Family responsibilities are a topic that is a source of conflict for most married couples. Who should do the dishes and who should do the cleaning? Who should provide financial support for the family, and who should babysit the children? How to properly distribute responsibilities in the family and at the same time maintain family happiness?

This is what we are going to tell you about today.

But still, do not forget that each person still has his own concept of women's and men's work. Therefore, quite often there are misunderstandings, frictions and even conflicts in the family regarding this issue.

How to properly distribute responsibilities between spouses?

In fact, it is not that difficult.

  • Cooking food- the most time consuming and responsible duty. After all, you need to cook often, and it is desirable that the food is tasty. If both spouses know how to cook and love to do it, then it is best to distribute this responsibility equally. Unfortunately, this option is not suitable for everyone, since one of the spouses may work longer than the other. Then you can find another way out, for example, on weekdays, the one who comes first cooks, and on weekends, the other of the spouses.
  • Cleaning- an important part of household chores. Let's immediately define what is meant by the word cleaning: dust off, collect things, vacuum, wash the floor, take out the trash. It is best to distribute these responsibilities equally between spouses. For example, a husband can vacuum and take out the trash, and a wife can dust and do wet cleaning, or vice versa. If the family already has children, they should also be involved in household chores. In this way, they will also become accustomed to certain responsibilities. However, during the distribution of responsibilities, it is necessary to take into account the capabilities of each of the family members.
  • Dishwashing- also quite an important stage in family relationships. Everything here is quite simple, the dishes can be washed either in the order of the queue, or by adhering to the rule "I ate - washed the dishes after myself."

In a word, for your family to live happily, household chores should be done together .

Two approaches to the formation of the department of documentation support of management. How to determine the volume of workflow and the dynamics of its growth? Bringing the number of personnel of the preschool educational institution in line with the norms. Distribution of functions between employees. Planning for employee interchangeability

The key to a fully functioning document support service for the company's management is the correct organization of the department and the competent distribution of duties between its employees. This article discusses approaches to the analysis and revision of the functions performed by the preschool educational institution, the determination of the number of personnel by calculations, the distribution of tasks and the organization of the interchangeability of service workers both in general and by the example of a conditional company.

Evgeniya Kozhanova,

an expert in the field of office work and archiving

© E. Kozhanova, 2013

Traditionally, there are two approaches to the formation of the department of documentation support of management.

First- when the department is planned in advance, and the number and functionality of employees, job descriptions are developed before the department is created. But this approach is not common, not to mention the fact that the manager who designs the position is not immune from mistakes, the correction of which in a ready-made department always takes a lot of effort, time and money.

Second the approach is much more common: here the department develops spontaneously, often "growing" out of one secretary. The company does not stand still, and one day the secretary ceases to cope with the volume of work. Then a clerk is hired, who takes over part of his functions. After a while, another clerk appears in the company, then another ... The disadvantage of this approach to the formation of the office is that functions between the employees of the department are unevenly distributed, often overlap, and it is sometimes difficult to determine who is responsible for which part of the work. One cannot but agree that this is how departments are formed in the overwhelming majority of enterprises.

Meanwhile, the number of employees of the preschool educational institution and the distribution of functions are amenable to calculation, which is based, firstly, on the number of office processes and the volume of the company's workflow, and secondly, the time spent on this or that action.

The assignment of responsibilities is best done in stages, dividing the entire process into five steps:

Step 1 - defining the office processes used in the organization.

Step 2 - determining the volume of workflow and the dynamics of its growth.

Step 3 - bringing the number of personnel of the preschool educational institution in line with the norms.

Step 4 - distribution of functions among employees.

Step 5 - planning the interchangeability of workers.

Determination of the office processes used in the organization

You should start by listing the general range of tasks of the preschool educational institution What functions are performed by its employees? Here, it is advisable to think about which office work processes are not performed in the company, but they are clearly not enough, as well as which of the processes are redundant and can be abolished.

The results of this study can be summarized in a simple table. Let's take the most basic processes as an example:



Who is performing

Reception and preliminary consideration of incoming documents


Registration of incoming documents

Secretary, clerk

Registration of outgoing documents

Secretary, clerk

Depending on the workload of the employee

Registration of internal documents

Secretary, clerk

Depending on the workload of the employee

Submission of documents for signature to the head


Sending documents for execution


Document execution control


Organization of storage of documents


Development of a nomenclature of cases

Clerk, secretary


Duplication works


Sending documents by mail


Sending documents by fax


As you can see from the example, a secretary and a clerk work in the office of our conditional organization. Most of the functions are divided between them, except for the registration of documents and the development of a nomenclature of cases. Of course, this approach to registration is incorrect, difficult to control and inconvenient for both the specialists themselves and their fellow executors. This problem needs to be fixed in the future.

Let's say that the listed organizational processes are not enough. The manager wants to add a few more to them:



Development, implementation and maintenance of the Timesheet and Album of unified forms of documents

Relevant in connection with the abolition of the obligation to use unified forms of documents and the imposition of the obligation to approve the forms of primary accounting documents on the head of the organization *

Development and implementation of local regulations governing office work processes

The lack of regulations leads to a lack of uniformity in the execution of processes, controversial situations and conflicts with performers

Control of execution of outgoing documents

Executors often incorrectly fill out the details of outgoing documents, and also make grammatical errors in the text, which negatively affects the company's image

Control of the execution of documents submitted for signature to the head

The manager spends extra time checking the quality of paperwork. In case of incorrect execution, the document is returned to the contractor for revision. The introduction of control over the execution of documents will save the time of the manager and the contractor

Finally, the manager decides to exclude from the list of existing office work processes the sending of documents by facsimile, as well as the creation of copies that do not require certification, and entrust these functions to the performers.

Thus, our task is to distribute the following functions among the employees of the office of the conditional company:

1. Reception and preliminary consideration of incoming documents.

2. Registration of incoming documents.

3. Control of execution of outgoing documents.

4. Registration of outgoing documents.

5. Sending documents by mail.

6. Registration of internal documents.

7. Control over the execution of documents submitted for signature to the head.

8. Submission of documents for signature to the head.

10. Control of execution of documents.

11. Certification of copies of documents.

12. Development of the nomenclature of cases.

13. Organization of storage of documents.

14. Development, implementation and maintenance of the Timesheet and Album of unified forms of documents.

15. Development and implementation of local regulations governing office work processes.

* See: Article 9 of the Federal Law dated 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ "On Accounting", which entered into force on 01.01.2013.

Determination of the volume of workflow and the dynamics of its growth

After all the office work processes relevant for a particular organization have been identified, you need to decide on the volume of documents for each of them.

Type of document


Incoming mail

Outgoing emails

Office notes

ORD orders


Total registered

Bringing the number of personnel of the preschool educational institution in line with the norms

Traditionally, two methods are proposed for calculating the number of employees in the department of preschool educational institutions. The first, developed by the Research Institute of Labor, is simpler and determines the optimal number of employees depending on the volume of workflow and the number of performers.

Let's calculate the number of personnel of the preschool educational institution in the company according to the formula:

0.00016 x D 0.98 x R 0.1,

where 0.00016 is a constant coefficient reflecting the average level of labor productivity of office workers,

D - the volume of workflow, calculated by us above,

P is the number of employees in the organization.

Let's say P = 100, then:

0.00016 x 13270 0.98 x 100 0.1 = 0.00016 x 10975 x 1.6 = 2.8.

Thus, with the existing volume of workflow, the number of employees in the department of the preschool educational institution of a conventional company is three people.

The second methodology is set out in the Interindustry consolidated time standards for work on documentation support of management (approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 25, 1994 No. 72) and makes the number of personnel in a department dependent on the time required to complete one operation. Time rates can also be found in the following documents:

Time norms for work on documentation support of administrative structures of federal executive bodies (approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 26, 2002 No. 23);

Time norms for work on automated archival technology and documentation support of management (approved by the decree of the Ministry

Labor of the Russian Federation of 10.09.1993 No. 152).

Of course, the norms of time spent on the execution of office work, offered by the listed documents, are very average, so you should not mindlessly follow them. The same process can take 2 minutes in one organization and 10 minutes in another. In addition, the aforementioned documents have been around for quite a few years, and the work technologies of the offices have changed significantly during this time. Therefore, when designing the functionality of employees, one cannot do without one's own research.

If in fact the department employs more people than it turned out as a result of calculations, we recommend that you pay attention to the workload of each of them. Research methods such as photography of the working day will help to analyze this factor, and momentary observations should not be disregarded. Perhaps the workload among employees is unevenly distributed, or there is simply not enough work for everyone (sometimes this happens). One way or another, in order not to lose people, the department will have to take care of expanding the range of its responsibilities.

Distribution of functions between employees

When starting the distribution of functions among the employees of the department, one should take into account their qualifications, experience, skills and abilities, as well as knowledge of the business traditions of a particular company. Also, let's not forget that the preschool educational institution service can be "scattered" throughout the organization: it includes secretaries, whose place is in the manager's reception, and not in the office. In this regard, the specifics of the work of the clerk and the secretary will differ significantly, and this must also be taken into account.

For example, if the secretary is often absent on the instructions of the director, then you should not transfer the function of receiving and registering documents to him - after all, this work must be done here and now. But the secretary can take over the entire system of control over the execution of documents, thereby shortening the path of the document from the director to the executor.

Let's go back to our example. So, in the service of the preschool educational institution of the conditional organization, according to the norms, three people should work. We already have two - a secretary and a clerk.

It is advisable for the secretary to convey:

control over the execution of documents submitted for signature to the head;

submission of documents for signature to the head;

sending documents for execution;

control over the execution of documents.

All this activity is associated with working with the director and executives who are appointed by the director. In addition, these tasks do not require immediate execution, and the secretary will be able to plan his day himself, leaving time for receiving visitors, organizing meetings, fulfilling orders from the head and other duties not directly related to office work.

The clerk will be responsible for the following processes:

reception and preliminary consideration of incoming documents;

registration of incoming documents;

control over the execution of outgoing documents;

registration of outgoing documents;

sending documents by mail;

registration of internal documents;

certification of copies of documents.

Thus, the third employee of the department will get the following functions:

development of a nomenclature of cases;

organization of storage of documents;

development, implementation and maintenance of the Timesheet and Album of unified forms of documents;

development and implementation of local regulations governing office work processes.

On a note!

We must not forget that fulfilling the duties of an absent employee is a paid activity regulated by the Labor Code. According to Art. 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an additional payment is required for this, the amount of which is established by agreement of the parties.

Obviously, this job requires specialized knowledge and experience. Based on this, the manager must develop a job profile, determine the competencies of the future employee, initiate changes to the staffing table and start the recruitment process.

Planning for employee interchangeability

When distributing tasks between employees of departments, it is imperative to think about the interchangeability of employees in the event of a business trip, vacation or sick leave of any of them. In the absence of each employee at work, his functions are taken over by colleagues in the department. Not necessarily in full: it is possible that only operational tasks will be solved, but there should be no downtime. Ideally, each employee should know exactly who and to what extent, in an emergency, will temporarily take over the duties of the absent.

The work on the distribution of responsibilities between the employees of the preschool educational institution does not end there. For some time after the reformed department starts its duties, it should be closely monitored: has everything been taken into account, are there any excesses, has it turned out that one of the employees is "sewn up", while the other has continuous downtime ... In addition, with the growth of the company, the volume of office work also grows, this also needs to be monitored and responded in time, adjusting the functionality and the number of employees.

HR work (office work and personnel management) is a strategically important area in any company. However, questions arise. For example, such: is it worth creating a separate structural unit responsible for personnel? Or is it enough to single out one specialist for this? How to change HR in a merger? And how, in this case, to organize the work of its employees? Let's find the answers.

First steps

The work of any organization is impossible without recruiting employees, managing them, maintaining, accounting documents. The solution to this issue is the creation of a service or department for personnel management.

However, if the company is small or has just appeared, a separate subdivision can not be created, by assigning responsibilities to the chief accountant or even ordinary employees. It is necessary to include an appropriate clause in their job descriptions and fix this provision in the employment contract.

In each organization, work with personnel is structured differently. Therefore, the process and system of the organization depends on what specific tasks will need to be solved by the personnel service.

Goals and objectives of the HR department

The main goal is to organize the work of all employees, in which this company will work most effectively. Among the main tasks, we can conditionally single out several areas.

  1. First, it is organizational activity. For example, development, staff optimization.
  2. Secondly, work with personnel: selection, adaptation, motivation of employees, career planning and development of training programs.
  3. Thirdly, accounting, control, namely the organization of the circulation of documents, personnel records management, accounting of working hours, monitoring compliance with labor law.

Depending on what specific goals are set for a given structural unit, more attention will be paid to one or another area of ​​activity.

How to assign roles?

The way work is organized, the distribution of responsibilities depends on several parameters. Firstly, on the goals and objectives of the company itself, and secondly, on the size of the company. So, for example, in a small enterprise, the personnel service can be represented by one personnel manager who conducts office work, selects and adapts personnel when required.

The number of employees of small enterprises does not exceed one hundred people, among small enterprises micro-enterprises stand out - up to fifteen people.

If the company develops and the number of employees increases, then it makes sense to create a service consisting of specialists in HR administration and HR management. With the division of responsibilities between specialists, their terms of reference and responsibilities will not overlap. But if it is necessary to resolve complex and problematic issues, they will complement each other. This will facilitate efficient and accurate work.

If desired, personnel management and the maintenance of the relevant office work can be entrusted to different structural divisions. But with such an organization of work, the order of interaction between departments or departments should be clearly fixed in local acts.

Practical experience shows that in large companies it is more convenient to divide the HR department into several substructures. For example, the recruiting department, the personnel department, the personnel training department, etc. The size of the department depends on various phenomena, including the policy of the company, but usually it is at least 4-6 employees.

How to determine the composition?

As we have already mentioned, the composition of employees, the structure of the division will depend on the scope of the company, its size. We recommend that you include the following specialists:

  1. Firstly, it is the leader who will lead this structure and ensure its functioning.
  2. Secondly, the HR specialist. He studies the labor market and organizes job interviews, testing.
  3. Thirdly, the HR inspector, who carries out the maintenance of profile office work.

If necessary, the service can include a lawyer (specialist) on labor law issues, an archivist. In addition, they involve the person responsible for maintaining the storage and accounting system of the organization's documents, the clerk responsible for processing and accounting for correspondence, creating a reference database of the organization's documents.

If a lawyer in a company, in addition to supervising his main activity (including issues of labor law), conducts personnel office work, then it is better to formalize this as a part-time job. We are talking about double subordination: the head of the legal department and the head of the personnel department. This will ensure uniformity in the conduct of personnel records management, additional control by the chief lawyer of the company.

It should be borne in mind that whichever system of organization is chosen, the very procedure for creating this structure will not change.

Simplified algorithm for creating a personnel department:

· Sending a memo, justifying the need to create a personnel service, to the name of the head of the organization. As an annex to such a note, a calculation of the number of employees in the personnel service, as well as the organizational structure of the personnel service, is attached.

· Reflection of the number of employees of the personnel service in the staffing table;

· Issuance by the head of the company of an order on the creation of a personnel service and an order on the appointment of its officials;

· Approval by the head of the organization of the Regulation on the personnel service.

What about a merger?

If your company undergoes a reorganization in the form of a merger or acquisition of another legal entity (Art. 57 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), then the HR department of the new company can be created according to the scheme that we talked about above, taking into account the peculiarities of the “old” HR structures.


By the decision of the owner of the property, CJSC Tsvetovod and CJSC Tsvetochny Bazar merged into one company. The leadership of the new organization was faced with the question of how to build a unified personnel structure. The fact is that in CJSC "Tsvetovod" there was a personnel department, which included a clerk, a personnel inspector, a labor protection specialist and a lawyer for labor disputes, and the selection of employees was carried out with the help of recruitment agencies.

And Tsvetochny Bazar CJSC employed recruitment specialists, managers for organizing professional retraining and training of employees, specialists in corporate culture, managers on social issues, and the office work was carried out by specialized companies under separate contracts.

As a result, the CEO of the new company decided that a human resources department would be created, consisting of two departments - the HR department and the HR department. Specialists from CJSC Tsvetochny Bazar will be transferred to the personnel management department, and specialists from CJSC Tsvetovod will be transferred to the personnel department. The departments will be headed by their former heads (as deputies), who will report directly to the head of the personnel department, appointed by the general director.

Please note that in the event of a merger of companies and the formation of a new legal entity, relations with employees, with their consent, continue (Article 75 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). We talked about how to notify the staff about the upcoming changes at the same time in No. 5, 2009.

Outsourced HR service

Recently, many Russian and foreign companies with their own representative offices in Russia have begun to outsource HR functions. As practice shows, this tool allows you to significantly reduce the costs of maintaining personnel production, to avoid risks during inspections by labor and tax authorities (the provider company assumes the risks), and, in general, to conduct business more efficiently. At the same time, employees of the personnel department do not waste time on routine processes and have the opportunity to tackle strategic tasks, in addition, outsourcing HR administration allows you to develop corporate culture, retain and motivate personnel, correctly build a remuneration system, which, as a result, leads to a decrease in staff turnover. ...

Often the service is complex - accounting, payroll, HR administration. Since the provider works with a mass of clients, it has already formed universal solutions for different types client's business. This allows businesses to increasingly seek the services of specialized companies.

And how are you?

We asked our readers:

What is the structure of the HR department in your company? How many employees does it include and how are responsibilities distributed among them?

Natalya Vasilievna, head of the personnel department, motor transport company (taxi fleet)

- There are six of us in the personnel department - for seven hundred employees. The structure is as follows: in the department there are two sectors: the first is for selection and training, the second is for accounting documentation. In the first sector, there is one HR specialist who is engaged in the selection, advanced training and certification of employees. In the second - two HR inspectors (one draws up an appointment-transfer, referral for medical examinations, and the other - dismissal and vacations); timekeeper, who fills out primary timesheets for accounting; a clerk who draws up disciplinary sanctions and documents for the archive. There is also the head of the personnel department (this is me) for the general management of the department and interaction with the FMS, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the MHIF, the military registration and enlistment office. We have a lot of staff turnover, so we had to split the functions, and now we are doing the job.

Irina, HR manager, commercial bank

- Our bank is small, only 250 employees, and I am alone in personnel work. I am engaged in the selection of personnel and conduct the entire personnel document flow. Twice a month I submit reports for the accounting department - I formulate in the program and attach to each report copies of primary documents - orders and grounds for them. I develop or amend local regulations.

Tatiana, HR Director, Pharmacy Chain

- We have completely outsourced personnel accounting and payroll accounting to a consulting company and are very happy! It turned out to be cheaper than keeping personnel and accountants on staff in this area. Our personnel service retained a training and development department, a corporate communications department, a corporate ethics committee, and a lawyer.

BDO Outsourcing Division

Posted On 05.05.2018


The wording of the law

In order for the work of the company to be harmonious and bring more positive results, you need to be able to distribute responsibilities between subordinates: each employee takes his place, without wasting energy on performing other duties.

Interpretation of the law

Many managers overlook the need to pay as much attention as possible to organizational, social, and psychological issues when dealing with all sorts of technical or financial problems. Usually the boss thinks that since his subordinates receive money for the work assigned to them, they are simply obliged to do it the way they should. But for some reason, not everyone thinks about whether this occupation is suitable for a specific employee, whether it corresponds to the degree of his professionalism and experience, as well as age and character traits.

Meanwhile, psychologists have proven that the lack of orientation towards a person, and not so much towards his professional as personal qualities, inevitably leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the leader's actions, which affects, first of all, his prestige and authority among his subordinates.

The task of management is to ensure the process of interaction between employees, as well as the distribution of responsibilities between them for the most efficient operation of the enterprise as a whole. As a rule, many organizational problems and shortcomings often hide specific people, their irresponsibility, indiscipline, etc.

If some workers, for example, are inactive and lack of initiative, others, on the contrary, are so obsessed with the thirst for activity that they take on the performance of even someone else's work, and sometimes completely disinterestedly. However, more often than not, people of this type voluntarily assume someone's responsibilities only in order to attract the attention of management or get a raise in wages. And this often leads to conflicts within the team.

So, the essence of the leader's activities is in organizing the joint work of people. In order for it to be harmonious and as effective as possible, it is necessary from the very beginning to indicate to each employee his place both on the career ladder and in the organization as a whole (that is, to explain official duties and rights, to warn about responsibility).

Often this or that subordinate seems inept and non-executive only because he really does not know what, in fact, he needs to do and what he does not need. Employees of this type are a real treasure for those who are always ready to dump their work on someone else's shoulders. It is the responsibility of the manager to notice and suppress such an opportunity. And for this, he must explain to an inexperienced employee (usually a beginner) his direct responsibilities.

If the manager knows his business well, then he does not need to worry about the quality of the work of the staff: his subordinates work with maximum efficiency, are full of enthusiasm, are devoted to their company and put its interests above all else.

However, employees are not machines designed to do only what they were created for, and woe to the leaders who have not yet understood this. When entrusting an employee with some kind of work, they are quite content with only the good quality of its performance. It does not occur to them to look at the production process more broadly, to try to make an employee a more valuable employee, using his abilities and even his very presence in the workplace for a variety of purposes.

There are a number of ways to instill in employees an interest in the work and development of the company and at the same time to use their labor more efficiently, while not forgetting about incentive measures, which also benefits the enterprise. One of them is the distribution of responsibilities between subordinates, which should not be done "somehow", but taking into account the degree of their education and professionalism, personal and psychological characteristics.

And where there is a division of labor, there must be a division of his pay. Salaries should always be proportional to the value of the employee to the company. Good and bad workers should not be paid the same wages. The leader has the right to assign to each subordinate the salary that he deserves.

Naturally, no manager can combine his immediate responsibilities (solving financial and technical issues) with vigilant control over the activities of subordinates. However, no one demands this from him. It is often enough to assign to one of the employees the responsibility of monitoring the activities of other subordinates (dispatcher), and also from time to time pay attention to purely organizational issues, arranging something like "unscheduled" inspections. And then the principle of the ancient Roman generals and emperors - "Divide and rule!" - will be fully complied with.

Evidence of the law

A well-known American oil industrialist named Hunt (who at one time was considered one of the richest people in the country) once remarked that all people are divided into three classes: those who use legs; those who use languages ​​and those who use heads. The former could be good postmen, secretaries and salesmen, but they are completely helpless when it comes to big deals.

The latter are like actors. And some of them, of course, are talented, and everything is going just fine for them within the framework of a learned role. But the slightest deviation from the topic, any unexpected question concerning the sphere of their activity, confuses them, embarrasses them, or even completely leaves them speechless. They are good performers, but they turn out to be completely useless where initiative, enterprise and independence are required.

The third category, as Hunt notes, uses the head, that is, thinks. They know everything about the activities of the company for which they work, and they know human nature quite well. They are great workers, capable of doing just about any job.

As practice shows, Hunt was absolutely right in giving such a description to his employees.

People began to pay attention to the difference in the abilities and capabilities of people for a very long time. Some saw the origins of this difference in upbringing, others - in the setting or "environment." However, almost no one has succeeded in explaining accurately and convincingly why some people, differing in intelligence, diligence and hard work, are able to achieve success in almost any area, while others, outwardly not much different from the first, carry out “dirty” work until old age. remaining losers and cursing fate, parents, the state, etc.

One of those who came closest to answering this question was the ancient Greek philosopher Plato - the founder of political philosophy, as well as most modern ethical and metaphysical attitudes.

Plato wrote thirty-six books, a significant part of which is devoted to political issues, in particular - the management of state and society. Plato's key ideas were most vividly expressed by him in the famous book "The State", which presents his concepts of an ideal society.

According to Plato's theory, any one "ability" can prevail in the soul of every person. So, if a person strives only for food and reproduction, then his soul will be "feeling" or "animal". According to Plato, people with such a soul cannot occupy any responsible posts and must constitute a class of artisans, merchants and peasants. If a person is distinguished by a "courageous" soul (he is characterized by the desire for physical superiority), then he should be classified as a warrior, or guard. In the third class - the class of rulers-philosophers - can only get the owners of a "rational" soul, people striving for the knowledge of the highest wisdom.

Thus, according to Plato, society should be represented by three main classes, two of which perform the executive function, and the third governs the activities of the first two.

The best of governments, according to Plato, is the aristocracy. By this concept, he means not a hierarchical aristocracy or monarchy, but an aristocracy of human qualities - that is, the management of the best and smartest persons in the state. These people should be chosen not by the vote of citizens, but in the process of by-elections. Individuals who are already members of the government or the upper class must accept additional members on the basis of their human qualities.

Plato believed that all people, men and women, should be given the chance to demonstrate their abilities in order to become a member of the upper class. In order to achieve equality of opportunity, Plato insisted on the upbringing and education of all children of the state. Special examinations should be carried out at several stages. People who did not pass them should engage in economic activities (become merchants, artisans, etc.), and those who passed should continue their training.

At the age of thirty-five, those people who have convincingly demonstrated their proficiency in theoretical matters are sent for an additional fifteen years of training, consisting of practical work. And only those of them who were able to prove the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in reality and the desire to act in the interests of society can be admitted to the upper class. Otherwise, they become representatives of the "warrior" class.

Belonging to the upper class does not have to be attractive to all citizens. Rulers cannot be rich. They should be allowed to have only a minimal amount of personal property with no land or estates at all. They must receive a fixed wage and are not allowed to purchase gold and silver. The compensation for these philosopher-kings is not material wealth, but the satisfaction of serving the people.

It is known that no government dared to take Plato's model as a model. However, his ideas had a significant impact on many politicians, in particular, on the members of the American Constitutional Council, who singled out the possibility of choosing the smartest and most balanced people to govern the state as one of the goals of the Constitution.

Currently, in some firms, a person applying for a job is offered a questionnaire, where among many questions is the following: "What type of professional activity is most attractive for you - physical labor, intellectual labor, work with documents and clients?" The modern leader seeks to reveal not only the abilities, but also the desires of the employee. The work of a subordinate can be effective only if he is really interested in it.

Gaius Julius Caesar paid great attention to the social and state system. Especially in the last years of his life, when he had the idea of ​​relocating military veterans and urban Roman poor to new communities throughout the empire. These communities would have to carry out certain jobs and thus justify the costs of their maintenance. Caesar granted Roman citizenship to several additional groups of people, planning to establish a unified system of government in Italian cities.

People need money, but they want to enjoy and be proud of their work.

A. Morita

Have intelligent helpers. Great is the art of one who comprehends science without pain, learns a lot from many, absorbs the wisdom of everyone. Wise assistants will select the best in all sciences and present him with the quintessence of knowledge. And whoever does not have the power to keep wisdom in his service, let him seek it in the circle of friends.

From the aphorisms of Balthazar Gracian

The famous English scientist John Locke was the first writer to collect in a clear form the basic ideas of constitutional democracy and put forward the principle of distribution of duties in accordance with ability. The book that brought Locke his first glory was called Essays Concerning Human Understanding. In it, he discussed the origin, nature and limits of human knowledge.

Most important is Locke's Two Treatises on Management. In it, Locke expresses his firm conviction that everyone has natural rights, which include not only life, but also personal freedom and the right to have property. The main goal of rulers is to protect people as well as their property. Locke believed in the principle of separation of power, in the principle of majority rule and argued that every person, regardless of his social status and well-being, has the right to choose a profession and occupation for himself, for, as one of his contemporaries said: “There would be little in the world happy people when the choice of our activities and entertainment depends on others. "

The famous French moralist of the 18th century, Luc de Clapier Vauvenargue, in his book Reflections and Maxims, remarked: “A great man undertakes great deeds because he realizes their greatness, a fool because he does not understand how difficult they are ... If a foolish person has a good memory , his head is full of all sorts of incidents from life and thoughts, but he is not able to draw a conclusion from them - and this is the whole point! A person with ordinary abilities may well make a brilliant career, but his efforts and merits have nothing to do with it. "

According to Vovenargue, all people are divided into idle fools and hardworking sages. However, in fact, the traits of both can easily coexist in the character of one person. And others will take it for granted. Indeed, this person is not just anyone, but their king.

To prove this law, we decided to turn to the biography of the crowned heads not by chance. After all, who, if not they - the rulers of huge states with a large population - are obliged to apply the principle "Divide and rule!" In their domestic policy. However, in fact, judging by the facts from the biographies of famous rulers, few of them remembered the need to rule the country, in accordance with the desires, knowledge and abilities of their entourage and subjects. On the contrary, most of the "greats of this world" (Ivan the Terrible, Peter I, Charles I, etc.) preferred autocracy and even tyranny.

It is known that of all the Russian rulers, Catherine II paid the most attention to the close and common people. Like Peter I once, she introduced a lot of new things. Under her, the division of the empire into provinces ruled by governors ended. For the first time, the estates of the population were clearly defined - nobles, peasants, merchants and city dwellers - burghers and artisans.

However, Catherine II was often extremely biased in her approach to the people around her. Her favorite saying was: "We must live and let others live." So, for example, an uneducated person who was not distinguished by high morality could become her favorite. Whereas the worthy, on the contrary, could wait for years for the gratitude of the "crazy" Empress. For her favorites, Catherine knew how to stand up. Once, in response to reproaches that she had appointed Khvostov, who was married to Suvorov's niece, but a mediocre writer and narrow-minded person, as chambermaker, she replied: "I will appoint him as a lady-in-waiting, if Suvorov asks."


According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, volots (giants) lived in the inaccessible mountains, dense forests, and wild steppes. Rumor has kept the memory of their fabulous appearance (each of the volots was no shorter than a pine tree, and his whole body was covered with hair) and monstrous strength. There were five volots in total: the first - the Tempest-hero - fought with the winds; the second - Gorynya - moved gigantic mountains: the third - Dubynya - uprooted the most powerful oaks; the fourth, Borodynya, had such a long beard that it covered the whole river; and the fifth - Usony - had a mustache for seven miles. Each of the fabulous giants possessed some kind of craft, thanks to which they lived in constant prosperity. Volots were considered servants of the Slavic gods and were the personification of strength and hard work.

There used to be six volots, but one of them decided to marry a giantess girl. He turned to the Great Perun to allow him to marry a mighty virgin. Perun agreed, however, on condition that the rest of the brothers remain in his submission and will use their strength and talents to fulfill his requests. This is how the Great Perun got devoted servants.

Summing up the proof of this law, I would like to recall an English novel in which a detective complains to a famous surgeon about the "exhausting work" that he and his colleagues are forced to do. In response, the surgeon reproaches him: “Don't talk about exhausting work. This only applies to unskilled labor. An artist shouldn't call his work hard. "

Doesn't this reproach provide some food for thought? The higher the qualifications and professionalism of the employee, the fewer reasons he has to complain about exhausting work. Those who feel in their place will never feel tired of performing the necessary duties and will never let their leader down.

back side

Sometimes it happens that the manager assigns the execution of any one task to several subordinates at once. For example, he asks the first to engage in telephone conversations, the second - visits to organizations, the third - drawing up documents, the fourth - registering these documents in a special institution, etc.

However, when the deadline for the assignment comes, it turns out that the case is in a "rudimentary" state. At the same time, one employee accuses the other of not providing him with the necessary documents on time, the other brings everything down to the third, the third to the fourth, etc. As a result, it turns out that the job has not been completed, and through the fault of the boss himself, who, distributing responsibilities between subordinates, did not foresee the possibility of lack of mutual understanding and desire to cooperate, to work harmoniously and methodically with his subordinates.


Seven Simeons from Russian folk tales. Each of them possessed some magical ability, as a result of which the brothers could in record time cope with any, even the most difficult and impossible task (for example, with the construction of a bridge or a palace in one night). The habit of acting together and at the same time fulfilling only one's own duties is capable of turning any collective into a kind of “machine of success”.

In any team there are employees who simply do not know how to work in a group. From the very beginning, they were accustomed to pulling their straps all alone and do not maintain practically any relationship with their colleagues. And if such employees (each of whom only cares about their own benefit and does not take into account the interests of the company) are entrusted with the performance of one task and do not explain in great detail the responsibilities of each of them, then they will certainly turn into heroes of I.A. Krylov - a swan, a pike and a crayfish, which, no matter how hard they try, cannot move the cart.

Unreasonable division of duties (without taking into account the interests and, in particular, the personal qualities of employees) by the boss inevitably leads to the fact that subordinates begin to shift responsibility for the performance of a task onto each other and rush to delegate it to less experienced colleagues. Therefore, a leader must be able to distinguish situations where the separation of duties is simply necessary, from situations where a single person can do the job.

Stanley Wantola

Sharing responsibilities is one of the most difficult skills for an owner or manager. Some can never learn to do this. They delve into all the details and go to the grave early. Others agree in words, but in fact they grab onto everything themselves.

In small enterprises, it is rather difficult to entrust someone with work, responsibility and power, because this means that this “someone” will decide how to spend the owner's money. You need to give such a share of power so that things go on, assistants show initiative, and the enterprise works in your absence.

Here are a few words about the importance of job sharing and responsibilities.

In theory, the principles for distributing work are the same, whether you have 25 workers and one manager, or 200 employees and several managers. But putting these principles into practice is difficult.

The division of responsibilities is probably the hardest thing a business owner has to learn. Some can never learn to do this. They delve into all the details and go to the grave early. Others agree in words, but in fact they grab onto everything themselves. They willingly delegate responsibility to managers, but do not give any authority.

How much power?

Power is the fuel that the car rides on when you hand over jobs and responsibilities. The question is, "To what extent will you allow a stranger to make decisions about your own money?"

This question is not easy to answer.

Sometimes the business owner has to solve it routinely, as Tom Brother had to do. He was so proud that he was the most important that he could not give another part of his responsibilities to another. He tried it, but to his disappointment, he found that the result was not satisfactory.

Once, returning from a short business trip, Tom went into his office, but immediately jumped out of there, shaking a bundle of statements. “Who signed the overtime pay while I was gone?” He shouted. "I am," replied the head of the production department.

Seeing that all heads turned to scream, Tom lowered the tone of the conversation. He led the head of the production department into his office.

There the following conversation took place:

You dare to approve overtime. This is still my company, and I decide which overtime to pay and which not! You know very well that overtime is not included in the price.

Yes, but you said that I am fully in charge of production. You told me not to disrupt supplies.

Right. Indeed, I recall that I wrote to you about several orders before leaving town.

It's good that we remembered. And with one of them, the big one, we were late, so I signed overtime.

Yes, I probably would have done the same. But for the future, let's come to an agreement right away. From now on, I approve all overtime.

After that, Tom gathered the heads of the remaining departments, including the purchasing agent and the head. the office. He told them what had happened and explained that they should not make decisions related to increased overhead costs. Such decisions are approved only by him, emphasized Tom. This is his company, and it is he who will go broke if costs eat up profits.

And yet, even if you are successfully managing your company, you still have to delegate some of the responsibilities to someone. Which part is determined on a case-by-case basis.

At a minimum, you need to give up such a share of power so that:

1) business went on;

2) assistants showed initiative;

3) and the company worked in your absence.

Who should I transfer to?

Distributing responsibility doesn't just mean saying to assistants: "Guys, now you are all bosses." Those to whom you delegate power and responsibility must understand the technical details of the case that you entrust to them. But technical training is not all.

In addition, a person who comes to a responsible position must either be a manager or have the appropriate qualifications. The main responsibilities of a manager are to plan, manage and coordinate the work of others.

A manager must have three I's - initiative, interest and ingenuity. The head of the department must be independent enough to start work and keep it running smoothly. For example, a manager does not need to instruct all his subordinates to come to work on time.

Personal qualities must also be taken into account. The leader must have a strong will to, if necessary, overcome resistance. He also needs to be proud enough to be in good standing. But not enough to dislike other employees.

Explain the division of responsibilities

Reasonable people usually want to know what they will be responsible for. Using the example of Charles Wiley, let's see how the owner of the enterprise explains this to them. He started by creating a hierarchical structure. He divided his small business into departments - production department, sales department and administrative department.

The production manager was responsible for advertising, ordering and customer service. Mr. Viley considered the administrative part of the headquarters, auxiliary in relation to the other two departments. The administrative manager was responsible for HR, procurement and accounting.

In addition, Mr. Viley worked out with his assistants a procedure for passing orders. The department heads helped find areas where responsibilities overlapped or "hung in the air." After that, they made a detailed list of responsibilities on paper. Thus, each department head knew exactly his responsibilities and the limits of his competence.

The charter included a list of measures that department heads could take on their own initiative, and a list of actions that required the approval of the head office - Mr. Vilya himself, or, in his absence, the assistant general manager.

Mr. Viley considered the situation when he might not be at the plant. To be sure that everything will be fine, he appointed the head of the production department as assistant general manager, and authorized him to solve all current issues in the absence of Mr. Wiley himself.

When assigning responsibilities, make sure departments are coordinated. Consider the experience of another small business owner, Ann Jones. She thought she was doing well until the shop manager informed her that he was overwhelmed with urgent orders.

“I can't keep up the promises that Bill made,” the shop manager grumbled. Bill was the sales manager. Bill was called. He stated: “I had to promise to complete the order early. Otherwise, we would not have received it at all. "

Anne solved the problem by ordering the department heads to agree on all deadlines in the future. When defining each manager's responsibilities and accountabilities, make sure the departments are aligned. Only in this way will you reduce the risk of getting confused in the deadlines and you will know who is responsible for this or that work. With this division of responsibilities, every manager knows what to do before the situation gets out of hand.

Don't lose control

If you run a company through intermediaries, you should not lose control of the environment. To do this, you define who is in charge of each particular case and check his / her work.

When controlling assistants, you need to stick to the middle. You don’t need to delve into their actions so much as to interfere with work, but you also cannot move too far away so as not to lose the idea of ​​what is happening in your own company.

You need feedback to stay up-to-date. Reports give you the information you need when you need it. They can be daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on what information you need.

Each department manager can report his or her success or lack thereof, in the units of measure that are most convenient for him, for example, boxes ready to ship, contracts on site, or working hours per employee.

Another way to get information is through work meetings. On them, heads of departments can themselves tell about their work, successes and difficulties.

Work with personnel

For the owner of the enterprise, the distribution of responsibility does not end with the establishment of control over the activities of managers. The enterprise has to grow, and management skills do not come by themselves. You must teach your managers.

A good teaching technique is to tell managers what you would do if you were in their shoes. In addition, you must ensure that they receive the information they need to assess the situation correctly.

As you teach, you must make sure to get your message across to the listener. Sometimes words do not accurately convey thoughts. Ask questions to be sure that the manager understood and understood you correctly. In other words, assigning responsibilities will only work if you have good contact with the manager.

And most importantly, listen. It happens that the owner of the enterprise is so carried away by his speech, or by what he is about to say, that he does not listen to the interlocutor at all. If you want your student to move forward, you need to explain why you are teaching them. If a person knows the purpose of his activity, he will be able to lead more intelligently.

Give your employees the opportunity to work

Sometimes you notice that you are bogged down in a mass of small matters, although you have done everything to distribute responsibilities and transfer some of the responsibility to your managers. But instead of defining the competence limits for each manager, writing down all the responsibilities, monitoring their performance and teaching new things, you just can't get out of the routine work. Why?

This usually happens because you failed to do the most important thing.

You could not step aside and give a go to your mechanism.

If you have to delegate authority, you must give managers the opportunity to work in a way that suits them. You will put the company in a difficult position if you try to evaluate managers on whether they are capable of completing a specific task in the same way as you would.

How to draw up an order on the distribution of duties between employees

You have to judge by the results, but not by the way you achieve them.

Any two people react differently in the same situation. Be prepared for the fact that something will not be done the way you do it. Of course, if the manager strays too far from the basic principles of the enterprise, he / she needs to be brought back on track. You cannot afford to have an unpredictable stunt double.

You should also remember that by forcing managers to do their job at a lower level, you rob them of their self-confidence. As for you, if your assistant is not doing his / her job and his / her shortcomings cannot be corrected, just replace that person. But if the helper is getting good results, you shouldn't follow his or her every step.

Sample sample

Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA of Russia)


16.01.2010 42 ---- N -


On the distribution of responsibilities between managers

Due to personnel changes in the agency's management,

I order:

Rational distribution of job responsibilities

Establish the following distribution of responsibilities among agency leaders.

I reserve for myself: general guidance; improvement of management and coordination of the work of the agency's divisions; interaction with authorities and administration, judicial authorities; organization of the agency's work; coordination of the activities of the agency's divisions; distribution of funds; personnel management issues.

Deputy head for core activities - management of planning and labor organization, financial support, accounting departments.

Deputy head for administrative and economic activities - management of the department of material, technical and economic support, organization of transport, operation of the building.

2. Deputy heads are empowered to carry out correspondence on the agency's letterhead on issues of their competence.

3. For the period of temporary absence of deputy heads, the issues of the performance of their duties in each specific case are decided by the head.

Leader V.V. Uyba

Distribution matrix of functions in the marketing service

The first level of clarification

Subdivisions of the joint venture

Functions Director RS Department DS Department Support group Delivery service Enterprise services
1. Group of sales functions (sales function): *
- organization of the product distribution system; * * * *
pursuing a targeted product policy; * * * production
service organization; - * * * *
pursuing a targeted pricing policy * * * financial department
2. Group of production functions *
organization of production of new goods (goods of market novelty); * designers, production
quality management and competitiveness of finished products * Quality control department
3. Group of analytical functions *
market research as such; *
consumer research; *
study of the commodity structure of the market; *
analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise *
4. Group of functions of management and control *
organization of strategic and operational planning at the enterprise; * Top managers
information support for sales (marketing) management; * ACS
organization of marketing control (feedback, situational analysis). * *

The second level of clarification on the example of the function "Organization of the system of goods circulation"

  • Organization of distribution channels (CT)
  • Working with participants in distribution channels
  • Work with orders, customer service
  • Working with warehouse and warehouse stocks
  • Expansion of the sales market or customer network

The third level of explication on the example of the group of functions "Organization of distribution channels"

Business functions:

  • Organization of a retail, dealer distribution network for the company's products.
  • Selection of partners (clients) for CT.
  • Organization (development) of the optimal scheme of the relationship between the marketing service and the intermediary or buyer.
  • Preparation and conclusion of contracts with customers for the supply of products.
  • Development and support of a merchandising program (technology of preparation (exhibition) in a salon-store of goods for sale and customer service, personnel training).
  • Increasing sales through incentivizing CT participants.
  • Control and accounting for the availability and results of the activities of the participants in the distribution channel.
  • Planning and organization of shipment and delivery of finished products and control of payment.
  • Drawing up applications for the submission of a train, containers and vehicles for a week, month, quarter, year.
  • Ensuring compliance with the standard for residues of finished products.
  • Organization of the correct storage of finished products, their sorting, packaging, packaging and dispatch to consumers.
  • Formation of new consumers in order to expand the market and search for new forms of application of manufactured products.

Development of a regulation on the marketing service

The regulation on the marketing service is developed taking into account the requirements specified in the section "goals and objectives" and the results of the explication of the functions of the marketing service.

Below is a fragment of the text of the regulation on the marketing service.

Company Marketing Service Regulations

In order for the relationship to develop harmoniously, and the ship of family happiness does not crash on the rocks of the notorious family life, the question about Today in the women's club "To whom over 30" will be discussed is precisely this.

All families can be roughly divided into three groups:

  • patriarchal,
  • matriarchal,
  • egalitarian.

In a family of patriarchal type, there is no division of responsibilities in the family: all household chores are done by the wife, that is, he cooks, washes, cleans, brings up children and takes care of pets. And even if it works.

In such a family, it will be comfortable for a woman who believes that this is how it should be, so it is established, as well as for those who do not want to build a career, but feels great in the role of a "bird" that builds its "nest", creates warmth, comfort, and the man "brings a mammoth" and provides trips to the Canary Islands.

In a matriarchal family, roles change dramatically. Female - "Getter".

As a rule, this is an always busy business woman, it is she who decides what to buy in the house, where to invest, how to make money on vacation. The man acts as a "householder", fulfills all those duties that are assigned to a woman in a patriarchal family.

The division of responsibilities in such families as such is not expected. Everything (with regard to housekeeping) falls on the shoulders of one of the spouses.

But in modern society, you can find an egalitarian type of family. This option can be called the most democratic, husband and wife as partners, work harmoniously for the benefit of common interests: both earn as much as they can, together they are engaged in household chores - usually on the basis of the principle “it’s not so unpleasant for me” or “I have free time”.

What are the principles on which the division of responsibilities in an egalitarian family is based?

Deciding who will do what, even in families with “flourishing democracies”, is not easy. But the basic principles boil down to the following:

  1. Do what you like best. There are men who love to cook very much, but hate to clear the table. Or vice versa. Of course, you can argue here, because sometimes you don't want to do anything at all. Then you need share responsibilities by agreement: someone is cooking, so the other is washing the dishes. If you have children, you can entrust them with washing the dishes, and also teach them to help cook. This will prove to be a useful educational method and they will thank you in the future.
  2. Not separation but alternation of responsibilities in the family... This means that there is no need to distinguish clearly: the wife - cooks, washes the dishes, wipes the dust; husband - washes, takes out garbage, peels potatoes. Here it is proposed to switch roles. This will distract you a little and do not take a duty as a routine. Another question arises - how can you alternate household chores, if, for example, a man does not like fiddling around the stove at all. An exception can be made for one job. And hence the next principle.
  3. Who does what is better. It so happens that one person is just perfect ironing shirts. And it is not at all necessary that this is a woman. Perhaps your beloved is doing an excellent job with this difficult task. Maybe his parents taught him or he lived as a bachelor for a long time. In general, however, this principle also works well.

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How to cheat?

For many women, the question of the division of responsibilities in the family literally haunts them. It happens when a man thinks that he “shouldn't” do “women's affairs”. And he thinks he can just come home and stretch out on the couch and watch TV.
And you, exhausted at work, start cleaning, cooking, checking the lessons of the children, in general, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel. It is understandable why you become irritable, you can even start a scandal. Only it won't get you anywhere. No good.

Here you need to act cunningly. And you don't even need to say a word about the division of responsibilities in the family. Just try, for example, on a day off start some kind of "feast" if you have children. And cook something with the whole family. Make it a game.

And if there are no children yet, you can invite him to cook some super-erotic dish for dinner together. And then, on occasion, praise him that he has much better at something than even you!

There is no need to order, it is enough to skillfully influence with the help of the "carrot" - and then at least once a week you will be able to take a break from cooking.

Many men share family responsibilities are extremely negative. They do not want to do anything out of “female”, but at the same time they forget their “male” ones too. Hammer in a nail, nail in a shelf, move furniture.

Of course, many "desperate housewives" are capable of this without male hands, but this is definitely wrong. And don't yell at him, just pretend you tried to move the chair and pulled your back. Of course, this is not the best joke, but a man will definitely understand that this is clearly not a woman's business.

So, the main thing in the separation of duties don't start swearing with each other... You know your spouse like no one else. Choose the most suitable method in accordance with the characteristics of his character.

Over 30 - a club for women over 30.

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