Catering business and other areas of our lives are constantly changing and improving. Therefore, the owners of establishments are forced to adapt to the rapidly developing world and meet the increased demands of visitors, spoiled by the wide range of services provided and all sorts of delights. Due to the overabundance of places where you can have a delicious meal and a pleasant rest, restaurant owners have to bend over backwards to intrigue and attract visitors to their restaurant. Here are 10 creative restaurants with an original range of services provided.

Dinner in silence

Welcome to Greenpoint, Brooklyn, home of Nicholas Nauman's new restaurant Eat, where diners are required to eat their egg frittata and casserole and whole grain porridge in silence.

Nauman spent some time in a Buddhist monastery in India several years ago, which inspired him to create the idea for a silent restaurant.

The Silent Dinner is a monthly event and has proven so popular that diners have to make reservations several days in advance for the privilege of dining without speaking or hearing a word in the small room that seats just 25 people.

Dinner in the nude

Once a month, a Manhattan restaurant hosts a nude dinner party. Nudist activist John J. Ordover has come up with clothing-optional dinners where guests strip off as soon as they enter and enjoy the signature dishes.

Health regulations require staff to remain clothed even if they want to join. In addition, visitors must bring something to sit on - a towel or, for discerning women, an elegant silk scarf.

Don't worry, the windows are tinted, hot soup isn't served, and people only keep their eyes level with your face.

Offensive lunch

Dick's Last Resort is a chain of small bars and restaurants in the United States known for deliberately hiring rude waiters - they are trained to behave as such.

In addition to the staff, the restaurant's decor is wacky. His goal is to offend customers and put them in an unpleasant position. Visitors are provided with bibs and large paper caps self made, which they must wear throughout the entire dinner. There are no napkins on the tables - as a rule, waiters throw them at visitors.

This restaurant, which has picnic tables and no tablecloths, appeared after its owner's first high-end restaurant failed and went bankrupt. Instead of continuing to operate in a high-end field, the owners redirected their efforts to sleaziness. The end result was a success, leading to the creation of six more such restaurants.

Alice in Wonderland style lunch

In Japan, there is a chain of restaurants inspired by Lewis Carroll's famous fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland". The interiors of the restaurants opened by Diamond Dining were created by the Japanese studio Fantastic Design Works.

Each restaurant offers its own interpretation of the classic fairy tale, with tables shaped like teacups, romantic lighting, waitresses... blue dresses Alice and, of course, delicious and delicious dishes.

Knock on the giant hardcover book and you will be admitted into this elegantly decorated restaurant. Finding yourself inside is like falling through the rabbit hole into Alice's world.

Dinner with the Dead

Some restaurants can have a really dead atmosphere, but one Indian restaurant owner says his business has been booming since he opened a eatery in an old cemetery. Instead of destroying the graves to make way for a café, owner Krishnan Kutty decided to preserve the coffins and arrange tables around them at the ironically named New Lucky restaurant in Ahmedabad.

The coffins are all that remains of the Muslim cemetery, and the cafe has become a popular gathering place for young and old.

Approximately a dozen coffins, covered with iron bars, are located inside the cafe. Every morning, when the diner's shutters are raised, waiters spend some time wiping down the tombstones and decorating them with fresh flowers.

Singing restaurant

Bel Canto mixes haute cuisine with excitement opera house. The unique combination of a talented pianist and professionally trained opera singers makes evenings at Bel Canto unforgettable.

Not only do visitors enjoy fantastic French cuisine here, but they are also serenaded. Throughout the evening, four singers perform operatic classics at regular intervals, moving between the tables.

Bel Canto has two restaurants in Paris (in Neuilly-sur-Seine and the Hotel de Ville) and one restaurant in east London (at the Corus Hotel near Hyde Park).

Dinner on the edge of a cliff

Fangweng Restaurant in China's Hubei province is conveniently located next to the popular Sanyu Cave, otherwise known as the Cave of the Three Travelers, but what you might find more impressive is that the restaurant appears to be hanging on the edge of a cliff.

If you didn't know this beforehand, you might be surprised because there are no clues about how to enter. You must go down the passage that juts out above Happy Valley in Xiling Canyon to reach the dining hall.

Several tables are located on the balcony jutting out over the rock. But most of the tables are inside a natural cave.

Dinner alone

Table for one please! At Eenmaal, a new restaurant in Amsterdam, this is your only choice. Social designer and initiator Marina van Goor explains the idea of ​​the restaurant: “Eenmaal is the same restaurant as the others, but it differs in one thing: here you will only find tables for one.

"Eenmaal is an exciting experiment for those who never go to cafes alone, as well as an attractive opportunity for those who often go to restaurants alone."

With "Eenmaal", Marina hopes to break the stereotype that there is something wrong with a person if he sits or eats alone.

An exclusive dinner that you have to wait five years for

In Barel's restaurant, created with his own hands and located in his basement own home in upstate New York for 25 years high price Personally created dishes from personally grown and harvested ingredients are served. All ingredients used in each evening's unique menu are grown in Barel's personal farm garden, including acorn meal and butter made on site.

The dining room can accommodate up to 20 people, who must arrive at a certain time in advance to take part in the five-hour dinner. The restaurant became such a hit that Barel received more than 10,000 reservations in just a week.

The cost of the meal (not including the anxious wait) reaches more than $200 per serving, but any wealthy person with the ability to plan five years in advance can have a truly one-of-a-kind date.

"Traveling" restaurant

The trend of modern and underground restaurants shows no signs of abating, but in a new twist, the Pale Blue Door restaurant, created by British artist and decorator Tony Hornecker, is popping up, packing up, then popping up again in another country, taking part in festivals along the way.

Pale Blue Door is not a simple hopping restaurant, it is a supper club and installation in a ramshackle wonderland in secret place in Dalston, London. Tony Hornecker is the man who founded the mysterious club that forces clients to travel to Santiago and Buenos Aires and Glastonbury and Berlin. Visitors are invited to Hornecker's life-size dollhouse for a dinner of... three courses, while they will be entertained by pantomimes and cabarets such as A Man to Pet and Johnny Woo.

Hornecker began implementing his idea in his studio-cum-terrace home in Hackney, London, where a jumble of windows, odd rooms, furniture, knick-knacks and drag queen performances are served with panzanella, rare beef and crumble pudding.

This restaurant, like many ingenious inventions, was created out of necessity. At the beginning of the year, Hornecker's agent went bankrupt, his work dried up, and he could no longer pay rent. Hornecker had long had the idea of ​​starting a restaurant, and thanks to his previous experience - he had been a waiter since he was 14 and was training to become a chef at 16 - it was a natural solution to his financial crisis.

Unusual business ideas: TOP 10 extravagant business ideas that brought profit to their owners.

There are many unique people on planet Earth.

Most often, their creativity manifests itself in inventions and painting.

But just as surprisingly, they create unusual business ideas.

At first it may seem that such thoughts would never even occur to a person with standard thinking!

Not to mention bringing them to life and flaunting your unusual idea to the whole world.

Or maybe some options are not completely “absurd”?

Let's evaluate the business inventions of creative people together.

Unusual business ideas: TOP 10 unusual options

1. “Bluetooth” instead of a key

Such unusual business ideas are worthy of praise as they solve the age-old problem of lost keys.

Perhaps every person at least once in his life has lost, broken or left his keys somewhere.

The creators of this business innovation solved this problem and brought to life the idea of ​​​​an electronic lock, the key for which is a smartphone.

Agree, the chance of losing an expensive phone is much lower than a regular key.

A special application is installed on the phone, which can be customized to suit your requirements.

For example, the lock will open automatically if the distance from the owner with the phone to the lock is 1–2 meters.

In case of discharge, the lock can be recharged using a special device.

Well, if there may not be one, don’t be upset - there is a special panel on the lock.

After entering a code consisting of numbers and letters, the lock will open without a smartphone.

2. Tattooing on teeth is an unusual business idea.

About 15 years ago, an unusual fashion appeared associated with decorating teeth with various rhinestones and precious stones.

Much water has passed under the bridge since then, and it would seem that people’s tastes have changed dramatically.

However, creative people have a new fashion - decorating their teeth with a tattoo.

Such an original “accessory” is created by placing any illustration on a person’s incisors.

If only there were the means and the desire, the masters would be able to turn any drawing idea into reality.

This unusual business was founded by a dentist from the USA, Steve Hedward.

It costs a colossal amount of money to paint an image from this master, but this fact does not stop wealthy people.

Of course, in Russia this unusual business is not yet as popular as in Europe.

Therefore, it is worth clarifying: if you thought that a tattoo on the teeth is the same as a tattoo on the body, then we hasten to refute this myth.

These are two processes that have nothing to do with each other.

So, what is the essence of this unusual business idea?

A tattoo on a tooth can be done even without the presence of a person.

You will simply need to send a dental impression and the desired drawing to the salon’s specified address.

After this, specialists apply the selected image to the crown, and it is sent to the post office specified by the customer.

After which it can be installed in any dentist’s office.

Abroad, this business idea is thriving thanks mainly to girls under 15 years of age and women over 30.

But even small children, who receive crowns according to the dentist’s recommendations, watch such an unusual product with special care and constantly brush their teeth.

But in Russia this idea has not yet been implemented on a noticeable scale.

3. A vase that helps get rid of negative emotions

Probably, every person in life, due to constant troubles and stress, has had the desire to go to a desert island, and that he has the strength to scream at the top of his voice.

Psychologists say that this is a normal reaction of the body, which wants to get rid of negative emotions.

But, of course, it is simply impossible to use this method of psychological relief from stress in a metropolis, since it violates all social boundaries.

It’s hard to imagine people standing at a bus stop or in a cafe, screaming at the top of their voices (although, what’s more, in Russia such a picture still sometimes occurs).

The author of an unusual business idea in Japan decided to realize this need of people. They invented an unusual vase that adapts to the lips of each person who uses it.

When someone shouts into it, the invention completely suppresses the noise due to its soundproofing properties.

This unusual business idea allows you to throw out all the accumulated anger without disturbing the people around you.

4. Talking dolls based on celebrities

Talking hamsters, dogs and bears have long taken their place on the market.

Such an unusual idea brings good income to its authors to this day.

But electronic animals have been replaced by dolls in the images of famous people.

The founders of the idea were right in creating a talking toy that looked like their favorite artist, pop star or politician.

In the West, people spend a lot of money to buy a mini-copy of their idol, which also speaks.

5. Original coffins - an unusual idea for a business

Vic Fearn & Co is a large company making classic coffins.

Its management decided to add a little humor to its gloomy products.

They came up with an unusual idea to produce creative coffins for customers.

Surprisingly, this business appealed to the people of Great Britain. Now every citizen can come up with one or another idea for a coffin in which he should be buried.

The company manufactured custom products in the form of:

  • guitars;
  • wine stoppers;
  • cars;
  • airplane;
  • sports bags;
  • phone.

And one client ordered a coffin in the shape of a garbage container.

He justified his idea very simply: “I’ve lived my whole life as trash and I feel like I’m trash, so bury me in a trash can.”

In short, this is an unusual direction in business, but it generates income.

And for entrepreneurship, it doesn’t matter how crazy the idea seems.

The main thing is that it brings good profits.

6. “Fake” certificate confirming parental rights

Probably every person has had a desire to leave work at the end working day about thirty or forty minutes.

But in the States, if you have a minor child, then the person has the right to leave his or her workplace before others.

The goals are quite obvious:

  • it is necessary to pick up the child from preschool;
  • help him do his homework;
  • take your child to a group or to a doctor.

Of course, such injustice angers childless workers.

It was this fact that prompted one company in New York to create an unusual idea for a business.

They issue kits with a set of things that supposedly confirm the client has children.

  • joint photographs of the child and the customer;
  • drawings of a son or daughter;
  • pictures from various family celebrations.

You can present all this to your boss and leave work before everyone else.

It is quite logical that this unusual business idea is not particularly popular, since the presence of children can be easily verified.

Probably, a shortened day by an hour or an hour and a half is not worth the condemnation and sidelong glances of colleagues.

7. An unusual idea for an electrical cable decorated with ivy

Unusual business ideas can be born even when you are just sitting at home and looking around.

Look around and count how many electrical wires is in the room, and how many of them are hidden from view?

As a rule, in most apartments the wiring is best case scenario, neatly fixed along the baseboards.

But appearance The premises deteriorate very much because of this, it seems less neat.

Enterprising people came up with an unusual idea that helped them build a profitable business.

They created an ivy-shaped cable, the leaves of which the owner can move around at will, starting from the interior of the room.

This unusual idea is suitable for use not only at home, but also in offices, coffee shops, large companies, and restaurants.

8. The sound of a beer can opening

Japanese inventors distinguished themselves by creating an unusual idea.

They invented a special device that imitates the sound of a beer can opening.

We are talking about the idea of ​​the “Mugen Beer” accessory, which became the basis of a successful business.

This unusual idea is implemented as an ordinary can of canned food, which gives out that same “pshshh”.

This device does not produce any benefit or additional actions.

But one cherished sound was enough for the idea to bring profit to the creators, and the device was sold out in large quantities.

Many people use this invention as a keychain.

9. Shoes with a navigator - an unusual idea for those who are “lost”

But this unusual idea was created for something really important and...

Let's say a person is in an unfamiliar place and needs to get from point A to point B.

This path can be overcome using several options:

  • use taxi services;
  • ask locals for directions;
  • use the city map.

Or you can put the address of point B in special shoes and enjoy a walk around the tourist city.

All thanks to the built-in navigator, which will guide the walker.

If a person needs to turn at an intersection, then, depending on the direction of the route, the right or left shoe begins to tremble.

This unusual idea really appealed to many consumers, so the business brought good profits.

10. Unusual business idea - selling garbage for money

Christopher Goodwin has created a strange business, the idea of ​​which is based on selling garbage.

Likewise, in Russia you won’t surprise anyone with vending machines for selling coffee or various candy bars.

What about a machine that, for 25 cents, dispenses a beautiful bag containing inside:

  • paper clips,
  • broken toy parts,
  • broken buttons,
  • small pieces of newspapers, magazines, store receipts?

Few people will be able to understand this unusual idea for business in our country.

But, surprisingly, the founder managed to sell more than 4,000 of these units in America.

Truly, everyone earns money in accordance with their imagination, abilities and entrepreneurship. As they say, who cares what. Sometimes you wonder how funny and unexpected things can be offers on the services market.

An entrepreneur who has come up with an original type of service must have open-minded thinking.

I wonder what these original services are in demand, entrepreneurs make money - that means they’re not so ridiculous, these original services as it seems at first glance.

We invite you to get acquainted with some of these original services:

"Cuddle Room" An ordinary US citizen, Jacqueline Samuel, suggested hugging for those who love special service, opening the “cuddle cabinet”.

A lot of people in the world suffer from a lack of tactile contact. Young people - due to isolation, problems with socialization, problems with the opposite sex; widowers and divorced people - due to the loss of a life partner, they need calm tactile contact; Elderly people are driven by loneliness, they just don’t have enough warmth. young people are driven by loneliness, problems with the opposite sex, or simple curiosity. Many of her clients come purely out of curiosity.
Samuel called her business “Cozy Corner.” A girl works at home, dressed in pajamas. Any hint of sex is excluded, clients are prohibited from touching her intimate places. Jackie earns about $60 per hour, and an average of $260 per day, which she spends on college tuition.

Cook at home". For zealous opponents of cooking, but who love to welcome guests (and they need to be fed), the British restaurant Housebites offers a service to create the appearance that you were the one who cooked the food. We are ready to provide you dirty dishes(bowls, pans, plates) and pots with prepared food. All you have to do is play along a little, spilling a little on the floor or table vegetable oil, pouring flour so that the guests believe in your ability to cook wonderfully. And there are many who want to use this service.

Culinary skills are a quality that adorns both men and women equally.
The CEO of Housebites notes that the company is developing according to the wishes of customers, reviews on social networks stimulate innovation. In his opinion, this service is harmless entertainment that provides an opportunity to impress partners or friends.

Prison-hotel. In some American cities, for thrill-seekers, there is a service for spending the night in a prison solitary confinement with a guarantee of peace and cleanliness. Oddly enough, this hobby attracts many.

For example, a hotel building near the center of Kaiserslautern was once really a prison.
The hotel-prison has a corridor system with one shower room on each floor, there are openings in the cell doors through which breakfast is served to guests, and there are bars on the windows; All guests change into striped pajamas for the night. Of course, the status of prisoners does not apply to hotel clients who pay 79 euros per night for their stay in this prison - they can leave the hotel and come to it whenever they wish.

Boarding house for nudists. One more no less original way making a profit - boarding house for nudists - DeAnza Springs Resort. This hotel is located in the picturesque surroundings of the Californian city of Yacumba and is considered the largest vacation spot for completely naked men and women.
The boarding house has already become the most popular refuge for seven hundred naked people who do not consider wearing clothes a mandatory condition of modern life. And this business is run by true nudists - Dave and Helen Landman. It is noteworthy that the hotel staff wears special uniforms, but only those workers who supply food, as well as seasonal workers.

A week in operation monastery , Switzerland. Ideal place for those who want to gain solitude and discover the truths of monastic life. During their stay, guests live in a real monastic cell.
You will also have to follow the strict monastic Rules: get up at 4.45, pray until 7 am, work in a temple, school or garden, pray until 12 o'clock, rest for 45 minutes, continue work until 18 o'clock, dinner, night prayers at 20 hours.

This type of service is new in the Swiss tourism business. The monastery is one of the rare ones in which the lifestyle of 35 monks has remained almost unchanged over the past 800 years. It is famous for its rooms with carved panels (each with images of angels from more than 300 fragments), and for its 18th-century monastery church, which contains the largest organ in Switzerland.

Breakup service. Berlin entrepreneur Bernd Dressler came up with a business to save people from unpleasant explanations when breaking up. For 50 euros he will tell you this unpleasant news instead professional psychologist. For a fee, he will help you prepare for a difficult conversation yourself if ethical principles do not allow you to shift this burden to someone else. The entrepreneur’s balance sheet and the many similar services opening in Russia and around the world testify to how successful this idea is.

Portraits of the deceased. A certain company paints portraits of deceased people to order, using a mixture of ordinary oil paints with... the ashes of a cremated person. Despite the high cost of the service, it was an enviable success.

Ash scatterers.
Eternal Reefs has been providing underwater ashes burial services since 1980. Its employees claim that they are creating an eternal “living” legacy of people who have left earthly life.
And this is how an eternal legacy is created - the ashes of the deceased are mixed with cement, after which a kind of coral reef is created. This mini-sculpture is then lowered to the seabed. Thus, relatives can be left alone with the ashes of a loved one at any time by diving greater depth with scuba diving.
The mission of this company comes down not only to in an original way to give peace to the ashes of deceased people, but also to restore their former numbers sea ​​corals, which are rapidly disappearing in nature.

Flowers through the window. A unique and unusual method of presenting a gift or a bouquet of flowers is provided by a company involving industrial climbers: descending from the roof, high-altitude specialists through the window present a gift on behalf of the client. If desired, the giver can, accompanied by the same climber, hand over the offering himself. Well, can anyone not appreciate such an elegant way of congratulations?

Let's clean our ears. For particularly lazy (or squeamish) Japanese, some nosy entrepreneurs have organized a very delicate type of service for cleaning the client’s ears. While the client is resting in the chair, his ears are cleaned by salon workers.

Washing dogs. Everyone loves a clean house, but few people want to take care of their favorite pets such as dogs and cats. But this can be done quite quickly and easily for a fee by representatives of the American company Doody Calls (and only men), who are ready to come to the aid of negligent animal owners.

Let's punish the cat. New York cat owners have the opportunity to call a special woman who will come on call and punish the playful creature for bad behavior and for waste products left in the wrong place.

Let's write a letter. For those who still use postal services, but do not want to bother writing messages, there is a service for writing letters by hand and sending them to the addressee.

Cleaning lady in negligee. The state of Texas, in the USA, is the owner of a cleaning company whose employees will be able to quickly clean a client’s house in the most perfect negligee.

Cleaning up crime scenes. Yes, this happens not only in movies - crimes are committed, crime scenes remain, and the American Jerry Turner figured out how to take advantage of this. An enterprising resident of the United States of America named his company Advanced Bio-Treatment. She is cleaning up the places where a crime took place just a few hours ago.

Learning to cry. But British psychologist Roger Gray made a business out of tears. He declared publicly: men's lives are shorter than women's for a simple reason - men suppress their feelings and do not cry as often as women. Concerned about the life expectancy of the stronger sex, Gray founded special paid courses in which he teaches men to cry.

Our list includes a small fraction unusual services- just a fraction of what the mind of a person is capable of who takes an unconventional approach to the problem of making money and finding “his niche” in the vast world of fierce competition in business.

Owning your own business is not only an opportunity to improve financial well-being. Entrepreneurs get a great chance to improve the world and give others new perspectives. Many believe that the modern world offers fewer and fewer opportunities to start, all niches are occupied, and spheres of influence are distributed. The era of making profits by only meeting the minimum requirements in terms of customer satisfaction is truly over. The consumer truly has the right to receive the best services and products. But also, each of us is looking forward to something new. Clients, like children, want to be surprised and pampered with new “toys”. The world is evolving and new needs are emerging. Their satisfaction, fresh and original ideas become the basis of successful business projects. We will introduce you to such ideas.

“Fresh and successful ideas for trading”

A store that pays to enter

In the small Australian town of Coorparoo there is a store that specializes in selling gluten-free products, it is called “Celiac Supplies”. Recently, the store has become famous, and its name has even begun to appear in the headlines of foreign publications. The reason is an innovation invented by the hostess. Visitors pay for the right to enter the store. The entrance ticket price is low and is 5 Australian dollars. Pensioners, people with disabilities and children are exempt from paying. A visitor who purchases a product in a store receives a discount equal to the amount paid for entry.

The owner of the store, Georgina, explains the essence of the innovation very intelligently: “People come in, look at the products and prices, leave and buy the same products in another store. Why should I waste my time and energy and work for free?” Georgina is trying to convey a simple concept - there are things in the world that you get for free (sun, air, birdsong), but other people's work should be valued with dignity.

The innovative approach to trading was met with mixed reactions. Many criticize the entrepreneur, some openly laugh at her. On the store page in Facebook networks There is considerable debate about the appropriateness of such approaches.

But Georgina still achieved a certain result. Although there was no noticeable increase in profits, there were much fewer thefts and idle onlookers in the store. But from a publicity point of view, Georgina has achieved an outstanding result.

What is the point of this Australian store example? Look for non-standard approaches to attracting customers. Advertisements offering the “best” or “lowest” prices are quite boring and do not cause the expected influx of visitors. An advertising poster that reads: “We are the greediest sellers in town. We are so insolent that we demand money for entry!” will have the effect of a bomb exploding and will attract many new customers to your store. People will come to you just to watch and have fun. And they will definitely buy at least some little thing.

Without packaging

The lack of packaging significantly reduces the cost of any product. This technique does not always work, but in some situations it brings additional income. This principle is used in the work of Bulk Barn (Canada). The chain of retail establishments has installed special glass vending machines in which customers can choose various products. More than four thousand items are sold without packaging: loose leaf tea and coffee beans, cereals, flour, spices, nuts, dried fruits, sweets and many others. In addition to the pleasant price, the chain is developing a new movement to abandon plastic packaging materials polluting the planet. It is worth noting that the idea works and brings huge profits to the company owners.

We sell muesli

This business idea received the title of best young company in Germany in 2013. The business was created by three friends from the city of Passau. Young entrepreneurs managed to meet the starting capital of 3,500 euros.

The essence of the idea is simple and ingenious. The guys created an online store selling muesli. Buyers are given the opportunity to choose various, but always only environmentally friendly ingredients and mix them at their discretion. The assortment includes several types of cereal bases, a huge variety of fruit additives, and nuts. The store also offers high-quality teas, fresh juices, healthy cereals, and coffee.

In 2007, when the business was just being created, it consisted of one point of sale and online store. Now it is a developed network with about 200 employees.

Master class on how to properly sell men's jeans

It is generally accepted that shopping is an exclusively female activity. For most men, any trip to the market or store turns into real torture. Standard shelves on which are laid out in stacks in several rows various items clothes cause melancholy and despondency in men. Most of them consider searching and trying on the right size a waste of time.

Nadya Shurabura, who created the innovative Hointer jeans store in the American city of Seattle, made a wise decision to take into account the peculiarities of male psychology and create the most comfortable conditions for customers.

The store sells only men's jeans; the flocks of ladies chattering and choosing goods do not distract or confuse the stronger sex. There are no endless racks of folded jeans here. Only hangers located on beams. The front of the product is facing the buyer. Each model is presented in only one size, although all options are in stock.

Buyers are offered a convenient application for their mobile device. With it, you can scan the QR code of the model you like and indicate your size. Literally within a few seconds, a notification is sent to the buyer’s device indicating in which fitting room the ordered jeans are waiting for him. The model you like and fit is paid for at the checkout. Anything that does not satisfy the buyer is sent to a special hole in the fitting room.

Men will agree that such shopping conditions can be considered ideal.

Freeosk - a special tasting machine

The very first devices of this type were created by the German confectionery company Stollwerck in 1887. Customers were offered the opportunity to try the sweets before purchasing. Since 2013, Chicago supermarkets have revived this tradition and established special machines Freeosk. To install a free tasting machine, it is important to choose correct location and the place of maximum concentration of the target audience.

The benefit for customers is obvious - the opportunity to try new products for free. The benefits of a supermarket are less obvious to the uninitiated layman - cheap marketing research interests and tastes of buyers. About how much it rises positive image trading network, it’s not worth mentioning.

Delivery of purchases to the airport

The popular Australian retailer Woolworths offers its customers a new service - the ability to order and pay for goods through a mobile application. The purchase is delivered to the airport and handed over to the client after the plane lands.

This service aroused great enthusiasm among business people and tourists and immediately began to be in enormous demand. A tired traveler, upon arrival in the city, no longer needs to head to the store to fill an empty refrigerator with food. Everything can be ordered in advance and received at the exit from the airport.

“Ideas for restaurant business”

Admission with pre-purchased tickets

The owner of Chicago's Nextrestaurant, Grant Achatz, got the idea from airlines. You can only enter the airport with a plane ticket purchased using an online service. A similar system works in this restaurant. It is simply impossible for a visitor from the street to get into it. Entry is limited to those who have pre-paid for a specific menu in advance through the online ordering system.

The innovation was liked by visitors, who now do not have to wait for a free table and order fulfillment. Menu prices depend on the day of the week and time of day. The most expensive option is Saturday evening; on weekdays and at lunch the cost of the order is noticeably lower.

The restaurant menu changes radically at least once every 3 months. The previous option is never repeated. The restaurant offers different dishes national cuisines and has an endless supply of ideas. The establishment is extremely popular; there are no free tables here.

Creative from Blockbuster

While watching a movie, cinemas offer the standard set: drinks, popcorn and other snacks. While at home, many people like to eat well and watch a good movie.

Entrepreneurs serving visitors to one of the film festivals in Toronto came up with the perfect idea - to offer restaurant guests dishes from films that are presented in films today.

A restaurant that counts calories consumed

Restaurant Hitzberger (Switzerland) offers guests original service. The waiter brings the bill, which indicates not only the prices, but also the number of calories in each portion eaten.

This idea can be developed further. For example, offer a menu low in fat or carbohydrates. Possible protein options for those who watch their weight and care about their health. You can organize competitions and reward customers who use greatest number calories.

The idea is a success, because most establishments Catering offers very high calorie and unhealthy food. Additional feature monitoring the composition of dishes and their impact on health evokes gratitude from guests.

A restaurant where guests create their own drinks

A simple and very cool idea was proposed to visitors by the owners of the Japanese bar Logbar. Here the client is given the opportunity to create new cocktails by mixing different ingredients. Be sure to come up with original name drink, which is included in the bar menu and offered to other guests.

If the drink is successful, its creator makes good money. According to the terms of the project, part of the bar's profits is offered to the creator of the cocktail.

“Ideas for hotel business”

Twitter hotel

On the island of Mallorca there is an interesting SolWave hotel, which is used to attract guests to this super-popular social network. Each guest has the opportunity to download a proprietary application and gain access to original entertainment. Branded social network allows you to participate in competitions, communicate with other guests and make appointments at hotel parties, meet new people and flirt.

The hotel also has original rooms. In one of them, on the wall hangs a huge mirror with a luxurious mustache painted on it. You can instantly send a funny photo of yourself in this mirror to your friends. Using special hashtags, you can order drinks to the administrator.

“Earn money on the Internet”

Online dining

Sociability, attractiveness and cooking skills are characteristic features many girls. Seo-yoon Park from South Korea that you can make good money from these undervalued talents. The girl quit her boring office job, bought a camera and started broadcasting her lunches online. A cool hobby has developed into a worthy source of income. From advertising and views, Seo-Yoon earns about $10,000 every month.

The secret to the popularity of this show is simple. In developed countries, the number of single people who are entirely focused on their careers is noticeably increasing. For them, lunch with a virtual interlocutor becomes a real godsend, brings the joy of communication and brightens up loneliness. The girl also provides assistance to those who are forced to go on a diet, but are not ready to give up a traditional dinner in society and a pleasant conversation.

1. Production of semi-finished products, components, parts commissioned by companies, clothing accessories, badges, etc.

2. Knitting socks, gloves, clothes.

3. Tailoring.

4. Making hats.

5. Shoe making.

6. Weaving lace.

7. Embroidery.

8. Production of “folk art objects” products.

9. Baking bakery products.

10. Production of flour, vegetable oil, pasta, sausages, soft and alcoholic drinks, mayonnaise.

11. Preparation and sale on site of pies, pancakes, shish kebab, grilled chicken, shawarma, etc.

12. Collection of old household appliances, repair and sale to people with low incomes.

13. Minor repairs of streets and roads.

14. Construction work.

15. Construction of children's playgrounds and courtyard complexes.

16. Manufacturing of piece furniture.

17. Blacksmithing.

18. Artwork.

19. Architectural and construction design.

20. Design work.

21. Breeding purebred cats and dogs.

22. Dressing of animal skins.

23. Making stuffed animals and birds.

24. Collecting gifts from the forest - nuts, berries, cones, mushrooms.

Services to the population.

25. Washing sinks and bathtubs.

26. Cleaning clothes.

27. Shoe repair.

28. Repair of plumbing, electrical equipment, gas equipment.

29. Apartment renovation.

30. Cleaning entrances, corridors, elevators.

31. Cleaning the area around the house.

32. Delivery of medicines to the population.

33. Collection of junk for disposal.

34. Hairdressing services.

35. Cleaning of premises and territory after repair or construction.

36. Funeral services (funerals, wreaths, ribbons, orchestra, tombstones, fences, grave care).

37. Sharpening cutting tools (knives, saws, drills, manicure tools, scissors).

38. Making keys, repairing household hardware.

39. Finding providers of household services (helping the population) using our own database (transportation of things, housekeeper, nanny, piano tuning, apartment renovation, etc.).

40. Furniture repair.

41. Photographing, developing photographic films and printing photographs.

42. Photocopying.

43. Making audio and video recordings.

44. Installation of TV antennas.

45. Installation of automatic washing machines and dishwashers.

46. ​​Broker for the selection of options for renting, purchasing, exchanging non-residential and residential space.

47. Activities of pawnshops.

48. Car security services.

49. Motor vehicle repair.

50. Repair of boats, boats.

51. Repair of sports equipment.

54. Rental (household appliances, tools, children's bicycles, toys).

55. Rental of audio and video cassettes.

56. Private paid library.

57. Rental of household appliances, tourism items, tools, equipment, etc.

58. Renting out housing, garage, shed, basement, plot of land, garden, vegetable garden, car.

59. Medical care.

60. Dental care.

61. Veterinary services.

Services in large shopping centers and stores under contract with them.

62. Consultations with specialists.

63. Packaging of goods.

64. Delivery of large goods to customers.

65. Cutting fabrics and hemming curtains purchased in a store.

66. Minor alteration of sewing products purchased at the store.

67. Stretching shoes and hats.

68. Carrying out engraving work.

69. Installation at the buyer’s home of technically complex goods purchased in a store.

70. Storage of customers' belongings.

71. Storing baby strollers.

72. Organization of rest areas for buyers.

73. Organization of children's leisure time.

74. Organization of a cafeteria.

75. Providing information about the availability of goods for sale.

76. Order a taxi, etc.

77. Accepting orders for repairs and maintenance of technically complex goods.

Organization of leisure time.

78. Organization of recreation for the population: excursions, attractions, boating, motorboats, horses, etc.

79. On-site photo-film services: public places, kindergartens, schools, family celebrations, events at enterprises, etc.

81. Dating service.

82. Guides, instructors, guides in cities, in rural areas, in fishing and hunting areas, in the mountains, etc.

83. Show organization, producing and directing work.

Educational services.

85. Tutoring.

87. Private courses, schools.

88. Preparation of abstracts, term papers, dissertations.

89. Dance training.

90. Training good manners, business protocol.

91. Training of service and hunting dogs.

92. Dressage horses.

93. Training of children's groups.

94. Backyard coach of children's teams: football, volleyball, hockey, athletics, etc.

95. Organization of aerobics classes, etc.

96. Training of athletes.

97. Swimming training.

98. Personal training in the craft.

Services for enterprises.

99. Window cleaning.

100. Maintenance of the territory: green spaces, fountains, gazebos, etc.

101. Washing and dry cleaning of work clothes, curtains, tablecloths, carpets, etc.

103. Bicycle and motorcycle courier service for the delivery of correspondence, parcels, small cargo within the city or region.

104. Broker for the selection of options for renting, purchasing, exchanging non-residential and residential space.

107. Information desks on a specific topic, providing information by telephone or via the Internet.

108. Announcement bureaus providing services for placing advertisements in thematic publications, on the Internet, and in public places.

109. Preparation of technical books: operating manuals, repair instructions, practical aids, etc.

110. Machining bureau, computer typing, scanning.

111. Printing documents on printers.

112. Photocopying.

113. Bookbinding works.

114. Thematic newspaper clippings according to customer orders.

116. Repair of wheeled and tracked vehicles.

117. Repair of production equipment.

118. Cleaning pipes and chimneys industrial enterprises and residential buildings.

119. Auditing activities.

120. Procurement and processing of secondary raw materials.

121. Warehouse operations in ports and stations.

122. Water well drilling activities.

123. Activities for the disposal of production and consumption waste.

124. Description, conservation, restoration of archival documents.

125. Activities for repair and restoration of cultural heritage sites.

126. Activities for the restoration of museum objects.

127. Repair of cash registers.

128. Operation of gas stations.

129. Carrying out disinfection, disinfestation and deratization work.

130. Real estate activities.

131. Publishing activities.

132. Printing activities.

Transport and related servants.

133. Transportation and transport-operational activities.

134. Transportation of passengers and cargo by water transport.

135. Activities related to freight operations.

136. Freight forwarding services.

137. Passenger service in the territories and waters of seaports and roadsteads.

138. Reloading activities in water transport.

139. Transport and forwarding activities in water transport.

140. Agency activities in water transport.

141. Pilotage of vessels in water transport.

142. Loading and unloading activities at railway transport, in sea and river ports.

Small wholesale and retail.

144. Traveling trade.

145. Peddling (peddlers, traveling salesmen).

146. Street trading.

147. Small trade by mail.

148. Commercial intermediary or agent.

149. Sale of newspapers and magazines.

150. Selling flowers, content pharmacy kiosks etc.