Dear friends, I have been going to the World Cup for many years, but then I saw information on the Internet that our World Cup can be quite treacherous even in such a seemingly safe place as Anapa. There are all camps there, a children's resort...
I read about low waves that happen even in seemingly calm, non-stormy seas... supposedly they drag you under water... Even experienced swimmers can fall into this trap. I'm really shocked. I advise everyone to go to Anapa, Dzhemete, but here it is... I can’t provide a link to the source, because... I came across it purely by accident on another computer and don’t remember. The search engine only produces offers for a holiday in Anapa.
Dispel doubts))

I haven’t heard of this at the ChPK. This happens in the summer in Phuket.
But when there is a storm on the Black Sea... Yes. Not even big storm dangerous in shallow water. I saw this happen several years ago on the shallow beach of Orlyonka. They barely pulled the woman out (in her words, she’s a good swimmer). And it seemed like the storm was nothing.

Lower - this does not mean exclusively along the bottom. It’s just that the waves are not visible on the surface, but underneath it, in fact, there is a very strong reverse wave. The body is not a sheet of paper. You are submerged in water. Over the course of many years, I have seen this phenomenon only three times. True, the little man drowned in front of me, and my son was pulled out. This wave is not very wide. Local event. You can't flounder. Lie down on the surface and wait for rescuers. A wave can carry you far out to sea. You start rowing towards the shore, quickly run out of steam and go under the water.

Makar, you scared me, to be honest... it’s scary... it’s already scary to read ((
Makar, tell me, where have you seen such cases? World Cup location? Anapa?

Gella, i.e. dangerous places for swimming are where it is immediately deep... right? those. more like Utrish or Sukko (in Anapa, I mean)... Dzhemete does not fit these parameters...

Read on the Internet about rips - strong currents that run perpendicular to the shore. How to determine where they are passing, and how to get out of it. You need to clearly understand for yourself that if you start to drag into the sea, then you need to swim not to the shore, but along the shore until you feel that the current has weakened, and only then turn around to the shore.

Even during a small storm, the usual so-called. a reverse (ebb) wave can cause a swimmer to panic: close to the shore, you suddenly get the impression that the sea does not allow you to swim, throwing you back. In this case, the advice voiced by F. Iskander in the story “Tea Party and Love of the Sea” helps: do not fight the ebb wave, but help the tidal wave when it rolls in. And don't panic. I once encountered such a situation in Limanchik (near Novorossiysk) when I was swimming in a storm. Then I was glad that I read Iskander in my youth.

The main current observed in the Black Sea is called the "main Black Sea current". It spreads along all shores along the perimeter of the sea, directed counterclock-wise and folds into two vortex flows called rings. These rings, reminiscent of giant glasses and the name of the hydrologist who first noticed and described them, gave the name to this phenomenon - “Knipovich glasses”.

The basis for the direction of movement of the Black Sea current is the acceleration obtained sea ​​water due to the rotation of the planet. Physicists call this effect the “Coriolis force.” In addition to cosmic forces, on movement surface waters on the map of the Black Sea, the strength of the wind also influences. This explains the variability of the main Black Sea current: sometimes it is barely noticeable against the background of other, smaller currents, and sometimes its speed reaches one meter per second.

In coastal areas Black Sea anticyclonic gyres are observed - vortex flows directed opposite to the main flow. They are most noticeable off the coast of the Caucasus and Anatolia. In these areas of the Black Sea, the direction of alongshore currents is usually determined by the direction of the prevailing wind and can change several times a day.

Vacationers on the Black Sea should know about the existence of such a type of local Black Sea currents as “ draft" Most often, this current forms during a storm near sandy, gently sloping shores. Water flowing onto the shore does not return evenly, but in streams along channels spontaneously formed in the sandy bottom. Getting caught in a current is dangerous: even an experienced swimmer, despite all his efforts, can be carried into the open sea far from the shore. To get out of the tug, you need to swim to the shore not directly perpendicular, but at an angle in order to reduce the counter resistance of the receding water.

A type of draft “in action” can be seen in the Black Sea ports. From time to time, ships moored to the pier begin movement along the shore, as if controlled by a huge natural force. Sometimes this movement is so powerful that the metal mooring ends cannot withstand the pressure, and the ships have no choice but to stop loading operations and lie down in a roadstead away from the shore.

The nature of the occurrence of “port” draft differs from the draft that occurs during a storm. It is caused by special waves, invisible to the naked eye, approaching the port gates. They are called long-period - the period of oscillations created by them is much longer periods vibrations of ordinary waves.

Studying nature this phenomenon Scientists in our country and abroad are engaged in this work. The result of their work is scientific and practical recommendations on the correct mooring of ships during “thrusts” and advice on designing safe ports capable of extinguishing the “evil” energy of long-period waves.

Many people who swim well or stay afloat well do not understand how they can drown close to the shore. When they hear news reports during the holiday season about tourists "died near the shore", they think that the victims either did not know how to swim or were intoxicated. But the reason is completely different.

It's about about a very dangerous but little-known phenomenon - rip currents, which are often also called “drafts” and “rips” (English - rip current). They are found in all corners of the planet - in the Gulf of Mexico, on the Black Sea, and on the island of Bali. Not only can they not be dealt with ordinary people, but also first-class swimmers, because they simply do not know how to behave.

Everything happens unexpectedly: So you swam from the shore, then turned back, but nothing works out... You swim with all your might, but you remain in one place or even move further away. All attempts are unsuccessful, your strength is running out and you are close to panic...

First, it is important to understand the principle of rip operation.. This is a type of marine and ocean currents, directed at right angles to the shore and formed during the process of flow of rising water flowing towards the sea.

The most dangerous are considered to be rip currents in shallow seas with gently sloping bank, which is framed by sandbanks, spits and islets (Sea of ​​Azov, etc.). In these places, during low tide, sand spits prevent the return of the mass of water to the sea. The water pressure on the narrow strait connecting the sea with the estuary increases many times over. As a result, a fast stream is formed, through which water moves at a speed of 2.5–3.0 m/s.

Schematically it looks like this:

backflow to the side the sea is coming perpendicular to the shore:

These “corridors” appear in different places near the coast during high tides. The waves roll in and bring a mass of water, and then with at different speeds go into the sea or ocean, forming a reverse current.

Usually the rip corridor is narrow: 2-3 meters with a current speed of 4-5 km/h. This is not dangerous. However, rip currents up to 50 meters wide and up to 200-400 meters long, with speeds of up to 15 km/h, can occur! Rips of this length are rare, but they do happen.

How can we identify this current so as not to fall into it? Pay attention to the following identification marks:

1. A visible channel of rushing water perpendicular to the shore.

2. B coastal zone there are areas with a different shade of water: for example, everything around is light blue or greenish, and some area is white.

3. An area of ​​foam, some kind of marine vegetation, bubbles, which is steadily moving from the shore into the open sea.

4. There is a 5-10 meter gap in the continuous strip of tidal waves.

If you see any of the things described, consider yourself lucky and just don't go swimming in that place. But don't forget that 80% of dangerous spontaneously occurring rips do not visually manifest themselves.

Rip currents occur near the shore. That is, even if you are standing in water up to your waist, and even more so up to your chest, you can be picked up by a rip and carried into the sea. But that’s exactly what those who don’t know how to swim do - they just stand in the water and enjoy.

Therefore, do not swim alone and do not ignore red flags and signs on the beach.

Most important point: How should those who find themselves in such a current behave?

Rules of conduct in rip currents:

1. Overcome panic! Pull yourself together, because people, knowledgeable about the rules behavior in rip, are saved in 99% of cases.

2. Save your energy! There is no need to row with all your might against the current, losing energy reserves. You need to swim not to the shore, but to the side, parallel to the beach. If the rip is narrow (up to 5 meters), you will get out of it very quickly.

3. Analyze! If you row according to the rules - to the side, but cannot get out, then the rip is wide (from 20 meters or more). Then immediately stop wasting energy and panicking! Reverse current usually short-lived and will stop after 3-4 minutes. After this, swim 50–100 meters to the side, and only then return to the shore with breaks.

It is important to consider and remember the following:

1. Rip will not drag you to the bottom.

This is not a whirlpool or a funnel. Most often, rip currents are short and only the top layer of water moves at high speed, which drags from the shore along the surface, but not to the depths!

2. The rip is not particularly wide.

Its width does not exceed 50 meters. And in most cases it is only 10–20 meters. As a result, after swimming literally 20–30 meters along the shore, you will notice that you have swam out of the rip.

3. Rip length is limited.

The current weakens quite quickly, the “dragon” loses its strength where the waves reach their peak and begin to break. In surfer slang this place is called “line up”. This is where all the surfers gather, preparing to conquer the incoming waves. Usually it is located no further than 100 meters from the shore.

The effect of a rip current is very clearly shown in the video below:

No, it’s not true, a draft and a tornado are two completely different phenomena. Tyagun is the common name for the sea coastal current.

Tyagun - as I already wrote above this local name sea ​​coastal current or slang. During even a slight sea swell, not to mention a storm, this current is with enormous force drags a swimmer into the open sea, that's why he was called tyagun. The bottom literally disappears from under a person's feet.

How a rip current or draft is born.

What is a waterspout, how is it formed, and why is a waterspout dangerous for vacationers and fish?

A waterspout is huge funnel of water between sky and sea. Tornadoes appear when the air density is above the sea, that is, at bottom layer, becomes much larger than in the upper layer. Due to the strong pressure difference, the air, and at the same time water and marine life, is sucked up into the clouds, which quickly spin approaching the shore.

The tornado draws in many tons of water, and then a huge stream brings it all to the shore. The flow of heavenly water washes away everything in its path, sometimes carrying vacationers, their belongings, tents and even cars into the sea. Sometimes it happens that a tornado captures a flock of coastal ones and drags them into a cloud. Then, from the clouds, along with water, many kilometers from the sea, Marine life, sometimes even alive.

When swimming in the sea, you can completely unnoticed find yourself under the power of a reverse current. The flow of water can carry a swimmer quite far from the shore line. This is called rip current or drag. If you notice something like this, the main thing is not to panic! It is better to move along the shore (across the current) or diagonally towards land and you cannot (under no circumstances!) swim against the current.

The width of the draft never exceeds 100 meters and gradually decreases in length, so it is necessary to move along coastline to the side, better in the direction where the wind is blowing air currents. By sailing in the direction of the wind you save energy. When the strength of the current weakens, you can return to the beach.

The main rule in this situation is not to panic. Try to rest more, save your strength until the situation improves. You can take a break lying on your back in salt water - this is quite easy to do. The reverse current rules only on the surface of the water, so it cannot drag the swimmer down, only into the distance. It is important not to lose control of your composure, as panic can lead to disappointing consequences.

By external signs sea ​​surface, you can also determine where it is better to swim. So, high waves- This sure sign lack of draft, and foam is a clear confirmation of reverse flow. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the direction in the direction where the wave crests are stronger.

An ordinary person can survive in water for more than 5 hours without needing outside help. If this situation involves several people together, then it is better to cooperate. Through a built chain of human bodies- the legs of one support the head of the second above the water, you can build something like a raft, where the arms act as oars. This will make it much easier to get to the shore.

If you feel like you are drowning, water gets into your mouth, waves cover your head, you need to move through the sea elements with a float. You should take as much oxygen into your lungs as possible, that is, take a big breath, curl up into a ball and clasp your knees with your hands. This is how you take on a form - a likeness hot air balloon or balls that cannot sink. As a result, your head will be under water and your back will be on the surface, giving you the opportunity to take a breath, calm down and renew your strength. By performing this action repeatedly, you will gradually get out of the drag.

If you are under the influence of an undercurrent, the main thing is to stay on your feet. When the bottom drag drags down and hits on the surface strong wave, you can roll over and drink water. You should grab the sandy bottom with your toes and keep your feet vertical, like a ballerina. On rocky surfaces, it is necessary to part wide. At the same time, you should stand parallel to the current - this will help reduce the effort required to resist the water. You can’t tear yourself away from the bottom, as the tug will easily carry you off.

You can’t completely relax while swimming, especially if you look at the shore. Routinely collecting shells, floating on a mattress, or diving in deep water can result in exposure to strong currents.

It is important to remember that you cannot swim:
1. On a full or empty stomach;
2. Under the influence of alcohol;
3. In an unfamiliar area if you are a poor swimmer;

Swimming equipment or aids for swimming, it is better to select from several separate items. If you do not have swimming skills, it is better to swim under the supervision of friends or elders; also, in this case, it is not recommended to go deeper than your hip.

The main thing is not to neglect the precautions, then swimming will be a pleasure!