male who meets the necessary criteria. The selected unit is transplanted to the previously isolated one. It is important to have time to carry out this operation before the natural emergence of attachment. After some time, the migrants multiply.

Preparatory moments

There are conditions that, if followed, will help you achieve the desired result when breeding angelfish without any extra effort.

  • Quality nutrition is required throughout life cycle starting from the fry. Feeding exclusively dry ingredients is fraught with small size, loss of color intensity, and reproductive dysfunction (infertility). The diet must be composed with a predominance of live and frozen food.
  • Temperature is the second most important factor in the reproduction of angelfish. These aquarium fish are very sensitive to even small changes. Water with a warmth of 27–28 degrees is most optimal for this. To prepare to reproduce.
  • Keeping representatives of both sexes together promotes the maturation of milk in males (the formation of working products of the angelfish reproductive system does not occur in the absence of females).
  • Ideally, placing all pairs prepared for spawning in separate vessels is encouraged. This measure affects the quantitative value of the brood (underwater neighbors general content, and the planned producers are capable of destroying the brood at the stages of development from eggs to mature mallow).
  • When setting up a separate spawning area, clay, ceramic, wooden or plastic objects are used in the form of cones, plates and blocks for the surface for placing angelfish eggs. This addition is connected with the preference of angelfish to spawn on hard surfaces. In nature, broadleaf species are used for reproduction in a community aquarium. underwater plants. In the absence of suitable surfaces, eggs can be deposited on equipment inside the aquarium or on the wall.

Video about preparing an aquarium for breeding.

Compliance with all of the above conditions allows you to begin provoking a couple to spawn:

  1. A gradual increase in temperature by four degrees, but not higher than +32°C.
  2. Feeding exclusively on live derivatives (bloodworms, tubifex, daphnia) with an increase in diet.
  3. Change water by ten percent of the total volume four times a week, with a decrease in hardness (use after boiling).

As soon as the family decides on the location of the display, work begins on thoroughly cleaning the selected surface and protecting the adjacent surroundings. The female looks noticeably rounded. All this indicates the imminent start of the process of breeding angelfish in a common aquarium.

Calf throwing

They mostly give birth in evening hours. Long labor lasts up to two hours. A pregnant angelfish, smoothly moving along the tidy plane to the upper edge, lays a chain of eggs, which are then fertilized by the male. The number can reach up to one thousand pieces. From the beginning of laying until the offspring become independent, adult fish cannot be disturbed. Possible provocation stress state, they will stop spawning. There are frequent cases when they spawn in a joint aquarium with other species (protection from those who like to indulge in someone else’s caviar takes a lot of energy, along with stress, and leads to betrayal of one’s own offspring).

Watch the video of how the angelfish laid eggs on the leaves.

By observing the effect produced (angelfish spawning), you can accurately determine the reproductive capabilities of the producers for the future. Which of the angelfish laid eggs, whether they fertilized them, and after a couple of days the feasibility of the next spawnings differs. It should be remembered that the effectiveness of reproduction can be revealed after several unsuccessful attempts.

From eggs to fry

Natural care from the moment when the angelfish lay eggs and fertilization of the eggs is considered parental care. The couple's parents are trying to save the eggs:

The care of adult fish does not end there; it will continue until the moment of independent feeding in the fry of the angelfish. This happens after a week or a week and a half, when the larvae appear. In the future, the producers, if they have been repelled, return to old place. Angelfish are again ready to reproduce their own kind. In this sequence, you can receive replenishments periodically, with an interval of one to two thirds of the month.

The inherent nuances should be taken into account: even under ideal conditions, about twenty percent of the fry die, frequent spawning conditions quickly deplete the adults. They need to take breaks. There are situations in which the spawned pair eats the eggs. In such situations, the separation of eggs is used immediately after the end of spawning time.

Artificial care conditions

When spawning by angelfish in an underwater dormitory, it is necessary to remove the surface used (plant leaf, clay pot or plastic strip) with caviar into a separate prepared container. When a family is deposited in advance for spawning, the adults are returned back at the end of the process.

Now all care for the young falls on the shoulders of the owner

A separate vessel (five to fifteen liters capacity) should be prepared as follows:

  • Water is taken from a common aquarium and added distilled or boiled in a ratio of 50/50 (percentage), with a drug dissolved in it to prevent fungal infection.
  • A device is installed to maintain temperature regime(about thirty degrees).
  • The aerator is placed so that air bubbles do not fall on the caviar, but at the same time it is washed with a slight current.
  • Lighting is provided around the clock, without much brightness.
  • If possible, small upland plants (duckweed) are placed to serve as a biofilter. natural origin to regulate the level of nitrogen compounds during the growth of fry. In their thickets, ciliates and rotifers will be able to breed for subsequent feeding of local inhabitants.

One day after moving, spoiled eggs should be removed. After another two days, the larvae get rid of the supporting shell and hatch. Until the seventh day they remain attached in place by means of a flagellum. Having consumed the entire contents of the yolk sac (feeding began immediately after hatching), the larvae grow to the fry stage and master free swimming. From this moment feeding of the fry begins.

Caring for the new generation

First, let’s find out what to feed the fry. The first food for angelfish fry is live dust (ciliates). Dry food for raising fry is also produced. Their use is not particularly recommended, but at this stage development, live food is preferable, promoting the formation of stronger and faster growth and development. The next step is to introduce the artery into the diet.

Reaching a mobile state by the brood serves as a signal to make some adjustments.

  • A not very powerful filter is installed with an improvement to protect the fry from getting inside (as an option, a nylon stocking is used). Or frequent changes of boiled water are made.
  • A large number of young animals are placed in additional containers. The population density is allowed two units per liter of water space.
  • Even the water on the filter should be changed once a day before distributing food by one third of the total volume, having previously cleaned it of food residues from the previous meal using a siphon.
  • As they grow (after a month and a half), a repeat operation is performed to seat the young individuals. The criteria become more stringent, up to 5 liters per head, due to the increase in size and the acquisition of a flattened shape, similar to adult parameters.

During this period, cut bloodworms and tubifex begin to serve as food. A little later, the young animals are released into the common house.

Breeding angelfish comes with additional costs, both time and material. For all its troubles and painstaking nature, there is genuine interest in this process. Not everything always works out the first time; success may be delayed. With each new spawning comes an understanding of the rightness and wrongness of certain actions. This is how the experience of breeding angelfish at home is laid with the choice of a more successful method. Suitable for a specific owner, and having an individual character of obtaining bright underwater individuals, raised independently from small eggs.