Alexey Goman, a young performer from Russia, has become an example for many girls and guys who, like him, were born in a family far from the world of show business, but at the same time have talent and want to become famous. He himself did not even expect that one day he would become famous and begin to earn his living from what he considered a pleasant hobby.

Childhood of Alexey Goman

The singer was born in Murmansk. His father was a simple mechanic and electrician, and his mother worked in a military unit. But at the same time, the singer’s mother school years She graduated from music school and had a diploma from the conservatory. It is not surprising that she was the one who noticed her son’s talent.

Alexey’s mother decided that her son should enjoy his childhood and carefree games with friends, and not spend hours in stuffy music school classes in order to acquire not only musical education, but also disgust for this type of art. Instead, she taught him on her own and, together with her eldest son, taught him to play the guitar.

Alexey Goman repeats in many interviews that he is very grateful to his parents. According to the singer, it was thanks to his father and mother that he not only grew up a good man, but also fell in love with music, and later became famous.

But, unfortunately, Alexey lost his parents very early. When the boy was only 15 years old, his father died. And three years later, the mother also died from a serious illness. The boy remained in the care of his older brother.

Education and first performances

Alexey Goman, whose biography is full of ups and downs, admitted that he graduated from 9th grade and after that went to get an education elsewhere, since schoolwork seemed unbearable to him. At the same time, he studied well. As Alexey himself said, he was a lazy but smart student.

Together with his friend, he received a profession. If the young man’s life had not changed so dramatically, he would have continued to repair trolleybuses in Murmansk. But it was while doing hard physical labor that Alexey realized that what he had was not enough for him. The future singer wanted to develop.

The young man took up self-education and soon entered the Pedagogical University, one of the most prestigious higher educational institutions. The university is not only a place where residents of the city and region receive education, but also one of the centers of local culture. It was here that the famous musical "Notre Dame de Paris" was born throughout Murmansk and even beyond its borders.

One of the creators of the musical was brother Alexey. This talented young man gave roles only to those actors he trusted. And among them was Alexey Goman. The singer's biography would be incomplete if it were not said about the role of the poet Gringoire, which brought the young performer his first rays of fame.

"National artist"

Alexey Goman became famous throughout the country after he took part in the show " National artist"As the singer himself says, he was vacationing in Sochi when he saw the casting announcement. And then the young man decided to take a risk. Instead of going home after the vacation, he went to Moscow.

Alexey, as he himself claims, did not hope to win. But still he moved further and further towards the coveted final three participants. The audience gladly cast their votes for the young and talented performer, who sang songs brightly and with soul. In the few weeks that the project was underway, Alexey became famous not only throughout Russia, but also in neighboring countries. He has a real army of fans.

Alexey won the show "People's Artist". After this, his career took off. He became a welcome guest at many concerts, talk shows and Even years after the end of the project, Alexey remains at the top of the musical Olympus.

The singer's personal life

Goman Alexey changed his life very much. The singer’s wife supports him in all his endeavors and is a real strong supporter. Alexey met his wife, the lead singer of the Assorted group Masha Zaitseva, thanks to the People's Artist project. Young people created not only strong family, but also a creative tandem. Masha helps her husband compose songs, which later become Russian hits.

The relationship between Alexey Goman and his wife has lasted for more than five years. The young performer carefully tries to protect his personal life from public attention. With great inspiration, he talks about his creative plans, of which he has a great many.

Photo: Georgy Kardava. Style: Valeria Balyuk. Producer: Oksana Shabanova He participated and won in " People's Artist“You won’t believe it - 13 years ago, and still the same: a charming Russian guy with a perky sparkle in his eyes. PEOPLETALK found out why Alexey Goman(32) so abruptly disappeared from the radar of domestic show business and what is he doing now.

I was born in 1983 in Murmansk. He studied at a school with an English bias until the fourth grade, in middle school until the ninth, and then went to school to study as an electrician for the repair of electrical equipment for trolleybuses. Then I was lost: my father was gone, and I didn’t understand what I wanted to do next. It was difficult for me at school: the teachers loved me, I was always very charming child, but he studied poorly and never did his homework. And in general he was lazy. ( Laughs.) Just then a friend came to visit me and said: “Let’s study together, let’s repair trolleybuses. And if we are lucky, then at the age of 21 we will already be able to drive these trolleybuses.” It was, of course, aerobatics. And so I went. But as soon as I got to school, I started singing in restaurants - this was my main income. This also happened by accident. I played in a band in Children's Home creativity. One day, an old guy, a wonderful musician and a laborer with many years of experience, noticed us and said: “Guys, let’s sing in restaurants.” We immediately agreed - the money was very good. And we worked for a year in an Azerbaijani restaurant, and also hosted weddings, birthdays and corporate events. Naturally, I don’t know anything about trolleybuses anymore. By the way, I also passed the internship conditionally: I came to the depot, treated the workers to cognac and went to work in a restaurant. ( Laughs.)

I studied at the Murmansk University of Culture and Arts with a degree in director of mass theatrical performances. The dean of the university invited me to enter because I participated in all the singing competitions held in Murmansk, and had many diplomas, awards and commendations, and even invited me to participate in the student musical “Notre Dame de Paris”, which we did for the French ambassador. I sang the part of Gringoire. By the way, my brothers – my eldest and my cousin – also took part there. In general, my older brother was always a role model: I was given C grades for good behavior, but he studied well and behaved perfectly. He even went on a student exchange to America in the 11th grade, lived there for a year and a half and graduated from school. Out of all of Murmansk, only he and two girls won the competition.

I studied for a year at the university in Murmansk, and they started telling me: “What are you doing here, go to St. Petersburg or Moscow.” And I went to the Northern capital, entered the Institute contemporary art on extramural. But then “People’s Artist” began, I passed the casting and moved to Moscow. For me, “People’s Artist” is something magical. Then the first two “Star Factories” had just died down. For people like me, who sang in restaurants and dreamed of becoming artists, this was amazing. We saw that a common person can get on television, win and start a singing career. When the casting was announced, many came up to me and said: “You need to go.” But for some reason I didn’t pay attention to it. But then I saw an advertisement and still decided to send an application. I came to Moscow to nowhere - I was sheltered by some friends of friends. But there was nothing to lose, really. There was nothing else in Murmansk, my mother passed away three years after my father’s death, I entered St. Petersburg - there is a backup option. What to lose?
Trousers and jacket, Trussardi; polo, Lacoste; shoes, Alberto Guardiani; belt, Dockers I don’t know how I won – by some miracle, honestly. You know, I’ve been like this all my life - a lot of support from people, but professionals treat me with distrust.

The jury predicted victory Sasha Panayotov(32) and Lesha Chumakov(35). Lesha was already a ready-made artist, gave concerts in Tyumen, and Sasha had a project behind him “ Become a star" Do you remember this one? This is the very first competition that appeared on Russian television, even before the Star Factory. Sasha made it to the finals and was supposed to get into the “Other Rules” group, but in the end he was not accepted. Thank God, he is, of course, a solo singer. And when I saw him backstage, I thought: “What? What the heck? You already had your chance, why did you come here?” ( Laughs.) When the competition was going on, the producers threw up their hands, saying that we couldn’t do anything - I always came out ahead in the voting. Sasha overtook me once when I forgot the words to the song “Komarovo”, and they gave him another beautiful lyrical ballad. ( Laughs.) At some point I already started to freak out, why are you bothering me with such songs. (Laughs.) You see, I’m a provincial person, I came to big Moscow, looked into the mouths of my producers, and here are Panayotov and Chumakov next to me, whom they always set as an example to me. Moreover, main song project, " Light it up", remember? She was invited to sing for everyone from the qualifying round, except me. They didn't even take me into account. But if people loved me for who I am, what could I do? I can’t look at myself in “People’s Artist” without tears, honestly. ( Laughs.) A completely different person - a nice guy, of course, but somehow uptight. I wouldn't vote for myself.

It seems to me that Larisa Aleksandrovna Dolina (60) saw her life’s pain in me and Sasha. “Weather in the House” brought her widespread fame in Russia, and before that she sang jazz. So I personified “Weather in the House,” and Sasha represented jazz. And I won all the time. ( Laughs.) They said that I was a “soviet”, that’s why they voted for me. I tried not to let it into my soul. After “People's Artist” I signed a contract for eight years. I was ready to work, but after 5 years the producer apparently became bored with all this. WITH Evgeniy Fridland(49) We recorded two full-length albums, but when I left him, nothing changed. And then I started working on my own. Participated in various projects like " glacial period"and "School of Drama", filming and concerts.
Now I don’t really understand whether I want to join our show business. I just don't like him. I haven’t had a TV for a long time, I only watch news on the Internet, but if I see some live broadcasts from Russian concerts... Well, as much as possible already. It’s 2016, and nothing has changed for us. These are people, of course, already dear to the whole country - but they are the same people. There are cool ones interesting artists, but few people know them. By the way, I heard about the project “#2Mashi”, where is my ex-wife sings? They succeed - without television, radio and promotion. I have no intentions of being popular. I want to be creative, and not fill people’s minds with myself. I write songs for the table, I have already accumulated a lot of them. Of course, these are not compositions that will immediately appeal to the public. But I'm very happy on stage. So far this is the only thing I'm sure of. Someday I'll go through my song drawer and pick the best ones for the new album. I'm in no hurry with this. Because of this, my friends want to beat me.
In “People’s Artist” I did not pay attention to Masha Zaitseva (33), because for me she was such a well-mannered, pure and immaculate girl with a core inside. And if in relation to the other girls I allowed myself some crazy thoughts, then with Masha everything is different. We fell in love with each other after the project, during the tour. Somehow everything happened quickly, within a year we moved in together. And they lived together for 11 years, and then separated. Love has gone banally. A lot happened over 11 years, we both quarreled and made up. It happened that I told her something, but she didn’t hear me at all. She told me something, I didn’t understand her. Full compatibility. (Laughs.) But I always had a core inside me - this is my woman, you just need to be patient. The world around you will fall apart, but you will hold on to this rod and thus escape from the hurricane. And she was sure that she couldn’t live without me... But in Last year we began to deceive ourselves and each other: when you no longer feel anything for a person, but continue to believe that the core remains. And one day we just talked. She said: “You know, I can live without you.” I replied: “And I have nothing to fight for anymore.” That's how it happened. I still have great respect and love for her. to a loved one, we are a family: 11 years is a long time. You know, like in many families: a child appears and the marriage collapses. In our situation, daughter Alexandrina has absolutely nothing to do with it, but we still fell under these statistics. It was a shame, of course. Now I see her very often. I'll go visit today. After breaking up with Masha, I dated a girl for two years, and in this relationship everything was in the best traditions of a romance: you fall in love, lose your head, and become very dependent on your partner emotionally. And we parted with her when we still had feelings for each other. I just had to make a decision: should we move on together or not. A woman always wants to know if she has a future with you. I couldn't make such a promise.
Shirt, Trussardi; trousers, 0909showroom; belt, Dockers

At some point I went on all the dating sites: “ Mamba», « Tinder“What else is there... And during all this time I never went on a date. They write to me, give me likes and super-likes, but I don’t even understand why I registered. Probably, at some point I just wanted easy sex, and I decided to look. I found nothing and gave up on it. I can’t say that I searched for a long time. ( Laughs.) I was not recognized on the streets, even when I participated in “People’s Artist”. Only if you looked closely. I'm very good at hiding. (Laughs.) I don't like to make long grandiose plans. And the dream girl is a grand plan. I give life a chance to surprise me. I've always liked blondes blue eyes– please, 11 years of marriage with Masha: dark hair and dark eyes.

Jacket and trousers, 0909showrom; shirt, Uniqlo; shoes, Vagabond I'm afraid of not pulling myself together at the right time and not getting out of a difficult situation.

I'm afraid to give up, I was close to it. A state of such apathy that it didn’t matter anymore. But I got out. I am an unpredictable person in Moscow, so you can rarely meet me anywhere. Usually I'm either by myself or in a very small group of friends.

My motto is evasive: “Live well, so that no one will feel bad from it.”

Alexey Goman is a famous performer and composer who is still very young in his circles. His childhood was spent in distant Murmansk, where he was born on September 12, 1983. The parents were representatives of simple working professions; there was also an eldest son in the family. Her mother graduated from the conservatory, but her career did not work out. From her experience, she immediately realized that her son also has vocals, which in the future could help him arrange his life. Last news 2017 from the personal life of Alexey Goman is only positive. He continues to engage in creative work and delight listeners.

The mother taught her children to play the guitar, but never forced them to attend music school. They grew up in such a way that no one limited them in anything. But several things happened in the life of young Alexey tragic events contract. At the age of fifteen he lost his father, and a few years later he lost his mother.

Get school education He couldn’t, and already in the ninth grade he went to school. Accordingly, he worked part-time at a trolleybus depot. Of course, he more than once thought about what would await him ahead, and how he would develop in life. further life. He decides to enter the pedagogical university in his hometown, where he became famous. The singer's career did not always go smoothly. In fact, children and personal life for Alexey Goman are a different story. He is ready to talk about this for a long time do not stop.


The musical “Notre Damede Paris”, which Alexei’s brother wanted to stage, became Starting point. IN pedagogical institute a selection was carried out for those wishing to take part, but it was necessary to pass a special audition. As a result, Gringoire's game went to Homan. After his speech he was greeted with a standing ovation. Alexey had never been so joyful in his life. His professionalism and natural vocal abilities showed what he is capable of.

Later, while relaxing at a resort in Sochi, he came across a brochure for one of the competitions where he could show off his vocal abilities. The so-called “People’s Artist” is a competition in which Alexey was able to easily prove his talent. Easily overcoming the qualifying stage, reached the final and won.

“Slavic Bazaar” is the next stage in Goman’s musical career. Having taken an honorable third place, I also became convinced that I was truly talented and could show myself from a variety of sides. In 2009, he organized his own musical group and organized various tours and performances throughout Russian Federation. At that time, his personal life had already developed; photos of Alexey Goman with children appeared, but he did not have his own yet. In general, the artist developed not only in terms of career, but also in terms of family life.

Already in 2004, he released his first album, “Russian Guy,” and then several more appeared. One of these music collections, “May,” became the most sold. The young guy’s works were highly appreciated not only by listeners, but also by critics. Goman had an incredibly beautiful and piercing voice. At various festivals and concerts you can hear Alexey’s voice. At the moment, many professional producers are inviting the singer to collaborate, but he is only interested in solo career and works only on musical directions that interest him.

In 2014, he received the most important award for him - “For Services to the Fatherland.”

In addition to all this, he also has several different awards and orders. The talented Alexey Goman continues to delight his fans with new songs and excellent creativity. In 2017, there was very little news about the personal life of Alexey Goman and his biography, as he is engaged in an active career. The recording of new songs and works does not stop.

A television

Popularity came immediately after participating in the “People’s Artist” project. young guy began to be invited to various television shows. Many saw him in “Dancing with the Stars,” where, together with Lyudmila Chegrinets, they achieved third place. This experience helped him quite a lot, as he learned to perform in front of audiences and dance. Many fans in Once again convinced of the skill of their favorite singer.

Become famous actor Alexey Goman didn’t intend to, he just decided to try himself in the role, and he succeeded. Maybe in the near future we will be able to see him in various leading roles. After he took part in his brother's musical, which was a turning point, the guy realized how much he could not live without the stage.

He could also be seen in episodes of some films. Already in 2014, Alexey Goman became a participant in the Ice Age show. According to Alexey, this was the most difficult test in his life, which he overcame. Together with Yana Khokhlova, they performed, but could not win. In the future, if offers come in, he will under no circumstances refuse to participate in new shows.

Alexey Goman: biography, personal life

He first met his love on the same project “People’s Artist”. Throughout the entire competition, he did not show his sympathies in any way, but after its completion, he began to invite his beloved Maria Zaitseva on dates. In general, after a few months they were already living together. They lived in a civil marriage for about six years and only after that they got married.

In 2012, daughter Alexandrina was born, this event was supposed to unite the family, but everything happened completely the opposite. In 2013, Alexey moved to another apartment. Despite all the differences, they continue to communicate and maintain a common relationship. For 2017, there is some break in the personal life of Alexey Goman. As it became known, they still have not officially dissolved their marriage. In his interviews, Alexey has repeatedly said that he is not going to date anyone yet and is still focusing on his career.

Alexey Goman was born in 1983 in Murmansk. Was brought up in an ordinary working family together with his older brother Evgeniy. Interesting fact is that the mother of the future singer attended a music school in her youth, which may have been the reason for Alyosha’s creative inclinations. For some time she even taught her brothers to play the guitar and simply instilled in them a love of music.

Unfortunately, good health The parents were no different, and died while Alexey was at school. He was grieving the loss and decided to enter college immediately after 9th grade. The young man began working as a repairman and also sang in restaurants. The audience always loudly applauded Goman, and he began to seriously think about how to focus on what he loved. The future artist chose to get an education at the Murmansk Institute of Culture, where his brother also studied.

Later, Alexey moved to St. Petersburg, thinking about getting a second acting education. In 2003, he learned about the casting for the TV show “People’s Artist” in Moscow and decided to try his hand. So the singer managed to become one of the dozen participants in the TV show. With his tenacity, Goman managed to win and become famous throughout the country. Other leaders of the project were no less famous Alexander Panayotov and Alexey Chumakov.

A year later, the singer released his first album entitled “Russian Guy”. Subsequently, he also published the records “Ray of the Golden Sun” and “May”. Goman is a frequent guest of major concerts, where he performs not only alone, but also in duets with others famous artists, among whom are Nadezhda Kadysheva and Marina Devyatova. In 2010, the young talent was awarded the medal “For Services to the Fatherland”: the country’s leadership and many celebrities, including Alla Pugacheva, spoke out in support of this event.

Personal life

Alexey Goman met future wife Maria Zaitseva on the project "People's Artist". The girl was one of the contestants. A relationship began between them, which first grew into civil marriage, and then into the official one, which was concluded in 2009. Three years later, the couple had a daughter, Alexandrina.

Gradually, the feelings between Alexey and Maria cooled, and they separated in 2013, remaining good friends. The singer often sees ex-wife and daughter, helping in raising the latter. He was never able to start another relationship, although he made repeated attempts to do so. Goman continues to engage in concert activities, and recently even began to take an interest in politics, becoming a confidant of Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s LDPR party.

Tip 2: Goman Alexey Vladimirovich: biography, career, personal life

Finest hour Alexei Goman came at the moment when he entered the stage of the “People’s Artist” project. The young performer was well prepared for this test. Participation in the project, which was loved by the audience, gave an impetus to the creative energy of Alexey, who did not settle for victory, but decided to try himself in other types of creativity.

From the biography of Alexey Vladimirovich Goman

The future popular performer was born on September 12, 1983 in Murmansk. His family was quite creative: Alexei’s parents old times performed in the musical group “Losers”. Otherwise, the family of the future singer was very ordinary. Goman's father was an electrician. Mom worked in one of the military units. Alas, the parents were not allowed to know about their son’s success: Alexei’s father died of asthma when the boy was 15 years old. Three years later, my mother passed away.

Alexey's creative abilities manifested themselves in his childhood, when he quickly learned to play the guitar. Subsequently, he performed at the Palace of Culture in his first creative team, taking prizes in competitions at the local level. Subsequently, the trio of young performers began to be invited to popular restaurants in Murmansk.

After finishing 9th grade, Alexey decided to study to become an electrician. After graduating from college, Goman worked for some time in a trolleybus depot, repairing electrical equipment.

However, this one is far from the most creative work Alexey was not attracted to her. Goman decided that he deserved more. He enters the local pedagogical university, choosing socio-cultural activities as his major. Around the same time, Goman took part in the production of Notre Dame de Paris. From that moment on, the young man began to gain popularity.

Musical career and personal life of Alexey Goman

Having played one of the central roles in the popular musical, Alexey Goman quickly became the idol of the youth of Murmansk. Since then, his life has included victories in competitions, tours, success and fame.

On the advice of the curator of the institute group, Goman moved to study at the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts. Goman managed to combine his studies at the directing department with touring and recording albums.

While on vacation in Sochi in 2003, Alexey learned about the qualifying round for participation in the People's Artist project. He did not hesitate and went to the capital of Russia. With his composition “Russian Guy” Alexey won an unconditional victory in the competition.

Later, Goman took an honorable third place at the Slavic Bazaar festival. Later he performed in the famous project “Dancing with the Stars”. The singer had to work hard: in just three months he successfully mastered Latin American and classical dances. The result of participation in the dance project was third place.

Currently, Alexey continues to work on musical projects, honing performing skills. He often performs in front of the public with compositions of his own composition.

Goman – happy husband and father. His wife was Masha Zaitseva, a member of the Assorti musical group. Before entering into a marriage, the young people dated for six years. In 2012, Alexey and Maria had a daughter, Alexandrina.

Alexey Goman biography, photo - find out everything!

Biography of Alexey Goman

The childhood years of Alexey Goman

The future star was born in an ordinary, but musical family. In their youth, Alexei’s parents performed in the “Losers” ensemble. The main work of the parents in no way concerned the world of music. My father worked as an electrician, and my mother worked in one of the military units of Murmansk.

Unfortunately, the singer’s parents did not live to see the heyday of their son’s career. Father died from a serious pulmonary disease(asthma), when Alexei was barely 15, and his mother died from infectious disease lungs after another three years. Alexey and his brother Evgeniy were left orphans.

The singer's youth

The musical abilities of the future star manifested themselves in childhood, when his brother and mother taught him to play the guitar. A little later Alexey came to the Palace of Culture, where Metelev Gennady invited him to join the trio. It was in this trio, where he performed with a boy and a girl, that his first success came. The group won prizes in various music competitions; the group was also willingly invited to sing in the evenings in popular restaurants in the city.

After finishing 9th grade, Alexey entered the school to study as a mechanic-electrician for repairing electrical equipment of urban transport (trolleybuses). Already famous in his hometown, the young singer worked in trolleybus depot No. 2. But soon the guy decided that he deserved more and entered to the Murmansk Pedagogical University for the first year, in the direction of “socio-cultural activities”.

It was here that Alexey Goman took part in the production of NotreDame de Paris, which became famous not only within the city, but throughout the country. Its authors were Nina Kurganova, head of the French Consulate in St. Petersburg, and Evgeny Goman, who by that time was a famous stage director and host of a radio show on “Europe+” in Murmansk.

The beginning of Alexey Goman's musical career

Having performed one of the leading roles in the musical of the poet Gringoire, Alexey instantly became the idol of youth throughout the region. After this, tours, victories in competitions, and, of course, the first rays of fame and success became common in his life.

Soon the curator of the institute group suggested that he change the “small, but a good city Murmansk" at the Faculty of Cultural Studies of the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts. Here Alexey completed his studies (director's department), managing to tour the country and record albums.

Alexey Goman's finest hour show at "People's Artist"

The singer learned about the qualifying round for the People's Artist project while on vacation in Sochi. Without hesitation for a moment, Alexey went to Moscow. The interrupted vacation was worth it: with the song “Russian Guy” the singer won an unconditional victory.

People's Artist (2003) final - Alexey Goman

"Slavic Marketplace"

In 2006, Alexey Goman performed at the Slavic Bazaar song festival, and as a participant. Previously, he performed at the competition, but only as a guest. The Grand Prix, however, went to another participant from Russia, but Alexey Goman took an equally honorable third place

Alexey Goman in the project “Dancing with the Stars - 2”

In the same year, the singer took part in the “Dancing with the Stars” project. He performed in tandem with the world champion in Latin American dancing, nineteen-year-old Lyudmila Chegrinets.

In just three months, practically not knowing how to dance, Alexey mastered the art of dancing. He learned to dance both classical and Latin American dances. Thanks to their diligence, Alexey and Lyudmila reached the semi-finals and achieved third place.

Dancing with the Stars. Alexey Goman. 2006

Now the singer is working with a musical group with which he began collaborating back in 2009. At the same time, Goman does not forget to perform songs mainly of his own composition. In 2010, Alexey was awarded the orders “ Young talent Russia - Charoite Star” and “Service to Art”, 1st degree (“Golden Star”).

On this moment The singer’s discography includes three albums: “Russian Guy”, “Ray of Golden Sun” and “May”.

Personal life of Alexey Goman

Alexey Goman is happy father and husband. His chosen one was Maria Zaitseva, a member of the Assorted group. Alexey and Maria got married in 2009, although they had been dating for 6 years before that. In 2012, the couple welcomed their first child, a daughter, who was named Alexandrina.

The singer enjoys games, photography and the Internet. In addition, he cannot imagine life without writing songs and filming films.

Alexey's favorite book is “The Master and Margarita”. According to the singer, what was striking was that Lucifer turned out to be not evil. In addition, he is interested in philosophical and Christian literature.

As for dishes, Alexey prefers potatoes in any version and sushi with lakedra;

In clothing, Goman prefers classic and mixed styles.

As a child, the singer dreamed of seeing what would happen after the end of his life. He describes himself as a modest, stubborn and persistent, diligent and creative, and, of course, a charming guy. According to him, he has a lot of creative energy that simply has nowhere to be applied.