All seasons are good in their own way, but bright, varied colors and mystery are unique to autumn. Autumn has its own unusual scent, and the early twilight evokes a romantic mood. All kinds autumn signs- another remarkable property of an amazing pore.

About the weather for all the superstitious

According to the calendar, autumn begins on the day when children go to school for the first time. At this time, birds gather to the south, and leaves fall from the trees. So what are these signs about autumn?

  • Rainy summer and warm autumn days foretell a long winter.
  • If early autumn There will be heavy winter precipitation, spring will be early.
  • Frost in the fall - expect sunny and dry weather.
  • The dim shine of the stars means rain, and the clear shine means good weather.
  • If on days Indian summer there is a lot of cobwebs - autumn will be sunny and warm, and winter will be cold.
  • Autumn starfall warns of a bad harvest next year.
  • The web lies low - the winter will be cold and snowy.
  • If late autumn suddenly the mosquitoes came to life - the winter will be warm.

Signs of autumn for schoolchildren

In the fall, children together with their teachers go to the forest to study nature not from textbooks, but in natural environment. In such an environment, it is easier for the teacher to explain to students the basic natural phenomena, and children learn the material better.

  • If snow covers the ground and there are still leaves hanging on the trees, it means it will melt soon.
  • Low clouds foreshadow the approach of rain and cold.
  • Thunder struck in the fall, which means the warmth will last for a long time.
  • A mild winter can be determined by the late departure of migratory birds.
  • If you see a mushroom in late autumn, it means there won’t be any snow soon.
  • Scattered clouds promise clear but cold days.
  • Late leaf fall indicates a cold next year.
  • Birch trees turn yellow from below - late spring, from above - early.
  • Ants make huge piles - the winter will be cold.
  • A harsh and snowy winter can be judged by the abundance of nuts and the lack of mushrooms.
  • If the birds fly away together, it means that winter is coming soon and cold.
  • Among the prolonged rains, birds suddenly began to sing - warm days are coming.
  • A warm winter is indicated by the behavior of bees that leave their entrance open. If they seal the hole of the hive with wax, the winter will be cold.
  • Thunder in October - there will be a lot of snow in winter.
  • The hares have changed their gray fur to white - they are expecting a quick winter.
  • The oak tree is covered with acorns - expect a harsh winter.
  • Fallen leaves lie face up - the harvest will be poor and vice versa.
  • Squirrels are intensively stocking up on nuts - in anticipation of a harsh winter.

“The whole day is as if it were crystal, and the evenings are radiant...”, Fyodor Tyutchev wrote about autumn. And not without reason, because autumn is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Autumn is beautiful with all its colors, which it so generously gifts us with. And even if for some people autumn is the time when everything around becomes gloomy and dull, but not for you and me, right? And there are so many popular signs and superstitions about autumn... just about them - read more about them.

Autumn signs and superstitions

If there are a lot of rowan trees, then the autumn will be rainy and cool, and if there are few, then it will be dry and warm.

If the foliage of birch and oak trees has completely fallen earlier than first snow, which means the harvest next season will be very bountiful.

Warm and dry September promises a late arrival of winter.

If the cranes fly very high and slowly (“communicate”), autumn will be soft and welcoming.

Unstable and stormy autumn leads to a rainy spring.

An abundance of thunder in early September portends a very warm and sunny month.

It is best to move to a new home during Indian summer (from September 14 to 21), then life in this house will be full and joyful.

As long as at least one leaf remains on the cherry trees, snow will not cover the ground.

An excessively cold September foreshadows early snow melting in the spring.

If there are almost no mushrooms in the fall, but there are plenty of nuts, then the winter will be very harsh.

Windy and cool “Indian summer” promises a dry autumn.

If the cranes have flown to Pokrov, winter will be early and snowy.

Take a closer look at the birch trees. If they begin to turn yellow from below, then spring will be late and cool, and if from above, it will be early and very warm.

Autumn subseasons

Autumn can be divided into six periods, generally corresponding to climatic conditions outside the window:

from October 12 to October 22 – deep autumn.

This is interesting: according to the astronomical calendar, autumn begins not on September 1, but on September 22, on the day autumn equinox.

Proverbs about autumn

  • Autumn rain is sown finely, but lasts a long time.
  • Autumn frost will not squeeze out tears, but winter frosts- tears from the eyes.
  • The autumn night travels on twelve carts.
  • Autumn - eight changes.
  • Autumn is long, winter is long.
  • Autumn says: “Rotten”, spring: “It’s nice, if only it was.”
  • Autumn says: “I’m harnessing the fields,” spring says: “I’ll see.”
  • Autumn is coming and with it comes the rain.
  • Autumn will give orders, spring will say its own.
  • Autumn is the queen: jelly and pancakes, but spring is smooth: sit and watch.
  • In autumn, the sparrow has a feast.
  • In autumn, milk is sipped with a match.

Like any other time of year, autumn also has its many. They are used and successfully used for the development of children from the very beginning. early age. After all, the wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors is an invaluable wealth that should be appreciated and learned from.

Folk signs autumns for children are very diverse and with the help of them children can learn a lot of interesting and useful things for their inner world and intellectual development. But the information provided should be differentiated so that it corresponds to each age group. After all, the child must understand what we are talking about.

Signs of autumn for children 3-4 years old

They are the simplest. What we, adults, sometimes don’t even pay attention to, has a huge impact on children. educational value. You should start studying this time of year by looking at the leaves on the trees in the park, with their color changing from green to yellow, red, brown.

It would be very visual to take an excursion to the vegetable market to talk about the gifts of gardens and vegetable gardens that autumn gives us. These are very educational, because at the same time you can learn the names of vegetables and fruits.

You can consolidate your knowledge at home by reading a book on this topic, learning poems, and, of course, studying adapted signs early autumn for children:

  • warm autumn - for a long winter;
  • the leaves have fallen early - frost is coming soon, early winter;
  • birds land on the roof - bad weather.

Signs of autumn for children 4-5 years old

For children a year older, the information is not much different, but it still becomes more varied, and the kids themselves are already more attentive to surrounding nature, which means they can independently find the connection between the sign and its reflection in reality:

  • poultry hides its head under its wing - it will be cold;
  • squirrels make large reserves - for a long winter;
  • if there are a lot of nuts but no mushrooms, the winter will be long and cold.

Signs of autumn for children 5-6 years old

Children who will soon graduate kindergarten and go to first grade, they can already memorize signs and voice them in thematic classes or the autumn festival, which is held in October-November in all gardens. The information that children in kindergarten receive now is basic and serves good help when the baby is already a first grader:

  • sparse clouds - it will be cold clear weather;
  • a lot of rowan - for a rainy autumn; little – dry;
  • a lot of cobwebs in Indian summer - for a warm autumn.

Usually at this age children go to first school class. Here, more stringent requirements are imposed on their knowledge, which means that the information provided becomes more extensive and informative, and also reinforces what was previously received.

Autumn folk holidays

Conversation about autumn signs

Place of work and position: instructor physical culture, MBDOU Novovasyugansky Central Regional Development Center kindergarten No. 23 “Teremok”
The material is intended for educators of children aged 5-7 years.

Target: Familiarization of children with older and preparatory group with folk signs.
Tasks: To instill in children an interest in folk signs
Autumn- a thoughtful time when vegetable world slows down the growth rate, all nature is tired, and begins a long preparation for winter sleep. Birds stop singing and increasingly gather in flocks to leave their native lands for a short time in search of warmth, and the trees become covered with gold and begin to shed their leaves. This is how the leaves begin to fall, autumn time which is called Golden autumn. Here are the pastel colors of autumn, calm, like nature itself at this time of year. The predominant colors are yellow, golden, like falling leaves in the sun, and quiet brown. And closer to November, when the weather becomes increasingly gloomy, gray tones. All nature is closer preparing for the cold, winds and frozen in anticipation of snow.
Autumn colors are rich and variegated, a combination of the deepest colors. The colors during this period are muted and thoughtful, like nature itself in the fall, motley and soft, close to the romantic mood of walks through the autumn forest.
Folk signs
Warm autumn- for a long winter.
There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, few - dry.
In autumn there are a lot of cobwebs - for clear weather.
If a leaf on a birch tree begins to turn yellow from the top, then the next spring will be early, and if from below, then it will be late.
In autumn, birds fly low for a cold winter, high for a warm winter.
In the fall, bees close the entrance tightly with wax - for a cold winter, leave it open - for a warm winter.
Autumn frost - to dry and sunny weather, to warmth.

September- frowning, frowning. September is cold, but full.
Since September there has been fire in both the hut and the field.
In September, one berry, and that bitter rowan.
Thunder in September - for a warm autumn.
If the cranes fly high, slowly and coo, it means a good autumn.
If there is a lot of shading in the Indian summer - to a clear autumn and cold winter.
Rich harvest of acorns on oak trees - on warm winter(in other sources - severe), and on Christmas (January 7) - a lot of snow.
Below, all dates are in the new style (in brackets in the old style).
1(Aug 19) Day of Andrei Stratil Teplyak. The day has come for Stratelates, the oats are ripe. To Fekla - pull the beets.
3(Aug 21) Baba Vasilisa Day. The last apples are removed so as not to deplete the tree. Baba Vasilisa cares about flax.
4(Aug 22) Day of Agathon the Ogumennik. It is believed that on this night the goblin comes out of the forest and runs through villages and hamlets, fooling around and scattering sheaves across the threshing floors. Therefore, they guard him, wearing a sheepskin coat inside out and holding a poker in their hands.
5(Aug 23) Lingonberry Loop Day. The first frosts occur in Lupa. On Lupa the frost is crushing the oats.
7(Aug 25) Bartholomew came, living for this winter.
8(Aug 26) Natalia Fescue Day. On this day they begin to mow oats.
11(Aug 29) Ivan Lenten Day. On Ivan Lenten they collect Rosly roots, and on Ivan Kupala they collect herbs. On this day they do not eat anything round, such as apples, potatoes, etc. (which resembles a head), and they do not cook cabbage, and also do not chop cabbage, do not cut poppies, do not tear apples, do not dig potatoes, do not take hands of a mower, an ax, etc.
14(1) Summer Seeds Day. The beginning of the Old Indian Summer (usually until Malaya Prechistaya). On Semyon, plow before lunch, and wave your hands after lunch. Every day Semyon extinguishes the old fire in the evening, and in the morning they wipe out a new one from the tree. If the Indian summer is stormy, the autumn is dry, and if it is clear on Semyon, the autumn will be stormy, with a lot of shade - to a clear autumn, to a cold winter; wild geese land, but starlings do not fly.
21(8) Malaya Prechistaya (At the Assumption - Big), Aspasov day. On this day, women meet autumn by the water (the second meeting of autumn, the first on Apple Spas). On Malaya Prechistaya they remove bees and collect onions.
24(11) Every summer ends with Fyodor. It is believed that on this day autumn rides a bay mare. Third meeting of autumn.
25(12) Day of the Holy Martyr Autonomous. It is believed that on this day the snake in the forests goes into the ground.
27(14) Elevation. On the Ascent, the grain from the field moved (the last shock from the field), the bird began to fly away, the reptile does not move.
28(15) On Nikita, geese fly south
Indian summer

It has long been known that in mid-September - early October there is an increase in temperature (after the first cold snap). This time is popularly called "Indian summer". During the “Indian summer,” warmed by the spring sun, mushrooms emerge from the ground and plants begin to bloom again. By folk calendar it lasts from September 14 - the day of the Seeds of the Summer Guide until September 21 - the day of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God.
Why this phenomenon is called “Indian summer” and not something else is difficult to answer definitively. One can only assume that it is connected with the life and activities of a peasant woman. In the second half of September, field harvesting work ended, and the woman, very busy in the field, was a little relieved from hard work and could feel for a while summer rest. The coincidence of such a period everyday life with periods of relatively warm, pleasant weather, obviously giving rise to the name "Indian summer". The duration of such rest for a woman was as short as the periods of return of summer heat. After the "Indian summer" women began to crumple and ruffle hemp, wash it and lay flax, tinker with canvases and take up spindles and needlework.

October- winter road, mud road, wedding party.
In October, it's raining and snowing at the same hour.
October thunder - for a snowless winter.
From the first snow to sledding – 6 weeks.

1(Sep 18) If the cranes fly away to Eumenes and Arina, there will be frost on Pokrov. “The road is by wheel!” - they shout to the cranes to turn them back (so that they stay longer and winter comes later).
2(Sep 19) Trofimov day. Happiness does not pass by on Trofim: wherever Trofim goes, it follows him. From Trofim, girls begin to look for suitors. From this day until Savvatiy (October 10, 2010), a bee harvest was celebrated. Honey must be present these days. Last date for collecting deciduous mushrooms.
3(Sep 20) If there is a north wind on Astafia, expect cold, a south wind means warmth, a western wind means wetness, and an eastern wind means rain; if it’s warm and the cobwebs are flying, it means a good autumn and some snow.
8(Sep 25) Sergius day. Sergius cabbage. The winter path is established at four Seminas (weeks) from Sergius. Cabbage is chopped for Sergius of Radonezh. If the first snow falls on Sergius, then winter will set in on Mikhail (November 21).
10(Sep 27) Day of Savatiy the beekeeper. On this day, the hives are removed to the omshanik.
14(1) Cover.
Veil is not summer, Meeting is not winter. First winter.
Deadline for hiring and transactions.
Mother Pokrov, cover the earth and young me.
Snow on Pokrov - fortunately for the young.
The Veil did not cover, and neither will Christmas.
The Dormition sows, and the Pokrov gathers (the collection of the last fruits).
There is no winter between Intercession and Parental Saturday.
If the wind on Pokrov comes from the north, it means a cold winter, from the south it means a warm winter, and from the west it means a snowy winter. As is the Veil, so is winter.
17(4) Erofeev day. It is believed that on this day goblins play fools in the forests: they wander and scream, clap their hands and laugh, and in the morning, after the first roosters crow, they fall through the ground. That's why people don't go into the forest: the devil gets mad.
20(7) With Sergius, winter begins, with Matrona it is established.
23(10) On Eulampia, the horns of the month point in the direction from which the winds come; If you go north - there will be a quick winter, if you go south - don’t expect a quick winter, there will be slush until Kazanskaya (November 4).
27(14) Day of Praskovya Trepalnitsa. It is believed that from this day flax should be ruffled. Praskovya's dirt, powder. There is dirt on Gryaznikha - four shifts until winter.


November– deciduous. November is the gate of winter, the twilight of the year.
November nights are dark before the snow.
In November there will be snow and bread will arrive.
The appearance of mosquitoes in late autumn means a warm winter.
Yellow leaves fall weakly - frosts will not come soon.
If the leaves fall soon, we should expect a cool winter.
Below, all dates are according to the new style (in brackets according to the old style).
Saturday before Dmitry. Dziady. Parents' Saturday. Remembrance of the dead. Dmitrov's Saturday - work for the partygoers.
4(Oct 22) Kazanskaya. To Kazanskaya good people they don't travel far. If the Kazan sky cries, then winter will come after the rain. Whoever marries Kazanskaya will be happy.
8(Oct 26) Dmitrov day. Dmitrov does not wait for the day of transportation. If Dmitrov's day will be bare, then the Holy Day will be covered with snow, and the Holy Day will be covered with snow.
10(Oct 28) Day of Praskovea Friday, Praskovea flax (crushing flax and bringing the first fruit to church). On Praskovei they pray for good suitors.
11(Oct 29) Day of Abraham the Shepherd, Nastasya the Sheep. Sheep holiday. It is believed that from this day on sheep should be sheared.
12(Oct 30) Yurovaya. Festival of fishermen and hunters. If wolves come to Yurovaya in packs, there will be famine, pestilence, or war.
14(1) Day of Kuzma and Demyan. Chicken holiday. For Kozmo-Demyan, chicken on the table, chicken butt. If Kuzma and Demyan bind, then Mikhail (on the 8th) will unbreak (the thaw). A leaf from a tree did not fall cleanly on Kuzma and Demyan, but remained in some places - in front harsh winter and hot, dry summers.
19(6) If there is snow on Paul the Confessor, the whole winter will be snowy, which is good for winter crops.
21(8) Michaelmas. Mikhailovsky frosts. Since Mikhail there has been no winter, the earth does not freeze. Mikhailovsky thaw, mud. As for Mikhail, so does Nikola. With Michael, winter is forging frosts.
22(9) Matrenin's day. With the winter Matryona, winter rises to its feet and frosts arrive. With Sergius (October 8 n.s.) winter begins, with Matryona it begins. Frost on the trees on Matryona means frost, fog means thaw.
24(11) Since the day of Fyodor the Studite it has become cold and angry. Fyodor Chills the earth.
25(12) Rain on the Gracious - thaw before the Introduction.
27(14) Frost on Philip - harvest on oats.
28(15) Day of Guria - the dental healer. On Guria, mud and snow are all mixed up: Guria rides a piebald mare. If the snow falls like a cover, it will lie there until the flood.
29(16) There are thaws on Matvey. The earth is falling on Matvey.

As you know, calendar autumn begins on September 1, and astronomical autumn begins on the day of the autumnal equinox, that is, September 22.

In folk superstitions, the beginning of autumn is associated with the departure of birds, leaf fall, and frosts. For centuries, people have observed, analyzed, and compared natural phenomena, as a result of which autumn signs appeared. According to some distinctive features, without resorting to the help of weather forecasters, of whom there was no trace yet, our ancestors learned to predict a lot. For example, back in the spring they knew what summer would be like and what to expect from autumn. Even in winter, they decided what they would do with the future harvest and what they would sow in the fall.

Autumn signs came to the rescue if people were preparing for the holidays. It is very convenient to plan events knowing what the weather will be like on a given day. Our great-grandfathers managed to create signs of autumn for almost all calendar days from the end of August to the end of November. Yes, yes, there are signs for September 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, etc.! The same thing applies to October, November and all other months of the year! And many of these signs are much more accurate than weather forecasters!

1. There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, few - dry.

2. If the cranes fly high, slowly and “talk,” it will be a good autumn.

3. Thunder in September foreshadows a warm autumn.

4. Until the leaves fall from the cherries, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.

5. Clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold.

6. If there are a lot of nuts but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.

7. If birch trees turn yellow from the top in autumn, next spring will be early, and if from below, then late.

8. Warm autumn - for a long winter.

9. In autumn the morning is gray, so wait for a red day.

10. A lot of acorns on an oak tree in September - for a fierce winter.

11. Migratory birds fly high in the fall, so there will be a lot of snow, and low - there will be little snow.

12. Thunder in September foreshadows a warm autumn.

13. A lot of cobwebs in Indian summer - for a clear autumn and cold winter.

14. Cobwebs spread over plants - for warmth.

15. If the first day of Indian summer is clear and warm, then the whole autumn is clear and warm, and vice versa.

16. The appearance of mosquitoes in late autumn means a mild winter.

17. Until the cherry leaf falls cleanly, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.

18. If in the fall the birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top, then the next spring will be early, and if from below, then it will be late.

20. Autumn frost - to dry and sunny weather, to a bucket, to warmth.

21. There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - the autumn will be rainy, if there are few - it will be dry.

22. If there is a lot of dogwood, there will be a cold winter.

23. If cobwebs fly in the fall, Indian summer has arrived.

24. If migratory birds fly high in the fall, there will be a lot of snow, and low, there will be little snow.

25. Aspen leaves lie face up - for an icy winter, inside out - the winter will be mild, and if on both sides - the winter will be average.

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