There is a common belief that Venus works only during the romantic stage of dating, and in long-term relationships they lose their influence. This is not entirely true: Venus works throughout the entire period of the relationship - be it one day or 70 years. It’s just that the longer people communicate, the more other synastric factors come into force. Saturn has the slowest effect - its influence begins after years, or even decades. If Saturn turns on, then this is serious and for a long time. And the interaction of Venus is a very important synastric aspect that cannot be ignored.

Venus Conjunction. This is a wonderful synastric aspect, which says that people have similar tastes, a similar idea of ​​love. People with Venus in the same sign will communicate easily; even at the beginning of their acquaintance, there will be a feeling that they have been together for a long time and know each other’s tastes perfectly. For example, if a man and a woman have Venus in Aquarius, they will be attracted to everything unusual and original, often ahead of fashion. They love everything high-tech and laconic. They don’t care about the price, the main thing is that the item suits your taste. In love they value freedom, they will not tyranny each other with jealousy - relationships will be built on friendship and trust.

Trigon Venus– an excellent synastric aspect. It occurs when Venus is in the signs of the same element. For example, Venus in Cancer and Venus in Scorpio. Such Venuses seem to be made for each other, their attraction is very strong. Both partners are aimed at deep and serious relationships, both are very sensual and romantic. In beauty for water Venus, the main thing is content, form comes second. Such Venuses love peace and quiet and will always be happy to spend an evening in each other’s company; they do not need entertainment.

Sextile Venus– a good synastric aspect. Here Venuses are in related elements, for example Venus in Capricorn and Venus in Pisces. But this aspect still needs to be “untwisted”; it does not provide unconditional harmony, like a conjunction and a trine. Practical Venus in Capricorn and dreamy Venus in Pisces will not immediately understand each other. But if Capricorn Venus is economical, then Venus in Pisces is not inclined to waste money. And in fact, for these signs, the essence is important, not the external shine. As Yin signs, they can easily while away the evening in each other's company without looking for entertainment.

Opposition Venus– intense synastric aspect. This complete opposite: tastes, views, ideas about love. Let's say the opposition of synastric Venus in Taurus and Venus in Scorpio. Taurus Venus loves melodrama, and Scorpio loves trash, in best case scenario– something darkly dramatic. Taurus loves material comfort and cash, while Scorpio always dreams of getting rich and invests money, and not always successfully. How to find it here mutual language? But the secret of any opposition is that the opposition sign is the other side of the coin. This is what you are afraid of, your hidden self. If you make an effort and meet halfway, then the tastes of your double will not be so terrible. The opposition connects the signs of a related element, which means that there is an opportunity to understand and accept. Venus in Taurus and Scorpio are united by loyalty to their chosen one, stinginess with money, and a focus on stable relationships. And this is not enough, right?

Venus Square– a very intense synastric aspect. It is difficult to find a compromise here - the partner’s tastes and behavior cause misunderstanding at best, and obvious irritation at worst. Let's take the synastric square between Skreltsova and Virgo Venus. Sagittarius has flights of fancy, generosity and grandeur in everything, while Virgo Venus is practical, rational, and precise. It's like heaven and earth. Of course, you won’t be satisfied with ideas alone, and Virgo will still bring Sagittarius a pie. But with such a look that this pie will not fit into the throat of the poor Sagittarius. Or the synastric square of Aries and Capricorn Venus. Aries Venus is passion itself, emotional intensity! And Capricorn is buttoned up. And there is no need to meddle with calf tenderness here! There are couples who live with Venus squares all their lives, I know such people. But in love, in feelings there is no harmony.

Quikons Venus– a synastric aspect with a catch. A quincunx occurs when your partner's Venus falls into the 6th or 8th sign from the position of your Venus. For example, Venus in Libra quincoses Venus in Taurus and Venus in Pisces. The quincunx aspect is very common. And all because the quincunx initially attracts with its charm. In this given case, all Venus in strong position: People with such Venus have aesthetic taste, appreciate art, and understand something about love. But Venus in Libra is cold and secular, and Venus in Taurus is sensual, warm and homely, and Venus in Pisces is, although sensual, not of this world at all, an idealist. Venus in Libra, having first become interested in Pisces or Taurus, will very soon understand that this is not her topic. There will be disagreements in love and tastes, which will certainly lead to misunderstanding. Of course, people also live with quincunxes. But there is no harmony in the relationship.

It remains to consider the Venuses located in adjacent signs. Aries-Taurus or Aries-Pisces, etc.. Here we get a semi-sextile, but in synastric astrology such aspects are not taken into account. It is believed that planets in adjacent signs “do not see” each other. That is, everyone lives as they feel, without really looking at the other. You can live, of course, but there is no commonality in tastes and love. In relationships, the one who most often wins is the one who has synastric Venus ahead of his own in the course of the Zodiac.

How does HE choose HER? Venus and Moon in a man's chart

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Astrocoaching "Finding a partner and building relationships" 22, 30.01 and 01.02

1 . Men with Venus in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are attracted to athletic, energetic, bright, confident, self-sufficient girls who are able to take the first step. The clothes are bright, bold, emphasizing female sexuality (the style of a girl athlete is possible).

Male Venus in Aries(visiting Mars), they are especially attracted to Amazon girls who demonstrate YAN-like, masculine temperament, pressure, are ready to act and are able to conquer men, and even if such Venus is aspected by male planets (for example, Jupiter or Mars) and intensely, Moreover, an active and aggressive message from a woman is perceived with pleasure

Male Venus in Sagittarius(visiting Jupiter) also attracts a fiery temperament, but more flexible, less assertive. Emphasis on education and spiritual development of women. Significant and social status(if at the first meeting the man has such information). And what if she owns foreign languages or a foreigner, that’s fine (or one’s appearance clearly shows belonging to another culture)

Male Venus in Leo(visiting the Sun). As the song says: “...girls like stars...” - that means bright, inaccessible and popular, at least among his 3 friends. I like girls “in character” - overflowing with self-esteem, proud, with a straight posture and head held high, walking with the feeling that every second the eyes of television cameras and fans are directed at them.

Synthesis. Fiery Venus:

Moon in Fire Signs

Moon in Gemini. In a relationship, she will prefer that her companion demonstrate leadership and assertiveness only in communication and maintaining constant interest in herself, and in everyday life she will be lighter, changeable and flexible

Moon in Libra. A difficult situation in the case of Venus in Aries, because the signs Aries-Libra are in opposition and such a man often does not know what he wants. In any case, a girl who demonstrates temperament and energy in her behavior can take the first step, and at home turns into a gentle and very balanced cat

Moon in Aquarius. You will definitely like it bright girl, self-sufficient, unusual. Oddities in appearance and behavior are unlikely to frighten, but at home men with such a Moon do not need a rich emotional life. A woman friend and like-minded person comes to the fore

Moon in Taurus. Such a man is unlikely to be knocked down by anything. Tenacity or obstinacy will not frighten him, he himself can be stubborn, but restlessness, irrepressible temperament and the noise of dishes breaking in anger will simply kill him... or he will kill you. In a relationship, he expects more stability, tenderness, thriftiness and Olympic calm from a woman

Moon in Virgo. He is often afraid to allow himself a “fiery” girl, even though he likes him, because he himself is a low-emotional bore (at least). Finding a girl who is bursting with energy and enthusiasm, and at home turns into a caring nurse and maid, is difficult, but, nevertheless, if your chosen one has such a set, you will have to try

Moon in Capricorn. A successful, bright girl with leadership qualities is quite suitable, he just wants more peace at home, if initiative, then constructive and attention to economic and financial issues

Moon in Cancer. Complex combination. The fiery, noisy girl who attracted him at the beginning, in fact, should be a homely, caring, sensitive and attentive mother of the family, although emotionality is welcomed both in behavior and in relationships, but for a relationship, such a man requires deeper and more subtle feelings. He is touchy, and fiery impudence can hurt at any moment

Moon in Scorpio. Hurricane mixture. This man is interested in passion and sex, he gives in to his instincts and is looking for the same partner, but the main problem is that he would like to dominate. The partner must completely dissolve in him, and often chooses fiery, self-confident girls who are hardly able to obey, and even like to give orders. If there are tense aspects with Mars, maybe in anger it will even come to hand-to-hand combat, but this extreme case.

Moon in Pisces. His girlfriend is characterized by idealism and romance, but for a serious relationship all this must be seasoned with a solid dose of sympathy, understanding, and intuitive attunement to his frequent mood swings

2 . Men with Venus in air signs(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are attracted to light (including physically light), sociable, charming, funny, optimistic girls who can support any conversation. There should be nothing aggressive or flashy in appearance. Clothes should demonstrate liveliness and lightness (unless Venus in Aquarius might like something avant-garde, out of the ordinary)

Venus in Gemini(visiting Mercury). The main thing is variety. A woman must change (or he will exchange you for another, you won’t have time to look back), adapt to any circumstances, as they say, “go up and roll” at any moment, and, of course, be sociable. It is unlikely that a man with such Venus will be attracted to a girl who stands modestly in a corner at a party and cannot put two words together in a conversation with a stranger. No, his girlfriend has something to say to this world! She should smile constantly, radiate optimism and chirp easily on any topic.

Venus in Libra(in our abode, but let’s not forget about exalted Saturn in the sign of Libra). The main thing is that it is no worse than others. The girl must comply with the social standards accepted in his environment, so as not to violate the universal harmony that is so valuable to him, either by her behavior or appearance. If he is wealthy, educated, expensively dressed, just like his friends and relatives, then the lady should be at least no worse, because in matters of choice, including women, she is guided by the opinions of others. It is imperative to be able to behave in society, while being feminine, light, sophisticated and beautiful.

Venus in Aquarius visiting Uranus, which means expect surprises both in appearance and behavior. A man may be attracted to girls who are “weird” or unusual hobbies; coldish, independent, as if “on their own wavelength”. Often, they do not like bright sexuality in a woman. Sometimes they like a "boyish" appearance. He can make a choice that no one but him understands. Dream only about this girl and no other, even if she does not show interest in him, and maybe this circumstance will spur him on even more (Venus in Aquarius is unusually stubborn in her assessments and preferences)

Synthesis. Airy Venus:

Moon in air signs. The planets are in the same element, the qualities are similar. You can do the synthesis yourself, there is no point in a detailed description.

Moon in Aries. His girlfriend is cheerful, lively, and sociable. In a permanent relationship, such a man will need more initiative, determination and... masculinity from a woman than a typical “airy” girl can give

Moon in Sagittarius. With such a man, you need to constantly maintain his keen interest in himself. He himself can be restless (if Venus is in Gemini) and have varied hobbies (at worst, he tries to keep abreast of events in socio-political life). A girl should be optimistic, independent, ready to travel (“this is not difficult for airy” girls), but at the same time constantly improve her intellectual and spiritual level of development. There’s just not enough “air” communication here; you’ll have to read a couple dozen more books to broaden your horizons. They may be attracted to young, unintelligent girls, for whom they will become teachers and guides to “adult” life

Moon in Leo. Good combination. A man needs a socialite - a girl who looks good in society and knows how to support any conversation, but at home such a man wants her to always be on top: she organized life in the kingdom, raised children, received guests in the best possible way, worked and managed to look like queen. Women of the “airy type” often do not have enough energy for this

Moon in Taurus. A man loves sensual pleasures, especially if Venus is in Libra (the ruler of Libra and Taurus is Venus, i.e. the Venusian principle X 2). Coming home, in addition to the sweet chirping and jokes of his girlfriend, he will want have a delicious dinner, comfort, beautiful surroundings, and that all bills for public utilities were paid. He will also be annoyed if her many friends often visit his “airy lady” home.

Moon in Virgo. It is difficult for a man to relax even at home. All the time, some little thing catches your eye that needs to be completed, removed, etc. He can be irritable over little things, especially if Venus is in Gemini. Just as with the Moon in Taurus, rationality and practicality in everything are encouraged. As they say: “we chatted, had fun, it’s time to know the honor.” We came home and started “working” - washing, cleaning, repairing... more precisely, you will do all this.

Moon in Capricorn. In principle, for such a man, sensuality and emotionality are not of great value. He is rational, dry, conservative and from a woman in family life expects, first of all, practicality, frugality, self-control, so the lightness and smile that attracted him to a girl in the beginning can be very annoying when she just as easily squanders family budget It’s not clear why. This is where the lunar Capricorn will definitely strike

Moon in Cancer. Such a man would like to see an airy butterfly flutter, but only at home and, for the most part, in the kitchen, because he appreciates a cozy home environment, Tasty food, honors family traditions and mother. That's definitely someone you shouldn't quarrel with. He himself is vulnerable, so the airy chatterbox must carefully “filter” what he says

Moon in Scorpio. In such a situation, you definitely won’t get away with talking and smiling. Superficial lightness must be transformed into passion and magnetism, especially in intimate life, otherwise, in search of life-giving emotional moisture, he will very quickly begin to draw at the bottom of the well.

Moon in Pisces. Not a bad combination. Flexibility and lightness are welcomed both in behavior and in relationships (“airy” girls have these qualities), but airy non-conflict and the ability to adapt to the interlocutor can be easily confused with true gentleness and sympathy, which he so expects, and these are things of a different order. There is no need to talk about the depth of feelings. If a woman has many personal planets in the air in her chart, she is unlikely to be capable of deep emotional attachment

3. Men with Venus in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). They are attracted to sensual, caring, gentle, sweet girls (the sexuality and sensuality is hidden, there is only a hint, even if very transparent, as in the case of Venus in Scorpio). The appearance is sweet and feminine, and is not embarrassed by being overweight (again, in the case of Scorpio, aggressively sexy girls may be attracted, especially if the aspects are appropriate)

Venus in Cancer(visiting Luna). Such men perceive a woman as a potential wife and mother. They make emotional choices. They themselves are vulnerable, a little infantile and touchy and, accordingly, choose a girl who would hurt their feelings less (often guided by the image of the mother or, conversely, the opposite of it, depending on the relationship with her), who demonstrates tenderness, femininity, delicacy, caring, but at the same time sensuality and sexuality

Venus in Scorpio(visiting Pluto and Mars). A man loves sex and money. He wants to possess his partner completely and completely. What is important here is not so much the number of partners, but the quality, that is, the intensity of feelings and erotic impressions. Often he himself makes a magnetic impression, despite his ordinary appearance, and he wants a woman who is attractive, not necessarily meeting any standards of female sexuality, but emitting a similar magical, powerful energy. Such men see through clothes and therefore smell these vibes from a kilometer away. There are also greed for an aggressively sexual image.

Venus in Pisces(exalted, visiting Neptune). The image of the girl is romantic, idealized. Such men dream of pure, sublime love... like in the movies, but they themselves are ready to surrender to their feelings with all their might. And often, they simply have no idea what they want, because ideas about a woman are very vague and vague. Most likely, you will like a girl who is feminine, soft, capable of deeply empathizing, and in the worst case, being that very “vestite”. He may pay attention to a girl who showed sympathy for him or who picked up a stray kitten before his eyes. By the way, they themselves are loyal to excessive female sensitivity and tears. They absolutely do not accept rudeness and pressure in a woman, they immediately slip out of their hands.

Synthesis. Venus aquatic:

Moon in water signs. The planets are in the same element, the qualities are similar. You can do the synthesis yourself, there is no point in a detailed description.

Moon in Gemini. Despite all the attractive, at first, sensuality and emotionality, in family life he expects more rationality, lightness and contact from a woman. At home, he will hardly tolerate overheated emotions and frequent tears. In family life, a “quick” girl will suit him

Moon in Libra. Especially needs permanent partner, but scenes of jealousy, especially in public, will make such a man quickly run away. He values ​​his reputation in society. He needs a very calm, harmonious atmosphere in the house, and it is not difficult to unbalance him. Screams, tears, showdowns will lead him to a nervous breakdown

Moon in Aquarius. As soon as a woman allows herself to limit his freedom too much (a “watery” girl will definitely want to do this), problems will begin. For a permanent relationship, in addition to his mistress, he needs a female friend who understands his “oddities” and is ready to put up with his freedom within the framework of marriage

Moon in Taurus. Love is love, but you always want to eat. Sensuality is welcome, but excessive sensitivity is not. Such a man needs a girl who is hard-working, strong both mentally and physically.

Moon in Virgo. Despite the attractive emotionality, there is no need for unnecessary emotions in family life. Capable of killing any sensitive “water” girl with his rationalism and pickiness. On the other hand, the house is in order and everything is according to plan

Moon in Capricorn. This is not the man who rushes headlong into the pool of love. More precisely, at the stage of falling in love he can throw himself, but he will always emerge and come to his senses, especially if it comes to marriage. Just like any earthly Moon, lunar Capricorn needs stability and security. This does not mean that marriage should be without love, but some calculation on his part will always be present. Counting on the “right” woman, who, in addition to sensual experiences, will provide a strong home rear.

Moon in Aries. Impulsive, emotional, but quick-witted. He easily loses his temper and is not inclined to choose words in this state. More gentle and sensitive creatures can be liked (except for Venus in Scorpio), and in relationships he expects a woman to be efficient, decisive, resilient and cheerful, despite any insults

Moon in Leo. Perhaps more than any other fiery Moon, she is able to tolerate a woman’s emotional dependence on herself, because deep down she is “white, fluffy” and warm-hearted, but she wants to be in charge in the house and will not tolerate emotional manipulation for a long time. In any case, if you indulge his power complex in the mornings and evenings, he can forgive a lot

Moon in Sagittarius. Energy and optimism are also important. Like any fiery Moon, it can be rude and offend in passing, so it can hardly tolerate the “watery” blues, touchiness and rancor.

4. Men with Venus in earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). I like girls who are hard-working, serious, modest, practical, radiating calm and readiness for a permanent relationship (Venus in Capricorn may be attracted to girls of higher status or financial status). Appearance is not so important - calm, maybe even strict, reminiscent of an erotic fantasy about a secretary hiding a passionate nature under an office black and white appearance

Venus in Taurus(in his monastery). They love sensual pleasures no less than the Venusian Scorpios, but not only sex is important here, but the appropriate environment, accompanying foreplay and a little romance. Such men love with their eyes and hands; aesthetics and tactile sensations are very important to them. A girl should be dressed with taste, smell nice, have soft skin, a pleasant voice, she should give off a feeling of coziness, comfort, well-groomed, so rudeness, harshness, loudness and any excess, including in relation to money, will irritate such a man

Venus in Virgo(in fall, visiting Mercury). To the question: “Why do you love me?” can literally say why and roll out a list of your actions, opposite which there will be pros and cons, because he is attentive to details and notices everything. If your tights come loose, someone will definitely notice and be sarcastic, but this is, of course, an extreme case. He simply evaluates a woman, just like everything else, rationally, takes everything literally and judges your attitude towards him by real actions. This does not mean that he is not capable of passionate feelings. Capable, and how. Precisely because in love he can completely lose control over himself, he is restrained and afraid to show the fullness of his feelings. And he will prefer a girl who is reasonable and restrained.

Venus in Capricorn(visiting Saturn). She loves status, success and money, so a businesswoman, the daughter of respected parents, or, at worst, just a girl with a good job is a very attractive image. This does not mean that they are gigolos, they themselves may have a good bank account, but, as they say, money is money. The reliability and loyalty of a woman is of fundamental importance, because he is suspicious and distrustful. It’s better to leave your “dark past” there. They are dry and restrained in expressing feelings, but they do not expect African passions in return. In any case, his girls are hard-working, practical, respectful material assets, strong-willed and energetic

Synthesis. Venus terrestrial:

Earth's moon. The planets are in the same element, the qualities are similar. You can do the synthesis yourself, there is no point in a detailed description.

Moon in Aries. In a permanent relationship, such a man will want more dynamics, initiative and passion on the part of the woman. Practicality and stability are great, but with a twist.

Moon in Sagittarius. It will require more mobility, versatility, social activity and a willingness to talk long and hard about philosophical topics. Typical “earthly” girls don’t really like this, especially the “Taurus” type

Moon in Leo. To maintain a relationship with such a man, you will have to change your cozy robe and slippers for a dress, shoes and makeup, so that you are always ready to receive numerous friends and make an indelible impression on them not only with a delicious dinner, but also with a radiant smile and cordiality, regardless of your mood.

Moon in Gemini. For a serious relationship, such a man needs several women in one bottle to match his changeable moods, but certainly not to irritate him with tediousness and everyday problems. This is the path to separation. More ease, ease and communication

Moon in Libra. Especially favorable with Venus in Taurus. In any case, such a man has a hard time withstanding conflicts and avoids them in every possible way. He definitely won’t want to sort things out and bother with economic issues. That's not why it blooms! But going out into the world, the brilliance of your sophisticated beauty and the ability to find a common language with those around you will always please him

Moon in Aquarius. Do not try to press on such a man and immediately involve him in a serious relationship and solving everyday issues. Despite the love for earthly constancy, the feeling of freedom should always be present. He walks on a long leash.

Moon in Cancer. In principle, a harmonious combination for a serious relationship, and even more so for creating a family. Such a man is in the mood for this, but he needs more sensuality, softness and delicacy, because deep down he is easily vulnerable and sentimental

Moon in Scorpio. Not an ordinary young man. Outwardly reserved and calm girl in a relationship should be revealed as emotional and passionate nature. Such a man always needs intense feelings. Often, he himself heats up the atmosphere in order to maintain the degree of emotions at the level he needs. Typical “earthly” girls may simply not provide such a range of sensations

Moon in Pisces. Relationships require a lot of empathy, intuitive understanding and gentleness. It is difficult to tolerate straightforwardness, dryness and tediousness, which are sometimes characteristic of “earthly” women, because they are woven from love. He himself is not bad at adapting to almost any female character and expects the same ability to “change shoes on the go” from a woman

Compatibility astrology or synastry– a very interesting and voluminous topic. It is not limited to considering two planets in a horoscope. I only considered first level of synastry. Next, you can consider in detail the relationship between a man and a woman and compatibility natal charts, generally. The site is not enough to write everything that is possible. We invite you to

Semira and V. Vetash “ASTROLINGUA”

fragment of the book of Semira and V. Vetash


© When citing these materials, be sure to cite the authors and this source.

Chapter IV



Usually, after considering a personal horoscope, an interest arises in what, from the point of view of astrology, a person’s ideal life partner should be. Astrologers are often asked the question: Which sign suits me best? It is impossible to give a serious answer to this without seeing the person’s horoscope. There are traditional sign preferences (like both home signs Taurus-Cancer or equal strength Leo-Capricorn). But practice shows that choosing a partner's zodiac sign can be any , depending on the person’s attitude to this event, the principles of building relationships and the personal chart (from which, by the way, it may follow that the person bears little resemblance to his sign).

For marriage, as in general for long-term relationships between people, the most important role is played by the aspects that show combination of horoscopes (synastry). Below we will look at the aspects on which marriage is built, and first we will briefly describe the typical interaction of different signs.


The interaction of opposite signs in the Zodiac always involves abandoning oneself and search for alter ego. These signs are close in the commonality of the tasks that they face and can achieve success in some area (the opposition is the Saturnian aspect). But they do not understand each other directly. In India, it was believed that it was better for parents to be of opposite signs: then the child would have the full scope of qualities and a harmonious situation. Unfortunately, this is only possible in countries with established rules for family relations, and not here, where everyone focuses on themselves. Therefore, in general, it is difficult for opposite signs to get along.

Scales well balanced Aries , but their sophistication may clash with his rudeness. Aries does not understand anything about the intricacies of human relationships and gives in to any difficult situation where Libra feels at their best. He proves that he is right by force, and if Libra sees the beauty in this force and has respect for it, then all is not lost. Aries and Libra can be brought together by the desire to discover new facets of life and their personality. But all attempts to reshape the other in your own way lead to too obvious failure.

Taurus with Scorpio can unite the need for passionate love. In interaction, they should not persist in their own way, but follow the lead: trying to fully satisfy the sometimes insatiable desires of their partner. Sexual relations and the birth of children play a special role. If all is well, this productive marriage can be proud of its beautiful children.

The most common pair of opposites is Twins And Sagittarius . They are not inclined to isolate themselves within the family, and all difficulties are solved by searching for opportunities and expanding prospects. Both signs undoubtedly share a love of travel. However, Gemini reacts to what is close and accessible, while Sagittarius needs large-scale plans. If only one of the partners travels (attends events, goes on visits), and the other is at home at the same time, a crack is inevitable.

Pair Cancer -Capricorn also occurs and resembles the marriage of an old man with a baby, where the pragmatism of Capricorn is difficult for Cancer, and the fantasies of the partner are absurd for the latter. They are united by love for their roots and reverence for relatives. It’s good when there is some kind of genetic similarity or relationship between them or they are continuers of good family traditions.

Pair Leo-Aquarius can only take shape under the condition of mutual love for freedom. If Leo has created his own rich world, then he does not care that his partner most of the time is somewhere far away (in his dreams or abroad). It also allows Aquarius to appreciate their partner's uniqueness, which serves as the basis for that sublime long-distance love that they tend to seek. If Leo is too conservative, independent Aquarius will quickly switch to more original partners. If Aquarius himself is not a person, Leo will simply “crush” him.

Marriage Virgo-Pisces is also rare and succeeds if both partners selflessly serve each other or common cause. For this, adjusting to the situation is not enough; they themselves must control their own destiny. An ideological and mystical perception of the world unites them, but carelessness and exposure to the currents of life can carry them in different directions.


It should be added that the opposite sign never seems to be perfect. When a person looks for qualities in a partner that complement his personality, the interaction of signs adjacent to the opposition ones works better. In this case, a quincunx (chironic aspect) is formed between the signs, which aims people at mutual evolution.

As an ideal, it is natural to focus male signs- on 5th in progress Zodiac (female), and female - respectively, on the 5th in the opposite direction (i.e. on 7th clockwise). In such couples, partners are able to highly value those qualities of a partner that they lack, and they always have something to learn from each other.

So, Aries And Virgo They are similar in their strong-willed and active principles: both love to “work hard.” And Aries, focused only on himself, which creates many obstacles for him in the implementation of his plans, learns from the modest Virgo to subordinate his personality common benefit. And Virgo for Aries is to be not only a faceless functionary, but also to declare their own intentions.

Leo and Capricorn strive to raise the material standard of living. Here Capricorn gives Leo an example of the sense of purpose that the latter lacks. And the sunny calm of Leo helps the gloomy Capricorn not to get hung up on professional achievements and enjoy life.

Sagittarius and Taurus are close by a positive and unshakably firm position of sanity and can help each other not to get bogged down in the routine of their well-being. Sagittarius, who sees the future, is able to indicate a goal to the hardworking, but not very far-sighted Taurus and give scope to his activities. Taurus, on the other hand, knows how to choose from the generously scattered ideas of Sagittarius the most acceptable ones for implementation and save the latter from fruitless struggle and disappointment.

Gemini and Scorpio dissatisfaction and a thirst for knowledge are related - after all, a decline occurs in Gemini solar activity, and a constant lack of something (namely solar energy) is also clearly felt by them, just like by autumn Scorpio. Gemini helps Scorpio to find new ideas and not get bogged down in the swamp of sensuality, and Scorpio teaches superficial Gemini to comprehend unknown depths of emotions and dramatic life scenarios.

Aquarius and Cancer - dreamers, visionaries and travelers. At the same time, Cancer is striving for the concrete realization of his dream, which brings Aquarius, who has been torn off from the earth, closer to it. And Aquarius adds humor to the sentimental and tearful Moon, which allows Cancer to remove protection from the darkness of the world and boldly move forward, throwing away their past attachments.

The feeling of harmony and the search for the truth of the moment brings together Libra and Pisces . Both signs are idealists, prone to psychology and helping others. Pisces’ immersion in the rhythms of life and talent for empathy helps Libra overcome their formalism; and the rational idealism of Libra calls on Pisces to move from the chaos of their life to the beauty of its order.

In these pairs, fire signs interact with earth signs, and water signs interact with air signs. Couples fire-earth(the first three of those described) have a creative orientation: fiery energy builds the material world. Second three pairs air-water, as continuous elements, are largely aimed at the spiritual: general psychology and ideals.

The creative interaction of these signs is always very productive. But it is undoubtedly better to recommend these interactions in friendship and cooperation. The fact is that the signs of water (except Pisces) and fire (except Sagittarius) are sensual and sexual, they strive for closer interaction than the signs of air and earth. Scorpio and Cancer may find the air signs Gemini and Aquarius too mental and shallow for themselves. The most common marriage here is the union Scales -Fish . And the conservative land is inclined to argue with independent fire: and if the question of power arises, the rivalry threatens to drag on for a long time, parity is needed here. Of these couples, they get along best a lion With Capricorn as having no equal.

It's easier for marriage when they combine female sign With 5th along the way masculine, and masculine from the 7th along the women's side. True, the partners in such a couple, in addition to their similarities, have common shortcomings, and therefore do not help each other so much in creative realization. In this case Earth interacts with air(melancholic and sanguine), strengthening people’s orientation towards external life; A fire - with water(choleric and phlegmatic), plunging partners into internal problems. These are couples that are less ideal for others than the previous ones, although they immediately reveal a common style.

Aries with Scorpio They are similar in their forward striving - and the sincerity of Aries complements the penetration of Scorpio, adding courage to the latter. They are both very sexy, but unfortunately, too aggressive and must restrain their feelings, not bringing the flames of the gender war to a destructive fire.

Taurus And Scales They are similar in their love for comfort and beauty, although they have a somewhat formal attitude towards life. The naturalness of Taurus is complemented by Libra's craving for the artificial, and together they can create something truly beautiful. But usually both of them do not want to spoil the harmony with the depth of their relationship, which can lead to their cooling and calm liquidation.

Gemini With Capricorn brings together practicality and love for construction (including mental construction - science). Here Gemini’s projects should be interesting for Capricorn, who will help implement them. But the monotonous pragmatism of Capricorn is too difficult for Gemini, who is looking for variety, being unable to devote yourself entirely to one task. Seriousness doesn't suit them. This couple will be harmonious if both show the artistry inherent in them.

Cancer And Sagittarius attracts a wealth of life opportunities, travel and nature (Sagittarius is closer animal world, and Raku is vegetable). Sagittarius gives Cancer confidence in his instinctive tendencies, and Cancer confirms Sagittarius' expansive plans. The motto of this couple could be: “everything is possible” (if not “everything is permitted”). Both of them are food lovers. It is important for them not to get bogged down in the base impulses of their nature, approaching them rather from the position of a researcher. We must keep in mind that Cancer is very attached to the family, and Sagittarius is extremely independent. And to preserve the union, it is important not to indulge either freedom or attachment, solving problems from the heights of abstract thought.

Virgo And Aquarius similar to absolutism and separation from the imperfections of everyday life. These are the two most infertile signs, a common flaw of whom - coldness: their feelings They are like disciplined water in which even microbes do not grow. Together it is extremely difficult for them to come to any productive results. But in theory they are much stronger than in practice, and therefore the sphere of their joint application of forces must be completely ideal.

Leo and Pisces They are close in their all-inclusiveness and all-forgiveness: both can indulge themselves, allow a lot and forgive a lot. Such an alliance is fertile ground for the manifestation of unjustified claims. But if Pisces perceives the dignity of Leo, and Leo accepts Pisces’ ability to participate, this can lead to entry into different circles and spheres of life.


Speaking about the elements, it should be borne in mind that air understands water better than vice versa, fire more drawn to the air than vice versa, Earth respects fire more than vice versa, and water stronger attachment to the earth than vice versa. And, say, the air should not be offended by the water that it does not understand it, or the earth by the arrogance of the fire.

The difference in the elements that determine a person’s temperament brings difficulties in mutual understanding. But even close similarity, as well as strong differences, does not always lead to a reliable marriage. Psychologically, partners of the same sign are closest to each other (the ligament is the solar aspect). But marriages between identical signs very little, and this is understandable: when a person sees another “as if peeling” and knows his character traits as his own, this rarely inspires him to love.

Of identical couples, marriage is the most common Fish -Fish who strive to somehow strengthen themselves. Marriage is quite common Scales -Scales for the same reason, because of their instability and emotional imbalance, which is difficult for other signs to understand and accept. Other marriages between the same signs are less common. Taurus With Taurus with mutual stubbornness they can still hold on to the house, but, say, Scorpio with Scorpio it is quite difficult to get along: they mobilize each other too much (although this may be useful for them for self-awareness or teamwork if both are used to “working hard”).

Two demanding Virgo meet as rarely as two critics Sagittarius . Marriage two Capricorn - material support for your old age. Two Aries or two Leo They must be very similar to each other in their qualities, so that they directly mistake themselves for the other: only then will there be no struggle between them. Two Cancer , on the contrary, are very different: otherwise they, multiplying each other’s indecision, will remain with their doubts. Two Gemini , reinforcing each other childish attitude to life, problems often arise with their own children. Marriage of two Aquarius - something unique, based on principles that are poorly understood by others.

Signs of one element (trine connection - Jupiterian aspect) have the same temperament, which greatly facilitates understanding between them. In a partner of his element, a person quickly finds a “soul mate” who reacts equally to everything that happens. A resonance immediately arises between them, and in the American horoscope of Anthony Edward, young people are recommended to first establish relationships with the signs of their element. But since in the USA it is easier to change a partner than here, and the signs of their element become uninteresting and simply boring over time, it is not always possible to call such couples indisputable, despite their good contact.

These marriages are most relevant for signs water- emotional, who really need deep sensual interaction and are strongly attached to partners. And also for signs fire, for whom their independence is too dear, and in another place they may no longer find understanding for this. Serious problems between these signs does not arise, although there are preferences.

Hypnotist- Scorpion stronger Pisces who gladly obey someone else's will: he easily lures them into the net (and can involve them in dubious activities. But the long-suffering of Pisces is not endless, and violation of ethics for them is a good reason to sail away towards new adventures).

Cancer more independent Scorpio and more tenaciously holds the partner and the situation in its claws, often taking full responsibility for love and material support for the marriage. Cancer is the sign, Scorpio is the sign feelings, and this can be grist to the mill of their relationship for a long time (if Cancer has at least a little will, but Scorpio has at least a little bit of feeling: and if Scorpio does not openly begin to profit from their union, squeezing the last strength out of Cancer. When the cautious Cancer begins to solve the problem of self-preservation, his shell turns to stone, and there is no time for love).

And for Cancer Fish - ideal. He unconsciously sympathizes with their attitude to life, even if it is very controversial and contradictory, and strives to adapt to the mysterious Pisces. These signs are given the ability to dissolve in each other more than anyone else; The problem may be the clash of their common myths and illusions with real life.

Leo Aries can admire, with his passion and self-confidence. With his openness and active position, Aries brings Leo out of the static of self-satisfaction: this is what awakens love in him.

Aries strives to become Sagittarius - to achieve his confident authority and sanity: for this, Sagittarius arouses respect in Aries. But so that Aries does not lose him, Sagittarius should not rest on his laurels for a long time, having taken a conservative position, but it is better to be a leader always and in everything (and above all in the family).

A Sagittarius thinks of himself as Leo - the center of the world: and the wider the joint world of this royal couple, the happier she is. Fire needs air space to burn.

Marriages within the elements land And air more problematic. Here Taurus more interesting is the more mobile Virgo, for Virgo responsible Capricorn is more authoritative, and Capricorn attracts the naturalness of Taurus. But if passions Taurus will appear in full force, the rationality of the colder earth signs Virgo and Capricorn may no longer satisfy him. Capricorn can be sure of reliability Taurus , only if he himself is able to put the sphere of feelings at the forefront. Virgo striving for sophistication and ingenuity, naturalness Taurus may seem bland. And marriage Capricorn And Virgo too down to earth: they can be tormented by material problems.

Air signs have a movement of sympathy from the original Aquarius towards more harmonious Libra, Scales the living bustle of practical Gemini captivates, and the pinnacle of those who seek Gemini - mental intuition of Aquarius. Libra provides Aquarius ideal models culture and aesthetics, which he lacks in gray everyday life. But his angularity and apparent irregularity of behavior can alienate them. Gemini helps Libra find practical grain in their utopias and realize them. Aquarius raises Gemini's schematic ideas to the desired intellectual height, showing ways of transition from short trips to long flights. But for marriage, the intellectual contact of air signs often lacks sensual depth.

The third degree of relationship that we can find in the Zodiac is the similarity of male signs fire and air, and female signs land and water. They make pairs that get together through the sign(by sextile - Venusian aspect). Here fire interacts with air (choleric with sanguine), and earth with water (phlegmatic with melancholic), and these signs are able to coexist peacefully. These are undoubtedly harmonious couples, since they are united by a double similarity - both the common season (physical similarity) and the related element (psychological relatedness). Moreover, they are not so similar as to become boring with each other over time, like signs of their element. They do not immediately understand each other, but as their mental nature develops, they become closer.

It is believed that the next sign (every other sign along the course of the Sun) is looking for something fundamentally new for itself in the previous one, and the previous one is looking for its own, related (in a classic couple of family men Taurus -Cancer , Taurus is looking for their own in a partner, and Cancer is looking for something new, which is natural for them). Often all couples meet through a sign, although Aquarius will rather look for something new in Sagittarius , with whom he is similar in the desire to expand horizons than his own in Aries, with whom he is close in internal freedom. Capricorn , on the contrary, rather seeks confirmation of himself in sympathizers Pisces than innovation in the individualistic Scorpio. Let us mention the related traits of these couples, on which their union rests and which ideally become its integral characteristic:

Aries-Gemini - enterprise and excitement (youthfulness, sportiness)

Gemini-Leo - brilliance and elegance (good image)

Leo-Libra - respect for people and a pleasant social circle

Libra-Sagittarius - interest in culture and social interaction, level of education

Sagittarius-Aquarius - independence and long-term prospects, foreign travel

Aquarius-Aries - aspiration towards the future, searching for new paths instead of the beaten path

Pisces-Taurus - contemplation and craving for true beauty

Taurus-Cancer - naturalness, love for home and nature

Cancer-Virgo - caring for the younger ones and attention to detail

Virgo-Scorpio - critical analysis of life and demands on oneself

Scorpio-Capricorn - creation of a reserve of resources and solid enterprises

Capricorn-Pisces - belief in fate and the pursuit of perfection

Couples through the sign easily adapt to each other and from a psychological point of view do not pose any problems: perhaps these are the most indisputable marriages.


Couples neighboring signs(semi-sextile - Mercurial-Ceresian aspect) are not very good, since the subsequent sign usually tends to reject the previous one. These signs, physically similar (born at the same time of year), but psychologically different (in terms of elements and temperament), tend to fight for living space, which sometimes resembles a war between neighbors in a communal apartment.

The peaceful exception here is a lion -Cancer , like the Sun and Moon complementing each other, and a couple Fish -Aries : Pisces are too unlike Aries with his powerful charge for life for them to support his desire to fight. But even though Pisces-Aries is a fairly common marriage, it cannot be said that everything went well in this union: both signs are not inclined to create harmony with their own hands, but rather hope that the element of feeling will send them. But can an impatient Aries wait for the weather all his life by the sea?

However, a pair of neighboring signs can still exist due to the romanticism of the previous sign, for which the subsequent one serves to some extent as the peak of its immediate earthly aspirations. So, if Aries values ​​life experience and sound wisdom Taurus , he will not act blindly, taking away all the initiative from Taurus, but on the contrary, in any endeavor he will ask for his advice and help.

If you're clumsy Taurus admires the liveliness Gemini , he will not keep them on a leash, and, having overcome jealousy, will extract the necessary information from their sociability and practical benefit.

If Twins and really want to evoke tender feelings in Cancer , they will follow his quiet, mysterious or simple emotions and will not allow their far-fetched ideas and behavioral patterns to become an obstacle to contact - which will develop by itself.

A Cancer to sit on a pedestal next to Leo , will show not infantilism, but maturity - not the fear of loneliness and abandonment, but the richness of one’s feelings and generosity of soul.

If a lion heart offers Virgo , he will not become a tyrant, offering her the role of service personnel, and will always be attentive to the everyday details of their life together.

If Virgo seeks mutual favor Libra , she will not demand immediate resolution of issues “with a knife to the throat”, but will show diplomacy.

If Scales waiting for love Scorpio , they will not change their decision every five minutes, but will show loyalty to the jointly chosen perspective.

If Scorpion wants to gain respect Sagittarius , he will not endlessly sort things out with him, but will divide the spheres of power.

If Sagittarius strives to conquer Capricorn , he will not promise what he cannot fulfill, and he will try to complete any joint event.

If Capricorn appreciates flying Aquarius , then - no matter how practical he is - he will not clip the wings of his partner’s fantastic plans and intuitive ideas, but, on the contrary, will try to understand them the real essence and meaning.

If Aquarius attract Fish , then - no matter how much he loves company - he will create every opportunity for his partner to feel as good with him as with anyone else.

And if Fish want to arouse sympathy Aries , then they will not wait for the weather by the sea, but will light the fire of their love themselves.

Such relationships require the more interested sign to somewhat overcome his own nature, but quickly bring a feeling of success in self-realization, as well as in his personal life.


At the signs one circle/cross(For example, Taurus And a lion or Cancer and Libra ) the goals and methods of self-expression are similar. Such pairs, connected by a square - the Martian aspect of struggle - are good for active life and creativity. Although the temperament of the partners here is different, these signs are not as distant from each other as in the opposition aspect. They contain a single movement from the previous sign to the next (according to the logic of the change of seasons) and from the previous to the next (which is its sign of conception: this is the 9th sign). These signs have a rather idealistic relationship with each other, although their life creativity can be the most material. Nice couples a lion -Scorpion , Scorpion -Aquarius , Capricorn -Aries , Fish -Twins , Twins -Virgo - all these are creative unions for the development of a single idea.

Psychological preferences (one’s ideal) here are determined by the sign of conception, so the overall focus of the union mainly depends on it. It also forms the specific goals of marriage, and the birth sign confirms and realizes them.

Among the signs turning cross - circle of will- indecisive Cancer , sign of conception for Aries , strives for Aries simplicity and courage, forming a clear emotional impulse in his soul. They are brought together by the spontaneity of manifestations and maternal care for each other. Aries expresses the overall romanticism of this couple.

Instinctive idealist Aries strives for self-knowledge and practical self-realization inherent in Capricorn . It is important for them to be individuals. Capricorn is responsible for a sober assessment of the situation and the consequences of the actions taken in this pair.

Individualistic Capricorn I like pluralism Libra , understanding other people and keeping them in mind when it comes to business. Together they strive to collaborate with others, achieving the perfection of what they have created. The beauty of the results here is the prerogative of Libra.

The refined Libra who skillfully model their behavior, there is a need to bring into artificial models of life the harmony of natural feelings that Cancer . Together, these signs are distinguished by subtlety of perception and delicacy of treatment, as well as the ability to preserve the past and ward off the destructive blows of fate - for which Cancer is responsible.

Among the signs stable cross - circle of feelings- owner Taurus deeply sympathetic to altruism Aquarius . They are united by kindness and the search for the universal principles of selfless love and friendship inherent in all people. Aquarius helps Taurus create connections between those around them and unite them in the Taurus atmosphere of warmth and creativity.

Self-sufficient a lion cannot imagine life without love and learns an emotional response to the world from Taurus . They are united by the power of feelings and the fullness of living life. Leo is responsible for ensuring that feelings bring joy to the partner (and himself) and not suffering.

Scorpion who has a passion for the treasures of this world, easily finds Lev the owner and manager of these wealth. Such a couple is no stranger to finance and politics; in any case, they reliably ensure their existence. Scorpio, who knows how to inflame passions, makes sure that Leo’s passionate feelings for him and the acquisition of earthly (or spiritual) riches do not fade away.

With your head in the clouds Aquarius Scorpion makes it possible to connect to the potential of passion and gain strength to realize your ethereal love or sublime dreams. They are united in the implementation of radical plans. It depends on Aquarius that these projects are original and promising.

Among the signs variable cross - circle of mind - Twins strive for free maneuvering in the waves of life, inherent Pisces . Pisces in this union pays tribute to Gemini's refined intellect, which allows them to understand what is happening in its depths. Together they are able to understand the undercurrents of any situation at a good psychological level.

Modest Virgo attracts shine Gemini , helping her to present the results of her work well. They can acquire remarkable erudition, having sorted out that stock information that they have together. Virgo is responsible for the practical benefits of their joint knowledge.

Fascinated by abstract ideas Sagittarius activity Virgo helps to take timely steps towards long-overdue changes. This couple adapts flexibly to the situation and understands social mechanisms well. The views of Sagittarius allow Virgo not to get hung up on trifles and look at the world from the top of progressive, scientific and religious views.

Fatalists- Pisces It’s no coincidence that optimism attracts Sagittarius . Sagittarius gives Pisces the opportunity to move from being immersed in the chaos of eternal and insoluble problems to a harmonious picture of life - where stars of meaning sparkle in the cosmos of worlds. These signs have a global vision of any situation and world, and are prone to ideological disputes. Here, the height of Sagittarius’s thoughts complements the depth of Pisces’ comprehension, and they see eye-to-eye if they are able to see and appreciate these qualities in each other. Pisces, as a sign of conception, is guilty of mutual rejection.

When describing "square" pairs, we emphasized similarities rather than differences in order to indicate a way to solve problems that arise. Since the partners here are connected by the aspect of struggle, they have enough problems. It is clear that these alliances arise and remain strong only when people stand up for a common cause, and do not fight with each other. “Square couples” do not break up as long as there is enough faith in life and a spark of cheerfulness.


Thus, the pair can be anyone. Much more important is the harmony of personal horoscopes, which shows them combination(synastry). To build a synastric horoscope, you need to draw the horoscopes of both partners: one inside the other, so that the signs coincide (0° Aries of one horoscope = 0° Aries of another horoscope). Then determine the aspects of the planets of one of the partners to the planets of the other. For example, in the horoscope of one of the partners there is Mars at 15° Aries, and the other has Venus at 17° Aries - which means that in the synastric horoscope you note the Mars-Venus conjunction. Please note that there will be many aspects: twice as many as in one horoscope; There is no need to draw your own aspects of each partner.


In a synastric horoscope, you must first of all pay attention to whether there are connections of polar planets: Sun and Moon, Mars and Venus , or crosswise: Sun and Venus, Mars and Moon, or at least the positive aspects of these planets. Polar ligaments indicate long-term interaction between people, and if such connections exist (especially the Sun-Moon and Mars-Venus), marriage is undeniable: over time it will strengthen the feelings that have arisen, even if at first the option seemed dubious. This is an even flame of love that constantly illuminates the path. If there are other such aspects, it is necessary that there be at least two of them (say, the trine of Venus to the Sun and the sextile of Mars to the Moon), or that there be other intersections, which will be discussed later. If there are no such aspects in the combination of horoscopes, marriage, although possible, will not be so certain (one of the partners will lack love, and the stronger connection that arises will distract his attention).

If there tense aspects polar planets, this often means unforgettable love, despite the fact that in reality it goes out or flares up from time to time (say, the Sun-Moon opposition: a quite strong marriage despite the fact that the wife is constantly at work and the husband is on a business trip. Or the square Mars- Venus: a typical relationship between lovers who cannot help but marry or separate). Therefore, it is impossible to recommend such marriages to everyone, but for some, this type of interaction is required.

Temporary connections by aspects of the struggle develop in a person his ability to love. They help him understand what love means to him and what qualities he would like to see in a partner. What is meant here is not the social ideal that was imposed on him by his parents (a wealthy spouse) or presented on TV (the external gloss of a fashion model). And those traits that actually awaken in a person’s soul a deep response of strong and sublime, and sometimes previously forbidden, emotions.

Realizing this is a very important point, because without responsibility for their choice of partner and the desire to live with just such a person, people often do not have patience and humility in the face of problems that arise during interaction. Without conscious intention and development of the ability to love, you cannot find your happiness. And if a person does not understand something about love (especially if, in addition, there were and remain problems in the parents’ family), the synastric aspect of the Mars-Venus or Mars-Moon square can be very useful.

In the sense of mutual development of people, it is also interesting quincunx polar planets: it can mean periodic restoration of relationships, which are not always easy to decide on. But if people have already realized that they need each other forever, the quincunx aspect begins to behave not as a tense connection for the sake of self-development, but as a harmonious connection of cooperation and joint creativity in life.

At the same time, it is not so important who has which planet in the synastry. Previously, it was believed that for a man it must be a female planet (Moon or Venus), and for a woman it must be a masculine one (Sun or Mars). Then the man added energy to the woman yang , and she told him yin , and then they both felt the harmony of love as the completeness of their own existence. But today it often turns out that women do not have enough yin , and for men - yang . Therefore, marriages are structured in such a way that a man reminds a woman of the feminine qualities sleeping in her, and she makes a man out of him: that is, where her feminine planets are, there are his masculine ones.


Most of the undoubtedly stable couples have a harmonious SUN-MOON aspect. It's like two halves that have found each other. The coincidence of the Sun and the Moon means that the energy within the marriage is balanced and due to this, external difficulties are overcome with virtually no conflicts. The cause of life's conflicts is not sought in the spouse, who, on the contrary, plays the role of a savior from troubles. In this marriage, it is easy for a man to take on the solar role of a breadwinner, as well as a spiritual leader, and a woman, showing her lunar quality of variability, easily adapts to his requirements and goals. This marriage brings maturity (adulthood) to people, and the Moon mother usually encourages them to immediately have children, which often become the main content of the marriage.

This is the case when spouses are not prevented from living and developing normally by Domostroevsky patriarchy or, conversely, by the matriarchal power of a woman (if her Moon and her husband’s Sun are involved in the marriage). The Moon is connected with the soul, and the Sun is connected with the heart, and their connection means that in the interaction of people connecting their souls and hearts, the spiritual merges with the material. It is appropriate to remember here that the alchemical sacred marriage was symbolized precisely by the union of the Sun and the Moon. The sun symbolizes completeness and the center around which the whole world revolves. Therefore, the spouses of such a married couple have every chance to quickly understand not only the practical benefits derived from a joint arrangement of life, but also the spiritual goal pursued by any marriage in general. The shared peace that arises in their hearts can be perceived as the Kingdom of God or simply the discovery for themselves and their children of the niche of life in which they would like to live. The remarkable thing is that this world makes itself felt without long expectations, and people are so connected by the will of above that a break would be a betrayal of themselves for any of them.

Since this aspect imparts self-sufficiency, the main danger facing spouses is that the family can turn in on itself. In this case, people cut off external opportunities for their development, placing all their hopes on children. They themselves remain, first of all, mother and father (mother hen and rooster, according to K. G. Jung’s apt definition). If this happens, it is the spouse whose Moon is involved in the marriage (who plays the “male” role) who is to blame: it is he who must bring the necessary changes to the relationship. He is responsible for ensuring that his family keeps up with the times.

Marriage MARS-VENUS is the second most harmonious marriage. This is a typical love marriage, where the spouses are completely united in their ideas about how to live. And in terms of the power of passion, a marriage with a conjunction of Mars and Venus has no equal. Children in this couple always remain only an addition to marital love, which, having once flared up, can fade away only for a while, but will always burn with a bright flame if the partners themselves (or one of them) want it. Let us remember that Mars and Venus in mythology are ardent lovers, and sexual life here undoubtedly plays a very important, sometimes decisive role (no matter what the spouses themselves think about it). Hugs solve all problems, and conflicts are not terrible for this type of marriage (they can even be provoked to kindle a smoldering fire). And if the passions of Mars and Venus led to divorce, then there is a nine out of ten chance that the divorce will be followed by remarriage.

A calmer combination of a trine or sextile of Mars and Venus supports the strength of partners and their emotional life. The marriage of Mars and Venus leaves people young and active for a long time, they love to go hiking or take on heavy undertakings. Compared to them, the Sun-Moon pair is calmer and is more likely to participate in normal and banal social life. Mars is looking for and paving new paths, and communication on this planet encourages people not to follow generally accepted models of behavior, but to build their lives as they should be in their common ideal. Unlike the marriage of the Sun and Moon, this ideal may remain unrealized for a long time, and the spouses see the fulfillment of their desires only ten years after the initial spark of love that gave birth to these desires. However, since this couple has the strongest potential for accomplishment, it is usually of interest not only to the people themselves, but also to those around them, causing envy among those who are not aware of the amount of torment that always accompanies an intense emotional life.

If a couple connected by the harmony of Mars and Venus cracks, this is usually due to insufficient activity or fatigue of the one whose Mars is involved in the synastry (usually women), or tension, demands on the life of the second spouse (whose Venus is involved). The first should loudly declare their aspirations and join the search, the second should relax and unwind, feel the coziness and comfort of what they already have. Venus in synastry aims at the constant creation of the blessings of life and in this serves as a faithful assistant to Mars, who strives forward. However, in myths, the goddess of love acts as a queen, and a little idleness will not hurt her.

Here the feminine principle serves as a source of energy for the masculine (like Shakti for Shiva). Mars lacks potential when Venus does not give it energy. Therefore, someone who has Venus in the synastry (usually a man) is not recommended to spend all his energy on external (creative) realization, saving it for marital love.

The SUN-VENUS marriage ensures a pleasant, calm, comfortable life: it is especially relevant for those people who have lacked comfort and warmth since childhood. It is natural for them to care about the security and prosperity of their home.

The conjunction of the Sun and Venus gives a strong marriage: after all, the key of love of one partner (usually the Venus of a man) exactly matches the heart of the other (the Sun of a woman). This couple always “looks good”, regardless of the individual beauty of the partners. The problem, oddly enough, can be caused by the fact that both planets are responsible for external life and belong to stable signs. This couple takes only measured steps, and, unlike the previous pair of lovers prone to adventurism, they may lack their own initiative in realizing their aspirations. The true desires of spouses often remain a secret to each other and even to themselves. And in order for this marriage to maintain its attractiveness and beauty, the partners absolutely need some kind of creative outlet that would periodically wake them up internal forces, preventing you from falling into the hibernation of simple pleasures. Waking up is not always as pleasant as falling asleep.

The creative power of the Sun governs the creation of Venus. Since both the Sun and Venus are responsible for creativity, if there are problems, it’s good to start decorating the apartment or at least go to an art exhibition. The Sun also symbolizes Man with a capital H, which encourages partners to respect each other's personality. Beautiful and dignified behavior is a striking quality that binds this marriage and helps to preserve it. But the most dangerous thing in this marriage is formalism, therefore the steps taken to ensure general comfort must be supported by an awareness of really existing internal desires and problems.

The MARS-MOON marriage, which is a combination of the active masculine and ideal feminine principles (remember that the Mars-Moon combination means romanticism and poetry), in the Middle Ages represented the relationship of a knight to a beautiful lady. But since the knights are now gone, people marry on this basis, usually in their youth. Compared to the three above, there are fewer such marriages.

The Mars-Moon pair usually has no shortage of adventures and unexpected events, which it attracts like a magnet. And if there is, then this is an indicator that the spouses are too protective of their ideals and are afraid to combine their romantic inner world with rough prose external life. A marriage of this kind requires courage and the will to confront negative events and tendencies of the soul with all the responsibility of an adult. Unlike the Sun-Venus marriage, here people’s internal lives are more active than their external ones, which must be given conscious attention. Partners undoubtedly attract each other physically, and they are more clearly aware of this than in the union of Mars and Venus. The impulse of feeling, excited by the planets of two cardinal signs (Aries and Cancer), flares up faster, although it fades faster. This marriage presupposes the purity of the relationship, and if moral principles are violated, it cannot exist any longer.

Quite often there are relationships between people based on aspects Sun-Mars(passion and self-statement) and Moon-Venus(tenderness and intimacy). But the polar principle is not observed here, and this makes the relationship better for friendship and love than for marriage. It's very good when they're like that aspects are present in the synastry as auxiliary.

There are also frequent coincidences in synastry horoscopes Ascendant with Sun, Moon, Venus or Mars partner, then the person recognizes himself in the other (at the same time, the one with the Moon feels the soulfulness of the other, and the one with the Ascendant sees himself in the partner: at the intersection, everyone perceives first of all their planet, their quality). But these characteristics for marriage are less important than the coincidences of the planets themselves.

But marriage is not only about love: often it is, first of all, about organizing one’s life in a social sense. For those for whom this is the case, JUPITER and JUNO come first: and their coincidence in synastry symbolizes a socially ideal marriage (but it is from the point of view of society that love is determined by the polar planets). Jupiter is the planet of happiness and ensures the stability of social position. It can act as both a male and female planet: intersections are not uncommon Jupiter from Venus (these are material acquisitions and calm happiness), by the sun (option of a male breadwinner, a female housewife) and Moon (hospitable home). Juno, which supports the “institution of family”, also appears in intersections with Sun or Moon - and if this asteroid is involved in contact for both partners, the marriage can rest on it.

People can successfully maintain a marriage even if the grounds are insufficient from the point of view of the above, if they themselves have the harmony of the Sun-Moon, Mars-Venus, Sun-Venus or Mars-Moon in their horoscopes - due to their internal harmony. Intersections bring passion Mars or Venus with Pluto, but such aspects can be destructive.

I also need to say about VII house partnerships. In itself, like the position of Juno, it primarily abstractly indicates the qualities that a partner should have. For example, the seventh house begins in Aries or Mars is in it, which means that the partner must take an active position in interaction and in life itself (although he may not be an Aries). In a specific choice, the seventh house does not strictly indicate a sign - it is simply what a person considers opposite to himself (the first house): and he does not strive for the qualities of the seventh house if he himself possesses them. But when the seventh house is heavily filled with planets, it can play its role, determining the conscious choice of a partner from approximately equivalent options.


Problems with finding a partner are always clearly visible in a person’s personal horoscope. The inability to find mutual love and reluctance to get married are most often blamed on squares or opposition Moon-Venus, Mars-Venus or Mars-Sun in the birth chart.

In the first case, the earthly appearance of the partner ( Venus ) does not correspond to the desired ideal image of a loved one ( Moon ), and a person does not dare to tie himself into too rough material relationships. This also gives rise to a reluctance to have children (sometimes infertility in a woman) and the inability to express her feelings to her partner if they do arise. But all these problems gradually disappear over time if a person nevertheless decides to marry and remains faithful to him.

A case of disharmony Mars and Venus more complex. There is no lofty ideal here, and a person sees in love only a play of passions. In order to “work through” the square of the planets of love, he enters into many connections, hoping to get his way at least in quantity, if not in quality. There is a lot of suffering and emotions, but the desired result - love - is not achieved until experience tells a person that love and passion are different things. Then there is hope for ending the endless search: in the end, you can live in harmony with the one you like - and experience passionate love not every day, but from time to time.

With the opposition of Mars and Venus, as well as Mars and Sun , giving a lack of energy, love may not arise for a long time: it seems to be unnecessary, it is difficult to understand what it is. When squared Mars and Sun passion flares up strongly, but immediately goes out, leaving the person completely disappointed and without strength. What is important here is a conscious attitude towards this issue, and sometimes the development of one’s physical nature (sports, oriental practices, etc.)

Another obstacle to marriage can be, oddly enough, connections Sun-Moon And Mars-Venus . In this case, the person feels self-sufficient and does not feel a special need for his soul mate. He may enter into a marriage of convenience, or because “everyone else is doing it,” but since he is actually indifferent to relationships, he easily breaks and changes connections, being able to do without them. The most successful way out of the situation is to meet a partner who would shatter his complacency with the aspects of the higher planets. Or go to a monastery. For people with a Mars-Venus conjunction, marriage is often non-standard (significant age difference, heterogamy, etc.), but this is precisely what can bring them satisfaction in this area.

All of the above aspects give rise to a tendency towards divorce. To these we can add the most characteristic aspect of divorce - Venus square Uranus. The planet Uranus is responsible for breakups in relationships, as it causes an increased craving for freedom and independence. And in our turbulent times, almost every person with this aspect in their personal horoscope goes through a divorce. However, here is an interesting example where this did not happen. The couple got married while still in college, and lived happily for twenty years. But all this time, the husband, in whose horoscope there was a square, was engaged in creativity in his spare time. Well, this is the best solution to the problem: aspects Venus And Uranus - the most productive in creative attitude. The Venus-Uranus square is a case where love must turn into art, and practicing art teaches love.


Externally, a couple is perceived as a set of its intersections and the qualities they create. Therefore, a couple can be brighter than the people themselves, and vice versa - when people are not suitable for each other. As already mentioned, a person feels his quality at the intersection and attributes it to another. A certain illusion arises on which communication is built.

For spouses, this illusion becomes reality: a person can begin to live in the aspects of the other, and not in his own, begin to solve his problems and manifest his qualities as if they were in his own horoscope. He is able to recognize himself in the problems of another (without love, on the contrary, his problems are attributed to the other). Even when people have separated, aspects that are common to them can operate for some time, which a person treats in the same way as his own qualities. And he may not calm down until he solves the problems that arose in the past, which he does not have in his horoscope, or until he is able to demonstrate talents that previously did not exist in him. These problems and talents must be treated as if they really exist, while inertia marital relations exists. People rarely disperse, having exhausted each other to the dregs and leaving no living memories of themselves.

Another example of inertia is genetic connections. In the horoscope baby Aspects common to the parents often appear, and, oddly enough, or perhaps not at all strange, he has more intersections with the one who wanted him more, that is, on whose energy he was born. It happens that he resembles his grandparents more than his parents, both in their intersections and in their aspects, especially if they are young. In addition, a stepson or stepdaughter often has a lot of overlap with their stepfather/stepmother - sometimes even more than with their relatives. Or: a single woman gives birth to a son who, according to the horoscope, could be her ideal marriage partner. Cosmic rhythm thereby corrects our conscious omissions.

It happens that a certain “family tradition” can be traced in the aspects of relatives. This is all very individual and it is more interesting to analyze the astrological history of your family yourself. The horoscope can reveal our unconscious tendencies too well.

The synastry horoscope, with its many positive and negative aspects, which open up new areas of life for a person and bring new problems, reveals a rich picture of the interaction of people, as in fact it is in life. A person is often perceived by his synastry horoscope and his qualities. In addition to obvious advantages and problems, aspects of 150° may be noticeable here, as in an individual person, showing why others value this couple, although she does not notice this in herself.

Another method of analyzing a marital union may be interesting - this is a horoscope built for the day and hour marriage registration: it characterizes the type of couple as an independent phenomenon, also having its own destiny. Over the years of marriage, this horoscope gains even more influence than the synastry horoscope, which is better manifested during the formation of relationships between partners, and can be used for forecasts. We can say that the marriage horoscope reflects the joint mission of the spouses and the prospects of the family.

Next after synastry general horoscope family can be considered a horoscope last child: since the whole family is naturally guided by its rhythms. In an incomplete family consisting of a mother and son, the common horoscope describing the problems of the family will be the horoscope of the son. While the child is small, the events of his horoscope work very clearly on his parents. At an older age, synastry is more indicative, determining the problems of “fathers and children.”

It should be borne in mind that the presence of the Sun-Moon intersection and others in people does not necessarily mean marriage. Perhaps they are just old friends - but, in any case, they complement each other, they feel good together. Friendship more often occurs according to Jupiter, and according to the Ascendant, and even, it would seem, according to such dangerous planets, like Mars-Saturn, but this gives joint implementation (for example, in work). These are not sufficient grounds for marriage. But friends will definitely have something in common when they combine - otherwise their relationship is fragile. The enemies do too. Good company That’s how it’s selected - everyone has intersections with everyone else. You should also choose business partners if you want the connection to be established for a long time.

What is presented here is only a general outline that cannot provide for all specific options. individual relationships: personal horoscope allows us to draw more serious conclusions. This scheme applies to a large city where there is choice and competition. In a less tense atmosphere, the trine and sextile aspects play a big role. In addition, one person usually has at different ages Various planets come first, which causes a change of partners and friends if the contact is not strong enough.

When considering sexual compatibility according to a horoscope in a synastric chart, the analysis must be carried out by considering three levels - the lowest (sex), middle (eros) and highest (spirituality).

Sexual compatibility according to horoscope: Pluto and Moon

The lower level is sex, which is determined by the pair Pluto and the Moon. It is desirable that Pluto belongs to a man, and the Moon to a woman. In matters of sex, it is important to consider the position of these planets, and not just the traditionally considered aspects between Mars and Venus. Pluto is the open expression of our instincts, our subconscious or, more precisely, the unconscious libido. The Moon is a direct expression of emotional nature, unaccountable feelings.

To analyze sexual compatibility according to the horoscope, first of all, let’s analyze each of the partners to the question - how does each of them individually relate to sex? Let's look at what prevails in the cosmogram - Yang or Yin, or perhaps Dan.

Yang: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Yin: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

With a YIN cosmogram, you will have a very, very negative attitude towards sex. For the YAN cosmogram, sex will be a thrill. DAN - the attitude will be indifferent.

Let's assume that in your man's chart there is a square between the Moon and Pluto. Quadrature is a YAN aspect, which means he will have a very, very positive attitude towards sex.

If a man’s Pluto is quite strong and positive in karmic status, the Moon is average and weakly negative in status, then between them there is a Yang aspect and the cosmogram is also Yang. Then we can say with confidence that he has a moderately positive attitude towards sex, that is, “with coolness.” We cuddled - good, no - also good, I'll sleep. But still, during certain transits of the Moon to the natal Moon, a spermatosaurus may awaken within it for a while. And then in contact he will be frantic and tireless.

Some negativity of the Moon in a man’s cosmogram with an intelligent woman will only contribute to the development of self-confidence in him. Self-confidence not only in the field of sex, but also in many other equally important areas of his activity. If he feels sexy enough normal person, his self-esteem rises, and this is always good

If a man has a YIN cosmogram with his data described above, then he will not persistently seek sexual contact. He will not seek contact in an annoying and boring manner, explaining its necessity, but will simply wait for the partner to “fall on his head.”

Suppose a man has a weakly evil Pluto, the Moon is strong and kind. The aspect between them is YAN and the cosmogram is YAN. Such a man treats all women well, he is kind and courteous, and even a knight somewhere, but having “broken off” with one or two partners, he will come into contact with a woman for the third time only in two cases: the YAN aspect of transit Mars to natal Pluto or under the strong lunar influence of a woman - this usually leads to very long-term sexual relationships in which the man is not quite a man, and the woman is not quite a woman. There is no struggle for leadership here, everyone takes their place, everything is good here, everything is smart here.

And the last option: the same man, but with a YIN cosmogram. This is already clearly impotent. Pluto is weak, the Moon is strong and kind. He has no concept of the psychological and physical difference between men and women and treats both sexes almost equally. This is a truly kind, cultured person, ready to help everyone and in everything, except the issue of sex, of course...

Sexual compatibility according to horoscope: Mars and Venus

The second level of sexual compatibility is a pair of Mars and Venus. To analyze sexual compatibility according to a horoscope, it is necessary to mention two types of love: passion and spiritual love. We consider male Mars and female Venus. Again, the same question - am I capable of earthly love, of passion? Let's see, if there is no aspect between the planets, then it means he is not capable.

Analyze your cosmogram and start comparing it with your partner’s cosmogram. If Mars and Venus interact in the cosmograms of partners, then a connection of an emotional nature arises, i.e. satisfaction or dissatisfaction, harmony or disharmony of relationships.

Mars carries within itself the active principle, Venus, naturally, the perceiving principle. Let's assume that the cosmograms of the partners have the same beginning, let's say - YANG, Mars and Venus are also connected by the YANG aspect, let's say by opposition. Great, in the normal version this is a mutual complement. Venus has no mind, Mars has no mind, what is marriage based on?

If Mars is “lower”, then this is instinct, the passion of possession, and in this case love will be a frantic passion. Venus is ready to accept everything, like a YIN planet, and Mars is ready to give all its instincts, all its strength, all its rage. If Mars is so “low”, animalistic, instinctive, then this marriage will be based on the fact that Mars gives, and Venus takes, saves.

If only there is an imbalance in level, i.e. Venus is not only perception, but also the beginnings of love, and love is always bestowal, and Mars will remain at the same level. There will be an imbalance.

Or vice versa: Mars rose “up” - controlled will, Venus sits and waits, and he sits, draws a cosmogram. She will wait and wait and go to bed. That's it, the alliance is over, the levels have diverged.

But the following option is also very possible: a man’s Mars is in a YAN aspect to a woman’s Venus, and a man’s Venus is in a YIN or creative aspect to a lady’s Mars, and in this case, love is not quite love. Unusual love. Elements appear that are not characteristic of it. For example, slavery, dependence, despotism and more. Love doesn't allow this. Well, how are love and slavery compatible??

To analyze sexual compatibility according to a horoscope, it is important to look at the nature of the planets: it’s bad for Mars in Taurus, because Mars is a violent planet, and in Taurus it is in exile, i.e. inside. And in this case, a person always has to control himself.

Mars fallen is the same problem, but multiplied N times, it's all inside. Fallen Venus in Scorpio is somewhat different - this is also internal love, but in Scorpio it is aggressive love, subjugating love, love that does not disdain any means to enslave that same Mars.

Sexual compatibility according to horoscope: Sun, Moon and Neptune

The next level of sexual compatibility is the highest, which involves the Sun of a man and Neptune of a woman, the Moon of a woman - Neptune of a man, and this is one of the highest forms of love, ideal love. The highest form of love has no real object and refers to some transcendental levels of feelings for which Neptune is responsible. Here, in general, the object is not so important, but what is important is what a person thinks about the object.

Drawing a line before the above-described levels of sexual compatibility, it should be noted that we must first analyze how a person perceives sex in general, and then consider sexual compatibility.

Full analysis will be able to help every couple understand each other, avoid disappointments and betrayals in the future. To analyze sexual compatibility according to a horoscope, it is important to add that mutual arrangement The lunar nodes, Lilith and Selene also play a huge role. And these points can radically change both the quality of compatibility and its direction.

Elena Isaeva, astrologer


Compatibility Horoscope called synastry in astrology.
On this page I will try to debunk some misconceptions regarding drawing up a partner compatibility horoscope.
Often the following query is entered into the search engine line: “compatibility of a woman with Venus in Scorpio and a man with Mars in Virgo” or even worse: “compatibility of a man with Venus in Libra and a woman with Venus in Aquarius” or it is completely unclear what they are going to combine with this request: “Venus in Aries for a man is compatible.”
I want to say: “the compatibility of people is not determined that way!” We need a cumulative analysis of all indicators of the partners’ individual natal charts. The aspects between the planets of the chart of one and the other partner are especially important, and not the position in the Zodiac signs of Venus and Mars. Based on the position of Venus and Mars, one can determine only the nature of a person’s preferences when choosing a partner, and not compatibility. It must be said that the nature of preferences can be greatly changed depending on the aspects of the same Venus in a man’s chart or Mars in a woman’s chart. The position of the synastric planets of one partner in the houses of the other, etc., is also important. "expectations of the Seventh Houses" and much, much more...

Compatibility Horoscope partners is quite a voluminous work, it makes sense to do it when a couple has been together for some time and they already have an acceptable relationship; a compatibility consultation will help you understand all the nuances of the relationship. If you have just started dating and cannot understand whether it is worth building a relationship further, it can help you astrological mini-consultation .

A characteristic misconception in interpersonal relationships is the projection of guilt and, conversely, merit onto the partner. Each person receives from the outside world and, in particular, through a partner, exactly what he is entitled to according to his evolutionary development- but this is terribly difficult to accept when visible and obvious reason many sorrows and joys walk right before her eyes, and it seems that if she behaved a little differently, all the troubles would disappear, and happiness would flow like a waterfall. Alas, this is not at all the case, and it is difficult to find a more capricious and light-winged bird than the happiness of a couple relationship.

Next, I will provide brief descriptions for a preliminary assessment of the expectations of men and women from their partner, in order to at least roughly assess whether you fit these expectations and not waste time maintaining an initially problematic relationship. Of course, this is not how real synastry is done, but this information will be useful to you for initial analysis.

What kind of man would a woman like? What qualities of a partner are most important to her? To answer these questions, consider position of Mars in the WOMEN'S CHART .

What kind of women does a man like? What qualities of the chosen one are most important to him? What behavior attracts him? To answer these questions, consider the position of Venus in the MEN'S CHART.

Venus in Aries
He definitely likes active women, those who are not afraid to express themselves and take the initiative in own hands. Women's love for risk simply fascinates him. In relationships, simplicity and openness are important to him. Long flirting, romantic candles - this is not entertainment for him. His brave heart will be conquered by the one who allows herself to be conquered for a long time. For such a man, the process of courtship itself is important: it should not be too sophisticated, but not too simple, otherwise our Viking will lose the joy of victory. Do you want to please a man with Venus in Aries? Under no circumstances invite him to a meeting of writers or a meeting of the film critics club! It’s better to organize a hiking trip, offer to do a couple of parachute jumps, or go on a bike ride. As a last resort, go together to Gym. Joint physical efforts (sex first of all) will give such a person much more pleasure than visiting a theater or exhibition. The waltz is absolutely not suitable as a love prelude here. Passionate tango is nothing. But the best thing is freestyle wrestling competitions... A man with Venus in Aries very subtly captures the natural sexuality of a woman. So deep necklines and tight jeans are not necessary. He will pick up your magnetism (if you have one), even if you dress in your grandfather’s quilted jacket.

Venus in Taurus
If you like a man with Venus in Taurus, immediately ask yourself a few questions: how well can you cook? Because this is exactly the classic case when the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. How well do you know how to dress? Moreover, your wardrobe does not have to be fashionable. First of all, he must be of good quality. A man with Venus in Taurus is traditional. He loves stability. So if you decide to intimidate him, threaten him with deprivation of dinner, and not with your own departure. Although he most likely will not believe the latter option. You can't rush with such a gentleman. This case is accurately described by the proverb “Water wears away stones.” Such a man must literally be tamed. Next to you, he should feel comfort and calmness (to good things, as you know, get used to it quickly). Even if you are an avid feminist at heart, hide this fact from your lover for the time being. No need to shock him. It is difficult for him to understand any relationship between a man and a woman other than traditional ones. When meeting with the owner of Taurus Venus, be precise and obligatory. If the meeting is scheduled for Wednesday at seven, it means Wednesday at exactly seven. A rather unpleasant moment: when meeting such a gentleman, a lady has to forget about a little feminine joy - being late for a date. The maximum you can afford is 5, no - 6 minutes. Otherwise, our dear and adored man will begin to get terribly nervous and worry. And then look and he will paint a picture in which you are gradually turning his measured life into hell. Precision, ladies, and precision again! Men with this position of Venus can be incredibly generous and also incredibly stingy. Throughout life, one extreme can be replaced by another. But still pay attention: do they give you gifts? Do you often buy ice cream and chocolates? A man with Venus in Taurus wants to see in his wife not only a friend and lover, but also a MOM. In married life, this is the desire to quickly turn you from a princess into a cook. However, this weakness can be taken advantage of during the period of establishing relationships: be kind, understanding, friendly, caring. In a word, be a classic ideal woman: soft, gentle, calm, unhurried, unobtrusive, economical, sensual... Although everyone’s ideals are different.

Venus in Gemini
This is exactly the case when dates should be made in museums, theaters, and exhibitions. A man with Venus in Gemini loves intelligent women. An interesting conversation and meaningful communication give him the same pleasure as three-hour sex in bed. If you've had a series of wonderful evenings with this gentleman, don't rush into making plans for the future. It's possible that he just enjoys your company. If you count all his pleasant interlocutors, your fingers will not be enough. Are you seriously going to connect your life with this person? Then you will have to love him with all his company. Don’t be surprised by the fact that there will be few real friends there, the main thing is that there are a lot of them and you can TALK to everyone! It’s good to go to boring parties with the owner of Gemini Venus: if he’s nearby, you won’t have to be sad. He can talk to almost anyone. His words can turn your head. They will circle, circle a little and... fly away, leaving no real trace either in your life or in his life. So taking such a gentleman at his word is futile. You can simply listen to his words - like heavenly music. How to please such a person? Be erudite, witty, and don’t be afraid to engage in conversation. After a pleasant dinner at a restaurant, take your time to catch a taxi. Offer to take a walk along the evening streets - walks put him in a romantic mood. A man with Venus in Gemini loves all kinds of hikes, trips, and travel. He may be in love with learning - share his passion. Those with Gemini Venus often fall in love with their neighbors. If your husband has Venus in Gemini and is planning to take a driving course, be on the lookout. This is just in case...

Venus in Cancer
Every emotion, every shared experience counts. You will not immediately understand how a man with Venus in Cancer actually treats you. He will long and carefully hide the truth under a thick shell of secularism. It’s difficult for him to please him, and it’s almost impossible to marry him. He is very secretive, so it is difficult to understand on what basis his choice of the lady of his heart is based. That's the point, it doesn't matter! His choice is intuitive and emotional. The main thing for him is ideal physical and mental compatibility. Appearance, clothing, manners have absolutely nothing to do with it. One thing is certain: a man with Venus in Cancer cannot be conquered! You cannot try to get it out from under the shell. He will perceive this as a threat of physical destruction. What to do? Be close to the shell so as not to miss the moment when an impressionable lover opens the doors to bask in the sun. Perhaps along the way he will want to pour out his soul to someone - and you are right there! Remember: if you want to please such a gentleman, you need to become a soft, kind, white and fluffy and slightly helpless naive girl. For such a person, emotions are very important. If he does not receive the expected warmth from the lady of his heart, he can get to her whole soul, bring her to white heat. Do you think this is to annoy or to assert yourself? No! To evoke in your beloved at least some, even angry, but still EMOTIONS addressed to you! Where to meet such a man? It is best to invite him to your home (if the relationship allows), give him something to drink, feed, and show him a collection of old coins. Although a man with Venus in Cancer will feel truly comfortable only in own home. So try asking to visit him. If you plan to go to a restaurant, choose a quiet, relaxing establishment with ethnic or historical decor.

Venus in Leo
Do you want to please this man? Then you will have to become yourself, yourself, yourself! The most beautiful, the most fashionable, the most cheerful, the brightest - in a word, you must become a queen, at least in the eyes of your lover. Such men simply do not notice gray mice. To win this man you need to become the soul of the company, its center and object of adoration. The object of your passion must see that you are desired by many. Best meeting place: fun party, nightclub, film festival, theater premiere. When going to a meeting, do not forget all the required attributes. You must be fully prepared! Be half an hour late, but wash your hair and curl your hair. Imagine, it will be so impressive: you, with a leisurely gait, proudly raising your head, walk towards an excited fan, and the wind passionately plays with your curls. It doesn't matter that similar episodes occur in almost every Hollywood film. Your gentleman craves precisely beautiful, correct, cinematographic love. Another important point: you need to learn to accept gifts. A modest “thank you” is clearly not suitable here. Imagine yourself as a queen, to whom the monarch of their distant kingdom has sent generous gifts. Feel the importance of the moment, lower your admiring gaze and express your gratitude with restraint. Being married to a man with Venus in Leo, do not skimp on erotic evening dresses and expensive cosmetics - you always need to be Cinderella-at-the-ball. Don’t throw away your old dress: what if you suddenly want to take a break from your husband?

Venus in Virgo
Such men love Cinderellas-by-the-stove. They like women who are always busy with something, constantly taking care of something or someone. The best thing, of course, is about them, your loved ones. The easiest way to please a man with Venus in Virgo is to come up with a joint activity. I love it. Such men often fall in love with work colleagues, doctors or their maids. Once again it turns out to be a fairy tale about Cinderella. Only this poor thing needs to keep in mind that the prince is at the ball, i.e. employer, she will never be lucky. These gentlemen love precision, punctuality, neatness, and efficiency. Caring for them is the highest manifestation of love. Making chamomile tea is equivalent to confessing your tender feelings. Men with Venus in Virgo like to manage the process of developing relationships. They are a little boring, but they know everything about the theory of sex and the psychology of love. In difficult times they will give you amazing advice, but they themselves are often left with nothing. It is very difficult for them to show warm feelings, it is difficult to be spontaneous. They try to structure everything, even love. If you give such a person the reins of power, he will calculate the crisis days for your relationship, determine the real reason any conflict, choose the most scientifically suitable hours for sex and... fundamentally strangle the tender shoots of love with bulky structures. Which tactic should you choose? Be attentive and caring. Ask if your head hurts, offer a massage (if your relationship allows). Go see some detective story together, preferably based on Agatha Christie. Don't show strong emotions. Be restrained and, most importantly, allow yourself to be taken care of. Do not criticize under any circumstances. Be honest, but don’t tell absolutely everything about yourself - your lover may have a desire not only to control your entire life, but also to remake it to his liking.

Venus in Libra
Do you want to please this man? Then watch some quality films about high life. In them you will find more than one ideal to follow. You need to be beautiful and fashionable - but not provocative. Sociable and witty - but not intrusive. The result is a rather attractive image of an English aristocrat of the early 20th century. Such a man will love harmony in everything. He does not accept violence in any form. Therefore, you should not force the development of your relationship, let everything take its course. There is no better connoisseur of art than a person with Venus in Libra. With such a man you will succeed classic novel: theater, ballet, restaurants, bouquets of roses and air balloons. But the gentleman will have to be pushed a little to take active action. Just a little bit so that he doesn’t even notice your intervention. However, one should not confuse light, beautiful provocation with outright seduction. Perhaps the unusualness of what is happening will amaze your lover, but then he will not know where to go from the pricks of conscience. Men with Venus in Libra often miss out on great love just because they are afraid to take the plunge. This gentleman really likes the idea of ​​partnership. A reliable business partner can have the same emotional significance for him as the woman he loves. Therefore, if you are going to marry a man with Venus in Libra, fall in love with his companions in absentia. Another important point: during the communication process, you will show respect for marriage as such. Just do it very unobtrusively. Otherwise, your gentleman will be afraid that you are eager to marry him to yourself.

Venus in Scorpio
Do you like a man with Venus in Scorpio? Then I wish you courage. To begin with, it would be a good idea to figure out why you need this gentleman. Do you want to live happily ever after with him or are you content with one wild night? If the latter, then everything is very simple: simply seduce him! Make him feel like you want him and he's yours, at least for one night. With serious feelings the situation is much more complicated. People with this position of Venus love sex. On intimate relationships They can go along quite easily, they become strongly attached to people, but it is difficult for them to build normal relationships. The fact is that it is difficult for them to understand the needs of their partner. What about the partner, they barely have time to satisfy their needs! It's hard with people like that. You must always be on guard so as not to fall under their influence - and they often strive to completely control their partner. When communicating with the owner of Scorpio Venus, always remember your own interest, so as not to serve exclusively someone else’s. Such people are very proud. A small prick of their pride can put a big fat cross on your fragile love. Men with Venus in Scorpio are new to the socially accepted rules of courtship. Each time, they create their own rules and change them during the game.

Venus in Sagittarius
If your beloved is a citizen of another country, the chances of success automatically increase: he is delighted with everything connected with other cultures. It’s great if you work in a well-known company or are the daughter of a popular actor or politician. Our gentleman is partial to everything that has a special status and is highly valued by society. Do you still have no merit to your fatherland? You don’t teach at the most prestigious university in the country? Don’t speak fifteen foreign languages ​​and have never traveled abroad? Then you have the last chance to win the heart of the owner of Sagittarius Venus - be cheerful and cheerful! A good sense of humor can easily replace a Nobel Prize. How to behave with such a person? Very confident, as if you have seen a lot in this life and are not going to stop there. Try to amaze him with your unusual worldview. Your clothes should also be unusual: beautiful, expensive or ethnic, but most importantly - stylish. A man with Venus in Sagittarius is attracted to adventures and escapades. Therefore, the surest option is to go on a long journey together. But God forbid you insist on a standard philistine vacation. The resort must be unusual. Even better if it's a wild adventure in the wilds of Africa or exploration of the Amazon. As a last resort, reconnaissance in the nearest swamp will do. It's good to meet such a gentleman at an exhibition of Japanese art. It is advisable to choose exotic restaurants too. In between oysters and guava puree, don't forget to show photos of yourself standing on the shores of the Pacific Ocean or handing out colored beads to the Australian Aborigines. In a word, if you want to win the heart of such a man, become exotic for him.

Venus in Capricorn
It is initially difficult to build a relationship with such a man. Not because he doesn’t want it on principle, but because he takes everything deadly seriously. It is quite possible that you are the first passion in this man’s life. If there were women before you, there weren’t too many of them, believe me. For a person with Venus in Capricorn, love is not entertainment at all. Without a smile, you can say that a novel is hard work for him. Most likely, your chosen one has his own test system, which he uses to check potential girlfriends. The one who fails his exam at least in one point is immediately excluded from the list of brides. This gentleman may seem cold and stern. In fact, he's just reserved. But rest assured, if he decides that you are the one he has been looking for all his life, he will move mountains just to achieve your favor. In relationships, such a gentleman loves certainty and specificity. Don't try to make him jealous, he doesn't understand such jokes. Under no circumstances should you tell a gentleman with Venus in Capricorn that you are calm about free love - he will get scared and become mired in suspicion. Don't be offended if your friend doesn't want to spend all day with you. This doesn't mean he doesn't love you. He just needs short-term solitude like air. Men with Venus in Capricorn are often attracted to purposeful, independent women. If you want to be liked, be serious and reserved. Imagine that you are the Snow Queen-on-the-throne. Let yourself be looked after. No matter how strong your feelings are, under no circumstances agree to bed on the first date. Some coldness and inaccessibility will only raise your stakes. Make it clear that in life you are a very precise, specific and, most importantly, RELIABLE person.

Venus in Aquarius
More than anything else, this man loves friends, freedom and surprises. Surely he has many girlfriends, but it is not at all necessary that he is in an intimate relationship with all of them. So be careful not to confuse this guy's abstract friendliness with great love. Do you want to please a man with Venus in Aquarius? Be original, unusual. You can change your hair color and hairstyle every day, and no one will be scared! Under no circumstances come to dates in the same clothes; your gentleman loves variety in everything. Do not extract any promises from this man, otherwise he will run away from you like hell. Let the relationship develop naturally. Be happy to go to parties with friends (even if they are not yours). Do not demand a minute-by-minute account of your actions - this will be perceived as a threat to independence. People with Venus in Aquarius often reject socially accepted norms of behavior. Try to understand your lover's morality and determine whether it fits with your worldview. And one more important point: never forget about your interest. People with this position of Venus can charm and subjugate.

Venus in Pisces
If you want to please this person, become a riddle, a secret, an embodiment for him. unearthly beauty. On the first date, you shouldn’t tell everything about yourself, starting with early childhood. It is contraindicated for such a fan to know your daily routine. Some weakness, helplessness and defenselessness will only decorate your image. For dates, the river bank, park or restaurant near the fountain are suitable. Meetings should be incredibly romantic: the moon, magnolias, candles, music and champagne. Beautiful underwear is a must. Moreover, preference is given to romantic rather than erotic sets. There should be silk, lace and rose petals on the bed. Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings. In the movies, you can calmly sob on your gentleman’s shoulder - he will not be offended by your soiled jacket, on the contrary, he will be incredibly glad to be able to find such a sensitive unearthly creature (that is, you). Men with Venus in Pisces are very impressionable, vulnerable, emotional and, like all romantic heroes, somewhat vague. If you want your lover to gain courage and propose to you, take care of the appropriate environment. That's what dating is all about. WITH life together a little more complicated. Try to remain a mystery while living side by side in a small apartment for ten years! We can advise you to constantly expand your music collection, go to nature more often, and relax by the sea.