Every year from snake bites between 20,000 and 125,000 people die. Today, this makes them the most dangerous group of vertebrates on our planet.

Almost all the TOPs of deadly animals on the planet are to some extent similar, only because of some criteria these animals are placed in different places of “fame”, this applies to the most dangerous snakes on earth. Other TOPs on various sites adhere to a more precise name as: “the most poisonous snakes in the world” and this is partially visible in our article about the most poisonous animals.

Although it is obvious that strength snake venom is an important factor in the danger of these animals, but there are other equally important things that are also worth considering. Let's look at the most poisonous snake, the inland (desert) taipan (lat. Oxyuranus microlepidotus). In fact, we didn't even mention this snake in our list of the most dangerous animals in Australia. Why? Well, first of all, no one has ever been killed by this snake. She lives in remote areas, is very timid and really doesn’t look for trouble.

On the other hand, the spectacled snake (Indian cobra) has a venom that is more than 30 times less potent than that of the desert taipan and, in addition, it continues to kill thousands of people every year. In our opinion, this makes the cobra a much more dangerous snake than the taipan and that is why you will find it on our list.

And if you think that only living snakes are dangerous, then you are mistaken, some snakes retain reflexes and are able to bite even after their death. This may actually be more dangerous as they lose the ability to regulate the venom they inject, which can result in a more venomous bite. Even the severed head of a snake is capable of this; remember that the snake’s venom is in the head and therefore in this state it can inject almost all the poison.

Video. Severed snake head

10. Viper-shaped death snake (lat. Acanthophis antarcticus)

Photo. Viper-shaped death snake

The very name “deadly snake” allows this snake to be in our TOP. However, the name actually means "deaf snakes", in the old days it was believed that they could not hear. The reason for this misconception was that unlike other snakes, which tend to slither away when a person approaches, the death viper snake does not. This is because they are ambush hunters, preferring to lie in wait and hunt their prey and therefore tend to move less.

Regardless of the origin of the snake's name, it is indeed a very dangerous snake. Its poison is one of the most powerful on earth and contains neurotoxins that can cause respiratory paralysis and subsequent death. Even when armed with such deadly venom, the deadly snake is considered one of the fastest snakes.

The deadly snake is found across much of Australia, where it is considered less dangerous than brown snakes. It is also found in Papua New Guinea and Western Indonesia, where they unfortunately live up to their name and kill a significant number of people every year.

9. Coastal taipan (lat. Oxyuranus scutellatus)

Photo. Coastal taipan

It may seem strange that the most venomous snake on the planet (the inland taipan) is not on this list, while its less venomous cousin, the coastal taipan is here. Although the venom of coastal taipans is the third most powerful among land snakes in terms of bite force, it is phenomenally dangerous to humans. Yes, admittedly one bite from this snake can kill over 200,000 mice, the Inland Taipan could theoretically kill over a million mice. But there are two important factors that make coastal taipans more dangerous: firstly, they live in less remote regions than the rarely seen inland taipans and secondly, coastal taipans have a more aggressive reputation.

When the coastal taipan feels the need to defend itself, it goes into full-scale attack mode. In more than 80% of bite cases, the person is injected with a large dose of venom, often as a result of repeated bites. During each of these quick bites can be entered a large number of poison. With the longest fangs of any venomous snake in Australia, taipans can inject a powerful neurotoxin very deeply into the victim's tissues. Another feature of the taipan is the potential pursuit of a person during an attack and during this it is able to maintain a high rate of movement.

Although other snakes may be listed in this TOP as less dangerous, none of them could come close to the taipan's bite speed and incurability. It is only since the discovery of antivenom in 1956 that coastal taipan bites have been effectively treated.

This poison acts very quickly, in some cases victims died within half an hour. It affects the nervous system, leading to complete paralysis, including the lungs (this can lead to death). The venom also prevents blood clotting, which causes internal bleeding, in addition, it also contains a component that breaks down muscle tissue.

If these were the main trump cards of coastal taipans, they would probably top this TOP of the deadliest snakes. However, statistics say otherwise. There are snakes that kill tens of thousands of people every year, however, the taipan kills rarely in Australia and slightly more in Papua New Guinea. The coastal taipan venom serum was produced by Commonwealth Serum Laboratories in the 1950s. Apparently, without her, this list would look completely different.

Photo. American spearhead snake

Spearheads are a genus of snakes (Bothrops) found throughout Central and South America. Together they are responsible for the vast majority fatal bites poisonous snakes in this region. These snakes often live in densely populated areas, they are fast and are described as excitable and unpredictable when they encounter a person.

Among this group of snakes, special mention must be made of the quaysack (Bothrops atrox), pit vipers (Bothrops asper) and the common jararaca (Bothrops jararaca). All of these large snakes reach a length of 2 m (6.5 ft) and have a powerful hemotoxic venom.

Unlike the previous two snakes, which have neurotoxic venom, the venom of spearhead snakes is hemotoxic. Obviously, no one in their right mind would want to be bitten by any snake on this list, but if such a choice had to be made, it would be better to go for a snake bite with neurotoxic venom. Hemotoxic poison destroys blood cells, tissues and human organs. As you can imagine this is extremely painful and can cause permanent damage. Bites from such a snake often lead to the necessary amputation of a limb, even after surgical treatment.

The bite of spearhead snakes results in local swelling and pain, often accompanied by blisters and swelling. Common symptoms are usually: internal hemorrhage, bleeding from the gums, eyes, etc. Although this can result in fatal shock, death can also occur as a result of kidney failure.

Photo. The dying leg of a 13-year-old girl after being bitten by a spearhead snake

And as some evidence of the hemotoxic effect of the venom of spear-headed snakes, we present a case that occurred in Venezuela in 2014. 13 year old girl rural areas bitten on the leg, presumably by Bothrops pirajai, at first she was treated locally for a month (she was given antibiotics), but when the situation got out of control, she was transported to Caracas. Doctors had no other option but to amputate the leg. Necrosis has led to a condition called rhabdomyolysis, where muscle begins to die throughout the body. Rhabdomyolysis can lead to kidney damage, which when combined with low blood pressure can lead to kidney failure and even death if left untreated, said the Venezuelan doctor who operated on the girl.

7. Noisy viper (lat. Bitis arietans)

Photo. Noisy Viper

The noisy viper makes up for its lack of length with its large size. These are strong, robust snakes armed with especially long fangs, which make them formidable hunters. Although they are slow and sluggish, the noise viper is actually famous for having one of the fastest attacks. The noise viper is known to kill rodents thanks to its striking force and large fangs. However, it is also worth noting that it contains enough poison to kill several people.

The name noise viper comes from the warning behavior of these snakes, they puff up, try to look larger and make a frightening hiss. You should heed this warning because, statistically, the hissing viper is the most dangerous snake in Africa and is responsible for more deaths than any other reptile on the continent.

Much of the hissing viper's dismal record is due to its habit of basking on paths in the early morning and midday sun. This increases the chances of contact with humans and is compounded by the fact that these snakes are reluctant to slink away when footsteps approach. Instead, the hissing viper relies on its effective camouflage to remain undetected. Unfortunately, this tactic can put the snake in a situation where it feels like it needs to defend itself.

If you have been bitten by a hissing viper, you will know this: its cytotoxic venom is one of the most powerful of all vipers and if the bite is not properly treated, in most cases it can lead to death. The bite itself causes severe pain, but these are only some of the initial and very unpleasant symptoms. Swelling and internal bleeding also occur; as is known, the venom of the hissing viper causes tissue necrosis, leading to severe cases of harm to the body, even to the bone marrow. Without effective treatment, complications such as gangrene can occur and often bite victims have to have their limbs amputated.

6. Indian cobra (Naja naja)

Photo. King Cobra

Sadly famous cobra is our first representative of the Indian "Big Four", a group of snakes that cause a large number of human casualties in India (and therefore throughout the world). Although often described as moderately venomous, somewhere between 100,000 and 150,000 bites are made each year. Although actual statistics on deaths due to Indian cobra are not available, an estimate can be made from the mortality rate of snake bites, which ranges from 6.5% to 30%. Regardless of the accuracy of this data, the fact remains that thousands of people die every year because of this snake.

While Indian cobra venom may not quite measure up to some of the heavyweights on this list, it is still underrated. A cobra bite is a cocktail of neurotoxins, cardiotoxins and hemotoxins and can be extremely painful and quickly lead to death. Hemotoxins destroy tissue at the site of the bite, helping the poison spread throughout the body, while neurotoxins cause paralysis. This in turn can lead to respiratory failure, all this can take only half an hour. Thus, timely treatment with antivenom is very important.

However, cobra venom is also sometimes used as a recreational drug. Yes, in fact, in India there are people who are ready to inject themselves to get a quick buzz. Obviously, these people experience some effects such as: refined sensations, increased energy and a “feeling of happiness.” On the other hand, death can be a side effect.

Photo. Burn wound after a bite king cobra

Sometimes handlers suffer from the fangs of this snake, so on December 7, 2018 in Phuket in Thailand, during an animal exhibition, a king cobra sank its fangs into left hand Yuttaponga Chaibuddi. The 35-year-old artist managed to unhook the snake from his hand and threw it to the ground. But soon after the poison began to spread throughout his body, he lost consciousness. He stopped breathing and was taken to hospital, where doctors administered an antidote. He was discharged from the hospital after three days, but even after ten days he still had a visible deep burn.

Below is a documentary about two snake charmers who were bitten by cobras. This is an investigative film. One of them managed to survive, but the other did not.

5. Indian krait (lat. Bungarus caeruleus)

Photo.Indian krait

This small snake is our second representative of the Indian Big Four. Also known as the common krait or blue bungarus, it is responsible for approximately 10,000 deaths per year in India alone.

The krait's weapon is its powerful neurotoxic venom. It is one of the five most venomous land snakes, only slightly smaller than coastal taipans. While its small size means it could potentially inject some poison, it still contains enough toxins to kill several people. To ensure that a sufficient dose is injected, the krayt continues to hold on to its victim for some time.

The venom itself contains postsynaptic and presynaptic neurotoxins. They target connections between the brain and nerves, causing muscle paralysis. Although there is an antivenom for krait bites, it may not be effective if not administered immediately after the bite, as presynaptic neurotoxins may block its action. In such cases the only way To save the life of the victim is to use artificial ventilation until the poisons are broken down in the body.

If untreated, the mortality rate can be higher than 80%, with death occurring 4-6 hours after the bite.

Krait bites are believed to be virtually painless. Unfortunately, this means that people sometimes don't realize they've been bitten or don't take it seriously. There is also often a significant delay (an hour or two after the bite) in the onset of any symptoms, such as paralysis facial nerve and stomach cramps.

Since kraits are nocturnal hunters, there have been many cases of people being bitten in their sleep. Often these people did not understand what had happened and some died without waking up.

4. Eastern brown snake(lat. Pseudonaja textilis)

Photo. Eastern brown snake

Australia is a country that is well known for its many extremely poisonous creatures. While many of them are quite scary on paper, in fact very few pose a serious threat to humans these days. There are a few exceptions though, including the eastern brown snake (reticulated brown snake).

Many people will tell you that Australia's inland taipans are the most dangerous snakes in the world. It is true that they have the most powerful venom, but it is not as toxic as the venom of the eastern brown snake, and taipans are also not as aggressive. Also, the eastern brown snake is much larger and more widespread than the inland taipan, and its Bad mood makes this snake much more dangerous than taipans.

Unlike inland taipan The brown snake is usually found in populated areas. These snakes primarily feed on small mammals and are found anywhere there are a lot of mice or rats. The main purpose of their poison is to quickly and completely immobilize the victim and kill small mammals, but it is also very effective for humans. Fast and aggressive, eastern brown snakes are responsible for the majority of fatal venomous snake bites in Australia, averaging about two per year. Moreover, in Australia, about 300 people are bitten by snakes every year, but from 2000 to 2016, only 35 people died.

Although these numbers may seem underestimated, this has been the case since the advent of the antidote. Previously, about 80% of those bitten said goodbye to their lives, and this could happen very quickly, within an hour. The only reason The reason the eastern brown snake is not higher on this list is its geographic habitat.

Last famous case with a reticulated brown snake. At around 10pm on 10 January 2018, a man was bitten by a reticulated brown snake in his backyard in Tamworth, north-west Sydney. The 24-year-old man died in hospital an hour later, despite desperate efforts by medical staff to save him. It was reported that the man heard his pet dog barking and went towards it. He was bitten on the finger while trying to remove the snake from the dog's mouth.

3. Sand epha (lat. Echis carinatus)

Photo. Sandy efa

Another representative of the Indian Big Four is sand faff, responsible for countless deaths throughout South Asia. Although it is small in size (usually less than 80 cm in length), this snake packs a punch in numbers. It is one of the most common snakes throughout India and Sri Lanka and poses a serious threat to farm workers.

Not only is this snake widespread, it is very dangerous. The strong poison has an incredibly fast effect on the human body, and in India alone, 5,000 people die from its bites every year. If we extrapolate this indicator to the habitat of this viper, which stretches across the Hindustan Peninsula to the countries of the Middle East and Africa, then this snake is one of the main killers on our planet.

This viper has close relative, carpet viper (Echis ocellatus). Also known as the African ephas, this snake is often called the most deadly snake in Africa it may kill up to 20,000 people every year.

The bite of the sand epha should definitely be avoided even if you are lucky enough. Rarely given, "dry bites" from a venomous snake usually contain enough venom to kill a person. The venom of this snake contains strong hemotoxins; the bite is considered extremely painful and causes some unpleasant symptoms. Swelling will appear at the site of the bite, which may spread further up the affected limb and blisters will appear. The more serious effects of the poison will appear after a few hours, as general bleeding, with blood coming out of every orifice. This can lead directly to death from blood loss or indirectly through kidney failure.

2. Black Mamba

Photo. Black Mamba

Not only is the black mamba one of the most venomous snakes on the planet, but it is also a large (up to 4 meters / 13 feet), fast (11 km/h / 6.8 mph) and very aggressive snake. When a mamba attacks, it can strike at speed and from a considerable distance. It is also known to deliver multiple bites. Considering all these characteristics, perhaps the black mamba is also the most dangerous snake in the world.

The only reason the black mamba is not higher on our list is because it is not widely distributed in densely populated areas of the developing world. In each individual country This indigenous snake has the highest mortality rate of any snake. For example, in South Africa, the black mamba is responsible for less than 1% of all snakebites, but still kills the majority of people.

Video. Black Mamba

These statistics are a testament to the potential of the black mamba's venom. At LD50 (average dose of poison, causing death half of the test group) about 0.28 mg/kg of poison could theoretically kill 10 people. The venom itself is a fast-acting neurotoxin. It is capable of killing a mouse in less than 5 minutes and completely immobilizing a person in 45 minutes; death usually occurs 7-15 hours after the bite.

A black mamba bite can be relatively painless. This happened to a 28-year-old British student in South Africa who was bitten on the finger while courting a snake. While he didn't even realize he had been bitten by a snake, just an hour later he was already dead. There are cases of people surviving a black mamba bite without antivenom, but this appears to be a minority. Without some form of medical treatment after a bite, a person's chances of survival are very slim.

1. Russell's viper (lat. Daboia russelii)

Photo. Chained viper or daboya

At the top of our list of the most dangerous snakes in the world is the Russell's viper (chain viper or daboya). The last of India's Big Four, this snake kills more people than any other animal (except humans and mosquitoes) with a staggering 25,000 deaths per year in India alone. The global figure is even higher when you consider that the Russell's viper is found throughout the Indian subcontinent, and there are several subspecies of this snake.

Like all snakes on this list, the Russell's viper's venom is very potent, although it takes less than most venoms to kill a human. However, an adult snake has enough venom to kill about 20 people. Not only the bite of this viper often leads to fatal outcome, it is also described as excruciating to the person bitten. Unlike the superfast neurotoxin venom of snakes like the black mamba, Russell's viper venom is hemotoxic, which destroys body tissue.

The bite of these snakes begins with severe pain and swelling at the site of the bite. Within half an hour, the bite victim may bleed from the gums, through urine or when coughing. Soon after the tissue around the bite may blister, necrosis of the surrounding muscles will appear. Within a few hours, swelling and discoloration of the skin will spread to the limbs, and in severe cases to the spine.

Over the next 1-14 days, complications from the destructive effects of the poison on the body's organs often lead to death. Common causes of death are: kidney failure, cerebral hemorrhage, blood poisoning or cardiovascular failure. Although there are effective antivenoms for this venom, they must be administered as soon as possible after the bite to minimize complications and stop the destructive effects of the venom. Even when will take the course treatment for a poisonous snake bite, victims often suffer severe pain for a month, then it may go away, but may develop long term problems, such as hypopituitarism, which affects the production of hormones.

Although the venom of the Russell's viper is particularly unpleasant, this does not make it any more dangerous than the venom of many other snakes. What, in our opinion, makes this snake the most deadly snake in the world is its habitat and temperament. Its diet of rodents such as rats and mice forces Russell's vipers into cities and into close contact with people. It is also a notoriously vicious and aggressive snake and is typically described as slow and lethargic, but when confronted by a human it changes its behavior. The hiss of these snakes is louder than any other snake, the vipers coil themselves into a ball and take a characteristic S-shaped pose for attack. And when she attacks with lightning speed, the force exerted even allows her to lift herself completely off the ground.

Given the horrific reports of Russell's vipers attacking humans, it is not at all surprising that it is often mentioned with other commonly referred to "villains" of the animal kingdom as the great White shark And saltwater crocodile. The only explanation that you shouldn’t be so afraid of her is that most of her victims were bitten in the swamps rural areas South Asia.

Is it possible to eat the meat of an animal that has been bitten by a poisonous snake?
This question is quite interesting and therefore we will give just one example.

In early February 2018, more than 50 people in South Africa were taken to several hospitals after they ate meat from a cow that had reportedly died from a snakebite. This snake incident took place in Mpoza village outside Tsolo ( Tsolo) in the Eastern Cape.

Provincial health department spokesman Sizwe Kupelo said patients confirmed they had eaten meat from the carcass of an animal that died after being bitten by a snake. He said patients experienced diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps and headaches.

The patients included 16 children, eight of whom were transferred to the pediatric ward of the Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital, while the rest were treated at Umtata City Hospital. Kupelo said four elderly patients were also transferred to the Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital for further treatment. Kupelo said the department is urging the public to stop eating meat from dead animals as it is dangerous for them.

We thought this case would be interesting and revealing.

Snakes usually cause fear, even if you know they can't do much harm. Fortunately, they rarely attack humans. This most often occurs when the snake believes it is in danger. Depending on its type, a person can get away with a slight fright or serious problems, including death.

Top 10 list the most poisonous snakes on the planet species are presented that are best not provoked and avoided. The presence of a strong poison does not always indicate a large number of deaths from them; their nature and distribution area influences them. The outcome of the bite depends on several factors: the place where the poison got in, the weight of the person, the time of treatment medical care, presence of diseases, etc. According to some estimates, .

Naturally, people do not remain in debt by killing them in large quantities. Even the use of these reptiles to produce poison leads to premature death, since their body has to work very hard to produce it. Snakes also have many natural enemies. They are usually immune to poison or have very good speed and reflexes. Skunks, secretary birds, mongooses, etc. have such abilities. Also, nature has deprived some snakes of immunity to own weapons, which can lead to death from a careless bite.


The ranking of the most poisonous snakes on the planet opens with rattlesnakes. They are represented by 32 species, differing in size and strength of poison. There is even a variety that does not have a “rattle”. The most dangerous of them for humans is the Brazilian rattlesnake, death from whose bites occurs in approximately 75% of cases. She will rarely attack first, preferring to first indicate her presence with a rattle made from rings of old leather. If it comes to an attack, then even leather shoes are not always able to stop its sharp teeth.

9. Australian Spinytail

This snake is found in Australia and New Guinea. There is in her behavior interesting feature– when a person approaches, she does not try to hide, but freezes in place. This is dangerous because it increases the risk of provoking the snake by stepping on it. Therefore, Spiketail is considered one of. Without timely administration of an antidote, the likelihood of death is high. It usually occurs from respiratory paralysis within a few hours. This snake does not hesitate to hunt other reptiles and even its own relatives.

8. Viper

Vipers include more than 60 species of snakes found almost throughout the world. One of the most poisonous among them is the sand epha, found in Africa and Asia. It hunts mainly on small animals and insects. It does not attack people immediately, but tries to warn them with loud sounds, similar to the crackling of hot oil. Its main activity in spring and autumn occurs during the day, but in summer it prefers a nocturnal lifestyle. They can use the homes of rodents and other snakes and even human homes as shelters. Statistics show that approximately every fifth person bitten by this snake dies. But its poison causes severe damage to the kidneys, which causes suffering for the rest of your life, if you are lucky enough to survive.


As you can guess from the name, this snake is mainly found on the islands of the Philippine archipelago. Of all the cobras, it has the most powerful venom, causing respiratory and cardiac paralysis. Moreover, she is capable of accurately spitting them at a distance of up to 3 meters. The maximum dose of poison for a bite is 250 mg, although 0.2 milligrams per kg of body weight is enough to be fatal. It hunts mainly small mammals, sometimes including young king cobras in its diet. She loves water very much, so she is most often found near ponds, rivers and lakes.


Like many participants in the list of the most poisonous snakes on the planet, the tiger snake is found in Australia. It is found in smaller quantities on the islands of Tasmania and New Guinea. According to scientists, the largest representatives of this species have enough poison to kill 400 people. At the same time, she does not spare him when she bites, which leads to almost instantaneous death of small animals. A person can die in a few minutes from respiratory or cardiac arrest.

Tiger snake does not perceive people as prey due to its too large size. But she spends most of her time motionless, so the risk of stepping on her or confusing her with a stick is great. The coloration and jaw size of these snakes vary greatly depending on their habitat. But they are all characterized by the presence of olive or yellowish-brown spots.

5. Black Mamba

The Black Mamba is found in different areas of Africa. It did not get its name because of its body coloring. Interior her mouth is painted black and she opens her mouth wide as a warning. A few decades ago, its bite meant guaranteed death within a few hours. Today, with the timely administration of the antidote, which tourists are advised to always keep with them, the chances of a successful outcome are high. Individuals of this species can reach up to three meters in length. The lethal dose of its poison for a person is 1-15 milligrams, and when bitten it injects all 400 milligrams. This snake can move quickly over short distances, there is a documented case when.


The coastal taipan hunts small animals and rodents, without being afraid to approach crowds of people. He has an aggressive character, but tries to warn the person whom he perceives as more large predator, curling up into a ring and making several feints. If the person does not run away, a bite follows. Its venom contains neurotoxins and blood clotting substances. Only 10% of people bitten managed to survive before. Even the invention of an antidote increased this figure to only 50%. On average, death from its bite occurs within 90 minutes. Individuals of this species can reach up to 3 meters in length.


This member of the list of the most poisonous snakes on the planet has a recognizable appearance. But it’s easy to come across them at night, when the chance of seeing it from afar is minimal. During the day they are very lethargic and rarely attack. They can crawl into residential yards and people's houses, which, given their large numbers, leads to a large number of attacks. Moreover, even timely administration of a special serum does not provide guarantees; half of those bitten still die. This killer is found in Southeast Asia and Indonesia.


The brown king or mulga lives in Australia. There are other poisonous snakes in its diet. The largest individuals of this species reach 3 meters, but on average their length is approximately 1.5 meters. The aggressiveness of the mulga largely depends on its habitat. They predominantly hunt from ambush, attacking unexpectedly and injecting large amounts of poison into the victim. Sometimes this snake prefers to hold onto its prey while continuing to deliver venom into the wound. The mortality rate from its bites due to paralysis and muscle necrosis is extremely high. It is not always possible to correctly determine its type and select an antidote, which leads to the death of a person.

1. Fierce snake (Inland taipan)

The most poisonous snake on the planet– inland (desert) taipan or Fierce Snake. Despite its name, this snake has a calmer character than the coastal taipan, which is its close relatives. The number of people bitten by snakes of this species is extremely small, because they live in arid and deserted places. They reach a maximum of two meters in length, and change color as the seasons change. Before the invention of an antidote, their bite was guaranteed to be fatal, but even with one, it must be administered within a few minutes. It is the venom of this species that is considered the most powerful among land snakes.

Belcher's sea snake

This snake is considered out of rating because it lives in water. Fortunately, it is difficult to enrage her, and with most bites she does not use venom. If this does happen, a person's life may be in danger. The toxicity of its venom can be comparable to snakes from this rating and it is certainly one of the most poisonous snakes on the planet. Most often, fishermen who select prey from nets suffer from them. Belcher's snake lives in warm sea ​​waters Indonesia.

The most poisonous snake on the planet | Video

More than 2,500 species of snakes live on our planet. They can be found everywhere except Antarctica and a few islands such as New Zealand and Ireland, and there are also none on the small islands of the Atlantic and Pacific (its central part) oceans. However, among all the snake diversity, only 10% are poisonous.

Poisonous snakes use venom for hunting to kill their prey, but they can also bite for defense purposes, but before attacking they most often try to warn the enemy about this. Snakes swallow their prey whole, without chewing it, and so that the victim does not resist and does not complicate the swallowing process, the snake stings it, injecting its poison. By the way, in a defensive snake bite, there is significantly less toxic substance than in a bite during a hunt.


Taipans (lat. Oxyuranus) - very poisonous Australian snakes from the asp family, which include only two species: the cruel snake (lat. Oxyuranus microlepidotus) and taipan (lat. Oxyuranus scutellatus). These are quite large snakes. Their bite is considered very dangerous, even the most dangerous among all modern snakes living on Earth. Until the antidote was discovered (in 1955), people died from the bite of these snakes in 90% of cases.

Cruel (fierce) snake (lat. Oxyuranus microlepidotus) can reach up to 1.9 m in length. It can be found in the dry lowland fields of Central Australia, where it preys on small mammals and frogs. The venom of a cruel snake may well be enough to kill 100 adults. For comparison, its venom is approximately 180 times stronger than that of a cobra.

Taipan or coastal taipan (lat. Oxyuranus scutellatus) - this large (3-3.5 m in length) representative of asps differs from its predecessor in its bad disposition and is considered one of the most aggressive snakes. The taipan is especially dangerous during periods of skin change and reproduction. Found in northeastern Australia and New Guinea. To the delight of the local population, the taipan rarely approaches their homes, but despite this, every year someone suffers from its bites.

Black Mamba

Black mamba (lat. Dendroaspis polylepis) is the most poisonous snake of the African continent. It can be found in savannas and woodlands of Angola, Uganda, Zambia, South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Zimbabwe, etc. In addition, this snake has a very bad reputation. It is considered the fastest (speeds up to 20 km/h) and aggressive snake in Africa.

Its length can be about 2.4–3 m, and some specimens grow up to 4.5 m in length. It got its name because of its black mouth. terrifying at anyone who comes her way. Having bitten once, the mamba tends to bite several more times. Being the owner of such speed, the mamba often chases its prey rather than sitting in ambush. In one bite, the mamba injects up to 400 mg of poison. The lethal dose for an adult is about 10-15 mg. Its poison causes paralysis and death.

Tiger snake

Tiger snake (lat. Notechis scutatus) - another representative of the adders and a resident of Australia. Although it is a small (up to 2 m) snake, it is very poisonous. Small animals bitten by it die instantly. The danger lies in the fact that it is found almost throughout Australia and is one of the most numerous snakes inhabiting this continent.

Spectacled snake or Indian cobra

Spectacled snake, or Indian cobra (lat. Naja naja) is a very beautiful motley snake, growing up to 1.5-2 meters in length. Lives in India Central Asia, Southern China (to the Philippines and the islands of the Malay Archipelago). The offspring of this cobra are poisonous from the very first minutes after birth. I spectacled cobra contains toxins that cause damage to the central nervous system. Just one gram of poison can kill 140 medium-sized dogs.

Malay krait

Malay krait (lat. Bungarus candidus) is a very dangerous snake from the adder family. Extremely unfriendly. It lives in Australia, South Asia and the islands of the Malay Archipelago. Its poison is fatal and primarily affects the human brain. Death can occur quickly and even without paralytic symptoms.

Brown king, or mulga

Brown king, or mulga (lat. Pseudechis australis) is a highly venomous snake found throughout Australia. The bite of this large (up to 3 m in length) snake poses a real threat to human life, since after its bite there is a high probability of death.

Nosed enhydrina

Nosed enhydrina (lat. Enhydrina schistosa) is a poisonous inhabitant of the tropical Indo-Pacific region. Although it is a poisonous snake, it has a rather peaceful character. Seeing a fisherman at sea, he prefers to move away from him. The venom of this snake is 4-8 times more toxic than that of a cobra. The lethal dose for humans is about 1.5 mg of poison. Its venom contains strong neurotoxins.

Sandy efa

Sandy epha (lat. Echis carinatus) is a poisonous snake from the viper family. This small snake (50-60 cm in length) lives in clay and loess deserts, near river cliffs and in bush thickets of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, as well as Africa, Algeria, Palestine, Persia, Arabia and in the western part of the Hindustan Peninsula . When meeting a person, it makes a characteristic rustling sound, produced by the friction of jagged rings. If a person survives after being bitten by such a snake, it is likely that he may remain crippled.

Harlequin adder

Harlequin, or eastern asp (lat. Micrurus fulvius) is a venomous snake native to northeastern Mexico and the southeastern United States. The owner of a bright color with characteristic red, black and narrow yellow rings. The bite of this snake is very dangerous to human life. If help is not provided in time, a person can die within 20-24 hours.

Ceylon keffiyeh

Ceylon keffiyeh (lat. Trimeresurus trigonocephalus) is one of the most aggressive venomous snakes. This resident of the Pacific coast of America is notorious among the local population. Its bite is considered fatal to humans (it thins the blood, causing severe swelling).

African boomslang

African boomslang (lat. Dispholidus typus) is a highly venomous snake native to South and South-West Africa. Its poison is toxic: when it enters the bloodstream, it destroys the cells of the body. The venom of the African boomslang is 2 times more dangerous than the venom of the Indian cobra and viper. He is a very aggressive snake, so you should not approach him or make sudden movements - he will attack without hesitation.

Black snake

Black snake (lat. Pseudechis porphyriacus) – this a large snake(length up to 3 meters) is feared by all residents of Australia, as its bite is fatal to humans. It is considered a “record holder” for the amount of poison released.

Common viper (lat. Vipera berus) is a poisonous snake from the genus of true vipers. Lives in Eurasia. Its bite is very painful, but rarely leads to death. Hemorrhagic swelling and necrosis occurs at the site of the bite. Signs of poisoning: dizziness, lethargy, headache, nausea, shortness of breath. In especially severe cases, degenerative changes in the kidneys and liver may occur.

Ruzel's Viper

Ruzel's viper (lat. Daboia russelii russelii) - common in Sri Lanka. It is considered dangerous, although not so poisonous. The thing is that where it lives, they do not produce an antidote, so many local residents die from its bites.

The earth's fauna includes 2,500 species of snakes and only 10% of them are considered poisonous. In addition to their deadly poison, some individuals instill fear in others due to their size.

The length of some specimens of the king cobra reaches 5.7 m - it is the largest venomous snake in the world. The top ten also includes one of the most dangerous representatives of this class of reptiles - the black mamba, the bite of which often leads to fatal paralysis of the victim.

10. Chain viper – maximum recorded length 1.8 m

The most poisonous snake in southern Asia has beautiful design in the form of oval-rhombic spots, which, merging with each other, form an unbreakable chain. Since the chained viper likes to live in bushes, dry soil and cultivated land, accidental encounters with humans are not uncommon. It is from its bites that most residents of India and Indochina suffer. Before attacking, the snake makes a terrifying hissing sound, which local residents is a signal of approaching danger.

The venom of the chain viper is highly toxic, so without treatment, death occurs in 15% of cases. At the same time, the poisonous substance of the snake has found application in pharmaceuticals - it is used to make effective drug to stop bleeding.

9. Noisy viper - 1.9 m

One of the most common snakes on the African continent got its name due to the characteristic noise it makes when it sees danger. As a rule, the noisy viper is active at night; during the day it shows low mobility, weakly reacting to potential prey. The special color allows it to camouflage well in withered grass, which sometimes leads to an accidental collision between a snake and a person with tragic consequences for the latter.

The toxicity of the noisy viper's venom is sufficient to include it in the list of the most poisonous representatives of the viper family. In one bite, the snake injects 200-700 mg of a poisonous substance, while the lethal dose for an adult male is 100 mg. According to statistics, every 5 bites of a noisy viper lead to death.

8. Gabon viper - 2.1 m

Characteristic detail Gaboon viper- two spike-like scales in the form of horns protruding between the nostrils. The snake lives in tropical and sub-tropical tropical forests Western and Central Africa, preferring a humid environment. This specimen differs not only in length, but also in thickness - the girth of the body often exceeds 40 cm. Accordingly, the weight of the viper is also quite impressive - the record belongs to an individual caught in 1973, which weighed 11.3 kg with an empty stomach.

Given the habitat in sparsely populated areas, activity at night and low level aggressiveness, cases of attack on humans are extremely rare. However, the venom of the Gaboon viper is very toxic and without timely medical intervention can cause kidney failure, tachycardia and cardiac arrest. Moreover, the most severe consequences sometimes appear after a day, so even in the absence serious symptoms After a bite, the victim should immediately contact the nearest medical facility.

7. Rhombic rattlesnake - 2.4 m

The snake owes its name to its characteristic color, the main elements of which are dark brown diamonds located along the back. Weight adult on average reaches 4-5 kg, although especially large specimens weigh more than 10 kg (the record is 15.4 kg). The diamondback rattlesnake lives in the southeastern part of the United States, but its range is constantly decreasing due to the capture of snakes for medical purposes.

The gland that produces poison in the rattlesnake functions from an early age. Without it, the snake will not be able to get its food. Since the chewing reflex in this reptile is not developed, the paralyzed victim is swallowed whole.

One bite releases 200-800 mg of a toxic substance, which, without timely administration of an antidote, causes severe pain, large swelling, thread-like pulse and spontaneous bleeding from the wound. At the same time, the diamondback rattlesnake is not an aggressive creature.

For the purpose of self-defense, he attacks only in extreme cases, warning the opponent for a long time with a characteristic sound from a “rattle” located at the end of the tail.

6. Black and white cobra - 2.7 m

The main habitat of the black and white cobra is the forests and savannas of Central and Southern Africa. She spends a lot of time in the trees, hunting for birds, as well as in the water, swimming on the surface and even diving in search of fish. In addition to birds and fish, the snake's diet includes rodents, lizards and small monitor lizards. Before attacking the victim, the reptile raises its body and inflates the hood, characteristic of all cobras.

The venom of the black and white cobra ranks second in terms of toxicity in Africa. However, people rarely suffer from it due to the solitary lifestyle of the snake and its timidity. When she sees a person or large animal, she prefers to retreat rather than attempt an attack.

5. Mulga – 3 m

Because of its characteristic color, this snake is often called the brown king. Mulga lives throughout almost all of Australia, except Victoria and Tasmania, and is also found on the island of New Guinea. At the same time, the internal range is quite wide - the mulga loves forests, pastures, deserts and deep gorges, feeding mainly on rodents, birds and other snakes.

Since the brown king hunts both during the day and at night, encountering a human is highly likely. The venom of the mulga is very toxic, second only to the taipan and tiger snake in this indicator. In one bite, a snake can release up to 150 mg of a neurotoxic substance, which is enough to pose a threat to life without prompt medical attention.

4. Taipan – 3.3 m

The taipan is one of the most poisonous and, perhaps, the most dangerous snake in the world. Due to its diurnal lifestyle and feeding on small rodents, this specimen is a frequent visitor to human settlements. Its habitat is the state of Queensland (Australia) and the southeastern part of New Guinea. It is the people of Queensland who suffer the most from taipans. Despite the presence of the serum, every second person in this state dies after being bitten by a snake.

The taipan is extremely aggressive and fast. In case of danger, he raises his head to a vertical position, begins to swing it monotonously, after which he strikes the enemy with lightning speed several blows in a row. The poisonous gland is capable of producing up to 400 mg of poison at a time, which has a nerve-paralytic effect and disrupts blood clotting. A taipan bite can be fatal within 4 hours, which is why the mortality rate is so high.

3. Bushmaster – 4 m

Bushmaster - largest representative poisonous reptiles South America. This snake loves a humid environment, so it chose dense thickets as its habitat. tropical forests. She has a timid disposition and tries to avoid areas inhabited by people. Therefore, cases of human bites are rare.

The bushmaster uses poison only during the hunt, choosing rodents, lizards and birds as victims. The snake is capable of waiting for potential prey for a long time, setting up an ambush among foliage or grass. She may remain in this position for several days or even weeks.

During an attack, the bushmaster plunges teeth up to 4 cm long into the victim’s body and injects up to 400 mg of poison, which has a paralytic effect on the central nervous system. For humans, the poisonous substance poses a serious danger, although death after a bite occurs only in 10% of cases.

2. Black mamba – 4.3 m

Despite its name, this type of mamba is not black. Usually the dominant color is dark olive or grayish brown. Actually, the name of the snake was obtained due to the black mouth that it opens to intimidate the enemy before attacking. The habitat of the black mamba is savannas and woodlands of the eastern, central and southern parts African continent.

The snake has a reputation as an extremely dangerous reptile. Before the advent of an antidote, its bite was fatal in almost 100% of cases. The main component of the poison are dendrotoxins - blockers of potassium channels in the nerve fibers of the body.

After a bite, a person feels severe burning pain, nausea and vomiting. However, the most serious pathology is rapidly progressive peripheral paralysis, leading to respiratory failure. Without the introduction of an antidote, death can occur within an hour after the bite occurs.

1. King cobra - 5.7 m

The largest venomous snake lives in the tropical forests of south and southeast Asia. The main diet of the king cobra is considered to be other snakes, which often become victims themselves in the process of hunting rodents and birds. That's why her scientific name is "Ophiophagus hannah", which translates to "Snake Eater". As a rule, the king cobra chooses a certain territory for living and hunting, although it can move tens of kilometers in search of food.

Cobra venom has a neurotoxic effect and can cause paralysis of the muscular system and respiratory arrest. In the case of a full-fledged bite, death can occur within 15 minutes due to the large volume of the toxic substance. In this case, the snake often doses the amount of poison, and in self-defense it can even carry out “idle” bites in order to scare away the troublemaker. Therefore, in general, only 10% of king cobra attacks are fatal to humans.

If you regularly read the site, then most likely you are already familiar with the previously published list of the rarest snakes. In today's top we will talk about the ten most poisonous snakes in the world. We also recommend that you read the list with photos of the ten most poisonous spiders in the world. So, let's begin.

Rattlesnake easily recognized by the rattle at the end of the tail. Surprisingly, juvenile snakes are considered more dangerous than adults due to their inability to control the amount of venom they inject. Even fast and effective treatment, may result in loss of limb or death. Common symptoms are difficulty breathing, paralysis, increased salivation and massive hemorrhages.

Death Adder

They live in Australia and New Guinea. They tend to hunt and kill other snakes, including the snakes on this list. Typically, the Death Adder snake releases approximately 40–100 mg upon bite. poison. Its bite in humans causes paralysis and can lead to death within 6 hours. Symptoms usually appear within 24 to 48 hours. Antivenom is very successful due to the relatively slow progression of symptoms, but before it was developed, this snake's bite was fatal in 50% of cases.

The viper is nocturnal and is often active after rain. During the daytime, it most often basks in the sun. These snakes are incredibly fast and reach a length of 60–70 centimeters, but sometimes rare specimens can be found that reach a length of 1 meter. Most of these species have a venom that causes symptoms - pain at the site of the bite, which can last for 2-4 weeks. Vomiting and facial swelling occurs in approximately one third of all cases. There is a sharp drop blood pressure and heart rate. Death from sepsis, respiratory failure, or heart failure may occur one day to two weeks after the bite, or even later.

The venom of the Philippine cobra is the deadliest of all cobra species. The peculiarity of these snakes is that they are capable of spitting venom at a distance of up to 3 meters. Their venom is a neurotoxin that affects the heart and respiratory system, the bite can lead to respiratory paralysis and death will occur within thirty minutes. Symptoms may include headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, collapse and convulsions.

The tiger snake is common in southeastern Australia. Habitats include forests, meadows, grasslands and deserts. The length of these snakes reaches up to 2 m. As a rule, they have a peaceful disposition, but it should be remembered that the Tiger snake is one of the most dangerous land snakes in the world, occupying 6th place in the ranking. Death from the bite can occur within half an hour, but usually takes 6–24 hours. Symptoms may include localized pain in the leg and neck, tingling, numbness and heavy sweating.

One of the most dangerous and poisonous snakes living in Africa. It reaches a length of 2.4–3 meters, but in nature there are individual specimens reaching a length of up to 4.5 meters. The black mamba is also the fastest snake on the planet, capable of reaching speeds of up to 20 km/h. It has an aggressive disposition and often attacks first. These scary snakes can bite their prey up to 12 times in a row. The initial symptoms are pain in the bite area. The victim then experiences a tingling sensation in the mouth and extremities, double vision, tunnel vision, fever, increased salivation(including foaming of the mouth and nose) and severe ataxia (lack of muscle control). If the victim does not receive medical attention, symptoms quickly progress to severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, pallor, shock, nephrotoxicity, and paralysis. Eventually, the victim experiences convulsions, respiratory arrest, coma and death. Without an antidote, the mortality rate is almost 100%. Depending on the nature of the bite, it can lead to death in 15 minutes to 3 hours.

Taipan or coastal taipan

Large Australian snakes whose venom is strong enough to kill up to 12 thousand guinea pigs. The venom of this snake is highly neurotoxic and forms blood clots that block the arteries and veins of the victim. Before the advent of antivenom, there were no survivors of the bite, and death usually occurred within an hour. Even with successful administration of antivenom, most of those bitten will remain in intensive care. In behavior and habitat, the Taipan can be compared to Black mamba(5th place).

Blue Krayt

The Malayan snake or blue krait lives in Southeast Asia and Indonesia. 50% of bites are fatal, even after antivenom is administered. Krayt hunts and kills other snakes. More aggressive under cover of darkness. However, in general they are quite timid and often try to hide rather than fight. The venom is a neurotoxin that is 16 times more potent than cobra venom. It quickly causes muscle paralysis. Fortunately, cases of human bites are very rare due to the nocturnal lifestyle of these snakes. Before the advent of antivenom, the mortality rate was 85%. Death usually occurs within 6–12 hours after the bite.

Don't let this snake's innocuous name fool you, its venom is enough to kill an adult. Unfortunately, this snake prefers to settle along large populated areas in Australia. The brown snake has good speed and, under certain circumstances, can be aggressive. Even juvenile snakes of this species can kill a person. They only react to movement, so it is better to stand still when you encounter this snake. It is not only one of the most poisonous, but also one of the longest snakes in the world.