Thematic conversation for children: “How do animals winter?”

Description of work: This article introduces the life of wild animals in winter. The materials will be useful for kindergarten teachers and teachers primary classes and parents of preschool and younger children school age. The material can be used to design wall newspapers, mobile folders, and newsletters. Certain parts of the text can be used for activities with children.

Goal and tasks:
1. Develop a general understanding that different animals live in the forest and adapt differently to life in the winter season;
2. To foster in children an interest in the life of wild animals;
3. Summarize children’s knowledge about the typical habits of animals in winter, methods of protection from enemies, and obtaining food. Provide knowledge that animals can survive if they adapt to harsh winter conditions.
4. Foster curiosity and love for living nature native land;
5. Reinforce the signs of winter with children;
6. Activate vocabulary on the topic “Wild animals in winter.”

Winter - harsh time of the year. Winter is a difficult time for wild animals. In winter it is cold, there is a lot of snow and little food. It is difficult for wild animals to survive at this time.

Some animals migrate. Others hibernate. But many animals adapt to harsh conditions and lead their forest life. They get their own food, breed, and vigilantly inspecting the area, protect their children.

Animals in the forest prepare in advance for difficult trials.

Migrating animals.

Many residents of the Eastern Moscow region find it difficult to imagine migrating animals.
“Are there such people here?” - you ask.
“Do we have constant dry seasons like in Africa? And there don’t seem to be any antelopes?”

Yes, there are no such relocations in our area. But in northern parts Our vast country experiences similar phenomena in winter.

What kind of animals are these?

The annual migration of our reindeer can be compared to the migration of ungulates in Africa. These deer journeys are not as spectacular because deer like to travel in small groups or alone. All deer obey their instincts and walk across the endless expanses of the tundra to the south into the forest-tundra and taiga. More than a million reindeer follow the same trails year after year. To those places where it is easier for them to survive the winter.


Hibernation is not just an adaptation of animals to severe trials. For many animals, this is the only chance to survive the winter and avoid starvation.

The bear is a real furry giant. He is very large and strong.
The bear loves to eat various grains, rhizomes, nuts and berries. The bear loves to catch fish. For hours he is ready to stand motionless on the shore of a reservoir and wait for his prey. The bear is ready to endure many hundreds of bee stings in order to taste its favorite delicacy - honey.
But all this diversity is practically absent in winter. And our “carnivorous vegetarian” hibernates in winter.
Before hibernating, the bear builds a den for itself. Bears build their homes from branches and trunks. Tries to go into the wilderness. But before hibernating, the bear eats a lot of fat.
Did you know that a bear does not sleep all winter? Sometimes in winter a bear wakes up and goes out to wander a little, and then returns and falls asleep again. In winter, a mother bear gives birth to cubs. And like any caring mother, the bear takes care of her babies.

What other animals hibernate?
The chipmunk, having made a full hole under the supply tree, falls asleep “without its hind legs.” You can pick him up and try to wake him up, but your attempts are useless. This “sleepyhead” cannot be awakened.

A hedgehog that has gained fat prepares itself a cozy nest in deep holes or burrows. A hedgehog sleeps curled up into a ball in winter. Only he doesn’t fall asleep right away. At first, the hedgehog often wakes up, and then falls asleep again. Each of his dreams becomes longer and longer.

Long before the arrival of winter, bats found themselves a secluded cave or attic. And from time to time they wake up and fall asleep again. During periods of wakefulness the bats can look for food for themselves.

Wild animals that do not sleep in winter.

Long before the onset of cold weather, animals grow warmer and thicker fur. Many of them are stockpiling food and insulating their homes.
One of these thrifty animals is the squirrel. Even in warm weather, she made herself a house in a hollow or on a strong branch. The squirrel's home is insulated with dry mosses, hay and leaves. A squirrel's house must have two entrances. The rodent stores a lot of nuts, acorns, cones and mushrooms for the winter. The squirrel hides its supplies throughout the forest: under old stumps, in empty hollows and tree roots. The squirrel leaves the house only when it is necessary to pick up supplies from its hiding place.

The moose is a real giant. He needs a lot of food. In winter, moose can live alone or together. What do moose eat in winter? Moose love to eat the bark of young aspen trees and the shoots of young pine trees. Moose have very strong and large teeth. When there are no young shoots in the area, moose also grind the rough bark of old trees with their teeth. Elks are resting buried in the snow.
Large ungulates have a hard time in winter. But it’s even more difficult for wild boars. If the winter is mild, without snow, then wild boars take out various roots and leaves. They can also eat a rodent. In severe frosts or heavy snowfalls, wild boars often go hungry, become weak and defenseless against predators. To save themselves, wild boars gather in packs and only go out at night in search of food.
Wolves are the most dangerous forest predators. Their fur becomes thick and long in winter. This coat helps the wolf withstand the winter cold. And even in very coldy A wolf can sleep in the snow, covering its nose with its fluffy tail. As soon as it starts to get dark, the wolves go hunting. Wolves travel very long distances in search of food. Sometimes many tens of kilometers. They hunt animals of any size alone or in a pack. The coordinated actions of the entire pack helps the wolves survive.

The true owner of the forest in winter is the fox. Red-haired sly In winter and summer he wears a fur coat of the same color. Only the coat becomes thick with a thick undercoat. The fox walks in the snow without falling through, thanks to its fur-covered paws. Foxes live in burrows. But many cheats sleep right in the snow. They cover their nose with a large fluffy tail. The fox does not store supplies. That's why she goes hunting every day. Often foxes make their way to villages to steal poultry. Quite often the fox catches hares. But the main food of foxes in winter is mice.
For the winter, mice stock up on seeds and dry berries. They are very voracious and need a lot of food every day. In snowy winters, mice dig long tunnels in the snowdrifts. Mice love to hide in haystacks and move into barns and human houses.
Beavers are hard workers. Friendly family All autumn he builds his strong hut, felling aspen, willow and other trees. The entrance to the hut is always underwater. The enemy won't get close. And water in winter is warmer than air

In winter, the hare changes its gray coat to white. The color of the brown hare's coat becomes only a little lighter. In winter, the pads of hares' paws are covered with hair. That's why rabbits' paws don't get too cold. This is also why hares can run away from predators by slippery ice. Unlike many other rodents, it does not store supplies. It feeds only on what it can find in winter: small twigs and young bark of willow, birch and aspen. A real treat for a hare is frozen berries. Therefore, in winter it is very difficult for him. During the day, hares hide from predators in burrows dug in snowdrifts. Hares come out to eat at night. They sleep in the snow.
Winter is the best hard time year for animals. The life of animals in this harsh time is difficult and dangerous.

Conversation with children of the preparatory group. Wild animals in winter

Summary of GCD for the implementation of OO " Cognitive development" for children preparatory group conversation on the topic "Wild animals in winter"

Progress of direct educational activities

  1. Organizing time.

Guys, now I will describe animals, and you will have to guess who I am talking about.
Educator: - Who is this? Cowardly, long-eared, gray or white?
Children: - Hare
Educator: - Brown, club-footed, clumsy?
Children: - Bear
Educator: - Gray, angry, hungry? (how did you guess?)
Children: - Wolf
Educator: - Cunning, red-haired, dexterous?
Children: - Fox
Educator: - Agile, thrifty, red or gray?
Children: - Squirrel
Educator: - A pillow with needles lay between the trees. She lay quietly, then suddenly ran away.
Children: - Hedgehog

2. Main part.

Educator: - How can you call them all, in one word?
Children: - Animals.
Educator: - Why?
Children: - Body covered with hair, 4 legs, torso, muzzle, tail.
Educator: - Where do these animals live?
Children: - In the forest

Educator: - Why are they called wild animals?
Children: - Get their own food
Educator: - What else are they called differently?
Children: - Animals
Educator: - Animals are part of nature. This means that changes are happening to them too. But we will now find out what they are.
Educator: - Who can we meet in the winter forest, you will find out by guessing the riddle.
You and I will recognize the animal
According to two such signs:
He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,
And in a red fur coat - in the summer.
Educator: - That's right, it's a squirrel. Why do you think she changes the color of her coat in winter? Yes, so that it would be easier for her to hide from her enemies, such as hawks and martens. In winter, the trees stand without leaves, and against the background of dark gray branches and trunks, the gray squirrel coat is less noticeable than if it were red.
In addition to the fact that the squirrel fur coat changes color, it also becomes warmer. And in the most severe frosts the squirrel sleeps in its home, who knows what it is called?
Children: - Duplo

Educator: - Which other forest dwellers change the color of their fur coat for winter?
Children: - Hare.
Educator: - That's right, hare. In the summer, what color was it?
Children: - Gray
Educator: - And by winter it gradually turns white: first the tail becomes white, then the hind legs, and only then the back and sides turn white. Why do you think the hare white fur coat? (Children express their opinions.)
And the hare is also helped by his fast legs. Hind legs he has very strong ones, the hare pushes off with them and makes big jumps, running away from his enemies - the fox and the wolf.
Educator: - How does a hare arrange a house for itself?
Educator: - It turns out that he does not have a separate mink. On a winter day, he usually sleeps in a snow hole or buried in a snowdrift, and at night he goes out to get food: gnaw the bark of fallen trees.

Educator: - The fox is also preparing for winter. In winter, thick fur grows on its paws so that it is not cold to step on the snow. The fox walks as if wearing felt boots.
Educator: - Does anyone know why the fox has such a big fluffy tail?
Educator: - A long tail serves as a rudder for the fox, helping to abruptly change the direction of its run during the hunt.
Educator: - The white tip of the mother fox’s tail is a guide for the fox cubs at night. Seeing him like a beacon, they unmistakably follow her. In winter, in bitter frosts, the tail serves as a warm fluffy blanket and a soft pillow for the fox. She curls up in her hole, covers her paws with her tail and lies with her muzzle buried in the delicate fur. Warm and cozy.

Educator: - Although the wolf does not change his fur coat, he insulates it. By winter, wolf fur becomes thicker and longer. Wolves need this, because they sleep right in the snow, covering their nose and paws with their tail. The whole pack of wolves hunts deer, elk, and wild boar. And in severe frosts, when all the animals are hidden, wolves can approach people’s homes. They can drag away a piglet, a sheep, or attack a calf.
Educator: - And during the day they hide in their den. Where are they hiding?
Children: - In the den
Educator: - In the forest you can meet another very unusual animal.
Educator: - Elk is the largest relative of deer. The length of its body reaches up to 3 meters.
Educator: - Does anyone know why elk have antlers?
Children: - They serve for defense against predators.
Educator: - What does the moose have on its legs?
Children: - Hooves
Educator: - they help him move through the snowy forest, like on skis, he doesn’t fall through.

Julia Boger
Conversation in senior group"Beasts in Winter"

Subject: « Animals in winter»


Expand children's knowledge of the animal world, the habits of animals, their characteristics, show ordinary animals, but with interesting features.


educational: to consolidate in children the ability to identify significant signs of the winter period, to correlate changes in nature with plant life, animals and birds, ways of their adaptation;

educational: develop evidence-based speech, logical thinking, imagination; continue to develop educational skills: ability to listen carefully, answer questions, complement.

educational: cultivate interest in natural world, the desire to understand it, the desire to take care of nature.


poster with image "traces" forest animals; wild animal poster, color patterns (corresponding animals) .

Preliminary work:

reading stories and poems about winter; looking at landscape paintings, memorizing winter mysteries, conversation about the signs of the winter period; snow observation; conversation, wild animals and birds in winter;

Move conversations: Listen to the riddle and guess her:

When all the flowers withered

We came from above

We arrived in the fields

To become white earth. (Snow)

That's right, it's snow. What time of year is this phenomenon typical?

Look at the calendar, when did winter start? Scientists believe that winter begins on December 22. On this day the sun is very low above the horizon, the day lasts only 7 hours. Today we will go to winter forest. We will observe the life of this frosty region. There is complete silence in the forest. And we, swami, will walk quietly, quietly, so as not to disturb the deep winter sleep. It seems that everyone is sleeping in the forest, there is no one, there is nothing alive. But that's not true. But we’ll find out how today.

What kind of winter forest inhabitants You know? (hare, wolf, fox, bear, squirrel, elk, badger)

Do you know that each of them adapts to winter in its own way, both externally and internally? in winter, between the trees we may not even notice. The only thing that will tell us about their existence is their footprints. Look how many footprints there are in the snow in the forest, there are many of them even where it would seem that winter could not let in a person, a bird, or an animal. It is by these tracks that we will navigate the forest and determine who left which track.

Guess the riddle:

Running head over heels uphill? (hare)

Hares are whites and hares. Russians live in our forests. Hares have very strong legs; when they run, their front legs are behind and their hind legs are in front. Hares run many times faster than foxes and wolves. For the winter, hares molt, that is, they change their fur, which becomes their white. Hares feel good in winter, they are not visible at all against the background white snow, but in the fall it is very difficult for hares, they begin to molt before the snow falls and it is very difficult for the white one to hide in the dark autumn forest. At this time, the hare often becomes prey for a fox or wolf. The hare hunts at night and sleeps during the day.

People say: The hare is fed by its feet.

What does he eat? (bark of trees, especially aspens)

During the day the hare lies down in a hole, and at night he comes out where he can get the bark, and if he is in the field, he will dig up the snow and get himself winter crops from crops that have already sprouted. In winter, hares cause great harm to gardeners; they eat the bark and thereby spoil the tree. And when trees fill with life, this tree either gets sick or dies altogether. At this time, the hare gives birth to babies. They are born healthy, small, fluffy, and not blind. The hare feeds them with her rich milk and disappears so that the wolf or fox does not find her along with the hare by smell. After all, the hare gives away a special one. A smell by which she can easily identify herself. But the little bunny still doesn’t smell anything. So the hare abandons her baby to save him. This little bunny will always be fed by another hare who will run past and see him. The hare's milk is fatty, it lasts for a long time, and after 6-7 feedings the bunny becomes independent. So we go further through the forest and we see:

“The red-haired mistress came from the forest

I counted all the chickens and took one with me.”

Our next travel companion is a fox. By winter, a fox's fur becomes dirty red, its paws become overgrown with fur so that don't freeze in winter.

What does a fox eat?

Mice, hares

Yes, a fox can catch a hare, but the hare is also cunning, he knows how to confuse his tracks so that even the most cunning fox cannot find him. But the fox feasts on mice more often. She takes them out of holes from under the snow. At this time, the fox also gives birth to cubs. The mother begins to teach them how to get food, how to be cunning. The fox has very beautiful fur. Girls wear foxes in winter as decoration.

"Greyish, toothy

Prowls through the forests,

Looking for calves, lambs"

Yes, we see another menacing inhabitant forest-wolf. What kind of pet is a wolf like?

For a shepherd dog

In the summer the wolf feels good, there is a lot of prey, in the summer life is in full swing in the forest, but in winter In the midst of such silence, try to smell a hare or other prey. In addition, the snow is deep, making it difficult for a wolf to walk, and even more so to chase prey. Therefore, to make it easier to catch rare prey, wolves live in packs of 10–12 wolves. These hungry flocks are prowling the forest, and God forbid anyone gets in their way. They will be torn to shreds. But no matter how scary wolves are, they bring great benefits. Wolves are forest orderlies, in winter they can only catch up with the weak, and weak means sick. The wolves eat the sick, but the rest remain healthy, fast, and agile.

So you and I, let’s hide so that the wolves don’t accidentally attack us. Let's look around, there is no one around, only the blizzard howls in the heights, the frosty air enters the chest, but look up, who is jumping from pine to pine, from twig to twig. Who is this fast minx?

This is a squirrel.

What do you know about the life of squirrels? What do they eat (dried mushrooms, cones, nuts, berries)

Squirrel is the most valuable fur - beast. In winter, the squirrel molts and turns gray. And in the summer, what color is a squirrel’s fur? (redhead)

The jumping squirrel can jump 4-5 meters in length. in winter The squirrel is not visible at all. She is gray and the pine trunk is also gray, so it is easy for her to hide. Where does the squirrel live? In the hollow old, Where lived before woodpecker.

If the squirrel does not find a hollow in the fall, then it builds a nest. She is a great craftswoman. The squirrel stores food for the winter. In severe frost, the squirrel sits in a hollow. And when it gets a little warmer, it comes out of the hollow and looks for its reserves. Here he is digging under the snow with his paws. She pulled out an acorn and a mushroom, ate it, buried it and ran on. It happens that someone has already eaten the squirrel's reserves. For example, a jay. But the squirrel is not discouraged, it has a lot stored up. There will still be enough for the winter. And jays also need to eat. This is a fierce time for squirrels to give birth to 5-6 baby squirrels. They are blind, helpless. The squirrel tends to them for a long time. Sometimes 1.5 years. But the squirrel has its enemies. This is a lynx, a cunning predator, similar to a cat, only larger in size. The lynx even fights with the wolf and often wins. (picture of a sable)

Well, who knew this animal?

The sable is a predator, it is smaller than a cat, its fur is very valuable. There were a lot of sables in our forests, but they were exterminated, and now hunting sables is prohibited. Sable is listed in the Red Book. Now there are nature reserves and farms where sables are bred in captivity. Sables give birth to 3-4 babies. They are helpless, blind. The sable, like the squirrel, feeds its young for a long time.

Guys, what animals do you know that hibernate?

Bear, badger, hedgehog.

- Hedgehog late autumn makes a nest and carries supplies into it. If the hedgehog does not have time to hibernate before the onset of winter, it dies. Hedgehogs sleep all winter, in early spring they are celebrating a wedding. Later, offspring appear; the hedgehogs have no needles. Instead of needles, they have ``fluffy needles`` that are not prickly at all. Only when a hedgehog matures do its needles become coarser and become its reliable protection.

Bears hibernate in late autumn. The bear is a large animal. Height is 2.5-3 meters, weight is 300 kg, they run fast, climb trees, it is known that bears have a great sweet tooth. During the summer, the bear accumulates a lot of fat and sleeps all winter. In February, the bear gives birth to cubs. They are 500 grams each, small, helpless.

What animals are still sleeping? in winter?

Yes, but when there is a thaw they wake up, feed, and when there is bad weather and frost, they go into hibernation again.

Quietly, quietly, it seems we hear the steps of our master Siberian forest. Yes, that's him. Who is this?

Elks are huge, beautiful ungulates, their height reaches 2.5 m and their weight is 650 kg. The moose has antlers on its head. Who has seen such horns? Maybe someone has it at home? The moose has slender, strong legs, so the moose can walk everywhere. Elk cows are milked on moose farms. Moose milk is full-fat - 6% fat, it is nutritious and healing. IN winter times It's hard for moose. They also have their enemies. These are wolves and lynxes. They have to be protected. A person must help animals, foresters put hay and a feeding trough with salt in the forest. These places are called “forest canteens.” “The elk also feeds itself. He eats the bark of young aspen trees. Foresters also feed them lard.

Guys, everything that we saw today in the silent winter land must be protected, we must help all living things. We know these words: “To protect nature means to protect the homeland.”

Who said these words?

Now, the more good we bring to all living things, the more beautiful and equally good things we receive from all living things, the better, even if just a little, a little bit better, all of us will live. To our entire vast country.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten general developmental species No. 4 “Snowdrop”

142000, Moscow region, Domodedovo, Tsentralny microdistrict, st. 25 Let Oktyabrya, 2a

Lesson notes

on ecology in middle group №8


Tanova Galina Anatolevna


"Conversation about wild animals in the forest"

Target: consolidate the knowledge of 4-5 year old children about wild animals (fox, hare, squirrel, wolf, hedgehog, bear), continue to form children’s knowledge about their lives.


    Broaden your horizons, develop an interest in wild animals;

    to cultivate a love for living nature, to create a desire to take care of forest animals.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen correct pronunciation skills.

Progress of the lesson

I suggest that you do not frown, but look at each other and smile. Now look at me and smile too. Today we will do everything with a smile, and together with you we will go into the forest.

Speech with the movement “On the path to the forest...”

Along the path to let's go to the forest(children are walking)

Let's go around the puddle (they go around an imaginary puddle)

Let's jump over the stream (they jump over the "stream")

We looked to the left (look to the left)

We looked to the right (look to the right)

Looked up at the sun (look up while standing on tiptoes)

Oh, what beauty! (they are surprised, spread their arms to the sides)

Well, you and I came to the forest.

Educator: Do you know what animals live in the forest? (children's answers).

Showing pictures of animals

Guessing riddles.

In winter he sleeps, in summer he stirs up the hives? (bear)

"Bear": A clubfooted bear lives in the forest. Loves to climb trees and swim. It feeds on berries, mushrooms, pine cones, and fish. During the summer and autumn it accumulates fat, and in winter it sleeps in a den.

Small, white

Jump-jump along the forest

Poke-poke at a snowball (hare).

"Hare": He lives in the forest and hides from his enemies, the fox and wolf, in dense bushes and thickets. But if the enemy suddenly overtakes him, he immediately begins to fight back with his hind legs. Its coat is gray in spring, summer and autumn, and white in winter. He eats herbaceous plants, tree bark.

He’s not a tailor, but he’s been walking around with needles all his life (hedgehog).

"Hedgehog": He has needles on his back, they help him protect himself from enemies. Lives in the forest in a hole. In autumn, on its needles, it transfers foliage and moss there so that it is warm in winter. And he eats mice and snakes.

I live in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest,

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I gnaw nuts (squirrel).

"Squirrel": She lives in the forest. It makes nests in hollows or tree branches, and climbs well on branches. In winter the fur coat is gray, and in summer it is red. It feeds on spruce or pine seeds, nuts, acorns, berries, and mushrooms. When storing food for the winter, he makes many storerooms: if one cache disappears, the rest will remain intact.

In the forest under a bush lies a red fox with a tail.

"Fox": cunning and red-haired cheat, lives in a deep hole in the forest. She is a predator, so she happily eats mice, hares, and fishes in the river. But he especially loves to eat poultry. That's why he often looks into chicken coops.

"Wolf": he lives in the forest in a den, and looks like a dog. he is a predator, chasing hares. His fur is grey.

Educator: Do you think that only adult animals live in the forest? (children's answers: kids live in the forest).

Speech game “Find the mistake”

The wolf has fox cubs

The bear has rabbits

The fox has cubs

The hedgehog has baby squirrels

The squirrel has a hedgehog (Children name the correct answer)

Educator: Guys, what can you call in one word all those who live in the forest? (wild animals).

Educator: Now we’ll rest and have some physical education. We turn into forest animals.

One, two (squat, hands on belt)

This is a bunny exercise, ears on top of the head

And how do the little foxes wake up (palms in fists, rubbing their eyes),

They like to stretch (stretch)

Be sure to yawn (imitation yawning)

Well, wag your tail

And the wolf cubs arch their backs and quietly jump

Well, the bear is clubfooted, with its paws spread wide,

Together with the bunny they mark time for a long time.

Guys, where did we go today? What animals did we meet? Where does a wolf (fox, hedgehog, bear, hare, squirrel) live and what does it eat? Well done to you all today!