How to choose the right gun safe. It seems that it is not at all difficult to answer this question, to decide how much will be stored in the safe, so that there is room for ammunition, and whether it complies with the standards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for firearms. If we talk about the storage of weapons for individuals, then you can look at a number of articles: Articles 162 to 166.

162. Citizens of the Russian Federation must store weapons and ammunition at their place of residence, as well as at places of stay in safes locked with a padlock metal cabinets or in boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron.

Gun storage laws

Storage of civilian and service vehicles and ammunition for them is permitted legal entities and citizens who have received permission from the internal affairs bodies to either store or carry weapons.

Storage foreign citizens civil and official acquired in the Russian Federation is permitted within five days on the basis of a license for its acquisition issued by the internal affairs body.

On the issue of storing firearms

Legal relations arising during the circulation of civilian and service weapons are regulated by the Federal Law of December 13, 1996 “On Weapons” and other regulations - legal acts.

The practice of implementing the provisions of the Law on the Law indicates an ambiguous interpretation of its rules governing civil and official issues and their patrons.

According to part three of Article 22 of the Law on Legal Entities and Citizens, the storage and use of firearms found or transferred to them, of which they are not the owners, are prohibited.

Rules for storing weapons

If you decide to purchase a traumatic weapon, you need to know the rules for storing weapons. because Without following these rules you will not receive a license.

However, this law contains a reference to the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation. We are talking about Resolution No. 814 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 1998 “On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation,” Chapter 59 of which reads:

“Belonging to citizens of the Russian Federation and cartridges must be stored at the place of their residence in compliance with conditions that ensure their safety, storage safety and exclude access to them by unauthorized persons, in locked safes or metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes, upholstered iron.

Articles about weapons

Instructions for organizing the work of internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of civilian and service vehicles and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation

XX. Requirements for the placement of weapons, equipment of weapons rooms, storage facilities, warehouses, premises for display, demonstration or trade in weapons, shooting ranges and shooting ranges

162. Citizens of the Russian Federation must store their belongings and cartridges at their place of residence in locked safes or metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron in compliance with conditions that ensure the safety of the cartridges, their safety and exclude access to them strangers.

Article 22. Storage of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them

civil and official and cartridges for it are allowed to legal entities and citizens who have received permission from the internal affairs bodies to store or carry. Storage of civilian goods, which are purchased without a license and whose registration with the internal affairs bodies is not required, is carried out without a permit for the storage of weapons.

Storage of ammunition belonging to sports organizations and citizens and used by them for sports and hunting is permitted to legal entities that have received permission from internal affairs bodies for the right to carry weapons and (or) store and use them at a shooting facility.

The law on storing and carrying weapons has been tightened

Now the owner can receive up to two years in prison civilian weapons, if a person was killed or injured due to negligence. But this is an extreme measure, although previously justice was more lenient towards such, to put it mildly, negligence.

There is a separate ban on carrying while intoxicated, as well as wearing traumatic weapons on the territory of educational institutions, in nightclubs and bars.

Conditions and requirements for the storage of firearms by civilians

Every person who is puzzled by a purchase firearms or has decided to become an avid hunter, he will probably encounter conditions for registration and regular checks of the storage conditions of firearms. As practice shows, the main problem is checking firearms. Let's figure out why?

Weapon is an item increased danger, a product whose circulation in the country is strictly limited.

Improper use of weapons or violation of storage rules can lead to serious consequences. Not only do such actions result in criminal and administrative liability, but innocent people, including children, can suffer from weapons.

For whatever purpose a person owns a weapon: for hunting, personal self-defense or on duty, he is obliged to comply with storage rules hunting weapons and ammunition.

You can use weapons in the country only if you have a special permit to store and carry hunting weapons. Such documents are issued by the Center for Licensing and Permitting of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

You can't just get a gun license. To do this, you will need to collect a package of certain documents and undergo training.

A license cannot be issued to a person who simply does not know how to use a weapon. That is why a training process is carried out, at the end of which those wishing to obtain a weapons license pass a special exam.

When the license for shotguns and pistols expires, it must be renewed again with certification and training.

However, there are several types of weapons that can be stored by citizens without obtaining a special license. These include:

  • Products that are similar in appearance to the design of weapons;
  • Air rifles, pistols and shotguns that have a muzzle energy of no more than 3 J;
  • Signal pistols;
  • Revolvers with a caliber up to 6 mm, cartridges for them.

The validity period of a weapons license is 5 years.

In order to be given the treasured weapon, you will have to document your sanity. A positive medical report is the main requirement for obtaining a license.

The main legislative act regulating the acquisition, use and storage of hunting or other weapons is Federal Law No. 150 “On Weapons”. It specifies the types of weapons, restrictions on their circulation and the basic rules for their operation.

According to the law on the storage of weapons by individuals and organizations, hunting weapons are classified as civilian weapons, along with self-defense weapons, sporting weapons, signal weapons and bladed weapons.

In addition, this legal area is also regulated by other regulations, in particular:

  • Federal Law No. 99 – “On licensing of certain types of activities”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 814 - “On measures to regulate the circulation of weapons and ammunition for them”;
  • Order No. 13 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation “On the rules for storing weapons”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 344 “On medical examination of citizens for issuing a weapons license”;
  • The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - liability for violation of the rules for storing and using weapons.

Current laws prohibit the possession of weapons found or transferred by others.

If you find any weapon or receive it without transfer of ownership, it is your civic duty to hand it over to any police station.

Weapons and ammunition must be stored at the place of residence of their owner. At the same time, he is obliged to provide such safe storage conditions that his weapons do not threaten or interfere with any unauthorized persons.

Safes are used as shelves for storing weapons. They can be of the following type:

  • Lockable metal cabinets;
  • Special safes with a secure lock;
  • Boxes made of high-strength materials;
  • Wooden, but iron-lined boxes.

Storage of weapons at the place of actual residence, and not registration, is permitted if the conditions for its storage are ensured. No strangers or neighbors should have access to your gun safe.

You must notify your local police officer of your temporary move.. As a rule, he either comes to check the storage conditions of weapons in a new home, or asks to send him photographs of the safe when the move is made to another city.

According to Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 288, citizens are required to store separately the following types weapons:

  • Cartridges must be stored in separate packages depending on their pyrotechnic compositions.
  • Powder.
  • Weapon.
  • Precious weapons.

When a citizen owns a whole collection of weapons, he is obliged to ensure that its safety is protected by an alarm system.

There are cases when, for technical reasons, installation of a security and fire alarm system is impossible in the designated premises.

In such a situation, the law requires storing weapons in a special cabinet, which must be attached to the wall. It is required to use at least 2 bolts with a thread of 16 mm or more.

The door of a room that is a weapon storage room must have a separate lock. It is advisable to install bars on the windows if it is not possible to install an alarm.

Fastening gun cabinets to walls ensures their high safety. It is almost impossible to take such boxes of weapons out of the house due to their weight and secure fastening.

The main requirement for a quality safe is a reliable lock. The use of safes without locks is considered unacceptable.

There are several types of locks:

  • Key – the use of one or more keyholes, the keys of which should not be in the public domain.
  • Mechanical - open after entering a code combination of numbers.
  • Electronic – locked using special magnetic keys or fingerprints.
  • Combined - use a combination of several types of locks.

The thickness of the safe walls should not be less than 2 mm.

The reliability of a gun safe includes two parameters: fire resistance and burglary resistance. The minimum risk of breaking into the safe is ensured by the most secure lock.

To reduce the likelihood of damage to weapons due to fire, you need to select safes made of special fire-resistant materials. Such safes can for a long time retain its contents even in severe fire conditions.

Inside the safe there should be special compartments for ammunition and reliable fastenings for securing weapons.

First of all, the size of the safes should not interfere with the opening of doors and windows, nor interfere with the free movement of other family members. Safes cannot be installed in children's rooms.

There are the following requirements for installing gun safes:

  • Boxes with cartridges should be located no closer than 1 meter to heating devices (heaters, tiles, pipes);
  • The safe should be located at a distance of 1.5 meters from the front door;
  • The safe should be located at a distance of 0.5 meters from the nearest window.

The best way to disguise a gun safe. It should be in full view of everyone who visits your apartment. It's great to hide it inside a closet or in the bathroom.

You should be attentive to the actions of police officers who check compliance with weapons storage rules. Often, district police officers come to check without warning at a time when the owner of the weapon is not at home.

Under the pretext of checking the license plates of weapons, employees ask one of the family members at home to open the safe.

According to the rules for storing weapons, none of them should have access to the safe and they also cannot know where the keys to it are.

Unlike citizens, who have no premises other than their own apartment, companies are required to store weapons in separate premises.

Weapons must also be kept in safes and special cabinets. The weapon must be unloaded with the trigger engaged. The cartridges are located separately from the weapon.

Legal entities are required to store weapons with tags on them indicating the series, model and name of the weapon.

It is imperative that those weapons that are accepted for safekeeping by citizens must be stored separately from weapons stored on the balance sheet of the company itself.

Loose cartridges must be kept exclusively in metal boxes under two secure locks.

The carrying and transportation of hunting or other weapons and ammunition are subject to even more stringent requirements than their storage.

The main restrictions are presented below:

In order to transport weapons, you must obtain a special permit valid for no more than 1 month.

The following types of weapons can be transported without a permit:

  • Not subject to registration;
  • Firearms for self-defense without the right to carry;
  • Hunting and sporting weapon when transporting to a hunting or competition site;
  • Which moves within the subject of the Russian Federation where it is registered.

Any violations of storing or carrying hunting or other types of weapons are strictly punished. Depending on the offense, both administrative and criminal liability may be applied.

Administrative responsibility

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation has several articles regulating the rules for handling weapons. Let's look at the most commonly used of them:

For carrying a weapon by a drunk person in 2019, a fine of up to 5,000 rubles is provided with confiscation of weapons and ammunition.

In the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, responsibility for the illegal acquisition and storage of weapons is enshrined in Art. 222. According to the article, such actions are a crime and involve the following types of punishment:

  • Restriction of freedom up to 3 years;
  • Forced labor for up to 4 months;
  • Arrest for six months;
  • Imprisonment for up to 4 years.

Six years in prison can be received for committing a crime by prior conspiracy by a group of persons, and 8 years for an organized crime group.

If a criminal voluntarily surrenders illegally acquired weapons, he may be released from criminal liability.

Hunting weapons are a type of civilian weapon and have similar acquisition and storage rules as weapons for self-defense.

Current legislation strictly regulates the rules for storing any weapons that pose a danger to society.

When obtaining a weapons license, it is necessary to understand the full responsibility of such ownership, possible risks and be prepared to bear responsibility for violating established legal norms.





Gun safe - requirements for a gun safe for smoothbore weapons

The presence of weapons imposes certain obligations on a citizen. First of all, this concerns ensuring its safety, as well as preventing the possibility of the weapon falling into the wrong hands. This scenario could end tragic events, which will bring trouble to the owner of the weapon himself. Therefore, it is important to know how and where to store weapons.

When issuing or renewing a weapons license, the local inspector must check the owner’s home for compliance with the rules for storing weapons. To do this, you need to have a safe or cabinet for storing weapons. At the same time, there are rules for installing a gun safe that will ensure the safety of its storage. The basic requirements for a gun safe for smooth-bore weapons in 2017 are specified in Article 22 on the storage of civilian and service weapons, including cartridges for them. It states that weapons must be stored in conditions that prevent unauthorized persons from accessing them, ensuring the safety and security of storage.

Shop of gun safes and cabinets

Requirements for a gun safe

When purchasing, it is important not only how much a gun safe costs, but also a number of other parameters. For example, this is the size of the safe for storing weapons, the thickness of the walls, its group, type and purpose. You can study all the requirements for such safes using GOST R 50862-96.

Safes are divided into groups:

By purpose and type, gun safes can be differentiated into:

3. for pistols and long-barreled weapons.

The following requirements apply to a gun safe:

1. a metal cabinet that has two lockable locks. The cabinet must have a wall thickness of at least 2 mm;

2. the second safe is selected for cartridges; it must have a wall thickness of at least 3 mm;

3. Inside the safe there must be a compartment for cartridges, which is locked with a separate lock; it must have a wall thickness of 3 mm.

When choosing a safe, it is also extremely important to pay attention to the quality of the locks.

Installation of gun safes

After purchasing a safe, you need to take care of its installation, which will ensure the safety of storing weapons. The fastening of the safe is regulated by GOST number P 50862-2005.

1. In most cases, wedge anchors or anchor bolts are used to secure safes.

2. Holes for fasteners are most often located on the bottom or rear wall. Sometimes it may be necessary to use additional fasteners.

According to Russian legislation, cabinets (pistol safes) and gun safes must be attached to the floor or wall. Safes for the home, which are called furniture safes, must be secured, regardless of where they are mounted.

At the same time, private individuals are allowed to purchase an inexpensive weapons cabinet with one lock, to which access by unauthorized persons is limited. For legal entities, the conditions for purchasing a safe are much stricter. Therefore, organizations need to pay attention to the requirements of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, this is an appendix to Order No. 288.

Requirements for a hunting safe

Requirements for a safe for storing hunting weapons include:

1. presence of two locks;

2. cabinet wall thickness is at least 2 mm;

3. the presence of an additional metal box intended for ammunition. It must have a wall thickness of at least 3 mm, and also be closed with 2 locks;

4. It is allowed to store weapons and ammunition in the same safe. There should be a separately locked section, which has reinforced walls more than 3 mm thick;

5. trunks must be stored in a vertical position;

6. there must be a holder for weapons in the safe to secure it;

7. A stock (plastic, felt or wood) with recesses for storing butts is mounted at the bottom.

When selecting a safe for storing hunting weapons, you must take into account the dimensions. The dimensions of a safe for storing hunting weapons should be slightly larger than the gun itself. The first thing to consider is the interior space of the safe.

Types of gun safes

Types of gun safes:

1. pistol (for short-barreled, traumatic weapons).

2. weapons (for shotguns, rifles, carbines).

The most important characteristics of safes:

2. burglary resistance (H0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

3. type of locks (key and combination). Combination locks can be mechanical, electronic, biometric or a combination.

Safe characteristics

The main requirements for high-quality safes are excellent burglary resistance, fire resistance and capacity. To store weapons, you can purchase ready-made or custom-made ones.

An important parameter is the fire resistance of the safe. The high fire resistance of the metal box will ensure the safety of the weapon in the event of a fire. Therefore, it is recommended to select durable cabinets that are coated with fire-resistant compounds. At the same time, fireproof safes are less burglary resistant. Gun owners who are concerned about theft are advised to take a closer look at hybrid safes. Although hybrid safes are more expensive, they provide the most reliable protection for weapons, ensuring their inaccessibility and safety.

Safe interior

The weapon storage must have all the necessary elements:

1. the safe must have compartments for ammunition;

2. there must be devices that ensure fixation in a stationary position. These elements can be made of wood, steel or plastic.

At the bottom of the cabinet there should be a bed made of wood, plastic or felt. In the recess of such a bed there will be a butt of a weapon.

The interior of the safe should best adapt the internal space to the needs of the owner of the weapon. Therefore, the following can be arranged here:

1. vertical partitions;

2. removable supports.

3. additional pockets and hooks, which make it possible to conveniently store devices used to care for weapons.

Features of placement of safes

1. Safes should not interfere with the opening of room doors.

2. Be at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the front door;

3. Be at a distance of at least 0.5 m from window openings.

Storing hunting weapons at home: laws and order

A hunter has the right to purchase weapons on the basis of a license (Article 13 of the Law on Weapons of the Russian Federation of November 13, 1996). The legislation also regulates the procedure for its storage and determines the authorized supervision structures. Control functions over the circulation of civilian and service weapons are assigned to the internal affairs bodies. They are authorized to carry out supervision, for which they are endowed with appropriate rights.

Many owners of civilian hunting rifles are interested in the requirements for a safe for storing hunting weapons. After all, you will need to deal with the local inspector two or three times a year. The duties of the district police officer include periodically checking the safety of the weapons arsenal stored at home in the territory entrusted to him. What does the law say, what are the legal aspects of storing smooth-bore and rifled hunting rifles? Below are a number of documents regulating this procedure.

Legislative - legal basis

Decree of the Government of Russia of July 21, 1998 No. 814 “On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation”:

In pursuance of the Law on Weapons of the Russian Federation of November 13, 1996, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation. The rules regulate the requirements for the storage conditions of service and civilian weapons (together with their cartridges), which are set out in the chapter “Storage of weapons and cartridges”.

Regarding individuals, the requirements are set out in two articles:

Article 54 establishes the procedure for citizens to obtain from internal affairs bodies the appropriate permits for the storage, use, and carrying of civilian weapons.

Article 59 The resolution obliges citizens of the Russian Federation to store guns, as well as ammunition, at their place of residence. It is necessary to ensure their safety, security, and also to prevent unauthorized access by unauthorized persons.

Here is a list of permitted places where the gun is to be stored:

  • lockable safes;
  • metal cabinets;
  • boxes made of high-strength materials;
  • wooden boxes covered with iron.

That is, in fact, the rules for storing hunting weapons are not detailed. In particular, the dimensions of a safe for storing hunting weapons are not regulated.

Storage requirements do not regulate the dimensions of the safe, metal cabinet, the number and degree of secrecy of locks, or the method of installation (internal, padlocks). There are no requirements for installing an alarm system in the room, additional locks, metal boxes on metal entrance doors, or metal bars on windows.

There are no requirements for fastening or bolting safes, metal cabinets, or wooden boxes to walls or floors. It is said that the internal affairs bodies are checking the conditions for ensuring the safety of registered hunting weapons.

Also, the procedure for storing guns along with ammunition in places of temporary stay of citizens is not detailed. All that is required is to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the weapon.

Athletes who are members of sports shooting societies and clubs are allowed to store weapons and ammunition at sports facilities. If athletes go to training camps or various types of competitions using sports shooting rifles, they are allowed to store a rifle arsenal at the location of the shooting competitions.

Regulatory and technical basis

Instructions for organizing the work of internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation (P Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 288 dated April 12, 1999, as amended on July 15, 2013):

According to the instructions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, internal affairs officers check hunting weapons with a rifled barrel once every six months, and smooth-bore hunting weapons - once a year.

The storage of hunting weapons at home is written in the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 504 of June 7, 2008), in strict accordance with Article 59 of the Law. It is stored in locked safes, metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials, wooden boxes lined with iron.

If the above requirements are violated, the safety of the purchased weapon, as well as its ammunition, is not ensured, on the basis of Article 26 Federal Law Russia provides for the possibility of cancellation and withdrawal:

  • a previously issued license to purchase a gun;
  • received a permit to store and carry a gun.

Conclusions on storage requirements for civilian hunting weapons

  1. The law obliges the owner of the weapon to ensure safety and exclude unauthorized access by unauthorized persons. Lock weapons in safes, metal cabinets or wooden boxes lined with iron. Our recommendation is to store weapons only in safes or metal cabinets. Do not use wooden boxes lined with iron for storage. Each meeting with the district inspector will require evidence of security. And it’s difficult to find such wooden boxes on sale. Having made it yourself, be prepared each time for lengthy explanations with the inspector.
  2. There are no requirements for bolting, screwing, or nailing a safe, metal cabinet, or wooden box to the walls or floor.
  3. The requirements of Article 165 of the Instruction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding the separate storage of guns, as well as cartridges, apply only to legal entities. There are no such requirements for individuals. Our recommendation is to store your hunting rifle, as well as ammunition, in different internal compartments of a safe or metal cabinet, in order to avoid unnecessary questions from the local police officer. Separate storage will eliminate lengthy debates and disputes.
  4. Safes, metal cabinets, wooden boxes can be locked with internal or padlocks. The number of locks and the degree of their secrecy are not specified. Our recommendation is to buy safes and cabinets with a higher degree of lock security. Do not buy safes if they have low quality locks, such as those made in China. These locks are designed for apartment doors. Every tenth lock fails after serving for less than one year. Buy safes with high-quality special locks.
  5. The dimensions and wall thickness of the safe, metal cabinet, and wooden box are not specified. These parameters are regulated by the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs only for legal entities. Our recommendation is to buy a metal gun cabinet with a steel thickness of at least three mm, with at least two locks. For expensive collectible weapons, buy safes with a body thickness of three mm and a door thickness of five mm. Buy a safe bigger size, in case of a possible expansion of the arsenal of guns, the purchase of a second or third barrel. It is better to take a safe that has certain fire resistance properties, as well as water resistance. They cost more. However, the high price is justified. Fire resistance guarantees protection of the gun, as well as ammunition, in the event of an indoor fire. The cartridges will not fire and there will be no cannonade if the fire gets close to the safe. Water resistance will protect against moisture penetration in case of flooding of the room. In a humid room, the cartridges will not become damp, and metal parts will not be subject to corrosion.
  6. There are no requirements for installing a metal entrance door, additional locks, metal boxes on the doors, metal grilles, or a fire and security alarm.


District inspectors and other employees of internal affairs bodies often make illegal demands on owners of hunting weapons. Can be regarded as ignorance of the requirements of the departmental instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or abuse of one’s official position. In any case, if the local police officer, when inspecting the place where you store the hunting rifle, makes claims:

  • due to the absence of an alarm system in the room;
  • metal doors or metal bars on the window;
  • dimensions, wall thickness of the safe, number of locks.

or puts forward other demands not provided for by law, we do not recommend arguing. It is better to ask him to show the regulatory documents that set out these requirements.

If you have not achieved a positive decision, contact the Department of Internal Affairs. If you have received a written refusal, we recommend that you contact a higher authority within the Ministry of Internal Affairs in writing. Learn to assert your legal rights. Get a written refusal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to contact the prosecutor's office. Thus, you will restore violated rights and justice.

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What are the rules for storing weapons at home (hunting, traumatic)?

Rules for storing hunting weapons must be observed by all its owners. About the conditions and rules for storing hunting weapons(and at the same time traumatic) we will tell in this article.

Rules for storing weapons

Storage permission

According to rules for storing traumatic weapons at home Citizens who have the appropriate permission have the right to store it.

Weapons that can be purchased without a license and registration with the Department of Internal Affairs can be stored without official permission.

What types of weapons can be stored without permission?

It is allowed to purchase the following types of weapons without a license and registration:

  • products whose design is similar to that of a weapon;
  • pneumatic revolvers, as well as rifles and pistols with muzzle energy up to 3 J;
  • revolvers with a caliber up to 6 mm and cartridges for them;
  • signal pistols.

Possession of weapons by foreign citizens

Foreigners can keep service or civilian weapons purchased within the Russian Federation for 10 days. At the same time, they must have licensing documents for weapons.

Prohibition on storage

Citizens are not allowed to keep weapons found or transferred to them if they are not its owners. Weapons received from other persons or found must be transferred to the nearest police department.

Storage conditions for hunting and traumatic weapons

Hunting and traumatic weapons should be left in a place where the safety of storage and safety of things is fully ensured. Conditions should be created that will reliably limit access to weapons by unauthorized persons.

Storage of traumatic and hunting weapons is carried out in a locked safe or metal cabinet. Storage in boxes made of high-strength metal or wood covered with iron is also allowed.

Weapons that are owned by citizens should be stored at the place of residence or in places of temporary stay of its owner. However, for such storage to be legal, it is necessary to ensure that the weapon is not accessible to unauthorized persons.

Participants in sports organizations may store their own weapons at the location of training sessions and competitions, if the sports facility is equipped with the necessary safety devices.

Weapon placement requirements

Order No. 288 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated April 12, 1999 approved a list of requirements for the placement of weapons and ammunition and the conditions for their storage.

According to this act, citizens must comply with the separate storage regime for the following objects:

  1. Cartridges. You should sort out cartridges with pyrotechnic compositions that contain tear and irritant substances, and cartridges that misfire. All of them are placed in separate packages.
  2. Weapons.
  3. Artistically designed weapons that contain precious metals and stones.
  4. Gunpowder.

Weapon storage room equipment

If a person has a collection of weapons, then a fire and security alarm must be installed in the storage room. If for technical reasons it is not possible to install an alarm system, then weapon storage facilities are attached to the walls of the room using at least 2 steel bolts. The thread diameter of the bolts must be at least 16 mm.

Mounting the gun cabinet to the wall helps prevent it from tipping over, as tall safes often fall over after the door is opened. The instability of such safes is due to the large difference in the ratio of the base and the height of the weapon storage. When opening the cabinet door, this difference increases, so securing the safe becomes a necessary necessity.

To make it easier to install gun safes, some manufacturers offer wall-mounted cabinets. Such storage facilities are best suited for installation in cottage premises and some city apartments.

On doorway it is necessary to install additional locks and boxes. The windows and doors of a room intended for storing weapons should be secured by installing reliable metal bars.

Safe design

Weapons and ammunition are stored at the place of residence or place of stay of the citizen. A lock should be installed on metal boxes and safes where weapons will be placed. It is not permitted to place weapons in open safes that cannot restrict free access to the devices by unauthorized persons.

Safe locks are:

  1. Mechanical (open and close after entering a certain code combination of numbers).
  2. Key ones.
  3. Electronic ones, which can be opened after identifying biometric data, for example, fingerprints or a retinal pattern of the owner of a weapons storage facility. Some electronic locks can also be opened using proximity keys or magnetic keys.
  4. Combined, including 2 or 3 locks of different types.

The wall thickness of the safe must be at least 2 mm.

Safe characteristics

The main requirements for high-quality safes are good capacity, fire resistance and burglary resistance.

To store weapons, you can purchase a ready-made safe or make one (both independently and to order).

Many Chinese-made safes have low quality locks, which often leads to their breakdown. In addition, such cabinets are easy to break into.

That is why, to ensure the safety of weapons, citizens should purchase more expensive and high-quality Italian, German and Israeli weapons storage facilities that can last for many years without failure.

Fire resistance

The gun owner should also ensure that the metal gun storage box is fire resistant to ensure that the gun remains undamaged in the event of a fire. To do this, the owner needs to select durable cabinets coated with fire-resistant compounds.

However, safes for storing weapons with high degree flame protection, as a rule, performs poorly as protection against burglary. That's why gun owners who are concerned about theft should consider hybrid safes. Such vaults effectively protect the device placed in them from both direct hacking and fire.

Although hybrid safes are the most expensive, they provide the most reliable protection for weapons, ensuring their safety and inaccessibility.

Safe interior

The weapon storage must be equipped with all the necessary elements: the safe must have compartments for ammunition, and also have devices that ensure the weapon is held in a stationary position.

Fixation elements can be made of wood, plastic or steel. At the bottom of the gun cabinet there should be a stock made of wood, felt or plastic. The butt of the weapon will be placed in the recess of such a bed.

The interior of the safe should optimally adapt the internal space of the storage to the needs of the weapon owner, so it can be equipped with removable trays, vertical partitions, as well as a variety of shelves, the height of which can be adjusted depending on the type of weapon stored.

On inside Safe doors, as a rule, install additional pockets and hooks on which it is convenient to store devices designed to care for weapons.

Features of placing safes indoors

Safes, cabinets and drawers where weapons will be located must be located:

  • at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the front door,
  • at a distance of at least 0.5 m from window openings.

You should also ensure that the boxes with cartridges are no closer than 1 m from the heating devices.

At the same time, the placement of safes and cabinets should not interfere with the opening of doors in the room where weapons are stored.

How to hide a safe

For example, a safe where a weapon is hidden can be placed inside a wardrobe, if such a wardrobe is located against the wall (the owner of the weapon can easily mount the safe on the wall through the wall of the wardrobe). Outside, such storage can be hung with items of clothing. With this method of disguise, it will be difficult for an outsider to determine the location of the safe.

A very unconventional place to place a safe is the kitchen or bathroom. Storage for weapons can easily be disguised, for example, as a cabinet for bathroom accessories.

A safe built into the wall can be hidden from view by placing a TV, painting, photograph or other interior element in front of it.

Monitoring compliance with established storage conditions

Monitoring compliance with the conditions for storing weapons at home is carried out by authorized police officers who can check the safety of the weapon and its inaccessibility to unauthorized persons and even to citizens living with the owner of the weapon.

None of the relatives of the gun owner who keeps it at home should know where the key to the gun safe is. To check that a weapon is not accessible to family members of its owner, some police officers may resort to small tricks.

Eg, officials come to the house where the weapon is stored when its legal owner is not at home, and ask one of the family members to present the weapon to check the license plates. In this way, the employee provokes the relative to violate the rules on the inaccessibility of weapons. If a relative opens a safe and shows a weapon to a police officer, it will be confiscated due to a violation of storage rules, and the owner of the weapon will be held administratively liable.

Thus, persons who own weapons must strictly adhere to the rules for storing them and keep them completely out of reach of unauthorized persons.

Storing weapons at home: requirements, rules and conditions

Today, storing weapons at home raises many questions among both new hunters and hunters with ten years of experience. LRR employees also cannot always clearly explain their own requirements, because the rules may differ significantly in different departments. This means that it would be advisable to fully understand such a serious issue. How is it possible to store weapons at home? Do the requirements change every year or remain the same? What does this depend on? For these and others no less interesting questions you can find the answers while reading the article materials.

General provisions

Is it possible to store weapons at home? The requirements and rules corresponding to this issue in relation to individuals are set out in the Law “On Weapons” of 1996 in Article 22 “Storage of service and civilian weapons, as well as ammunition for them.”

According to weapons storage standards traumatic nature, only citizens who have special permission have the right to store it at home. It should be noted that weapons, the acquisition of which is possible without registration with the Department of Internal Affairs and a license, can be stored without documented permission. Thus, in certain cases, without registration and a license, it is still possible to organize the storage of weapons at home. The relevant types include the following:

  • Specialized products whose design is similar to that of a weapon.
  • Pistols and rifles with a muzzle energy of three joules, as well as air revolvers.
  • Revolvers with a caliber of up to six millimeters, as well as cartridges for them.
  • Signal pistols.

Storing weapons at home: requirements

In accordance with the law, service and civilian weapons must be stored under circumstances that ensure the safety of their storage, safety, and also prevent access to them by unauthorized people. It should be noted that the requirements related to storage conditions different types service and civilian weapons (and, accordingly, ammunition for them) are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The above formulation is not very clear, it’s hard to argue with that. It is quite obvious that the specified conditions for storing weapons at home can only be ensured through round-the-clock security of barrels locked in a gun safe or metal cabinet. Why? For example, opening an unguarded safe today is only a matter of time, as well as the protection class of the storage facility. The world-famous “shell phenomenon” is quite relevant here: when the car is on the street, in order to hack the alarm system, the thief has extremely little time; when the car is in a “shell”, that is, in the garage, you have the opportunity to tinker with it without rushing, because, one way or another, no one will interfere. Thus, in reality, safe conditions for storing traumatic weapons at home are achieved exclusively by combining the use of security and a gun safe.

Specific requirements on this issue are spelled out in the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 1998, in Chapter 59 regarding measures to regulate the circulation of service and civilian weapons, as well as cartridges for them on the territory of Russia. In addition to this legislative act, the analyzed problem is regulated by the Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated April 12, 1999 “Instructions for organizing the activities of internal affairs bodies affecting control over the circulation of service and civilian weapons, as well as ammunition for them on the territory of Russia.”

Information on legislation

The requirements characterizing the Law on the storage of hunting weapons at home suggest that weapons and cartridges that belong to Russian citizens must be stored in accordance with their place of residence and under conditions that can ensure the safety of storage, the safety of products, and also prevent access to them by unauthorized people . It is necessary to add that weapons and ammunition must be stored in safes or metal cabinets, locked with a key, or in high-strength boxes (for example, in wooden containers lined with iron). It is important to note that the department of internal affairs bodies corresponding to the owner’s place of residence is vested with the right to check weapons that were previously registered. In addition, the storage of the above products by Russian citizens in places of temporary stay is carried out according to the rules in compliance with conditions that, one way or another, exclude access to weapons and ammunition by unauthorized persons.

In accordance with the presented material, the requirements characterizing the storage of weapons at home, in fact, boil down to the presence of a durable box with a lock, which is located at the place of residence (but not registration) of the owner of the weapon. By the way, a metal cabinet of any system absolutely meets these requirements.

It should be noted that the most detailed requirements regarding the storage of weapons and ammunition for them are contained in one of the annexes of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It is in accordance with it that all activities of the licensing and permitting authority are carried out. Thus, the requirements for storing hunting weapons at home, equipping specialized rooms, warehouses, storage facilities, premises for displaying, displaying or selling weapons, as well as shooting ranges and shooting ranges are interpreted as follows:

  • Citizens of Russia are required to store weapons and ammunition for them, in accordance with their place of residence, as well as places of stay, in special safes, metal cabinets that are locked with a key, or in high-strength boxes (for example, wooden containers lined with iron on all sides) .
  • Then, when a citizen owns a collection of weapons, the storage room for the products must be equipped with a security and fire alarm. In addition, the requirements for storing hunting weapons at home require that the doorway of the corresponding room must have a metal entrance door with a frame and additional locks.
  • The windows of an apartment or room located on the top or first floor of a building must additionally contain a metal grill installed in the manner prescribed for storage areas for weapons.
  • Then, when installing an alarm is impossible, in accordance with technical reasons, boxes and cabinets for storing products must be secured to one of the walls of the room using steel bolts (at least two), the thread diameter of which is equal to or greater than sixteen millimeters.

Storage of weapons by legal entities

It is important to note that the requirements for storing hunting weapons at home (2016 did not make amendments to this law) required for individuals, are somewhat different from the requirements for legal entities. In accordance with the law, weapons products must be stored by legal entities in cabinets, drawers, pyramids and safes, which are installed in specialized premises. In addition, storage, one way or another, is carried out in a discharged state, with a lubricated and clean trigger in the lowered position, which is placed on the safety, separately from the cartridges.

A necessary condition is the attachment of tags indicating the type, number and model of the product in accordance with the inventory and number book and securing weapons structures on weapons located in safes, cabinets, pyramids or boxes. This rule assigned to all legal entities.

If a legal entity has special statutory tasks, in its weapons room, in accordance with the law, it is allowed to store cartridges in magazines, stocks, removable drums or clips. It is necessary to add that the product in its original packaging (box, box) can be stored on racks. Cartridges in bulk are stored exclusively in metal boxes, which are closed with two different secret locks. In addition, the following items are stored separately in separate cabinets, pyramids, safes or drawers:

  • Weapons and ammunition (with the exception of the cases specified in paragraph 164 of the above-mentioned law). It is important to note that cartridges that contain pyrotechnic compositions or are filled with irritating and tear-producing substances, as well as cartridges that have misfired, are stored in separate packaging.
  • Formalized artistically weapons of all varieties, which contain gems or metals.
  • Weapons seized or accepted, in accordance with temporary storage, from citizens or employees of other legal entities.
  • Gunpowder packaged in specialized sealed metal boxes (closures), as well as gunpowder packaged in plastic bags for retail trade.

The final main provisions of the legislation, which in one way or another relate to the storage of weapons by legal entities, is that metal boxes and cabinets in any case must be locked, and also have a thickness exceeding two millimeters (in the case of storing gunpowder, cartridges and products containing a pyrotechnic charge this indicator must be equal to or exceed three millimeters).

Storing weapons still raises many questions both for hunters purchasing them for the first time and for those whose hunting experience is measured in decades. LRR workers also do not always add clarity, since the requirements in different “permits” of the same city can differ markedly. Let's try to figure out what's what.

The basic requirements for the storage of weapons by individuals are set out in the Weapons Law of 1996, Article 22 “Storage of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them”:

"... Civilian and service weapons must be stored in conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and prevent access to them by unauthorized persons.
Requirements for the storage conditions of various types of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation."

This is not a very clear formulation, because it is quite obvious that storage safety can only be ensured by round-the-clock security of barrels locked in a metal cabinet or gun safe. Even if there is a safe, but it is not guarded, then opening it is only a matter of time, determined by the protection class of the safe. In this case, the well-known “shell phenomenon” manifests itself: if the car is on the street, then the thief has very little time to break into the alarm system, but if it is in a shell, then you can tinker with it slowly, even all night, without anyone bothering you. Thus, real storage security can only be ensured by a combination of a gun safe and security.

More specific requirements are in Resolution No. 814 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 1998 “On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation”, Chapter 59. As well as the Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated 12 April 1999 N 288 "Instructions for organizing the work of internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation"

“Weapons and ammunition belonging to citizens of the Russian Federation must be stored at the place of their residence in compliance with conditions that ensure their safety, safe storage and exclude access to them by unauthorized persons, in locked safes or metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes, covered with iron. Internal affairs bodies at the place of residence of the owners have the right to check the conditions of storage of weapons registered by them. The storage of weapons and ammunition by citizens of the Russian Federation in places of temporary stay must be carried out in compliance with conditions that exclude access to weapons by unauthorized persons."

Let us note that according to this resolution, the requirement for storage is actually reduced to the presence of a strong box with a lock, located at the place of residence (and not registration) of the owner of the weapon. A metal cabinet of any system fully meets these requirements.

The most detailed requirements are contained in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, more precisely in its appendix, in accordance with which all activities of the licensing and permitting service are carried out:

"Requirements for the placement of weapons, equipment of weapons rooms, storage facilities, warehouses, premises for display, demonstration or trade in weapons, shooting ranges and shooting ranges:

162. Citizens of the Russian Federation must store weapons and ammunition at their place of residence, as well as at places of stay in safes, locked metal cabinets or boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron.
If the owner has a weapons collection, the room where the weapons are stored is equipped with a security and fire alarm, and the doorway is equipped with a metal one front door with additional locks and box.
The windows of the room (apartment) located on the first (last) floor of the building are additionally installed metal grill in the manner prescribed for weapons storage areas.

If it is impossible to install an alarm system for technical reasons, cabinets and boxes for storing weapons are attached to one of the walls of the room with steel bolts (at least two) with a thread diameter of 16 mm or more.

163. Weapons must be stored by legal entities in safes, cabinets, pyramids and boxes installed in specially equipped premises, unloaded, with the trigger pulled, the safety on, clean and lubricated, separately from cartridges.
Weapons assigned to employees of legal entities are attached in a safe, cabinet, pyramid, or box with tags indicating the type, model and number of the weapon in accordance with the inventory and the book of registration and assignment of weapons.

164. In the weapons rooms of legal entities with special statutory tasks, it is permitted to store cartridges together with weapons in blocks, magazines, removable drums or clips.
Weapons in original packaging (boxes, boxes) and cartridges in capping (zinc, boxes with zinc) can be stored on racks.
Bulk cartridges are stored only in metal boxes, closed with two locks, different in secret.

165. Separate storage is carried out in separate safes, metal cabinets, pyramids and boxes:

a) cartridges and weapons (except for the cases specified in paragraph 164 of this Instruction). In this case, cartridges containing pyrotechnic compositions or filled with tear and irritant substances, as well as cartridges that have misfired, are stored in separate packaging;
b) artistic weapons of all types containing precious metals or precious stones;
c) weapons seized and accepted for temporary storage from citizens or employees of other legal entities, as well as the specified weapons and those on the balance sheet;
d) gunpowder packaged in special sealed metal closures (boxes), and gunpowder packaged in plastic bags for retail sale.
166. Metal cabinets and boxes for storing weapons must be locked and have a thickness of at least 2 mm; for storing gunpowder, cartridges and products containing a pyrotechnic charge or pyrotechnic projectile equipment - at least 3 mm, and those used for transporting weapons by air - not less than 1.6 mm."

It is unknown who to thank for this amazing text, where requirements for legal entities and individuals, collectors, security agencies, trade and sports organizations are intricately intertwined, and it is absolutely impossible to figure out what applies to whom. For example, the inspector may require the installation of bars on the windows if the hunter lives on the first or last floor - it is not clear from the text of the resolution whether this measure applies to any individuals or only to collectors. Imagine hunters in rural areas, where all the houses are one-story :) The same applies to the requirement to secure a gun safe with bolts, which is often presented to owners rifled weapons. Note that this resolution also introduces the requirement for separate storage of cartridges and weapons, as well as gunpowder. And again, it is not clear whether this applies to legal entities or to individuals too. Most inspectors and local police officers believe that this applies to everyone, and also require two locks on a gun safe.

So, we can summarize the requirements in a gun safe, which will definitely not raise questions from the LRR inspector:
a metal cabinet or box, closed with two locks, wall thickness of at least 2 mm;
the second, a safe with two locks or a metal box for cartridges and gunpowder, wall thickness of at least 3 mm;
as an option - a compartment in a gun safe for cartridges and gunpowder, locked with a separate lock, the thickness of the walls of the compartment is at least 3 mm.

Of course, these are the minimum requirements aimed at preventing a completely random person from taking possession of your weapon. A cabinet made of two-millimeter iron can resist breaking into a locksmith's tool for several minutes at most. Therefore, if your weapon is quite expensive, you need to consider purchasing a more serious gun safe. Let's talk about this.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the quality of the locks installed on the safe. Nowadays, a real scourge has become the use of openly apartment-door quality locks made in best case scenario in Italy, and more often in China. Real practice shows that an Italian castle lasts about five years, an Israeli one about four, and a Chinese one often doesn’t last even a year. IN Lately It has become fashionable for manufacturers to install postal locks on safes, which, in addition to being generally flimsy, have a service life ten times less than door locks. If we talk about the real loads on locks in gun safes, then research by CHUBB showed that a private holder of a gun safe uses it for an average of twenty-five years, opening it a maximum of twenty times a year. Obviously, apartment door and postal products are not suitable in this case; preference should be given to real safe locks.

Now the next moment. Since, from the point of view of most world standards, a gun safe is an ordinary metal cabinet, it is difficult to apply traditionally safe fire and burglary resistance criteria to it. Generally speaking, the vast majority of gun safes are not burglary or fire resistant and have every right to be called metal cabinets. However, both of these properties are not at all superfluous for a weapons storage. In fact, fire resistance ensures that in the event of a fire, neither the owner nor the firefighters will be unexpectedly bombarded with exploding ammunition, although for reasons of economy and safety it is recommended to store the ammunition in another safe. And burglary resistance provides some guarantee that uninvited guests will not leave with your favorite Sauer or Perazzi under their arm.

By the way, mounting a gun safe to the wall can also be justified, since due to the design features, a tall safe tends to fall when the door is open. Cottage owners should take a closer look at models of gun safes built into the wall - these also exist, and purchasing them provides significant savings in money and nerves. Sometimes this option is preferable in a city apartment.

The restriction on the minimum thickness of the walls of the safe should not be taken literally; it is caused by the concern of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the burglary resistance of the safe. Unfortunately, the care turned out to be somewhat clumsy - in Europe, almost all manufacturers use steel with a thickness of two to two and a half millimeters, which is formally not suitable for storing cartridges, while the mechanical strength is significantly higher than that of domestic craftsmen who meet the requirement for wall thickness 3 mm. It's a matter of the quality of the steel used. Hotly loved by domestic manufacturers for its low cost, steel-3 ceases to be pierced with a can opener only when the sheet thickness is about three millimeters. In addition, there is a purely Russian trick - how to use steel sheets thinner than 2 mm in production. It turns out that it is enough to weld a second layer around the doorway of a metal cabinet to a distance slightly greater than the length of the fingers of one hand - you can’t feel further! Of course, such a cabinet will be opened in a couple of minutes, so it is completely unsuitable for storing weapons.

As for the current price range for gun safes and metal cabinets, it ranges from a thousand rubles for a poorly painted and slightly rusty piece of iron of unknown origin to many thousands of dollars for a quality product that is worthy of being called a gun safe and can really preserve your favorite weapon.

Safe - (English safe, literally - unharmed, safe, reliable), a steel fireproof box or cabinet for storing documents, money and material assets. Sometimes S. is called bank vaults that have steel or reinforced concrete walls and armored doors with secret locks, equipped with automatic alarm systems.

General information on safes (frequently asked questions)

What is a "safe"?
The definition of a safe and the requirements for it are given in GOST R 50862 - 96 “Safes and storage facilities for valuables. Requirements and test methods for burglary resistance and fire resistance." According to the standard, a safe is a device with a base area of ​​no more than 2 square meters, designed for storing valuables, documents and storage media, resistant to burglary.

What is a "fireproof safe"?
A fireproof safe is a device with a base area of ​​no more than 2 sq.m., designed for storing valuables, documents and storage media, resistant to burglary and impact hazardous factors fire.

What determines burglary resistance?
Resistance to burglary is determined by the number of units of resistance Ec obtained when breaking into a safe with partial (passing through a hole inside a template safe) or full access (passing through a hole inside a larger template safe, removing a built-in safe or opening a door to a width of at least 300 mm).

How are burglary resistance tests carried out?
To determine the class of resistance to burglary, certification tests are carried out by organizations that are officially authorized to conduct them, i.e., have licenses. Tests are carried out on selected samples. In this case, the fact of achieving full access is considered to be the possibility of penetration into the safe using one of the listed “calibers”: a) round section with a diameter of 35 cm; b) square section with an edge length of 31.5 cm; c) rectangular cross-section with edges 30x33 cm. The length of the gauges must be at least 400 mm.

The standard defines the EU resistance unit, which is a conditional numerical value, characterizing the resistance of the safe to burglary when using a tool for one minute that has a “tool coefficient” of 1 and a “basic value” of 0 (“tool coefficient” is an indicator of the technical “effectiveness” of each of the tools that can be used in numerical values). The “basic value” reflects the difficulty of preparing and delivering the tool to the burglary site. The indicated indicators take into account all the moments associated with the hacking process; their numerical values ​​are determined for all tools that can be used during hacking.

There are five categories of tools: A and B (all types of hand tools); C (eg electrical), D and S (eg thermal). Each subsequent instrument category includes the previous instrument categories and, accordingly, “instrument coefficients” - A = 5.0; B=7.5; C=10.0; D=15.0; S =35.

As a result of the tests, the number of units is determined - the burglary resistance class of a particular type of safe, by multiplying after the test the “test time” by the “tool coefficient” and adding to this product the sum of the “basic values” of the tools used.

How many resistance units must correspond to a certain burglary resistance class?

Burglar resistance class

Minimum resistance value Ec

Partial access

Full access

How is the burglary resistance of a safe achieved?
As a rule, the body of a burglar-proof safe has a three-layer cross-section: outer wall, concrete, inner wall. The walls of the safe are made of steel sheet with a thickness of 1 to 3 mm, and its thickness has virtually no effect on burglary resistance. Concrete must have high values by ultimate strength. The burglary resistance class directly depends on the thickness of the concrete layer and its strength characteristics. An increase in the concrete layer inevitably leads to a significant weight of the safe; in order to reduce it, concrete is reinforced with rolled metal or marble or granite chips are added to the concrete, as well as other materials that increase the strength properties of the concrete layer. Recently, instead of concrete, composite materials have begun to be used, which also help reduce the excess weight of safes. It is the tradition of American safe manufacturers to make the body from a steel sheet with a thickness of 20 mm without the use of concrete. The door of a burglar-resistant safe, unlike the body, is not a monolithic structure and has a limited thickness, since it contains a lock and moving parts of the locking device. In addition, it serves to protect the lock from attack by a burglar. Therefore, the outer wall of the door, in the absence of a concrete layer, must have a thickness of at least 10 mm and a three-way locking system.

What kind of locks should burglar-resistant safes be equipped with?
Safes must be equipped with locking devices that ensure secure unlocking of the door. Such devices include key lever and combination locks. There are four security classes of locks: A, B, C and D. The class of the lock depends on the number of combinations. So, for example, a class A lock must have at least 25,000 key combinations, and at least 80,000 code combinations. For a class B lock, the number of required combinations increases to 100,000 for both the key and the code.

How is the fire resistance of a safe determined?
The fire resistance of a safe is determined by the fire resistance limit, i.e. time from the start of testing at given temperature conditions of thermal exposure until the onset of one of the limit states normalized for a given safe.

The fire resistance test, according to GOST R 50862-96, provides for two mandatory types of thermal exposure: temperature mode and thermal shock mode. The limiting state is damage to the contents of the safe or reaching extreme temperatures at any controlled point of the safe. Samples of paper or magnetic media are placed inside the safe being tested.

When testing under standard temperature conditions, the sample is placed on the floor of the furnace. Thermal impact on the sample is carried out according to a special temperature regime for a period of time corresponding to the fire resistance class of the safe. Then the furnace is turned off, the sample remains in the closed furnace until the temperature at all measurement points begins to decrease. Next, the safe is removed from the oven and cooled naturally until ambient temperature, the sample is opened and the condition of its structural elements and contents is inspected.

The Thermal Shock test is carried out on safes that have passed the previous test in two stages:
Stage 1: The sample is placed in an oven heated to 1090°C and kept for 22.5 minutes for classes 60B, 60D, 60DIS or 45 minutes for classes 120B, 120D, 120DIS. The sample is then removed from the furnace and dropped from a height of 6 meters.
Stage 2: After dumping, the sample is again placed in the fire chamber and subjected to heat (840°C) for 22.5 minutes for classes 60B, 60D, 60DIS or 45 minutes for classes 120B, 120D, 120DIS.

The sample is then removed from the oven and cooled with water. After cooling to temperature environment the safe is opened and the condition of the structural elements and contents is inspected. The safe is considered to have passed the test if, after thermal exposure, no limit state has occurred. The criterion for assessing damage to the contents of the safe is partial or complete inability to read text, charring or burnout of control sheets of paper, partial or total loss information on magnetic media for the corresponding classes of safes.

How is the fire resistance of a safe achieved?
The body and door of a fireproof safe consist of two walls welded together, the space between which is filled with fireproof concrete. It has a finely porous structure, which ensures its low thermal conductivity. The fire resistance class of a safe depends in direct proportion on the thickness of the concrete layer. At the same time, the strength characteristics of such concrete, unfortunately, are low and cannot provide protection even from light mechanical tools. No bulk materials, such as quartz sand, etc., can provide adequate fire resistance, and although the term “fill safe” is used in everyday practice from old memory, in reality it does not correspond to reality. Modern safes should rather be called “poured” (due to the technology used for pouring liquid concrete into the body with its subsequent hardening) rather than “fill”. It is most difficult to ensure fire resistance in the area of ​​the door vestibule. As measures to ensure the necessary service properties, either the so-called thermal lock (a complex vestibule consisting of several transitions) or heat-insulating gaskets are used.

Can a burglary safe be fireproof?
Very often, enterprising sellers mislead buyers by attributing fire-resistant properties to any burglar-resistant safe. In fact, only a safe that has a fire resistance certificate can guarantee fire protection. Safes that are both burglar-proof and fire-resistant are actually quite rare and quite expensive. In addition, ensuring burglary resistance and fire resistance in structural terms is achieved by directly opposite methods, so in practice the combination of class I and 60 minutes is mainly found.

What other fire resistance standards are there?
The most well-known standards in world practice are:
J I S -S 1037 (Japan) - in accordance with the test methodology according to this standard, the time to reach a temperature of 170°C inside the safe at a temperature in the test oven of 1010°C is 60 or 120 minutes
VDMA 24991 (Germany) - the requirements of the standard are in many ways similar to the Russian GOST R 50862-96
UL 72 (USA) - regulates fire resistance limits of 30 and 60 minutes

In addition to the above, there are a number national standards: KS (Republic of Korea), NT Fire (Sweden), BS 476 (UK).

Do safes need to be attached to the floor or wall?
Yes, fulfilling this requirement is mandatory to prevent the possibility of removing the safe and further opening it in conditions that are comfortable for the burglar. The fastening of the safe is regulated by GOST R 50862-96, namely, a safe weighing less than 1000 kg must have holes for fastening to the floor with anchor bolts that must withstand a load of at least 5 tons.

Do they insure Insurance companies Russian safes and their contents?
Yes, some Russian insurance companies can insure the contents of a safe or a safe (as property). But in Russia no unified system insurance, and therefore all companies insure safes based on individual insurance rates and agreements.

What documents are required when selling/buying a safe?
Safes are subject to mandatory certification, so to sell/purchase them you must have a copy of the GOST R 50862-96 certificate of conformity indicating the protection class. The absence of a certificate for a safe can in practice mean one of two things: either low-quality products are offered that will not provide adequate protection, and the seller deliberately does not carry out certification in accordance with Russian GOST R 50862-96, because understands that the result of these tests will not confirm the declared parameters of the safe (fire resistance class and/or burglary resistance class), which will significantly complicate the possibility of selling such safes, or the selling company does not have stable ties with suppliers and, as a result, will not be able to provide in the future the necessary service (repair and replacement of locks, production of duplicate keys to replace lost ones, etc.). Certificates for safes issued for compliance with other standards (for example, GOST 16371-93 or GOST 17452-86, used for furniture certification) should not be taken into account at all, since behind this lies the desire of the trading organization to sell low-quality goods, misleading the buyer relatively protective properties safe.

The certificates of which testing organizations can be trusted?
Unfortunately, testing safes has a certain tinge of subjectivity. But there are a number of recognized centers whose results can be completely trusted. In Europe, such organizations include the Institute of Insurers (Germany, Cologne), which carries out tests according to EURO/VdS standards, and the Test Center in Braunschweig (Germany), which carries out tests according to VdMA standards. Among the Russian certification centers, we should highlight the Body for Certification of Products and Materials of Armor and Anti-Radiation Protection (OSIMZ), VNIIPO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Scientific Research Center "Security" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - tests in accordance with GOST R 50862 - 96.

Classifications of safes according to their purpose
In addition to the standardized division of safes into two large groups- burglar-resistant and fire-resistant - safes are often classified according to their purpose:
Fire-resistant - protect the contents of the safe from high temperatures, but not from burglary, since a professional can open it in 15-20 minutes;
Burglar-resistant - protect the contents of the safe from unauthorized entry, but do not protect from fire;
Combining both fire resistance and burglary protection;
Built-in - mounted in a wall or floor, are burglar-resistant and provide some fire protection due to being located in a solid wall;
Cash registers - burglary-resistant safes of class above III, installed in cash registers of banks and other financial and credit institutions;
Furniture ones - usually small in size, installed (built-in) into furniture, necessarily attached to the wall (have a hole in the back wall), can also be installed in open space;
Hotel safes are a type of furniture safes equipped with special locks that make working with them easier for both hotel clients and staff;
Armory - for pistols and long-barreled weapons, equipped with special holders for barrels and compartments for storing cartridges;
For magnetic media - protect contents in the form of floppy disks, films, etc. from fire (maximum permissible internal temperature 50 - 70°C);
Deposit boxes are storage units for money; above the main safe there is an independent additional cash compartment where the proceeds are placed; after it is closed, the money automatically goes to the lower compartment.

So, what should you consider when choosing a safe?
Every potential owner of a safe should have a clear idea of ​​the goal that stands before him. It should represent the volume and quantity of items to be stored in the safe, not only on the day the safe was purchased, but also for the future; more or less clearly understand the significance of the documents and valuables to be stored in the safe; take into account the degree of security of the premises in which the safe is supposed to be installed, incl. presence of security or lack thereof. Know what danger (burglary or fire) most potentially threatens his values. According to statistics, in nine cases out of ten, the contents of safes are in danger of being destroyed due to exposure to fire factors, and only in one case - as a result of unauthorized access, i.e. theft. Perhaps the consumer also has specific requests, for example, the owner of a convenience store or restaurant would be interested in a night deposit safe, a hunter would be interested in a safe for storing weapons, and the developer of an individual home would be interested in a built-in safe or hiding place. Determine the type of locks that is most suitable for you: key or combination.

To assess the actual quality of the safe, it is very important to make sure that the declared quality parameters are actually confirmed by the certification plates that are attached to the inside of the safe door. These plates indicate the country of origin; name of the organization that carried out the certification; the standard to which a particular safe is certified, and may also indicate Additional Information. All models of safes must be provided with test certificates according to the standards of the country of origin and at the same time Certificates of Conformity to GOST R 50862-96, confirming (correcting) the characteristics declared by the supplier in accordance with standard Russian test methods. The absence of certificates of conformity to GOST R 50862-96 may indicate that, most likely, the declared characteristics (usually the degree of fire resistance and burglary resistance class) do not correspond to those indicated in the documents.

What questions do you need to know the answers to when selling/buying safes?
What and in what volume should be stored in a safe? What could potentially endanger the contents of the safe the most? Is the safe certified to be burglar-resistant or fire-resistant? Is there a certificate and its mention on the inside of the safe door? What is the volume of the safe and its weight? What type of lock is installed on the safe? Where will the safe be located? Is there warranty and post-warranty service?

In principle, people do not know the legislation very well, and for many people the laws on weapons are completely a dark forest.

For example, the majority of people believe that weapons are “not legalized” in our country.

I don’t know what exactly they mean by this, but a big surprise for them is the fact that any legally capable person who is over 18 years old can purchase a gun in Russia. To buy a weapon, he only needs to obtain a medical certificate, pay a small state fee, take a training course costing about five thousand rubles, and go to the local police officer and the licensing department a couple of times.

Also a huge surprise for many people is that weapons can be transported in public places - on the street, in shops, in educational institutions. The only important thing is that the weapon is unloaded and sheathed. That's all. We recently met a friend like this at the metro - he was walking with a sheathed gun on his shoulder, and at least one policeman would approach him... And no one would approach him, because everything was legal.

The same applies to storing hunting weapons. It is believed that it must be kept in some special cool safe with thick walls and an access code, as shown in films about bankers and gangsters. In fact, a safe can be an ordinary metal box with a lock. By and large, you can weld it yourself if you know how to use a welding machine. Well, if you don’t want to bother, you can buy safes for hunting weapons in the store.

Don't believe that everything is so simple? And look at the weapons law, Article 22.

Civilian and service weapons must be stored in conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and prevent access to them by unauthorized persons.

Requirements for the storage conditions of various types of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation...

Requirements for the storage conditions of weapons are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814 (as amended on February 28, 2013) “On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them.”

See section XI. Storage of weapons and ammunition, paragraph 59.

Weapons and ammunition belonging to citizens must be stored at their place of residence in compliance with conditions that ensure their safety, safe storage and exclude access to them by unauthorized persons, in locked safes or metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron.

Internal affairs bodies at the place of residence of the owners have the right to check the storage conditions of weapons registered by them.

As you can see, there are no particularly complex requirements for storing weapons. By law, you simply need a lockable safe (box or cabinet) made of metal or high-strength material or iron-lined wood.

Now the question arises - where should the safe be located? and most importantly, do you need to take it with you if you go on a trip and today you live in a hotel, tomorrow in a tent in the forest, and the day after tomorrow you are traveling on a train.

Let’s look again at the same Resolution “On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them,” paragraph 59 and we see that the requirements for storing weapons by citizens differ depending on where you are with them.

Weapons and ammunition belonging to citizens must be stored at their place of residence in compliance with conditions ensuring their safety, safe storage and excluding access to them by unauthorized persons, in locked safes or metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron.

Storage of weapons and ammunition in places of temporary stay must be carried out in compliance with conditions that exclude access to weapons by unauthorized persons.

Now we need to figure out what a place of residence and a place of stay are. We look at the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 No. 713 (as amended on May 21, 2012) “On approval of the Rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation...”.

Place of residence is a place where a citizen permanently or primarily resides as an owner, under a rental (sublease) agreement, social tenancy or on other grounds. For example, a residential building, apartment, office premises, dormitory, hotel-shelter, house of flexible fund, special home for single and elderly people, boarding house for the disabled, veterans or other residential premises.

Place of residence is the place where the citizen temporarily resides - a hotel, sanatorium, holiday home, boarding house, camping, hospital, tourist center, other similar institution, as well as residential premises that are not the citizen’s place of residence.

It turns out that if a weapon is in your home (where you are registered or where you are the owner of the premises), then it must be in a safe.

If you went on a trip, fishing, hunting, on a business trip, or even just to the country for the summer and took a gun with you, then you don’t need to take the safe with you. Wherever you are not registered or are not the owner of the premises, it is not necessary to have a safe. Those. a gun can be hidden anywhere at all - the main thing is that someone else cannot use it.

Here, however, we must take into account that if the weapon falls into the wrong hands, and especially if it kills or injures someone, not only the shooter, but also the owner of the weapon will bear criminal liability.

Let's look at the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 224 on careless storage of firearms:

1. Careless storage of a firearm, which created conditions for its use by another person, if this resulted in the death of a person or other grave consequences, is punishable:

  • a fine in the amount of up to 100,000 rubles or in the amount of the salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to 6 months.
  • or compulsory work for up to 360 hours.
  • or correctional labor for up to 1 year.
  • or restriction of freedom for up to 1 year.
  • or arrest for up to 6 months.

2. The same act, resulting in the death of two or more persons, is punishable:

  • compulsory work for up to 480 hours.
  • or correctional labor for up to 2 years.
  • or imprisonment for a term of up to 2 years.

I think each of us has heard more than once about cases when a child, a drinking companion, or even a random person took a weapon due to oversight, after which he shot someone, and in the end, not only he himself, but also the owner of the weapon became responsible. Moreover, it is quite a serious responsibility.

So you need to be very careful about storing weapons and ammunition. On the one hand, we must take into account that no one forces you to keep a safe in a tent or hunting hut. On the other hand, access to weapons should be strictly limited. And this also needs to be understood.