Features in the behavior of some animals may be a complete surprise for us. Such unexpected facts in animal behavior are waiting for you further.

Brassing chimpanzees
Most animals are kept, but chimpanzees do it "humanly." They know how to use the effect of surprise, apply different battle tactics, capture the territory.

Goats in fainting
These are homey goats, known as the petonic, in which muscle panic turn out to be paralyzed about ten seconds. Usually it ends with the fact that the goat falls on the side.

Dark Self-Munless Nights September and October, hundreds of birds fly to death to the village of Jating in India. However, contrary to rumors, birds are not rushing to Earth in their will. These are superstitious local residents Kill them with spears. Scientists believe that a certain combination of factors ambient Forces birds to lose orientation in space and they fly towards the light of the village dwellings. Attempts were made to explain it to local residents.

Cows eat, lined up in one direction
In fact, not quite like this: they take one of two directions: either north, or south. Scientists have not yet found out the cause.

Whale songs every year sounds everyday
The tendency to lower the voices of whales is clearly traced, although the difference and small - over the past 40 years, whale songs have become below just a few hertz. Experts offered many theories - from noise pollution to global warming. But true reason Fenomena still remains a mystery.

Prediction of earthquakes
Since the time of ancient Greece, human rumor emphasized a variety of animals (from worms to dogs) amazing "superconductors." In fact, they say that there are species capable of predicting earthquakes almost a week before natural disaster. And here, no one can call the exact reason, and some scientists explain the usual coincidences like phenomena.

Yes, even animals can fall dependent on this harmful habit, which clearly demonstrated the case with Tori, Indonesian Orangutan. Zoo workers deal with flashes of Tori irritation, if it does not get his daily cigarette.

Plants eat animals
Famous like sarrations, these carnivorous flowers are usually feed on insects and beetles. Although it is known that sometimes they manage to catch rodents and even birds.

Restless teens
Over the past few decades, it became known that young elephants in Africa found and killed several rhinos without visible causes. Park Kotors decided to establish a big brother program - to combine into a couple of young and more mature elephants that could teach the younger fellows to the mind and prevent attacks. It sounds implausible, but the program has affected the level of death of rhinos declined.

Herbivores eat animals
Not only among the plants there are unexpected predators. Some herbivores, such as cows and sheep, no, no, and are accepted for eating their comrades - farming animals, if their food is not rich in nutrients enough.

Payback for ugliness
It is known that Zeber Amedin puts the eggs slightly bigger sizeIf its partner is not sufficiently attractive. Presumably, special nutrients and greater spaciousness for growth are compensation for poor father's hens.

Bloody tears
Maybe the flowing blood is not the best protective mechanism, but the gown-shaped lizard adapted to use it, launching bloody jets from the eyes.

Grief and burial
Elephants comply with some human rituals concerning death. It is known that they regularly visit the graves, betray the earth of the dead, and even "grief" spending time around dead bodies Sorry.

Bald choppers live their lives in pitch darkness and therefore are born completely blind. But they can run back at the same speed as ahead.

Underground hooligan
Again, from the life of bald pedeshes: The uterus is the only female in their colony, which can have offspring. Why? Because she terats other females so that they are in constant stress and could not produce offspring.

Top insults
Crows have the ability to memorize human facesAnd if they were not sure of you, they will definitely not forget. Scientists who caught raven for research made this discovery when they noticed that the birds are grooked on them where researchers would not go. Using the masks, they realized that the crows were actually mistaken by the people who were once caught. It is noteworthy that their chicks later continued to pursue the offenders of the parents.

Militant dance Kunitsa
Ferrecks make a series of insane lumps of the Welcome, when something excited about something.

Torture in the world of fauna
The mynevonoid riders find the victim (usually the caterpillar), introduce their eggs inside her body, paralyzes the victim and then eat it, still live. At the same time, the most unpleasant is that at first the rider eats fat deposition and digestive bodies. Therefore, the caterpillar remains alive as long as it is in principle possible.

Fecal attractiveness
Hippo is attracted to pairing partners with defecation and urination occurring at the same time.

Create yourself a husband
Histiostoma Murchiei, tick female, laying eggs, without needing in fertilization. When her sons are growing up, she mates with them and shortly after that they die.

Velveka or Dwarf Green Marty, living in Saint-Kirs, has been addicted to alcohol over the past few hundred years due to regular use of a laughing sugar cane. Recently, monkeys began to steal alcohol from local resorts.

Spotted skunk makes a rack on the "hands" to scare away a predator.

Cows with suicidal inclinations
Although scientists have always been difficult to establish that animals can go to suicide, recently in Switzerland many cows mysterious manner Raced from the cliff to meet death.

Ring of death
Nomadic ants are blind and therefore in the smell follow their fellow to get to the nest. Sometimes the chemical trail of a large group of ants can form a loop. In this case, nomadic ants will follow in a circle endlessly until they fall tightly from exhaustion.

Shrimp-Nutcan is considered the loudest animal in the sea. To stun your prey, she hits a supersonic speed tummy. A loud sound is created by an acoustic wave from a click - so powerful that it is capable of stunning production. It is especially striking that the water temperature for a moment approaches the temperature on the surface of the Sun.

Animals are unpredictable - mainly due to what they speak on another "language". However, to some extent, the behavior of most animals is relatively similar. However, there are such habsties of animals that can vary from incredibly fun to truly terrible. Starting with shrimp, which is able to create supersonic cotton under water, to faint from surprise, in front of you - 25 strange chants Animals that you did not know!

25. Finder goats

Fundier or myotonic goats are homey goats whose muscles are completely freezing about 10 seconds when they panic. It usually leads to a fall of the goat on the side.

24. Birds-Kamikaze

In Dark Munless Nights of September and October, hundreds of birds are broken to death in the village of Jatinga (Jatinga), India. However, contrary to some rumors, birds do not really rush to the ground. Usually, superstitious locals are killed. Scientists believe that some combination of environmental factors disorienting birds and they fly to the light of the village. Several attempts were held to explain to the local population that the birds do not bring them any harm.

23. All cows are watching one way when they graze

Usually, cows choose one of two directions, or north or south. Scientists still do not know why they do it.

22. "Voices" of whales become deeper every year

The decline goes just a few hertz, but over the past 40 years, in fact, all whale songs over time have become deeper. A few theories were put forward on this, including noise pollution and global warming.

21. Earthquake prediction

Starting with the worms and ending with the dogs, many species of animals apparently possess this "super possible", which was registered yet in Ancient Greece. Moreover, some species can predict an earthquake a week before the immediate event. As usual, we do not know what this ability is explained, and some scientists even deny its existence, claiming that this is just a coincidence.

20. Smoking

Yes, even animals can purchase this harmful habitAs in the case of Tori, Indonesian Orangutan. The zoo staff even have to calm it if she does not receive a daily dose of nicotine.

19. Warring chimpanzees

Most animals are fighting, but chimpanzees do it in particular humane. They make raids, use different tactics and capture territories.

18. Predatory plants

Insectivore plants are usually feed on beetles and insects. However, sometimes they even eat rodents and birds.

17. Hard teens

For the past few decades, young elephants in all of Africa find and kill rhinos for incomprehensible reasons. Events decided to introduce the program "Senior Brother", in which young elephants were steamed with more adult elephants, which should have prevented the rust of difficult teenagers. Surprisingly, the program worked and the number of rhinos deaths decreased.

16. Predatory herbivores

Plants are not the only unexpected predators. Some herbivores, such as cows and sheep, can go to a predatory diet if they do not get nutrients in their food.

15. Compensation for ugliness

Zebra Amadins usually lay down slightly larger eggs when their partner is considered not so attractive. According to some guessings, additional nutrients and growth space should compensate for the bad henges of the Father.

14. Blood splashing

Blood splashing in the form protective mechanism Already enough strange phenomenonBut the gown-shaped lizards do it more and from the eyes!

13. Mountain and funeral

Elephants show enough human-like rituals associated with death and died. For example, it was noted that they regularly attend the burial sites, bury the dead elephants and even for some time they burn in bodies of those killed.

12. Running back in advance

Fully blind bare farms can run back against the same speed as it's just ahead.

11. Underground Zadihi

Once we have already spoke about naked farms, Queen naked earth farms He is the only female in a colony, which can be offspring. Why? It aggressively refers to other females, causing them stress and thereby preventing the possibility that they will have offspring.

10. Holding the Evil

The crows have the ability to memorize people and, apparently, if you didn't like them, they will not forget you. Scientists who have given several ravens for research discovered that the birds were constantly noisy when someone came in the laboratory. With the help of masks, they found that the ravens actually hid the malice on those people who caught them. What is even more interesting, the chicks of the crows were then poorly related to the same people.

9. Military dance ferrets

With excitement, ferrets perform several strange jumps.

8. Animal torture

Real riders find the victim (usually a caterpillar), put their eggs into the body of the victim, paralyzing it and then eat alive. The most terrible thing is that the wasps first eat the deposition of fat and digestive organs. It keeps the caterpillar to the living as long as possible.

7. Fecal attraction

Hippo attract partners simultaneously with urination and defecation.

6. Creating a husband

Histiostoma Murchiei, tick female, puts eggs without fertilization. When her sons grow up, she mates with them, after which her sons would soon die.

5. Alcoholic monkeys

On the island of Saint Kitts (St Kitts), the Green Martyski developed addiction to alcohol thanks to several centuries for eating fermented sugar cane. Recently

Why suddenly your smart and trained dog became evil and bodies, the cat is hiding all day in the toilet, and the parrot cut circles under the ceiling? At times, these are simply whims, and at times - symptoms of serious diseases. How to distinguish them? What to do with it? Be careful: the initial symptoms of certain diseases, many of which are dangerous for people, can be determined by noting strange behavior pets. Sometimes further health or even life depends on the help domestic pet And his owners.

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Photo Gallery: Strange Pet Behavior

Dog's emotions are unpredictable.

The rabies virus affects the brain, so the behavior of a pet can change dramatically. Animals without visible reasons become buggy, wary. A good-natured dog can suddenly bite. Or, on the contrary, pets show excessive tenderness, even obsession. You should alert the shaky gait and endless walking in a circle, the so-called fighter. Noticed similar changes? Do not wait - lead the pet to the veterinarian!

If you notice that your dog walks, tilting the head on one side, do not think that he carefully listens to what you say. The tilt of the head can be caused by pain and an echoing passage with strong inflammation. Here, too, do not pull a visit to the doctor. Counted gait, heavy rode after sleep and the horn back spin talk about reaches in the lower back with the radiculitis or kidney diseases. "Riding on Pope" on the ground or by the floor says that the pet is discomfort in the field of anal hole. It means that the inflammation of para-walled glands began, which should be cleaned from the accumulated secretion and conduct a course of treatment.

Sometimes dogs are unusually behaved after flow. Hormonal splash in the body allows the dog to feel like a mother. She begins to guard stuffed Toys, defend them from the owner, trying to feed them and lift them. This state usually goes by itself, only in rare cases Doctor's intervention required.

Sometimes the behavior of pets changes, and not in best sideWhen problems arise in the family of the hosts. Dogs sensiblely feel the tense atmosphere in the house and become aggressive or buggy. During a quarrel between households, the dog can suddenly bite a man. It is better not to find out the relationships on elevated colors with your favorite pet.

Cats love to amaze.

Cats are constantly surprised by their owners throughout his cat life. Moreover, it does not depend on their breed, no of age or even on nature. Therefore, people are often mistaken for the disease a strange behavior of their saturated pets. The cat suddenly loses the appetite, do not get up from the floor, constantly bending, making the urching sounds. And all this is absolutely normal! And u different cats C. manifests itself different power And the duration is, as in humans, depends on sexual temperament.

Sign starting urolithiasis - constant pose for urination. The disease is dangerous for the male cat tribe. The main thing is to notice in time that the cat takes unsuccessful attempts to go to the toilet, and immediately go to the doctor.

Their behavior sometimes changes dramatically when the appearance in the house of another animal or at the birth of a child. For a cat, which is accustomed to the order of things that established in the house is a huge stress. Other cats, especially non-sterilized, begin to show aggression and can be sickly to attack even on the owners themselves. Sterilization is one way to calm the swelling favorite. Moving to a new place of residence and stress, related to the change of habitat, leads such supersensitive creatures as cats, to the fact that those flow into deep depression, they cease to eat, become afraid and wary. In such a situation, only the owner's caress can help - pay more attention to pussy.

Parrot washed?

Reduced activity and bad appetite is the first symptom of any disease from the parrots. Your favorite is constantly sitting on a crossbar in a cage, his breathing is rapid, he is all unworn, feathers raised? Run to the veterinarian! Almost all diseases in birds progress very quickly, so help a pet is possible only during the first days, and sometimes hours of the disease. Daily accumulation of feathers can be associated with nervous breakdown. You should always try to establish the reasons that caused stress, then conduct a course of treatment with vitamins. Be sure to stick the unfortunate bird, let us understand that you love her.

If the parrot with pleasure takes off the wallpaper from the wall, pulls out the threads from the bedspread, and then hides all this at different angles - on the closet or for the picture, - do not worry! This is not a symptom of the disease or that your friend has a lack of vitamins. He just climbs the nest, looking for this suitable construction material. He is collecting him where he can. It does not depend on whether the bird lives alone or pair. So there are even lonely individuals independently of the floor.

Fish floats down head.

Watching more careful for behavior aquarium fish, You can prevent many different diseases.

For example, when the water lacks dissolved oxygen, the fish begin to rise to the surface. Quickly opening his mouth, he swallows air with greed.

The manifestation of aggression to each other in fish can be caused excessively close aquarium and the wrong selection of fish in size and species ratio. So large offend small.

Weak psyche rodents.

Rodents are especially susceptible to stress. Much more than all other animals! Your chinchilla sharply twists his head, if they are taken in hand? She is afraid of you! Hamster, after a long "communication" with people can not get out of the house, refusing to eat.

And, for example, the eating of their feces rabbits and marine pigs - this is normal. So they fill the shortage in the body of some enzymes. Let such strange habit Rodents do not scare you. The reduced activity and the absence of appetite is a sign that the pet needs to be urgently carrying the veterinarian.

Mysterious reptiles.

Changing or strange in reptile behavior can notice or very experienced, professional, or very attentive owner. After all, the turtles, courses, chameleons and other animals from the kind of reptile lead a unhurried lifestyle and most The days are without movement. According to their behavior, you immediately do not recognize, they are sick or healthy, it is capable of making only specialists. Walking in a circle and constant blows about the glass terrarium may indicate diseases nervous system. If the turtle constantly rubs the paw in the nose area - she has a runny nose! Changes gait talk about diseases of the spine and paws.

Aggression towards the neighbor in the terrarium is like fish, caused constrained conditions Life, and sometimes - hormonal imbalance. Veterinarian will tell you what to do.

Of course, it is necessary to be a sensitive owner to distinguish the harmless strangeness from signs of the disease.

Animals are unpredictable - mainly due to what they speak on another "language". However, to some extent, the behavior of most animals is relatively similar. However, there are such habsties of animals that can vary from incredibly fun to truly terrible. Starting from shrimp, which is capable of creating supersonic cotton under water, to faint from surprise, in front of you - 25 strange animal habits that you did not know!

25. Finder goats

Fundier or myotonic goats are homey goats whose muscles are completely freezing about 10 seconds when they panic. It usually leads to a fall of the goat on the side.

24. Birds-Kamikaze

In Dark Munless Nights of September and October, hundreds of birds are broken to death in the village of Jatinga (Jatinga), India. However, contrary to some rumors, birds do not really rush to the ground. Usually, superstitious locals are killed. Scientists believe that some combination of environmental factors disorienting birds and they fly to the light of the village. Several attempts were held to explain to the local population that the birds do not bring them any harm.

23. All cows are watching one way when they graze

Usually, cows choose one of two directions, or north or south. Scientists still do not know why they do it.

The decline goes just a few hertz, but over the past 40 years, in fact, all whale songs over time have become deeper. A few theories were put forward on this, including noise pollution and global warming.

21. Earthquake prediction

Starting with the worms and ending with the dogs, many species of animals apparently possess this "super-capabilities", which was registered in ancient Greece. Moreover, some species can predict an earthquake a week before the immediate event. As usual, we do not know what this ability is explained, and some scientists even deny its existence, claiming that this is just a coincidence.

20. Smoking

Yes, even animals can acquire this bad habit, as in the case of Tori, Indonesian Orangutan. The zoo staff even have to calm it if she does not receive a daily dose of nicotine.

19. Warring chimpanzees

Most animals are fighting, but chimpanzees do it in particular humane. They make raids, use different tactics and capture territories.

18. Predatory plants

Insectivore plants are usually feed on beetles and insects. However, sometimes they even eat rodents and birds.

17. Hard teens

For the past few decades, young elephants in all of Africa find and kill rhinos for incomprehensible reasons. Events decided to introduce the program "Senior Brother", in which young elephants were steamed with more adult elephants, which should have prevented the rust of difficult teenagers. Surprisingly, the program worked and the number of rhinos deaths decreased.

16. Predatory herbivores

Plants are not the only unexpected predators. Some herbivores, such as cows and sheep, can go to a predatory diet if they do not get nutrients in their food.

15. Compensation for ugliness

Zebra Amadins usually lay down slightly larger eggs when their partner is considered not so attractive. According to some guessings, additional nutrients and growth space should compensate for the bad henges of the Father.

14. Blood splashing

The blood splashing in the form of a protective mechanism is already a rather strange phenomenon, but the gown-shaped lizards do it from the eye!

13. Mountain and funeral

Elephants show enough human-like rituals associated with death and died. For example, it was noted that they regularly attend the burial sites, bury the dead elephants and even for some time they burn in bodies of those killed.

12. Running back in advance

Fully blind bare farms can run back against the same speed as it's just ahead.

11. Underground Zadihi

Since we have already spoke about naked farms, the queen of naked farms is the only female in a colony, which can be offspring. Why? It aggressively refers to other females, causing them stress and thereby preventing the possibility that they will have offspring.

10. Holding the Evil

The crows have the ability to memorize people and, apparently, if you didn't like them, they will not forget you. Scientists who have given several ravens for research discovered that the birds were constantly noisy when someone came in the laboratory. With the help of masks, they found that the ravens actually hid the malice on those people who caught them. What is even more interesting, the chicks of the crows were then poorly related to the same people.

9. Military dance ferrets

With excitement, ferrets perform several strange jumps.

8. Animal torture

Real riders find the victim (usually a caterpillar), put their eggs into the body of the victim, paralyzing it and then eat alive. The most terrible thing is that the wasps first eat the deposition of fat and digestive organs. It keeps the caterpillar to the living as long as possible.

7. Fecal attraction

Hippo attract partners simultaneously with urination and defecation.

6. Creating a husband

Histiostoma Murchiei, tick female, puts eggs without fertilization. When her sons grow up, she mates with them, after which her sons would soon die.

5. Alcoholic monkeys

On the island of Saint Kitts (St Kitts), the Green Martyski developed addiction to alcohol thanks to several centuries for eating fermented sugar cane. Recently, they began to steal alcoholic beverages at local resorts.

4. Rack on hands

Spotted skunk becomes the front paws to drive away predators.

3. Suician cows

Despite the fact that scientists are difficult to determine if animals can deliberately commit suicide, recently in Switzerland several dozen cows jumped with a mysterious manner.

2. Carousel death

Stray ants are blind and therefore follow the smell of their neighbor in order to get to the anthill. Sometimes chemical traces of a large group of ants can form a full circle. Ants for this reason will walk in a circle until they die from exhaustion.

1. Super

Snacking cancers are considered the loudest marine animals. In order to stun their prey, they are tickling their grinds with supersonic speed. The resulting sound is actually supersonic cotton and shock wave Strong enough to stun production. It is still striking that the temperature of the acoustic wave at some point reaches the surface temperature of the Sun.