Reusing materials not only benefits the environment, but can also be great for your wallet, giving you a little extra cash. The easiest way to recycle aluminum cans and plastic bottles: These can be dropped off at recycling centers, which usually pay based on the weight or number of items dropped off. Continue reading this article to learn how to recycle aluminum cans and plastic bottles to make money.


Getting ready for recycling

  • Find out the location of the nearest material storage and recycling center. Collection centers that can pay you by weight for aluminum cans are usually located on the ground floors of scrap metal and paper recycling companies. (Those located at paper recycling centers can also give you a refund for your used paper.) Centers that can refund you money on aluminum and plastic containers based on quantity can be found in supermarkets and large drinks stores, either in the store or close to it.

    • Most centers have limits on how many containers one person can drop off per day. These limits range from 48 to 500 pieces, mostly it will be 144-150 pieces.
  • Find out what exactly you can take to such centers. These centers primarily accept carbonated beverage bottles (beer and soda), but some may also accept non-carbonated beverage containers such as wine, liquor or bottled water. Additionally, most stores will reimburse you for bottles of the brands they carry.

    • Recently, some collection and recycling centers are requiring that certain beverage containers bear a sign identifying the company that supplies the beverage to stores.
    • Cans and bottles should be clean, empty, relatively undamaged and level. It is possible to straighten an aluminum can by inserting a wooden or metal rod inside and leveling the walls from the inside. (However, do not press too hard to avoid breaking the sides of the jar). Plastic bottles can be straightened by breathing air into them.
  • Look for markings that indicate the can or bottle can be returned. On aluminum cans you can find such markings on the top or bottom. If we talk about bottles, then their markings can be found on the neck or on the sides, and sometimes on the cap itself.

    • Due to the fact that cans and bottles are marked in this way directly at the factory, the marking indicates where such containers can be returned. The can or bottle does not have to be dropped off at a specific location; it is quite possible to have a container that you cannot drop off at your place of residence.
    • Remember that if a can or bottle is not labeled, you can still recycle it, such as by taking it to a recycling center or taking advantage of your city's container recycling program.
  • We sell bottles and cans

    1. Collect the required number of cans and bottles. Handing over a kilo aluminum cans or 6-12 soda bottles at a time, you won't make much money and will likely spend more on gas than you get. Try to collect as many containers as your collection center can accommodate and/or several full bags of aluminum cans; You can also visit more than one center to take everything if necessary.

      • By collecting aluminum cans and plastic bottles, you can store them in the garage or basement throughout the winter or in the yard in good weather. But don't forget that residual sugar in soda bottles will attract bees, ants and wasps.
    2. Separate containers that can be recycled from those that cannot. Aluminum cans and plastic bottles with the required markings can be taken to collection centres, aluminum cans without appropriate markings will go to recycling centres, and plastic bottles without markings will go to a recycling bin.

      • Aluminum cans not intended for donation can be crumpled so that they take up less space and so you can donate more of them in smaller quantities than if you had not crumpled them. However, no one will accept crumpled cans if you want to sell them for money.
    3. Separate cans that can be recycled from bottles. Most drop-off centers require that bottles be separated from cans. Bottles can be placed in cardboard boxes or plastic milk crates, while aluminum cans should be placed on a flat cardboard surface in the shallow boxes in which these cans are shipped to stores. These small boxes usually hold 24 cans, which will help you easily count the number of cans and have an idea of ​​how much money you can get for them.

      • Most drop-off centers have a number of these small boxes that you can place your cans in before dropping off. You can also grab boxes ahead of time to store jars in at home.
    4. Organize cans and bottles by brand. Although not required, you can stack all containers by brand to save time at the drop off center. (This will also make it easier for the centers to return your boxes to you if you pick them up.) Grocery stores have different trade marks drinks from various distributors and then when you return empty containers to stores, those stores return them directly to the distributors who sold the drinks to those stores, they require that the containers be sorted by product line before sending them to the distributor. Most distributors work with 3 big companies, producing sweet water: Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Dr. Pepper/7-Up. Below is a list of products that are produced by each company:

      • Coca-Cola: Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Cherry Coke, Vanilla Coke, Sprite, Fresca, Mr. Pibb, Barq's, Fanta, Tab
      • PepsiCo: Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Free, Pepsi Max, Mountain Dew, Sierra Mist
      • Adviсe
        • Collecting aluminum cans and plastic bottles is great way for some organizations to make money. Several people can drop off containers and collect aluminum cans for recycling, thereby increasing the amount of money the organization makes.
        • You can also use aluminum can opener rings to make bracelets by pulling wool thread. This will allow you to earn additional income from things that can be recycled.

    The aluminum can is the most recycled container on the planet. Most of All aluminum containers were subjected to secondary processing several times. In the majority developed countries Almost 100% of used aluminum products are recycled.

    It will take at least five hundred years for an aluminum can thrown somewhere in the forest to completely decompose. But recycling aluminum and containers made from it generally requires much less labor and energy than processing plastic or paper. The mathematics of such recycling is simple: from one old can, approximately one new can is obtained, if you do not take into account cans with damage.

    Current filling volume Russian market banks estimate it at approximately 2-3 billion pieces. A standard can with a capacity of 500 ml has a mass of about 15 g. In total, the mass of all these cans is a figure comparable to the annual volume of aluminum production in Russia.

    If you consider that not only cans are made from aluminum, and add to this the mass of used aluminum profiles, auto parts, various furniture and building accessories, waste aluminum capacitors, you get absolutely cosmic figures. And all this useful wealth in our country for the most part continues to be stored in landfills.

    Processing methods

    Aluminum is a fairly easy-to-recycle material. The amount of irreparable losses when recycling aluminum is low, but the benefits are high. And in comparison with materials of organic origin or glass, the number of aluminum recycling cycles is almost endless.

    Recycling of aluminum cans and other products made from this metal can occur in several ways:

    Important! If you decide to build a smelter, you need to study in advance the techniques for safely working with molten metal. It doesn't hurt to have a fire extinguisher.

    Benefits from recycling and environmental benefits

    Banks lying here and there idle are not toxic, like mercury lamps or batteries, but they do not benefit the environment. Firstly, it is unaesthetic: the areas of landfills could be used with a larger payload, scattered cans will not decorate any city, and in nature some animal may be injured by them.

    On the other hand, aluminum has convenient properties: it is light, ductile, not afraid of rust, and most importantly, it can be processed repeatedly without losing its properties.

    About seven hundred recycled cans would be needed to make a bicycle. Every kilogram of recycled aluminum saves 14 kilowatt-hours of electricity. By recycling all the disused cans stored in landfills in Russia, you can save 75% of the annual capacity of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station. This is exactly how much electricity is consumed every year by the Bratsk Aluminum Smelter, Russia’s largest producer of primary aluminum.

    Note! If you decide to collect aluminum cans for delivery to collection points, it is best to compact them at home and store them until you have accumulated at least a few kilograms.

    Even collecting aluminum with your own hands by one person can bring some benefit - a kilogram of aluminum will bring you a couple of extra hundred rubles, a feeling of involvement in a great cause - protection environment, as well as absentee respect from Greenpeace and a bonus to karma.

    What is produced from recycled aluminum

    The ability to be recycled repeatedly with virtually no loss makes aluminum a very convenient material. Aluminum can is the most recyclable container.

    We can say with confidence that 99% of the cans of drinks in the store or your refrigerator have already been waste more than once.

    Three-quarters of all aluminum produced since the 1980s has been recycled and is still in use today, with smelting of recycled materials using only 5% of the energy required to produce the same mass of primary aluminum.

    Recycled aluminum is used in the production of furniture, building materials, automotive, and aircraft manufacturing. Another area of ​​application of recycled metal is the production of aluminum composite panels for cladding buildings and fasteners for them. Aluminum T-profile, used to fasten furniture and hard flooring together, is also made from recycled materials.

    Recycled aluminum is also used to reduce the amount of oxygen in steel and to produce components for metal-plastic windows and radiators.

    The following video explains how to assemble a mini-smelter for melting aluminum at home using improvised materials:

    Most aluminum products can be made from recycled materials; in production, such recycled metal is sometimes even more valuable. It’s worth starting to recycle cans and sort through cabinets - the income from turning in scraps of aluminum profiles and pipes from an old vacuum cleaner is just enough for a dozen new cans of something tasty.

    The first metal can appeared in 1935 as an alternative to inconvenient recycling. glass bottle. Such a container weighed 992 grams; the question of modifying the material for manufacturing was a matter of time. And so it happened: in 1958, the kilogram metal container was replaced by an aluminum can weighing 15-25 grams. The consumer liked it so much the new kind beverage packaging that the aluminum can remains popular today with minimal structural improvements. There are 285 billion aluminum containers produced worldwide. If the containers produced in a week are placed on top of each other, the structure will reach the Moon. The production of aluminum cans is a profitable and socially significant type of business, like any business that processes raw materials.

    Brief business analysis:
    Costs of setting up a business:115-120 thousand dollars
    Relevant for cities with the population: from 1 million people
    Industry situation:low competition
    Difficulty of organizing a business: 4/5
    Payback: 9-10 months

    Business relevance

    Aluminum is in second place in terms of metal consumption, behind steel. Despite the difficulty of mining and manufacturing, world production aluminum reached 60 million tons. This is a train of a million cars with a length of 1500 km - the distance from Moscow to Murmansk. This applies only to primary aluminum - a product containing 99.00-99.95% of the base metal.

    One third of the structure of world metal production, or 20 million tons, is occupied by secondary aluminum - a product of scrap processing. The content of the base metal in secondary aluminum is 87-97%; such alloys are used in the production of cable products, building materials, automotive, food industry.

    The growth in metal production does not keep pace with global demand. Over the past three years, the price of aluminum on the London Stock Exchange has increased from $1,778 to $2,111 per ton. The forecast price increase for aluminum is 7% per year. This value is useful to use when calculating the profitability of producing aluminum goods.

    There is a trend according to which the volume of consumption of secondary aluminum directly depends on the level of well-being of the country's citizens. Therefore, the main consumers of the product are Germany, South Korea, USA, Japan, UAE. On the contrary, the lower average per capita income, the lower the consumption of aluminum goods in the country.

    Residents of economically prosperous countries consume more cars, electrical devices, food than the population of poor states. The industry breakdown of the structure of secondary aluminum use is as follows:

    The use of secondary alloys in technological products is typical: in a car, the weight of aluminum parts reaches 115 kg, and the iPhone consists of 31% aluminum. The production of aluminum cans uses 570 thousand tons of recycled aluminum, or 3% of the global total.

    The demand for aluminum cans is provided by countries with developed economies and traditions of beverage consumption, therefore the main producers of aluminum containers are the USA, Great Britain, Japan, and Brazil. The list of countries with forecasts for growth in aluminum packaging consumption includes Russia and China.

    An important factor in the production of aluminum scrap recycling is social utility. Aluminum and glass trash belong to the types of waste with the longest decomposition period, and both materials are heavier than water. Insufficient processing capacity for such waste causes unwanted pollution of water spaces on a global scale. For clarity, we illustrate the decomposition time various types containers:

    When planning the recycling of aluminum scrap and the production of cans, the traditions of using such containers in a particular region or state are taken into account. In Russia, until 2000, products were not produced in aluminum containers; drinks in glass, paper, and plastic containers were historically popular. Thus, in 2000, only 0.2% of drinks were bottled in aluminum containers. Over the past years, this figure has increased by an order of magnitude, but Russian consumers are slowly switching to aluminum packaging.

    This is due to the lack of visual advertising of canned drinks: remember when you saw a video or billboard advertising canned drinks. In addition, there is a widespread myth about the dangers of aluminum packaging, the impact of packaging on chemical composition drinks. Let’s not debunk or confirm this stereotype: everyone is capable of analyzing and drawing conclusions. But the influence of these facts is confirmed by the structure of consumption of aluminum packaging in Russia: more than 50% of aluminum packaging produced is exported.

    Business organization

    When making calculations and deciding to enter a business, three factors are taken into account, the influence of which on the correct location of production is unlikely to be disputed:

    1. Distance from manufacturers of a similar product. In Russia there are two major players in the market and 5 factories:
    • American corporationBallCorporation with factories in Vsevolozhsk ( Leningrad region), Argayash ( Chelyabinsk region), Naro-Fominsk (Moscow region);
    • Polish groupCan-Pack(part of the American corporation F&P Holdings, Inc.) with enterprises in Volokolamsk (Moscow region), Novocherkassk (Rostov region).

    This geographic distribution of competitors opens up unlimited opportunities for a new market participant. For example, in Siberia and Far East There is no production of aluminum containers, as well as glass. The situation is absurd for the world's No. 2 aluminum producer.

    1. Availability of raw materials, location of main processors. The market is limited by raw material producers and product range.
    2. Proximity of consumers, correct logistics. Choosing a production location will reduce logistics costs by an order of magnitude and increase business profitability. For this reason, it is advisable to locate facilities with a focus on one end consumer - a large beer and soft drink, chemical, canning plant. Therefore, the decision to choose a location for production is made only after concluding an agreement of intent with the consumer.

    Workshop room

    Production of metal cans – medium or big business, having the appropriate criteria. The initial choice of space directly depends on the type of raw material transportation. Upon delivery by rail warehouse areas have direct access to rail tracks, equipment for unloading cars, including tools of the required type.

    Increased attention should be paid to equipping warehouse areas with air conditioning and drying systems. Aluminum and semi-finished aluminum products do not rust, but when interacting with moisture they oxidize: a film of aluminum oxide forms on the surface. In order to avoid oxidation, storage conditions meet the standards of protection against corrosion and aging regulated by GOST 9.510-93.

    Area standards are calculated taking into account the characteristics of the equipment. The complex of territories consists of a warehouse for storing raw materials and finished products, production workshop, office, sanitary and hygienic rooms for staff. The areas are located in a non-residential industrial zone.

    Raw material supply channels

    Aluminum-manganese alloys 3004/3104 ( Russian analogue D12) and the alloys 5042/5182 (analogous to AMG4) used for the manufacture of the cover are manufactured and sold by two companies:

    • Vsevolozhsk Aluminum Alloy Plant, Vsevolozhsk (Leningrad Region);
    • Samara Metallurgical Plant, Samara, is part of ALCOA Inc. – American metallurgical company, the 3rd world producer of aluminum;

    The presence of a dozen more on the market is taken into account processing enterprises, producing products from recycled aluminum. The range of alloys of such plants differs from the needs of a company producing aluminum containers, but the equipment can be repurposed. Depending on the location of the facilities and the profile of the equipment, purchasing strips or ingots is possible in the markets Western Europe, Asia or Japan.

    Stages production process depend on the configuration of the production line: mandatory and optional stages are distinguished. The presence of optional stages refers to a complete line and is not presented for standard production. Mandatory sequential stages technological process include:

    1. Supply of raw materials. The raw materials at the receiving warehouse are aluminum ingots, strips or sheets.
    2. Pre-processing, forming. The metal is processed to improve external properties, blanks are formed corresponding to the final dimensions of the product.
    3. Varnishing, lithography. A protective coating and color printing are applied to the workpieces, ensuring the presentation of the product.
    4. Drying, final shaping. The painted blanks are dried, then acquiring their final appearance by welding the edges of the blank.
    5. Packaging, shipping. Finished products are packaged on pallets and sent to the manufacturer's warehouse awaiting shipment to the consumer.

    Necessary equipment

    When choosing equipment for a business, two criteria are paid attention to:

    • the production line ensures the processing of specific raw materials - strips or ingots of a certain weight, thickness, density;
    • production costs when working on equipment minimize the cost per unit of production.

    The price of the finished product is an important parameter for the recipient. The container manufacturer must have clear knowledge of competitors' prices and a competent approach to calculating the final selling price of its own products.

    The configuration of the production line depends on the specific equipment supplier. Let's look at the components of the line using the example of the well-established Chinese manufacturer of industrial equipment, Jorson Packaging Machinery. The standard line consists of 10 interconnected elements, some of which are replaced by analogues or semi-automatic options:

    1. Tumbling machine. Auxiliary equipment for increasing the smoothness of aluminum. The mechanical process uses strips or sheets weighing up to 200 kg as raw materials. Replaced with an analogue if the raw material for production is a different material.
    2. Extrusion press. The main element of the production line in which aluminum strip undergoes the extrusion process is shaping. A press with a capacity of 100-120 cans per minute produces a mold with a diameter of 35-39 mm, length<250мм.
    3. Cutting machine. The component cuts the can that has gone through the molding process based on the length of the unit. The result of the machine’s operation is a workpiece of the desired shape, length, diameter.
    4. Automatic can washing machine. The process cleans the formed workpiece from traces of contamination, oily substances, and other foreign elements on the metal surface.
    5. Conveyor storage. Mini warehouse for products ready for varnishing with a capacity of 1800 units. Every 15-18 minutes the conveyor is filled with a batch of cans.
    6. Automatic machine for spraying food varnish. A production element that refutes the myth about the dangers of aluminum containers. Here the inner surface of the product is coated with food varnish. Spraying prevents the chemical interaction of the metal with the contents.
    7. Drying oven. After applying the varnish, the products undergo a drying stage lasting 12 minutes at a temperature of 300°C.
    8. Automatic machine for applying base varnish. Preparing the product for subsequent color printing.
    9. Lithographic printing machine. Here the workpiece acquires a marketable appearance - the one that the consumer sees on store shelves. Printing is done with a six-color printer.
    10. Varnishing machine. The unit applies an outer layer of protective varnish to the product that has passed the printing stage.
    11. Drying cabinet. After printing, the 90% finished product is sent for drying at 200°C.
    12. Combined machine for creasing, flanging and welding. The last complete element of the line, in which the can is brought to its final form. Here the product goes through the process of bending the edges and welding the upper and lower ends.

    Business registration

    Marketing and sales channels

    As noted, the sale of finished products before the start of production is focused on at least one reliable buyer. A long-term supply contract minimizes possible risks in terms of quality and volumes of supplied products. If capacity exceeds current supply volumes, production is stable, and you can move on to searching for new partners.

    The marketing component of the business is simple: the company’s representative website with a detailed description of the technological characteristics of the products and product range is a sufficient means for promotion. Periodic ways of promotion are industry and thematic exhibitions. The list includes metallurgical exhibitions and expositions where manufacturers of food products, household chemicals, and drinks are represented. Traditional types of advertising are inappropriate and will only increase costs.

    Otherwise, the company's marketing department is guided by a detailed database of can consumers, compiled in-house. Cold contacts are made with consumers; at the slightest demand for products, acquaintances and connections are made. Over time, such connections lead to the supply of small pilot batches and the conclusion of contracts for large volumes.

    Costs and return on business

    According to the owners of the facilities, the profitability of producing aluminum containers is higher than the profitability of the business producing packaging materials and rolled aluminum. The average untested return on the market is 22%. Market participants calculate profitability based on many years of experience, which assumes the stability of production relations at each stage.

    An approximate calculation of production costs and expenses when starting a business looks like this:

    • acquisition and installation of a production line with a capacity of 10 thousand cans per shift: $60,000.
    • Repairs, additional equipment of the premises, purchase of office equipment: $15,000.
    • Creating a stock of raw materials: $15,000.
    • State registration, registration of permits, production certification: $6,000.
    • Salary: $3,000.
    • Utilities: $1,500.
    • Working capital, safety stock: $15,000.

    Consumers are willing to buy an aluminum can at a weighted average price of $0.05 or 5 cents, in which $0.025 is the cost of raw materials. Accordingly, two work shifts will bring in gross production income of $500 or $12,000 per month for 24 working days. Thus, the payback period for the business will be 9-10 months without taking into account the tax base. The amount of tax deductions will proportionally increase this time. At the same time, the profitability before taxes is 17.5%.

    The aluminum can business is dangerous for amateurs. The business owner has experience in developing production of similar volumes, business reputation, and connections. Professionalism of management, professional knowledge, understanding of the market are integral criteria when deciding to launch production.

    The aluminum market is characterized by a high share of monopolies with a certain part of state interests. Cooperation with monopolistic producers is characterized by a lack of flexibility and loyalty to partners. Therefore, the responsibility and risks when deciding to enter a business are high.