First the main role- Dinu’s girl in the mystical drama of the same name directed by Fyodor Petrukhin. Then there were memorable works in the musical comedy “Our Man in San Remo”, the melodrama “Love”, and the action film “Called the Beast”.

Shchukin School. Film debut

Tatyana Skorokhodova made her film debut in 1989, while a student at the Theater School. Shchukin (course of Yu. Avsharov). A year later, she played her first leading role - the girl Dina in the mystical drama of the same name directed by Fyodor Petrukhin. Then there were memorable works in the musical comedy “Our Man in San Remo”, the melodrama “Love”, and the action film “Called the Beast”.

On the set of the melodrama “Love” she met actor Dmitry Maryanov, by that time already known for the films “Above the Rainbow” and “Dear Elena Sergeevna”. Soon they got married.

Theater "Scientist Monkey"

In 1991, Tatyana graduated from theater school, after which she studied for a year in graduate school.

In 1992, on the basis of graduates of Yuri Avsharov, the eccentric student theater “Scientific Monkey” was organized. Maryanov and Skorokhodova also became actors in this theater. Their work could be seen in the TV show “Your Own Director,” where the guys did weird things in small TV reprises.

Tatyana Skorokhodova stopped acting in films in the mid-90s. The actress’s last notable work was her role in the action movie “The Mafia is Immortal,” where she starred with Dmitry Pevtsov.

“The puppyish delight in him remained ineradicable”

Relatives and friends of Dmitry Maryanov cannot believe that everyone’s favorite, joker and... He was only 47 years old. He managed to star in more than 90 films.

"MK" managed to contact his first great love, common-law wife Tatyana Skorokhodova, whom the actor met at the Shchukin Theater School and lived in a student dormitory for three years.

Director - Dima and I were in touch all the time. When he was in Irkutsk on tour, he always came to visit us. My husband and I received him very warmly. (Tatyana Skorokhodova married cameraman Andrei Zakablukovsky. In their marriage they had four children: sons Danila and Darik, daughters Anya and Marika - Auto.)

And when he called, he began the conversation with the invariable phrase: “I’m great! Praise me,” Tatyana continues to say. - Last time we called each other in the spring. He had a ton of plans. He was glad that he received an award at the theater festival. He shared that rehearsals were starting for a new play. A very productive period had finally begun in his life.

Director Alla Surikova remembers the actor:

- How do you remember him?

Dima came to us in his second year for a stage movement class. I liked him from the back. Then she looked into his eyes and thought: “Well, just a child!” He had such a clear, pure and open look. There was immeasurable kindness in him. He was a very positive, sociable person. This kind of person is a holiday. He always worked like an ox and did not spare himself. For him, work always came first. Whatever was in Dima’s soul, no matter what cataclysms he experienced, he found an outlet in work. He used to say: “No one can cancel the performance, we need to rehearse.” Then he already gave the impression of a serious, respectable artist, but the puppyish delight in him remained ineradicable.

- Which of his roles, in your opinion, was the most successful?

Of course, I will not forget the musical feature television film “Above the Rainbow,” which was filmed in 1985 at the Odessa Film Studio in “clip format.” For me, Dima remained the same selfless boy named Alik Raduga, a dreamer, owner of a remarkable imagination, ready to immediately rush to help.

- Now they say that he has last years there were health problems.

He didn't tell me about this. At one time he shared that he had gained weight. But then he enthusiastically talked about how he was lost in the gym, and how many kilograms he had already managed to lose.

- Will you come to the funeral?

I would like to see Dima off to last way. But I think it will be very difficult to get a plane ticket from Irkutsk now.

Circumstances of the actor's death:

Lena was born in Moscow in intelligent family. Parents were mathematicians. It is not surprising that the girl also loved mathematics and even planned to go to university to study mechanics and mathematics.

Lena studied at a special school named after Romain Rolland, where some subjects were taught in French. The girl was enthusiastically studying figure skating. Her teacher was Elena Tchaikovskaya. Elena even became a master of sports. But she didn’t study further, but this sport influenced the development of her character. The father got his daughter interested in mathematics; whatever they talked about, he knew how to translate it into the field of mathematics and explain from this point of view any life and natural phenomenon.

When the girl was thirteen, she took part in the filming documentary film about figure skating “Ice and Fantasy”, which was filmed by Vladimir Konovalov. The film told about the preparation of figure skaters for the Olympics. In high school, Elena became interested in cinema and theater; after graduating from school, she became a student at the Shchukin School. Skorokhodova took the course of Yuri Katin-Yartsev. She graduated with honors.

The beginning of Elena Skorokhodova’s career, first roles in theater and cinema

The theater where the aspiring actress began her career was the Pushkin Drama Theater. His film debut was back in student years. This happened in 1981. Elena played the main role in the short film “A Joke?!..” Skorokhodova’s heroine in this film is research institute laboratory assistant Zhanna.

Later, Elena took part in the filming of the film “Lonely are provided with a hostel”, where she appeared in the role of Galina. This film also starred such legends of Soviet cinema as Natalya Gundareva, Tamara Semina, Frunze Mkrtchyan and other legends of Soviet cinema.

Then there was filming in “Malicious Sunday”, the young actress played the Olympics. She played music teacher Irina in the film “Looking for a Friend in Life” and Zoya in the comedy “Where is Nophelet?” In the image of the currency prostitute Alena, she appeared in “Womanizer.” All these films were released in the eighties and nineties.

Frog Championship - Elena Skorokhodova Lena had an interesting experience on Central Television, where she taught a rhythmic gymnastics complex. It was 1985.

Many roles were played in the theater; the actress served there for sixteen years. In the late nineties she had to quit. The fact is that in those difficult years, in order to feed herself and her child, Elena wrote and staged a play about Pushkin, which was shown in schools, the schedule was scheduled for a month in advance. In the theater, she was placed as an extra, requiring daily rehearsals. Skorokhodova quit her job, finding herself in “free floating.” After the birth of her child, the actress dropped out of filming, although very few films were shot in those years. She returned to cinema in the new century. Skorokhodova took part in the filming of several episodes of the television series “On the Corner of the Patriarchs,” playing Lucien. The next series in which the actress appeared was the film “Viola Tarakanova”. Elena played Olga Zvereva in it.

Elena Skorokhodova “Tell” Melodrama " A big difference"became a film that was shot according to her script, Elena played the main role in it. According to the plot, a businesswoman named Elena Lomonosova is successful in her career and business, but a lonely woman who does not have a loved one in her life. In 2007, based on Elena’s script, the film “Women’s Friendship” was shot. The actress has starred in more than forty films.

Elena began writing plays. So “Don’t Throw Ashes on the Floor” was staged in four theaters, including in Canada and Kiev. The play touches on the topic of drunkenness. This is some reflection on the reasons for this addiction and methods of struggle.

Personal life of Elena Skorokhodova

Elena married Andrei Tashkov. They worked together in the theater. As she says in her interview, they decided to get married not because they loved each other, but because of common interests and goals. They mistook these feelings for love. Elena took her husband's surname. They got married in the church. This was Skorokhodova’s second marriage, and Tashkov’s third. Their son Ivan was born in the marriage.

According to Elena, she, as a deeply religious person, wanted to help Tashkov get rid of his addiction to alcohol, help him come to faith. At first everything worked out, my husband stopped drinking, which Elena was very happy about. However, he soon returned with a container of company, and Elena was left alone with the child.

She raised her son in strictness and in the understanding of faith. Skorokhodova decided not to get married again; she leads an ascetic lifestyle. Skorokhodova regrets that she has one son, since, in her opinion, it is difficult to properly raise a child when he is the only one, since he will certainly grow up to be selfish. The father was always interested in his son and helped Elena raise him. It should be noted that Ivan is his The only son. They spend time together.

Elena came to faith very early. Being an emotional and passionate person, she made attempts to church all her friends and relatives, which was received with hostility by them, since she did it aggressively and forcefully. Later she calmed down a little and now prefers to live without interfering in other people's lives.

Skorokhodova is a writer and playwright. In her works, she always tries to highlight the accents so that it becomes clear what is bad and what is good. Elena dedicates her confessor, Father Nikolai, to her creative quest.

Every year Skorokhodova goes to the sea. She believes that without immersion in sea ​​water and admiring the horizon line at least once a year she will not be able to live. Elena usually vacations in Sochi.

On the eve of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, Woman's Day met with large families and found out what their happiness is.

Evgenia Zamoshnikova, Yulia Vasilyeva, Elena Lemmerman, Marina Kuznetsova, Kristina Zaplatina, Olga Korol· July 8, 2016

Tatyana and Oleg Storozhevy, 6 children


Children: Nastya and Masha are twins, they are almost 13 years old, Stepan is 9 years old, Semyon is 7 years old, Ivanna is 4 years old, Sashenka is 7 months old.

I know exactly which one was harder. When Ivanna and all the other children were born, they were not as mature as they are now. Everyone demanded attention. Semyon just went to kindergarten. Stepan gets ready for school. And the baby pulls the blanket over herself. Everything is different now. Everyone loves Sasha. The older sisters can feed and look after. Stepan is happy to take the baby for a ride in a stroller.

How do children live? What is your daily routine like?

6:50 – dad and boys get up. Swimming practice at 7:30. We wake up an hour later. When there is school, homework is done before lunch. Nastya goes to practice vocals, Masha goes to dance. Everyone is busy with their own business, but at the same time everyone tries to help their parents and each other. Girls can often cook breakfast. IN Lately began to bake simple biscuits.

Favorite family leisure activity.

Every Saturday we gather for breakfast and then read the Bible. It is important that, in addition to secular education, biblical principles are laid at the foundation of life. And every Sunday there is a mandatory lunch together. Often grandmothers, great-grandmothers and other relatives join us. We have a lot of them.

Plans for the summer.

Our summer is always active. We will definitely visit the sea a couple of times. And at the end of July we are going to Moscow. It is very important that children see the beauty and power of the capital and know the history of their homeland.

My husband and I never go to bed in different rooms. We never say offensive words to each other or to children. We never give up.

Recipe for happiness.

Forgiveness renews love. Everything happens in life - both difficulties and joys, but it is important not to remember past grievances and believe in the best. And, of course, try to please and surprise loved ones. My husband brings me coffee in bed every morning, and when he leaves early in the morning, he puts a thermos and a cup next to it. Well, how can you not love him? And I wake up and send love text messages. This is how we preserve love, romance and respect.

Evgenia and Pavel Mashko, 6 children

Children: Nikita - 15 years old, Daniel - 12 and a half years old, twins Bogdan and Stefan - 9 years old, twins Elisha and Eva-Maria - 1 year 4 months.

Have you ever thought about becoming parents of many children?

No, we never thought about it and didn’t even plan for more than three. It seemed to us that three children was simply the limit for parents with many children. But it so happened that we had more children. And we are very happy!

After which child did it become easier?

There is an expression that we jokingly use in our family: “God never promised anyone an easy life.” Therefore, I cannot say that at some point it suddenly became easier. But we are used to the fact that there are so many of us, and we treat it differently.

How do children live?

All four older sons play football. They have practically no free time, everything is taken up by sports, school, training, sleep. There are rare weekends when there is no training, but they train independently even on these days. But in general, we go somewhere with the whole family to visit or friends come to us. We go to the cinema - in general, everything is like everyone else, nothing special.

Favorite family leisure activity. I guess it's just a time when we all get together. Because our children are the same busy people, like their parents. And as you know, what we see rarely is what we love. We really appreciate these moments of easy doing nothing together, which we practically never have.

Plans for the summer.

Summer is scheduled minute by minute, for example, for me it’s already until September 23rd. Fortunately, we found a month with the children in Sochi (we have a house there). It's a pity that summer together only a few weeks, but the children had Russian championships, they are still playing, they are now in the camp. Because of sports, we cannot be distracted by any longer-term vacations.

Three “never”s for your family.

Our family follows the rule “Never say never.” There is no such thing as “never” for us.

Recipe for happiness.

Just be happy every day. I absolutely agree with the statement that happiness is like clothes. You get up in the morning, put it on - and you are already happy. Happiness is within us, and we simply must be happy, because no one will do it for us. Be happy, friends, don’t be discouraged and dress in a dress of happiness every day!

Tatyana Skorokhodova and Andrey Zakablukovsky, 4 children

Children: Danil – 22 years old, Anya – 19 years old, Darius – 15 years old, Marika – 10 years old.

How do children live?

The eldest Danil is a programmer, studies at the Berlin University of Technology, works and wants to change the world. Anya graduated from the first year of the Faculty of International Economics, passed the exam ahead of schedule and went to America to see how business works in other countries. Boyko speaks English and is learning Spanish. She has such a commercial spirit, I think she can do some kind of business. Darius has the talent to purposefully pursue his goal and complete everything to the end the best way, loves music, shoots and edits films. I see in him obvious signs a leading person and a certain acting talent. But the son does not want to be an actor, he says that he cannot do what was not invented by him. Maybe he will become a director, but for now he is studying at a programming school. Our Marika is small in age and height, but in fact she is very mature, sensible, and everything goes according to plan. She plans to be a designer, but with conversational skills like hers, the ability to joke precisely and to the point, it seems to me that she will later find a more suitable occupation for herself.

Photo: personal archive of Tatyana Skorokhodova

After which child did life become easier?

It was only difficult with the first one. I was very responsible and read a lot of Benjamin Spock, who advised not to pick up children so that they don’t get used to it. I still apologize to my eldest son for mocking him using scientific methods.

Three “never”s in your family.

1) Never carry resentment and dissatisfaction for a long time - no more than three minutes. 2) Never think that there is no way out. There is always a way out. If you feel like you'll never get out of a terrible situation, it simply means you don't have enough experience. Tell mom and dad and we'll find a way out. Your family is always behind you. We never abandon our own, no matter what they do. 3) Never say “impossible” because everything is possible.

Favorite family leisure activity.

I really love it when everyone comes together. We barbecue, sit on the lawn near the house or in the house at a large table and chat about everything. It seems to me that education takes place in such conversations: we find out points of view on different things, place emphasis, learn new things from children, and they gain life experience from us.

Always remember why you fell in love with this person. Sometimes we all make mistakes, something always happens to us. We are changing, and not only internally... I am very grateful to my husband for all the moments that happen in our lives: bad things teach us to be critical of our actions, and good things have always inspired and still inspire, no matter what I do. Care, attention and tenderness - these, I think, are the pillars on which love rests.

Elena and Pavel Konovalov, 8 children


Children: Sophia - 11 years old, Margarita - 10 years old, Andrey - 9 years old, Polina - 7 years old, Semyon - 6 years old, Elizaveta - 3.5 years old, Alexander - 1.5 years old, Matvey - 8 months old.

After which child did it become easier?

Who said it got easier? With our third child, we got into a rut. It became difficult when the fourth was born. One, two, three – they didn’t feel like they had many children. Because of the children, our life schedule was practically not changed, especially since we had a nanny.

How do children live?

After breakfast, the husband takes the older children to school, the younger ones remain in the house, as if in kindergarten. We read with them, develop them. During the holidays we are all together. Our children are great helpers: the older ones wash and dress the younger ones in the morning, water the flowers in the yard, wash the car with dad. They distribute responsibilities among themselves and do not shirk. Our children are energetically active, no one is lazy. They ask themselves: can I help you? The three youngest do not have a schedule; they eat whenever they want, but the older ones stick to the schedule. IN school time the three eldest play music: Sophia and Margarita play the oboe, Andrey plays the button accordion and all three play the piano, and go to the pool. Sophia looks after everyone, as the eldest and most responsible. We allow each child to play with a tablet or watch a cartoon for no more than an hour. If there are a lot of people willing, then no more than 20 minutes per person several times. Let them read more. In the evenings we can all watch a good adventure film or educational cartoon together.

Favorite family leisure activity.

Trips to the sea, going to a cafe or cinema.

Plans for the summer.

Let's go to the seaside in Novomikhailovka or Novorossiysk. All the kids like to catch crabs with dad and then cook them.

Three “never”s for your family.

We will never get divorced. We will never leave our children. We will always support any of their choices. For us, children are not until the age of 18, but for life. We will never stop striving for better. If we find shortcomings in ourselves, we will work on them.

Live not for yourself, but for another. The husband is for the wife, the wife is for the husband.

That's what we thought! They planned for nine. We'll give birth to one more - and that's enough.

Recipe for happiness.

The most important thing is open relationships. You need to voice any questions and not leave them to yourself for later. To know: I have to live with this person for the rest of my life.

Snezhana Popova and Alexey Gorskov, four children


Children: Roman - 13 years old, Andrey - 9 years old, Georgy - 6 years old, Yuriy - 4 years old.

After which child did it become easier?

After the second one. But all difficulties are quickly forgotten. All that remains is happiness.

How do children live?

The three eldest sons - Roman, Andrei and Georgiy - are football players, practice at the Olimpia club, the two eldest are members of the scouts organization, the eldest son Roman plays the guitar. When there are a lot of children, it is easier to organize the daily schedule and keep up with everything. The boys are an example for each other, the younger ones look at the older ones and repeat everything, there is no longer any need to teach them anything, to force them to do something. For example, our youngest, four-year-old Yuri, looking at his brothers, says: “I’m also a man, I want to play football!” When he grows up a little, we’ll send him to football too. But not only this sport is welcome in our family. Dad is involved in boxing, 6-year-old son Georgiy dreams of basketball, 9-year-old Andrey demonstrates singing talents, so we’ll give him vocals. So we have big plans for development. We need everything! Concerning homework, all my men here are my first assistants. And they will put things in order in the apartment, and they show interest in the kitchen. Especially the younger Yurik is always ready to help with cooking. He can make cutlets together with me, and he really likes to tinker with the dough.

Favorite family leisure activity.

We love tent tourism. We're going to the Don for a few days, the guys love fishing.

Plans for the summer.

Go on a trip to Russia.

Three “never”s for your family.

Never turn away. Never deceive each other. Never forget.

This requires three conditions: patience, respect and understanding.

Have you ever thought that you would be parents of many children?

I myself come from a large family, there are three of us from my parents. My mother always told me: “Daughter, you don’t need more than two children, it’s very difficult.” But I turned out to be a naughty girl and gave birth to four boys! And now I can’t imagine life any other way. I live, bathing in the love of five beloved men at once. And our feelings are mutual. Four sons are incredible happiness! And if God gives me more children, I will definitely take them.

Recipe for happiness.

Live with love and gratitude to God for what has been given to you. Love - driving force Total.

Valentina Tsybenko and Yaragi Sultygov, four children


Children: Gennady – 13 years old, Lev – 6 years old, Maria – 4 years old, Roman – 6 months old.

After which child did it become easier?

After the second one. There is a difference of six years, and the eldest helped a lot. And after the first one, my whole life turned upside down.

How do children live?

All our children are at work. The three eldest - Gennady, Lev and Masha - go in for sports and music. Gennady goes to judo, Lev goes to taekwondo, Masha goes to taekwondo and gymnastics. My husband and I are sure that children should not have free time. These classes will help them decide on future professions, and grow up to be independent and self-confident people.

Favorite family leisure activity.

We love holidays! We always have fun celebrating birthdays - in a cafe, at home or outdoors. We invite clowns, presenters, and order shows for children. At 6 am we present cakes for birthdays, at dawn. This is our tradition. So that the birthday boy wakes up and is pleased.

Plans for the summer.

For the third year in a row we are going to the sea. This year we will also go, our baby is already strong, he is six months old, we can introduce him to the Black Sea coast.

Three “never”s for your family.

Never betray each other. Never leave someone in trouble. Never despair.

Please and support each other. Our dad Yaragi Akhmetovich is a very serious, responsible head of the family! A military man by profession, his work is very serious and responsible, because he is a defender of the Motherland, a division commander missile forces. The main breadwinner and protector of our family. Man with capital letters! But when dad is at home, he forgets that he is a strict officer and commander. Kinder, more affectionate and more generous than a person not to be found in the whole wide world. Children really love spending time with daddy, especially going shopping, since our dad really loves to pamper his heirs. And our most important motto for our family is: “At any age, at any time of the year, children should have a beautiful mother.”

Recipe for happiness.

Don't be discouraged, be beautiful and happy, and everything will work out!

Ekaterina and Mikhail Posternak, 8 children


Children: Anastasia - 22 years old, Mikhail - 17 years old, Daria - 12 years old, Demid - 9 years old, Boris - 7 years old, Varvara - 6 years old, Vladimir - 2 years old, Anna - 10 months old.

After which child did it become easier?

It was hard with one. With each subsequent one it became easier. They keep each other busy and help. Especially adults. You can rely on them for everything! Dad is the leader in our family, he distributes things to everyone and controls them.

How do children live?

Children have different activities. Misha is an athlete – kickboxing, hand-to-hand combat. Daria - piano, vocals. Demid and Boris play the flute. There is a music school nearby, very convenient. We want to give Varechka to vocals, she asks. On Saturday and Sunday we go to church. Of course, they love tablets. But you can’t sit for a long time - everyone has responsibilities. 22-year-old Nastya, an artist-designer, got married and lives separately.

Favorite family leisure activity.

Outdoor recreation with barbecue and outdoor games.

Plans for the summer.

We will babysit our grandson - our eldest daughter Nastya gave birth to a son. We'll go to the sea in August.

Three “never”s for your family.

Do not be rude, do not offend each other, do not leave home without warning.

The husband and wife should have new goals that unite them. We have a construction project now, grandson... We support each other and become closer with every goal.

Have you ever thought that you would be parents of many children?

They didn't make a guess. We came to God, and everything worked out by itself. We take everything for granted.

Recipe for happiness.

Forget about yourself and give more, think about others. And also work. Everyone is constantly busy with something. We have a house, a farm: chickens, a greenhouse, a swimming pool. Sweep, wash, water the flowers with a hose - a lot of things to do.

Anna and Pavel Altukhov, 15 children

Saint Petersburg

The Altukhov family lives in country house in the village of Gorelovo - this is in the Krasnoselsky district of the Northern capital. Friends provided them with housing.

Children: Ilya - 18 years old, Dima - 17 years old, Artem - 16 years old, Zhenya - 15 years old, Arina - 13 years old, Ruth - 12 years old, Inna - 11 years old, Alexey - 10 years old, Zoya - 8 years old, then the same age Efim, Pavlik , Yura, Seryozha, Vladislav - he will turn 2 years old in August, and Anechka is the youngest, born in May 2016.

After which child did it become easier?

“When we were expecting the birth of our first child, I was very worried and cried with happiness. Now, of course, there are fewer worries, although I am just as happy about the birth of the baby. By the way, once I was even present at a birth and cut the umbilical cord,” admits Pavel Altukhov.

All Anna and Pavel’s children are their own, born in the same marriage!

How do your children live?

“The girls help me in the kitchen and with the kids, the boys work in the garden. Older children will always come to the aid of younger ones: they will teach them how to draw or explain how to do their homework correctly. They are all different, each has its own character, and I try to approach each one, taking into account their characteristics,” says mother Anna. “I didn’t see despondency and sadness in them. Children don't suffer from having little kids running around. They love them very much."

“We have a lot of free time. They don’t force you to work,” laughs 16-year-old Artem. “You just understand that you need to help.”

Favorite family leisure activity.

"On personal plot We grow potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes. In the fall we go to the forest to pick mushrooms and make preparations. Children are also interested in music and drawing,” say parents with many children.

Plans for the summer.

“The state supports us, we receive benefits for all children. Therefore, in the summer, as a rule, we all go on vacation together to the Volga, and in the winter to Finland. And we visit relatives in Estonia.”

Have you ever thought that you would be parents of many children?

“I myself am the eleventh child in the family,” Pavel smiles. - So, as far as I can remember, I was always sure: I would have no fewer children. By the way, my mother’s newborn Anya is already her 99th granddaughter! When you come home and such a horde runs out onto the doorstep and attacks your neck, you forget about all your problems.”

“All our children are welcome,” says Anna. “We wait for each one with the same trepidation as our firstborn.” I can’t even imagine that any of them weren’t there. For me it is simple and natural. If God gives children, then we must accept them as a blessing.”

Recipe for happiness.

“Unfortunately, we live in a self-centered society. The worst enemy of marriage, family, happiness is selfishness. True pleasure, true joy comes when a person knows how to give and sacrifice, says Paul. - And what can a person do more beautifully while living on Earth? What could be more beautiful than the life of a new person?

“I am pleased when children travel with me. They talk and are happy. It’s nice to watch them eat sausages or drink hot tea in the forest,” adds Anna.

Natalia and Dmitry Ezhov, 3 children

Children: Diana – 7 years old, Egor – 4 years old, Marianna – 2 years old. “Our family is the head of the family, Dmitry, loving wife and mother Natalya and our wonderful children - brutal son Egor, beautiful Dianochka and little sweetheart daughter Marianna. Also, the most caring grandmother lives with us - my mother Galina Semyonovna,” says Natalya Ezhova, finalist of the “Mrs. Earth– 2015″.

Did you and your husband think that you would be parents of many children?

“We always thought! I grew up alone, without sisters and brothers, and dreamed of big family. My mother waited for my birth for 13 years. My birth was a miracle, as the doctors said. And my husband and I wrote letters to each other on our wedding day, and they contained dreams of a big and strong family. We have plans for our little son Fyodor. And if it were not for financial difficulties, I would like five or six children - this is such happiness!“

Continue the phrase: “A large family is...”

"…a happy family! And a happy large family is the basis happy country and peace."

“The recipe is very simple: love, appreciate every moment of life with your family, do not pay attention to troubles and think only positively! After all, a positive thought has enormous power - a hundred times more than a negative one. We try to fill every day with joy, we organize family holidays every week.

Yes, probably everyone has their own role. Dad is the head, he works a lot (runs a construction business), provides for his family, raises his son, and spoils his daughter. Grandmother brings regularity, calm, and harmony into our lives. Helps with housework, helps raise children. I am very active mom: I work a lot (for this moment I am the development director of a chain of clothing stores, a teacher and production director in a modeling agency, as well as a stylist and makeup artist). I try to involve children in my activities: modeling and various events, which I am organizing. Our children are not only creative, but also athletic - their dad is a former basketball player. We are active, friendly, loving friend friend – happy family!”

Marina and Maxim Semenov, 4 children


Children: Semyon – 9 years old, Anna – 8 years old, Ivan – 4 years old, Maria – 6 months old.

After which child did it become easier?

It hasn’t gotten any better yet, maybe after the fifth it will get better! But, of course, our life has changed. Previously, my mother worked as an operating room nurse, and my father worked as a doctor for 15 years in a pediatric intensive care unit. But now we are done with medicine in our family. Mom is a housewife, dad is a musician, singer-songwriter of the Mamulki Band group.

How do children live?

We don’t have a daily routine now because it’s vacation. Everyone in the family lives according to their own schedule. Even sometimes you have to take turns feeding everyone. However, in the fall, when school, kindergarten, and music classes begin, it will be even more difficult. The older children study at a music school, so in our house we have guitars, accordion, piano... In general, it’s fun! When dad goes on tour, grandmothers help with the children. The guys themselves are trying to be helpers, but so far small age It doesn't quite work out. But at least they don’t interfere with doing things around the house as much as before. In our family, we all have the same responsibility: to do our best to maintain acceptable order and minimal cleanliness in the house.

Favorite family leisure activity.

We love to watch with the whole family good film: old Soviet and good. We can arrange a real orchestra or dancing! Sometimes children perform real puppet shows in front of us.

Plans for the summer.

We love to travel. We even bought a minivan so that the whole family could travel. However, we haven’t gone far from Yaroslavl yet: we’ve visited Rostov, Kostroma, Tutaev. We would like to go together to Moscow and Suzdal. And next year, when my youngest daughter grows up, south to the sea.

Three “never”s for your family?

There is a saying: “Never say never.” Everything is acceptable in our family, we ordinary people. It is impossible to avoid any quarrels and conflicts in a family; the main thing is simply not to be harsh and to respect some limits. And jealousy can happen in children... It is especially difficult to cope with attention deficit. After all, sometimes you just don’t have the strength to even read to everyone at night. And this is sad, because you definitely need to read it. But we always try to follow one rule in the family - everything should be fair.

Have you ever thought that you would be parents of many children?

We didn’t expect it, but we felt that we could do it.

Igor and Irina Volynets, 4 children

Dad Igor, mother Irina.

Children: Lisa – 13 years old, Nadya – 11 years old, Katya – 9 years old, Bogdan – 6 years old.

Have you ever thought that you would be parents of many children?

We didn’t plan to be parents of many children, but when our first daughter, Lisa, was born, it became clear that children are very interesting. And I also began to wonder what our other children could become... So we decided to take a look!

A large family is...

An excellent platform for children’s self-realization, for their socialization and proper development. And for parents - fostering patience and understanding. Children are our best and, most importantly, most beloved teachers!

A recipe for family well-being.

It is both simple and complex: you must be able to find your reflection in another, and the reflection of another in yourself, while realizing that everyone has the right to remain themselves... Each child has his own unique character and requires special treatment. And parents, as competent managers, must take into account characteristics their offspring and have an individual approach to each.

A close-knit family is a family that you want to return to, even when you have grown up. I can judge this from myself: our family also had many children, and I am the eldest of three children. So we are all still very closely connected with each other. Mom, dad, brother, sister, me... I believe that happiness is when you are understood, and big family means that there are many who will always understand and support you! And this makes everyone in such a family stronger and happier.

Elena and Oleg Guzhavin, four children


Children: Anastasia – 24 years old, Konstantin – 21 years old, Dmitry – 11 years old, Maxim – 6 years old.

After which child did it become easier?

It’s easier to say when it became more difficult... Five years ago we moved to Novosibirsk from Kazakhstan, and that’s when it became more difficult. New place, new flat, new job, in children - new school and a kindergarten.

How do children live?

As a rule, we get up early and get ready for work. I work in a kindergarten as a teacher and twice a week in the evenings as a choreographer at a child development center, my husband works as a mechanic at a poultry farm. The eldest Kirill serves in the army, and eldest daughter, like me, works in a kindergarten. We usually return from work late. Me after 20:00 and 21:00. Then comes household chores, checking homework, and go straight to sleep.

Favorite family leisure activity.

If we have the opportunity to relax together, and this happens rarely, we try to attend one of the city or regional holidays.

Plans for the summer.

Now we are finishing the construction of a large house for the whole family, so our plans are to finish the roof.

Three “never”s for your family.

I can say one thing - never cheat! This is how I was raised, this is how I have been raising my children since childhood. As for the rest, I try not to forbid anything for children. I think it’s not entirely right for mothers to watch every move of their 18-year-old son. The child himself must feel and bear responsibility for his actions.

Love is a combination of several elements, including: respect, responsibility, care, mutual assistance, trust, sensitivity. I think it's important to preserve each of these elements.

Have you ever thought that you would be parents of many children?

When I was in school, I told everyone that I would have 7 children. I don’t know what this is connected with, I didn’t even attach any importance to it. When I gave birth to my daughter, I thought that I could have another boy, and that would be enough! But after the boy came another boy... and another boy. And I'm glad that it turned out that way.

Recipe for happiness.

Love each other and always come to each other's aid.

Evgenia (40 years old) and Sergey (44 years old) Radionovs, 8 children, 9th on the way

The Radionov family lives in a huge house near Yekaterinburg. No wonder, because they will soon have their 9th child! Evgenia says.

Children: Semyon - 19 years old, Katya - 18 years old, Alena - 14 years old, Lucia - 8 years old, Philip - 6 years old, Alexey - 4 years old, Vera - 2 years old, Dobrynya - 1 year old.

After which child did it become easier?

At first we lived with our parents in a two-room apartment, huddled there with 5 children in one room, and it was hard. Then they gave us land, we built our own big house in the village of Maly Istok with total area in 300 sq. m, where the other three children were born. And from that moment our difficulties ended. There is a lot of freedom here, children walk and play, we run our own farm - we have goats and chickens. My husband built the house himself, with help from his eldest son Semyon and our parents. The state helped in terms of money - there was maternity capital for each child.

Mom Evgeniya, Varya, Semyon, Alexey, Katya, Philip, Alena, Lucia, dad Sergey, Dobrynya

Have you ever thought about being a parent of many children?

My husband and I weren't thinking about having a big family. The husband has only one older brother, and in his youth he thought that his family would have a maximum of two children. But at the age of 17 he came to God, just like me. I did it intuitively, I just started going to church and believed in God. And this happened to my husband after he and his friends had an accident. His friend died, and he was seriously injured, lay unconscious for several days, and took a long time to recover. And at that time he came across the Gospel, he began to read and got involved... Friends came to him, called him to do “bad things”, he began to refuse. For the first two years they twisted their fingers at their temples, but now they respect them, although half of them are no longer alive...

Sergei has been serving as a deacon in the Protestant church for 22 years. I do not work, but devote myself entirely to raising children. And we follow the rule: as many children as God gives, so many should be born. My husband told me that when he was still without children, he looked at large families and thought: “God, how do they live?” And now we both understand that being parents of many children is not so difficult - the older ones help you, and the younger ones play with each other and help you develop.

How do the children live?

Of course, we pray in the morning, then everyone goes about their business - the older ones go to school, and the younger ones help us with the housework - we bake our own bread, take care of the goats and chickens. The younger ones race to see who can collect the eggs the fastest, Alena helps milk the goats... All the children wash the dishes after themselves, the older ones have their own duty schedule: some help put things in order for the little ones, others, for example, are in charge in the kitchen.

My husband and eldest Semyon go to collect fireweed. In general, we try to eat healthy, our children don’t drink soda, we don’t eat mayonnaise, we don’t buy sausages with high content various additives. After a working day, I invite everyone to dinner, where we thank God, and then the older ones go to do their homework, the younger ones play while my husband and I do housework.

Lesha, Philip, Lucia: they accepted little Dobrynya into their ranks!

How different are your children in character?

Everyone is very different. Alena, for example, loves to clean up, even if you take the broom away from her! Sema loves to cook. Katya loves to draw, draws portraits with a pencil, she is a very creative girl. Lucy, Philip and Lesha always go together, they have a small age difference, and they always ask the elders: “How can I help?” And Dobrynya and Vera are still very small, but they bring great joy. I can’t get enough of playing with the younger Dobrynya, I often say how good he is!

Of course, we raise them on the Bible, we talk about how important it is to do right choice. But at the same time, they go to regular schools and communicate with peers. The three older children graduated from music school, and Alena graduated from art school. The most important thing is to understand that children take their cues from their parents and imitate them in everything, so parents themselves need to live with dignity.

Favorite family activity?

The children really love visiting their grandmother, every Sunday they go to her, and I stay at home with the little ones. We have birthdays almost every month, so we often gather around the festive table.

We really love to go out into nature with the whole family, we go to the Chelyabinsk lakes, stay there for several days, spending the night in tents. Sometimes we travel with a family friend who has 11 children!

Somewhere, my husband and I tolerate each other, forgive each other for mistakes, including in small things. And it is important to be faithful. It is a very pleasant feeling when you are faithful to a person and he is faithful to you. There is a saying: “A thread twisted in three will not break.”

The recipe for your happiness?

A large family is happiness! Little children amaze you with their purity and simplicity, and older children with their independence. They are used to helping their parents and looking after their younger ones. For example, the other day my husband and I celebrated our 20th anniversary. life together! And the elders - Semyon and Katya - made us a cake and pizza themselves. It is very nice! I can’t imagine how my husband and I would live without our children.

When you give birth not for the first or even the second time, you experience incredible happiness of motherhood, even more than when a child first appears in the family! And in October we are expecting a new addition to our family – our 9th baby!

There have been big changes in the biography and personal life of Tatyana Skorokhodova; over the course of several years of work in the camera, she managed to add to her list of roles.

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Skorokhodova was born on August 2, 1968 in Irkutsk. WITH early childhood she loved to recite poems and speak in public. 1991 became a landmark year for Tatyana; she graduated from the B.V. Shchukin Theater School, course of Yuri Avsharov.

Actress Tatyana Skorokhodova

Tanya began her ascent to the Olympus of success by working in the “Scientific Monkey” theater, in which graduates of Avsharov’s course took an active part.

The actors were Skorokhodova and Maryanov, unknown at that time; they also took an active part in the program called “Your Own Director,” in which the guys appeared in a comedic role. The audience remembered them from small television reprises. The actress's first major role was as a girl named Dina in the film of the same name.

Tatyana Skorokhodova in the film “Risk without a contract”
This mystical drama, directed by Fyodor Petrukhin, attracted the attention of millions of viewers.

Then came offers to star in other films, including: “Our Man in San Remo”, the melodramatic story “Love”, the action movie “Called the Beast”, the comedy “Alphonse”, “Risk without a contract”, “Love on order” "

Tatyana Skorokhodova in the film “Our Man in San Remo”

In 1993, Tatyana Skorokhodova played together with Dmitry Pevtsov in the action film “The Mafia is Immortal.” This was the last one notable work actresses and then on long years everyone forgot about her. The departure from cinema marked new stage in Skorokhodova’s life, even if she did not have time to realize herself as an actress.

Tatyana Skorokhodova in the film "Alphonse"

There was stagnation in Soviet cinema, and a kind of black line, Tatyana, as if intuitively sensed the approaching storm and decided to try to reveal her other talents.

A new stage in my career after many years

Tatyana met cameraman Andrei Zakablukovsky, with whom she created strong family. They left the capital for Irkutsk, where she began to take part in photo shoots, became a model, as well as a presenter at the AIST company, and even ran for State Duma deputy in Irkutsk. She devoted herself to children, Tatyana Skorokhodova’s personal life and biography is filled with bright events, even despite the fact that she completely stopped appearing in the frame. Together with her husband Andrei, the actress is raising four children: daughters Anya and Marika, sons Darik and Danil.

Tatyana took the place of editor-in-chief in a local magazine called “Stolnik”; she wakes up every day with her beloved viewers, being a presenter on YWAM radio.
Tatyana Skorokhodova works as a TV presenter

Together with her work colleague Konstantin Ozerov, Skorokhodova talks about the news and shares her impressions of new films and TV series that have only recently appeared on the screen.

Recently, Tatyana has been acting in films again; in 2011, a film with her participation, “Satisfaction,” was released, followed by the film “Pokhabovsk. back side Siberia." Last film was filmed in Irkutsk and the actress is very proud of it. Local cinema allows her to surprise viewers. Skorokhodova believes that there are not enough films on domestic television for adult audience, since they usually make comedy stories for teenagers, and the older generation has absolutely nothing to watch.

Tatyana Skorokhodova: photo

Tatyana was quite surprised when she learned that creative directors, operators and producers of new films are representatives younger generation. She is not at all against such fruitful cooperation and is always ready to listen to opinions talented people. Photos from Tatyana Skorokhodova’s personal life and her biography can be found on the Internet.

The actress is often asked the question, what role would she like to play? Tatyana dreams of a dramatic film, where she will appear as a brunette with character who finds herself in difficult situations. life situations and tries to cope with difficulties.

Actress Tatyana Skorokhodova
Ironically, she always gets the roles of blondes, easy-going, cheerful and freedom-loving individuals.

Skorokhodova believes that being a blonde is much easier, more fun and optimistic than being a brunette. Because of Tatiana, Andrei left his wife Larisa, and the actress considered herself to blame for what happened. But Zakablukovsky did not back down; every weekend while the actress lived and worked in Moscow, he flew to visit and they spent these precious minutes alone with each other. Biography and personal life of Tatyana Skorokhodova, she does not hide photos of her children. The woman is grateful to her husband for a large and strong family, which she values ​​very much.

Tatyana Skorokhodova now

Andrey often makes her happy original gifts, this man managed to win her trust and do everything possible to keep the relationship reverent and unusually sincere. This couple has earned the proud title of one of the exemplary families of Russian cinema.