If an organization has the opportunity to choose, any employee will think about when it is better to take a vacation. This is important, since the amount of vacation pay and the duration of rest can be varies depending on month.

It is advised to choose a month that has more than 20 working days. Largest quantity working days usually in months such as July, August, September, October and December.

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HR and Accounting Department they don’t like it when the vacation period is very fragmented, since the turnover of documents increases several times. Although an employee has every right to go on vacation several times for a small number of days.

Which months are the best to take?

If you want to get good cash payments, then take a vacation that starts on Saturday and ends on Sunday: Weekends are added to the vacation calculation.

With loyal company management, employees can go on vacation within 4 weeks in a row. Use this opportunity if your employer allows you to take the entire vacation.

However, it is worth remembering: when going on vacation, you will be provided with funds for its entire duration, and in the future you can only count on payment for the number of days actually worked, which in this case is approximately several days.

Number of working days in 2018:

May and holidays

From the point of view of duration, it is quite convenient to go on vacation in May, but short term. You can take about 4-5 days.

You can apply for working days that fall from May 1 to May 9, take into account the postponement of the weekend, and you will be given approximately 10-11 vacation days. This method can also be used in other holidays, adding it to the long weekend.

The most unprofitable in monetary terms vacation months are January and May. The number of working days in these months is minimal, but salaries are paid in full, so it is not profitable to rest during this time.

Why it is not profitable to take a vacation in January or May:

  • Your salary reaches 30,000 rubles.
  • In January (May) you will need to work 17 days (20 in May), and price of one working day is 1764.7 rubles (1500).
  • Moreover, for any a day of vacation is accrued 1023.8 rubles.

It is obvious that the employee is much more It’s more profitable to work a small number of days(including holidays) than to go on a less paid vacation.

Doesn’t have a date to go on vacation special significance. Main - a large number of working days.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the most profitable vacation is the vacation taken per month with the least number of days off and maximum number working days.

We must not forget that not only taking into account the salary, but also taking into account the bonus for Last year before holidays.

Go on vacation for the weekend, buy a tour for two weeks, or maybe give up on everything and go on a cruise for 28 days? How much time does the body need to completely disconnect from work, forget about business and have a good rest? psychologist Maria Merkulova.

2-3 days

When we talk about the optimal time to take a vacation, we need to take into account the fact that a lot depends on your personality type and temperament. There are so-called sprinters with active nervous system, they quickly adapt to new conditions. Their complete opposite— marathon runners, they slowly get involved in the process. For the latter, changing the situation takes time. Based on this, 2-3 days of vacation are good specifically for sprinters: a person leaves work, immediately disconnects from work and flies off somewhere to rest. Having returned, he also organically joins the work process. If you are clearly a marathon runner, it is better to spend the few days you have without stress: stay at home and just change your routine a little, take a walk, spend time with your family.

An important point: when you constantly rest for only 2-3 days and refuse a full vacation, at one point you may become exhausted from the road. This factor must be taken into account.

In general, such a vacation is express help for the body. You get a surge of emotions, but there is no need to talk about complete recovery of the body.

One week

When you take a week off, essentially your body gets the same benefits as if you took 2-3 days off. The only plus to this is that you can still gain strength. But “getting ready” does not mean completely recovering and relaxing. Rather, you will simply get more new impressions, you will have the opportunity to take a walk, see something, etc. Some people break their standard 28 days of vacation into four parts. In reality this is not the most good way relax.

Two weeks

In 14 days, the body manages to adapt to new living conditions, no matter whether they are positive or negative. A person comes into a state of readiness for relaxation and rest. The trouble is that usually at this moment many people have to go home.

Often after two weeks you can hear: “I’m tired of resting, I really want to go home, etc.” However, if you still allow yourself seven more days of rest, you will get a buzz, because there will not be a single thought about work in your head.

Three weeks

Spa treatment usually lasts from 21 to 28 days. This period was not chosen by chance. The fact is that 3-4 weeks of vacation - best option recovery. The first two weeks we are just adapting to what is happening. Of course, some people need less time for this, for example, several days. But this is rather an exception to the rule. You've probably noticed that when people come to rest, their first days may not be very good. good mood, because it is necessary to constantly solve some small problems: where to eat, how to plan the day, where to go in the evening, etc. It takes time to create a new regime.

An interesting nuance: after three weeks, there is a high probability that you will have a longer process of returning to your old living conditions and work. And all because during the first 14 days you come to a state of normalcy, peace and relaxation, and there is literally a week left for the rest itself. But it is impossible to completely restore your strength during this time. You may feel rested, but you won’t have time to get enough of it.

Four weeks

This is the optimal time for those who want to restore their strength to 100%. However, even if you can afford a full 28 days of rest, you need to take short breaks every 2-3 months, since the body has time to become exhausted and accumulate negative emotions. Take an extra day at your own expense and relax. How you spend these few days depends on your personality type and the conditions in which you find yourself. most time. If your work involves active movement and close communication, you are tired of the hustle and bustle and lack of sleep, it is better to stay at home and allow yourself to do nothing. By the way, it's not like that simple task, as it might seem at first glance.

When to rest

Doctors assure us that it is not very beneficial for the body to move from winter to summer. a short time. When it's -10°C outside and you're flying to Thailand for two weeks, it's stressful. Even if you don’t think so, believe me, the body spends extra time adapting to new conditions. If you have already decided on such an experiment, stay in warm regions at least for a month. Another option is to give preference to places with a similar climate.

In autumn, when the time of heavy rains and slush begins, summer can be extended. For example, go somewhere to Europe (where you can still swim and soak up the sun). And in the spring, feel free to go to more warm countries to meet summer earlier than usual and help your exhausted body.

We started writing an article: 10 life hacks “for dummies” on how to fly cheap. But at point 3 we realized that it was too early to publish such a post. Because our third point is: “Be flexible in time.” But how can you be flexible if everyone wants to stay warm? New Year", "somewhere for the May holidays" and "at the sea in August"?

Therefore, we decided to first write about vacation planning. Using the example of office workers with a 5-day working week y. Since “there are only 4 weeks of vacation a year,” we must try to use them wisely. Anyway, here's 10 simple rules, how to get the most out of it. They are not completely universal, but they are suitable for many people.

1. Don't take a vacation in August

Let's start with something simple: don't take a vacation in August. Believe me, we all “come from the office” ourselves, we have never taken a vacation in August, and we don’t regret it one bit. In August it’s bad everywhere - in European cities it’s terrible, because half of the cafes and shops are closed (after all, everyone is on vacation). It's bad at the resorts because the hotels are crowded, the excursions are packed, even the sellers' markets are harder to negotiate. There are traffic jams on the roads from vacation-seekers - Europeans and locals (after all, they also have vacations and they also take it in August). Prices are skyrocketing everywhere. What can easily be spent in a week in August on an average holiday on mass destinations, in a lower season (for example, in June or the second half of September) can be more than enough for 2 weeks, if you take into account the savings on tickets, hotels and food.

All in all, the worst thing you can do with your vacation is go to Italy in August. One of our friends did this and we received a wonderful meme that this horror can only be compared with a crowd of deceived MMM investors: people gave a lot of money, received little in return, there are a lot of such people, they all demand something, but they no one pays attention.

2. Count your vacation days

Vacation is calculated in calendar days, not weeks. This is a very important difference that many people for some reason do not think about or forget about. And the difference with a competent approach can be very significant for a standard 28 days. Yes, once a year you must take “at least 14 days” at once. But you can use the remaining 14 days in parts at your discretion. This, in principle, could be “one more time for 2 weeks.” But with a standard 5-day working week, you can do something more cunning by timing your vacation around a long weekend (when Friday or Monday is a holiday). In this case, you simply write an application for vacation from Monday to Thursday (or from Tuesday to Friday) and this is absolutely legal. In fact, you will have up to 9 days for the trip (counting Saturdays and Sundays). We were able to guess twice in a year - and out of 28 days, the “fifth” week of vacation miraculously appeared.

3. Extend your “weekend” whenever possible.

In fact, if you live in Moscow or St. Petersburg, from where many airlines fly (including low cost ones) and you like Europe (2-3 hour flight), then it would be a sin not to take advantage of the weekend. Finding a trip from Friday evening to Monday morning is often difficult, including because tickets on Friday and Sunday sell out quickly. But by “breaking up” just one week of vacation into a weekend, you can gain additional flexibility by flying out Friday morning or Thursday and/or returning on Monday or (horror of horrors!) Tuesday morning. Nevertheless, by scattering one week a year over one day at a time, you will have the opportunity to fly to Europe for 2-4 days every 2 months.

Low cost products are ideal for this - it will be enough for you hand luggage, and a list of destinations with air tickets within 6-7 thousand rubles. now something that we couldn’t even dream of a few years ago.

By the way, those who work on a different schedule (2 through 2, for example) have even more such opportunities. This is not to mention the fact that you can find an opportunity to “swap shifts” - and now you’ve got a 3-day vacation.

4. Learn to act quickly

This does not seem to relate directly to “using vacation”, but it is also a very important point. Traveling and relaxing are actually not entirely synonymous, and sometimes even antonymous. Have you heard the phrase “after such a vacation, I need another vacation to relax?” Well, that's the correct phrase. Therefore, learn to do everything quickly. This is an important skill that amazingly may change the way you think about vacation.

Learn to make decisions quickly (at least about purchasing air tickets) and you will be less likely to miss hot offers that sometimes fly away in a matter of minutes. Learn to pack quickly and travel light so you can go somewhere straight from work.

Learn to quickly plan a trip and find necessary information about the city where you are going, and you will not need to prepare in advance for at least 2-3 days of travel. The bottom line here is - don't waste your precious vacation time planning this vacation.

Learn to fall asleep quickly and wake up quickly in any conditions (earplugs, a sleep mask and an alarm clock that wakes you up in any condition help) and you will be able to fly on night flights from Europe that depart late in the evening, arriving in Moscow and St. Petersburg early in the morning. Sleeping on an Aeroexpress/minibus/subway on the way to work from somewhere in Vienna is priceless.

5. Use the New Year holidays and May holidays wisely

Well, here you are, of course, sure that this is exactly what you are trying to do. But it probably won't work out very well. After all, how can you use them when there are never air ticket sales on these dates, and “in general, everything is sold out too.”

The most common approach is to perceive the New Year holidays and May holidays as additional leave, only with fixed dates. According to statistics, the majority of employees reach New Year's holidays literally a few days, and in May, almost everyone wants to take only 4 days between holidays. Everyone is trying to “save” their vacation for some abstract “other time” - apparently, they are just carving out for themselves that very coveted week of horror in August from point 1.

Well, that means that God himself ordered us to do things differently and combine vacations with holidays as much as possible, if possible. This is generally an ideal, if not the only option for office workers, for long-distance travel, for example, to South America or Australia. It is best to take 2 weeks after New Year holidays or before the May holidays. Finding tickets with a departure date of 3-4 and return after January 20 or departure before April 20 and return on May 7-8 is a completely solvable task. There are also no special problems with hotels in most countries of the world in January and May. This is high, but not peak season. After all, for tourists from most other countries, the peak season is the Christmas holidays (the last ten days of December) and the Catholic Easter week(depending on the dates, it varies, but fortunately it very rarely falls in May).

6. Combine planning and spontaneity

For long trips, try to plan in advance. This applies to the selection of tickets and hotel bookings. Plan your weekend trips as soon as you get the tickets you need. And if possible, try to leave some part of your vacation unused, which you can take in case some very sweet offer comes up.

7. Get a Schengen visa

If you have an open Schengen card in your passport, your opportunities to spend a vacation increase many times over. Last minute deals on charter flights are just one of the reasons why having an open Schengen area is important for best use vacation days (although this reason is actually more than enough). Add to this the weekend flights that we have already written about.

But in fact, this point applies not only to trips to Europe. We publish a decent number of offers around the world with independent connections in Europe - this often works out cheaper.

Many European countries Nowadays they issue Schengen visas very responsively. Italian, Greek, Spanish and French (and in St. Petersburg, of course, Finnish) consulates quite easily issue multiple visas valid from six months to several years. If your favorite country is on this list and you don’t mind going there at least once a year, great. If possible, try to always apply for a visa from the same country (in this case, the chances increase that each subsequent visa will be for a longer period).

8. Be curious

Did you want to go to Thailand, but instead you have the opportunity to fly cheaply to the Dominican Republic? What makes you think that Budapest is worse than Prague if you have never been there? Is it really so important to get to this damn Paris this time?

There are more than 200 countries in the world and thousands and thousands of places that are worth visiting. Don't get hung up on any one place you'd like to visit. And don't get hung up at all. You don't know where you'll like it and where you won't until you've been there, so try new places, especially when there's an unexpected opportunity. For us personally, a recent unexpected revelation was a trip to Moldova and Romania. They didn’t want to, didn’t intend to, didn’t plan. It wasn't even in my head. Cheap tickets turned up (by the way, we published this offer) and went out of curiosity. We brought back more impressions than from many long-awaited trips.

In fact, wherever you go, main question not where, but why? The correct answer to this question is essentially always the same and depends little on the direction. You need to go so that you have something to remember later - that is, for impressions, adventures (even if it’s to the same place) and new experiences.

9. Connect anything and everything

Even if you are very afraid of flying, believe me, it passes. Especially on regular flights. Therefore, do not be afraid of connections and stopovers. An unnecessary connection is often a great opportunity look at one more place (and there are thousands and thousands of them, as we found out in the previous paragraph).

Therefore, although we sometimes receive comments that some of our proposals and trips with big amount connections, and generally “inconvenient”, we cannot agree. It depends on perception. We like to visit several places in one trip. For us, a day in Berlin, Miami, Madrid, Havana, Budapest, Kuala Lumpur, Abu Dhabi, Milan, Zurich, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Bandar Seri Begawan, Lima, Entebbe or somewhere else is always a bonus , and not just an “extra” docking. And yes, we connected in all these and a bunch of other cities, in some more than once. And we want more.

10. Keep your options open

Good travel offers appear all the time. They disappear as constantly as they appear. Therefore, "waste" the right proposal lighter than light. And the more often you follow offers, the more likely you are to “catch” what you need. Fortunately, it’s now easier to do this, you just need to subscribe to our blog updates through your favorite social network or RSS. :)

Have a nice holiday, pirates!

For several seasons in a row, Thailand has remained the leader among resorts in terms of the number of tourist visits. What is the reason for such high demand? Who is a Thai holiday suitable for, and which resort is better to choose?

Thailand has an impressive selection of tours: combined, sightseeing, beach and many others. Discerning gourmets of first-class cuisine will be able to satisfy their appetite to the maximum here - Thailand pleases with an abundance of seafood and delicious exotic fruits. And lovers of excellent beach holiday can enjoy peace and tranquility. Is it worth talking about the famous Thai massage, which no one can resist?

Before considering the best time to fly to Thailand, you should consider the most popular Thai resorts. For those looking for peace and harmony, Koh Samui is your best bet. It is an island surrounded by 80 small islands, larger number which are uninhabited.

Main tourist areas – East Coast(famous Chaweng Beach), as well as Lamai Beach in the southeast. In the north of the island there are also tourist recreation areas, however, due to the poorly developed infrastructure in this area, they are not yet very popular. There is a lot of entertainment for tourists here: diving, tennis, jeep safari, windsurfing.

Phuket, which is famous for its amazing nature: amazing hills with tropical plants, impressive rocky coves, crystal pure water, magnificent beaches. Each of the beaches of Phuket is like a separate city or small village, which is characterized by its own characteristics and a certain infrastructure.

Each of the resorts offers all kinds of entertainment at any time of the year. This could be water skiing, yachting, deep-sea fishing, and snorkeling. The most popular sport in Phuket is diving. For this reason, people interested in scuba diving. At night, it’s better to visit Patong Beach – a sweet spot for all party-goers.

Now about when to fly to Thailand. In total, there are three main seasons: low, high, and peak season. Each season is conditional, but hotels traditionally adhere to accepted price indicators within these seasons.

The low season usually lasts from March to early September. In turn, this period is divided into several subseasons. For example, in March and April there is unbearable heat, and the sea is calm. Rain during these periods is extremely rare. In May, it is very hot in Thailand - there are few tourists at this time. During June to August the weather gradually changes, more and more people come monsoon rains and partly cloudy. During this period, again, Thailand is not in great demand - for this reason, prices for both tours and tickets are very low. This is an option for those who want to see Thailand without spending huge amounts of money on flights and vacations.

When is the best time to fly to Thailand? Of course, the most pleasant holiday is provided to tourists from mid-October until November. It is at this time in Thailand that the optimal temperature conditions, cloudiness and precipitation are moderate. This is the climate that most Europeans like. And by the New Year the number of tourists is rapidly increasing.

The peak season lasts throughout December and January. It is at this time that you can meet the most tourists at Thai resorts. At this time, almost all hotels are occupied, the prices for accommodation in which are excessively inflated. All the bars and restaurants are packed, and it’s difficult to move around the streets. But some people like this kind of dynamics.

The period from December to February is ideal for a beach holiday. It is at this time that the sea and sun will bring great pleasure - an excellent tan and crystal water.

Due to the long New Year holidays, which fall in the first half of January, the flow of tourists wanting to relax on the sunny coast of the Persian Gulf usually increases several times. In the UAE, January is considered one of the coldest months of the year, however, by our standards, the climate is reminiscent of late summer and early autumn. The average daily air temperature does not fall below +25°C, but the water does not warm up above +18-19°C - not the most comfortable temperature for swimming small children and those who prefer the warm sea. That is why tourists prefer to spend time at the heated swimming pools, which are available in most hotels in the Emirates.


Holidays in the UAE in February are most suitable for travelers who prefer peace and quiet, since the decline in the tourist season occurs precisely in this month. Rains, rare for the UAE, begin in February. average duration which can be a maximum of 10 days a year. The most precipitation falls in Fujairah, so it is better not to plan a beach holiday in this emirate. Due to the changeable weather in February free time best spent on visiting the attractions, exhibitions, museums and water parks that abound in the UAE's resorts.


March counts last month low season and refers to one of the most pleasant periods for a quality beach holiday. The air has not yet had time to heat up to unbearable heat, but the temperature is quite enough for comfortable bathing and sunbathing. During the day, the temperature of both air and water reaches +24°C. In the evening the average is +19°C. With the arrival of March, precipitation completely stops in the Emirates, however, occasionally short-term rain may occur in some cities. Also rest in United Arab Emirates in March it will appeal to those who prefer long excursions - the absence extreme heat encourages long walks through parks, markets and streets, and prices for many tours remain low in winter.


In April, the temperature column continues to move steadily upward and reach higher levels than in March, but the weather still remains very comfortable. The advantage of this month is that there is no need to bring warm clothes with you - in the evenings and at night the temperature reaches +24-25°C. In the mornings it is quite tolerable to be outside in the sun, but at noon it is best to avoid direct rays and hide in the shade due to the increase solar activity. Those planning a holiday in the UAE in 2016 should also take into account that the cost of travel packages will only increase in the run-up to peak season, so it makes sense to book your tours as early as possible.


Holidays in the UAE in May are very popular due to the holidays that fall during this month. The spring rush for travel packages often leads to difficulties in finding available hotel rooms and booking tickets, especially for the first half of the month. Prices are also rapidly gaining momentum - it is worth considering that, for example, seven-day tours to hotels, which cost about $500-600 per person back in March, can become almost twice as expensive in May. As for the weather, it is in this month that the heat begins in the Emirates - the daytime temperature does not drop below +30°C, and almost every evening the thermometer shows +27-28°C. The water also warms up to +30°C, so many tourists are content with cooler water in hotel pools.

June July August

The summer months are considered the hottest in the Emirates - starting from June, the thermometer sometimes reaches +50°C, and in the evening the temperature drops only 8-10 degrees, to +40°C. When going on holiday to the UAE in the summer, it is worth considering that air conditioners in stores shopping centers and hotel rooms sometimes struggle to cope with the heat, so travelers with weak hearts and small children may want to avoid traveling to the UAE during these months. You should also not pack warm clothes in your luggage - you simply won’t need them in the summer. As for swimming, the water temperature in the pools will be much more comfortable than the sea, which warms up to +33°C in June, July and August.


This month the heat is gradually subsiding, and although the temperature on thermometers still remains at least +30°C, local residents begin to go home after the holidays, and tourist season approaches the so-called “velvet”. During this month, the demand for tours drops slightly, so you can purchase a tour at an attractive price even to luxury hotels on the coast.

October, November, December

The most favorable holiday season in the UAE falls precisely in these months - the weather is optimal temperature conditions both for a beach holiday and for sightseeing. In October-November, daytime temperatures range from +30-35°C, but in the evenings they can drop to +20-25°C, so clothes with long sleeve. In November, tourists prefer swimming pools, and the beaches gradually become empty as the water temperature in the sea gradually decreases, reaching +20-22°C.