1. Characteristics from the practice of a student, full name, who completed an internship at the Vinogradny agro-industrial complex of the Simferopol region.

Aleksey Aleksandrovich Porutchikov, a student at the Law Firm “KATU” of NAU, during his industrial practice as an understudy economist at the agro-industrial complex “Vinogradny” of the Simferopol region, established himself as a responsible, efficient and persistent person. Deepened and consolidated theoretical knowledge and skills in solving economic issues. Conducted research work on the Vinogradny agro-industrial complex.

natural and economic conditions farm, its size, structure and specialization of production;

dimensions resource potential farms and the efficiency of their use;

· state of technology and economic efficiency crop production;

· relationships between the economy and enterprises: organizations;

· formation market mechanism management.

Fulfilled all orders of the chief economist and took an active part in economic activity enterprises.

The level of knowledge with which the trainee came to the practical training was quite high. Knowledge in the field of enterprise economics, as well as the ability to work on a computer, allowed the student to easily understand the organization and features economic work at our enterprise.

There were no comments to the student during the internship period, head economist Agroindustrial complex "Vinogradny", Okorokova V.N. I believe that the work carried out by Alexey Aleksandrovich Porutchikov, compiled in the "Report on Industrial Practice", deserves an excellent rating.

2. Characteristics from the student’s practice in economics

Characteristics from practice of a third-year student of the Southern Branch of the Crimean Agrotechnological University.

Student full name from June 21, 2010 to July 16, 2010 was sent by the Law Firm "KATU" NUBIP of Ukraine to undergo industrial practice at OJSC Plemzavod "Krymsky" of the Saki region, to study and master the production practice program.

During the internship, the student proved herself to be a competent student, diligently attended and fully completed the established program.

During the internship, the student showed good level theoretical knowledge, and reinforced it with practical skills with a large degree of independence in work, took an active part in the work of departments and provided assistance to their specialists. She showed diligence, hard work, reliability and goodwill in her work.

The student is sociable, diligent, disciplined, and conscientiously followed the instructions of the internship supervisor from the enterprise.

We recommend that you rate your internship in the discipline “Enterprise Economics” as “excellent.”

3. Characteristics from student practice at a winery

Full name, student of TBP group 31.1 of the Southern Branch of the National Agrotechnological University National University Bioresources and Environmental Management of Ukraine, Faculty of Technology, underwent practical training at Evpatoria Winery LLC from 06/05/10 to 07/30/10.

During the internship, the student became familiar with the basic techniques of bottling wine in bottles and in Tetra-pak prism and Brick formats, performed various jobs in the bottling shop, she proved herself to be a conscientious, efficient worker. Throughout my practice I strived to get maximum amount information.

Head of practice from the plant: Slyusarenko V.I.

4. Characteristics of the student from the place of practice, accounting practice.

Ch. accountant of the Crimean Experimental Horticulture Station IS UAAN for a 3rd year student of the accounting and financial faculty of the Law Firm "Crimean Agrotechnological University" NAU Babin Maxim Mikhailovich.

During his internship at our enterprise from 06/23/08 to 07/19/08, student M. M. Babin established himself as a conscientious and responsible intern. The level of professional training and skills is quite acceptable for a future bachelor's degree in Accounting and Auditing. During the internship, the student was also entrusted with the right to help accountants fill out some registers for business transactions occurring at that time.

Examples of characteristics from student practice will be constantly added.

5. Characteristics of the student from the place of technological practice

Full name underwent practical training at the State Enterprise "Alushta" in the period from 09/10/2007 to 10/03/2007.

The student became familiar with the acceptance of grapes and the production of wine materials, studied the range of products, and became familiar with technologies in the field of processing wine materials.

Full name has proven himself to be a responsible, efficient, disciplined worker. In the team he has proven himself with positive side.

At the request of authorized bodies or organizations, a document such as a character reference for a student from the place of study can be drawn up. Moreover, it can become one of the documents characterizing a person when considering cases of administrative offenses or criminal prosecution.

On the website we have posted examples of the most common characteristics that can also be used in relation to a student: , . In this case we will consider general example such a document for a student when transferring to another university. The same example can be used to present such a document when applying for employment, law enforcement agencies and any other organizations.

An example of a student's profile from the place of study

Federal state budget educational institution higher education

Kemerovo State Polytechnic University

6500056, Kemerovo, st. Krasnoznamenaya, 49


Zavyalov Makar Viktorovich, born September 5, 1997, has been a student at the Kemerovo State Polytechnic University since July 20, 2015. He is currently studying in the 3rd year of the Faculty of Jurisprudence. full-time, study group YUK-415. Enrolled in budget place, Unified State Exam results – 272 points.

During his studies, he established himself as a conscientious and disciplined student. He copes with the curriculum, the average academic score is 4.3, he has no debt in disciplines, and does not experience any difficulties in his studies. Specialization – civil law and civil process. Successfully defended coursework at the end of the 1st and 2nd courses, grade “excellent”. He did not allow absences from lectures and seminars without a good reason.

Takes an active part in social and sports life University: is a member of the volleyball team.

Character – calm, friendly. Avoids conflicts, is friendly, friendly, sociable. Reacts correctly to criticism. Among the students of the group YUK-415 enjoys well-deserved authority. He is polite and tactful with teachers. Takes an active part in seminars and scientific research.

This specification is given for presentation at the place of request.

Curator of the group YUK-415 Svetlogorskaya A.V.

Dean of the Faculty of Law Bezborodov A.A.

How to prepare a profile for a student from the place of study

In most cases, the characteristics are compiled by the student himself, depending on the purpose of its presentation. Such a responsibility may also be assigned to the curator of the group where he is studying. In any case, such a document has its own structure and content.

A characteristic is always an evaluative document. Since one of the main indicators for a student is academic performance and the absence of debt in disciplines, such information is necessarily included in the document.

To prepare a profile for a student from the place of study, you will need information: about the results of the Unified State Examination, the results of exams and tests, defense coursework s, participation in public life university, cultural life. Character traits based on interactions with classmates, other university or college students, and teachers.

Structure of characteristics for a student from the place of study

The document is drawn up on letterhead educational institution indicating its full name and address. We offer the following document preparation algorithm:

  1. Indicate full name student, date of birth, date of admission to Educational establishment, faculty, course, form of study, group number, admission results
  2. Academic performance, average grade, results of defending coursework, specialization (if any)
  3. Participation in public life educational institution, conferences, olympiads, availability scientific developments, publications in scientific journals
  4. Features of character, temperament and relationships in the team and with teachers

The student's reference form from the place of study is signed by the dean of the faculty, indicating the date of issue.

A student of group TV-31 VSP "Berdyansk College of the Tavria State Agrotechnological University, underwent technological practice at the State Enterprise winery named after. P. Osipenko from 05/25/2010 to 07/26/2010

During his internship, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov studied the technology of grape processing, mastered the operation of grape processing equipment (crusher, press, stackers, conveyor), became familiar with the work of a chemical laboratory, and mastered grape sampling. During his technological practice, he showed himself to be a hardworking, efficient employee, interested in the quality of work and its results.

Excellent grade for practical training. Head of Practice.

Characteristics of a student intern for industrial practice, example.

Characteristics of the 5th year student intern of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance Ivanova Ivana Ivanovna.

Student-intern, Ivanova Ivanna Ivanovna, showed herself to be a good performer during her internship at the Livadia State Enterprise. She conscientiously completed all tasks assigned to her, studied a large number of documentary materials available at the enterprise. Studied the organization of the system accounting, enterprise reporting, as well as the degree of automation of the accounting process. Showed high level training as a specialist. She always showed interest in new work.

Modest, responsible, hardworking.

Chief accountant (head of practice from the enterprise).

Characteristics of a trainee during internship - examples

Characteristics of a student intern of the Faculty of Technical and Technical Development and PPR of the specialty “Land Management and Cadastre”

Taranenko Ekaterina Valerievna underwent practical training at the State Enterprise "KNIiPIZ" from September 1, 2008 to October 3, 2008.

During the practice of violations labor discipline and there was no internal work schedule.

Ekaterina got acquainted with the work and tasks that are being solved in departments: state land cadastre, TGO, department of land management and land assessment works.

She took an active part in the work of the organization and showed interest in the production tasks assigned to it. Participated in design and geodetic work, got acquainted with the intricacies of work in various positions, got acquainted with various regulatory documents acting in the field of land legislation.

She completed the work given to her quickly and efficiently. Showed initiative in solving assigned tasks. She independently dealt with the issues that arose, which indicates the presence of basic knowledge at the student's.

In the process of performing the work, she successfully used computer technology.

I practically strengthened the knowledge I acquired at the university.

Characteristics of a trainee undergoing technological practice

Nadezhda Anatolyevna Vyazovikova, student of the Faculty of Technology, Southern Branch of the National University of Bioresources and Environmental Management of Ukraine “KATU”

Vyazovikova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, a 5th year student of the Faculty of Technology, specialty “technology of fermentation and winemaking” at NAU BiP UV KATU, completed an internship at ZAO Oktyabrsky Wine and Brandy Plant (primary winemaking workshop) from September 14 to October 31, 2009.

During the internship, I successfully learned what I learned in the process curriculum knowledge. On the territory of the enterprise I got acquainted with everyone production workshops and technological processes.

During her internship, she proved herself to be a conscientious and diligent trainee. She persistently mastered all operations carried out on the territory of the plant. She worked well with the team and earned the respect of the employees for her ability to work.


Characteristics of a veterinary practice intern

Intern Adjigaziev D.D. 6th year student of SFNU and PU (KATU) arrived at JSC Shirokoe on August 10, 2009. and finished work on November 27, 2009.

During his internship, he established himself positively as a responsible, executive, punctual and active person. He completed all tasks entrusted to him on time and showed himself as a good student. He showed good theoretical knowledge in treating animals. He took part in the treatment of internal non-communicable diseases, surgery, obstetrics and preventive anti-epizootic treatment and diagnostic measures.

We express our gratitude to the student for the work done.

Characteristics for an accounting trainee

A 5th year student of the accounting and financial department of the Law Firm "KATU" of NAU was sent to practice at the small private enterprise "Veresk".

She handled all assignments with responsibility.

She proved herself to be a disciplined, hardworking worker.

During their studies, students can do an internship at any enterprise.

Depending on the year of study, three types of practical activities of students can be distinguished::

  1. introductory (it is completed at the initial stage of training).
  2. Production ( this type internships usually take place in the middle of your studies).
  3. Pre-graduation.

At their educational institution, students have a supervisor who is responsible for completing the internship and assigns a grade at the end. This person supervises his wards and coordinates their activities. At the enterprise where students gain experience, there is also a person responsible for the students. This person is the supervisor of the trainees. Drawing up a profile of a student from the place of practical training is his task.

The student's profile from the place of practical training provides an adequate assessment of the student's knowledge and acquired skills and how successfully he performed the work assigned to him.

This document also reflects the student’s compliance with discipline at his temporary place of work, labor safety rules (if it is any kind of production), and his attitude to the matter.

Who can write a testimonial?

The supervisor of the practice may ask the student to write a testimonial himself and give it to him for signature.. In this case, it is very important to discuss what exactly should be reflected in the document. It may be convenient to record the text on a voice recorder and then transfer it to paper.

Also, the student can write the beginning and end of the document, and the manager will only have to write the most important thing - his direct feedback on the work of the mentee. This way, the head of the practice will not have to bother with drawing up the document.

In whose name is it compiled?

The internship certificate is drawn up either in the name of the teacher who is responsible for the student’s internship, or in the name of the head of the department.

As a rule, each university has its own requirements.

Typically, the practice manager from among the teaching staff provides all possible assistance to his wards.

This should also include Toolkit on the preparation of all necessary reports and other documents.

Design and rules for writing characteristics

This document is written in free form. There are no rules established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for writing characteristics. However, when writing a review from the place of practice, it is important to comply with all the norms of business correspondence.

  • the document is drawn up on the company's official letterhead. At the same time, it is advisable to indicate its details in the header along with the company logo.
  • Must be easy to use readable font. Font size should be 12 points.
  • Never use informal language.
  • When designing, use wide margins. Start a new paragraph with a red line, and the spacing between lines should not be large or small. Try to keep your paragraph 4-6 lines long. Otherwise, the text is poorly perceived when reading.
  • The text must be written correctly.
  • Official documents must be printed on A4 paper only.

In the photo you can see a completed student profile sample from the internship site:

The reference letter from the internship site must be signed by the internship supervisor. At the end of the letter the company's seal must be affixed.

I would like to note in advance that the characteristics of a master’s student from the place of practice will not differ in any way from a similar document drawn up for a student in terms of structure.

Document structure

The main points of the sample characteristics of a student from the place of practice are no different from the structure of any business letter. The following sections can be identified that it is advisable to reflect in this document:

  1. a cap.

    It is located at the top right of the letter.

    It indicates in whose name the letter is written, as well as the position of this person.

    The next line contains the name, surname and patronymic of the compiler and his position at the enterprise where the student did his internship.

  2. Below will be given more than one example of a student’s characteristics from the place of practice.

    An example of a student's description from a place of practice:

    Dean of the Faculty foreign languages

    Ural State

    Pedagogical Institute Shaposhnikov Boris Nikolaevich

    from the director of school No. 146

    Agalakova Irina Dmitrievna

  3. Heading. The title of the document may be as follows: “Characteristics of industrial practice.” The name is always located in the center.
  4. Introductory part. Here it is worth listing the student’s last name, first name and patronymic, the name of his university, the course he is studying in, and the name of his specialty. As well as the name of the enterprise where the internship took place, details of its manager, and the position of the student during the internship. It is also necessary to indicate the start and end dates of the student’s activities at the enterprise.
  5. An example of a student's characteristics from the place of practice:

    5th year student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Ural State Pedagogical Institute of Yekaterinburg, Maria Dmitrievna Kisileva, underwent production and teaching practice in secondary secondary school No. 146 Ekaterinburg from March 14 to May 23, 2016

  6. Main part. This section should describe everything job responsibilities intern. What kind of work did he do and how successfully did he cope with it? You can also list all the tasks that the supervisor assigned to him and whether the student managed to cope with the work. If a student independently studied something at the enterprise or showed initiative in performing any work, it is advisable to reflect this.
  7. In addition to the direct responsibilities of the intern, it is important to reflect all the knowledge and skills that he acquired at the temporary place of work.

    It could be mastering production process or studying any documentation.

    It all depends on the type of activity of the company.

    At the very end, it is advisable to briefly describe the student’s personal qualities. How responsibly he approached his work, whether he fulfilled his duties on time, and whether he came to work on time.

    You can emphasize such qualities as initiative, sociability, attentiveness, punctuality, consistency in performing duties.

    An example of a student’s work description at the place of internship:

    Trainee M.D. Kisileva acted as deputy class teacher and teachers German language. As an assistant to the class teacher, M.D. Kisileva communicated a lot with children, conducted extracurricular activities with them on the topics of their favorite hobbies, healthy image life, relationships in family and team, creativity. She also worked separately with those children who received low grades and were lagging behind in some subjects. As a German language teacher, M.D. Kisileva showed excellent knowledge didactic material, language proficiency, successfully applied the theoretical skills of the teaching profession in practice, and independently prepared for the lesson.

    Kiseleva M.D. mastered a large number of new teaching techniques, studied everything visual aids foreign language classroom, read further reading on teaching German, and also produced visual aids for lessons.

    Kisileva M.D. spent a lot extracurricular activities, always arrived on time, behaved politely with children and was able to gain their authority. She always filled out lesson sheets and proved herself to be a responsible teacher.

  8. Final part. The supervisor must express his position regarding the assessment of the student’s activities. Both a positive opinion about the ward and a negative one are indicated here.

    If a student has not mastered something properly or has not completed all the internship hours assigned to him, then this information must be reflected. However, the final grade is given by a university teacher or a commission from the teaching staff.

  9. Important. This paragraph can also reflect recommendations on the conclusion employment contract with the given intern (if possible).

    Example of characteristics from the place of practice:

    Kiseleva M.D. proved herself to be an erudite, responsible person. She coped well with her responsibilities, carried out many assignments, showed independence, and showed a love for her profession. Rating: “excellent”.

  10. Date and signature. The date is written in the lower left corner of the document, and the signature along with the transcript is written in the lower right corner. The company seal is placed under the signature.
  11. signature /______________/

    School director: Agalakova I.D.

    signature /______________/


The characteristic reflects how successfully the student was able to immerse himself in the realities of his future profession . This document affects the student's overall academic performance.

To get the highest score, not only mastered production skills are important, but also such nuances as attendance, attitude, initiative, and speed of completing tasks. You have seen a sufficient number of examples of writing a character reference for a student from an internship. We were also able to see what it looks like general characteristics student from the place of practice.

Characteristics of the student from the place of practicedescribes his professional training, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and business qualities that he demonstrated during educational, industrial or pre-graduate internship.

On conducting practical training and preparing a student’s characteristics from the place where it was completed

Conducting practical training for students is regulated by the Regulations on the practical training of students mastering basic professional educational programs higher education (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2015 No. 1383. The purpose of the practice is to develop basic skills professional activity, and if we're talking about about pre-graduation internship, then obtaining additional factual material for writing a thesis.

The practice must be supervised by two supervisors at once: one of the teachers of the educational institution and an employee of the organization that accepted the student for the internship. Together they create a practice schedule.

The functions of a representative of an educational institution are listed in clause 12 of the Regulations:

  • drawing up a practice plan;
  • development of individual practical tasks;
  • distribution of students among workplaces;
  • monitoring compliance with practice deadlines;
  • control of practice content;
  • methodological assistance to students;
  • evaluation of practice results.

Clause 13 of the Regulations describes the functions of the practice manager on the part of the enterprise. Organization employee:

  • coordinates students’ individual practical tasks, content and results of practice;
  • provides students with jobs at the enterprise;
  • introduces trainees to labor protection requirements and fire safety rules;
  • explains to students the rules of labor activity;
  • provides safe working conditions from the point of view of sanitation and labor safety.

The legislation requires students to complete assignments according to the internship program, comply with internal rules labor regulations, as well as labor protection and fire safety requirements.

The procedure for assessing results is not established by the Regulations and is regulated by local regulations educational organization. Moreover, in most cases, the practice manager from the enterprise is required to write detailed characteristics for a trainee.

Characteristics of the student’s work by location internship: sample, form

A sample character reference for a student is not established by law, so the document is written in any form. The practice manager should only remember that the document must be written in official style, in this case it is necessary to indicate the following information in the characteristics:

  • the name of the organization in which the student completed his internship;
  • organization address;
  • the name of the educational institution where the trainee is studying;
  • surname and initials of the student;
  • terms of internship;
  • type of practice;
  • responsibilities of the student during the internship period;
  • professional qualities of the student;
  • characteristics of the student demonstrated when communicating with the workforce;
  • practical skills mastered by the trainee;
  • the grade given to the student based on the results of the internship;