To establish the degree of disability of an employee who has been diagnosed with a disease or who has been injured, a medical and social examination (MSE) is carried out. As part of the ITU examination, specialists draw conclusions not only based on an examination of the employee, but also on the study of documents that describe his condition. These include production characteristics for disabilities, a sample of which you will find in the article.

What characteristics does an employer issue for an employee?

Production characteristics- This official document, which the head of the organization draws up and gives to the employee so that he can subsequently transfer it to the place of request. The form of the production characteristics (a sample of filling out the production characteristics for disability) is determined by the purposes for which it is issued.

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The following types of characteristics are distinguished:

Production characteristics for disability sample filling

Characteristics of an employee for passing the medical and social expert commission (MSEC) or the medical and labor expert commission (VTEK) - another special kind characteristics. Performance characteristics for disabilities - a mandatory document when passing medical examination sick employee to determine the degree of disability, as well as the disability group.

The production characteristics for VTEK (filling sample) are drawn up on a form specially designed for this purpose. All fields of the form must be filled out. If there is no relevant data and there is nothing to enter, then dashes are added. When conducting a medical and social examination characteristic is very important document. It must necessarily contain the details of the company. Also, the organization’s seal is affixed to the characteristics, except when it is in in the prescribed manner refused to use stamps. The characteristics are signed by the head of the organization and the doctor.

Question from practice

How to write an employee profile?

The answer was prepared jointly with the editors

Valentina Andreeva answers,
k.i. Sc., professor of the department labor law and rights social security Russian Academy justice

A performance characteristic is an official document that is drawn up and issued by the head of an organization to an employee for further transfer to the place of requirement. Form of this document depends on the type of characteristics and the purposes for which the document is intended.

Distinguish the following types characteristics:

  • (to law enforcement organizations, authorities, other organizations);
  • or the medical labor expert commission (VTEK)…

Ask your question to the experts

Sample production specification for MSE: sample filling

When you fill out the production characteristics, be sure to indicate the personal performance indicators of this employee. Show how he fulfills the plan in percentage terms, as well as the frequency of interruptions in his work. Describe your character labor activity, namely, manual or machine labor is used, whether there are business trips for the position and how long they are. Describe in detail the working conditions, namely noise, presence of chemicals. substances average temperature and so on.

Practical situation

Two correct and three incorrect ways to withdraw disciplinary action

The answer was prepared jointly with the editors of the magazine "

Svetlana NIKULINA answers,
lawyer, manager High School Personnel officer

You can remove a disciplinary sanction early only in two cases. HR officers often make mistakes due to the fact that they confuse when a penalty should be lifted and when it should be cancelled. These are different procedures with different consequences.

The employer has the right to remove the disciplinary notice early, that is, before the expiration of a year from the date of collection, on its own initiative ( ). A disciplinary officer can be removed at the request of his immediate supervisor. We will tell you below how to write a reference for an employee and fill out an application.…

The full answer is available after free

Filling out the production characteristics for VTEK sample filling

Filling out the production characteristics for VTEK (ITU): let's look at a sample of the filling.

  1. Clause 1. Enter full name. employee.
  2. Paragraph 2. Reflects the name of the employer.
  3. Point 3. Write down the address of the place of work.
  4. Point 4. Reflect the workplace, that is, a workshop, department, workshop, farm, team, and so on.
  5. Paragraph 5. Indicate the position held, specialty, rank or other.
  6. Point 6. Reflect whether the employee copes or fails to cope with his job responsibilities.
  7. Point 7. They state what income the employee received for Last year. It is necessary to list the income for each of the 12 months separately, and then indicate the average monthly income.
  8. Point 8. Reflected here working conditions employee. Separately describe the nature of the work (in particular, the duration work shift, mode, whether there are travel and business trips). The following describes the load, physical labor (heavy, moderate or light) and mental, in this case the complexity of the intellectual load is indicated, we're talking about on the preparation of plans, reports, schedules, etc. Hygienic conditions should also be described (working indoors or outdoors, noise levels, humidity and dust levels, temperature regime, do they influence harmful substances and so on).

How to fill out the remaining itemsproduction characteristics for MSE (filling sample 2016)no errors, read .

Thus, in the article we looked at when an employer will need to fill out a job description for a disability. We also looked at the features of filling out the production characteristics for VTEK; you can download the current sample of filling.

On November 24, 1995, the functions of conducting the examination were transferred from the Medical and Labor Expert Commissions (VTEK) to the bodies of the Medical and Social Examination (MSE).

Types of characteristics

  1. Production characteristics for ITU or VTEC.
  2. Recommendations from the place of work.
  3. Characteristics from previous work.
  4. For students.
  5. Characteristics and description of working conditions.
  6. To the passport and visa authorities.
  7. In the hospital.

Presentation of working conditions

The main difference from production paper is that this paper does not carry a positive or negative message. In other words, a description of the conditions in which the employee works, and whether the presented working conditions harm his condition.

No blank form is provided. The header contains your full name, passport details, date of birth, residential address, telephone number, company name and position.

Work activity includes:

  • specialty, work experience;
  • level wages(average);
  • duties performed.

Working conditions:

  1. Duration of the working day indicating the time allotted for breaks, lunch, rest.
  2. How many hours per week does the employee work?
  3. Work schedule (shift, full-time, part-time).
  4. Are there night shifts and overtime?
  5. How much time does he spend standing on his feet?
  6. Harmful factors:
    • noise;
    • air humidity;
    • high temperatures;
    • chemicals;
    • lifting loads;
    • dust;
    • sound waves;
    • radiation.
  7. Workplace equipment, lighting, ventilation.
  8. Mental, mental and physical exercise when doing work.
  9. Occupational diseases.
  10. Business trips:
    • frequency;
    • duration.
  11. Possibility of transferring to more gentle work.

Data on sick leave, its duration, and frequency are also recorded.

If some data is missing, a dash is simply added. The document is certified by the signatures of the head of the personnel department, the head of the legal department, the enterprise's paramedic (if there is one), and the director of the enterprise. 2 stamps are placed.


Often, the commission form is issued by the medical institution at the patient’s place of residence. However, the enterprise has the right to independently issue forms according to its own form. As a standard, filling is done on an A4 sheet.

  1. The text is written in third person.
  2. In present or past tense. Here, depending on the actual employment at the time of writing, or filling out after the employee’s dismissal.
  3. The necessary signatures and management seals have been affixed.

It is issued in two copies - to the citizen and to the enterprise for inclusion in the personal file.

An exception is the form requested by the ITU. The official form template must contain:

  1. Employee details: Full name.
  2. Name of the organization, legal address of the enterprise, telephone number.
  3. Level of education, position.
  4. Total length of service, duration of work this enterprise, specialty, category, department, workshop.
  5. Labor operations: conditions, restrictions in performing duties.
  6. Work schedule: hours, shifts, weekends, breaks, vacations, business trips.
  7. Harmful conditions, loads, dangers.
  8. Income for 12 months, average monthly earnings.
  9. Estimating the percentage of work performed. Dependence of speed and quality of execution due to illness.
  10. Availability of special benefits, individual conditions for the employee.
  11. Information about job transfers and combinations for the current year.
  12. Frequency of receipt of certificates of incapacity for work, duration, counting of absences due to illness for 12 months.
  13. Possibility of transfer due to illness.
  14. Other data on request.

Who fills it out?

A specialist from the HR department enters information about the employee, and if necessary, statements of income involve the accounting department.

To be completed with the participation of the employee’s immediate supervisor.

The certificate is signed by the head of the personnel department, chief accountant, director. Certified by the seals of the organization and management.

Video on the topic

Characteristics of working conditions for ITU: sample and how to fill out information about the nature and conditions of work:


Available significant differences in drawing up recommendations, depending on the purpose of providing characteristics. Some of them require strict compliance with the points.

This article describes in detail the characteristics of an employee when referred to a medical commission, the rules for filling it out, the types of forms, and also the persons responsible for execution.

There is no special form for production characteristics; it is drawn up in free form. A sample form for filling it out can be downloaded for free.

The production characteristics are issued by the institution where the person works. The areas where it may be needed are very different: for VTEC, ITU and others. A comprehensive study of the patient allows the expert commission to make a correct conclusion about the state of health. There is no special form; production characterization paper is drawn up in free form. However, it is necessary to enter mandatory items for a specific institution where it is required. The sample filling shown on the page shows the approximate completion of the document. It can be downloaded for free.

Due to the uniqueness of each production area, professions and working conditions, and even more so of the personality being characterized, each production characteristic will be unique and inimitable. As a rule, the document is prepared by the personnel department and signed by the head of the enterprise. The components, depending on the organ requiring the characterizing material, will also differ. Many organizations do not read the contents of the text, but require materials for their simple presence in their personal file. This approach is incorrect and requires a detailed study of the production document.

Mandatory points of production characteristics

  • Title of the paper storage medium;
  • Full name, date of birth of the person being characterized;
  • Full details of the company where the subject works. His position and length of service;
  • The nature of the work function performed, specific features;
  • Comparison with other workers, whether they cope with the assigned production tasks;
  • Breaks in activity, what they were associated with, list them by date;
  • Other information;
  • At the end, traditionally, the manager puts his own visa and stamp.
It is important to distinguish the topic of the page in question from other types of production characterizing materials coming from the employer. The registration will be completely different if the paper is requested by the police, court, military registration and enlistment office, guardianship and trusteeship authorities and other structures.. The absence of the required form will be filled in soon. It will be even better and more effective if you directly say this using the contact form with the site administration.

Production characteristics can be obtained at the place of work. The basis for its issuance is the employee’s application. The document assesses the citizen’s working conditions. Based on the results of the medical examination and taking into account the issued characteristics, doctors make a decision about whether a person is suitable for the position held or not.

The specification must indicate:

Attention! The file cannot be used as an original document. It is posted for informational purposes.

General rules

Compilers of characteristics must take into account the following rules:

Procedure for filling out information

A peculiarity of filling out the characteristics for VTEC is the need to reflect information regarding the performance by the person of the duties assigned to him.

The document is compiled:

  • the employee applies to the organization with a request to provide a reference, indicating the purpose of the provision;
  • the document is drawn up;
  • handed to the person.

IN legislative norms the period within which the paper must be issued is specified. Responsibility applies for its violation.

Most often, the employee draws up a reference on his own, after which it is signed by an authorized person. If false data is reflected in it, the person whose signature is on the document bears responsibility.

Who fills out and signs?

Filling out and signing the characteristics is the responsibility of the head of the organization in which the person works. The boss may assign the responsibility for drawing up documentation to HR specialists.

Despite this, responsibility for providing a document containing false information rests with the manager. This is due to the fact that before signing the paper he must check the data.

Also, the chief accountant of the enterprise has the right to sign, which is associated with the provision of data on the time spent on sick leave. This kind of data is provided by accounting.

The document is drawn up in two copies, one of which is issued to the employee for presentation at the place of request, the second remains in the organization and is attached to the person’s personal file. Below is an example of the form.

Attention! The file cannot be used as a document. It is for informational purposes only.

Algorithm of actions

Drawing up characteristics for VTEC has distinctive features:

  • the right to sign the paper is available to the head of the enterprise, a doctor or nurse of an organization operating in the healthcare sector, or a trade union representative;
  • the presence of workplace automation, if any, is reflected;
  • information about the production rate;
  • factors that can affect a person’s level of vision;
  • description of the position in which the employee is during the performance of duties (the reasons for the position are indicated);
  • occupational hazard categories according to established classifications.
Characteristics form for VTEK

When describing working conditions, it is necessary to indicate the following factors:

  1. The presence of tension at work, which is associated with high level responsibility, the need for concentration, increased level dangers and so on.
  2. Higher loads compared to conventional ones.
  3. Characteristics regarding the workplace. It can be located not only in the company’s office, but also in the employee’s home. It is stated whether it is equipped with auxiliary materials, technical devices and so on.
  4. Do you need to lift heavy objects while performing your duties?
  5. Is the use of special clothing required when working?
  6. Work parameters that can affect human health are described. The presence of dust from raw materials and processed items, ultrasonic exposure exceeding the permissible norm, weather conditions.
  7. Sending an employee on business trips. If this factor occurs, the duration and how often the trips occur is indicated.

Sanitary and hygienic characteristics of working conditions for cleaners

A characteristic that has sanitary and hygienic significance is understood as working conditions specific person. This includes humidity, air movement, temperature, vibration and noise levels, lighting, ultrasound, etc. Acceptable standards are established on the basis of conducted research.

Some factors can affect human health, thereby reducing it and leading to occupational diseases. Regarding the position of a premises cleaner, we can say that a person works mainly in a standing position.

Hand and technical means, used for cleaning, also washing and cleaning. Workplace should be illuminated and provided with the opportunity for regular ventilation.

Form of SGH working conditions

The employee uses special clothing - gloves, a respirator, a special suit or gown. Due to the fact that there is constant contact with dust, diseases may occur. respiratory tract. In addition, there is a possibility of poisoning chemicals used in the cleaning process.

An employee may be injured when performing duties on a slippery surface, such as cleaning floors or windows. Regular testing by a health authority is required due to exposure to chemicals.

Production characteristics for various professions

The document in question is drawn up taking into account the person’s working conditions, which means that it is impossible to issue the same characteristics to the accountant and the driver.


The document states:

  • information relating to the employee;
  • information about the organization;
  • loads and labor factors;
  • tension, including emotional;
  • income for 12 months;
  • sick leave data;
  • Date of preparation;
  • stamp and signature.
Performance characteristics of an accountant

The form of employment regarding an accountant is individual. Working hours are expressed in a 5-day working week, with 8 hours of work per day. Works in an office, stationary location. Activities related to documents and office equipment. While performing duties, you can change your body position - sitting or standing. The work is rated as easy.

The accountant does not lift heavy objects; during working hours he moves at a distance of up to 0.5 kilometers. There is emotional tension associated with the responsibility of getting the job done. The load on the intellect is expressed in the execution simple tasks, checking, monitoring, following instructions. Light labor is not implied.


When describing the position of a teacher, in addition to the data of primary importance, the features inherent in this specialty are indicated:

  • do you have higher education;
  • experience;
  • speciality;
  • category;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • scientific and theoretical training;
  • noise level;
  • the effects of physical and mental stress.


Regarding the repairman, the document states:

  • working hours;
  • The preferred position for work is standing;
  • During the performance of duties, it may be necessary to lift a heavy object;
  • noise level;
  • the place of work is the place where repair work is performed;
  • there is emotional and physical stress.


Besides data general meaning in relation to the blacksmith, you must indicate:

  • performing work at elevated temperatures;
  • use of special clothing (mask, gloves, apron);
  • lifting weights while working;
  • possibility of burns.

What is a certificate of employment?

The form of the certificate is not provided for in legislative acts, that is, the employer draws up the document in any form. Often, an organization draws up a specific sample, which is used in all cases of providing the paper in question.

Certificate of employee's work activity

Attention! This file may not be used as a document. It is for informational purposes only.

Currently, as a document confirming work experience, employment history. If available, employees Pension Fund have the opportunity to calculate length of service and assign a pension. If you do not have a book, you must contact each organization where the person worked and obtain the specified certificate.

When assigning pension benefits, only those types of activities from which contributions to the Pension Fund were deducted will be taken into account. These include:

  • contract;
  • agency contract;
  • contract of employment;
  • work for an individual entrepreneur;
  • activities of individuals.

Information must be certified in accordance with established requirements for document flow. If it is possible to assign a preferential pension, then the certificate will serve as the basis for application. The document is issued within 3 working days from the moment the employee applies.

The term is not affected by whether the current employee applies or the one with whom labor Relations discontinued. Certificates are issued free of charge. According to the law, a person can choose the method of receiving a certificate: in person or through postal services. The paper looks like this:

Certificate from place of work

The certificate reflects:

  • information about the organization where the person works (name, address, TIN, etc.);
  • date of issue;
  • number assigned upon registration;
  • the place where it is provided;
  • information about the position held and length of service;
  • position of responsible employee;
  • signature of the issuer.

The manager or his authorized person has the right to sign. The document is stamped with the company's seal.

To obtain any type of characteristics, a person needs to apply to his place of work. The employer cannot refuse to issue the paper. When drawing up a document, established rules must be followed.