The robots are here!

The robots are already here, in the air on land and at sea. They are becoming an integral component of the combined arms operations of almost all modern armed forces. This article examines the latest developments in military robotics in the world, with a special focus on Russia, China, Iran, Israel and the United States.

The American army, for example, has more than 12,000 modern ground-based robotic systems in operation, and even more advanced models are on the way. In the next decade, ground-based remotely controlled vehicles will become the backbone of military operations, as happened with the tank, which was the center of the concept of combined arms in the 20th century. Many armies around the world believe that next-generation ground-based robotic systems will transform the essence of ground-based warfare. Many countries are investing heavily in equipping their troops with robotic systems because robots have advantages over soldiers. They do not sleep, do not eat, and can continuously conduct hostilities without any fatigue. Commercial use of robots is also expanding, making military robots less expensive, more efficient, and more efficient. the lineup, which can be taken as a basis in the future. The main advantage of "learning" neural networks is the emergence of new generation mobile robots, which will soon be found everywhere, from cleaning households (Roomba robots are already among us) to unmanned Google cars and facial recognition using artificial intelligence. Global investment in robots of all types, for military and commercial use, will exceed $ 123 billion by 2026.

Russian robotic systems

The Russian military has accelerated the development of robotic combat systems and intends to put them into service as soon as possible. Chief of the General Staff, General Valery Gerasimov, hopes very much for robots and joint work with Russian elite units, which have shown their capabilities in recent Russian operations in Crimea and Ukraine. Robots could solve many of the Russian problems, in particular, recruiting and maintaining a sufficient number of men of military age to fulfill Russia's new ambitious plans to regain its position as a regional and world power. "In the near future, it is possible that a fully robotic unit capable of independently conducting military operations will be created," Gerasimov wrote in 2013 in an article on Russia's new military doctrine.

Since 2013, the Russian defense industry has done much to make General Gerasimov's vision a reality. Several enterprises have developed ground-based robotic systems, including those for export. The Integrated Systems Design Bureau, for example, has developed the PC1A3 Minirex, a remotely controlled lightweight mobile tactical robot that fits in a soldier's backpack.

Lightweight mobile tactical robot RS1A3 Minirex

Mobile robotic complex for military purposes MRK VN

In 2014, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that five bases of the Missile Forces strategic purpose guarded by remotely controlled armed robots of mobile security. Mobile strike-reconnaissance robotic systems MRK VN are used in conjunction with combat anti-sabotage vehicles Typhoon-M, modified specifically for carrying security rocket launchers RS-24 Yars and SS-27 Topol-M. The Typhoon-M armored vehicle is a modification of the BTR-82 armored personnel carrier. The MRK VN robot is controlled by a human through an encrypted wireless connection. The Russian Ministry of Defense has promised that in the future MRK VN will receive an artificial intelligence system, which will allow the robot to be fully autonomous. In late 2015, the Russian Ministry of Defense took another step towards robotic warfare when Rosoboronexport announced it had a new combat robot ready for export, called Uran-9. The tracked armed robotic complex Uran-9, created at one of the enterprises of the State Corporation "Rostec", can be equipped with a variety of weapons, including 7.62-mm machine guns, 30-mm cannon 2A72, ATGM M120 Attack or ground-to-air missiles Igla or Arrow. Rostec states that Uranium-9 can be used to provide mobile fire support for counter-terrorism and reconnaissance units, as well as light infantry units, especially in urban combat. Fighting robot Uran-9 is controlled by a man, who is located in a mobile command post.

The QinetiQ MAARS robot (top) and the Chinese couple Sharp Claw 1 and Sharp Claw 2 (bottom, Sharp Claw 2 in the background). US believes Chinese hackers stole a robot design from QinetiQ in order to implement their military robot program

The Russian combat robot Uran-9 is designed to perform reconnaissance and fire support tasks with the support of combined arms, reconnaissance and counter-terrorist units. The complex consists of two reconnaissance robots, a trailer for their transportation and a mobile control center

Chinese land-based combat robotic systems

China is doing everything to catch up with the United States and Russia in the war robot race, and all is fair. The United States suspects the Chinese of having stolen several American projects from the Pentagon contractor QinetiQ. As a result, the latest robots developed by the Chinese Harbin Institute of Technology and presented at the Beijing World Robot Conference 2015 are very similar to their American counterparts. The three robots on display were almost TALON clones: an explosive ordnance disposal robot, a reconnaissance robot, and an armed robot.

Norinco has also developed a family of combat robots called SHARP CLAW. SHARP CLAW 1 is very similar to the modular armed robot MAARS (Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System), developed by QinetiQ North America for the American army. The thought of the Chinese designers has significantly advanced in the SHARP CLAW 2 model, which is a reconnaissance robotic vehicle with a 6x6 wheel arrangement weighing one ton, capable of independently performing its tasks. The SHARP CLAW 2 robot can be equipped with surveillance sensors and a quadcopter, it can also act as a "carrier" and carry the SHARP CLAW 1 robot within itself. This larger combat robot can, on command, release from its rear door and deploy the SHARP CLAW 1.

In order to control promising military robots, the Chinese army is also working on a human-machine interface. Chinese students at Zhengzhou University of Information Engineering are exploring the capabilities of a direct neural interface using an electroencelographic cap with electrodes to control robots.

Iranian military land robots

Iran strives with all its might to develop its own self-sufficient defense industry but lags far behind in the race ground robots... In 2015, Iran tested an armed robot during large military maneuvers. Tasnim news agency reported that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has a remotely controlled combat robot with optical and thermal cameras, armed with a 7.62mm machine gun, which can operate at a distance of 7 km from its control station.

In the same year, Iran also showed the NAZIR 4x4 wheeled robot, which looks more like a toy, and not like a combat robotic complex. The Iranians say NAZIR can be armed with machine guns, two surface-to-air missiles or anti-tank guided missiles. There are solar panels on the roof of the car, but why they are not clear. The Iranians also claim that the NAZIR robot is completely autonomous, but this statement should be very skeptical.

Iranian wheeled robot NAZIR 4x4

Iranian news agency FARS has posted a video on YouTube in which NAZIR introduces himself to senior officers as a soldier with a radio controller controls the robot. Currently, Iranian capabilities are very limited, but their desire for combat robots is real and, if they have the money, they can buy the latest options from the Russians, who will happily sell them.

Hi-tech from Israel

Israel, being the world leader in all areas of high-tech weapons systems, has developed several fully autonomous ground-based robotic systems.

G-NIUS has developed families of ground robots and ground combat robots for the military and homeland security forces. The G-NIUS Unmanned Ground Systems (UGS) joint venture is an equal share between Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Elbit Systems. The Guardium-MK III combat robot from G-NIUS is especially worth noting, as it is completely autonomous and has superior artificial intelligence, which allows it to work as a reconnaissance or armed platform in bad weather conditions and in almost any terrain.

Sensor equipment of the Guardium-MK III robot created by G-NIUS

Another impressive project is the AVANTGUARD MKII combat robot. This ground-based robotic system, based on various armored platforms, such as the M113 armored personnel carrier, has excellent mobility and is capable of carrying a wide variety of surveillance and weapon systems. The AVANTGUARD MK II is remotely controlled and is excellent for combat, security, logistics, and casualty evacuation missions.

The Israeli company Roboteam also deals with robotic systems. The MTGR (Micro Tactical Ground Robot) tactical ground micro-robot was deployed by infantry and special forces in an extensive network of tunnels in the Gaza Strip, often filled with explosives. Roboteam, through its US division, has won a $ 25 million contract from the US Air Force to supply a portable, step-climbing, field-proven system in support of explosive ordnance disposal missions. The company claims it is the world's lightest explosive ordnance disposal platform, carried by one person. The device weighing less than 6 kg travels at a speed of 2 miles per hour, can climb stairs and maneuver in dangerous confined spaces, and has a line-of-sight range of more than 500 meters. Its five cameras, an internal microphone and onboard infrared laser pointers provide intelligence on the surrounding environment, while video and audio data is transmitted over encrypted radio to operators and higher command posts.

Tactical ground micro-robot MTGR of the Israeli company Roboteam

At DEFEXPO 2016, Roboteam presented a new generation of the PROBOT tactical multi-purpose robot. The new generation includes updated communications and navigation systems, has more payload and good maneuverability

USA on the crest of the wave of robotization

American military robots have been tested in combat conditions in Iraq, Afghanistan, as well as in the global war on terrorism. From time to time, new robots get into service with the United States, and outdated models are often modernized and repurposed. In late 2015, the U.S. Army deployed the PacBot 510 specialized chemical reconnaissance robots in the 2nd infantry division stationed in South Korea. The PackBot series of military robots is manufactured by iRobot, now renamed Endeavor Robotics. PackBot 510 can conduct surveillance and reconnaissance, carry out bomb disposal, RCB reconnaissance and operations for the processing of hazardous materials. It is carried in a backpack and ready to go in five minutes.

In 2014, US General Robert Cone, then head of the Office of Doctrine and Training, said robots could replace a quarter of the US Army by 2030. The introduction of robots will help reduce the number of soldiers in a standard 9-man infantry squad, as well as the number of combat brigades. This rise in robotization is driven by both cost, since people are very expensive in recruiting, training, combat readiness and logistics, and significant advances in robotization, sensor systems, power and energy storage systems, microcontrollers, technical vision and most importantly , advances in artificial intelligence. However, the rapid growth in the amount of knowledge accumulated by humans and the latest developments in an increasing number of areas of scientific development suggest that the replacement of humans by robots may happen earlier than General Cone predicted.

In June 2015, the US Army Research Laboratory published a draft policy paper "Visualizing the Ground Battlefield in 2050". In this report, the authors concluded that "the most important problem of the mid-21st century will be the successful integration and management of aggregates, groups, clusters of robots that will act independently or together."

The authors envision a "2050 war space" teeming with robots of all kinds. These robots must maneuver and fight across the battlefield with “significantly greater capabilities of machine logic and intellectual autonomy than those that exist today ... Other robots will act as intelligent disposable ammunition. They can operate in groups, such as groups of homing missiles and crawling or jumping smart mines. Some of these robots can be used in cyber / network defenses, including protecting electronic components on or in a person; serve as smart assistants, able to prevent or warn of attacking threats, or act as advisors in adoption difficult decisions, for example, carry out in real time a detailed analysis of the action plan prepared for specific conditions. These deployed robots will be able to operate in a variety of control modes, from complete autonomy to active human intervention. "

The new version of the PackBot 510 robot, specially designed for RCB reconnaissance, is undergoing final tests at the center of robotic systems. New robots were deployed to South Korea in November 2015 in the US Army's 2nd Infantry Division

Meanwhile, the ratio of humans to robotic soldiers will continue to change as robotics advances, until humans disappear from the battlefield. We see this trend in air warfare, where manned aircraft are replaced by combat drones. The latest UAVs are completely autonomous for most of their tasks, but for many drones, the use of weapons is still under human control. Ground combat robots also have similar capabilities - they are remotely controlled or completely autonomous. In the case of remotely controlled robots, the operator can make an ethical decision - to kill or not to kill (provided that the communication channel is working). Undersecretary of Defense Robert Work calls this the "Power of the Centaur" metaphor. He uses it when he insists that American robots should always be controlled by humans in the near future. This will help avoid the emergence of concepts such as "autonomous killer robots". General Work's team, in an effort to remove soldiers from dangerous tasks and put robots in their place, is constantly looking for new breakthrough technologies not only in giant defense companies, but also in Silicon Valley.

What will the next wave of technological development bring? Investment and technological progress are accelerating all over the world and we seem to be heading towards robotic warfare. The main problem today is who will control the robots. Will robots be semi-autonomous or controlled by humans, or will they be completely autonomous killer robots? General Work's metaphor of the Centaur, the mythical half-human-half-horse with a human-like upper body and a four-legged lower body, does not refer to the design of the robot, but to two ways of controlling the robot. These Centaurs will be fully robotic systems with advanced artificial intelligence that makes them smart and partially autonomous while moving, but will be controlled by an operator in cover who will give the order to kill. Work believes that humans should be in the chain of control of robots, and without a doubt humans should make decisions, at least for the foreseeable future. In projects of military robots in Russia, China and Iran, there may not be such an interest in the presence of a person in the control chain, as in American projects. Work believes that autocratic governments prefer robots over humans, as they do not trust people with lethal capabilities. How long will a person stay in the control loop and make responsible life-or-death decisions? Probably, this is a question for another 25-30 years. Development of ground-based robots around the world is proceeding at an accelerated pace and the world seems to be steadily moving towards the time when battles with robots and robots among themselves become a reality.

The ATLAS robot, created by the DARPA Office, is one of the most advanced humanoid robots in the world. ATLAS is the process of transforming robots from a vehicle to a humanoid form, with the latter taking less than six years to develop. In the future, the development and improvement of the ATLAS robot can proceed at an accelerated pace. ATLAS was created as a rescue robot, but perspective development humanoid robots will have a significant impact on future ground operations

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Andrey Ivanov / 10.10.2016

Currently, robotics is developing in a wide variety of directions. Various innovations are gradually penetrating telecommunications, transportation, space, industry and many other areas. Despite the relatively calm and peaceful environment, recent times more and more countries are paying special attention to the development of another very important branch of robotics - the military.

Leading world powers are developing and implementing military robots in all directions and branches of the armed forces. The reason for such a great stir around this issue is understandable. The presence of robots will allow any army to significantly reduce the loss of personnel during the conduct of hostilities. Robots do not know fatigue, do not feel pain and are able to perform combat missions in the most difficult conditions. It is obvious that those countries that can take the lead in the military robotics race will receive a significant strategic advantage over the rest.

“Military robotics now has a special role to play. The armed forces, equipped with promising types and samples of robotic systems of tomorrow, will have an undeniable intellectual and technological superiority over an enemy who, for one reason or another, will not be able to join the elite “club of robotic powers” ​​in time and will be on the sidelines of the unfolding robotic revolution. Technological lag in the field of robotics today can have catastrophic consequences in the future ", - the candidate comments on the situation. historical sciences, scientific director independent expert and analytical center "EPOCH" Igor Popov.

Problems of the development of military robotics

At the moment, the intensive development of defense robotics is hindered by several important factors. First, one of the main driving forces any army are ground troops... However, for a long time, much attention in military robotics has been paid to the development of unmanned aerial vehicles. Ground-based combat robots have significantly lagged behind in their development, which is explained by the more difficult conditions in which they have to function. If the feature air environment is the relative uniformity of its physical properties, ground combat vehicles operate on uneven terrain, overcoming rivers, lakes, hills, plains and ravines. In other words, in order to move in such conditions, the control systems for combat ground robots require the most complex hardware and software solutions, which are still at the development stage.

Also, the robots being created do not have so much intelligence to function autonomously. All that scientists in the field of military robotics can boast of so far is the creation of controlled or automated systems that allow them to perform tasks according to pre-programmed algorithms.

“No army in the world is armed with robots that operate autonomously. Therefore, it would be more correct to call the current technology robotic systems, because the control and decision-making functions are still more dependent on the operator, that is, the person. But the simpler functions that a robot can perform are given to its artificial intelligence, which is currently being actively worked on, "said Alexey Leonkov, an expert of the" Arsenal of the Fatherland "magazine, in an interview with Gazeta.Ru in August 2016.

If we talk about intelligent robots, then it is impossible to achieve a high level of autonomy of the created machines without qualitative leaps and real achievements in such areas as cybernetics, bionics, the study of the principles of the human brain, etc. However, the possibility of creating such robots rests on one very important problem - combat robots, unlike industrial ones, will have certain types of weapons. Therefore, if you give the car "freedom", then it will create a potential danger to humans. Who can guarantee that the intelligent control system will not be hacked by the enemy or infected with a virus? What if terrorists take control of the robots? Realizing the danger that humanity may face in such situations, the ministries of defense of different countries publicly declare that they have already abandoned the creation of autonomous robots.

“The US military will never switch to truly autonomous combat vehicles. We can use complete autonomy only to create cybersecurity systems that will be responsible for scanning computer networks in order to automatically prevent cyber attacks. All other cases of the use of weapons by robots will be carried out only at the command of a person, ”said Defense Minister Ashton Carter, Breaking Defense said.

Security is one of the main stumbling blocks in the development of military robotics. So, in July 2015, the Future of Life Institute published an open letter, which spoke about the dangers of autonomous armed systems and the need to ban their development. According to the authors of the letter, this kind of technology will inevitably lead to an arms race and create a potential threat to the world of complete destruction. This letter was signed a large number of famous people including astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, founder of private space company SpaceX Elon Musk, Apple founder Steve Wozniak and philosopher Noam Chomsky.

Also in October last year, Noel Shakri, who is a professor at the British Sheffield University and co-founder of The International Committee on robotic arms control, asked the UN to as soon as possible adopt amendments to the international rules of warfare, which would prohibit the use of fully autonomous armed robots in battles. Otherwise, according to the human rights activist, the consequences will be irreparable when the use of military vehicles in wars becomes commonplace.

Advances in defense robotics. USA and Russia

To begin with, it should be noted that not all the achievements of the leading world powers in the field of military robotics are presented here. Most of the developments around the world are carried out in the strictest confidence, so for now we can only be content with the information that goes to the press.

The United States has traditionally been considered innovators in the field of military robotics, investing billions of dollars in this industry every year. The DARPA agency is in charge of this issue. By order of the agency, both "militaristic" companies and universities are constantly working on the creation of robots. Recently, more than 15 targeted developments have reached tests in real conditions, however, the Pentagon refused their serial production for various reasons. This is largely due to the irrationality of using the developed robots in real combat.

One of the most successful combat robots created overseas is the Gladiator, the development of which began back in the 90s. Appearance this robot vaguely resembles a lightweight tank. To date, the tests of the third modification of the Gladiator, which has dimensions of 1.8 × 1.35 × 1.2 meters and weighs more than three tons, have been successfully completed. The robot has the ability to shoot from a 12.7 mm machine gun and grenade launchers, and has a night vision system. The engine of the machine is diesel, and the platform is tracked.

American radio-controlled combat robot Gladiator TUGV. Source:

The monster of the American military-industrial complex Lockheed Martin and Carnegie Mello University received the right to create this machine. The same university has developed the Crusher ("crush" or "destroyer") robot, which resembles a wheeled vehicle and weighs about 6.5 tons. Key features of this robot - high permeability and the ability to overcome various obstacles. He has several video cameras, laser rangefinders, a thermal imager and can be equipped with various weapons.

American combat robot Crusher. Source:

Much more serious is the machine developed by the British corporation BAE Systems. The 12-ton Black Knight robot, equipped with a 30mm machine gun, is currently the largest combat robot. The Black Knight is controlled from a special KShM or from the Bradley BMP.

In our country, the history of the development of combat robots goes back more than 80 years, when in the 1930s research began on the creation of remotely controlled tanks. Also, until the 1990s, we were in the lead in the production of UAVs, after which all developments were frozen, which ultimately led to a strong lag in the development of the industry. However, in recent years, active rearmament of the army has begun and interest in military robotics has arisen with renewed vigor. So, at the state level, a concept has been adopted, according to which about 30% of military robots should be in service with the Russian army by 2025.

All projects are financed by the Advanced Research Fund (FPI), created in 2012 in opposition to DARPA. At the moment, more than 50 the most promising projects, and at the end of 2015 in its structure was created National center development of technologies and basic elements of robotics.

Quite recently, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov announced on the air of the Rossiya24 TV channel that Russia has practically managed to catch up with the world's leading countries in the development of drones and robotics.

“We were reproached several years ago for seriously lagging behind in this direction, especially in the unmanned direction. Today, I believe that this gap has practically been eliminated. Russian army already has state-of-the-art equipment in service, while domestic enterprises are able to offer new developments of practically all types of tactical and strategic drones: both information and shock drones, ”he said.

The Kovrov Electromechanical Plant managed to create something similar to the American Gladiator and Black Knight. The new range of tracked and wheeled vehicles can also be equipped with heavy machine gun and / or a grenade launcher, weighs about a ton, is equipped with a night vision device, cameras high resolution and is capable of being remotely controlled. Moreover, one operator is able to simultaneously control a group of 5-6 such robots.

Also in Kovrov, lighter robots are produced, armed with a VSK-94 rifle or a Yarygin pistol. This robot was named "Metalist".

Mobile robotic complex for reconnaissance and fire support "Metallist".

MOSCOW, October 15- RIA Novosti, Andrey Stanavov. A chunky silhouette, sharp movements, cold "gaze" of TV cameras' optics and abrupt rumble of a heavy machine gun "Kord" - fighting robots from science fiction films move into reality and confidently crawl to the front line, crowding people with iron sides.

The machines do not have the fear and emotions inherent in human nature and superfluous in battle, they do not need to bend down during explosions and shots. Steel fighters can be safely thrown into the very heat of battle, controlling them from a dugout or headquarters.

RIA Novosti publishes a selection of the most formidable combat robots, from the tower to the rollers hung with guns and missiles.

© Photo: provided by the company "Armory Workshops"Combat module "Arbalet-DM" installed on the robotic complex ANT-1000R

© Photo: provided by the company "Armory Workshops"

The cleverest

Perhaps the most famous robotic complex "Nerekhta" from the Degtyarev plant is built on a universal tracked platform and is used by the Advanced Research Fund (analogous to the American agency DARPA) to test the latest technologies. As a real special forces soldier "Nerekhta" is taught to fight in conjunction with other robots, artificial intelligence, the latest communication and control systems are trained on it.

Fighting robot "Nerekhta"

Initially, it was conceived for adjusting artillery fire, but in the end it turned out to be a fighter with a heavy machine gun "Kord" (or PKTM) at the ready. In remote mode "Kord" shoots in continuous bursts of 600-750 rounds per minute. In addition to the machine gunner, scouts or transporters can be created on the Nerekhta platform. They are controlled from the remote control from the command vehicle.

The fearless iron guard can get close to the bunker and destroy the machine-gun crew, support his soldiers with fire, go on patrol or behind enemy lines with a special mission. Due to a powerful 12.7-mm machine gun, a hybrid power plant, durable armor and a top speed of more than 30 kilometers per hour, an autonomous land drone, even alone, is capable of decently annoying the enemy.

The combat qualities of the vehicle were appreciated by the Strategic Missile Forces, where it is used to protect the Topol-M and Yars mobile ground-based missile systems from saboteurs. The optoelectronic system, thermal imager, laser rangefinder and ballistic computer do an excellent job day and night.

© Photo: courtesy of the Foundation for Advanced StudyFighting robot "Nerekhta"

© Photo: courtesy of the Foundation for Advanced Study

Further development of the robot, "Nerekhta-2", will be even more perfect. They want to "tie" her to the equipment of the "soldier of the future" and make her the soldier's personal squire. It will be possible to control the promising vehicle by voice and gestures, in addition, it is supposed to synchronize the weapons of the "Nerekhta" with the weapons of the soldier. For example, a special forces soldier caught a gunman at gunpoint - and the robot instantly follows his example.

© Ruptly Fighting robot "Nerekhta" guarded "Topol-M" during exercises near Irkutsk

Heavyweight robot

Honorary title of the heaviest and most powerful of the robots Russian production today belongs to reconnaissance and shock ground complex"Whirlwind" based on BMP-3. The armored "beast" was first presented to the general public in 2016. The vehicle weighs almost 15 tons and is armed "to the teeth": a 30-mm 2A72 automatic cannon, a 7.62-mm PKTM machine gun paired with it and an anti-tank missile system Kornet-M ".

A powerful arsenal can be used against ground and air targets on the move. The complex architecture of "Vortex" includes the basic robotic chassis BMP-3, combat module ABM-BSM-30, mobile robotic platform MRP-100 (300), communication and control systems. The complex even has its own wing of four Sentinel drones.

All this is remotely controlled by the commander and the operator via radio channels. Interestingly, if necessary, a driver can sit inside and control the robot like a conventional BMP.

Vortex was developed on an initiative basis by the Main Research and Testing Center of Robotics of the Ministry of Defense, the Sevastopol Scientific and Technical Center "Impulse-2" and the All-Russian Research Institute "Signal". The machine was created to increase the combat capabilities of military units, reduce losses at the front, as well as to protect important facilities and perform special tasks.

Remote tank

The twelve-ton radio-controlled "Uran-9" developed by JSC "766 UPTK" of the Ministry of Defense of Russia also performs in the heavy weight category, drags an entire arsenal and can destroy tanks. Reconnaissance, support of his troops with fire, fighting in the city - that's all for him.

© Photo: provided by the press service of "Rosoboronexport"

The firepower is impressive: the PKTM machine gun, the 2A72 automatic 30mm cannon and the Shmel-M flamethrowers, according to destructive force comparable to howitzer artillery of 152 mm caliber. To combat tanks, you can hang a complex with Attack missiles on the vehicle, reaching armored vehicles at a distance of up to five kilometers.

Combat multifunctional robotic complex "Uran-9"

© Photo: provided by the press service of "Rosoboronexport"

As conceived by the designers, "Uranus" should work in pairs - a fire support robot with a reconnaissance robot. Their hulls are stuffed with various equipment, sighting complexes, rangefinders, search and communication systems, traffic and fire control. The work of this entire economy is controlled by an on-board computer - the "brains" of "Uranus". The machines are able to detect the enemy laser on themselves and cover themselves with a smoke screen, track down the equipment and manpower of the enemy.

Modularity allows you to quickly remove the turret with weapons from one vehicle and screw it onto another. Even a beginner will be able to operate "Uranus" - this process resembles a computer game. According to the developers, operator interfaces were deliberately made to look like games. For intuition. In addition to the shock version, a sapper robot "Uran-6" and a robot-fireman "Uran-14" were created on a similar base.

Reliable "Companion"

The newest automated combat system "Companion" from the "Kalashnikov" concern is hung with video cameras and armed with a remotely controlled weapon station, on which you can attach both machine guns of 7.62 and 12.7 mm caliber, as well as 30-mm AG-17A grenade launchers or eight anti-tank guided missiles of the "Kornet-EM" type.

© Photo: provided by the press service of the concern "Kalashnikov"Concern "Kalashnikov" presented the combat capabilities of the new automated complex "Companion" at Army-2016

© Photo: provided by the press service of the concern "Kalashnikov"

The combat module is equipped with gyroscopic stabilization of weapons and is capable of independently detecting, tracking and destroying targets, determining their type. Powerful weapons and a serious surveillance complex make the equipment indispensable for reconnaissance, round-the-clock patrolling and quick elimination of hostile elements that have penetrated, for example, a secure facility.

The seven-ton radio-controlled monster operates in three modes and is surprisingly nimble - it accelerates to 40 kilometers per hour. With a line of sight, its range reaches 10 kilometers, while the Companion is equipped with a system for interacting with drones. The expensive internal filling is packed in an armored hull that protects against small arms and fragments of mines and shells.

It was reported that the first production vehicles should go to the troops in the next year or two. Concern "Kalashnikov" is so carried away by armed robots that it is not going to stop at "Companion" and is working on new combat modules and a whole family of robotic platforms of light and heavy classes.

Sly "Freeloader"

At the beginning of 2017, Kalashnikov first showed a partner for Companion - a prototype of the Freebie robotic complex with detection and surveillance equipment, armed with a GShG-7.62 aircraft machine gun made in Tula. In terms of weight and firepower, the device is inferior to the "Companion" and in battle it will rather play an auxiliary role. For example, to protect the "big brother" from the enemy's manpower.

Moreover, his machine gun is the most suitable for this. GShG-7.62 is designed according to the Gatling scheme with a rotating block of four barrels. Unlike foreign counterparts, it does not need electricity for rotation - the barrels are untwisted by the removal of powder gases. The rate of fire of 6000 rounds per minute will completely discourage the enemy from approaching the "Freeloader" or laughing at its name.

By the way, according to representatives of the plant, this name was given to the robot due to the fact that the money for its creation was "cut off" from the budget of "Companion". The mini-fighter can also be equipped with a single-barreled machine gun - in this version it was shown at the Army-2017 exhibition.

There is very little information about the car in open sources so far - performance characteristics strictly classified, but it is known that this is the prototype of the future combat robots, incorporating the most top technologies.

The most compact

The robotic combat vehicle "Platform-M" developed by Izhevsk JSC "NITI" Progress "weighs less than a ton, but in terms of combat capabilities it is not much inferior to its larger counterparts. From weapons - four AGS-30 grenade launchers and an upgraded Kalashnikov tank machine gun (PKTM) of caliber 7, 62 mm, equipped with 400 rounds of ammunition.

Speed ​​"Platform-M" does not differ - the electric chassis accelerates the car to a maximum of 12 kilometers per hour, but in this case it is not the most important thing. Autonomy is much more valuable. On one battery charge, the robot is able to move non-stop for six hours, which makes it an excellent silent patrolman.

Protecting a small military base and the location of troops, finding and destroying saboteurs - this is the direct purpose of the "Platform". In addition, it is capable of carrying up to 300 kilograms of payload. The armor holds hits from army small arms.

It is no secret that most of the most important technologies are primarily used for military purposes. Therefore, it is not surprising that the most advanced robots created today are military robots. And although the thought of autonomous killer vehicles carrying weapons makes you shudder, they always have the potential for civilian use. After all, both the Internet and diapers once also originally had a military purpose. Besides, whatever one may say, but the wars on our planet do not subside for a day. The use of robots can significantly reduce human losses, taking on the most dangerous missions. In addition, they are not always machines for destruction and killing, some of them are just smart and effective scouts.

Of course, many of their similar projects have long remained classified, but today we have made a selection of the most modern robots, which at least can show us the direction of thought of military engineers.

Don't be fooled by the size of this small car. MAARS (Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System) is a very impressive mobile firing point that is not at all peaceful in nature. The modular design of this military robot allows it to be equipped with a variety of military weapons, ranging from small-sized (non-lethal) lasers and tear gas spray units to a grenade launcher. Equipped with night vision cameras and motion sensors, it is capable of fighting in complete darkness or heavy smoke.

The progenitor of MAARS was another robot - SWORDS, which, according to the military, proved itself very well in the war in Iraq several years ago.

“What a cute radio-controlled car!” You exclaim, and you are clearly mistaken.

Indeed, in spite of the toy appearance, this robot is able, like a trained dog, without uttering a sound, to attack its opponent. Quietly moving on two tracks, equipped with a 9mm Glock pistol and a laser sight, it will be completely harmless until you pick up a weapon.

General Robotics says it was created primarily for intelligence and assisting special forces in the release of hostages.

But, of course, not every military robot should be equipped with a weapon. A properly conducted reconnaissance mission can prevent hostilities and save many lives.

This 25kg spherical amphibious robot named Guardbot is built with just that in mind. Originally designed for reconnaissance operations on Mars, it is equipped with many powerful cameras and sensors, and is able to independently roll at speeds up to 32 km / h in different environments- over snow, sand and water. He is not afraid of frosts, blizzards and droughts. Moving on land and water, powered by a battery, it is able to overcome slopes of 20 degrees, and for 16 hours transmit a video image of everything that "sees" around. At the same time, he is still capable of carrying up to 2 kg of cargo.

According to the developers, such a reconnaissance robot can have different dimensions - from 10 cm in diameter to 2.7 meters. Today, its movement should be controlled by an operator, but the manufacturer is working to make Guardbot completely autonomous.

Created to assist the United States Marine Corps, the Gladiator robot is a tactical unmanned ground vehicle that looks like a small tank and can be equipped with a variety of tools and weapons depending on the situation.

It knows how to reach speeds of up to 16 km / h, is equipped with a thermal imager and a night vision device. It has an armored body, on which you can attach either a megaphone or a tear gas generator, or a machine gun with a grenade launcher.

The first models of the military robot Gladiator were diesel tracked vehicles.

Now these are hybrid, diesel-electric 6-wheeled vehicles used for reconnaissance and providing fire assistance to the SEAL squads.

The robot named Anbot is a police robocop developed by the National Defense University of China.

Able to reach a maximum speed of 17 km / h and respond to calls for help, the robot is designed to patrol the territory and pursue criminals, and, if necessary, can use electric shock.

It was also created to suppress riots, but in this case it cannot use electric shock on its own, since these actions must be controlled by human operators.

Can be equipped with tear gas generators and other non-lethal tools.

However, while he does not know how to climb flights of stairs and independently carry out arrests of people, so he is only a prototype.

This is another reconnaissance robot that was created in the Microbiotics laboratory at Harvard University. A tiny robot bee with the ability to make up to 120 flaps of 3 cm wings per second, like a hummingbird, it can hang in one place for a long time, recording everything that happens around it. While this is a prototype being important milestone in the creation of insectoid robots by scientists capable of transmitting audio and video messages in real time.

Of course, first of all, they "sharpen a tooth" military intelligence, assuming that insect robots will be able to sit unnoticed on the wall and film important conversations for them. But, while the robotic bee is "on a leash," because it feeds on thin wires, and cannot fly autonomously. So today it is still an imperfect concept.

However, the creators of Robobee themselves emphasize that the purpose of the invention of such a robot is solely to help in pollination of crops, that is, to replace real insects.

Another version of the model of a flying reconnaissance robot called the Black Hornet. Invented by Prox Dynamics, it looks like a miniature helicopter. The robot can carry three tiny video cameras and transmit the captured image in real time.

Small, quiet, and useful on the battlefield, the Black Hornet is the epitome of spy gadgets.

Its length is about 100 mm, width is 25 mm, and the rotor diameter is 120 mm. It can fly at speeds up to 10 m / s. The maximum flight duration is 25 minutes with a flight range of up to 1 km.

Now in service with the British army, and according to statements by its representatives, has already made an important contribution to the conduct of secret intelligence missions in real combat operations several times.

One of the main paradigms of Western civilization today is the recognition human life the highest value. But such humanistic ideas come into conflict with the need to conduct hostilities and prepare military personnel for them. The death of one's own soldiers not only does not correspond to abstract values, but is also very poorly perceived by voters, in whose opinion modern politicians listen keenly.

Modern Western armies are doing everything they can to reduce casualties. The fighters are provided with the most modern equipment, means of communication, body armor. The United States and its allies conduct ground operations only in extreme cases, trying to be limited to missile or bomb strikes from the air. However, most often it is impossible to win a war without a ground operation.

The most promising solution to this issue is to replace soldiers on the battlefield with robots. Active developments in this direction are being carried out in many countries, but the USA is still the leader. Already today, automated combat systems are widely used in Afghanistan and Iraq. Lethal weapons are not yet trusted to them too willingly, but robots are already very successful in neutralizing mines, conducting reconnaissance and observation.

In 2007, robots took part in a real battle in Iraq for the first time. The check turned out to be not very successful, but the US military does not abandon the idea of ​​calling in "terminators" into its armed forces. Work in this direction is being carried out in Russia as well, but not as actively as in the West.

However, in general, we can say that the application automated systems on the battlefield is one of the most promising directions in the development of military affairs. We are not yet very good at making mechanical assistants, but many experts believe that a breakthrough in this area is expected in the next decade. Unfortunately, most likely, new technologies will be among the first to be used for war and destruction.

Types of modern military ground robots

Modern ground military robots can be divided into the following groups:

  • intelligence;
  • engineering;
  • combat;
  • rear.

It should be noted that for many automated devices such a division is somewhat arbitrary. They are unified platforms on which, depending on the needs, certain modules are installed. So the sapper robot can be easily turned into a combat robot.

The actual military robots can be roughly divided into three large groups:

  • lungs;
  • medium;
  • heavy.

A military robot consists of a remotely controlled apparatus and a remote control from which control takes place. Robotic mechanisms differ in the degree of autonomy, they can more or less follow the nested program and do without constant human intervention. Already today there are dozens of types of purely military robots, differing in their size, body shape, chassis, and the presence of a variety of manipulators.

When you mention military robots, the first thing that comes to mind is the anthropomorphic terminator robots from science fiction films. They have their own intelligence and can act autonomously. However, so far this picture does not correspond to reality. Such automated systems already exist (although we are not talking about artificial intelligence yet), but their cost is enormous. Therefore, military robots these days are automated or remotely controlled platforms.

In addition to the fact that modern android robots are very expensive, there are hardly any tasks on the battlefield today that they would perform better than a professional soldier. The creation of a real robot soldier, who would have intelligence to one degree or another, is associated with solving a whole range of problems in the field of cybernetics, control systems theory, development of new materials and energy sources.

Reconnaissance robots

Automated systems have long been used to collect intelligence, search for targets and target designation, and monitor the situation. For such purposes, both unmanned aerial vehicles and ground robots are used. One of the smallest scout robots used by the US Army in Afghanistan today is the Recon Scout. It has a weight of 1.3 kg and a length of 200 mm, equipped with a conventional and infrared camera. This robot can be thrown over obstacles, but it can only move on a relatively flat surface.

Another representative of the group of reconnaissance robots is First Look 110. It weighs 2.5 kg, has tracks and is controlled from a remote control located on the operator's wrist. The robot is equipped with four cameras and can overcome small obstacles. Other sensors can be installed on it: thermal imagers, indicators of biological, chemical and radiation contamination.

Another remote-controlled vehicle actively used by the US Army for reconnaissance missions is the Dragon Runner. This robot is also equipped with a tracked chassis, it is designed for the front line of combat operations. The Dragon Runner is carried in a knapsack and can be thrown over any obstacle.

The most massive American military robot (more than 3 thousand units produced) is TALON, developed by Foster-Miller. This machine is very fond of American soldiers, it turned out to be very effective in the conditions of Afghanistan. This robot is perfect not only for reconnaissance, but also for defusing explosive devices. It was TALON that was actively used to explore the caves where the Taliban were hiding, on account of this robot 50 thousand defused explosive devices. The US military even decided to give TALON a weapon "to manipulate". A modification of the robot was created, on which it was possible to install a machine gun, sniper rifle or ATGM. The robot shoots with truly sniper accuracy.

By the way, the Americans noted interesting phenomenon: fighters are strongly attached to robots, treat them like comrades in arms or pets.

As we can see, the line between different groups of military robots is often quite thin: an automated system can conduct reconnaissance, detect mines, and directly participate in hostilities.

Engineering robots

This is another large group of mechanisms that are usually operated remotely. Engineering robots are used to defuse mines and land mines, create passages in minefields, lift weights and clear debris.

An important trend in the development of such machines was the increase in their mass, which made it possible to attract remotely controlled machines for more serious work. In the United States, all engineering vehicles are now remotely controlled.

A typical example of such a technique is the MV-4 (or M160) engineering vehicle. Its weight is 5.32 tons, it has a tracked chassis and is used to neutralize ammunition and mines at a depth of 320 mm. The MV-4 can be operated from a distance of two kilometers, which makes the work of sappers completely safe.

An even heavier engineering vehicle with remote control is the ABV (Assault Breacher Vehicle), which is comparable in weight and armor protection to the American Abrams OBS. The ABV is equipped with a mine sweep and demining charges and can deploy smoke screens. Now in the USA they are working on a completely autonomous modification of the car.

There are a huge number of small sapper robots that are actively used not only by the military, but also by the police and special services... They have already become commonplace, and we often see them on TV. Indeed, why risk people if you can send a robot with a TV camera and a manipulator to examine a suspicious object?

One of the most famous demining robots is the MarkV-A1, created by the American company Northrop Grumman Corporation. Several video cameras are installed on it, as well as a water cannon for destroying bombs. The MarkV-A1 is currently used by special forces in the United States, Israel and Canada.

Battle robots

Of course, combat robots are of the greatest interest to the public. However, this group of ground-based automated vehicles is not yet very developed. Modern combat is very difficult, fleeting, and decisions must be made instantly, quickly change your position. All this with modern automated systems is still not very good. Anthropomorphic fighting robots are more of a technical exotic that is being worked on in laboratories. Most combat robots today have wheeled or tracked chassis, they are controlled via cable or radio signal.

One of the most famous autonomous combat systems is the Israeli Guardium unmanned vehicle, which is used for patrolling, guarding and escorting convoys, and for conducting reconnaissance. The car is built on a buggy chassis, has good speed and maneuverability, you can install weapons on it. The Guardium was adopted by the Israel Defense Forces in 2009.

The most massive and highly recognizable combat robot is the already mentioned TALON, or rather, the SWORDS robot created on the basis of this platform, capable of carrying a sniper rifle, grenade launcher and machine gun. The cost of one unit is $ 230 thousand, but the manufacturer promises to cut the price by almost half (to $ 150 thousand) after the start of mass production.

Another robot that can fire at the enemy is Warrior, created by the American company iRobot. It can be equipped with a 7.62 mm machine gun, automatic shotgun, ATGM and other weapons. The Warrior can also be used as a sapper, he can take out the wounded from the battlefield.

In 2010, Northrop Grumman presented another of its developments - the CAMEL combat robot. The customer was the American Advanced Research Projects Agency DAPRA. This is a flat wheeled platform, which, in addition to weapons, can also carry 550 kg of cargo. The wheels can be fitted with rubber tracks, which significantly increases the CAMEL's cross-country ability to pass. The robot can accompany combat units and move autonomously, guided by GPS signals.

Another promising American robot is the Crusher ("crush" or "destroyer"). It is a wheeled vehicle weighing 6.5 tons. Its feature is high cross-country ability and the ability to overcome significant obstacles. The Crusher is equipped with several video cameras, a laser rangefinder, a thermal imager, and can be equipped with various types of weapons.

The largest combat robot today is the Black Knight, developed by BAE Systems (USA). This tracked vehicle has a weight of 9.5 tons, is armed with a 30-mm automatic cannon and a coaxial machine gun. The robot is equipped with TV cameras, thermal imagers, radar, satellite navigation system. The Black Knight is controlled from a special command vehicle or from the Bradley BMP.

Rear robots

A separate group is made up of robots designed to transport goods, including in the area of ​​hostilities. Such systems should accompany the fighters and transport part of their ammunition, heavy weapons and other cargo. Almost all such robots can perform additional functions: reconnaissance or evacuation of the wounded.

Examples of such machines are SMSS, R-Gator and TRAKKAR. Separately, it is worth mentioning the American BigDog robot porter, which moves on four limbs and theoretically can go where wheeled vehicles are unable to move. But this development is still experimental.

What do we have?

Russia has a good start in this direction, although there is some lag in communication and control systems. The centers of domestic robotics are OJSC Izhevsk Radiozavod, MSTU im. Bauman, NITI "Progress" (Izhevsk).

At the Izhevsk radio plant, a universal robotic platform MRK was created, which, depending on the configuration, can perform various functions. This robot is small, but it has a very impressive arsenal: two grenade launchers, two rocket-propelled flamethrowers "Shmel", machine gun "Pecheneg" or "Kord". RTOs can be remotely controlled at a distance of 500 meters. The robot is equipped with a video camera, microphone, lighting system.

This complex was originally created for parts of the Strategic Missile Forces to protect ICBM launchers.

Like most other modern combat robots, MRK is a universal platform on which you can install optional equipment and weapons.

Another Russian automated combat system is Platform-M. It was developed at NITI Progress and was first shown to the public in 2018. The platform can be used for reconnaissance (there are video cameras, thermal imager, radar, rangefinder), patrolling the area, supporting assault units. "Platform-M" can be armed automatic grenade launcher, machine gun, ATGM. Machine weight is 800 kg, payload is 300 kg. You can operate the "Platform" at a distance of up to 5 km.

There is information that this machine is used Russian troops in Syria.

The heaviest Russian robotic combat system is Uranus. The weight of this machine reaches eight tons. A fire support vehicle, a mine sweep and fire engine... Uranus has taken part in various exercises on several occasions.

In 2018, Rosoboronexport announced the start of the promotion of the Russian automated Uran-9 complex on the world arms market.

On the prospects of military robots

Robotics are given special attention all over the world. In the past few years alone, the Pentagon has allocated $ 4 billion for the development of military robots. However, the priorities in this direction are still set by the civil sector. At present, it cannot yet be said that robotics has a strong influence on the sphere of defense and national security... However, things can change very quickly.

The development of automated systems is at the forefront of science and technology development. To create a truly effective combat robot, you need to solve many complex technical problems. This is the development of fundamentally new energy sources, powerful and compact, and the creation of advanced sensors, and the provision of more reliable communication.

Currently, the robots used by humans (including the military) are more reminiscent of radio-controlled toys than the mechanisms described by Azimov and other masters of science fiction.

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