“The Father of Numerology” Pythagoras left us his famous teaching about the harmony and magic of numbers, according to which numbers have absolute power over all events, over all living beings. Judging by historical facts, many of the powers that be agreed with Pythagoras - both in ancient times and in our days. They agree to such an extent that in order to ensure a more favorable fate for themselves, they changed not only their names, but even their dates of birth using “mathematical (numerological) methods”...

Peter I was born on May 30, 1672 from the second marriage of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich to Natalya Naryshkina. At two and a half years old, Peter had not yet been weaned from his mother’s breast. Since childhood, the king suffered from a painful illness - regular violent convulsive seizures with loss of consciousness. To put it mildly, he did not shine with intelligence - it is known that at the age of 11 Peter had not yet finished learning the alphabet. Until the end of his life, he could not write a single line correctly, did not know how to separate one word from another, and wrote three or four words along with terrible errors and omissions.
Peter grew enormous in height - two meters and sixteen centimeters, but had narrow shoulders, a wide pelvis disproportionate to his height, and small female feet of size thirty-seven. Such legs did not support the huge body well, and Peter was forced to walk with a stick. Power did not interest young Peter, and therefore he spent all his time in fun and drunkenness, and his mother ruled for him.
In 1697, Peter went abroad. He had so much fun there that the whole of Europe remembered it for a long time. The English king settled Peter in one of the best houses in England, with the most beautiful garden in the country.

(Daniel Maclise. Peter I in Deptford in 1698. From the collection of the London Gallery.)
According to eyewitnesses, there was a wild rampant of drunkenness and debauchery in the house for three months. And Peter and his comrades brought the house and garden itself to a state of complete destruction - they were no longer subject to restoration.
However, soon both Peter and Russia suffered drastic changes, which began with the introduction of a new chronology. Peter, with his characteristic scope, changed not only his personal birthday and destiny numbers, but also all his subjects, thereby laying the foundation for the greatness of Russia and his own, i.e. changed the course of his destiny.

Later, Lenin and his comrades did something similar in 1918, transferring Russia to a new style chronology - and with the same result as Peter. It is also characteristic that Lenin himself, although he did not specifically change his birthday, constantly changed his pseudonyms - more than 140 of them are known! It is believed that this is due to the specific nature of underground work. However, it is difficult to believe that such a lot was needed only for reasons of conspiracy, and not for magical adjustment of one’s destiny (destiny number)

It is unlikely that anyone has not heard of the military genius A.V. Suvorov. However, few people know that his military talent began to reveal itself only at the age at which most at that time already left the service, or even died. Suvorov said about himself: “I didn’t jump when I was young, but I’m jumping now.” However, he did not explain why exactly this happened.
Alexander Suvorov's father Vasily Ivanovich began serving as orderlies for Peter I, was well known to his daughter Empress Elizabeth Petrovna and rose to high ranks of general. However, his son’s military service did not work out at first. Having no general education at all other than primary home education (and in military affairs he generally remained self-taught), and with poor health, Alexander Vasilyevich nevertheless had a great passion for service and drill.
The company commander praised him to Vasily Ivanovich, but said that everyone considered him an eccentric (and many of his contemporaries generally accused him of ignorance and mental weakness). Therefore, it is no wonder that he rose to the first officer rank (and then only if he left the guard for an army regiment) very late - in his 25th year, and at this age many at that time were colonels, and even generals. So Rumyantsev was promoted to major general at the age of 22, N. I. Saltykov rose to this rank at 25 years old, N. B. Repnin was 28 years old.
Suvorov begins his officer service in administrative and economic positions, and then in staff positions. And only after 6 years he gets into active army. Moreover, there are clearly not enough stars from the sky in these fields. Around this time, he joined the Masonic lodge and... suddenly his ascent to rank and glory began. And also confusion with the date of his birth, which comes from Alexander Vasilyevich himself.
Paradoxical as it may seem, but, possessing a phenomenal memory, Suvorov different time indicated in written sources 3 different years of his birth - 1727, 1729 and 1730 (without changing, however, his birthday on November 13). Historians have been arguing about the true date of his birth and why he did it for more than 200 years - but things are still the same.

All encyclopedias and biographical reference books about party and Soviet leaders published in the 1920s and subsequent years say that I.V. Stalin (Dzhugashvili) was born on December 21, 1879. However, until 1921, Stalin himself thought differently. In December 1920, he personally filled out a form for the Swedish newspaper "Folkets Dagblad Politiken" ("Daily People's Political Newspaper"), published in Stockholm. Here, the date of birth is December 18, 1878.

Based on the materials of this questionnaire, the newspaper soon prepared a short article outlining the biography of I.V. Stalin. It was published on August 14, 1922 (No. 186). However, starting from 1921, first in party and then in all other documents, the countdown of Stalin’s life began to date back to 1879. Without any comments.
Since the mid-1920s. from all biographical documents of I.V. Stalin, 1878 finally disappears and the official date of his birth is stated to be 1879. In the 1990s, other authentic documents were found proving that Stalin was born a year earlier than the official date.

One can understand a forty-year-old woman reducing her age. But why a forty-year-old man needed to reduce himself by making himself 1 year and 3 days younger is incomprehensible to the mind! Why this happened, no one has yet been able to explain rationally... However, it was shortly after his rejuvenation - in April 1922 - that he became the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party and began his triumphant path to the top sole power and greatness.
So, from birth Stalin had -

Name number - Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili = 1
Destiny number – 9+1 = 1
Destiny code – 9-1-1

In 1920 it was -
Birthday number - 12/18/1878 = 36 = 3+6 = 9

Destiny number – 9+5 = 14 = 1+4=5
Fate code – 9-5-5

After 1921 it became -
Birthday number - 12/21/1879 = 31 = 3+1 = 4
Name number - Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin = 5
Destiny number – 4+5 = 9
Fate code – 4-5-9

From birth, Stalin was given relatively weak numbers - although the nine of his birth number endowed him with talents, the units of the numbers of name and destiny prevented him from achieving great heights, promising a flourishing of life achievements in his youth and a very modest maturity and completion of life. With the change of Dzhugashvili's surname to Stalin, the future leader and Father of Nations improved his prospects (code of fate) in adulthood and at the end of his life, but there was no prospect of further career growth for him.
However, everything changed with the change in Stalin’s date of birth - new numbers (a new code of fate) promised progressive career growth and the achievement of absolute power - and lifelong power! That's how it turned out. It is noteworthy that before Stalin changed his date of birth, he did not shine with any special abilities or talents, except perhaps in terms of “party crime,” drunkenness and debauchery.
Beginning in 1918, Stalin organized such grandiose parties in the Kremlin that Lenin - himself neither a teetotaler nor a monk - was even forced to call him in and reprimand him. To Ilyich’s admonitions, Stalin replied: “I’m a Georgian and I can’t live without wine...”

In 2010 (almost on the eve of the next presidential elections) President of Belarus Lukashenko suddenly changed his date of birth. This event was considered by some to be mystical and by others to be illegal. But the most curious thing in all this is that Lukashenko’s new lucky numbers completely coincide with lucky numbers... Stalin. In all reference books to this day, the date of birth of the President of Belarus Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko was August 30, 1954. Thus, from birth Lukashenko had -
Birthday number - 08/30/1954 = 30 = 3

Destiny number – 3+5 = 8
Fate code – 3-5-8
The numbers are very strong - the numbers of a fighter and a winner, standing firmly on the ground. However, they did not promise lifelong and absolute power to their master.
And now Lukashenko, by his own will, becomes one day younger -
Birthday number - 08/31/1954 = 31 = 4
Name number - Lukashenko Alexander Grigorievich = 5
Destiny number – 4+5 = 9
Fate code – 4-5-9
Lukashenko won the elections. And he will probably now rule - like Stalin - for life. However, there was one “but” in Stalin’s numbers...
In general, the very favorable numbers 4.5 and 9 also had shadow sides: 4 and 9 are generally accepted numbers of death in mysticism, and 5 is the number of risk.
Thus, the danger of violent or other unnatural death constantly hung over the owner of these numbers. By the way, Stalin himself was well aware of this, and therefore - despite the super-powerful personal security - he never parted with a loaded pistol: “Stalin’s jackets had a secret. In the upper left inner pocket, attached to a ring with a chain, a pistol was placed. Stalin always took a loaded pistol with him.”
However, this did not help him much - they either helped him to go to the next world as quickly as possible, or he was simply killed by his own comrades...
There is something to think about in your spare time, just for fun...

Since ancient times, many people have been concerned about the possibility of obtaining information about future events. And this desire is quite understandable. Throughout human history, this desire has remained relevant. Knowing your future and the future of close friends (or, conversely, your worst enemies), the future of your state, the outcome of the war, and so on - all this occupied the minds of millions of people.

Intelligence and knowledge make a person stronger, this has been proven for centuries. The undeniable truth is that knowledge gives birth to new knowledge. But who should you turn to for this knowledge? One of the sciences that can help is numerology.

The history of numerology goes back to extreme antiquity, but numerology has not lost its relevance today. Proof of this is the fact that in Lately everything appears more people who are interested in the magic of numbers. The ability to use numbers to lift the veil of the secrets of the Universe has captivated and captivates the minds of millions of people.

Already in primitive times, many peoples maintained contact with other tribes using different numbers. Numbers at that time were a kind of independent language. The letters of some ancient alphabets, such as Hebrew, were often assigned numerical values.

One of the scientists who studied numerology was the famous ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras (he was born around 580 BC).

Although in ancient times many people deciphered the meanings of numbers and tried to predict the future with their help, numerology as a science did not yet exist at that time. It is for this reason that it is impossible to say with certainty in which country this science originated. Ancient sources indicate that there were numerologists in India, Rome, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, etc.

At that time, mathematics and philosophy were quite closely related to each other, one might even say that there was no clear separation between them. Both sciences used numbers to calculate and explain various phenomena. Numbers were also studied using arithmetic and geometric approaches, since mathematics was then divided into geometry and arithmetic.

The basic principles of modern numerology were laid down by the famous ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras in the 6th century BC. e. Pythagoras made a huge contribution to the development of numerology as a teaching. He combined various sciences about the nature and essence of man with the mathematical systems of the Phoenicians, Arabs, Druids and Egyptians.

Having visited many countries and studied local sciences, Pythagoras founded a philosophical society in Italy, later known as the Pythagorean school. Pythagoras' students studied various sciences - arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and others, including numerology.

Although both mathematics and numerology operate with numbers, they should not be confused. As already mentioned, numerology is a kind of language of digital symbols. Despite the fact that numerology has some features inherent in languages, there are also fundamental differences. A person gives words different meanings, while numerology uses numbers as certain symbols that hide many phenomena.

It was Pythagoras who discovered the connection between musical intervals, known at that time, and numbers from 1 to 4. Not stopping there, the scientist discovered that a certain combination of numbers would give a sacred number, reflecting the perfection of the Universe, its material and metaphysical integrity.

The identified connection between numbers and notes pushed Pythagoras to the discovery of the connection of numbers with everything that is in the Universe, with objects, events, phenomena, etc.

In ancient times, it was believed that only the gods had access to absolute knowledge. Now there is an opportunity to lift the veil of secrecy. The key to this is numerology.

The Pythagorean school did not last long. Suspicions caused by the mystery of this closed society led to persecution and then to the closure of the school. This happened 100 years after its formation. But the basics of numerology were not forgotten; Pythagoras’s students spread their knowledge throughout Greece.

According to the theory of Pythagoras and his students, all existing numbers can be reduced to numbers from 1 to 9.

These nine digits are the original ones, since any other number can be obtained from them. Some ancient scientists believed that numbers had their own meanings. These numbers, in their opinion, must first be considered as directly 11 and 22, and then as (1 + 1) and (2 + 2).

The fundamentals of numerology were reflected in the development of various European secret societies of Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Anthroposophists, etc. Thanks to this, numerology continued to develop, revealing more and more secrets to humanity.

The teachings of Kabbalah also dealt with the deciphering of numbers; a peculiar type of numerology here was called “gematria”. Pythagoras' concept was greatly expanded.

Kabbalists made magic squares from numbers.

After the nature of electricity, light and magnetism was discovered in the 19th century, numerologists began to assign numerical values ​​to energy vibrations.

Numerology uses numbers to decipher events in a person’s life and indicate the dynamics of human values. A person familiar with the secrets of numbers is able to understand not only his own essence, but also predict future events. All this is possible thanks to the use of ancient wisdom.

The basis of modern numerology is the philosophy of orderliness or, conversely, randomness of all processes occurring in the Universe. There are 3 points of view:

  • disorder and chaos reign in the universe;
  • The universe is ruled by both order and randomness;
  • The universe is a complete order.

Numerology immediately rejects the first two.

According to numerologists, any supposedly random event or phenomenon is not such. All events are natural and, to a certain extent, ordered. The basis of numerology is the assertion that the Universe is completely ordered.

Understanding numerology consists in a person’s awareness that he is an integral part of the Universe. Numerologists admit that numerology cannot predict the future in detail, but it is quite capable of determining the onset of negative and positive periods (the so-called black and white stripes). This alone is important.

Practical numerology can help any person calculate the time of appearance of white and black stripes in their life, as well as periods of fluctuations in luck within these stripes themselves, the most successful days or even hours for commercial affairs, careers, love or friendships, etc.

Human nature is such that when a period of bad luck occurs, he becomes more active, trying to resist failure, and during a white streak, he relaxes and floats with the flow of life. Numerology advises doing the opposite - to hide and wait out the time of bad luck and “seize the moment” during a happy period.

With the help of numerology, you can obtain information not only about a specific person, but also about his relationships with other people. This is very important for resolving conflicts in the family, improving the environment in the work team, etc.

"All things can be represented as numbers"


Each person has his own life cycle, which coincides in periods with life cycles other people is of paramount importance. For example, if most of the work team has entered a period of bad luck, this can reduce the luck of the remaining employees. But at the same time, a work team that is at a certain time in a happy or neutral period of its life can reduce the level of bad luck of its colleague - a temporary loser.

Nowadays, many managers, succumbing to the fashion for deciphering numbers, turn to numerologists for help, who calculate the numerological cards of their subordinates. By providing people with work in accordance with the meanings of their numerological charts, labor productivity can be significantly increased.

By using numbers to explain the character of loved ones, you can better understand the motivation of their actions, avoid quarrels, determine the day for an important conversation or relaxation, etc. Thanks to numerology, you can avoid various conflicts with friends or choose the most opportune moment for reconciliation.

Numerology is also very closely related to astrology. According to numerologists and astrologers, each planet corresponds to a certain number and in one way or another affects a person’s behavior and character.

According to Pythagoras and his followers, any number in any capacity - written, spoken, reflecting the number of any objects - is endowed with a peculiar magical power and affects the state of objects around him or phenomena occurring nearby. This or that number affects the daily life of people associated with it. If you look closely, you can find a large number of different numbers around you: phone number, apartment, house, day of the week, date of birth, etc. Numbers can not only surround you in Everyday life, but also appear in a dream. The main thing is to see an important number in time, be able to decipher it and apply the acquired knowledge.

I ureli: Kryon gave us this message through Lee Carroll on a topic that interests so many. And Kryon not only tunes us to the energies of numbers in general, but also prepares us for the future energies of the coming year, and also gives very important advice on how we ourselves can work with these energies for the future New Earth.

This live channeling was given in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA on December 10, 2016
Audio recording of the message “Numerology”

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon from the Magnetism Service. My partner "steps aside."

This is the last of the major channelings of 2016. There will be two more messages, but they will not be devoted to the same topic as the current meeting. And so I'm going to do something that I haven't done yet: give you a teaching... a teaching on a topic that many people ask me about because they want to know some basic aspects of what I'm going to talk about. But there is a good reason for discussing this topic, which I will give you in a minute - and this reason has everything to do with what is happening on the planet right now, and what you are moving towards in the coming year.

And I want to tell you about energies. But “what exactly” I want to tell you about these energies may seem controversial to you, because my story will present you with such systems, and very ancient systems, and such things that some believe in and others do not . And so I want you to just sit and listen and understand much better those things that probably haven't been fully explained to you yet. And as you'll see, there's an important reason for this.

Numerology - the energy of numbers

Today I want to talk about Numerology. And I would like to start with this premise: I want to give you clear definitions. I want to talk to you about numbers. I want to tell you how they relate to the shift that is taking place: "what" it means, and what it may not mean...

Numerology by its very name is defined as “the energy of numbers.” It's simple: Numbers have energy!

However, if you say that to some people, they will look at you with bulging eyes and say: “Well, not in my perception: Numbers, they are numbers. They are needed only for counting and listing various things, that’s all. Thanks to them, you can do calculations, and that’s it.”

Numerology came from antiquity, and I immediately want to apologize to numerologists, because there are different types numerology, but even the kind that I am going to give you is extremely complex - and therefore I will give you only the very basics. And we will start with the oldest of those types of numerology that are studied on the planet to this day: and this is the Tibetan system.

But the subject of discussion itself still remains very controversial for some: “How can a “number” mean anything or carry any meaning? How can it be anything other than ink on paper or a spoken word?” And if you think about it, whenever you see a number, it usually means some component of communication, some part of the message: either as a counted quantity, or as some kind of indication of a serial number in a listing.

If you see something like "page number 30" then this is already some kind of message. Imagine a book without numbers on the pages[Kryon grin]. The pages would follow randomly, and you would be unable to return to a page you had read without some kind of specific pointer to it. That is why there are numbers on the pages of books. Doesn't this tell you that the page number is already some kind of message? The energy of the page number says: “This is the very page on which such and such things happen.” And not only that, it also informs us that there are previous and subsequent pages, on which other numbers are affixed... That is, the page number tells us a whole story, and in this story there is energy!

This is just a tiny example of how a number can carry a message, how a number can tell a story, and not just by simply being a number. This is the very basis of Numerology as such, that is, when numbers generally contain energies that can be identified, and to such an extent that they can be extracted from the number in a generalized form, and they can tell you a whole story. Just as in the example with page numbers in a book, there are meanings to numbers in general. And what I'm going to give you right now, and what I've never given in a channel like this, is to define the most prime numbers and tell what they mean. But before I do that, I will tell you that numerology exists in some systems that you would never even think have anything to do with numbers.

Have you ever communicated with people who can “read tea leaves”? [ Kryon's laughter] something like "fortune telling by coffee grounds" ] What are they “reading”? They read a certain pattern [ from tea leaves in a cup ], but more precisely, these are numbers... because at the same time, their location along the edges of the cup and their number are read, that is, you extract meaning based on numbers ! Or maybe you've heard about those people who tell fortunes by throwing stones? What are they “reading from the pebbles”? Let me tell you a secret: they count the number of sides, just like you do with dice, and they come up with a number that they interpret!

So, Numerology has many different persons. And we are going to describe such Numerology, which is the most ancient and simple. In the very in simple form, these would be the numbers from "1" to "9". As I tell you about the meaning of the numbers "1" to "9" as seen by the Tibetans, I will also give additional information to everything that I will talk about, and in these additions there are some complexities , which we won’t talk about for now. And not only that... It seems that we are leaving aside the number “0” [Kryon grin]? There are meanings for the number "0", but they should appear later, in more complex system, so that you can figure out why it is needed at all.

Well, let's start describing the meanings of the numbers "1" to "9". And then let's look at the years in which you live; Let's take a look at the year you are in; Let's look at some of the names and titles that surround you... Let's see if there is a merger, a coincidence of ideas based on their similarity, based only on their numerical values.

Name energy

You can take and number the letters of the alphabet, regardless of what alphabet it is, because for the manifestation of numerology this is a very good “chance”, a successful “accident”... However, there is no such thing as an “accident” when we're talking about about the souls of this planet, because with your free choice, dear ones, you can create whatever you want... But, if you look closely at “what” is already present here: in physics, in numbers, in color combinations, in sensations, in In the grids of the planet, and in Gaia itself, you will see that it all comes together for you. And therefore, numerical systems are present in everything!

So, if you take the alphabet and assign a number to each letter, and then take your name and add up the numerical values ​​of the letters of the name, you will get a certain resulting number. And this number is the energy that surrounds you. And you may say: “This is an accident!” But that's not true. Even what you were named is not an accident. We have already discussed potentials, and even today we have already talked about how, in fact, there is very little "randomness" in this if you are connected to what is the metaphysics of the planet. Let's look at this.

Energies of numbers

Number "1": These are New Beginnings . This is the beginning of something, this is a re-recording, reformatting, and that means: this is new. This is the first number and it's easy. Actually all the numbers are easy and you can remember them all. In fact, in the most important way it is easy... but then it becomes more difficult.

Number "2": This is Duality. It is also responsible for Free Choice. That is, when you find the number “2” around something, it tells you that decisions have to be made. Perhaps there will be duality there, making the puzzle more difficult. The number “2” is always filled with the free choice of a Person.

Number "3": This is the Catalyst . When you find the number “3” around something, then you know that this energy moves other things without changing itself, and therefore it is a catalyst. Around many healers, many Teachers, there are always “threes”. Some confuse this with spiritual Trinity or Triads, which are found in a number of spiritual systems. By the way, you also have this in your spiritual system, corresponding to your cultural tradition: You understand God as consisting of “ three parts”, and this is a catalyst number, because these “three parts” then move other things. The healer, with the “troika” around him, will be the kind of person who himself does not change, but at the same time everyone who comes into contact with him in life changes. This is the number “3”.

Number "4": This is the Earth Number. It is community and it is Gaia and it is more than what you can define. But this is a "grounded number": You will find "4" in most of the farmers or people who live on the land! Isn't it interesting that "4" has even taken hold in social movements such as 4-H Clubs [“The 4-H Club” is a youth movement where teenagers learn a trade, produce food, make clothes, work on ranches, gardens, etc.], in which they work with animals on the ranch... You can find there are a lot of “fours” everywhere. This is the energy of "4".

Number "5": This is Change, and still “raw”, maturing. When you see a "5" around something, it means that the energy of the situation, or place, or year is undergoing a change. And now, there are already those - and only among those who are “with the number 5” (!) - who say: “I do not agree with anything that is said here. I could easily live without knowing about these things.” And you are right, because you have a free choice, and you could calmly “roll” through all this, not paying attention to it... and it would not affect you in any way, in fact... because you are a representative of exactly this number - this number of stubbornness! [ Kryon's laughter, laughter in the hall ].

You are something the number “5”, which “doesn’t care” about all other numbers. After all, this is the very freedom of choice that you have! You don't have to believe in these things... and they don't affect you in any way, really... because they "mean nothing" to you!... [ Kryon, on behalf of the “5”, confused:] “Kryon, are you saying that if I receive a change number for something, and it doesn’t affect me in any way, then I won’t change?” It's not so easy to explain, dear: If you don't believe it, and if you don't acknowledge it, then it can be said that it is not "your reality", your truth - and it does not affect you that much. degree, no: because you exist in almost a different paradigm in relation to yourself...

My partner was like that... until I met him. He didn't believe in these things, he didn't feel any of these things... and so numbers were "just numbers" to him. And so he was almost as we describe. BUT... if you understand these things and are part of this system, and, having free choice, you recognize it, - [Kryon, very confidentially, almost in a whisper:] then you can discover so many things: because then you are “on board” ”, and have sensitivity to what the metaphysics of the planet manifests itself in.

Number "6": quite a difficult number. This is a spiritual number, very high... but first of all it means Harmony. That is, the energy of “6” is the energy of harmony. As you can see, some of these numbers could be great pointers to, for example, “where you are now” or “where you are going next”, or even maybe... the numerology of the name of some project, so that it would be would be equal to “6”: and then there would be cooperation in it, and it would be harmonious.

And this brings us to something else: There are many titles and names that were dictated only by numerology! Some people even change their birth name... creating a new name that suits them numerologically better! And you might ask: [Kryon, conveying our incredulous surprise:] “Does it work this way?” Let me tell you something: If people call you by a new Name, that Name will set a new Energy because of the way they say it... and because you changed it because you had that Intention... And, yes, it works!

Number "7": It means - Spirituality . All things that are "sevens" can have a spiritual connotation, or a spiritual basis. These are good numbers for sacred places, for organizations and for activities that actually talk about things that have spiritual meaning to you.

Number "8": This is Manifestation [of something in life] and Abundance. Everyone wants to have an “8”! And it is not at all necessary that this is necessarily connected with money!.. For you can, for example, manifest health! You can manifest life - long life! You can manifest a powerful immune system. You can have abundance in your body chemistry that will keep you from getting sick! So manifestation and Abundance have many meanings, but it is all about giving you the things you need and allowing you to create those things in abundance.

Number "9": "main number of the day". This is Complete. Completion can have many meanings. It could be “the end of something,” but at the same time complete: That is, “you did it!” At number “9” you are already a graduate, you have completed the entire course. And the day you graduate is a good day for a 9. It speaks of the end of something, and this may mainly be the end of paradigms, systems. This may also be the end of suffering. It may also be the end of a certain way of thinking. In society, this may be the end of some outdated path, the end of a project, the end of the former dominant. This is about those who are "9"s, and we have never defined them that way in our channelings.

(read also)​

About the difficulties...

And from this moment on, everything becomes more complicated... And we will not be able to move on until we tell you about these difficulties.

First. What happens when numbers are next to each other on the same page? One number influences another, depending on the energy of these numbers... Many numbers do not follow each other in the correct sequence: Let's say, for example, you come across the number 481, and in it the “8” (abundance) influences the “1” -tsu (new beginning), and it depends on how long she has been there...[Kryon smile]. You could even say: “This is Quantum Numerology: after all, surrounding numbers influence those next to them...” But we will not talk about that today...

Second. Every number - are you ready? - has its own astrological attribute and all planets are involved in Numerology! And it changes depending on the situation, just like in Astrology: it changes from minute to minute... So if you really want to see the complexity of this, then you will see systems that not only determine the numerical value of the energy of "something" , but then they go further and see the astrological attributes of this “something”, and can then redefine them and use them, doing this in a very, very specific way...

These are just two areas that we won't talk about. I want to keep my explanation simple because I want to show you “where you are” at this moment.

Numerology Supplement

Let's start with precession alignment... There are numbers involved in this too. The way Numerology works is that no matter how long a number is, it is still reduced to a single digit by addition. Moreover, there is only one exception to this simplest numerology - as an axiom. So first of all, no matter how long a number is, you only get one digit, and that is the energy that you interpret... except when you get two identical digits next to each other: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55... and so on until 99.

This number is called the master number. The master number has its own meaning and has its own energy.

Example of master numbers:
Number "11" - Enlightenment.
Number "22" - Strengthened duality.
Number "33" - Highest Compassion.

For those of you who have often seen 11:11 on the clock for many years, this was for you a prediction of the coming Enlightenment. Moreover, this is twice Enlightenment: Enlightenment → 11:11 - that’s what it meant. There is no need to add 1+1 to get 2 because “11” is the master number and by the way, you see it twice for reinforcement. For many years it has been predicting to you, dear ones, the “11:11” Shift to Enlightenment that is now before you: “The Light will win!” Now you can understand why 11:11 was appearing on the clock so long before the Shift, and not necessarily that it will appear after this. Many of you do not see 11:11 today, and if you do see it, it is only to remind you that you are in this Shift. This was predicted...

The strangest thing about master numbers is that they are only defined up to "33". Isn't it a coincidence that this number corresponds to the current activity level of your DNA?!

The number “44” is still unknown. The numbers “55” and beyond... will still be unclear . What did the Tibetans say about this? They talked about what when your DNA (they did not know the word DNA, they used the word Consciousness) reaches a certain point in understanding, then only after that can master numbers above “33” be determined. In other words, these master numbers contain concepts far beyond your current understanding, and it's not about science! This is a compassionate action... This is behavior that you have not yet seen... This is mastery, and such Mastery that you do not yet have... - [ Kryon, whisper :] and therefore they are NOT defined...

The number "33" is defined as the Master's Compassion! The highest Compassion that you know from humanity is “33”!

What did you think when 33 miners in Chile rose from the ground after the accident? Do you know that those who reported this said that “33” was found there “quite often”? This is not only: how many miners there were; how many days did they wait for salvation; this is the number of drilling scenarios to pull them out; and so on, and so on... The number “33” was everywhere and in everything! And those who study numerology understood well what would happen there: That they would all be able to come to the surface, in full force, alive and well, safe and sound... And that then there would be celebrations, and joy, and tears... For there was present - the Master's Compassion! Even before the drilling work to get them out began - you could already see what it was going to be. You might already feel in advance: “They will definitely be found. Everything will be fine!" And so it happened. Do you see how accurately Numerology can indicate the energy of what will happen?

Numerical meanings of precession alignment

Precessional alignment is a 26,000-year cycle of the Earth's wobble. And this is the number "8" because the Earth wobble is not what we had in mind when we talked about what happens after the transition of the center point on December 21st, 2012.

This is a story about manifestation and abundance. The abundance that manifests in this 26,000 year cycle is the Earth moving towards graduate status, towards Mastery, towards DNA which begins to function for more high level! You have already headed there, you have crossed this point, and it has manifested itself! That's why it is exactly 26,000 years.

Have you ever put all these numbers together and analyzed them? There is nothing accidental here. The alignment of precession itself takes 36 years, and during this time the alignment of the Earth's axis as it passes through the Milky Way occurs. And 36 years is “9”! Expect “nines,” for the precessional alignment screams, “9! 9! 9! 9! This is the end of everything old, and the beginning of something new!” And the first 18 years within this 36-year window are “9”, and the next 18 years are also “9”. "Nine" is the queen when it comes to the Shift! And she says again and again: “The old goes away.”

All the numerical values ​​that you thought you could have as a human - all of it will change, and it will be much more than you thought it could even be. The Love of God will one day flow into your Consciousness. Children will be born and immediately know “who they are.” Consciousness on the planet will rise above “44”, and even above “55”. And with these values, you will, in fact, have the attributes of Mastery. You may even become Masters of Time, and perhaps of Life itself. Physics will become something you can manipulate. Dear ones, this is it - Supreme Consciousness , and you saw it in the Masters. This will take a lot of time.

About your space ancestors

Those who planted your seed went through exactly the same things. They had no precession, their planet did not oscillate. They followed a completely different scenario. But their script also came from the stars, from their Suns that were next to them: Their suns “lined up” together in a certain way... and when they did this (only, they did this for thousands of years), then something happened, and they made a Shift exactly the same as yours. Their Consciousness began to undergo a shift and changed...

Their story was worse than yours, and we have already told about it. You believe that you have had a genocide beyond all limits: with all the wars that you have had, and with the grief that you have experienced. They had - Complete Genocide! And yet they fully recovered from it. Those who planted your seed, dear ones, have been through much more than you. How long did it take them to do this, from "their precession", from their Shift, until they planted your seed? I don’t even have any desire to tell you this time, because... you will be depressed... [laughter in the audience ] just from the very thought: that you will have to walk sooooo long to get there!

Dear ones, I want you to change your attitude towards time. You measure time by how long you live. This is how you measure it! You look at your lifespan, and this has the corresponding energy of the number of years you have lived... What if I told you that this is inaccurate? Because you are eternal! You have always been here: incarnation after incarnation after incarnation... And you begin to awaken to the memories of the lives you spent here...

When you come back next time (and you keep coming back, do you hear?), you will awaken with the knowledge that will not allow you to make the mistakes that you have already made in the past. And this is an old soul that is moving towards a different energy than the past. This will be the first time you have awakened into the “post-Shift” energy...the first time! And it will be very different from what it was the last time you awakened... In other words, this time you were born in one birth energy, and starting next time you will be born in a completely different energy. You will immediately become a knower, old soul! You will have the wisdom not to repeat past mistakes this time. People will see that difference in you.

Children are starting to change now, and they are going to change so much and so quickly that you will say, “The day will come when they will all be child prodigies compared to today.” It's just growing up. Instead of continuing to play on the playground, you are now in a different state: when you already “see” each other and enjoy each other. What happens when you grow up? This is exactly what happens... when you grow up from 8 years old to 18 years old: you start living in society, and you become completely different...

This is exactly what happens to all of humanity: You no longer want to go to war, and you no longer want to kill other human beings - because you already “know them”: they are no longer a mystery to you... they are no longer those who who you want to end things with to solve your problems. And someday you will look back, look at these things, and say: “That was barbarism in highest degree!..”And you will never again be so far from consciousness as to believe that you can end someone's life. This is what you will become!

“9” - completion of the cycle “from leveling to leveling”

The number "9" represents full cycle a 26,000-year fluctuation that culminates in the “nines” you are seeing now. This is the end of civilization in its former form. Everything that ever happened to you, Human Being, happened over the last 26,000 years, because the entire existence of humanity took place only in the energy of this cycle. And so, a new cycle began. Understand, the oscillation itself continues, except that the current cycle is different from the previous one - it is marked with a different number, a different numerical value.

A cycle of many years at once will create the fact that both “9” and “1” will appear together, but right now we are talking about “9”. This also represents amazing change, because whenever you complete something, and change the paradigm, and move towards something else, you will find some of the emanation of the “5”, which may not yet be very noticeable, but you will see it in Astrology. Because it's all about numbers!..

You just went through an election. And whoever is chosen will be the 45th president. “Coincidence” again! Another “9”! Do you already see the whole picture? It's a forced change, as you might say, but it's extremely reassuring that things will be very different than before. I want you to take and analyze the First and Last Name of the elected president... And I want you to do this numerologically, based on the English alphabet, in direct order (letter 'a' - "1", and so on...). When you do this, you will discover what his energy is. And what do you think it will be? This is “8” - Abundance! [Kryon laugh]. What a coincidence: the energy of a name given to a person “by chance” suddenly perfectly matches this individuality!

This is the beauty in Numerology! "Who are you", [ count your number ] right now so you can look at it later and get some meaning? And I end with this:

Everything that is happening right now, numerologically, has come to fruition and is creating a picture of a “New Beginning”.

Altar of Joy

Right now you may be at a dead end and see no way out. And I am going to give you one piece of advice: In a few days you will find yourself in the “1” energy that screams “New Beginnings” to you! Even if you are beyond joy, even if you cannot find the joy factor within yourself, I want so that you build an Altar of Joy - physically or mentally - and I want you to come to this Altar and thank the Spirit for what will happen... and for what is already happening in your Heart, in your thoughts, and in your life in general. And if you do this, then you will send a “magical” signal that cooperates with the planet, with the Field, with the numerology of 2017. And they will all “see” your intention, and...

This is the whole beauty of Physics, which knows, “ Who are you" This is the whole beauty of the Creator, who created Physics, which knows who you are. Do you see how these things are interconnected? I hope you understand this? - Everything is interconnected with everything. Watch for synchronicity as you begin to do this. If you are stuck in the past, dear ones, NOTHING will change!.. Do you hear? If you wallow in outdated things, nothing else will happen, and you will only continue to move in the same direction, remaining with the same problems.

This Altar, this is the Altar of Joy, this is your inner child who awakens happy, and this is purity and innocence to what is around him, and can even bring him harm. But this is NOT innocence at all, in your case: This is wisdom that protects and guides him. This inner child can actually change your chemistry... and can create wonderful things for you: a longer life... and an end to fear... and the end of fear...

Can you believe this for yourself, the listener or the reader? Can you believe this for yourself? I want you to build this Altar: Do it right from the first of January. If you cannot do it on the physical plane because there is someone next to you who does not allow you to do it, then it does not matter - do it mentally, mentally:

...Place the candles wherever you want. Light them one at a time, and as you light them, one after another, you will gain something special, but mainly, it is the Joy of compassionate action on this planet: when you see God's work... you see YOUR work!...

And things will change, thanks to numerology and those emerging energies that correspond to numerological ones: And the Field... and all this together... is now beginning to gather into the big “six”! Do you remember what “6” means? Tell me: what does “6” show?... Harmony! The Big Six are already on their way here. And this is YOU in harmony with the planet.

You will see new numbers on your watch that will have some meaning for you, but they will no longer be global in nature, they will be intended only for you. You will begin to see more and more numbers that are meant only for you, and someone else will have completely different numbers... Numerology begins to become even more advanced, more intuitive: It will tell you stories, display pictures of what is happening - because it manifests the energy of the planet.

This is “who you are”... Oh, dear ones, do not belittle the significance of this channeling: Because you are moving towards a “New Beginning” at once from many “nines” completing the “Old Path”... See it as a kind of trash can, maybe or even a trash can that you no longer have anything in common with... See that there is a "Brand New Way". The canvas is blank and it is up to you to build an Altar and celebrate the Joy that comes! Could anything be clearer?

As often happens, when these kinds of channelings are heard or read by those who do not have sufficient understanding, they will laugh at the whole thing. And those who do this are not subject to our condemnation, because they also have God inside... There are different "levels of awakening""... Old souls, you have been here so long and you know how things work and you are the ones we tell it to. A those who do not see this, their time will come; and maybe those on the planet who are not yet interested in these new things - they are simply not ready yet. When children go to school, and you are already in the last grade of school, and there are, perhaps, those who are just starting to study, and they don’t know anything yet... And you already know so much! There is no difference for us: there is no condemnation for those who may go away and laugh and mock you... Because your intuition and your wisdom tell you: “ This is real... All this is real!

And there will be those who say: “I want to be part of this!” And when you say so, then you acknowledge it, and become part of it!

Welcome to the New Planet Earth, which has these energies that promote harmony in your life... and this is now!

And so it is.


Translation: Iureli, www.kryon.su



The idea of ​​the magical nature of each number is probably as ancient as the concept of numbers. The fact that they have a number of mathematical properties (for example, they can be simple and composite, even and odd, natural and negative, and so on) is known to everyone. But what is meant by the magical properties of numbers? According to the ancient sages, numbers have a special connection with the objects and events around us real life. In addition, in certain combinations they can bring good luck. This doctrine of the “magic” of numbers is called numerology.

In practically all nations, “magic” and what we now mean by “science” existed as a single whole. Only many centuries later did chemistry separate from alchemy, astronomy from astrology, and mathematics from numerology. True, such a clear division is more typical of Western civilization. The paths of magic and science have separated since the onset of the Reformation: the green light was given to scientific disciplines, and “magic” was banned and gradually began to be forgotten.

That is why modern scientists study separately the history of the great Pythagoras the mathematician, and separately - Pythagoras, the creator of “Pythagorean numerology” (the science of “vibrations of numbers”).

However, Eastern civilization chose a different path: numerology became an important part of many esoteric systems: for example, Feng Shui, Kabbalah, Vedic astrology and some others.

The end of the nineteenth century became a kind of “occult Renaissance” - in the Old and New Worlds they again remembered the “magical” sciences: alchemy, astrology, numerology. Several schools of numerology were created (Ceiro, L. Balliett, Sefarial, K. Zain), among which the most popular was “Western numerology,” which analyzed names and calendar dates.

The main differences between schools lie in the principle of correlating letters of the Latin alphabet with numbers. Why Latin? Astrologers of that time considered Latin to be the “heir” of the sacred Hebrew alphabet (that is, having a connection with such teachings as Kabbalah). True, there is no consensus on which particular Hebrew letter this or that Latin letter came from. Each school has its own opinion on this matter.

As for the American Balliet, the founder of the school of “Western numerology” (also called classical), she chose a different approach to the “science of vibrations of numbers.” In her opinion, there is nothing random in our world, which means that the letters in the Latin alphabet are in exactly this sequence for a reason. Therefore, you just need to number them in order. That is, the first letter must correspond to the number “1”, the second letter to the number “2”. The tenth letter is again equal to one, and so on.

This approach to interpreting the meanings of letters has become very popular all over the world, and even in the East, where they have their own methods, “Western numerology” enjoys considerable success.

Numerology and choice of profession.

From the point of view of numerology, the numbers of the date of birth and name determine not only character traits and personal qualities, but also a predisposition to choose a particular field of activity and even a very specific profession.

At first glance, this statement may seem controversial. Indeed, it is difficult to believe that Sasha Ivanov, born, say, on June 1, 2000, should certainly become a mechanic, and Zina Petrova, who was born a day later, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. If this is so, then where, one might ask, is the freedom of choice? So, our lives are ruled by blind fate, everything depends on chance, and the Tooth Fairy exists?

We will not confirm or dispute the last statement - this is beyond our competence. As for the rest, the numerological analysis of an individual’s inclination and suitability for a certain field of professional activity is not carried out in order to impede a person’s freedom of expression, driving it into some “framework of what is permitted.” On the contrary, the purpose of this analysis is to help avoid mistakes when choosing a profession and protect against the sad and sometimes dramatic consequences that such mistakes very often lead to.

I'll show you an example. Here I have chosen everything related to choosing a profession. But you can find out everything you want about yourself. I entered my first name, last name and date of birth (in this case I decided not to use my middle name).

Special signs

My birthday number is 4

Recommended field of activity: commerce, real estate, purchase and sale of real estate, education, professional work, technology, company management, documentation, mechanics, industry, furniture manufacturing, military service, enterprise management.

Life energy and leadership data

We are constantly convinced that each organism has its own number, its own vital energy. After all, numbers and their ratios have certain meaning. Knowing the date of birth, you can determine the indicator of energy that a person expends for his actions.

My energy score is 27

These are natural born leaders. It’s bad if there are a lot of them nearby. The struggle for power in this case takes on a dramatic character. Those defeated in such a struggle are failed leaders. Others do not become leaders due to the moderating influence of family. But in general, these people are domineering in everyday life, they strive to shift the executive activity to others - mainly to those whose energy is in the range of 18-22, as they are more capable and efficient in comparison with the group 6-17.
In some cases, the desire for power turns into delusions of grandeur for life (mainly among the elders in the family). Often such people achieve power over others - each at their own level. They may experience a break from real life. Then, as they say, “their family will not recognize them.” They come down to reality mainly during illness. While on vacation, on a well-deserved rest, as rentiers, such people imagine themselves at the pinnacle of power, as was the case during their period. active work. Their delusions of grandeur persist.

Money numbers

To determine your Money Number, we use your full name and find your Expression number.

My money number is 9

Number 9 indicates that many of your personal aspirations and hopes are related to money and the financial side of life. Receiving money and a good income will allow you to realize your aspirations related to the social aspects of life. Typically, this number imparts the gift of foresight, practicality in financial transactions and strengthens responsibility. Throughout your life, you may hold positions of responsibility that involve controlling the investment of other people's money.

Life lessons, responses

Feedback is a kind of negative vibration intended to serve as life lessons. If the lessons are not learned by us properly, then we will not be able to move on - towards fulfilling our destiny. We will make mistakes and the movement will slow down. But there is no need to be afraid of responses - after all, they are the stimulus that gives us the opportunity to understand ourselves, to realize negative sides your personality and not become slaves to your instincts and selfish desires.

By the way, the vibrations of your name will always tell you what kind of spiritual experience you need for further development.

Response of Soul Aspiration

The response of the Soul's aspiration is determined as follows: you need to subtract the digits of the first vowel letter of the name from the digit of the last vowel letter of the surname or vice versa (when from higher number subtract the smaller one). That is, the response of Soul Aspiration = the first vowel of the name minus the last vowel of the surname.

My Response of Soul Aspiration - 5

You are afraid of change, avoid responsibility, have a deep personal need for freedom, and like to become attached to things and people. Learn to determine when and what needs to be changed. Yes, you want to experience everything at once. This response can make you impatient, vindictive, and impulsive. To overcome it, you must appreciate the benefits of new situations; learn to adapt. Try to study different things, but complete each one. Don't get attached to anything. Adhere to a healthy outlook on life, overcome your fear of new places, people, things.

Response of Individuality (silent self)

Here, too, you need to subtract the smaller from the larger: the number of the first consonant of the name from the number of the last consonant of the surname, or vice versa. (As numerology says, the name expresses our daily program of activities, and the surname embodies our subconscious goal in life).
So, the response of Individuality = the first consonant of the first name minus the last consonant of the last name.

My Personality Response - 7

Your possible omission is the belief in your own infallibility, an incorrect assessment of your place among people. You can distance yourself from them, demonstrate silence, gloominess, laziness, and a bad mood. Your own inner life gives you a feeling of detachment from the world. You need to learn to be alone, but not lonely. Learn to ask questions, take an interest in other people's affairs, and answer. Leave your own cell, share your knowledge with people; you need faith in them, not fear of them. Develop patience, a sense of camaraderie, do not get drunk on your knowledge, avoid alcohol, beware of self-deception.

Response Expressions

The response of Expression (that is, our abilities and talents) is calculated as follows: from the number of Individuality (this is our connection with the world around us), we need to subtract the number of the response of Soul Aspiration (our desire and impulses of the soul). That is, the formula is simple: response of Expression = response of Individuality - response of Soul Aspiration.

My Response Expressions - 2

Without working with people, without cooperation, it is impossible to realize oneself. It all starts with trusting yourself. Allow your emotions to run their course. Your main task is to learn to work with others, contributing own ideas and trying to realize them. Don’t have complexes, overcome excessive scrupulousness, shyness, and reluctance to cooperate.

Plans of expression

Every person knows the world on four levels: physical, emotional, mental and intuitive. Through them he realizes his aspirations and desires.

Studying each plan requires a different approach. For example, we explore the physical world using our physical body. Taste, pain, pleasure, touch - all these are ways of receiving information about the physical world through our shell. The concentration of all emotions is our heart, and the mental body (mind) operates in the so-called invisible worlds (our intellect communicates with the world of ideas). The intuitive plan is the most effective way of understanding the world. After all, intuition provides enormous opportunities with its insights - when, as if from above, the necessary knowledge comes to us.

Each of these plans contains data about our characteristics: temperament, character, talents, potential. If you do not find any plan here, it’s okay: it will appear later, in an emergency, at the choice of the person himself.

All plans are divided into three parts:

  1. Inspirational (creative). It includes inventors, discoverers, creators, and initiators.
  2. Dual (oscillating). It includes people who find it difficult to make decisions and choices.
  3. Balanced (down to earth). It includes people who are sensible, confident in themselves and their abilities.
Mental Plane

These people are leaders by nature (inventors, large entrepreneurs, scientists, authors of global ideas and books). They constantly exercise their mind, using its capabilities in practice.

general characteristics

Self-esteem (6) - overload

Temperament (3) - extra

Determination (5) - maximum

Talent (4) - high

Logic (2+) - excellent

Luck (1) is the norm

Character - strong-willed

Get as much knowledge as possible about yourself (just enter your name and date of birth):

- Name numerology, date of birth numerology, connection between name and date of birth, life lessons, responses, plans of expression, karmic lessons, table of events, life cycles.

Basic numbers, Pythagorean square, special signs.


"December 17, 1974.
Dear Sergey Alekseevich!
Thank you very, very much for the lecture we gave at the Department of Physics and Mathematics. You, of course, understand perfectly well that a mathematician is a sober logician by his mentality... he requires accuracy of calculation, reasoned analysis and, of course, infallibility.
When you started telling us about numerology as the science of numbers, we (and you saw this yourself) almost all smiled ironically. Yes, of course, it was mistrust. The mistrust is not in you personally, but in this very “science of numbers”. We even began to argue with you and among ourselves - whether this is really science or rather a myth, a legend attributed to the great ancient Greek thinker Pythagoras. And then you and I agreed that, upon coming home, we would spend the entire Sunday evening and next day working on this issue, checking everything through our own experiments.
Today, December 17, when we came to the department, we compared the work done and were completely shocked. 89.7% of everything coincided with what you told us. We still can't come to our senses. Now, indeed, we are beginning to believe that numerology is the science of numbers. We will continue our experiments. To say that this is just interesting is to say nothing.

  • Long live numerology - the science of numbers!
  • Your listeners, physics and mathematics students (43 signatures)."
  • And now I will briefly tell my readers about this.

    Although numerology and gained great popularity relatively recently; in fact, it belongs to one of the most ancient sciences. To some extent, the numbers themselves form their own language, which was understood and used by many primitive tribes, maintaining connections among themselves in the language of numbers. And in ancient alphabets (for example, in Hebrew), numerical values ​​were also assigned to letters.

    Without plunging into the labyrinths and depths of Kabbalistic cosmology and its esoteric doctrines, modern numerology prefers a simplified numerical and alphabetic code based on the theories of Pythagoras, the great ancient Greek mathematician and mystic who came to fame around 550 BC.

    As we know, Pythagoras, his students and followers reduced all numbers to the numbers 1 to 9 inclusive, since these are the original numbers from which all others can be derived.

    Twenty centuries later, the famous Cornelius Agrippa, in his work "Occult Philosophy", published in 1533, named these numbers and their meanings.

    1. - the number of the goal, which manifests itself in the form of aggressiveness and ambition - everything that begins with "A", the first letter of the alphabet
    2. - the number of antithesis with such extremes as day and night. It stands for balance and contrast and maintains balance by mixing positive and negative qualities.
    3. - means instability and is symbolized by a triangle that represents the past, present and future. It combines talent and cheerfulness and symbolizes adaptability.
    4. - means stability and strength. Its reliability is represented by a square - the sides of space, the seasons and the elements of "fire", "earth", "air" and "water". This is the most primitive number.
    5. - symbolizes risk, reaching its final result through travel and experience. The lack of stability in it, on the one hand, can lead to uncertainty, but, on the other hand, this number is both the happiest and the most unpredictable.
    6. - a symbol of reliability. It is in harmony with nature, representing the seven colors of the rainbow. It is a perfect number that is divisible by both an even number (2) and an odd number (3), thus combining the elements of each.
    7. - symbolizes mystery, as well as study and knowledge as a path to explore the unknown and invisible. These are the seven ruling planets, the seven days of the week, the seven notes of the scale. Seven unites the integrity of 1 with the ideality of 6 and forms its own symmetry, making it truly a psychic number.
    8. - the number of material success. It means reliability brought to perfection, as it is represented by a double square. Divided in half, it has equal parts (4 and 4). If it is further divided, the parts will also be equal (2, 2, 2, 2), showing a fourfold equilibrium.
    9. - a symbol of universal success, the largest of all elementary numbers. It unites the characteristics of an entire group, making it a controlling factor if fully developed. As the triple number 3, the number 9 turns instability into aspiration.

    To shorten large numbers In elementary, different systems were developed. The simplest and most popular method is to add all the digits of that number, then, if 10 or more are formed, add these digits as well. This process is continued until an elementary number from 1 to 9 is obtained.

    As a simple example, we take the number 125. We break it down like this: 1+2+5=8. Thus, 8 will represent the vibrating symbol 125. Let’s take the “animal number” from the Apocalypse - 666. Let’s add: 6+6+6=18, and then 1+8=9. This is a very appropriate vibration considering the universal influence represented by the number 9.

    A more complex example is the number 684371. Add: 6+8+4+3+7+1=29; further: 2+9=11; then 1+1=2. Thus 2 becomes the vibrating symbol of this number.

    Many people believe that the numbers 11 and 22 have their own special meaning. Thus, such a number should be checked for quality: first considered as the number 11, and then finally considered as the number 2, and then as 4 (2+2).

    The sum of 13 will be reduced to 4 (1+3), as will 31 (3+1). None of these numbers will have any other vibrating meaning than that represented by the final number 4.

    Dates and life numbers

    Dates can be reduced into vibrating numbers by adding the day, month and year (January - 1, February - 2..., December - 12=3). For example, July 4, 1776 is the day the Declaration of Independence was signed. Here we have the 4th day, 7th month, 1776. Add: 4+7+1+7+7+6=32=3+2=5.

    No other number vibration could more accurately express the risk and uncertainty that came with signing this important document. It was as if people were launching a new ship of state into uncharted waters from which it might never return. This is all reflected in full degree number 5, risk symbol.

    Whether numerological interpretations of historical dates will be favorable or threatening depends to a large extent on the accompanying circumstances, as well as on the main incentive. To prove this, let's take an example - November 11, 1918, Armistice Day, the end of the First World War. Add: 1+1+1+1+1+9+1+8=23=2+3=5. This means that once again danger and uncertainty have become the driving force. Instead of seeing the truce as a step towards a final and great victory, it was accepted as the basis for a temporary peace. Thus he became a victim of the insecurity that lies in the vibration of the number 5.

    No matter how exciting it may be to study historical dates, the main task of numerology is human life. We are interested in how the vibrational influences inherent in numbers act on each person and how he can use them with the greatest benefit for myself. Some dates are in harmony with the vibrating numbers of the personality.

    The simplest of them are birthday numbers.

    This number is obtained, like any other important date, by adding the day, month and year digits. So, a person born on March 12, 1957 must add 1+2+3+1+9+5+7=28=10=1. We get 1 - the vibrating number of the person’s birthday.

    The birthday number is immutable, it is constant in a person's life and represents the vibrating influence that exists from the time of his birth. However, to what extent can it determine the character of a person or control his destiny, his future, how does it depend on other numerological factors that will be discussed further?

    In theory, two people with the same birthday number should be similar to each other in many ways, but this is very rarely the case. Probably, the birthday number simply reveals the inherited traits of a person, which consist in his ability to control circumstances; they serve as guiding factors rather than dominant ones.

    And yet the number of the birthday is of paramount importance, since a person acting against his natural inclinations will encounter obvious obstacles in those areas that are contained in the power of his name.

    Name number

    In numerology, each name has its own vibrating number, obtained by translating the letters of the name into numbers. The resulting sum is reduced to an elementary number.

    The number of a name is an expression of a developed human personality and the key to his aspirations or achievements. It should either merge with the birthday number or adapt to it. Natural tendencies or influences are important in the development of a personality so that the name, when fame or recognition is achieved, expresses its full strength and true character.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    A B IN G D E Yo AND Z
    Kommersant Y b E YU I

    If a person’s name matches his character, it’s good; if it doesn’t match or contradicts, it’s bad.

    No wonder many writers, actors and other people creative professions they take a nickname for themselves so that it coincides with the number of their birthday if it is lucky, or improves it if it is not so lucky.

    Number 1

    It is a symbol of one’s own person, a symbol of glory and power, action and ambition. Man, with birthday number 1, must follow it, never changing your course and not trying to jump far ahead immediately, in a jerk, ahead of time. He will reach new heights only in a direct and progressive way. Here you should avoid selfishness and greed, self-will and wilfulness, be careful, balance your interests with the interests of other people so that they do not fall into a state of conflict, otherwise you can lose friends and gain enemies. The strong birthday number 1 promises a lot, it offers high development if you follow its advice.

    Like the name number 1 means a person full of energy and desire to act. It is of greater benefit when acting in a momentary, immediate environment, in sudden and unexpected situations, less so in planned situations. Risky activities and engaging in profitable business are strictly contraindicated. The best thing is to complete the assigned tasks. The number 1 is associated with confidence in one’s strengths and capabilities, such concepts as courage and bravery. But the nature of these people is more imitative than creative. They know how to both earn and spend money. Rash decisions should be avoided.

    Number 2

    Like birthday number 2 symbolizes balance in mood, behavior, actions, gentleness and tactfulness of character, the search for compromises, smoothing out sharp corners and acute problems. Internal contradictions, excessive rationality, eternal advice to friends and others often prevent them from understanding their own affairs. Number 2 is antithesis, balance, contrast. It seems to be between light and darkness, good and evil, heat and cold, wealth and poverty, life and death. These people must accept all circumstances as they are, adapt to them and come to terms with them. They must avoid extremes, any uncertainty and excessive generosity, think and care not only about others, but also about themselves. They are good designers and advisers, but not doers. They require co-authors, companions, collaborators, but when choosing them, let reason rule over feelings.

    Like the name number 2 symbolizes changeable character, emotional and internal restlessness, which can lead a person to complete uncertainty or even fatalism. Do not worry about trifles and all sorts of insignificant actions, avoid disputes and quarrels. Best Success will bring collaboration with friends and colleagues.

    Number 3

    Like birthday number 3 - faster than all other numbers - reveals its traits, especially a sharp and intuitive mind, the ability to quickly and easily absorb knowledge, often at a very early age. Talented man, capable, he alone will not be able to fully use his talent, since he will choose easier ways and means to achieve the goal. He loves to adapt to everything that promises immediate benefit. He prefers to take life as such not so seriously. He needs interesting people, easy, pleasant environment, constant entertainment. He lives only for one day. He doesn't care about the future. With the right start, he can go far, because he does not doubt his abilities and is competent in his work. However, natural impatience, the desire for easy and uncomplicated activities, as well as temporary quick success in it, can prevent him from moving to another path, with higher opportunities, but where long-term planning is assumed.

    Like the name number 3 symbolizes talent, versatility, cheerfulness, indicates science, the world of art, sports life, for everything that serves as an outlet for a person, his hobby. If this person accepts useful tips and acts wisely when choosing a profession and planning your career, then this will turn out to be the path leading to success and fame.

    Number 4

    Like birthday number 4 symbolizes a balanced, hardworking nature, cautious, avoiding risky undertakings. A capable person, with his own ideas and plans, tries to figure everything out on his own, without outside help. His motto is reliability, resilience, honesty. He cannot be deceived and he himself must avoid self-deception. If a given person has small goals and modest requirements, the number 4 for him can become both a symbol of poverty and a symbol of defeat. But at the same time, this number gives people a solid basis for further development of knowledge and professional skills in various specialties.

    Like the name number 4 means success in scientific and technical fields, especially in industry. It symbolizes reliability and stability, integrity, making friends and achieving recognition. Moreover, such a person is useful in extreme situations, in difficult conditions, when the qualities of his character and morals are revealed from the best side. This should never be underestimated.

    Number 5

    Like birthday number 5 symbolizes an enthusiastic nature, loving adventure and risky activities. prone to everything unusual. These people are active, love trips and travel, and feel at home everywhere. They digest quickly and easily foreign languages, traditions of other peoples. Often their actions and behavior are completely sudden and unexpected, with unpredictable consequences. Despite all the difficulties, they come out unscathed. In many ways, their resourcefulness and wit, their cheerfulness, help them in life. The love of frequent changes prevents them from appreciating the present and seeing real prospects. They are always focused only forward and do not see what is at hand.

    Like the name number 5 indicates spiritual freedom and independence of action. They value acquired and accumulated experience more than outside advice. Most of all they love travel and adventure, which is what their mental restlessness pushes them towards. How effective this energy is when it is directed to everyday work! Often the number 5 also indicates a philosophical way of thinking, sometimes it indicates happy accidents with unpredictable consequences.

    Number 6

    Like birthday number 6 remains unsurpassed. The nature is honest, frank, reliable. Views are progressive, but with the desire to create a name for oneself, achieve the respect and favor of others, maintain peace and tranquility among friends, and improve their living conditions. They literally radiate optimism and cheerfulness, justify the work or position entrusted to them, are satisfied with what they have achieved, without striving for the heights of career and fame. Complacency and complacency prevent them from doing this. The mask of impassivity does not evoke much sympathy for them and gives reason to suspect them of hypocrites.

    Like the name number 6 portends success in enterprises, if only you can gain the trust of others and attract not only clients, but also followers. Often they make or politicians, or high government officials. They become known in society for their scientific or philosophical views, but on the condition that their words match their deeds. After all, society expects them to implement what they have said. They quickly learn the truth that honesty is more fruitful than ambition, that honest efforts are not in vain, that good, kind deeds will help achieve the goal without resorting to radical methods.

    Number 7

    Like birthday number 7 symbolizes mystery as well as knowledge. This line of inconsistency can be continued. Here such personality traits as diligence and a poetic soul, although with some oddities, a tendency to analytical thinking and strong intuition, rich imagination, lively, vivid imagination. With this number, composers and musicians, writers and poets, philosophers and hermits, thinkers and hermits are born and raised. Their inspiration requires solitude and loneliness. The weaker ones will be swallowed up by the swamp of despondency and pessimism, the stronger ones become bright personalities, people of world renown.

    Like the name number 7 conceals the ability to direct talent into the field of science, into the world of art or philosophy, into religious activity. But the success of their activities largely depends on a deep analysis of the results of what has already been achieved and on real planning for their future. By understanding other people, they often become leaders and teachers of the highest class. But if they decide to engage in commercial or financial affairs, then they themselves will need outside help.

    Number 8

    Like birthday number 8 is business, enterprise, fearlessness in all spheres and areas of life, especially in commerce and industry. Rushing only forward, these people, as a rule, successfully carry out their plans and intentions and carry out their plans. This reflects their will and strong character, the ability not to feel sorry for themselves or others. And resistance, obstacles on the way, opponents only spur them on, strengthening their energy and performance. These people have rare administrative abilities, the ability to manage teams, drawing people along with them. This is especially evident in the field of politics, in the military field, in the business world, where they can be cruel and merciless. They judge people, choose their friends based on their income and position in society.

    Like the name number 8 favors activities in the field of significant, major affairs, foreshadowing material benefits. Having successfully completed one task, these people immediately move on to the next. Often benefits and benefits, such as social and material success, are brought to them by a passion for forgotten teachings, abandoned enterprises, outdated methods, etc. and so on. But they must abandon trifles and details, handing over this work to others, and themselves performing only in the grand scheme of things.

    Number 9

    Like birthday number 9 symbolizes a strong personality with potential intelligence, capable of high development. Here, success is given by the world of art and the arts, artistic talent and creative, creative power. It is better for such people to immediately abandon the activities of merchants, metallurgists, and the military. Their problem often lies in realizing their talents and abilities and choosing the right path in life. Great inventors, discoverers of new things, and musicians are born under this birthday number. Everything depends on their abilities and desires. Both of these factors should be combined and directed towards one goal - then success is guaranteed.

    Like the name number 9 requires from his ward devotion to a high goal, talent and calling, as well as generous giving of what nature has given him. Since they all enjoy authority and can be leaders, they must be guided by justice and not deviate from the lofty ideas that they proclaim. They should not become petty, resort to disrespectful actions or behavior that is out of character for them, so as not to lose either the loyalty or respect that they have earned. They should not demand more for themselves than is due to them, and not demand from others what they are not capable of. They must pacify themselves, abandon excessive pride and selfishness, conceit and arrogance. And recognize the dignity and rights of other people.

    Number 11

    Like birthday number The 11 indicates initiative, which is usually absent from the vibration of the number 2 to which it is contracted. Also, 11 strengthens the determination that the number 2 lacks. Otherwise, there is practically no difference between them.

    Like the name number 11 gives determination, strength and vitality to common sense, thoroughness, which helps a person to truly rise to inspired heights. But then everything can change again, excessive caution or complacency of the number 2 will again disrupt the activity of the number 11 and everything will start all over again.

    Number 22

    Like birthday number 22 gives the persistent basis of the number 4 a strong shade of mysticism, the predominance of the inner world over the external, secular one. How this will turn out for a given person - good or evil, benefit and benefit or harm - depends on his personality, prevailing qualities of character, disposition.

    Like the name number 22 can give rise to strong fluctuations between eccentricity and genius. Having the talent of an inventor or researcher, this person will also turn to the sphere of the secret, the unknown, to the still unexplored and unexplained.

    Numerology uses various methods for analyzing a person's individual traits. The next treatment is one of the simplest.

    First consider the birthday number as revealing natural characteristic person. It is obtained from the numbers of the date of birth and is personality number.

    To indicate developed traits, the number of the name is taken. For childhood, this is an incomplete name, but then it is replaced by the form that the person chooses and which is used by his neighbors. This is development number.

    If the name number continues to exist in an unchanged form, its importance increases in terms of the person's career. If it is radically changed, for example, a literary or theatrical pseudonym is taken, then the new name is based on the previous calculation. In any case, it is already number of acquisitions.

    In some cases original name a person becomes the number of development as well as the number of acquisition, and in others, with the addition or omission of initials, it can cause a significant difference between them.

    The vibration of vowels, which is obtained by adding the numerical value of the vowels in a person's name and reducing them to an elementary number, is main influence number.

    One of the rules of numerology is that if the birthday number is higher than the name number, this means that the person is inclined to follow his basic inclinations, which may make it difficult to develop the traits of his name or name vibration number. Conversely, if the name number is higher than the birthday number, then the person's ambition and goals, expressed by this name number, predominate, so that natural features and the inclinations of the individual are directed towards the circumstances of his choice. The human tendency is to set conditions rather than obey them.

    A person with the same birthday and name has the opportunity to develop an even, harmonious character, the ability to take on all matters with ease. But this is not particularly desirable, since the overall result of such harmonic numbers may lead to vagueness and obscurity.

    Numbers in everyday life.

    Many people believe that they have both good and bad days. Naturally, they would like to know how to choose them to avoid the adverse effects of a bad day.

    In numerology, each day has its own vibrating number, just as it has a birthday number and a name number.

    Take the date of birth (March 5, 1946. Sum 28=10=1); then we take the number of the person’s name (...6) and also take the number of the given day (let’s say December 26, 1972=30=3). We add all this up, the sum is 10 = 1 and the key number is 1.

    In the future, see the following table of numbers:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
    19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
    28 29 30 31
    1. - A day for certain direct actions with one purpose. Time to immediately and effectively solve any problem. Good for starting new practical affairs, especially concluding agreements and contracts, manipulating notarial papers for practicing legal matters. as well as for the implementation of a simple plan that requires a quick solution. This day enhances opportunities.
    2. - A day for planning and assessing problems that do not require immediate and immediate action. To all the possible difficulties, indecision can also be added here. This is a day of contrasts; or with good start and a bad ending, or vice versa, with a bad beginning and a good ending. On this day, it is better to stay away from active actions and let others act, except in cases where your work allows you to do this without worry and anxiety, bringing mental satisfaction.
    3. - A day for a variety of activities and completion of any started or old tasks. Business activities should be alternated with short rest. Good for starting new projects, carrying out active collaboration, co-authorship, partnership, but not for concentrating thoughts on one single goal. Also on this day you cannot harm others, you cannot put spokes in the wheels of someone else’s cart. joint quick and friendly initiatives and actions will provide the right solutions to the most difficult problems. This day is also very good for various meetings, especially business ones, for trips and travel, fun and entertainment.
    4. - A day for routine activities and completion of small jobs. The best thing is to stay at home and focus on the idea you have in mind, which you have to carry out yourself. Give up all entertainment! This is a day dedicated to work. You should not undertake important matters or engage in speculative activities. In both the first and second cases, it is simply useless.
    5. - A day of surprises and surprises, full of energy, excitement, full of adventure. Take risks only if you are sure that what you have in mind is realistic and worthy of attention. Take on a new project when you are sure that it has a solid foundation and that this project is necessary. Travel only for a noble purpose. On this day, long-awaited success may come; things started long ago will bring favorable results.
    6. - Day of goodwill and mutual understanding, harmony, comfort and ease. Refuse to take quick and decisive action, rash decisions, new beginnings, ventures, or taking on a challenge. This day is good for business affairs, conferences, public meetings, for meetings with friends and like-minded people, with loved ones and relatives, for diplomatic missions without conflict situations. But on this day, any uncertainty can become disastrous, and any risk can be fatal. It can become the culmination of those undertakings that have been planned and prepared for a long time and reliably.
    7. - The day is favorable for reflection, study and intellectual pursuits, research work and new discoveries, for inventions or their official recognition, as well as for all types and genres of art and the arts. It’s good to finish things you started, get advice and recommendations. The inherent factor of mystery can contribute to the realization of premonitions associated with any important thing, or deed, or event. Often it becomes a day of happiness.
    8. - A day of big and important affairs, when rapid events bring favorable results, when important and serious decisions are completed quickly and easily, financial transactions and investments bring great profits, when a large-scale goal requires uniting small organizations into trusts, concerns, associations and federations.
    9. - Day of achievements. Good for starting promising business, announcing important plans, strengthening connections and contacts. This is a day of personal triumph, fulfilled ambition, especially for people from the world of art and the arts, a day of favorable opportunities for commercial and financial affairs.

    So, dear reader, first find the vibrating number of your birthday, then your last name and first name (or last name, first name and patronymic or nickname), and then the day of action you need.

    And now an example: how I would do the calculations for myself.

    Vronsky= 3+9+7+6+1+3+1+2= 32 = 3+2 =5

    Sergey= 1+6+9+4+6+2= 28 = 2+8 = 10 =1


    And the meanings of these numbers are already known.

    With numerology, I reveal to you, dear reader, those secrets that you can use in all everyday affairs. Take it and act! I wish you success!

    Always yours Sergey Vronsky

    "Astrology: superstition or science?" 1990