The name of Alexander Kerzhakov has been in the headlines of the media for more than a year. But the topic of articles, as a rule, is by no means sports achivments former footballer. Kerzhakov's family life is increasingly reminiscent of a jammed film: scandals, clinics, "drug wives", divorces, courts, and the result is always the same. Now 35-year-old Kerzhakov and his 25-year-old wife Milana Tyulpanova are almost at the last stage of a divorce, it has come to a showdown in court, the reason for the dispute is who the common son Artemy will live with. If we remember the history of previous spouse Kerzhakov, 31-year-old Ekaterina Safronova, while everything goes according to the scenario familiar to the athlete and moves towards a disappointing ending. Komsomolskaya Pravda decided to meet with Ekaterina to hear her story again and figure out why family life football player resembles running in a circle.

The story of Zenit football player Alexander Kerzhakov and Ekaterina Safronova began eight years ago. Young people met in a restaurant, a relationship began, soon the couple moved to a country house, their son Igor was born. It would seem a happy-end, but the love story turned into a nightmare. The whole country watched numerous talk shows, where former lovers defended their positions in the fight for common child. For 4.5 years, Ekaterina has not seen her own child.

I even had to ask to go to the store

Our relationship began quickly, both of us were then in a state of divorce, perhaps, including on this basis, we understood and supported each other. We moved to a country house when I was already pregnant with Igor. And somehow gradually became a prisoner in this house. Sasha did not allow anyone to be invited to visit, forbade him to communicate with his friends. If girlfriends have their own opinion - this is bad, and if they do not have children, then they are generally still failed women. It was also impossible to communicate with people from their past. All these prohibitions and restrictions entered my life gradually, and imperceptibly I was left completely alone. It got to the point that I had to ask permission to go to the grocery store. For Alexander, pregnancy was presented in the form of some kind of pathology, the wife should stay at home, an icon should be hung over her and forbidden to do anything. And when Igor was born, it got even worse. There were good moments Of course, he cared, and there was love, but in the end, you wouldn’t wish such love on your enemy. On the basis of this, we started scandals, I began to leave home. And then he probably realized that I could leave with the child and not return at all.

Convinced me to lie in psychiatric clinic

In parallel, he began to have financial problems. He was promised that he would become an oil tycoon, but for this he had to invest a large amount of money in a Voronezh plant. It later turned out that the whole story with the plant is a linden. Sasha then lost 10 million dollars. There were long trials, trials, he even imprisoned his friends, who dragged him there. I remember that then I introduced him to my friend, who allegedly worked in the authorities, his name is Alexander Savchenko. He actively connected to the problem, began to help, and somehow imperceptibly began to enter our house. After a couple of months, he was already giving Sasha advice on how he should behave with me, and when we baptized our son, he even became a godfather!

Kerzhakov was constantly on his nerves because of financial problems, and then there was a new friend who whispered in his ear. I started postpartum depression, quarrels became even more. Then Savchenko said that I was allegedly heavily addicted to drugs and I needed to be treated urgently, but for some reason I needed to be treated for nervous breakdown. Sasha convinced me that I needed help and that I should go to a psychiatric clinic. Later I realized that it was their plan to get me away from the child.

I was given pills

In the clinic, I was given strong psychotropic drugs, my condition was constantly lethargic. Two months later, my grandmother took me from there, we met with Sasha and he set me one more condition: “I see that your treatment did not help, I want you to go through another program,” he said. And I, like a zombie idiot, did everything he told me. Then I could not even explain to myself why I obeyed him in everything. It was about the “12 Steps” program for any kind of addictions, psychologists worked with us, later, when this whole nightmare began, this help, of course, helped me a lot. I was in this program for two months, Sasha wrote letters to me, confessed his love, said that everything would be fine with us. By the time of my discharge, Igor was already a year old. The driver picked me up and brought me to a rented apartment, there were boxes with my things. I realized that this was the end, I immediately called him, he spoke to me in a completely different way. He said that it was necessary, he was advised so, he said that I should still undergo treatment. He also refused to let me see the child. I went to mutual friends, they told me that he already had another. He started dating Milana when I was still in the clinic. Soon I received a subpoena in the case of determining the location of the child, he filed a lawsuit when I was in the clinic.

The court restricted my rights to the child

When you are betrayed, it's terrible, I didn't want to wake up and do something, I didn't see my child anymore for a long time I didn't know how to live in such a situation. Thanks to the psychologists, they helped. Kerzhakov continued to put pressure on me, came and said that while we were resolving our issues, it was better not to pull the child, I had to sign papers about his temporary location, and I signed. It was only later that I found out that this was an actual refusal. As a result, in court I was limited in the rights to my child. This unfortunate piece of paper and the fact that I was in clinics also played a role. Despite the fact that Sasha stated that I was a drug addict, he did not submit any of my positive drug tests to the court, everything was only from his words. But he provided the conclusion of his psychologist, who, based on a conversation with our seven-month-old son, concluded that it would be better for him to live with his dad! Absurd. Sasha, generally a very suggestible person, only listens to the wrong people. I think the fact that Sasha then met with Milana also played, and her father, the influential senator Vadim Tyulpanov, was still alive then ...

With Milan, everything went according to the same scenario.

For almost five years I have not seen my son, but I do not stop trying, I knock on all doors. Now Alexander works in Moscow, and the children with nannies in St. Petersburg. More than once I came with the police to the house where they live, to which I was informed that the location of my child was elsewhere. I submitted requests to the relevant authorities, to which I received replies. We met Kerzhakov's new wife Milana when they already had the same problems: a son was born and everything went according to the same scenario. Then I immediately told her that she would not sign any papers about the place of residence of her son in any case. Later, she admitted that he asked her about it, but she remembered my words. Sasha also pressed her, she refused, eventually convinced her to go to the clinic. He understands that it's the same as signing his abnormality. At the same time, he also promised her that everything would be fine with them, but again he did not keep his word ...

He is used to relaxing, like Kokorin and Mamaev ...

At some point, he seemed to be possessed by a demon. He was torn apart, everything was squeezed out of him, at first unsuccessful investments and loss of money. Yes, and at Zenit, he wanted to end his career in a completely different way. He wanted to take a good post there, and in the end - the coach of the youth team. And that's not what he's used to. There are not the same salaries: he is used to resting like Kokorin and Mamaev. Then, with the help of Milana's father, he wanted to "enter the Duma on a white horse", but even then it did not work out, unfortunately, her father died. And here again, a wife with a child, and again in a not quite normal state after the death of her father and postpartum depression, and Sasha was not used to solving problems himself ... And no prospects. If the children live with their mothers, after all, they need to allocate alimony for them, but what then to live on? Easier to pay nannies.

I won't stop fighting

The pain of not seeing your son dulls over time, the first year is on the verge of insanity, and then everything is different. I am grateful that Stesha was born to me ( youngest daughter Safronova, - approx. Auth.), thanks to her I now live. I saw Igor when he was six months old, now he is five. Of course, there is a fear that he won’t recognize me, and it’s even worse that I might not recognize him ... But I won’t stop fighting for my son. with Milana, last wife Sasha, we maintain relations, we are negotiating how we will interact. On October 23, he and Kerzhakov will have the first court session, I have already gone through all this. I wish her good luck and I don't wish any mother not to be able to see her own child.

The marriage of football player Alexander Kerzhakov and a young journalist Milana Tyulpanova, daughter of the late senator Vadim Tyulpanov, lasted three years.

This union promised Alexander many prospects. Finishing his career on the field, the football player dreamed of political career and was sure that his father-in-law would support him. But last year, the senator's heart suddenly stopped ... A week after the death of his father, Milan gave birth to a son. Immediately after being discharged from the hospital, the young mother was overcome by depression. It was not easy for the girl to accept the death of her father.

The football player's wife admitted: at first she could not even be glad that she had become a mother - she was so bad. Kerzhakov turned to the doctors. They injected the girl with a sedative, put droppers. But the depression didn't go away. When her son Artemy was three months old, Milana flew to Germany. She was treated in an Ayurvedic clinic practicing the ancient Indian system recovery. After returning, it seemed that the girl got better.

Then, apparently, the experiences of Alexander himself were superimposed on the depression of Milan. He was ending his career in football (now Kerzhakov is coaching the youth national team of Russia) and did not understand what he should do next. But Milan did not understand how she could survive the death of her father and enjoy life again, a friend of the Kerzhakov family told KP.

Black eye

In the same period, Kerzhakov's wife posted a photo on social networks with a bruise under her eye, ironically signing the picture: "They hit a little." Family friends said that the athlete could not cope with the tantrum of a jealous wife and allegedly raised his hand to her. Like, more and more rumors began to reach Milan about her husband's infidelity.

At some point, the woman, taking little Artemy, returned to her old house where he now lives with his mother, younger brother and son. But she did not leave attempts to make peace with her husband and even flew after him to Bali, where he was drinking at a party at the St. Petersburg rich man Roslyakov. But it seems that Alexander liked the free life. At parties, he flirts with Yulia Baranovskaya, the ex-girlfriend of his colleague Andrei Arshavin, and on social networks fills Baskov's bride Victoria Lopyreva with likes. He is seen with one girl, then with another ...

Kerzhakov still lives in his country house with a son from a second marriage, Igor (the athlete took the child from his ex-civil wife Ekaterina Safronova, accusing her of drug addiction). By the way, the boy managed to get used to Milan, called her mom ...

“I have not been in a relationship with him for a long time,” Milana wrote. “This is an absolutely fallen, unworthy of respect person, alas.”

"Man with star disease»

Why love boat 35-year-old Kerzhakov went to the bottom? The spouses themselves do not comment on the gap. But it turned out that one of the reasons for the gap was that Milan tried to convince Kerzhakov not to interfere with his ex-civil wife Ekaterina Safronova to see her son Igor. This was told to KP by lawyer and human rights activist Katya Gordon, who defended the interests of Safronova in court.

I haven't talked to Katya Safronova for about a year now. We ended up winning the trial when Kerzhakov tried to forbid her from giving interviews about him, says Katya Gordon. - Then, oddly enough, Kerzhakov's wife Milana called me (this was already after the death of her dad). She proved to be adequate and kind person. Milana said: “It is very important for me that you know that I am against all wars, there is absolutely no need for me to interfere with Igor’s mother!” She really wanted to help Katya see her son. It touched me ... But the meeting between Safronova and her son never happened, because Kerzhakov took the initiative of his wife with hostility. To be honest, defending Katya Safronova, I thought that Milan was a glamorous soulless girl who, out of jealousy, wants to harm her rival. But, after talking with her, I realized that she was just a hostage of circumstances ...

- You were not surprised that Milan publicly announced a divorce from Kerzhakov, calling him a fallen man?

I am familiar with Kerzhakov. My impression: this is a man with a star disease, conceited, proud. As for his divorce from Milan, I was not surprised by this outcome. Periodically, gossip about his betrayals surfaced. I didn’t hold a candle, but there are people who are surrounded by rumors of infidelity, and there are people who don’t even think of such a thing. I think both Catherine and Milan have suffered enough in this regard ...


Favorite Women Scorer

Alexander Kerzhakov was married twice. The first wife of the athlete was in 2005 a student of the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance Maria Golova. In this marriage, the football player had a daughter, Daria (now the girl is 13 years old). In 2010, the couple broke up. They say that not without the participation of Ekaterina Safronova - the mother of the eldest son of a football player.

Kerzhakov and Safronova did not enter into an official marriage. In 2013, their son Igor was born. But a year later, Kerzhakov kicked Safronova out of the house and sued her, demanding that Catherine be deprived of parental rights. At the same time, the athlete provided the court with documents that his son's mother uses drugs.

In 2015, Kerzhakov married Milan Tyulpanova, last year the couple had a son, Artemy. According to Milana, Alexander was the initiator of their acquaintance. Having once seen Milan with her parents on the plane, Kerzhakov then, through acquaintances, found the girl’s phone and called. Thus their romance was born.

Why did Kerzhakov take away another child from another wife - another drug addict June 29th, 2018

According to Catherine, wife No. 2 of Alexander Kerzhakov, the scorer sent such intimate pictures to all his mistresses

The famous footballer and coach of the Russian youth team continues to take children away from his wives. In general, this 35-year-old citizen has some kind of obsessive habit of choosing the "wrong" girls - he was married three times and has a child from each wife. And his wives, as it turns out later, are drug addicts and crazy people, from whom their children must be hidden. That's bad luck man!

Alexander and Masha

Kerzhakov first married in 2005. Maria Golova gave birth to his daughter, but in 2010 the couple broke up - with a big scandal, noisy. (They say that Kerzhakov already had Ekaterina at that time). During the divorce proceedings, Kerzhakov decided to “hide” money from his wife so as not to share it. He gave them in the form of an interest-free loan for 15 years to his friend, businessman Surin. He saved money from his wife and daughter, but then he decided to violate the terms of the loan and sued a friend when he invested money in some plant as an investment and could not pay it back immediately after the divorce.

Alexander and Katya

Since 2010, the football player began to officially live with 23-year-old Ekaterina Safronova. She gave birth to his son Igor in 2013. However, a year later, Alexander Kerzhakov kicked her out of the house and sued - to deprive her of parental rights. Such a requirement was motivated by "Safronova's drug addiction." (Already then, according to rumors, he had Milan). He forcibly placed Ekaterina in a mental hospital twice, her lawyers rescued her from there, in general, she was still fun. Safronova fought for her one-year-old son, turned to whomever she could, said that Alexander beat her and cheated, spoke about his financial fraud, which she herself covered during his first divorce, stated that he, for that matter, did not the most highly moral parent, asked at least to meet with the child, but lost. The court granted the player's application.

Alexander and Milan

In 2014, Kerzhakov began to openly go out with 21-year-old Milana Tyulpanova, the daughter of Vadim Tyulpanov, a member of the Federation Council. As the footballer said then, in Milan he saw "worthy and beautiful woman and the mother of his children" and they married in 2015.

Milan with her stepson, who began to call her mother.

Milana shared family happiness in an interview: she said that a woman should be wise, that men are often quick-tempered, impulsive, categorical, but a woman’s task is to forgive and smooth all this. And then the man will tolerate you for some time, if you are comfortable, you will get an ideal marriage.

Milana with her stepdaughter

Father-in-law helped Kerzh a lot in football. But, ending his career on the field, Kerzhakov dreamed of a political career and hoped that his father-in-law would support him here too. But, when Milan was already in her ninth month of pregnancy - a week before the birth! Her father tragically passed away.

Milana with her father and brother

Milana went through all this hard and, having given birth, plunged into a severe depression. Here, postpartum depression was superimposed, and mourning, and betrayal of Kerzhakov - yes, the hunchback cannot be fixed. Milana went crazy, maybe she swelled up, but decided to save herself: she turned to an Ayurvedic clinic to restore peace of mind, and also, together with their mother, who was also crippled by her husband's death, they began to go to a psychologist, whom Yulia Baranovskaya advised them. And relations with Kerzhakov, apparently, in the meantime completely went wrong. (He, for example, was caught in an embrace with fitness trainer Svetlana Eregina - after dinner at a restaurant, at night, he took her to Moscow City, where he rents apartments. But Eregina sluggishly justified herself to all questions from journalists: "It's just that I had another one at home business meeting and Alexander offered to give me a ride"). Milan posted a photo on social networks with a black eye, ironically signing the picture: "A little hit", however, she quickly deleted the picture.

Milana with her son

“I knew about Eregina, about other women,” Milan later said. “What can I do? Leave him? I can’t. I gave birth to a child from him, but I can’t just leave him ... My parents are 30 years old lived in a marriage, and I’m not one of those who are ready to ruin a family ... I hacked his Instagram, you don’t have to go far there: the first correspondence in Direct, he writes to some woman: “I’m waiting for you to your farewell match, I need you so much, please come. Who is this woman, what is it at all, I don’t know, believe me, he has a million of them.

Milana with her son and stepson

Kerzhakov, apparently, is an incorrigible womanizer in himself, and besides, he simply did not expect such problems. He married a young, healthy, happy woman with an influential father. And he got - confused, in mourning, depressed, crying. Milana then gave an interview in which she said that Alexander's support was enough for a month, and then he began to freak out - how much, they say, can you worry and whine? (Milana gave this interview six months ago, and then, after thinking, she asked not to show it. But, apparently, the time has come for everyone to see it):

In short, Alexander accused his mother-in-law of alcoholism, drug addiction and insanity, then he accused his wife of alcoholism, drug addiction and insanity. Wow, how unlucky the guy is - all the time you come across some stoners.

Kerzhakov announced to Milan that he no longer wanted to live in the family: "He just left home, said that when I arrived, I should not be at home with the child." So Milana, taking little Artemy, returned to her former home, outside the city, where she began to live with her mother, younger brother and son.

From Milan's Instagram

Kerzhakov all this time was seen with different girls at numerous parties. appeared on the web random photo made by paparazzi in clubs, restaurants. He left the party on one side, then on the other ...

Kerzhakov with another girl of the month

Around the same time, information appeared on the Web that Milana turned to a psychic to make a ritual with which to return her husband to the family. I think she was in a very bad condition, she was terribly afraid of losing her husband after her father, and clung, of course, to Kerzh. But clinging, like a drowning man, to a person, you can achieve only one of his reactions - he will simply throw you off. And Alexander threw off his wife, like an unnecessary, too heavy ballast. Milana could not restrain herself and called Kerzhakov "an absolutely fallen, unworthy of respect person." Many media outlets wrote about this, and Kerzhakov, apparently, went berserk. The other day on my Instagram during live broadcast Milana cried and admitted that her husband stole their common one-year-old child and did not allow him to see him.

According to the daughter of the former senator of St. Petersburg, she has not seen the boy for a month. (Does Kerzhakov have a habit of picking up one-year-old children and going into the sunset?)

Kerzhakov with his son

At first, Milana was silent, thinking that everything would work out and she would be able to see her son. But nothing changes. “Unfortunately, the situation now is such that I cannot see my child,” Milana explained. “Because my child was taken away from me and my husband, who is still acting, did it. Unfortunately, he does not give me any contacts and connections with my son ... Sasha said that I need to prove my social sanity. I don’t know how to prove it, I am an adequate person who wants to raise my child. But he said that he needs certificates from me that I am sane, and without it he won’t let me see my child ... It seems to me that we are getting divorced because my father died, and he didn’t need me as a person.

Surely soon a video of drunken Milana will appear - she herself says that she once got drunk and on her knees asked Kerzh not to leave her, and he filmed it all ... At least in St. Petersburg, where Kerzhakov played for Zenit and where he has many connections, the media began to develop the old scenario:

Kerzhakov is friends with Evgeny Plushenko, he was even a witness at his first wedding, so Yana Rudkovskaya stood up for the football player - she said on her Instagram: "In this situation, I am on the side of my father - Alexander Kerzhakov" and at first hinted, and in the comments she openly accused Milano is addicted. amazing woman- as if she forgot how she fought for her children for several years ... But even if we assume that Kerzhakov's next wife turned out to be a drug addict, the question arises - does he specifically choose these? And if these are such dense junkies, then how do they bear healthy children for him? It would seem that after a wife who is a drug addict, one should choose a non-drug addict as a wife. But no! Marvelous.

Milana now admits that "the situation is repeating itself", meaning that it was the same with Kerzhakov's wives before her. She says that she may "reap the fruits of her wrong deeds," since she once supported Kerzhakov, who was suing his previous wife. “I don’t think it’s possible to take and take children from their mothers like this, not letting them communicate, not letting them see each other, hiding them,” Milana is sobbing now. “I loved my husband very much, I never thought that he would do this to me ". Hmm ... Is it okay that he acted in this way before you, Milana? Another Miss Somnoy will be different!

Although, of course, it’s a pity for her: in one year she lost her father, husband, now the child was also taken away ... Even if we assume that she really is also a drug addict, like all Kerzh’s wives, then why can’t she be given the opportunity to at least see her son in the presence of the father or protection, or guardianship while the divorce is going on? It's in the best interests of the child to see the mother. So, Kerzhu does not care about the interests of the child. It just shows who's in charge here. Well, again, child support for three children is exactly 50% of his income. Cheaper to hire nannies.

By the way, the second wife of Kerzhakov, deprived of his parental rights, sympathized with Milan: “Milana is a young girl, and I don’t think she had before Sasha serious relationship. Therefore, she did not expect such treatment from her husband ... But she understood what a bad past he had with previous wives. Until recently, no one took my words about a football player seriously. I screamed at nothing. It was hard for others to believe that such a cutie from the cover could be scary person". But what now ... We are waiting for the fourth wife, who will support Alexander. And already he will tell her how much he is disappointed in women. This is exactly what he said to Milan, and she later sighed in an interview:

Supported? Now give way to the next junkie.

Photos of Milana Kerzhakova, her husband Alexander (Sasha, as she affectionately calls him), the first and second wives of this man, as well as photos of his children, I collected a week ago. I read and watched all kinds of interviews with them, scrolled through their instagrams and made my own conclusions, which may be biased and incorrect, the situation that has arisen in this family is too complicated and confusing. World big money, sports, careers, drugs, secular parties is extremely far from the world of a simple layman. Everything is different there ... But nevertheless, what do we have? On the one hand, Milan with the tender flower surname Tyulpanova as a girl, a vulnerable, spoiled, depressed girl-princess, on the other hand former athlete, womanizer, conqueror of women's hearts, handsome, sultry man, father of many children alone - Alexander Kerzhakova.

Did Alexander and Milana have love, and if so, where did it disappear to?

Although I have been studying the biographies of these two for a week now, I have not received a clear answer as to who is white and fluffy. New facts and details are constantly emerging. The result so far is this - there are no pussies there.

If you look at Milana Kerzhakova's Instagram, you may get the wrong impression that she is a cheering girl with languid eyes in a wet place, she loved, and he used and offended her, you might think. This is how it seemed to me yesterday. Today I watched another interview with Milana, it would have been filmed even before the grandiose mess with the kidnapping of the baby began. So, Milana said that she feels more masculine character traits than women's. In this interview, she gesticulates a lot with thin hands with crooked fingers, brightly made up and talks about why wives depend on their husbands. In this video, a group of cool people gathered like her, someone has achieved everything himself, someone has rich parents or husbands. Milana Kerzhakova was not the sweetest and most gentle there, a typical big girl, confident in herself and her abilities, a difficult girl. She also told that she did not receive enough love from her father, he after long separations he just shook her hand, and she so wanted hugs and kind words. Therefore, having matured, she began to reach out to such guys who can wrap her emotionally in a cloud of love. Such instances seem to her superhuman, she falls for them immediately. So Alexander Kerzhakov looked after her beautifully and skillfully poured into her ears. What else did Milana Kerzhakova tell in this video? Divorce! He threatened her with divorce many times. For her, this word is taboo! Mother and father were married for more than thirty years, no one in the family got divorced. On the part of Alexander Kerzhakov, this was the purest blackmail, which his wife led every time. Alexander Kerzhakov supported his wife in all endeavors, she could take up the embodiment of any of her ideas, even if they were the most ridiculous. But he did not allow her to communicate with certain people. This was strict ban, had to obey. But she renamed contacts, Kerzhakov fired her, she renamed again. That is, she went against the wishes of her husband. Alexander Kerzhakov is a powerful man, his heart was not so overwhelmed with love for Princess Milan to forgive her her jambs forever. The wife fell into a terrible depression after the death of her father, Kerzhakov could endure this for only a few months. Milana drank antidepressants and alcohol, then switched to cocaine, sniffed it for about two months (her words, I'm not slandering).

Further. I read a 40-page forum where the relationship between Milana and Alexander Kerzhakov was discussed, some members of the forum knew one or the other personally. What are their impressions of these media people? We draw portraits. As you know Kerzhakov founder charitable foundation"Stars for children", Milana works for him as something like a manager to extort money from sponsors, for sure this position has more beautiful name but let's call a spade a spade. So, forum users write that Milana is not always friendly, she is domineering, arrogant with employees, and Sasha, on the contrary, is affectionate and responsive, but pays too much attention opposite sex He loves women, and they love him. Milana is having a hard time with her husband’s betrayals, but she forgives them, I don’t know what nerves it costs her, but the fact remains: football players are like that, they are extremely rarely faithful to their wives! In many comments they write that, they say, Milan does not work, she sits on her husband’s neck, and is toiling around with nonsense at home. But this is not so, she graduated from the institute and, moreover, she has a master's degree twice, she loves to work, she is very active, even being on last month pregnancy, she was traveling on business trips.

What other facts did you manage to unearth? Milana Kerzhakova, according to her friends, has already been treated for depression and hard drinking. She was emotionally unstable, so she could not devote enough time to her child. Then she went to the clinic for 4 months, all this time the child was with her mother, and only then little Artemy was taken to his father. Milana's mother also suffered the death of the head of the family very hard, she became addicted to alcohol, she could not pay enough attention to her daughter. I don’t even really want to understand the cutting of money. But if in general, then Alexander Kerzhakov insists that Milan return part of his earnings to him, we are talking about several million.

Milana Kerzhakova is pretty, but she is not happy with her appearance, so she did all kinds of plastic surgery In particular, she enlarged her breasts. Of all the colors in clothes, he prefers black.

On August 28, 2014, Milana Tyulpanova and Alexander Kerzhakov met. A couple of years before that, he saw her on an airplane, and then, when in a relationship with civil wife Ekaterina Safronova fell into discord, he began to look for contacts of Milana Tyulpanova through acquaintances. At first they met as friends, she was 20 years old, and he was 32. He calmly but confidently launched his long fishing rod into her shallow pond.

He severely merged his former wife, declaring to the whole world a drug addict. But Ekaterina Safronova had a stigma in the cannon, she really said in one of her interviews, they say, who didn’t get into drugs in her youth? In addition, she herself said that her acquaintances dabble in drugs, but Alexander Kerzhakov insisted that she not come into contact with them.

The very story of the acquaintance of Alexander and Ekaterina Safronova is very revealing, he was married, she was married, but they met in a nightclub. Kerzhakov says that he was in the process of a divorce, but Katya does not hide that things were not bad with her husband, he just worked under a contract in another city, a Decembrist hockey player, for whom his wife did not go into exile. Well, Katya didn’t like to sit at home alone - her husband was at the training camp, she had a party, she fused the child from her first marriage to her grandmother. Ekaterina Safronova said in her interviews, they say, yes, I’m not a noble girl, Kerzhakov knew who he had his eyes on, but he was satisfied with him for a long time, and then you see, he became disgusted.

Another pebble in Catherine's garden, when her baby, born from Kerzhakov, was very small - she went to the clinic to change her breast implants, you see, the sissy ached, her husband tore her during a showdown chest muscle. Well what can I say? The priorities of this lady are clear. Parties, spree, hookah and something stronger than beer. But still, it is wrong not to allow a mother to see her child. AT last time she hugged him when he was one year old! At the time of this writing, Igor turned 5 years old! During this time, Catherine managed to give birth to herself another child from another man, with whom she seems to have also parted at this moment. A muddy woman, but not finished, just a broken woman, a former athlete, with adolescence lived alone, here is the result. Okay ... I'm tired of this story, I barely squeezed it out of myself. It was interesting to read about all this on the Internet, I wanted to understand whether Alexander Kerzhakov is really such a monster who takes children away from their mothers? Blue Beard? It seems to me that he is not an easy guy, but since Yana Rudkovskaya fought for her children, and the wife of Alexei Panin, no one fought. I don’t want to say that Ekaterina Safronova is not trying to return her son, she is trying, but perhaps she could not bring all this to such an absurd situation. How? If she had remained faithful to her first husband, everything would have been fine with her.

Well, the photos themselves, there are a lot of them!

In this photo, the wedding of grandparents Milana Kerzhakova. Grandma claims that grandpa looked like Kerzhakov in his youth!

In the photo of Milan Kerzhakov with Igor, the son of Katya Safronova.

Milana with her brother.

Words about his wife Milan in Kerzhakov's book!

In this photo, the parents of Milana Kerzhakova.

Vadim Albertovich Tyulpanov loved his wife Natalya very much! Shortly before his death, he rattled her a carpet from some eastern country, but the wife was extremely unhappy with his choice. There was a scandal, Natasha slammed the door and did not want to communicate with her husband anymore. Albertovich sincerely experienced this situation.

In the photo, Alexander Kerzhakov holds his son, born Milana, in his arms.

Childhood photo of Alexander Kerzhakov.

Son of Milan and Alexander Kerzhakov.

Milana with her brother Vladik.

In the photo, Ekaterina Safronova and her daughter.

Childhood photo of Milana with her parents.

Katya Safronova blooms brightly and smells delicious!

In the photo Artemy Aleksandrovich Kerzhakov.

With stepson Igor.

In this photo, Alexander Kerzhakov with Milan, eldest daughter Daria and son Igor.

In this photo, Alexander Kerzhakov with his children and wife Milana.

A wonderful event happened last Friday in the family of the famous football player Alexander Kerzhakov and his charming wife Milan. The young woman, who on Monday, April 10, gave birth to her husband's son, was discharged home from the maternity hospital.

We met Milan Kerzhakova happy father, relatives married couple: Alexander's brother Mikhail, also a football player; mother of Milana Natalya Tyulpanova and brother of Milana Vladislav, chairman Legislative Assembly Petersburg Vyacheslav Makarov and others.

Alexander Kerzhakov glowed with happiness, clutching a small snow-white bundle to his chest. The famous football player was really looking forward to the heir, and in his Instagram he did not hide his emotions about the birth of his son. The young father was present at the birth, which took place in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg.

“Thank you for your son, my love,” Alexander thanked his wife, posting a picture from the ward with a newborn in his arms on April 10.

By the way, during discharge from the maternity hospital, Alexander and Milan Kerzhakov announced the name they chose for their child. star couple I decided to name my son Artem. Relatives who met young parents reacted positively to this news.

It is worth noting that a newborn baby is the first joint child famous couple. Alexander and Milana are raising their son Alexander Igor and take an active part in raising the daughter of the football players Daria from their first marriage.

Recall that shortly before the birth of the firstborn of Milan and Alexander, a tragedy occurred in the Kerzhakov family: the father of a young woman, Senator Vadim Tyulpanov, passed away. According to his daughter, he was looking forward to the birth of his grandson, participated in the arrangement of his room, discussing his name.

“And he was also looking forward to his grandson, asking if I would let them babysit with my mother, took part in arranging the room, and discussed the name. In general, it was great and family-like, and cozy in our common life”, - wrote Milana Kerzhakova in the microblog after the death of her father.

Alexander and Milana Kerzhakov are known for the charitable projects of the Stars for Children Foundation, which they head. On the eve of Artemy's birth, on April 9, they opened a charity run in memory of Vadim Tyulpanov, all the proceeds from which were directed to help the victims of the terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro. In March 2017, Alexander Kerzhakov's autobiography "The Best" was published. In it, he talks about his football career and personal life.