The star of modern show business, a brilliant parodist, comedian and popular TV presenter Maxim Galkin for most has become a standard and a true example of a successful career growth. After all, for a dizzying leap up the complex career ladder It took him only a few years to reach the stage. And confirmation of his stage viability are the full concert halls, which the artist easily assembles.

His performances are highly appreciated by people of different status and ages. And during his solo programs, Maxim Galkin successfully demonstrates his deep talent and incredible sense of humor.

Artist's physical characteristics

On the Internet and at the artist’s performances, there are numerous questions about what year Maxim was born. Fans are also interested in weight, height and zodiac sign pop figure. And here a lot of disputes arise regarding the artist’s biography between representatives of the fairer sex.

So, Maxim Alexandrovich was born in 1976, so he is already 40 years old. According to the horoscope, Galkin - smart and changeable, a hardy and charming Gemini. And according to eastern horoscope Maxim is a cheerful and active Dragon who absolutely does not like to be idle and is famous for his restlessness.

Maxim Galkin can certainly boast of his pretty tall– 180 centimeters makes him quite a stately and respectable man. But the artist’s weight fluctuates between 75–80 kilograms.

Biography of Galkin

Maxim Alexandrovich was brought up in the most ordinary Russian family, which is completely alien to show business and social life. The date of birth of the future public favorite is June 18, 1976. According to Wikipedia, firstborn in the general's family appeared in the city of Naro-Fominsk, located near the Russian capital. Maxim’s father, Alexander Alexandrovich, who works in the RF Ministry of Defense, even successfully held the position of State Duma deputy in the mid-90s. And the comedian’s mother devoted her entire life to studying seismology at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Since the boy’s father was a military man, the family often changed their place of residence. Of course, this nuance took significant place in the development of the future parodist and his biography. Some period the child lived in Germany. At this time Maxim was two years old. After Germany, the family moved to the seaside city of Odessa. Perhaps it was this magical place that gave impetus to the boy’s sparkling sense of humor.

Here the boy made his first friends and, of course, his most vivid childhood impressions. Maxim always stood out significantly among his peers with his extraordinary charm and radiant smile, which impressed, perhaps, absolutely all the girls. By the way, Maxim enjoyed incredible success girls, but the child had almost no friends among boys. And the non-acceptance of the child in youth groups was explained by the fact that the child led healthy image life and was closely involved in his education. A notable personality for Maxim was also his beloved class teacher, whom the young man greatly respected and considered a model.

Upon completion of primary school, Maxim’s family again radically changed their place of residence, moving to Siberia. However, Maxim soon returned to Moscow, graduating from high school in his homeland.

When the artist first showed his artistic abilities, he was barely four years old. He was wildly applauded for his masterful performance as the chicken. Most likely just from this time and started creative biography Galkina. After all, it was at this moment that attention was paid to the extremely talented child and they began to give more serious roles. At such a young age, Maxim played:

  • drunk grandfather
  • King Solomon,
  • Ostap Bender.

The young man did not miss literally a single school production. However, probably the most memorable moment in the performances of young Maxim is rightfully considered the voicing of characters in puppet shows.

The young man’s talent as a parodist did not immediately appear. The boy was able to demonstrate the full depth of his abilities when he was 13 years old. And the young artist’s inspirations were Mikhail Gorbachev and Gennady Khazanov. The comedian liked portraying other people so much that he began to parody many famous personalities, most of whom were famous political figures.

Of course, Maxim’s talent did not escape his vigilant parents, who paid tribute to the skill of the young comedian. It was thanks to parental support and help that the boy reached the peak of parody skill. Besides that the child was an excellent student, was fond of drawing, biology and many other school subjects, he had excellent creative abilities. In addition, from early childhood Maxim was an extremely inquisitive and comprehensively developed child.

At the end of his school years, Galkin decided to enter the Faculty of Linguistics at a higher education institution. educational institution. During the period of diligent study at the Russian State Humanitarian University Maxim studied several foreign languages and became a graduate student in 1988. Without completing graduate school, the future artist began writing his own science fiction novel, “The Power of Darkness.” Galkin took the writing of this book extremely seriously, investing a lot of effort and time into it. True, the young man did not make much progress along the scientific path, preferring a stage career in 2009.

The family of the public's favorite

The Galkin family, as already mentioned in the biography, had nothing to do with social life and did not like to be in the public eye.

Among other things, Maxim is a happy uncle to three nephews: seven-year-old Grisha, nineteen-year-old Nikita and twelve-year-old Alina.

The orientation of the famous parodist

Among the many different tabloids and newspapers, speculation about gay people's favorite. Maybe the reason for such stupid gossip was Galkin's close communication with a famous Russian singer- Nikolai Baskov. However, despite numerous conversations, these rumors were not confirmed by anything. But proof of a man’s orientation was Galkin’s marriage to a prima donna Russian stage- Alla Pugacheva.

Comedian show programs

Galkin's first notable performances on stage took place immediately after school - in the student theater at Moscow State University. Despite the artist’s youth and inexperience, Maxim was greeted extremely warmly by the theater group. After the role, played in the play “Fountains of Love for Your Neighbor,” Maxim realized that it was parody that he was best at than anything else. It was during this period that the young comedian’s career took off confidently. Director of the Moscow Theater state university very soon he noticed the artist and invited him to his troupe.

In the early 2000s, Maxim Alexandrovich received his first Triumph award. Then Maxim replaced Dmitry Dibrov in the TV show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, becoming a very successful TV presenter. Afterwards the artist received more several different awards: “Golden Ostap”, “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk” and others. The next year was memorable for Maxim with the beginning of his first long tour throughout Russia and beyond with a solo program.

According to Galkin himself, his greatest reward was positive reviews and approving words from the most famous comedian of that time - Mikhail Zadornov. Maxim was greatly encouraged collaboration and performances with Zadornov on the same stage. In addition, Galkin became a frequent guest popular humorous television programs “Full House” and “Funny Panorama”. It is noteworthy that no one was involved in promoting the rising star Maxim Galkin; the artist had no outstanding patrons. The talent of the already noticed artist was actually enough for a wide variety of humorous performances. That is why Maxim, even at that time, became one of the most welcome guests of almost any show.

The artist’s cinematic life is also very noticeable. The famous comedian played many interesting roles in films:

After Maxim reached the pinnacle of parody skill, he decided to try himself in a rather interesting new role as a singer. And the beginning of it creative path The famous song “Be or Don’t Be,” performed together with the Prima Donna, is deservedly considered. After the public's approval of such an unusual duet, a series of joint concerts and projects followed.

Personal life of Maxim

In 2005, Maxim also became known for taking the place of Alla Borisovna’s new companion. Six years later, the lovers got married, and two years later, despite their busy work schedules, they had children. Give birth on your own The prima donna did not dare, so the newlyweds used the services of a surrogate mother. And the entire process of bearing and giving birth to a child was supervised by professional doctors.

Now Maxim Galkin very successfully combines creative work and family. After all, in addition to performing on stage, Maxim Alexandrovich is studying raising small children with his wife. The couple lives in a huge country mansion located in a village called Gryazi. Here they also organize social evenings, although very rarely and reluctantly. After all, now the main thing in family life for both stars their children became.

Who is Maxim Galkin? Now everyone, from a pensioner to a primary school student, will answer this question. Artist, showman, comedian, singer - all this is Maxim Galkin. The biography names the year of birth: the fifth husband of the Diva was born on June 18, 1976 in the capital.

A little about roots and childhood

Maxim was born into an intelligent, respected family. This is no wonder, because his father was a colonel general armored forces, then worked for leadership position in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, was a State Duma deputy. The mother of the talented guy was a senior researcher, and it is logical to assume that the Galkin family was constantly on the move because of the profession of the head. She lived in Germany for several years, then in Odessa. It was there that Maxim Galkin (biography reports this) graduated primary school. Then the family lived in Transbaikalia. But later she returned to the capital. This is what the biography of Maxim Galkin says. It is quite obvious that such moves could not but have an impact on the guy’s creative soul.

Where do such talents come from?

The biography of Maxim Galkin tells that he first appeared on stage in kindergarten. The boy played the role of a chicken. And even then one could note his undoubted talent. And in school years all performances were decorated with Maxim’s charm. Whoever he had to be on stage: Ostap Bender, Count Nikulin, a dog or an old alcoholic. And the boy coped with all the roles “excellently.” And in the company of friends he was loved because he skillfully imitated and copied those around him: everyone, from classmates to the school principal. What is worth mentioning is that the boy spent his first creative evening while studying in the 6th grade. And at about 13 years old, after seeing Gennady Khazanov’s performance on TV with a parody, he realized that he was doing it no worse. Despite all this, the biography of Maxim Galkin reports that as a child he did not want to become an artist at all.

What else did this guy do? He went to an art studio and was seriously interested in geography, as well as zoology. But after I saw in biology class digestive system cross-section of a pigeon, I decided that I still didn’t want to be a zoologist. And he chose the writing path for himself. Maxim enthusiastically wrote fairy tales in the fantasy genre, even drew illustrations for them, depicting magical kingdoms. But still he was destined to become an artist.

The path to the top of glory

When did Maxim Galkin make his debut on stage? The biography says this happened in 1994. The Moscow State University student theater became the place where Maxim made his debut as a parodist. Then he took part in more than one performance, practicing and portraying politicians. Then the comedian's career soared at a rapid speed. He was invited to the Variety Theater by Boris Brunov. And then he toured for about a year and a half with the famous comedian Mikhail Zadornov. It was he who called Galkin his own “successor.”

Further, the talented guy receives many prizes and awards at various festivals. And gradually he begins to collaborate with Alla Pugacheva. And now, in fact, not a single entertainment program can do without his participation. And Maxim continues to grow and develop creatively to this day.

If we talk about his personal life, then, despite all the skepticism and criticism coming from all sides, he is happily married to Alla Pugacheva, who is much older than her chosen one. They registered their marriage in 2011, but admit that they had been dating for ten years before that. And finally, a joyful event recently happened in their family - Maxim and Alla tried on new roles - the roles of parents. Two adorable babies gave them

Biography of Maxim Galkin - shining example how to achieve your goal, not waste your talent and not pay attention to envious people.

Maxim Galkin is an actor, TV presenter, parodist, whom the whole country knows primarily as the fifth husband of Alla Pugacheva. Born on June 18, 1976 in the Moscow region.

Maxim’s father was a professional military man, which could not but affect the child’s lifestyle and upbringing. My mother was a housewife and devoted all her time to her family, which moved around some of the time.

It so happened that military families very rarely stayed in one place for a long time, and the geography of moves covered not only the entire territory former USSR, but also the countries of today's neighboring countries.

In childhood and youth

Born in the Moscow region, from the age of 3 Galkin and his family lived in Germany, where in the 80s there was a limited contingent Soviet troops. Four years later, the family moved to the Black Sea pearl - the city of Odessa.

There Maxim graduated from primary school, made his first friends and received his first drawing lessons in a children's art studio. However, he was not destined to stay there either.

First stage experience

The father received another assignment and fate threw the family from the warm Black Sea climate to the harsh Transbaikalia. Baikal struck Maxim with its extraordinary beauty, and he often asked his father to take him to the lake.

Life in the military town was quite harsh, there were few ordinary children's entertainment. However, Maxim found an outlet for his energy in school theater productions.

It was children's school performances that became the first creative works Maxima. Handsome, cheerful and original, Maxim already stood out among his peers. He did not strive to play only leading roles. He was interested in trying himself in a variety of roles - from the role of a dog to the image of King Solomon.

In addition, it was in the company of school friends that Maxim discovered his talent as a parodist. When the boys got together in a close circle, Maxim so successfully portrayed teachers, the director, neighbors, and other children that his friends roared with laughter.

This is how the idea of ​​the first solo creative evening came. Maxim staged a one-man show, in which he portrayed scenes using puppets in different voices.

Student years

Maxim finished high school in Moscow. After the move, his parents separated, and he stayed with his mother and older brother. In 1993, Maxim entered the Russian Humanitarian University, which he successfully graduated from and even entered graduate school and was preparing to defend his Ph.D. dissertation. However, fate decreed otherwise; creative energy directed him in a completely different direction.

Already from his second year, Maxim became one of the most talented and active participants in the productions of the MSU student theater. Each of his appearances is very warmly received by the audience. And a year later Maxim decides to participate in the “Debuts, Debuts, Debuts” program of the Moscow Variety Theater.

This program was specially created in order to present the work of young artists to the viewer.

Galkin's parodies of Yeltsin and Zhirinovsky were met with thunderous laughter and a storm of applause. And from that moment on, Maxim’s fate was sealed.

Soon he was invited to the variety theater of Boris Brunov, and after some time the king of Russian humor, Mikhail Zadornov, drew attention to Maxim. He invited young artist participate in his tour, where Maxim gained vast experience and considerable fame.

Creative inspiration

When his studies at the institute were completed and Maxim had more time for creativity. He begins to perform more and becomes a popular favorite. His parodies are heard in almost every home, he appears on television programs and successfully tours.

The year 2001 was truly triumphant for Galkin, literally and figuratively. This year brings him the Triumph and Golden Ostap awards, his first solo concert at the Slavic Bazaar, his first debut song “To be or not to be,” recorded in a duet with Alla Pugacheva, and his first work on television as the host of the program “Who Wants to Become” a millionaire?

It was truly a rapid creative rise of the young artist to the very high peak Russian stage. The following year he was invited by Pugacheva to her famous “Christmas meetings”. Galkina also invites Channel One to record a New Year’s variety program, participation in which meant all-Russian recognition of the young artist.

In 2002, Maxim Galkin gathered the most prestigious Moscow halls for his concerts. His solo programs are successfully performed at the Rossiya State Concert Hall and the Kremlin Palace. But the young artist’s ambitions go much further. Following the example of Pugacheva’s “Christmas Meetings,” Galkin creates his own own program“New Year's benefit performance with Maxim Galkin”, which was a huge success attracting spectators for three years in a row.

Working on television

Having successfully debuted on Channel One in 2001, Maxim Galkin worked on it until 2008, being the host of the most popular pop and entertainment programs, such as “Russian Roulette”, “New songs about the main thing”, “Two stars”. He is also actively involved in the preparation and recording New Year's programs and concerts, acts in musicals and records new songs.

In 2008, Galkin moved to the Russia-1 channel, in which he increasingly revealed himself not as a presenter, but as the author of new interesting programs. His largest project was the “New Year’s Parade of Stars,” which he hosted for several years in a row with other Russian pop stars.

Maxim Galkin rarely changes his style. When he recently changed his hairstyle to the now fashionable asymmetry, fans noticed that Maxim looked 10 years younger.

In May 2016, the artist became the host of the humorous project “MaximMaxim”. The show is filmed in the castle where the star lives with his family – Alla Borisovna and two children. As part of this project, many celebrities visited Galkin. They discuss a certain topic over a casual conversation and jokes, because each episode of the show is thematic.

The TV show airs on Channel One on weekends.

And in the winter of 2016, Maxim presented the children’s talent show “Coolest of All.” He himself became the leader of this project.

In January 2017, the comedian showed his concert “25 Years on Stage.” This concert featured all the best and most beloved numbers and parodies by the public.

Wife and children of Maxim Galkin

No one can say with certainty when exactly the romantic relationship between the young artist and the Russian pop diva began. In one of her interviews, she admitted that from the first meeting Maxim captivated her with his sincerity and spontaneity.

In the photo: Maxim Galkin with Alla Pugacheva

The seriousness of this relationship for a long time no one believed - neither the public, nor the entourage, nor even the Prima Donna herself. However, they stood the test of time and after 10 years of living together, the two stars officially registered their relationship on December 24, 2013.

The family is currently raising two wonderful twins born by a surrogate mother. Happy husband and the father continues successfully creative career, but tries to spend as much time as possible with his beloved wife and kids.

Maxim Alexandrovich Galkin born on June 18, 1976 in the Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region in the family of a colonel general, former boss Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Alexandra Galkina and candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior research fellow Institute of Earthquake Forecast Theory RAS Natalia Galkina. He has an older brother Dmitriy- businessman, producer and one of the founders of the production center " Centum».

“I received the basics of the culture of communication from my parents throughout my childhood, without even noticing it, but realizing the effectiveness of these “lessons in passing” only later, when I looked back at my early years. I always had before me the example of my father, who occupied one of the highest positions in the Soviet, and then Russian army and at the same time communicated equally democratically with both his driver and his superiors,” says Galkin.

Remarkable artistic abilities Maksim Galkin demonstrated since childhood: first the young artist performed at matinees in kindergarten, and then shone on the school theater stage. In the school theater he coped well with complex character roles - he had the opportunity to play a dog, an old alcoholic, Ostap Bender, King Solomon, Count Nulin and Don Carlos.

In addition, in his youth, Maxim attended a children's art studio and was interested in zoology. At the age of 13, the schoolboy first parodied politician- it turned out to be Mikhail Gorbachev.

After school Maksim Galkin entered the Faculty of Linguistics at the Russian State University for the Humanities, from which he graduated in 1998. Speaks French, English and German languages. Then he entered graduate school, where he worked on his candidate’s dissertation on the topic “The relationship between the stylistic systems of original and translated texts,” but in 2009 he was expelled due to disagreements with scientific supervisor. While studying at the university, the future artist played in the student theater of Moscow State University and performed at the Variety Theater by invitation Boris Brunov and took part in concerts of Mikhail Zadorny.

“My first performance took place in April 1994 at the student theater of Moscow State University. I didn’t know which side of myself to reveal and decided to consult with my mother. Mom always liked my parody performances and we decided to go with this option. I knew that I was doing well, but I didn’t expect that those present would like it so much. Since then I have often performed at various venues. Despite the success with viewers, they started showing me on air only in 1998. The timing of some programs did not allow all the artists to be included in the broadcast version, and I, as still unknown at that time, was simply cut out,” Maxim said in an interview with Yuri Nikolaev in the “Honest Word” program.

Maksim Galkin. Creative path

In 2012 Maksim Galkin together with Vladimir Zelensky, he was a member of the jury Russian version program “Make the Comedian Laugh”. In 2014, as a member of the jury, he took part in the second season of the show “One to One! ", which aired on the Rossiya channel.

Many important events are not complete without the participation of the famous showman: KVN, Nika, Kinotavr, TEFI awards, various concerts or anniversaries of famous people.

In 2013, Galkin starred in the 12-episode adventure comedy with science fiction elements “Kings Can Do Anything.” The premiere of the television film, in which Maxim played two central roles - a medieval duke and a Moscow manager, took place in December 2015. Alexander Baluev, Maria Syomkina, Polina Filonenko, Alexander Sirin, Tatyana Rudina, Lyubov Germanova were also involved in the film.

Maxim Galkin: “This project was made specifically for me. I have long wanted to play in a movie. Yes, and Alla (wife - Ed.) has said more than once that I need to act in films. Moreover, I wanted to take part in some kind of costume picture - to break away from the established image of Maxim Galkin. Nowadays, TV series are filmed on high level, and often even watches them more people than full-length films. Therefore, at some point I thought about the series and asked the Rossiya channel, if there was any interesting project, which would suit me. And one was found. Everything matched perfectly.

In the fall of 2015, the artist returned to Channel One, where until January 2016 he participated in the third season of the transformation show “Exactly”, trying on the images of Charles Aznavour, Stas Mikhailov, Anna German, Till Lindemann, Boris Grebenshchikov, Alexander Vertinsky, Daniel Lavoie, Alla Pugacheva, Fyodor Chaliapin.

Maxim Galkin: “Of course, I came to “Exactly Exactly” not for reasons of originality, but because I really love this genre, I really like to surprise the viewer with transformations.”

According to the voting results, the winners of the transformation show “Exactly Season 3” were Evgeny Dyatlov and Maksim Galkin, also received the Audience Award.

From May 2016 to January 2017, Galkin hosted his own humorous program on Channel One “MaximMaxim”, which closed due to low viewer interest. “Firstly, in my opinion, the channel closed this show without giving it the opportunity to develop. Secondly, of course, I was too clever with him. I introduced a second and third level of irony, which was absolutely not read by the audience. It wasn’t always clear that when I showed my castle, I was making fun of myself,” the artist admitted.

Since the fall of 2016, Maxim Galkin has been hosting the children’s talent show “Best of All” on the First, which has been successfully running for the fifth season.

Triumph Award, grant (2001).
Prize "Golden Ostap" (St. Petersburg, 2001).
Order of Friendship for his great contribution to the development of television and radio broadcasting in Russia (2006).

Objects of parodies Maxim Galkin various famous and popular people, including politicians, became Leonid Brezhnev, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Yuri Luzhkov, Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin, Yulia Timoshenko, Irina Khakamada, Vasily Shandybin; representatives of domestic show business - Liya Akhedzhakova, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Renata Litvinova, Vladimir Vinokur, Yuri Kuklachev, Zhanna Aguzarova, Nikolai Baskov, Dima Bilan, Laima Vaikule, Vitas, Joseph Kobzon, Boris Moiseev, Soso Pavliashvili; foreign artists - Louis Armstrong, Montserrat Caballe, Edith Piaf, Anastasia Prikhodko, Verka Serduchka, Tina Turner and many others.

After leaving Channel One, the question of the host of the “” project suddenly arose. The choice of producers fell on Maxim Galkin and, who was the initiator of the closure of her own show “”. Another premiere of the autumn television season of 2017 with Galkin as a TV presenter was the show “” about talented pensioners, but it lasted only a few episodes.

In February 2018, the program “Stars under Hypnosis” started on Channel One. “In my experience, this is the first show where a sleeping viewer is a sign of success!” – Galkin joked. The program, in which participants, under the influence of the “magic spells” of hypnologist Isa Bagirov, lost their minds for a period of time, was frozen in the summer of the same year.

In the summer of 2018, Galkin, together with Ksenia Sobchak, Dmitry Nagiyev and Nastya Ivleeva, held the “MUZ-TV Award 2018. Transformation”. It is worth noting that he has been the host of this music award since 2012.

In the fall of 2018, the showman took part in the dubbing of the cartoon “Aliens in the House,” where three aliens spoke in his voice at once. According to the TV presenter, when agreeing to take part in the project, Galkin, first of all, thought about his children - Lisa and Harry: “I decided that I needed to lay the bricks so that later I could say: “Listen children, this is dad! Watch a cartoon with dad." Indeed, all three aliens speak differently: Mog has a slight lisp, Nag speaks high notes, and Wabo, on the contrary, has a very low voice.

In February 2019, on the eve of the release of the film "" - the directorial debut of the screenwriter and former editor-in-chief of the Russian GQ, it turned out that on main role, which was eventually played, was claimed by Maxim Galkin. “He did a really good tryout. Moreover, Galkin really wants, it seems to me, to be a little more serious artist,” Idov shared. He also opened another interesting fact about the showman. It turns out that more than 10 years ago the comedian auditioned for the main role in the film "" - a biographical dramatic film directed by Ilya Khrzhanovsky based on a book of memoirs Cora Landau"Academician Landau: How we lived."

Maksim Galkin. Personal life

In October 2001 Maksim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva sang the song “ Be or don't be", which became an instant hit. All sorts of rumors immediately began to circulate around them. And after the divorce of the singer and Philip Kirkorov, it became clear that Galkin and Pugacheva are not just friends. They went on tour together, appeared arm in arm at social events and spent everything free time together.

“She’s just my person. With her, I understood the most banal, trivial truth that people are divided into halves. So I found my other half. Well, they didn’t match in time or age. But half is still half. I like everything: the way she looks, sits, sings, is silent, the way she thinks, the way she cooks. And something else that is not customary to talk about.”

Alla Pugacheva And Maksim Galkin legalized their relationship on December 24, 2011, after 10 years life together. Singer Elizaveta was the first to announce the wedding on her blog. Harry. She carried children surrogate mother. As it turned out, Pugacheva I froze my eggs many years ago.

Harry and Lisa Galkin attend French kindergarten"Puss in Boots", located near their castle in the village of Gryaz. Education here costs 195 thousand rubles monthly for one child. Native speakers teach children. All lessons take place in game form. In addition, the twins have a French tutor who graduated from the Sorbonne. The teacher comes to the star children to teach at home. Services cost about 110 thousand rubles per month for one child. Plus, the children are constantly accompanied by nannies who live in the castle. For two governesses star couple spends about 200 thousand rubles a month. In general, training twins costs 6 million rubles a year.

Maxim actively maintains his photo blog in social network Instagram, constantly posting photos of his wife and children. The TV presenter has more than 2.3 million subscribers, and his photos get up to 250 thousand likes. The most popular are photos and videos of twins.

On November 18, 2017, Maxim Galkin announced on his Instagram page that he and Alla Pugacheva got married.

“We are having a joyful, bright event. We got married,” the TV presenter signed the published video.

According to official data, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin first met in the Republic of Belarus at the Slavic Bazaar in 2001. However, in May 2018, the TV presenter denied this information, saying that he met the singer as a child. In confirmation of his words, the Diva’s husband published a rare photograph on his microblog on Instagram, which depicts his parents and Alla Borisovna. Galkin called the frame a “photobomb” and captioned it: “Photobomb from the past. 1979 GDR. My parents are at dinner with Alla.”

Maksim Galkin. Filmography

  • 2018 Aliens in the house (cartoon); dubbing
  • 2015 Kings can do anything (TV series); Michael Cunningham / Misha Nikolaev
  • 2007 First at home (TV); entertainer
    2004 Clara and Dora. Crazy Grandmas (animated series); dubbing
  • 2003 Chasing two birds with one stone (TV); Alexey Chizhov
  • 2003 Bless the Woman; Kunina's partner
  • 2001 – 2003 Kyshkin House (TV series); parodist
  • 1974 –... Yeralash (TV series); student intern / Alexander Pushkin

Maksim Galkin. Discography

  • 2007 Maxim Galkin. The best
  • 2006 Maxim Galkin. Classics of humor
  • 2005 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
  • 2003 NOT the last hero
  • 2002 Smile, gentlemen!
  • 2002 This is love!
  • 2002 And I'm 26
    2002 Smile, gentlemen!

Maxim Galkin was born on June 18, 1976 in the Moscow region. In the summer of the same year, Maxim’s first solo concert took place at the Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk festival. From the end of 2004 to 2007, Maxim Galkin hosted the music festival “New Songs about the Main Thing” on Channel One. Subsequently, Galkin appeared with the diva in the program “New Year's Eve on Channel One” and in Pugacheva’s “Christmas Meetings”.

When he was 3 years old, the family lived in Germany. Then the family moved to Buryatia and until the fifth grade Maxim studied at school No. 5 in the city of Ulan-Ude. Maxim spent his childhood in a military town Pinery Republic of Buryatia, 30 km from the city of Ulan-Ude and 100 km from Lake Baikal, where he often visited. Then the family returned to Moscow. Later, Galkin's parents separated.

In middle school, Maxim actively began to practice parody. They lived together since 2005, Alla Borisovna admitted that they started dating in 2001, and for the tenth anniversary of their relationship, the NTV channel prepared the films “Alla + Maxim.

On December 24, 2011, Alla and Maxim got married. Galkin’s artistic debut took place in April 1994: he performed in the performance of the Moscow State University Student Theater “Fountains of Love for Neighbors.” Since then artistic career went uphill. So, at one of the concerts Boris Brunov noticed him and invited him to his Variety Theater.

Since October 2001, Maxim tried himself in a new role - he began to sing. His first vocal experience was the song “Be or Don’t Be,” which he performed in a duet with Alla Pugacheva. Galkin actively tours Russia. This concert was released on New Year's Eve on Channel One between “Results of the Year” in the “Time” program and the New Year’s address of the President of the Russian Federation.

On December 30, 2002, he held the second round in the New Year's edition of the capital show "Field of Miracles". For some time he has been leading this project together with Honored Artist of Russia, singer Valeria. He was also the author and presenter of New Year's programs on Channel One. Maxim Galkin could have played one of the main roles in the film “Penal Battalion”, but was forced to refuse this role due to a busy touring schedule and work on television.

In 1976, a son, Maxim, was born to a colonel general of the armored forces and an employee of the geophysical research institute, who was destined to become one of famous artists Russian stage. Because of military career Alexander Galkin’s family was forced to move frequently: from Naro-Fominsk near Moscow to Germany, from Germany to Odessa, from there to Ulan-Ude, and again to Moscow.

Maxim Galkin: parodist and showman

At school, Maxim continued to develop his acting skills, sometimes taking on roles that were not at all childish: a dog, an old drunkard, King Solomon, Count Nulin, Don Carlos, Ostap Bender. Maxim Galkin's first benefit performance took place in the sixth grade: the boy staged a puppet show, voicing all the characters in the play in different ways. At the age of 13, the teenager saw on TV a performance by Gennady Khazanov, who parodied Mikhail Gorbachev.

Maxim Galkin: “First of all, I was lucky with my parents

While studying at the Russian State University for the Humanities, Maxim Galkin not only actively studied foreign languages, but also continued creative experiments. A continuation of his stage career was participation in the Variety Theater program “Debuts, debuts, debuts” with parodies of Putin, Yeltsin and Zhirinovsky. At one of the performances, artistic director Boris Brunov drew attention to the young comedian and invited him to join the cast of the Variety Theater.

Maxim Galkin: “A woman should not be canonically beautiful at all

After his return, Galkin’s career rapidly took off: at the beginning of 2001, he was awarded the Triumph and Golden Ostap awards. Galkin’s television career began, as they say, “right off the bat.” In February 2001, the popular quiz show “Oh Lucky” changed both its name and host.

It was with this experiment that the biography of Maxim Galkin as a parodist began

In 2008, Galkin became the host of the second season of the “Two Stars” project together with Alla Pugacheva. Unexpectedly for viewers, in September of the same year he left Channel One and began collaborating with the Rossiya channel. According to the official reason of Channel One, the management was unhappy that Maxim began to devote more time to his personal life rather than professional activities.

Performed by Maxim Galkin, viewers then saw very successful parodies of famous politicians

Under Maxim’s leadership, the “New Year’s Parade of Stars” appeared on the channel - an analogue of the “Blue Light” on First. In 2008, Nikolai Baskov took the place of the co-host artist, in 2009 - Alla Pugacheva, and in 2011 - Vladimir Zelensky. A little later, the presenter appeared on the Ukrainian channel “Inter” in the program “Morning Mail”.

During the show, Maxim had to transform into Boris Grebenshchikov, Stas Mikhailov, Rammstein lead singer Till Lindenmann, Anna German and even his own wife. Right after the phenomenal start of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Galkin made his film debut. In 2001, he was invited to the filming of “Jumble” to play the role of a trainee teacher.

In 2003, Galkin appeared on the big screen twice. The first time was in the company of Svetlana Khodchenkova, Inna Churikova and Alexander Baluev (film “Bless the Woman”). In 2015, Galkin appeared in the TV series “Kings Can Do Anything.” Maxim played two roles at once: the medieval baron Michael Cunningham and the Moscow office worker Misha Nikolaev, who switch places in the plot.

With the birth of his children, Maxim Galkin tried to change his work schedule so as to devote as much time as possible to his family. Frequent moves were commonplace for the Galkin family. When Maxim was three years old, the family moved to Germany. Then the Galkins moved to Odessa, where Maxim graduated from three classes secondary school. The family managed to visit Transbaikalia, but the young man finished school in Moscow.

In 2001, Gennady Khazanov invited Galkin with a solo program to the Variety Theater. Maksim Galkin: " Most During my adult life I grew up in Moscow. Maxim Galkin is married to Alla Pugacheva.