As you know, any project must develop, but this will first require capital investments that can bring benefits in the future. Young professionals in Russia have enormous potential, which requires state support, which is why there is such a thing as presidential grants.

What is a grant?

The grant is designed for candidates or doctors in certain areas of science. Not only the scientist himself, but also the leader of an entire team who leads scientific work in Russia with growing talented students.

The funds issued for incentives are included in the state budget. Often, in order to receive a grant from the President of the Russian Federation, you need to pass a competition.

How are grants distributed?

Competitions for the opportunity to receive assistance from the state are usually held to develop scientific research in state level. The following categories of citizens can take part in them:

  1. Young scientists who are candidates of science and were under 35 years of age at the time of participation in the competition. For the presidential grant competition, they submit dissertations on various scientific topics that have not been studied by anyone before and are a novelty in science. For example, this could be technological research.
  2. The second category is citizens under 40 years of age who have already become doctors of science. The competition may accept doctoral works that are related to a specific scientific topic and supported by rigorous evidence.
  3. Russian scientific organizations take part in competitions. But it is worth paying attention that this should be an established team, in which there is research by scientists of different age categories and scientific degrees.

All researchers should choose one direction, and their Team work should be aimed at one common result. Development grants are received by teams that include well-trained scientific personnel; there must be a leader and researchers who are under 35 years of age.

Who gives Presidential grants?

Scientific works are initially submitted to a special scientific commission for consideration. Direct attention is drawn to the fact that the work must comply with all the conditions of the competition, otherwise it may not be accepted. If the commission approves the work, then it is then forwarded to the Council, where the work is assessed by experts. Important role It is this assessment that plays a role, since it will influence the determination of the winner.

How scientists' works are reviewed

As soon as the commission makes a positive decision regarding the work of a young specialist, the government agency enters into a special agreement with him or with the organization where the competition participant works. The document must indicate the research topic on which the young specialist worked, and he is allocated a grant from the President of the Russian Federation.

Work in the chosen field of science should include not only the main part, but also such additions as:

  1. Work plan.
  2. Estimate of expenses required to carry out research. Not only full funding is indicated, but also funding for each stage separately.
  3. All obligations that fall on the shoulders of a young scientist or organization, and responsibility for spending the allocated funds are described.
  4. The scientist must give his written consent to conduct scientific research according to the scientific program he has developed.

Additionally, other conditions for the use of the state grant may be included in the contract.

Can a check be carried out regarding the intended use of the grant?

As a rule, presidential grants are not issued just like that, so Federal agencies have every right to conduct an audit regarding the intended use of the grant. Such points are spelled out in the contract, which clearly states the obligations of the young scientist. He is obliged to follow the provided plan, and at each completed stage provide a report on the consumption Money.

Given the fact that a young scientist or organization may need a base for experiments, the Federal Agency can attract outside organizations that can provide everything the necessary conditions for successful research.

Who can receive presidential grants?

State grants can be awarded to scientists who make significant contributions to the state's science. Participants in such competitions can be Russian researchers or even entire organizations that create and research scientific and technical innovations. Anyone who actively works at a school in the Russian Federation and truly makes a significant contribution to the development of science can submit their work to the competition.

What are the deadlines for issuing and the size of the grant?

A presidential grant for young scientists can be issued for a period of two years. Speaking in more detail about the size of grants, it is worth noting that they can fluctuate, basically it all depends on the expenses that will be required to carry out the research. The total estimate includes the salary of a scientist, which reaches 60,000 rubles per year for a candidate, and 84,000 for a doctor. Managers who actively supported young specialists in research work receive a one-time incentive in the amount of 24,000 rubles.

Amount of funds as material support

Competitions, scholarships, grants - all this contributes to the development of science, so the state tries in every possible way to provide financial assistance young scientists. The amount of funds disbursed is stipulated in an agreement with the organization to whose account the funds will be transferred. It should be remembered that additional monetary support cannot be higher than half of the total grant amount.

Young scientists under 35 years of age, who are considered the main specialists of the Russian Federation school, can count on financial support from the state. Cash is given to the young specialist in addition to his established salary. It is also important to remember intended purpose government funding. If in any way it turns out that grants from the President of the Russian Federation allocated to young scientists are being used for other purposes, then payments of funds are immediately stopped.

Presidential scholarships

State support for young specialists annually covers at least 40 young specialists under 35 years of age who have a scientific degree of candidate of sciences, for this state budget 600,000 rubles are allocated. The number of specialists under 40 years of age who have a doctorate degree and receive presidential grants is 60 people, 1 million rubles are allocated for them per year. The state allocates an annual amount of 400,000 rubles to leading scientific schools.

In no case should we forget about the Russian Federation. Such payments are established for a period of up to 3 years and amount to 20,000 rubles. The number of students who can count on such financial support from the state annually is about 1,000 people, and if we talk about the funds allocated from the state budget for these payments, then in total the amount reaches 240 million rubles per year.

Rules for submitting a dissertation for a grant

To receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation, young scientists should be sure to familiarize themselves with all the rules for submitting work for consideration by the commission. As a rule, all competitions are held in two stages:

  1. The first stage is carried out for young specialists who are candidates of science.
  2. The second stage is carried out for those researchers who already have academic degree Doctor of Sciences

The grant applicant must remember that he will only be able to submit his work within the framework of one application. Grant applicants cannot be:

  1. Last year's winners, as their first grant had not yet expired.
  2. Presidential Scholarship holders.

In turn, organizations that apply to participate in a grant competition must have a good material base, necessary equipment for research work, exceptional reputation, no problems with tax office. An organization will not be able to take part if its property has been seized, and the organization itself economic activity suspended.

It should be noted that presidential grants for NPOs have been calculated. Non-profit organizations can also submit their applications to participate in the competition.

What areas of scientific development are given priority this year?

Grants are allocated for a fairly long period, usually two years, but only those projects that can truly be called fundamental are financed. Today, the commission gives most preference to works written in the context of the following areas of science:

  1. Mathematics and technology.
  2. Physical discoveries and discoveries in the field of astronomy.
  3. Opening new chemical materials and technology.
  4. Scientific research in the field of biology.
  5. New discoveries in rational environmental management and the fight for the environment.
  6. Humanities are welcome.
  7. Discoveries in the field of medicine.
  8. Engineering projects.
  9. Information technology direction.
  10. Agronomy and agricultural development.

Having analyzed the works already submitted, we can say that the most popular topics among young people are:

  1. The protection of people's lives and health is actively carried out, which will further reduce the number of manifestations of incurable diseases.
  2. Projects related to education and awareness are being actively promoted.
  3. Much work is aimed at solving the problem of social services, including support for vulnerable segments of the population.
  4. The direction in the field of culture and science, as well as topics related to the preservation of historical values, has become popular.

Competitions, scholarships, and grants become an excellent motivation for the development of young people who strive to achieve great heights in science. Talented young scientists should prove themselves in different areas activities, making the state stronger and in demand. The greater the amount of such incentives and state aid, the more talented people will be able to express themselves in different scientific areas, offering more innovative projects that will help you do the world better.

Since 2006 in Russia for non-profit organizations(NGOs) receive grants from the President. Every year the number of people wishing to implement their projects is growing. Our clients often ask how we manage to write a project correctly and competently so that it wins. Therefore, in this material we share secrets on how to do this.

Who can apply for a grant?

As with all types of grant support, the regulations specify all the requirements for competitors. Please note that applications for the presidential grant can be submitted twice (three times) a year: in the first or second half of the year. The timing varies from year to year. So, in 2018, the results of the first were summed up on June 1 (applications were accepted from February 20 to March 26), and the second competition started on July 16 and ended on September 10. The results were summed up on November 1.

It is expected that in 2019 the Foundation will accept applications for three competitions, but will determine the winners of only two of them. The results of the latter will be announced in early 2020.

Application calendar:

Non-profits can apply for a presidential grant non-governmental organizations, meeting the following requirements:

1) the organization is registered no later than one year before the closing date for accepting applications for participation in the competition, and if the organization requests a grant in the amount of up to five hundred thousand rubles - no later than six months before the closing date for accepting applications for participation in the competition competition;

2) the organization carries out, in accordance with the charter, one or more types of activities corresponding to the above areas;

3) the organization is not in the process of liquidation, insolvency (bankruptcy) proceedings have not been initiated against it, and the organization’s activities have not been suspended in the manner prescribed by law;

4) the organization has no overdue debts on taxes, fees and other obligatory payments to budgets budget system Russian Federation, the due date for which has come in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (except for amounts for which there is a court decision that has entered into legal force recognizing the organization’s obligation to pay these amounts as fulfilled), in an amount exceeding one thousand rubles.

In what cases can you not apply for a grant?

WITH detailed list You can find it on the website of the Presidential Grants Foundation. We will highlight just a few types of organizations: political parties, self-regulatory organizations, associations of employers, associations of cooperatives, chambers of commerce and industry, associations of real estate owners, which include, among other things, homeowners' associations.

So, to participate in the competition, your organization must be non-profit and meet all the necessary criteria.

In what areas can I apply?

social services, social support and protection of citizens ();

✓ protecting the health of citizens, propaganda healthy image life;

✓ support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood;

✓ support for youth projects;

✓ support for projects in the field of science, education, enlightenment;

✓ support for projects in the field of culture and art;

✓ identification and support of young talents in the field of culture and art;

✓ preservation of historical memory;

✓ protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, including protection of the rights of prisoners;

✓ security environment and animal protection;

✓ strengthening interethnic and interreligious harmony;

✓ development of public diplomacy and support for compatriots;

✓ development of institutions civil society.

How to win a competition for a presidential grant?

Check your organization's charter carefully and promptly

It is uploaded to the website, so all the information you provide in the application must correspond, including the direction of activity in the project and the charter.

For example:

In the charter of your organization, the area of ​​activity is “support for youth projects,” and you are submitting an application in the area of ​​“environmental protection and animal protection.” This is mistake!

Also, please specify your region correctly. You cannot request grant funds for an interregional project, while your organization, according to its charter, operates in one region.

Don’t over-budget – ask only for the amount you need

A common mistake of all competitors who did not receive a grant is inflated budgets. Please note that the expert commission will evaluate the profitability of the estimated funds spent. Consider the project area and the duration of your organization's activities. So, for a regional project of an organization that has been in existence for two years, a budget of approximately 500 thousand rubles is suitable.

Complete and submit your application correctly in advance

Do you want to get everything done on the last day? Then remember: you have no right to make a mistake. Fill out the application as correctly as possible, check and submit it IN ADVANCE. If there are any shortcomings, they will be pointed out to you. And you will be able to quickly eliminate them, and will not lose the chance to receive grant support.

Put the project through yourself

It may sound trivial, but don’t forget that experts are people just like you. Therefore, looking at your project through the eyes of an outsider is not a bad idea. Eliminate all possible shortcomings, think about whether the stated problem and the goal of the project are relevant.

And finally: pay attention brief description. Invest in 3000 available characters only important information without water and lyrical digressions. Then experts will evaluate your project, and you will receive the right to implement a social project using funds from the presidential grant.

Do you have any questions? Ask our consultant by leaving a request on the website, or by phone number: 8 962 401 51 28

Our company professionally develops social projects under presidential grants that win

The review has been updated in accordance with changes in the regulations on grants, which were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. New information in the text italicized. The most important thing is to work now for 3 years, not 5; the list of activities will undergo examination; instead of quotas - a rating of applicants; eligibility must be confirmed by achievements only from the second year.

This season, the Olympic world was shocked by the news that there would be no more Presidential Awards! As a departmental consultant public policy in the field general education Ministry of Education and Science of Russia N.A. Sveshnikova: “The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on bonuses to support talented youth was in force until 2016. It expired last year and was not renewed.”

On this moment There is no alternative to bonuses. The only financial support federal level, which Olympiad participants can count on - grants from the President of the Russian Federation. The program is new and has only been in effect for a few years. We figured out what grants are, who can apply for them, and what pitfalls their recipients may stumble upon.

What are grants from the President of the Russian Federation and who are entitled to them?

The main difference between grants and awards is that they are received by students, not schoolchildren. To become a candidate, you need to enroll in a university budget place. In addition, you must be a winner or prize-winner of a competition from a special list. This list of events is approved annually by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and accordingly only merit received in the graduating class will be taken into account. Since the grants are aimed at supporting the talented youth of our country, the grant recipient must have Russian citizenship.

No more than 1,200 grants are issued per year. Since there may be more potential applicants, a ranking system will be introduced depending on the competitions and results in them. Information about applicants is posted until September 15. But even if you are not on this list, all is not lost. Additional recruitment may be organized to replace those who refused.

As the status grows, so do the stakes. In an ideal situation, students who have entered into an agreement to receive grants receive 20,000 rubles monthly while they are studying for a bachelor’s or specialty degree. Not bad support for a student, considering that the average scholarship is several times less. The total is 240,000 rubles per year, 960,000 rubles for 4 years or 1,200,000 for 5 years of study. True, if the contract is violated, you will have to return 3 times more.

Grants approved in 2015, as part of state program“Development of Education” for 2013-2020. In total, it is planned to issue 5,000 grants, no more than 1,200 per year. We do some quick calculations and find that the last recipient of the grant will conclude an agreement no earlier than 2020.

What Olympiads give grants for?

First of all for All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren. Last year, according to its results, 951 people were included in the list of applicants. International Olympiads, for which bonuses were previously given separately, are not included in this list. On the other hand, selection for most of these competitions takes place based on the results of the All-Russian Olympiad.

In general, any Olympiad for eleventh graders can be included in the list of events in which grants are given for winning. Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in cooperation with federal government agencies, state corporations and companies, associations of employers and associations of educational organizations of higher education forms a draft list of competitions for which a grant is given for winning. conducts an examination. Based on this, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science approves a list of activities by August 1.

This may include Olympiads, competitions, championships Olympic sports sports, sports competitions and other intellectual, creative and sporting competitions.

You can find out the list of competitions for the next academic year after August 10, by which time the order is published. In 2015, it included 38 events, last year – 34, and this year, winners and prize-winners of 62 competitions can receive grants.

What are the obligations of the grant recipient?

The student annually confirms his right to a grant. One of the responsibilities is to study, study and study again! Sessions must be taken without “tails”. Arrears are considered failures and absences from exams without a valid reason.

Starting from the second year of study, the right to a grant must be confirmed annually by participation in research projects or all-Russian and international competitions, publications in scientific journals or scientific results. See more details. Achievements elsewhere should be reported to the university.

And the main obligation is to work in the Russian Federation for 3 years after graduation. You have 6 months to find a job

Three parties to the contract

The payment agreement is concluded between three parties: the operator, the grant recipient and the university where he is studying. An educational fund has been appointed as the operator. Its representatives contact applicants for grants, make payments, collect necessary information, and monitor whether the grant recipient complies with the terms of the contract.

The role of the operator is clear, let’s figure out what the university does. According to the agreement, it creates conditions for the development (display) of the talent of the grant recipient and for concluding an agreement on targeted training for the purpose of employment in the specialty. In addition, the university helps with paperwork and provides the operator with information about achievements.

Penalties for failure to comply with obligations

If the grant was paid for more than a year, the recipient is required to work for 3 years in Russia. The contract specifies payments and penalties only for failure to fulfill this obligation.

Those who did not complete their studies or refused to receive the grant before the expiration of its payment and did not work for 3 years give back what they were paid back.

If the recipient graduated from a university and did not work for 3 years, then he already returns the amount paid in three times the amount. For example, you studied for 4 years and received a grant all this time, then you will have to pay about 3 million.

Partial service does not count; there are only two options: worked for 3 years or did not work for 3 years. Therefore, it is important to immediately inform the operator about the presence of diseases that impede employment.

For those who received a grant for only 1 year, there is no refund, no penalties, or obligation to work for 3 years. We don’t yet know such cases, and we don’t know how things will actually turn out.

Other nuances

Minor applicants for grants will require parental consent, since citizens aged 14 to 18 years old make transactions with the written consent of their legal representatives (clause 1, article 26 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Those who want a change will be able to transfer to another university or to another educational program. Payments will be adjusted based on changes and duration of study.

Certainly academic leaves By medical indications, in case of call for military service, pregnancy and childbirth, child care can be taken. During training, payments are suspended for this period; after training, that same three-year work activity is postponed or interrupted.

In addition, studying in a master's or graduate school is a reason to postpone the start of work.

In connection with changes to the regulations on grants, which were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, additional agreements will be concluded with those who are already receiving payments.

Who to ask questions

The material was prepared based on information posted on the official website. Answers to FAQ are given in special. We advise you to ask any questions you may have by calling 8 800 100-86-63.

Find out the answers to all your questions, because your future may greatly depend on it!

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, together with the Grants Council of the President of the Russian Federation, announces 2018 competitions for the right to receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support young Russian scientists - candidates of science ( competition MK-2018) and young Russian scientists - doctors of science ( MD competition – 2018).

The organizer of the competitions is the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

Russian scientific or educational organizations, as well as organizations engaged in the production of scientific and technical products, with the exception of government institutions that have labor Relations with young Russian scientists - candidates of science (doctors of science), whose works were presented by these organizations for the competition.

If a young scientist requires additional experimental facilities or needs to create other conditions for conducting scientific research, then, in agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, third-party organizations can be involved in the work to ensure the creation of these conditions.

Competitions are held:

  • Competition MK-2018– for state support of scientific research conducted by young Russian scientists - candidates of science, whose age at the end of the grant does not exceed 35 years.

The competition may include works related to the development of the topics of candidate's dissertations, distinguished by significant scientific novelty, testifying to the significant contribution of young scientists to the development of science and technology and their creative talent, as well as those related to the preparation of doctoral dissertations.

  • Competition MD-2018– for state support of scientific research conducted by young Russian scientists - doctors of science, whose age at the end of the grant does not exceed 40 years.

Works related to the development of doctoral dissertation topics may be submitted to the competition.

An organization has the right to submit multiple applications based on the number of grant applicants represented.

Each grant applicant may submit work only in one application.

Grant applicants cannot be:

Winners of 2017 competitions for the right to receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of science (MK-2017) or young Russian scientists - doctors of science (MD-2017);

Recipients of the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists and graduate students carrying out promising scientific research and development in priority areas modernization Russian economy competition for 2016-2018

Scientific research proposed for conduct should not be a repetition of scientific research carried out in the current period or carried out in the previous period at the expense of the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation and other sources.

Organizations must have the necessary equipment, other material and technological capabilities, a positive reputation, fulfill obligations to pay taxes to budgets of all levels and mandatory payments to state extra-budgetary funds, must be solvent, and not be in the process of liquidation, reorganization, or bankruptcy. Organizations cannot participate in the competition if their property is seized and (or) their economic activities are suspended.

Grants are allocated for a 2-year period to finance the costs of conducting fundamental and applied scientific research aimed at solving specific problems within the framework of the areas defined in the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2016 No. 642) , which will allow obtaining scientific and scientific-technical results and creating technologies that are the basis innovative development domestic market for products and services, Russia’s stable position in the foreign market, and will ensure:

Transition to digital, intelligent manufacturing technologies, robotic systems, new materials and design methods, creation of systems for processing large volumes of data, machine learning and artificial intelligence;

Transition to environmentally friendly and resource-saving energy, increasing the efficiency of production and deep processing of hydrocarbons, the formation of new sources, methods of transportation and storage of energy;

Transition to personalized medicine, high-tech healthcare and health-saving technologies, including through rational use medicines(primarily antibacterial);

Transition to highly productive and environmentally friendly agricultural and aquatic farming, development and implementation of systems for the rational use of chemical and biological protection of agricultural plants and animals, storage and efficient processing agricultural products, creation of safe and high-quality, including functional, food products;

Countering man-made, biogenic, sociocultural threats, terrorism and ideological extremism, as well as cyber threats and other sources of danger to society, the economy and the state;

Connectivity of the territory of the Russian Federation through the creation of intelligent transport and telecommunication systems, as well as taking and maintaining leadership positions in the creation of international transport and logistics systems, the development and use of outer and air space, the World Ocean, the Arctic and Antarctic;

Possibility of effective response Russian society to great challenges, taking into account the interaction of man and nature, man and technology, social institutions on modern stage global development, including applying methods from the humanities and social sciences.

Applications can be submitted to the competition in the following areas of knowledge:

(01) Mathematics and mechanics;

(02) Physics and Astronomy;

(03) Chemistry, new materials and chemical technologies;

(04) Biology and Life Sciences;

(05) Earth Sciences, Ecology and Environmental Management;

(06) Social Sciences and Humanities;

(07) Medicine;

(08) Technical and engineering sciences;

(09) Information and telecommunication systems and technologies;

(11) Agricultural Sciences.

Amount of the grant for a young scientist – candidate of sciences amounts to 600 thousand rubles per year, including payment for his labor and the labor of co-executors. The number of co-executors must include at least 1 young scientist (under 35 years old), or a graduate student (under 35 years old), or a student. The amount of remuneration for a candidate of sciences and his co-executors cannot exceed 360 thousand rubles per year.

Amount of the grant for a young scientist – doctor of sciences amounts to 1 million rubles per year, including payment for his labor and the labor of co-executors. The number of co-executors must include at least 3 people. A co-executor can be a young scientist (up to 35 years old), or a graduate student (up to 35 years old), or a student. The amount of remuneration for a doctor of sciences and his co-executors cannot exceed 600 thousand rubles per year.

Material support for a young scientist through a grant is provided in addition to the salary established for the young scientist by the organization with which he has an employment relationship.

The competition commission reviews applications received for the competition and checks their compliance with the conditions of the competition. Applications that meet the terms of the competition are sent by the Competition Committee to the Grants Council for expert assessment. When conducting an expert assessment, the Grants Council takes into account such criteria as the scientific progress of the declared research over the past three years, planned activity scientific activity grant applicant (including publication of scientific articles in highly rated journals Web of Science, Scopus, etc.), assessment scientific research, including novelty and applied significance, the achievability of the results of scientific research.

Based on the results of the expert assessment, the Grants Council prepares proposals to determine the winning applications of the competition. The results of the expert assessment and proposals for determining the winning Applications are sent to the Competition Committee. The competition commission reviews them and determines the winning applications of the competition.

Lists of grant applicants, whose Applications are recognized as winners of the competition, will be published in the newspaper “Poisk” and posted on the websites of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (minobrnauki.rf) and the federal state budgetary scientific institution“Research Institute - Republican Research Scientific Consulting Center for Expertise” ( (FGBNU Scientific Research Institute RINCCE) in January 2018.

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  • Grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists

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