🐱 Description wild caracals. Photos and videos of the steppe lynx. Who does it hunt and what does it eat? Habitat and number of cats. Price for domestic caracals


The Turkish word “karakulak” - “black ears”, gave the world the name of a species of predatory cat breed, whose erect ears with tassels stand out croaked the cat.

The caracal is a wild cat that prefers a free, free life in the zone of semi-deserts and steppes. Initially, this small predator was used as a hunting animal by many peoples of Africa. Today, the beautiful and intelligent steppe lynx has proven that it is capable of becoming a friend in the family and living life in an enclosure or a spacious house side by side with a person.

Description of the caracal cat

The desert lynx is not such a small predator: slender body with developed muscles reaches 65-85 cm, and height at the withers is over 50 cm. A beautiful cat weighs between 16-19 kg, cats are larger and can weigh 20-25 kg.

The paws are longer than average. The movable tail is quite long.

The head of the animal is small in size. It is distinguished by high erect ears with dark long tassels.

The animal's eyes are extremely expressive, almond-shaped and have a black outline around them.

The wild caracal has short, very dense and thick fur with spectacular coloring: variations in coat shades from sandy tones to rich brown. The belly is lighter than the rest of the body; the ears are only black on the outer part and tassels. The muzzle is covered with white and dark spots.

Character of the desert lynx

It is difficult to judge the character of a wild cat in relation to humans. But if you domesticate an animal, you will have to face many difficulties. A person with a big heart and a strong will can cope with the freedom-loving character of the karkal. In order for a cat to demonstrate affection, understanding and obedience, the same training as for puppies will be required. large breeds dogs.

Reviews about domesticated caracals are positive: cats quickly learn their new role as a member of the human family and behave with dignity. However, you should not expect the behavior of a soft domestic kitty, after all, this is wild animal, in whose genes a thousand-year memory of nature is embedded.

Lifestyle of caracals

Predators prefer night look daytime life. Their life is spent in rock crevices, burrows of foxes and porcupines, where they hide during the day. The same shelter can be occupied by a cat for several years in a row. Large territories belong to males, females have enough of the periphery.

Water is not a hindrance for them; the steppe lynx can easily swim across a small lake. You can’t hide from the beast even on a tree - it’s also a convenient place for hunting caracal.

In spring and winter wild cat can be seen during the daytime.

A cat hunts not by running after its prey, but by sneaking up on it and overtaking the prey with long jumps. The caracal jumps up to 4.5 m in length and 3 m in height. The retractable claws are so sharp and the speed of the animal is high that sometimes the hunter simultaneously grabs several birds in a flock.

The cat does not leave its prey on the ground, but drags it to the nearest tree, so that in case of danger it does not risk the captured food.

Caracal in the food chain

Caracals occupy a secure place in the food chain - they are fast predators that are even capable of killing other predators. Previously, these cats were classified as lynxes due to their external similarity, but genetic research identified the wild karcal as a separate genus.

The wild caracal is close not only to the lynx and serval, but also to the puma in a number of morphological characteristics.

Caracal food

Into a carnivore's diet cats croaked includes a variety of animals. The predator will gladly dine on a hare, rodents, and birds. The desert lynx hunts antelopes, small monkeys, Dorcas gazelles, and the common gazelle.

Season migratory birds allows you to catch pigeons and partridges.

Often the prey is African great bustard, gerenuk and stenbok sharpa.

In lean years, reptiles are on the menu.

The habitat also affects the diet. In Africa, large ungulates are on the menu, in Asian countries - small vertebrates. Given the opportunity, the caracal will easily attack domestic animals.

The cat kills small prey by biting the back of the head, and larger animals are grabbed by the throat.

At night, in search of prey, animals are able to walk up to 20 km.


The main enemy caracal cats a person is considered to be a person who, in turn, also sees the beast as his enemy, because these cats often attack domestic animals.

The sandy-brown color protects cats well from other enemies - the animal only needs to lie down on the ground, and their fur becomes a decent camouflage.

Lions and hyenas are not able to catch up with the predator, as it quickly jumps into the trees and thus escapes in no time. The leopard is considered a serious opponent of the caracal.

Reproduction and care of offspring

Notifies the male that the female is ready chemical reaction her urine. In addition, the cat attracts the attention of cats with sounds similar to coughing.

If a female takes a liking to several males, then a fight occurs between them, or the cat chooses a mate for itself, and the choice will not be in favor of the young and small.

The pair stays together for up to 4 days for frequent mating. Females are not distinguished by fidelity and mate with more than just one male, which is why infanticide occurs among caracals: this way the cat quickly becomes free to mate again.

After a 70-80 day pregnancy, 1 to 6 caracal kittens appear. The female spends a lot of time with her offspring, so caracals have litters once a year. Fathers don't have educational value and do not appear in education.

The mother chooses a secluded place for the cubs, from which they appear only at the age of 4 weeks. A month later caracal kittens They already begin to eat meat, and independence from the mother comes at 5-6 months.

Distribution and abundance of caracals

The wild croak is widespread in many areas of Africa, inhabiting the Arabian and Anatolian peninsulas, and is found throughout Southwestern and central Asia, Kazakhstan and central India.

These cats are not found in the central part of the Sahara Desert, and they also avoid the dense forests of the equatorial part of West Africa.

The animal is found in the CIS, although not in such numbers as in Africa. Sometimes the karcal is seen in the foothills and deserts of Dagestan, where its population is about 100 individuals.

Domestic cat caracal

If you want to have a caracal in your home, it is worth exploring the possibilities of keeping such a pet at home. The cat loves space, so a free enclosure is built for her or purchased only for spacious houses.

In the enclosure, the animal will need shelter to rest. If a caracal cat lives in a house, then it quickly gets used to the company of its owners and is not burdened by them. You can combine a house and an enclosure, giving the cat the opportunity to walk freely in it.

Owners love the animal's love of bathing - a bath becomes a shared pastime. Wash the domesticated steppe lynx with hypoallergenic shampoo. Kitties quickly get used to the silicone comb and learn to trim their claws.

Caracal kittens are litter trained from childhood, and they quickly get used to a permanent toilet. Since the individual is not small, the appropriate tray is selected.

Domestic caracal must be dewormed and receive annual vaccinations. The immunity of these cats is impeccable, and with proper care the cat will please its owners for 15-18 years, remaining vigorous and active.

Buy a caracal

Buy a caracal kitten maybe not just anywhere, but in a nursery specializing in them. There are nurseries that only breed rare breeds cats. If you are offered a kitten by hand, without certificates, then it is quite possible that this animal was torn from its mother by poachers.

There are several nurseries in the world, including in Moscow, where you can find the desired domestic caracal. The price for a predator is at least 400,000 rubles

Caracal hybrid breeds

Caracat – Felinologists tried to cross a caracal cat and a domestic cat. The result was a hybrid called caracat. The breed was founded in 1998 in Moscow, and further selection was carried out by specialists in the USA. In 2007, an Abyssinian cat gave the world a caracal kitten. The process stalled, and already the Russian woman Irina Nazarova took up the breeding of caraquets and achieved recognition of the breed by the Russian International Registry ICU and International organization TICA cats.

Video about caracals

Often lovers of exotic animals wonder whether the caracal cat or the Asian steppe lynx is better or whether they are the same breed. You can get answers to frequently asked questions and find out how to care for a caracal and how much this animal costs in this article.

It will not be superfluous to look at other articles presented on this project, since they have everything necessary to treat and properly feed cats and kittens, as well as solve other problems that arise in caring for them.

Caracal cat home care at home

Before getting such an exotic pet, think about whether you are ready to devote a large number of time to care for a new member of your family.

Once a week, do not forget to bathe your cat and then brush it.

Nail care is required for your safety and the health of your pet. There should be a scratching post in the house. Check your ears and eyes once a week.

Does the caracal cat eat chicken legs or not and what to feed

The cat prefers meat, including chicken, so you can give him chicken legs as a treat. An adult animal can eat up to 1 kg of meat per day. You can also feed such a cat with raw beef, rabbit or turkey. Eliminate pork from your diet.

Meat can also be given boiled. You can diversify the menu with boiled or raw sea ​​fish. Feed your pet zucchini, cabbage, and carrots. All food must be fresh and leftovers must be thrown away.

Caracal cat habitat, wild, steppe and its character

This wild exotic cat lives in arid deserts. It can also be seen in the savannah and steppes. On the territory of our country, cats live in the deserts of Southern Turkmenistan and in the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan.

At proper education This independent kitty will delight her owners. Kind to others, balanced character, always protects his territory. Loves to play with children and is interested in everything new. And with all this, he is demanding of his important person.

Caracal cat weight, dimensions and can be kept at home or not

The caracal cat grows from 62 to 85 cm in length, up to 50 cm in width, Weight Limit can reach 25 kg. You can keep it at home with special care, diet and taking into account the animal’s habits.

Caracal and Serval cats, description of the breed

A predator belonging to the cat family. Previously, the animal was compared to a lynx, now – to a puma. The cat has adorable long tufts on her ears. Color brown towards red. The paws have hard bristles.

Caracals communicate well with servals. The serval is an elite cat or miniature cheetah with a very expressive fur color: bright black spots on a yellow background. And the chest and belly are white. The serval has long legs and a small head.

Desert lynx caracal cats, how much they cost and why so expensive

Any exotic animal costs a lot of money, and the caracal is a great example of this. On average the cost of such a rare pet from 300,000 rubles to 450,000 rubles.

Desert, large wild African cat caracal content

Keeping such a cat will be expensive, so be prepared for that. The caracal needs special conditions at home. It's better if it is a private house, where the pet will have an equipped enclosure for play and relaxation, in which there will be a lot of space and air for its active games. The caracal is also a water lover. The desert cat is an excellent jumper, so its habitat should be fenced. Caracal does not like the cold.

The article pays attention to the characteristics of this breed, and also presents its characteristics with answers to all frequently asked questions, including...

There are more and more people who want to have one in their apartment or private house. exotic cat, so it is not surprising that the search begins...

The Turks called this cat the Black Ear, and we know it as a caracal or steppe lynx. The animal has a very exotic appearance, which immediately attracts attention. Outwardly, it looks like a cross between a puma and a lynx. These cats look great both in the wild and at home.

Anyone who calls the caracal a wild animal will be right. But call it domestic cat will also not be a mistake. This feature makes representatives of this breed unique. There are few nurseries in the world where you can see the domestic caracal.

This breed is not artificially bred. In the wild, caracals can be found on the Caspian coast, as well as in areas of Asia and Africa, where the steppe borders on forests. These animals don't like deserts. They prefer the plains. In such an area, a cat can remain invisible due to its color. Caracals are nocturnal predators. They can run fast, jump far and even swim.

Caracals have been domesticated by humans, but this does not mean that you can take home any cat of this breed. The animal will have all the habits wild cat. If you decide to get a caracal, you can only take it from a special nursery.

Fact! The caracal's ears have sharp, tufted tips. This distinguishing feature is business card breeds


There are 9 types of caracals, but it is impossible to distinguish them with the naked eye without professional knowledge. They all have enough high growth. At the withers, height reaches an average of about 50 cm.

With this height, the cat does not look large, as it has a very graceful build.

  1. The head has an elongated shape and small size. The muzzle is extended forward and covered with spots.
  2. The animal's ears are narrow and long, located at a great distance from each other, and stand upright. Ear color is black. There are tassels on the sharp tips. The back of the ears is black, sometimes with slight graying, in color.
  3. The eyes are almond-shaped and have a yellowish tint. They are edged with a black stripe.
  4. The cat's body is slender and muscular. The body length is approximately 65-85 cm.
  5. The caracal has slender, large paws of medium length.
  6. The tail is long and quite mobile. It is shorter in length than half the cat's body.
  7. The short, thick coat is red or sandy-red in color. It is slightly longer on the stomach and chest. There is a yellow stripe under the cat's eyes. Males and females have the same color.

An adult cat can weigh approximately 16-20 kg. Caracals live for about 15 years.

Cat character

The wild cat left the domestic caracal with courage and a love of freedom. But domestication made them more affectionate, capable of becoming attached to humans. If you adopt a kitten of this breed from a cattery, you will get a good one. true friend. Domesticated caracals are playful and curious. The character is characterized by calmness and balance. These animals are very kind and devoted to their owners, and can be trained.

In its habits, the caracal sometimes even resembles a dog. He gets used to his new home well, but when buying an animal you need to take into account that these cats are active. Owners of cramped apartments are better off not purchasing caracals. In such conditions, it will not be possible to provide the animal with all the conditions it needs. A spacious enclosure or a large country house is more suitable for them.

Previously, people used caracals for hunting. The cat performed the same functions as a husky or a dachshund when hunting. Nowadays, domesticated caracals behave like the most affectionate domestic cat. She will sleep and eat with the person.

Caracals are very friendly, and no signs of aggression have been observed with them. But don't buy this cat if there is one in the house Small child. If you want such a cat, then wait until the child grows up and can learn all the handling rules that the animal requires.

If you raise a caracal correctly, then an adult animal will not cause much trouble. The rules of parenting are almost the same as if you were raising a puppy. The animal must learn that it is strictly forbidden to chew on the wires and shoes of its owners. Also prohibit him from jumping on the table and eating from his own plates.

Advice! Don't hit the cat, but be strict in your upbringing. If you have a caracal growing in your house, hide from it objects and substances that could harm the animal. Electrical wires, chemical detergents and poisonous plants should be inaccessible to it.

Is it possible to keep a caracal at home?

The answer is yes! If you believe the reviews of the owners, then we can say that if the kitten is raised properly, there will be no problems in adulthood. The main thing is to survive the first two years. Until this age, his behavior may be mischievous, but be consistent and strict in order to end up with a “well-mannered” cat.


Fact! The big advantage of this breed is that its representatives almost never get sick. They have strong immunity, like their wild predecessors.

If you castrate your cat in a timely manner, this will help get rid of many problems that may arise during the onset of mating season. At this time, the caracal may become uncontrollable and even show some aggressiveness.

Caracals have excellent immunity. They get sick extremely rarely. If you care for your cat properly and feed it correctly, it will be active and healthy until it is 15 years old.

What to feed a caracal

A cat is a predatory animal. For normal life, she needs to eat animal protein. An adult caracal can eat up to one kilogram of meat products daily. The amount depends on the age and size of the animal. The best food for a caracal is beef, chicken or turkey, or offal. Basically, caracal meat should be given raw. But you can partially boil the food. It is best if the animal eats meat with cartilage and bones. This will provide them with calcium and help train their jaw. Many representatives of this breed love to eat raw eggs and milk.

In addition to animal proteins, the diet should also include vegetables, such as cabbage, pumpkin or zucchini. In addition, the diet should contain raw fish. These cats should not be fed soup or cereal porridge. Make sure that food does not remain in the animal's bowl. If the cat hasn't finished eating, it's better to throw away the leftovers.

Twice a month it is recommended to go on a one-day hunger strike for the caracal. This mode will imitate that of wild animals. Avoid feeding your cat human food such as candy, smoked meats, and fat. It is not recommended to feed them pork. Sometimes you can feed the animal dry food, but it must be of excellent quality. Choose food that is formulated specifically for your Norwegian cat or Maine Coon.

Where to buy a kitten

Do not buy a caracal from an unreliable place, even if you are offered to buy a kitten at a reasonable price. You can often get scammed by purchasing an animal without the appropriate documents. This is how sick cats are usually sold. Also, by purchasing a caracal from an unreliable buyer, you can get a wild animal instead of the desired domesticated one. This cat is not suitable for living in a house or apartment. It is necessary to contact special nurseries where cats are bred by professionals.

Anyone interested will want to know the cost of a homemade caracal. These cats are considered exotic, so their cost is high. In Russia, a domestic caracal can be bought for 450,000 rubles. In Ukraine, this price will be about 210,000 hryvnia.

Video: Caracal cat breed

Anastasia Korableva

Power and elegance, exotic appearance and feline softness, and most importantly, charming ears with long tassels - all this is ideally combined in the Caracal breed. Large, tapering ears, with five-centimeter erect tassels of black wool, are the most unique feature this cat. Caracals, despite the high cost of kittens and the peculiarities of their maintenance, are actively gaining popularity among cat lovers and exotic animals.

Historical reference

Cats of the Caracal genus live in the deserts and savannas of Africa. Central Asia, on the Arabian Peninsula and the Caspian Sea coast since ancient times. It is believed that the historical homeland of this animal is Türkiye. The word Caracal on Turkish means “black ears.”

Since ancient times, steppe caracals have been tamed and used by the inhabitants of Asia and Africa.

  • Excavations in Egypt have yielded paintings of caracals and bronze sculptures, as well as embalmed carcasses. This means that caracals occupied an important place in the life of the Egyptians.
  • In China, emperors gave caracals as valuable gifts.
  • In India, caracals have long been used for hunting small game.
  • In Asia, this breed was used to help hunt game.

INTERESTING FACT! In Iran, caracals were entertainment for wealthy gambling people. Animals were tamed, trained to hunt birds, and entered into competitions based on the number of birds caught in a jump.

The fact is that caracals are wonderful jumpers; they can jump up to 3 meters in the air to catch flying birds. Up to ten pigeons can be caught in this way at a time. The winner is the one whose cat knocks out large quantity birds from a jump. All these facts prove that the domestication of caracals is not something new, but rather began centuries ago.

Characteristics of the Caracal breed

Caracals stand out from other wild cats with their appearance. A cat that looks like a real desert lynx is the first impression this unusually beautiful animal makes. However, the caracal is not related to the lynx genus and morphologically the breed is more close to the puma.

Paws, thin body and the tail is significantly longer than that of a true lynx, unusually elongated black ears with tassels, as well as a number of genetic differences made it possible to distinguish the Caracal into a separate genus. The African serval is also considered close to the caracal family.

Breed standard

general characteristics representative of the Caracal breed:

  • Body: the developed body of a predator is strong, muscular; the length of males can reach 120 cm, females - 110 cm, the average size of a pet is 70-85 cm. Weight: 10-20 kg. Tail length is from 19 to 35 cm. Height at withers is from 30 to 50 cm. Females are smaller than males.
  • Wool: short, soft and thick, honey-brown in color, slightly longer and lighter on the inside.
  • Head: dark spots on both sides of the muzzle, black spots above the eyes and a black stripe from the eye to the nose form a uniform red-brown or brick-red color. The nose is dark.
  • Eyes: large, yellow-brown.
  • Ears: large, vertically located, 4-6 cm long, with a black back and dense long tassels made of stiff wool.
  • Limbs: long, allowing you to easily jump to a height of up to 3 meters. The forelimbs are longer hind limbs. The paws have a dense brush made of coarse hair, which makes it easier to move through the sand in natural environment a habitat.
  • Lifespan: V home environment The caracal lives up to 15 years.

Photos of caracals

Photos of beautiful representatives of the breed:


In caracals, provided they are kept correctly, good health and good immunity. With proper care and quality nutrition, they practically do not get sick. However, these cats are very curious, and can sometimes chew and swallow inedible objects.

Caracals are vaccinated with regular cat vaccines. Life expectancy at home reaches 15 years.

IMPORTANT! Before purchasing a caracal kitten, be sure to check with reputable veterinarians in your area. This will allow you to quickly resolve issues related to the health and development of your pet.


A well-bred and trained caracal is affectionate and friendly to all household members. He is active, sociable, loves to play. Socialization is one of the most important stages of working with a breed, first for the breeder and then for the owner.

Caracals meow not so often; the main way of communication is hissing and growling in cases of dissatisfaction or uterine rumbling in a complacent mood.

In character, the caracal resembles a cat and a dog at the same time: the gracefulness and curiosity of a cat are mixed with the activity of a puppy. He quickly learns to go for walks on a leash. Educational activities are also a game for him. It is necessary to use various gaming equipment. Pay special attention to games with the ball and suspension.

ATTENTION! Playing with your pet with your hands and feet is strictly prohibited. In a fit of excitement, the animal can damage your limb.

Content Features

Since the caracal is still a wild predatory cat, there are difficulties in keeping it at home, namely:


In the house where the caracal lives, everything should be cleaned as if a curious puppy lives there. The fact is that these cats are very playful, and after their games the house is turned upside down. Everything that can be attributed to a toy in one way or another will be mined, chewed, scratched and even partially eaten.

Games are the basis for the education and socialization of a young individual. Toys must be made of quality materials. Take the ones offered for large dogs.

Big cats love to swim, they swim and happily take water procedures as often as they are offered.

The claws on the paws must be trimmed in a timely manner. There must be a sufficient number of scratching posts in the house, otherwise the furniture will be significantly damaged.


Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. As stated earlier, caracals are carnivores. predatory cats, which hunt small animals, so they should mainly be fed raw meat. The diet is selected according to the breeder's recommendations.

Can be fed with high quality dry cat food. Nutrition should be balanced. The norm for food consumed per day is about 5% of the cat’s weight.

ATTENTION! It is strictly forbidden to feed pig meat; pork causes Aujeszky's disease, the common name for this disease is “pseudorabies” or itchy plague. This disease almost always leads to the death of the animal. It is also necessary to exclude ready-made dishes “from the table”, spices in any form, salted and smoked foods.

Walking your pet

The domestic caracal needs active, long-term walking. You can use a leash for walking outside. It is advisable to equip a fenced area in the form of an enclosure - an extension to the house in which it is kept.

Caracals are among the top five expensive breeds cats in the world. Usually, having learned the answer to the question: how much does a caracal kitten cost, many lose their ardent interest in the breed. The cost of a kitten varies from 10 to 50 thousand dollars (the price in Russia is approximately 700,000 - 3,000,000 rubles). So advertisements about the sale of a caracal kitten on Avito inexpensively or that the animal is being given away for free raise doubts.

When choosing a kitten, it is important to know:

IMPORTANT! Missing package necessary documents the kitten may be subject to criminal liability. The fact is that some species of this breed living in the wild are listed in the Red Book.


So, you have decided to purchase a kitten as a... pet, and you will realize how important the process of choosing a breeder is.

What should you pay attention to? Foreign breeders are required to have a license to breed caracals. Domestic breeders must be members of phenological organizations (clubs) and have documents confirming permission to breed caracals. Experience in breeding, the opportunity to freely communicate with the breeder and personally visit the kittens’ place of residence are important.

IMPORTANT! When purchasing a caracal kitten, you should carefully study the sales contract. The contract specifies the conditions of ownership, the possibility or limitation of reproduction and other important points.


Area: Arabian Peninsula, Africa, South Turkmenistan, Central and Asia Minor east to Western India

Color: reddish-sandy or sandy

Dimensions: height at withers: 45-50 cm; weight: 16-20 kg

Lifespan: at home 15-18 years old

Fascinating grace, kindness and noble poise - all this can be seen in the tamed representative wildlife caracal

In terms of its exoticism, the caracal is similar to bombay cat, in beauty - not inferior .

If the kitten was born and raised at home, it will make a wonderful pet.

Having appeared in your house, the cat will immediately begin to get acquainted with all its inhabitants and will conquer them with its tenderness and playfulness.

History of the breed

If in Europe and America it is customary to go hunting with dogs, then in Africa and Asia cats were also used for these purposes.

In ancient times, richer people tamed cheetahs for hunting, and those who could not afford this chose caracals.

These cats did an excellent job of catching small antelopes, hares, peacocks and pheasants.

Their name is an interpretation of the Turkish word "karakulak", literally translated as "black ears".

Caracals were not very resistant to domestication. These animals are smart and quite obedient.

Perhaps that is why not so long ago they began to be kept at home not as hunters, but simply as their pets.

It must be said that there are 9 types that the Caracal breed includes. Photos of these animals will tell a layman little.

In principle, this is not so important, because the existing varieties have the same descriptions of the nature and features of the maintenance of the house.


It is important to remember that the caracal, like, was and remains a predator.

Therefore, consistency and clear order in requirements are very necessary for his upbringing.

We need to help the kitty learn subordination and develop competent rules of behavior for her.

Otherwise, this lynx cat will delight its owners with the following qualities:

  • Kindness. In terms of the degree of softness of character, the caracal can confidently compete with some breeds of completely domestic cats like or.
  • Equilibrium. Caracals are not known for sudden bursts of activity followed by 15 hours of rest.
  • Energy. Cats need certain physical activity, otherwise they can be outright mischievous.

  • Playfulness. They are happy to take part in children's games, this will be a great opportunity for them to burn off their energy.
  • Owner's instinct. Caracals jealously protect their territory from the invasion of other animals. But lynx cats get along very well with pets living under the same roof. Just don’t keep small rodents like or with your pet.
  • Curiosity. Who will be the first to run to “open” the door when he hears the bell, or who will tirelessly look for the source of the rustling in the bushes? Of course it's your caracal cat! Photos and videos dedicated to these animals are full of the most amusing stories.

How to choose a kitten

To purchase a caracal kitten, go to a home-type nursery, and not to an aviary-keeping establishment.

It is worth buying a baby when he is 4-6 months old.

Important! If you do not intend to breed caracals, it is worth planning spaying or neutering. Both males and females, having matured, will stubbornly mark their territory, that is, the rooms of your house or apartment.

As for external health indicators, caracal kittens (photos confirm this) look the same as small representatives of other mustachioed tabby breeds:

  • The baby's coat should be thick and shiny;
  • the skin is clean, without rashes or peeling;
  • look at the eyes, nose, ears - nothing should ooze from them or smell unpleasant.

Features of care


A caracal should be combed no more than once a week using a brush. Bathe as needed if the kitty is very dirty.

Although lynx cats, just like , love water very much and will not refuse to play in the bath with rubber balls.

As for the claws, usually in nurseries they are removed with a laser on the front legs. These kitties don't like to have their nails done.

Therefore, if there are claws, it is better to organize a good caracal in the form of a log inclined towards the corner.

Ears and eyes should be inspected once a week and cleaned as needed.


There is a class of domesticated animals that are conventionally called domestic, among them is the caracal.

Photos (domestic or wild versions) of these cats often demonstrate their love of freedom.

Keep this lynx cat in an apartment, just like , Of course, it's quite possible.

In this case, if the weather is good, you need to walk with her more often.

It’s good if the spacious enclosure is filled with different shelves and steps on which the mustachioed hunter will jump, satisfying his need for physical activity.


The bulk of a caracal's diet should be raw, lean meat.

These cats obtain vitamins and microelements by eating the insides of their “prey.”

A suitable feeding option for kitties would be whole bird or rodent carcasses, plus raw meat.

For example, it could be 2 rats or 4 mice and half a kilo of meat. You should give raw sea fish no more than once a week.

Important! Up to a year, the caracal is given two meals a day. For ideal bowel function after a year, you need to give food only once a day.

Also, every week the kitty should have a fasting day - do not give any meat.

Naturally, such fasting is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating females.

The diet of caracals should not include:

  • Food from your table prepared for people;
  • Sweets and confectionery;
  • Salty, hot, spicy;
  • Sausages, sausages and various smoked meats.

You can feed a lynx cat, but the products must be of the highest quality.

When choosing food, it is better to consult with several specialists who are well versed in the breed.

Important! With any type of feeding, uneaten food must be removed.


Characteristic diseases

By nature, caracals have a very strong immune system, so with proper care they do not have any health problems.

Important! Avoid feeding your cat pork as it may give her Aujeszky's disease.