Scenario educational situation in the middle group “Rockets for Kids from the Flower City”.

Integration educational areas"artistic and aesthetic development"
« cognitive development».

Target: familiarizing children with the “top view” projection of a 5-part structure and its use in building this structure.

Strengthen the ability to name three-dimensional figures - parts of a designer;
Develop the ability to select development diagrams for three-dimensional figures;
Introduce the “top view” projection of the structure;
Develop the ability to select building parts for a structure according to projections;
Develop the ability to build a structure from 5 parts according to projections;
Promote development mental operations: comparison, analysis, synthesis;

Promote development
visual perception, attention, memory, imagination, spatial concepts;
- self-control;

Create conditions for the formation of guidelines:
- interest in the surrounding world;
-feelings of pride in the work done (a prerequisite for the formation of self-confidence);

Promote development
- feelings of empathy, desire to help;

Preliminary work:
familiarization with the parts of a rocket - top, body, wings;
reading N. Nosov's stories “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends.”

Materials for the lesson.
a letter from kids with a picture of kids on an envelope, a projection drawing of a “front view” (with a red dot) and a “top view” of a rocket on a 1:1 scale on different sheets, a folder of drawings, a recording of the sound of a moving train; large plastic figures - cube, parallelepiped, tall prism, cone, Znayka’s note with gratitude.

Dispenser: 2 cubes, 2 parallelepipeds, 2 prisms, 2 cones; a tray for a couple of children, construction elements for a couple of children - 2 cubes, 2 low prisms, 1 cone, 1 high prism, circles, rectangles with double-sided tape glued to one side.

Also an interesting scenario for the educational situation:

Registration of the educational situation.
8 chairs for children with diagrams of a cube, parallelepiped, tall prism, cone pasted on the backs; 4 ottomans, 1 low chair for the teacher, 3 plaques: 1 - construction tools are depicted, 2 - doctor’s tools are depicted, 3 - musical instruments are depicted, an arch decorated with flowers; 4 tables, easel, projector, screen

Progress of the lesson.
1.Introduction to the game situation.

Stage objectives:
create conditions for children to develop motivation for inclusion in play activity;
form and fix a “children's goal” - help make new rockets for kids from the Flower City;
develop children's self-confidence.

Children and teacher stand next to the screen.
- Guys, we received a letter today. Who do you think it's from? (Letter from Dunno, kids.)
-How did you guess? (The letter features pictures of kids from Flower City.)
« Hello guys. We are writing this letter to you, the kids from the Flower City. Our friend Znayka came up with a drawing and built a rocket based on it. On it, Znayka went to the Moon to conduct research, but the rocket crashed on the surface of the Moon, and now our friend is waiting for us kids to pick him up. Guys, we cannot build a rocket ourselves and we are afraid that Znayka will remain on the Moon forever.”

Guys, what a nuisance happened in Flower City. What to do now? (We need to help the residents of Flower City.)
- Do you want to help the kids? (Yes. We want to help them.)
-Can you help them? (Yes. We can.)
-What do I need to do? (We need to make a rocket.)
— Is one rocket enough for all the residents of Flower City? (No. You need a lot of missiles, because there are also a lot of inhabitants.)

Actualization in a game situation.
Stage objectives:
Target: highlighting important knowledge in children necessary for the discovery of new knowledge.

updating the learned methods of action and knowledge sufficient to construct new knowledge.
-Where should you guys and I go? (We need to go to Flower City.)
-How can you get to the Flower City? (You can get to the Flower City by car, plane, bus, train.)
-Let's go on a journey on a magic train. (Yes, we went by train.)
- This train is not an easy one, it will only set off when we correctly take our seats. Please take the figures. Distribute figures to the children depending on their level of development: for children with a low and average level of development, for the parameter “finding projections of parts”, offer a cube, a parallelepiped, with high level development - offer high prism and cone.

— Guys, how do you think you can find your place? (You need to find a photo of the figure.)
-Let's try to find the passport of the figure you have in your hands.

Game "Find the figure's passport"
Didactic task: to consolidate children’s ability to find diagrams - developments of a cube, parallelepiped, cone and prism.
The children take their seats. The teacher sits down on a chair.
-Did everyone take their seats correctly? If the children complete the task correctly, the sound of a moving train is recorded. Invite the children to place the figures on the ottomans between the chairs.
- So you and I hit the road. To make our ride more fun, let's look out the window. (Let's look out the window.)
— To better see everything around, what can you use? (You can take binoculars.)
- Let's take binoculars. Children and the teacher raise their hands to their eyes, pretending to be binoculars.
- Which way should we look first? Right or left? (Let's look left. Let's look right.)

Game "Name the Shape"
Didactic task: to consolidate the ability to name the parts of a construction set - cube, parallelepiped, prism, cone; consolidation of spatial concepts - right, left.
- Let's look to the right first. What red figure do we see? (We see a red parallelepiped.)
- Let's look to the left. What green figure do we see? (We see a green cube.)
- Let's look to the right again. What blue figure do we see? (We see a blue tall prism.)
- Let's look to the left. What yellow figure do we see? (We see a yellow cone.)
- Well done boys. turns off.
-It seems we have arrived. Let's get off the train. Children and the teacher “come out” and find themselves next to an arch decorated with flowers.

- Guys, where do you think we have arrived? (We arrived in Flower City)

3. Difficulty in a game situation.
Stage objectives:
simulate a situation in which children face difficulties in productive activities ;
record difficulty in speech under the guidance of a teacher and identify its causes.
- Let's go through the gate. The children and the teacher come in.
— Why did we come to Flower City? (We must help the kids build a rocket to take Znayka from the Moon.)
-Where do you think the kids are now? (They are probably walking, playing, or doing some activities)
-Which of the residents of Flower City can we find the necessary materials for the rocket? (We can find all the materials from Vintik and Shpuntik.)
-Then let's look for Vintik and Shpuntik's workshop. The teacher draws the children's attention to the signs.
- Where do you think Vintik and Shpuntik’s workshop is? (Here is the workshop of Vintik and Shpuntik.) Children point to a sign with a picture of construction tools.
-How did you guess that this was their workshop? (Construction tools are drawn here.)
-That's what we need. Children and the teacher go to an easel, which depicts a front view projection of a rocket. Nearby there are boxes with building materials.
- Guys, what are we going to build a rocket from? (We will build a rocket from a construction set).
-What do you think it is? (This is probably the rocket that Znayka came up with. This is a photo of the rocket.)
- Yes, indeed, this is a photograph of a rocket. Which side is the rocket photographed from here? (She is photographed from the front here.)
-How did you guess that this is a photo of a rocket from the front? (We guessed it by the red dot.)
-Can we start building a rocket? (Yes we can.)
-Please take a seat at the table. What should we do first? (You need to select the required parts first.)
-Let's look at the photo of the rocket. What parts is the rocket body made of? (The rocket body is made of cubes.)
— How many cubes do you need to prepare for a tray? (You need two.)
-Please take two cubes.
-What parts are the rocket wings made of? (They are made of low prisms.)
-What part is the top of the rocket made of? (It's made of a tall prism. It's made of a cone.)
- Guys, can we say exactly what part the top of the rocket is made of? (No we can not.)
- Why can't we do this? (We don't know which part is photographed.)

4. Discovery of new knowledge.
Stage objectives:
organize an introductory dialogue with children in order to discover new knowledge;
record new knowledge in speech with the help of a teacher;

What should we do now? (Take any detail. Look at other photos.)
— We have a photo of the rocket from the front. From what other angles can you photograph details or buildings? (You can take pictures from the side or from above.)
- Guys, if we look at a photograph of a rocket from the side or from above, we can find out exactly what part the top of the rocket is built from? (We probably can.)
-Let's look in the drawings of Vintik and Shpuntik, maybe we can find photographs of this rocket from other sides? The teacher finds a “top view” projection of the rocket in the drawings folder.
-Here, guys, I think I found it. Which side is the rocket photographed from here? (The rocket is photographed here from above.)
- Now we can say exactly which part is photographed from above, from which part the top of the rocket is built? (Yes, we can. It's a cone.)
- Then please prepare 1 more cone on the tray.

5. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system.
Target: consolidation of new knowledge in games and exercises.

compliance of the games used with the purpose of the lesson;
individual difficulties in games;
situation of success in joint activities
- Now can we start building rockets for Znayka and the other kids? (Yes we can.)
The children start building rockets.

Please look again at the photo of the rocket from the front. Did everyone build the rockets correctly? Children who make mistakes correct them.
— Guys, what photograph helped us choose the right parts for the rocket? (Photo above).
-Guys, please look, maybe our missiles are missing something? (There are not enough doors, windows, portholes.)
-Let's add portholes to our rockets. Offer children circles and rectangles with double-sided tape to play with rockets. Children glue portholes and doors.

Do you think kids will like our rockets? (The little ones will love the rockets.)
-Now the kids will save Znayka? (Now the kids will be able to pick up Znayka from the Moon.)
-You guys are great.
-Guys, it’s probably time for us to go back to kindergarten. Take your seats on the train. The sound of a moving train is recorded.
-The road home always seems faster. Recording the sound of a moving train turns off.
- Here we are. The children and the teacher “get off the train.”

Guys, while we were returning home, we received a message from the Moon.
Znayka appears on the screen. “Guys, thank you very much for the rockets. My friends have reached the moon, and we are all returning to Flower City together."

Stage objectives:
create a situation of success;
organize recording by children of the achievement of a child's goal;
-Guys, please tell our guests where we were today. (We were in the Flower City.)
-Why did we go there? (To build rockets.)
-Who asked us about this? (The kids asked us.)
-Guys, were you able to help the kids from Flower City? (Yes, we helped them.)
-You guys are great.

Title: Scenario of an educational situation on design in the middle group “Rockets for kids from the Flower City”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, design and manual labor, Middle group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 47"
Location: Yaroslavl city

Abstract of OOD "Travel into Space" for children middle group.

Shirokova Alena Alekseevna, teacher of the Children's Educational Institution of Educational Institution No. 10 in the city of Svobodny.
This summary will be useful for teachers of secondary groups in preparing for a lesson on the topic "Space". A video with a statement of the problem is attached to the OOD abstract. Enjoy watching!

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, motor, construction from various materials.
Integration of educational areas: social-communicative, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.
Target: Expand children's knowledge about space and space flights.
- child development artistic creativity, interest in independent creative activity(visual, constructive
- satisfying children's needs for self-expression;
- develop skills of friendly communication and interaction with peers;
- evoke emotional pleasure in children from activities; activate children's imagination;
- form elementary representations about space and outer space;
- encourage active speech.
Preliminary work: learning finger gymnastics “The stars are shining”, physical. minutes “Cosmonauts”; looking at illustrations about space; conversation on the topic “Cosmonaut”; construction of a rocket from waste material.
Planned results: Children express interest in creative activities and are friendly towards each other and the teacher; have basic understanding of space and outer space; actively express their thoughts through speech. 1. Introduction to the game situation
Teacher: Guys, guests came to us today. You need to say hello to them.
I say hello everywhere -
At home and on the street,
Even hello, I say
On nearby street.
Hello, the sky is blue,
Hello, golden sun,
Hello, light breeze,
Hello, little oak tree,
Hello morning
Hello day

I'm not too lazy to say hello.
Teacher: Children, something unusual came to me this morning, but email. Let's watch it together.

What does Dunno ask us? Shall we help him?

2. Discovery of new knowledge. Conversation about space
Teacher: Guys, look, this is a model of space. And it seems to me that something is missing in it? What do you know?
Children: Stars.
Teacher: That's right, kids. Space is a world of stars, it is very diverse. Stars appear small because they are far away. In fact, stars are huge hot balls of gas, similar to the Sun. Take a star each, let's place them in our space layout. What else is missing?
Children of the Sun.
Teacher: Find the sun. Look how big the sun really is. And the stars seem very small in comparison. Guys, there are also unusual balls near the sun. These are planets. Repeat... Nine planets revolve around the sun, listen to their names: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Look at each planet, they are all different, very beautiful and unusual. Now Dunno knows what planets are.

Teacher: What planet do we live on?
Children: Earth
Teacher: That's right, guys. Why is our planet Earth called the blue planet? Because most of Our planet is covered with water - seas and oceans, rivers and lakes.

3. Didactic game"Rocket". Physical exercise "Cosmonauts".

Teacher: Guys, Dunno, who knows nothing about space, really loves riddles. But he can’t solve one riddle. Listen.
This bird has no wings
But one cannot help but marvel.
As soon as the bird spreads its tail,
And it will rise to the stars (rocket).
Teacher: Guys, you are such space experts. I suggest you build a rocket to fly into space Dunno from geometric shapes. Look, we have a rocket template. Let's try to lay out the same missiles. Well done! Let's relax with you.
Teacher: One-two, there’s a rocket. (child raises his hands up)
Three or four, take off soon. (spreads his arms to the sides)
To reach the sun (circle with arms)
Astronauts need a year. (takes hands to cheeks, shakes head)
But they are not afraid on the road (arms to the sides, tilting the body to the right and left)
Each of them is an athlete (bends his elbows)
Flying over the ground (spreads arms to the sides)
They will say hello to her. (raises his hands up and waves)

4. Game “Gathering Dunno for Flight”
Teacher: They made a rocket for Dunno, but forgot to pack his luggage. There is nothing superfluous or random on the spaceship. Therefore, we will take only those things that are needed during space travel. I will show various items, and you should clap your hands if this item is useful on a trip and hide your hands behind your back if this item is not needed (space suit, sled, ladle, first aid kit, flashlight, doll).

5. Practical part of the lesson. Making space in a jar
Teacher: Guys, Dunno now knows a lot about space. And he is ready to become a real astronaut. You and I don’t yet have the opportunity to fly into space, we are small. I suggest you make your own space. Space in a jar.
Teacher: So that our fingers can rest, let’s spend finger gymnastics.
The stars shine in the dark sky,
An astronaut flies in a rocket.
The day flies and the night flies
And he looks down at the ground.
(Alternate connection thumb with the little finger, ring finger, middle finger and index finger on stressed syllables.)
Children, look carefully at the table. There is an empty jar in front of everyone. How can you make space appear in a jar? I will talk and show. And you do it with me. Agreed?
Teacher: To create space in a jar we need: stars, cotton wool, a stick and water of two colors. Take the cotton wool and divide it into two equal parts. We place one part into our jar using a stick. Now let’s take some stars and put them in a jar on top of the cotton wool. Well done. Fill the cotton wool and stars with water from a test tube purple. Now let's repeat the same thing. Take the remaining piece of cotton wool and carefully place it in a jar using a stick, arrange a few stars, and fill it with water of blue color, from the second test tube. Let's close our space tightly with a lid.

Over the Earth late at night,
Just extend your hand
You'll grab the stars:
They seem nearby.
Teacher: Look how great it turned out? You are truly smart.
6. Result of OOD
Teacher: Guys, look, we received another email. Let's see?

Dunno says thank you to us. Children, what new did we learn today? What is the name of our planet? What is the name of the space suit? How many of you want to be an astronaut? Well done guys, you were very attentive during class. You will make good astronauts.

Kirsheva Irina Valerianovna, PDO "Aircraft modeling" MAU DO "SYUT"

at the MBOU "Yunginskaya Secondary School named after. S.M. Mikhailova" Morgaushsky district

Lesson notes

Subject : Our first rockets.

Purpose of the lesson: teach how to construct a paper rocket using a template.


Introduce rocket product technology

Teach to use ready-made template

Strengthen children's skills in working with paper

Exercise children in sample analysis, planning, control when doing their work

Cultivating willpower, perseverance, accuracy, commitment, careful attitude to materials and tools, education of hard work, conscientiousness, diligence, aesthetic taste, a sense of respect for work, the ability to work in a team and for a team.

Improvement of the sensory sphere, development of figurative logical thinking, the development of his spatial concepts, the development of design and creative abilities, the development of memory, imagination, attention and speech.

Equipment : audio recording of Gagarin's speech before the launch, songs about space; posters depicting astronauts, the solar system; diagram of sequential production of a rocket; safety chart, rocket parts templates.

To make the model we will need:


    colored paper;


    colored cardboard;

    PVA glue.

Tools:brushes, scissors, pencil, eraser, felt-tip pens.

First of all, we must prepare the templates: wing, stabilizer (half), pylon and fin. To do this, we enlarge the drawing to actual dimensions and cut out the templates (Appendix 1)

Progress of the lesson

1.Org. moment

Teacher: Since time immemorial, people have strived for space. This dream was reflected in fairy tales, legends, and fantastic works. An example of this is the legend of Icarus, who wanted to fly to the Sun on wings made of feathers held together with wax. In fairy tales, people rose into the air on a magic carpet, in a mortar. And only the development of science and technology contributed to making the dream come true.
For the first time in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century, a teacher from Kaluga substantiated the possibility of interplanetary flights using a rocket. This was Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, who can be considered the founder of Russian theoretical cosmonautics. Under the leadership of scientist S.P. The Queen's design bureau began work on creating a space rocket. In 1957, the first space satellite was created. Subsequently, the Vostok space rocket was created.


We hurry quickly to the circle,
Hurry up too, my friend.
Lots of big and new things to do
They are waiting for us here.
There will be a day, dear light
We'll fly to the ends of the world.
To the fabulous secrets

To the distant planets.

U. And then came the great day of the first space flight - April 12, 1961. The first envoy of the Earth, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, ascended into space on the Vostok spacecraft.

(turn on “Gagarin’s speech before the start”)

Cosmonautics has quietly entered our lives. You are talking on the phone with a friend from a distant city. His voice comes to you from space; The satellite broadcasts telephone conversations. You watch TV in Central Asia or at Far East, read newspapers - all this is broadcast by satellite. Satellites help predict the weather, navigate in the ocean and when flying on an airplane, view the structure of the earth's interior, the movement of glaciers, and the activity of volcanoes. However, despite such widespread use of astronautics in the interests of science and economy, it is still very young and has many victories and discoveries ahead of it. It is up to you, the younger generation, to explore the star worlds.

D. We live on our planet
In such a wonderful age,
And the first of the first in the rocket
Russian man is flying!
Not for military intelligence purposes
On a super-fast ship
He flew alone through the Universe,
To return to the Earth again!
It was not in vain that skillful hands worked
For the glory of the people, for the glory of the country!
Working people and people of science
We are strong in a peaceful Commonwealth!

Guys, today in class we will make a model of a rocket. Our class is turning into a design bureau. To make a rocket you need paper, glue, scissors, pencils. All this is on our table.
First, let's review the safety rules when working with scissors and glue.

2.Preparation of the workplace

(Children name the rules.)

D. Scissors must not be left in open form.
– You can’t bring scissors close to your face.
– Pass the scissors to each other with the rings first, and not with the tip.
– When working with glue, you need to use a brush. Look how many dangerous objects are lying around! If you do not follow safety precautions, you can injure yourself or a neighbor!

Read the poster that hangs on the board:

“Scissors, knives, needles, they are very, very sharp!”

-Analysis of sample designs

Let's see how many parts (parts) the rocket consists of? What else is in the rocket?

Explanation of new material

Children work with the words “body”, “fairing” (nose), “porthole”, “stabilizer”, “nozzle”.

The teacher analyzes the model together with the children.

U. The rocket has a cylindrical elongated shape and consists of a conical nose (fairing), a body (an elongated cylinder), and stabilizers (four triangular parts).

Children look at the diagram of the sequential production of a rocket, posted by the teacher on the board, then make a rocket.

The rocket body is made of thick paper.

We make the nose part (cone) from colored paper (semicircle).

We make stabilizers from paper by folding square-shaped blanks diagonally and cutting off the tip of the triangle from one side. We bend the edges of the part to the depth of the cut.

Now we work with a brush and glue, gluing the body together, bow, stabilizers, portholes.

During the manufacture of the product, the teacher pays attention to economical and rational working methods when using the material, and provides children with individual assistance.
Next, mock-ups of rockets made by children are used to carry out role-playing game"Cosmonauts".

We are at the Druzhba cosmodrome. Is everyone ready to fly?

D. The team is ready to fly!

U. During flight, every astronaut must comply with our space rules. Name them.

D. Do you want to become an astronaut?
Must know a lot!
– Any space route
Open to those who love work.
– Only friendly starships
Can be taken with you on a flight.
– Bored, gloomy and angry
We will not take it into orbit.

D ( in unison ).
Fast rockets are waiting for us
For flights to planets.
Whatever we want
We'll fly to this one.

U. What planets solar system do you know?

D. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Uranus, Earth.

U. Which planet will we choose? Which one will we fly?

Children choose a planet.

Attention! Everyone get ready to launch!

D. Get ready to launch!

U. Fasten belts!

D. Fasten your seat belts!

U. Start the engines!

D. Got to start the engines!

U. Enable contacts!

D. There are enable contacts!

U. Five, four, three, two, one - start!

D. Ended

Space flight,

The ship has descended

In a given area,

And now it’s completely virgin

The pilot is coming

So again, the earth

Take it in your hands...

And in space

He only thought about her

Because of her

I flew to such distances -

And only about her

All two hundred long days

Wrote in his

Space magazine!


Lesson summary

U. Are you interested in space and the profession of an astronaut?

Children's answers.

Inspection and evaluation of work

Everyone made rockets. Look how beautiful they turned out. And I think now you and I can go and give our crafts to the kindergarten group so that they can play with them.

Note: The teacher walks through the rows and gives grades orally.

Cleaning the workplace

Put all your supplies in a folder, one by one, put the trash in the basket.

Application We love beautiful fireworks. Tr-rah! Bang! Red, white, green stars flash in the evening sky and slowly fall. This fun was invented in the East a thousand years ago. A bamboo tube was filled with gunpowder and set on fire at the open end. The rocket soared upward, streaking the sky with a fiery arc.

The first rockets were invented in ancient China- bamboo tubes filled with gunpowder. They were used for fun.

According to legend, the Chinese inventor Wang Gu (c. 1500), having built two box-shaped kites with a seat between them, equipped his design with forty-seven powder rockets, ignited at launch by forty-seven servants, and tried to make the world's first manned flight using jet thrust. But the rockets exploded and Wang-Gu died. One of the craters is named after him. back side Moons.

In the 10th-12th centuries. in India and China they began to be used during the siege of fortresses. Arrows attached to rockets flew over the most impregnable walls and not only killed the defenders of the fortress, but also caused fires.

In the 19th century powder rockets were in the Russian army and the armies of others European countries. They were used in the wars with Napoleon, in Russian-Turkish wars. But the guns were getting better, the shells from them flew further and hit the target more accurately than those of that time combat missiles. And the rockets remained to send signals.

After some time, the guns reached the limit of their capabilities. The most powerful ones sent a projectile 100-120 km away. But these were already huge steel monsters, which were transported from place to place only in disassembled form. Moreover, the direction of the wind may change, a change in air temperature may also affect it, or there will be a small scratch on the projectile - that’s a miss.

And the rocket, which they managed to improve during this time, could fly even thousands of kilometers, even into space! And now it hit the target much more accurately than a projectile. Why did this happen?

A cannon throws a projectile the same way we throw a snowball. A short acceleration - in your hand or in the barrel of a gun - and then free flight, which is impossible to correct. Just as they threw it, it flew away. The rocket has its own jet engine, who pushes her on all the time. She is like a projectile that carries its own gun with it. And you can control the rocket on the fly. Additional engines will push it to the right or left, higher or lower. They can send commands via radio. Or you can build a computer into the rocket, which itself will control and guide it exactly to the target.

S 1 – to flight altitude (high altitude);

S 2 – to flight altitude with standard cargo (transport);

S 3 – for the duration of the flight with a parachute;

S 4 – for the flight duration of rocket planes;

S 5 – copy models for flight altitude (scale high altitude);

S 6 – for flight duration with tape;

S 7 – replica models for flight realism (scale);

S 8 – for the flight duration of rocket planes.

Rocket drawing

The song "I, Earth!" Against the background of a song, children recite a poem .

D. When above the Earth
An astronaut is flying
They look after him
Millions of guys.
Evening time
Looking to the skies
Shine, shine
Childish eyes.
And they reflect
Burn bright
Those stars
To which they will fly!
Rockets are rushing
To distant worlds.
The heart yearns for exploits.
Who believes in the winged ones,
Like a song, words,
He will achieve his goal!

D In a space rocket

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Sings songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

D. The rocket is flying, flying

around earthly light,

and Gagarin sits in it -

simple soviet guy

D. Flying in space

steel ship

Around the Earth.

And even though its windows are small,

Everything is visible in them

Like on the palm of your hand:

Steppe space,

Tidal bore,


and you and me!

Integration of educational areas: Design


  1. Strengthen children's knowledge about space
  2. To develop children's thinking, imagination, and speech.
  3. Strengthen the ability to build from a constructor and modules. (design)

Methods and techniques:

Visual: Cartoon about Luntik, construction diagram "rocket" , Luntik's houses.

Verbal: repetition of the names of geometric shapes, names of building materials, verse about a rocket, did. a game (most most).

Materials and equipment:

Luntik toy, construction set, building modules, hoops, pump, ball, stars on magnetic tape.

Logic of educational activities

1 The children and the teacher enter the group.

Q: Guys, look how many guests we have, let’s say hello to them.

Q: Let’s watch the cartoon with the guests

Who is it about? Children stand in a group with a teacher

Children greet guests

Children sit on the carpet to watch a cartoon

Children answer

2 Surprise moment:

The Luntik toy appears.

Q: Guys, look who came to visit us. Who is this? Why is he called that?

Where does he live?

Luntik wants to invite you to visit him on the moon.

Look, stars flew from space with him.

Let's choose a star and tell us what it is? And pin it to the sky (magnetic board)

Children's answers

Children choose a star and attach it to the board.

Children define a star (what is she like)

3 Now we have a piece of the starry sky.

How can you get there?

Experience: Now I will show you how a rocket flies into space. (the teacher inflates the balloon with a pump and releases it) How did our rocket fly?

Children's answers

4 Let's build our own rockets. What can you build from?

Look, Luntik has prepared something for us.

(constructor, diagrams)

I propose to build a rocket according to the scheme. Children's answers

Children sit at tables and build a rocket.

They train to build a rocket correctly according to the scheme.

5 We built our own rockets, but what about Luntik? What are we going to build him a rocket out of? Look what construction material We have in the group, except for the designer.

The children answer.

Children with a teacher are building a rocket from modules for Luntik. They are building a rocket for Luntik

6 Well, all our rockets are ready to fly. Now you can go.

Phys. just a minute.

"astronauts" Children do the exercise together with the teacher

7 Guys, here we are on the Moon. And Luntik was very upset, he couldn’t remember where his house was. Let's help him.

His house is green with a blue roof and round windows.

Children look for Luntik's house and choose the correct picture. Geometric shapes are correctly called.

8 Well done. You helped Luntik find his house. And for this he wants to give you a book about space and an astronaut.

And now it's time to go home.

Phys. min. "astronauts" Children do exercises together with the teacher.

Program content:

1.Expand children’s knowledge about space and space flights.

2. Learn to answer questions using different kinds simple and complex sentences.

3.Activate the vocabulary: space, astronaut, cosmodrome, space station, weightlessness.

4. Foster respect for space heroes, the desire to be like them, and develop cognitive interests in children.

5. Individual work with Ksyusha, Alina and Alena to learn to answer questions in complete sentences.

6.Develop creativity.

Material for the lesson:

Illustrations about cosmonauts, photographs of Yu.A. Gagarin and spaceship"East"

Progress of the lesson

1. Guys, guess the riddles:

On a black scarf

Millet is spilled,

The cockerel came

And it’s not easy to peck. (Stars).

Miracle bird - scarlet tail

Flew into a flock of stars. (Rocket).

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket

Children, who will say this? (Astronaut).

In a space rocket

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Sings songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

I show a portrait of Yu.A. Gagarin and ask:

Do you know who is depicted in the portrait? (Children's answers)

April 12, 1961: our pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin became the first cosmonaut in the world. Man was able to see the Earth from space. The flight took place at the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

A cosmodrome is a place where space rockets, satellites, manned spacecraft and interplanetary stations are prepared and launched from.

How it was? Friends accompanied the astronaut to the ship. Gagarin took a seat in the cockpit. The “Start” command was sounded. The engines roared. The base of the rocket was enveloped in smoke and fire.

Go! - the voice of the first cosmonaut came over the radio. The huge rocket, shuddering, slowly took off from the Earth. Gradually the speed increased - the Vostok rocket went into the sky, finally it turned into a luminous point and disappeared. The first manned flight into space lasted about two hours. During this time, Yuri Alekseevich flew around the Earth once. After the flight, he said: “When the ship entered orbit, weightlessness appeared. I left the chair and hung between the ceiling and the floor of the cabin. Everything around me became easier.”

Weightlessness is a state in which a person and the objects around him lose weight (become lighter than feathers). They swim in the ship like fish in an aquarium. There, spilled water does not spread into a puddle on the floor, but gathers into a ball, and it hangs in the air.

The flight was successful. Gagarin was the first to prove that man can live and work in space. This is how a new profession appeared on Earth - astronaut. Much time has passed since then and much has been done in the field of space exploration.

For long-term work in space, the Salyut and Mir stations are used. They can accommodate several people.

What professions have people been in space? – Doctors, engineers, designers, researchers.

Which countries' scientists are studying the secrets of space? - Russia, France, Germany and others.

An astronaut must be a courageous and brave person, accept right decisions, healthy and educated. Must undergo special training. Do you want to become an astronaut? Then let's practice.

The children get up.

To fly into space, you need to be able to do a lot.

Lean to the left - to the right, even to practice boxing.

And we really need to do exercises in the morning.

Reading poetry (prepared):


Stars shine in the dark sky,

An astronaut flies in a rocket.

The day flies and the night flies

And he looks down at the ground.

He sees the fields from above,

Mountains, rivers and seas.

He sees the whole globe,

The globe is our home.

V. Stepanov


We will fly to the moon,

She's bored in the sky alone!

People absolutely need it

Meet Luna!

O. Vysotskaya

In a rocket

I'm in a space rocket

I'm the fastest in the world.

I'll fly next to the sun...

“Hello, sun!” - I’ll scream!

Today we talked about space and astronauts. On April 12 every year, our country, Motherland Russia, celebrates Cosmonautics Day and honors space heroes.

Guys, let's imagine that we are at the cosmodrome and create space rockets.

After the application, perform the “Rocket” exercise.

And now we are with you, children, (Children are marching.)

We're flying away on a rocket.

Rise up on your toes, (Stretch, raising your arms above your head, clasping them.)

And then hands down. (They lower their hands.)

One, two, three, stretch. (Stretch.)

Here's a rocket flying up! (They run in a circle.)