For many years, Valentin Yudashkin has been the main creator of his own clothing brand, which has become famous all over the world. The artist-fashion designer never tires of delighting and delighting fans with his creations, and almost all celebrities attend his shows of new collections. In Yudashkin’s personal life for more than twenty years, his beloved wife has been present, whom he calls his guardian angel and muse. The couple have already raised a beautiful daughter, who has become a successful photographer, society columnist and blogger.

Valentin was born in 1963 in the Moscow region. In his childhood, the future couturier worked figure skating and loved to draw. And when he was in school, he began to make his first sketches of models, from which he later sewed clothes. After school, the young man received an education at an industrial technical school. In 1991, he created his first collection, which he presented in Paris. It was then that his first success and fame came to him. In 1993, Yudashkin opened own house fashion, where a line of clothing in casual style was produced under the Yudashkin Jeans trademark. In 2016 fashion house Yudashkina became a member of the French Federation of Haute Couture, Prêt-à-Porter and Fashion Designers.

While Valentin’s career was developing, his beloved wife Marina was already next to him, who has been a part of his personal life for more than twenty years. She always supported her husband and believed in his talent. At one time, Marina was a good hairdresser-stylist, but for the sake of her husband, she left her favorite job and devoted herself to his work, becoming a top manager at the Yudashkin House. The famous couturier himself appreciates this, calling his beloved the most affectionate words. Until now, romance has not disappeared from their relationship, and they cannot even imagine life without each other.

In the photo Valentin Yudashkin with his family: wife Marina and daughter Galina

In 1990, the couple had a daughter, Galina, who had already found a profession and a family. The girl married Peter Maksakov, who is the grandson famous actress Lyudmila Maksakova. They met each other in the company of mutual friends. Peter studied abroad for some time and then received his education at MGIMO. The young people liked each other at first sight, and after a while they decided to get married. Yudashkin learned about his daughter’s new chosen one from Instagram, but soon the daughter herself introduced the groom to her parents, who liked him. In the fall of 2014, Galina and Peter got married, and in the summer of 2015 the couple got married in a church. Soon Valentin learned that changes were coming in the personal life of their family. In the middle of winter, the daughter flew to America, and in the spring of 2016 she gave birth to a son, Anatoly. Recently fans famous family The Yudashkins saw a photo on the Internet showing Galina’s husband and their little son. The young couple are now vacationing with their baby in Miami, where they are enjoying warm sea and communication with each other.

Marina Yudashkina - wife of the famous Russian fashion designer and a charming woman. There are various rumors around her person. Some say that she achieved everything in life thanks to her husband. Others are confident that Marina Yudashkina is the heiress of wealthy relatives. Let's figure this out together. The article provides exclusively true information.

Marina Yudashkina: biography

Spouse famous fashion designer was born in 1958. Her parents - ordinary people. Marina does not have any rich relatives. Therefore, the first rumor can be safely dispelled. Our heroine studied at high school. I brought home fours and fives. Since childhood, she liked to cut and sew clothes for dolls. She was also attracted to hairdressing.

Even after graduating from school, Marina Yudashkina could not decide what she liked best. As a result, she decided to master both hairdressing and the profession of a clothing cutter. Marina Yudashkina, whose biography interests many today, did not imagine that both skills would be useful to her in the future.

Meet Valentin Yudashkin

During the Soviet era, such a profession as a fashion designer simply did not exist. Valentin spent his days creating patterns for dresses, blouses and skirts. A variety of materials were used. Friends and relatives brought him something. Marina became seriously interested in hairdressing. Soon fate brought these two creative people together.

Their acquaintance happened many years ago. Marina and Valentin worked at the same enterprise, opened under the Ministry of Fashion Industry. Our heroes were often sent on business trips around the country. If you think that then they started the usual love affair at work, then you are wrong. The relationship developed later and was more romantic in nature.


When Marina Vladimirovna Yudashkina was a member of the Russian national hairdressing team, she needed an assistant. Soon she found him in the person of Valentin. Being a professional artist, he helped select outfits and hairstyles. At first, the young people did not feel much sympathy for each other. But one day they met eyes and realized that this was fate. Their romance developed at incredible speed. Valentin and Marina tried to spend as much time as possible together. They hugged and kissed like schoolchildren. Marina managed to win over Valentin’s mother. On the very first day, the woman realized that her future daughter-in-law had such qualities as kindness and sincerity.


3 months after they met, the newlyweds began preparing for the wedding. Valentin himself made a dress for his beloved. It turned out gorgeous, all with live orchids. According to the legend, the groom should not see the bride’s outfit before the wedding. But Marina and Valentin are not superstitious people. Nothing bad happened to them. The couple have been living together for more than 25 years.

First difficulties

Marina Yudashkina understood that her husband’s occupation had to communicate with long-legged fashion models. But she could not suppress the feeling of jealousy. Soon she came up with a wonderful idea - to become her husband’s assistant, his right hand. For this, Marina had to give up her job as a hairdresser-stylist. She did not act as an assistant for long. The girl found out that she was expecting a child. In 1990, the couple had a charming daughter, who was named Galina.

Marina spent almost all her time on the baby. Career faded into the background. Difficult times have come to the country. Problems arose with the sale of clothing created by Yudashkin. To feed themselves and their daughter, the couple were forced to sell their car and antique furniture.

Now Marina and Valentin are doing well. Their trademark Yudashkin Jeans is incredibly popular among Russians and residents of the CIS.


Not so long ago the main character Marina Yudashkina became the yellow press. The photo of the fashion designer's wife was published in magazines and newspapers with millions of copies. The woman was accused of organizing a gambling club. Later it turned out that Valentin Yudashkin’s wife had nothing to do with this.

The journalists did not understand the circumstances of the incident and created a huge scandal. It turns out that in December last year Marina rented out an apartment to a certain native of Belarus. But she was just a figurehead. People who settled in star apartments brought poker tables and slot machines. The police conducted a search in the apartment after a complaint from neighbors.

Although many believe that not a single “top” event can take place without Yudashkin, he himself does not like social events. He tries to visit only his friends, and at the most significant moments of their lives. As for relaxation, he prefers to “taste it” purely in “civilized” places with good cuisine and an atmosphere of calm and comfort. He is the kind of person who prefers all the “charms” modern life– purely home environment and comfort.

Childhood and the first “universities” of Valentin Yudashkin

Valentin Yudashkin was born on October 14, 1963 in the small village of Bakovka near Moscow. His passion for a not entirely masculine activity—clothing design—appeared in him as early as school years. IN early childhood he discovered a talent for drawing, to which he preferred any other activity. And then I started drawing my first sketches of “models”. He devoted days and nights to this new hobby, the future couturier found this creative process so fascinating.

F. Kirkorov, V. Yudashkin, Money-money

He then brought the created “creation” to life on paper. How many patterns he made during these years, he himself will not say. I sewed a lot of what was at hand - for friends, for family and for myself. After passing school final tests, Yudashkin did not have a painful choice - where to go to study. But it must be said that the news about him final decision- to devote himself to the profession of a fashion designer, fairly upset his father and mother, who believed that their son could choose a more masculine profession. But they did not contradict their son, respecting his verdict.

So in 1981, Valentin became a student at the Moscow Industrial College at the modeling department. He was not stopped at all by the fact that his Fashion Design course was 99.9 percent girls. Due to military conscription, a year later I had to temporarily leave my beloved studies. But during army service the future fashion designer tried not to waste precious time. He mentally pondered new plans and emerging ideas that were destined to come true immediately upon his return to educational institution.

Undergraduate practice Valentina took place at the Moscow Fashion House. 1986 was marked by the brilliant defense of two theses on the topics "Makeup and decorative cosmetics" and "History of costume". Valentin deservedly received a “red” diploma.

The beginning of the career of Valentin Yudashkin

Valentin was assigned as a senior artist in the bureau of the Ministry of Consumer Services of the RSFSR. Then there was no clear boundary between fashion designers, stylists or makeup artists, so he had to perform in all guises. He devoted himself completely to work, often for days on end. It so happened that from his first professional steps Yudashkin became plenipotentiary Russian industry fashion abroad. He personally created sketches for the equipment of the USSR national hairdressing team, which took part in international competitions

His very first independent collection of clothes in his life - costumes from Russian collections that took part in a hairstyle and modern makeup competition in Poznan, Poland. An interesting fact is that for such a European championship in Budapest, Yudashkin prepared the team for the performance already as its senior coach. And in parallel to these “social loads,” he worked on models “for himself.” The result of such work was in 1986 the Moscow display of the fashion designer’s collection of 20 linen models as part of a photo exhibition, which was successfully received by specialists.

His first recognition as a fashion designer

Yudashkin wanted to study completely independent work to implement accumulated ideas. In 1987, the fruit of the designer’s work in the Moscow cooperative atelier was the display of his first personal collection, which included 150 models, in the Concert Hall of the Moscow Orlyonok Hotel. Thus, the name of Valentin Yudashkin became known throughout the country, and the main component of that collection, the dress, became the object of his creativity from that time on, beginning its own triumphant life in the fashion world.

In 1988, the 25-year-old couturier opened the Vali-Moda company at the Soyuztheater. The luminaries of French fashion drew attention to him, inviting the young Russian to Paris. Arriving in France from a country of constant shortages, he was shocked by the assortment of fabrics of all kinds and colors. That trip for Valentin became Starting point for many professional "discoveries". He returned from there with a strong desire to show and prove to everyone that Russia can and will be part of the global fashion industry.

Triumphal procession of Valentin Yudashkin

Real success came to Valentin Yudashkin in 1991 with the Faberge collection, demonstrated as part of Haute Couture Week in Paris. He gained worldwide fame. Dresses in the style of the famous Faberge eggs created a real sensation among the public, one of which later “migrated” to the Louvre.

Valentin Yudashkin is the only one in history Russian fashion couturier, who was admitted in 1996 to the very “Mecca” of fashion - the Syndicate of Haute Couture of Paris with the status of Corresponding Member, which gave his brainchild the right to be called a Fashion House (Couture).

In 1997, his first Moscow boutique opened with prêt-a-porte deluxe clothing. A few years later, the boutique was replenished jewelry, glasses and various accessories.

In 2003, a presentation of a book-album dedicated to the fifteenth anniversary of the designer’s creative research took place as part of the International Book Fair in Frankfurt. In the same year, Yudashkin’s personal exhibition took place at the State Historical Museum on Red Square. This is a unique event that includes a display of more than 200 prêt-a-porte and couture suits created by the designer in different years his career, has become iconic in the fashion world.

Yudashkin about the military uniform scandal

In 2005 he received the title of People's Artist of Russia. In 2008, by Decree of the President of Russia, he was awarded the Order of Honor for his great contribution to national culture and the development of Russian fashion. In February 2012, he was a confidant of Russian presidential candidate V.V. Putin.

Personal life of Valentin Yudashkin

But before the world knew “Maestro Yudashkin,” his life was full of trials and difficulties, which his wife Marina helped him overcome. She always believed in Valentin's talent. For his sake, she sacrificed her career as a hair stylist. Valentin, all her life, immensely appreciates the fact that she devoted her life to him, not for a minute doubting him as a talented fashion designer. Although a lot of things didn’t work out at first. Now she works in their “family” fashion house as a top manager.

More than twenty years behind us life together. Each of them cannot imagine life without each other. These two creative people met at work. They already have adult daughter Galina, born December 22, 1990. She is also a creative person - a photographer.

On the threshold of the anniversary

Today, on the threshold of his fiftieth birthday, Valentin Yudashkin is the main inspirer and designer of his own clothing brand - “Valentin Yudashkin”. This includes prêt-a-porte and couture clothing, accessories, and denim clothing, Jewelry. His “empire” is rapidly developing, with exclusive clothing lines coming out. Only the quality remains unchanged, which has become business card brand "Valentin Yudashkin".

Clothing collections from Valentin Yudashkin are well known to Russian women, and have also gained great popularity among foreign fashionistas. Many of his friends and colleagues admire not only his talent, but also such traits as fortitude and positive mood, which helped him achieve victories in life.

His creative biography does not stand still: the eminent artist and fashion designer is constantly working on new collections, which will undoubtedly create a sensation, like all the previous ones.

Interest in modeling as a child

Valentin Abramovich was born in 1963 in one of the villages of the Moscow region. His father was an employee of a printed publication, and his mother has been in charge of archival dresses at the Star Son Fashion House for several years. He also grew up in the family younger brother Eugene. Already during his school years, the future fashion designer was different from his peers: the boy wore clean and ironed trousers, and instead of a jacket he wore a long black coat with a scarf. At the same time, he began drawing sketches, making patterns, and then sewing clothes for his family and friends.

In high school, the young man decided to connect his future with the profession of a fashion designer, but his parents were upset because they thought that their son would choose a more serious specialty. Having received school certificate, Yudashkin submitted documents to the industrial technical school, where he soon began studying at the modeling department. However, my studies had to be interrupted due to military service.

The path to modeling star status

Returning home, the young man completed his studies and received a diploma, and in 1986 he began his career. His first place of work was a design bureau, which was part of the Ministry of Consumer Services. The aspiring fashion designer created sketches of costumes for hairdressers participating in various international competitions. Soon Valentin released his first collection, consisting of one hundred and fifty models. This work made him famous throughout the country, and four years later they started talking about the talented fashion designer in Paris, where his collection was shown. Valentin was honored by becoming a member of the Paris Haute Couture Association. It is not surprising that many celebrities became interested in his creations and began to work closely with him.

The photo shows Valentin Yudashkin in his youth.

In 1993, the fashion designer became the creator of his own clothing brand: his Fashion House “Valentin Yudashkin” sews haute couture and ready-to-wear clothes, and also produces jewelry, glasses and other accessories. At the same time, Yudashkin received higher education, being a student at the academy theatrical arts. In addition to creating clothing collections, he designed Olympic uniforms for some athletes, and also took part in the creation of uniforms for conscripts.

The importance of family in personal life

For more than twenty years, Valentin Abramovich’s personal life has had strong family ties. With my future wife He worked with Marina Patalova in a design bureau, where she was a professional hairstyle modeler. At first, the young people communicated as business employees, and then began to show interest in each other. Then they had to work a lot, so there was little time for romance. After three dates, the 24-year-old fashion designer proposed to his beloved. Valentin did not even pay attention to the fact that the girl was half a head taller than him (his height is 167 cm), and also 4 years older.

In the photo, Valentin Yudashkin with his family: wife Marina Patalova and daughter Galina.

In 1990, the couple had a daughter, Galina. At this time, the whole family had to live in a one-room apartment, and only over time they were able to improve their living conditions. Over the years of many years of marriage, his wife became for Yudashkin not only a close associate, but also a guardian angel and muse. The couple never had quarrels or scandals; they rarely part for a long time, being together at work and at home.

The couple raised a daughter: she studied at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Art History, and then became interested in the profession of designer and photographer, taking courses in New York. Now she works at her star father's fashion house, serving as an art director. Galina got married successfully, and her chosen one was the grandson of actress Lyudmila Maksakova, Peter. In 2016, the young family’s first son, Anatoly, was born, and two years later, the second baby, Arkady, was born. Valentin Abramovich and his wife accepted the status of grandparents very joyfully, and now everything free time dedicate to their grandchildren.

Disease. Last news

In 2016, the 52-year-old fashion designer made his family, colleagues and fans worry. While preparing to show a new collection in Paris, he felt unwell, as a result of which he was hospitalized. Later, Yudashkin said that he was struggling with oncology, but he did not leave the country, but was treated by Russian doctors. Despite the fact that the fashion designer was undergoing rehabilitation, he continued to work and appear at social events.

Fashion designer in 2018 with his wife and mother. Instagram vyudashkin.

In 2018, fans again became concerned about his health. The reason for this was the story of Joseph Kobzon on the air of “Let Them Talk,” who said that Valentin Abramovich’s relatives did not notice the spread of metastases. Also, admirers of the star fashion designer’s talent did not like him appearance on last photo, posted by his wife. Now the couple is enjoying a vacation in Israel. Posing with his wife, Yudashkin looks very thin and tired, which immediately catches your eye.

Today is Valentin Yudashkin's birthday! Biography and Interesting Facts from the life of a fashion designer

A famous fashion designer in Russia, along with Vyacheslav Zaitsev, is Valentin Yudashkin. Biography of this little man with great talent, undoubtedly deserves attention. He was also recognized abroad, but he refused to move the production of his collections to Paris for the sake of the title of couturier, which, however, did not negatively affect his work.

Childhood and youth

Yudashkin Valentin Abramovich was born on October 14, 1963. His childhood was spent in the Moscow region, in the small village of Bakovka. Already in early age it was clear that the boy was no stranger to beauty, and he future life one way or another will be connected with creativity. Valentin was involved in figure skating and loved to draw. But the objects of his works were not landscapes or people, but clothing sketches. Well, fate leads all people marked by talent from childhood along the path chosen for them.

As a schoolboy, Valentin had already started sewing clothes for his friends and relatives. There was no resistance to his activities from his parents, despite such “non-male” interests. He knew exactly what he wanted from life and how he would realize himself. Although the time of stagnation coincided with his youth, he persistently walked towards his goal. Here is another confirmation that success is equal to talent multiplied by motivation.

First steps in the profession

Despite his short stature Yudashkin Valentin, the future world-famous couturier, confidently entered the world of big fashion. After graduating from the Moscow Industrial College, he received two specialties at once - a fashion designer and a makeup specialist. The future great couturier trained with Vyacheslav Zaitsev himself. This was back in 1986. Afterwards, Valentin managed to serve in the army. And a year later, when Valentin Yudashkin’s first collection “Primordial Rus'” of 150 models was released, his name became famous in Russia. In the army, the aspiring fashion designer clearly did not waste his time; even then he had a lot of ideas in his head that were waiting to be implemented. In 1988, the next collection, called “Petrovsky Ball,” was released.

So Yudashkin Valentin Abramovich, a native of ordinary Soviet family, began to confidently turn into a brilliant clothing designer.

And then fame came

In 1991, the young fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin created his third collection called “Faberge”. The models presented original outfits in the shape of eggs. Valentin boldly showed the collection at Haute Couture Week, and then came finest hour. He was enthusiastically received in Paris - the capital of world fashion! One outfit from the collection is now kept in the Louvre. Experts recognized bright talent the great maestro, noting his original fresh look and “Russian spirit”.

Yudashkin returned to Russia already famous. To officially receive the title of couturier, Valentin was offered to move to Paris, but he refused to leave his homeland. And these, for a moment, were the years of perestroika - a time of wild instability. Yudashkin is a true patriot; love for Russia invariably permeates his work. In 1997, Valentin became a master of arts, and two years later - an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Abroad, Russian fashion is still associated with his name. "Valentin Yudashkin" is a world famous brand.

Work, work and more work

In the same 1990s, Valentin created uniforms for the Olympic team - first for the winter games in Lillehammer, and then for the summer games in the USA. And, besides this, his new collections are released every year. Yes, it was not for nothing that the Parisians noted the genuine “Russianness” in his works. Valentin Yudashkin's designs are marked by the inspiration he draws from our rich culture. Just look at the names given to his works from 1994-1999: “Frescoes” and “Catherine the Great”, “Ballet”, “ birds of paradise", "Christmas Dream", "Vrubel", "Anna Karenina", "Silent Cinema", "Russian Modern".

Of course, in Russia his successes and stellar talent were noted; in 1997, Valentin received the national Ovation award. For what the maestro brought out domestic fashion on the world stage, in the category “Art and Business” he was awarded the “Business Olympus” award. Yes, having a small stature, Valentin Yudashkin is different great love to Russia, his work, as well as enormous creative fertility. According to various sources, the couturier is 155-158 cm tall. For a name to become a brand, a person must be a perfectionist. Therefore, Yudashkin’s name as a fashion designer is associated with unsurpassed high quality.

Paris - haute couture syndicate

Any designer who has ambitions dreams of receiving recognition from the world's leading masters. And for Valentin it became a reality. And he is the only fashion designer from Russia awarded the high honor.

Until the very end of the nineties, all his collections were presented at Haute Couture Weeks. Yes, he refused to move to Paris and completely merge with the world fashion elite. But nevertheless, Valentin has the status of a corresponding member of the syndicate since back in 1996. After this, his Fashion House deservedly received the title of a House of Haute Couture, and at the same time the right to present all its collections at Haute Couture Weeks. This is a peak that is unattainable for many, and what more could you want! But it is precisely the need to constantly improve, create something new and seek inspiration that distinguishes true professionalism, which cannot, and does not have the right to stop developing due to the embodiment of ambitious ambitions. Do not doubt, the great couturier is a real hard worker, whose thoughts are constantly in creative search.

House of Valentin Yudashkin

In 1988-1989, the Vali Moda company opened, and in 1991 it was renamed the Valentin Yudashkin Fashion House. In 1997, the first boutique opened in Moscow. At first, ready-made clothing models made from high-quality fabrics were presented there, later lingerie, accessories, jewelry, as well as silverware from the Valentin Yudashkin brand appeared.

Now the Fashion House of Valentin Yudashkin is the leading one in Russia. He has a network of branded boutiques, his shows are held in Paris, Milan and Moscow. Some works are exhibits of the Costume Museum in the Louvre, State historical museum in Moscow, the California Fashion Museum, as well as the International Museum Olympic Games. The success and recognition that Valentin Yudashkin achieved, his biography, not marked by any scandals and black PR, impeccable taste and style, brilliant talent - all this made his name part of the history of Russian fashion.

Couture dresses are always unique and hand-sewn from exclusive fabrics according to our own sketches. At the Valentin Yudashkin House they sew ready-to-wear clothes, and here you will also find collections of porcelain accessories and products. They also have their own line of fashionable glasses and cases. Valentin, as a true couturier, pays great attention to detail and is very fond of accessories, which in his collections play the role of the finishing touch of the created image. If unsuccessful models suddenly appear in the House, they are strictly burned.

Among his clients are stars of show business, theater and cinema, as well as the most famous people Russia. All our famous beauties strive to sew Wedding Dresses only with him. Valentin has gained confidence in himself thanks to his impeccable design and unrivaled high quality of things.

Family and personal life

Of course, the most prominent fashion designer in Russia is Valentin Yudashkin. His biography is more replete with facts from professional life rather than some gossip. Valentin has been married for a long time and, apparently, happily. Contrary to the established stereotype, he, like few other people in his profession, is a bearer of traditional sexual orientation. His wife Marina also works in the beauty industry - she is a hair stylist and has many international prizes and awards in her field. Serves as senior collections manager at her husband's House. Who knows, perhaps it was the reliable rear that helped Valentin confidently go through all the trials.

Only daughter Galina was often a model at shows of her collections. famous father. It's hard to stay away if your parents have their own fashion house, which is also a global brand. Now Galina is already adult girl, a photographer by profession, she already has her own family. Valentin Abramovich's father has been dead for a long time, and his mother, Raisa Petrovna, also works at the Fashion House, holding the position of manager there. As Yudashkin himself said in an interview, the family should not be exposed to the public. It is worthy of respect that his name in the media has never been mixed with any scandals or family squabbles. The only thing is that there were several short messages that the father, Abram Iosifovich, killed him in a fight many years ago sibling. Press coverage of this fact is, rather, the result of journalists’ persistent desire to find some dark spot in the maestro’s biography - everything cannot be perfect. Marina Yudashkina was noted in the press in 2015 in connection with a scandal about an underground casino in the house of which she is the owner. There is no direct evidence of her involvement in this.

Yudashkin's style and creativity

You can see from the collection models how much Valentin loves dresses. His style is associated with boldness and originality, but you will never find pretentiousness or tasteless displays of wild imagination in his work. Fur, decoration with embroidery and rhinestones - all this impeccably distinguishes his unique models. In 2003 in Moscow, everyone could visit his unique personal exhibition. In addition to all the available regalia, Yudashkin also holds the title of honorary academician Russian Academy arts It is permissible to talk about the couturier’s works in artistic terms, so his style can be classified as avant-garde. Not everyone manages to create works of fashion design art from clothes.

One of the first creative triumphs was the “Christmas Dream” collection. There were mid-length skirts trimmed with beads and lace, feathers on jacket collars, fur lapels and coat sleeves. Headdresses are presented in the form of graceful top hats, white fur hats and large berets. But the highlight of the collection was the neckerchiefs. The final model was a dress representing a Christmas tree. Valentin Yudashkin’s show, entitled “Black and White Cinema,” is another striking manifestation of his talent. The models were made of embossed and ostrich-feather leather, covered with gilding. Even blouses were made from this material. And, surprisingly, the collection did not contain the slightest hint of the roughness that usually accompanies leather clothing.

The autumn-winter season of 2015 was marked new collection"Romantic rock and roll." The desire to look for inspiration, including in the past, did not bypass Yudashkin. The fashion of the 1980s and 1990s is felt here. The couturier masterfully combined rebellion and elegance, managing to create a truly feminine image. Of course, black became the main color, but it was skillfully diluted with other shades - brown, gray, white and beige. Well, where without details - pink branches and flowers made of black lacquer in signature prints skillfully smoothed out the inherent brutality of the rock style. Contrary to the stereotype, taffeta, stretch knitwear, chiffon and lace, jacquard and velvet were used instead of leather. All this emphasized a clear silhouette with an accentuated waist. Once again Valentin Yudashkin managed to combine the incongruous. Who else could pull off a harmonious ensemble of formal trousers and revealing necklines and miniskirts? The typical rock 'n' roll jacket has been given a true feminine touch thanks to its fur. The collection also includes evening dresses.

Valentin has his own personal museum in which he keeps his favorite models. His works can also be found in private collections. Yudashkin loves and knows how to combine the most unexpected things, materials and images; he does not accept cheap fabrics and finishing elements - everything must be expensive and elite. There are branches of Valentin Yudashkin's Fashion House in Milan and Paris - two capitals of world fashion.

Not everything is so smooth

We can talk a lot more about how much Valentin Yudashkin has done for Russian fashion. Biography of this genius man filled true love to his work and boundless diligence. But the career of the great fashion designer was not always marked by success. In 2007, Yudashkin began creating a collection of uniforms for the Russian military. And in 2012, negative articles were published in the media, casting a shadow on the reputation of the Haute Couture House. It was noted that the military uniform is made of low-quality fabrics and is far from flawless in design.

Yudashkin himself commented on this fact, saying that the released models have nothing to do with his work. The Ministry of Defense made adjustments at its own discretion, as a result of which the issued uniform can no longer refer to the Yudashkin brand. The project, which was carefully thought out to the smallest detail, into which Valentin put his soul, as in all his collections, was failed due to the unprofessional intervention of others. No one ever answered the couturier’s question about why all this was done, despite his numerous requests to the relevant departments.

Yudashkin show

For several years in a row, on March 8, Valentin has been organizing an original event with the participation of show business stars. This year, the “White Nights” collection was presented at Yudashkin’s show. It is not difficult to guess that it was St. Petersburg that inspired the maestro to create it. The main idea is illusory, the colors are smoky and delicate shades of blue and gray. The now fashionable trend from the 1990s - accentuated shoulders and waist - is masterfully played out. Evening and cocktail dresses are decorated with beaded embroidery self made, sequins and rhinestones. The main material of the collection - silk - is combined with chiffon and tulle. Fashion connoisseurs and domestic stars attended this show, however, not a single one was left without their attention.