They say that love makes the heart ache. Well, love for God must also be capable of bringing pain to the body. For many centuries people have refused worldly life, lived in monasteries and devoted their whole lives to God. We offer an overview of monasteries that will not only allow you to get closer to God, but will also provide pain in your back and legs, because getting to them is not so easy.

An incredible church, which belongs to the Serbian Orthodox Church, can be found high in the rock of Ostroška Greda. The monastery is the most popular pilgrimage site in Montenegro, and thousands of people from all over the world visit it every year. This cave-church was founded in the 17th century by Basil, Bishop of Herzegovina. One of the reasons for the incredible popularity of this place among believers is the body of the bishop, prayers to which, according to people, can cure various ailments and solve complex life problems.

Meteora means "middle of the sky" in Greek. The monastery is located on the very top of a cliff, which is located on the plain of Thessaly in central Greece. Oriental Orthodox monastery is an object World Heritage UNESCO. Legend has it that the founder of the monastery, St. Athanasius, did not have to climb to the top of the rock, but an eagle suddenly appeared and carried him there. In the 14th century, ladders and nets were used to transport materials 550 meters high to build the monastery. Until the 1920s, most people had to use ropes and pulleys to climb to the very top of the cliff. And now the only way for visitors to reach the monastery is through stone steps. The monastery is also famous for being featured in the James Bond film For Your Eyes Only.

The Monastery of Ki (monastery is often spelled differently: “Ki”, “Kye” or “Kee”) looks like part of the set from the movie “The Lord of the Rings”. It is located in the village of Ki in the Himalayas. The Tibetan Buddhist monastery is located on a hilltop, 4166 meters above sea level overlooking the Spiti Valley. This is a religious training center for lamas. Over the centuries, the monastery has witnessed many attacks by Mongol and other armies.

The Orthodox monastery is located near Lake Kozhozero, in the northwestern part of Russia. This is one of the most remote corners of the country. Kozhozersky Monastery, founded in the 1500s, is one of the most secluded buildings in the world. Getting to it is very difficult, because there are no roads there. Anyone wishing to visit the monastery must first travel by train to Nimenga station, then wait for a truck to pick them up, and finally walk the last 32 km. And even after all this, there is one more tricky obstacle - the lake. Travelers must light a fire and wait for the boat.

Tucked away in the far southeastern region of Zanskar, high in the Himalayas, lies the Phuktal Gompa monastery, carved into a massive rock gorge at an altitude of 3,800 meters. In the 12th century, it was built by Lama Gangsem Sherap Sampo and 70 other monks. It is amazing that the structure made of clay bricks, stones and wood has survived for hundreds of years.

“Tiger's Nest” is the name of the monastery, which simply hangs from a cliff at an altitude of 3000 meters in the Paro Valley (Bhutan, Himalayas). Legend has it that Guru Rinpoche, the second Buddha, arrived at the rock riding on a large tigress. He chose the cave for his meditations. In 1692, a temple was built here. In 1998, the monastery was reconstructed. It is now an active, strictly practicing Buddhism. The only way To get here you can walk or ride a mule. True, tourists are not allowed here.

In the Shanxi province of China there is a temple called the Hanging Temple. This monastery is located on a cliff overlooking the nearby Heng Mountain. At first glance, the temple looks very fragile, unstable, it seems that a strong gust of wind will throw the entire structure to the ground. The monastery must be well protected by the gods (or it's down to a really good civil engineer), because the temple has survived several earthquakes over the years.

Sümela is a 1600-year-old ancient Orthodox monastery built on the rocks. You can get to it using a spiral stone staircase passing through the forest. The temple is located in Turkey in the Altindere valley in a rock at an altitude of 1200 meters. Officially, the monastery has ceased to function since the 1920s. Now it is a monastery-museum and a popular tourist place. In 2010, for the first time after its closure, construction was carried out here. Orthodox service.

People visiting Popa in Myanmar have their heads in the clouds... literally. The temple is located on the top of a cliff, at an altitude of 737 meters. Shocking location. The monastery is located on an inactive volcano; no one knows when it was built. The monastery is a famous pilgrimage site for Buddhists. According to legend, 37 Mahagiri Nats (spirits of people who died from violent deaths) lived here. Those wishing to visit the monastery should always remember two things: important things, firstly, they will have to climb all 777 steps. Secondly, you will have to give up lunch, since the local monkeys really like to steal sandwiches from people.

Located in the west of Palestine, the Monastery of St. George is a unique monastery with a cliff on one side. Get to Christian shrine the sixth century is possible via a footbridge over Wadi Qelt. There is a theory that this is the same Valley of Shadows, which is mentioned in the Old Testament Psalm 23. The monastery was built next to a cave, to which fourth-century monks attached special spiritual significance (according to them, it was the place where the ravens fed the prophet Elijah). However, the monastery was not always a peaceful place. Soon after it was built, Persian troops attacked it and killed all 14 monks living there. The bones and skulls of the victims can be seen within the sacred walls of the monastery to this day.
Perhaps it is good that the monasteries are located in such inaccessible places; the chance that they will be turned into a hotel, as in Turkey, is minimal.

The village of Verkola in the Pinega region Arkhangelsk region- one of those places that are usually called “bear corner”. Taiga, swamps and more than fifty kilometers to the nearest railway station. Across the river, on the opposite bank of the Pinega, stands the Artemiyevo-Verkolsky Monastery, founded by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1648 on the site of the discovery of the relics of St. Artemy. In summer you can only get there by water. There are no excursions, tourists or crowds of pilgrims here.

There are only forty inhabitants in the monastery - workers and monks. Everyone has their own story. Everyone has their own path to God. Some came “by faith”, realizing this step as a personal choice, others were brought by “sorrows” - imprisonment, addiction, loss of loved ones, housing, work and the inability to find themselves in secular life. The monastery welcomes everyone. Some come for a few months, others stay forever and take monastic vows. I present to your attention a photo essay by Alexey Sivkov about people whose life path difficult, about those who know first-hand what need, gratitude and Faith are.

Internal territory of the monastery. Trudnik Mikhail

“Here, in the monastery,” says Mikhail, “it’s like in the army or in the zone. As you treat people, so people treat you.”

My cell neighbor, Victor, is twenty-one years old. He comes from Kholmogory - a local. He graduated from school, trained as a carpenter, and worked at a sawmill. First I went to the Siysky Monastery several times, then I came here. I became a laborer out of despair and emptiness. The first two weeks I attended all services. Then it became more difficult to combine this with daily obedience. Victor is interested in politics and believes in a “world conspiracy.” “Without an idea,” he says, “life is empty. And here the soul calms down, and there is less temptation.”

Life in the monastery is simple. Bath day is also laundry day. Don't heat the water twice.

Evening tea in the cell

Before going to bed I went to see Father Seraphim (on the left). His guests are workers Alexander and Sergei.

Monk Father Innokenty blesses the groom Kirill during the daily procession around the monastery.

The ground floor of the cathedral is now a warehouse. There are still to come restoration work. The second floor has already been renovated and is used for holiday services. The temple was built in the 19th century. John of Kronstadt, who was born nearby, in Sura, took part in its construction. IN Soviet times the cathedral was looted. “Autographs” remain on the unique frescoes to this day.

We are going to the forest to collect firewood. The horse Irtysh stopped in the middle of a puddle. The worker Kirill affectionately calls him a stubborn beast and says that until he gets drunk, he won’t leave his place.

Monk Father Peter

“In the world I was a musician, a drummer,” says Peter. - During my third term, I met a priest who came to our zone. I began to read, think...” He has been at the monastery for eight years now. Three years ago I became a monk. Now he is a bell ringer and bathhouse attendant. Such obedience.

They brought firewood. The monastery needs large supplies. The end of September, and in October the first snow will fall on Pinega. Winters here are long and cold.

The weather has cleared up. This doesn't happen often in the fall. We must use this opportunity to complete the open-air work.

Artem from Vladimir. Just returned from the apiary. Afternoon obedience: preparing firewood for the refectory.

Carrots collected a few days ago are drying in one of the rooms of the abbot's building. Verkolskaya was located in this building until the mid-90s comprehensive school. Now pilgrims who come for major holidays settle here.

Pilgrims came to the monastery. Case to winter is coming- it's time to help the brethren do vegetable preparations and compotes. The female presence brings a certain revival to the male team. Even the most severe ascetics begin to smile through their mustaches.

In the evening, the brethren gather around the screen. An improvised cinema hall brings together people of different generations. The movie is shown on Mikhail's phone. The other day Vasily and Victor watched Wyler’s “Roman Holiday,” and today the shepherd Nikolai dropped by for the evening film show. Misha downloaded Jurassic Park.

We went to the chapel of the holy youth Artemy Verkolsky, which was erected on the supposed site of the discovery of his relics. On our way back we turned off the road. There are three abandoned houses on the side of the road. Fresh tracks lead to the huts - the grass has been crushed. Hunters may have come in to take a break, or mushroom pickers. The book “The Tale of the Naval Commander,” written in the middle of the last century, was found in the house. The pages are yellow from time and moisture, the cardboard cover is swollen.

The interior of one of the abandoned houses. It seems that the owners left it a few days ago.

Mikhail strained his back while unloading groceries. I decided to “hang loose” on the crossbar. Soon it will be almost a year since he has been in the monastery. His godfather brought him here - away from civilized life.

In the evenings, over a cup of tea, Vasily likes to talk about his worldly adventures. There were a lot of them for long life. And you can't call her boring.

Sunday service

Residents of Verkola come from across the river for Sunday services and holidays. The temple is not crowded, you can concentrate on prayer. In order not to interfere, I take pictures from behind the door.

Father Joseph, abbot of the Artemiyevo-Verkolsky Monastery

Prayer service for the departed.

Everyone loves cats

The confessor of the Artemiyevo-Verkolsky Monastery, Hieromonk Venedikt, films his permanent resident, the cat Monk, on his phone. Like all the brethren, the Monk is always in black. His obedience is catching mice. The Monk has a lot of work.

Assumption Cathedral of the Artemiyevo-Verkolsky Monastery

The temple still has a temporary roof. The recovery promises to be long.

It's getting dark, it's cold

Mikhail from Murmansk. He recalls that the first week in the monastery was very difficult, mentally and physically difficult. I drank chaga - an infusion of birch mushroom. “I’ve wanted to go to the monastery for a long time, and now I understand that I came here at the right time,” he says. - Otherwise I would have sat down. Again".

Monasteries in Russia have always attracted people with their mystery, peace and tranquility. Those who are tired of the hustle and bustle and want to understand themselves can be advised to live for a few days in these sacred places. To choose nunneries In Russia, where you can come to live, you need to think about why you need to get to the monastery. In what capacity will you be there: a pilgrim or a worker?

Are there many monasteries in Russia now?

In 1914 in pre-revolutionary Russia existed great amount parishes, churches. There were 1,025 monasteries alone. After the 1917 revolution, almost all of them disappeared, were destroyed and burned. In Soviet times, only 16 such places were known to exist.

Since 1991, the monasteries begin to grow. And already in 2013 there were 700 of these sacred monasteries. But their number is growing, today there are more than 1,000 monasteries.

Therefore, everyone who wants to cleanse their soul of bad thoughts and live in work and piety needs to choose a place for themselves where this is truly possible.

An Orthodox monastery can accept any woman. But you need to decide who you want to get there as. The monastery hosts workers, volunteers and pilgrims. What is the difference?

  1. Pilgrims are people who just want to take a break from worldly life, visit church monuments, venerate holy relics, confess, and plunge into the holy font. In this capacity, you can live at the monastery for only a short time - 3–5 days.
  2. Volunteers are people who come or live on the territory of the monastery, who work and help the monks in the household. They do not take any payment for their work. They are not obliged to attend all church services and carry out the will of the elder.
  3. Laborers are those who subsequently wish to take monastic vows. They are required to attend all church services and participate in the way of church life. Must be humble and obedient. The main activities are work and prayer. Workers must live in the monastery for at least 2 weeks.

The websites of all major monasteries now contain information on how to get there and what conditions must be met. Questionnaires are offered to fill out and all requirements are listed.

Determine your goal: do you just want to see monastic life or are your intentions more serious? Try working as a volunteer or worker. And only after that make a decision about whether you will become a novice in the future or not.

Basic rules to follow

If you have decided on the place where you will go, you must definitely contact representatives of this monastery and find out the basic requirements and rules that exist there.

  1. You must be healthy person, deeply believe in God and know the basic rules of living in church places.
  2. Collect all necessary things and documents. Check to see if bed linen will be provided.
  3. Choose the clothes you will wear to the monastery. It is strictly forbidden to wear short skirts, dresses with bare shoulders. You need to have a scarf and long clothes with you.
  4. Leave at home all the equipment you need only in the world: tablets, computers, expensive phones.
  5. There is no need to take food with you. You will be provided with free food. In addition, you are allowed to submit notes about the repose and health of your relatives for free.
  6. Follow all the rules that exist in the monastery. You cannot use foul language, smoke, bring or drink alcohol. For cheeky behavior you may be asked to leave the monastery.

If your soul agrees with all the rules that need to be followed, you can choose a monastery that is located near the place where you live.

If you want to explore Russian nunneries and are deciding where to come to live, check out the following famous monasteries.

It is located in the Novgorod region on the Volkhov River near the village of Khutyn. Those who want to work and help with everyday activities are always welcome here. There is an inexpensive hotel on site specifically for these purposes. There is no need to wait in line for housing. There is always a suitable place for everyone.

Orthodox Christians who lead healthy image life, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol and follow God's Laws.

It is not difficult to get to this monastery. From the Novgorod station, bus route No. 121 runs directly to the monastery.

This monastery is located in Leningrad region. To get there, you need to take a bus from the St. Petersburg bus station or the Severny bus station and get to the Domozhirovo stop. You can also get to Oyat station by electric train from Moskovsky or Ladozhsky railway stations.

Here they are waiting for workers who will work for the benefit of the monastery and be fully supported by it. It is imperative to work equally with everyone else, doing the work to the best of your ability, and strictly follow the rules of the monastery. You can take children over 14 years old with you.

Unfortunately, this monastery does not accept those who want to get rid of drug addiction or alcoholism.

Before you arrive, you need to call your mother and discuss everything. Bring documents and necessary things with you, even work trousers are allowed. You also need to have money with you for travel.

This monastery is famous for the fact that here you can venerate the holy relics of St. Theophan the Recluse and the Kazan Icon Mother of God. Natural beauty these places and the atmosphere of kindness and love attract Ryazan region many pilgrims and workers.

There is always a lot of work, so whole families are invited here. This monastery is located near the city of Shatsk near the village of Vysha. You can get there either by personal transport or by bus, which departs from the Shatsk bus station.

The monastery will gladly accept those who dream of living in labor and prayer under its wing. Mandatory condition: have an identity card with you that shows your registration! You should also take warm and work clothes with you, as it is always cool in these places. Various mosquito and midge repellents and medications will not be superfluous.

This monastery is famous for its healing source and a special bathhouse. Therefore, take a bathing shirt and dishes with you to collect healing water.

You can get to the place different ways. For example, from the Moscow bus station to Sergiev Posad, and then to the village of Nagorye. If you give notice when you arrive, the monastery car will definitely meet you.

This famous monastery employs only working women who are ready to provide any assistance. all possible help and are pious and obedient women.

Try to live as a novice, work hard and get acquainted with the monastic way of life. Only then will it be possible to understand whether your inner world this peace and way of life. Here you can participate in all the sacraments, talk with the sisters and Mother, pray and think a lot. During your free evening time, you can visit the church library.

You can get to this holy place by bus route 23, which departs from the Ekaterinburg railway station.

This monastery is ready to accept everyone who wants to work together with the novices. Mandatory conditions are visiting church services and daily work. In the monastery, wooden houses have been prepared for working women, which can accommodate 6 people. All arrivals are provided with food.

You need to take your ID, work clothes, and insect repellent with you.

You can get to the place by bus or train: to the town of Lodeynoye Pole, and from there to the village of Tervenichi. From St. Petersburg The entire journey to your destination will take approximately 6–7 hours. For those who wish to settle in the monastery on long term, the monastery provides free transport.

St. Barsanuphievsky Convent

In the Republic of Mordovia there is a monastery that gladly hosts Orthodox Christians who want to live at the monastery. You can get there by bus: go to the “Novye Vyselki” stop (direction to Spassk).

The same rules apply here as in other nunneries.

This monastery is very popular among pilgrims. It is located in the village. Diveevo, Novgorod region. It can be seen from any direction. There are guards near the monastery gates, from whom you can find out all the details of living in this place.

To get here to live, you should go through the pilgrimage center, where you will be given all necessary information. The main thing here, as in other monasteries, is your work in exchange for living and food.

The easiest way to get here is through Arzamas or by bus going to Vladimir from Moscow.

Those who want to live in this monastery in Estonia must send a request to email monastery. It details all personal information, describes the biography and provides the following information:

  • have you ever visited monasteries;
  • as whom and when;
  • for what purpose do you want to come;
  • for how long.

The answer comes no earlier than a week later. If your arrival is approved, you need to take the Moscow - Tallinn train to Jõhvi station, and then by bus to Kuremäe.

Every Orthodox Christian woman can choose any convents in Russia where she can come and live. Working for the Glory of God is always beneficial human soul. But if you get tired or want to return to worldly life, it will be easy to do. At the same time, you will feel how your worldview has changed, how peaceful and light your heart becomes from God’s work and.

Monasteries have an important place in Orthodox life Rus'. The distinctive features of the monasteries are:

  • serving by faith and truth to God and the church;
  • renunciation of worldly vanity;
  • participation in religious services;
  • performing work tasks related to everyday life;
  • participation in construction work aimed at the restoration of church buildings.

List of monasteries operating in Russia: distinctive features, functions

The main feature monastic life is the strict observance by novices of the rules, vows, the fulfillment of which is the right way know yourself, receive the blessing of the Lord.

Among the monasteries, one can distinguish active monasteries, which pilgrims visit to venerate miraculous icons. Many of the faces, such as the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery, became known thanks to their placement in art galleries. And in the Pskov-Pechersk Church they keep the icon of the Dormition of the Mother of God.

Russian monasteries are known as monuments of ancient architecture and the history of Christianity.

For many monasteries, attracting new novices is considered important. And there are many people who would like to escape from everyday worries.

Before you decide to go to monasteries that accept you, you need to understand yourself. Everyone must understand whether he is able to:

  • be humble and patient;
  • work daily with soul and body;
  • give up worldly vanity, bad habits;
  • to sincerely love God and neighbors.

Life in a monastery is hard, suitable for those who truly believe. Before becoming a monk, a person will have to go through several stages.

At first he becomes a laborer, working in the garden, cleaning rooms, strictly following the rules of life in the monastery.

And only three years later, at the request of the worker, he is transferred to novices. Monastic tonsure is accepted by those who have been able to confirm by deeds their readiness to become a monk. A man who wants to work in monasteries must fill out a form on the website of the chosen temple before the trip.

There are monasteries for the treatment of alcoholics on a voluntary basis. Within the walls of the temple, the man will try to cope with the problem himself. Some monasteries have created and operate rehabilitation centers, where they influence the broken psyche of the drinker.

Over time, the life of a person who once suffered from alcoholism returns to normal. He is constantly busy and has no time to lead an idle life. Work helps to achieve complete recovery.

Prayer for drunkenness

Full list monasteries consists of:

  1. Alexander-Athos Zelenchuk male desert in Karachay-Cherkessia.
  2. Ambrosiev Nikolaevsky Dudin Monastery Yaroslavl region.
  3. Artemiev-Verkolsky Monastery Arkhangelsk region.
  4. Annunciation Ion-Yashezersky Monastery.
  5. Bogolyubskaya male monastery of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
  6. Vysokopetrovsky Monastery in Moscow.
  7. Hermogenian male desert.
  8. Gethsemane men's monastery Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
  9. Zaikonospassky Monastery in the city of Moscow.
  10. Zaonikievskaya Mother of God-Vladimir men's hermitage Vologda region.
  11. Innokentyevsky men's monastery Irkutsk.
  12. Michael-Arkhangelsk Ust-Vymsky Monastery in the Komi Republic.
  13. Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery on the island of Lake Ladoga .
  14. St. Michael Athos Monastery Adygea.
  15. Gabriel-Arkhangelsk Metochion city ​​of Blagoveshchensk.
  16. Nikitsky Monastery in Pereslavl-Zalessky.
  17. Nilo-Stolobenovskaya desert Tver diocese.
  18. Nikolo-Shartomsky Monastery Ivanovo region.
  19. St. Nicholas Tikhon Monastery Kineshma and Palekh diocese.
  20. Holy Ascension Monastery of Kremen on the Don.
  21. Alatyr Holy Trinity Hermitage.
  22. Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
  23. Spaso-Kukotsky Monastery.
  24. Holy Dormition Pskov-Pechersky Monastery.
  25. Florishchevoy male desert.
  26. Yuryev Monastery.
  27. Yaratsky Prophetic Monastery.

The list of active men's monasteries in Russia includes both small monasteries and large laurels, known to everyone Orthodox world. Many temples, once destroyed, are being restored and restored.

The most popular is the largest monastery of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, which is protected by UNESCO as a unique architectural monument.

Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, video

The oldest is the Holy Dormition Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, founded at the end of the 15th century. Together with the fatherland, the walls of the monastery withstood the onslaught of the conquerors, preserving the wealth of the iconostasis.

Many monasteries located in picturesque places, far from big cities. It’s not for nothing that some of them are called deserts.

Monasteries attract not only those who want to change their lives, but also tourists as excellent examples of Russian Orthodox culture.

Where there are monks, there is a monastery. No, it’s not like that: there are monks outside the monastery. Where there is a temple and cells, there is a monastery. It’s also not the same: there are walls without monks. Where monks live in solitude, pray, work, serve God - that’s where the monastery is. Probably so. There are 13 people laboring on the shore of Lake Dymskoye. They pray, work, serve God - they return the cathedral and other walls erected here to their original meaning. That's where we went.


The line between work and prayer in a monastery is very arbitrary. The work of the monks, each in his own place separately, is replaced by joint prayer during the divine service. Individual work is accompanied by personal prayer. Prayer is the first duty of a monk, and work of obedience is the most important monastic virtue. “Praise the name of the Lord, praise, servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord, praise, servants, the Lord, who stand in the temple of the Lord, in the courtyards of the house of our God”... While the kathismas are being read, Hierodeacon Alexander manages to knead the dough for the bread that will be there for lunch tomorrow on the tables in the monastery refectory, and return back to the temple, to the brethren.

That’s why I cleared the area today,” Monk Alypiy, wiping drops of sweat from his wet forehead and adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose, points to a solid section of the yard next to a tall woodpile. - I wanted to have time to make room for equipment: they will lay a sewer system here, they will even install it there, where there is nothing at all yet, but only planned.

Besides the inhabitants of the monastery, only three lay people pray at the All-Night Vigil. so far it has avoided the fate of some well-known and “promoted” monasteries, where the world from which the monk is running comes for the monk itself, constantly reminding itself of itself with an endless series of not only pilgrims, but also tourists. “What else do we need? - the brothers ask a rhetorical question, nodding at the destroyed buildings around the main monastery church, the Kazan Cathedral. “We have everything for life!”


Anthony-Dymsky Monastery is one of the best monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church! I’m telling you this not as a cleric of a monastery courtyard, but as a person who is writing a dissertation on small monasteries of the Russian North - Priest Dimitry Ponomarev, full-time priest of the Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God on Borovaya, shares his views on modern Russian monasticism. - I have probably visited almost all the monasteries in the European part of Russia. And I can say with confidence that a more suitable place for a monk who wants to live a real spiritual life cannot really be found.

It is not difficult to get to the Anthony-Dymsky Monastery from St. Petersburg by car. Father Dimitri and I loaded into an old minivan driven by the resident of the monastery, Monk Paisius, and set off. “235 kilometers, 3 hours 56 minutes on the road,” the Internet search engine calculated for me the time it would take to get to the village of Krasny Bronevik. That's what it's called locality, in which the monastery is “registered”. “So,” I think, “we’ll be there by one o’clock in the afternoon.” In fact, all other things being equal, you can do it in three hours, or even two and a half. But not in our case. Firstly, a monk is driving, monks already live in Eternity with their thoughts, and therefore they have a special relationship with time: for example, driving through Tikhvin, Father Paisiy gives us a short sightseeing tour of the city, which he, despite being a native of the Vologda region, knows how his five fingers - after all, before the Anthony-Dym monastery, he lived in the Tikhvin Mother of God Assumption Monastery. And secondly, on the way from the city to the monastery, Father Paisius manages to fulfill several obediences assigned to him by the abbot of the monastery: stop at the hypermarket and buy seedlings for the monastery flowerbed, purchase a fan, refuel the car - and this, of course, also takes time.


A minivan slows down next to a heavy truck parked on the side of the road. Father Paisiy comes out to meet the broad-shouldered truck driver walking in front of the truck cab.

Father Paisiy!

A man in a black cassock hugs a man in a striped T-shirt. A bullet hangs on a cord around the trucker’s neck; it missed the soldier’s chest because it got stuck in his body armor - during the Chechen War.

Truck driver Zakhar has known Father Paisius and the rest of the Dym inhabitants for a long time, but the monk refused to tell the story of their acquaintance: “This secret is great,” Father Paisius answered evasively.

Zakhar is traveling from Chelyabinsk. Just today he was going to stop at the Anthony-Dymsky Monastery, but his friend’s car broke down, and now Zakhar is forced to tow his large “American” further to Cherepovets.

Come on, Zakhar, with God. I'll call!

Goodbye, Father Paisiy! - the monk and the former warrior, and now a truck driver, heartily hugged goodbye.

We arrived at the monastery late in the evening.


The Anthony-Dymsky Monastery is hidden from the busy highway on the shore of Lake Dymsky, among swamps and mixed forests. High humidity- and, as a result, the dominance of midges and mosquitoes. Hungry, greedy, they flock to a person in whole squadrons. I had to wear a jacket all this hot day, but even it did not turn out to be an insurmountable barrier for the insects.

Yes, you have arrived at the most fertile time for bloodsuckers,” the worker Dimitri comes out to meet us, smiling broadly, “now they have freedom.” But soon the dragonflies will start moving, and the mosquitoes will decrease: per day, the dragonfly eats so many insects that their weight exceeds its own several times!

Demetrius says that he is a distant relative of the Hieromartyr Hilarion (Troitsky):

My great-grandfather, priest John of the Trinity, was a hieromartyr cousin. The priestly family of the Trinity was very large - they served in the Tula province and in the Yaroslavl province. And my great-grandfather, shortly before the revolution, was returning from the All-Night Vigil, it was dark, the lights were not on, he tripped on a cobblestone street, fell and broke his knee. The result is bone tuberculosis. My great-grandfather met the revolution already sick, in bed. My family is such an interesting one. Well, I... - Dimitri pauses for a short time and laughs, - and I smoke!

Dmitry is probably the most cheerful resident in the monastery. Looking at him, you wouldn’t think that the man has a difficult life behind him...

Priest Dimitry Ponomarev, candidate of theology, author of two monographs on the life of St. Anthony of Dymsky and the history of the monastery he founded, defended his dissertation on the history of the Anthony of Dymsky Monastery:

- In the current church calendar The date of death of Anthony of Dymsky is 1224. Whereas in all the 35 lists of his life known to us (both short and lengthy editions) it is indicated that he was born in 1206, founded the monastery in 1243, and died in 1273. The year 1224 appeared as an attempt to reconcile the dates of life St. Anthony with the dates of the life of his teacher Varlaam Khutynsky. In the lives it is said that the Monk Anthony was his peer. And when Anthony returns from his embassy to Byzantium, Varlaam Khutynsky, already on his deathbed, transfers the monastery to him as his peer. This word “peer” has misled many, because in the understanding modern man a peer is someone who is equal in age. And therefore, Archbishop Filaret (Gumilevsky) in 1860, in his book “The Lives of the Saints for January,” writes in a footnote that Varlaam of Khutyn was born in 1156. Anthony Dymsky is his peer and, according to his life, lived 67 years; add this to 1156 and get exactly 1224. But the life also says that letter of commendation the land around Lake Dymskoye (in order for a monastery to appear, you need land and a document for it) was given to the monk by the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky. This is repeated by all the lists of the life of Anthony of Dymsky. Alexander Nevsky was born in 1222. And if Anthony Dymsky died in 1224, how could Alexander Nevsky give him a charter? The prince was then two years old. I propose to return to what was previously recorded in all handwritten lists of the life of St. Anthony of Dymsky without exception - he was born in 1206 and died in 1273. But the problem is that in this case it will be necessary to revise the dates of the life of Varlaam Khutynsky, who, apparently, died not in 1193, but in 1243. By the way, church tradition says that he lived for 87 years, and the date of his death in 1243 looks more plausible.


The main shrine of the monastery is the relics of St. Anthony of Dymsky, the founder of the monastery. They rest in the Kazan Church, the only functioning monastery church today. From the fraternal building (before the revolution it was a hotel for pilgrims) to the high bell tower of the temple, which managed to survive the era of oblivion, there are steps that have also been preserved from those ancient times. This staircase ran under the front monastery gates, built in the style of Alexander classicism. Here was the central entrance to the monastery, surrounded on all sides by a wall, topped with two-tiered towers at the four corners. Today there are no walls left - only a wooden fence follows their contour, no towers. The Kazan Cathedral also has not survived to this day intact: the dilapidated bell tower is, in fact, all that remains of the historical cathedral church. The monks of our time built a temple on it, on the bricks of which the names of hundreds and hundreds of donors, believers, who had the opportunity to make only this small contribution to the revival of the temple, can still be seen inscribed with a marker.


IN beginning of XXI century, the central entrance to the monastery is located completely different from where it was located before the revolution. The first building that a person enters sees is the gatekeeper's house. It was made by the monastery carpenter, Monk Pavel. Pavel's father's last name is Plotnikov.

When I entered the monastery seven years ago, the then rector, Abbot Ignatius (Buzin) (now the Bishop of Armavir and Labinsk - Ed.) asked what my name was. “Oh, Plotnikov,” he rejoiced, “well, you’ll be our carpenter.” But in my family, indeed, there are many master carpenters.

Much in the monastery is the work of Father Paul: from the icon cases in the fraternal cells to the lectern and iconostasis in the church. And only in the master’s cell there is not a single piece of furniture that he made himself.

The shoemaker is always without boots,” the monk laughs, showing me his humble abode.

Bed, table, bedside table, a couple of stools. There is an ironing board against the wall. The bed is enclosed by a small screen, and this makes the door look like a hallway. On the nightstand is a photograph of a smiling woman with children. It turned out that these were the daughter and grandchildren of Father Pavel.

They are great for me! - He says, looking lovingly at the photo. - My daughter knows several languages, my granddaughter draws. They visit me sometimes.


There are 13 people in the monastery: three novices, one monk, five monks, two hierodeacons and one hieromonk and abbot. This is a lot by standards today, especially for small monasteries such as Antoniyevo-Dymsky. The “secret of success” lies in the fact that they are trying to build a proper monastic community, putting the spiritual life of the brethren in first place.

Are you familiar with the stories about how a once quiet, secluded monastery turned into a tourist center with the arrival of major sponsors? - asks the abbot of the monastery Adrian (Dementyev). - We are afraid of this. Don’t think that I don’t want to restore the monastery from ruins, we are doing this to the best of our ability and capabilities, but first we need to create all the conditions for the brethren so that they can lead a solitary life, separated from outside world life, learned and fell in love with it by the time the monastery complex is restored and there are many more pilgrims. Otherwise, what is the point of being a monk? It will turn out to be the same layman, only in different clothes.

It is very important to be able to draw the boundary between the monks and the world not only along the territory of the monastery - for example, completely limiting the access of pilgrims to the fraternal corps and the internal life of the monastery, leaving the temple with shrines accessible to them - but also in the soul of the monks themselves, which is much more difficult. Partly from these considerations, the Anthony-Dymsky Monastery developed its own internal charter - an experience unique to our days.

We took as a basis the Charter of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and the “Regulations on monasteries and monastics” adopted by the Russian Orthodox Church at the end of 2017, says Abbot Adrian. - We have written down many points that are not taken into account in the “Regulations”, because this general document, compiled for all monasteries in Russia, and which are not in the Lavra Charter, adopted back in 1959, but are in the life of the Dymskaya monastery. Let me give you an example. Today, almost everyone has a mobile phone- and there is the Internet, messengers. It turns out that the person went to a monastery, but in fact he is always in touch with the world. And we have written in our charter, which orients a person towards monastic life, that staying in a monastery does not involve using the Internet and mobile communications. This may be permitted, for example, for students in theological schools or for some other need, but with the blessing of the abbot, and will be organized, for example, in the library of the monastery. However, I am not a supporter of coercive measures: the monk himself must come to the point of stopping using the telephone and computer. This choice is voluntary, but at the same time necessary - a monk will not break with the world if the world is “in his pocket.” A monk should reduce his time of communication with the world, and increase his time with God. Let every newcomer to us become familiar with the Charter, and if he is ready to live by such rules, welcome.


He looks like the most stern inhabitant. And this is correct, because the housekeeper in the monastery is the same as Executive Director at the enterprise. That is, it is concentrated in his hands direct control all material life monastery He is the abbot's assistant in economic activity monastery. You have to control everything - from the process of collecting firewood to laying the water supply. And Father Nikon is the one who is usually the first to talk with a person who wants to work in a monastery, to become a novice.

The idea of ​​monastic life is formed from books, pictures or films, says Father Nikon. - In fact, it is much heavier than these pastoral descriptions. We must immediately warn you about this: if you run to us from problems, then you will not succeed in the monastery. It's better not to even try - otherwise it will be worse. And who will be to blame? Lord?! Because the old unresolved problems will definitely find you here, and it will be even worse than in the world. We had to send some of the monks back home - people couldn’t cope and provoked conflicts with the brethren. A monastery is an ark of salvation, a small community, so it also happens that some disagreements cannot be avoided. Need a lot of patience!


In the Anthony-Dymsky Monastery there are two priests - the abbot of the monastery Adrian (Dementyev) and the treasurer of the monastery.

Father Anthony is completely devoid of panache and is surprisingly simple and direct in his communication. However, this can be said about most of the local inhabitants, but Father Anthony stands out even against their background. His main obedience is working on the monastery farm. He spends most of his life in the company of cows, chickens and geese, leaving the barn only to go to church for worship, to his cell to sleep, and to the refectory for lunch and dinner. However, the latter is not always true - it happens that Father Anthony has lunch right there, at his workplace. Sometimes he even sleeps here - not among the birds and animals, of course, but in a small fenced-off closet with a refrigerator, a table and an old sideboard, in which a wide variety of veterinary drugs are stored behind glass.

The monastic path of Father Anthony began with the Holy Trinity Sergius Hermitage in Strelna. He served as dean there. Together with him and another monk, Father Anthony traveled from first to the courtyard of the Konevsky Monastery in Priozersk, where he was tonsured into the mantle, and then to, to which Antoniyevo-Dymsky was then assigned as a monastery.

When the Dymsky Monastery became independent, Father Ignatius was appointed abbot,” he says. - Before this, the monastery was run by Hieromonk Nikita; by the way, he later left the world, married, with children. It happens in monastic life, so why hide it? My opinion is that most of the defrocked people simply took monastic vows too early; they should have been novices longer and given more time to think.

By the way, Father Anthony’s cows are amazingly clean and washed; I have never seen such well-groomed cows on any farm.

Well, why do they have to be dirty? - the monk is surprised. - We love them.


The Anthony-Dymsky Monastery has the following tradition: every day at lunch, Abbot Adrian personally pours soup into plates for the brethren. This is one of the forms of the abbot’s service to the inhabitants - following Christ’s commandment “Let the greatest of you be your servant” (Matthew 23:11).

As an outside observer, I notice one big difference in the structure of life of this monastery from many other monasteries. This is simplicity in relationships, says the priest of the monastery in St. Petersburg, by no means familiarity, but simplicity, cordiality in relationships. I will even say that the Dymsky monk is immediately visible: everything is very natural.

Each of the monks has their own story of coming to the monastery. Abbot Adrian, for example, says that his path to monasticism was quite smooth and calm. Comes from a simple place working family, he studied in a regular high school, played guitar in music group. Then he began to read the Gospel at the dawn of the revival of the Church in the early 1990s, and then he began to go to church - the first revelation about the existence of other meanings was a visit with a school friend to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, where the friend venerated the icon, which greatly surprised the future abbot. While still at school, Father Adrian began attending divine services, entered the Institute of Theology and Philosophy, from where he was drafted into the army, because the institute did not give a deferment. After the army - work as an apartment decorator. In 1998, Abbot Lukian (Kutsenko), now Archbishop of Blagoveshchensk and Tyndinsky, invited him to work for two months at the monastery of Alexander Svirsky... Two months turned into twenty years.

Hieromonk Anthony, on the contrary, says that in his youth he lived a life as far removed from faith as possible. Some of his friends from that time are no longer alive - they died from drugs. He is an electrical engineer by training, or, as he jokes, “an engineer minus an electrician.” He was baptized in 1994 “for safety reasons”: so that “no misfortune would happen.” And only a year after this event I decided to read the Bible - you need to know what is written there.

There was no understanding of what was written, but something was deposited in the subconscious. And only then I heard radio “Radonezh” from a friend and decided to read something about Orthodoxy.

At first, Pavel (the name of Father Anthony in the world) wanted to buy “The Ladder” in the church shop, but it was not there, and he purchased “Margaret the Spiritual.”

That’s when I realized: monasticism is mine.


And the dean of the Antoniyevo-Dymsky Monastery realized that monasticism was his thing when he came, with the blessing of Archpriest Nikolai Belyaev, from the Ioannovsky Stavropegic Monastery on Karpovka to work at Antoniyevo-Dymsky.

Father Alexander is probably the most modest resident of the monastery. He describes the story of his life in general phrases, as if he does not want memories of the past to intrude into his current monastic life. He was born in Voronezh, studied in Moscow, and then went in for sports professionally. One day, friends asked him to become godfather to their child - and so, once in the temple, the future monk wanted to return under its arches again.

The most important thing in monastic life is, indeed, patience. What is needed here is not a cartload, but a whole convoy. But even more important is the desire to serve God and grow spiritually. Without this, even patience will not help,” says Father Alexander.

Father Alexander is also the monastery cook. Every day, whether alone or with helpers, he manages to feed his brethren their fill and tasty food. Not an easy task. He copes with it perfectly well. And the lightly salted monastery cucumbers that are always on the table are absolutely incomparable. And he also bakes prosphora and bread.

So my story is as simple as it gets,” this wonderful monk modestly sums up the story, not really wanting to publicly replicate the details of his life and career.

So we won’t do this.


Hegumen Adrian tells what restoration work he would like to carry out first:

First of all, we need to complete the construction of the cathedral church. Services are currently only taking place in the lower Kazan Church. When we complete all the work on the second floor, the upper temple will become Kazan, and the lower one will become the temple of St. Anthony of Dymsky.

By the way, in Russia there is not yet a single temple in honor of this saint. In order for the abbot’s idea to come true, it is necessary to master a huge scope of work - for example, move the temple shop to another place in order to make a staircase to the upper temple in its place, but first build five domes, repair the bell tower and the roof. This has already begun.


And yet, a monastery is, first of all, not walls, or even a temple, but people who give meaning to such buildings. What were these walls without monks just recently? Tractor school, psychiatric hospital, warehouse, sanatorium-dispensary. And the word “monastery” could only be used in relation to this place by adding “former” to it. Now they pray within these walls again. Here again is a monastery. Hegumen Adrian, Fathers Anthony, Nikon and Alexander, the rest of the monks, monks and novices - these are the people who return the walls to their original meaning, transferring the monastery from the “former” category to the “current” category.