The catechist of the Resurrection Cathedral in Semey, Vitaly Aleksandrovich Yavkin, talks about this and much more.

On Easter, many people visit the cemetery where the graves of their loved ones are located. Unfortunately, in some families there is a blasphemous custom of drinking alcohol on this day. But even those who do not do this often do not know how exactly one can and should correctly remember the dead. And even more so, not many people know why parent’s day is called Radonitsa and is celebrated precisely on the 9th day after Easter.

On Tuesday of the second week of Easter, which is called St. Thomas week, Orthodox Church celebrates Radonitsa - the day of special remembrance of the dead, the first after Easter. This is an ancient Christian holiday, which John Chrysostom mentioned at the beginning of the fourth century.

On Radonitsa it was customary, and this continues to this day, for families to go to cemeteries, to the graves of their loved ones and relatives, to mourn them, experiencing their loss once again, to remember them, listing their good deeds that the deceased performed during their earthly life, remember the good ones distinctive features their character, as if talking to the departed, believing that they hear us on this day. Etymologically, the word “Radonitsa” goes back to the words “kind” and “joy”, and Radonitsa has a special place in the annual circle of church holidays - immediately after Bright Easter Week.

Radonitsa, as it were, obliges Christians not to delve into worries about the death of loved ones, but, on the contrary, to rejoice at their birth into another life - eternal life. The victory over death won by the life and resurrection of Christ displaces the sadness of temporary separation from relatives.

As for the 9th day after Easter, this is simply a matter of the Church Charter. Usually after Easter holidays On the very first weekday during which we can serve a memorial service, Radonitsa falls. Throughout Bright Week (week) we rejoice at the Resurrection of the Savior, and only on Tuesday of the second week should we remember our dear departed. First of all, come to Church, order memorial services, pray for the salvation of their souls, and only then go decorate the graves of loved ones.

Is it possible to often mourn the dead and often visit their graves? Or is it better to believe that they are already in the Kingdom of God, which means they are better off than we are, and there is no need to bother them and torment ourselves?

And again I will answer that we need not to kill ourselves and cry, but to pray for our dead. You can remember them both in the temple and good deeds in memory of them. But keep in mind, we do not know where the person dear to us ended up after death: in the Kingdom of God or in hell. This is why we do good deeds, so that the Lord will take him to himself.

As for tears, there is a sin called “self-eating,” when a person grieves more than necessary, thinks how much he did not give to the deceased, how much he could have done for him, but did not have time or did not consider it necessary. A person must be valued, respected and protected during his lifetime, so that after death he does not have to ask for forgiveness at his grave. After death, it is no longer possible to make up for lost time.

What is better and more correct on Parents' Day: to light a candle in the church for the repose of the departed, to remember them in the soul with kind words, or to gather relatives and friends at home and remember those who have passed on to another world with a dinner with alcohol? And in general, how does the Orthodox Church feel about the presence of alcoholic beverages on the table, both on parent’s day and on the day of the funeral itself?

Alcoholic drinks at funeral dinners are strictly prohibited by the Church. By commemorating deceased loved ones with alcohol, we desecrate their memory and do not honor it. They only expect prayers from us, not sumptuous dinners. We must pray for those who are no longer around. This is done because death very often comes suddenly, and a person simply does not have time to prepare for it, reconcile with God, and repent of all his sins. If we limit ourselves to setting up the table at a wake (as often happens), we will spend all our energy on this, and church commemoration If we forget, we will not bring any benefit to the soul of the deceased.

How does the Orthodox Church relate to the custom of eating in a cemetery after people have cleaned up the graveyard? Is it necessary to leave a glass of vodka and a piece of bread at the grave “for the deceased”?

We can remember deceased loved ones in the cemetery, but this must be done according to the rules. Having repaired the grave after winter, we have the right to arrange a memorial dinner in the cemetery. But it must begin with a prayer for the deceased. After the meal, you need to read the prayer again.

Once again I emphasize that alcohol is unacceptable. You should also not leave alcohol or food at the grave. This is a pagan echo, when it was customary to organize not only feasts and dances in cemeteries, but also entire gladiator fights. Food also attracts crowds of drunkards to the graves, who rummage through every wreath in search of alcohol and cigarettes, followed by flocks of stray animals. Both of them trample the graves of people dear to us, and dogs even lie on the tombstones. After all, during our lifetime, none of us would allow a dirty stray dog ​​to lie next to his mother, father or brother. Food also attracts flies and worms to the grave. You cannot stick cigarettes into a grave and light them just because the deceased liked to smoke. I repeat, he only needs our prayers.

But not only people who have drunk themselves go to cemeteries on Parents' Day in search of vodka and food, but also children - in the hope of finding candy, cookies or gingerbread on the grave that their drunken parents will never buy for them. Can't we leave food for them?

These children are sent to the cemetery by degenerate parents. And each such child is looking not only for candy for himself, but also for a scale for mom or dad. They all know that our church has a free refectory where people of any religion can come any day of the week and eat. But neither these children nor their parents come to us, because there is only one rule: you must come to the refectory sober and clean. For the most part, such people are drunk, dirty, and foul-mouthed. They behave unworthily, just like those people who stand collecting alms near the temple gates. Many parishioners, out of ignorance, give them this alms, which is strictly prohibited. After all, they take this money exclusively for alcohol.

Yes, we must give alms, do good deeds, feed and clothe the needy, but we must do this wisely. If we see that a person is really in need, or even better, if we know this person, we are obliged to help him. But if we see a hungry tramp sitting, then we don’t need to give him money, it’s better to buy him food. For he, having drunk away the money you gave him, will turn your good deed into evil.

Where did the custom of decorating the graves of loved ones with flowers and wreaths and marking the burial place by erecting a hill and a cross above it come from?

The Church has a negative attitude towards decorating graves with flowers and wreaths. This custom came to us at the end of the 19th century from Europe, where they began to decorate graves with flowers and wreaths. At that time, merchants bought out entire botanical gardens, and also set up parks on the graves of their ancestors. Even the great Saint John of Kronstadt said that if you have extra money that you want to spend, it is better to distribute it to those in need. Take it to Orphanage, a nursing home, where it hurts, is hungry and difficult.

You cannot decorate graves with artificial flowers, this is a deception before God. Even the Church is decorated only with fresh flowers during major holidays. Fake flowers are not a real sacrifice. If you want to decorate the grave, do it with fresh flowers. But provided that these are flowers from your garden. If they are purchased, then you don’t need them either. Better give this money to truly needy people. Your deceased loved one needs good deeds in memory of him, and not a pointless waste of money or a bouquet. We carry these flowers to calm our own souls; the dead only need our prayers. The number of colors (even or odd) does not matter. It's just superstition.

Wreaths are also not needed. This is not our custom. He was condemned by the holy fathers. According to all the rules, an Orthodox grave should be arranged like this: you need simple easy a fence so that the grave is not trampled by animals or people if the mound is erased from the face of the earth. The hill signifies the position of the deceased's body. The cross means buried here Orthodox Christian. During our lifetime, we designate ourselves as Orthodox with a cross on our body. After death - a cross on the grave. Planted in the ground and rising towards the sky, it signifies the faith of Christians that the body of the deceased is here in the earth, and the soul is in heaven, that under the cross is hidden a seed that grows for eternal life in the Kingdom of God. The cross must be wooden.

But it is not durable. Marble slabs look much more beautiful and richer... Let those around you see that a person from a wealthy family is buried here, for whom no expense was spared even after death, that is, they installed an expensive stone monument, and not a cheap wooden cross.

A cross that has rotted and fallen in due time is buried on the grave, then a new one is placed. Stone slabs and steles are absolutely not needed. From a moral point of view, the Church condemns such “eternal” monuments. Because they survive the relatives of the deceased. The cemetery may remain abandoned. It is destroyed by looters, and then the sidewalks are paved with these gravestones. They walk on them, spit, and put out cigarette butts. As a living example, I can cite the cemetery that used to be located where the Spartak stadium is now located. Before the revolution, it was a burial place for Christians. In the early 60s it was destroyed, and the gravestones were stolen throughout the city. It got to the point that sidewalks were paved with them. Many of these slabs are coated with paint and covered with cement. They were sidewalks, they were trampled underfoot. If you want people to walk around in the name of your mother, father, brother and spit on their names, put up a slab like this. The Church does not prohibit it. But this is wrong and not good...People still dig up these slabs and bring them to us at the Resurrection Cathedral, where we keep them.

People often put dentures, glasses, coins in the coffin of the deceased to buy a place in Heaven, even Cell phones. In other words, they bury with the person everything that he often used during his lifetime. Is it correct?

When burying our loved ones, we should not put anything in the coffin other than what is required. And this is the blanket pectoral cross, corolla on the forehead. If you don't know what to put, you need to ask the church. There should be no foreign objects in the coffin. All of them are an echo of paganism, when they buried in boats, dumping entire herds of slaughtered cattle there... Regarding glasses, then, if the deceased had eight pairs of glasses throughout his life, what, do you order all eight to be put in? Of course not. It's too much. To meet God you do not need glasses or dentures.

Not long ago, one of our priests was invited to the funeral service for a deceased person who passed away young. And what was the priest’s surprise when he saw that a cigarette had been inserted into the deceased’s teeth, and it was smoking! When the priest asked what was going on, the relatives of the deceased replied that during his lifetime he was very fond of smoking. And this is his last cigarette, because after the funeral service he will be interred. The priest refused the funeral service and explained to the relatives of the deceased that their actions were blasphemy and a mockery of the corpse, which he did not want to join.

What should we do when the deceased come to us in a dream and ask for something (a belt, socks, cigarettes, glasses)? What is more correct in this case: go to the cemetery and leave this thing on the grave, or light a candle for the repose in the church loved one and pray for him?

This happens quite often, if people do not remember the deceased, do not light candles in the church, do not order magpie, if they do not even have time to pray for him. It is not the dead person who comes into our dreams. Our deceased relative is either in heaven or hell. And they don’t come from there. A guardian angel sent by the Lord comes into our dreams. And this angel takes the image of our departed mothers, fathers, in a word, those who had authoritative significance for us. If we do not listen to them, we will not listen to anyone, even if the Lord himself comes to us.

Asking for things should not be taken literally. The deceased does not ask for a belt, watch or glasses, but for prayer or good deeds in memory of him. After such dreams, you need to order a magpie in the church and light a funeral candle. After visiting the temple, you can light a candle in front of the icon at home and pray for those who are no longer with us.

If possible, buy the item that the deceased asks for and give it to those in need. You cannot bury anything on the grave. The burial site is not a garbage dump. This place is holy. It's like a temple. You won’t bury anything on the territory of the Church, will you? You cannot do this at the grave of a once dearly loved or respected person.

The deceased's belongings should be distributed to those in need after his funeral. I would also like to remind you that older people who already feel the arrival own death, you need to have time to divide all your property between your heirs during your lifetime, you need to give them instructions on how to live further. The idea that if a person has given everything away, it means he will soon die is a superstition. It cannot be allowed that after the death of a person, when his body has not yet cooled down, a war arises between the heirs over who will get more and who will get less valuable property of the deceased, the soul of the deceased, looking at this, will grieve. All your material issues need to be resolved here and now, that is, during your lifetime.

- Is it possible to light a funeral candle in a church if you don’t know for sure whether the deceased person was baptized or not?

You can light candles. However, you cannot order memorial services and magpies. You can't pray for him either church prayer. You can only pray in your own words: Lord forgive all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, if this is possible.

- How often should the deceased be remembered?

It is very important to remember the deceased on the day of his death, on the 9th and 40th day, at six months and on the anniversary after death, as well as on the day of his earthly birth, on the day of remembrance of the saint whose name he bore, and on parental days . According to church tradition, for forty days after death the soul of the deceased prepares for God's judgment. From the first to the third day she stays in the places of the earthly life of the deceased, from the third to the ninth she is shown the heavenly abodes, from the ninth to the fortieth - the torment of sinners in hell. On the fortieth day, God's decision is made where the soul of the deceased will be until Last Judgment- when souls will again unite with transformed bodies, and the endless life of all humanity will begin in a new, transformed world, where everyone will take their place according to the passage of earthly life and largely depending on the prayers of the Church for him after death. Therefore, the Church established special commemoration of the dead on the third, ninth and fortieth days. And, of course, we need to remember the deceased every time we visit church. You need to go here as often as possible. This is important both for us, the living, and for those who have already died and for whom we pray.

- How does the Orthodox Church relate to cremation?

Quite popular now big cities The method of burial through cremation of the body is completely non-Orthodox. It cannot be acceptable to a believer.

Thanks for the informative conversation. Everything you said can only be learned in the Church, which, alas, there is not always time to visit. What are your wishes to the family members?

Remember, the goal of every Christian’s life is the salvation of the soul. That is, inheritance after bodily death and the Second Coming of Christ of eternal blissful sojourn with God. And the more good deeds we do, the more sincere prayers we address to God, the more grace we will receive from him. Love your loved ones during life, here and now. Then, after death, it will be too late. And it is better to speak words of love to living parents today than to cry at their grave tomorrow.

The conversation was conducted by Elena FOMENKO

Deceased relatives and loved ones will never be with us again. However, this is not a reason to forget them. Many believe that the dead in the next world expect living prayers and worry if they do not receive them. There is also a special day on which it is customary to go to the grave of the dead.

This is Parents' Day or Radonitsa, which falls on the 9th day after Easter. Rituals performed on this day could help fulfill desires, bring wealth, and improve health.

History of Radonitsa

This day is usually associated with the church and Christianity, but Radonitsa has pagan roots. Once upon a time in Rus' they celebrated the holiday of the dead. It took place in the spring. According to Slavic beliefs, the keeper of the souls of the dead was called Radonitsa or Radunitsa. Once upon a time, our ancestors went to funeral mounds and made sacrifices. Then the souls of the dead rejoiced, because... felt that they were loved and respected.

When the baptism of Rus' took place, the holiday remained, but was filled with new meaning. Parents' Day also has another name - Easter of the Dead. On this day it was customary to rejoice, because Jesus Christ won victory over death.

Experts believe that the word “Radonitsa” comes from the word “clan”, but some associate it with the word “joy”, because On this day, ancestors are reminded that the Resurrection of Christ recently took place - one of the most joyful events.

Signs for parent's day

There are many signs for Parents' Day. Whether to believe them or not, everyone decides for themselves.

  1. On this day you cannot work in the garden, dig, or sow. Those who violate this prohibition may not count on good harvest.
  2. We also looked closely at the weather outside the window. If you went before lunch heavy rain, and in the afternoon and evening it blew strong wind, this spoke of the dissatisfaction of the deceased. They are worried because... relatives do not come to the cemetery. But if there is no wind on this day, but it is raining, this was considered a good omen: there will be happiness in the houses, as well as a good harvest. If the weather was sunny and spring, they believed that the parents breathed warmth from their graves.
  3. Pregnant women are not allowed to visit the cemetery on Mother's Day.
  4. If you go to the cemetery on this day, but do not remember the deceased, then after death you will not be remembered either.

Traditions and customs

Etymologically, the word “radonitsa” goes back to the words “kind” and “joy”, which obliges Christians not to grieve or lament the death of loved ones.

On Parents' Day you can also perform rituals and read conspiracies. But before you ask for help for yourself, for the good of your family, you need to honor traditions and spend this day correctly. What needs to be done on parent's day?

  1. Visit the graves of loved ones with the whole family, remember something good about them, list their virtues. Many believed that on this day the dead hear the living.
  2. You can't worry about the death of loved ones. On this day one should rejoice, believe in eternal life, all of Christ has won victory over death.
  3. Visit church, pray, order a memorial service.
  4. You should not drink alcohol in large quantities.
  5. Clean the grave after a long winter. You can have a dinner right here to remember the departed. But before and after it, we must not forget about prayer. It is not recommended to leave anything on the grave, because... this custom has pagan roots.
  6. Some people like to decorate tombstones with flowers. The Church does not approve of this. Artificial flowers are especially undesirable. You can bring fresh flowers if you have your own garden and you took them from there. But you shouldn't buy flowers. It is better to spend this money on people who need help. Orthodox Fathers condemned those who carried wreaths to the graves
  7. Give alms. On this day, it was customary to treat the poor or holy fools and give them alms so that they would remember the dead.
  8. Previously, a bathhouse for the dead was prepared in Radonitsa. At night they put soap, clean clothes, and brooms in it. It was impossible to enter such a bathhouse at night, because... otherwise the dead could be disturbed. But in the morning everyone went to the bathhouse together and raked away the ashes. Then it was possible to find out the future by one sign or another or get an answer to an exciting question.
  9. In the old days, food was left on the table or windowsill for the dead. It should have been enough for the whole day, i.e. these were lunch, breakfast and dinner. Eggs for Radonitsa were painted separately. If Easter eggs were red, then these eggs for remembrance are yellow or green.

Conspiracies, rituals, customs for parent's day

Rituals and rituals performed on parent's day can help decide complex problems, make your life happier. As already mentioned, the rain that day was long-awaited, because... brought happiness.

There was a custom of “calling out the rain,” which was usually done by children, but adults could also do it. It was necessary, upon seeing the cloud, to exclaim:

“Water, rain, on woman’s rye, on grandfather’s wheat, on girl’s flax, water with a bucket” or “Rain, rain, let it fall harder, quickly, warm us guys up!”

If it started to rain after that. If a person washed himself with such rainwater, it brought him good luck and happiness.

On this day, girls washed themselves through rings, gold or silver. Then they could remain beautiful and young for a long time.

Conspiracy for family well-being, wealth

This conspiracy will make the spirits help you and increase your income. In addition, all relatives of those deceased whom you asked for help through this conspiracy will have prosperity. If you carry out such rituals these days, your children will definitely get rich.

You need to purchase various goodies in the store: cookies, chocolates, gingerbreads. You need to go to church early in the morning (before the service). All these sweets should be placed in the alms basket. On the eve, candles are usually lit for the repose.

It is necessary to purchase 12 candles and place them on 12 deceased relatives, repeating:

“Rest, O Lord, the soul of Your departed servant (name).”

When all the candles are lit, you need to read the funeral prayer:

“God of spirits and all flesh, having trampled down death and abolished the devil, and given life to Thy world! O Lord, give rest to the souls of your departed servants: holy patriarchs, His Eminence Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops, who served You in the priestly ecclesiastical and monastic ranks; the creators of this holy temple, the Orthodox forefathers, fathers, brothers and sisters, lying here and everywhere; leaders and warriors who laid down their lives for the faith and fatherland, the faithful who were killed in internecine warfare, drowned, burned, frozen to death, torn to pieces by beasts, suddenly died without repentance and did not have time to reconcile with the Church and with their enemies; at the awakening of the minds of those who committed suicide, those for whom we were commanded and asked to pray, for whom there is no one to pray and the faithful, the Christian burial of those deprived of (names) in a bright place, in a green place, in a place of peace, from where sickness, sadness and sighing can escape. Every sin committed by them in word or deed or thought, as a good Lover of mankind, God forgives, as if there is no man who will live and not sin. For You are the only one besides sin, Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and Your word is truth. For You are the Resurrection, and the Life and Repose of the departed Thy servant (name), Christ our God, and to You we send glory with Your beginningless Father, and Your Most Holy, and Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

Then notes are given with the names of those whom you decide to remember. At a memorial service, it is customary to stand with candles in your hands. You need to buy a huge candle. It should not burn out completely during service. The candle stub must be brought home and placed in front of the icon.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Body to earth, soul to heaven. The body is on the ground, the money is in the bins. Servant of God (name of relative), I prayed to Christ God for you, so that He would rest you in the villages of paradise, and fill you with every good thing, and you pray for me, so that the Lord would give me peace here on earth and fill me with every good thing. nourished All my relatives, I pray to you: All our holy relatives, who have shone forth from the ancient years and labored in the last days, manifested and not manifested, known and unknown! Remember our weakness and humiliation and with your prayers ask Christ our God, so that we too, having sailed comfortably through the abyss of life and preserved the treasure of faith unharmed, may reach the haven of eternal salvation and dwell in the blessed abodes of the mountainous Fatherland, together with you and with all the saints who have pleased Him from the ages. , to the grace and love of mankind of our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom, together with the eternal Father and the Most Holy Spirit, befits unceasing praise and worship from all creatures forever and ever. Amen".

How to get help from deceased relatives

Things don't always go the way we would like. Almost every person has experienced a dark period in life when they especially need help or support. You can count on friends and relatives, or you can hold rituals that will provide support for those who have long been dead.

If before parent’s day you feel that everything is bad, there are too many failures in life, you need to take a landscape sheet and write the words of the conspiracy on it in red ink. Place this note on the table, and next to it - a photograph of the deceased person whose help you are counting on. The next day, on Radonitsa, the paper with the conspiracy written on it must be burned and the photograph put away.

“Servant of God (name of the deceased), I remember you, I don’t forget about you, peace and bright life I wish you in paradise, your soul has parted with worldly affairs, trouble remains on earth, so this trouble fell on me, grabbed me with claws and teeth, does not let me go, my soul is dying, help me, (name of the deceased) say goodbye to trouble, so that do not meet her on earth. Amen".

There is another version of this conspiracy. To get advice and support from the deceased, you need to go to the cemetery on Parents' Day. There you need to find the grave of a person close to you and kneel in front of it. After this, the words of the conspiracy are spoken. When they are pronounced, you need to close your eyes and sit in silence for 5 minutes. A thought should come to mind that will tell you how to cope with a difficult situation.

“My dear (name of the deceased), wake up, get up. Look how I run around in this wide world and suffer. Caress me with a kind word."

How to use a conspiracy to help the soul of the deceased

It’s nice to receive help from your deceased relatives, but even in the next world it’s not always easy for the soul. The living can help her by reading this conspiracy to Radonitsa. For this ritual you also need to visit the church and buy 12 identical candles there. After this, it is advisable to return home, take out a photograph of the deceased and light all the candles.

After looking at the picture, you need to cross yourself and repeat the words of the conspiracy three times:

“Lord, have mercy on the sinful soul of Your servant(s) (name of the deceased), do not leave him/her to be torn apart by demons and damned devils, do not let the flammable cauldron fall into the cauldron, be merciful and forgive her all her sins. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After this, the candles must be extinguished and go to church again (on the same day) and put them there.

If you have somehow offended a person who has already died, on Parents' Day you can ask him for forgiveness. To do this, you need to go to the cemetery, taking the dye. Approaching the grave, you should cross yourself three times and bow to the tombstone. Then place the egg on the grave and ask a relative or friend to forgive for Christ’s sake.

Conspiracy for health

You can improve your health on Radonitsa. To do this, you need to find any thing that was once the property of the deceased. It is better to stop your choice on something valuable - a watch, jewelry, clothes will do. Before you cast a spell, you need to prepare: lay a white tablecloth on the table.

You need to put this thing on this table and say the words of the conspiracy three times. When it becomes dark, it is necessary, whispering a conspiracy, to touch the forehead, navel and knees with the thing. Then this thing needs to be put away where it was before.

“(Name of the deceased) come, find what (name of the deceased) left, impart the healing power and go back. Let the illness go away with your help, let the illness recede and disappear. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy for a prophetic dream

On the night of Radonitsa, deceased parents or other relatives may come in a dream to tell you about your future.

To have such a prophetic dream, you need to go to the cemetery, bow and say:

“Radunitsa, St. Thomas Week, Day of All Souls, I call you to help. Please give me a prophetic dream. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Some holidays in our country are usually celebrated on a grand scale, while others are celebrated based on church principles. Among them are Radonitsa; Only a few know what to do on this day. The holiday follows Easter, nine days later, and then the deceased are invited to share the joy of the Resurrection of Christ with the living. This day is sometimes called Easter for the dead.

What is Radonitsa?

Radonitsa is a spring memorial day. It comes on Tuesday of Radonitskaya (or St. Thomas) week, immediately following Easter. It is customary to remember those who “have gone to heaven forever” with a kind word, and also to visit the graves of their ancestors. These funerals are joyful and cheerful. In ancient times, the word Triznami and Radonitsy was used to call the deities who guarded souls dead people. The Slavs presented them with generous gifts and held feasts, which the dead, or navyi, in other words, could watch.

A special day that fell on spring months, got the name New day. And when all funerals began to be called funeral feasts, the second name went to the holiday. It also has many other nicknames: Radunitsa, Radovnitsa, Radolnitsa, etc. According to some historians, the name was borrowed from the Baltic peoples: the word “raudine” means prayer for the dead. Other common names for Memorial Day:

  • Warm or Happy Sunday;
  • Parental (accepted in Belarus);
  • Coffins (in Ukraine).

Radonitsa - what kind of holiday is it, customs

Believers observe certain customs on any church holiday and on Mother's Saturday. At this time of the final departure of winter and the blossoming of spring, it is customary to appease the deceased with flowers, gifts and never grieve. The best thing to do on Radonitsa is described by an ancient proverb. According to her on Radonitsa:

  • “they plow in the morning” - that is, believers have every right to work until noon;
  • “they cry during the day” - you need to go to the grave of your loved ones and clean it up;
  • “They jump in the evening” - at the end of the day, God himself ordered the bathhouse to be lit, the table set and guests invited.

What to cook for Radonitsa at home?

Radonitsa is a bright celebration, and what you need to do on this day is to have fun and not indulge in sad thoughts. According to old traditions, on Memorial Tuesday it is customary to set a rich table, and in some regions not only for the living (guests and relatives who came), but also for the dead. For example, there was a custom to say words of prayer and pour wine on the ground, thus sharing your happiness with your ancestors.

And today people bring goodies to the cemetery to share a meal with their deceased relatives and friends. The food is baptized in the church in the morning. What is being prepared for Radonitsa? Traditional dishes and drinks are as follows:

  • pancakes and pancakes;
  • pies;
  • Kutya;
  • boiled meat and jellied meat;
  • eggs;
  • beer and wine.

Do I need to paint eggs for Radonitsa?

A question that interests many people: are eggs painted for Radonitsa? They don't paint. Church traditions say that this should be done on Easter, but a little more than a week passes from one holiday to another, so sometimes people re-dye eggs to take them to relatives’ graves as a treat or put them on the table. This is allowed, but not necessary, because food consecrated in the church will quietly lie from Easter to Radunitsa. If the question arises about what to bring to church on Radonitsa, colored eggs are ideal, as is the traditional Easter cake.

Radonitsa - how to properly remember the dead?

Christians believe that a person remains a parishioner of the Church even after death. Good words- what the dead really need, and the goodies left on the graves are relics of paganism. Any prayer will be more effective if the one commemorating on the solemn day himself receives communion and tastes the bread and wine - the Body and Blood of Christ. In Rus' they said: “In Radonitsa, the deceased wait at the gate.” It was believed that before returning to afterworld, the dead want to receive alms from relatives near the cemetery gate.

Before going to the cemetery, you need to go to the temple. There a funeral note is given, a candle is lit and a prayer is read on Radonitsa for the deceased. It begins with the words: “Remember, O Lord our God, in faith and hope, the eternal life of Your servant, our brother, who passed away...”. You can read prayers:

  • parents about deceased children;
  • children about deceased parents;
  • widows and widowers.

Is it possible to remember those who committed suicide on Radonitsa?

The memorial day of Radonitsa is a bright holiday, but it also has its prohibitions. For example, all Orthodox Christians are prohibited from commemorating suicides without special permission from a priest. There is a day for this, the day before. church holiday Trinity – Trinity parent's Saturday. There are also exceptions to the rules, for example, cases where a person died voluntarily, but through euthanasia, are especially stipulated.

How to remember the deceased on Radonitsa if they committed suicide? This should be done very carefully, both on a holiday and on any other day. Those who remember are obliged to ask for the blessing of the priest, and to pray for the restless soul with special zeal. It is very difficult for such people in life, and it is the lot of relatives to help them in every possible way in finding peace.

Is it possible to bury on Radonitsa?

Praying and remembering Parenthood is the duty of every Christian, but the performance of other rituals raises a number of questions. For example, is it possible to perform burials and funeral services for the deceased on Radonitsa? There are no special instructions for this case, because death cannot be predicted, much less “adjusted” to the church calendar. Therefore, funeral services and burials are allowed and carried out. There is no attempt to postpone the funeral to another day.

Is it possible to knit on Radonitsa?

Orthodox Radonitsa is an ordinary day for a secular person, without weekends or days off, so people can and should work: work is not forbidden, you just need to set aside time to go to church and pray. However, in different regions the country has its own Radonitsa, people interpret what needs to be done on this day in different ways:

  1. For example, there is a belief that all handicrafts are prohibited on the holiday: knitting and especially embroidery. People say: “so as not to sew up the eyes of the dead.”
  2. The liturgical calendar recommends refraining from all work on the eve of the holiday. And by the end of Memorial Tuesday, sewing and knitting are already allowed.

Is it possible to work for Radonitsa in the garden?

People who revere Christian customs and are at the same time gardeners and vegetable gardeners are interested in whether it is possible to work on this day. personal plots: plant, weed, dig. Of course, when choosing what to do on Radonitsa, it is advisable to stop at spending the day in prayer and postpone planting until another day, but you can work in the garden. Before lunch, while services are going on in churches, you should not carry out work on the ground, as there is an opinion that the dead are able to hear and feel everything that is happening. In the afternoon, you can begin the planned work.

Is it possible to clean the house on Radonitsa?

On the Radunitsa holiday, everyone tries to visit churches and cemeteries to clean up the graves of loved ones. The Church does not prohibit minor cleaning around the house, that is, “working in the morning,” as people say. The celebration does not deviate from the accepted canons, according to which all homework It is advisable to complete the day before. To sit down at a clean table on a bright day, to be in a tidy room. What you can do on Radonitsa:

  • iron;
  • sweep the floors;
  • sort through things;
  • wash dishes, etc.

Is it possible to wash in Radonitsa?

Daily housework is not prohibited by the church, although if time permits, all usual work should be postponed. Washing is not on the list of things not to do on Radonitsa. If the baby's diapers are dirty, that is, the matter is urgent, it is allowed to carry out the necessary manipulations, but in another case the person will not become a sinner. He simply must find time for prayer in the midst of his household chores.

Is it possible to wash on Radonitsa?

For most people, hygiene is a necessary daily procedure that cannot be avoided. Believers are concerned about the question: is it possible to wash your hair on Radonitsa and perform other water treatments? The Church does not prohibit these actions. However, it is recommended to wash on the eve of the holiday in order to meet it “fully armed.” It is even more indecent to come to church in an inappropriate state: with an unwashed head, in dirty clothes.

The bright Radonitsa has been celebrated for many centuries - people have been discussing what should be done on this day for just as long. Those who are far from the faith do not bother themselves with observing church canons, but there are also parents of absurd statements and superstitions. But even when a person is not an ardent Christian, on Memorial Tuesday he should find time to pray for all relatives and friends who rested in peace.

Easter is one of the most wonderful holidays. The celebration of this day is quite interesting, as is its history. Otherwise, Easter is called the Resurrection of the Lord. This day is not fixed in the calendar, so as soon as spring approaches, we wonder When is Easter this year?

The exact dates of Easter and parent's day in 2018:

Easter this year can be called late, since It will be celebrated on April 28, Sunday.

There is Catholic and Orthodox Easter. But they are celebrated in different time, since there are different opinions on the date of death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But the most interesting thing about this point is that the peasants, in determining the date of the holiday, use one calculation method:

In 2019, Easter can be called late, since it will be celebrated on April 28, Sunday.

It is no secret to everyone that Easter is the very last day of Lent, which lasts 48 days. On this night, you must definitely go to church and defend the service there. Those who belong to the class of believers take with them baskets of Easter cakes and colored eggs in order to illuminate them.

Place a small candle between the Easter cakes and the eggs and light it. It should burn throughout the entire service. Returning home, people set beautiful, lush tables that are simply overflowing with a variety of dishes. The most important thing is that first of all you need to eat an egg and a piece of Easter cake. Only after this will you be allowed to start other dishes.

Easter is more of a family holiday. There are interesting customs and traditions that are observed every year on this particular year. People exchange illuminated sweet cakes. They give each other beautiful colored eggs, which symbolize the Resurrection of Christ.

“The traditional color is red, as a symbol of life and victory. Therefore, among the painted Easter eggs there are always red ones.”

Kulich- This is one of the obligatory symbols of the holiday. Its presence is mandatory. According to the old tradition, Easter cakes were baked strictly in a Russian oven in a special cylindrical form, approximately the size of a bucket.

Nowadays these sizes are quite difficult to bake, so we use molds that are much smaller in size but the same in shape.

Dyed millet was used to decorate this type of Easter cake, which has now been replaced with a huge selection of loose decorations.

Easter is a great dessert made from dairy products or flour. There are millions of Easter options and cooking methods. Previously, it was made with warm milk, cream or only flour. They also used cottage cheese - cottage cheese Easter. But the cottage cheese was not the one we are used to seeing on our table now.

Previously, it was believed that cottage cheese was sour milk, which women collected during Lent in one container. The Kislyak insisted and became denser. Therefore, Easter eggs used to be very tender, light with a special aroma.

When is Parents' Day?

In addition to all the holidays that concern the church, Christians have a day that is usually called parental day. Such days in church calendar eight are listed. But the most important one always falls on the ninth day after Easter and always on Tuesday. On such a Tuesday, it is customary to remember all deceased relatives and friends and send a memorial for them. It is also considered obligatory to visit the cemetery and leave sweets for the deceased.

This day is called Radonitsa. Although parent's day is dedicated to sad events for every person - deceased parents and close relatives are remembered, but according to the Christian faith, death is not the end, but a transition to a new one. better life. And we should be happy for our family and friends. It is customary on this day to go to the cemetery with treats for the deceased.

This day is also called “Radonitsa”. This word arose from the word “rejoice”, since we not only remember all our relatives, but also be sure to congratulate them on Easter, we believe that the Kingdom of Heaven will come and all the dead will be resurrected.

When is Catholic Easter?

Depending on calculations, Catholic and Orthodox Easter can be celebrated on different dates. This day is determined according to the solar-lunar calendar. And since everyone uses their own calendar, the dates of the holiday will coincide very rarely.

On this Great Holiday, Orthodox and Catholics celebrate the victory of life over death and pay their respects to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

There are certain symbols of Catholic Easter that significantly distinguish it from Orthodox Easter.

Egg- this is the most main symbol holiday. The egg is served as the main dish with ancient times. But it doesn't have to be ordinary appearance. It must be decorated with bright, beautiful colors and intricate patterns.

The eggs must be served in a special way: they must be either in a basket decorated with flowers and ribbons. Or on beautiful, lush, green grass. For the role of grass, you always germinate wheat and oat seeds yourself at home, while you need to monitor the density, richness, height and juiciness of the greenery.

There is also a very interesting traditional entertainment for children on Easter Day. In addition to eggs, the symbol is the rabbit, which likes to hide eggs.

Based on this, adults hide painted eggs and sweet bunnies in the garden near the house. The children's task is to find all the hidden eggs and rabbits.

For all finds, each child receives a sweet gift (“Easter egg”). The role of “Easter eggs” can be not only Easter cakes, but also other sweets, fruits and various delicacies.

Easter Bunny - a required symbol that is responsible for Easter eggs. If you believe children's fairy tales, then it is this fluffy, kind creature that paints eggs colorfully at night and hides them in the garden so that in the morning Happy Sunday the children found their surprises.

Hen- This is the only attribute in Catholic Easter. Her images and figures must be present. These can be sweets, applications, souvenirs and so on.

Easter wreath- this symbol can perform two roles: decoration and a base for eggs. In the first case, it is made from woven willow branches, grass and twigs. They are tied with beautiful ribbons and used as a symbol and interior decoration. In the second version, colored eggs are placed in it and thereby served on the table.

Flowers are the main symbol of the festive Easter table. Tulips, crocuses, violas and petunias are grown especially for this day. Around the bouquets you can decorate with greenery, using sprouted oats, wheat, etc. Such an original bouquet can be found in almost every home and family.

Why are eggs painted for Easter (a short history)?

Since ancient times, the egg symbolized new life, revival. Therefore, when leaving fast (40 days), the first thing you are allowed to do is eat a festive egg.

Why is it necessary to dye eggs? The answer is very simple. When Mary Magdalene learned that Jesus Christ had risen, the first thing Mary Magdalene did was to run to Emperor Tiberius and immediately gave him a painted egg with the words “Christ is Risen.”

The emperor was, of course, confused by the fact that the egg was red, but when he held it in his hands, it turned pink. After this, painting eggs became the main tradition of the holiday.

The red egg is considered a symbol of resurrection and rebirth. Just as Jesus Christ was resurrected, so life began from the egg. And the red color is proof of this.

You can color eggs either with natural dyes - onion skins, etc., or with artificial ones.

Before you start coloring eggs and giving them as gifts in the future, you need to know the meanings of some colors.

White- can be freely called heavenly, as it symbolizes purity and spirituality.

Red- refers to royal flowers, as it symbolizes power and control.

Yellow, orange and gold are symbols of security, wealth and prosperity.

Blue- carries love, purity and mutual understanding towards others.

Green- refers to those colors that express prosperity and rebirth.

Black- the color of sorrow and crying. It is strictly prohibited to paint eggs this color.

This is such an unusual Easter. There are so many interesting things it contains. And it’s simply impossible to list everything. But the most important thing is already known and many still adhere to necessary rules and requirements.

I wish you a Happy Easter!

"What is Easter?" - the young woman asked the hieromonk. He thought deeply: “I have a friend, he is already over seventy. So he recently said that only now he began to gradually come closer to understanding what Easter is. But it’s difficult...” And yet, let’s try to figure it out.

How did the holiday come about?

Word "Easter" translated from Hebrew as “deliverance.” Jews celebrate their own Easter, the Old Testament, remembering on this holy day for them the liberation of their ancestors from Egyptian slavery. Christians, celebrating Easter of the New Testament, celebrate the deliverance of all mankind through Jesus Christ from slavery to the devil and the acquisition eternal life. On the morning of the third day after crucifixion and martyrdom, Christ rose again, “by death trampling down death and giving life to those who are in sin.” As his disciples tried to find the body of Jesus, the voice of an angel announced: “Why are you looking for the living among the dead? He is not here. He has risen! This event instilled in the first Christians an unshakable faith that there was no need to be afraid of death, that the resurrection awaited them all, and therefore Easter is even a more joyful and solemn holiday in Christianity than. This day is “movable” in the church calendar; in the current year 2008 it falls on April 27.

What is Week?

Since apostolic times the holiday Christian Easter It is celebrated not one day, but seven, until Fomin Monday. In continuation of the whole Holy Week Church doors should not be closed even during the clergy’s communion. Kneeling and prostrations are canceled at this time. Believers must take communion, attend matins on the first day of Easter, which begins at midnight, and participate in procession around the temple and bless special offerings - Easter cakes, Easter cakes, painted eggs. Ideally, a true Christian will not miss a single service during the entire Holy Week.

How should you congratulate yourself on Easter?

According to the Church Charter, upon completion morning service The clergy should christen themselves among themselves, that is, kiss three times, joyfully proclaiming: “Christ is risen!” - and answering: “Truly risen!” On this day, the laity do the same both in church and on the street instead of the usual greeting, thereby becoming like the first disciples of Jesus, who, after His resurrection, “said that the Lord has truly risen,” and carried this amazing news throughout the world. Naturally, to pronounce these words, holy for Christians, you only need to sincerely believe in the reality of what happened.

Why are Easter cakes needed?

Easter cakes and Easter cakes (like Easter eggs) are not easy tasty food, this is church ritual food. They can be eaten only after consecration in church in a narrow family circle. In this way, believers end their fast and break their fast, but it is not customary to do this at a party. By eating consecrated food, you seem to unite with all the brothers and sisters in Christ and with the Lord himself.

Why is it customary to give eggs?

Since ancient times, there has been a custom to bless colored eggs on Easter. Some are convinced that they should be given to family and friends, others excitedly knock on them and rejoice if their egg turns out to be stronger. And some argue that all this is pagan fun and has nothing to do with true Christianity. Meanwhile, the first Easter egg appears precisely in biblical history: St. Mary Equal to the Apostles Magdalene came to Rome to preach the Gospel to the hardened pagans there. First of all, with the words “Christ is Risen!” she presented Emperor Tiberius with an ordinary chicken egg. It was simply the only thing she had other than faith. And she believed that, just as life is born from under an inanimate shell, so Jesus rose from the grave, and so will all the dead rise again to live forever. When the emperor laughed in response, the egg suddenly turned bright red - the color of the blood of Christ, shed in the name of atonement for human sins.

Well, creative people live in Rus'; just give them an idea, they will develop it beyond recognition. painted not only red, but also all the colors of the rainbow (and they came up with a special name - "colors"), and painted with patterns: from simple crosses to entire picturesque scenes ( "Pysanky"), and decorated with beads and even shell carvings. Such works of art, of course, did not participate in the favorite Russian pastime - "cue ball", knocked with simpler testicles, painted sacred red with the help of a decoction of ordinary onion peel. The winner of the “cue ball” did not remain hungry on the bright day of Easter - all the eggs he broke had to be eaten in front of the losers.

What is artos?

Throughout Bright Week, the most prominent place in the temple is occupied by artos, or whole prosphora, that is, special consecrated bread, which at the end of Easter celebrations is distributed to believers. According to legend, when on the fortieth day after the Resurrection Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, his disciples, remembering His every step on earth, arranged something like the Last Supper: they all gathered together at one table, prayed, and ate bread together. The place where Jesus once sat was now empty, but a piece was broken off for Him, too, in the hope that He was invisibly present nearby. The artos traditionally depicts a cross with a crown of thorns, but the Crucified One himself is not on it. This is done to commemorate Christ's victory over death. By accepting a piece of artos in the temple, believers connect through it with the Lord himself. Many people do not eat artos right away, but store it for later. special occasions. It is believed that it will definitely help during a serious illness and restore health and good spirits.

How to remember the dead on Easter Days

Many of our fellow citizens are sure that on Easter we need to go to and remember our departed relatives and friends. Sometimes such events turn into a drunken feast right at the graves. The Church cannot call this anything other than blasphemy. Commemoration of the departed is permitted only on the second week of Easter, after St. Thomas Sunday, on Tuesday, when believers can visit the graves of the departed with the joyful news of the Resurrection of Christ. Hence the name of this day - Radonitsa. However, on Radonitsa you cannot eat or drink, especially alcoholic beverages, in the cemetery. This insults the memory of the deceased. Orthodox people should not leave a glass of vodka, a piece of bread, or “colored food” on graves “for the deceased,” this is a relic of paganism. By and large, even the installation of a monument is just a tribute to tradition. The dead don't need it.

But the ever-living soul of a loved one who has left us is in dire need of our constant prayer, because it itself cannot do good deeds with which it would be able to appease God. We must pray to the Lord for her salvation. And before going to the cemetery, you should come to the church at the beginning of the service, pray and submit a note with the names of deceased relatives for commemoration at the altar. It is best if it is a remembrance on proskomedia, when a piece is taken out of a special prosphora for the deceased, and then, as a sign of washing away his sins, they are lowered into the Chalice with the Holy Gifts. And one more nuance - it is believed that it will be more effective after the commemorator performs the communion ritual on this day.

If visiting church for some reason is impossible, you can light a candle on the grave of the deceased and perform lithium, that is, intense prayer with or without a priest, with the help of a special prayer book, or in your own words from the heart. The Orthodox Church allows the laity to simply clean up the grave and remain silent over it, remembering the deceased. Give away the funeral food brought unknowingly the better, who begs at the cemetery, asking you to pray for your deceased loved ones.

If you are far from your homeland and cannot come to Radonitsa to the cemetery where your relatives are buried, be sure to visit the nearest temple or pray for the repose of their souls at home. This is the duty of every Christian.

Calendar folk signs

1. On Easter, be sure to stroke your livestock from horns to hooves with a blessed egg, saying: “As an egg is smooth and round, so be my cow smooth and well-fed.” Neither cold, nor hunger, nor illness, nor even your subsequent careless attitude will be scary for your little one. Our ancestors believed that Easter eggs, like magic wand or the body cross, they work miracles, protect from, return lost vitality. In the old days they even tried to put out fires, which we, of course, strongly do not recommend.

2. If you are frozen while going to the morning service, do not bother - the frost on Easter foretells a bountiful flax harvest. If you get caught in the rain, get ready for a damp summer. And when returning home from church, note: if the sun “plays” in a clear sky, then a successful year awaits you. Health, prosperity, and harmony in the family - everything will be with you. The sun is hidden in the clouds, not a ray falls on the sinful earth - the life ahead is not easy, cross yourself and strengthen your spirit.

3. It's bright outside Easter week, and there is grief in your house, someone close to you has died. Don't despair. In Rus', the old, the sick and the infirm prayed to God to take them to him precisely on this great holiday, for they sacredly believed that the one who goes to the next world Easter days, will certainly go to heaven, no matter how sinful he is. Pray for the repose of the soul of the deceased. Let the ancient belief come true.