Askold Valterovich Zapashny. Born on September 27, 1977 in Kharkov (Ukrainian SSR). Russian circus performer, predator trainer, juggler, vaulter, tightrope walker, acrobat, teacher. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1999). People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2012). Artistic director of the Great Moscow Circus (2012).

Father - predator trainer, People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Mother - circus performer, deputy director of the Great Moscow Circus.

Paternal grandfather - (1900-1982), Soviet artist, founder circus dynasty Zapashnykh.

Paternal grandmother - Lydia Karlovna Zapashnaya (1905-1960), daughter of the circus clown Karl Thompson, who toured in Russia in late XIX century under the pseudonym Milton.

Older brother - (born July 11, 1976), circus performer, predator trainer, People's Artist of Russia.

His grandfather Mikhail Zapashny did not have circus roots and came to the arena as a longshoreman in Yeisk; his remarkable strength was noticed by wrestler Ivan Poddubny, who invited him to try himself in the circus. He began performing in the then most popular genre of French wrestling under the pseudonym “Eaglet”. Then he began to master other circus genres. As a result, he founded the legendary circus dynasty.

Circus biography Askold Zapashny began at the age of six. Since childhood, he learned to perform acrobatic stunts, juggle, walk on a tightrope and train monkeys.

Askold first entered a cage with tigers at the age of ten.

When Askold was little, tigers killed his grandfather. He said: “I don’t remember it well, just two moments. One time Askold and I came to visit our grandfather, the second time there were tears in the family, my brother and I were taken somewhere and said: “There’s grandfather in the window, wave your pen.” It was the Kuibyshev hospital. He waved to us and the next day he died of gangrene. The tigers tore off his arm, caused a severe infection, and he developed gas gangrene."

Later, he witnessed how tigers inflicted severe injuries on his mother, leaving about twenty huge scars on her legs.

However, he decided to continue the family dynasty.

In 1991, Askold graduated high school. Then the family received profitable proposition perform in China. The concluded contract made it possible to save the animals. Especially for the Zapashnys, the Chinese side built a large summer circus in the Safari Park, near the city of Shenzhen. To emphasize their foreign origin for the Chinese, Edgard and Askold began to dye their hair blonde.

Speaks English and spoken Chinese.

In 1998, at the celebration of his anniversary, National artist Russia's Walter Zapashny handed over the "Among Predators" attraction to his sons.

Later, together with his brother, he founded the “Zapashny Brothers Circus” - one of the most famous and authoritative in the world. Together with his brother Edgard Zapashny, he went on tour around the world.

Graduated with honors Russian Academy theatrical arts(GITIS).

Askold became the author of the script and director of a number of famous circus shows, including: “Colosseum”, “Camelot”, “Sadko”, “Camelot-2: Deputy of the Gods”, “Legend”, “K. U.K.L.A.”, “Terrible force”, “System”, “Mistress of the Dead Lake”, “System-2. Human factor".

The name of Askold Zapashny is twice included in the Guinness Book of Records. For the first time, together with his brother, he was entered into the Guinness Book of Records for the longest leap of a lion with a man on his back. The second time - he and his brother were included in the Guinness Book of Records for the record stunt “The highest column of 3 people on a running pair of horses.”

As Askold said, the act with a jump on the back of a lion was staged in memory of his father, who was the first to conceive of this trick. But he and his brother brought this act to perfection, they did what their father could not do. And it became business card Zapashny for many years - a leap that no one can repeat to this day.

According to Askold Zapashny, fear and a sense of danger are integral components of his work. He admitted: “And I, as a sane person, am sure that it is simply impossible to live without fear. Because fear is a natural feeling that allows us to survive. As for philosophy... then indeed, a person who works with predators, still continues to be afraid of them. I sensibly assess the risks. Only a crazy person can not be afraid... When you do such things, first of all you rely on your experience. And at this moment, somewhere in the subconscious, you analyze the details. You you know, for example, that you can do something like this, and the next moment you quickly react to some inappropriate behavior animal, you read his thoughts in advance, since a lot depends on his mood. And secondly, after performing such stunts, I always thank God for the fact that I am in Once again survived."

Askold Zapashny - jump on the back of a lion

During their long career, the Zapashny brothers successfully performed in the most different corners planet, including China, Italy, Finland, Estonia, Monaco, Japan, Hungary, Bulgaria, Latvia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, etc. Askold received his recognition from the state twice - first he became an Honored Artist of Russia in 1999, and in 2012 he was awarded the title of People’s Artist of the Russian Federation “for great services in the field of circus art.”

On November 20, 2012, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation appointed Askold Zapashny to the position of artistic director of the Great Moscow State Circus on Vernadsky Avenue.

Since 2013, he has been the director of the World Festival of Circus Arts in Moscow “IDOL”.

In 2014, he was a torchbearer at the Olympic torch relay.

In 2016, Askold Zapashny became one of the creators of the series “Margarita Nazarova” and even starred in a cameo role. The Zapashnys also acted as trainer-directors in the project. The television series told the dramatic story of the life of one of the most famous tiger tamers. Soviet Union. Despite the fact that many of the plot lines of the series are fiction and do not fully correspond to reality, the work was highly appreciated by film critics and awarded the honorary Golden Eagle 2017 award for the best television series.

Askold and his brother share their memories and some secrets from circus life in books. The works contain stories from the lives of trainers. Askold is also the author of the children's book “My Friends the Tigers.”

Repeatedly participated in TV shows on central channels. In September 2013, together with figure skater Maria Petrova, he was a participant in the Channel One TV show Ice Age 4. Participated in one of the episodes of the program “Empire of Illusions: The Safronov Brothers” - Askold appeared as an illusionist.

Social and political activities of Askold Zapashny

In 2011, together with his brother Edgard, he signed an Appeal from members of the public against informational erosion of trust in the judicial system Russian Federation, which condemned the pressure on the judicial system against the backdrop of the second trial of the leaders of the Yukos Oil Company.

In 2012, he was officially registered as a confidant of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections.

On March 11, 2014, he signed a Collective Appeal to the Russian public from Russian cultural figures in support of the President’s position on Ukraine and Crimea.

In September 2016, like his brother, he became a confidant of the party " United Russia"in the elections to the State Duma VII convocation and confidant of the Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin.

Member Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation since 2016.

He is a supporter and active promoter of the circus with animals, speaking on the side of competent and responsible training, which is based on dynastic work experience, disclosure individual abilities animals and humane treatment of wards.

Since September 2018 - Professor at the Department of Circus Directing at RATI.

Askold Zapashny's height: 177 centimeters.

Personal life of Askold Zapashny:

For a long time consisted of civil marriage with circus artist Elena Baranenko (born April 3, 1970). But after eight years of relationship, they never reached the registry office. As Askold explained, incl. due to the age difference: Elena is 7 years older than him. "With Lena we have a big difference at age... it was important to me. The second point: we basically got together by accident. To some extent, my mother influenced this. She was very helpful to our life together. Elena seemed to her to be a very good girl, and it so happened that we really began to live together with her, and we both felt comfortable. It was a comfortable relationship. I loved Lena, and I probably still love her, and under no circumstances will I say any nasty things about her. But I never saw her as a wife. And over the years it began to depress me. I understood that the time would come when I would be embarrassed by her,” he admitted.

After breaking up, they remained on excellent terms and work together in the circus.

Wife - Helen Zapashnaya-Raichlin, originally from Israel, served in the Israeli army, studied at a medical school (her mother and father are also doctors).

As Askold said, both Helen’s parents and his mother were against their marriage. "I never suspected or thought that the resistance would be so strong. It was real war!,” he recalled. However, despite strong resistance from relatives, Helen and Askold got married.

The marriage produced two daughters - Eva and Elsa. In 2016, daughters Eva and Elsa entered the arena of the Great Moscow Circus for the first time, and also took part in the New Year's show at Luzhniki.

Filmography of Askold Zapashny:

2009 - Foundry (4th season) - Askold
2011 - Cool guys- cameo
2013 - Zapashny Clan. Ours among predators (documentary)
2013 - 12 months - cameo
2016 - Margarita Nazarova - TV cameraman

Bibliography of Askold Zapashny:

2008 - Intrigue (co-authored with his brother and Anastasia Takki)
2008 - How we train dogs (in collaboration with my brother)
2009 - Camelot. Shards of Legends (in collaboration with his brother)
2011 - My friends are tigers

Awards and titles of Askold Zapashny:

1997 - Winner of the Golden Troika circus arts festival in Yaroslavl;
1999 - Honored Artist of Russia - for services in the field of art;
1999 - Title “Artist of the Year” from the Union of Circus Workers;
2001 - Winner of the Moscow Government Prize;
2002 - Laureate of the national award "Circus";
2005 - Laureate International competition circus artists in Saratov, the main prize “Golden Troika”. Special prize for high achievements in circus arts he was awarded international prizes from the Chinese Association of Circus Arts - the Golden Lion award;
2006 - Together with his brother, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest jump of a lion with a man on his back;
2007 - Laureate of the International Festival-Competition of Circus Arts in Izhevsk (main award “Golden Bear”);
2008 - Honorary title"People's Artist of Udmurtia";
2011 - Winner of the International Circus Art Festival-Competition in Moscow. Special prize from the Mongolian State Circus and from the Great Circus Mundial (Spain);
2011 - For the second time, together with his brother, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the record stunt “The highest column of 3 people on a running pair of horses”;
2012 - Laureate of the International Festival-Competition of Circus Arts in Izhevsk and for the second time the Golden Bear award for the performance of the equestrian act “Hellas”;
2012 - Honorary title People's Artist of Russia - for great achievements in the field of circus art;
August 31, 2012 Governor Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev awarded Askold and Edgard Zapashny the highest award of the Kemerovo region - the Order of “Key of Friendship”, for high professionalism, dedication and fidelity to their work;
2014 - Awarded a commemorative medal and letter of thanks from Dmitry Medvedev “For his great contribution to the preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi”;
January 20, 2015 - Awarded a letter of gratitude from V. Kolokoltsev, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, “For active work in preparing and implementing a set of events in 2014 aimed at social support for family members of internal affairs officers who died in the performance of official duties, and disabled people due to war trauma»;
2016 - Awarded a certificate of honor from V. Kolokoltsev, Minister of Internal Affairs, “For active work in preparing and carrying out a set of events in 2015 aimed at social support for family members of internal affairs officers who died in the performance of official duties, and disabled people due to war trauma” ;
2017 - Princess of Monaco, Stephanie, presented the prize “For services to the development of the Russian Circus”;
2017 - Silver Clown Award at the 41st International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo, Monaco. The brothers expressed disagreement with the results of the jury's vote;
2018 - According to the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 2018 was declared the Year of the Volunteer. Askold Zapashny, together with his brother Edgard Zapashny, became his ambassadors;
10/05/2018 - For assistance and assistance practical help in the preparation and implementation of a set of measures aimed at social support of family members of internal affairs officers who died in the performance of official duties, and disabled people due to war trauma, was awarded badge Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "For assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

will come famous trainer, representative of one of the most famous circus dynasties in the world, Askold Zapashny. We learn all the secrets of his profession, but about what kind of dad he is, how he raises his daughters, Elsa and Eva, and what the future awaits for children whose dad is a circus director, “Oh!” said the wife of the tiger tamer, Helen Zapashnaya.

Eva and Elsa are the same age, but they look completely different, but are they similar in character?

The girls are very different in character. Eva is more like me, she is very energetic, constantly going somewhere, running, moving. She is one of those who is for any party. And Elsa is all Askold, calm, a little reserved, attentive, loves to tinker with small details, and brings any task to the end. She prefers to sit in her room than to be in society.

Elsa loves to draw, and Eva likes a little bit of everything: she takes it, throws it, takes it, throws it. But there is also something that really fascinates her - the circus. Eva can rehearse until late, try herself in different genres, but Elsa has to be forced a little more: she loves the circus very much, but she likes drawing and sculpting much more. And she’s actually really good at it! Elsa’s paintings are realistic, lively, and we already have entire shelves filled with plasticine characters.

Of course, girls love to play together, but they also have quarrels - probably like everyone else.

Do girls enjoy school?

This year, Eva finished second grade, and Elsa finished first grade. The girls go to a regular public school, but it's really very good school. The Zapashny brothers also studied there, and the school director remembers them very well. The brothers' first teacher teaches in the parallel class, and classroom teacher Eva, Natalia Gennadievna Kamovich, often recalls the story when she gave Askold a bad grade in first grade. We are very proud of our school and try to keep the bar high.

Did you somehow specially prepare Eva and Elsa for school?

Elsa went to training courses at school, but Eva didn’t have time. In general, it turned out to be a very sudden story with her: the girls went to the same group kindergarten, and we always taught them the same way, we wanted them to go to the same class. But at some point the teachers started telling me: “Look, Eva is getting very bored, maybe it’s time for her to go to school?” I resisted for a long time, but in the end I brought her to first grade. Eva was 6 years and 9 months old.

I really like the approach of our school: teachers say that re-teaching is much more difficult for them than teaching from scratch, so if a child doesn’t know how to do something, it’s not so scary. Despite the fact that they used to be like twins, together from seven in the morning until nine in the evening, and now they had to separate, it seems that this time was even more stressful for me than for them.

What do girls do in their free time from school?

All of them free time occupied by the circus. When the team goes on tour, which happens for 2-3 months a year, the girls go to a rhythmic gymnastics school and train under the guidance of Alexandra Blinova. In addition, I loaded them with music school, because I think that it is important for a girl to receive musical education, especially the piano. It is not so easy to master the instrument, but if I see that they are succeeding, they have opened up, then I will insist that they do not give up, although it is difficult for them, I see it.

What do Eva and Elsa do at the circus?

Eva is madly in love with horses; she learns how to do tricks in the arena, and outside of rehearsals she washes, feeds and cleans up after them. With a coach, both girls practice rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics. Circus children have a unique opportunity to absorb everything that surrounds them, learning almost on the go. In the circus there is always a schedule, where it says which coach and where he is rehearsing today. You can make your own schedule and move from one point to another all day.

There are two primas in the Zapashny brothers circus - Elena Petrikova and Elena Baranenko. Elena Petrikova trains dogs, and Eva runs straight to her at rehearsals! Even if Lena allows you to just throw a bone or give some kind of command, it’s a great pleasure for her. And Elena Baranenko works with parrots, and Eva attends her rehearsals with great pleasure.

Helen, have you ever thought about sending your girls to school in Israel?

We are physically located most time in Russia, so I can’t send my girls to school in Israel. We adapted to the circumstances. Of course, I really miss Israel, but I’m also used to Moscow. The main thing is that I knew who I was marrying, so this issue is not discussed.

I know that the girls are already participating in real shows. What are their responsibilities?

They only have theatrical roles now. Askold's entire show is real story, which has its own heroes. Last time the main characters were girls. In the “Angels” project, Eva had a very important role. For her, she even learned sign language - she studied with a mute teacher for a whole year. And Elsa was her sister according to the script, playing a smaller role.

Do you worry about them when they're on stage?

Only for the first time. You know, when what I call “New Year’s Eve” begins, and there are 3 performances a day, the only strength left is to control what is happening behind the scenes: changing clothes on time, taking them out and picking them up after leaving.

Does Askold behave like a strict director or like a dad at rehearsals?

Askold tries to convey very clearly to any artist what is required of him. He doesn’t have brothers, friends, girlfriends or children in his arena - he has artists, and he makes the same demands on everyone. He can calmly explain for a very long time what he wants to get from you, but this is not strictness. He can be strict with some careless artists who are late, don’t show up to the arena, or can afford not to come to the rehearsal at all.

What kind of dad is he?

He is the best dad in the world. Even if he is tired, he still puts the girls to bed and plays different games. The evenings are entirely his time. By the way, Askold is a gamer here, and the children have become the same, but I don’t mind at all. They play together computer games. When the grandmothers began to grumble, I first took their side, and then I saw Elsa hitting some high ratings, building such smart strategies, playing such complex manly games... Well, she doesn’t want to play with dolls, but she wants this strategy. Why not?

Of course, they read my books and write reader's diaries. I make sure they read a few chapters regularly. I can’t boast that they do it with pleasure, I’m just trying to instill in them a love of books.

I know you plan for both Elsa and Eva to continue the circus tradition. What will happen if, for example, Elsa says that she is choosing a different path?

You see, our task as parents of children of such a dynasty is to instill such strong love to this art so that the child does not want to leave it. But in no case should we forget that another profession is also needed. I really like the phrase that Walter Mikhailovich told the brothers when he forced them to study and get a second education: “The circus is a world in which you can very quickly move away from the arena, no one is immune from injuries, and your head will always work!”

That's why we give girls general education, and also a love for the circus. True, Askold honestly says: “I wouldn’t want my children to work with predators, this is not female profession" But if one of the girls says that they only want to go there, I’m sure he will support and teach everything he knows.

Who doesn’t know the strongest and most courageous tamers of tigers and lions - the brothers Edgard and Askold Zapashny? With their talent, they have long won the love of a multimillion-dollar public and have become one of the most famous hereditary trainers throughout the world. Each of them has their own personal and family life, which they, in general, carefully hide from prying eyes.


Askold Zapashny, whose wife will be discussed further, was born in Kharkov in 1977. He entered a cage with tigers for the first time at the age of 10. He began his circus career with his brother Edgard as a horse juggler and monkey trainer. In 1998, their father, People’s Artist of Russia Walter Zapashny, gave them the “Among Predators” attraction to celebrate his 70th birthday. Askold Zapashny entered the Guinness Book of Records with a stunt for the longest jump on a lion. Together with his brother, they created the Zapashny Brothers Circus.

Askold Zapashny's wife Helen

The wedding of Askold and Helen took place secretly from prying eyes, without much publicity on television and in the press. On the eve of this event, he was appointed chief artistic director of the Great Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue.

His wife today is Helen Zapashnaya. Her biography says that she was born in the Holy Land of Israel, in the city of Haifa, located on the shore Mediterranean Sea. She is attached to this country with all her heart and soul, because her parents live here and are always waiting for them. Married to Askold, they had two girls named Eva and Elsa.

According to Helen herself, her and Askold’s parents were against their relationship. His mom is like wise woman, wanted him to marry a circus girl, since she would be more loyal to his constant business trips, all sorts of hardships and associated inconveniences. And most importantly, she will always and everywhere follow her husband. And Ellen’s parents were afraid that their daughter would abandon the Minsk Medical Institute because of this.


One day, the future Helen Zapashnaya, while still studying at the institute, went with friends to a circus performance by the Zapashny brothers. They spent the evening having fun, but then a couple of days later a friend they had in common with Askold called her and said that Askold was asking for her phone number. But then she didn’t know the trainer Askold and didn’t see much of his posters. She replied that she didn’t need it at all, because she already had a boyfriend, and the tour performers would be leaving soon.

Helen thought that if this is a famous artist, it means he is spoiled by female attention. The friend was indignant, but still managed to get her phone number. Then, at a lecture, she received a message on her phone where Askold invited her on a date, and they met. Their first evening was great, but then Askold disappeared for four days. It turns out that this was a trick to make her fall in love with him. She broke up with her boyfriend. Then the circus left and toured for 2 months. But the lovers used the phone to communicate at any time of the day or night, as it turned out.


Until recently, Helen did not understand everything that was happening to her; she slowed herself down so as not to completely lose herself in relationships and feelings. But Askold, although it was not easy for him, explained to her that their relationship had reached a different level. Three months after they met, Zapashny confessed his love to her. They began to dream about a wedding, about children, in general, they were making plans for the future in full swing, and even if the whole world was against them.

From that moment on, they declared themselves a couple. Askold went to visit Helen’s parents in Israel. Everyone was worried. Then there in the Holy Land he proposed to her, gave her a ring as his future wife and said those very important and main words and she, of course, answered “yes”.


However, Edgard did not support his brother in this matter, and Askold was very surprised, because when he brought and showed his girlfriend to his mother, and she did not like her, Edgard left home with a backpack, and Askold left with him. True, their age then was quite youthful. Askold waited for his brother’s support, but then everything quickly calmed down, and today the whole family enjoyed pleasant relations. Edgard became the godfather of their first daughter, Eva, and he also has two daughters growing up.

Helen Zapashnaya gave birth to two girls, but she and her husband still really want a son so that he can continue the Zapashny dynasty of trainers. True, they have some disagreements on the issue of circumcision. After all, if a son is born, then according to Jewish traditions this process is simply necessary. Helen believes that from the point of view of hygiene this is very correct, but Askold does not at all share his wife’s opinion and so far stands his ground.

Eva and Elsa

Askold himself chose the names of his daughters; Helen believed that he had every right to do so, since a woman bears a child, and a man, giving a child a name, should feel involved, that he has become a father. The name Eva is Jewish, and Askold liked it, and also became pleasant for Helen’s parents. This was the first girl. But they named their second daughter Elsa simply because it is a very beautiful name.

Askold’s mother was against this name and even called the young people about this so that they would not call the child names successful people. But when some complex and controversial issues, Zapashnye begin to look for a sign, and they got it. When, after their mother’s call, the young parents stopped at a traffic light, they suddenly saw a truck nearby with in large letters it was written "Elsa". And then another significant event happened: the famous world actress Elizabeth Taylor died on little Elsa’s birthday.

Zapashny's parents decided that their daughters should have beautiful, catchy and bright, memorable names. Askold and Helen already dream of being circus performers. Eva is very similar to her mother, and the youngest Elsa is exact copy dad, and that’s why they jokingly call her Askolda Askoldovna.

Helen Zapashnaya: nationality

Helen is Jewish by nationality, and sometimes the Zapashnys live in Israel for a long time, but they consider their family to be modern and do not observe Jewish traditions. Helen Zapashnaya (Raichlin) was at first offended by her husband who did not help her in the kitchen. But Askold explained his position to her very simply, saying that it was funny to him, for example, when a guy carries his girlfriend’s small handbag.

After her marriage, Helen changed her views about real men; she came to terms with the fact that her husband doesn’t even know how to fry eggs and doesn’t bring coffee to bed.


Helen Zapashnaya tries to follow her husband everywhere with her children. The Zapashny Brothers Circus constantly tours around the world, and Askold sometimes is not at home for months. From the experience of other families, Askold knows that in long separation feelings cool down, and the spouses become unaccustomed to each other, so Askold and Helen and their children almost always travel together. Helen herself admits that she is always ready to follow her husband and endure all the inconveniences, especially since they have already adapted well and carry all the necessary furniture with them, household appliances, linen and even curtains.

Helen has already gotten used to the nomadic lifestyle, and if her husband leaves alone, then after a while, greatly bored, she hurries to him. And the children should see their father and their uncle Edgard more often, who already has sufficient parenting skills, having his own daughters.

Askold believes that what works best with children is that they should be rewarded for a good deed, and punished for a bad deed, and it is better not to confuse the boundaries. Because of raising children, the Zapashnys have disagreements, since, according to Askold, Helen Zapashnaya spoils their children. Children immediately feel concessions and begin to manipulate and use their whims to achieve what they want.


The young Zapashny spouses sometimes have disagreements due to jealousy. Especially at first, Helen Zapashnaya was very jealous of her husband towards women, but then she tried to figure out where she should be jealous and where not. In turn, Askold also does not accept the presence of a man near his wife.

However, Zapashny is not at all a tyrant in his family; he allowed his wife to study in residency so that she could finally complete her medical education. It’s a little stupid to study for seven years and then give it all up. Helen is a beautiful and smart woman, she wants to be independent. When many years have passed, she does not want to regret missed opportunities, especially since modern marriages no longer strong.

Today, the parents of the spouses no longer condemn their choice; the main thing for them now is that their children love and respect each other. The trainer was destined for a circus performer as his wife, and for her, an Israeli doctor. But now everything is wonderful, and parents are only happy for the young people and for their beloved granddaughters.

Askold Zapashny is one of the most recognizable circus performers in Russia. Thousands of people of various ages and professions come with pleasure to the performances of the trainer of predatory animals.

This material will highlight the biography of the representative of the famous Zapashny circus dynasty.

Note to circus fans

Askold Zapashny was born in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov in the fall of 1977. The artist is an ethnic German, but his native language is Russian. Also, the famous circus performer is fluent in English and Chinese.

Askold first began to master the basics of tiger training at the age of 10 and, together with his brother Edgard, became the representative of the fourth generation of the Zapashny circus dynasty. The family constantly changed their registration while performing in different regions USSR, and Askold managed to study in several schools.

The boy’s progress was strictly monitored by Father Walter, who devoted every free minute between tiring performances to raising his children. Askold Zapashny's circus debut took place at the beginning of 1989. at the age of eleven. The young trainer took part in an interactive performance, which was positively received by the audience in Riga, where the performance took place.

In the early 90s, many Russian circus performers left their activities, unable to receive enough money from their performances for a decent existence. The Zapashny family found themselves in a similar situation, experiencing lack of funds to maintain tigers.

Askold and his family were helped to stay afloat by moving to China, where circus performers received lucrative fees. The artists settled in the city of Shenzhen, training local trainers and regularly performing in the local arena.

In order for spectators from afar to distinguish Russian circus performers from Chinese ones, Askold and his brother dyed their hair blond. Over the years spent in the Celestial Empire, the representative of the Zapashny dynasty mastered the skills of juggling and riding a horse in a standing position. In 1997, Askold became a laureate of a prestigious Russian competition "Golden Troika" held among circus performers.

Upon returning from China, the Zapashny family settled in Moscow and periodically went on tour to big cities Russia and neighboring countries. In 1998, Walter Zapashny entrusted his sons with the performance of the circus act “Among the Animals,” which was the hallmark of the dynasty of artists.

Later Askold got in the Guinness Book of Records like the man who has completed the farthest jump riding on the back of a lion. In the 2000s, the brothers founded their own circus, which has no analogues anywhere in the world. In 2012, Askold took leadership position in the main state circus of Russia.

A year later, the brothers were presented to the attention of the audience show program “Emotions”, which was successfully shown in St. Petersburg. Being a media person, Askold regularly takes part in various television programs. In 2013, the artist performed in the rating show “ Glacial period”paired with the famous figure skater Maria Petrova.

The artist makes a significant contribution to the social and cultural life of Russia, while simultaneously taking part in filming. In mid-2015, the artist, while on a work site, received a cut on his thigh as a result of a blow from a tiger’s paw.

Fortunately, after a short stay in the hospital, the circus performer returned to his usual work schedule. In 2016, Askold Zapashny took part in the highly rated TV show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” In 2017, the artist took part in the elections in State Duma, representing “United Russia”.

Personal life

At the beginning of its professional career Askold Zapashny began dating a circus colleague Elena Baranenko, with whom I was in a romantic relationship for about 8 years. Later, on tour in Belarus, the artist saw his future wife for the first time Ellen Reichlin.

The young girl previously knew practically nothing about the Zapashny family’s circus achievements and attracted Akold’s attention with her genuine interest in animal training. The couple met for three years in between Askold’s tours, since Helen was still a student and could not afford to quit studying for the sake of a relationship.

The artist's parents, who saw future wife son of a circus performer, initially reacted coolly to his chosen one. Over time, Helen became involved in circus activities and joined the Zapashny family. Askold and his wife are raising two daughters Eva and Elsa, who have already managed to perform in the circus, becoming representatives of the fifth generation of the famous dynasty.

Askold Zapashny, like many Russian artists, runs an Instagram page, where he regularly publishes footage of preparations for performances and family photos.

Askold Zapashny hides his family life from prying eyes. His wedding took place secretly, without much publicity in the press. On the eve of the appointment of Askold Zapashny as the chief artistic director of the Bolshoi Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue, Express Gazeta met with the circus artist’s wife, Helen Zapashny, in her homeland in Israel.

Helen Zapashnaya often comes to her homeland on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea - Haifa. Her parents live here, and she herself is attached to the Holy Land with all her heart. While Askold travels with his brother Edgard on tour, Helen is raising two daughters in Israel - Eva and Elsa.

Why did you and Askold have secret wedding?

My parents opposed our relationship. His mother wanted a circus girl in the family. Firstly, she will not throw scandals at them about inconveniences or any hardships; she will go on tour with her husband. But my parents didn’t want Askold: they were afraid that I would quit studying at the medical institute in Minsk.

Were you a fan of Zapashny’s work? How did you meet Askold?

I studied in Minsk. Together with friends we came to the performance of the Zapashny brothers. We had a nice evening and that's all. A couple of days later, our mutual friend Andrei calls: “Ellen, a circus performer, Askold, is asking for your phone number.” I thought: who is Askold? I didn’t look at the posters, so I couldn’t tell them apart. I refused my friend: “I have a boyfriend, then the guys will soon go on tour, why do I need this?” The thought was in my head: since he’s famous, it means he’s spoiled by female attention. But Askold did not give up. Andrey called me for a long time: “What are you pretending to be? Such a person wants to call you, and you?!”

But did you still give me your phone number?

Yes. I sent my first text message during a lecture at the institute, I smiled so brightly that even the teacher noticed it. It was so nice, even though the message was short: “Hello, this is Askold Zapashny, let’s meet.” We started dating. Our first evening was great. Then Askold didn’t call or write to me for four days. I thought: “Here, so and so. They are all the same". But as it turns out, this is his trick to make a girl fall in love with him. I was all nervous, but he took the time. Not only us girls are cunning, but also guys.

And so he went on tour...

Since the guys toured for two months, we used any free time: if it’s night, then it’s night. Of course, I convinced myself that this relationship had no future. And my mother didn’t like the fact that instead of studying, I went on tour with them: Gomel, Bryansk... For two years we corresponded by text messages and talked on the phone.

What did you say to the guy you were dating?

I broke up with him. I’m not a sinner, I honestly said at the beginning of our relationship that we have no future. For this he is now grateful to me.

How did Askold propose? In the arena with tigers?

First, after three months of dating, he confessed his love. We dreamed of getting married, made plans for the future, thought about children, even though the whole world was against us. I didn’t believe it until the very end, I slowed myself down so as not to completely lose my feelings. Askold had a hard time: persuading me, explaining that our relationship had moved to another stage. And after this conversation we began to call ourselves a couple. Then Askold met my parents in Israel. Everyone was very worried. Askold proposed in Jerusalem in the Holy Land: he gave a ring and said those very important words for a woman. I was so nervous that I didn't even say yes.

Edgard did not support his brother

But despite this, you are raising two daughters together...

December 19th with us wooden wedding. Everything worked out for us because we met as adults who clearly understood what they wanted. After two years of dating, we planned a wedding date. Only my mother flew in, and my mother-in-law Tatyana Vasilievna was on tour. My mother kept telling me until the very end: “Lenochka, come to your senses. Not too late". And I have to go to the registry office tomorrow. I won’t forget the night before the painting: the guys were on a hunt in some city, and Askold’s battery ran out. I’m sitting by the window, waiting for him, it’s night outside. Then mom says: “So you’ll sit by the window: there’s no husband, but you’ll be

Just sit there and wait for him. Or maybe he wanted to escape..."

Maybe your mother didn’t like the fact that Askold wasn’t a Jew?

There were also my relatives who tried to say this...

They didn’t immediately find Tatyana Vasilievna mutual language?

His mother was not there, as she was on tour far from Moscow. Immediately after the wedding, I left for Minsk, and Askold went to another city. I didn’t even have a white dress: I put on a suit. I think there is no need for this: many people do gorgeous wedding, and then disperse. And our relationship with Tatyana Vasilyevna improved when I got to know her better. Now I’m learning a lot from her and taking advice from her. She is the wisest woman. Tatyana Vasilievna, when she married Walter Mikhailovich, had a hard time: she was not accepted because she was not from a circus family. So, I need to go through all this. Life is a complicated thing. When granddaughter Eva appeared, Tatyana Vasilievna became softer. Now Askold’s and mine relatives understand that we need to live together peacefully.

Did Edgard support his brother?

At first he took the position of his mother. And this fact surprised my brother. Askold once said that Edgard brought a girl into the house and her mother didn’t like her: Edgard took the backpack and left the house. What did Askold do? Left with him. They were young, about 13 years old. Therefore, Askold expected that Edgard would also support him in relation to me. But no. But now we have great relationship: Edgard is our godfather eldest daughter Eve.

You probably wanted a boy first?

As Askold says: “We really wanted twin boys, so we have girls the same age.” Of course, I dream of raising a real man. We still have plans, we are trying... And here, if a boy is born, Askold and I have national differences: to circumcise or not. I think that from a hygiene point of view this is correct. But Askold has not given up yet.

Why do girls have such names?

Dad chose our names, this is completely his right. A woman bears a child, but the father does not immediately develop this feeling of involvement. My opinion is this: by giving a name to a child, a man understands that he has become a dad. Askold chose the name Eva because it was his first child and a girl. And he accidentally found a name for the youngest Elsa; I wanted Sofia. But my husband and I believe in signs, and if we don’t know whether to take a step or not, then we look for these signs. I remember last days before childbirth. Tatyana Vasilievna was against the name Elsa. He calls and says: “We must call them after successful people.” We are standing at a traffic light at this moment, it stops truck, and it says “Elsa” in huge letters. We just talked to my mom on the phone and saw this truck. Another coincidence: actress Elizabeth Taylor died on her daughter’s birthday.

Doesn't bring coffee to bed

You have been living in Israel for a long time. Do you observe Jewish traditions?

Of course not. Askold and I have a modern family. For example, if we want Jewish stuffed fish, then I don’t cook it myself, but order it from a friend.

How do you share family responsibilities?

Most of my girlfriends' husbands do something in the kitchen. And Askold - never. At first I was offended. But Askold once said: “When I see a girl walking and her boyfriend carrying a small handbag, it makes me laugh.” With the advent of my husband, my idea of ​​a real man changed. Let the woman make the hearth and comfort. I accepted the fact that my husband doesn’t know how to cook scrambled eggs and won’t bring coffee to bed.

Your husband is often on tour, is it difficult without him?

It's in the past. I try to go on tour with my husband and children. We made a luxurious big bed, but I feel terribly lonely there. I’ve already covered myself in teddy bears, it doesn’t help. I sleep on a small sofa.

Is your home Russia or Israel? Why doesn't my husband find a job here at the circus?

Israel does not have its own circus. This, by the way, good idea: create your own troupe. I can say one thing: I can’t live without Israel.