Currently, robotics is developing in a wide variety of directions. Various innovations are gradually penetrating into telecommunications, transport, space, industry and many other areas. Despite the relatively calm and peaceful situation, Lately more and more more countries pay special attention to the development of another very important branch of robotics – military.

Leading world powers are developing and implementing military robots in all areas and branches of the military. The reason for such a big stir around this issue is clear. The presence of robots will allow any army to significantly reduce personnel losses during combat operations. Robots do not know fatigue, do not feel pain and are able to perform combat missions in the most difficult conditions. It is obvious that those countries that can take the lead in the military robotics race will gain a significant strategic advantage over the rest.

“Military robotics now plays a special role. The armed forces, equipped with promising types and samples of robotic systems of tomorrow, will have an undeniable intellectual and technological superiority over the enemy, who for one reason or another will not be able to join the elite “club of robotic powers” ​​in time and will find himself on the sidelines of the unfolding robotic revolution. The technological gap in robotics today could have disastrous consequences in the future.” candidate comments on the situation historical sciences, scientific adviser independent expert and analytical center "EPOCHA" Igor Popov

Problems of development of military robotics

At the moment, the intensive development of defense robotics is hampered by several the most important factors. Firstly, one of the main driving forces any army are ground troops. However, for a long time, much attention in military robotics focused on the development of unmanned aerial vehicles. Ground combat robots are significantly behind in their development, which is explained by the more complex conditions in which they have to function. If a feature air environment is its relative uniformity physical properties, then ground combat vehicles operate on uneven terrain, overcoming rivers, lakes, hills, plains and ravines. In other words, to move in such conditions, control systems for ground combat robots require highly complex hardware and software solutions, which are currently still at the development stage.

Also, the robots being created do not yet have enough intelligence to function autonomously. All that scientists in the field of military robotics can boast of so far is the creation of controlled or automated systems that allow them to perform tasks according to pre-programmed algorithms.

“Not a single army in the world is armed with robots that operate autonomously. Therefore, it would be more correct to call current technology robotic systems, because control and decision-making functions still largely depend on the operator, that is, a person. But the simpler functions that a robot can perform are given over to its artificial intelligence, work on which is now actively underway.” noted in August 2016 in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, expert of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine Alexey Leonkov.

If we talk about intelligent robots, then achieve high level The autonomy of the machines being created is impossible without qualitative leaps and real achievements in such areas as cybernetics, bionics, the study of the principles of the human brain, etc. However, the possibility of creating such robots rests on one very important problem - combat robots, unlike industrial ones, will have certain types of weapons. Therefore, if you give the machine “freedom”, it will create potential danger for a person. Who will guarantee that the intelligent control system will not be hacked by the enemy or infected with a virus? What will happen if terrorists take control of the robots? Understanding the danger that humanity may face in such situations, the Ministry of Defense different countries publicly declare that they have already abandoned the creation of autonomous robots.

“The US military will never move to truly autonomous combat vehicles. We can only use full autonomy to create cybersecurity systems that will be responsible for scanning computer networks to automatically prevent cyber attacks. All other cases of using weapons by robots will be carried out only at the command of a person.” said, as reported by Breaking Defense, the country's Minister of Defense Ashton Carter

The security problem is one of the main stumbling blocks to the development of military robotics. Thus, in July 2015, the Future of Life Institute published an open letter, which spoke about the dangers of autonomous armed systems and the need to ban their development. According to the authors of the letter, this kind of technology will inevitably lead to an arms race and create a potential threat of complete destruction to the world. This letter was signed by a large number famous people, including astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, founder of the private space company SpaceX Elon Musk, Apple founder Steve Wozniak and philosopher Noam Chomsky.

Also in October last year, Noel Shakri, a professor at the British University of Sheffield and co-founder International Committee on robotic arms control, asked the UN to as soon as possible adopt amendments to the international rules of engagement that would prohibit the use of fully autonomous armed robots in battles. Otherwise, according to the human rights activist, the consequences will be irreparable when the use of combat vehicles in wars becomes commonplace.

Advances in defense robotics. USA and Russia

To begin with, it is worth noting that not all the achievements of the leading world powers in the field of military robotics are presented here. Most developments around the world are carried out in the strictest confidence, so for now we can only be content with the information that comes to the press.

The United States has traditionally been considered an innovator in the field of military robotics, investing billions of dollars in this industry annually. The DARPA agency is overseeing this issue. By order of the agency, both “militaristic” companies and universities are constantly working on the creation of robots. Recently, more than 15 targeted developments have reached testing in real conditions, but from their mass production the Pentagon various reasons refused. This was largely due to the irrationality of using developed robots in real combat operations.

One of the most successful combat robots created overseas is the Gladiator, the development of which began back in the 90s. The appearance of this robot vaguely resembles a lightweight tank. Currently, tests of the third modification of Gladiator have been successfully completed, which has dimensions of 1.8x1.35x1.2 meters and weighs more than three tons. The robot has the ability to fire a 12.7 mm machine gun and grenade launchers, and has a night vision system. The vehicle's engine is diesel, and the platform is tracked.

American radio-controlled combat robot Gladiator TUGV. Source:

The monster of the American military-industrial complex Lockheed Martin and Carnegie Mello University received the right to create this machine. The same university developed the Crusher robot, which resembles a wheeled car and weighs about 6.5 tons. Key Features This robot has high maneuverability and the ability to overcome various obstacles. It has several video cameras, laser rangefinders, a thermal imager and can be equipped with various weapons.

American combat robot Crusher. Source:

The machine developed by the British corporation BAE Systems seems much more serious. The 12-ton Black Knight robot, equipped with a 30 mm machine gun, is currently the largest combat robot. The Black Knight is controlled from a special CVV or from a Bradley infantry fighting vehicle.

In our country, the history of the development of combat robots goes back more than 80 years, when research began in the 1930s on the creation of remotely controlled guided tanks. Also, until the 1990s, we were the leader in the production of UAVs, after which all developments were frozen, which ultimately led to a significant lag in the development of the industry. However, in recent years, active rearmament of the army has begun and interest in military robotics arose with new strength. Yes, on state level a concept was adopted according to which until 2025 the Russian army there should be about 30% of military robots.

All projects are financed by the Advanced Research Foundation (APF), created in 2012 as a counterweight to DARPA. Currently, the fund is paying close attention to more than 50 the most promising projects, and at the end of 2015, it was created in its structure National Center development of technologies and basic elements of robotics.

The Kovrov Electromechanical Plant managed to create something similar to the American Gladiator and Black Knight. The new line of tracked and wheeled vehicles can also be equipped with a heavy machine gun and/or grenade launcher, weighs about a ton, is equipped with night vision, high-definition cameras and is capable of being remotely controlled. Moreover, one operator is able to simultaneously control a group of 5-6 similar robots.

Kovrov also produces lighter robots armed with a VSK-94 rifle or a Yarygin pistol. This robot was called “Metalist”.

Mobile robotic complex for reconnaissance and fire support "Metalist".

The height of the robot is about 185 cm, the weight is about 300 kg, the center of mass is located very low - at a height of 40 cm, in addition to this, the diameter of the lower protective skirt prevents attempts to turn the robot over. He, like a “vanka-stand-up”, will strive for a vertical position. The maximum speed of the RPS robot is 10 km/h. Cruising speed 5 km/h. There are 6 video cameras inside the robot. Of these, 4 are ultra-wide-field fisheye cameras. Through them, the robot even sees bricks that it touches with its lower part. Each camera provides a view of a full circular panorama - solid angle 2.
High-quality photographs are taken with an 8-megapixel camera located behind the armored glass. A high-speed PTZ camera located in the transparent conical top of the robot helps the duty officer quickly inspect the scene.
For autonomous movement, the robot is equipped with additional 24 sensors. The robot can work in autonomous mode for 8 hours and indefinitely if there are robotic charging stations (RCS) in the patrol area.

Features being tested and developed

Monitoring the situation in a location selected by the operator.
Mobile checkpoint (organization of operational access control in a randomly selected location).
Video inspection (moving around courtyard areas during operational work).
Intercom (communication device with the duty officer).
Panic button (activation of alarm mode and intercom).
Public address announcement about an emergency.
Crime detection
Verification of documents.
Blocking exit and exit.
First aid for victims. Mobile pharmacy.
Collection of material evidence.
Information function (the robot can show civilians or to police officers where a crime is being committed, where the criminal ran, where the victim is, to whom the ambulance is going or people are running, etc.).
Regulatory function. With the help of a wand, he can regulate traffic at intersections or restrict traffic at any point on the road or at checkpoints.
Prescriptive function for motor transport. Demanding a vehicle to stop by clearly indicating with a baton.
Inspection (auto). Checking the inside of the car using a video camera in the stick (inspecting the contents of the interior, trunk, inspection of the engine and engine numbers). Checking documents PTS, license, passport, etc.
Attracting attention using special signals.
Features of the design being developed and tested:

The built-in speech synthesizer makes the robot communicative.
Controlled movement in the speed range 0-10 km/h.
Automatic replacement of batteries at robotic charging stations (RCS).
Autonomous movement at cruising speed to the RZS to change batteries.
Autonomous movement around the patrol area, or to a point specified by the duty officer.
Autonomous ordering of incoming information in accordance with the functioning of the RPS.
Autonomous terrain mapping for future use.
Use of GPS and GLONASS positioning systems.
Orientation by natural objects of the surrounding world.
Orientation by special marks.

The police robot called “R.BOT No. 1” is the only copy in Russia; its analogue does not exist in any country. This is the first operational robot patrolling the city streets in test mode. “R.BOT” is the main element of the created RPS (robotic patrol service).

For the first time, a robot policeman announced himself on Perm City Day, when he patrolled the Kama embankment and congratulated Perm residents on the holiday.
The robot underwent trial operation in Perm from May to October 2007 on the avenues, boulevards and squares of the city. At the moment, it is planned to install two manipulators on the robot. Testing of the robotic patrol service consisting of the RPS Robot and robotic charging stations (RCS) will continue.

Robots are increasingly being introduced into daily life modern man. This trend is especially noticeable in the military field: in fact, a significant amount of developments in the field of robotics are of defense origin. What capabilities do modern combat robots have? Does Russia have competitive examples of such equipment?

Combat robots: specifics

Actually, what kind of weapon is this - a combat robot? These are weapons of the future or products that are already active practical use in advanced

Regarding the first question, the criteria vary greatly. Among Russian experts, the term “robot” is most often understood as a device capable, first of all, of independent decision-making. In particular, if we talk about the military sphere of application - about target acquisition, about shooting, about moving across terrain, etc. That is, capable, to one degree or another, of replacing a soldier. There are other interpretations of the term “combat robot”. Thus, such machines can be understood as any developments that can ensure the execution of combat missions without the actual presence of a person on the territory where they are carried out. At the same time, the autonomy of the machines is not necessary.

As for the criterion of independent performance of functions, robots can operate in full autonomy, partial or within the framework. A typical combat robot of the future, experts believe, will be characterized by predominantly independent work. Today, however, semi-autonomous and guided vehicles are among the most common. Robots that are completely independent of humans are still rare even for military sphere, which often concentrates the most advanced engineering concepts.

Combat robots have been used in practice in the armies of the world for a long time. However latest developments weapons of the corresponding type, as a rule, reflect the capabilities of the most advanced technologies - in the field of navigation, visual object recognition, artificial intelligence, weapons and other aspects. And that's why newest generations robots may be incomparably more progressive than those developed several years ago.

In practice, military-type robotic solutions can be implemented in the most different forms. It can be self-propelled units- on independent platforms or integrated with current types of military equipment - armored vehicles, tanks. These could be aircraft. These can be underground or underwater devices. Among the most modern concepts are android robots, that is, those that are similar in appearance to humans and are designed to replace them in a number of combat missions.

Government program

Russian military equipment based on robotic developments, thanks to the initiatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense, will be created and put into operation within the framework of a comprehensive target program approved in 2014. It is expected, in particular, that the share of robots in the armament structure of the Russian Army may be about 30%. However, the main part of the relevant program is still classified. But some facts are still known to the public. Let's look at them.

Current developments

The device, developed in Izhevsk, weighs about 900 kg, reaches speeds of up to 45 km/h and runs on a gasoline engine. Robot autonomy is one of the key differences from foreign analogues, in particular American ones, which, as some experts note, can function fully effectively only in human control mode.

There is also information that another Russian combat robot will be created on the basis of the Tiger machine. The corresponding kit will be equipped with a powerful anti-tank weapons"Cornet" type. However, there is still very little public information about this development.

IN soon The Russian army should receive small reconnaissance robots produced by the Sozvezdie company. They are intended mainly for working underground. These machines are capable, for example, of determining how much enemy military equipment is on the surface of the ground, its possible type, as well as the number of soldiers located in the same area. The machine from Constellation can execute some programs in offline mode.

The Servosila company also produces small robots that can be used in reconnaissance. For example, the “Engineer” machine is interesting because it can climb ladders and grab small objects. The “Engineer” has a system of high-precision visual recognition of surrounding objects, as well as a navigation module.

These are the latest developments in Russia in the field of robotics. Let's also consider other promising types of high-tech military products being developed by designers from the Russian Federation.


Newest Combat vehicles Russia is not only about robots. Among priority areas domestic military-industrial complex - development of laser systems. In particular, there is information that the Russian army really needs laser complexes air-based. Alternatively, those that could be compatible with the A-60 aircraft, equipped with equipment that can shoot down satellites. The laser industry is considered by Russian experts as one of the most promising in terms of effective modernization of the state's armed forces.


What other latest Russian developments in terms of promising technologies can be noted? Among the interesting samples are equipment for soldiers, in particular the “Warrior” set. It is called the combat equipment of the soldier of the future. "Ratnik" is a high-tech camouflage consisting of several dozen protection elements, equipped with a thermal imager, a navigation system, big amount sensors At the disposal of a soldier who has put on the “Warrior” is a machine gun, a machine gun or a rifle with another remarkable piece of equipment - the 6B48 suit, intended for tank crews. It is characterized high degree protecting the fighter’s body from fragments. The suit is also complemented by an armored headset.

Are robots in service?

But let's get back to robots. There is information that Russian weapons of the future, based on robotic developments, will be supplied to the army so that entire companies can be equipped on its basis. Among promising areas application of machines - protection of launchers. It is also expected that robots will be able to perform reconnaissance missions and participate in combat operations.

It can be noted that, for example, in the United States, the latest military equipment in the form of robots is also actively used to protect military facilities. In particular, the MDARS machine is designed to monitor areas where nuclear facilities are located. The Americans are also actively using unmanned vehicles.

Autonomy or controllability?

Among modern experts, there is a debate regarding whether the robotics industry should be developed in the direction of giving the machine maximum autonomy. The Americans, in particular, are not too keen on this yet, believing that even the advanced, latest developments of weapons of this type cannot fully correctly make decisions in the conditions of real combat missions.

Of course, autonomous robots are now being used in armies around the world. ABOUT Russian samples we already said. It is possible to note the Israeli development - unmanned vehicle Harpy. In automatic mode, it can find, in particular, enemy radars.

Advantages of robots

What advantages can a robot have in combat if we compare its functions and capabilities with equipment controlled by people? First of all, in many cases this is a significantly higher efficiency of hitting targets. The fact is that when shooting from a portable weapon, a soldier makes a large percentage of misses. Modern robots can use ammo much more efficiently.

The next aspect is that the robot does not get tired. Its performance does not depend on the time of day. Provided, of course, that there are resources available to recharge its batteries. Robots, provided they have well-developed software, usually make fewer mistakes when performing similar operations.

Disadvantages of robots

In turn, potential errors during execution complex operations- among the main disadvantages of robots. There are a lot of nuances in real combat psychological nature. Even the most modern robots unable to take them into account. For example, it is unlikely that a machine will be able to recognize the enemy’s desire to surrender or distinguish a military man from a civilian by indirect signs- presence of shoulder straps, uniforms, etc. Of course, these nuances are relevant for autonomous machines. Controlled robots, one way or another, make key decisions according to human commands.

Robot of the future - what is it like?

What is he like, a combat robot of the future? If we take into account a realistic scenario, then, as Russian experts believe, such a machine will be characterized, first of all, by the presence of pronounced competitive advantages over humans in the aspect of perception environment. This could be, for example, the ability to see objects at greater distances, distinguish between smaller objects, have night vision, and the ability to recognize infrared and ultraviolet waves.

In turn, the technological platform on which the robot will operate - ground, air, water - will be determined by the specifics of combat missions.

It is quite possible, experts believe, that a typical solution for some branches of the military will be an android robot capable of replacing a soldier in all major areas of combat operations. That is, if necessary, then take a machine gun, sit at the controls of an airplane, in a tank, etc. In this application area, stand-alone robotic platforms may become less effective solutions.

In turn, self-propelled systems will probably find their application if the task is to counteract the corresponding type of enemy weapons, that is, in battles in which human participation is not expected. In this case, only robots will fight.

Russian robot - like a person

In fact, there is already a separate trend in global robotics - the development and production of machines, the capabilities of which are supposed to be replaced by them when solving individual human problems. This is how the Russian combat robot, which became famous thanks to media attention, appeared, which was developed by specialists from the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering. The machine, presented personally to the President of the Russian Federation, belongs to the class of android robots.

Managed development. That is, this robot is not autonomous. The vehicle's capabilities include shooting, as well as driving certain types of transport, in particular, an ATV. There is information that the robot is an adaptation of another development, which is intended for use in outer space- a manipulator type SAR-401, which has the functions of copying human movements using manipulators and at the same time is capable of grasping small objects.

It is interesting that, as some experts suggest, it became a prototype of the “android” shown to the President. Several years ago, Russian researchers decided to create a machine that could be used to conduct rescue work. A promising development should have a wide range of functions - which would distinguish it from world analogues, which, according to a number of experts, are characterized by a certain narrowness of application. At the same time, clear facts that would indicate the continuity of SAR-401 and the robot that was presented to the President have not yet been made available to the general public.

Competitive solutions

Russia's promising combat robot, which can ride an ATV, is among the most advanced developments in the world, but it has analogues. In particular, the American agency DARPA, known for inventing the basic concepts that formed the basis of the Internet, developed an android robot called ATLAS. Thus, the development of new technologies in the field of robotics is, according to many experts, a global trend.

Android robots: the prospect of real application

What could be the real-life applications of machines like the one developed? Russian Institute precision engineering? First of all, it is worth noting the fact that a significant amount of the capabilities of the device presented to the President are classified. The fact that a robot can ride an ATV and shoot is not all of its functions, many experts believe. At the same time, experts believe that such devices still need to be improved mainly in the aspect of performing tasks in an uncertain environment - the one that is typical for real combat operations.

Competitiveness of the Russian school

What is the degree of readiness of the Russian robotics school to actively implement new military developments, keeping up with their Western colleagues, or even ahead of them? Expert opinions differ on this matter. There are experts who believe that the Western robotics industry is significantly ahead of the Russian one. This is due to the volume of funding, especially in the 90s, when the scientific basis for current developments was laid, and to the level of infrastructure. In turn, there are experts who believe that Russian designers are in no way inferior to representatives of the Western robotics school.

Proof of this is not only the Russian combat robot that was presented to the President. Our country has all the resources for training personnel in the robotics industry, primarily at the academic level. The country's universities have specialized specialties for this area. At the same time, Russian engineers are successfully developing robots not only for the needs defense industry, but also civilian vehicles. One way or another, there is every reason to say that the Russian combat robot driving an ATV is only one of the first examples of the successful implementation of the design concepts of engineers from the Russian Federation.

We look forward to robots starting to actively enter our lives. For example, self-driving cars are essentially real robots. And who among us has not dreamed of a domestic mechanical assistant-servant?

But many people lose sight of the fact that humanity first introduces and tests all the most advanced technologies in the same industry - the war industry. It will probably be the same with robots: the most advanced models will first appear in the armies of different countries, and then penetrate into the civilian sector. Actually, this process has been going on for a long time, it’s just that the military doesn’t talk about truly advanced developments. But simpler combat robots have already become commonplace.

The simpler ones are not autonomous, but human-controlled. First of all, all kinds of drones come to mind, which in Iraq and Afghanistan have become a symbol of Western democracy. Aerial robots are the most developed today, but ground robots will also play a big role in future wars.

Pioneer robots

In our country, experiments with ground combat robotics have been conducted since the 1920s. By the beginning of the war, the Red Army had several dozen teletanks- TT-26 and TU-26. The first were lungs flamethrower tanks T-26 with equipment remote control. The operator was in the control tank - TU-26 - and could control the teletank at a distance of 0.5-1.5 kilometers. Teletanks were used quite successfully during Soviet-Finnish war in 1940 to break through fortified areas.

By the way, in the war with Finland, the TT-26 was also used as a self-propelled mine: several hundred kilograms of explosives were loaded onto it and adjusted to field fortification and gave the command to detonate. However, the most famous - but also too expensive and ineffective - self-propelled mine was the German "Goliath": a tiny wedge, controlled by wire; a box with 65-100 kg of dynamite, equipped with an electric motor, battery and tracks.

The development of ground robots was suspended due to the imperfection and unreliability of control equipment, the need for visual contact, the inconvenience of control over long distances, the risk of loss of communication due to rough terrain, and the ineffectiveness of a radio-controlled tank compared to a conventional tank. The country had many much more important tasks.

Ultralight babies

Years later, the USSR returned to the idea of ​​​​creating radio-controlled robots, but this did not lead to any significant results. Whatever one may say, using people was more effective, simpler, and cheaper. But with the development of technology, a changing vision of future wars and the need to conduct counterinsurgency fighting in numerous hot spots combat ground robots became an increasingly popular type of weapon.

The Americans began to lay the ski track with their ultra-light class robots. Today they are actively used throughout the Middle East, playing the role of scouts, sappers and self-propelled machine gun points. Such robots are equipped with video cameras, night vision devices, laser range finders, and manipulators for mine clearance. Infantry machine guns are most often carried as weapons, although they are also equipped with anti-tank missile systems, shotguns, and grenade launchers.

What do we have from the ultra-light class?

Sapper robots

Insectoid name "Mantis-3" wears a robotic sapper created at the Miass branch of the South Ural State University. The “Mantis” can reach a mine on the roof of a minibus or under the bottom of a car with a ground clearance of only 10 cm. Like the “Sagittarius”, the robot sapper is capable of climbing stairs.

By order of the FSB at Moscow State Technical University. Bauman also developed a sapper robot "Varan", which can also be used as a reconnaissance aircraft.

A short video showing how the manipulator claw drive works: link.

Wheeled robot sapper "All-terrain vehicle-TM5", in addition to the manipulator, it can also carry a water cannon for destroying explosive devices. It is also capable of conducting reconnaissance, transporting up to 30 kg of cargo, opening doors with keys, and knocking out locks.

"Cobra-1600"- another domestic sapper robot capable of climbing flights of stairs. His tasks are still the same: object manipulation and video surveillance.

A platform was developed in Baumanka RTO- in fact, a whole family of ultra-light robots for various purposes: combat, sapper, rescue and reconnaissance.

Among them, the most impressive MRK-46 And MRK-61.

True, their great-grandfathers "Mobot-CH-HV" And "Mobot-Ch-HV2" look even more impressive. They were created in 1986 and were intended to work in conditions of high radioactive background: they removed radioactive debris from the roof of the third unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

"Lethal" robots

Let's move on to ultra-light robots carrying weapons.

Machine gun robot "Shooter" Designed mainly for urban battles. He is able to climb ladders and assist in clearing buildings. Equipped with three cameras and a Kalashnikov machine gun.

MRK-27-BT. This is not a sheep sneezed - a tracked platform the size of a large lawn mower carries two Bumblebee flamethrowers, two RShG-2 grenade launchers, a Pecheneg machine gun and smoke grenades. This entire arsenal is quick-detachable, meaning nearby fighters can borrow the robot’s weapons.


Ultra-light combat robots are a good thing, but they have their own niche. They are no longer capable of a more or less serious battle: lack of armor and inability to carry heavier weapons, at least heavy machine gun, seriously limit their capabilities and survivability on the battlefield. Therefore, light-medium class robots are actively developing in Russia.


Foundation for Advanced Research and Plant named after. Degtyarev in Kovrov developed the Nerekhta robotic platform. The tracked chassis weighing about 1 ton can be equipped with both weapons and reconnaissance equipment. "Nerekhta" can even play the role of a transporter.

There is an option for an optical-electronic suppression machine: the robot is capable of detecting optical means (sights, laser designators, cameras) at a distance of up to 5 km and, getting within 2 km, blinding them with a 4 MW laser pulse.

Reconnaissance and artillery guidance vehicle:

The power plant is hybrid - diesel + electric motors. The diesel engine also charges the batteries, and if necessary, Nerekhta can travel up to 20 km on electric power alone. Maximum speed - 32 km/h.

Weapon options: Kalashnikov machine gun, Kord heavy machine gun.

This robot appeared in a recent program about the actions of Force fighters

Range of action - up to 8 km.

"Uran-6"- This is an engineering and sapper robot. It can be equipped with a bulldozer blade, striker, milling or roller trawls for mine clearance. This is especially true for clearing areas where military operations have previously taken place, leaving behind a lot of mines and unexploded ordnance. Capable of withstanding an explosion of up to 60 kg of TNT. Moreover, “Uran-6” does not just roll around stupidly in the hope of causing a detonation: it is equipped with equipment that makes it possible to determine the types of explosive devices - mines, shells, bombs.

Weight - 6 tons, range - up to 1 km.

"Uran-14"- the largest and heaviest of the Uraniums. True, its purpose is not combat; this vehicle was created to extinguish fires. But if necessary, it can also be used to clear rubble and barricades in combat zones. "Uran-14" is equipped with a fire pump, a tank for water and a foaming agent.

Engine power - 240 hp. s., weight - 14 tons, maximum speed- 12 km/h.

This is probably not a complete list. Russian developments. But that’s what the army is for - the military tries not to advertise its new products. All of the robots described above are controlled by people, but there is no doubt that the development of artificial intelligence will lead to the emergence of fully autonomous machines that will only need a person for maintenance.

By the way, the T-14 Armata tank, as far as we know, can be controlled completely remotely in the future, which means it will become a super-heavy class combat robot. And if it is equipped with AI, then all that remains is to say “oops”.

We look forward to robots starting to actively enter our lives. For example, self-driving cars are essentially real robots. And who among us has not dreamed of a domestic mechanical assistant-servant?

But many people lose sight of the fact that humanity first introduces and tests all the most advanced technologies in the same industry - the war industry. It will probably be the same with robots: the most advanced models will first appear in the armies of different countries, and then penetrate into the civilian sector. Actually, this process has been going on for a long time, it’s just that the military doesn’t talk about truly advanced developments. But simpler combat robots have already become commonplace.

The simpler ones are not autonomous, but human-controlled. First of all, all kinds of drones come to mind, which in Iraq and Afghanistan have become a symbol of Western democracy. Aerial robots are the most developed today, but ground robots will also play a big role in future wars.

Pioneer robots

In our country, experiments with ground combat robotics have been conducted since the 1920s. By the beginning of the war, the Red Army had several dozen teletanks- TT-26 and TU-26. The first were light flamethrower tanks T-26 with remote control equipment. The operator was in the control tank - TU-26 - and could control the teletank at a distance of 0.5-1.5 kilometers. Teletanks were quite successfully used during the Soviet-Finnish War in 1940 to break through fortified areas.

By the way, in the war with Finland, the TT-26 was also used as a self-propelled mine: several hundred kilograms of explosives were loaded onto it, driven to a field fortification, and the command was given to detonate it. However, the most famous - but also too expensive and ineffective - self-propelled mine was the German "Goliath": a tiny wedge, controlled by wire; a box with 65-100 kg of dynamite, equipped with an electric motor, battery and tracks.

The development of ground robots was suspended due to the imperfection and unreliability of control equipment, the need for visual contact, the inconvenience of control over long distances, the risk of loss of communication due to rough terrain, and the ineffectiveness of a radio-controlled tank compared to a conventional tank. The country had many much more important tasks.

Ultralight babies

Years later, the USSR returned to the idea of ​​​​creating radio-controlled robots, but this did not lead to any significant results. Whatever one may say, using people was more effective, simpler, and cheaper. But with the development of technology, a changing vision of future wars and the need to conduct counter-guerrilla warfare in numerous hot spots, ground combat robots have become an increasingly popular type of weapon.

The Americans began to lay the ski track with their ultra-light class robots. Today they are actively used throughout the Middle East, playing the role of scouts, sappers and self-propelled machine gun points. Such robots are equipped with video cameras, night vision devices, laser range finders, and manipulators for mine clearance. Infantry machine guns are most often carried as weapons, although they are also equipped with anti-tank missile systems, shotguns, and grenade launchers.

What do we have from the ultra-light class?

Sapper robots

Insectoid name "Mantis-3" wears a robotic sapper created at the Miass branch of the South Ural State University. The “Mantis” can reach a mine on the roof of a minibus or under the bottom of a car with a ground clearance of only 10 cm. Like the “Sagittarius”, the robot sapper is capable of climbing stairs.

By order of the FSB at Moscow State Technical University. Bauman also developed a sapper robot "Varan", which can also be used as a reconnaissance aircraft.

A short video showing how the manipulator claw drive works: link.

Wheeled robot sapper "All-terrain vehicle-TM5", in addition to the manipulator, it can also carry a water cannon for destroying explosive devices. It is also capable of conducting reconnaissance, transporting up to 30 kg of cargo, opening doors with keys, and knocking out locks.

"Cobra-1600"- another domestic sapper robot capable of climbing flights of stairs. His tasks are still the same: object manipulation and video surveillance.

A platform was developed in Baumanka RTO- in fact, a whole family of ultra-light robots for various purposes: combat, sapper, rescue and reconnaissance.

Among them, the most impressive MRK-46 And MRK-61.

True, their great-grandfathers "Mobot-CH-HV" And "Mobot-Ch-HV2" look even more impressive. They were created in 1986 and were intended to work in conditions of high radioactive background: they removed radioactive debris from the roof of the third unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

"Lethal" robots

Let's move on to ultra-light robots carrying weapons.

Machine gun robot "Shooter" Designed mainly for urban battles. He is able to climb ladders and assist in clearing buildings. Equipped with three cameras and a Kalashnikov machine gun.

MRK-27-BT. This is not a sheep sneezed - a tracked platform the size of a large lawn mower carries two Bumblebee flamethrowers, two RShG-2 grenade launchers, a Pecheneg machine gun and smoke grenades. This entire arsenal is quick-detachable, meaning nearby fighters can borrow the robot’s weapons.


Ultra-light combat robots are a good thing, but they have their own niche. They are no longer capable of a more or less serious battle: the lack of armor and the inability to carry heavier weapons, even a heavy machine gun, seriously limit their capabilities and survivability on the battlefield. Therefore, light-medium class robots are actively developing in Russia.


Foundation for Advanced Research and Plant named after. Degtyarev in Kovrov developed the Nerekhta robotic platform. The tracked chassis weighing about 1 ton can be equipped with both weapons and reconnaissance equipment. "Nerekhta" can even play the role of a transporter.

There is an option for an optical-electronic suppression machine: the robot is capable of detecting optical means (sights, laser designators, cameras) at a distance of up to 5 km and, getting within 2 km, blinding them with a 4 MW laser pulse.

Reconnaissance and artillery guidance vehicle:

The power plant is hybrid - diesel + electric motors. The diesel engine also charges the batteries, and if necessary, Nerekhta can travel up to 20 km on electric power alone. Maximum speed - 32 km/h.

Weapon options: Kalashnikov machine gun, Kord heavy machine gun.


  • Rocket flamethrowers "Bumblebee"

  • The robot is equipped with everything necessary for timely detection and destruction of the enemy: a laser range finder, a thermal imager, a warning system laser irradiation, a smoke screen system.

    Range of action - up to 8 km.

    "Uran-6"- This is an engineering and sapper robot. It can be equipped with a bulldozer blade, striker, milling or roller trawls for mine clearance. This is especially true for clearing areas where military operations have previously taken place, leaving behind a lot of mines and unexploded ordnance. Capable of withstanding an explosion of up to 60 kg of TNT. Moreover, “Uran-6” does not just roll around stupidly in the hope of causing a detonation: it is equipped with equipment that makes it possible to determine the types of explosive devices - mines, shells, bombs.

    Weight - 6 tons, range - up to 1 km.

    "Uran-14"- the largest and heaviest of the Uraniums. True, its purpose is not combat; this vehicle was created to extinguish fires. But if necessary, it can also be used to clear rubble and barricades in combat zones. "Uran-14" is equipped with a fire pump, a tank for water and a foaming agent.

    Engine power - 240 hp. s., weight - 14 tons, maximum speed - 12 km/h.

    This is probably not a complete list of Russian developments. But that’s what the army is for - the military tries not to advertise its new products. All of the robots described above are controlled by people, but there is no doubt that the development of artificial intelligence will lead to the emergence of fully autonomous machines that will only need a person for maintenance.