Excessively wet area earth's surface, characterized by peculiar vegetation [peat moss, sundew, sedge, cotton grass].

Swamp - A trap for a hippopotamus.

In the mythology of many cultures, the swamp is associated with a bad, dead, unclean place.

According to east Slavic mythology the swamp man lives in the swamps, who can confuse the traveler.

Since ancient times, people have been frightened by the night glow in the swamps. Due to the characteristic location of the lights - at the height of a human hand - they are called "candles of the dead." It is believed that the one who saw them received a warning about imminent death, and they are carried by aliens from the other world. In Germany, they said that the lights in the swamp are the ghosts of those who stole land from their neighbors - as punishment, their souls roam the swamps in search of solid land. The Finns called them "lecchio" and believed that they were the souls of children buried in the forest. In Northern Europe, it was believed that the lights in the swamp were the spirits of ancient warriors guarding treasures.

According to English beliefs, these so-called wandering lights try to lure a person into a swamp or other dangerous place. This element of folklore is well shown in the movie The Lord of the Rings when the hobbits are walking through the swamps.

In Slavic mythology, swamp kikimoras live in swamps. They lure travelers into the quagmire by loudly calling for help. Sometimes people are led into the swamp by woodlands - the children of kikimora and goblin. In Slavic mythology, the swamp has its own guardian spirit, the owner is a swamp. He looks like a gray-haired old man with a wide, yellowish face. It is he who frightens those walking through the swamp with sharp sounds, sighs, and loud smacking. It is he who lures the self-confident and careless into the quagmire and, on the contrary, shows a safe path to those who treat nature with respect.

In Finno-Ugric mythology, the swamp endows its inhabitant with the giant Yar Mort with unprecedented power.

In Celtic mythology, swamps were the "gates of spirits" - in the place where the seemingly solid soil instantly leaves from under the feet, the gates to the world of mysterious spirits of nature and deities open. The Celts brought sacrificial gifts in the swamps.

The Khanty and Mansi believed that the whole world was born from the "liquid earth", that is, from the swamp.

The Egyptian goddess Isis hid her son, the god Horus, there.

In one of the myths about the creation of the world, swamps arose from a devil spit out of the mouth, hidden from God of the earth.

Interesting Facts about the swamp.

The largest swamp in the world - the Russian Big Vasyugan swamp. Its area is 53-55 thousand square meters. km.

According to legend, Ivan Osipovich Susanin, one of the Russian national heroes, was hired by a detachment of Polish interventionists in the winter of 1612-1613 as a guide. Saving Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, Susanin led the Poles into a swampy forest, where he was brutally tortured by them for refusing to show the right path.

Russian proverb: Every sandpiper praises his swamp.

The Bottom of the Swamp is a train station from the anime Spirited Away.

Saransk, translated from the Erzya-Moksha "sara", "sarana" - means swamp, swamp, bog - and in fact, vast areas were occupied on the site of Saransk lowland swamps and impassable bogs.

Swamp- Abode of the sandpiper.

Swamp- Natural peat factory.

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They take over swamps.

In is the largest swamp in Europe. The swamp is located in the Ust-Tsilemsky district of Komi. The average depth of the swamp is 1.6 meters, and the area is almost 200,000 hectares. This is not just a swamp, but a huge forest-bog system, including big number rivers and lakes.

Vasyugan swamps formed about 10,000 years ago and are constantly growing. Researchers believe that 3/4 of the area of ​​modern Vasyugan swamps was swampy less than 500 years ago. It turns out that this system of swamps is the main source of fresh water in the region, there are about 800 thousand small lakes, and many rivers originate from swamps. The area of ​​the Vasyugan swamps is 53 thousand km². This is more than territory , or . Vasyugan swamps are located within the boundaries of Omsk, as well as the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

One of the largest swamp systems in Africa is located in. Marshes can be found in the White Nile Valley. The area of ​​swamps is extremely variable - from 30,000 km² (on average), to 150,000 km² in the rainy season.

Interesting about swamps

Few people know that the “homeland” of a person, like all terrestrial life forms, is a swamp. It is believed that the first swamps arose about 350 million years ago, at the end geological period Silurian - early Devonian. Before finally getting to the ground, plants and animals lived in swamps. Swamps are a chronicle of nature. It is in the swamps that the only relic of the Ice Age still grows on earth - the plant zhyryanka (Pinguicula vulgaris). And what is preserved in peat comes to our days in its original form.

Over hundreds of millions of years, peat layers have turned into horizons. hard coal. And in them, in the form of imprints, the skeletons of strange animals and bizarre plant species appeared. If there were no swamps on Earth, we would hardly have known that magnolias and palm trees once grew in Greenland and Svalbard a very long time ago.

Even the most desperate berry pickers and hunters who visit the swamps say that it is worth being in the middle of the swamp, when suddenly there is a strange ringing in the ears, dizziness, legs become wadded and a serious desire to run appears. Inexplicable fear binds from head to toe, I want to forget this place forever. Hunters grimly joke that it is impossible to drown quickly in a swamp, there remains "time to eat toffee."

A person who is not familiar with the "rules of behavior in the swamps" seems to be paralyzed. He can no longer move, chained by horror and marsh ligature, and as if from the outside is watching his death. This can last from several minutes to several days. Until the swamp water begins to fill lungs…

It is not for nothing that the swamps in Russia are called Adovo, Sukino, Chertovo ... In these names - the people's fear of the mystery and mystery of the swamps.

None of the natural pantries is shrouded in so many secrets, legends and mysticism as swamps. Their fame is not good, so people bypass the kingdom of kikimora on the tenth road. And she loves uninvited guests. It drags gaping travelers into its quagmire. True, she rarely shows herself to people - she prefers to be invisible and only screams from the swamp in a loud voice. But if he gets naughty, he can ride on a frightened traveler to death. According to legend, girls who are cursed by their mother in the womb or in infancy before baptism, as well as girls born to a woman from a fiery serpent, turn into kikimor.

It was believed that such children are kidnapped and carried away devilry. Sometimes - straight from the mother's womb. After seven years, these children turn into kikimore. Children who died unbaptized could also turn into kikimor. In most beliefs, a kikimora is an evil spirit. If she marries a brownie, then she settles in the house and arranges riots. Sometimes even forcing the owners to leave the home. If the goblin looked to her as a husband, then from now on her house is a swamp. Children are born at a kikimora with a wood goblin - forests. They play pranks, knock travelers off the road, helping their parents with all their might to lure travelers into the swamps.

The swamp beckons. The wings of mills abandoned in the swamps constantly rotate, smoke comes out of the chimneys. Everyone living nearby bypasses these mills by the tenth road. The sounds that the swamp makes are like the speech of a giant living creature. And wandering lights in the swamps are often mistaken by lonely travelers for the lights of a dwelling and come straight to the swamps. Because of the characteristic location of the lights - at the height of the human hand - they were called "candles of the dead." It was believed that the one who saw them received a warning about imminent death, and they were carried by aliens from the other world. In Germany they said that the lights were in the swamp - these are the ghosts of those who stole the land from their neighbors. The Finns called them "lecchio" and believed that these were the souls of children buried in the forest. In Northern Europe, it was believed that the lights in the swamp were the spirits of ancient warriors guarding treasures.

In fact, the lights in the swamps are not fantasies and not inventions of dense grannies. In warm dark nights on swamps or fresh graves, one can actually observe pale bluish, faintly flickering lights. They seem to dance in the air, writing out a complex trajectory. This is "burning" hydrogen phosphorous. Phosphorus compounds that are part of the corpses of animals and humans, under the action ground water decompose to form hydrogen phosphide. With a loose embankment above the grave or a small layer of water in a swamp, the gas, having come to the surface, is ignited by the vapors of liquid hydrogen phosphide.

The swamps for us are still an undiscovered treasury, from where we can draw information not only about past landscapes, but also learn about our history. This historical book can be read endlessly, page after page, making new discoveries. But peatlands testify not only to changes in marsh vegetation. Often they keep the tools of labor and wars of the past buried in them. And even the remains of the owners of these guns. Sphagnum moss and its decomposition products, including humic acid, react with calcium and nitrogen, making human flesh incorruptible.

In May 1950, two Danish peasants were digging in the swamps of Bieldskovdal, Jutland, when they came across a corpse. They thought they had found a schoolboy from Copenhagen who had disappeared in the swamps the year before. They called the police. How could they have imagined that they had found the corpse of a man who died in the 4th century BC? walking on sharp rocks.

The cause of the death of the “man from Tollund” is covered in darkness (more precisely, peat), but the research of forensic doctors revealed many interesting details. about thirty different herbs.Two English archaeologists tried the dish prepared according to this recipe and found its taste disgusting.Botanists established the conditions in which he lived, and archaeologists specified his age.

In total, about 2,000 mummies have been discovered in the swamps of Europe over the past hundred years. These unfortunates were able to tell us something about the customs of ancient Northern Europe, which before today remained a mystery for historians and archaeologists.

And in Russia at the beginning of this year, the legend of the brave Russian peasant Ivan Susanin, who started Polish army into the swamp and thereby saved Russia from ruin. Near the village of Isupovo in the Susaninsky district of the Kostroma region, where there was a swamp a century ago, archaeologists have discovered hundreds of human remains and 40 pectoral crosses, presumably belonging to soldiers of the Commonwealth. One of the crosses is made in the tradition Orthodox Church and, most likely, adorned the chest of a heroic villager. Such pectoral crosses made in the 16th and 17th centuries.

In addition, the cross is not whole, but consists of fragments. It was possible to establish that he had been cut down - probably by the sabers of Polish soldiers. It is known that none of the Polish detachment survived. The only documentary evidence of Susanin's feat was the tsar's letter. In it, Mikhail Fedorovich gave Susanin's son-in-law Bogdan Sabinin half of the village of Dereveshchi: "Knowing about us, Susanin endured unbearable torture, did not tell us about us, and for that he was tortured to death by Polish and Lithuanian people." secret.

Three-quarters of all swamps are concentrated on the territory of Russia. In the south of the Tomsk region, on its very border with Novosibirsk, the Vasyugan swamp is located. Stretching for 500 kilometers in length and from 15 to 120 in width, it is the largest swamp on the globe.

As stated in the myth of the creation of the world, initially the earth was completely covered with water. Once, walking along it, God saw a muddy bubble, from which the devil jumped out. Then God told the Devil to get the earth from the bottom. The devil carried out the order, but hid a handful of earth behind his cheek. At this time, God created land from the brought land, on which beauty appeared. extraordinary trees, bushes and herbs. However, they began to grow in the mouth of the Devil, who began to frantically spit out the earth. That is how, according to legend, swamps arose on earth.


Among the people, swamps are not as popular as meadows, mountains, lakes and rivers; many see in them only damp places with rusty water squelching under their feet, unsteady ground, annoying mosquitoes and snakes successfully hiding in the vegetation. This place is not suitable for rest and walking. "Yes, you go to the swamp!" (where there is nowhere worse), they say when all the arguments in the dispute have already been exhausted. Using the example of interesting facts about swamps, let's take a closer look at these misunderstood waterlogged land areas.

  1. Areas with excessive moisture and a layer of peat less than 30 centimeters thick or without it at all are only wetlands, not swamps. In swamps, the peat layer is determined by a value of 30 centimeters or more.
  2. Bogs appear both on land with excessive moisture and some other reasons, and when water bodies are overgrown.
  3. Peat bogs occupy 2 percent of the Earth's land area. They contain 0.02 percent of the purest fresh water planets. Swamps of all types occupy more extensive areas of land. The most swampy continent is South America. It is 70 percent occupied by swamps. The second place in this indicator is occupied by Eurasia.
  4. 37% of all swampy areas of the world are concentrated in Russia. Western Siberia stands out especially here.
  5. Due to the antiseptic properties of peat, swamps are natural water filters, here it is the purest. Because of this, they conserve those that have fallen into them organic matter. Therefore, in the swamp, the bodies of animals and people do not decompose.
  6. The bubbles that appear on the surface of the swamps are the outlet of swamp gas, which mainly includes methane.
  7. Wetlands are one of the main regulators carbon dioxide. Due to the incomplete decomposition of organic matter, which leads to an open circulation of substances, they help fight against greenhouse effect planets.
  8. The Volga and Dnieper, like many other rivers of the Earth, originate from swamps.
  9. The largest swamp in the world is located in South America in the deltas of the Paraguay and Cuiaba rivers. The area of ​​the Pantanal is 230,000 km².
  10. The deepest peat bog in the world is in Northern Greece. It's called Philippi. The thickness of its peat layer is 70 meters or more, it is located in a tectonic depression with a depth of more than 250 m.
  11. Vasyuganskoye, in Western Siberia, is recognized as the largest peat bog in the world in terms of area. Previously, there were 19 separate swamp formations on its territory, which have now merged into one swamp.
  12. Frogs and toads don't live in swamps.

Wetlands are not like other ecosystems. Swamps have their own color, their own smell and their own sound. Plants and animals also live here - this is an integral and necessary part of the nature of the world.

Do you know something interesting about swamps? Interesting information about swamps of Ukraine for children and adults is collected in this article.

Interesting facts about swamps

On the surface of swamps, organic matter is converted into peat, it then transforms into coal. Peat itself is used as a fuel, fertilizer, raw material for chemical industry and as feed for farm animals.

Swamps arise due to the overgrowth of reservoirs or through waterlogging of the soil.

The remains of plants and even the bodies of people are well preserved in swamps.

In swamps grows - cranberries, cloudberries, blueberries.

In swamps, on warm dark nights, faintly flickering lights can be seen, this is due to the ignition of swamp gas (bog methane), rotting plants or phosphorus organisms.

The swamp is 90% water and peat acids (this slows down the growth of bacteria) and therefore the body of a drowned person in the swamp is not destroyed and it is perfectly preserved.

Most of the bodies of people found in swamps occurred before the 1-4th century BC (for example "The Man from Tollund" died in the 4th century BC and was found in peat bog in Tollunda (Denmark).

The Amazon floodplain is the largest swamp in the world.

Although the swamp is not the best place, yet they are visited for the sake of mushrooms, berries and medicinal plants that only grow there.

Marshes are mainly concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. total area swamps in the world is approximately 3500000 km², of which about 50% are peat with a peat depth of more than 0.5 m. Largest territories swamps are concentrated in Belarus, Canada, Finland, USA, Russia.

In Ukraine, swamps occupy more than 1200 thousand ha with reserves of air-dry peat over 3 billion tons.

Most of the swamps in Ukraine are Polissya(900 thousand hectares), less - in the Forest-Steppe (about 300 thousand hectares), even less - in the Steppe and mountainous regions.

In Ukraine, there was big job for draining swamps, as a result of which many species of plants, including valuable medicinal ones (Marsh wolf body, White water lily, Common calamus) and others, were listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

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