With the development of the Internet, the vast majority of bookmakers moved their work to the World Wide Web, which simplified the gaming process and made it more accessible to inexperienced users. Many players, especially beginners, ask this question: “How to place bets in a bookmaker’s office?” The advice of numerous “experts” who offer to use their “super strategies” for a lot of money is intended mainly for gullible beginners, and does not at all guarantee success.

"Secrets" of bookmakers

There is no doubt that even if one had its own secrets, it clearly would not want to reveal them to the players. Bookmakers must carefully hide all their secrets, otherwise they will simply go bankrupt. If every gambler knew how to be sure to beat the bookmakers, then no one would be in the betting business.

Under no circumstances should you believe various charlatans who, for a lot of money, offer to reveal the secrets of bookmakers and get rich from it. There are now a countless number of all kinds of “professional forecasters” and “cappers” online, who are only interested in the money of inexperienced players.

In order to trust all kinds of paid forecasts, you need to be completely sure that the person allegedly revealing the “secrets” himself has had a regular income from betting for a long time. All other options for placing bets at bookmakers - clean water quackery and fraud.

Secrets of successful bets

Unlike the secrets of bookmakers, many successful players, on the contrary, strive to tell everyone about the secrets of their success, and thanks to the widespread use of the Internet, almost everyone can easily get acquainted with and adopt them.

Of course, the secrets of players cannot guarantee that every bet made will be winning, since these are simply proven strategies and systems that only help to significantly reduce risks and increase the likelihood of winning, but do not guarantee it at all.

There are many bettors who regularly win large sums even in long term using your own or other people's strategies. Information from these players is freely available online on specialized websites. Using the successful experience of others, you can quickly learn how to place bets correctly in bookmakers and receive a stable, regular income.

Effective management of your own bank

Every successful bet on a sporting event is determined not only by luck, but also by a number of factors:

  • Knowledge of the sport and teams.
  • In-depth analysis of the upcoming event.
  • Correct distribution of your own financial capabilities.

Exists great amount strategies for managing the funds available on the balance sheet, allowing you to wait for the white one even when a “black streak” occurs, remaining afloat for a long time.

The most important thing is to correctly calculate the amount that you can safely spend without worrying too much if you lose. Risk everything family budget not only stupid, but also fraught with consequences. Experienced players It is recommended that before placing bets in bookmakers, you should determine the maximum bet in an amount not exceeding 3-5% of the bank, which should not be increased even after a series of unsuccessful attempts.

Knowledge and analysis as the main trump cards

In order for the largest possible percentage of bets to be winning, you need to know how and what to bet on at a bookmaker. After all, not every sport is suitable for betting, as it is necessary:

  • Thoroughly know the rules of the game.
  • Understand the nuances and subtleties.
  • Be able to collect and correctly analyze information regarding a specific sporting event, which, of course, will take time.

The secrets to the constant profits of bookmaker companies lie in the fact that they either employ a whole staff of analysts themselves, or purchase analytical information from other companies. In addition, the odds for a particular sporting event are adjusted based on the number of bets placed on it.

Thus, having maximum information about the upcoming match, the presence of injured and disqualified players, financial condition clubs, before placing bets in bookmakers, it helps to determine the favorite of the match and win at the betting.

Betting for fun

There is no need to place a bet just to make watching the match more interesting and exciting for the following reasons:

  • If the bet doesn’t work, then you’ll hardly be able to enjoy it beautiful game and enjoy what is happening.
  • It will not be possible to evaluate and analyze the match impartially.

Based on these two reasons, we can highlight the main taboo for a successful player, how to place bets in bookmakers and win - not to bet on a match that is planned to be watched on TV.

An important factor leading to success is the player’s competence in the sport on which he bets. There is no point in betting on cricket or baseball, for example, if the player does not understand anything about these sports. Experienced players are advised to initially concentrate on one sport that is closest to the bettor, or even on any championship or club. This way you can collect the maximum detailed information, which will certainly increase the chances of success.

Teams and odds

One of the most important secrets of how to place bets correctly in bookmakers is to refuse to bet on your favorite team. Even if the player is well aware of the state of affairs in his favorite club and is able to do correct conclusions From the information he has, most often he is not ready to restrain his emotions and place the right bet.

You should not chase high odds, as the desire to quickly win can lead to the opposite result. Playing at high odds is too risky.

One of the most common mistakes made by novice players trying to learn how to place bets in bookmakers is following the advice of supposedly successful players. In practice, these people only collect money from beginners, without guaranteeing that they will receive truly working strategies or 100% winning bets.

In fact, successful betting requires a combination of three factors:

  • statistics;
  • knowledge;
  • analysis.

Not a single detail that can influence the outcome of a particular sporting event escapes the watchful eyes of analysts at bookmaker companies, so in order to beat the betting, you need to know as much about the match as they do.

Reasons for losses

The most common reason why a player loses a pot is bets made on emotions in favor of his favorite team. Every experienced bettor answers the question: “What is the best way to place bets in bookmakers?” will answer that this needs to be done with a cool head.

Also common reasons that prevent you from soberly assessing the situation are:

  • The influence of strangers when discussing rates. You should come to the office of the company only to place a bet, and not to discuss it.
  • Having a loved one It may well be that the odds are much higher in other bookmakers, but the player prefers to place bets in the company he is familiar with.
  • Availability of television broadcast. Many people like to bet precisely because the game can be watched on TV.

"Dark horses" and big bets

Under no circumstances should you bet on a team that the player knows nothing about. Before placing bets in bookmakers, you need to know that almost each of them allows you to choose from a huge number of events, among which there are exotic species sports, and mysterious championships, and teams that novice players have never heard of. Bets on the outcome of such events can only be made counting on luck, in order to tickle your nerves; counting on winning in this case is, to say the least, stupid.

There is also no point in betting too big. After a series of several successful bets, many players lose their heads and begin to unjustifiably risk large sums. This could be the end of their career as bettors.

Bookmakers have long gone beyond accepting bets on sport events. After all, not all gambling people are sports fans. For some time now, every bookmaker has begun to include bets on politics, weather, show business and some others in its line.

There are also quite funny bets, for example, on the fact that it will snow or rain on a certain day and in a certain area. For example, bookmaker William Hill offers bets on which products will be the most popular gifts for the upcoming Christmas.

The relevance of betting on politics

One of the first non-sporting events on which bookmakers began to accept bets was political events, which include elections, referendums and other types of voting. For example, bettors were asked to predict who will become the next US president after Barack Obama resigns.

Bets are made not only on specific person, as well as what gender it will be. Naturally, men have more chances in this case. A large number of bettors placed bets on the Scottish independence referendum.

In addition to politics, they also bet on events of a secular nature. For example, you could try to guess what name the newborn representative of the British royal family. The line also includes events such as “will anyone get a divorce?” star family" For example, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

Bookmaker experts often cover the lives of royal families. In one of the offices it was proposed to guess which social network A representative of the British royal court will post his next message. Favorites here include, of course, the most popular Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Non-sporting events include changes in weather on a particular day in a particular location. Bookmakers often offer to bet on snowfall on Christmas Eve.

There are even events concerning life on other planets. So, offices offer to guess the answer to eternal question"Is there life on Mars?" and “When will representatives of our planet first land on the “red planet?”

Determine your maximum budget. First, decide what the maximum amount you can contribute to your bets is. On the one hand, too high a budget can lead to personal bankruptcy. On the other hand, a small budget will limit you a bit. Follow the rules of this article and place the right bets, which will reduce the risk of large losses to almost zero. Maximum budget for a beginner according to " basic rule based on extensive experience” should be 35,000 rubles.

Select your maximum bet amount. By placing all your money on one outcome, the only correct one in your opinion, you will not achieve your goal. Only sharing the risks between several games will lead to profit. Therefore, limiting your maximum bet will increase your chances of winning. According to the “rule of thumb,” the maximum bet amount for a beginner is 1,750 rubles.

Choose the right betting line. Place bets only on two main categories: “Match Result” and “Total Over/Under 2.5 Goals”. “Match result” means choosing one of three possible outcomes of the game: home win, draw or away win. “Total over/under 2.5 goals” means determining the total number of goals scored in the match: over or under 2.5. The most recent statistics prove that betting in these two categories is the most effective. And we believe science!

Study the probability of the outcome of the game. The probability of a match outcome is generally defined as a range from 0% (no chance) to 100% (sure bet). For example, the probability of an outcome in the Match Result category might be: home win = 60%, draw = 15%, away win = 25%. For the category “Total over/under 2.5 goals”: ​​under 2.5 = 45%, over 2.5 = 55%. The sum of all the final probabilities of the “Match Result” line must be equal to 100%, since one of these three variations will definitely take place. The sum of the probabilities of the outcome along the line “Total over/under 2.5 goals” should also be 100%, too, since the total number of goals scored during any football match will be either more than 2.5 goals or less. In other words, the probability of any outcome expresses your belief in the chosen outcome, distributed between 0% and 100%. Possible probabilities, also commonly known as “betting tips” or “predictions,” can be found on the Internet. Let's explain how you can evaluate them.

Find a good betting website or website. The best way find the probabilities of match outcomes - using Internet resources. There are a number of websites that provide free advice. Type “football betting tips” into Google and you will find most of them. When choosing your site, ensure that the forecasts provided perform well over time by comparing between likely and real results matches. How more difference between the given advice and the bookmakers' forecasts (we will explain later), the greater your income.

Study the "fixed odds" market. Bookmakers determine fixed odds for each outcome in the categories “Match Result” and “Total Over/Under 2.5 Goals”. For example, the odds of the “Match Result” line can be as follows: home win = 1.5, draw = 3.6, away win = 5.8. This means that if you bet 3,500 rubles on a home win and the bet wins, you will receive 3,500 * 1.5 = 5,250 rubles from the bookmaker. If not, you will lose your 3,500. So the odds are basically multiplying your bet and you are interested in them maximum value in the outcome of the match you are betting on.

Understand the relationship between odds and probability. Given the above coefficients, try to determine their inverse notations: 1/1.5, 1/3.6, 1/5.8, and multiply by 100%. You will receive the likely percentage for a given outcome, according to the bookmaker: home win = 66%, draw = 27%, away win = 17%. Unfortunately, when you calculate their sum, as in the previous example, you will not get 100%, but 110%. The 10% difference represents the commission that the bookmaker adds to the odds. Subtracting 10%/3 from the three percentages above will give you the exact bookmaker odds: home win = 63%, draw = 24%, away win = 13%.

Choose your bookmaker. The best bookmaker for you is the one that provides the highest odds for the outcome you choose to bet on. Prediction and statistics websites will usually provide you with a list of bookmakers and their odds for each game. You can choose the bookmaker with the highest odds and register to place your bet.

Compare the odds and your probabilities of winning bets. For a long time known method comparing bookmaker odds and your chances - simply multiplying them. If you receive high value for some outcome, this means there is a good chance of making a profit. However, if your forecasts are inaccurate, the potential final calculation may be incorrect. For example, bookmakers' odds are: home win = 1.5, draw = 3.6, away win = 5.8. And the advice you found on the Internet says the following: home win = 60%, draw = 15%, away win = 25%. The multiplication results then result in the following potential for each outcome: home win = 1.5 * 60% = 0.9, draw = 3.6 * 15% = 0.54, away win = 5.8 * 25% = 1 ,45. You can see that in this case the possibility of the away team winning is the highest. Unfortunately the away team has a 25% chance of winning and so if you decide to bet on an away win your chances of winning will only be 25%.

Find a bet with a high winning potential. Basic " rule of thumb" says: bet on a result with odds greater than 3 and a probability greater than 40%. In this case the value will be 1.3. So, you can calculate the bet: Bet = 1/100 * Budget * (Probability - (100% - Probability) / (Odds - 1)). For example, when the odds for a home win = 3.0, the probability of a home win = 40% and the budget = 35,000 rubles, you will have to bet: Bet = 1/100 * 35,000 rubles * (40% - (100% -40%) / (3–1)) = 3,500 rubles. Since the maximum allowed bet amount is 1,700 rubles, this will be your bet. If the calculated bet is less than 0, do not place it.

Football is not only interesting, but also... profitable! Bookmakers are ready to prove this rule: if you choose the right bets from the general range of options and make competent predictions, you can consistently get enough high incomes. However, this type of “earning money” has both advantages and disadvantages. Knowing them, as well as the ability to distinguish between types of bets, analyze a future match and choose the right strategy of action, helps to achieve the desired result very quickly. So, bookmaker bets on football, let's talk about them in more detail.

Pros of betting on football

Today, all major bookmakers offer over a hundred different betting options for any match in a regular football championship (fewer varieties are offered for modest leagues). They all have fairly high limits. Football is a very popular game, and you can bet up to 10-50 thousand dollars on one match! If we're talking about about the “fights of the century”, then the stakes may be higher, and this means that the income may be higher.

However, optimal limits are far from the only advantage of football betting. They are also characterized by such features as:

1. The presence of low margins.
There are a lot of bookmakers in any city, and in order to somehow get ahead of their competitors, they inflate the “football” odds by 5-6 points. This allows players to receive more income from football if they are lucky, unlike, for example, the less popular volleyball or hockey.

2. The presence of a wide painting.
The football line of even a very modest office will be larger than the value of other sections in other sports. If we are not talking about an ordinary match, but about the Europa League, the World Cup, the Champions League, then the description of one game will take 2-3 pages per line. Moreover, it will often contain incredible offers! For example, it is quite possible to bet on which player will be the first to throw out.

3. Lots of television broadcasts.
Tracking football betting is so easy! It's the most broadcast sport in the world, so all you have to do is sit in your favorite bar or on your favorite couch and literally play live”, placing bets on football online and changing your strategy as the events of the match unfold.

4. Minimal amount force majeure situations.
We are talking primarily about events that can be influenced by their participants - that is, football players and teams. In sports where there is only one player (for example, tennis), the outcome of the game can be affected by his bad feeling or even mood. In football, these will all be insignificant factors: the condition and position of individual players have little impact on the final result.

Thanks to these advantages, it can be argued that the risks in football are minimal in many respects. However, they still exist, and they should be calculated immediately.

Cons of football betting

Despite the fact that, in general, football betting offers inflated odds, the total number of “values” is still not too large. Bookmakers constantly monitor each other, so the quotes are constantly “adjusted”, and there will still be no fundamental differences in different offices. You can only find supernatural odds at a particular bookmaker and not find them at others only in a modest league, but even in this case, the upper betting limits will still be extremely low.

Another drawback follows from this - the quick reaction of bookmakers to changes in pre-match alignments in a direction beneficial to themselves. Offices almost instantly adjust offers, tracking:

  • the beginning of “undercover” games of a team
  • injuries to key players
  • substitutions on the field
  • unexpected illnesses of football players

Sometimes they find out about this even before the audience knows it - the bookmaker’s notification system is unusually powerful and by an order of magnitude surpasses the capabilities of many deep insiders. As a result, the line can be adjusted faster than even the most respected expert will have time to adjust to changes as the match develops.

Where is the best place to bet on football online?

If you are already tired of reading the theory and want to make your first bet as quickly as possible, then do this only in trusted bookmakers. Actually, this site was created for this purpose - to provide players with the most objective information about existing bookmakers. We have created a detailed rating, which you can read on the main page and easily choose a high-quality company that is right for you. However, why go far, look at the TOP 5 companies in the table below.

Legal bookmakers

Bookmakers Review Bonus Rating Registration
1 4,000 ₽ 9.5
2 10,000 ₽ 9.1
3 20,000 ₽ 8.9
4 1,000 ₽ 8.5
5 10,000 ₽ 8.4
6 1,000 ₽ 8.2
7 No 8.3
8 5,000 ₽ 8.0
9 10,000 ₽ 7,9
10 No 7.2

What are football bets?

Considering that there are hundreds of varieties, novice players should know at least the basic options. This:

1. Bet on the outcome of the match– it can assume any result of the main time of the game (draw or victory of one of the teams). These bets usually offer the lowest margins and the highest odds. And it is on the outcomes that players bet most often.

2. Bet on handicap– that is, the goal difference at which the match will end. Handicaps can be positive (if the team has not lost more than the number of goals specified in the bet) and negative (if the team has won no less than the specified number of goals). Essentially, this is a bet on the result, but with a handicap value added to the score. In such a situation, it is necessary that the outcome of the game does not go into the negative, taking into account the selected handicap. So, for example, a player who bet on it will receive his money back if the match score is 1-0 and the handicap for the winner is set to -1.

But I'll give it anyway small example. Let's say Schalke-Barcelona are playing and you bet on the victory of the first team with a handicap of 2. Figuratively speaking, this means that the match starts not with the score 0:0, but with the score 2:0 in favor of Schalke. I hope it's clear now.

3. Bet on total- that is, on total number goals in the match. The bookmaker indicates the total, and players place bets on a higher or lower value.

4. Bet on the correct score– to win you need to guess the exact outcome of the game. The odds for such a bet will be very high, but most often it is difficult to win.

In addition, the company may include other offers in the line. You can bet on the results of the match in each half, on the number of red and yellow cards, on the number of offsides, fouls, substitutions, on the authors of the first goals... There are also unique offers, which are very interesting, and which can play out very unexpectedly.

Pre-match analytics. When is it important to think?

The answer is simple: always! But the good thing about bookmaker bets on football is that the analytics in them are not as complicated as in bets on single matches. However, this does not mean that she forgives frivolity. Accurate forecasts– this is not a consequence of luck (although sometimes that is important), it is the result of careful analysis, and before betting on any offer, you will have to study such aspects as:

1. Physical form rivals– to do this, it is better to look at teams comprehensively, assessing their behavior in 2-3 previous matches. If a decision needs to be made quickly, then you can at least examine the final numbers of previous games. It is advisable to evaluate both home and away matches, see how each team behaves away and at home. Also important detail– recently published interviews with representatives of clubs, coaches, players themselves... They will also help you draw the right conclusions.

2. History of previous head-to-head confrontations– in other words, earlier fights of the same teams with each other. There is such a thing as “inconvenient opponents,” and it happens that teams that are such for each other can give a completely unpredictable course to the match. In any case, an assessment of previous joint games will open your eyes to the tactics of the players and help predict the possible development of the game. In this case, it is also necessary to examine the behavior of the teams at home and away.

3. Motivation of each team and its tournament position. Motivation is extremely important (especially for championships in Eastern Europe). It happens that a successful leading team simply gives points to its opponents, because it has already solved all its problems in the championship.

4. Composition of players, number of disqualified and injured. Very often, before matches, teams suffer certain “losses” - players can get injured (and not only during previous games, but simply in ordinary life), miss matches, get sick and simply get disqualified for a certain number of fights. These features must be taken into account in the forecast.

And, of course, pre-match analytics involves studying the match referees. It seems that this is not at all important factor, but the referee can change the course of the game in many ways through his officiating style. Teams can play differently - clean or rough, and the referees also do not act the same. There are loyal arbiters, and there are tough and adamant ones. Moreover, different clubs have special relationship with specific referees: it happens that a successful team has difficulties in a game that is officiated by a referee who is biased towards it. Such a referee can give a foul for minimal touching the ball, he can simply create an atmosphere of tension on the field... And all this will affect the outcome.

If we take into account the style of refereeing, the peculiarities of the work of opponents on the field, special conditions (it is worth assessing even the arena itself, the time of year, the weather), you can make a forecast no worse than that of the brightest football analysts. And this forecast will work perfectly, bringing the player at the bookmaker’s office long-awaited success in betting.

That's probably all that can be said about online football betting. Although, of course, in reality, we can talk about them for a very long time. Some gambling lovers can talk about them for hours on end. However, this is a completely different format; I am sure that the information described above is more than enough for you and me. I hope it was interesting and useful. Dmitry Shchukin was with you, bye!

So, you have decided to turn your attention to sports betting. It doesn’t matter what goals you pursue in this matter, whether you want to earn money or just have fun, in any case you will need to remember a few rules that will undoubtedly help and will not let you lose your head.

Football is perhaps the most popular sport on the planet and, of course, in Russia. Everyone believes that they understand this sport and place a huge number of bets on football matches. Therefore, I think it will be relevant to talk a little about how to bet on football correctly.

Just as theater begins with a hanger, so betting on football begins with a preliminary forecast. A competent, correctly drawn up forecast is a guarantee of your success, it will bring you money.

For every football match you can find a bet for your prediction.

Bet on the outcome- either a victory of one of the teams or a draw is considered.

Total bet- the ability to guess how many goals will be scored in total or individually by teams.

It is necessary to take into account how scoring the championship is. For example, you can see a lot of goals in the championships of Holland and Germany, but the championships of France and Italy are characterized by low results. The first thing that needs to be taken into account in such matches is the presence of the team's main goalkeeper in a particular game, as well as the shape of the players on the defensive line and the offensive line of the teams. It is quite natural that the absence of key players in defense or bad game forwards of two teams in the last matches can lead to a total over and a total under, respectively.

Handicap bet- the opportunity to equalize the chances between teams.

The handicap bet can be zero, positive or negative. A negative handicap (-1; -2; -3.5) is often placed on the leader (the team that scores a lot and is in excellent shape). A positive handicap (+1; +3.5; +4) works the same way, only in reverse.

It is preferable to take negative handicaps in championships where the difference between the favorites and the teams from the bottom of the standings is quite large. For example, in the Spanish Championship, few clubs can provide worthy resistance to Barcelona and Real Madrid, but in Germany, Bayern Munich is the highest. Well, positive handicaps can be used in championships where any team can beat any team, for example in ours Russian Premier League.

Individual total players

A bet on the fact that a particular player will be able to hit the opponent's goal during the entire match - on a personal total - usually gives a very good odds. Therefore, after studying the state of the teams' main scorers, you can easily try to guess one of the authors of the goals scored in the match.

Bet on account- opportunity to guess exact result match.

Bet on the first goal- the opportunity to guess which team will score the first goal faster or there will be no goal at all.

In order to understand which team will be able to score the first goal in the match, you need to find statistics on goals scored and broken down by minute. Having studied it, it is quite possible to guess who should upset his opponent first. Do not forget that the first goal is scored mainly by the home team, trying to show best game in front of his audience. There is almost always an event in the line that both teams will not score, which has a coefficient of about 10, but you yourself understand that the probability of this is very low.

Time bet- a football match consists of two halves and you can bet on each half separately.

Time match bet- the ability to simultaneously bet on the outcome of both the half and the entire match. For example: the outcome of the first half and the entire match W1W1 - this means that the home team must win both the first half and the entire match. In this case, there may be a situation where the first team won the first half with a score of 1-0, and the second played a draw with a score of 1-1. In this case, our bet will win, since the overall score of the match will be 2-1 in favor of the hosts.

Express bet for one event - the ability to simultaneously participate in one event, thereby increasing the coefficient. For example: W1 and both will score, in order for this bet to go through, the first team must win the match and both teams must score. You can select an express bet only from the options presented by the office.

There are also statistics-related bets (Bets on violations, cards, corners).

So, if the match is important for both teams, for example they are meeting as part of a derby, then we can assume that there will be many violations in the game. You can bet that there will be a penalty, a penalty, or more yellow cards overall. If you think one team will attack more, you can consider winning them on corners.

Well, if you did not have time to place a bet before the start of the match or until the last minute you doubted the correctness of your choice, do not be upset, because there is an opportunity to place a bet right during the football match. Such bets are called live, that is, bets in real time. You see that the favorite played the first half with caution, but we are confident that the team will pull itself together and win in the second. Bet on it during the break with increased odds. Plus, when you watch a game live, you have the advantage of knowing the weak and strengths playing teams (mood and tactics of the game). Well, in the branches of our bookmaker's office all conditions have been created for comfortable viewing of the fight - there are comfortable sofas and a private bar.

Be careful: all bets are accepted for the main time - 2 halves of 45 minutes plus injury time, which the judge adds to the main time at his discretion (cards were shown, it turned out health care players, there were many substitutions). In all championships, only regular time runs.

There are cup matches, they come in two types: consisting of one match (for example, the Russian Cup) and of two matches (for example, the Champions League playoffs). Let's consider the “Pass” bet option. In the first situation, one of the teams will definitely win the match, but regular time may end in a draw. In this case, the teams will play two additional halves of 15 minutes each to determine the winner. And if the winner is not identified here, then a penalty shootout takes place - kicks from 11 meters.

On in this example the bet was for Lokomotiv to pass, but in regular time the bet was a draw.

Second situation: the first match is played at home, the second away. The team advances to the next round based on the total goals scored in the two matches. If both teams scored the same number of goals at the end of two meetings, then those who scored will advance more balls on the road. If there is equality on this indicator, then the teams play two additional halves and, if necessary, a penalty shootout is declared.

No time for analysis? Use the forecasts of Bookmaker "Capper", our team of analysts selects the most interesting matches and provides their own version of the outcome. Bet and win in our branches.

Addresses of the betting points of the bookmaker's office "Capper" (open 24 hours a day) for sports fans:

G. Ekaterinburg, st. Dekabristov, 49a

Ekaterinburg, Morometchikov St., 24. 3-storey building. Market "Tagansky Ryad".