Russian producer, CEO channel "Muz-TV" and the national music award in the field of pop music "Muz-TV Award".

Biography of Arman Davletyarov

Arman Davletyarov born into a Kazakh family in the Orenburg region. After 8th grade, Arman and his older brother went to Moscow to get a law degree, but without registration, he did not get into any university and entered a vocational school to become a carpenter. During his studies, Arman began acting in the student theater. After graduating from college with honors, Davletyarov entered the MISS. Kuibyshev, however, without receiving a diploma, he went into the army at will after an unsuccessful one love story and quarrels with family. Later, he finally became a lawyer and did an internship in the criminal investigation department of the Perovsky district of Moscow, but in the end he decided that a legal career required too much mental strength.

Davletyarov is married. His parents introduced him to his wife; they were also involved in organizing matchmaking and the traditional wedding of young people. In the first year, the relationship between the spouses was tense, but then everything improved. The Davletyarovs are raising 3 sons and a daughter, born in 2016.

“The turning point in my relationship with my wife came at the moment when my life went downhill. I quit my job to run for office State Duma, started a big one election campaign, but did not get into the Duma. I was left without money, deeply in debt. During the same period, I lost my brother - he died of a heart attack. My wife supported me very much during that difficult time. And one day she said: “Let’s go and have a rest, I calculated that we should have enough for tickets.” We flew to Egypt with our last money and returned from there as completely different people. Soon after arriving, the doctor calls us at home and says: “Your wife is pregnant.” I'm standing with the phone, tears flowing. The wife asks: “What happened?” I say, “You’re pregnant.” It was such a moment - I grabbed her in my arms, began to dance with her around the apartment, hugging and kissing her. Everything was worse than ever, and suddenly such incredible happiness!”

In 2007, Arman received a higher psychological education at the Russian Academy civil service under the President Russian Federation. There he defended his dissertation.

In 2011, he published an autobiographical book, “The History of Moscow Genghis Khan.”

In 2014 and 2015, Davletyarov won the BRAND AWARDS in the “Best Media Director of the Year” category.

In addition to working in show business, Davletyarov is involved in social and political activity. One of the areas of his work is the establishment of social and cultural ties between Kazakhstan and Russia. To mark the 10th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence, the Musical Unity company organized the Kazakh Song of the Year festival in Astana.

Career of Arman Davletyarov

In 1991, Arman, at the “Christmas Meetings” concert of Alla Pugacheva, met the musicians of the group “ A-studio" A few years later, group members offered him the position of administrator Murat Nasyrova. Next position young man became the general director of the production company Mediastar-Concert.

In 2001, Davletyarov founded his own production company, Musical Unity. In the 2000s, Batyrkhan Shukenov and the groups “ Dynamite», « Inveterate scammers», « Propaganda"etc. In addition, the company organized concerts of famous Russian and foreign performers:

Happy birthday, Arman Davletyarov!

Today, August 13, Arman Davletyarov, general director of the MUZ-TV channel and “secret cardinal”, celebrates his 45th birthday Russian show business", as his friends and colleagues call him. Arman has achieved impressive success in life: he is the head of the first national music channel, has been holding the MUZ-TV award for 8 years, has a number of prestigious awards, works and is friends with class “A” stars, from him decisions largely depend on the success of certain artists. At the same time, he once did not even dare to dream about all this. On the occasion of Arman’s birthday, HELLO.RU publishes 7 stories from his life, which he himself told a couple of years ago to the editor-in-chief of the magazine Svetlana Bondarchuk.

Here are just a few incredible facts about Armand: he saw his future in a dream; while a student, he worked part-time as a janitor in Moscow; joined the army because of disappointment in love; in the early 90s, he cunningly entered the Olimpiyskiy for the sake of A"Studio's autograph; he still communicates on first name terms with his wife, with whom he has been together for more than 10 years and who bore him three children... As Svetlana Bondarchuk noted, what Armand told her is not just a success story. And not even a life story. It’s a movie.

1. I saw my future in a dream

I couldn’t even imagine that I would ever work in show business, much less on television. I am from a Kazakh family, born and raised near Orenburg. My parents are simple workers, I studied in an ordinary rural school, however, he studied well. My greatest desire was to come to Moscow at least once and see the Kremlin and Red Square with my own eyes. And when I turned 14, my older brother gave me a gift - we went to the capital. As a child, I often had a dream: it was as if I was standing on the star of the Kremlin tower, pushing off from it and taking off. And when I found myself on Red Square and saw this very star, I took my breath away. At that moment, I realized that it was impossible to climb the star, but the situation itself - I was here, next to it - inspired me so much that I told my brother: “I want to stay in this city, I want to live here.” He tried to reason with me: “Do you understand that you will be completely alone in this city?!” But I insisted on my point. We went to legal colleges that were just beginning to admit students, but since registration required registration for admission, there was no chance. As a result, I entered a vocational school to become a carpenter, this was in the mid-80s.

2. Played eastern prince in "Cinderella" on the theater stage

At that time, I lived in a dormitory with a thousand out-of-towners, where there was hazing, where we, freshmen, were beaten, our scholarships and clothes were taken away. To avoid getting there early, I signed up for all sorts of clubs. The teachers immediately singled me out and gave me the opportunity to be a prefect. I joined the school council and began studying organizational activities. My first success was a performance in a theater group, where I played the prince in the fairy tale “Cinderella” - an oriental prince in an embroidered suit. At that time I was planning to return home, but still did not do so. One of the reasons is the desire to meet the mother’s expectations. When I left home, she already understood everything about me and cried for a very long time because she was left alone. Dad died early, and when, some time later, I came home from Moscow for the first time on vacation, my mother and I hugged each other and cried for half an hour. We cried like this for the first five years when I came. But she overcame everything and now says: “If I hadn’t let you go then, what would have happened to you?”

Arman Davletyarov with his show business colleagues at the wedding of Keti Topuria.

3 Joined the army because of disappointment in love

The first romantic relationship in my life happened when I was 18 years old. The girl studied at the Kuibyshev MISI, where I was already studying at that time. I asked her to marry me. And I went home to tell my family about it. Mom - in tears, brother - in a position, they say, there will be no wedding until you graduate from college, and in general, how are you going to support your family. The brother said: “Get out of the house!” I packed my things, got on the train and left for Moscow. I come to the girl: “My family is against it, but we’ll get married anyway.” “I can’t marry you, I don’t want to be unwanted in your family,” was her answer. I took the first bus I came across. From the window I see a sign on the house that says “Conscription into the Army.” I come and say: “I want to serve.” Since I had a deferment (I was a full-time student), I had to give the military commissar two bottles of cognac" White stork", so that they would take me. Soon my parents began to look for me: Arman had disappeared. Several months passed, I was in the army, they told me: “Davletyarov, to the post! They've come to see you." - "Who?" - "Brother." - "I won't go." - "We order you." I go out to my brother. He: "The fugitive has been found, why did you do this?" I explained everything to him, but brother and says: " Time will pass“You’ll understand why I behaved harshly.” How right my relatives were: while I was serving, this girl got married.

4. By cunning he entered the Olimpiyskiy Stadium and took an autograph from A"Studio

I just returned to Moscow from the army. And my friends once said: “Listen, “Christmas meetings” at the Olimpiysky, all the stars will be there. Shall we go?” - "Let's go to". We arrive - there are no tickets, we approach the service entrance, stand near the fence, it’s cold, December. Then Pugacheva, Kuzmin, Orbakaite appear - we all, of course, squeal. And suddenly a minibus arrives, from which four oriental guys get out. One of my friends says: “Are the Kazakhs as narrow-eyed as you, or what?” I don’t know what happened to me at that moment, but I took off my jacket, and when these four entered the Olimpiyskiy, I joined them fifth and told the security: “I’m with them.” I go inside. I reach the door on which it says: “A” Studio.” I think: what a strange name. Then I heard Pugacheva announce from the stage: “Our guests from Kazakhstan are the group A” Studio with the song “Julia.” I looked at them with enthusiastic eyes - Kazakhs just like me, standing on the stage of the Olympic Stadium in Moscow, and the whole audience was singing along with them! That evening I did not dare approach the musicians. But he began to come to the Olimpiyskiy every day, waited for them to arrive, and went in with them. Soon the security already recognized me, I took all my guys with me - I said that these were the dancers of the group. And so, on the last day of the “Christmas Meetings,” I bought an A “Studio record and decided: I need to get to know them. I waited until they left the building and said: “Guys, can I have an autograph?” They have zero attention. They get into the car and are already planning to leave. I literally grab Batyrkhan Shukenov by the sleeve (lead singer of A"Studio until 2000, recently passed away. - Ed.) and say: “Batyr, if you don’t sign now, the girl I love will not marry marry me! I promised her an autograph, and you are leaving!" He was taken aback: “What did you say? What’s your name?” And he wrote: “To Arman from the group A” Studio, 1991.” This record is still kept in my home.

With Alla Pugacheva.

5. As a student, he worked part-time as a janitor in Moscow

At that time, I not only studied, but worked hard. Sold audio and household appliances in the evenings, at night he unloaded bread at the bakery, in the morning he worked as a janitor. I remember I had a site on Mira Avenue - I woke up at 6 in the morning and came there to clear the snow, after which I ran to class. It was difficult, but at least I had money and I could provide for myself. And then this happened. In the company where I was doing sales, they told me: “Listen, we have one client - a bank that wants to get advertising at the Voice of Asia festival in Kazakhstan so that it will be shown on television. You’re young, smart - call, find out what can be done." I called Alma-Ata, and they told me: “It’s simple. Bring us the Aramis group, and we will mention your bank as one of the sponsors of the festival.” The boss tells me: “Well, look, negotiate.” I started going to all the concerts of the Aramis group and to " Sound track"at Luzhniki I bought accreditation from someone for 5 rubles - a backstage pass. Everything is arranged, and we fly to Alma-Ata. We are met by convertibles, we have a luxurious hotel where Pugacheva, Chelobanov, Allegrova live. All this just makes my head spin, but I’m not alone anymore - I came with a group! There I finally made friends with A"Studio, who offered me to work as an administrator for Murat Nasyrov. I remember the first meeting: I took a crimson jacket with gold buttons from a friend in order to impress Murat, I sat with a smart face. He spoke to me on a first-name basis - apparently he was afraid when he saw my outfit.

With PSY and Maxim Galkin at one of the MUZ TV awards.

6. He still speaks first name with his wife, who bore him three children.

By age 33, I was still single. And then one day my mother calls me: “Son, I’m almost 70, if something happens to me, you’ll be left completely alone! Marry whoever you want - it’s not even that important to me whether she’s a Kazakh woman or not.” I was moved and said: “Mom, whatever you say.” “Come on, we ourselves will find you a good bride from our family? If we find you, will you marry?” - she continued. To reassure my mother, I said: “Of course.” Several days pass, they call me and say: “They found it! Fly to Tashkent urgently.” What to do - I'm flying. After a long flight, I walk into someone’s yard, some peacocks, fountains - I’m tired, everything is in a fog. They tell me: “Now a girl will come out, pay attention to her, just don’t look at her the way you’re used to - in Moscow, but just tell me whether you like her or not.” I see a girl walking... Now sometimes I say to my wife: “I thought you were walking with a jug at that moment.” And she corrects: “What kind of jug - I came with a kettle!” "So how's it going?" - they ask me. “She seems like a pretty girl,” I answer. “But can I rest a little? Then we’ll talk.” I go to the hotel and go to bed. An hour later I wake up from my aunt waking me up: “Wake up!” - "What's happened?" - “They have chosen a bride for you.” - "How?!" - “Well, you said she’s pretty. She’s downstairs now, in the foyer, waiting for you to talk.”

There is nowhere to go, I go downstairs in complete shock and see: the same girl is standing, in a light dress. It seemed to me, half asleep, that I was already in the wedding dress - I was even scared. We sat down at the table with her, I remember, she lowered her head, pointed her finger into her palm and said: “I wanted to ask you one question. Of course, you’ll forgive me: why did you decide to marry me?” I started to say something; for me it was already a matter of honor to defend this story. After all, if she returned to her parents and said “no,” it would be a blow for our family, because her hand in marriage had already been asked for me. After talking with her for an hour, we parted ways.

Then I was informed that she said yes to her parents. We were given a wedding day - August 22, she flew to Moscow, and we went to Yudashkin’s salon to buy a dress and tuxedo. And then a certain sobering happened to me: what am I doing anyway? I’m ruining the life of both myself and this girl, for what? I called my mom and said: “Mom, it’s probably not worth it, she’s an innocent flower. What can I give her, I have a different life, we’re completely different people". Mom immediately burst into tears: "Believe my maternal heart - I was in this family, I saw it, and if you love me, if you trust me, then get married. This is the girl you need." Meanwhile, the girl comes to her home and tells her parents: “I won’t marry him.” She saw Moscow, saw me in it and was in such shock that she said: “No ". In general, we have a scandal here, a scandal there... In the end, we are having a wedding. 50 people flew from Moscow to Tashkent, among them famous people: Murat Nasyrov, Diana Gurtskaya, Sasha Burataeva.

Arman Davletyarov with his wife.

At that time, I had already graduated from college, worked at the production company MediaStar and at Muz-TV - this was my first “call” to the channel. In general, I was already famous in show business. And now we are having a wedding - we sit exhausted with her, we practically don’t talk. The first wedding was in Tashkent, then in Orenburg and finally we come to Moscow. I wake up on the first morning, go out to the kitchen, and there is a table covered with food: scrambled eggs, cheesecakes, pancakes, porridge, and so on. I ask: "What is this?" And she told me: “I just don’t know what you eat for breakfast, so I prepared everything I know for you.” And this is how my wife and I lived at first - people from different worlds. The first year was terrible. We tried to break up with her more than once. “Let’s not ruin each other’s lives,” I said. “Go back to Tashkent, I’m sorry that this happened. You are still young, everything will work out for you.” She cried and always told me: “I love my parents so much, my father could not be mistaken about you, he is a doctor, a psychologist by training.” And I answered: “Okay, let’s try for another month. If our parents matched us, then it’s not just like that.” By the way, we have been together for more than 10 years, but we are still on first name terms. Everyone laughs when they come to visit us when my wife says to me: “Should I put you a salad?” Children, by the way, are also on first name terms with me. I come home and they tell me: “Dad, hello,” and bring me slippers. Yes, it’s probably all about the Eastern mentality, but family relationships this eliminates many problems. When you and your wife have a quarrel, you don’t tell her: “You are a fool.”

7. Ran for the State Duma, went bankrupt, started everything from scratch and won

The turning point in my relationship with my wife came at the moment when my life went downhill. I quit my job to run for the State Duma, started a big election campaign, but did not get into the Duma. I was left without money, deeply in debt. During the same period, I lost my brother - he died of a heart attack. My wife supported me very much during that difficult time. And one day she said: “Let’s go and have a rest, I calculated that we should have enough for tickets.” We flew to Egypt with our last money and returned from there as completely different people. Soon after arriving, the doctor calls us at home and says: “Your wife is pregnant.” I'm standing with the phone, tears flowing. The wife asks: "What happened?" I say: "You're pregnant." It was such a moment - I grabbed her in my arms, began to dance with her around the apartment, hugging and kissing her. Everything was worse than ever, and suddenly such incredible happiness!

Arman with his wife and sons.

I gradually overcame financial difficulties. When I lost everything, I asked my friends in show business for help - and almost no one responded. “It’s not possible now, sorry, I bought an apartment, bought a car,” they told me. The only person The one who called was Alla Dukhova. “Arman,” she said, “I heard that you have certain problems now, I will give you as much money as you need, without any interest, and I know that you will return it when you have it. And don’t even think about refusing. Why are we friends then? This is not even discussed." And the guys from A"Studio helped me a lot, and no one else.
I still communicate with those who didn’t help today - why not? At some point, I may have been offended, but no one owes me anything - everyone has their own life. And then I didn’t care at all, because my son was born - it was a moment that changed my whole life! Then a second son was born, then a third. Our relationship with my wife has changed radically, I have new meaning in life. Yes, a completely different life has just begun! Probably, as soon as you begin to love a person, God sees it and gives you everything. A child is born in love, as soon as this happens, God gives you the opportunity to work and earn money so that you can support your family.
Several years ago, I fulfilled my duty - the duty of every Muslim: my wife and I took my mother to the Hajj, and were in Mecca for a month. When I returned, I was so pure and spiritual that I simply could not imagine how I would go to work the next day - with its vanity, with all the ambiguity that is present in our industry. I called my mother and shared my concern. And she said a phrase that I remembered for the rest of my life: “Son, if you are pure at heart, you will never get dirty.” And this is true: when you live with love for your family, for your friends, when you go to work that you love and do what you are proud of, you are truly happy, and happy people live in a different reality.

In 1993 – graduated from Moscow University, Faculty of Law, specialty “lawyer”. The internship took place in the criminal investigation department at the Moscow police department.

In 1993, the A-Studio group introduced Murat Nasyrov to A.I. Davletyarov. This is how the work of A.I. Davletyarov began. in Russian show business.

In 1995 – Davletyarov A.I. headed the MediaStar-concert company.

Since 2000, he became the General Director of the entire production company “Media Star”, replacing Mr. Yu.Sh. Aizenshpis in this position.

From 2001 to the present – ​​President of the Musical Unity company.

The MediaStar company, headed by A.I. Davletyarov, opened creative path such groups as “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”, “Dynamite”, “Combination”, as well as Larisa Chernikova, Decl, etc. She produced television programs on the RTR and MUZ-TV channels - “According to your letters”, “ Night life", "Muz-zone", "Muz-Metel", With the participation of the company "MEDIASTAR" headed by Davletyarov, the group "Smoky" toured in Russia, the show program "We are together!" was held at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", tour in Russia and the CIS countries of the Vostok group “See you in La Manga.”

In Russian show business, Davletyarov A.I. is the only producer representing Kazakhstan and actively promoting Russian market Kazakh culture and Kazakh artists: Murat Nasyrov, Batyrkhan Shukenov.

On the territory of Kazakhstan over the past few years, Davletyarov A.I. tours of various Russian stars variety shows, starting with young artists, including mega-stars of the Russian stage Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva. The experience gained in working in the Russian market made it possible to attract foreign pop artists to participate in work and tours: the group “Smoky”, Gypsy King.

Best of the day

The company's artists devote great attention and the Republic of Kazakhstan. They take an active part in all musical events in Kazakhstan. To mark the 10th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Musical Unity company, with the support of the Government of Kazakhstan, held a festival in Astana, “Kazakh Song of the Year,” where all the pop stars of Kazakhstan from Roza Rymbaeva to young groups also took part.

Currently Mr. Davletyarov A.I. actively participates in public life Russia. Tours of the North Caucasus were organized and conducted jointly with the All-Russian Public organization“Youth Unity” and its leader Alexandra Burataeva with the participation of stars Russian stage where I was going charitable help for children in Chechnya.

The company, headed by A.I. Davletyarov, took an active part in the All-Russian action “We must continue history”, dedicated to the population census and large gala concerts in all largest cities Russia with the campaign “Do I Know My Anthem” and “We Are United!”

The general director of the MUZ TV channel, Arman Davletyarov, shared great news with his microblog subscribers on Valentine's Day - on the eve of this holiday, February 13, he became a father for the fourth time. The wife of a 45-year-old top manager gave birth to his long-awaited daughter. Before this, the couple only had boyfriends. There are three of them in the star family. The sons of Arman Davletyarov and his wife are 10, 8 and 5 years old.

Happy father of many children published a photo with a newborn baby in his arms, signing: “A long-awaited daughter was born in our family! We are happy!" Under the post in short term Hundreds of comments appeared. Arman Davletyarov is congratulated on the birth of his heiress in two languages ​​- Russian and Kazakh. “This is just wonderful! Congratulations! Health to mom, baby and your whole family!”, “Three sons and honey-daughter- everything according to the script”, “Congratulations on the birth of the princess!”, “Arman, accept congratulations from Astana. This is great. May your kids be healthy and happy,” write subscribers of Arman Davletyarov’s microblog on Instagram.

Her parents have not yet disclosed the name of their little heiress. According to some reports, the daughter of Arman Davletyarov and his wife was born in one of the clinics in Miami. In the same place where Kristina Orbakaite and other stars of Russian show business gave birth to their children. The newborn baby is 52 centimeters tall and weighs 3,030 grams.

Let us note that for Lately several at once famous men became fathers, and not for the first time. At the end of January he became a dad four times famous actor Andrey Merzlikin. The artist and his wife had a son, whose name the couple has not yet announced to the public. IN last days In January, the young wife of the 58-year-old star of the series “Streets of Broken Lanterns,” Alexander Polovtsev, gave birth to a son. For the actor, the newborn boy, born a little earlier than doctors predicted, became the second child. Last weekend, congratulations on the addition to the family were received by the lead singer of the group “Disco Accident” Alexey Ryzhov. A girl was born into the family of the performer and his young wife, who became Ryzhov’s second child. The star has a son from his first marriage, with whom he spends quite a lot of time.

Participant name: Arman Davletyarov

Age (birthday): 13.08.1970

City: village Tamar-Utkul, Orenburg region

Job: General Director of MUZ-TV

Family: married, have children

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Read with this article:

Arman Ilyubaevich Davletyarov was born on August 13, 1970 in the village of Tamar-Utkul, which is located in the Orenburg region. The family always supported all of their son’s endeavors, their communication took place on a friendly and warm note.

After studying at school in his native village, Arman decided that he wanted to become a lawyer. It was for this reason that he packed his suitcase and set off to conquer Moscow.

Having entered vocational school, the guy was able to prove himself with the best side and received a red diploma at the end of the course. Arman was not going to stop there; exams to the capital’s civil engineering university awaited him ahead. The strict laws of that time did not allow Arman to enroll in a lawyer's course. The reason for this was the lack of registration in Moscow. Davletyarov was unable to graduate from college because he was drafted into the army.

Arman served the allotted time in Hungary, after which he was transferred to Baku. At the end of his service, he decided to return to Moscow. Only then did his dream come true, because Davletyarov was able to enter the Faculty of Law. While practicing at the metropolitan police department, Arman proved himself successful, he had excellent grades in his diploma. But the guy didn’t want to work as a lawyer. He languished for a long time in deciding what to do, until his older brother, a lawyer, made his contribution. He admitted to his brother that it is morally difficult to defend the interests of citizens who break the law and other scoundrels.

Career in show business

Arman did not fall into despair, because new discoveries awaited him ahead. The assertive young man met the A-Studio group, which at that time was under the tutelage of the Diva herself. Arman met producer and singer Batyrkhan Shukenov, after which they became faithful comrades.

The young guy very quickly got used to the world of the stage and became one of his own.

In 1995, he was appointed to the position of director of Mediastar-Concert; a few years later he took the place of general director of the production group.

In the future, Arman Ilyubaevich decided that he wanted to get another education and his choice fell on Russian Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation for the course “Psychology of Management”. At the academy he defended his doctoral dissertation.

In 2000, Arman Ilyubaevich took the place of CEO of Media Star. In the same year, he was able to open a production company called “Musical Unity”.

In 2011, he published his book “The History of Moscow Genghis Khan,” in which he spoke about his life and work in the sphere of the capital’s elite.

Working for television

In 2013, he became the head of the popular music channel “MUZ-TV” not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other CIS countries. He still holds this position to this day.

Arman was actively involved in developing musical talents in Kazakhstan, and therefore had extensive experience as a producer. The man is sure that every resident in his homeland is not deprived of talent. Thanks to his efforts, many talented people were able to become famous. One of them was the late Murat Nasyrov.

Today, Arman Davletyarov specializes in the development of Kazakh artists and culture. He is devoted to his ethnic homeland and is the only producer on Russian TV who is involved in this matter.

Arman Ilyubaevich organizes concerts of world stars in Kazakhstan, pays attention to everyone talented people. He has produced the groups “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”, “Dinami” and the female pop group “Combination”.

The MUZ-TV television channel also flourished thanks to the efforts of Arman Davletyarov. Celebrity guests appeared on air, fashionable music was played, new video clips were presented, as well as many interesting videos. All this makes the channel very popular and in demand.

MUZ-TV launched new shows, including “New Star Factory” in 2017, which was released with the support of the channel’s general director. Arman personally became one of the jury at the casting and selection of participants.

Davletyarov helps organize charity concerts and tours around the territory North Caucasus, he is a regular participant in patriotic events. Thanks to him, the MUZ-TV channel established the MUZ-TV Award, which is prestigious for the stars of domestic show business. The award ceremony takes place at the Olimpiysky sports complex in Moscow.

Personal life

Not everything was so smooth in the life of Arman Ilyubaevich. My first love, since my student days, was unhappy. Arman met a girl whom he was ready to marry, but his older brother did not give him permission to do this until the guy finished his studies at the institute.

The elder brother had for Armand great importance, and therefore for a long time he did not dare to go against his opinion. In the end, the guy packed his things and left the house. But he never managed to connect his life with his chosen one. The girl did not consent to the marriage, explaining that she did not want to live her whole life knowing that she had destroyed a good relationship in the Davletyarov family.

Arman devoted himself to work and development. Only Davletyarov’s mother was tired of waiting for her grandchildren, and therefore found a worthy wife for her son. Arman's wife is 11 years younger than him. The newlyweds were not delighted with the proposal of their relatives to have a wedding, but the efforts of the relatives were not in vain and the celebration took place.

The couple remain married to this day. Arman and his wife have four children - 3 sons and a daughter, and the couple declares that they do not plan to stop there. It is interesting that the Davletyarov couple communicates with each other exclusively using “you”.

Photo by Arman

Arman Davletyarov runs Instagram, where he has more than 250 thousand subscribers.