Still everywhere in the sleeping park

The sad air of winter's sleep blows,

But the snow lying around is dazzling and bright.

K. Fofanov

The month of February is the eve of spring. This is the month of the last frosts, prickly blizzards and snow drifts.

“Lute” is the Old Russian name for February. This final month of winter in some years can be very severe and is not even inferior in severity. “February is offended for days, that’s why it’s angry,” says the saying. Due to the abundance of snowfalls and blizzards, it was also called “snowfall”.

The ancient Romans called it februarius. This month was dedicated to the god of the underworld Februus.

“Blizzards and blizzards flew away in February” and “February blows away the winter,” people say. The Russian folk song “A blizzard is blowing along the street”... is probably written about this month.

The average monthly air temperature in Russia is minus 12-14 degrees. Lowest average temperature in Russia up to 38-45 degrees below zero at night was observed in 1966, 1967, 1976, 1979, and in 1958, 1963, 1973, 1975, 1978 and 1980 Maximum temperature during the daytime it rose to 3-5 degrees Celsius. During February the increase continues snow cover; On some days there are fogs and ice. Monthly precipitation is 23-25 ​​mm.

I would like to say a few words about the features of this winter. It turned out to be unusually snowy and blizzardy. Old-timers have not remembered such heavy and frequent snowfalls for a long time. Suffice it to say that during this winter, on average, precipitation in Russia was 2.5 times more than the average, and this February turned out to be the coldest month of winter.

February, as people say, is a two-faced month: both lute and bokogray. “February is fierce, like God, and he’s not bad himself: he draws, paints, smells the red spring”, “February - crooked roads”, “February is sideways warm - it warms up from the side, and in the shade the frost grabs you by the nose”, “Winter with spring meets for the first time” and “February-father - blizzards” - these are the sayings about this time of year. And each of them accurately notices the features last month winter.

Snowdrifts reach their largest size in February. As usual, the first ten days of the month is the coldest, blizzard time, the time of strong snowstorms. They freeze to greater depth reservoirs, there are often nights with cracking frosts. In gardens, parks, and forests, sometimes a strong cracking sound is heard - these are frost cracks appearing on trees with hard wood from a sharp change in day and night temperatures. To protect trees from damage, it is recommended to coat the lower part of the trunks with lime mortar, since fungal spores can penetrate into the tree through frost cracks and cause it to rot.

During the day, the sun begins to warm up slightly, the tree trunks on the south side thaw, and icicles appear on the roofs; during the thaw, the snow is covered with an ice crust on top - an infusion. This is a month of contrasts. In February there is a struggle between winter and spring. Frosts in mid-February are the last effort of winter before the approaching spring. Despite sunny days, freezes even deeper and this is due to the fact that about 90% solar energy reflected by the snow-white surface. Snow not only cools earth's surface, but also protects it from deep freezing, helps preserve the life of animals and plants. near the surface of the snow it is colder, and therefore heavier; because of this heterogeneity, it seems to slow down its mobility and reduce the strength of the wind. Snow also affects air humidity; like any precipitation, it can evaporate and purify the air.

Day by day it becomes lighter, the sky is increasingly illuminated by the sun, bright, but still powerless to give warmth. The days are getting longer and clearer.

Warm February is usually accompanied by spring with frosts; it is not for nothing that people say: “February lets in the water, but March picks it up,” “If February is not cold, March thinks badly of it.”

Winter gives its last battle in its last month, so February is a time of contrasts. There are still frosts, blizzards are raging, but you can already feel the approach of spring.

As the day increases (and it has increased by 1.5 hours compared to February), typically spring daily fluctuations in air temperature are observed.

Our ancestors were not stingy with nicknames for February. They called him a blizzard: “February-blizzard is a fierce month, he asks how he’s wearing his shoes.” In those times when New Year celebrated in March, February was called “cut”: it cut off one year from another. It was both low water (the border between winter and spring), and snowfall, and lute. And for the second half of February, another of its nicknames is most suitable - “side warmer”: on the sunny side it begins to warm up.

On February 15, as people said, winter meets spring. Overgrown icicles hung from the roofs, shading the first, still timid, drops. Previously, spring was judged like this: if a thaw sets in on that day, it means an early and warm spring, if the cold turns away, it’s a cold spring, and if snow falls on that day, it’s a long and rainy spring.

February is noticeable blue. The muted blue glow of snowdrifts, forest edges, and bright village streets.

Birds suffer greatly from blizzards, winter cold and lack of food. It would seem that crows are hardy, and often after snowfalls and blizzards it happened to find them dead in the snow.

Everything in the forest is white and white. The snow glitters and sparkles in the sun. In the sparkles of frost, the silent forest sleeps, fluffy, dormant. The green velvet of needle-shaped needles shines brightly, and the openwork curly birch trees shine white. There are lush, whimsical snowdrifts all around.

Bird behavior is changing. Forest drummers - woodpeckers - begin to tap out shots on sushinas. Far, far through the forest, the knocking sound of the forest healer - the spotted woodpecker, is heard, the ringing cry of the woodpecker. You can hear the short silvery song of the pika and the whistle of the nuthatch. In the vastness of the sky, black crows swoop in their mating flight. The surrounding forests and fields are often resounding with their intermittent, guttural scream of “kr-rog, kr-rog.” Exciting and musical sounds in their own way. The proximity of spring has revived these gloomy birds. Magpies chirp like spring, increasingly flying away from populated areas into the forest. But in cities there are still many gray crows and jackdaws, but their flight becomes more cheerful and playful. At the end of February, red-browed male slashers and more modestly dressed yellowish-gray female grouse begin to stay in the forest thickets near their future leks. It's warmer and quieter here. They sit in the trees longer than usual, muttering something. Wood grouse live in pine forests and near remote ravines, hazel grouse live in spruce and birch forests. Black grouse, wood grouse and hazel grouse stop spending the night in the snow as soon as the crust appears. There are cases of the death of these birds during overnight roosts, when after a daytime thaw it freezes at night and the birds are unable to break through the ice cap. Capercaillies fly from the trees onto the snow, leaving chains of crosses on it.

Elegant bullfinches, lively tap dancers and crested waxwings are gradually disappearing from the forest.

In the sunshine, the first, at first timid, spring voices of great tits are heard: “Zinziver, zinziver, zinziver.” These fidgety birds are beautiful and agile. Their breast is yellow, their head is black, their cheeks are white, and they have a black tie under their neck. And the sparrows perked up, chirping with all their might on the midday side of the cornice. Apparently, they also smelled spring.

Many animals are entering mating season - the rut. Foxes run in pairs. Their hoarse, abrupt bark will warn you about this. Sly Fox has difficulty finding food for himself. During walks, you have to listen more often because the smell of voles penetrates very weakly from under the icy snow. It seems that only wolves have freedom at this time. In loose, deep snow, it is not easy for them to catch a hare, and as soon as a strong crust appears, the wolves will be able to quickly get their food. In February, wolves begin their rut. Wolf packs break apart, seasoned predators are separated from the re-lights, they also form pairs. Fierce fights take place, in which the stronger and more dexterous male wins. By the end of the month, pairs of wolves make lairs in forest crepes and swamps. The forest giants-elks threw off their heavy “crown” - wide spade-shaped antlers. They have a wedding party in the fall. By this time, the horns will grow, and they will become even more beautiful and powerful than before - the number of processes on them will increase. At this time, it is difficult for moose to move to find food, so they live in limited areas of the forest. In the dens of female bears small cubs appear, about the size of a fist, weighing 0.5 kg each. There are from one to four, most often two; They are born blind and helpless; they begin to see within a month. And although the bear herself does not eat anything all winter, she feeds them with her milk until spring. Some hares also have “weddings”: several of them gather in one place and they organize something like dancing and running competitions in the snow. Only the fastest one can be chosen by the hare.

Paired tracks are becoming more and more common. Only during snowfalls and blizzards do they sit out in their nests (gaynas), not daring to descend from the trees to the ground. On the clear sunny days of February, males look for females and quarrel among themselves. If you hesitate a little, you will not only be without a mate, but you will also become easy prey for the marten - this careful and dexterous animal.

The beavers break the ice and climb out into the wild.

After snowy winters there is a large number of The most numerous shrews or shrews in our republic, which are easily recognized by their elongated muzzle, in the form of a proboscis, velvety fur and small beady eyes. During snowy winters, these insectivorous animals easily find food under the snow. And if in the summer shrews feed mainly on insects, mollusks, earthworms, small brown frogs and even mouse-like rodents, then in the winter they switch to fallen seeds of birch, linden and spruce. It is known that shrews cannot remain without food for more than 6 hours - they die. The round-the-clock activity of these animals and high numbers indicate their great importance in the life of the forest.

In winters with little snow severe frosts When the soil freezes deeply, a large number of moles, also belonging to the order of insectivores, die.

Ice fishing improves in the second half of February. Species such as bream, silver bream, roach, and bluegill begin to emerge from the depths into shallower places. They are caught using various jigs, hooks with bloodworms and donks with worms. But not everyone is lucky. Those who catch it and those who don’t will return home empty, without a catch. You need to know when, where and how to get fish.

Northern burbot have spawned, are holding in the shallows and are good for bait.

The hunt for wolves, foxes and other fur-bearing animals continues.

The river expanses are bound by thick ice Big Volga and the earth is wrapped like a white shroud. It’s bad for animals and birds now. There is no food, and the cold is really chilling. That’s why they huddle closer to human habitation, in case something falls. It’s good only for those who have stored a sufficient amount of food in their cozy holes and hollows since the fall. It is not for nothing that according to Vitaly Bianchi’s forest calendar, February is called “the month of severe hunger.” But the spruce crossbill even hatches its chicks in the winter cold and finds enough food to feed them in the spruce cones. These small birds feed their offspring only pine seeds, softened in the crop. These seeds, ripening by the end of autumn, remain in the cones until March, and then the weather warms up. spring sun opens the scales of the cones, and the seeds from them, equipped with winged sails, either fly through the air or glide along the smooth surface of the snow. Fallen needles appear in the snow around the fir trees.

With a bountiful harvest in spruce forest there are many “guests”. In addition to crossbills, other birds also feed on spruce seeds, and nomadic squirrels stop there. Woodpeckers are big fans of spruce seeds. Having picked a cone and secured it in a crack in the trunk or fork of a tree - a kind of “forge” - the woodpecker rests its tails on the tree and guts it. Squirrels and voles diligently select cones under the spruce tree. It is believed that if there is a good harvest of cones in the forest, then there will be a lot of mouse-like rodents - mice and voles, and, consequently, foxes, martens, and weasels will have numerous offspring. After all, voles are the main food for these valuable fur-bearing animals.

Work on snow retention and removal continues on collective and state farms. organic fertilizers to the fields and repairs of agricultural equipment. People say: “Where the cars are running, it’s easy and hard.”

Folk signs about the weather and sayings:

The forest is noisy in winter - expect a thaw.

If he steps out on the ice in the cold, it will be soon

big thaw.

A cat scratches the floor (wall) - into the wind, into a blizzard.

A foggy circle near the sun means a blizzard.

Two friends - frost and blizzard.

There are frosts in January, snowstorms in February.

Long February icicles promise a long spring.

February rosemary is worth nothing. As it comes back to haunt you in February, it will respond in the fall. The short guy is angry that he hasn’t been given enough days.

February brings the winter to a close and shows the way to the new season.

A magpie climbs under the eaves - towards the blizzard.

The February blizzard is sweeping across the earth, angry with frosts, generously pouring snow, making noise with blizzards, but spring is just around the corner. Her steps are becoming more noticeable.


The pines are getting brighter and younger every day.

The forest turns black, the distance turns softer blue, -

February finally surrenders to the damp winds,

And the drift snow in the hollows turned yellow.

I. Bunin

The last month of winter is “section”. It received this name in ancient times, since he cut off the year - he was the last in the family of winter months. There is, however, another assumption: it was precisely this period of the year that was previously considered the most convenient for cutting down forests in order to obtain good wood. And one more thing: this month is the most convenient time to trim branches in the garden, because the trees have the least sap. February was also called “low water” - the time between winter and spring. Due to frequent, blowing snowstorms and blizzards, they were called Ancient Rus' we “wind” and “lute” him. This harsh month also had an affectionate nickname - “bokogray”, because in the second half of the month the sun began to warm up.


Halfway through the winter the frost crackled.

He scared people for half the winter.

Winter made me

Ice rules!

I'm any boy's nose

And insects and dragonflies -

I'll dress everyone in white,

I'll make it ice cold!

I'll put fish in ice cubes,

I won't spare anyone! -

Look, this is the rule

The sun melted.

He cracked: “I’ll clean the ice,

Let the people get in!”

But this is also the rule

The sun melted!

The sun melted

The rays spread out.

Everything warmed up on the way,

Whispers to the butterfly: “Fly!”

V. Korzhikov

Day by day it becomes lighter, the days are almost two hours longer in February. There's a pre-spring ahead, but it's still winter, winter...

February proverbs

In January, Father, there are frosts, and in February, there is a blizzard.

February breaks the winter, lets in the water, adds three hours.

In February, two friends - frost and blizzard.

February is a fierce month, he asks: “How are your shoes?”

Storms and blizzards arrived in February.

February, don’t be fierce, but don’t frown your eyebrows for spring.

It’s February and the bear’s side is warming up in its den.

In February, winter and spring will meet for the first time.

February draws, paints, smells the redness of spring.

As it comes back to haunt you in February, it will respond in the fall.

Riddles of Bokogrey

1. He lay there, lay there, and ran into the river. (Snow.)

2. Not gem, but it shines. (Ice.)

3. White carrots grow in winter. (Icicle.)


The birds and animals have suffered through a hard winter. Every day there is a snowstorm, every night there is frost. Winter has no end in sight. The bear fell asleep in the den. He probably forgot that it was time for him to turn over to the other side.

There is a forest sign: just as a bear turns over on its other side, the sun will turn towards summer. The birds and animals have run out of patience. Let's go wake up the bear.

Hey Bear, it's time! Everyone is tired of winter! We miss the sun. Roll over, roll over! Bedsores, perhaps?

The bear didn’t answer at all: he didn’t move, he didn’t move. Know he's snoring.

Eh, I should hit him in the back of the head! - exclaimed the woodpecker, - I suppose he would immediately move!

“No,” Moose mumbled, “you have to be respectful and respectful with him.” Hey, Mikhailo Potapych! Hear us, we tearfully ask and beg you: turn over, at least slowly, on the other side! Life is not sweet. We, elk, stand in the aspen forest like a cow in a stall - we cannot take a step to the side. There's a lot of snow in the forest! It will be a disaster if the wolves get wind of us.

The bear moved his ear and grumbled through his teeth:

What do I care about you, moose! Deep snow is only good for me: it’s both warm and calm!

Here the White Partridge began to lament:

Aren't you ashamed, Bear? The snow covered all the berries, all the bushes with buds - what do you want us to peck? Well, why should you turn over on the other side and hurry up the winter? Hop - and you're done!

And the Bear has his:

Even funny! They are tired of winter, but I turn over from side to side! Well, what do I care about buds and berries? I have a supply of fat under my skin.

The squirrel endured and endured, but could not bear it:

Oh, you shaggy mattress, he’s too lazy to roll over! And you could jump on the branches with ice cream. I would rip my paws until they bleed, like me!.. Turn over, couch potato, I count to three: one, two, three!

Four five six! - the Bear taunts. - That scared me! Well - shoot off! You're preventing me from sleeping.

The animals tucked their tails, the birds hung their noses, and began to disperse. And then the Mouse leaned out of the hay and squeaked:

So big, but you're scared? Is it really necessary to talk to him, the bobtail, like that? He doesn’t understand either for good or for bad. You have to deal with him like us, like a mouse. You ask me - I will turn it over in an instant!

Are you a Bear!? - the animals gasped.

One left paw! - the Mouse boasts.

She darted into the den - let's tickle the Bear.

He runs along it, scratches it with his claws, bites it with his teeth, the Bear twitched, squealed like a pig, and kicked his legs.

Oh, I can't! - howls, - oh, I’ll roll over, just don’t tickle me! Oh-ho-ho-ho! A-ha-ha-ha!

And the steam from the den is like smoke from a chimney!

The mouse stuck out and squeaked:

Turned over like a cute little thing! They would have told me a long time ago.

Well, as soon as the Bear turned over on the other side, the sun immediately turned to summer.

Every day the sun is higher, every day spring is closer. Every day is brighter and more fun in the forest!

N. Sladkov


When I left the hut, I loaded the gun fine shot. I thought if I met a hazel grouse, I’d shoot it for lunch. I walk quietly, trying so that the snow under my felt boots doesn’t creak. Around the Christmas tree they are covered with shaggy frost, like a beard. I went out into the clearing and saw something black under the tree ahead. I came closer - and this was a brown butterfly sitting on the snow. There are snowdrifts all around, the frost is crackling - and suddenly a butterfly! I hung the gun on my shoulder, took off my hat and began to approach closer, I wanted to cover it with my hat, and then the snow exploded under my feet - flutter-flutter! - and three hazel grouse flew out. While I was taking off the gun, they disappeared into the fir trees. All that was left of the hazel grouse were holes in the snow. I walked around the forest, looked, but now you’ll find them. They were hiding on the fir trees, sitting and laughing at me: how did I mistake the hazel grouse crest for a butterfly? It was this hazel grouse that poked its head out from under the snow to spy on me. Next time I won’t catch butterflies in winter!

February is the last month of winter. Blizzards and blizzards create high snowdrifts, and gusty winds drive drifting snow along the ground. In the old days, February was called “snowfall”. White fluffy snowflakes swirl and fly, covering fields and forests.


Sat on my mitten

Light snowflake

And she fluffed herself up like a bird,

Ice back.

I froze quietly

So that it doesn't fly away.

Soon my mitten

It will become white and white.

The days of the last month of winter become longer, the sun begins to warm up, sometimes the first timid drops ring, and long crystal icicles hang from the roofs. In February there are thaws, the snow melts, it gets dark, and the snowdrifts settle and become lower.


The winds came from the south,

They brought warmth with them,

And the snowdrifts settled at once,

At noon it started leaking from the roof.

Questions and tasks

1. Why is February called “snow month”?

2. What is a thaw?

3. Draw a sun and an icicle.

Guess the riddles.

I'm walking in the field

I fly free

I'm spinning, I'm muttering,

I don't want to know anyone.

I run along the village,

I'm sweeping up snowdrifts. (Blizzard.)

I am transparent like crystal.

I hang from the roof in winter.

It's just a very, very pity

That in the warmth I quickly melt. (Icicle.)

In February the light arrives, the sun warms up, they come to life forest creatures- birds and animals. Lively tits fly to the very tops of the trees and sing a cheerful song. Sparrows and jackdaws come to life. Sparrows gather in flocks, sit on bushes, fences, and chirp loudly and joyfully. Games begin among hares and foxes, and wolves fight among themselves. Only the bears are still sleeping in their warm dens.

When the thaw sets in, the snow becomes sticky, and you can use it to build snow fortresses and make snowmen.


My friend Katya and I

We're rolling a huge ball.

From a fluffy ball

We're making a snowman.

In a white fur coat,

With coals instead of eyes,

Smiling as if alive

The snowman is looking at us.

We'll give him a broom

Let's make a fluffy collar,

Let along the streets of the village

A janitor is walking - a snowman.

Guess the riddle.

Without wings, it flies faster than a bird from tree to tree. (Squirrel.)

At the end of February, people say goodbye to winter and prepare to welcome spring, celebrating Maslenitsa. Housewives bake delicious golden brown pancakes with a crispy golden crust. After all, pancakes are like the sun, and Maslenitsa is a celebration of meeting the sun.

In the old days, children called the spring sun with this song:

Bucket sun,

Because of the mountains!

Look out, sunshine,

Until spring!

Questions and tasks

1. What do forest inhabitants do in February?

2. Which ones do you know? winter fun with snow?

3. What holiday is celebrated at the end of February?

4. Why do they bake pancakes on this holiday?

5. Draw and color a snowman.

Guess the riddle.

With butter and sour cream

We'll eat... (damn) rosy.

Listen to a fairy tale.

Snowman and Snow Maiden

It was wet this morning fluffy snow. It was soft and molded well.

The guys went out into the yard and began to roll snow balls. The boys decided to make a Snowman, and the girls decided to make a Snow Maiden. The snowman turned out great: the guys rolled up a big ball, put a smaller one on top of it, and the smallest one on top.

“This is the torso,” Denis said, pointing to the two lower lumps.

The teacher Anna Anatolyevna gave him a carrot.

- Make a nose out of it, and a mouth out of a twig.

Fedya stuck twigs on the Snowman's head.

- What's this? - Petya asked.

- It's hair! - Fedya declared proudly. He gave the largest twig to the Snowman in the hands that the children had fashioned. - Let him have a broom. This is not an ordinary Snowman, but a Janitor Snowman.

At this time the girls were sculpting the Snow Maiden. They made her a snow sundress and a kokoshnik; Anna Anatolyevna gave them a piece of beetroot, and the girls Vera and Zina painted the Snow Maiden's rosy cheeks and lips with beets, made black eyes out of coals, and Katya sculpted her a thick snow braid. The Snow Maiden turned out very beautiful! Especially when the teacher poured water on her sundress from jars in which she had dissolved colored paints.

The children admired the Snow Maiden and the Snowman. But then the snowfall intensified, and everything turned into a thick snowstorm.

The guys ran to kindergarten, and the Snow Maiden and the Snowman held hands and soon disappeared among the snow flakes.

Answer the questions

1. What were the guys doing in the yard?

2. Who did the boys make out of snow?

3. Who did the girls blind?

4. Where did the Snowman and the Snow Maiden disappear?

riddles about winter in verse

It's getting cold.
The water turned into ice.
Long-eared gray bunny
Turned into a white bunny.
The bear stopped roaring:
A bear hibernated in the forest.
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen? (Winter)

He will come with silent steps,
Invisibly the cold dies
And, covering everything around with snow,
Suddenly it hurts all of our ears:
Why are you in such cold weather?
Have you poked your nose out of the house? (Winter)

Light white blanket
It will cover the entire earth.
Cover everything with ice and decorate the Christmas tree.
What's her name? … (Winter)

She's whiter than everyone else
And much colder.
After autumn comes
They dance around the trees.
Sometimes harsh, sometimes gentle
Snow reigns... (winter).

Snow on the fields
Ice on the waters
The blizzard is walking.
When does this happen? (Winter)

The tablecloth is white
Dressed the whole world. (Winter)

She wasn’t sick, but she put on a white shroud. (Winter)

Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows,
Gave joy to children
And I went for a sledding ride. (Winter)

I have a lot to do -
I'm a white blanket
I cover the whole earth,
I remove it from the ice of the river,
White fields, houses,
And my name is... (Winter)

I won't tolerate heat:
I'll spin the snowstorms
I will whiten all the glades,
I'll decorate the fir trees,
I'll sweep the house with snow,
Because I... (Winter)

I will paint the branches with white paint,
I will throw silver on your roof.
Warm winds will come in spring
And they will drive me out of the yard. (Winter)

Even though she herself is snow and ice,
And when he leaves, he sheds tears. (Winter)

After autumn came.
And made snowdrifts. (Winter)

I swept everything around
Arriving from the kingdom of blizzards.
Autumn, best friend,
I sent it south.
I'm frosty and white
And she came to you for a long time. (Winter)

Who whitens the glades with white
And writes on the walls with chalk,
Sews down feather beds,
Have you decorated all the windows? (Winter)

Guess who
Gray-haired mistress:
The featherbeds will shake,
Above the world of fluff? (Winter)

Appeared after Autumn
I'm on the calendar.
I'm the most best holiday to you
I'll give it to you for joy!
And I cover the ground with white snow
She wrapped it up herself.
Guys, guess what?
Well, who am I? … (Winter)

She just knocks
There's snow in our window,
We take the sled
And run up the hill! (Winter)

I have a lot to do -
I'm a white blanket
I cover the whole earth,
I remove it from the ice of the river,
White fields, houses,
My name is... (Winter)

The birds have already flown south,
Frosts and snowstorms arrived.
The trees stand in silver,
We are building a fort in the yard. (Winter)

Frost flashed. And we are glad
Mother's pranks... (winter)

It's snowing, under white wool
The streets and houses disappeared.
All the guys are happy about the snow -
Came to us again... (Winter)

In the white frost of birch.
Hedgehogs sleep, bears sleep.
But although the frost came,
Bullfinches are burning at dawn.
It will be a bright New Year
Wonderful Christmas holiday.
Dressed in a warm fur coat
Snow-white... (winter)

In this cold season
We love to go down the slides.
And for skiing
You won't find a better season. (Winter)

Auntie is cool
White and gray
Carrying the cold in a bag,
The snow is shaking on the ground,
It sweeps up snowdrifts,
Covers the ground with a carpet. (Winter)

The frost is freezing,
The ice is freezing
The blizzard is walking,
When does this happen? (Winter)

Unexpected snowstorm
They flew in with a terrible howl.
Autumn ran away in fear,
And she became the housewife. (Winter)

Opened her snowy arms,
The trees were all dressed in dresses.
The weather is cold.
What time of year is this? (Winter)

It's been snowing for a month now,
We'll celebrate the New Year soon,
All nature is in snow hibernation.
Tell me the time of year. (Winter)

Covered in white snow
Meadow and forest all around.
And, having calmed down, the river became
Bound by ice. (Winter)

The roof is covered with fur,
White smoke overhead
Yard in the snow, white houses.
At night... (Winter) came to us

riddles about the winter months in verse

Troika, troika has arrived,
The horses in that trio are white,
And the queen sits in the sleigh
White-haired, white-faced,
How she waved her sleeve -
Everything was covered with silver. ( Winter months)

Name it guys
A month in this riddle:
His days are the shortest of all days,
Of all nights longer than night.
To the fields and meadows
It snowed until spring.
Only our month will pass -
We are celebrating the New Year. (December)

“The end of the year and the beginning of winter!” -
This is how they asked me the riddle.
Frost and blizzard, and snow in the yard,
Winter comes to visit us in... (December)

Childish laughter on the mountain,
All skiing in ... (December, January)

We walked during the holidays,
We had a very nice holiday.
But soon take up the primer -
It's about to end... (January)

It stings your ears, it stings your nose,
Frost creeps into felt boots.
If you splash water, it will fall
Not water anymore, but ice.
Not even a bird can fly
The bird is freezing from the frost.
The sun turned towards summer.

He comes first in the count,
The new year will begin with it.
Open your calendar soon
Read! Written - ... (January)

The calendar starts
Month named... (January)

It stings your ears, it stings your nose,
Frost creeps into felt boots.
If you splash water, it will fall
Not water anymore, but ice.
Not even a bird can fly
The bird is freezing from the frost.
The sun turned towards summer.
What month is this, tell me? (January)

Snow is falling in bags from the sky,
There are snowdrifts around the house.
Those are storms and blizzards
They attacked the village.
The frost is severe at night,
During the day, drops can be heard ringing.
The day has grown noticeably
Well, what month is this? (February)

The last winter month is a pity,
The shortest one is... (February)

The snow is prickly on the ground
The wind is blowing in... (February)

On New Year's Eve he came to our house
Such a cheerful fat man,
But every day he lost weight
And finally he disappeared completely.
(Tear-off calendar)

Children's poems about the month of February:

A. Vyatsky

IN February bitter frost,
Pinches ears and nose.
And piles of snowdrifts
The guy brought us February.

S. Domnin

Wow! Snowdrifts in February.
You are a sorceress, Winter.
Quietly dozing in crystal
And trees and houses...

L. Lukanova

February came at the end of winter,
He's cold, but we're happy
After all, the snow will melt away very soon,
The delicate snowdrop will bloom.

T. Kersten

White-winged blizzards
Howl in February.
The animals have lost a lot of weight
In a cramped hole and in a hollow.
We will help them a little:
We'll bring some bread to the feeder.
Along snowy paths
We'll come to the dozing forest.

N. Zubareva

I am February, I am the youngest son,
I am the master of blizzards.
I'll chill you all with the wind,
I'll spin in a snowy whirlwind,
I'll cover my faces with snow
And I’ll drown in the snowdrifts,
I'll pour snow indiscriminately
And in your pockets and behind your collar!
The kids are not afraid!
Doesn't leave the yard!
Baba rolls the snow
And he plays with all his might in the snow!

L. Zubanenko

Blizzards and blizzards - February girlfriends
They play with snow and throw it at each other.
They came to visit. They brought with them
whirlwinds, blizzards, blizzards, hurricanes.
They sang and danced until they were tired.
They scattered across the fields and went to bed.
And when they woke up, they frolicked again
and rushed home to the roar and howl,
to where the snow has frozen for centuries,
where Queen Winter is tender with Frost.

Bullfinches fly north
The wind blows more cheerfully
The sun shines longer, shines brighter,
Bokogrey is running out.
The snow hardens, freezes,
Sticks to the branches in the sun,
And the frost is already weaker
Stings ears, nose and cheeks.
May February be strong with a blizzard,
May his roads be crooked
But you can hear the trills of oatmeal,
That spring is already on the doorstep.

M. Gergaulova

IN February blizzards are blowing,
It's still winter in February
But spring drops
I dreamed about it yesterday
I dreamed of the sun in the sky
I dreamed about the first grass
I dreamed of birds from the south,
Wind and green foliage
I run to the window in the morning
Winter miracle, everywhere
Snow and blizzard are circling, circling
white waltz on the ground
but winter will give way soon
will give all rights to spring
In the meantime, snow and blizzard
let them dance in silence.

T. Lilo

coming February after January,
He carries a huge backpack.
There is a cold vat in it,
Remnants of a nap
And the wind, tearing the sky;
A bag of spring chaos,
And snowy seedlings...
Decree of Winter itself
“What does the Sun need to do?”
Well, Winter -
Thin as a shadow -
Sits, knitting on knitting needles:
She forces the day
How long will the yarn last...

L. Panasyuk

Everyone is tired of winter,
From the blizzard mess,
From frost and snow,
Its icy winds.
The birds are cold, the animals
And the kids can't go for walks.
They began to ask for the sun
Let go of winter earlier.
At least for two, three days
Let winter become shorter!
Come, spring, quickly!
Warm Mother Earth.
The sun illuminated the earth,
The winter was given a vacation.
Became a little shorter February,
But we’re not sorry at all!

E. Yaryshevskaya

Winter in February collected my luggage:
Blizzards, snowdrifts, blizzards packed.
The last one shoved in the dank fog,
And by March a large suitcase was packed!
The old woman rode north without haste:
She yawned and cracked ice-nuts,
I read a little, took a little nap,
For some reason I then looked into the suitcase:
- Wait! I forgot! Terrible sclerosis!
Left its best frost in March!
It's obviously time to see a doctor.
It's a shame! We'll have to go back now!

S. Marshak

The winds blow in February,
The pipes howl loudly.
Like a snake rushes along the ground
Light drifting snow.
Rising, they rush into the distance
Aircraft flights.
It celebrates February
The birth of the army.

N. Knushevitskaya

They flew after each other,
Started your own round dance
IN February behind the blizzard there is a blizzard,
The sky disappeared into the clouds.
Birds are huddling on the branches,
Forgetting my song,
And the chilled titmouse
Housing flies towards the warm.
But the sun is shining
Following the snow dance
And sends it to earth
Hello next spring!

Z. Pisman

IN February the snowstorm is blowing
And the snowfall dances,
In February the frost plays,
IN the forest is coming, I'm glad for the snowdrifts.
In a snow-white robe,
The forest stands like a giant
And for the brides on a date,
The frost itself wove the outfit.
The forest was decorated with pearls,
Threw the snow clouds,
Silvering under the ice,
A river like a thin thread.
Bullfinches are pecking, frolicking,
They are circling over the rowan trees,
The squirrel jumps down from the tree,
The tail hung on a branch.
The hare looped skillfully,
Apparently the hare has something to do,
Our forest is waking up
There are many, many miracles in it.

L. Samoilenko

Not cruel February, I do not believe.
He's just cool in the beginning.
And by spring the doors will open
And he will fly away to rest.
And today it's so cold...
I'll take my skis with me.
Be careful behind the lane
I’ll put them on - so be it...
And to the birch grove I
I'll run quickly.
The backpack on my back is not skinny:
It contains both a bun and a stew.
I will treat the forest brothers,
I will give them a feast on the mountain.
I am very happy
To be their elder sister.


IN February it happens:
I looked out the window, and there-
Here's a snowflake flying by
And another one flies after her,
Third, Fifth, Sixth,
Outside the window they fly fluttering,
In a snowy blizzard round dance,
Winter is passing us by.

A. Amelina

The ice floes were warmed by the sun,
Drops suddenly began to ring.
Only this is not Spring,
It will still be frosty.
IN FEBRUARY-it's cold
They can be serious.
Snow falls from the branches
It’s so pungent that it really burns.
It sparkles on the ground
The colors of the sun.
Suddenly everything around began to hiss,
It crackled and hummed.
Ran through the forest
Noisy snow.
It has become dark here in the forest,
And the wolves howled.
IN FEBRUARY there is a snowstorm with a blizzard
They came to us with the winds.
They raged day and night,
They covered it with loose snow.
Blizzards and blizzards
They started singing under February.
The wolves became fierce
They are looking for hares - they are prowling.
The hares have confused the trail
And they are looking for shelter.
At the bear's den
The cubs were born.
They don’t have bad weather,
Everyone was safely hidden.
The sun is shining more cheerfully
Longer, but frosty
Everything is growing stronger and threatening
Strictly and seriously.
But not long until Spring
We'll just have to wait.
FEBRUARY will pass so that we
Meet Mart.

Yu. Kamysheva Farewell feral!

And in the cold air
there is no more frost.
And they know melted puddles
one big secret
That the sun is bright
will melt the ice in the morning,
Why do we need coats for jackets?
it's time to change,
That the rays are magical
will dispel the winter darkness
And fly through the streets
spring chaos.
Will merge with the bird
chirp and fly away into the distance,
And with him they will leave us
bad weather and February.