Popular singer of the 90s Vadim Kazachenko was recently urgently hospitalized in one of the capital’s clinics with heart pain. As it became clear, his young wife Olga brought him to an acute painful state. However, the girl stated that star husband hurt her too severe pain and her mental wound is much deeper. Olga admits that some time ago a conflict arose in their family, which continues to this day. Watch Let them talk - Vadim Kazachenko’s abandoned wife 12/07/2016

Olga Kazachenko says before the broadcast of the program: “I am legally married to Vadim Kazachenko and I carry his child under my heart, but at some point I begin to realize that it is as if I am not and have never been in his life.” It became known that three months earlier the girl told her star husband about her pregnancy. So what was the cause of the family conflict between Vadim Kazachenko and his young wife Olga?

Let them talk - Vadim Kazachenko's abandoned wife

According to Olga Kazachenko, it was not only pregnancy that caused discord in the family:

— Three months ago I told Vadim that I was expecting a child, to which he replied that I should have an abortion and we would get divorced and each live our own lives. He told me that he would not help me if I gave birth to a child. But that’s not all: he took off the ring and since then began to appear everywhere with his director as a couple.

Who is Vadim Kazachenko related to the woman with whom he has been appearing at all social events for some time now? The theme of the issue: Let them talk - Vadim Kazachenko’s abandoned wife. And today Olga came to the program to tell the whole truth about her difficult relationship with her singer husband.

— I never sought publicity. It was not important for me to appear with my husband somewhere in public. We have known each other for a long time, we got married 2 years ago. I am now 35 years old, he was 50 at the time of marriage. We met 10 years ago, I saw on the Internet that Vadim was appearing on the big stage again. We started communicating on the Internet. The first date was about 5 years ago.

Evgeniy Tonkiy, lawyer:

— When I entered the query “Vadim Kazachenko’s wife” on the Internet, I search system gave completely different results, so when I saw you here in the studio, I was very surprised! And you look great - clearly not 35 years old. As for “Vadim Kazachenko’s wife,” usually only Vadim’s director, Irina Amanti, is shown on the Internet. Olga is nowhere to be found in the search results.

The abandoned wife of Vadim Kazachenko: details of the story

Olga Kazachenko continues to tell the details of the family conflict:

— When I asked him about joint photographs with his director, Vadim reassured me, saying that it was all part of show business. Now I find myself in such a situation that my husband pretends that I don’t exist. He said that this did not concern him and suggested that I have an abortion.

— About a year after we got married, I sold my apartment and we bought a house. The house was unfinished and it was not yet possible to live there. Vadim, of course, helped with the money, but at some point we ran out of funds and we decided to put off the house.

Vadim Kazachenko's wife: Olga or Irina?

Vadim Kazachenko’s friend Anna Isaeva claims that Olga is not the singer’s wife.

— It all started with the fact that Vadim and Ira Amanti were a couple. Vadim took her from the USA, where she divorced her husband. Irina invested all her money in him to help her reach the big stage again. This was 10 years ago. She became everything in his life! She is endlessly devoted to him. At some point, he decided to leave her, but they still remained business partners. I believe that this girl destroyed the family of Vadim and Ira. She knew that they lived together, but she constantly sought communication with him.

You will also see on the program lawyer Katya Gordon and singer Natalya Sturm, who doubts that Olga’s child is from Vadim. Watch online for free the episode Let Them Talk - The Abandoned Wife of Vadim Kazachenko, broadcast on December 7, 2016 (12/07/2016).

Like( 18 ) I do not like( 8 )


    Men stopped being responsible for their actions. Poor, heartache(((sent my friend Shturm to talk about the lack of feelings.. No feelings, part with dignity! Although a worthy act would not have attracted so much attention to his tattered person! (((

    Like( 57 ) I do not like( 8 )

    Abandoned at one time is fighting for Vadim common-law wife and his director. And Olenka is still young and did not expect such an unmanly act on the part of her beloved husband. She was in love with Vadim at one time most of country - almost the entire female half. not only as a singer, but also as a man. They respected, listened to. And there is not a drop of MASCULINE in him. He is shared by two women. And who will win him over... .? Apparently the one who has more money, which was fully invested in him. Okay, women compete with each other. But for some reason he doesn’t behave like a man at all. Moreover, this Sturmpugacheva, who apparently always held a candle in Vadim’s relationship with Olga, decided to perform and promote herself so cheaply. Olenka, I want to tell you: spit on them, on these cheap ones. Don’t get dirty in this dirt!

    Like( 56 ) Dislike(12)

    What a wonderful girl. She’s smart, she carries herself with dignity, Kazachenko’s supporter voiced this in vain about PR. Why would he give her autographs in the maternity hospital? And she came to the program because the opportunity presented itself, perhaps they invited her, why not?

    Like( 35 ) I do not like( 9 )

    I thought they were going to give her an abortion right on the program.

    Like( 28 ) I do not like( 3 )

    Kazachenkova, that they were led to the Civil Registry Office on a lasso?
    His director is just a monster - he won’t let you say a word!
    Olya behaved very WORTHY! Good girl!
    Storm N.! Who are you - practically no one knows you!
    you're 50, but you look way over....... You're lying! For what?
    Just as Olya treated her mother incorrectly, she, on the contrary, stopped her correctly, so that her mother would not be blackmailed!
    And Mr. Malakhov should behave correctly towards a pregnant woman! Kazachenkov, I repeat, was not forcibly dragged to the civil registration office and was not forcibly dragged into bed - I DID NOT WANT CHILDREN - TAKE PROTECTION!
    I don’t envy Kazachenkov - with such SUPER POWERFUL WOMEN, there can be no HAPPINESS IN THE PRIOR!
    Olya! Get away from Kazachenkov with dignity, you can handle it, have pity on the child!
    You good mom- Your loved ones will not leave you!
    Prove, including to Malakhov, who attacked you,
    that you are strong and smart!

    Like( 47 ) I do not like( 7 )


    99% of Russian women are for you!
    Kazachenko is not worth a penny after this situation! He is not a man - BABA! Worthy of contempt!
    Think about your future child, love him, go to church and pray to God for your offender - for your biological “father”
    You great family- they support you, you have a wonderful mother!
    And this “greyhound” pack of people who attacked you with fury, a pregnant woman who is PREGNANT BY her LEGAL HUSBAND, is SOMETHING!
    Kazachenkov married Olga! What complaints against her!
    Did she forge a marriage certificate!?
    The director cooked and did laundry on tour - it was her choice - she wanted to get Kazachenkov - But he chose Olga!
    And she started rummaging through the dirty laundry! - This is typical of “cheap women”, similar to the director Kazachenkova, the assault - Pugacheva - IS THIS SOMETHING!? The impression was created that Sturm-Pugacheva was paid and she presented herself as a cheap village girl, etc. a woman who looks like, excuse me, a plucked chicken!
    Olechka! And you behaved with dignity!
    Don't fall for blackmail!
    These Cossacks are not worthy of talking about them at all!!!
    GOOD LUCK TO YOU! LEAVE Kazachenkov with WORTH, GOD will be his judge - and GOD will be on your side and on the side of your child! AND EVERYTHING WILL BE GOOD FOR YOU!
    Your unborn child will be your joy!

    Look at this JUDGMENT under the direction of "Mr." Malakhov

    Like( 55 ) I do not like( 9 )

  1. Olga shark for money and celebrity. None!!! And what kind of phrase “Look at her and me!” Of course Irina is more beautiful.
    If I had feelings, I wouldn’t offend my pregnant wife. Sharks have no pride!!!
    Male hormones are bursting. Kazachenko is to blame, he is not a bull who was led to the registry office on a string. Well, a guy got knocked up by a shark! Neither the first nor the last! I feel sorry for the children!!!

    Like( 12 ) Dislike(37 )

    Go to this saint Olga’s Instagram and you will see her in all her glory, a hillbilly and a collective farm worker, and it’s disgusting to look at her. Which normal woman She will say look at her and me, you can immediately see the narrow-mindedness of this girl. She is one of those who tags along on the heels of people like Kazachenko, she has already passed through Crimea, Rome and who knows what. Scary and stupid, read her comments on Instagram and you will understand who is who.....

    Like( 15 ) Dislike(41 )

    Katya Gordon is great, worthy of respect and admiration!! Malakhov is becoming more and more disappointing. Openly plays along with friends and sponsors. For a simple TV viewer this is obvious and disgusting to watch. After the 2nd program, I don’t even feel sorry for Irina, she doesn’t inspire sympathy at all. Why was it necessary to devote oneself to serving another person, to sacrifice oneself? He doesn't need this self-sacrifice. His career can’t be revived, that’s for sure now, but maybe he could be humanly happy and free

    Like( 36 ) Dislike(13 )

    Olga, what a shame to do PR! You can leave with dignity. She’s not a girl either, but she’s already 35 years old! I was able to get pregnant! Well done, it's time to give birth! I feel sorry for Irina Amanti! I invested my money in this walker! Of course, I’m on the side of Irina Amanti, a real beauty!

    Like( 14 ) Dislike(27 )

    How can you say “have an abortion?” he is the Lord God, this Kazachenko and his art mistress. What a horror... A pregnant woman is sacred!

    Like( 24 ) I do not like( 5 )

    Isn’t it a shame for this art mistress, who washes someone else’s husband’s underwear and socks....to yell at 2 pregnant women like that, is it purely feminine, perhaps she herself was not in such a situation?

    Like( 29 ) I do not like( 8 )

At a time when the famous singer Vadim Kazachenko can no longer continue the legal “battle” with his wife for health reasons, the women began to sort things out among themselves. After a skirmish between Olga Martynova and Irina Amanti in the studio of the show “You Won’t Believe It!” the war continues on the Internet. Women have enlisted the support of social network users and are trying to insist on their own.

History of the conflict

Honored Artist of Russia Vadim Kazachenko regularly attracts the attention of fans to his person as a provocateur and culprit scandalous stories. Quite recently, an event thundered in the news that was striking in its immorality. Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga became participants in a scandalous divorce, the latest news of which was followed by the whole country.

The artist filed for divorce when the woman was pregnant, arguing his desire to end the marriage and recognize it as fictitious.

Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga

Olga gave birth to a boy, whom she named Philip. The wife hoped that the famous artist would come to his senses and begin to improve relations with the child, but her hopes were not justified. Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga stopped communicating, last news and interviews indicate that he is trying to completely forget about their existence. The new father is not interested in his son and completely ignores him, refusing to participate in his upbringing.

Some friends and colleagues condemn this behavior, but Vadim remains unconvinced and cannot be convinced.

From his point of view, there is nothing immoral in ignoring his wife and child, who involved him in a huge scandal and almost ruined his life.

Vadim Kazachenko

After a long trial Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga reappeared in magazines, where the latest news and facts of divorce were revealed. It turned out that the reason for the divorce was not that Olga cheated on her husband. Everything turned out completely different. Vadim has an illegitimate daughter. The appearance in the life of the artist Vlada Romantsova, who successfully confirmed her relationship with Kazachenko using DNA analysis, became the cause of discord in the family.

Unable to withstand regular reproaches from Olga, the famous artist filed for divorce, trying to get a dissolution of the marriage. After this, a series of new conflicts between the spouses followed, the consequence of which was the deterioration of the health of the middle-aged artist.

Husband's opinion

Back in the 90s, information leaked to the press that Vadim Kazachenko had a heart condition. More than once he underwent treatment and rehabilitation rest in specialized sanatoriums. Repeatedly he ended up in the emergency clinic with mini-strokes. And against the backdrop of divorce and the appearance illegitimate daughter The Russian star’s health condition has only worsened.

V. Kazachenko

Before the divorce proceedings, Vadim Kazachenko appeared on the “Let Them Talk” program to talk about the conflict situations that arose between him and his wife Olga from his point of view. In the program he said that he considered his legal wife producer Irina Amanti, but not Olga.

The consequence of such a statement was another scandal in the studio, as a result of which Vadim Kazachenko felt ill, and he left the program with the help of medical workers who arrived on an urgent call.

On this moment The artist’s fans are very interested in information about Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga and the latest news related to their divorce proceedings. The artist filed for divorce, demanding to recognize that Olga’s son Philip is not genetically his child. He also demanded compensation from his wife for moral damage in the amount of a million rubles in order to prevent enrichment at his expense. The court granted his request and in response sent Kazachenko and Philip for a DNA test, which would confirm or refute Olga’s statement that the artist is the real genetic father of the eight-month-old child.

The artist's second wife with a newborn child

Wife's arguments

Also, in an interview that the artist gave not long ago, he stated that his wife has problems with alcohol and needs urgent treatment. Against this background, there were regular scandals in their family. Kazachenko’s still official wife immediately put forward a refutation of this statement, announcing that her husband accused her of alcoholism solely against the backdrop of a divorce. After all, situations often occur when good wife with whom her interests have diverged, she becomes, in the eyes of her husband, mentally ill, a drug addict or an alcoholic.

Second wife of V. Kazachenko Olga

Olga is ready, at the request of the court, to undergo all necessary examinations and provide documents confirming the fact that she does not have addiction or mental disorders.

She states that her husband regularly threatens her with physical harm if she does not retract her testimony. She constantly has to listen to threats from him, and she fears for her life and the life of her child. Whether this is true or a farce, the court and employees of the relevant authorities who are conducting an investigation into this issue will decide.

At the moment, Olga only wants one thing: for Vadim Kazachenko to be recognized by the court as the father of the child and forced to pay child support, since she lacks funds. The woman is on maternity leave and is forced to rely solely on the help of her parents, since government payments for her and her baby are not enough to ensure a normal life.

Olga with her son

The third side

While court hearings are ongoing and the issue of paternity and alimony is being resolved, Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga do not live together, and the latest news indicates that the artist has a new woman. In the spring of 2017, Vadim Kazachenko signed with Irina Amanti and considers this marriage to be real. He demands recognition of the marital relationship with Olga Martynova as fictitious, believing that the painting in the registry office of the Russian capital with Irina was legal.

Vladimir Kazachenko with Irina Amanti

Unfortunately, in Russian Federation Bigamy is prohibited, and Kazachenko exposed himself to a serious blow by openly announcing a direct violation of the law. What penalties await the artist will be known later.

Vadim Kazachenko said in an interview that Olga is a fraud and does not tell the press and the court the whole truth. According to his testimony, after the wedding, his wife never moved to live with him. They saw each other extremely rarely, and therefore he is not sure that Philip is his son.

According to the public and due to Olga’s silence about the real situation, it turns out that Kazachenko left her immediately after pregnancy.

With their wives in the program “Let Them Talk”

But in fact, he learned about the state of health of his wife, who lived in an unknown place, only when she was about to give birth. Then Olga Martynova began to threaten Vadim Kazachenko with a trial and a huge scandal in the press.

The singer reports that if he is convinced that the child is really his, he will take part in its provision and upbringing. But she will not allow Olga to manipulate herself and take money from his pocket until there is official confirmation of her words.

Kazachenko and Martynova met at a time in their lives when the artist had a strong quarrel with Irina Amanti. Olga promised Vadim that they would have the best family in the world, and he agreed to the marriage after a short relationship. But after the painting in the registry office, their relationship ceased to play any role for Olga.

V. Kazachenko

The couple continued to meet like an ordinary couple, limiting themselves to dates, but not living together. When the situation with the divorce and recognition of paternity over Philip flared up, Olga never spoke about her feelings for Vadim and what their marriage was like in reality.

It is quite natural that after some time Kazachenko, having become disillusioned with his marriage to Martynova, returned to Irina Amanti, who was his real wife. And Olga, having learned about her pregnancy, decided to take advantage of the good financial situation famous artist and get as much money out of him as possible.

Development of the conflict

also in in social networks Discussions about the common-law wife of Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga began to appear regularly, against the background high-profile divorce and the latest news coming to the press, Irina came under attack. Martynova’s supporters believe Amanti is guilty of causing discord in the family by preventing visits with her son Philip.

Those who support Olga's position believe that Irina needs to stop speaking out in the press regarding official wife Kazachenko.

Kazachenko's wives

At the same time, Vadim Kazachenko himself is now in a pre-infarction state. According to doctors, scandalous divorce led to the artist’s heart problems getting worse. Against the backdrop of the fact that Olga Martynova began to earn money from paid interviews, which regularly appear in the press, and her lawyer Ekaterina Gordon regularly speaks, highlighting the artist’s life, Vadim’s illness worsened. At the moment, Kazachenko is in extremely serious condition, on the verge of life and death, and the difficult divorce process does not improve his well-being.

Doctors who arrived on an urgent call report that if Irina Amanti was not next to the man, they could prepare a white shroud for him. The ambulance workers hardly brought the artist back from the dead and advised him to rest completely, prescribing a course of medications.

Vladimir Kazachenko

Irina Amanti asked journalists and the court to leave her common-law spouse rest and let him recover. Unfortunately, neither Olga nor the press are in a hurry to stop the attacks and continue to flaunt the entire personal life of the singer and model.

Vadim Kazachenko is in a paralyzed state, having lost the ability to move independently and speaks very poorly. Against this backdrop, the next court hearing will be postponed indefinitely.


The name of Olga Kazachenko appeared on the pages Russian newspapers in the winter of 2016, when in the popular Channel One program the girl declared that she was the legal wife of a singer who became famous in the late 80s. The young beauty said that she was hiding from journalists so as not to harm her husband’s image. Olga was forced to come out into the world by the cruelty of the artist, who harassed his own wife after the girl announced that she was pregnant.

Childhood and youth

Olga was born in Lyubertsy on March 1, 1981 (zodiac sign - Pisces). Little is known about the girl’s biography before her wedding to the famous singer. The girl was raised by her mother and grandmother, the child attended an ordinary secondary school.

Olga honestly admitted that her interest in Vadim Kazachenko appeared in childhood. The girl listened to popular songs and enjoyed following the artist’s musical successes. After receiving her certificate, Olga continued her studies at the university. The girl chose the specialty “economist”. For a short time Olga Martynova ( maiden name future wife Kazachenko) worked in a large investment company, but left her career after marriage.

Personal life

On April 22, 2014, Olga married singer Vadim Kazachenko. The girl met the artist in 2006 on an online forum dedicated to Vadim’s work. But the first date took place only in 2009; until that moment, Olga lived in civil marriage with another man.

On March 10, 2017, the girl gave birth to a child - the boy was named Philip. The birth took place in a regular clinic and was carefully hidden from journalists and the public. Olga announced the birth of her son when the baby was one month old.


In December 2016, while seven months pregnant, Vadim Kazachenko’s wife appeared in the “Let Them Talk” program. The girl stated that her once beloved husband, under pressure from the concert director, was forcing her to file for divorce. Olga said that when Vadim found out about the pregnancy, he insisted on an abortion.

Olga Kazachenko in the show “Let Them Talk” in 2016

Kazachenko was forced to turn to journalists by severe necessity - Vadim had written his wife out of the apartment, and now the pregnant woman could not even be seen by the attending physician. In addition, the girl was worried about the artist’s debts, which she learned about by chance.

The scandalous statement excited the public, and 10 days later a new episode of the program was aired, on which both Vadim himself and Irina Amanti appeared. The singer’s concert director said that the hype was PR. In fact, Olga destroyed strong relationships Irina and Vadim, taking advantage of their trust.

The singer’s friends spoke on air, claiming that the marriage with Olga was simply the result of an incomprehensible eclipse that had come over the singer. And the leaders of Kazachenko’s fan club accused Olga of alcohol abuse and said that the girl married Vadim on a dare.

The singer himself said that he offered Olga to file for divorce back in 2015. Vadim claims that the marriage was fictitious, and the young wife constantly lived with her mother, only occasionally visiting the artist. Kazachenko is sure that Olga became pregnant on purpose in order to tie his child to her, and therefore intends to declare the marriage invalid. In addition, the artist is not at all sure that the baby was conceived from him.

Soon after the scandalous program, Kazachenko’s lawyers actually went to court, which declared the couple’s marriage invalid. Following this shocking news, Olga Kazachenko received another subpoena, which stated that the singer was demanding ex-wife 7 million rubles. This is exactly the amount the artist spent on the girl over the years they spent together.

Representing Olga’s interests, she managed to overturn the court’s decision and prove that the marriage that the singer and his fan entered into in 2014 is valid. The issue of 7 million was also partially removed - after all, Vadim gave money to his wife for their joint life.

After confirming the legality of the marriage, the amount that the girl must pay to her husband was 1 million - that’s how much Kazachenko spent on the young beauty while he was seeking her favor. Olga was saved from paying these funds by an appeal, which proved that the artist’s wife did not owe him anything.

The birth of a son brought the proceedings to new level. The warring spouses conducted a DNA test, which confirmed Kazachenko’s paternity. Based on the results of the examination, Olga filed a lawsuit against Vadim demanding alimony. However, the girl never received the amount assigned by government officials.

Olga Kazachenko now

In 2018, the proceedings between Olga and Vadim continued. The singer, who was not satisfied with the court's decision, filed another lawsuit. This time the man intends to sue the house acquired by the spouses during marriage. True, in 2016, on the program “Let Them Talk,” the artist stated that he had nothing to do with real estate. Olga herself bought an unfinished house in the Moscow region with money received from the sale of her apartment.

The court again sided with the woman. But even before the verdict was pronounced, Vadim Kazachenko’s nerves gave way. A man attacked Olga in the courtroom. Grabbing her by the neck, the singer tried to snatch the phone from the frightened woman.

After the incident, the artist broadcast live on Instagram, where he called the mother of his own child “dust on his shoes.” The man argued that he had every right to raise his wife in any way he wanted.

Olga Kazachenko in the show “Let Them Talk” in 2018

The threats and curses that rained down on the girl on social networks forced Kazachenko’s wife to delete her own profile on Instagram, so similar statements became unpleasant news for Olga, heard in the next episode of “Let Them Talk.”

On July 13, Olga Kazachenko, having lost all hope of improving relations with her husband, filed for divorce. The decision will come into force in August, but the woman is sure that none of the parties will challenge it. The only thing Olga wants from already ex-husband– payment of alimony debt, which amounts to 300 thousand rubles. However, Vadim claims that he has already translated ex-wife all sum.

Last year, the wife of 90s star Vadim Kazachenko Olga came to the “Let Them Talk” program to talk about the fact that she had been married to famous artist. The husband preferred to hide his wife from the general public, and then went to court to have his marriage declared fictitious. Nevertheless, he did not refuse the child that Olga was going to give birth to soon.

It became known that recently ex-wife Vadima Kazachenko became a mother for the first time. StarHit contacted lawyer Katya Gordon, who represents Olga’s interests in court against Vadim Kazachenko.

“As far as I know, the singer did nothing on the day his wife gave birth - he did not call and did not congratulate. But he arranged a vulgar, in my opinion, marriage proposal to his director Irina Amanti. It seems to me that a man who does this while his wife is giving birth is not very good man", says Katya.

Now Olga and Katya are waiting for it to come into force decision court to cancel the decree recognizing the marriage of Vadim Kazachenko as fictitious. Gordon explained that at the moment a man really has every right to marry someone else. However, this will not relieve him of responsibility for the child in the future.

“I would like to contact Vadim Kazachenko. Guys, let's all give up the shameful attempt to get married. Let’s not complicate the life of the child, who, through Kazachenko’s efforts, may receive a dash in the “father” column on the birth certificate. Let's just enjoy our new life, especially since this is a great opportunity to make peace. Still, it can be done humanely. I suggest you be glad that Vadim and Olga Kazachenko had a child,” Gordon said.

Katya explained that Olga has 30 days from the moment the child is born to complete the paperwork - the question is whose name will be indicated in the “father” column. Nevertheless, the lawyer is worried that Kazachenko may file a complaint with the court in order to delay the entry into force of the court decision.

According to Katya, Olga is now trying not to think about possible troubles, but is completely absorbed in caring for her newborn baby. She accepts congratulations on the birth of her first child.

“Olya is now focused on the child, like any normal mother. It seems to me that deep down in her soul there is still a glimmer of hope that she and Vadim will make peace. In my opinion, Kazachenko is behaving somehow inhumanely. I am sure that Olya will only be happy with the father’s desire to communicate with the child. There will definitely be no obstacles on her part,” Gordon admitted to StarHit.

Met Vadim Kazachenko And Olga Martynova V 2005 year, she was 23 years old, and he 42 . Vadim Kazachenko after some oblivion, he decided to start winning back his audience, began with performances in clubs and at all sorts of city events, created an online forum, where young women and young girls became his fans, and among the connoisseurs of the singer’s talent was Olga Martynova. Initially communication Vadim And Olga it was friendly, but I immediately liked the pretty girl Kazachenko, but he did not undertake to seduce her, after all, she was next to him at that moment Irina Amanti. WITH Irina Amanti Vadim Kazachenko met in 1995 year, then she lived in USA, owned own business, was married to an Italian millionaire, but in 2005 year Irina Amanti left her tyrant husband and returned to her homeland in Russia. Irina And Vadim began to live under one roof, she became for him not only his beloved woman, but also a director, producer, sold her business to America and invested all the proceeds in the revival of the singer Vadim Kazachenko.

In the meantime Olga Martynova became closer and closer to the singer, in 2008 year he met her in person for the first time. Olga Martynova before meeting Vadim Kazachenko did not live in poverty, her family owned several apartments in Moscow which she successfully passed, herself Olga didn't work, although she had economic Education. IN 2012 year Vadim Kazachenko a difficult period began, his once beloved woman Irina Amanti suffered a spinal injury, took hormonal injections, gained a lot of weight, became nervous and irritable.

well and Olga Martynova at this time she was blooming: slender, long-legged, young; naturally, that of aging Vadim Kazachenko was drawn to this charming girl, at that moment he thought little about the fact that he and this girl were too different, he wanted to be admired, to know that he was still capable of seducing first-class beauties. In general, I fell in love Vadim Kazachenko in earnest, and at the moment when Irina Amanti went to Once again V USA on business, he, without thinking twice, invited Olga live with yourself. Olga I noticed that the apartment famous singer just not suitable for living, according to the girl, a love nest Vadim And Irina She was simply shocked; literally everything had to be redone. The renovation took a year and a half. Myself Kazachenko does not deny that the apartment was neglected, but because they Irina They were on tour all the time, they had absolutely no time to take care of everyday life.

But in his interviews Irina Amanti emphasizes that she was very caring wife, stroked Vadim shirts, packed his suitcases, fried cheesecakes for his beloved. After a while Irina decided to return from USA, especially since the director Vadim She did not stop being, but she had nowhere to return; she had already been replaced as her mistress by another.

Irina Amanti I decided to step aside and let myself enjoy my Vadim his new passion. Here, female pride played its part, and the inability to do anything about this situation.

IN 2014 year Vadim Kazachenko And Olga Martynova got married, and although the singer now claims that this marriage was not for love and it was literally his force MARRIAGE REGISTRY pulled in like a bull on a rope, nevertheless, there is wedding video, which shows how happy the newlyweds are, and if Olga rejoices perhaps simply from the fact of marriage that has happened, then what Vadim Kazachenko he is in love, visible to the naked eye, he kisses his wife’s fingers, reverently strokes her back, eats her with his eyes, pronounces fiery toasts, claims that he is experiencing such a feeling for the first time and is marrying for love, and not for circumstances.

In this photo you see Vadim Kazachenko and his daughter Marianna.

By circumstances he means his first marriage, then he was 21 year, and the pregnant bride 18 , as a result of that marriage a daughter was born Marianne, who now lives in Germany.

Well, here it is, wedding, rings, happiness in the eyes Vadim Kazachenko, but all this did not last long, soon the newlyweds realized that they would not be able to live together, Vadim I'm on the road all the time, the renovation of the apartment is still unfinished, my wife lives with her mother, real family it doesn’t work, especially since Olga I didn’t want to burden myself with cooking food and ironing shirts. But nevertheless they saw each other regularly, there were intimate relationships, Truth Kazachenko insists that his wife came to him only to receive an impressive wad of money at the end of sexual intercourse. Be that as it may, but Vadim Kazachenko began to think that he had made a mistake in choosing his legal wife, he began to understand that his wife should have been Irina Amanti, who was with him both in sorrow and in joy, became a truly close person, he now calls her nothing more than a karmic wife. Olga Martynova she felt something was wrong and for some reason decided to urgently get pregnant, although her husband’s entire attitude towards her indicated that they would not be together. Vadim Kazachenko insists that Olga deceived him - she hid her pregnancy until the 4th month. But excuse me, if she hadn’t hidden it, he still wouldn’t have forced her to have an abortion, but he would have brought her to a miscarriage with his mental anguish I totally could. All in all Vadim Kazachenko abandoned both his wife and child, he crossed them out of his life and returned to his beautiful Irina Amandi, and the court found them with Olga the marriage was fictitious and the spouses were divorced, Martynova appealed the court decision and won the case, so Vadim Kazachenko became a polygamist, because he had already become ringed with an undying Irina.

To be honest, I don't like a single character in this story, the whole drama is dirty, sticky and disgusting, and none of the participants are worthy of respect. This trio aired all their dirty laundry "Let them talk", and before the altercation in the studio Vadim Kazachenko over the phone he demanded that his wife have an abortion. What would you like to take away from this whole story? Aging men need to be careful with their desires; every macho reaches an age when he wants to see something fresh next to him. young body, some fight with themselves, come up with some way out of the situation in order to revive their relationship with their wife, but others leave the family, have mistresses and very often fall into their cleverly placed networks, in the end everyone suffers: husband, wife, mistress, children. Men should always think first of all with their heads, because everyone knows that as soon as a pretty woman puts on a mini, shows off her luxurious breasts in a deep neckline, men are ready to follow her to the nearest bed or registry office, not realizing that by doing so they are starting a new one , but not always a happy life.

On this photo Olga Martynova and her mother are joyfully touched by their son Vadim Kazachenko.

On this photo Vadim Kazachenko with my daughter Marianna, now my daughter is already adult woman, she has her own children.

In this photo you see Vadim Kazachenko, holding his daughter’s child in his arms, not so long ago the famous singer became a grandfather.

And in this photo Vadim Kazachenko in young age.

Small in this photo Vadim Kazachenko with his mother and grandmother.